The Third Conference on Function Spaces at SIUE, May 19-23, 1998 ABSTRACTS OF TALKS (1) Johan F.Aarnes, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway 7034, E-mail: Trondheim
[email protected] Quasi-measures - where do they come from? ABSTRACT: Let X be a compact Hausdorff space. A quasi-measure is an additive, monotone, positive and regular set-function which is defined on the class of sets in X that are either open or closed. Any quasi-measure which is subadditive extends to a regular Borel-measure. The interest centers around the non-trivial quasi-measures, i.e. those that are not subadditive. This is a very large class of set- functions with many surprising properties. Any quasi-measures gives rise to a non-linear integral, a quasi-integral. The talk will address the problem of obtaining a deeper understanding of what quasi- measures really are, and where they come from. It turns out that much can be gained by looking at certain set-functions defined on finite sets of integers. These set-functions will be called ”super-measures”, simply because they are superadditive: the measure of a union of two disjoint sets is always larger than or equal to the sum of the measures of the two sets. It will be shown how a supermeasure determines a quasimesure in X, and more generally how all quasimeasures may be obtained from supermeasures in the Stone-Cech compactification of the natural numbers. (2) Paul Abraham, Kent State University, Stark Campus, Canton, Ohio 44720, USA, E-mail:
[email protected] and John Alexopoulos, Kent State University, Stark Campus, Canton, Ohio 44720, USA, E-mail:
[email protected] On convergence of the arithmetic means of martingale difference sequences ABSTRACT: We will discuss some convergence results for the arithmetic means of bounded martin- gale difference sequences in Lp spaces, p>1, or in a special class of non-reflexive Orlicz spaces.