The Magazine of Rhodes College Winter 2013 Student-Athletes Upholding a Long and Proud Tradition Winter 2013 cover.indd 1 2/14/13 10:50 AM WINTER 2013 Contents VOLUME 20 • NUMBER 1 2 Campus News Briefs on campus happenings 6 To the Limit of My Capacities What it’s like to play Division III sports at Rhodes 16 The Right Fit Finding it is easy at Rhodes 22 A Tradition of Excellence Honor societies recognize exceptional students 27 Alumni News Class Notes, All in the Family, In Memoriam On the Cover Rhodes student-athletes, clockwise: wide receiver Jonathan Wiener ’16, Woodstock, GA; centerfi elder Travis Perkins ’12, currently a student in Rhodes’ 6 master of science in accounting program while helping coach baseball, Houston; and fi eld hockey defender Katie Johnson ’16, Baltimore 16 22 Contents_Winter ’13.indd 1 2/14/13 9:49 AM is published three times a year by Rhodes College, 2000 N. Parkway, Memphis, TN 38112 as a service to all alumni, students, parents, faculty, staff and friends of the college. Winter 2013—Volume 20, Number 1 EDITOR Martha Hunter Shepard ’66 GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Larry Ahokas Robert Shatzer CONTRIBUTORS Richard J. Alley, Nicholas Brydon ’12, Justin Fox Burks, Lynn Conlee, Lucy Kellison ’13, Caroline Ponseti ’15 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Please address postal correspondence to: Lynn Conlee, Rhodes Magazine, Rhodes College, 2000 N. Parkway, Memphis, TN 38112-1690 Email:
[email protected] Phone: 901-843-3148 Fax: 901-843-3579 CLASS NOTES: Please send all Class Notes, including marriages, births and obituaries, to: Alumni Offi ce, Rhodes College, 2000 N.