THE SPERM BANK OF CALIFORNIA phone 510-841-1858 2115 Milvia Street fax 510-841-0332 Suite 201 e-mail:
[email protected] Berkeley, CA 94704 website: DONOR PROFILE: 4232 The past and current personal and family medical history, physical examination, and laboratory test results determine that donor 4232 is eligible and approved for semen donation at The Sperm Bank of California. This profile was prepared in September, 2009. PERSONAL INFORMATION Identity-Release® Program: Yes Month/year of birth: 05/1982 Education: B.A. in Music/ Theater/ Philosophy Current occupation: Financial Services Agent PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Height: 5’9 ½” Weight: 177 Hair color: Medium brown Hair type: Wavy Eye color: Dark brown Complexion: Fair/ rosy Body type: Medium Ethnic origin: English, Scottish, German, Native American (1/64th ) Religion: Raised Evangelical Christian, currently considers himself a spiritual person but no specific religious affiliation Blood group/Rh: O positive Baby photo available: No Other defining features: Resembles Rivers Cuomo, the lead singer of the band Weezer. FAMILY MEDICAL HISTORY KEY: D donor Ch child F father M mother S sister B brother Co cousin A aunt U uncle MGF maternal grandfather MGM maternal grandmother PGF paternal grandfather PGM paternal grandmother FAMILY MEDICAL HISTORY Allergies: F: Hayfever, onset at 25, cortisone in the past, daily medication currently, managed. Breast Cancer: MGM: onset at 69, surgery, still in treatment. Gastro-intestinal: PGF: Colon Cancer, onset at 52, surgery and chemo, cause of death at 54. MA#1: Gall stones, onset at 49, gallbladder removed. Heart: F: High Cholesterol, onset at 25, managed with diet.