Addendum to the Environmental Impact Assessment SRI: Mahaweli Water Security Investment Program

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Addendum to the Environmental Impact Assessment SRI: Mahaweli Water Security Investment Program Addendum to the Environmental Impact Assessment September 2017 Project Number: 47381-001 SRI: Mahaweli Water Security Investment Program Tranche 1 and 2 Upper Elahera Canal Project Annexes 5 to 8 Prepared by Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment with the assistance of Program Management, Design and Supervision Consultant (Joint Venture Lahmeyer International GmbH – GeoConsult ZT GmbH) for Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and the Asian Development Bank. This environmental impact assessment is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section on ADB’s website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment Mahaweli Water Security Investment Program SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION RELATED TO INFRASTRUCTURE DESIGN CHANGES FOR THE UEC VOLUME 1: EIA UPDATED FOR TRANCHE 1 AND TRANCHE 2 COMPONENTS ANNEX 5: MAPS INCLUDED IN THE TEXT TO IMPROVE THE READABILITY Program Management, Design and Supervision Consultant O n a General Layout PlanY for Upper Elahera Canal (UEC) CHUNDANKADU FOREST RESERVE 340000 OUTLET TRIFURCATION SOMAWATHIYA NATIONAL PARK STRUCTURE NOR THER N PROVINCE NACHCHADUWA WEWA 1. MAHAKANADARAWA 2. HURULUWEWA ERU WEWA 3. NCP CANAL ± PADIKARAMADUWA 0 "/ 0 5 0 ALUT OYA + 0 "/ MANANKATTIYA WEWA 0 5 + NOR TH CENTRAL P ROVINCE 6 5 6 M a YAKALLA HURULU WEWA lw "/ a t u NORTH WESTERN PROVINCE O 00 EASTERN PR OVINC E y 62+5 a HURULU FOREST RESERVE H CENTR AL PR OVINCE MWSIP TRANCHE 3 - MANANKATTIYA 0ab 0 60+0 ar KAUDULLA NATIONA L PARK 330000 MAHAKANADARAWA DIVERSION CANAL an a Oya H alm UVA PROVINCE UEC - ICB-6 ill WESTER N PROVINCE a Oy +500 a 57 "/ KAUDULLA WEWA GAL OYA SABARAGAMUWA PROVINC E «¬D1 00 55+6 MWSIP TRANCHE 3 5+000 GALOYA JUNCTION 5 "/ (55+600 TO 65+500 km) SOUTHERN P ROVINCE RIT IGALA SANCT UARY UEC - ICB-5 00 52+5 UPPER ELAHERA CANAL £¤A 11 GANEWALPOLA 0+000 "/ 5 KAUDULLA MINNERIYA NATIONA L PARK 320000 00 PALUGASWEWA 47+5 "/ £¤B 6 T 4 a 00 E l 5+0 k 4 r i o g t HABARANA e e "/ o o y y MINNERIYA WEWA a a HABARANA WEWA 00 42+5 HIRIWADUNNA WEWA KALA WEWA MWSIP TRANCHE 2 00 40+0 MINNERIAYA NATIONAL PARK GIRITALE (27+509 TO 55+600 km) "/ UEC - ICB-2A 310000 KAHALA - PALLEKALE SANCTUARY +500 GIRITALE WEWA PAHALA TALKOTE WEWA 37 PAHALA TALKOTE WEWA BALALU WEWA ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESERVE GIRITALE NR K MUSEUM 00 +0 a a £¤ 35 l y POLONNARUWA SANCTUARY a A9 O O i H r y 3 «¬ i a INAMALUWA FOREST RESERVE SIGIRIYA WEWA 6 SIGIRIYA WEWA K B £¤ MADATUGAMA SIGIRIYA SANCTUARY "/ 00 POLONNARUWA 2+5 "/ "/ SIGIRIYA 3 DIYABEDUMA R "/ u p p e NEW TOWN HINGURU WEWA 00 E "/ 30+0 la ANGAMMADILLA NATIONAL PARK PARAKRAMA SAMUDRA ANDIYAGALA TANK ATTHANAKADAWALA 300000 09 "/ PALWEHERA FOREST RESERVE 5 KANDALAMA TANK 7+ 2 00 MWSIP TRANCHE 3 25+0 KAHALAGALA "/ DAMBULLA (17+700 TO 27+509 km) DAMBULU OYA RESERVOIR "/ UEC - ICB-4 00 HURULU WEWA 22+5 ANGAMEDILLA "/ FEEDER CANAL (HFC) KAHALLA FOREST RESERVE 20+0 a ELAHARA GIRITALE SANCT UARY 00 y O a D ll o a FLOOD PLAINS NATIONAL PARK g mb 17+700 a 1 KAL INGANUWARA or 7 "/ ul + M MADETHTHA WEWA 5 a u 0 g 0 YAKKURE O n "/ y a a MINNERIYA-GIRITALE NATURE RESERVE G 290000 an m b BOGAHA WEWA 15+0 A 00 ELAHERA MINNERIYA YODA ELA DEWAHUWA WEWA 12+5 (EMYE) MWSIP TRANCHE 2 00 «¬C "/ (3+860 TO 17+700 km) "/ BAKAMUNA "/ 1 H 0+0 e UEC - ICB-3 00 er at i O y "/ a "/ WEMEDILLA RES 7 +500 A6 KONGETIYA RESERVOIR £¤ y a 3+860 Kongetiya O 5+00 WASGAMUWA NATIONAL PARK NORTH WESTERN PROVINCE MWSIP TRANCHE 1 0 PALLEKELE FOREST RESERVE nga SIRIP URA (0+100 TO 3+860 km) Ga "/ DIVERSION CANAL (NWPC) a n "/ Ab UEC - ICB-1 2+500 280000 NAULA "/ 0+00 0 PALLEKELE FOREST RESERVE PROPOSED ELEPHANT CORRIDOR NALANDA RESERVOIR EXISTING BOWATENNA Legend BOWATHENNA RESERVOIR MORAGAHAKANDA RESERVOIR TUNNEL "/ Town / Village Existing Tank / Reservoir Existing Power Station Reservoir Under Construction a g £¤ n B a 3 Proposed Power Station Hom e Garden G 4 i a l g e n Forest Reserve Poposed Canal Data w a G a u h l Nationala Park a M K 270000 UEC -ICB-1 Nature Peserve 0 5 RATTOTAYA(TRACT 7) 8 UEC -ICB-2A"/ Sanctuary + 8 UEC -ICB-3 Strict N ature Reserve UEC -ICB-4 Proposed Forest Corridor KAWUDUPELELLA "/ UEC -ICB-5 Mahaweli Systems TALAKOLAWELA MWSIP TRANCHE 2 "/ UEC-ICB-6 (0+000 TO 8+850 KM) WASGAMUWA EXTENSION UEC -ICB-2B 9 0 A KMTC - ICB-2B ¬E £¤ 0 Existing Irrigation« Canal 0 + 0 Existing Irrigation Tunnel PALLEGAMA Road - Class A KALU GANGA MORAGAHAKANDA "/ GORAKADOLA FOREST RESERVE 02.25 4.5 9 TRANSFER CANAL (KMTC) HETTIPOLARoad - Class B KALU GANGA RESERVOIR "/ Kilometers £¤ Railway 260000 B 3 8 River / Stream 180000 190000 200000 210000 220000 Mahaweli Water Security Investment Program (MWSIP) Program Management, Design and Supervision Consultant (PMDSC) Hat MORAGAHAKANDA RESERVOIR a Dasgiriya y t GeneralKambarawa Layout of KMTC - AccessO Roads, Contractors Camp,ot Disposal Sites a Ma A Maha Ela Dammantenna m une El a r a Kabaragoyamada e ± CONTRACTORS TEMPORARY CAMP & h LOCATION B a DP3 DIS POSA L S ITE -DP3 l Legend ¬« E ¬« Dasgiriya Hattota Amuna f Plase-n ames River %2 A o k k %2 T a TUNNEL PORTAL & Tributory / Streamr Paddy a BRIDGE 1 h LOCATION C e PERMANENT DISPOSAL SITE (3.0 ha) d Existing Acce ss Roai y d Forest a Wellewela E BRIDGE 2 Existing Acce ss Roa d lato be Im proved Chena 267500 Bellgodahela a Proposed Access Road Grassland ¬«e g n TUNNE L 2 Road to b e Dive rted Amunuwela Scrub a G Aqueduct Rock a Hunukotuwebemma w a At Open Canal Road - Class A r Weliwaranagolla a mb a LOCATION A a gaha Metihakka Ela b Tunnel Road - Class B %2 m Reservoir - Under Con struction Jeep or Cart Track a Leloya K Pottatwela Pottatawela Home Gardens Othe r Plantation Puwakpitiyadammantenna Canal / Ela Tank (Abandoned) Karagahatenna Pottatwela Tank (Workin g) Pottotawala Dambagahamada Weliwita TUNNEL 2 (L= 6.04 km) Dagiwilla Galgedewala «¬4 Kumbu CONTRACTORS T CAMP, ENGINEERS k g 265000 PERMANENT ACCESS ROAD TO o ll OFFICE & DISPOSAL AREA -DP2 e TUNNEL NO 2 OUTLET E l a Hattota Amuna H Dulgahapatana Leloya e DP2 w ¬« a n a Kirinaidagala E Kabaragaha Ela la «¬ AQUEDUCT NO 2 3 LE L OYA PROPOSED DISPOSAL SITE - DP1 Puwakpitiya Ran (Present Kalu Ganga Crushing Plant) keliy a Ela Bambaragahawela Kahagala Kahagala TUNNE L 1 AVAILABLE ACCESS FROM Millagahapatana TUNNELTUNNEL PORTALPORTAL && KALU GANGA SITE «¬DP1 DIS POSA L S ITE ¬«d «¬2 262500 DISPOSAL SITE & TUNNEL PORTAL B a Kahagala NEAR 1+00 KM OF KMTC - 2.0 ha m N Patanegedara b ik a a «¬1 r w Nainlaginagala a Kukulamalpota atu g r o a O l ¬ l y « a 4 a E «¬4 la Oy a Lel ¬«a AQUEDUCT NO 1 IIIukkumbura Pallegama Paremulla Rawanagama Guruwela IIIukkumbura Hulandoruwa %2 %2 Pallegama Pubbarawela Gonawela 00.75 1.5 3 KALU GANGA RESERVOIR 260000 ¬« Telgamuwa c N e Kilometers a l r ¬«b a a n t Telgamuwa g a a Mahalakotuwa %2 m M Teligama u K w a r ettipola a a ma H m O n o y a T o Mahalakotuwa O Pitawala a y r a F Pitawala 197500 200000 202500 205000 207500 210000 Mahaweli Water Security Investment Program (MWSIP) Program Management, Design and Supervision Consultant (PMDSC) "T !. Landuse Plan for Upper Elehera Canal - UEC-ICB-1 Welankatuwa Talagoda !. !. ± WEWAMANA !. KONGETIYA RESERVOIR MWSIP TRANCHE 2 (3+860 TO 17+700 km) UEC-ICB-3 PREVIOUS CANAL TRACE 3+50 3+980 197500 Elehera Giritale Sanctuary MWSIP TRANCHE 1 0 (0+000 TO 3+860 km) "T !. PROPOSED BUND UEC-ICB-1 !. EXTENSION ^ 3+00 EXISTING BUND ^ ^ "T ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ Talagoda 2 !. +5 0 0 277500 MORAGAHAKANDA !. DISPOSAL SITE 2+ 00 0 Contractor's Yard PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD #0 1 Disposal Site + 5 0 A 0 1 + Contractor's Camp 0 #0 "T #0 00 0 0+00 + 5 Elahera 00 !. Talagoda !. 0 MORAGAHAKANDA RESERVOIR !. !. Galwetikanda E !. l a !. h E e la r he a ra A Minn n A er i m iya c Yod u b a E an la t Ga nga Proposed Elephant Corridor LEGEND 200000 !. Village Name Paddy "T Archeological Sites Plantation area Road Class B Rock Minor-Jeep Trac Scrub land Bund Road Stream Foot Path Tank Abandoned Tank Working ^ Existing E lephant Fence Cut & Cover Circular Conduit Minipura River /Tributarie !. Cut & Cover Rectangular Conduit Attaragallewa Major Contour !. Rectangular Open Canal Minor Contour Trapezodial Open Canal Reservoir Under Construction Forest - Uncla ssified DATA SOURCE: - 1:10,000 LAND USE PLAN DEPARTMENT OF SURVEY SRI LANKA Home Garden 00.5 1 2 Marsh Kilometers Other cultivation 202500 280000 205000 Mahaweli Water Security Investment Program (MWSIP) Program Management, Design and Supervision Consultant (PMDSC) 300000 305000 310000 315000 320000 325000 ± PALWEHERA FOREST RESERVE Fr Fr om General Layout of UEC-ICB-2A om Da m bul Ganewal PALWEHERA FOREST RESERVE Palugaswewa la " / Coordinates INAMALUWA FOREST RESERVE Designation Name of Location pol Easting (m) Northing (m) a MC Main camp 196,871 324,614 SC Sub Camp 207,614 297,282 Sigiriya " / Contract Package DPS-01 Permanent Disposal & Crushing Plant 207,870 299,459 UEC - ICB-5 DPS-02 Temporary Disposal 208,373 300,786 195000 DPS-03 Temporary Disposal & Batching Plant 206,900 300,914 DPN-03 195000 SPT3 Southern Portal of Tunnel 3 205,381 299,894 " / AS Access (And Temp.
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