FALL 2020 characteristics


©December 2020 by the Tennessee Independent Colleges and Universities Association This report may be duplicated with full attribution.

Table of Contents

Foreword 5

Map of TICUA Membership 6

TICUA Highlights 7

TICUA One-Year Snapshot 9 - 22 Enrollment by Headcount (by Attendance Status, Gender, Ethnicity, Age, Residency) Student Financial Aid: Sources of Grant Aid Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship (TELS) Tennessee Student Assistance Awards (TSAA) Tennessee Promise and Tennessee Reconnect Federal Pell Grant Awards Student Tuition and Fees Transfer Students Degrees Awarded (by Major, Gender, Student Origin) Undergraduate Degrees Awarded to Adult Students

TICUA Faculty and Staff Snapshot 23 - 26 Campus Employees Faculty (by Gender, Ethnicity, Employment Status)

TICUA Trends Over Time 27 - 34 Enrollment by Headcount Enrollment by Full-Time Equivalency (FTE) Community College Transfers Degrees Awarded STEM Degrees Awarded Undergraduate Degrees Awarded to Adult Students Top Majors of Degrees Awarded Sources of Grant Aid Average Undergraduate Tuition and Fee Increases

Tennessee Higher Education 35 - 44 Headcount Enrollment Graduation Rates Degrees Awarded by TICUA Member Institutions Degrees Awarded by Tennessee Public Institutions Cohort Default Rates Student Debt Pell Eligibility

Appendix I: TICUA One-Year Snapshot by Institution 45 - 50

Appendix II: TICUA Trends Over Time by Institution 51 - 53

List of Member Institutions 54

TICUA Staff 55




The Tennessee Independent Colleges and Universities Association (TICUA) is pleased to present Characteristics Fall 2020. This nineteenth edition of the report highlights trends in student participation, affordability, and degree completion for our member institutions and their students through the 2020 fall semester.

Our 35 member colleges and universities educate over 80,000 students from across the state, throughout the country, and around the world. TICUA member institutions enrolled 27% of the students in Tennessee, but awarded 32% of all degrees in the State.

This document has four distinct sections. Section One provides a one-year snapshot of students at independent colleges and universities in Tennessee. Section Two provides a one- year snapshot of employees at TICUA member institutions. Section Three presents trends over time at the independent colleges and universities. Section Four offers comparisons of the independent educational sector to public education in Tennessee. Two appendices extend a detailed picture of each of the member campuses.

We hope that Characteristics Fall 2020 is informative to you. Together these sections are intended to inform campus, business, and government leaders who provide direction for higher education policy at the institution, local, state, and federal levels. We strive to ensure that the information contained in this publication is as accurate and current as possible.

The data contained in this report were furnished by member institutions as part of TICUA’s enrollment and completions reporting cycle. Additional data sources, if any, are indicated by notes accompanying each figure. We wish to thank our member institutions for working with us over the years to accurately and timely reflect the contributions of Tennessee independent colleges and universities.

We welcome your thoughts and comments on this publication at [email protected].

5 Map of TICUA Institutions















Southern Southern University Adventist Bryan Carson JohnsonUniversity KingUniversity University Lee LincolnMemorial University MaryvilleCollege TennesseeWesleyan University TusculumUniversity

















Primary Primary Location

Middle Tennessee MiddleTennessee School of Anesthesia AmericanBaptist College* AquinasCollege BelmontUniversity University Fisk LipscombUniversity MartinMethodist College Medical Meharry College Sewanee:The University ofthe South TreveccaNazarene University VanderbiltUniversity WelchCollege WilliamsonCollege*

* Denotes * Member Associate Institutions















Hardeman Hardeman University


SouthernCollege of Optometry BaptistHealth Sciences University BethelUniversity Christian BrothersUniversity Freed LaneCollege LeMoyne MemphisCollege of Art RhodesCollege UnionUniversity WilliamMoore R. College ofTechnology* 6 TICUA Highlights

PARTICIPATION: Enrollment by Headcount • TICUA member institutions enrolled more than one-quarter (27%) of the students attending college in Tennessee. • Fall 2020 headcount enrollment at TICUA member campuses was 80,334. Enrollment at TICUA member campuses has increased 8% over the past 10 years. • Females comprised 59% of the total enrollment at TICUA member colleges and universities. • Minority students composed nearly one-third (30%) of the undergraduate students attending TICUA member colleges and universities. • 51% of students attending TICUA member institutions were Tennessee residents, while 49% were from other states and countries. • TICUA member colleges enrolled students from every county in the State. Enrollment by Full-time Equivalency (FTE) • Fall 2020 FTE enrollment was 69,638. Over the past 10 years, FTE Enrollment increased 7.3%. AFFORDABILITY: Grant Aid • Institutional aid accounted for 79% of all grant aid given to students attending independent colleges and universities, followed by 11% from the State and 10% from the federal government. • Independent institutions provide the majority of grant aid to their students. Nearly all first-time freshmen receive some form of aid. Tennessee Educational Lottery Scholarship Award (TELS) • In Fall 2020, 12,719 students attending TICUA institutions received a TELS award. Tennessee Student Assistance Award (TSAA) • In Fall 2020, 7,140 students attending TICUA member campuses received the TSAA. The per-student average yearly award amount was $3,879. Federal Pell Grant • In Fall 2020, 29% of all undergraduate students (16,463) and 35% of Tennessee undergraduate students (10,308) attending TICUA member campuses received the Federal Pell Grant award. The per -student average yearly award amount totaled $5,028. Tuition and Fees • In 2019-2020, tuition and fees at TICUA four-year member colleges and universities averaged 26% less than the national average ($26,358 compared to $37,650). COMPLETION: • Sixty-two percent of students at Tennessee’s independent colleges graduate within 6 years compared to 53% at the State’s public universities. • TICUA member campuses awarded more degrees than any other higher education sector in the State. • In 2019-20, member colleges and universities graduated nearly 4,400 health care professionals, nearly 3,800 business and management leaders, and over 2,600 educators. • In 2019-20, member colleges and universities awarded 2,900 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) degrees.



TICUA One-Year Snapshot

9 Fall 2020 Enrollment by Headcount, by Attendance Status

Full-time Part-time Undergraduate 48,492 8,630 85% 15%

Full-time Part-time Graduate & First Professional 15,777 7,433 68% 32%

Fall 2020 Enrollment by Headcount, by Gender

40% 58% 1% Undergraduate Male Female Unreported 23,015 33,333 774

33% 60% 6% Graduate & First Male Female Unreported Professional 7,746 14,004 1,460

10 Fall 2020 Enrollment by Headcount, by Ethnicity - Undergraduate

White 63%

Black or African American 14%

Unreported 6%

Hispanic 6%

Non-resident Alien 4%

Asian 4%

Two or more races 3%

American Indian or Alaska Native 0.5%

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.2%

Fall 2020 Enrollment by Headcount, by Ethnicity - Graduate and First-Professional

White 65%

Black or African American 16%

Unreported 4%

Non-resident Alien 4%

Asian 3%

Hispanic 4%

Two or more races 2%

American Indian or Alaska Native 0.3%

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.1%

11 Fall 2020 Undergraduate Headcount - Age 25 or older Age >= 25 Age >= 25* 7,253 13% Part- time 3,053 42%

Full-time 4,174 58%

Age < 25* Part-time 5,277 13%

Age < 25 Full-time 49,111 36,808 87% 87% *Excludes .

Fall 2020 Enrollment by Headcount - In-State vs. Out-of-State - All Students

In-state Out-of-state 40,926 39,406 51% 49%

12 Fall 2020 Headcount Enrollment by County Map

1 5,600

TICUA member institutions enroll students from every county in the State.

Fall 2020 Headcount Enrollment by State Map



TICUA member institutions enroll students from every state in the nation.

Fall 2020 Top 10 Countries of International Students

China 863 United Kingdom 107 India 201 Nigeria 97 South Korea 179 Brazil 91 Canada 148 Vietnam 68 Mexico 139 Spain 64 TICUA member institutions enroll students from over 150 nations.

13 Sources of Grant Aid for First-time Freshmen - Fall 2018

Federal 10%

State/Local 11%

Institutional 79%

Independent institutions provide the majority of aid to their students, 93% of whom receive some form of aid.

Data Source: US Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data Systems (IPEDS) “Student Financial Aid” survey, 2018 (accessed November 2020). Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship (TELS) Awards to Students Attending TICUA Campuses - 2020-2021

Award Amount Award Type Number Receiving Freshman and Junior and Sophomore Senior

HOPE Access Grant $2,500 - 24

HOPE Scholarship $3,500 $4,500 8,001

HOPE Scholarship Non-Traditional $3,500 $4,500 44

HOPE Aspire Award $5,000 $6,000 2,529

General Assembly Merit Scholarship $4,500 $5,500 2,121

Grand Total 12,719

Dollars Distributed $54,808,000

% of TN Undergraduates Receiving 43%

Dollar amounts are yearly figures estimated based upon fall 2018 award data.

14 Tennessee Student Assistance Awards (TSAA) to Students Attending TICUA Campuses - 2020-2021

Number Receiving 7,140

% of TN Undergraduates 24% Receiving

Dollars Distributed $27,698,368

Average Yearly Award $3,879

Dollar amounts are yearly figures estimated based upon fall 2020 award data.

Tennessee Promise and Tennessee Reconnect Awards to Students Attending TICUA Campuses - 2020-2021

Tennessee Promise Tennessee Reconnect

Number Receiving 1,150 Number Receiving 171

% of TN Undergraduates % of TN Undergraduates 4% 1% Receiving Receiving

Dollars Distributed $1,521,092 Dollars Distributed $521,678

Average Yearly Award $1,323 Average Yearly Award $3,050 (for those receiving funds) (for those receiving funds) Tennessee Promise and Tennessee Reconnect are last dollar scholarship programs. Only students with need re- maining after other State and federal grant aid has been applied will receive funds through the program. Dollar amounts are yearly figures estimated based upon fall 2020 award data.

Federal Pell Grant Awards to Students Attending TICUA Campuses - 2020-2021 All Undergraduates In-State Undergraduates Only

Number Receiving 16,463 Number Receiving 10,308

% In-State % of Undergraduates 29% Undergraduates 35% Receiving Receiving

Dollars Distributed $82,769,601 Dollars Distributed $52,211,825

Average Yearly Award $5,028 Average Yearly Award $5,065

Dollar amounts are yearly figures estimated based upon fall 2020 award data.

15 Distribution of TICUA Membership by Undergraduate Tuition and Fees 2020-2021

7 6 6 5 4 4

Under $15,000 $15,000 - $19,999 $20,000 - $24,999 $25,000 - $29,999 $30,000 - $34,999 $35,000 and above

TICUA 2020-2021 Tuition & Fees Range $8,848 - $54,158

Average Tuition and Fee Charges - 2020-2021



TICUA National According to the College Board report “Trends in College Pricing, 2020,” the national average published tuition and fees at independent 4-yr institutions was $37,650, $11,292 higher than the average tuition at a TICUA institution.

16 Undergraduate Tuition and Fees, by Institution

Institution 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

American Baptist College $10,074 $12,474 $12,474 Aquinas College $23,000 $25,600 $26,400 Baptist Health Sciences University $14,840 $15,430 $15,730 $34,310 $35,650 $38,750 Bethel University $16,552 $17,010 $17,510 Bryan College $26,800 $27,900 $17,100 Carson-Newman University $27,900 $28,900 $29,500 Christian Brothers University $32,800 $33,840 $34,820 Cumberland University $22,890 $24,000 $25,386 $21,480 $21,480 $22,132 Freed-Hardeman University $21,950 $22,950 $22,950 $16,280 $17,370 $18,290 $29,714 $30,616 $31,840 $10,600 $11,790 $11,790 $17,690 $18,770 $19,140 LeMoyne Owen College $11,196 $11,196 $12,076 Lincoln Memorial University $22,010 $22,790 $23,490 $32,144 $33,424 $34,744 Martin Methodist College $24,246 $24,900 $25,850 $34,880 $35,578 $36,292 Milligan University $33,700 $34,650 $35,600 $47,890 $49,198 $50,910 Sewanee: The University of the South $45,120 $46,472 $47,980 Southern Adventist University $21,950 $22,520 $22,930 Tennessee Wesleyan University $24,300 $25,150 $25,850 Trevecca Nazarene University $25,598 $26,098 $26,898 $24,860 $24,860 $25,450 $32,610 $33,750 $34,630 Vanderbilt University $49,816 $52,070 $54,158 $19,012 $19,582 $19,582 William R Moore College of Technology $7,305 $9,870 $8,848 $13,525 $14,350 $14,350

TICUA Average $24,908 $25,945 $26,358

Tuition is priced for an academic year (two semesters) taking 15 credits each semester. Only mandatory fees are included.

17 Top 20 Transfer Institutions of First-Semester Transfer Students to TICUA Institutions - Fall 2020

Number of Institution Name City State Type Transfers

Pellissippi State Community College Knoxville TN 182 Public 2-Year

Walters State Community College Morristown TN 152 Public 2-Year

Southwest Tennessee Community College Memphis TN 111 Public 2-Year

Roane State Community College Harriman TN 85 Public 2-Year

Columbia State Community College Columbia TN 77 Public 2-Year

Cleveland State Community College Cleveland TN 75 Public 2-Year

Volunteer State Community College Gallatin TN 74 Public 2-Year

University of Memphis Memphis TN 72 Public 4-Year

Nashville State Community College Nashville TN 65 Public 2-Year

Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College Cumberland KY 49 Public 2-Year

Chattanooga State Community College Chattanooga TN 44 Public 2-Year

Somerset Community College Somerset KY 41 Public 2-Year

Northeast State Community College Blountville TN 40 Public 2-Year

Northwest Mississippi Community College Senatobia MS 32 Public 2-Year

Geneva College Beaver Falls PA 32 Private 4-Year

Virginia Highlands Community College Abingdon VA 29 Public 2-Year

Motlow State Community College Tullahoma TN 29 Public 2-Year

Middle Tennessee State University Murfreesboro TN 29 Public 4-Year

Jackson State Community College Jackson TN 29 Public 2-Year

East Tennessee State University Johnson City TN 25 Public 2-Year

* Excludes Vanderbilt University.

18 First-Semester Transfer Students to TICUA Institutions by Sector of Origin - Fall 2020

Transfers % of Total Transfers Sector Received to TICUA institutions

Public Locally Governed Institutions (LGI) 179 6%

Community Colleges 979 31%

University of Tennessee 53 2%

TICUA 154 5%

NON-TICUA Private 6 <1%

Out-of-state Institutions 1,313 42%

* Excludes Vanderbilt University.

Top Five TICUA Member Recipients of First-Semester Transfer Students - Fall 2020

Number of % of Total Transfers Institution Name Transfers to TICUA institutions

Belmont University 390 11%

Lincoln Memorial University 349 10%

Vanderbilt University 314 9%

Lee University 251 7%

King University 215 6%

19 Top 20 Majors of Degrees Awarded - Undergraduate Summer 2019 - Spring 2020

Major (4-digit CIP Code) Degrees Awarded Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing 1,553 Business Administration, Management and Operations 1,448 Psychology, General 521 Arts, Entertainment, and Media Management 508 Biology, General 465 Sports, Kinesiology, and Physical Education/Fitness 414 Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities 400 Economics 313 Criminal Justice and Corrections 298 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods 297 Music 253 English Language and Literature, General 247 Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other 233 Social Sciences, General 228 Accounting and Related Services 219 History 196 Computer Science 180 Communication and Media Studies 177 Social Work 163 Design and Applied Arts 156 Top 20 Majors of Degrees Awarded - Graduate and First-Professional Summer 2019 - Spring 2020

Major (4-digit CIP Code) Degrees Awarded Business Administration, Management and Operations 1009 Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing 823 Educational Administration and Supervision 653 Medicine 367 Law 361 Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions 266 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods 255 Education, General 217 Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Administration 214 Business/Commerce, General 198 Theological and Ministerial Studies 196 Curriculum and Instruction 175 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions 146 Accounting and Related Services 131 Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions 129 Optometry 124 Applied Mathematics 121 Special Education and Teaching 119 Clinical, Counseling and Applied Psychology 118 Social Work 111

20 Degrees Awarded by Gender Summer 2019 - Spring 2020

37% 63% Undergraduate Male Female

Graduate & First 36% 64% Professional Male Female

*Excludes Vanderbilt University Undergraduate Degrees Awarded to Transfers Summer 2019 - Spring 2020

of TICUA undergraduate degrees were awarded to students who transferred into a TICUA member 34% institution regardless of when they began their studies.

*Excludes Vanderbilt University and Associate Member Institutions

21 Undergraduate Degrees Awarded to Adult Students Summer 2019 - Spring 2020

of TICUA undergraduate degrees were awarded to Adult students aged 25 25% and over.

*Excludes Vanderbilt University and Associate Member Institutions Top 10 Majors of Undergraduate Degrees Awarded to Adult Students Summer 2019 - Spring 2020

Major (4-digit CIP Code) Degrees Awarded

Business Administration, Management and Operations 749

Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing 629

Criminal Justice and Corrections 175

Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities 165

Psychology, General 82

Health and Medical Administrative Services 69

Business/Commerce, General 67

Pastoral Counseling and Specialized Ministries 59

Social Work 54

Computer and Information Sciences, General 54

*Excludes Vanderbilt University and Associate Member Institutions


TICUA Faculty & Staff Snapshot

23 Campus Employees - Fall 2018

Total Employees 20,982

Total FTE Staff* 17,749

*Total FTE Staff is calculated by summing the total number of full-time staff and adding one third of the total number of part-time staff. Data Source: US Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Edu- cation Data Systems (IPEDS) “Employees by Assigned Position” survey, 2018 (accessed November 2020). Campus Employees by Occupational Category - Fall 2018

Occupational Category Total Employees Instructional staff 8,118 Office and Administrative Support 2,588 Service 2,176 Community Service, Legal, Arts, and Media 1,638 Management 1,460 Business and Financial Operations 1,193 Computer, Engineering, and Science 1,116 Student and Academic Affairs and Other Education Services 1,000 Natural Resources, Construction, and Maintenance 470 Research 400 Healthcare Practioners and Technical 295 Librarians 181 Sales and related 123 Library Technicians 101 Production, Transportation, and Material Moving 91 Archivists, Curators, and Museum Technicians 18 Public service 14

Data Source: US Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Edu- cation Data Systems (IPEDS) “Employees by Assigned Position” survey, 2018 (accessed November 2020).

24 Full-Time Instructional Staff by Gender - Fall 2018

Female 2,263 47%

Male 2,567 53%

Data Source: US Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Ed- ucation Data Systems (IPEDS) “Fall Staff” survey, 2018 (accessed November 2020).

Full-time Instructional Staff by Ethnicity - Fall 2018

White 77.1%

Black or African American 8.8%

Asian 4.4%

Race/ethnicity unknown 4.2%

Hispanic 2.9%

Non-resident Alien 1.4%

Two or more races 0.8%

American Indian or Alaska Native 0.21%

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.10%

Data Source: US Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Ed- ucation Data Systems (IPEDS) “Fall Staff” survey, 2018 (accessed November 2020).

25 Instructional Staff by Employment Status - Fall 2018

Part-time 3,287 40%

Full-time 4,831 60%

Data Source: US Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Ed- ucation Data Systems (IPEDS) “Fall Staff” survey, 2018 (accessed November 2020).


TICUA Trends Over Time

27 TICUA Fall Enrollment by Headcount, 10-Year Trend (2011 - 2020)

81,231 81,221 79,832 79,803 80,380 80,968 81,142 80,334 77,754 76,017

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

TICUA Fall Enrollment by Full-time Equivalent (FTE), 10-Year Trend (2011 - 2020)

70,729 70,800 70,638 70,166 70,649 68,727 69,787 69,790 69,638 66,885

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 See page 53 of appendix for FTE definition.

28 One-, Five-, and Ten-Year Percentage Increases in TICUA Fall Enrollment

Headcount FTE

8.1% 7.3%

-0.1% -1.0% -1.4% -1.5%

1-year 5-year 10-year Tennessee Community College First-Semester Transfer Students to TICUA Institutions, 10-Year Trend (2011 - 2020)

1,284 1,292 1,233 1,227 1,219 1,161 1,125 1,140 1,068 979

Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 * Excludes Vanderbilt University.

29 Degrees Awarded by TICUA Member Institutions, 10-Year Trend (2010 - 2020)

21,077 20,261 20,340 20,500 20,408 19,477 19,804 18,887 17,972 17,127

Associate Bachelor Master Doctoral First Prof Total

One-, Five-, and Ten-Year Percentage Increases in in Degrees Awarded by TICUA Member Institutions



-0.4% 1-year 5-year 10-year

30 STEM Degrees Awarded by TICUA Member Institutions, 5-Year Trend (2015 - 2020)


682 646 602 446

2,277 1,873 1,915 1,955 1,973

2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020

Undergraduate Graduate/Professional * STEM is defined according to the STEM Designated Degree Program List maintained by the Department of Homeland Security. Undergraduate Degrees Awarded to Adult Students, by TICUA Member Institutions, 5-Year Trend (2015 - 2020)

3,339 3,231 2,853 2,555 2,385

253 277 195 181 286 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 Associate Bachelor * Excludes Vanderbilt University and Associate Member Institutions.

31 Top Majors of Undergraduate Degrees Awarded by TICUA Member

3,000 Institutions, 10-Year Trend (2010 - 2020)






0 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020




PSYCHOLOGY SOCIAL SCIENCES Top MajorsTHEOLOGY AND RELIGIOUSof Graduate VOCATIONS Degrees AwardedVISUAL by AND PERFORMINGTICUA ARTS Member Institutions, 3,000 10-Year Trend (2010 - 2020)






0 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020







3.00% 2.84%


1.25% 1.00%


Sources of Grant Aid for First-time Freshmen, 10-Year Trend (2009 - 2019)

Federal State/Local Institutional $200,000,000










$- 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019

Although grant aid from federal and State sources has remained relatively stable over the last several years, TICUA member institutions have increased the amount of aid available to students.

Data Source: US Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data Systems (IPEDS) “Student Financial Aid” survey, 2009-2019 (November 2020).



Tennessee Higher Education

35 Fall 2020 Enrollment by Higher Education Sector

Sector # of Campuses Headcount % of Total

TICUA 35 80,334 27% UT System 4 52,560 18% LGI 6 85,758 29% CC 13 78,772 26%

Total 58 297,424 100%

LGI - Public Locally Governed Institutions CC - Community Colleges UT System - campuses.

Data above are based on preliminary 14th day (or census date) enrollment numbers. LGI enrollment data re- flects Fall I reporting for Austin Peay State University.

Additional Data Source: THEC September 2020.

Fall 2020 Enrollment Share by Higher Education Sector

Public Locally Governed 29% Institutions

Community Colleges 26%


University of Tennessee 18%

Additional Data Source: THEC September 2020.

Data above are based on preliminary 14th day (or census date) enrollment numbers.

36 Four-, Five-, and Six-Year Baccalaureate Graduation Rates By Higher Education Sector - 2013 Freshman Cohort

4-Year 5-Year 6-Year 62% 61%

53% 52% 49%


State Institutions TICUA Institutions Data Sources: US Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsec- ondary Education Data Systems (IPEDS) “Graduation Rate” survey, 2019 (accessed November 2020). Four-, Six-, and Eight-Year Baccalaureate Graduation Rates of Pell Recipients By Higher Education Sector - 2011 Freshman Cohort

4-Year 6-Year 8-Year

49% 47% 45% 42%



State Institutions TICUA Institutions Data Source: US Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecond- ary Education Data Systems (IPEDS) “Outcome Measures” survey, 2019 (accessed December 2020). 37 Degrees Awarded by Higher Education Sector, by Level - Summer 2019 - Spring 2020

Degree TICUA UT CC LGI Total TICUA % of Total

Associate 731 0 12,303 1068 14,102 5% Bachelor 11,980 8,419 0 14,300 34,699 35% Master 5,706 2,320 0 3,539 11,565 49% First Professional 1325 610 0 225 2,160 61% Doctoral 758 689 0 525 1,972 38% Total 20,408 12,038 12,303 19,657 64,498 32%

CC - Community Colleges LGI—Public Locally Governed Institutions UT - University of Tennessee campuses

Note: Does not include certificates or Educational Specialist (Ed.S) degrees.

Additional Data Source: Tennessee Higher Education Commission, December 2020.

Degrees Awarded by Higher Education Sector - Summer 2019 - Spring 2020

Public Locally Governed 30% Institutions

Community Colleges 19%


University of Tennessee 19%

Additional Data Source: Tennessee Higher Education Commission, December 2020.

38 Degrees Awarded by TICUA Member Institutions - Summer 2019 - Spring 2020

Institution ASO BAC MAS DOC FPD Total 1 16 - - - 17 Aquinas College - 7 6 - - 13 Baptist Health Sciences University 4 218 - - - 222 Belmont University - 1,628 302 90 191 2,211 Bethel University 70 492 270 - - 832 Bryan College 9 220 94 - - 323 Carson-Newman University 21 429 257 56 - 763 Christian Brothers University 10 284 125 - - 419 Cumberland University 203 252 113 - - 568 Fisk University - 75 8 - - 83 Freed-Hardeman University - 302 109 13 - 424 Johnson University 16 150 104 7 - 277 King University 9 559 203 5 - 776 Lane College 1 149 - - - 150 Le Moyne-Owen College 3 114 - - - 117 Lee University - 865 160 - - 1,025 Lincoln Memorial University 199 367 432 102 385 1,485 Lipscomb University 3 669 552 51 86 1,361 Martin Methodist College 9 131 11 - - 151 Maryville College - 214 - - - 214 - - 112 7 142 261 - 56 1 - - 57 Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia - - 69 - - 69 Milligan University - 179 156 11 - 346 Rhodes College - 398 16 - - 414 Sewanee: The University of the South - 423 39 9 - 471 Southern Adventist University 109 306 113 - - 528 Southern College of Optometry - - - - 124 124 Tennessee Wesleyan University - 271 26 - - 297 Trevecca Nazarene University 35 494 432 133 - 1,094 Tusculum University 32 273 165 - - 470 Union University 32 498 332 76 48 986 Vanderbilt University - 1,686 1,454 297 299 3,736 Watkins College of Art - 42 - - - 42 Welch College 5 38 4 - - 47 William R Moore College of Technology 22 - - - - 22 Williamson College 1 5 7 - - 13 Grand Total 794 11,810 5,672 857 1,275 20,408 Note: Does not include certificates or Educational Specialist (Ed.S) degrees.

39 Degrees Awarded by Tennessee Public Institutions - Summer 2019 - Spring 2020

Institution Associate Bachelor Master Doctoral First Prof. Total

Locally Governed Institutions

Austin Peay State University 1,059 1,660 431 - - 3,150

East Tennessee State University - 2,567 735 146 137 3,585

Middle Tennessee State University - 4,039 722 56 - 4,817

Tennessee State University 9 967 349 93 - 1,418

Tennessee Technological University - 1,991 369 32 - 2,392

University of Memphis - 3,076 933 198 88 4,264

University of Tennessee

University of Tennessee, Chattanooga - 2,061 400 87 - 2,548

University of Tennessee, Knoxville - 5,080 1,591 423 197 7,291

University of Tennessee, Martin - 1,096 116 - - 1,212 University of Tennessee, Medical Health - 182 213 179 413 987 Sci Center TBR Community Colleges

Chattanooga State Community College 1,164 - - - - 1,164

Cleveland State Community College 462 - - - - 462

Columbia State Community College 875 - - - - 875

Dyersburg State Community College 365 - - - - 365

Jackson State Community College 622 - - - - 622

Motlow State Community College 1,125 - - - - 1,125

Nashville State Community College 932 - - - - 932

Northeast State Community College 989 - - - - 989

Pellissippi State Community College 1,644 - - - - 1,644

Roane State Community College 983 - - - - 983

Southwest Tennessee Community College 955 - - - - 955

Volunteer State Community College 1,228 - - - - 1,228

Walters State Community College 959 - - - - 959

Total 13,371 22,719 5,859 1,214 835 43,998

Note: Does not include certificates or Educational Specialist (Ed.S) degrees.

Additional Data Source: Tennessee Higher Education Commission, December 2020. 40 2018-2019 Students Graduating with Debt

Public Locally 71.4% Governed Institutions

TICUA 57.5%

University of 52.6% Tennessee

Because survey participation is voluntary, data is limited to 15 of the 32 TICUA undergraduate institutions and 3 of 6 Public Locally Governed Institutions.

Additional Data Source: The Institute for College Access & Success. College Insight, https://college-insight.org. Stu- dent debt and undergraduate financial aid data are licensed from Peterson's Undergraduate Financial Aid and Un- dergraduate Databases, ©️ 2020 Peterson's LLC, all rights reserved. Average Debt of Graduates—2018-2019

Public Locally $27,988 Governed Institutions

TICUA $28,964

University of $25,782 Tennessee

Because survey participation is voluntary, data is limited to 15 of the 32 TICUA undergraduate institutions and 3 of 6 Public Locally Governed Institutions. Additional Data Source: The Institute for College Access & Success. College Insight, https://college-insight.org. Stu- dent debt and undergraduate financial aid data are licensed from Peterson's Undergraduate Financial Aid and Un- dergraduate Databases, ©️ 2020 Peterson's LLC, all rights reserved. 41 Borrowers in Repayment and Default by Sector—2017 Cohort

25,000 22,219 20,593 20,000

15,796 15,000

10,000 9,467

5,371 5,000

0 TN For-profit UT System TICUA CC LGI Borrowers in Repayment Borrowers in Default

Data Source: US Department of Education, Analysis performed by TICUA. 2017 Three-Year Cohort Default Rates

Public Locally Governed 10.5% Institutions

Community Colleges 16.6%

TICUA 7.6%

UT System 5.2%

Other TN Private Non-profit 7.8%

TN For-profit 17.9%

Data Source: US Department of Education, Analysis performed by TICUA.

42 Pell Eligibility—Fall 2019

0.0% 20.0% 40.0% 60.0% 80.0% 100.0% Lane College Le Moyne-Owen College Fisk University Tennessee Wesleyan University American Baptist College Baptist Health Sciences University King University Tusculum University Lincoln Memorial University Carson-Newman University Southwest Tennessee Community College Bethel University Martin Methodist College Williamson College Jackson State Community College Johnson University Maryville College University of Memphis Roane State Community College Northeast State Community College Austin Peay State University University of Tennessee, Martin Middle Tennessee State University Public Locally Governed Institutions Total Dyersburg State Community College Nashville State Community College East Tennessee State University Tennessee Technological University Walters State Community College Community Colleges Total Trevecca Nazarene University Southern Adventist University Chattanooga State Community College Cleveland State Community College Christian Brothers University Volunteer State Community College Pellissippi State Community College Cumberland University Tennessee State University TICUA Total University of Tennessee, Chattanooga Lee University Motlow State Community College Union University Bryan College Welch College UT System Total Columbia State Community College University of Tennessee, Medical Health Science… Freed-Hardeman University Milligan University TICUA

University of Tennessee, Knoxville Lipscomb University University of Tennessee William R Moore College of Technology

Belmont University Rhodes College TBR Community Colleges Sewanee: The University of the South Vanderbilt University Public Locally Governed Institutions This chart represents students who were eligible to receive the Pell grant at any time during their college career. Additional Data Sources: Tennessee Higher Education Fact Book 2019-2020; Vanderbilt University. Data for American Baptist College, William R Moore College of Technology, and Williamson College based on Fall 2020 data for current Pell students only. 43


Appendix I: TICUA One-Year Snapshot by Institution

45 Fall 2020 Enrollment by Headcount, by Attendance Status, by Institution

Undergraduate Graduate/First Professional Total Full-time Part-time Full-time Part-time FT PT Institution M W U M W U M W U M W U American Baptist College 35 12 0 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 11 Aquinas College 4 26 0 0 1 0 0 9 0 0 6 0 39 7 Baptist Health Sciences 37 323 0 42 469 0 0 7 0 3 9 0 367 523 University Belmont University 2,156 4,174 0 111 190 0 292 904 0 168 209 0 7,526 678 Bethel University 1,104 1,151 0 458 745 0 130 244 0 42 92 0 2,629 1,337 Bryan College 325 316 0 227 362 0 16 14 0 73 126 0 671 788 Carson-Newman University 659 933 0 51 79 0 83 104 0 215 787 0 1,779 1,132 Christian Brothers University 592 720 4 99 136 4 63 82 0 91 130 1 1,461 461 Cumberland University 802 1,084 0 186 325 0 44 36 0 94 133 0 1,966 738 Fisk University 282 569 0 8 20 0 7 14 0 5 6 0 872 39 Freed-Hardeman University 593 704 0 157 272 0 27 42 0 139 260 0 1,366 828 Johnson University 309 322 0 59 68 0 39 47 0 143 92 0 717 362 King University 451 801 0 62 121 0 64 197 0 13 37 0 1,513 233 Lane College 524 523 1 25 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,048 47 Le Moyne-Owen College 166 389 0 35 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 555 99

Lee University 1,249 2,210 0 528 682 0 69 133 0 172 160 0 3,661 1,542

Lincoln Memorial University 205 537 556 61 291 163 569 833 1,368 76 151 73 4,068 815 Lipscomb University 1,085 1,723 0 73 115 1 300 645 14 276 651 1 3,767 1,117 Martin Methodist College 287 396 0 39 69 0 9 7 0 3 2 0 699 113 Maryville College 423 557 5 38 48 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 985 87 Meharry Medical College 0 0 0 0 0 0 368 576 0 0 0 0 944 0 Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia 0 0 0 0 0 0 115 118 0 0 0 0 233 0

Milligan University 388 398 0 69 95 0 97 181 0 50 69 0 1,064 283 Rhodes College 733 1,060 0 10 23 1 12 17 0 0 0 0 1,822 34 Sewanee: The University of the South 800 898 0 13 14 0 45 24 0 6 10 0 1,767 43 Southern Adventist University 940 1,161 0 123 169 0 29 109 0 52 147 0 2,239 491

Southern College of Optometry 0 0 0 0 0 0 184 355 0 0 0 0 539 0

Tennessee Wesleyan University 358 588 0 37 72 0 11 66 0 12 24 0 1,023 145 Trevecca Nazarene University 654 1,016 0 152 262 11 282 664 2 261 663 1 2,618 1,350 Tusculum University 486 581 5 86 190 10 72 146 0 32 56 0 1,290 374 Union University 553 1,147 0 143 241 1 133 420 0 150 269 0 2,253 804

Vanderbilt University 3,384 3,570 0 48 50 0 2,217 3,098 0 372 798 0 12,269 1,268

Welch College 99 119 0 46 76 0 2 2 0 9 10 0 222 141 William R Moore College of 180 12 2 138 9 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 194 157 Technology

Williamson College 15 21 0 5 8 0 9 11 0 1 2 0 56 16

SUBTOTAL 19,878 28,041 573 3,136 5,292 202 5,288 9,105 1,384 2,458 4,899 76 64,269 16,063 TOTAL 48,492 8,630 15,777 7,433 80,332

FT = full-time; PT = part-time; M = men; W = women; U = Unreported

46 Fall 2020 Enrollment by Headcount, by Gender, by Institution

Headcount Percentage Institution Total Men Women Unreported Men Women Unreported American Baptist College 42 16 0 72% 28% 0% 58

Aquinas College 4 44 0 8% 92% 0% 48

Baptist Health Sciences University 82 808 0 9% 91% 0% 890

Belmont University 2,727 5,477 0 33% 67% 0% 8,204

Bethel University 1,734 2,232 0 44% 56% 0% 3,966

Bryan College 641 818 0 44% 56% 0% 1,459

Carson-Newman University 1,008 1,903 0 35% 65% 0% 2,911

Christian Brothers University 845 1,068 9 44% 56% 0% 1,922

Cumberland University 1,126 1,578 0 42% 58% 0% 2,704

Fisk University 302 609 0 33% 67% 0% 911

Freed-Hardeman University 916 1,278 0 42% 58% 0% 2,194

Johnson University 550 529 0 51% 49% 0% 1,079

King University 590 1,156 0 34% 66% 0% 1,746

Lane College 549 545 1 50% 50% 0% 1,095

Le Moyne-Owen College 201 453 0 31% 69% 0% 654

Lee University 2,018 3,185 0 39% 61% 0% 5,203

Lincoln Memorial University 911 1,812 2,160 19% 37% 44% 4,883

Lipscomb University 1,734 3,134 16 36% 64% 0% 4,884

Martin Methodist College 338 474 0 42% 58% 0% 812

Maryville College 461 605 6 43% 56% 1% 1,072

Meharry Medical College 368 576 0 39% 61% 0% 944

Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia 115 118 0 49% 51% 0% 233

Milligan University 604 743 0 45% 55% 0% 1,347

Rhodes College 755 1,100 1 41% 59% 0% 1,856

Sewanee: The University of the South 864 946 0 48% 52% 0% 1,810

Southern Adventist University 1,144 1,586 0 42% 58% 0% 2,730

Southern College of Optometry 184 355 0 34% 66% 0% 539

Tennessee Wesleyan University 418 750 0 36% 64% 0% 1,168

Trevecca Nazarene University 1,349 2,605 14 34% 66% 0% 3,968

Tusculum University 676 973 15 41% 58% 1% 1,664

Union University 979 2,077 1 32% 68% 0% 3,057

Vanderbilt University 6,021 7,516 0 44% 56% 0% 13,537

Welch College 156 207 0 43% 57% 0% 363

William R Moore College of Technology 319 21 11 91% 6% 3% 351

Williamson College 30 42 0 42% 58% 0% 72

TOTAL 30,761 47,339 2,234 38% 59% 3% 80,334

47 Fall 2020 Undergraduate Enrollment by Headcount,

by Ethnicity, by Institution

58 31 49

871 879 758 654 791 950 340 351


1,813 6,631 3,458 1,230 1,722 1,555 2,397 1,726 1,435 1,095 4,669 2,997 1,072 1,827 1,725 2,393 1,055 2,095 1,358 2,085 7,052



0% 0% 0% 0%

83% 71% 45% 79% 55% 85% 76% 29% 60% 85% 80% 82% 74% 72% 72% 75% 80% 64% 81% 41% 72% 70% 65% 71% 42% 81% 34% 67% 63%



0 4 1 1

22 33

389 448 603 573 806 760 990 763 886 275 118

1,510 5,253 1,891 1,047 1,311 1,442 1,463 1,177 3,450 2,163 1,167 1,404 1,471 1,471 2,992



4% 0% 0% 4% 1% 1% 5% 2% 7% 9% 7% 0% 3% 5% 2% 1% 9% 0% 0% 3% 7% 6% 5% 0% 7% 0% 6%

28% 17% 10% 15% 17% 16%


0 0 0 7 1 2 0 0


74 32 96 48 58 33 65 79 89 37 17 28 25

437 406 152 106 161 780 159 149 216 122 328



2% 0% 1% 4% 7% 0% 3% 7% 0% 1% 0% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0% 3% 4% 4% 2% 0% 3% 7% 3% 0% 2% 0% 6% 3% 0% 0% 3%




0 3 7 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

45 47 12 20 31 11 77 28 47 17 50 35 26 10

271 247 107 159 401

Two or more Two or



4% 0% 0% 1% 2% 2% 3% 3% 3% 2% 1% 2% 0% 2% 2% 3% 5% 3% 6% 4% 4% 6% 7% 3% 3% 2% 9% 4% 0% 2% 4%

13% 10%

Resident Resident




0 4 0 7 4 0 1

65 46 70 22 59 51 66 84 29 32 11 95 38 29 56 69 74 70 56 34 39 12

113 154 665




0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Native Native



4 0 0 2 8 3 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 2 4 1 0 4 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0

Hawaiian/ Hawaiian/

15 11 22 90

Other Pacific Pacific Other


0% 0% 6% 5% 7% 4% 3% 6% 7% 7% 1% 0% 2% 0% 1% 1% 1% 8% 4% 6% 5% 6% 6% 4% 0% 3% 1% 4% 7% 6%

24% 10% 18%


0 Hispanic 0 2 4 6 4 0 9

46 33 95 10 14 10 69 33 65 48 97 46 44 15 14 24

457 140 108 176 254 117 585 710



5% 0% 5% 4% 9% 4% 4% 4% 4% 7% 9% 9% 5% 4% 8% 9% 7%

98% 44% 29% 22% 10% 80% 83% 97% 10% 15% 10% 18% 11% 52% 10% 14%

African African

Black or Black


0 5


92 57 55 61 31 56 73 93 43 76 95 25

379 328 990 153 336 244 701 906 637 203 212 182 193 304 136 365 779 181



0% 2% 0% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 3% 2% 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% 1% 3% 1% 1% 1% 7% 1% 1% 3% 1% 2% 1% 1% 2% 4%

12% 16%



0 1 0 3 0 3 0 0 4 9 7 3 2 1

16 46 12 14 54 45 15 47 96 12 22 14 56 44

155 132 294

1,128 2,235


1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% 1% 1% 1% 0% 1% 0% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 2% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%


Alaskan Alaskan


0 0 0 3 9 0 1 8 1 1 4 7 4 6 3 1 1 1 3 8 1 0 0

23 17 23 10 18 17 48 27 27


Amer. Indian / / Indian Amer.



Owen College Owen


Newman University Newman


Hardeman University Hardeman


University South Technology

Percentagesmay not sum 100% to due to rounding.

Lincoln Memorial University Memorial Lincoln American Baptist College Baptist American College Aquinas Sciences Health Baptist University Belmont Bethel University College Bryan Carson University Brothers Christian University Cumberland Fisk University Freed University Johnson King University College Lane Moyne Le University Lee University Lipscomb College Methodist Martin College Maryville University Milligan College Rhodes the of University The Sewanee: University Adventist Southern Wesleyan University Tennessee University Nazarene Trevecca University Tusculum University Union University Vanderbilt Welch College of College Moore R William College Williamson 48 Fall 2020 Graduate and First-Professional Enrollment

by Headcount, by Ethnicity, by Institution

21 15 19 32 29 85 23 23

508 229 367 307 468 321 311 534 944 233 397 337 539 113 306 972

1,189 1,573 3,070 1,887 1,873 6,485





83% 76% 67% 58% 78% 52% 78% 44% 57% 16% 43% 71% 88% 67% 70% 72% 75% 86% 69% 88% 66% 78% 87% 57% 84% 59% 63% 91% 78% 65%



16 10 11 58 20 75 98 21 18

989 265 179 160 176 200 227 275 360 174 343 222 421 258 577


1,223 2,164 1,368 1,060 4,071


2% 7% 5% 3% 1% 5% 8% 9% 6% 3% 7% 2% 0% 2% 2% 7% 0% 0% 1% 4% 3% 4% 3% 2% 0% 0% 4%


14% 16% 10% 12%

3 1 1 7 5 9 0 5 6 2 0 0 4 4 0 0

21 42 11 31 28 47 20 38 43 53 11 32



363 124 911

1% 0% 0% 0% 2% 4% 0% 2% 0% 0% 0% 2% 1% 0% 6% 2% 0% 6% 2% 0% 2% 3% 3% 1% 0% 1% 0% 3% 0% 0% 2%


0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 6 3 1 0 9 0 2 1 0 3 0 0 0


12 38 18 37 13 11 15


193 207 577

Two or more Two or

3% 5% 0% 1% 1% 2% 8% 0% 1% 3% 2% 4% 1% 1% 0% 0% 4% 0% 5% 4% 1% 0% 1% 2% 1% 0% 0% 4%


20% 13% 11%

Resident Resident

1 3 0 5 5 0 5 6 0 0 0 4 6 0 7 9 0 0



31 15 49 25 11 24 28 17 15 13 11





0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%


0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0

Native Native

10 17



Hawaiian/ Hawaiian/

Other Pacific Pacific Other

2% 0% 7% 0% 5% 3% 3% 3% 2% 6% 0% 3% 0% 0% 3% 2% 2% 2% 3% 4% 1% 4% 0% 2% 1% 7% 0% 0% 4%


12% 14%

0 1 0 7 7 2 0 0 0 5 9 1 3 3 4 0 6 8 0 0

28 77 13 12 10 65 57 21 46

Hispanic #

458 843

8% 5% 0% 7% 7% 5% 8% 5% 9% 3% 1% 4% 4% 6% 8% 4% 9%



32% 37% 26% 21% 59% 46% 13% 15% 87% 21% 11% 37% 33% 16%

1 0 6 6 1 5 1 2

90 17 95 66 19 43 15 41 21 10 36 20 19


Black or Black


105 188 214 144 290 822 695 317 506



1% 0% 0% 5% 4% 2% 3% 3% 2% 3% 0% 1% 0% 1% 0% 3% 4% 6% 1% 0% 0% 2% 0% 2% 0% 3% 6% 0% 3%


13% 13%

0 0 1 9 6 5 1 0 2 1 5 0 2 0 0 8 0 0 0 3


10 68 11 66 38 15 70 32 25


359 737

1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 2% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% 6% 0% 1% 0% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 4% 0% 1%


8 0 0 0 4 3 4 1 0 0 2 2 1 0 9 5 0 3 0 0 1 0 1 0 4 1 0


20 19

Alaskan Alaskan


177 265

Amer. Indian / / Indian Amer.



Newman University Newman


Hardeman University Hardeman


University Anesthesia South

Carson College Methodist Martin ty Aquinas College Aquinas Sciences Health Baptist University Belmont Bethel University College Bryan University Brothers Christian University Cumberland Fisk University Freed University Johnson King University University Lee University Memorial Lincoln University Lipscomb College Medical Meharry of School Tennessee Middle University Milligan College Rhodes the of University The Sewanee: University Adventist Southern Optometry of College Southern Wesleyan Universi- Tennessee University Nazarene Trevecca University Tusculum University Union University Vanderbilt Welch College College Williamson Percentagesmay not sum 100% to due to rounding. 49 Fall 2020 Undergraduate Enrollment by Headcount, by Age, by Institution

Headcount Percentage Institution Total Under 25 25 and Over Unreported Under 25 25 and Over

American Baptist College 20 38 0 34% 66% 58

Aquinas College 24 7 0 77% 23% 31

Baptist Health Sciences University 581 290 0 67% 33% 871

Belmont University 6,294 337 0 95% 5% 6,631

Bethel University 2,246 1,212 0 65% 35% 3,458

Bryan College 1,070 160 0 87% 13% 1,230

Carson-Newman University 1,640 82 0 95% 5% 1,722

Christian Brothers University 1,418 137 0 91% 9% 1,555

Cumberland University 2,265 132 0 94% 6% 2,397

Fisk University 852 26 1 97% 3% 879

Freed-Hardeman University 1,684 42 0 98% 2% 1,726

Johnson University 653 105 0 86% 14% 758

King University 879 556 0 61% 39% 1,435

Lane College 1,035 60 0 95% 5% 1,095

Le Moyne-Owen College 446 208 0 68% 32% 654

Lee University 3,570 1,086 13 76% 23% 4,669

Lincoln Memorial University 812 291 710 45% 16% 1,813

Lipscomb University 2,684 313 0 90% 10% 2,997

Martin Methodist College 739 52 0 93% 7% 791

Maryville College 1,029 43 0 96% 4% 1,072

Milligan University 877 71 2 92% 7% 950

Rhodes College 1,817 10 0 99% 1% 1,827

Sewanee: The University of the South 1,718 7 0 100% 0% 1,725

Southern Adventist University 2,162 231 0 90% 10% 2,393

Tennessee Wesleyan University 912 143 0 86% 14% 1,055

Trevecca Nazarene University 1,541 539 15 74% 26% 2,095

Tusculum University 1,092 259 7 80% 19% 1,358

Union University 1,536 539 10 74% 26% 2,085

Vanderbilt University 7,026 26 0 100% 0% 7,052

Welch College 279 61 0 82% 18% 340

William R Moore College of Technology 184 167 0 52% 48% 351

Williamson College 26 23 0 53% 47% 49

Grand Total 49,111 7,253 758 86% 13% 57,122


Appendix II: TICUA Trends Over Time by Institution

51 TICUA Fall Enrollment by Headcount, by Institution, 10-Year Trend (2011- 2020)

Institution 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 American Baptist College* 103 127 144 157 157 139 115 123 99 58 Aquinas College 624 611 576 474 384 344 80 64 60 48 Baptist Health Sciences University 977 1,043 1,101 1,170 1,079 1,076 1,075 1,064 989 890 Belmont University 6,365 6,665 6,915 7,167 7,350 7,723 8,012 8,260 8,441 8,204 Bethel University 3,756 5,125 6,445 6,122 6,019 5,758 5,517 5,188 4,729 3,966 Bryan College 1,475 1,670 1,676 1,633 1,545 1,505 1,455 1,417 1,462 1,459 Carson-Newman University 1,970 1,967 2,045 2,362 2,528 2,659 2,514 2,560 2,725 2,911 Christian Brothers University 1,899 1,869 1,871 1,966 2,143 2,133 2,182 2,053 2,021 1,922 Cumberland University 1,491 1,502 1,501 1,481 1,550 1,963 2,314 2,405 2,550 2,704 Fisk University 529 620 641 765 854 761 701 780 874 911 Freed-Hardeman University 1,971 1,905 1,819 1,846 1,837 1,911 1,983 2,037 2,119 2,194 Johnson University 845 954 1,027 1,121 1,174 1,127 1,139 1,147 1,060 1,079 King University 2,127 2,342 2,587 2,897 2,920 2,804 2,162 1,948 1,974 1,746 Lane College 2,002 1,511 1,554 1,262 1,376 1,427 1,420 1,232 1,267 1,095 LeMoyne-Owen College 1,091 1,078 1,023 1,006 945 959 863 885 835 654 Lee University 4,975 4,954 4,922 4,965 5,041 5,302 5,370 5,386 5,189 5,203 Lincoln Memorial University 4,550 4,338 3,952 3,735 3,983 4,245 4,770 4,798 4,867 4,883 Lipscomb University 4,189 4,254 4,580 4,489 4,680 4,632 4,642 4,620 4,595 4,884 Martin Methodist College 1,107 1,078 1,133 1,075 1,105 978 988 913 905 812 Maryville College 1,078 1,093 1,168 1,212 1,213 1,196 1,181 1,146 1,143 1,072 Meharry Medical College 772 782 801 802 829 831 826 828 877 944 Memphis College of Art † 440 403 431 436 413 382 304 116 51 Middle TN School of Anesthesia 212 207 197 198 214 227 249 240 250 233 Milligan University 1,208 1,161 1,203 1,162 1,217 1,213 1,217 1,236 1,335 1,347 Rhodes College 1,816 1,925 2,039 2,051 2,064 2,018 2,010 2,034 1,990 1,856 Sewanee: The University of the South 1,560 1,587 1,701 1,804 1,798 1,814 1,779 1,798 1,773 1,810 Southern Adventist University 3,193 3,318 3,255 3,171 3,124 2,957 3,031 2,936 2,835 2,730 Southern College of Optometry 494 498 508 527 529 529 534 533 538 539 Tennessee Wesleyan University 1,077 1,111 1,081 1,031 1,048 1,041 938 1,014 1,141 1,168 Trevecca Nazarene University 2,478 2,472 2,406 2,606 2,640 3,221 3,620 3,927 3,940 3,968 Tusculum University 2,128 2,199 2,055 1,921 1,809 1,859 1,838 1,739 1,717 1,664 Union University 4,075 4,112 4,168 4,026 3,785 3,451 3,337 3,244 3,174 3,057 Vanderbilt University 12,859 12,710 12,757 12,686 12,567 12,587 12,592 12,824 13,131 13,537 Watkins College of Art ‡ 393 375 356 305 290 251 210 192 159 Welch College 291 315 338 329 327 347 368 404 426 363 William Moore College of Technology* 183 193 219 249 269 300 264 276 340 351 Williamson Christian College* 118 84 72 72 70 55 58 47 60 72 TOTAL 76,017 77,754 79,832 79,803 80,380 81,231 81,221 80,968 81,142 80,334 *Joined TICUA in 2020 †Closed in 2020 ‡Merged with Belmont University

Numbers in grey represent the institution’s headcount prior to becoming a TICUA member and are not included in the total.

52 TICUA Fall Enrollment by Full-time Equivalent (FTE), by Institution, 10-Year Trend (2011 - 2020)

Institution 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 American Baptist College* 87 109 117 128 128 118 100 108 86 53 Aquinas College 340 333 344 287 271 264 63 51 52 43 Baptist Health Sciences University 595 674 690 741 668 669 698 684 620 541 Belmont University 5,736 6,080 6,373 6,681 6,843 7,230 7,517 7,767 7,972 7,752 Bethel University 2,907 4,107 4,578 4,465 4,924 4,747 4,536 4,037 3,666 3,075 Bryan College 1,208 1,376 1,372 1,290 1,144 1,156 1,080 944 954 934 Carson-Newman University 1,814 1,786 1,857 1,995 2,046 2,190 2,036 2,079 2,170 2,156 Christian Brothers University 1,477 1,403 1,391 1,543 1,720 1,745 1,751 1,706 1,681 1,615 Cumberland University 1,254 1,255 1,233 1,183 1,216 1,551 1,873 1,974 2,103 2,212 Fisk University 504 593 616 741 823 746 679 759 857 885 Freed-Hardeman University 1,650 1,532 1,514 1,527 1,488 1,524 1,567 1,575 1,624 1,642 Johnson University 766 835 893 962 974 884 894 864 813 838 King University 2,014 2,256 2,444 2,730 2,701 2,599 2,001 1,843 1,851 1,591 Lane College 1,988 1,492 1,541 1,253 1,359 1,386 1,387 1,200 1,248 1,064 Le Moyne-Owen College 1,018 991 927 930 872 884 800 802 778 588 Lee University 4,341 4,303 4,295 4,284 4,355 4,465 4,510 4,445 4,300 4,175 Lincoln Memorial University 3,465 3,647 3,306 3,185 3,420 3,639 4,060 4,149 4,211 4,341 Lipscomb University 3,508 3,562 3,795 3,756 3,950 3,889 3,911 3,949 3,911 4,139 Martin Methodist College 1,002 997 1,043 994 1,004 894 876 821 810 737 Maryville College 1,047 1,064 1,144 1,181 1,190 1,183 1,164 1,117 1,094 1,014 Meharry Medical College 772 782 801 802 829 831 826 828 877 944 Memphis College of Art † 398 366 383 389 363 340 266 107 44 Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia 212 207 208 206 214 227 249 240 250 233 Milligan University 1,096 1,062 1,110 1,046 1,058 1,052 1,044 1,089 1,159 1,158 Rhodes College 1,812 1,915 2,031 2,042 2,054 2,008 2,003 2,025 1,979 1,833 Sewanee: The University of the South 1,542 1,570 1,680 1,788 1,773 1,797 1,760 1,770 1,750 1,781 Southern Adventist University 2,751 2,877 2,782 2,671 2,661 2,515 2,598 2,545 2,458 2,403 Southern College of Optometry 494 498 508 527 529 529 534 533 537 539 Tennessee Wesleyan University 1,017 1,051 1,012 968 986 945 882 937 1,053 1,071 Trevecca Nazarene University 2,242 2,177 2,076 2,216 2,252 2,047 2,269 2,458 2,856 3,068 Tusculum University 2,080 2,154 1,970 1,786 1,679 1,682 1,682 1,563 1,492 1,415 Union University 3,039 3,065 3,085 2,951 2,804 2,625 2,606 2,673 2,646 2,521 Vanderbilt University 12,252 12,171 12,229 12,143 12,060 12,085 12,052 12,167 12,391 12,692 Watkins College of Art ‡ 312 305 285 256 243 217 186 167 141 Welch College 231 240 269 271 256 255 275 297 301 269 William R Moore College of Technology* 106 105 139 148 160 179 155 181 217 246 Williamson Christian College* 111 80 71 71 67 52 52 45 55 70 TOTAL 66,885 68,727 69,787 69,790 70,729 70,800 70,638 70,166 70,649 69,638 Total FTE Enrollment = Total Full-time Headcount Enrollment + 1/3 Part-time Enrollment Headcount *Joined TICUA in 2020 †Closed in 2020 ‡Merged with Belmont University Numbers in grey represent the institution’s headcount prior to becoming a TICUA member and are not included in the total. 53 TICUA Member Institutions

American Baptist College * Martin Methodist College Nashville  https://abcnash.edu Pulaski  https://www.martinmethodist.edu

Aquinas College Maryville College Nashville  https://www.aquinascollege.edu Maryville  https://www.maryvillecollege.edu

Baptist Health Sciences University Meharry Medical College Memphis  https://www.baptistu.edu Nashville  https://home.mmc.edu

Belmont University Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia Nashville  https://www.belmont.edu Madison  https://www.mtsa.edu

Bethel University Milligan University McKenzie  https://www.bethelu.edu Milligan  https://www.milligan.edu

Bryan College Rhodes College Dayton  https://www.bryan.edu Memphis  https://www.rhodes.edu

Carson-Newman University Sewanee: The University of the South Jefferson City  https://www.cn.edu Sewanee  https://www.sewanee.edu

Christian Brothers University Southern Adventist University Memphis  https://www.cbu.edu Collegedale  https://www.southern.edu

Cumberland University Southern College of Optometry Lebanon  https://www.cumberland.edu Memphis  https://www.sco.edu

Fisk University Tennessee Wesleyan University Nashville  https://www.fisk.edu Athens  https://www.tnwesleyan.edu

Freed-Hardeman University Trevecca Nazarene University Henderson  https://www.fhu.edu Nashville  https://www.trevecca.edu

Johnson University Tusculum University Knoxville  https://www.johnsonu.edu Greeneville  https://www.tusculum.edu

King University Union University Bristol  https://www.king.edu Jackson  https://www.uu.edu

Lane College Vanderbilt University Jackson  https://www.lanecollege.edu Nashville  https://www.vanderbilt.edu

Lee University Welch College Cleveland  https://www.leeuniversity.edu Gallatin  https://welch.edu

LeMoyne-Owen College William R Moore College of Technology * Memphis  https://www.loc.edu Memphis  https://www.mooretech.edu/

Lincoln Memorial University Williamson College * Harrogate  https://www.lmunet.edu Franklin  https://williamsoncc.edu

Lipscomb University Nashville  https://www.lipscomb.edu * Denotes Associate Member Institutions

54 TICUA Staff

Dr. Claude O. Pressnell, Jr. President

Dr. Diane Berty Vice President

Laura Cornick Director of Member Services

Amy Heckman Director of Technology and Data Systems

Kayce Matthews Director Coalition for Healthy and Safe Campus Communities

555 Marriott Drive, Suite 315 Nashville, TN 37214

615.242.6400 (Phone)


55 www.ticua.org 555 Marriott Drive Suite 315 Nashville, TN 37214 615.242.6400