From: Robin Mesger the Lippin Group 323/965-1990 for IMMEDIATE

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From: Robin Mesger the Lippin Group 323/965-1990 for IMMEDIATE From: Robin Mesger The Lippin Group 323/965-1990 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 16, 2007 8:00 PM PDT The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences tonight (Sunday, September 16, 2007) awarded the 2006-2007 Primetime Emmys for programs and individual achievements on the “59th Primetime Emmy Awards” originating on the FOX Television Network from the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles. The Academy's Chairman & CEO Dick Askin participated in the awards ceremony. Ken Ehrlich was Executive Producer of the telecast. In addition to Emmys in 29 categories announced tonight, Emmys in 67 other categories and areas for programs and individual achievements were presented at the Creative Arts Awards on September 8, 2007 from the Shrine Auditorium. The awards were tabulated by the independent accounting firm of Ernst & Young LLP. The total primetime awards announced on tonight’s telecast were distributed as follows: (Note: The figures in parenthesis represent the grand total of Emmys awarded, including those announced tonight and those announced September 8th.) ACADEMYȱOFȱTELEVISIONȱARTSȱANDȱSCIENCESȱ 59THȱPRIMETIMEȱEMMYȱAWARDSȱ Programs Individuals Total HBO 2 (4) 4 (17) 6 (21) NBC 2 (2) 5 (17) 6 (19) ABC - - 6 (10) 6 (10) CBS 1 (2) - (8) 1 (10) PBS - - 3 (9) 3 (9) Cartoon Network - (1) - (7) - (8) FOX - (1) - (6) - (7) AMC 1 (1) 2 (3) 3 (4) Discovery Channel - (1) - (3) - (4) Showtime - - - (4) - (4) Bravo - (1) - (1) - (2) Comedy Central 1 (2) - - 1 (2) Nickelodeon - (1) - (1) - (2) TNT - - - (2) - (2) USA - - 1 (2) 1 (2) - (1) - - - (1) 1 (1) - - 1 (1) Starz Kids and Family - - - (1) - (1) Sci-Fi Channel - - - - (1) - (1) ȱ A complete list of all awards presented tonight is attached. The final page of the attached list includes a recap of all programs with multiple awards. For further information, see ȱ ȱ ȱ - 2 - ACADEMYȱOFȱTELEVISIONȱARTSȱANDȱSCIENCESȱ 59THȱPRIMETIMEȱEMMYȱAWARDSȱ ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱSUPPORTINGȱACTORȱINȱAȱCOMEDYȱSERIESȱ ȱ JEREMYȱPIVENȱasȱAriȱGoldȱ HBOȱ ȱ ȱ Entourageȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱSUPPORTINGȱACTORȱINȱAȱDRAMAȱSERIESȱ ȱ TERRYȱO’QUINNȱasȱJohnȱLockeȱ ABCȱ ȱ ȱ Lostȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱSUPPORTINGȱACTRESSȱINȱAȱCOMEDYȱSERIESȱ ȱ JAIMEȱPRESSLYȱasȱJoyȱTurnerȱ NBCȱ ȱ ȱ MyȱNameȱIsȱEarlȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱSUPPORTINGȱACTORȱINȱAȱMINISERIESȱORȱAȱMOVIEȱ ȱ THOMAS HADEN CHURCH as Tom Harte AMC Broken Trail ȱ ȱ ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱSUPPORTINGȱACTRESSȱINȱAȱDRAMAȱSERIESȱ ȱ KATHERINEȱHEIGLȱasȱIsobelȱ“Izzie”ȱStevensȱ ABCȱ ȱ ȱ Grey’sȱAnatomyȱ ȱ ȱ - 3 - ACADEMYȱOFȱTELEVISIONȱARTSȱANDȱSCIENCESȱ 59THȱPRIMETIMEȱEMMYȱAWARDSȱ ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱWRITINGȱFORȱAȱVARIETY,ȱMUSICȱORȱCOMEDYȱPROGRAMȱ ȱ MIKEȱSWEENEY,ȱHeadȱWriterȱȱȱNBCȱ CHRISȱALBERS,ȱWriterȱ JOSEȱARROYO,ȱWriterȱ DANȱCRONIN,ȱWriterȱ KEVINȱDORFF,ȱWriterȱ DANIELȱJ.ȱGOOR,ȱWriterȱ MICHAELȱGORDON,ȱWriterȱ BERKLEYȱJOHNSON,ȱWriterȱ BRIANȱKILEY,ȱWriterȱ MICHAELȱKOMAN,ȱWriterȱ TIMȱHARROD,ȱWriterȱ BRIANȱMCCANN,ȱWriterȱ GUYȱNICOLUCCI,ȱWriterȱ CONANȱO’BRIEN,ȱWriterȱ BRIANȱSTACK,ȱWriterȱ ANDREWȱWEINBERG,ȱWriterȱ ȱ LateȱNightȱwithȱConanȱO’Brienȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱDIRECTINGȱFORȱAȱVARIETY,ȱMUSICȱORȱCOMEDYȱPROGRAMȱ ȱ ROBȱMARSHALLȱ NBCȱ ȱ ȱ TonyȱBennett:ȱȱAnȱAmericanȱClassicȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱLEADȱACTORȱINȱAȱMINISERIESȱORȱAȱMOVIEȱ ȱ ROBERTȱDUVALLȱasȱPrenticeȱ“Print”ȱRitterȱ AMCȱ ȱ ȱ BrokenȱTrailȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ - 4 - ACADEMYȱOFȱTELEVISIONȱARTSȱANDȱSCIENCESȱ 59THȱPRIMETIMEȱEMMYȱAWARDSȱ ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱMINISERIESȱ ȱ BROKENȱTRAILȱ AMCȱ ȱ StanleyȱM.ȱBrooks,ȱExecutiveȱProducerȱ RobertȱDuvall,ȱExecutiveȱProducerȱ RobertȱCarliner,ȱExecutiveȱProducerȱ ChadȱOakes,ȱProducerȱ WalterȱHill,ȱProducedȱByȱ DamianȱGanczewski,ȱProducerȱ ȱ ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱDIRECTINGȱFORȱAȱDRAMAȱSERIESȱ ȱ ALANȱTAYLORȱ HBOȱ ȱ ȱ TheȱSopranosȱ ȱ KennedyȱandȱHeidiȱ ȱ ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱWRITINGȱFORȱAȱDRAMAȱSERIESȱ ȱ DAVIDȱCHASEȱ HBOȱ The Sopranos Made In America ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱVARIETY,ȱMUSICȱORȱCOMEDYȱSERIESȱ ȱ THEȱDAILYȱSHOWȱWITHȱJONȱSTEWARTȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱCOMEDYȱCENTRALȱ ȱ JonȱStewart,ȱExecutiveȱProducerȱ BenȱKarlin,ȱExecutiveȱProducerȱ DavidȱJaverbaum,ȱExecutiveȱProducerȱ KahaneȱCorn,ȱCoȬExecutiveȱProducerȱ JoshȱLieb,ȱCoȬExecutiveȱProducerȱ RoryȱAlbanese,ȱSupervisingȱProducerȱ JimȱMargolis,ȱSupervisingȱProducerȱ - 5 - ACADEMYȱOFȱTELEVISIONȱARTSȱANDȱSCIENCESȱ 59THȱPRIMETIMEȱEMMYȱAWARDSȱ ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱVARIETY,ȱMUSICȱORȱCOMEDYȱSPECIALȱ ȱ TONYȱBENNETT:ȱANȱAMERICANȱCLASSICȱ NBCȱ ȱ ȱ DannyȱBennett,ȱExecutiveȱProducerȱ ȱ JodiȱHurwitz,ȱProducerȱ ȱ JohnȱDeLuca,ȱExecutiveȱProducerȱ ȱ RobȱMarshall,ȱExecutiveȱProducerȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱSUPPORTINGȱACTRESSȱINȱAȱMINISERIESȱORȱAȱMOVIEȱ ȱ JUDYȱDAVISȱasȱJoanȱMcAllisterȱ USAȱ ȱ ȱ TheȱStarterȱWifeȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱMADEȱFORȱTELEVISIONȱMOVIEȱ ȱ BURYȱMYȱHEARTȱATȱWOUNDEDȱKNEEȱ HBOȱ Tom Thayer, Executive Producer Dick Wolf, Executive Producer Yves Simoneau, Co-Executive Producer Clara George, Produced By ȱ ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱLEADȱACTRESSȱINȱAȱMINISERIESȱORȱAȱMOVIEȱ ȱ HELENȱMIRRENȱasȱJaneȱTennisonȱ PBSȱ ȱ ȱ PrimeȱSuspect:ȱȱTheȱFinalȱActȱ(MasterpieceȱTheatre)ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ - 6 - ACADEMYȱOFȱTELEVISIONȱARTSȱANDȱSCIENCESȱ 59THȱPRIMETIMEȱEMMYȱAWARDSȱ ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱDIRECTINGȱFORȱAȱMINISERIES,ȱMOVIEȱORȱAȱDRAMATICȱ SPECIALȱ ȱ PHILIPȱMARTINȱ PBSȱ ȱ ȱ PrimeȱSuspect:ȱȱTheȱFinalȱActȱ(MasterpieceȱTheatre)ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱWRITINGȱFORȱAȱMINISERIES,ȱMOVIEȱORȱAȱDRAMATICȱ SPECIALȱ ȱ FRANKȱDEASYȱ PBSȱ ȱ ȱ PrimeȱSuspect:ȱȱTheȱFinalȱActȱ(MasterpieceȱTheatre)ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱCREATIVEȱACHIEVEMENTȱINȱINTERACTIVEȱTELEVISIONȱ ȱ CURRENTȱTVȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱCURRENTTV.COMȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱINDIVIDUALȱPERFORMANCEȱINȱAȱVARIETYȱORȱMUSICȱ PROGRAMȱ ȱ TONYȱBENNETTȱ NBCȱ Tony Bennett: An American Classic ȱ ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱDIRECTINGȱFORȱAȱCOMEDYȱSERIESȱ ȱ RICHARDȱSHEPARDȱ ABCȱ ȱ ȱ UglyȱBettyȱ ȱ Pilotȱ - 7 - ACADEMYȱOFȱTELEVISIONȱARTSȱANDȱSCIENCESȱ 59THȱPRIMETIMEȱEMMYȱAWARDSȱ ȱ ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱWRITINGȱFORȱAȱCOMEDYȱSERIESȱ ȱ GREGȱDANIELSȱ NBCȱ ȱ ȱ TheȱOfficeȱ ȱ GayȱWitchȱHuntȱ ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱREALITY/COMPETITIONȱPROGRAMȱȱ ȱ THEȱAMAZINGȱRACEȱ CBSȱ ȱ ȱ JerryȱBruckheimer,ȱExecutiveȱProducerȱ ȱ BertramȱvanȱMunster,ȱExecutiveȱProducerȱ ȱ JonathanȱLittman,ȱExecutiveȱProducerȱ ȱ HaymaȱȈScreechȈȱWashington,ȱExecutiveȱProducerȱ ȱ AmyȱNabsethȱChacon,ȱCoȬExecutiveȱProducerȱȱ ȱ PhilȱKeoghan,ȱProducer/Hostȱ ȱ EliseȱDoganieri,ȱCoȬExecutiveȱProducerȱ ȱ EvanȱWeinstein,ȱCoȬExecutiveȱProducerȱ ȱ JohnȱMoffet,ȱSupervisingȱProducerȱȱ ȱ BobȱParr,ȱProducerȱ ȱ AllisonȱChase,ȱSeniorȱProducerȱȱ ȱ BarryȱHennessey,ȱSeniorȱProducerȱ ȱ BillȱPruitt,ȱSeniorȱProducerȱ ȱ PatrickȱCariaga,ȱProducerȱ ȱ JarrattȱCarson,ȱProducerȱ ȱ CrisȱGraves,ȱProducerȱ ȱ JarrodȱHarlow,ȱProducerȱ ȱ BobȱMora,ȱProducerȱ ȱ MichaelȱNorton,ȱProducerȱ ȱ MichaelȱNoval,ȱProducerȱ ȱ CynthiaȱA.ȱPalormo,ȱProducerȱ ȱ GiselleȱParets,ȱProducerȱ ȱ MattȱSchmidt,ȱProducerȱ MarkȱVertullo,ȱSupervisingȱProducer ȱ - 8 - ACADEMYȱOFȱTELEVISIONȱARTSȱANDȱSCIENCESȱ 59THȱPRIMETIMEȱEMMYȱAWARDSȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱLEADȱACTORȱINȱAȱCOMEDYȱSERIESȱ ȱ RICKYȱGERVAISȱasȱAndyȱMillmanȱ HBOȱ ȱ ȱ Extrasȱ ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱLEADȱACTRESSȱINȱAȱDRAMAȱSERIESȱ ȱ SALLYȱFIELDȱasȱNoraȱWalkerȱ ABCȱ ȱ ȱ Brothersȱ&ȱSistersȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱLEADȱACTRESSȱINȱAȱCOMEDYȱSERIESȱ ȱ AMERICAȱFERRERAȱasȱBettyȱSuarezȱ ABCȱ Ugly Betty OUTSTANDINGȱLEADȱACTORȱINȱAȱDRAMAȱSERIESȱ ȱ JAMESȱSPADERȱasȱAlanȱShoreȱ ABCȱ ȱ ȱ BostonȱLegalȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ - 9 - ACADEMYȱOFȱTELEVISIONȱARTSȱANDȱSCIENCESȱ 59THȱPRIMETIMEȱEMMYȱAWARDSȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱCOMEDYȱSERIESȱ ȱ 30ȱROCKȱ NBCȱ ȱȱ LorneȱMichaels,ȱExecutiveȱProducerȱ TinaȱFey,ȱExecutiveȱProducerȱ DavidȱMiner,ȱExecutiveȱProducerȱ JoAnnȱAlfano,ȱExecutiveȱProducerȱ MarciȱKlein,ȱExecutiveȱProducerȱ RobertȱCarlock,ȱExecutiveȱProducerȱ JackȱBurditt,ȱCoȬExecutiveȱProducerȱ JohnȱRiggi,ȱCoȬExecutiveȱProducerȱ BrettȱBaer,ȱCoȬExecutiveȱProducerȱ DaveȱFinkel,ȱCoȬExecutiveȱProducerȱ AdamȱBernstein,ȱSupervisingȱProducerȱ JeffȱRichmond,ȱProducerȱ JerryȱKupfer,ȱProducedȱByȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ OUTSTANDINGȱDRAMAȱSERIESȱ ȱ THEȱSOPRANOSȱ HBOȱ ȱ DavidȱChase,ȱExecutiveȱProducerȱ BradȱGrey,ȱExecutiveȱProducerȱ IleneȱS.ȱLandress,ȱExecutiveȱProducerȱ TerenceȱWinter,ȱExecutiveȱProducerȱ MatthewȱWeiner,ȱExecutiveȱProducerȱ HenryȱJ.ȱBronchtein,ȱCoȬExecutiveȱProducerȱ DianeȱFrolov,ȱSupervisingȱProducerȱ AndrewȱSchneider,ȱSupervisingȱProducerȱ MartinȱBruestle,ȱProducerȱ GiannaȱMariaȱSmart,ȱProducerȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ - 10 - ACADEMYȱOFȱTELEVISIONȱARTSȱANDȱSCIENCESȱ 59THȱPRIMETIMEȱEMMYȱAWARDSȱ ȱ ȱȱȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱPROGRAMSȱWITHȱMULTIPLEȱAWARDSȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱȱȱSeptemberȱ8 Septemberȱ16ȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱTotalȱȱ ȱ TonyȱBennett:ȱȱAnȱAmericanȱClassicȱ 4ȱ 3ȱ 7ȱ BuryȱMyȱHeartȱatȱWoundedȱKneeȱ 5ȱ 1ȱ 6ȱ BrokenȱTrailȱ 1ȱ 3ȱ 4ȱ PlanetȱEarthȱ 4ȱȬȱ 4ȱ JaneȱEyreȱ(MasterpieceȱTheatre)ȱ 3ȱȬȱ 3ȱ PrimeȱSuspect:ȱTheȱFinalȱActȱ ȱȱ(MasterpieceȱTheatre)ȱȬȱ3ȱ 3ȱ Romeȱ 3ȱȬȱ 3ȱ TheȱAmazingȱRaceȱ 2ȱ 1ȱ 3ȱ TheȱSopranosȱȬȱ3ȱ 3ȱ UglyȱBettyȱ 1ȱ 2ȱ 3ȱ WhenȱTheȱLeveesȱBroke:ȱȱAȱ ȱȱRequiemȱinȱFourȱPartsȱ 3ȱȬȱ 3ȱ 79thȱAnnualȱAcademyȱAwardsȱ 2ȱȬȱ 2ȱ 30ȱRockȱ 1ȱ 1ȱ 2ȱ AmericanȱIdolȱ“IdolȱGivesȱBack”ȱ 2ȱȬȱ 2ȱ AmericanȱMastersȱ 2ȱȬȱ 2ȱ CampȱLazloȱ 2ȱȬȱ 2ȱ Dexterȱ 2ȱȬȱ 2ȱ Entourageȱ 1ȱ 1ȱ 2ȱ Nightmaresȱ&ȱDreamscapes:ȱȱFromȱtheȱ ȱȱStoriesȱofȱStephenȱKingȱ 2ȱȬȱ 2ȱ SaturdayȱNightȱLiveȱ 2ȱȬȱ 2ȱ SoȱYouȱThinkȱYouȱCanȱDanceȱ 2ȱȬȱ 2ȱ TheȱOfficeȱ 1ȱ 1ȱ 2ȱ TheȱTudorsȱ 2ȱȬȱ 2ȱ TwoȱandȱaȱHalfȱMenȱ 2ȱȬȱ 2ȱ ȱ ȱȱȱȱ - 11 - .
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