Liao and Li Molecular Brain (2020) 13:96

REVIEW Open Access Genetic associations between voltage- gated calcium channels and autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review Xiaoli Liao1,2 and Yamin Li2*

Abstract Objectives: The present review systematically summarized existing publications regarding the genetic associations between voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Methods: A comprehensive literature search was conducted to gather pertinent studies in three online databases. Two authors independently screened the included records based on the selection criteria. Discrepancies in each step were settled through discussions. Results: From 1163 resulting searched articles, 28 were identified for inclusion. The most prominent among the VGCCs variants found in ASD were those falling within loci encoding the α subunits, CACNA1A, CACNA1B, CACN A1C, CACNA1D, CACNA1E, CACNA1F, CACNA1G, CACNA1H, and CACNA1I as well as those of their accessory subunits CACNB2, CACNA2D3, and CACNA2D4. Two signaling pathways, the IP3-Ca2+ pathway and the MAPK pathway, were identified as scaffolds that united genetic lesions into a consensus etiology of ASD. Conclusions: Evidence generated from this review supports the role of VGCC genetic variants in the pathogenesis of ASD, making it a promising therapeutic target. Future research should focus on the specific mechanism that connects VGCC genetic variants to the complex ASD phenotype. Keywords: Autism spectrum disorder, Voltage-gated calcium channels, Calcium signaling, Calcium pathway

Background underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms have yet to Autism spectrum disorder be determined. Advances in human genetics and sequen- Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental cing technologies have identified a stunning number of disorder characterized by deficits in social-communication newly arising mutations associated with ASD [15], some skills along with repetitive stereotypic behaviors that of which are located in encoding voltage-gated cal- manifest in early postnatal life [24]. The incidence of ASD cium channels (VGCCs). has markedly increased 10 to 17% per year during the last two decades [4], affecting approximately 1 out of 68 chil- dren in the United States [3]. The rapid rise in the preva- Voltage-gated calcium channels lence of ASD has stimulated numerous research interests Voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) are transmem- into the potential etiology of this disorder, but the brane that activate in response to depolarization of the cell membrane and mediate the flux of calcium 2+ * Correspondence: [email protected] (Ca ) into excitable cells [1, 20]. The VGCCs can be 2 Clinical Nursing Teaching and Research Section, The Second Xiangya divided into high voltage-activated channels (HVA) Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan, China Full list of author information is available at the end of the article and low voltage-activated channels (LVA) based on their electrophysiological properties [6]. HVA

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channels include L-, N-, P−/Q- and R-type channels, the role of VGCC genetic variants in the etiology of and LVA channels are also known as T-type calcium ASD. channels [13, 44, 55]. The L-type is activated by a strong Methods depolarization voltage and inactivated with a slow time Literature search course and is expressed in neurons, endocrine, cardiac, Electronic research was conducted to identify pertinent and smooth muscle [12]. The N-, P−/Q-, and R-type English articles examining the genetic associations be- calcium channels also require strong depolarization for tween VGCCs and ASD. Three online databases, activation and are expressed mainly in neurons [28]. The PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science, were searched T-type calcium channel is opened with weak using the following search terms: (ASD OR autism OR depolarization voltages and remains active for a short time autistic disorder OR autism spectrum disorder OR and is widely expressed in various cell types [49]. Asperger syndrome OR pervasive developmental dis- VGCCs are hetero-oligomeric proteins composed of a order) AND (Ca2+ channel OR Ca2+ signal OR Ca2+ pore-forming α1 subunit and a group of auxiliary sub- pathway OR Ca2+ homeostasis OR calcium channel OR units known as α2δ and β [14, 16]. The α1 subunit is calcium signal OR calcium pathway OR calcium homeo- encoded by the CACNA1x genes (CACNA1A to CACN stasis OR CACNA1* OR CACNB* OR CACNA2D*). A1I and CACNA1S), and there are 10 isoforms in the A brief review of the articles was used to identify pre- [7, 20]. The L-type channels, including liminary keywords. No restrictions were placed on the Cav1.1, Cav1.2, Cav1.3, and Cav1.4, are encoded by study location or the publication year. All authors CACNA1S, C, D, and F, respectively [8]. The P/Q-, N- achieved a consensus on the search strategies. Refer- and R-type channels, corresponding to Cav2.1, Cav2.2, ences cited by all eligible citations and previous reviews and Cav2.3, are encoded by CACNA1A, B and E, re- were manually searched for additional relevant studies spectively [8]. The T-type channels, including Cav3.1, that might have been omitted. Cav3.2, and Cav3.3, are encoded by CACNA1G, H and I, respectively [35]. Four genes exist for the Cavα2δ sub- Study selection units (CACNA2D1–4) and encode Cavα2δ-1-4 proteins. The following criteria were required for articles to be eli- Four genes exist for the Cavβ subunits (CACNB1–4) and gible: focused on associations between VGCC vari- encode Cavβ1–4 proteins. ants and ASD; presented variants in the VGCC gene or Both the Cav1andCav2 channels form multiprotein reported deregulation of calcium signal; performed on complexes comprising the Cavα1 pore-forming co- human beings or human cells. Reviews, editorials and assembly with one of four α2δ subunits and one of four commentaries were excluded. β subunits. The Cav3 channels form functional channels using the α1 subunits alone but may also associate with Data extraction other proteins. The kinetics, voltage-dependence, and Two authors independently extracted key information pharmacological properties of the calcium channels are from each eligible study using a predefined abstraction principally determined by the α1 subunits [20]. Although form. Extracted data included first author, publication α1 subunits determine the main properties of the cal- year, country setting, sample size, studied gene, identi- cium channels, their functions are modified by the two fied mutation, adopted methods, and main findings. auxiliary subunits. These auxiliary subunits have pro- found effects on the biophysical properties and mem- Data synthesis brane targeting of the α1 subunit [14, 16]. The different Study characteristics were descriptively reported and channel isoforms and possible combinations make for study results were qualitatively reviewed due to the con- considerable potential diversity in the properties and siderable heterogeneities across the included studies. function of the calcium channels. Results Literature search Objectives Figure 1 presented the process of literature screening. A Although the association between VGCCs and ASD has total of 1163 records were generated from the literature been reported in both correlation studies and inform- search. After eliminating 269 duplicates, 894 were consid- ative reviews, no systematic review has been conducted ered as potentially relevant for subsequent analysis. The ti- to comprehensively synthesize the literature to deter- tles and abstracts of the remaining 894 were preliminary mine whether this is fully supported by the totality of all checked by two authors, and 803 were excluded as lacking available evidence. Therefore, the present review aimed of relevance. The full-text of the leaving 91 citations were to systematically summarize existing evidence regarding further appraised independently by two authors, and 63 Liao and Li Molecular Brain (2020) 13:96 Page 3 of 10

Fig. 1 Study selection flowchart were excluded as failing to meet the selection criteria. A on human studies regarding the genetic association be- final total of 28 articles were selected as source documents tween VGCCs and ASD. for this review. These included articles were published between 2004 and 2017, and nine of them were published in the last 5 years. Several early studies contained relatively small Study characteristics numbers of subjects, therefore, they might not have ad- Table 1 summarized the key information of included equate statistical power to detect true risk alleles [26]. studies. Animal models of psychiatric disorders are often These included studies mainly originated in the USA unable to reflect typical features of human psychiatric (n = 19), followed by China, Germany, Australia and disorders, although there is consensus on some animal Canada (n = each 2) and New Zealand (n = 1). A series correlates of clinical manifestations [2]. While there is of genetic methods has been adopted to identify VGCC an increasing number of ASD mouse models, studies re- genetic variants associated with ASD, the most com- garding the role of VGCCs in the etiology of ASD are monly used of which included next-generation sequen- sparse [30]. Thus, the present review focused exclusively cing, gene network analysis, and microarrays. Liao and Li Molecular Brain (2020) 13:96 Page 4 of 10

Table 1 Key information of included studies Reference Country Sample Gene Mutation Gain/ Method Main Findings loss of function Damaj et al. Canada 16 individuals CACNA1A (1)deletion loss-of- whole genome Results from sequencing revealed one CACNA1A [10] with ASD-like (2) point function sequencing gene deletion as well as two deleterious CACN behavioral mutation A1A point mutations including one known stop- deficits gain and one new frameshift variant and a new splice-site variant, which pointed to an associ- ation between CACNA1A variants and ASD symptoms. Pinggera Austria tsA-201 cells CACNA1D de novo gain-of- whole-cell The study identified two de novo mutation, et al .[33] variant function patch-clamp p.A749G and p.G407R, in ASD subjects, both demonstrated a pronounced gain-of-function. Splawski USA 461ASD CACNA1H rare lose of (1) Genotypic The study identified missense mutations in et al .[43] 480controls missense function Analyses (2) CACNA1H in 6 of 461 individuals with ASD. variant DNA Sequence Analyses Splawski USA 13 TS CACNA1C de novo gain-of- (1) Genotypic The result showed that the CACNA1C gain-of- et al .[42] 13 controls missense function Analyses (2) function mutation causes the diverse physio- variant DNA logical and developmental defects in TS. Sequencing Li et al .[23] China 553 trios CACNA1A SNPs (1) SNP The study identified association of rs7249246 selection and rs12609735 with ASD. (2) SNP genotyping Strom et al USA 284 trios CACNA1G SNPs (1) SNP Markers within an interval containing the gene, .[45] selection CACNA1G, were found to be associated with (2) SNP ASD at a locally significant level. genotyping Smith et al USA (1)69 ASD CACNA2D4 CNVs Microarray The study identified a rare homozygous deletion .[41] (2)35 parents analyses in a male proband that removed one copy of (3)89 CEU the CACNA2D4 calcium channel genes(12p13.33) HapMap controls Pinggera Germany (1)1ASD CACNA1D de novo gain-of- (1) DNA The study identified a de novo missense et al .[34] (2)tsA-201 cells missense function Sequencing mutation in CACNA1D (V401L) in a patient with variant (2)whole-cell ASD. patch-clamp Breitenkamp Germany (1)155 ASD CACNB2 rare gain-of- (1) Genotypic The study identified three missense mutations in et al .[5] (2)259 controls missense function Analyses CACNB2 gene in ASD subjects that result in a variant (2) DNA decelerated inactivation of the Cav1.2 subunit Sequencing Li et al .[23] China 553 trios CACNA1C SNPs (1) SNP The result found a nominal significant selection association between two SNPs (rs1006737 and (2) SNP rs4765905) in CACNA1C and ASD. genotyping Lu et al .[25] USA 2781 trios (1)CACNA1C SNPs (1) SNP Four SNPs in three CCGs were associated with (2)CACNA1G selection ASD. One, rs10848653, is located in CACN (3)CACNA1I (2) SNP A1C.Two others, rs198538 and rs198545, located genotyping in CACN1G, and a fourth, rs5750860, located in CACNA1I. Iossifov et al USA 343 families CACNA2D3 de novo DNA The result identified a variation in CACNA2D3 .[21] with ASD variant Sequencing that disrupted a splice junction associated with ASD (A/G). Wang et al USA (1)780 families CACNA1C SNPs genome-wide The result found an relationship between SNPs .[47] with ASD SNP genotyping in CACNA1C and ASD (2)1204 affected subjects (3)6491 control subjects Liao and Li Molecular Brain (2020) 13:96 Page 5 of 10

Table 1 Key information of included studies (Continued) Reference Country Sample Gene Mutation Gain/ Method Main Findings loss of function Cross- USA (1)33,332ASD (1)CACNA1C SNPs genome-wide The result showed that SNPs within CACNA1C Disorder (2)27,888 (2)CACNB2 SNP genotyping and CACNB2 were associated with ASD. Group [9] controls Hemara- New 27 CACNA1F nucleotide gain-of- (1) DNA The molecular genetic analyses revealed an Wahanui Zealand families with substitution function Sequencing I745T CACNA1F allele in a New Zealand family, et al .[18] ASD (2) Functional some male probands also affected with ASD. Analyses Myers et al USA (1)142 ASD CACNA1F rare DNA The study found a rare causal CACNA1F variants .[27] (2)143 SCZ missense Sequencing associated with ASD. (3) 240controls variant Palmieri et al USA (1)6ASD Ca2+ Fluorimetric The study found a significantly higher level of .[32] (2)6controls concentration measure of Ca2+ Ca2+ in ASD patients as compared to healthy controls. Schmunk USA skin fibroblast IP3-mediated High- The study found a significantly reduction in IP3- et al .[39] cultures Ca 2+ release throughput mediated Ca2+ release from the ER. Ca2+ imaging Wen et al USA ASD genes (1) Gene set The results showed that the process “calcium- .[48] enrichment PRC ( kinase C)-Ras-Raf-MAPK/ERK” was a analysis major contributor to ASD pathophysiology. (2)Pathway- pathway interactions Skafidas et al Australia (1) Index CACNA1A SNPs Gene set The result showed that SNPs in CACNA1A to be .[40] sample:2609 enrichment among the top 15 SNPs contributing to the ASD ASD analysis diagnosis (2) Vlidation sample:737 ASD Schmunk USA skin fibroblast IP3-mediated High- The study found a significantly depressed IP3- et al .[38] cultures Ca 2+ release throughput mediated Ca2+ signals in ASD. Ca2+ imaging O'Roak et al USA 209 trios (1)CACNA1D CNVs Exome read- The result showed that rare de novo alleles of .[31] (2)CACNA1E depth CNV CACNA1D and CACNA1E contributed to the analysis genetic etiology of ASD. De Rubeis USA (1) 3871 ASD (1)CACNA2D3 de novo loss of Exome The result identified two de novo CACNA2D3 et al .[11] (2)9937 (2) CACNA1D variant function sequencing loss of function mutations in ASD cases and controls none in controls. Girirajan et al USA (1) 2588 ASD CACNA2D3 CNVs Microarray The study reported an enrichment of CACN .[17] (2) 580 analyses A2D3 deletion in ASD subjects compared to controls controls Jiang et al. USA 32 families CACNA1C rare Whole-genome It found a rare missense mutation in CACNA1C [22] with ASD missense sequencin (R1522Q) in a proband with ASD and an variant unaffected sibling. Yuen et al. Canada 85 quartet CACNB2 rare Whole-genome It found a CACNB2 (V2D) mutation in two [51] families missense sequencing affected siblings. (parents and variant two ASD- affected siblings) Yatsenko USA 20 ASD CACNA1B duplication (1) whole The study found a duplication of the et al .[50] genome chromosomal region 9q43.3, comprising the sequencing gene CACNA1B, in 12 out of 20 patients. (2) custom 9q34 microarray Prasad et al USA (1)696 CACNA2D4 CNVs CGH microarray The study identified multiple novel CNVs in ASD .[36] unrelated ASD subjects, including the loss of CACNA2D4. (2)1000 controls Liao and Li Molecular Brain (2020) 13:96 Page 6 of 10

The search generated a total of 18 studies regarding p.G402S in CACNA1C, which led to significantly im- the genetic association between Cav gene variants and paired current inactivation of the Cav1.2 splice form, ASD, 8 studies regarding the genetic association between raised the possibility that the ASD phenotypes associated auxiliary subunit gene variants and ASD, and 4 studies with TS may result from the CACNA1C gain-of- reported associations between calcium signaling path- function mutation. Smith et al. [41] conducted a detailed ways and ASD. microarray analysis of 69 ASD probands and 35 parents and identified a rare homozygous deletion in a male pro-

Genetic associations between Cav genes and ASD band that removed one copy of the CACNA1C calcium The search generated a total of 18 studies regarding the channel genes (12p13.33). Li et al. [23] examined the re- genetic association between Cav gene variants and ASD. lationship between CACNA1C variants and ASD in 553 Evidence generated from this review consistently impli- nuclear families of Chinese Han ancestry and found a cated the role of Cav gene variants in the etiology of nominal significant association between two SNPs ASD. (rs1006737 and rs4765905) in CACNA1C and ASD, sug- The search yielded 3 studies that rendered CACNA1A gesting that CACNA1C might play a role in the genetic a promising etiological candidate gene for ASD. Li et al. etiology of ASD. A whole-genome sequencing study [23] examined the genetic relationship between CACN from Jiang et al. [22], who examined rare inherited gen- A1A and ASD in a Chinese Han population and re- etic variants in 32 families with ASD, identified a rare ported an association between rs12609735 and missense mutation in CACNA1C in a proband with rs7249246 in CACNA1A with ASD in a total of 553 ASD and an unaffected sibling; therefore, it was unclear trios, although this association would not survive after whether the mutation in CACNA1C was causative of Bonferroni correction. Damaj et al. [10] identified 16 in- ASD in this family. A genome-wide association study dividuals carrying CACNA1A loss-of-function variants from Lu et al. [25] examined the potential role of VGCC and presented ASD-like behavioral deficits by investigat- variants in the etiology of ASD, rendering SNPs in ing four non-consanguineous families. The sequencing CACNA1C a predisposing risk factor contributing to results revealed one CACNA1A gene deletion as well as ASD. two deleterious CACNA1A point mutations, including Evidence from 4 studies proposed the role of CACN one known stop-gain and one new frameshift variant A1D variants in the genetic etiology of ASD. Pinggera and a new splice site variant, which pointed to an associ- et al. [33] functionally expressed two de novo mutations, ation between CACNA1A variants and ASD symptoms. p.A749G and p.G407R, in CACNA1D in tsA-201 cells to The study from Skafidas et al. [40] generated a predictive study their functional consequences using whole-cell genetic classifier based on a linear function of 237 SNPs patch-clamp analysis. The novel functional data strongly that distinguished ASD from controls and found that a argued for an important role of CACNA1D gain-of- SNP (rs10409541) in CACNA1A was among the top 15 function mutations in the pathophysiology of ASD. Ping- most contributory SNPs for ASD diagnosis prediction. gera et al. [34] reported a de novo missense mutation in The search returned only one study regarding the role CACNA1D in a patient with ASD and examined the of CACNA1B variants in the etiology of ASD. Yatsenko function of this mutation using whole-cell patch-clamp et al. [50] analyzed 20 patients with copy number gains analysis, strengthening the evidence for CACNA1D involving the subtelomeric 9q34 region and reported a gain-of-function mutations in the pathophysiology of monogenic duplication of the CACNA1B gene in 12 out ASD. O'Roak et al. [31] sequenced the exomes of 209 of 20 patients with a phenotype including ASD. parent-child trios and identified rare de novo alleles of The search generated 7 studies that implicated CACN CACNA1D as top de novo risk mutations for ASD. De A1C as a susceptibility gene for ASD. The Cross- Rubeis et al. [11] conducted the largest ASD WES study Disorder Group of the Psychiatric Genomics to date to identify rare coding variants in 3871 ASD Consortium [9] compiled data on five major psychiatric subjects and 9937 controls and identified five mutations disorders in a large genome-wide meta-analysis with 33, located in CACNA1D, including G407R and A749G, in 332 cases and 27,888 controls, rendering SNPs in CACN ASD subjects. A1C a promising etiological candidate gene for five The search yielded only one study regarding the role major psychiatric disorders, including ASD. Wang et al. of CACNA1E variants in the etiology of ASD. The study [47] reported findings from a genetic analysis in a large by O'Roak et al. [31] sequenced the exomes of 209 number of ASD cases, which provided suggestive evi- parent-child trios and identified de novo mutations in dence of a relationship between SNPs in CACNA1C and CACNA1E that contributed to the genetic etiology of ASD. The study of Splawski et al. [42] described the ASD. phenotypic characterization of Timothy syndrome (TS) Two studies reported the potential role of CACNA1F and identified two analogous mutations, p.G406R and variants in the etiology of ASD. Myers et al. [27] Liao and Li Molecular Brain (2020) 13:96 Page 7 of 10

presented results from a large-sample resequencing The search yielded 3 studies that reported an associ- study of candidate genes coupled with population genet- ation between CACNB2 variants and ASD. Breitenkamp ics to identify rare variants associated with ASD and et al. [5] sequenced the exons and flanking introns of found a significant excess of rare missense CACNA1F CACNB2 in 155 ASD subjects and 259 unaffected con- variants in the cohort of ASD patients. The study of trols and identified three missense variants in the coding Hemara-Wahanui et al. [18] identified a CACNA1F mu- region of CACNB2 (G167S, S197F, and F240L) in ASD tation in a family with inherited night blindness, with probands that resulted in decelerated inactivation of the some of the male members being affected with ASD. Cav1.2 subunit, supporting the role of CACNB2 gain-of- The mutation significantly affected the gating properties function mutations in the pathophysiology of ASD. In of the Cav 1.4 channel when exogenously expressed in line with these results, a study from the Psychiatric Gen- tsA-201 cells, indicating that the molecular mechanism omics Consortium (2013), which analyzed genome-wide of the pathology was likely to involve a gain, rather than single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data for the five loss, of Cav 1.4 channel function. disorders, identified CACNB2 as a risk for these The search yielded 2 studies examining the association five major psychiatric disorders, including ASD. An ex- between CACNA1G variants and ASD. Strom et al. [45] ome sequencing study by Yuen et al. [51] investigating examined the association between variants in the 85 quartet families in which two siblings were affected chromosomal interval 17q11-q21 and ASD in 284 inde- with ASD to identify ASD-related gene variants found a pendent trios and identified the calcium channel subunit CACNB2 (V2D) mutation in two affected siblings. gene CACNA1G as a novel candidate gene for ASD. Lu The search generated 3 studies regarding the role of et al. [25] examined the potential role of calcium chan- CACNA2D3 variants in the development of ASD. Iossi- nel genes in ASD by focusing on 10 genes that encode α fov et al. [21] reported on the sequence analysis of whole 1 subunits in a cohort of 2781 parent/affected child trios exomes from 343 families, each with a single ASD child and identified SNPs in CACNA1G as predisposing risk and at least one unaffected sibling. The results from ex- factors contributing to ASD. ome sequencing showed an excess of de novo splice site The search returned one study regarding the role of mutations in CACNA2D3, one of many identified gene- CACNA1H variants in the genetic etiology of ASD. disrupting mutations, in ASD subjects compared to un- Splawski et al. [43] examined the role of calcium channel affected siblings. De Rubeis et al. [11] identified rare gene mutations in the pathogenesis of ASD and identi- coding variants in 3871 ASD subjects and 9937 fied missense mutations in CACNA1H in 6 of 461 sub- ancestry-matched or parental controls and implicated jects with ASD that resulted in decreased activity of the CACNA2D3 as a risk gene following the identification Cav3.2 channel, implicating the role of CACNA1H loss- of two de novo loss-of-function mutations in cases and of-function mutations in the development of ASD. none in controls. A copy number variation (CNV) study However, some of the mutations were also present in from Girirajan et al. [17], who comprehensively charac- unaffected family members, indicating that the muta- terized recurrent CNVs for both large and putative tions were not fully penetrant. smaller hotspots in 2588 ASD subjects and 580 controls, The search yielded only one study regarding the role reported an enrichment of CACNA2D3 deletion in ASD of CACNA1I variants in the development of ASD. Lu subjects compared to controls. et al. [25] examined the role of VGCC variants in the de- The search returned 2 studies regarding the associ- velopment of ASD by focusing on 10 genes that encode ation between CACNA2D4 variants and ASD. Smith α1 subunits and identified SNPs in CACNA1I as genetic et al. [41] conducted a detailed microarray analysis of 69 risks for ASD. ASD probands and 35 parents and identified a rare homozygous deletion in a male proband that removed one copy of the CACNA2D4 calcium channel genes Genetic associations between auxiliary subunit genes and (12p13.33). Prasad et al. [36] examined de novo copy ASD number variations (CNVs) through combined analysis of α δ β Given that the auxiliary subunits Cav 2 and Cav have CGH and SNP array data sets in a cohort of 696 unre- profound effects on the biophysical properties and mem- lated ASD subjects and 1000 controls. The high- α brane targeting of the Cav 1 subunit, genes encoding resolution CGH data identified multiple novel CNVs in these subunits may also be linked to ASD. The search ASD subjects, including the loss of CACNA2D4. generated a total of 8 studies regarding the genetic asso- ciation between auxiliary subunit gene variants and Associations between calcium signaling pathways and ASD. Existing evidence suggests that variants in the gene ASD encode the auxiliary subunits Cavα2δ and Cavβ, which The genetic contributions of VGCC variants to the also contribute to the pathogenesis of ASD. pathogenesis of ASD may arise from functional Liao and Li Molecular Brain (2020) 13:96 Page 8 of 10

disturbances in a variety of signaling cascades in which subunits CACNA1A, CACNA1B, CACNA1C, CACN these genes are involved, since it is the combination of A1D, CACNA1E, CACNA1F, CACNA1G, CACNA1H, these factors that ultimately shapes the phenotype. Cal- and CACNA1I as well as those of their accessory cium signaling pathways may serve as scaffolds that subunits CACNB2, CACNA2D3, and CACNA2D4. unite genetic lesions into a consensus etiology of ASD. Two signaling pathways, the IP3-Ca2+ pathway and Identification of variants in calcium channel genes led the MAPK pathway, were identified as scaffolds that to the discovery of molecular signaling pathways in- united genetic lesions into a consensus etiology of volved in ASD, including the IP3-Ca2+ pathway and ASD. the MAPK pathway, providing further insights into Structure-function analyses involving the introduc- the etiology of ASD. tion of gene variants into cloned VGCCs have pro- The inositol triphosphate receptor (IP3R) forms a vided important clues concerning gain-of-function calcium-permeable located in the membrane and loss-of-function properties of these calcium chan- of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) [29]. The IP3 path- nels. Variants located in CACNA1C, CACNA1D, way changes intracellular Ca2+ concentration by releas- CACNA1F and CACNB2 cause gain of function by ing calcium stored in the ER, which is critical for preventing voltage-dependent inactivation of Cav1.2, synaptic plasticity, neuronal excitability, neurotransmit- Cav1.3, Cav1.4, and Cavβ2, leading to excessive influx ter release, and axonal growth, demonstrating the central of Ca2+. Variants located in CACNA1A and CACN integration position of IP3R in neurons [19, 46]. Sup- A1H turned out to rather cause loss of function in pressed IP3-mediated calcium signaling has been linked Cav2.1 and Cav3.2 due to reduced conductance and to ASD etiology in two studies. Schmunk et al. [38] eval- shifted voltage dependence of activation, resulting in uated functional deficits in IP3-mediated Ca2+ signaling decreased channel activity. It is difficult to form a from three monogenic models of ASD and identified sig- clear consensus concerning gain or loss of function of nificantly depressed IP3-mediated Ca2+ signals in ASD. the VGCC variants associated with ASD, which forms Schmunk et al. [39] further extended these findings to a the basis of this review. It is conceivable that dysregu- cohort of sporadic ASD patients and reported a signifi- lation of these calcium channels in either direction cant reduction in IP3-mediated Ca2+ release from the could result in functional and developmental abnor- ER. Recent research has implicated the abnormal MAPK malities considering the requirement for precise regu- pathway as a possible molecular mechanism of ASD. lation of internal Ca2+ concentrations for normal cell Wen et al. [48] performed a systematic analysis of the signaling and gene transcription during development. ASD pathway network and reported a high level of in- Cytosolic calcium signals originate from either the in- volvement of the MAPK signaling pathway together with flux of extracellular Ca2+ or the release of intracellular calcium channel genes in the ASD pathway network. Ca2+ stored in the ER. The mitochondria actively com- One study proposed a role of abnormal calcium homeo- municate with the ER calcium signaling apparatus in the stasis in the etiology of ASD. Palmieri et al. [32] exam- generation of rapid calcium signals, forming a bidirec- ined the Ca2+ concentrations in the postmortem tional link between energy metabolism and transmitted temporocortical gray matter of six matched patient- cellular signals. The interaction of ER-mitochondria in control pairs and reported a significantly higher level of the control of calcium homeostasis implies that calcium Ca2+ in ASD patients than in healthy controls, support- signaling may serve as a scaffold that integrates VGCC ing the involvement of altered Ca2+ homeostasis in the genetic lesions and organelle dysfunction, including the etiological pathway of ASD. ER and mitochondria, into a consensus pathophysiology of ASD. Given the consistent evidence generated from this Discussion review supporting the role of VGCC genetic variants The identification of VGCC genetic variants as risk in the pathophysiology of ASD, it is worthwhile to factors for ASD may not only be extracted from the consider targeting Cavα1, Cavα2δ,andCavβ subunits ability of calcium channels to mediate Ca2+ into neu- as a potential therapeutic strategy to treat this dis- rons, which can trigger many calcium-modulated order. Despite the existence of several drugs targeting functions, but also derive from the role of calcium Cavα1andCavα2δ subunits, they are mainly used in channels as signaling hubs, which can link together the treatment of stroke, epilepsy, and cardiovascular different cellular signaling pathways. disease [52]. Lamotrigine, a drug that blocks Cav2.3 The present review summarized recent works re- channels, has been used to treat bipolar disorder (BD) garding the genetic association between VGCCs and [37]. Z160, a drug that blocks the Cav2.2 channel, has ASD. The most prominent VGCC variants found in shown some promise in treating anxiety [53]. Calcium ASD were those falling within loci encoding the α channel blockers are promising for the treatment of Liao and Li Molecular Brain (2020) 13:96 Page 9 of 10

ASD, but gain-of-function mutations are in many Authors’ contributions cases less sensitive to blocking because of the loss of All authors have read and agree to the published version of the manuscript. Xiaoli Liao conceived the manuscript idea, searched database, identified inactivation [20, 42]. eligible studies, extracted data, drafted the manuscript, and critically reviewed the manuscript. Yamin Li conceived the manuscript idea, identified Conclusion eligible studies, extracted data, responsible for funding acquisition, and critically reviewed the manuscript. Findings generated from this review proposed that the genetic component of ASD may involve a combination Funding of multiple common alleles in the VGCC gene, repre- The research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No: 81873806) and the National Natural Science Foundation of Hunan sented by SNPs, each with a relatively small impact, to- Province (No. 2019JJ40437). gether with a few rare alleles in the VGCC gene, represented by CNVs and deleterious mutations, which Availability of data and materials might produce a relatively large increased risk. The Not applicable. phenotype of ASD may be conferred by the sum of gen- Ethics approval and consent to participate etic risks with regard to both rare and common alleles in Not applicable. the VGCC gene together with risks from environmental Consent for publication stimuli. Not applicable. 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