U.S. Army Military History Institute Civil War-Battles-1863-Gettysburg 950 Soldiers Drive Carlisle Barracks, PA 17013-5021 27 Apr 2012
U.S. Army Military History Institute Civil War-Battles-1863-Gettysburg 950 Soldiers Drive Carlisle Barracks, PA 17013-5021 27 Apr 2012 GETTYSBURG CAMPAIGN & BATTLE, JUN-JUL, 1863 A Working Bibliography of MHI Sources PERSONAL EXPERIENCES CONTENTS Eyewitness Accounts -Military Participants....p.1 -Civilian Experiences....p.2 State Participation -Northern....p.4 -Southern....p.6 MILITARY PARTICIPANTS Brown, Varina D. A Colonel at Gettysburg and Spotsylvania. [COL Joseph N. Brown, SC] Baltimore: Butternut & Blue, n.d. 333 p. E467.1.B77.B72. Byrne, Frank L., & Weaver, Andrew T., editors. Haskell of Gettysburg: His Life and Civil War Papers. Madison, WI: State Hist Soc of WI, 1970. 258 p. E601.H345. Collins, Mary Ruth, & Stouffer, Cindy A. One Soldiers' Legacy: The National Homestead at Gettysburg. Gettysburg, PA: Thomas Pubs, 1993. 128 p. F159.G5.C64. [Amos Humiston, 154th New York] Dartmouth College. Class of 1854. A History of the Class of 1854 in Dartmouth College, Including Col. Haskell's Narrative of the Battle of Gettysburg. Boston: Mudge, 1898. 153 p. LD1435.6.1854 Harwell, Richard, editor. Two Views of Gettysburg. Chicago: Lakeside, 1964. 264 p. E475.53.T87. Recollections of Arthur Fremantle & Frank A. Haskell. Haskell, Frank. The Battle of Gettysburg. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1958 reprint of 1908 & 1910 editions. 169 p. E475.53.H342. _____. "The Haskell Letter on the Battle of Gettysburg." n.p., 1929. 46 p. E475.53.H342. Authored on 16 Jul 1863 near Harpers' Ferry. Gettysburg-Personal Experiences p.2 "A Midnight Ride: A Young Telegrapher Carries an Urgent Message." Civil War Times Illustrated (Mar/Apr 1994): pp.
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