Spinal Cord (1999) 37, 89 ± 95 ã 1999 International Medical Society of Paraplegia All rights reserved 1362 ± 4393/99 $12.00 http://www.stockton-press.co.uk/sc

Clinical Case of the Month

Treatment of

J Sùnksen*,1, DA Ohl2, H Momose3, FT Rocha4, TEP Barros4 and F Biering-Sùrensen5 1Department of Urology, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2Department of Surgery, Section of Urology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA; 3Department of Urology, Hoshigaoka Koseinenkin Hospital, Osaka, Japan; 4Spinal Injury Unit, University of SaÄo Paulo, SaÄo Paulo, Brazil; 5Centre for Spinal Cord Injured, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Keywords: spinal cord injuries; ejaculation; fertility; spermatozoa

Introduction The ability to ejaculate and semen quality is severely concentration of 404 million per ml with a motility rate impaired in the majority of men with spinal cord injury of 27%. The percentage of sperm with normal (SCI) and, consequently, caused by SCI morphology was 62%. men without medical intervention are rare.1±3 The The couple entered a home fertility programme of most common methods to induce ejaculation in SCI PVS combined with vaginal self-insemination. They men are penile vibratory stimulation (PVS)4±7 and were carefully instructed at the outpatient clinic to electroejaculation (EEJ).8±11 perform PVS by themselves. The time of was In this case, we present a common fertility identi®ed by monitoring basal body temperature. The treatment situation with an SCI man and his wife. ejaculate was collected by the partner into a non- spermicidal container. A 10 ml syringe was then used Case presentation to instill the ejaculate intravaginally. No occurred following eight cycles of home insemination. A 32-year-old C5 incomplete tetraplegic man and his Intrauterine insemination (IUI) was then performed. 35-year-old wife seeking treatment for infertility were Prior to IUI the wife was thoroughly evaluated by admitted to our clinic. Before the spinal cord injury 4 hystero-salpingography and assessment of ovulation years previously, he had normal ejaculatory function. and found normal. Before insemination by IUI, After the injury it was not possible to obtain clomiphene citrate (Pergotime) was used in a dose of ejaculation by sexual stimulation or . 100 mg per day on days 3 ± 7. Vaginal ultrasound Serum hormonal analyses of follicle-stimulating hor- examination was used for ovulation timing. When the mone, luteinizing hormone, prolactin, estradiol and leading follicle reached 18 mm in diameter, human testosterone were within normal limits. Orchiodometry chorionic gonadotropin (hCG, Profasi) 5000 IU was revealed normal testicular size on both sides. PVS was administered subcutaneously to induce ovulation. then performed with a new medical grade vibrator Intrauterine insemination was then performed 38 h (Figure 1) which has been developed for this purpose. following the hCG-injection. No pregnancies were A vibratory amplitude of 2.5 mm and a frequency of achieved during a total of six cycles of IUI. Before 100 Hz was used as previously described.4 The center IUI the semen obtained by PVS was processed by the of the vibrator knob was applied to the preputial Percoll-technique and the total number of motile frenulum and held in the same position until antegrade sperm used for the IUI cycles ranged from 30 ± 200 ejaculation occurred after 40 s of stimulation. The million (median 85). ejaculate was collected in a non-spermicidal container. The couple was then o€ered in-vitro insemination Due to the potential risk of autonomic dysre¯exia the (IVF). Prior to IVF the female partner was treated blood pressure was monitored during the procedure with a gonadotropin releasing hormone analogue and no signi®cant increase in the blood pressure was (GnRH, buserelin, Suprefact) followed by stimulation seen. A diagnostic raw semen analysis of the antegrade with human menopausal gonadotropins (Humegon) ejaculate was performed immediately following the according to a long protocol. Human chorionic procedure and showed a volume of 3.4 ml and a sperm gonadotropin was given 36 h before oocyte aspiration and a maximum of two embryos were transferred into the uterine cavity 48 h following the oocyte aspiration. Correspondence: J Sùnksen, Dept. of Urology, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, 9 Blesclamvei, DK-2100, Copenhagen, A total of four IVF cycles were performed. All cycles Denmark resulted in fertilization with a cleavage rate of 80% Treatment of infertility JSùnksenet al 90

Figure 1 Ferti care1 personal (Multicept, Rungsted, Den- Figure 2 Seager Model 11 Electroejaculator and rectal mark) vibrator developed to induce ejaculation in men with probe (Dalzall USA Medical Systems, The Plains, VA, spinal cord injuries. The amplitude and frequency may be set USA). The rectal probes used during the electroejaculation at the recommended 2.5 mm and 100 Hz, or according to procedure are generally 3 cm in diameter with either a individual requirements. The options available include transverse or a longitudinal arrangement of the electrodes. amplitudes between 1.0 ± 3.5 mm and frequencies between Alternating current (0 ± 50 V/0 ± 1000 mA) is used to perform 70 ± 110 Hz the electrical stimulaton

(median number of oocytes aspirated per cycle was dure. Virtually 100% of SCI men ejaculate with EEJ ten, range 5 ± 14). A singleton pregnancy (still on- versus 60% to 80% with PVS. Dr Sùnksen, the lead going) was achieved after the fourth attempt of IVF. discussant of this case, should be congratulated for Following Percoll-technique, the total number of determining the importance of the vibratory amplitude motile sperm used for the IVF cycles ranged from and increasing PVS ejaculation rates to this range.4 It 28 ± 180 million (median 112). is because of his work that we have seen success with PVS and in recent years shifted our emphasis to PVS Comments by Dr Ohl as our primary procedure . Despite the fact that PVS works in a smaller This case presentation represents a very common percentage of the cases, it should always be tried situation we see at the University of Michigan. Many ®rst. Patient acceptance is substantially higher for PVS of my comments regarding management are based on over EEJ and there is a suggestion of better sperm our program's experience in EEJ but I believe the quality and function with PVS as well.12 Electro- comments are valid since similar sperm problems are ejaculation is reserved for PVS failures. In the very seen in both EEJ and PVS. rare event that EEJ and PVS both fail to cause seminal The initial evaluation of this patient and his spouse emission, surgical extraction of sperm can be prior to the initial PVS was correct. It was a limited considered, and I believe that ejaculation induction evaluation. Unfortunately, many men with SCI failure is the only acceptable reason for surgical sperm seeking infertility treatment at our center have extraction in the SCI population. Once adequate already undergone extensive unnecessary evaluation, sperm quality is demonstrated, attempts at pregnancy sometimes including invasive procedures such as can then proceed. testicular biopsy and vasogram. Spinal cord injured While I am not totally adverse to home insemina- menshouldbetreatedthesameasanymanwithan tion, I believe that success with this procedure will be infertility problem ± a `sperm count' should be extremely low, for two main reasons. The ®rst is obtained prior to invasive testing. Therefore, history, related to the insemination route. We have reported on physical exam and hormonal assays are all that functional abnormalities of the sperm obtained by should be performed prior to proceeding with EEJ13 and these functional abnormalities have also ejaculation induction. been veri®ed in men undergoing PVS. These defects The next question to consider is which type of include poor survival in incubation and cervical mucus ejaculation procedure to perform ± EEJ or PVS. transport. Home insemination success requires that Electroejaculation is clearly a more reliable proce- these fragile sperm survive the hostile vaginal Treatment of infertility JSùnksenet al 91 environment and also traverse the cervical mucus to associated with multiple births and disappointment of get into the uterus, tasks that the functional multiple failures of IVF. abnormalities may not allow. In the University of Michigan program, multiple initial attempts of Comments by Dr Momose physician-performed vaginal inseminations resulted in no pregnancies. With intrauterine delivery of sperm, Two diculties must be overcome by SCI men who the immediately rose to greater than desire to father their own children; one is to obtain 30% per couple. semen and the other is successful insemination. The Secondly, I believe that patient-directed home most common procedures used to obtain semen are ovulation timing is suboptional. In this couple, basal PVS or EEJ. In general, PVS should be preferred as body temperature charting was the primary method the ®rst choice for SCI men as it is less invasive and used. Since SCI sperm also has decreased motility the eciency of over 75% is equal to EEJ. The longevity,14 ovulation timing is of the utmost presented case, a C5 incomplete tetraplegic man, is importance. The delivery of sperm should be likely to be burdened with neurogenic bladder performed as close to the time of ovulation as dysfunction of upper motor neuron lesion type, and possible, or even after the time of ovulation. Urine incomplete damage to sensory neurons and will luteinizing hormone detection kits may improve home probably endure pain during electrostimulation and ovulation timing. require general anaesthesia. Consequently, PVS is Intrauterine insemination is the initial procedure considered the better ®rst choice. used in our hospital. In the case history, more The results of semen analyses indicated low sperm extensive monitoring and accurate timing of ovulation motility rate (27%) in contrast to relatively good was seen. Since IUI was coordinated with hCG volume and concentration that is consistent with the injection, the delivery of sperm at the time of results reported in the literature.16 The couple ovulation was more reliable. The use of clomiphene performed eight cycles of vaginal self-insemination citrate is optional, as we have not seen an increase in and six cycles of IUI, none of which resulted in pregnancy rate with the use of this drug. Even though pregnancy. In principle, we consider the sperm motility our success rate of 34% per couple by EEJ/IUI is rate of a good candidate for arti®cial insemination to signi®cant, one must realize that this implies a 66% be higher than 50%. In our past experience of arti®cial failure rate.15 I believe that low IUI success rate is insemination with more generous indication, the rate related to the sperm functional defects and remaining of achieved pregnancy was 2.5% where the mean uncertanties about ovulation timing with IUI. We sperm motility rate of the husbands was 10%. In case currently recommend between 3 ± 6 cycles of IUI of IUI failure, the next choice is IVF as in the before proceeding onto higher levels of reproductive presented case. Our criteria for IVF candidates include techniques. a sperm motility rate higher than 20%, which the By advancing to IVF, this couple's best chance of presented case meets. pregnancy is seen. In failures of IUI, our pregnancy The current ®nal step that is clinically available is rate in one attempt of IVF was 37%.15 This clearly intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). This techni- demonstrates that IVF is superior in attempting to que requires only 5 ± 10 motile spermatozoa in total to achieve pregnancy with EEJ sperm. We do not go achieve pregnancy. We have two successful cases as directly to IVF because of a reasonable success rate yet, in one of which the sperm motility rate was almost with IUI alone and because of the high cost of IVF to 0% and in the other 5%.17 Theoretically, employment patients in the United States, since most insurance of ICSI almost always enables fertilization followed by plans do not cover expenses related to assisted pregnancy, even if the semen contains only a few reproductive technologies. spermatozoa as is the case in some patients. The The high fertilization rate in the case history is not development of reproductive technologies has de- surprising. Most SCI men are able to fertilize oocytes creased the signi®cance of semen quality. Although in-vitro, despite multiple failures of IUI. Despite the reproductive medicine in SCI men has achieved high fertilization rates, however, this couple did not remarkable progress both concerning assisted ejacula- become pregnant until the fourth cycle of IVF. This tion and fertilization, it should be noted that selection may be related to transfer of only two embryos per of the treatment must be made according to the ethical cycle. Transferring two embryos, while decreasing the basis of the couple. The technique with the highest rate of multiple births, will also decrease the eciency is not the best way for all couples. pregnancy rate. In the United States, where govern- ment control of IVF is less speci®c than in Denmark, Comments by Dr Rocha and Dr Barros we would generally transfer four embryos per cycle. With this philosophy, we have enjoyed a signi®cant This patient was probably a fertile man before trauma IVF pregnancy rate (37%), while maintaining a as he has normal testes size and hormone levels. multiple birth rate of only 18% including only one Almost all of male SCI patients experience fertility triplet pregnancy. In my opinion, this record seems to problems related to erectile and/or ejaculatory dysfunc- represent a good compromise between the problems tion as well as poor semen quality. Erectile and Treatment of infertility JSùnksenet al 92

ejaculatory problems are caused by the neurologic massager.27 It is largely due to Brindley5 that the use lesion. The poor semen quality may originate from the of PVS in SCI men has become widespread. neurologic lesion as well as from the high levels of free The vibratory amplitude is of great importance radicals in the ejaculate.18 Consequently, only 1% of when inducing ejaculation by PVS. In a recent study these patients are able to generate pregnancies by detailed measurements of the vibratory output sexual intercourse.19 When treating infertility problems demonstrated that a vibratory amplitude of 2.5 mm in SCI patients we should take into account not only at a frequency of 100 Hz produced signi®cantly higher the problems related to the trauma but also problems ejaculation rates (96%) compared to much lower related to the partner, especially the woman's age. ejaculation rates (32%) with an amplitude of 1 mm.4 Ninety per cent of these patients require assisted This indicates that a high amplitude vibration is ejaculation.20 The author's choice to use PVS to essential to exceed an ejaculatory threshold to activate obtain ejaculation is the most adequate due to its the ejaculatory re¯ex in the majority of SCI men. In a simplicity and because this technique works very well study by Ohl et al28 65% of 34 SCI men obtained in patients with lesions above T10 with an intact lower antegrade ejaculation when using a 2.5 mm vibratory sacral cord.21 Special caution must be taken with amplitude at 100 Hz, but the ejaculation rate was 81% dysre¯exia as well as penile skin lesions. If the patient in men with spinal cord lesions above the T10-level. has an associated lower cord lesion or if the vibratory A vibrator (Figure 1) which meets the required technique is unsuccessful another option would be EEJ frequency of 100 Hz and an amplitude of 2.5 mm4 has with a rectal probe. This method procures semen in been developed for clinical as well as home use. two thirds of patients in whom PVS fails.22 Men who are anejaculatory from lower motor The second problem of SCI patients is the semen neuron lesions will not respond to PVS but usually quality. The number of sperm with low motility to EEJ. Electroejaculation was ®rst described in 1931 exhibited by this patient is in accordance with the in humans by Learmonth.29 The ®rst rectal probe EEJ literature. According to Le Chapelain et al23 the mean was performed in a group of SCI men in 1948 by semen volume procured by PVS is greater than that Horne et al.30 We currently use the EEJ equipment obtained using EEJ and the percentage of motile developed by Professor Seager (Figure 2). The probe is sperm was signi®cantly lower in semen procured by inserted transrectally and the electrodes are placed in EEJ as opposed to that collected by PVS. In the contact with the rectal mucosa in the area of the present case we would not try vibratory ejaculation prostate gland and the seminal vesicles. The electrical plus vaginal injection of the semen because the success stimulation is given with progressively increasing rate of this method is very low and the patient's voltage until ejaculation is completed. The fraction partner is not so young, demanding a quick solution. of antegrade ejaculate does not occur as a projectile Intrauterine insemination plus hCG stimulation to ejaculation, but rather as an intermittent release of induce ovulation monitored by ultrasound would have semen during the course of the procedure. Prior to the been our ®rst choice. The method has a pregnancy EEJ procedure, the patient is catheterized to chance of 10% to 20% and represents an easy and completely empty all the urine, since many individuals cheap method.24 However, in order to save time we have a substantial portion of the ejaculate going into would have tried this method for just two to three the urinary bladder (retrograde ejaculation). Because cycles. If the method did not work, our next step urine may adversely e€ect this retrograde ejaculate a would be IVF for four cycles. If pregnancy were not sperm friendly medium (eg Ham's F 10 medium) can obtained using IVF we would go directly to ICSI. be instilled into the bladder before the EEJ. After the Although there are only a few series reported in the procedure the bladder is then catheterized to empty literature using assisted fertilization in SCI patients, the retrograde fraction. It should be noted that the cumulative pregnancy rates after eight cycles of individuals with sensation will require either a spinal IUI and three cycles of IVF are about 30% per cycle or general anaesthetic before treatment. and 70% per cycle, respectively.25 The adoption of this The mechanism by which EEJ operates is not clear more aggressive approach is justi®ed by the age of the but direct electrical stimulation of the smooth muscles partner. After 35 years of age women's fertility of the vas deferens31 as well as local muscle decreases and this couple's chance to achieve a stimulation32 and stimulation of the myelinated pregnancy will decrease with time. e€erent nerves close to the rectum33 has been suggested as the mechanism of action. However, it Discussion remains clear that ejaculation can be induced in nearly 100% of SCI men undergoing the procedure.9,34 In general, all authors agree that PVS should be the Despite the fact that ejaculation can be induced in ®rst choice of treatment in SCI men with ejaculatory nearly all SCI men by PVS and EEJ, the semen is of dysfunction and spinal cord lesions above T10. poor quality.9,28,35 ± 38 In general, the total number of Vibratory stimulation of the penis to obtain sperm is within normal range but the motility is low ejaculation was ®rst described by Sobrero et al26 in a compared to World Health Organization Stan- group of non-spinal cord impaired men. The ®rst dards.39 The reason for the poor semen quality in reported use in an SCI man was with a hand SCI men remains unknown but several factors have Treatment of infertility JSùnksenet al 93 been suggested to explain this problem including importance and the use of luteinizing hormone recurrent urinary tract infections, type of bladder detection kits should be further evaluated to management, stasis of prostatic ¯uid, testicular determine whether they may improve home pregnancy hyperthermia, abnormal testicular histology, changes rates. The age of the female partner in this case in the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis, sperm presentation and the low pregnancy rate of vaginal antibodies, and long-term use of various medica- insemination at home leads Dr Rocha and Dr Barros tions.40 to recommend the fertility treatment is initiated with The literature is unclear whether the quality of IUI. In general, the fertility of females will decrease semen originating from PVS is superior to sperm from after 35 years of age and this should be considered EEJ in SCI men.3 Recently, in a study by Ohl et al12 it before initiating a home program of PVS and home was demonstrated that antegrade ejaculates from PVS insemination. However, Table 1 shows that pregnancy compared to EEJ in the same SCI men had a rates (25% to 62%) after multiple cycles of home PVS signi®cantly higher sperm motility (26% versus 11%), and insemination is reasonably good. At the present viability (25% versus 10%) and total motile sperm time, it seems reasonable to o€er motivated young count (185 millions versus 97 millions). Furthermore, couples with an adequate semen quality the inexpen- this study also reported that the hamster egg sive possibility of PVS combined with home-insemina- penetration by SCI sperm is superior with PVS tion as a ®rstline option. (54%) compared to EEJ (22%). However, when The use of assisted reproductive techniques adding the number of sperm isolated from the urine combined with PVS and EEJ may increase the (retrograde fraction) after both procedures, only a possibility of achieving pregnancy in the partners of slight advantage in the sperm quality from PVS was SCI men. Recently, several successful pregnancies seen. Two other recent studies23,41 demonstrated that have been reported15,25,36,37,42 ± 45 using sperm ob- the motility rate was signi®cantly better in total tained by PVS or EEJ combined with assisted ejaculates (antegrade+retrograde ejaculations) from PVS compared to EEJ. Whether the di€erence in sperm motility and viability between PVS and EEJ may have any in¯uence on the reproduction capability Table 1 Pregnancy results in spinal cord injured men and will have to be evaluated in a randomized prospective their partners using penile vibratory stimulation and vaginal study including SCI men and their partners under- self-insemination at home going fertility treatment. PVS and vaginal self-insemination performed by the Number of Number (%) of couple at home is an option for those SCI men with an couples attempting couples with adequate semen quality.35 ± 37,42,43 In 1984 Brindley35 References procreation pregnancy reported seven home pregnancies following PVS and Dahlberg et al 1995 19 8 (42%) vaginal self-insemination with delivery of ®ve healthy (36) babies (one ongoing/one spontaneous abortion). Nehra et al 1996 8 5 (62%) Recently, several pregnancies have been reported (37) from PVS procedures combined with self-insemina- Sùnksen et al 1997 16 4 (25%) tion at home as shown in Table 1. Most studies (42) reported that multiple ovulation cycles were used to LoÈ chner-Ernst et al 54* 22 (41%) 1997 (43) achieve the home pregnancies. The ovulation timing as stated in the comments by Dr Ohl is of the utmost *Not stated in the article, personal communication

Table 2 Pregnancy results from selected studies in spinal cord injured men and their partners using penile vibratory stimulation (PVS) and electroejaculation (EEJ) combined with intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) with or without intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) Number of Number (%) of Ejaculation Reproductive couples attempting couples achieving References method technique procreation pregnancy Dahlberg et al 1995 (36) PVS/EEJ IUI/IVF 19 11 (58%) Ohl et al 1995 (15) EEJ IUI/IVF 120 54 (45%) Brackett et al 1995 (25) PVS/EEJ IUI/IVF 23 11 (48%) Nehra et al 1996 (37) PVS/EEJ IUI/IVF 31 12 (39%) Sùnksen et al 1997 (42) PVS/EEJ IUI/IVF/ICSI 12 6 (50%) LoÈ chner-Ernst et al 1997 (43) PVS/EEJ IUI/IVF/ICSI 82 37 (45%) Hultling et al 1997 (44) PVS/EEJ IVF/ICSI 25 16 (64%) Brinsden et al 1997 (45) EEJ IVF 35 18 (51%) Treatment of infertility JSùnksenet al 94

reproductive techniques such as IUI or IVF with or 15 Ohl DA et al. Electroejaculation and assisted reproductive without ICSI (Table 2). The overall pregnancy rate techniques. Fertil Steril (supplement) 1995; 64: 138. 15,25,36,37,42 ± 45 16 Momose H et al. Electroejaculation in patients with spinal cord per cycle from those studies is about injury: First report of a large-scale experience from Japan. Int J 25%. It should be noted that this rate is similar to Urol 1995; 2: 326 ± 329. the pregnancy rate per cycle during natural procrea- 17 Yamamoto M, Momose H, Yamada K. Fathering of a child with tion in healthy couples who want to become pregnant the assistance of electroejaculation in conjunction with intracy- 46 toplasmic sperm injection: case report. Spinal Cord 1997; 35: (25% to 30%), although assisted ejaculation and 179 ± 180. reproductive techniques are required in SCI men and 18 Padron OF et al. 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41 Brackett NL, Padron OS, Lynne CM. Semen quality of spinal 45 Brinsden PR, Avery SM, Marcus S, Macnamee MC. Tranrectal cord injured men is better when obtained by vibratory electroejaculation combined with in-vitro fertilization: e€ective stimulation versus electroejaculation. JUrol1997; 157: 151 ± 157. treatment of anejaculatory infertility due to spinal cord injury. 42 Sùnksen J et al. Pregnancies after assisted ejaculation procedures Hum Reprod 1997; 12: 2687 ± 2692. in men with spinal cord injuries. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1997; 78: 46 Spira A. Epidemiology of human reproduction. Mini review. 1059 ± 1061. Hum Reprod 1986; 1: 111 ± 115. 43 LoÈ chner-Ernst D, Mandalka B, Kramer G, StoÈ hrer M. Conservative and surgical semen retrieval in patients with spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord 1997; 35: 463 ± 468. 44 Hultling C et al. Assisted ejaculation and in-vitro fertilization in the treatment of infertile spinal cord-injured men: the role of intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Hum Reprod 1997; 12: 499 ± 502.