Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council Planning
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DONCASTER METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE - 17th October 2017 Application 6 Application 17/01208/FUL Application 10th October 2017 Number: Expiry Date: Application Full Application Type: Proposal Single storey extension Description: At: KFC Unit 3 Sprotbrough Road Sprotbrough For: QFM Third Party Reps: 81 objections Parish: Sprotbrough And Cusworth 18 in support Parish Council Ward: Bentley Author of Report Elizabeth Maw MAIN RECOMMENDATION: GRANT 1.0 Reason for Report 1.1 The application is being presented to committee due to the significant public interest shown in the application. 2.0 Proposal and Background 2.1 The proposal is for a single storey extension to the KFC restaurant at Sprotbrough. 2.2 The size of the extension is 2 x 4 metres. The KFC restaurant is undergoing a full refurbishment and requires slightly more space to make the layout of the kitchen more efficient. 2.3 81 objections and 18 letters of support have been received. 3.0 Relevant Planning History 3.1 No relevant planning history. 4.0 Representations 4.1 The application has been publicised by site notice. 81 objections and 18 letters of support have been received. 4.2 The main reasons for objection are due to the existing restaurant causing traffic, noise, litter and rat problems. The objectors do not want an expansion of the restaurant, which could worsen current issues. 4.3. Letters of support comment the extension would help speed up the ‘drive thru’ and therefore reduce traffic issues, the restaurant is always busy, good for the community and it could create extra jobs. 5.0 Parish Council 5.1 Sprotbrough and Cusworth Parish Council commented as follows: "The PC have no objections provided this application will improve traffic ingress/egress onto Sprotbrough Road & reduce queuing - we anticipate that this issue is addressed in considering the application". 6.0 Relevant Consultations 6.1 Environment Agency: No objections, subject to floor levels being no lower than existing floor levels. 7.0 Relevant Policy and Strategic Context National Planning Policy Framework Doncaster Core Strategy CS14: Design and Sustainable Construction Saved Unitary Development Plan Policies ENV54: Alterations and Extensions 8.0 Planning Issues and Discussion 8.1 The proposal is for a single storey extension. The size of the extension is 2m x 4m, which would add an additional 8m2 of floor space to the building. 8.2 The restaurant is undergoing a full refurbishment. The refurbishment is expected to improve internal standards, increase efficiency and improve the speed of ‘drive thru’ customer orders. 8.3 The proposed single storey extension would join onto the kitchen and assist with the refurbishment. The number of parking spaces and the dining area is unaffected by this application. 8.4 A significant number of objections have been received for such a minor application. The reasons for objecting are because the restaurant has alleged litter, rat, noise and traffic issues. The main reason for objections is due to traffic. It is understood 'drive thru' customers queue back onto Sprotbrough Road. Residents would like to see the drive thru relocated to prevent queuing onto Sprotbrough Road. 8.5 The existing issues are outside the scope of being resolved by this planning application, which is only for a small single storey extension. However, the approval of this application will assist with the refurbishment of this building, which may help to process orders quicker and therefore reduce traffic issues. 8.6 Given the small scale nature of this extension, there is no material impact to the character and appearance of the area. A condition will be imposed for matching materials. The proposal conforms to design policies CS14 and ENV54. 8.7 The site is within flood zone 3 (highly vulnerable to flooding). The extension will have no material effect to surface water runoff. The Environment Agency raises no objections. A condition will be imposed which requests floor levels of the extension are no lower than the existing building. 9.0 Summary and Conclusion 9.1 The extension will help refurbish the building to the owners preferred layout, which may then improve efficiency and customer experience. The extension has no material impact to flooding or the character of the area. 10.0 Recommendation GRANT Full planning permission subject to the following conditions: 01. STAT1 The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission. REASON Condition required to be imposed by Section 91(as amended) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 02. MAT2 The external materials and finishes shall match the existing property. REASON To ensure the satisfactory appearance of the development in accordance with policy ENV54 of the Doncaster Unitary Development Plan. 03. FA01 Floor levels within the proposed development will be set no lower than existing floor levels REASON To ensure that any new development complies with Environment Agency standing advice The above objections, considerations and resulting recommendation have had regard to Article 8 and Article 1 of the First Protocol of the European Convention for Human Rights Act 1998. The recommendation will not interfere with the applicant’s and/or objector’s right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence. Appendix 1: Existing Site Plan Appendix 2: Proposed Site Plan Appendix 3: Proposed Elevations Appendix 4: Existing floor plans Appendix 4: Proposed floor plans .