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KEY MARKETS: ATLANTA, GREENVILLE, NASHVILLE, CHARLOTTE, ROANOKE, BIRMINGHAM, KNOXVILLE, DC, CHARLESTON ET AL, PITTSBURGH, COLUMBUS, LOUISVILLE, GREENSBORO, RALEIGH, PADUCAH, JACKSONVILLE, LEXINGTON, SHREVEPORT, INDIANAPOLIS -High Life (Remix)/Colt Ford - Backwoods Boys -Mud In The Club Volume 1 had album sales AVJ 306 (remix)/Charlie Farley ft. Daniel Lee - Backyard in excess of 25,000 units. Lullaby (Remix)/Demun Jones ft. Noah Gordon & -The promotional campaign includes a 661869003306 Cap Bailey - Duramax (Remix)/Lenny Cooper ft. product mailing to clubs, media outreach, Kaite Noel & Tommy Chayne - Take This Job And Average Joes' guest DJ club tour, social $CD15.99 CATALOG Shove It (Remix)/Moonshine Bandits ft. David Allan media marketing push and more. MARKETING Coe - Denim (Remix)/Cypress Spring (DJKO Remix) -Included are LoCash's #1 chart topping TRACK LISTING - Little Miss Crazyhot (Remix)/LoCash ft. Nappy "Little Miss Crazyhot," and the multimillion Roots - I'm Down (Remix)/JB and the Moonshine view YouTube hit, "Wylin." Band - WYLIN' (Remix)/Big Smo, Charley Farley, is pleased to announce distribution partnership with the Classics Group bringing a mix of classic Jazz, Blues and Oldies catalog including these best sellers ARTIST TITLE UPC Lil Hardin Armstrong 1936-40 3307517056429 James P. Johnson 1928-38 3307517067128 Slim Gaillard 1937-38 3307517070524 Ethel Waters 1929-31 3307517072122 Ethel Waters 1931-34 3307517073525 John Kirby 1938-39 3307517075024 Ethel Waters 1935-40 3307517075529 Blanche Calloway & Her Boys 1925-35 3307517078322 Bix Beiderbecke 1927-30 3307517078827 MaxineSullivan 1937-38 3307517096326 Una Mae Carlisle 1938-41 3307517120922 Mildred Bailey 1939-40 3307517122520 Una Mae Carlisle 1941-44 3307517123022 Hazel Scott 1939-45 3307517130822 Hazel Scott 1946-47 0826596016221 Little Miss Cornshucks 1947-1951 3307510505924 John Brim 1950-1953 3307510508628 Johnny Ace 1951-1954 3448967513824 Arabesque Soundtrack 743216649822 Darling Lili Soundtrack 743216650026 *complete catalog attached* &/$66,&6&$7$/2* /$%(/1$0( /$%(/ 180%(5 &)* $57,67 7,7/( *(15( %$5&2'( /,67 &/$66,&6 &/$ &' )$<($/,&(+$/.(03 086,&)520+2//<:22'92/80( (/ &/$66,&6 &/$ &' )$<($/,&(+$/.(03 086,&)520+2//<:22'92/80( (/ &/$66,&6 &/$ &' )$<($/,&(+$/.(03 086,&)520+2//<:22'92/80( (/ &/$66,&6 &/$ &' +21.25,*,1$/&$67 +21.25,*,1$/&$67 67 &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 9$5,286 &203/,0(17$5<75$&.65$5,7,(6 &' -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' ),7=*(5$/'(//$ -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' ),7=*(5$/'(//$ -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' +,1(6($5/ -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' ),7=*(5$/'(//$ -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' +(1'(5621)/(7&+(5 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' &$57(5%(11< -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' ),7=*(5$/'(//$ -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' &$57(5%(11< -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' (//,1*721'8.( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' $//(1+(15<5(' -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' (//,1*721'8.( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 5('0$1'21 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' +(1'(5621)/(7&+(5 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 027(1%(11,( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' (//,1*721'8.( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' $//(1+(15<5(' -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' &$57(5%(11< -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 5('0$1'21 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' +(1'(5621)/(7&+(5 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 027(1%(11,( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' (//,1*721'8.( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 3$*(+27/,36 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' $5067521*/,/+$5',1 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' ),7=*(5$/'(//$ -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' +,1(6($5/ -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' (//,1*721'8.( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' +(1'(5621)/(7&+(5 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' .,5.$1'< -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 5('0$1'21 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' $//(1+(15<5(' -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' (//,1*721'8.( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 027(1%(11,( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' &$57(5%(11< -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' %(&+(76,'1(< -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' (//,1*721'8.( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 5866(///8,6 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' '2''6-2+11< -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' $//(1+(15<5(' -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 027(1%(11,( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' %(&+(76,'1(< -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' (//,1*721'8.( 92/80( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' '2''6-2+11< -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 1221(-,00< -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' (//,1*721'8.( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 5866(///8,6 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' %(&+(76,'1(< -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 0&.,11(< 6&277213,&.(56 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 1221(-,00< -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' +$:.,16&2/(0$1 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' (//,1*721'8.( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' '2''6-2+11< -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' %(&+(76,'1(< -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' +,1(6($5/ -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 0&.,11(< 6&277213,&.(56 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' (//,1*721'8.( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' $//(1+(15<5(' -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' &$//2:$<&$% -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' :,//,$060$5</28 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' &$57(5%(11< -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 1221(-,00< -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' +(1'(5621)/(7&+(5 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' +$:.,16&2/(0$1 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' '2''6-2+11< -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' -25'$1/28,6 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' (//,1*721'8.( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' %(&+(76,'1(< -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 1221(-,00< -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 1(:721)5$1.,( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' ),7=*(5$/'(//$ -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' +,//7(''< -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' (//,1*721'8.( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' +(1'(5621)/(7&+(5 92/80( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 0&.,11(< 6&277213,&.(56'215('0$ -= &/$66,&6&$7$/2* &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 1221(-,00< -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' +$:.,16(56.,1( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' -2+16213(7( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' -2+1621-$0(63 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' (//,1*721'8.( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 0,//6%/8(5+<7+0%$1' -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 3$5+$07,1< -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 60,7+:,//,(7+(/,21 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' :$//(5)$76 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' -2+16213(7( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' (//,1*721'8.( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' +$:.,16(56.,1( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' /(21$5'+$5/$1 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' -2+1621-$0(63 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' :$7(56(7+(/ -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' (//,1*721'8.( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 0,//6%/8(5+<7+0%$1' -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 60,7+:,//,(7+(/,21 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' +$:.,16(56.,1( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' :,//,$06&/$5(1&( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' &$//2:$<&$% -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' +(1'(5621)/(7&+(5 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 0,//6%/8(5+<7+0%$1' -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' (//,1*721'8.( 92/80( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' :$7(56(7+(/ -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' &+,77,621+(50$1 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 3$5+$07,1< -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 60,7+:,//,(7+(/,21 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' *22'0$1%(11< -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 0(==52:0(== -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' :,//,$06&/$5(1&( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' 35,&(6$00< -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' +(1'(5621)/(7&+(5 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' +23.,16&/$8'( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' (//,1*721'8.( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' +$:.,16(56.,1( -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' %$5.(5%/8(/8 -= &/$66,&6 &/$ &' *$,//$5'6/,0 -= &/$66,&6 &/$
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