7. Roland Barthes, a Lover's Discourse, Fragments (I 977; Harmondsworth: Pen• Guin, 1990}
Notes Introduction Notes 1. Ron Silliman, "Language, Poetry, Realism," In the American Tree (Orono, ME: National Poetry Foundation, 1984), xix. 2. Silliman, "Language, Poetry, Realism," xvii. 3. Silliman, "Language, Poetry, Realism," xvi. 4. David Antin, "Modernism and Postmodernism: Approaching the Present in American Poetry," Boundary 2 1 (Fall1972}: 98-133. 5. See Plato, Symposium 184e-206a, trans. Benjamin Jowett, The Dialogues of Plato, 2nd ed., vol. 2 (Oxford: Clarendon, 1875), from which Zukofsky has lifted phrases and quotations to compose the bulk of the poem. For notes 5 and 6, I am grateful to Ian Tompkins of the University of Wales, Aberyst wyth, for his aid with finding these sources and his translation of the Greek. 6. For example, see Plato, Timaeus, trans. and ed. Rev. R G. Bury, Loeb Classical library (1929; London: Heinemann, 1966), 23b, 75e, 89d, or Plato, Laws, trans. and ed. Rev. R G. Bury, Loeb Classical library (London: Heinemann, 1952}, 716d, 870b, where the brightest and the best as a form of good is fre quently a phrase used by Athenians as a way of distinguishing themselves. 7. Roland Barthes, A Lover's Discourse, Fragments (I 977; Harmondsworth: Pen guin, 1990}. 8. Suzanne Clark has explored this sentimental discourse in relation to women's poetic modernism in Sentimental Modernism (Bloomington: University of Indiana Press, 1991}, in which she points out the way in which a "mascu line" modernism sought to repress the sentimental as a feminized discourse. She points to Ann Douglas' book, The Feminization ofAmerican Culture, as one example of the case against the sentimental in favor of a tough, Puritan critical reason.
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