TV Life; Aug. 30
Complete Day-by-Day Schedules For ROCHESTER, BUFFALO and SYRACUSE AUGUST 30- SEPTEMBER 5, 1952 LOIS HUNT, GUEST SOLOIST ON "Voice of Firestone" ANNIVERSARY PROGRAM- MONDAY, SEPT. 1st TV LI F E Western New York's Official TV - FRIDAY, AUGUST 29th Radio and Entertainment Magazine 10:30-GREATEST FIGHTS OF THE CENTURY. Ch. 4-5-6. Filmed boxing bout between Joe Vol. 2 ~ 12 No. 25 louis vs. Bob Pastor, Sept. 20, 1939. Owned and Published by SATURDAY, AUGUST 30th 12:00-THE BIG TOP. Ch . 4-5-6. Mia and Matti, ROBERT H. PEIFFER ASSOCIATES contortionists from Finland, and the Brunos, 16 State St., Rochester 14, N.Y. high-wire performers, make a return en Phone BAker 0513 gagement as guests of ringmaster Jack Editor -------- ------------------------ Bob Peiffer Sterling. Other acts include Clark's Bears; Asst. Editor ________ ________________ H. V. Kipp the "Big Top" clowns; Dapper Don, the muscle man and Joe Basile's Brass Kings. Photographer -- ------ ------ Len Campagno 8:00-All STAR SUMMER REVUE. Ch . 4-5-6 Bert Wheeler, Jean Carroll, Hoctor and Byrd, AUG. 30- SEPT. 5, 1952 Robert Barry, Milton Frome, and Richard Himber are guests. 9:00-SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE PARTY. Ch . 6. TV Life is published weekly at Rochester, Johnny long and his orchestra are guests New York. Subscription price $5.00 per with Jerry lester, M.C. year, in advance. Application for entry SUNDAY, AUGUST 31st as second-class matter pending at 7:30-YOUR lUCKY ClUE. Ch . 4-6-8. Basil Rath Rochester, New York . bone welcomes Mr. District Attorney and Casey, Crime Photographer to another mys tery session.
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