

Tools for Design Development I - Urban Design as a Tool Planning Instruments

•Philippine Development Plan / Regional Development Plan Comprehensive Plans, NEDA – National Economic and Development Authority

•The Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) ~1:40 000 - 1: 20 000 strategic planning approach, specific proposals for guiding, regulating growth and development; considers all sectors significant in the development process consistent with and supportive of provincial plan provides guidelines for city/, including

Ordinances (implementing tool of the CLUP) divides a into zones (residential, commercial, industrial, open space, etc) and specifies the nature and intensity of use of each zone. It is required to be updated every 5 years.

•Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) Medium-term plan of action implementing the CLUP (3-6 years), covers the social, economic, infrastructure, environment and institutional sectors

Development Plan (BDP) socio-economic and physical plan of the barangay; includes priority programmes, projects and activities of the barangay development council enumerates specific programmes and projects and their costs; justifies the use of the Barangay’s share of the Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) coming from the national . Usually a list of projects. Urban Design

“CityLife Masterplan” - Milano II - The Design Brief as Tool for Resilient Urban Design Instruments per Scale, New ZealandMetropolitan

City-wide ()


PrivateNeighborhood Space

Street Purpose of the Design Brief 1. The Task specifies what a project has to achieve, by what means, in what timeframe so the design team works towards the right direction (e.g. environmental targets, programme, demands for m²) 2. The Data the documentation of the site, with all constraints so the design team does not ignore important factors (e.g. other ongoing projects, ownership) 3. The Deliverables Outlining the deliverables and scope, including outputs (documentation, plans) and timing Design Development 1. Defining the design objectives first, using analysis, and through participation, leading to a vision. Making sure larger scale targets (LCCAP) are clear and agreed upon. 2. On this basis, development of design proposals This is a complex, and therefore iterative process; including many stakeholders, needs participation, and optionally technological support.

3. That means: Testing and discussing the ideas. This requires communication and participation tools (externally, but also internally). Design Development 1. Defining the design objectives first, using analysis, and through participation, leading to a vision. Making sure larger scale targets (LCCAP) are clear and agreed upon. - - - Design Brief - - - 2. On this basis, development of design proposals This is a complex, and therefore iterative process; including many stakeholders, needs participation, and optionally technological support.

3. That means: Testing and discussing the ideas. This requires communication and participation tools (externally, but also internally). Communication & Participation Tools What is the situation? Analysis: Maps, Site photos, Data Visualisation

What are possible proposals? Concept: Diagrams, References, Sketch Design: Sketch, Plan, Model & Modeling, Rendering, (Movie, VR)

…Implementation: Plans, Sections Communication & Participation Tools What is the situation? Analysis: Maps, Site photos, Data Visualisation - - - Design Brief - - - What are possible proposals? Concept: Diagrams, References, Sketch Design: Sketch, Plan, Model & Modeling, Rendering, (Movie, VR)

…Implementation: Plans, Sections III - Tools for Design Development III - Tools for Design Development

• Testing of Options, Experimentation • Evidence Based Design • Communication & Participation • Presentation • Implementation Testing of Options: Sketch (city scale) Testing of Options: Sketch (neighborhood scale)

Barking Riverside, London First Options Testing of Options: Sketch (neighborhood scale)

Barking Riverside, London First Options Testing of Options: Sketch Testing of Options: Model

Barking Riverside, London Work Model Tests Testing of Options: Model

Barking Riverside, London Work Model - Photo of one Option Testing of Options: Model

OMA, Seattle Library Testing of Options: Model

OMA, Seattle Library Testing of Options: Model

OMA, Seattle Library Testing of Options: Model

OMA, Seattle Library

4. JETTYTesting SQUARE of Options: Render, VR

Barking Riverside, London Public Space, Jetty Square Rendering Tests 4. JETTYTesting SQUARE of Options: Render

Barking Riverside, London Public Space, Jetty Square Rendering Tests Evidence-based Design Evidence Based Design: Shade Analysis 3d software: autocad, sketchup, revit,… Evidence-based Design: Modeling - Walkability space syntax toolbox Evidence-based Design: Network Analysis depthmapX Evidence-based Design: Flow Analysis Testing of Options: Competition Testing of Options: Cooperation Communication & Participation Participation: Public Hearing, City extension Berlin Communication & Participation: The Five Levels of Participation

Information Communication & Participation: The Five Levels of Participation

Consultation Information Communication & Participation: The Five Levels of Participation

Deciding together Consultation Information Communication & Participation: Public Plan Validation Communication & Participation: Public Discussion (off/online) Communication & Participation: The Five Levels of Participation

Acting together Deciding together Consultation Information Communication & Participation: Workshop

Rapid Planning Studio Rwanda Communication & Participation: The Five Levels of Participation Ownership Acting together Deciding together Consultation Information Communication & Participation: Ownership ( de Oro) Communication & Participation: Charette Communication & Participation: Charette: Example

Turning Policy Objectives into Urban Design 1.Improve community experience by addressing elevated urban temperatures 2.Suggest cohesive design that will connect neglected areas to the urban fabric 3.Encourage a safe and walkable environment 4.To help stakeholders understand rainwater as a vital resource 5.To incorporate green infrastructure to urban flooding 6.To harness solar energy that can be utilised as an alternative source of power Communication & Participation: Charette: Tagum Example Charette (design brainstorm)

1. Sketch and Describe a) Water (30mins): How to transform the river? How to mitigate flooding? Think of rain catchment, low-lying areas… b) Green Spaces (30mins): Where to introduce Parks and green links? Think of Shading, Airflow… c) Connectivity (30min): What and where is the main citywalk? Think of walkability, e- trikes… d) Buildings and Infrastructure (30min): Where do you wish for new development? What kind, where, how high? Think of safe areas, shading, land use, programme… Charette (design brainstorm)

2. Select & Prioritise Review your proposals: Do they fit together? Do you recognise conflicts? Synergies? Which sub-projects are key, which are optional? Develop the presentation accordingly, and prepare to present your concept of the citywalk. Planning and Design Process



Natural environment Planning and Design Process



Natural environment Communication & Participation: Charette Communication & Participation: Charette Communication & Participation: Charette Presentation Communication & Participation: Diagram

Green Energy Expo Astana (TSPA)

Main Venues Communication & Participation: Diagram

Green Energy Expo Astana (TSPA)

Discovery Presentation: Plan & Sections

Barking Riverside, London Schematic Plan +35m M2XRA_1 9 Presentation: Plan & Sections pianificazione urbana +38m


6 7 +38m

piazza 3 +35m 1 2 LEGENDA MASTERPLAN +37m


5 tipo SL [55/85m2]

tipo M [75m2] +35m +36m tipo LL [95m2]

tipo XL [110m2]

Via Angelo Camillo De Meis +39m scuola INFRASTRUTTURE SUDDIVISIONE IN SUPERFICI FONDIARIE ufficio postale AREE E SPAZI PUBBLICI,STRADE E PARCHEGGI E +38m FUNZIONI RESIDENZE +39m negozi viabillità principale tipo SL [55/85m2] aree interesse attrezzature sportive circolazione locale tipo M [75m2] (numero) lotti residenziali 1 +36m parcheggio tipo LL [95m2] area dell'istruzione accesso residenze +39m ingresso garage tipo XL [110m2] area parco e sport strada

+39m area verde pubblico +39m area pedonale aree a parcheggio piazza +38m parcheggio

+41m +38m marciapiede +39m strada privata (scuola)

+42m parco

verde pubblico

verde comune

giardino privato +40.5m campo di basket

campo di calcetto

campo sportivo esistente +42.5m bocce

+40m +41m scuola +41.5m ecopunto

cassonetto +41m +41m +42m ingresso

quota +41m

+41m +42m +41.5m

+41m +40m +41m +00.00


+43m privato pubblico comune comune +43m +41m pubblico +42.5m campo sportivo connessione +41.5m


Cupa Pironti


campo sportivo

Quartere INA Casa

+46m +46m


avviamento attività commerciali su Via Angelo Camillo de Meis allaccio rete smaltimento acque nere rete smaltimento acque nere attivazione del profilo stradale di Nuova Via Angelo Camillo De Meis con l'allineamento degli edifici allaccio rete smaltimento acque bianche rete smaltimento acque bianche allaccio rete idrica rete adduzione idrica rispetto dell'impianto urbano del Quartere INA Casa e creazione connessioni +47m campi sportivi in corrispondenza di spazi aperti preesistenti allaccio rete elettrica rete adduzione elettrica connessione alla stazione Vesuvio - De Meis palo illuminazione pubblica rete illuminazione pubblica PIANIFICAZIONE URBANA SCALA 1_500 allaccio rete trasmissione voce e dati rete trasmissione voce e dati

0 50m 100m 150m



+41.5 +41.0 +41.0

+39.0 +38.0


SEZIONE SCALA 1_200 Pubblico Linea Vesuviana Aree interesse comune Piazza Via Angelo Camillo de Meis Presentation: Plan & Sections Barking Riverside, London Schematic Section Vegetazione Vegetazione Vegetazione Presentation: Plan & Sections M2XRA_2 materiali




1 Albero di Guida 2 Alloro 3 Carrubo Nome scientifico: Cercis siliquastrum L. Nome scientifico: Laurus nobilis L Nome scientifico: Ceratonia siliqua L Famiglia: Leguminosae (Cesalpiniaceae) Famiglia: Lauraceae Famiglia: Leguminosae Altezza: 8m Altezza: 8m Altezza: 7-10 m 6 Tempo della fioritura: marzo-aprile Tempo della fioritura: marzo-aprile Tempo della fioritura: sempreverde, fioritura maggio-novembre Colore: foglie verde chiaro, corteccia scura, fiori rosa Colore: foglie verde scuro, infiorescenze giallo chiaro Colore: corteccia bruno-chiara 11 20 12 Vegetazione Vegetazione Vegetazione

19 +43.0


14 17 14 13 14 16 14

1,2 7,7 1,5 7 35,1 scuola

SEZIONE STRADALE A_A (Nuova Via Angelo Camillo De Meis SCALA 1_100

4 Ginestra Odorosa 5 Olivo 6 Pino Nome scientifico: Spartium junceum Nome scientifico: Olea europaea L. Nome scientifico: Pinus pinea L. Famiglia: Leguminosae Famiglia: oleaceae Famiglia: Pinaceae Altezza: 2-4-m Altezza: 4m Altezza: 25m Tempo della fioritura: maggio-luglio Tempo della fioritura: sempreverde Tempo della fioritura: sempreverde, fioritura aprile-maggio Colore: foglie verde scuro, infiorescenze gialle Colore: foglie verde scuro Colore: corteccia bruno-rossastra, aghi verde scuro

Vegetazione Vegetazione Vegetazione

B B 1


7 Rododendro 8 Oleandro 9 Erba Nome scientifico: Rhododendron ferrugineum Nome scientifico: Nerium oleander Famiglia: Ericaceae Famiglia: Apocinacee Altezza: 1.5 m Altezza: 2m 8 4 Tempo della fioritura: sempreverde, fioritura maggio-agosto Tempo della fioritura: sempreverde, fioritura aprile-settembre Colore: foglie verde chiaro, corteccia scura, fiori rosa Colore: foglie verde scuro, infiorescenze rosa e bianche +41.5

Arredo urbano Arredo urbano 14 13 18 14

1,2 1,5 2,1 6,5 4,5 3,3 2,7

SEZIONE STRADALE B_B (Strada secondaria) SCALA 1_100

10 Panca 11 Illuminazione 12 Balaustra

Materiale Cemento Materiale: Alluminio + Plastica Materiale: Legno C

C Materiale pavimentazione Materiale pavimentazione Materiale pavimentazione


13 Asfalto 14 Cubetti pietra vesuviana 15 Pietra di 10 +41.5 14 13 14 +41.0

9 14 13 14

1,8 4,5 1,5 16 1,5 6,5 1,8 1,5 Materiale pavimentazione Materiale pavimentazione Materiale pavimentazione

SEZIONE STRADALE C_C (Spazio pubblico) SCALA 1_100


16 Blochetti cemento martellinato 17 Ghiaia 18 Autobloccanti

Materiale delle facciate Materiale delle facciate Materiale delle facciate

Piazza +35.0 15 19 Basalto 20 Tufo 21 Intonaco 33.7 1.5 6.7 De Meis SEZIONE STRADALE D_D (Piazza) SCALA 1_100

0 5m 10m 15m 20m 25m 30m 35m 40m 45m 50m Presentation: Model Presentation: Render, Movie, VR

Barking Riverside, London Bird’s Eye Rendering Presentation: Render, Movie, VR

Barking Riverside, London Jetty Square Rendering

Implementation Implementation: Phasing & Incrementality Barking Riverside, London Phase I built Implementation: Phasing & Incrementality

330 Seoullo 7017 Maybachufer, Berlin Implementation: Flexibility