Predictors of Throwing Velocity in Youth and Adolescent Pitchers
J Shoulder Elbow Surg (2015) -, 1-7 1 56 2 57 3 58 4 59 5 60 6 61 7 62 8 63 9 64 10 Predictors of throwing velocity in youth and 65 11 66 12 adolescent pitchers 67 13 68 14 69 15 Q2 Terrance Sgroi, DPT, MTCa, Peter N. Chalmers,MDb,*, Andrew J. Riff,MDb, 70 16 Matthew Lesniak, DPTa, Eli T. Sayegh,BSc, Markus A. Wimmer, PhDb, 71 17 b b b 72 18 Nikhil N. Verma,MD, Brian J. Cole, MD, MBA , Anthony A. Romeo,MD 73 19 74 20 75 Q1 a 21 Accelerated Rehabilitation Centers Ltd, Chicago, IL, USA 76 bDepartment of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA 22 c 77 23 College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA 78 24 79 25 80 Background: Shoulder and elbow injuries are a common cause of pain, dysfunction, and inability to play 26 in overhead throwers. Pitch velocity plays an integral part in the etiology of these injuries; however, the 81 27 demographic and biomechanical correlates with throwing velocity remain poorly understood. We hypoth- 82 28 esized that pitchers with higher velocity would have shared demographic and kinematic characteristics. 83 29 Methods: Normal preseason youth and adolescent pitchers underwent dual-orthogonal high-speed video 84 30 analysis while pitch velocity was collected with a radar gun. Demographic and pitching history data 85 31 were also collected. Kinematic data and observational mechanics were recorded. Multivariate regression 86 32 analysis was performed. 87 33 Results: A total of 420 pitchers were included, with a mean pitching velocity of 64 Æ 10 mph.
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