Watertown Trust Co Week-End
Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org A- Town of Watertown Weekly (Entered m Jan., 1A IMS, at Hue pot* «ffiee at Oafcvtlle, Conn. the /U* of 'Mar. 3, 1878.) Vol. IV, No. Subscription Price, $3.00 Per Year. Single Copy, Gc Cents May 3,1951 SHE. CITIES and BOfiOUGHS COMMITTEE " HAS APPROVED THE COUNCIL MANAGE® CHARTER ACCOBDING TO A KEFOBT AT .PRESS-TIME; 21 Mill Tax Rate Stockholders To Act Hallways-At South School Are Jammed Like This Many Times A Bay Bills Mailed To On Merger Proposal 5000 Taxpayers For Watertown Bank; Approximately 5,CUM)' tax . bills have been, mailed out to property owners according1 to. a. report Aid Colonial Trust this week by Tax Collector Irv- Following the approval of the ing .F. Smith, The bills were merger of stockholders a n d. computed at the 21 mill rate set. banking- supervisory authorities, for the year by the Board of Fi- the Water town Trust Company nance in order to raise $481,514 will be operated as a branch, of from property taxes. the Colonial 'Trust Company on For the first, time, the tax bill June 4, 1951, according to a joint, itemizes the assessments separ- announcement this week by ately for personal property, Harry H. Hem in way. President autos,, real estate and t h e of the Watertown bank, and amount of exemption, if • any. Winthrop W. Spencer, President Taxes became due on May 1 and of the Waterbury bank. The an- are subject to penalties if not nouncement stated that the paid by June 1, 1951.
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