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Provided by Lirias Plant Pathology (2018) Doi: 10.1111/ppa.12824


Progress in understanding pathogens and the development of resistant Musa germplasm

A. E. Alakonyaa*, J. Kimunyeb, G. Mahukuc, D. Amaha, B. Uwimanab, A. Brownd and R. Swennendef

aInternational Institute of Tropical Agriculture, PMB 5320, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria; bInternational Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 15B East Naguru Road, PO Box 7878 Kampala, Uganda; cInternational Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Plot 25 Light Industrial Area, Coca Cola Rd, Dar es Salaam; dInternational Institute of Tropical Agriculture, PO Box 10, Duluti, Arusha, Tanzania; eLaboratory of Tropical Crop Improvement, Department of Biosystems, KU Leuven, Willem de Croylaan 42, 3001 Leuven; and fBioversity International, Willem de Croylaan 42 bus 2455, 3001 Leuven, Belgium

Banana and plantain (Musa spp.) are important food crops in tropical and subtropical regions of the world where they generate millions of dollars annually to both subsistence farmers and exporters. Since 1902, Pseudocercospora banana pathogens, Pseudocercospora fijiensis, P. musae and P. eumusae, have emerged as major production constraints to banana and plantain. Despite concerted efforts to counter these pathogens, they have continued to negatively impact banana yield. In this review, the economic importance, distribution and the interactions between Pseudocercospora banana pathogens and Musa species are discussed. Interactions are further scrutinized in the light of an emerging climate change scenario and efforts towards the development of resistant banana germplasm are discussed. Finally, some of the opportunities and gaps in knowledge that could be exploited to further understanding of this ubiquitous pathosystem are highlighted.

Keywords: banana, climate change, effectors, genetic improvement, Pseudocercospora banana pathogens

Importance of Musa spp. rice, wheat, maize, cassava and potato (Food & Agri- culture Organization of the United Nations, 2014). Edible are native to Southeast Asia and are a Over 85% of banana is produced by smallholder farm- result of hybridization events involving two wild, ers for food, nutritional security and as a source of seeded species, Musa acuminata (A genome) and Musa income, while the rest of the production (approxi- balbisiana (B genome). However, a few cultivars are mately 16.5 Mt per year) is primarily dominated by thought to have originated from hybridization of Musa cultivar Cavendish that is targeted for the export mar- schizocarpa (S genome) with either M. acuminata or ket, generating approximately $13.2 billion in earnings M. balbisiana. One clone is thought to have resulted annually (Food & Agriculture Organization of the Uni- from hybridization between M. balbisiana and Musa ted Nations, 2014). textilis (T genome; Simmonds, 1962; D’Hont et al., 2000). Banana and plantains are important food crops Impact of Pseudocercospora Banana in tropical and subtropical regions where they are Pathogens grown in nearly 120 countries on about 10 million hectares. They are estimated to yield 144 megatonnes Production of banana and plantain worldwide is con- (Mt) annually (Food & Agriculture Organization of strained by various pests and diseases. One of these the United Nations (FAO), 2014). The 10 leading major disease complexes results from three fungi belong- banana-producing countries are India 28.28 Mt, China ing to the genus Pseudocercospora (previously named Mainland 11.64 Mt, Uganda 11.23 Mt, Phillipines ) that are closely related phylogenetically. 9.45 Mt, Ecuador 8.24 Mt, Brazil 7.65 Mt, Indonesia These three fungi are P. fijiensis (sexual morph: Myco- 6.34 Mt, Colombia 5.27 Mt, Cameroon 4.94 Mt and sphaerella fijiensis), the causal agent of black streak Tanzania 4.08 Mt (FAO, 2014). Worldwide, bananas diseases/, P. musae (sexual morph: Myco- are ranked sixth among the staple food crops after sphaerella musicola), that causes yellow Sigatoka and P. eumusae (sexual morph: Mycosphaerella eumusae), the causal agent of eumusae leaf spot (Stover, 1980; *E-mail: [email protected] Carlier et al., 2000a; Marın et al., 2003; Arzanlou et al.,

ª 2017 The Authors. Plant Pathology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Society for Plant Pathology. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 1 2 A. E. Alakonya et al.

2007; Zandjanakou-Tachin et al., 2009). Pseudocer- with limited income hence particularly vulnerable to cospora banana pathogens are hemibiotrophic. Once the impacts of Pseudocercospora banana pathogens. spores of these pathogens are disseminated to the banana leaf surface and environmental conditions are conducive Distribution of Pseudocercospora Banana for pathogen growth, they germinate and penetrate leaf Pathogens and Predicted Climate Change tissues through stomatal openings to colonize the inter- Effects cellular spaces within mesophyll and pallisade cell layers (Jones, 2000). Symptom expression occurs 7–14 days Early reports show that P. musae was the first pathogen after infection and is manifested by streaks on that of the Pseudocercospora species to be identified as a pest later turn necrotic, thus significantly reducing the leaf’s to banana in the Java Islands in 1902 and it rapidly ability to photosynthesize (Churchill, 2011). This may spread to other banana-growing areas causing mild to ultimately lead to 35–100% yield loss, depending on the severe symptoms. Later, in 1963, P. fijiensis was reported cultivar, environmental conditions and level of infection in the Sigatoka district of the Fiji islands, giving the dis- (Marın et al., 2003; Churchill, 2011). These losses are ease the name ‘Sigatoka’ by which it is commonly reflected by poorly filled fruits, smaller bunches and known. However, it is believed that P. fijiensis may have reduced bunch weight (Chillet et al., 2014). In addition, existed long before this initial documentation and proba- severe infections induce physiological changes that result bly coexisted with P. musae or may have been misidenti- in heightened climacteric rise (CO2 and C2H4 produc- fied for the same pathogen (Meredith & Lawrence, tion) that leads to reduced green life (Castelana et al., 1970; Stover & Dickson, 1976; Jones, 2000). In less 2012; Chillet et al., 2014); this is associated with prema- than four decades from its initial documentation, P. ture and uneven fruit ripening, reduced pulp colour fijiensis has spread to attain global distribution in most clarity and altered fruit taste. The pathogen-induced banana-growing regions, earning the reputation of the early fruit ripening results in farmers harvesting the fruit most problematic disease of bananas in Africa, Asia, the before maturity to avoid fruit spoilage before reaching the Pacific Islands and the Americas (Stover, 1980; Stover & market (Jones, 2000; Marın et al., 2003; Perez-Vicente, Simmonds, 1987). Pseudocercospora eumusae is the 2012; Chillet et al., 2014). Infection by Pseudocer- latest Pseudocercospora species to be recognized as a cospora banana pathogens also triggers the production banana production constraint and since its first iden- of hormones such as abscisic acid that are known to play tification in Southeast Asia in the 1990s, the disease a role in the plant abiotic stress response. Similarly, has since been reported in South Asia, Sri Lanka, Mauri- foliar stress from these pathogens triggers anthocyanin tius, Malaysia, Vietnam and Nigeria (Carlier et al., synthesis which results in changes in pulp colour from 2000b; Crous & Mourichon, 2002; Zandjanakou- white to grey or red (Dixon et al., 1994; Chaiker-Scott, Tachin et al., 2009). In Africa, there are no reports of 1999; Zhang et al., 2006; Gagne et al., 2011; Chillet P. eumusae in major banana-growing areas except Nige- et al., 2014). ria (Tushemereirwe et al., 1993; Zandjanakou-Tachin et al., 2009). However, distribution of this pathogen is suspected to be more widespread than currently reported Management of Pseudocercospora Banana but may be undetected due to its similarity of symptoms Pathogens as well as coexistence with P. fijiensis and P. musae. The Application of combinations of systemic and contact lack of comprehensive information calls for more robust fungicides is effective against Pseudocercospora banana epidemiology studies on this pathogen in major banana- pathogens. However, this practice results in an increase growing areas, especially in Africa where limited in the cost of production by 25–30% (i.e. from management efforts are employed. À À $1000 ha 1 up to $1800 ha 1). In total these chemical Traditionally, Pseudocercospora banana pathogens control efforts cost $550 million annually worldwide were separated by altitudinal and climatic gradients; for (Churchill, 2011). The use of chemicals effective against instance, P. musae was restricted to higher altitudes with P. fijiensis is known to encourage the pathogen to cooler temperatures (Tushemereirwe et al., 1993; Carlier develop resistance against these fungicides (Rodriguez et al., 2000b; Jones, 2009). On the other hand, P. fijien- et al., 2016). Another concern associated with chemical sis was more prevalent in lower, warmer areas with applications is the environmental risk posed to those higher rainfall (Tushemereirwe et al., 1993; Arzanlou working and living near banana plantations (de Bellaire et al., 2007; Churchill, 2011). However, there appears to et al., 2010; Churchill, 2011). Other non-chemical dis- be an adaptation shift towards higher altitude areas by ease management approaches, such as the use of biologi- P. fijiensis and in some cases it has replaced P. musae to cal control agents, organic farming, cultural practices become the dominant Pseudocercospora banana and phytosanitary legislation, have not been widely pathogen (Jones, 2000; Arzanlou et al., 2007). This dis- adopted as they are often laborious and require special- placement has been gradual, therefore suggesting an evo- ized equipment that might be prohibitive in developing lutionary adaptation in response to either a changing countries (Marın et al., 2003; Jimenez et al., 2007; climate or host fitness (Jones, 2000). Growth, reproduc- Churchill, 2011). The majority of banana and plantain tion, dispersal and survival of Pseudocercospora producers in sub-Saharan Africa are small-scale farmers banana pathogens are highly dependent on prevailing

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environmental conditions, primarily humidity, tempera- these difficulties will be further exacerbated in scenarios ture and precipitation (Chakraborty & Newton, 2011; where humidity and temperature are changing. Churchill, 2011). Changes in climatic variables can often Although it is difficult to discriminate between the lead to shifts in the relative importance of diseases by effect of temperature on the effectiveness of host resis- altering their distribution in such a manner that previous tance mechanisms and its effect on pathogen virulence, it habitats become more or less favourable for individual has been documented that host–pathogen gene pairs pathogens. These shifts are often gradual as the patho- related to resistance respond differently to different tem- gens slowly adapt to new environments to avoid dis- perature ranges (Browder & Eversmeyer, 1986; Olson placement (Chakraborty et al., 2000; Jones, 2000; et al., 1990; Newton & Young, 1996; Chakraborty et al., Chakraborty, 2013). It has often been predicted that 2000; Garrett et al., 2006; Luck et al., 2011; Elad & these ecological changes may affect virulence of plant Pertot, 2014). These changes in temperature resulting pathogens and therefore impact negatively on plant qual- from climate change may be perceived by banana plants ity and yield (Garrett et al., 2006, 2011; Chakraborty & as a form of abiotic stress. Abiotic stresses are known to Newton, 2011; Luck et al., 2011; Savary et al., 2011; alter gene expression profiles of plants (Zhang et al., Jones & Barbetti, 2012; Juroszek & Von Tiedemann, 2006); however, it is still not clear whether these changes 2013). will result in reduced or increased manifestation of Pseu- Predictions of the effects of climatic change on banana docercospora banana diseases. Increased infection by the and P. fijiensis have also been made. For instance, areas Pseudocercospora banana pathogens has been reported to suitable for banana production are suggested to increase illicit abiotic-like responses in banana by enhancing by 50% by the year 2070 as a result of increased annual anthocyanin biosynthesis that in turn results in alteration temperatures that will make conditions more favourable in fruit colour (Chillet et al., 2014). The effect of climate for banana in higher altitudes. Thus, increases in banana change on the profile or quantity of small fungal mole- cultivation area will increase fruit yield in the subtropics cules called effectors, which are known to aid in pathogen and in the tropical highlands (Calberto et al., 2015). infection, also remains unknown (Vleeshouwers & Oliver, However, the higher temperatures will potentially result 2014). Recently, transcriptomic and bioinformatic analy- in higher water demand, projected to increase by sis identified such factors in Pseudocercospora banana 12–15%. This high water demand may lead to enhanced pathogens (Arango-Isaza et al., 2016; Noar & Daub, irrigation to mitigate against water deficiency. Further, 2016a,b). It is possible that climatic changes will not only higher temperatures may threaten other perennial crops affect optimal conditions for infection but may also influ- such as coffee and cocoa that are often intercropped with ence host specificity and success of disease management banana, possibly forcing farmers to abandon them and, in strategies (Elad & Pertot, 2014). To date, the optimum the long run, abandon banana. It has also been predicted environmental conditions for P. eumusae are unclear, that increased temperatures will increase incidence and although it has been reported to survive in similar envi- severity of Pseudocercospora banana pathogens as it is ronmental conditions as P. fijiensis (Carlier et al., 2000a). likely to accelerate spore germination. However, some More detailed research is needed to elucidate clearly how suggest this may not be as great a concern because leaf changes in climate will affect the distribution and viru- wetness plays a bigger role than temperature on disease lence of Pseudocercospora banana pathogens. In addition, severity; this is associated with rainfall distribution that it is imperative to understand how these changes will may not be affected by climate change (Ghini et al., 2007; influence pathogenicity of the more than 20 Pseudoce- Calberto et al., 2015). In addition, new banana habitats cospora spp. reported to colonize banana but whose eco- may emerge, resulting in habitat shifts of Pseudocer- nomic importance on banana is yet to be determined cospora banana pathogens. These climatic change models (Arzanlou et al., 2008). In fact, because the effects of cli- highlight the effect of habitat suitability on pathogen sur- matic change remain predictive, elaborate surveillance vival rather than the effect on pathogen development or and management programmes targeting Pseudocer- host response to pathogens (Elad & Pertot, 2014). cospora banana pathogens could be the most cost- Given the polycyclic nature and sexual reproduction of effective option to reduce future impacts (Hulme, 2017). the Pseudocercospora banana pathogens, it is likely that they will benefit from a prolonged host growing season Advances in Genomics of Pseudocercospora occasioned by global warming (Calberto et al., 2015); Banana Pathogens the pathogen will probably achieve more generations per season, which in turn will result in increased disease Efforts towards sequencing Pseudocercospora banana severity. In addition, changes in climate have also been pathogens were initiated in 2003 and first focused on shown to favour sexual reproduction in fungi, which P. fijiensis, using the genome of Zymoseptoria tritici (pre- increases the potential for emergence of new pathotypes viously named Mycosphaerella graminicola) as a refer- (Legler et al., 2012). The genetic diversity among and ence. By 2004, a draft of the P. fijiensis genome had been within Pseudocercospora banana pathogens is consider- assembled and the size estimated to be 74.1 Mb. The then able and has often resulted in emergence of resistance to newly sequenced genome was found to be 87% larger existing chemical formulations used to control them than Z. tritici due to a considerable number of repetitive (Rodriguez et al., 2016). Therefore, it is expected that sequences (Goodwin et al., 2004). Later, two idiomorph

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genes, mat1-1 and mat1-2, were isolated in further intensified to gain more insight on gene function P. fijiensis using long-range PCR, providing insight into in the Pseudocercospora banana pathogens (Santana the possible evolution of Pseudocercospora species et al., 2012). Indeed, bioinformatics analysis of the repeti- (Conde-Ferraez et al., 2007). Additional studies have con- tive sequences has revealed that gene expansions and centrated on genomic sequence annotation and isolation increases in repetitive sequences lead to emergence of new of useful markers (Yang & Zhong, 2008; Ferreira et al., strains/pathotypes of P. fijiensis (Santana et al., 2012; 2009). These efforts have resulted in the identification of Moller€ & Stukenbrock, 2017). To some extent these gene homologues associated with P. fijiensis virulence genomic expansions could be responsible for several PKS (Cho et al., 2008; De Wit et al., 2009; Stergiopoulos genes that are only found in the Pseudocercospora banana et al., 2010). Later, the genomes of P. fijiensis isolates pathogens and no other fungal genera, making it an even CIRAD86 and CIRAD139 were sequenced using Sanger more complex pathosystem (Noar & Daub, 2016b). and Illumina Hi Seq technologies, and have provided more detailed information on genomic structure and con- Genetic Transformation of Pseudocercospora tent, as well as the functionality of several genes in the spp: A Tool to Understand Genomics of pathogen (Ohm et al., 2012; Arango-Isaza et al., 2016). Pseudocercospora Banana Pathogens These studies have clearly demonstrated genome expan- sion in P. fijiensis by the presence of repetitive sequences; Currently, several transformation systems for P. fijiensis, such expansion may possibly be a result of horizontal P. musae and P. eumusae using polyethylene glycol, gene transfer from banana or from other fungi colonizing Agrobacterium tumefaciens and underwater shock waves banana (Friesen et al., 2006; Arzanlou et al., 2008; Ma exist (Balint-Kurti et al., 2001; Donzelli & Churchill, et al., 2010; Santana et al., 2012; Czislowski et al., 2003; Portal et al., 2012; Escobar-Tovar et al., 2015; 2017). Comparative genomic analysis between P. fijiensis Onyilo et al., 2017). These transformation protocols have and P. eumusae has led to the suggestion that the two led to better understanding of the infection process of pathogens share a common ancestor and could have pos- Pseudocercospora banana pathogens in both susceptible sibly emerged as a result of radiative evolution (Arango- and resistant banana germplasm through the use of tagged Isaza et al., 2016). More importantly, these studies have fluorescent markers. Furthermore, it has been demon- determined that the gene content of virulent P. fijiensis strated that the pathogens are hemibiotrophic (Balint- and P. eumusae display complementary expansions and Kurti et al., 2001; Portal et al., 2012; Escobar-Tovar contractions in gene families involved in metabolism and et al., 2015). Recently, Onyilo et al. (2017) demonstrated enzymatic degradation (Chang et al., 2016). These find- that silencing of a gene (PfHog1) responsible for the ings point to a possibility of convergent evolution that P. fijiensis mitogen-activated protein kinase known as resulted in variation of the virulence of the pathogens. P. fijiensis high osmolarity glycerol significantly sup- One important paradigm would be to understand how the pressed growth of P. fijiensis on potato dextrose agar gene expansions and increase in repetitive sequences media supplemented with 1 M NaCl. This indicated that increase virulence of fungal pathogens and, by extension, PfHog1 regulates osmotic stress and plays a critical role in host resistance (Moller€ & Stukenbrock, 2017). The analy- osmotic stress regulation. In addition, the PfHog1-silenced sis of repetitive sequences in P. fijiensis suggests that they mutants displayed reduced virulence as well as growth rate play an important role in evolution of this pathogen through reduced mycelial density (Onyilo et al., 2017). through modification of gene structure or expression, Although gene knockout or silencing approaches are not resulting in new strains of the pathogen (Santana et al., routine in these fungi, this study sets a solid foundation for 2012). Recently, transcriptome sequencing of P. fijiensis further exploration in that area. Other tools such as gene during association with banana and on media identified overexpression as well as genome editing may also be fea- key pathogenicity genes that are up-regulated during plant sible with the genomic information that is now available infection (Noar & Daub, 2016a). Furthermore, a bioinfo- for P. fijiensis, P. eumusae and P. musae. The genomes of matic approach to predict polyketide synthase (PKS) gene these three pathogens have lineage-specific transposable clusters from P. fijiensis found that the contained element expansions that may have played an important three PKS genes that were also present in P. musae and role during species divergence. Furthermore, it may be use- P. eumusae but absent in other fungal species. Further ful to apply reverse genetic studies to elucidate gene func- comparison to P. musae and P. eumusae PKS gene clus- tion in the Pseudocercospora banana pathogens; this may ters showed that many of the PKS genes were similar to reveal new factors that are important for the virulence of those of P. fijiensis, with a single gene exception that the pathogens when colonizing banana (Arango-Isaza encoded a unique compound (Noar & Daub, 2016b). An et al., 2016; Chang et al., 2016). analysis of several isolates of P. fijiensis has also revealed allelic variation in some of the effector-coding sequences Identification and Validation of Effector (Stergiopoulos et al., 2014). These findings further Proteins and Other Virulence Factors of strengthen the radiative evolution theory for the Pseudo- Pseudocercospora Banana Pathogens banana pathogens (Arango-Isaza et al., 2016). With this information and knowledge of gene expansions Plant pathogens secrete a wide range of small molecules in these pathogens, gene validation studies could be (microRNAs, metabolites and toxins) and proteins

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referred to as effectors that, depending on the host life- pathosystems such as Parastagonospora nodorum and style, result in triggered resistance or susceptibility Pyrenophora tritici-repentis on wheat and Phytophthora responses (Weiberg et al., 2013; Vleeshouwers & Oliver, infestans on potato (Vleeshouwers & Oliver, 2014). 2014; Arango-Isaza et al., 2016). Effector-triggered Recent work by Arango-Isaza et al. (2016) has demon- immunity is a result of interaction between pathogen vir- strated that using effector proteins may provide a rapid ulence factors and their cognate resistance genes in the screening method for resistance to Pseudocercospora host (Vleeshouwers & Oliver, 2014). While the impor- banana pathogens that may culminate in early deploy- tance of Pseudocercospora species as banana pathogens ment/release of germplasm. It is understood that P. musae has been known for a long time, the repertoire of effec- and P. eumusae employ similar mechanisms for host tor proteins involved in pathogenicity and their func- attack, thus, a similar approach of resistance identifica- tional characterization is only now being understood tion is likely to be applicable (Noar & Daub, 2016a,b). (Noar & Daub, 2016a,b). It is suspected that micro- Genomic comparisons of various pathogens with different RNAs, metabolites and toxins play effector roles in viru- virulence abilities may also help to explain why P. fijiensis lence of Pseudocercospora banana pathogens, although and P. eumusae have managed to coexist while P. musae this has not been clearly demonstrated (Weiberg et al., appears to have been displaced by P. fijiensis (Carlier 2013). Few effector proteins that are functional ortholo- et al., 2000a; Gauhl et al., 2000; Arzanlou et al., 2007; gues of the much studied Cladosporium fulvum have Zandjanakou-Tachin et al., 2009). It may be interesting been identified in the genome of P. musae and P. fijiensis to understand how virulence factors from these different (Stergiopoulos et al., 2010; Passos et al., 2013; Arango- but related fungi affect their coexistence. Isaza et al., 2016; Noar & Daub, 2016b). Notably, a higher number of effectors have been identified in Understanding the Host Response to P. fijiensis than other related fungi such as M. gramini- Pseudocercospora Banana Pathogens and cola, P. eumusae, P. musae and C. fulvum (Cho et al., Development of Resistant Musa germplasm 2008; Arango-Isaza et al., 2016; Friesen, 2016; Noar & Daub, 2016a). Such findings, coupled with the current Development of Musa germplasm with resistance to understanding that the three pathogens have different Pseudocercospora banana pathogens has been a focus of strategies for manipulating the host immune system, have several breeding programmes since 1922 (Jones, 2000). great implications especially for the development of Results from the breeding efforts have shown that Pseu- Musa germplasm with resistance to Pseudocercospora docercospora banana pathogens appear to have evolved banana pathogens. Recently, transcriptomic and bioinfor- different virulence abilities against banana, sometimes matic analyses have identified genes that code for mole- leading to breakdown in resistance in well-characterized cules that aid Pseudocercospora banana pathogens to germplasm (Fullerton & Olsen, 1995; Escobar-Tovar successfully infect banana, including PKS and proteins et al., 2015). These reports confirm that major gene involved in metabolism and enzymatic degradation resistance, as proposed in the gene-for-gene resistance (Chang et al., 2016; Noar & Daub, 2016a,b). Bioinfor- model by Flor (1946), is unlikely to be a long-term solu- matic analysis has also demonstrated that some of the tion against Pseudocercospora banana pathogens. Ortiz effectors are unique to the three Pseudocercospora & Vuylsteke (1994) proposed that resistance to P. fijien- banana pathogens while one is only present in P. fijiensis sis is a result of one recessive allele (bs1) and two inde- and not in any known fungal pathogen (Noar & Daub, pendent resistant additive alleles (bsr2 and bsr3). Later, 2016b). Recently, a purified protein of the putative gene Craenen & Ortiz (1997) demonstrated that intralocus PfAvr4 from P. fijiensis successfully illicited a hypersen- interaction in the bs1 locus apparently regulates the sitive reaction in a resistant banana genotype but not in appearance of symptoms on the leaf surface whereas the the susceptible cultivar, hence cementing the importance additive effect and intralocus interaction of the bsr locus of such molecules in virulence of the pathogen and their affects disease development in banana. potential use in germplasm resistance screening (Arango- Several studies have determined that the biochemical Isaza et al., 2016). reactions that occur in other plant species during invasion Understanding the types of effectors produced by the by pathogens also occur in banana when infected by Pseu- pathogens and their connection to virulence as well as docercospora pathogens (Dhakshinamoorthy et al., 2014; host response will aid in the development of new manage- Holscher€ et al., 2014; Vaganan et al., 2014; Wang et al., ment strategies against these pathogens. Effector-assisted 2015). These include strengthening of physical barriers, breeding can facilitate the discovery of resistance genes such as lignification, the hypersensitive response, and the and can be used to determine the durability of the resis- production of compounds such as phytoanticipins, phe- tance genes by evaluating their ability to recognize genetic nols, phenylphenalenones, peroxidase, phenylalanine variants of effector protein genes in a pathogen popula- ammonia-lyase, b-1,3-glucanase and hydrogen peroxide tion (Vleeshouwers & Oliver, 2014). This approach may (Hoss et al., 2000; Otalvaro et al., 2007; Cruz-Cruz et al., be more feasible in developing resistance to Pseudocer- 2010; Cavalcante et al., 2011; Torres et al., 2012; cospora banana pathogens that exhibit a great deal of Sanchez-Garcıa et al., 2013; Hidalgo et al., 2016). Speci- plasticity. Effectors have been exploited in resistance fic changes in gene expression profiles have also been breeding and resistance gene deployment in various detected only in resistant cultivars. For instance, in

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Calcutta 4, high expression of several genes associated the Centre Africain de Recherches sur Bananiers et Plan- with pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins has been recorded tains (CARBAP) in Cameroon and the Centre National de during infection with P. fijiensis (Portal et al., 2012; Recherche Agronomique (CNRA) in Cote^ d’Ivoire have Rodriguez et al., 2016). Furthermore, an analysis of the responsibility for banana improvement. In Asia, the Chi- banana genome has identified genes encoding putative nese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences (CATAS) proteins associated with plant response to invasion by and the Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences pathogens and their effectors (D’Hont et al., 2012). The (GDASS) in the Peoples’ Rebublic of China, the Indone- early gene expression pattern of Calcutta 4 in response to sian Fruits Research Institute (ITFRI) in Indonesia and the infection by P. fijiensis was determined using microarray ICR-National Research Centre for Banana (NRCB) in chip and quantitative real-time PCR, which also estab- Tamil Nadu, India perform similar functions on locally lished that genes coding for peroxidase, pathogenesis- adapted varieties. In the Americas, breeding is carried out related 4 (PR-4), PR-10, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase by the Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria – and disease response 1 were up-regulated during early Mandioca e Fruticultura Tropical (EMBRAPA-CNPMF) infection with the pathogen (Rodriguez et al., 2016). Con- in Brazil, the Centre de Cooperation Internationale currently, using the cDNA suppression subtractive en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developement – hybridization technique, different pathways such as gly- Departement des productions fruitieres et horticoles colysis/gluconeogenesis and genes encoding zinc finger (CIRAD-FLHOR) in Guadeloupe, and the Fundacion domains, metallothioneins and putative disease resistance Hondurerena~ de Investigacion Agrıcola (FHIA) in protein RGA1 were shown to play a role in the early resis- Honduras that absorbed the United Fruits Company. tance response against M. fijiensis in Calcutta 4 (Timm At IITA, the evaluation of several subspecies of wild et al., 2016). A recent study established that genes coding M. acuminata (subsp. banksii, burmannica, malaccensis, for ethylene responsive factor, flavin-containing monoxy- microcarpa) against P. fijienis has shown that partial genase, serine glyoxylate lipoxygenase and metalloth- resistance (whereby disease symptoms develop but do ionein were up-regulated when the resistant cultivar not progress beyond the streak stage) was more dur- Manoranjitham was infected with P. eumusae (Sara- able than a gene-for-gene hypersensitive-like reaction vanakumar et al., 2016). Furthermore, other innate host (Craenen & Ortiz, 1997; Carlier et al., 2000b). Even factors such as stomatal density and pseudostem waxiness with this information, the complexities of breeding have been proposed to play a role in resistance to P. fijien- Musa spp., including its sterility, polyploid nature, low sis (Craenen & Ortiz, 1997). It is important to note that seed germination and narrow genetic basis, call for the true or complete resistance to P. fijiensis has not been need to integrate genomic tools into banana breeding shown to exist, although some level of resistance or toler- programmes (Swennen & Vuylsteke, 1993). When ance has been clearly demonstrated (Craenen & Ortiz, investigating Pseudocercospora banana pathogens, 1997). Ferreira et al. (2004) used RAPD markers to character- As observed in the studies above, different approaches ize banana diploids (AA) with contrasting responses to as well as cultivars are used in determining host resis- P. fijiensis and P. musae. In addition, methylation- tance responses against Pseudocercospora banana patho- sensitive amplification polymorphism (MSAP) markers gens. However, it is clear that resistant and susceptible were found that were associated with resistance to P. cultivars respond differently to infection by these patho- fijiensis toxins and could be useful in selection of gens. These gene response studies are therefore helpful germplasm with resistance to the pathogen (Ortiz & on two fronts. First, the gene expression profiles could Vuylsteke, 1995; Gimenez et al., 2006; Lin et al., be used in early selection of resistant candidates through 2010). To date, the genomes of two banana progeni- artificial infection by the pathogens followed by gene tors, M. acuminata subsp. malaccensis (A genome) and expression profiling of the target genes. This approach M. balbisiana (B genome), and another wild banana, could save time and funds used in maintaining fields dur- M. itinerans, have been sequenced with the resulting ing selection of resistant parents under natural infection. sequences revealing genome evolution peculiarities of Secondly, the genes identified to confer resistance against Musaceae (D’Hont et al., 2012; Davey et al., 2013; these pathogens could be cloned into overexpression vec- Cızkova et al., 2015; Christelova et al., 2016). This tors and transformed into banana. In the latter approach, information could shed more light on Musa spp. evolu- the transgenic banana produced could be screened tion and inherent disease resistance factors. In parallel, against Pseudocercospora banana pathogens and, if several studies have also demonstrated the utility of found to be resistant, deployed for wider cultivation. various classes of DNA markers in Musa spp. (Ude However, the acceptance of this approach may face bar- et al., 2002; Nwakanma et al., 2003; Buhariwalla riers in countries that have restrictions on genetically et al., 2005; Teo et al., 2005; Heslop-Harrison & engineered crops. Schwarzacher, 2007; Garcia et al., 2010; Saraswathi The major banana breeding programmes worldwide et al., 2011; Ravishankar et al., 2013; Brown et al., are mainly clustered in Africa, Asia and the Americas. In 2017). Currently, a form of marker-selection known as Africa, the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture genomic selection is being developed for use in gener- (IITA) in Nigeria, Uganda and Tanzania, the National ating appropriate breeding models for the improvement Agricultural Research Organization (NARO) of Uganda, of banana (Nyine et al., 2017).

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Validation of markers linked to resistance to Pseudo- they emphasize the benefits that accrue when materials cercospora banana pathogens will facilitate faster gene are shared among breeding programmes. introgression and marker-assisted selection (MAS) that will accelerate the germplasm selection process. Fur- The Role of Genetic Transformation in thermore, the markers can also identify gene targets Development of Pseudocercospora-resistant whose function could be validated by transforming Banana Germplasm Musa species with RNA interference (RNAi) constructs targeting specific genes. Already, RNAi mechanisms As discussed earlier, classical banana breeding faces con- have been demonstrated in Musa in vitro using the siderable bottlenecks, especially caused by infertility and reporter gene for b-glucuronidase (GUS; Dang et al., the limited variation in resistance in existing germplasm. 2014). Finally, some of these studies have illustrated These challenges have delayed deployment/release of the great genetic diversity in existing Musa spp., which Pseudocercospora-resistant banana germplasm to farmers could be used in selection of germplasm for genetic (Swennen & Vuylsteke, 1993). Therefore, genetic trans- improvement of banana against Pseudocercospora formation offers a platform where such challenges can banana pathogens, especially in programmes that need be circumvented. A number of studies have generated to expand the Musa genetic pool (Christelova et al., transgenic plants and evaluated them for resistance to 2016; Janssens et al., 2016). Pseudocercospora in vitro, in the screenhouse and under Despite the difficulties in breeding banana highlighted limited field conditions. For example, Cammue et al. earlier, significant progress has been achieved by differ- (1993) demonstrated antifungal activity towards P. fijien- ent programmes in the generation and delivery of P. sis on detached leaves from plants transformed with sev- fijiensis-resistant cultivars to farmers (Swennen & eral genes. In their investigations, Remy et al. (1998) Vuylsteke, 1993). First, given the inherent need to dis- used the antifungal gene Dm-AMP1 from Dahlia merckii tribute clean planting materials in sufficient quantities, under the control of CaMV 35S promoter, a super- the International Musa Transit Center (ITC) in Belgium promoter or a maize ubiquitin promoter. The CaMV 35S was formed with the intention of sanitizing, multiplying promoter and super-promoter each resulted in an over and distributing genetic stocks from around the world. 6-fold increase in gene expression in the transformed ITC provides an invaluable resource to breeding pro- leaves and provided resistance to P. fijiensis under grammes and farmers as they can provide resistant germ- screenhouse conditions. In another study, magainin, an plasm. For example, P. fijiensis-resistant materials from antimicrobial peptide isolated from the skin of the Afri- the FHIA programme are now being grown in many can clawed frog Xenopus laevis, was transformed into countries worldwide, including Uganda, Tanzania, banana using two constructs targeting delivery of the Ghana, Nigeria and Kenya (Tenkouano & Swennen, peptide into the cytoplasm or the extracellular spaces. 2004). Similarly, P. fijiensis-resistant diploids from FHIA The resistance to P. musae was measured as reduced are being used in several breeding programmes including lesion area in detached leaf assays. The study established those at IITA, EMBRAPA, CIRAD and CARBAP. The that the lesion area on transgenic leaves was 40% for breeding programme at IITA has also generated several those from plants transformed with a construct targeting improved P. fijiensis-resistant plantain hybrids, known as the intracellular region and ranged from 18% to 58% PITAs, and cooking banana hybrids called BITAs now for those from the construct targeting the extracellular available in several countries including Nigeria, Uganda, region (Chakrabarti et al., 2003). In another study, Cameroon, the Ivory Coast and Ghana (Tenkouano & Cavendish banana cv. Grand Naine was transformed Swennen, 2004; Tenkouano et al., 2011). IITA, in col- with a cassette expressing an endochitinase gene (En-42) laboration with NARO-Uganda, has developed several from Trichoderma harzianum together with the grape East-African Highland cooking banana hybrids (generally stilbene synthase (StSy) gene under the control of the 35S referred to as NARITAs). Some of these NARITA promoter and the inducible PR-10 promoter, respectively hybrids have been tested in Uganda by IITA and NARO (Vishnevetsky et al., 2011). The superoxide dismutase and the most promising ones have already been released gene Cu,Zn-SOD from tomato, under control of the to farmers (Ortiz, 2015). EMBRAPA-CNPMF also devel- ubiquitin promoter, was also added to this cassette to oped Pome and Silk dessert banana hybrids that are now improve scavenging of free radicals generated during fun- being evaluated for P. fijiensis resistance in Nigeria and gal attack. Results from 4 years of field trials against P. Uganda by IITA (EMBRAPA-CNPMF, unpublished fijiensis showed that, out of the 12 transgenic lines data). If confirmed and accepted, they could be an alter- tested, six lines showed reduced disease symptoms while native to the existing P. fijiensis-susceptible dessert two lines exhibited significantly reduced symptoms with banana in East and West Africa. The CIRAD and no change in fruit quality or yield. Kosky et al. (2010) CARBAP breeding programmes have also developed simultaneously transformed banana with an antifungal P. fijiensis-resistant plantain and dessert banana hybrids, glucanase gene and an antifungal protein, AP24 osmotin. respectively. These successes highlight the important role From 25 transformants, only one showed significantly that integration of banana breeding with molecular tools low foliar P. fijiensis symptoms compared to the control will play in the development of germplasm resistant to under field conditions. Kovacs et al. (2013) transformed the Pseudocercospora banana pathogens. In addition, banana with either of two chitinase genes from rice. The

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transgenic lines developed had a transgene copy number has an advantage over transgenic approaches as the of 1–5 copies per line with single transgene copy lines resulting plants are not subject to the stringent regula- accounting for 25% of all transgenic lines. The group tions governing genetically engineered crops in many reported a considerable decrease in necrotic leaf area, of countries. 73–94%, at 63 days post-inoculation of detached leaves. In most studies only a single location, screening tech- Conclusions, Way Forward and Future nique or isolate is used in germplasm evaluation. This Prospects could be limiting as there are numerous isolates of the main Pseudocercospora banana pathogens whose diver- In this genomic era a wealth of tools such as sequencing sity should be included in the screening process. It is also technologies, bioinformatics, transcriptomics and pro- important that the copy numbers of the transgene be teomic analysis will continue to play an important role in known before evaluation, as it has a significant influence the multifaceted path of development and testing of on the level of symptom expression (Kovacs et al., high-yielding banana varieties with resistance to Pseudo- 2013). With the emergence of increasingly more efficient cercospora banana pathogens. Although some breed- banana transformation protocols, it is likely that genetic ing programmes have already developed high-yielding engineering will play an even greater role in banana P. fijiensis-resistant hybrids, there is still a need to evaluate genetic improvement in the near future (Sagi et al., and identify additional sources with potentially higher 1995; Ganapathi et al., 2001; Khanna et al., 2004; Liu levels of resistance from under-used wild Musa spp. The et al., 2017). To date, the transgenic studies have currently available hybrids were developed to provide focused primarily on gene overexpression, but it is also resistance against P. fijiensis but their response to P. eumu- possible that host-induced gene silencing, also referred to sae and P. musae and the durability of this resistance in as host-triggered RNA interference (Hamilton & the face of frequently evolving pathotypes have not been Baulcombe, 1999), may play a significant role in the evaluated. There is also a need to consider breeding for development of transgenic banana with resistance to resistance against P. eumusae and P. musae. Finally, Pseudocercospora banana pathogens. This technology although detached leaf assays, screenhouse artificial inocu- has shown utility against various phytopathogenic fungi lations and field evaluations have been used for evaluation such as Fusarium verticillioides (Tinoco et al., 2010), F. of resistance against Pseudocercospora banana pathogens, graminearum (Koch et al., 2013), Puccinia striiformis the methods have been selectively applied by different (Yin et al., 2011), Blumeria graminis (Nowara et al., groups. In fact, no study has applied multiple resistance 2010) and Aspergillus flavus (Masanga et al., 2015; screening approaches to improve efficiency and reliability Thakare et al., 2017). RNA interference mechanisms of selection. This has sometimes led to contradicting have already been demonstrated in both banana and P. results that can mislead a screening programme into dis- fijiensis albeit in vitro (Mumbanza et al., 2013; Dang carding a potential cultivar. Even where field evaluations et al., 2014; Onyilo et al., 2017). Horizontal gene trans- have been conducted, the results could be suspect if only a fer is also suspected to have occurred between P. fijiensis single location has been used. Refining the procedures on or P. eumusae and Musa spp. leading to gene expansions how to apply these evaluation tools may lead to better (Friesen et al., 2006; Ma et al., 2010; Santana et al., understanding of the host 9 pathogen 9 environmental 2012; Czislowski et al., 2017); thus, it may be possible interaction that will ultimately result in development of to use such horizontal gene transfer, the mechanism of resistant and durable cultivars. which is currently unknown, to deliver RNAi molecules into the pathogen from transformed hosts. Although an Acknowledgements increase in the development of transgenic banana resis- tant to the three important Pseudocercospora banana The authors acknowledge USAID for the project AID- pathogens is envisaged, the acceptability of genetically BFS-G-II-00002-11 ‘Reviving the plantain breeding pro- transformed banana still faces resistance from anti-GMO gramme’ at IITA. The authors would also like to thank groups and banana-importing countries. This may affect all donors who supported this work through their contri- funding of transgenic research and the rapid development butions to the CGIAR Fund ( and deployment of transgenic products, especially to we-are/cgiar-fund/fund-donors-2/), and in particular to small-scale farmers. Nevertheless, countries need to put the CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and in place clear legislation and policies on research and Bananas. The authors declare no conflict of interest. adoption of genetically modified crops as a starting Views expressed in this work are solely those of the point. Finally, with the emerging cisgenic technologies, authors and not of the donor or affiliate organizations. such as clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR) technology (Sander & Joung, 2014), RNA-guided targeted genome editing could be used as References an additional platform for the development of Arango-Isaza R, Diaz-Trujillo C, Dhillon B et al., 2016. Combating a Psuedocercospora-resistant banana exhibiting good qual- global threat to a clonal crop: banana black Sigatoka pathogen ity characteristics. The latter has proved to be a stum- Pseudocercospora fijiensis (synonym Mycosphaerella fijiensis) genomes bling block in newly developed hybrids. Genome editing reveal clues for disease control. PLoS Genetics 12, e1005876.

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