1 Patto A. MEMBERS of PARLIAMENT (Indonesia) 1. H. Novanto, SE, MP
PARLIAMENTARY SOUTH-EAST ASIA SUB-REGIONAL ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION ON patto THE INTERNATIONAL RULE OF LAW AND THE PROTECTION OF CIVILIANS Hosted by the Parliament of Malaysia Date: 30 July 2015, 9:30—17:30 A.Venue: MEMBERS Le Meridien of P Hotel,ARLIAMENT Kuala Lumpur, (Indonesia) Malaysia With the support of the Parliament of Malaysia 1.In H.cooperation Novanto, with SE, the MP Coalition (Golkar for Partythe International faction); Chairman Criminal Courtof the (CICC) House of Representatives Draft List of Participants A. MEMBERS OF THE INDONESIAN PARLIAMENT House of Representatives - DPR 1. Hon. Dr. Hj. Nurhayati Ali Assegaf, MP MSi (Indonesia), Chairperson of Committee on Interparliamentary Cooperation, Member of Commission I (Security and Defense) and Chairperson of IPU Women, Member of PGA 2. Hon. M. Azis Syamsuddin, SE, SH, MAF, MH, MP (Golkar Party faction); Chairman of Commission III on Legal affairs and laws, human rights and security, PGA Member 3. Hon. Ir. H. Muhammad Romahurmuziy, MP (Indonesia), Chairperson, Central Board of United Development Party (DPP) Parti Persatuan Pembangunan 4. Hon. Dwi Ria Latifa, MP, PDI – P (Indonesian Democratic Party – Struggle) Senate - DPD 5. Hon. Senator Prof. Dr. Ir. Hj Darmayanti Lubis, MP (Indonesia), Regional Representative Council (Senate), North Sumatra 6. Hon. Senator Fahira Idris, MP (Indonesia), Deputy Chairwoman of Committee III (Education and Religion), Regional Representative Council (Senate) 1 B. MEMBERS OF THE MALAYSIAN PARLIAMENT 8. Hon. Datuk Ronald Kiandee, MP, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Parliament of Malaysia 9. Hon. M Kula Segaran, MP, Member of PGA 10. Hon. Thomas Su Keong Siong, MP, Member of PGA 11.
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