CANTON PUBLIC LIBRARY POP Amici Forever pitches itself as the world's first opera band. Section E

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©2004 HOMETOWN COMMUN VOLUME 29 NUMBER 60 ( r Memo Jobs talk on guests Some of the Plymouth Whalers will be at the Bob Evans Restaurant on Ford Road at 1-275 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 3. They will wait on guests. A makes points raffle will be held for Whaler merchandise and Bob Evans gift certificates. Proceeds of the raffle will go to the Karmanos Cancer institute. Bob Evans is for governor the official sponsor of the Plymouth Whalers Kid Ciub. Gov. Jennifer Granholm's State "Speeding up the process of giving of the State address seemed some- permits to business," he pointed Summit what familiar to Rep. Bruce out was "doable." The Plymouth Patterson (R-Canton Township). Yack said he thought Granholm Historical Museum is "In my opinion, it was more a and the legislature were on the the site of a manufac- Republican conservative speech right track when she talked about turing summit hosted by than that of a Democrat," said what could be done to retain jobs state Rep. John Stewart Patterson. "She didn't want to in Michigan. (R-Plymouth Township) raise taxes, and the importance of And State Rep. Phil LaJoy (R- and Plymouth jobs and job creation; those are Canton) also picked up on that point Community Chamber of the things we in the Republican . "I think she's right about jobs," Commerce Executive Senate caucuses have as our he said. "It's about jobs, jobs, jobs. Director Fran Toney. theme." There were 55,000 jobs lost in the state last year." The summit, which Granholm's main theme includ- will discuss manufac- ed ways to lure and keep jobs in But LaJoy wanted to hear more turing job losses in Michigan, including a proposed about government. southeast Michigan, $500 million job creation plan to "An area I wished she would takes place from 1-4 help attract and retain high-tech have addressed a little more is the . p.m. Friday, Jan. 30. mm and small business in Michigan. size of government itself," he said. The museum Is locat- Canton Township Supervisor "Are we really structured the way ed at 155 S. Main in Tom Yack gave the speech an A+ for we should be?" Plymouth. Featured presentation and a C for substance. LaJoy has introduced legisla- speakers include Phil "The proof is in the details," he tion, which has passed the House Power, chairman of said. "She's very good. Maybe the and is now in the Senate, to con- HomeTown best governor I've seen in my life solidate various human resources Communications, at presentation." departments in the state govern- ment into one. which owns the Yack said Granholm lost him in Observer the beginning. Yack, who was often an outspo- Newspapers; Wes •• "When she started off my initial ken critic of former Gov. John Smith, president of reaction was you've gotta be kid- Engler, was less critical of Granholm. "I think she's benefited E&E Manufacturing; PAUL HURSCHMANNI STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER ding me," he said. "We need to get Donald Jakeway, CEO international trade on a fair foot- from the majority side being will- of the Michigan ing. We need a worldwide mini- ing to work with her," he said. Economic Happy New Year! mum wage. I thought you and the "She's been there too short a time state Legislature aren't going to be to throw stones or accolades." Development Corp.; Anna, one of the dancers from the Plymouth-Cantpn Chinese Learning Center, performs a traditional Chinese able to do anything about that." and David Marvin, dance during a celebration of the Chinese New Year Tuesday evening at the Canton Public Library. Several senior vice president dancers and musicians provided a taste of the Chinese culture during the event, celebrating the Year of the But then, he said, she started Staff writer Jack Gladden contributed to of Comerica Bank. Monkey. Please turn to page A8 for a story and more photos. talking about "doable" things. this report. For more informa- tion, contact museum director Beth Stewart at (734) 455-8940. Super Bowl is primed to Lifelong resident remembered as 'big brother' Grief workshop Ward Presbyterian BY JOANNE MALISZEWSK! "Their kids weren't old enough Bordine and West were among Church is sponsoring host women's tourney STAFF WRITER yet to milk them." longtime friends and family who an eight-week grief .Canton's Super Bowl is June. The lanes are closed Phil West remembered hitting shared their memories of the workshop, From Grief one of five metro Detroit to the public for the entire A big brother is how Ross his head and knocking himself consummate farmer who died to New Hope, begin- bowling alleys keeping an duration, but the event is so Hauk is described by boyhood out on some irrigation pipes at Tuesday, Jan. 27, in Canton. ning Feb. 9. eye on the city's bid for the huge that it's necessary. friends who worked for him in the Hauk farm. When he came The free workshop Women's International "Typically, this tourna- the 1960S on his family form on to, he walked up to the farm GOOD LIFE is open to the commu- Bowling Congress 2008 ment attracts upwards of Ridge Road. house and knocked on the doOr. nity and will be pre- Championship Tournament 80,000 bowlers plus "That's where I found out I "He came to the door, grabbed Hauk was born on Nov. 13, sented by Cathy and annual meeting. guests," he said. didn't want to milk cows all my me and washed the blood off of Clough, director of The event is one of the According to the DMSC, life," said farmer Duane Bordine. my head," said West. PLEASE SEE HAUK, A4 New Hope Center for world's largest participatory the 2004 championship in Grief Support. Each sporting events for women Wichita, Kan., will draw session will begin with and the premier event for about 42,500 bowlers, with a presentation about women bowlers, according an expected impact on the Barker uses talents to one aspect of grief to the Detroit Metro Sports local economy of more than followed by small Commission. $22 million. group participation "Metro Detroit has the In addition to the Super create her own role led by trained facilita- most registered bowlers in Bowl, other area bowling tors. Attendees will be the United States," said centers that would host the BY JOANNE MALISZEWSKI placed in groups with . Dave Beachnau, executive tournament are the STAFF WRITER others who have had director of the DMSC. Thunderbowl in Allen Park similar losses. "We'd be a great choice as and Skore Lanes and Taylor Marcia Barker has had: a title that mirrors her career The workshop will host of the 200S tourna- Lanes in Taylor. growth at the Canton Public Library. meet 7-8:45 p.m. ment and annual meeting." A decision on which com- "I have essentially created the job," Barker said. "My eight consecutive Mike Reffitt, Super Bowl munity wins the tourna- job is different every day." Mondays at Ward manager, said the annual ment will be made at the Fifteen years ago, the mother of two now-grown chil- Church, located at Six tournament runs for four Congress' annual conven- dren and active community volunteer took a temporary, Marcia Barker (left) of the Canton Public Library works Mile and Haggerty months every day of the tion in May hi Wichita, with volunteers such as Peg Britz at the Second Hand roads in Northville. week from March through Kan. PLEASE SEE BARKER, A5 Prose Used Book Store. For registration infor- mation call Dorothy at (248) 374-5966. For information about MRS. FIELDS COOKIES INDEX ' LOOKING AHEAD other age and loss Hiring for full and part time help. CONTACT US : Must be .able to work Newsroom - (734).459-2700::/ f G4 •specific grief support Apartments fl Jobs American Profile Newsroom fax - (734) 459-4224 - At Home a Movie Guide E12 groups offered by New Classifieds -4-800-579-SELl Joe Garone and his team of "Great Response! We hired 2 people G4 Obituaries CT Home delivery - H66-88-PAPER Automotive officials make sure every NASCAR Hope Center for Grief right away!" K„ Livonia Real Estate F1 Classified Index F5 race is run by the rule book to Support, call (248) 1 -800-579-SELL Crossword Puzzle F6 Sports B1 ensure the safety and fairness. 348-0115. PUT OUR CLASSIFIEDS TO WORK FOR YOU! Homelown For The Record A2 Taste D1

w Washington Mutual The Power Of Y©S® g HOME LOANS We're your new neighbor...17909 Haggerty Road • Northville • 248-374-4501 A2 (C) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, January 29,2004 LOCAL NEWS wivu>.hometou>riltyB.CQm

Third fire station FOR THE RECORD Canton Dems ready for caucus will be built-in "For the Record" appears in every Davis, Alton, 69, of Rochester Hills, Nalinnes, Edward, 79, of Rochester, Canton Township voters will Terry Bennett is not involved in edition of the died Jan. 11. died Jan. 27. help Michigan decide its the election. Voters with ques- Cherry Hill Observers de ia Cruz, Julio Jr., of Detroit, Noble, Henry, Jr., 55, of Rochester Democratic presidential choice tions can call the Michigan Eccentric died Jan. 16 Hills, died Jan. 12. during caucuses scheduled for Democratic State Central Canton's third fire station has Newspapers. This Dobat, Glenwood, 91, of Rochester, P Saturday, Feb. 7- Committee, (517) 371-5410. ' moved a couple of steps closer column soon will expand to include died Jan. 13. Povliches, Beatrice, of New Democrats will cast their Voters going to caucus sites to reality. births and district court proceeding. F Baltimore, died Jan. 16. ballots 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at one should have identification At Tuesday's board of trustees Other obituaries can be found inside Foley, Regina M., of Bloomfield R of three locations: The Canton showing that they live in meeting the board authorized today's paper. Look for Passages to Hills, died Jan. 18 Reynolds, E. Allene, of Washington, Public Library, UAW Local 735 Canton. the township to hire the firm of view paid obituaries. Franczak, Louis, 89, of Auburn Hills, formerly of Rochester, died Jan. 19. or UAW Local 845. Democrats also have two Coquillard/Dundon/Peterson & formerly of Rochester Hifls, died Jan. 9. S Voters cannot choose where other options for voting, Argenta to design and construct Deaths 6 Severson, William K., of Rochester they will go, however. Certain according to Michigan the new station in the Cherry B Gruschewski, Elfriede, of Lake Hills, died Jan. 3 precincts will be tied to certain Democratic Party spokesman Hill Village area. Barnabo, David F.r 69, of South Orion, died Jan. 1 Smith, Marshall, 91, of Davisburg, caucus sites: Jason Moon. ' At the same meeting the Lyon, died Jan. 24. Guzik, Josephine (Joey), of formerly of Rochester, died Jan. 13. • The Canton Public Library Voters may cast ballots on board authorized hiring George Bast, Arthur A., of Rochester Hills, Bloomfield Hills, died Jan. 2. Smith, Russell, of Auburn Hills, is set for Canton voters from the Internet through 4 p.m. W. Auch company of Pontiac to died Jan. 4. H died Jan. 18. Ford Road to Palmer. The Saturday, Feb. 7, he said. They be the construction manager Bates, Harold, Jr., 76, of Rochester, Haddix, Max V., 85, of Pontiac, died Sowles, Keith J., of Auburn Hills, Canton Public Library is locat- also may vote by mail, but they for the project. Auch is the died Jan. 14. Jan. 23 died Jan. 5. ed at 1200 S. Canton Center have to file an application by management company for the Bielman, Lawrence, 93, of Shelby Holt, Janes Loyd, 78, of Westland, Stahl Arethur, of Rochester Hills, Road. this Saturday, he said. For expansion and renovation of Township, died Jan. 10. died Jan. 18. died Jan. 2. • Voters from Palmer to Van those options, visit a the township administration Bilaitis, Myrtle M., of Rochester K Strausser, Thomas F.< 65, of Venice, Buren vote at UAW Local 735, Democratic Party Web site at building. In another item of Hills, died Jan. 6 Kaminskis, Marjorie £., of Fla., formerly of Rochester Hills, located at 48055 Michigan business the board approved a Brancheau, Dennis, 56, of Rochester, died Jan. 6. Mich., died Jan. 22. Ave. As of mid-January, nearly site plan for Autumn Court Plymouth, died Jan. 24. Key, Junior C., 83, of Rochester, Swisher, Marshall S., 92, of Auburn • Voters from Joy Road to 23,000 voters had applied to Estates, a 14-acre single family Brozek, Adam S., 92, of Canton, died Jan. 2. Hills, died Jan. 1. Ford Road should vote at UAW vote by mail or by Internet. residential project south of Joy died Jan. 21. Key, Laura, 82, of Pontiac, died T Local 845, located at 8770 Moreover, there will be a and west of Beck. The project Bunnel, Gordon A., of Gig Harbor, Jan. 9. Tessmer, Margaret, 86, of Canton Center. record 590 caucus sites in * consists of 10 units located on a Wash., died Jan. 20 King, Barbara J., of Auburn Hills, Rochester Hills, died Jan. 12. • Voters in the city of Michigan. single cul de sac south of Joy Butterfield, Ruby M., of Eastpointe, died Jan. 10. Thorpe, Matthew R., of Rochester Northville vote at the "The record number of cau- Road. died Jan. 16 Kokanovich, Eleanor, 84, of Utica, Hills, died Jan. 19. Northville District Library, 212 cus sites is part of an extensive C died Jan. 10. Thorpe, Russell, of Rochester, died W. Cady; Northville Township effort to create the most acces- Camp, John, 72, of Rochester Hifls, Kossajda, Helen Kossajda, 80, of Jan. 6. voters vote at Northville sible election in Michigan died Jan. 13. Leonard, died Jan. 6. W Township Hall, 41600 W. Six Democratic Party history," Chronowski, Sandra A., of Livonia, L Wendler, Carlton J., of Bloomfield Mile. MDP Executive Chair Mark died Jan. 26. Lochner, Lillian R., 78, of Hills, died Jan. 1. Canton Township Clerk Brewer said. Codere, Louisa, 80, of Rochester Farmington, died Jan. 23. Weir,touis, o f Rochester Hills, died Jan.19. Hills, died Jan. 5. Logan, Danny, of Rochester Hills, Wyrembelski, Irene "Albina," 76, of Colli, Kathy A., of Rochester Hills, died Jan. 13. Farmington Hills, died Jan. 4. @ THE LIBRARY died Jan. 7 M Z Ford Rd 1 Mile W, of I--27S Conley, Gerald M., 69, of Wixom, McKenzie, Barbara A., 66, of Troy, Zajac, Michael, 85, of Rochester Did You Know? Penny Dale (picture book) (734) formerly of Livonia, died Jan. 20. S5.50 Kids ail shows 844-FILM died Jan. 10. Hills, died Jan. 24. • Poets in the making can • "Cra2y Hair Day" - Barney Saltzberg (picture book) $7.00 Students & Late Show Frl & Sat perform their own poetry or listen to other teens read their 66.00 DAILY I i til-6pm ALL SCREENS Q No Passes DIGITAL STEREO work at our Teen Poetry Slam New Audio Books Unlimited free Drink & .256 Corn at 7 p.m. Feb. 3? • "Feast of Love" - Charles OViE GUIDE • Library staff answer more Baxter (fiction, cassette and than 100,000 questions a year CD) THE S.A.T.S at our Children's and Adult • "A Drinking Life" - Pete Reference Desks? Hamill (nonfiction, cassette) THE PERFECT SCORE The Coffee deanery Cafe • The "Everyone's Reading" • "A Faint Cold Fear" - Metro Book Club is well under- Karin Slaughter (fiction, cas- •0 N 1498 Sheldon Road • Plymouth way? Pick up a copy of this sette) 0CO 11:45,1:50,4:20,7:10,9:20 Please call or fax ahead far list of area booktalks and other • "Stanley" (Ages 3-6) Ann Arbor Road large orders or catering. special events. 11:50,2:10,4:30, 7:30,9:35 Tlw \\ntlil\ hnrbt fnflpp A 5/1 T/nz/i • Ttoenty five percent of 5- New CDs wmflst • year-olds use the Internet on a • "Romance of the Violin" - OWVASATEWITHWHAMILTON regular basis? Joshua Bell (PG-13) 11:40,2:00,4:10,7:00,9:15 $1.00 off • "I Can't Stop" - Al Green FRI/SAT LS 11:25 ALONG CAME POLLY (PG-13) I rifii| hriiiiLlp nr XI Web Watch: Check out these new web • "Try This" - Pink 12:00,2:30,4:50,7:20,9:25 Soups, Spi-i iiilttj nrxpriiijr sites • "Gotta Have Gospel!" - CHEAPER BY THI DOZEN (PG; Sandwiches Valid O | ' wi • Various Artists 12:05,2:20,4:35,6:50,9:05 [Hat, Toasted Thi* I iirr«>( St unenj i id • FRi/SATLS 11:20 i* i ^ • i ii i t iHiimiiijtN , Hot Topic of the Week E£ ES and The Canton Public Library IW 20oz.DRINK Smoothies New Adult Books now offers hundreds of popular IH 9I9 of 4602with. baS2.5g 0of purchasbutterye popcor n ' 1 $1.DQ off • "The Kills"- Linda fiction and nonfiction eBooks it -r -jra&MPtag&sojfi _ — _t iJMI) Hill SrllHllUf h|l Fairstein (fiction) for adults, teens and children? UfLip nr Hiilrill • "Paranoia" - Joseph These titles, which include Finder (fiction) some of your favorite authors Valid Only »*t 11 lhi» Lnl+rp Bflrwic.nj LiTp • "Absolute Friends" - John and recent bestsellers, can be Open: Man.-Frl. 6am-9pmi 14*311 Shnlrlnn Rrl PtunKiirtffe Le Carre (fiction) downloaded 24 hours a day, Sat. 7am-Spms Sun. 8am-6pm • "Grandmothers" - Doris seven days a week for offline Lessing (fiction) reading on your home PCs and; PDA devices. All you need to New Children's Books get started is your Canton • "Camp of the Angel" - Public Library Card. For more Aileen Arlington (fiction) information on using our • "Almost Home" - Nora eBook collection, visit Raleigh Baskin (fiction) and click on • "Princess, Princess" - the "eBooks" icon. COMMUNITYFINANCIAL

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Q. When is a restaurant also an art gallery? A. When it's O'Sushi, a newly opened Japanese restaurant and sushi bar at Ford Road and Lilley in Canton. But at O'Sushi the artwork is not on the walls — it's on the plates and in the display count- er. It isn't paintings or sculp- ture, but the food itself that is a work of art. It's also delicious and moder- ately priced. The restaurant, which opened about two weeks ago, is owned by Dr. Babiano Kim of Grosse lie and Sophia Kang of Ann Arbor. Kang runs the restaurant, Bamboo Rolfs, as prepared at O'Sushi in Canton, a Japanese restaurant and along with the Pinetree Party sushi bar. Store in the same plaza (on the northwest corner of Ford and The eight or nine Lilley). The party store opened employees include last year at the site of the old chief sushi chef Wilderberry Party Store, which Minoru Yoshi, who closed down about two years ago. spent 10 years as a Kang, who's Korean, said she sushi chef in Japan opened the store and restau- and another 20 in rant because she feels there's a Manhattan before market in Canton for them. Kang convinced him "I used to run a dry cleaners to come to Canton. and laundromat in Ypsilanti," Billy Lee is the sec- she said. "And I ran a conven- ond sushi chefand ience store in Ann Arbor a long Fujiko Koshizawa, a time ago." graduate dietitian The party store, which also from Japan, is the cui- carries aline of Oriental food sine chef. items, is bright, clean and col- "They all have their orful. own secret recipes," "I want to make women feel Kang said. "They comfortable when they come won't share them with in," Kang said. anyone, including Conspicuously missing from each other." the party store are the racks of The menu includes magazines that usually grace raw sushi created with the front entrance and check- as much artistic flair out desk. Kang said she doesn't as a fine piece of jewel- Sushi chef Billy Lee prepares a sushi roll. need them to attract cus- ry. For the less ventur- tomers. But it's the restaurant ous, they also offer cooked p.m. Monday through Saturday that she hopes will be a big sushi or vegetable rolls. and 4-9 p.m. Sunday. draw. And she said business so The restaurant also offers a And that 'O' in the name far has been good. lunch menu and a full dinner doesn't make it an With only 38 seats (the menu with complete course Irish/Japanese restaurant. In restaurant also does carry-out) meals. Japanese 'O' means "quality" Chief sushi chef Minoru Yoshi at O'Sushi in Canton a house O'Sushi Rolls, on the plate as a Kang didn't spare expenses Hours are 11 a.m. to 2:30 and "traditional." And that's work of art. when setting it up. p.m. and 4:30 p.m. to 9:30 the feeling you get here.

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'SKBS"'™ BRIGHTON. CANTON, LIVONIA STORES OPEN DAILY 10AM-8:30PIVI • BRIGHTON & LIVONIA STORES OPEN SUNDAY 12PM-5PM WLT 3070-04 A4 (C) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, January 29,2004 LOCAL NEWS Help pick 'Best Best of Canton llllliil Subdivision will be a bit brighter soon Of winners • Best shopping • Best cup of coffee experience Pickwick Village subdivision streetlights." time installation charge of What's the "best..." in our will be a little bit lighter in the The proposed locations for $31.20 and the first year annu- hometown, in metro Detroit? • Best car wash future... or at least four the lights are on the north side al maintenance charge of Help us pick the People's Choice • Best road to travel n entrances will. of Greenwood, south side of $3.86 per lot. Subsequent year- for Filter and the Best Of in your •••HI Residents were successful in Ashbury, south side of Hanford ly maintenance charges community. • Best place to relaelax getting approval from the and in the island on billed on yearly winter tax Readers who submit ballots for • Best subdivision township for a Special Barchester. statements. the local Best Of and People's Assessment District to install . Residents of the sub circulat- Forty-nine percent of the Choice Award will be entered in a • Best community four streetlights at four ed a petition requesting the residents responded, with 79 drawing to win gift certificates to */ Best place to organization entrances to the sub. township to provide an esti- answering yes and 64 no. area malls and restaurants, walk the dog "It's not that unusual to have mate for the lights. A half dozen residents movie tickets, sporting events a special assessment district The township subsequently showed up at Tuesday's public and more. • Best burgei for something like this," said surveyed the 290 residents of hearing on the request, Metro Detroit have so much to • Best place to Township Clerk Terry Bennett. Pickwick Village as to whether although none spoke out for or offer. Help us spread the word expense "Pickwick is an older subdivi- they were for or against the against. The board unanimous- about your favorite places to eat, • Best pizza sion and was built before the SAD. The estimated cost to ly approved it. shop, hang out and visit by par- township required entry level each homeowner will be a one- ticipating in our contest. • Best eatery To be eligible for the drawing, you must complete both the local and People's Choice Award bal- Best corporate HAUK lots. The People's Choice ballot partner/ can be found in Thursday's Filter. FROM PAGE Al Cut out the ballots, complete them and mail or fax to the 1924, and attended Ypsilanti High School from address listed, or cast your bal- , U Send ballots to: which he graduated in 1942. He worked with his. lots online at www.hometown- father on the Ridge Road family farm and Joanne Maliszewski, 794 S. Main, became the largest producers of sweet corn and Plymouth, Ml 48170 melons in the state. Entries must be received by Fax: (734) 459-4224 or vote online at Wednesday, Feb. 11. Drawing, In fact, Hauk was known for the corn boat he winners will be notified by made. "It had large tractor tires and would phone. Look for the People's Name straddle the corn," Bordine said. "We could pick Choice awards in Filter on Address eight rows at a time. Other people came out to Thursday, March 25, April 1 and Citv State Zip look at it too. I think the Palmers bought a cou- April 8, and the Best Of local Phone e-mail ple of them." awards on March 25. "He was fussy about planting crops," Bordine said. "And he was very precise around equip- ment." Hauk produced not only sweet corn and mel- ons, but wheat, soy and pumpkins. "He was farming until the day he couldn't drive a tractor anymore," Bordine said. Ross Hauk Hauk married Lillian M. Crisovan in 1956. They adopted six children - Jimmy, Sonja, would go up to the house and talk to him. He Richard, Mary, Colleen and Ross Jr. "He was was kind and he was gentle. And he vyas very well-liked," said son Richard. "He didn't have a intelligent." mean bone in his body. He was the best dad in West would pick corn up and down the rows the world for us. He loved his kids and his as Hauk followed doing the same behind him. grandkids." "He would show me how to do it." The Hauk children worked on the farm as they Described as a kind and gentle man, West and grew up. And they worked hard. "But they learned Bordine said they never heard Hauk raise his a lot of values," West said. "He was a loving person. voice in anger. But when he was upset, they He was always willing to help anyone." knew it. There was the time Bordine left the Daughter Mary Hauk, a farmer like her dad, tractor in gear and it rolled and broke a wheel will remember his blue eyes and big smile. "He on the manure machine. "I never did it again." was such a good man. He never spoke a bad Bordine also remembered West walking on word about anyone. And if he didn't, we couldn't the 4-inch top rim of Hauk's 40-foot-tall silo. either. And if we did, he would say, 'That's "That part Ross never heard about," he said, enough.'" laughing. Mary's farming education literally began Hauk and his wife, Lillian, have 21 grandchil- when she was 8 years old. "He grabbed me in dren and five great-grandchildren. The young the back yard one day and showed me how to ones each have memories of being put to work drive the tractor. He was one to teach by exam- by their grandfather. One of the granddaughters ple." tried to avoid the work and told him she had a A devout member of Cherry Hill United broken arm. He quickly told her, "Well, your fin- Methodist Church, Hauk as a boy would walk to gers aren't broken," Mary recalled. "All the kids church every Sunday. As he grew ill and couldn't would crack up. They have such good memo- make it to services, the minister would visit him. ries." "He always told us we needed to go to church," When he was in the hospital recently, the Mary said. newest babies would be brought to visit. "He would spry right up," Mary said. "Then he would COMMUNITY MATTERS say, Who's this one?'" Funeral services for Hauk will be at 11 a.m. Life for Hauk centered around Ridge Road. Saturday, Jan. 31, at the L. J. Griffin Funeral He will be buried Saturday by his parents in Home-Canton Chapel, 42600 Ford Road. Cherry Hill Cemetery. "He never moved far from Visitation will be 4-9 p.m. Thursday and noon Ridge Road. His family and his farm were to 9 p.m. Friday. " important to him. That's what made him happy," Burial will be Cherry Hill Cemetery on Ridge Mary said. Road. Memorials may be made to the Cherry Remembered as a serious farmer, Bordine Hill United Methodist Church, 312 S. Ridge, said he nonetheless always had time to talk and Canton 48187- to answer questions, especially about farming. "You would learn a lot, I really enjoyed him. I [email protected] | (734) 459-2700 J Get WOW!

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about friends groups that she - "I have the best job in the the Multicultural Initiative, is now executive director of the world," Barker said. "I work designed to recognize the Deadline approaching statewide friends organization, with people who want to be community's diversity, and to FROM PAGE A1 which hosts seminars for other here. With part of my job, I bring programming that cele- libraries. "I know about as feel like a bartender. A need is brates the various ethnic, racial for scholarships part-time job at the library. much as you can know about filled in people who want to and religious groups in Her charge was simple: start a friends," she said. volunteer and people know Canton. The application deadline for orchestral talent from the n Friends of the Library group. When the title that made her they can talk to me." As if that isn't enough, the Plymouth Symphony's Plymouth and Canton area, ~t A year after that, Barker was in charge of volunteers was The adult programming part Barker is an officer on a metro Taking Flight - Music to and surrounding communities. >1 put in charge of volunteers. By added, Barker was ready. of her job lets her be creative Detroit Book and Author Make the Spirit Soar Youth The competition has offered her fifth year at the library, her "The volunteers run in age and fun. Under her auspices, organization that brings Artist Competition is Monday, music scholarships since 1978. job was made full time and she from 14 to their 80s," she said. the library offers "Learn to ... famous authors to the suburbs. Feb. 2. First-place winners in each was a permanent member of "They are kind, giving people. I with Friends" and "Friends, She also works on the The competition will take division will be senior instru- the staff. Not too long ago, am encouraged by the attitude Authors and Others." Both are library's strategic planning, place on Sunday, Feb. 15 at mental, $500; senior piano, adult programming was added of people. They are so appre- adult programs that give and organizes the Plymouth- Evola Music, 7170 N. Haggerty $500; and junior combined, to her roster. ciative of the library. They patrons a chance to learn Canton-Northville Author Road, Canton. $250. She has been known as want to give back." something new, be entertained Luncheon every year. Through the Michigan Applications are available Marcia Barker — friend, vol- Approximately 40 volunteers and have plain fun. Also on her "Jean (Tabor) is wonderful Council for Arts & Cultural through the Plymouth unteer, program coordinator. work behind the counter and schedule are the "Lunch and a about assigning tasks to people Affairs, Plymouth Rotary and Symphony by calling (734) Her job is a smorgasbord of another 40-50 work the used Book" programs. and letting them run with it," other sponsors, the Plymouth 451-2112 or by email at ply- working with people, especially book store. Under Barker's direction is Barker said. Symphony recognizes young mouth [email protected]. I' those who volunteer their time and efforts for the library. Library Director Jean Tabor says Barker's title has been changed yet again. Actually, it's been shortened to program GOING ON NOW coordinator, though her duties remain the same. "She is so much fun," Tabor said. "She has just been dyna- mite with these adult pro- grams. She is clever and cre- ative. She is good at thinking of themes, slogans. Marcia is high-energy." Barker and her late husband, ance Rob, moved to Canton 31 years ago. "When we moved here my mother felt sorry for us," she said. "We had to drive into Plymouth to get our mail. But we were young and had a baby. OFF&MORE We were looking for an afford- able house." LADii CHILDREN'S Thirty-one years later, Barker has nothing but good to say about Canton, where she and Rob raised their daughter, 50° FF 9.99 Alysia, 31}. and son, Chip, 27: "It has been wonderful." SELECT IWEATERS FROM KIDS' FALL AND HOUDAY CLEARANCE A dental hygienist by profes- PAR WORKS AND RELATIVITY Orig. 20.00-30.00. IN CHILDREN'S. sion, Barker left the business to raise her children. But she NOW 17.00-20.00 IN LADIES'SPORTSWEAR. % didn't stay home. She 50 OFF embarked on a volunteer SELECT GIRL'S DENIM career that included serving as FF president of the Gallimore AND TWILL PANTS PTO, an officer in the FAUX SI IDE BIG SHIRTS from Zana-Di, Bebop and Bongo. Orig. 28.00-32.00, Plymouth Symphony League, NOV! 116.00. IN LADIES' SPORTSWEAR. president of the women's guild NOW 14.00-16.00. IN CHILDREN'S. at St. John Neumann Catholic Church, a Cub Scout den % mother and a Girl Scout leader. 75 OFF "That's what essentially CHILDREN'S OUTERWEAR brought me to the library," Barker said. Orig. 28.00-125.00, NOW 6.99-30.99. IN CHILDREN'S. When Rob died unexpected- L4M3F ELECTION OF CEZANI ly seven years ago, life changed SV^AT; for Barker. Sad, but deter- S AND KNIT AND WOVEN mined to keep going, the ]. 40.00-54.00. IN MEN'S. ACCESSORIES library and its staff was there to help. "I had a lot of support," she 50°° FF 3.99 & 5.99 said. "The library gave me something to come to and MEN'S L •SIGNER CLEARANCE SEMIANNUAL JEWELRY CLEARANCE something to do. My job has Orig. 10.00-60.00. INACCESSORIES. NOW 9.00-62.50. IN MEN'S. continued to grow and keeps me busy." % So impressed was Tabor with SHOE: Barker's interest and energy, 50 OFF she didn't want to lose her. She ENTIRE STOCK OF wanted Barker on her team and made her job full time. EXTI 50°° OFF STERLING SILVER JEWELRY "She is so flexible. I was Orig. 20.00-150,00. IN ACCESSORIES. thrilled to make her full time," ENTIR! STOCK RED-LINED Tabor said. LADIES iOOTS AND SHOES When charged with creating BCBG'rlt line West, Bandolino and more. Orig. 49.00-130.00, a friends group, Barker, who !N0W 14.99-39.99. IN WOMEN'S SHOES. SELECTION VARIES BY STORE. had done research on food service for the school district, jumped right in and taught ' | UKbtNjJ herself all she could about vol- unteer organizations. Today, TAKE AN tZf\% the Canton friends group has pledged $25,000 to the library's endowment fund. It EXTRA ww OFF has opened Second Hand Prose, a used book store in the library, and works on many LADIES', PETITES' & PARISIAN efforts in the library, such as the Summer Reading Club. WOMAN GREEN DOT APPAREL "The friends know how to make their dollars stretch far," FOR A TOTAL SAVINGS OF 60-75%! Barker said, adding the group SRfcGTfDfl VrtR!F!> 8Y SfORt SAVINGS AT f OFF WIliiHAL P !!! INTERIM MARKBC1WNS MAY HAVt Bfffi TAKFM CAMNQT B£ COMBIfit I? WITH ANY flTHPR DfisCflUtf f OJ-FEf? provides some 3,000 hours of dot clearance volunteer service annually. So much does she know SPECIAL OFFER 2 DAYS ONLY FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JANUARY 30 & 31

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OUR VIEWS Schools should SfcRlOUSU/, COACH, FERBCWLXEEBUVW V/fTT' Vifti TO &6T INTO pbruary 1 7orvl seek '04 vote -mt- 5UPER&OVJL? '-BRUARY 2004

It's pretty easy to see Plymouth-Canton Schools Superintendent Jim Ryan is in a tough spot. He's got millions of dollars worth of work to be done on existing buildings in a growing district crying out for even more space. [ What with schools facing near-certain financial reduc- tions as Gov. Jennifer Granholm tries to pare the state's budget deficit, and with Plymouth-Canton already facing large deficits of its own, the only way the district is going to be able to do what needs to be done is through a bond issue. Which Ryan is fairly certain wouldn't pass in difficult economic times. There is evidence to back him up. The City of Plymouth, facing huge deficits and needing cash to sim- ply provide basic services, last year went to the voters for a tax increase and was turned down flat. In Plymouth Township, voters approved the sale of $6 million in municipal bonds to help pay for a new town- ship hall. Township officials weren't going to seek voter approval until a citizens' group offered a successful peti- tion drive to force it to a vote. Plymouth Township offi- cials were able to sell voters by convincing them they would not seek a tax increase to pay for the bonds. Canton Township officials are expanding their township hall using bonds, but again there is no tax hike involved. The district's bond steering committee outlined some $91 million in needs, but Ryan doesn't think the economic cli- mate is such that voters would be willing to shell out that LETTERS kind of money. Some $14 million of that is in what Ken Jacobs, executive director of support services, termed Teach young drivers Li vonia, in our state and country, I feel he see it now. Billions of tax dollars go hither "immediate needs" repairs, things that are likely to go wrong is wantonly wasting our tax resources. A and yon, around the world, funding all in the next 18 months if the district doesn't address them. Just this afternoon I needed to take off better way would be to submit an infor- manner of unconstitutional programs. If anything, those dollars should be arming That puts the district squarely between the proverbial rock some time from work to accompany my mational column in the Observer on a wife to the doctor. We were just south of people who suffer at the hands of our and hard place. The district doesn't have the money to do all regular basis. the Plymouth Canton High School as we enemies. these repairs - no district does any more - but the repairs are I would like to see a letter in the left the doctor's office to head south on Observer from Mr. McCotter defending While I don't expect the Peace Ministry necessary. A bond issue is the only way to address the need. Canton Center Road. I had to wait a few his positions while he is "working for us." to get off the ground, it needs to be said If that's the case, we .think the district should address minutes as about 40 cars rushed past, Ann Petersen that Congress ought not to fund any fur- them this year. All putting off a bond request until next well above the posted speed limit. I could Livonia ther expansion of the Executive Branch, year accomplishes is delaying the improvements that see them pouring out of the high school filled with unelected, unaccountable would be funded by the request. parking lot. Smoke-free ordinance bureaucrats. In doing so many times, the Board President Judy Mardigian indicated a decision Without exception the cars and light power of the people, through their vote, would be made by the board's April 27 meeting. While trucks were filled with high school chil- How much longer will I have to hold has been diluted to the point that we suf- reserving judgment on the merits of the eventual proposal, dren. Some of them were intent on the my breath as I approach building fer under countless laws, passed uncon- we believe the board should go for the request this year. road and so apparently did not notice entrances surrounded by huddled smok- stitutionally and masquerading as "regu- they were driving about 40 miles per ers? Secondhand smoke takes the lives of lations." hour in a 25 mph zone. Others didn't thousands each year in the U.S., with over The Congress needs to take back its seem to be concerned with the road at all 2,500 lives lost right here in Michigan. responsibility to make law in those areas Consider tweaking and were engaged in animated conversa- While appropriate steps have been taken authorized by Article 1, Section 8. It tions with their passengers. Some were to protect the citizens and workers of should do so by returning to the func- busy applying makeup, talking on cell Washtenaw and Genesee counties, Wayne tions of government established by the phones or singing along with radio County has put the issue of clean indoor founders. Those functions did not include state term limits music. air on the back burner. Why hasn't the pipe dream of government-estab- I finally got out onto the road and was Wayne County followed other major mar- lished "peace," but did include, first and kets, such as those in New York, who have foremost, providing for the common | Constitutionally limiting the number of years Michigan driving along at 25 miles per hour when I already implemented clean indoor air defense. I challenge anyone to name a lawmakers can serve wasn't the best of ideas to begin found that a young driver was inches from my rear bumper and riding me regulations? tyrant who has been talked out of power. with, so an Oakland County legislator's call to tweak the hard. Had I applied my brakes the stu- sjtate's term limits rules is worth considering. I can remember when smoking was If anything, Congress needs to elimi- dent would surely have crashed into me. allowed in movie theaters and malls. nate cabinet-level departments. Once we ; John Pappageorge, a Troy Republican, is pushing a plan If this is the behavior they have been However, we still have a long way to go in return to the few departments justifiable that would allow individuals to spend longer stretches of taught is normal by school and parents - Michigan in preventing secondhand under the Constitution, may I suggest time in the Michigan House of Representatives or Senate. and this is how they behave in broad day- smoke from affecting our lives. that, in the spirit of the Founders, we His idea is not to do away with term limits, but rather light - it is no wonder we are visited by The new year provides Wayne County return the Defense Department to its introduce an option for politicians to toil longer in either tragedy every now and again. an excellent opportunity to show that it classic and proper name, the War legislative chamber if they - and the voters - so choose. Would a stop light change things? does care about the health and welfare of Department? ; Under Michigan's term-limits law - passed in 1992 - a Perhaps a few hundred tickets dispersed its citizens and employees. I urge the Ted Gomuika person's lifetime tenure in the Legislature is' restricted to by the police officers that actually patrol Wayne County Board of Commissioners Livonia three two-year terms in the House and two four-year the school hallways? to consider my health and my voice, terms in the Senate. Whatever the resolution, something along with the thousands of others who End partial-birth abortion ' Supporters of the current term-limit law say tampering needs to be done. Their behavior as chil- support a smoke-free ordinance. \yith the system is contrary to the will of the people. dren will be translated into adulthood Barb lovan The Legal Birth Definition Act would I Pappageorge counters that term limits, which first and we have enough adults driving like Livonia have ended partial-birth abortion in affected the House in 1098 and the Senate last year, cre- thoughtless children already. We need Michigan if Gov. Granholm hadn't vetoed ate a 'leadership continuity problem." responsible people behind the wheel. My Bring back War Department the legislation. I want to see an end to Specifically, he says term limits force individuals out of life is important to me and I hope that partial-birth abortion. Too many doctors yours is to you. key leadership positions not long after they've finally The Observer's willingness to devote so have publicly stated that partial-birth acquired the experience to hold them and the ongoing Alfred Brock much copy to Congressman Dennis abortions are never needed to save the turnover only increases "the influence of non-elected Canton Kucinich's and the local peaceniks' warm life of a mother. Both women and chil- staff, lobbyists and the other branches of government." and fuzzy notions (Jan. 8) is ever so dren deserve better than abortion. I'll be endearing. May I suggest that, in addi- Pappageorge makes a valid point, although he's come McCotter campaigning working with Right to Life of Michigan tion to establishing a federal Department on the People's Override to outlaw par- under criticism by some who believe his true aim is If you are a resident of his district you of Peace, we go a few steps further on tial-birth abortion in Michigan. amending the law so he can extend his own tenure in have received a "Congress Year End their agenda? Why don't we abolish the Donald S. Foster Lansing. Department of Defense? We might also Update" from our representative in West Bloomfield Regardless, his idea merits consideration because expe- Congress, Thaddeus McCotter. invite Cuba, China, Saudi Arabia, rience and leadership are factors that should, and do, Like the previous "Updates" it is print- Zimbabwe, and other upstanding mem- matter in the Capitol. Pappageorge's plan addresses those ed in full color on expensive paper, telling bers of the U.N. Commission on Human areas, but remains in tune with the spirit of the original us some of the good things he has done Rights to a peace summit, and bury all term-limiting proposal the public passed more than a for us recently. He does not, however, our hatchets! Let's also have a Ministry of decade ago. include the fact he was one of the seven Love and a Bureau of Spiritual Harmony! Since it's unlikely Michigan's term-limit law will be dis- Republican representatives who voted All joking aside, the modern-day carded anytime soon, the option for longer stints in the against an amendment to an agriculture peaceniks are cut from the same cloth as SHARE YOUR OPINIONS bill that would have forbidden meat the ones 40 years ago who, unwittingly or House and Senate - without removing the overall 14-year We welcome your tetters to the editor. Please processors from putting "downers" - very not, fed at the trough of Soviet agitprop cap - may well be worth putting to a vote. include your name, address and phone number sick animals - into our food chain. programs. The claim that the Founding for verification. We ask that your letters be 400 Think about that the next time you Fathers considered establishing a words or iess. We may edit for clarity, space and plan to serve hamburgers or roasts to "Department of Peace" is new to me. But your family - and think about what your even if true, it is instructive to note that content. children are getting in their school lunch- the notion was dispensed with, while they es. Maybe he wouldn't have had room for did see fit to fund a Department of - no, Mail: ©bsiwrwr not "Defense" - War! And if in fact Letters to the editor TM several pictures of himself if he had Part of HomeTown Communications Network included this in his "update." Congress has considered a Peace Canton Observer I get the impression that Mr. McCotter Department many times since, being shot 794 S. Main Joanne Maliszewski Todd Williams down as many times ought to tell us Community Editor Director of Advertising is running for re-election. This would be Plymouth, Ml 48170 fine except he is using our tax money, something. Hugh Gallagher Peter Neill instead of campaign contributions, by The truth is that we have always had a Fax: sending us expensive full color brochures, Managing Editor General Manager department of peace. It's called the State complete with pictures of himself. With Department. And it has become so enor- (734) 459-4224 the cutbacks we have had to make in edu- mously bloated from its beginnings that Susan Rosiek Dick Aginian cation and other necessary services in the Founders would shriek if they could E-mail: Executive Editor President [email protected]

Jack Lessenberry Phil Power V.P. Editorial Chairman of the Board QUOTABLE "Be honest about who you are. The idea that Ford Road can be made into a pedestrian is not true. It's not a Our fundamental purposes are to enhance the lives of our readers, nurture the hometowns we serve and contribute plausible approach. We have to look at what can we do to influence what people see a car." to the business success of our customers. - Howard Deardorff, Design Team member, reviewing Ford Road OTHER OPINIONS Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, January 29,2004 (C) A7 Now we owe Northwest Recycling is the answer for Wayne ocal officials are treating the bankruptcy of the program is very inefficient and not cost-effec- , Central Wayne trash incinerator company as a tive, so it can never achieve the true potential ^ Lcrisis, but it actually presents Westland, of a recycling program. Recycling is not some- ~ a deserved pat on the back Dearborn Heights, Garden City, Inkster and thing extra that has to pay for itself. Residents Wayne with the opportunity of a lifetime. should not have to pay extra for recycling. For years now, the five communities (mem- Comprehensive, curbside recycling should be a ver the years, I've done my share of whining the intersection of U.S. 23 and 1-96. ! about Northwest Airlines: expensive fares, Plainly, air transit for both passengers and cargo bers of the Central Wayne County Sanitation standard piece of an integrated waste manage- O will be dominant factors in the world economy of Authority, CWCSA) have been paying at least ment plan that prevents trash from filling up poor service, bad on-time record. The list goes the 21st century. And regions that have developed three times more than neighboring cities to landfill space or going up in smoke. on and on. the capability to link air passenger and air cargo get rid of their trash. If the right steps are But in recent months, possibly because I've infrastructure have shown enormous growth over taken, the incinerator's failure can lead to ECONOMICS OF RECYCLING been flying more than usual, I've changed my the past decade. Consider the great airports at cheaper and cleaner trash disposal. mind. Mind you, I'm still grumpy about high Dallas-Ft. Worth, Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Central Wayne Energy Recovery Limited Because recycling is more labor intensive than fares, especially when there are no low-cost com- Amsterdam and even Memphis, the main hub for Partnership (CWERLP), the company that owns landfilling or incineration, recycling creates local petitors serving most routes. But things at FedEx's planes. These regions have added literally parts of tiie facility, abandoned its responsibilities jobs. This means, more resources are spent here Northwest seem to have improved substantially. hundreds of thousands of good-paying jobs lever- to the cities and several local businesses in August Both at the gate and on the plane, staffers seem aged out of their great air transit facilities; the phe- corporations based outside of Michigan. Items genuinely friendly and interested in being helpful. and filed for bankruptcy on Dec. 29,2003. nomenon is sometimes called an "aerotropolis." Incineration is an excessively expensive and collected become raw material for other compa- Departures and arrivals now bear a fairly direct nies, some of which are based in Michigan. relationship to the posted Experts, led by Dr. John D. Kasarda, director of dirty way of "disposing" of the Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise at the trash. Pollution goes out the Kalamazoo, Dundee, Manistique and Filer City ^ schedule. Planes are clean. If have companies that accept recyclables as raw you want, you can order some- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, say the smokestack and into our potential offered by the combination of an excellent lungs or gets concentrated material. The five cities of the CWCSA could thing to eat on the flight instead even try to attract similar companies. ^ of overdosing on pretzels and passenger facility (the Northwest hub at Detroit in toxic ash that is buried nuts. The new McNamara , Metro) and a good cargo operation (at Willow Run) with the risk of groundwater The state Legislature is currently debating a Terminal is attractive, efficient, is as good or better than anyplace elsewhere in the contamination. Incineration tipping fee surcharge that would apply to all trash a pleasure to use. world. They point to the development prospects of is not recycling. You can disposed of in Michigan - including imported And there's no doubt whatsoev- the 25,000-acre area between the two airports, only burn the trash once. trash. Of the $40-$50 million collected each year, er about the enormous advantage bounded by 1-94 on the south and Ecorse Road on The metal left behind is 80 to 90 percent would go bads to Michigan's of having a major new afid spiffy the north and including the Pinnacle project south Brad contaminated. cities for the exclusive purpose of supporting recy- Northwest hub at Detroit Metro. of Detroit Metro. And they endorse the wisdom of cling programs. If the five cities through the We can fly nonstop to essentially having created an airport authority with governance The electricity that can be CWCSA start planning now, they will be well- anyplace in the world. Anybody powers over both airports. generated is less than the positioned to receive those state funds and imple- ment a model program within Wayne County. who's had to suffer the thrash and So the potential is great, but there's lots of work energy saved from reusing inconvenience of changing planes once or twice en to be done to-make it real. Willow Run, for exam- the raw materials, so instead of waste-to- route recognizes what a terrific tiling a major hub is. ple, needs considerable work if it's going to reach energy, incineration is just wasted energy. A number of cities in the United States Plus there's even another dimension to the issue of its potential to be a serious hub for air cargo: An have reduced their trash by more than 50 per- high feres, at least if you listen to Andrea Fischer exteiided runway to service fully loaded 747s COMPREHENSIVE, CURBSIDE RECYCLING cent through comprehensive recycling and Newman, a University of Michigan regent and (which will irritate the neighbors), better storage composting. The experience of Ann Arbor Northwest's senior vice president for government and cargo handling facilities. Coordinated region- The CWCSA has some advantages that it could be very valuable to the five cities of the . affairs. According to Newman, if you take the average al development plans need to be worked out by needs to use. The five cities should band authority as they seek a clean alternative. cost of an airline ticket in 1978 (before the federal the various local government bodies affected. And together and use their combined buying Successful trash reduction does not just hap- government deregulated air travel) and compare it a link to the Port of Detroit - adding ship-borne power to negotiate lower landfill and hauling pen in college towns like Ann Arbor. Los with today's prices, you'll find the inflation-adjusted cargo access to the Atlantic seaboard and Europe prices through a smart, joint, open-bid Angeles, Calif., reduced its trash by 55 percent cost of air travel overall has declined by around 50 - needs to be worked through and developed. process. The current facility should be in 2001 through recycling and composting. , percent. And if you add to that the very low-fere char- Fortunately for the state of Michigan, which has cleaned up and refurbished as a transfer sta- ter operations now clustered at Detroit Metro, we no extra money, much of the work that needs to be tion and a Materials Recovery Facility. This Westland, Dearborn Heights, Garden City, may well be benefiting from "die deflationary impact done now won't cost much. Identifying the region as could be done with assistance from the state, Inkster and Wayne can act together within a of the Northwest hub... and just don't know it a key economic development target would be a good such as a Brownfield Redevelopment grant. public authority now for a cleaner, cheaper But there's much more to this story, especially here start. Wayne County needs to make the aerotropolis A state-of-the-art Materials Recovery and more prosperous future. They need to do in Michigan where the big problems are economic: a a development priority and work to include various Facility for sorting and bundling the collected more than just react to the current failure of ; townships along 1-94 in the planning process. recyclables could benefit more of Wayne the trash incinerator. They need to begin plan- jobless (and slow) recovery, an evaporating manu- ! facturing base, concern about increasing export of Asking senior leaders in the automotive assembly County than just the five communities. ning and implementing policies that will dra- - good jobs to places like China and India. Upon and parts industries for their input would help. Real recycling means collecting a wide list matically reduce their trash and save scarce reflection, I think the single greatest engine for this of recyclables at the curb from both residential financial resources through a joint compre- - ' And, while people are at it, they might want to : 1 region's economic growth is hidden in plain sight at include folks from Northwest Airlines. After all, and commercial sources. The material is sort- hensive recycling and composting program. Detroit Metropolitan and Willow Run airports. the essential precondition for an aerotropolis is a ed to separate out what can be used again as a r< Here's why. Most historians agree the regions first-rate passenger hub, and Northwest has raw material from hazardous materials. Brad VanGuilder is the Wayne County Community organ-f that offered the best transportation infrastructure already contributed that. We've been whining Hazardous materials need special attention. izer for the Ecology Center. The former college physics U are those that showed over time the greatest about Northwest too long; today, we all owe them The rest is landfilled for now. The larger the professor assists residents with technical issues and growth. Think of the seaports in the 18th century, a pat on the back for a job well done. volume of materials collected for recycling, the advocacy on environmental and related health con- r when sailing ships were dominant, or rail hubs in more efficient and cost-effective the program. cerns. He is available to talk with community groups. He . the 19th century. Closer to home and in the late Phil Power is the chairman of the board of the company that In other Michigan communities, and across can be reached at or (734) 663- x 20th century, it's probable that Livingston •owns this newspaper. He would be pleased to get your reac- the country, dozens of comprehensive recycling 2400, Ext. 114. For additional information, see the County's enormous growth comes in large part tions to this column either at (734) 953-2047 or at programs are operated at less expense than Ecology Center's Web site at from the advantages in road transit produced by [email protected]. ordinary trash disposal. A small subscription

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Follow your favorite high school sports team each week in the Observer A! (C) Observer & Eccentric [ Thursday, January 29,2004 LOCAL NEWS

David Zheng, A happy New Year 12, plays the accor- dion during the Chinese New Year gala Tuesday at the Canton Public Linda Zhang (top) and Bridget Chen, both 5 (left) and Lisa Zhang, 5 (top) Library. and Marian Abusharar, 6, finish their dance routine with a flourish.

* it Canton's

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B1 Observer & Eccentric i Thursday, January 29,2004 PREPSBRECREATiONaOUTDOORS Churchill's hitting beats back Salem

After some thought, Livonia serve tougher." Churchill volleyball coach Mark Still, the Rocks didn't go Grenier put Wednesday's win without a battle, although they over Western Lakes Activities started slow. In the opening set, Association rival Salem in per- Churchill scored three-straight spective. points, two on Salem errors, to "This is a wonderful victory go up 7-5. The Chargers never Top player for us," Grenier noted. "But this trailed in the game again. Madonna University's is just the third in a chess And yet, they never led Salem women's basketball team match of many games to come." by more than three points. had a shaky start to its This night's match, played at Indeed, with the score at 12-9, jseason in non-conference Churchill, belonged to the there were seven-straight side- play, winning Just three Chargers, 15-9,12-15,15-8. It outs before the Chargers got of 15 games. But in the •f gave them a 24-3-2 record; two-straight service aces and a Wolverine-Hoosier Salem slipped to 26-4-5. Kelsey Mack kill to finished it. Athletic Conference, the The season's meetings The second game was even Crusaders have come between the two couldn't be tighter, the biggest lead by. alive, winning four of six more even: They're 1-1-1, with either side three points. There games thus far. other possible run-ins at the- were seven lead changes, but Last Saturday, they Schoolcraft Invitational, the there's no doubt the Rocks won their second- WLAA Iburnament and the enjoyed their best stretch of the straight WHAC game, state districts. night in this set. A couple of The difference on this night Churchill hitting mistakes ; beating Indiana Tech 79- ' 73. The driving force proved to be Churchill's superi- allowed Salem to take a 10-7 behind the win was or hitting. Both teams excelled lead on the serve of Lauren MarwaAyoub, a junior defensively, with rallies at times Kurtz, the one Rock Teeters forward from Dearborn taking more than a half-dozen thought did serve well. who poured in a career- hits. The Chargers eventually high 30 points. Ayoub hit "We hit real well," said went ahead 12-11, but the 5-of-7 three-pointers in Grenier. "We had the ability Rocks got the serve bade, and the game and was 10-of- with a couple of kids to put the when they did it was Kurtz who , 17 overali. She also had ball on the floor. was serving. Two aces and a ' five rebounds, three "And the kids passed real couple of Churchill errors gave steals and two blocked well. When you can pass, you Salem a 15-12 win. shots. can run your offense." Which set up a third-game Ayoub's performance Salem, on the other hand, showdown. It started well for came after she got eight never quite got their offense in the Rocks, who led 3-0, but the points, four boards and gear — evidenced by setter Chargers scored nine of the last five blocks in limited Jordan Falcusan's 20 assists, 10 points to win the match. action in a 40-point win low for a player of her caliber. . It was a satisfying win for over Concordia last "This wasn't our best match," Grenier, in his first season as Wednesday. said Salem coach Tom Teeters. Churchill's coach, but he wasn't Her 38 points, nine "Our hitting was down and we about to dwell on it. rebounds, seven blocks didn't serve well at all. "We're going to see a lot more and six steals in two Salem's Ellen Canaie knocks this shot past the Churchill defenders, something the Rocks couldn't do consistently enough "Oufhitting-setting combi- of them,"he said. He's probably games earned her WHAC to get a win Wednesday. nation was off. And we have to right. player of the week hon- ors, the first Crusader this season to be so hon- - ored. For the season, Ayoub is averaging 12.4 points, 7.3 rebounds, 2.4 Observerland steals and 1.6 blocks a ; game. Canton sinks Wayne, 77-61 I Contributing factor contenders' I , When a team Is trying Canton got it going early and Wayne BASKETBALL guard Brian Bradley scored a career- ) to end a 15-game losing Memorial couldn't recover from a 37-16 high 25 points as the host Rocks (5-6) 7 ^ streak to a league oppo- halftime deficit Wednesday as the offset a 30-point outing by senior for- list is lengthy nent, it needs a strong Chiefs earned 77-61 boys basketball ward Tim VanDusen of Livonia 7 . team effort from ail of its win. "I think that Pioneer game gave us a Churchill (2-9) to win the WLAA players. Which is what Canton, 6-4 overall, got 22 points lot of confidence," Paye said. crossover Wednesday. Mail it in, the torch has been passed. University of Detroit and 11 rebounds from DJ. Bridges. Certainly the inside play of Bridges Bradley also hald five steals and four Redford Catholic Central wrestling Mercy sophomore Kelly Three others scored in double figures and Waidmann made a difference assists. coach Mike Rodriguez, whose team is the Jaskot gave in the including Andy Cortellini (13), Jason against the Zebras. Ten Salem players scored with two-time defending champion of the Titans' 56-50 come- Houdek (12) and Brad Waidmann (12). Wayne, 5-5 overall, cut the deficit to Dominique Washington and Brad Observerland Wrestling Invitational, from-behind overtime Cortellini dished out six assists, while seven in the second half, but could get Clark adding six points each. knows which team is going to win the win over University of Julian Smith added five. Waidmann no closer. Salem led 23-9 at the half and 41-26 event. Wisconsin-Green Bay also grabbed nine rebounds. Senior point-guard Genois Saiford after three quarters. And it isn't his Shamrocks. Saturday. "This was by far our best, most com- scored 20 of his team-high 22 in the The Chargers went without a field "Westland John Glenn is going to walk Jaskot, a guard from plete game of the year," Canton coach second half. Gene Nix and Danny goal in the second period, the Rocks away with it," Rodriguez said. "They've got Salem HS, came off the Charlie Paye said of the Western Lakes Walsh added 12 apiece. outscoring them 14-3. The Chargers the horses and we don't have the depth." bench to play 22 min- Activities Association crossover win. "They got the ball inside on us and had six offensive rebounds in the first Actually, there's a little more to it than utes, collecting four "We rebounded with them and that's got second-chance points," Wayne quarter, but none in the second. "I attribute it to good defense on both points, six rebounds, what concerned us coming in." coach Wayne Woodard said. WRESTLING three assists, two steals Since losing a lead, and eventually Canton was 21-of-31 from the foul ends of the floor," Salem coach Bob / and a blocked shot. The the game, in the last quarter again'st line compared to Wayne's 6-of-13. Brodie said of the low-scoring first Titans had to rally from a Ann Arbor Pioneer Jan. 13, the Chiefs quarter (9-6, Salem in front). "It was a 30-22 halftime deficit. have won four-straight games. Salem 55, Churchill 44: Senior ball-control first quarter." that. But Glenn is certainly one of the It was the first time favorites at Saturday's meet, held at UDM beat Wisconsin- Livonia Churchill High School. There are Green Bay since March 9, a handful of schools that could come away /1997, a victory that with the title, CC included. / earned the Titans an "There's probably going to be six or / NCAA Tournament berth. seven teams up there," said Churchill Grubaugh excels at coach Marty Altounian, whose squad is Football boosters also on that list. "Us, CC, Lutheran The Plymouth Wildcat She won't talk about it too much. Not in a singular sense, Westland, John Glenn... there will be football boosters will anyway. quite a few teams vying for it!' meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Tiffany Grubaugh will talk about the improvement in her CC, which has been among the top . Room 401 of Plymouth Northern Michigan University women's basketball team. three teams in 10 of the previous 12 ; HS. Parents of current And, yes, she puts the emphasis on team. Observerlands, won last year's event with football players are "After last season, we all got together and talked about 228.5 points, while John Glenn had 204, Livonia Stevenson had 168, Churchill had 7 asked to attend this first things we needed to change," she said while undergoing meeting of the new year. treatment for her knee. "We talked about reaching the final 142, Salem had 138 and LW had 112.5. The new boosters' board eight (in the NCAA Division II), but first and foremost is CC's won the most titles with six, while, will be introduced. winning the conference. 1 Stevenson has won three and Farmington, "Our first goal is to win the GLIAC, then go from there." Salem and Canton have won one each. Come and play Grubaugh's athletic career is a strong indication that Hie meet begins at 9 a.m. with the finals the Summit on the opponents don't want to get between her and her goals. slated for 5:30 p.m. The cost is $5 for Park Aquatic Center will She showed it at Salem HS, and not just on the basketball adults and $3 for students 18 and under. host its first event of its court: At the 2000 girls track state finals, Grubaugh won a This year's event could not only be winter Come Out and title in the shot put and placed fourth in the discus. tighter in the final score, but more wide • Play series: Super Bowl Last season, her first playing at NMU — she started her open at the same time. : Saturday, which will be collegiate career at Wayne State, but transferred after her "There are alot of teams who can win, from 6-8 p.m. this freshman year — Grubaugh, a 5-foot-8 guard, averaged but for now it's CC's to lose," Salem coach; Saturday-at the Summit 15.4 points a game. She ranked 11th in the GLIAC in over- Greg Woochuk said. "But there are a lot of on the Park, located at all scoring and was second in free-throw shooting accuracy, classes with alot of outstanding wrestlers." 46000 Summit Parkway converting 55-of-64 attempts (85.9 percent). Rodriguez thinks the best class could be In Canton. But that wasn't good enough. The Wildcats posted a 16- 152 pounds. CC's Brad Bartram returns as Super Bowl Saturday 10 record, eliminated in the GLIAC tournament quarterfi- the runner-up, but is ranked second in th;e will feature aqua football, nals by Grand Valley State. area behind John Glenn's Daron ; a cheerleading clinic for Things were going to be different this season. That's Cruickshank, who beat Bartram 7-4 in ? those who don't want to what that season-ending meeting last March was aimed at Saturday's CC Invitational. But Churchill's get wet, games and team accomplishing. Ben Adams is a threat, as is Salem's Will I spirit prizes. Hot dogs So far, it's worked. Last Thursday's 95-90 win over Schultz and Stevenson's Doug Fellows, j and chips will be served. Ashland boosted NMU's record to 14-2 overall, 6-2 in the There are three defending champions in . For more information, GLIAC. Tiffany Grubaugh, a Salem graduate, has become one of the top players in the field and John Glenn has two of them call Leisure Services at the GLIAC. The junior guard is averaging 20.5 points a game at Northern (734) 394-5460. PLEASE SEE GRUBAUGH, B6 Michigan. PLEASE SEE OBSERVERLAND, 03 \ B2 (PC) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, January 29,2004 BASKETBALL Ayoub's scoring burst Tech edges past Madonna in 0T

Overtime was unkind to the scoring, 27-6. Madonna University men's MEN'S HOOP basketball team, which fell Schoolcraft 112, Henry leads Crusaders to win Saturday to host Indiana Tech, Ford 69: Guard Ryan 91-88, in Fort Wayne. high 17 rebounds. Hawkins Baumgartner had 23 points Behind a career-best scoring Thomson scored 23 points MU falls to 8-13 overall and dished out six assists. and six assists, while 7-foot performance by Marwa Ayoub, WOMEN'S HOOP (9-of-15 shooting) and grabbed 2-4 in the Wolverine-Hoosier Noel Emenhiser led MU center Lamont Arlington fin- Madonna University held off 15 rebounds. Stephanie Childs Athletic, Conference. Indiana with 26 points on ll-of-21 ished with 21 points and six Indiana Tech to gain a 79-73 added 10 points, five assists Tech improves to 16-5 and 3- shooting, including 3-off-ll rebounds Saturday as host women's basketball triumph difference for Madonna. They and three steals. 2. from three-point range. Chad Schoolcraft College (17-2,8-0) Saturday at Madonna. combined to score 53 points on The Warriors, who trailed * Tech, ranked No. 20 in the Nadolni added 21 points and a rolled to an MCCAA-Eastern The win boosted the l9-of-32 shooting (59.4 per- 32-31 at halftime, got 23 NAIA (Division II), led by as game-high 20 rebounds. Conference win over Henry Crusaders' record to 4-2 in the cent). points from Thyoshi Chambers many as nine points (56-47) in Others in double figures Ford CC (7-11,1-6). Wolverine-Hoosier Athletic Ayoub scored a career-high and 16 from Lashanda the second half before the included Chris Behrns and Anton Palmer contributed Conference, 7-14 overall. Tech 30 points, making 10-of-17 Conwellr Crusaders rallied to send the Joe Kofahl, 12 apiece; and 16 points, while Derrick. is 10-10 overall, 0-5 in the shots — including 5-of-9 on Shooting accuracy was the game into OT at 81-all. MU Dan Kurtinaitis, 11. Nadolni Ponder added 10 points, 12 WHAC. three-pointers. She also had major difference in the game. was outscored in the extra ses- and Kurtinaitis each had rebounds, six steals and five The combination of Ayoub five rebounds, three steals and The Crusaders made 28-of-60 sion, 10-7. seven assists. assists for the Ocelots, who led and Sarah Thomson were the two blocked shots. from the floor (46.7 percent) Guard JuJuan Cooley led MU shot 42.3 percent from 56-36 at halftime. Johnathon compared to 27-of-76 (35.5 the winners with 22 points the field (33-of-78), while Burris also chipped in with 10 percent) for Tech. Madonna and five assists. Chris Goings Indiana Tech was 34-of-89 points. was also l6-of-26 from the added 17, while Wayne (38.2 percent). Doug Creighton (Redford free-throw line (61.5 percent); Redmond and Detonio MU outrebounded Tech, Catholic Central) had 14 for OAKLAND BASKETBALL the Warriors were 12-of-20 Hawkins contributed 15 and 59-52, but the Indiana school the Hawks. Cedric Bird con- (60 percent). 10, respectively. Luke had 26 points off turnovers (to tributed 12. McKenna grabbed a team- MU's nine) and led in bench THE WEEK AHEAD PREP BOYS BASKETBALL Franklin vs. W.L. Central Friday, Jan. 30 at Lakeland Ice Arena, 11:20 a.m. Churchill at W.L. Northern, 7 p.m. Redford CC at Culver Military (Ind.), noon. Franklin at Canton, 7 p.m. Ladywood vs. G.P. South (City), 5 p.m. MONDAY P-C-S vs. H.W. Regina, 9 p.m. John Glenn at Salem, 7 p.m. Wayne atW.L. Central, 7 p.m. at St. Clair Shores Arena FEB. 2ND Lutheran Westland at Liggett, 7 p.m. PREP WRESTLING Oak. Christian at Ply. Christian, 7:30 p.m. - Thursday, Jan. 29 Huron Valley at Taylor Baptist, 7:30 p.m. CC, Adrian at A.A. Pioneer, 6 p.m. m Notre Dame at Redford CC, 7:30 p.m. Canton at Churchill, 6:30 p.m. GIRLS VOLLEYBALL W.L Central at Salem, 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 29 Franklin at Northville, 6:30 p.m. Huron Valley vs. Yp'si Calvary Stevenson at Wayne, 6:30 p.m. at Livonia St Paul's, 5:30 p.m. John Glenn at W.L. Northern, 6:30 p.m. Lutheran North at Clarenceville, 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 31 Liggett at Lutheran Westland, 6:30 p.m. Observerland Inv. at Churchill, 9 a.m. ON TV! FOX SPORTS DETROIT Ladywood at Marian, 6:30 p.m. PREP BOYS SWIMMING OU WOMEN ARE STREAHIN Saturday, Jan. 31 Thursday, Jan. 29 COMES TO THE URENA, U-M-Dearborn Tourn., 9 a.m. Canton at Plymouth, 7 p.m. FOUR IN A ROW! A.A. Greenhills Tourney, TBA. Churchill at Northville, 7 p.m. PREP HOCKEY W.L. Western at Franklin, 7 p.m. Friday, Jan. 30 Salem at Stevenson, 7 p.m. Churchill vs. Stevenson (Edgar), 6 p.m. John Glenn at W.L. Central, 7 p.m. W.L. Western vs. Salem, 8 p.m. W.L. Northern at Wayne, 7 p.m. at Ply. Cultural Center Redford CC vs. Ann Arbor Huron Redford CC at Culver Military (Ind.), 8 p.m. at Liv. Comm. Rec. Center, 7 p.m. V Canton vs. W.L. Central, 8:20 p.m. . PREP GIRLS GYMNASTICS at Lakeland Ice Arena Saturday. Jan. 3! Saturday, Jan. 31 Troy Invitational, 9 a.m. Troy Athens Invit., 10:55 a.m. A.A. Pioneer Invitational, noon. MEN'S COLLEGE BASKETBALL NOW TAX Saturday, Jan. 31 Flint Mott at Schoolcraft, 3 p.m. PLAYER REGISTRATION Madonna at Siena Heights, 7:30 p.m. PROBLEMS? WOMEN'S COLLEGE BASKETBALL PLYMOUTH CANTON LITTLE Saturday, Jan. 31 we settle any tax, Flint Mott at Schoolcraft, 1 p.m. LEAGUE any year Siena Heights at Madonna, 3 p.m. JANUARY 31,2004 10a.m.-12p.m. Tax Resolution ONTARIO HOCKEY LEAGUE PLYMOUTH PU8UC LIBRARY 223 S. MAIN ST. Friday, Jan. 30 Specialist Whalers vs. Owen Sound 000 3 EKE Ages 9-14 at Compuware Arena, 7:30 p.m. Mobile Bring proof of birth date and residence Saturday, Jan. 31 Summit P!ace-R

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zSSSosSi. # A u t a i e f ©bseruer § Eccentric UHPtfCV NEWSPAPERS

Sign up Tor Suburban Hockey's Mid-Winter Clinics! Three-=day programs for mites, squirts, and pee woe/bantams at Birmingham Ice Enter to win Detroit Red Wings Tickets Arena on Fob. I(i-J8. Two-hour Defense & Shoot to Score Clinics at the Onyx - Rochester Ice Arena on Feb. 19, followed by Outside Edges Check Today's Classifieds Section and Puckhandling & Playmaking Clinics on Feb. 20 Suburban Training Center in Farmington Hills will host Outside Edges, to See How You Can Enter to Win! Puckhandling & Playmaking and Shoot to Score Clinics on Feb. 20. Call <248) 478-11»0() or visit today! THE ' i * (Observer fa lEccimtric NEWSPAPERS Observer S Eccentric! Thursday, January 29,2004 (PC) 83

WRESTLING RESULTS WRESTLING RANKINGS OBSERVERLAND REDFORD CATHOLIC CENTRAL WRESTLING Rissley (Hud.) p. James David (UF), 3-2. OBSERVERLAND WRESTLING RANKINGS Canton. . ~. INVITATIONAL Jan. 24 at Redford CC 160: Trevor Stewart (CC) won by major dec. (as of Jan. 20) 145:1. Dario Mainella, Stevenson; 2. Chris ' 2003:1. Redford CC; 2. over Zack Loew (Hud.), 19-6; 3rd: Brad Allen FROM PAGE B1 TEAM STANDINGS: I.Davison, 296.5; 2. • TEAM RANKINGS: 1. Westland John Glenn; McGlone, Wayne; 3. Jon McCahill, John (WJG) dec. Kyle Barquist (FK), 5-2; 5th: Sean Westland John Glenn; 3. Liv. Hudsonville, 192.5; 3. Flint Kearsley, 153; 4. Holt, 2. Livonia Churchill; 3. Redford Catholic Glenn; 4. Steve Hosey, Canton; 5. Danny -\ 146; 5. Westland John Glenn, 138.5; 6. Utica Ford, Henton (Holt) dec. Ouinn Boyce (Dav.), 7-4 — Rece Cox at 135, although he's Central; 4. Saiem; 5. Wayne Memorial. Clement, Churchill. '* Stevenson. 129; 7. Romeo, 121; 8. Anchor Bay, 95.5; 9, 171: Kyle Chittick (Dav.) dec. Jacob Tazzi (AB), wrestling this year at 140, and INDIVIDUAL RANKINGS 152:1. Daron Cruickshank, John Glenn; 2. jj 2002:1. CC; 2. John Glenn; 3. Fowlerviile, 90; 10. Canton, 84.5; 11. Redford 3-2; 3rd: Scott Schwarzlose (CC) dec. Blake Jake Fairchild, back to defend Catholic Central, 81.5; 13. Livonia Stevenson, 67; Hudzik (FK), 9-8; 5th: Ryan Cabildo (WJG) dec. 103 pounds: 1. Jesse Gardocki, Livonia Brad Bartram, Redford CC; 3, Ben Adams, •*; his title at 189. The Shamrocks' Salem 14. Birmingham Brother Rice, 13. Kyle Lis (LS), 7-1 Franklin; 2. Steve Ludke, Garden City; 3. Alex Churchill; 4, Doug Fellows, Stevenson; 5. Will Trevor Stewart is the field's only 2001:1. Canton; 2. CC; 3. Liv. FINAL INDIVIDUAL RESULTS 189: Trevor Perry (Dav.) dec. Jake Fairchild Fowler, Livonia Churchill; 4. Sam Santiili, Schultz, Saiem. other title winner, as he beat 103 pounds: Eric Brandt (UF) decisioned Jeff (WJG), 13-8; 3rd: Kyle Rowley (Oxford) dec. Don Canton; 5. Ken Nelson, Redford Union. 160:1. Trevor Stewart, Redford CC; 2. Emilio Perez, Garden City; 3. Brandon Noble, • Stevenson's Dario Mainella in Churchill. Charlton (FK), 18-16; 3rd: Kyie Mead (Fow.) Dryer (Fow.), 6-4; 5th: Joe Bargerstock (LS) p. H2:1. Jason Crothers, Wayne Memorial; 2. pinned Sam Santiili (Canton), 4:24; 5th: Josh EmirAdaiario (UF), 4:56. Mike Warren, Franklin; 3. Rowdy Glasgow, Lutheran Westland; 4. Josh.Loar, RU; 5. Brad last year's final. 2000:1. CC; 2. Stevenson; 3. Zimmerman (Hud.) p. Kameron Fenstermaker 215: Josh Furgeson (FK) dec. Eric Schambers John Glenn; 4. Andrew Nadhir, Redford CC; 5. Allen, John Glenn. Mainella is back, but at 145 Canton. (Holt), 3:53. (wJG), 9-3; 3rd: Andrew Middleton (Romeo) p. Nick Poole, Canton. 171:1. Manuel Schubert, Churchill; 2. Scott pounds, with four other run- 112: Joel Trombley (AB) dec. Ben Warner Kevin Austin (Dav.), 0:49; 5th: Kyie Oliver 119: i Justin Smith, Churchill; 2. Ryan Schwarzlose, Redford CC; 3. Bryan Longton, ners-up from last year — 1999:1. CC; 2. Stevenson; 3. (Dav.), 10-8; 3rd: Casey Schaner (Hud.) p. Vinnie (Oxford) dec. Dan Chase (UF), 11-5. Stump, Salem; 3. Justin Keatts, Wayne; 4. Wayne; 4. Jeremy Sparks, Garden City; 5. Dan Stevenson heavyweight Paul Garden City. Colonne (UF) 4:22; 5th: Srba Rankovic (Hoit) 275: Dan Stapf (Hud.) won by major dec. James Jones, Franklin; 5. Rob Carmichael, Haller, Lutheran Westland. Bargerstock, Wayne's Tim won by technical fail over Rowdy Glasgow over Brandon Failing (FK), 9-1; 3rd: Ryan Bedgley RU. 189:1, Neal Kemp, Lutheran Westland; 2. 1998:1. Salem; 2. CC; 3. (WJG), 17-0. (AB) dec. John Morasso (CC), 1:53; 5th: Travis Hammer (up to 135 from 130), 125:1. Kris Felice, Churchili; 2. Mike Jake Fairchild, John Glenn; 3. R.J. Ramsey, 119: Paul Donahoe (Dav.) won by tech. fall Perry (DV) p. Kyle Koss(UF), 3:39. Redford Union's John Moore Stevenson. Dendrinos, Salem; 3. Steve Hogg, Canton; 4. Wayne; 4. Jordan Schaefer, Salem; 5. Joe over Tom Grimm (Hud.), 22-5; 3rd: Michael MOST OUTSTANDING WRESTLERS Saul Fuentes, Stevenson; 5. Josh Bargerstock, Stevenson. (up to 130 from 119) and Salem's 1997:1. Stevenson; 2. Salem; Colonna (UF) dec. John Barber (Romeo), 10-3; 103-140 pounds: Phil Donahoe, Davison. Wischmeyer, RU. 215:1. Eric Schambers, John Glenn; 2. Eric ••• 5th: Lance Goodell (FK) p. Kyle Yost (AB), 3:25. 145-275: Trevor Stewart, CC. Ryan Stump (up to 119 from 3. Stevenson. 130:1. Jim Moore, RU; 2. Corey Phillips, Vojtkofsky, Redford CC; 3. Hafeez Qureshi, * 125: Zak Burns (Dav.) dec. Ron Mantes W.L WESTERN 37 103). Canton; 3. Dave Burr, Salem; 4. Ryan Hawkins, Churchill; 4. Jacob Galindez, Lutheran, 1996:1. CC; 2. Stevenson; 3. (Oxford), 10-6; 3rd: Travis Randall (Romeo) dec. CANTON 35 "I don't think anyone is going Westland; 5. Jeremy Henderson, Saiem. Matt Osterhouse (Holt), 3-0; 5th: Mike Freel (FK) Jan. 22 at Canton Franklin; 5. Robert Bytner, Lutheran to have a walk in this," John Salem. d. Saul Fuentes (LS), 12-7. 103 pounds: Sam Santiili (0 tech. fall over Westland. 275:1. Jeremy Walker, Saiem; 2. Pat v Glenn coach Bill Polk said. 1995:1. Stevenson; 2. CC; 3. 130: Jason Whitman (Dav.) dec. Corey Phillips Andrew Rudzki, 16-0; 112: Nick Poole (C) pinned 135:1 Tim Hammer, Wayne; 2. Ryan Webb, Draheim, Churchill; 3. John Morasso, Redford £ "This field is too tough. (CA), 14-8; 3rd: David Megusin (Fow.) won by Nick Zilan, 5:41; 119: Mike Morfitt (WLW) pinned Canton; 3. Jamie Murray, Churchill; 4. Zak CC; 4. Ryan Pokryfky, Franklin; 5. Jameson Wrestling (at Catholic Central) Salem. major dec. over Eddie Diaz (Hud.), 12-2; 5th: Jay Fleischmann, 3:31; 125: Jeff Clare (WLW) maj. Vaughn, Salem; 5. Darryl Rice, John Glenn. Higgins, Lutheran Westland. this weekend helped. We had a 1994:1. Stevenson; 2. CC; 3. Thomas Malone (Holt) won by major dec. over dec. over Steve Hogg, 25-9; 130: Corey Phillips 140:1. Rece Cox, John Glenn; 2. John Note: The Observerland mat rankings are Matt Stabley (Romeo), 13-2. (C) dec. Chris Yezbick, 4-1; 135: Ryan Webb (C) Gourlay, RU; 3. Rex Fugaban, Wayne; 4. Ali compiled by coaches Jim Gourlay (RU) and couple of kids who actually beat Salem. pinned Ben Dixon, 1:49; 140: Konrad Konsitzke kids ranked above them in 135: John Reeder (Dav.) dec. Ryan Webb Ismail Clarenceville; 5. Konrad Konsitzke, Dave Chiola (Franklin). 1993:1. CC; 2. John Glenn; 3. (Canton), 10-4; 3rd: Rob Fedorow (Romeo) dec. (C) def. Andy Goodman, 18-12; 145: Steve Hosey Observerland." Shawn Gall (Oxford); 5th: Mark Bolhuis (Hud.) (C) pinned George Hajal, 1:59; 152: Jeff Goodman Nearly every area school has Stevenson. won by tech. fall over Chris Bauman (Holt), 17-2. (WLW) pinned Marwan Faraj, 1:43; 160: Justin Zoma (WLW) pinned Alex Amberg, 3:51; 171: at least one wrestler ranked 140: Cory Rogers (Dav.) dec. Rece Cox (WJG), 1992:1. Farmington; 2. Aaron Soderstom (WLW) dec- Pat McWhirter, 7-5; 8-7; 3rd: Nick Leon (UF) p. Konrad Konsitzke among the top five in 189: P.J. Caram (C) pinned Chris Alexopolus, Canton; 3. John Glenn. (Canton), 1:45; 5th: Mark Mooney (Romeo) dec. Observerland. But as coaches 5:48; 215: Lance Shunia (WLW) pinned Dave Kyle Ghastin (Holt), 7-5. and fans know, rankings can go Kersten, 3:26; 275: Chad Strye (WLW) pinned 145: Brent Metcaif (Dav.).won by tech. fait Donnie Laramie, 1:17. by the wayside come crunch over Cody Crossman (Hud.), 22-7; 3rd: Dario time. Mainella (LS) dec. Aaron Hynes (FK), 5-1; 5th: Dual-meet record: Canton, 11-9 overall, 2-1 in •Heading into the meet, Kevin Mill (Romeo) dec. Jon McCahill (WJG), 9-4. the WLAA. Next meets: Canton at Livonia Churchill has three wrestlers OBSERVERLAND 152: Troy Albert (Holt) won by default over Churchili, 6:30 p.m. Thursday; at Observerland ranked No. 1 in their weight Nate Bundy (Dav,); 3rd: Deron Cruickshank Tournament, 10 a.m. Saturday at Churchill. (wJG) dec. Brad Bartram (CC), 7-4; 5th: Harry class — Justin Smith (119), Kris WRESTLING TOURNAMENT Kids out of school? BATH and KITCHEN REMODELING Felice (125) and Manuel Nothing to do? • Licensed Schubert (171). John Glenn and What: 13th Annual & Wayne have two each with Observerland Wrestling BOAT SHOW Master Plumber • Ceramic Tile Cruickshank and Eric Tournament. Schambers (215) tops for the FEBRUARY 16-18,2004 Installed Rockets and Jason Crothers When: Saturday, Jan. 31. The 21st annual Michigan Birmingham fee Arena % • Quality Materials (112) and Hammer tops for the Boat, Sport and Fishing Show and Workmanship Competition starts at 9 8IW fall* & Mbadh* %08-l!:2Q G«30«ec> ay. back after losing," Altounian For more information, call 1 1-94 OiClM N (734) 722-4170 said. (800) 328-6550 or visit W+ E Call (243) 478600 or go to "Champions are nice, though, only title in 1997. "It's not the www. suburban hoc to register? S QE08127737 don't get me wrong." kids in the finals, but it's the kids "It takes a full team of kids coming back in other slots. A taking thirds and fifth," said well-placed fifth can mean as Woochuk, whose school won its much or more than a first."



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Rocks win tourneyr WLAA opener, 15-0,15-10

Salem punctuated its first- Salem breezed through pool aces; Lauren Price got two Plymouth beat Clintondale in had 23 digs and five aces. Kim place finish at the Novi play without losing a game, VOLLEYBALL solos and three blocks assists, its first match with an impres- Klonowslti had 28 kills and 15 Invitational last Saturday with beating Anchor Bay 25-18,25- and three kills with a .333 kill sive performance, 21-11, 21-6, digs, Lindsay Vogelsberg con- an easy 15-0,15-10 victory over 23; Detroit Chadsey 25-9,25- percentage; Marsonek collect- but then lost to Royal Oak tributed nine digs and four Livonia Franklin Monday at 4; and Haslett 25-12,25-14. 11, But they managed to pull it ed one solo and six block Kimball 21-10,21-19 and split aces, Sarah Haskins got 62 set Salem in the Rocks' Western However, things got much out, thanks to strong play from assists; and Falcusan finished with Dexter 19-21,21-15. assists and 12 digs, Janet Lakes Activities Association tougher for the Rocks in the Canale with 10 kills; Coppiellie with 17 set assists, 10 digs and "During pool play the girls Hatchett had 26 digs and five volleyball opener. elimination rounds. They faced with five kills and 11 digs; an ace. were off and on," said aces, and Rachelle Haldar That win, combined with six Anchor Bay in the quarterfi- Falcusan with 10 digs, 14 set Salem hosts Northville in a Plymouth coach Kelly totaled three solo blocks, four match victories at Novi, nals and managed a 25-18, 22- assists and two aces; and WLAA match Monday. McCausland. "They played a block assists and four digs. pushed the Rocks' overall 25,15-5 victory. Lauren Kurtz with four solo great first match against Last Friday at Eastern record to 26-3-5. Franklin is 3- That was followed by a close blocks and six block assists. Clintondale, but right after Michigan, Plymouth clashed 14-6 overall, 0-2 in the WLAA. semifinal match with the host In the semifinal win over Plymouth wins division that we played very inconsis- with Plymouth Christian Several players contributed Wildcats, Salem winning 25- Novi, Salem had an equal After a sporadic effort in tently against Kimball. "We Academy in a varsity match in the win over the Patriots. 23, 26-24. number of contributors. pool play at the Bloomfield only lost each game by two and won, 15-13,15-10. Leaders Ellen Canale led the Rocks In the final, the Rocks went Canale and Coppiellie each Hills Lahser Invitational points, but the opportunity for the Wildcats were: with five kills; Therese against Walled Lake Northern had 11 kills, Jill Niemi had 10 Saturday, Plymouth rebounded was there for us to win by four Haskins, 17 set assists, 10 digs, Coppiellie had four kills, and and found themselves on the digs, Kurtz had two solo and and finished strongly, winning in each game. two aces; Klonowski, five kills, Lauren Marsonek and Nikki brink of losing. But, as coach six block assists, Marsonek had the Silver Division in this var- "I didn't see the heart and four solo blocks, six digs; Mersch contributed three Tom Teeters noted, "They one solo and six block assists, sity tournament with a 21-14, desire to win during the Moise, eight kills, 10 digs; apiece. came together and won when and Falcusan had 18 set assists 23-21 victory over Warren Kimball match. Fortunately, Rachelle Haldar, four solo Lauren Price was a major they had to," beating Northern and two aces. Cousino in the final. they got the desire to win back blocks, one block assist; and factor with eight service aces. 25-13, 25-27,18-16. In the quarters against In the division semifinals, and played very well during Hanchett, seven digs, five kills. Chelsea McPhail had three Teeters felt his team did not Anchor Bay, Canale totaled the Wildcats dispatched the playoffs." Plymouth travels to the aces, and Jordan Falcusan con- play its best in the final; in nine kills and two aces; Madison Heights Lamphere Jeanine Moise led the University of Michigan- tributed 11 set assists. fact, in the decisive third game Coppiellie had 11 kills, one solo 21-12,21-13. Pool play, howev- Wildcat attack in the tourna- Dearborn Tournament this At the Novi Invitational, the Rocks trailed Northern 13- and four block assists, and four er, was another story; ment with 30 kills; she also weekend.

CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON HOOP TOURNEY REQUEST FORBID CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON Northwood University's will be guaranteed a spot. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Canton, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept 11th annual 5-on-5 "March Have the player's most sealed bids at the Office of the Clerk up to 3:00 p.m., February Madness" Basketball recent report card available NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Invitational for sixth, seventh upon request to verify grade. 12th, 2004 for the following: Canton, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept proposals up to 4:00 p.m.Thursday, February 12th, 2004 for the and eighth grade boys will be Deadline for team entry is ; JLG SCZSSOR LIFT following: held March 6-7 in the Feb. 24. Mail a $235 check | Northwood University payable to Jeff Curtis and Bid forms mSy be picked up at the Finance and Budget Department FAIR HOUSING SERVICES counter or you may contact Mike Sheppard at (734) 394-5225. All Bennett Sports Center. player roster to: Jeff Curtis, bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked with Proposal forms may be picked up at the Finance and Budget Each team is guaranteed Tournament Director, 4911 the proposal name, company name, address and telephone number Department counter or you may contact Mike Sheppard at (734) three games with individual Drake St. Midland, MI and date and time of bid opening. The Township reserves the right 394-5225. The Township reserves the right to accept or reject any trophies awarded to the first 48640. to accept or reject any or all proposals. The Township does not or all proposals. The Township does not discriminate on the basis and second place teams in For more information, con-: discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in age or disability in employment or the provision of services. employment or the provision of services. each age division. The first 16 tact Jeff Curtis at (989) 633- ' teams in each age group to 8409 or at curtis@north- TERRY G. BENNETT, CLERK TERRY G. BENNETT, CLERK submit their $235 entry fee Publish: January 29,2004 Publish: January 29,2004 CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON LEGAL NOTICE ACCESS TO PUBLIC MEETINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF PLYMOUTH The Charter Township of Canton will provide necessary reasonable proposals up to 5:00 p.m. Monday, February 16th, 2004 for the ESTABLISHMENT OF A PLANT auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing following: impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at REHABILITATION DISTRICT FOR the meeting, to individuals with disabilities at the meeting/hearing ENGINEERING CONSULTING SERVICES JOHNSON CONTROLS PUBLIC HEARING - upon two weeks notice to the Charter Township of Canton. Proposal forms may be picked up and submitted to Canton's DPW TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10,2004 Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services Building, 4847 Sheldon Rd, Canton, MI 48188 or you may contact should contact the Charter Township of Canton by writing or Todd ZiHncik at (734) 397-1011. The Township reserves the right to PLEASE TAKE NOTE that a public hearing will be held on calling the following: accept or reject any or all proposals. The Township does not Tuesday, February 10, 2004, during a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Plymouth on David Medley, ADA Coordinator discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, the request from Johnson Controls to establish a Plant Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S. Canton Center Road age or disability in employment or the provision of services. Rehabilitation District for their facility located at 49200 Halyard Canton, MI 48188 Drive, Metro West Technology Park, Plymouth Township, (734) 394-5260 TERRY G. BENNETT, CLERK Michigan. Publish: January 29 & February 1, 2004 Publish: January 29, 2004 The request is on file in the Township Clerk's Office where it is available for public perusal during regular business hours 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Any Township resident or Canton Police taxing authority within the Township of Plymouth shall have the Public Auction at right to appear and be heard. Written comments directed to the LEGAL NOTICE Clerk and received prior to the meeting will be considered. Budget Towing The public hearing, commencing at 7:00 p.m., will be held in the CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF PLYMOUTH 876 Railroad, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Meeting Room at Plymouth Township Hall, 42350 Ann Arbor Road, ESTABLISHMENT OF A PLANT February 05th, 2004 Plymouth, Michigan 48170. Telephone number (734) 354-3224. REHABILITATION DISTRICT FOR A FACILITY 09:00 AM OWNED BY DEMATTIA GROUP AND LEASED MARILYN MASSENGILL, Clerk 1997 Chrysler, 2C3HD56F0VH517418 Charter Township of Plymouth TO JOHNSON CONTROLS PUBLIC HEARING - 1992 Dodge, 1B3XP64K3NN233472 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2004 1990 Nissan, JN1HS36P0LW128763 Publish: January 29,2604 1993 Chevrolet, 1G1JC1448P7221144 PLEASE TAKE NOTE that a public hearing will be held on 1991 GEO, 2CNBE18U6M6921459 Tuesday, February 10,2004, during a regularly scheduled meting of 1989 Pontiac, 1G2NE14D3KC637805 the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Plymouth on the request from DeMattia Group to establish a Plant Rehabilitation Publish: January 29,2004 District for an existing facility being leased to Johnson Controls. The facility is located at 47912 Halyard Drive, Metro West CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF PLYMOUTH Technology Park, Plymouth Township, Michigan. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The request is on file in the Township Clerk's Office where it is TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10,2004 available for public perusal during regular business hours 8:00 a.m. CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF PLYMOUTH REQUEST TO ESTABLISH AN INDUSTRIAL to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Any Township resident or ESTABLISHMENT OF A PLANT taxing authority within the Township of Plymouth shall have the REHABILITATION DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT right to appear and be heard. Written comments directed to the METRO WEST TECHNOLOGY PARK PHASE II Clerk and received prior to the meeting will be considered. FOR JOHNSON CONTROLS The public hearing, commencing at 7:00 p.m. will be held in the PUBLIC HEARING- PLEASE TAKE NOTE: that a request from DeMattia Group was Meeting Room at Plymouth Township Hall, 42350 Ann Arbor Road, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2004 received by the Charter Township of Plymouth requesting that an Plymouth, Michigan 48170. Telephone number (734) 354-3224. Industrial Development District be established, under Public Act PLEASE TAKE NOTE that a public hearing will be held on 198, 1974, as amended. Public Act 198, requires that the Board of MARILYN MASSENGILL, Clerk Tuesday, February 10, 2004, during a regularly scheduled meeting Trustees hold a Public Hearing on the establishment of an Charter Township of Plymouth of the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Plymouth on the request from Johnson Controls to establish a Plant Industrial Development District at which the owners of properties Publish: January 29,2004 within the proposed district and residents and taxpayers of Rehabilitation District for their facility located at 47700 Halyard Drive, Metro West Technology Park, Plymouth Township, Plymouth Township shall have the right to appear and be heard. Michigan. Written comments, submitted prior to the February 10, meeting will also be accepted. Charter Township of Canton Board Proceedings - The request is on file in the Township Clerk's Office where it is January 20, 2004 available for public perusal during regular business hours 8:00 a.m. TAKE NOTE that the Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday, to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Any Township resident or February 10, 2004, commencing at 7:00 p.m., in the Meeting Room A regular study session of the Board of Trustees of the Charter taxing authority within the Township of Plymouth shall have title at Plymouth Township Hall, 42350 Ann Arbor Road, Plymouth, Township of Canton held Tuesday, January 20, 2004 at 46000 right to appear and be heard. Written comments directed to the Wayne County, Michigan 48170. Phone Number (734) 354-3224. Summit Parkway, Canton, Michigan. Supervisor Yack called the Clerk and received prior to the meeting will be considered. meeting to order at 7:00 pm. and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the The public hearing, commencing at 7:00 p.m., will be held in the LEGAL DESCRIPTION Flag. Roll Call Members PresenP.Shefferly, Burdziak, Kirchgatter, Yack, Zarbo, McLaughlin Members Absent: Bennett Staff Present: Meeting Room at Plymouth Township Hall, 42350 Ann Arbor Road, Part of the North Half of Section 20, Town 1 South, Range Director Santomauro Also Present: Thomas Wackerman, President Plymouth, Michigan 48170. Telephone number (734) 354-3224. 8 East, Plymouth Township, Wayne County, Michigan, of Applied Science & Technology, Inc. (ASTI) Adoption of Agenda described as: Beginning at the West Quarter Corner of Motion by Kirchgatter, seconded by Zarbo to approve the agenda. MARILYN MASSENGILL, Clerk Section 20; thence along the West Line of Section 20 and Motion carried by members present. Charter Township of Plymouth the Centerline of Ridge Road, North 00°01'25" East Publish: January 29,2004 ITEM 1: DISCUSSION ON HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN. Mr. . 2095.90 feet; thence along the South Line of the Railroad, Wackerman stated that this plan is to evaluate the general hazards 99.00 feet wide, the following four (4) courses: one (1) in the community and summarize the risks and then brainstorm as South 65°24'52" East 2568.96 feet, two (2) along the Arc of to the solutions. Mr. Wackerman stated that the Township of a Curve to the Right 655.17 feet, Radius 3790.50 feet, o Canton would be the first in the state to initiate this plan. This PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE Central Angle 09 54'12", Chord Bears South 60°27'46" plan would be in place, in accordance with Fema and the State CITY OF PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN East 654.36 feet, three (3) South 55°30'40" East 1052.19 Police, and we would be parallel with Wayne county in case of a hazardous emergency. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11,2004 feet, and four (4) along the Arc of a Curve to the Left, ITEM 2: DISCUSSION PUBLIC SAFETY NATIONAL 7:00 PM 180.72 feet, Radius 2695.26 feet, Central Angle 03°50'31", (734) 453-1234 Chord Bears South 57°25'55" East 180.69 feet; thence ACCREDITATION. Director Santomauro indicated that this accreditation is with the Comrrtission for Accreditation for Law along the East-West Quarter Line of Section 20 and along Enforcement Agencies (CALEA). There are 444 rigid standards A regular meeting of the Planning Commission will be held in the , the North Line and the Easterly extension of "Metro West that will need to be met and maintained to receive accreditation. Commission Chambers of the City Hall to consider the following: Technology Park", as recorded in Liber 102 of Plats, Pages Re-accreditation is every three (3) years to verify standards are 8-13, Wayne County Records, South 89°51'42" West PUBLIC HEARING FOR: being continuously met, &nd accountability to the citizens it serves. SPECIAL USE AND SITE PLAN APPROVAL 1334.85 feet to the Center of Section 20; thence It has been proven that with this accreditation communities have continuing along the East-West Quarter Line of Section had 17% fewer lawsuits and 1/3 less financial payouts. The cost of SP 04-01 Dog Day Care of Plymouth 20 and along the North Line of "Metro West Technology this program will be $10,000-$15,000 and will take 2 to 3 years to 673 S. Main Street Park", South 89°49'07" West 765.00 feet to the Northwest receive accreditationlTEM 3: DISCUSSION CANTON ZONED: B-l, Local Business ORGANIZATIONAL 5 YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN Director APPLICANT: Royal Palm Enterprises, L.L.C7 Corner of "Metro West Technology Park"; thence Nancy Janoch continuing along the East-West Quarter Line of Section Santomauro presented a powerpoint presentation with the points of 20, South 89°49'07" West 1825.93 feet to the Point of interest indicating why we need a organizational 5 year strategic All interested persons are invited to attend. Beginning. Contains 102.974 Acres. Subject to the Rights plan and how it is a guide for the organization in staffing, organizational structure, capital, and factors in economic and In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of of the Public and of any Governmental Unit in any part demographics that effect the plan. Motion by Yack, supported by Plymouth will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and thereof used, taken or deeded for Street, Road, or McLaughlin to adjourn the study session at: 8:45 p.m. Motion services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audiotapes of Highway purposes. Subject to Easements and Restrictions carried by members present. printed materials being considered at the meeting/hearing, to of record. individuals with disabilities. Requests for auxiliary aids or services - Thomas J. Yack - Supervisor / Terry G. Bennett -Clerk - may be made by writing or calling the following: MARILYN MASSENGILL, Clerk Copies of the complete text of the Board Minutes are available at the office of the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S. Canton Carol Stone, ADA Coordinator Charter Township of Plymouth Center Road, Canton, Michigan 48188, during regular business 201S. Main Street Plymouth, MI 48170 Publish: January 29,2004 hours and can also be accessed through our web site wwwftflnt/m. mi .org after Board approval. (734) 453-1234, Ext. 206

OE081889S9 Publish: January 29,2004 Publish: January 29,2004 LOCAL SPORTS Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, January 29,2004 (PC) B

GYMNASTICS SPORTS ROUNDUP SWIM RESULTS COACHES WANTED RESULTS ANN ARBOR PIONEER, • Redford Union is looking • Redford Thurston is look- The drawing will take place LIVONIA STEVENSON, for several coaches for its athlet- ing for a varsity girls basketball 5 SOCCER REGISTRATION on Feb. 21. The winner need . SALEM DOUBLE-DUAL ic programs. coach. Jan. 24 at Pioneer FARMINGTON INVITATIONAL \ not be present to win. Dual-meet scores: Pioneer 118, Stevenson For the Spring season, RU is For more information, please Jan. 24 at Farmington Training Center • The city of Plymouth 68; Pioneer 134, Salem 52; Stevenson 118, seeking a girls junior varsity call athletic director Al Chambo TEAM SCORES: 1. Tri-Farmington, 147.65; 2. Salem 68. at (313) 535-4000, Ext. 1166. Northville-Novi 144.4; 3. Portage, 143.225; 4. Recreation Department will be SOFTBALL PLAYERS soccer and junior varsity base- Livonia Unified, 142.6; 5. Brighton, 141.8; 6. taking spring youth soccer reg- Event results ball coach. For the Fall 2004 • Plymouth Christian Salem, 135.95; 7. St. Johns, 131.1; 8. Fraser, istration during business hours The Canton Thunderbirds 200-yard medley relay: 1. Stevenson season, RU is seeking a varsity Academy needs a varsity track 130.75. (Garrett Baringhaus, David Gosdzinski, Steve coach, a junior high school track (8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.) throughout softball girls fastpitch 12U Helewski, Matt Massman), 1:45.68; 2. Pioneer girls swimming coach, an assis- DIVISION 1 RESULTS January at the recreation team is still looking for a few (Michael Boiling, Craig Pfister, Kevan Wheian, tant varsity football coach and a coach and assistants for both VAULT: 1. Shannon Jodoin (TF), 9.5; 2. office, located in the Plymouth players. The coaching staff is Jason Hitchcock), 1:45.89; 3. Salem (Matt boys junior varsity soccer coach. positions. For more information Cynthia Hughes (P), 9.35; 3, "Andrea Pisani (LU) Jurcak, Casey Johnson, Nick Dixon, Michael and Emma Piatt (NN), 9.1; 5. (tie) Sara Cultural Center at 525 Farmer. good enough to help both the For more information or to or to apply, call PCA athletic Higgs), 1:46.7&. Wilchowski (NN) and Kelly Patrick (TP), Nicole All first-time registrants experienced or novice player. apply, please call athletic direc- director Doug Taylor at (734) Bastein (B) and Sarah Tomkovich (TP), 9.06; 9. must provide proof of birth Ib qualify, players must be 12 200 freestyle: 1. David Curtis (AAP), 1:47.98; tor Brett Steele at (313) 242- 459-3505, Ext. 138, or email Caitlin McPherson (TF), 9.0; 10. Alicia Fedrigo date. The fee for under-six years or less on January 1, 2. Wade Engers (AAP), 1:48.95; 3. Jurcak (S), 4270. him at dtaylor@plymouthchris- (LU). 1:55.03; 4. Devin Talbot (AAP), 1:56.52; 5. Jeff through under-eight divisions 2004. Pauza (LS); 1:56.66; 6. Andrew Schoff (LS), • Plymouth High School is BARS: 1. Cynthia Hughes (P), 9.6; 2. Sara $60 for city of Plymouth resi- For further information con- 1:57.77, looking for a ninth-grade soft- • TVoy High and/IVoy Atherfs Wilchowski (NN), 9.35; 3, Lindsey Reed (LU), 9.25; 4. Shannon Jodoin (TF), 9.2; 5. Kacy dents and $85 for non-resi- tact Mike Roberts at (734) 397- 200 individual medley: 1. Sho Koba (AAP), ball coach for the 2004 season. high schools are in need of girls Risner (LU), 9.0; 6. Sarah Bugosh (PS), 8.95; 7. dents; for under-nine and 1355. 1:59.24; 2. Dixon (S), 2:02.39; 3. Chris Suck For more information or to water polo coaches. Interested Kelly Patrick (TF), 8.9; 8. Sarah Tomkovich (TF), older divisions, the fee is $ 65 (AAP), 211.58; 4. Jason Anderson (LS), 2:15.19; 5. apply, please call athletic direc- candidates are asked to contact Chris Brown (LS), 2:17.33; 6. Bill Richardson 8.8; 9. (tie) Sarah Houchins (TP) and Andrea for city of Plymouth residents RUNNING WORKSHOP tor Terry Sawchuk at (734) 582- Troy director of athletics Jim Pisani (LU), 8.65. (AAP), 2:17.43. and $95 for non-residents. 50 freestyle: 1. Helewski (LS), 23.33; 2. 5700/02. Feldkamp at (24§) 823-5093. BEAM: 1. Shannon Jodoin (TF), 9.5; 2. (tie) For more information, call St. Mary Mercy Hospital will • Salem HS is in need of a • Farmington High School Sara Wilchowski (NN) and Kelly Patrick (TF), Robert Steele (AAP), 23.34; 3. Ryan Gardner 9.45; 4. Catie Carison (B), 9.1; 5. Caitlin (734) 455-6620, or check the sponsor a Running Symposium (AAP), 23.44; 4. Jason Hass (AAP), 23.53; 5. , varsity girls track coach. All can- has a position available for ' McPherson (TF), 9.05; 6. Sarah Houchins (TF), Web site at from 6:30-8 p.m. Thursday, Higgs (S), 24.25; 6. Massman (LS), 24.44. didates must be high school someone willing to serve on a 8.95; 1. Nicole Drouillard (B), 8.85; 8. Nicole Feb. 26, at the Livonia Diving: 1. Jon Ellis (AAP), 223.20 points; 2. graduates and have experience volunteer basis as a strength Bastein (B), 8.8; 9. Cynthia Hughes (P), 8.7; 10. Community Recreation Center. Alex Gauvin (AAP), 209.00; 3, Ken Stafford (LS), coaching at the high school level and conditioning coach for the Kacy Risner (LU), 8.6. 200.45; 4. Russ Bomschein (AAP), 192.75; 5. • The Canton Soccer Club is The gathering aims to Andrew Murawski (S), 181.50; 6. Aaron Harburg or competing in track at the col- football program. The position FLOOR: 1. Shannon Jodoin (TF), 9.7; 2. Sarah currently accepting registra- inform about conditions asso- (AAP), 165.75. legiate level. Those interested would involve approximately Houchins (TF), 9.575; 3. Kelly Patrick (TF), 9.55; 4. Nicole Drouillard (B), 9.5; 5. Sara Wilchowski tions for the spring season. ciated with running, how to 100 butterfly: 1. Baringhaus (LS), 55.71; 2. must have a schedule compati- nine hours per week, starting in (NN), 9.35; 6. Nicole Bastein (B), 9.3; 7. Lindsey Registration forms may be rehabilitate common injuries Hass (AAP), 55.90; 3. Steve Bruestle (LS), 56.10; ble with that of the high school; January. To inquire, call the ath- Reed (LU), 9.25; 8. Andrea Pisani (LU), 9.05; 9. obtained either on-line at and how to choose the right 4. Wheian (AAP), 57.57; 5. Johnson (S), 1:02,23; CPR and/or first aid training is letic department at (248) 489- 6. Michael Zang (AAP), 1:04.35. Cynthia Hughes (P), 8.975; 10. (tie) Catie or running shoe. preferred, as is a demonstrated 3352. Carlson (B) and Jenna Benoit (TF), 8.65. 100 freestyle: 1. Dustin Hennigar (AAP), at the club office, located at Peter Galea, doctor of podia- 50.41; 2. Curtis (AAP), 50.71; 3. Helewski (LS), ability to work with parents and • Livonia Stevenson High ALL-AROUND: 1. Shannon Jodoin (TF), 37.90; High Velocity Sports, 46245 try medicine, St. Mary Mercy 51.82; 4. Penn Chou (S), 52.88; 5. Schoff (LS), children. School has openings for the fol- 2. Sara Wilchowski (NN), 37.20; 3. Kelly Patrick 53.38; 6. Brendan Cummings (LS), 53.42. (TF), 36.95; 4. Cynthia Hughes (P), 36.625; 5. Michigan in Canton. Office . Hospital Physical Medicine To apply or for more informa- lowing coaching positions: Sarah Houchins (TF), 35.825; 6. Nicole Bastein hours are 10 a.m.-3 p.m., and Rehabilitation 500 freestyle:! Nick Dixon (S), 4:56.76; 2. tion, call Salem athletic director Freshmen girls track, and assis- (8), 35.70; 7. Lindsey Reed (LU), 35.45; 8. Nicole Monday through Friday. Department physical thera- Steele (AAP), 4:58.18; 3. Engers (AAP), 5:00.39; Tom Willette at (734) 416-7775. tant boys track. Letters of appli- Drouillard (B), 35.15; 9. Andrea Pisani (LU), 4. Baringhaus (LS), 5:04.52; 5. Buck (AAP), Registration fees for under- pists, and representatives from 5:15.08:6. Brown (LS), 5:24.57. • Livonia Ladywood has cation should be sent to: 35.10;10. Catie Carlson (B), 34,55. five division players is $50; for Running Fit will be speaking. openings for a girls junior varsi- Stephen Smith, assistant super- DIVISION 2 RESULTS 200 freestyle relay: 1. Pioneer (Hennigar, under-six through under-eight Pre-registration is required. Pfister, Koba, Wheian), 1:30.72; 2. Stevenson ty golf coach and girls varsity, intendent of human resources, VAULT: 1. Alysse Supplee (LU), 9.2; 2. Katie (Helewski; Cummings, Steve Bruestle, Hicks (P), 9.2; 3. Laura Merrell (TF), 9.15; 4. division players, the fee is $65 For more information, or to and junior varsity tennis coach- Livonia Public Schools, 15125 Massman), 1:34.15; 3. Pioneer (Ben Swanson, Lauren Dilullo (B), 9.1; 5. Julie Foucher (NN), for Canton residents and $90 register, call Kevin Moore at St. es. Interested candidates can fax Farmington Road, Livonia; MI Talbot, Eric Parker, Jason Hitchcock), 1:37.82, 9,05; 6. (tie) Kristen Lowery (P) and Jessica for non-residents; for under- Mary Mercy Hospital Physical their resumes to Ladywood 48154-5474. Concannon (B), 9.0; 8. (tie) Megan Wallen (NN), 100 backstroke: 1. Jurcak (S), 58.43; 2. High School at (734) 591-2386. • Livonia Clarenceville is nine through under-19 divi- Medicine and Rehabilitation Boiling (AAP), 58,61; 3, Pauza (LS), 1:00.42; 4. Emily Nelson (SJ), Samantha Sherry (TF) and sions, the fee is $100 for resi- Department at (734) 655-2419. • Canton HS is accepting seeking a junior varsity boys Marcie Fink (NN), 8.9. Buck (AAP), 1:00.67; 5. Adam Whalen (LS), dents and $125 for non-resi- 1:01.79; 6. Mark Duster (AAP), 1:04.99. applications for a freshmen soccer coach for the upcoming BARS: 1. Kristen Lowery (P), 9.4; 2. Elena Geuroguiev (PS), 9.2; 3. Alyse Quinn (TF), 9.1; 4. dents. SKATING LESSONS 100 breaststroke: 1. Pfister (AAP), 1:04.54; 2. softball coach. Experience in season. Maggie Mills (NN), 9.05; 5. Emify Nelson (SJ), Registration closes March 1. Anderson (LS), 1:06.44; 3. Patrick Whitehead fastpitch softball is necessary. Those interested should call 8.9; 6. Katie Hicks (P), 8.85; 7. (tie) Samantha Registration form, copy of Basic skills classes in skating (AAP), 1:06.83; 4. Gosdzinski (LS), 1:07.02; 5. For further information, con- athletic director Tim Wilson at; Johnson (S), 1:07.11; 6. Chou (S), 1:08.50. • Sherry (TF) and Sarah !!khani-Pour (NN), 8,8; 9. birth certificate and payment are being offered by the city of tact Canton athletic director (248) 473-8926 or varsity coach 400 freestyle relay: 1. Pioneer (Koba, (tie) Lauren Dilullo (B) and Alyssa Supplee may be mailed to: Canton Plymouth Recreation Sue Heinzman at (734) 416- Cassandra Gray at (734) 564- (LU), 8.5. Hennigar, Curtis, Engers), 3:21.15; 2. Stevenson Soccer Club, P.O. Box 87244, Department now through (Baringhaus, Schoff, Massman, Cummings), 2925. 0993. BEAM: 1. (tie) Katie Hicks (P) and Rachel 3:32.71; 3. Salem (Dixon, Bill Horgan, Jurcak, Deneau (NN), 9.2; 3. (tie) Maggie Mills (NN), Canton, MI 48187. For more March 13. These classes range Chou), 3:32.79. Lauren Dilullo (B) and Lisa Thompson (LU), 9.0; information, call (734) 480- from beginning to advanced 6. Ashley Ponder (F), 8.95; 7. (tie) Emily Nelson 7046. freestyle skating. Each class is When it's time to say goodbye... (SJ) and Elana Geuroguiev (PS), 8.9; 9. (tie)- 25 minutes, with an additional Alyse Ouinn (TF), Dayna Warheit (TF) and JERSEY RAFFLE 25 minutes for practice either Give others the opportunity to know a loved one is Stephanie Nixon (P), 8.8. before or after the lesson Get in the pink FLOOR: 1. Alyse Quinn (TF), 9.275; 2. Lauren gone in "Passages." Dilullo (B), 9.25; 3. (tie) Dayna Warheit (TF) and St. Agatha is raffling off a (depending on ice scheduling). Tell your funeral provider you'd like a notice in Rachel Deneau (NN), 9.2; 5. Maggie Mills (NN), Pavel Datsyuk autographed with Health & "Passages" or contact us directly. 9.15; 6. Paige Albers (LU). 9.1; 7. Katie Hicks (P), Detroit Red Wings'jersey with Cost is $70 for city of THE 9.05; 8. Emify Nelson (SJ), 9.0; 9. Kristen wall mount display case with Plymouth residents, $90 for (fobsttvet Lowery (P), 8.95; 10. (tie) Ashley Ponder (F), proceeds to benefit the school's non-residents. For more infor- Fitness. ^Eccentric Lisa Thompson (LU) and Trish Brownfield (NN), youth sports program. NEWSPAPERS 8.85. mation, call the city of Every Sunday in the Call 1-800-579-7355/ Fax: 734-953-2232 / E-mail: [email protected] ALL-AROUND: 1. Katie Hicks (P), 36.30; 2. Tickets are $5 each and can Plymouth Recreation office at Maggie Mills (NN), 36.00; 3. Lauren Dilullo (B), be purchased from St. Agatha (734) 455-6620, Ext. 304, or Observer ,-,0EQei7i348EP8 Rates apply: $6 per line $10 per photograph m 35.85; 4. Kristen Lowery (P), 35.80; 5. Emily athletic director Tim Sweeney check out the Web site at Nelson (SJ), 35.70; 6. Elana Geuroguiev (PS), at (248) 722-4036 or by e- 35.25; I Alyssa Supplee (LU), 35.20; 8. Julie mailing Jim Reed at origi- Foucher (NN), 34.60; 9. Ashley Ponder (F), nal @ 34.40; 10. Aiiie Vraniak (PS), 33.50.


Newspaper-ln-Education MM Activity Column February 1st is Robinson Crusoe Day. Find out about the real Robinson Crusoe, Alexander Selkirk, by reading about him. What would you miss most if you were stranded on a deserted island with no dcctricity running water, etc?

Monday, February 2nd is Groundhog Day. Why do you think that a groundhog was chosen to check the weather2 Do some research to find out Research the weather on February 2nd from the past five years in Detroit to see if the Groundhog's predictions have been true in Michigan Two hundred years ago, life expectancy in the world $ was 37 years. What is the average life expectancy in the world today? Research and list the factors present in 1804 that caused people to die at such an early age. Consult reference matei lals end the Observer & Eccentric (including the obituaries) to determine the risks to health and longevity today Compare and

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38174348 B6 (PC) Observer & Eccentric J Thursday, January 29,2004 LOCAL SPORTS Whalers blast No. 1 Knights Friday's loss at was Wisniewski (from Canton), who London's comeback hopes, tough to take for the Plymouth OHL HOCKEY had two assists apiece in the however, forcing a turnover in Whalers. Their games Saturday game, assisted. the Knights' end and scoring and Sunday, however, made up The second period was a unassisted with 4:16 left to for it. The two wins gave them a 22- nightmare for the Knights. The push Plymouth's lead to 6-4. The Knights entered the 15-8-3 record and 55 points, Whalers scored four times in Paul Drew made 30 saves in weekend as the Ontario Hockey one behind West Division the 20-minute span, John goal for the Whalers, who also League's best team. The leader Sarnia. Through the Vigilante collecting his 20th of got two assists from Ryan Whalers, second in the OHL's weekend London was 34-9-2-2 the season and Fiedler netting Ramsey. Gerald Coleman had West Division (London is first with 72 points, one more than his second of the game, with 22 stops for London. inthe Midwest Division), division rival Guelph. Saginaw Gino Pisellini and Sean At Saginaw on Sunday, played the Knights tough on slipped to 12-32-2-3 (29 Thompson getting goals in Plymouth got two goals and an Friday, losing 3-2 in London. points). between. assist from Mitchell to earn the On Saturday, it was London's In the win over the Knights, The scores by Vigilante, win. Fiedler also had a goal and turn to be the visitor they specialty teams proved essen- Pisellini and Fiedler all came on Vigilante collected two assists. met Plymouth at Compuware tial. London entered the game the power play. Taylor Raszka and Justin Arena. In front of a standing- leading the OHL in both The Knights did manage to McCutcheon each scored goals room only crowd of3,679, the power-play conversions and regain some momentum with a for Saginaw. Whalers stuck it to the Knights, penalty killing, but Plymouth power-play goal by Corey Perry The Whalers broke a 1-1 tie building a 5-0 lead before set- did a creditable job shutting the with :44 left in the "period. with Mitchell's second power- tling for a 6-4 victory. Knights' power play down (they They added to it in the open- play goal of the game 0:26 into On Sunday Plymouth was on were 2-of-7) while scoring on ing 12:36 of the third period, the second period. They made it the road again, playing its third three of its four chances. Rob Schremp scoring twice (the 3-1 on Fiedler's score 4:47 into game in as many days, this time Jonas Fiedler, who led the first on the power play) and the third period. traveling to Saginaw. It wasn't Whalers with two goals, got David Bolland making it a one- Ryan Nie had 32 saves in goal DONALD J. ALLEY easy, but the Whalers managed them going late in the first peri- goal game with 7:24 still to play. for Plymouth. Eric Pfligler had Jonas Fiedler provided the offensive spark the Whalers needed against to pull out a 3-2 victory. od. John Mitchell and James Rane Carnegie ended 20 saves for the Spirit. London, scoring two goals.

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Tiffany Grubaugh Wildcat leader GRUBAUGH FROM PAGE B1 Grubaugh's role in the Wildcats' surge is undeni- able. She was named con- ference Player of the Week after riddling Findlay for 30 points (on 12-of-14 shooting) and six assists in a 77-51NMU victory Jan. 19, followed by a 26-point, four-rebound effort in the win over Ashland. It was the second time this season she earned the honor. Again, she'll take little of the acclaim. "It helps to have team- mates like mine," she said. Don't miss out. Offer ends February 15. "It brings out my game. We're confident in each other, and that's a huge Get the AT&T Wireless Family Plan with extra lines at $9.99/mo. Buy one color screen change from last year. Now and we'll waive the monthly service charge for the first 3 months. if we're down in a game, we phone for $19 99, get come together and go do it Plus share: instead of just talking • unlimited night & weekend minutes up to 3 more about it." 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She was also second in the confer- ence in 3-point shooting percentage (43.0 percent) NOW BOTH YOU AND YOUR NUMBER CAN SWITCH TO THE WIRELESS SERVICE AMERICA TRUSTS. and 3-pointers per game (2.69), fourth in assists (4.62), eighth in steals (2.19), 12th in free-throw shooting (80.3 percent) and 16th in rebounding (5.7). . out AT&T Wireless Nice, but they mean little on the wireless service America trusts" to Grubaugh without the 'W.' "We just focus on get- ting the win," she said. And how does she think call: 1 866 REACHOUT oi for our best deals click: she's helped her team the most? Never mind her I AT&T Wireless Stores Gift Cards now available at most AT&T Wireless stores - perfect for any occasion! improved shooting accura- cy (she's making 48.3 per- AUBURN HILLS CANTON FAIRLANE TOWN CENTER c rnsw ) MADISON HEIGHTS NOVI * MEW * 3922 Baldwin Rd. 43241 FORD ROAD 18900 Michigan Avenue LAKESIDE MALL 32800 John R. Rd. 43267 Crescent Blvd. SOMERSET COLLECTION 248745-3806 734 981-2107 313253-3999 cent of her floor shots, 14600 Lakeside Circle 248 589-2770 248 S47-1843 2800 W. Big Beaver Rd. which is outstanding for a 586532-2580 248614-1761 guard) or that she's scoring BIRMINGHAM DEARBORN FLINT LiVONIA MONROE, Ml R0SEVILLE ~ TWELVE OAKS MALL 34200 Woodward Ave. 22137 Michigan Ave. 3292 Linden Street 37677 Six Mile Rd. Frenchtown Square I 31902 Gratiot 27304-X Novi Road an average of five more 248 593-8579 313 565-2680 810733-1770 734462-1110 734 243-0533 586 293-0142 248449-9092 points a game. BRIARW00D MALL DETROIT "The thing I've improved 814 Srfarwood Circle 2660 E. Jefferson HURON VILLAGE 734 913-9257 313 259-1178 3217Washentaw8lvd upon is my rebounding," 734973-2043 she said. "Our team is land of small, so I really wanted AT&T Wireless Authorized Dealers Wireless service also available at tfje following locations. Availability and pricing of equipment will vary. Call ahead for details. to do that better." ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN Interstate Communications • ^13)368-7070 SOUTHFiELD WAYNE Wireless 4 U • 248 465-1300 CDS • 313 945-6670 Mtntle to Mobile • 586 532-7700 Single Source Wireless • 248 597-3434 Champion Of Shelby • 734 641-3355 She is. 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An additional monthly $1.75 Regulatory Programs Fee will be added to your bill for each line of service to help fund AT&T Wireless compliance with various government mandated programs which may "There's no real individual- not yet be available to subscribers.This is not a tax or a government required charge. Requires new activation on qualified plan, credit approval, $36 activation fee, minimum one-year agreement, compatible ism on the team," she said device and $ 175 cancellation fee per line. Not available for purchase or use in all areas. Number portability not available in all areas. See store for eligibility. Usage is rounded up to next full minute. Unused monthly allowances lost.You will receive the benefits associated with a one-year agreement if signed two-year agreement is not returned within 60 days of activation. Availability and reliability of service in answer to a question are subject to transmission limitations. Different rates apply when outside each applicable Service Area. Roaming, additional minute, and long distance charges apply.Various taxes, surcharges, fees and other ARRIVE regarding her leadership assessments (e^., universal connectivity charge) apply. Not available with other offers. All offers available for a limited time. Other restrictions apply.You will be bound by the Service Agreement and printed materials. Night and Weekend Minutes: Only available on calls placed from the Service Area. Applicable long,distance charges additional. Available from 9 p.m.- 5:59 a.m. Mon. - Fri; and Fri. 9 p.m.- role. "I know that in certain Mon. 5:59 a.m. Nationwide Long Distance: No wireless long distance charges apply to calls placed from your'Local Service Area to anywhere in the 50 United States. Standard airtime charges apply. situations they look to me." Mobiie-to-Mobile Minutes: Apply to calls placed to or received from other AT&T Wireless subscribers while you are in your applicable Mobile-to-Mobile Service Area and on the AT&T Wireless And she's come through. network. Additional Lines Promotion: Additional lines 2-4 available for $9.99 per line, per month, with a two-year agreement if activated during the promotional period. See other printed materials for details. For three months, receive credit in the amount of the monthly recurring charge per line of service on your account.Taxes, $ 1.75 Regulatory Programs Fee and other charges apply per line. The numbers show it — Instant Activation Credit: Requires a 2-year agreement and is only available at AT&T Wireless stores, and 866 reachout. Sony Ericsson Mail-in Rebates: Must be active for 30 days those in the 'W column. and when rebate is processed. Allow 8-10 weeks for rebate check. See rebate form for full details. Mail-in rebates not available in CT. 30-Day, Risk-Free Trial: Purchase a wireless phone and activate service at an AT&T Wireless store or at Return undamaged phone for refund in first 30 days and pay only for airtime and usage charges. ©2004 AT&T Wireless. All Rights Reserved. PDFOEO8183383 Ken Abramczyk, editor (734)953-2107 Inside Fax: (734) 591-7279 [email protected] Monte Nagler C2 Rick Brodia CZ Diana Koenig C4

CI (*) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, January 29,2004

INTERIOR DESIGN GARDENING Kitty Bartholomew to discuss antiques . Take a new look at antiques - whether they are family pieces or recently found objects. That could summarize the message Kitty Bartholomew, the genial host of HGTVs Kitty Bartholomew: You're Home, will deliver in Birmingham Wednesday, Feb. 11, at a pre-eveht luncheon for the 14th annual Community House Antiques Festival. Flowering show District 1 of the Federated Garden Clubs of Michigan, which Bartholomew Bartholomew will talk about shop- Includes many of the gar- Hping for, decorating with and display- den clubs in southeast ing antiques. Michigan, will present a KITTY BARTHOLOMEShe'lWl hav e a .ispecias somethinl focugs othat'n s standard flower show at antique silver. 100 years old or the Pontiac Silverdome LUNCHEON "When I say antiquesmore," sh, eth saie d in a Thursday-Sunday, March traditionarecent phonl (thoughte inter- ) 4-7. What: The host of HGTV's view from Los The theme of the show Kitty Bartholomew. , Angeles. will be Broadway, depict- But she means to ing the joys, sorrows, You're Home will discuss encourage people to music and triumph of the decorating with antiques at use "things... that ate Broadway stage. a pre-event luncheon for the less than 100 years old, whether they've 14th annual Community been in the family - House Antiques Festival. _, old plates to books - or get them out and When: Patron coffee at 10:30 start training their a.m., followed by the eye." luncheon at 11:30 a.m., Decor isn't just Wednesday, Feb. 11. things that are brand neSv, Bartholomew Where: The Community says. And don't hesi- House, 380 S. Bates in tate to take these items out - silver Birmingham, south of Maple pieces, plates, (15 Mile) and between pedestals - and use Southfield Road and them. Judged floral designs, Woodward, Bartholomew, who horticulture and artistic Crowds are expected to walk through the Novi Home improvement Show, which begins Friday and continues through Sunday at the has been You're Home crafts depicting the Novi Expo Center. Tickets: Cost of the patron host for eight years, theme will be on display coffee, which includes the has ties to the Detroit area. during the show, which is luncheon, is $100. Cost to part of the Michigan Born in Detroit and Home and Garden Show. Winter is a good time to visit home shows attend the luncheon only is raised in Grosse lie, Also included will be re you thinking about a promote new products. $55. she attended the Academy of the educational exhibits and remodeling project or a Walker said his company will Information: Call The a special section for Abackyard improvement ATA6UNCE be pushing the new front-load- Sacred Heart in judged youth exhibits. to be completed this summer? WHAT: 12th Annual Novi Home ing washers and dryers at the Community House, (248) Grosse Pointe and Have the winter blahs got you Improvement Show, featuring over Novi show. "You luring them out 644-5832. graduated from moving a bit slower and you where the masses of people can Michigan State Put on a mitt 300 exhibitors offering the latest The antiques festival will If you've been plagued just want to get out, walk products and services for the home, see them," Walker said. "We University. by faucets that have around and free your imagi- presented by The Building Industry bring out those products to let take place Friday-Sunday, Her father went to rusted or corroded into nation a little? Association of Southeastern people know what we have." March 12-14. It will feature Cranbrook. Michigan (BIA) and presenting position, now you can do Go to a home show. Walker believes the shows more than 40 dealers from Bartholomew was more than just blow off Wintertime brings out the sponsor Standard Federal Bank. are growing in popularity, the resident interior steam. - home improvement and WHEN: Noon- 9 p.m., Friday, Jan. 30; remembering a home show in around the country designer and decorat- One solution is new remodeling contractors and 10 a.m,-9 p,m„ Saturday, Jan. 31; 10 Canton last year. "The showcasing everything from ing correspondent for a.m.-6 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 1 Faucet Mitts from business owners who set up response is tremendous," English furniture and one of the original Superior Tool Company.. _ displays of their work with WHERE: Novi Expo Center, located Walker said. "It's a great place home decor pro- Made of highly durable, hopes of drumming up busi- at I-96 and Novi Road to go to look at hot tubs or porcelain to American silver grams, ABC-TVs plastic, they fit over ness and scheduling cus- COST: Adults, $7; seniors, $6: chil- windows and look for things and early glass. Home Show, for six metal valve handles and tomers for spring and sum- dren under 12 will be admitted free. to improve your home. years. keep moisture and corro- mer projects. FEATURES: The latest technology, "People have been all She has also sion away. Starting Friday, the Novi products and services for kitchens, cooped up, so they are think- frequently appeared baths, doors, windows, remodeling, Faucet Mitts are avail- Home Improvement Show ing about that. If you had on the Oprah furniture, arts and crafts, home able at all Lowe's and kicks off the home show these shows during the sum- Winfrey Show, is a sought-after contributor to offi^rdecorative accessories spas most True Value and Do- schedule. The Novi show runs mer, I don't think you'd have many popular decorating magazines and books, elecfrafe, heating, cooling and lt-Best hardware stores. through Sunday, Feb. 1, at the the crowds, because people and is a field reporter for Willard Scott's Home & You can also find them Novi Expo Center, just west of have so much going on." Garden Almanac on HGTV. Kitty Bartholomew: under the Stanley brand Novi Road and south of 1-96. im al informat^^Sg|l Broadcasting at the home You're Home is among HGTVs longest-running at Ace Hardware stores The show is presented by -1019 or vi>^^p^|^: show are Observer £? shows. and Sutheriands Home the Building Industry Eccentric columnist Joe Current trends or changes Bartholomew has seen Improvement Centers. Association of Southeastern .OWS Gagnon,who also hosts include the outdoor room, she said. "v. . J For details, go to Michigan and presenting WXYT's Ask the Handyman, Even apartment dwellers can arrange an outdoor sponsor Standard Federal Palace Home ^ and WJR's Murray Gula. space with table and chairs, and such vertical ele- Bank. This weekend begins ent Show at thfelalaclBf Appearing at the show is ments as risers. In fashion several weekends of home fills, Feb. 6-8; Detroii'sF^fd Chef J. Warren, who will Bartholomew's philosophy is that it's not what you The Michigan School of shows. (See related chart). e & Gardens hovpeb.1|| demonstrate healthy cooking, don't have, it's what you do with what you do have. Gardening announces the The 12th Annual Novi acomb Home lmprovem|lt including "The Low-Carb She follows this at her actual home. availability of sweat Home Improvement Show he Macomb Sports and jl lifestyle" and the "30 Minute "I love using things that are older, not necessarily shirts, T-shirts, denim features more than 350 iter, Feb. 27-29; the f- Gourmet." The Certified antiques," she said. shirts, jackets, hats and exhibitors displaying the lat- jn Home* Q&lenSww at Angus Beef Council is the offi- "I don't have too many things that are brand other apparel that proud- est technology, products and mtiac Silverdome, March 4-7; * cial sponsor of the cooking new." ly bear the Michigan services for kitchens, baths, the Downriver Home Improvement stage at the Novi Home Now she is working on a book, Kitty Bartholomew's School of Gardening iogo. windows, doors, spas, remod- Show at the Taylor Sportsplex, Improvement Show. The Decorating ABCs: Affordable, Beautiftcl and Prices range from $10 eling, interior design, home March 5-7; and the Spring Home and Certified Angus Beef Council Comfortable Decor for Real People Living With Real Garden Show at the Novi Expo (for a twill cap or cloison- offices, furniture, arts and will give a cooking demon- Budgets. Center, April 2-4. For information on * stration. Other show high- ne pin) to $70 (for a crafts, decorative accessories, Like her program, it will inspire homeowners to these shows, visit, lights include the House of nylon pouch jacket). electronics, heating, cooling approach decorating their homes in creative rather and appliances. or Nails contest, in which some- than expensive ways. Download the order one can win $10,000 in cus- form at the Web site, Hie Novi Show offers an tom windows from Wallside Topics to be featured in the book, written with www.michigangarden- amazing array of home Windows, advice, ideas and Kathy Price-Robinson, are: getting started; walls, improvement items, said innovations on home repair ceilings and moldings; floors and patios; lighting; Call (248) 4-GARDEN Stuart Michaelson, president and remodeling and a windows and doors; wood and upholstered furniture; for more information. of BIA and Windmill Group on hand to answer consumer Treasure Chest contest with accessories; pulling the house together; exteriors; of Farmington Hills. questions." daily prizes. For more infor- and flea market shopping. Try French doors "Not only is every conceiv- Craig Walker, store manag- mation on the show, call (248) Writing a book is a new experience for With building costs at able item for the home repre- er of Walter's Home 862-1019 or visit Bartholomew, but she approaches it with the same an average of $69 per sented here, but dozens of the Appliance in Canton, believes creativity and industriousness seen on You're Home'. square foot, the current area's top contractors are also the shows help companies working on projects while she dictates. trend in home building is toward smaller, cozier homes. French doors are a MARKETPLACE great way to add light to a small room. Light flowing through Submissions New to the garden The helleborus blooms from winter to the glass in a French Do you have a special item Jackson & Perkins introduces nearly three dozen new spring with an unusually intense color, door creates a feeling of you'd like to showcase in perennials in its 2004 spring catalog. Among the plants and spreads lush, ground-covering openness. Jeld-Wen Marketplace on the front of are deer-resistant, drought-tolerant'and winter-bioom- foliage over the bare landscape. It offers French doors with ing varieties. prefers partial to full shade and grows At Home? We'd like to a variety of wood or glass The new perennials include the three shown here: Sea 20 inches high and 20 inches wide. It is options, including clear, feature it! Holly 'Hellas' (Eryngium planum), Helleborus 'Pink Lady' shipped bareroot. Cost is three plants beveled and decorative, Send a photo or slide of (Helleborus orientalis hybrid) and Viola 'Etain' (Viola for $36.95, six for $66.95. glass. the piece, along with hybrid). Butterflies are attracted to the viola, an For more information, information, to: Ken the sea holly's flamboyant blue globes bloom in summer intense, sweetly fragrant plant with on the Jeld-Wen Abramczyk, At Home editor, and provide texturai interest through fail. The prickly striking color. It provides color from spring to fall, and its evergreen foliage maintains interest in the garden year-round. It is shipped in Impression French door, Observer & Eccentric plant is resistant to deer, drought tolerant and an excel- call (800) 877-9482, Ext. lent addition to floral arrangements. It will reach 3 feet 2-1/2-inch pots. Cost is three plants for $14.95, six for $27.95. JW100, or visit www.jeld- Newspapers, 805 E. Maple, high and 18 to 24 inches wide, and is shipped bareroot. To order these plants, or to receive the new Jackson & Perkins cata- Birmingham 48009, Cost is three plants for $19.95, six for $36.95. log, call (800) 292-4769 or visit

.. cz <•> Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, January 29,2004 AT HOME You can fix that leaky Pets owners say the darnedest things I try to write a topical and "Which would be worse, if I witty column, hoping to dis- it's fractured or if it's broken?" * cuss issues of the day, to "With her nails painted like washer yourself demonstrate how to make life that she looks like a Charlotte!" better, or introduce ideas read- "Oops...I'm all fingers today!" ers may not have thought "I don't want to compose on Dr. Brad nce again, it's time to correct in the assumption that motor entered the pump. It about. you, but..." respond to e-mails I've the pump is leaking but let's will be obvious that the leak is Today I will review in this )avis "He's having more and more- Orecently received. make sure by taking a look at it. where the shaft enters into the column what I've heard over trouble walking. I don't want Matthew asked how to resolve Try as people might, the bearing of the pump. the past few months. get sunny until tonight." him to end up as a vegetarian." a leak in his 8- back panel cannot be removed. Disconnect the hose clamps, Invariably people send e-mails "They usually get along, but "I've never seen a smell like year-old Even attempting it can be a remove the pump and replace or drop by the clinic with com- today they got into a little it!" Whirlpool problem. Millions of home- it with one from your local ments telling me how much spout." "He's walking like he has gin- washer. "The owners owned the old belt- appliance repair center. they enjoyed it. "He had a cardiac removed ger on his leg." (Yes, he meant water drips driven machines, and yes, the . Take the pump with you or While these statements can from his left eye." gingerly) from under the back did come off of these* write down the model number be pretty funny, I want to make "Could what my dog has be "He was a hunter who shot front edge of models, but not this latest one! of the washer. You should sure everyone knows I am not transparent to my cats?" two polar bears while in the cabinet T&ke a look at the console expect to pay a retail price of making fUn of the speaker. "When he came in, I could Africa." and continues area and under the edge on less than $50. (You may want They just became a little tell he was really muffed at us." "He was playing with my Appliance for a while each side you will see a Phillips to make a few phone calls to tongue tied, or confused, and "You should be in the Circus Welsh Corky." after the end of screw. Remove these screws, shop the price of said pump said something in an amusing Ole'" And my favorite from a Doctor the cycle. Is it lift the console up a little and because some charge different fashion. "I'm not worried...I just want phone call: "Do you do podia- likely the you will see two shiny clips prices.) It is important that you At least I hope they are to be precautious." try?" Joe pump? How which pop out easily with a ask how long the warranty amusing. I'd miss the e-mails "It's just him and the "I guess we do, kind of, yes." hard is it to screwdriver. lasts with a new pump. and comments. girls...his own little regime!" " dog is pregnant Jaanon replace and is There are two plastic wire When you are installing the A few are conversations, "At the barbecue he ate a and I want to find out which it worth it? harnesses which you will new pump, you should clean such as after I told a client to couple of brachs worth." dog's the father." "Do I need any parts other unplug and now you're ready the shaft of the motor with dose a drug every twelve hours, "First I thought eating grass Have a very happy 2004! than the pump? How about to remove the whole casing. some very fine emery cloth. he asked "Should I give it every was the problem, but it was special tools?" Grab the back portion of the Place a dab of vaseline on that morning and evening, or every just a dead herring." Dr. Brad Davis is the Medical Director Matthew, that's a whole cabinet, lift it up and towards shaft and it will help with any morning and night?" "Are you just an animal hos- for the VCA of Garden City, 2085 bunch of questions for such a you and you will be amazed corrosion factor. Replace the Not all malaprops belong to pital or do you also see dogs Inkster Road, Garden City, Ml 48135. little problem and ho, you do that the whole cabinet, sides, hoses, making sure the clamps clients. Mark Honas, one of my and cats?" Feel free to write him there with not need special tools for this front and top came away from fit tight, and reverse the proce- co-hosts on the radio show, "His fur is furry." questions and comments. He is also one. Bring a screwdriver, a the machine. Step back and dure of replacing the cabinet. proclaimed on air that our next "Neutering is for dogs, spay- one of the hosts of the nationally Phillips screwdriver and a pair take a look at how simple it Slide the washer back into caller was from "Skin City, New ing is for girls." syndicated radio show Animal Talk, of pliers along with two band- was to get to the pump and all position, level it properly using York." Certainly a unique pro- "I own a congo down in now heard on WSOS1480 am. Visit the other components. ages. a level, check the fill hoses for nounciation of Schenectady. Florida." the Web site at * Whirlpool washers represent Before you attack the pump, corrosion at the couplers and Hope you enjoy them, and "I palpitated the leg, but I Send E- the majority in America's laun- let's have a look at all hose con- ask your significant other for a remember, it's all in fun. don't feel anything abnormal." maii questions or comments with dry rooms because they are nections leading to the pump basket of dirty clothes you can "Boy, it's really clearing up "I don't want to sound crash, your e-mail address to also sold under the Kenmore and any bleach or dispenser, wash to check out your repair outside! I didn't think it would but..." Questionsdanimaltal brand name through Sears. hoses going up the side of the job. They are a good washing cabinet. A leak usually leaves a Matthew, by fixing it your- machine at what I consider a white or gray trace mark at its self, you saved yourself $100 in good value for the fair price, origin. Proceed next to the the process. Take your better s the time to tackle postponed projects but they have always had a pump (which is right there in half out for dinner and blame high pump replacement, even the front) and you'll see hoses it on me. Stay timed. If you plan to entertain this or larger) and apply a bead of a durable and impact-resistant going back to the days of the connecting to it. Remove the winter, now is a great time to adhesive to each of the two bond and reduces the overall belt- driven machine. clips on the front of the pump. Joe Gagnon can now be heard on catch up on some interior adjacent sides. Then, take the quanity of nails or screws. 1 This machine happens to be You can take the pump, hoses WWJ-950 and WXYT-1270. He is a mem- home improvements. lumber and press it into place • Give your room character. a direct-drive design. connected and move it off the ber of the Society of Consumer Affairs The following tips will assist against the floor and the joist. Adding architectural columns motor shaft. The leak is usually Whirlpool no longer uses a belt Professionals. Contact him at (248) you in making your home Fasten into place using a deck to an open room provides a found where the shaft of the in this model. I think you are 455-7281. ready for guests, parties and screw. When inserting the visual break in a wide opening family pictures: screws, do so at an upward and brings focus into the room. • Repair squeaky floors. angle into the j oist to draw the Ready-made indoor columns With the amount of traffic that board or. cleat tight against the can cost over $200 per col- Kme&Bifflsai can go through your home, subfloor above. umn, but with some PVC pipe, PLUMBING ! HEATING squeaky floors can quickly • Dine in elegance. For a wood blocks, textured wallpa- FAMILY OWNED A OPERATED per, paint and Liquid Nails FOR 3 GENERATIONS become an annoying problem. picture-perfect home you'd be WHOLE HOUSE' If you have access to the proud to entertain in, spruce Projects & Construction REPIPED ($49.00Value) ^ underside of the floor, you can up your dining room by adding Adhesive, you can build your ATER HEATER easily fix this problem with crown molding, chair railing or own columns for about half the ONE DAY INSTALLATION Liquid Nails Adhesive for even a chandelier medallion. cost. > $100.00 OFF WITH AD INSTALLED TODAY! Subfloors and Decks. Apply Liquid Nails Heavy For detailed instructions on Friendly Service First, find the floor joist Duty & Remodeling the mentioned projects, log on r" CALL '< Integrity immediately under the area Construction Adhesive to the to to Superior Quality with the floor noise. Take a molding and affix to the wall. receive a free issue.of the With this Ad Honesty piece of lumber (l- by 2-inches Construction adhesive provides "Hands-on Home Guide." LASSI INTERIORS FURNITURE SUPER BOWL SAL SAVE 40% OFF EVERYTHING IN THE STORE IN STOCK OR SPECIAL MAKE YOUR PURCHASE OVER $3,500.00 AND WE'LL PAY YOUR 6% SALES TAX • BOB TIMBERLAKE • CHARLESTON FORGE • LEXINGTON • BRADINGTON-YOUNG • KING HICKORY • SLIGH • HITCHCOCK • HARDEN •HEKMAN •TH0MASVILLE HOWARD MILLER • HOOKER •SUPERIOR NICHOLS & STONE • DINAIRE CANAL QOVER and many more! CLASSIC Thurs INTERIORS FURNITURE 20292 MIDDLEBELT, LIVONIA (South of 8 Mile) (248) 474-6900 * All Discounts Are Off Manufacturers Suggested Retail Prices. * All Previous Sales Excluded * Offer Not Valid in Conjunction With Any Other Promotional Discounts. AT HOME Observer & Eccentric j Thursday, January 29,2004 (*) C3 Consumer Electronics Show Capture winter's beauty and mood on't let cold weather keep you indoors this winter. DWinter scenes are distinct, beautiful, and have a mood all reveals gadgets galore for 2004 their own. Quite often, ordi- nary scenes in the summer take on a totally new dimension in keyboard that isn't there. winter light. The minor discom- A portable video player fort you might encounter in the Afor $99- A TV that prints cold air is more than worth the digital photos. picture possibilities that await These were among the you. Bundle up both you and whiz-bang items on display at the 2004 Consumer —g— your camera Electronics * • gear and head Show, the outside for world's largest me adventur- gathering of " ous shots. geeks and I >*& &Ik gadget lovers. I was, need- w less to say, In preparing It was below zero but wed worth the discomfort to get this dramatic ice-cov- right at home. Hi^npini B |J1 for cold weath- ered shot of Bond Falls in the western Upper Peninsula. One of the , ' er shooting, Tech best things I there are some next to the body, all items are ibrated to read "grey." Open up Savvy saw at CES MontFOCUeS OH things to con- kept warm by your body heat. a stop or two, and you'll get Sony's amazing Cyber-shot DSC-T1 fits in a shirt pocket but takes 5-megapixel sii wasn't even a Photography ^nhy Here are some pointers to much better exposures. photos and features a 3X optical zoom. tagler Rick product, but keeping your help you get good winter pho- • For a special effect in color, rather a serv- camera and tographs: try using tungsten balanced ice. It's called slots for viewing photos taken image of a keyboard on any film as warm as • Sun or very bright snow slide film outdoors without the Mailblocks, with your digital camera. flat surface. You're effectively possible by can cause flare in your shots. correction filter. and it's the most promising And because it's from typing on light. storing them under your jacket Always use a lens hood. What will happen is that your anti-spam solution I've seen Epson, the Livingstation This is one of those see-it- and never leaving them in your • Back or side lighting give pictures will pick up a romantic r yet. includes a built-in (and nicely to-believe-it gadgets. I saw it, car for a prolonged time. dramatic effects. Your pictures blue tint that can be quite It employs a hidden away) color printer and it's just as cool as it Make sure all batteries are will capture the sparkle of sun- unusual. challenge/response system, that churns out 4-by-6-inch sounds. However, it didn't fresh as weak ones may become light on and reveal textures and • Keep your vision tuned for: meaning no e-mail gets glossies. It even comes with work too well - the company sluggish on a cold day. patterns not obtainable from close-up possibilities. Frost pat-"1 through unless it's authorized. an external CD burner for needs to iron out some glitch- Wear thin wool or cotton direct, overhead light. terns on a window, sun shim- • This gives you bulletproof archiving your photos. es in the software. gloves under your regular • On a blue sky day, use a mering on an icicle, or snow protection against spammers, Speaking of photos, Sony Finally, we come to my gloves. When you're about to polarizing filter. The sty's blue delicately etching a tree branch though it does create a slight ( made favorite gadget from CES - take a shot, remove the outer hues will darken for added will all reward you with a fine hassle for legitimate senders. my heart palpitate with the the ZVUE ( pair. impact. For you black and shot. I'll put Mailblocks through Cyber-shot DSC-Tl, a 5- This handheld wonder is The inner gloves will give white shooters, try a red filter the ringer and report back in a megapixel digital camera not only an MP3 player, but a adequate protection from the to obtain a much more dramat- Monte Nagler is a fine art photogra- future column. that's thinner than a deck of video player and photo viewer cold and also needed flexibility ic sky. pher based in Farmington Hills. You In the meantime, you can cards. Despite its size, it as well. It has a color screen, a to handle the camera controls. • The abundance of white can leave him a message by dialing try the service yourself sports a 2.5-inch viewscreen slot for SD memory cards, and If you plan to do a lot of winter areas in winter scenes can fool (734) 953-2047 on a touch-tone phone. ( with a (much larger than most) and a an impulse-buy price: $99. photography, it would be wise your meter which is always cal- His fax number is (248) 644-1314. free, ad-supported account. 3X optical zoom. I think this thing could be to purchase a special photogra- Or pay just $10 per year for an Sony also unveiled a home huge, provided the fledgling phy vest. ad-free account. theater system with wireless company offers an easy and They consist of many pockets I didn't find anything else at speakers. Finally! affordable way to buy videos. providing convenient space for CES nearly that cheap. Altec Lansing (www.alte- We'll have to wait and see. carrying film, lenses, a spare In fact, if I had $3,500 to previewed its batterKITCHEy and otheN REFACINr items. G spare, I'd give serious consid- own wireless speaker system, Rick Broida writes about computers Because the vest is worn right We hear that a lot. Lennox High Efficiency eration to Epson's this one intended for desktop and technology for the Observer & FREE ESTIMATES Livingstation computers and game consoles. Eccentric Newspapers. Broida, of _ , ...... OB0S183«07 Furnaces save you money, sometimes as Good riddance, wires! • The Leader In Cabinet (, the compa- Commerce Township, has written for Relating much as 40% over your old furnace. computer and technology magazines, FREE ny's first foray into the televi- And good riddance, key- • Factory Direct CORIAN'SINK sion market. This HDTV LCD boards! Well, almost. The iBiz and is a co-author of several books WITHCORIAN- • Much less than COUrfTERTOP PURCHASE projection TV, available next Virtual Keyboard (www.ibiz- on hand-held computing. Readers UMirntteom CALL TODAY & START SAVING! month with 47- and 57-inch connects to a PDA who have questions for Broida can • Solkl Oak, Maple, Cherry IEEYJUB UP screens, has memory-card or PC and projects a laser e-mail him at [email protected] 248-489-8180 313-537-8111 neighborhood ss cabinet clinic Airtronic FREE ESTIMATES Heating WEST (734) 421-8151

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Granite Counterfops *4? % t / Lowest Advertised us "/ Didn't Think It Was POSSIBLE!" Price in the DIDN'T THINK THAT IT WAS I POSSIBLE!... When your repre- Tri-County Area sentative came to our house last month and told us you could remod- el our bathroom at such a low price, I was honestly skeptical. We had $38.95 S/F Luna Pearl already received three quotes from $38.95 S/F Mystic Green other large remodelers who wanted $38.95 S/F Topazio Ouro to tear out our tub and tile. Not only $38.95 S/F Verde Tunas were we very satisfied with your $42.95 S/F S. Cecilia D. product, but we were impressed by $42.95 S/F Verde Butterfly your impeccable service. You $45.95 S/F Uba Tuba answered all of our questions thor- $45.95 S/F Baltic Brown $45.95 S/F Gold Butterfly oughly and we got our system exact- $45.95 S/F White Butterfly ly when promised. I can't begin to $49.95 S/F Impala Black explain how wonderful the system All prices include installation & measurement, full Buy now & you'll receive. looks and how easy it is to clean.. bullnose or straight polished edge 20 s/f minimum Your installers'were very clean and Machine finished edges only (while supplies last) professional. I'm so glad that we 1.61 I went with your company for our ^H V "*• V instead of tearing everything out. Winter White Sale You saved us a huge headache, and Feb. 16-21 a lot of money. My only regret is that fir' we didn't do this years ago! iy IMt a-n Sincerely, couldn't have been i1!800!BATHTUB Denise Jacobs, happier with Qualified buyers only. One coupon per customer. Offer Madison Heights ifo® wsi'Ms!" on all in good at time of estimate only. Certain restrictions apply. stock granite Offer expires February 29th, 2004. BATHTUB UNERS are... * PERMANENT * AFFORDABLE * EASY TO CLEAN Ceramic Tile Sales Inc UncondEtionai Marble & Granite Shop j [Price Guarantee ym m Soythfield Farmington Hills 23455 Telegraph Rd. 24301 indoplex Circle (248) 356-6430 (248) 426-0093 www.budget Visit one of our Showrooms! • Senior Discounts • Inflation includes Mynz Oakland and Macomb Counties SouthfieId/FarmitiatOIl Hills HOOfS: M-T-Th 8:30-5:00; Others at additional cost. Offer not valid with any other discount. ... _ n.nn. e«I nlnn fi-nn IMiffilSfP 2SU7G Jofcr; R, liadiscsn ItelfiMs • ggfgafcaa 4" All previous orders excluded. Subject to stock on hand. W-r oloU-aUU; oat !£UIKKUU Oe08182BS7 SHOP HERE LAST, WE WILL BE YOUR S2H Bathtub Liners • Bathtub Waft Systems • Ceramic Tile • Shower Doors • Large Selection of Colors & Accessories C4 n Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, January 29,2004 AT HOME

GARDEN CALENDAR Detroit Rose Society Tuesday, Feb. 3, at the Beverly Hills Herb study group Organize and store those The Detroit Rose Society will have a Village Office, 18500 W. 13 Mile. George The Friends of the University of general meeting 7:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. Papadelis, owner of Telly's Michigan Matthaei Botanical Gardens 30, at the Pleasant Ridge Community Greenhouse and Nursery, wiii present Evening Herb Study Group will meet 7 Center, on Ridge Road, one block a program, Ornamental Grasses in the p.m. Monday, Feb. 2, in Room 125 at important numbers south of 1-696 and one block west of Landscape, at 1 p.m. Guests' welcome. the Gardens, 1800 N. Dixboro Road in Woodward. Guests welcome. Shade garden Ann Arbor. The meeting will include a Orchids The Community House, 380 S. Bates in presentation, Winter Skin and Hair I am given a form to Domestic nity service book, area recre- English Gardens presents free garden- downtown Birmingham, presents a indulgence, by Christina McCahan of n out I must search for ational numbers, business fp o Planner ing seminars 1 p.m. Saturdays at each variety of gardening classes. Truth Salon in West Bloomfield. W W theo doctor't s phone num- cards for services (printer, of its five metro Detroit stores this To register or for more information, Visitors welcome. Admission is free. ber, Social Security number, cleaners, salons, doctors and' winter, call The Community House at (248) For more information, e-mait Lesley and emergency phone num- mechanics), customer numbers Introduction to Orchids will be the 644-5832, or visit Chace at [email protected], con- bers. Could you offer some sug- for my business, and my per- topic Jan. 31. it's orchid season and tact Joan Wysocki at gestions to help me organize sonal address/phone book. In a English Gardens stores are filled with The offerings include Shade Garden, [email protected] or (248) 349-5310, the numbers in my life? cabinet underneath the drawer dozens of varieties from phalaenopsis Tuesdays, Feb. 3-10. In this class, learn or call the Gardens at (734)998-7061. It is true we live in a society I keep the white and yellow to vandas. Preview new varieties and about soil preparation and special School of Gardening with advanced technology. This rize these numbers, we need to pages. limited-edition collections, and learn care considerations for shady areas, The Michigan School of Gardening technology requires us to use be able to locate them. Use a folder: Each of my ' everything you need to know about design techniques and plants that offers a variety of classes at 29429 Six many different number combi- Every number I need I can children has his own folder. I , growing beautiful plants. thrive in different types of shade. Fee Mile in Livonia, just west of Middlebelt nations on a daily basis. When access quickly from my put important numbers such An orchid repotting demonstration . is $69. Instructor Pam Palechek is a in the Milo Shopping Plaza, and at I was a little girl starting kitchen. I have devised a sys- as locker number, student ID, will take place 3 p.m. Jan. 31, and a senior instructor with the Michigan Goldner Walsh Nursery, 559 Orchard kindergarten, my mom taught tem so these numbers are in school room number, school seminar on Advanced Orchid Growing School of Gardening, and owns and Lake Road in Pontiac, north of Square me how to spell my name and my mind, a file, a drawer, a bus number, school phone 1 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 1. operates Petal Pushers. She has been Lake Road and east of Telegraph. memorize my address and folder, my office, my purse, the number, teacher's phone num- For morelnformation about the semi- designing and maintaining commer- Register early. Seating is limited. phone number. The basic num- car, the calendar or the refrig- ber (if available), numbers of nars, call the stores in West cial and residential gardens and land- Some classes have pre-requisites. For bers children need to know erator. classmates and team sports Bloomfield, (248) 851-7506; Royal Oak, scapes for 20 years, specializing in more information, call (248) 4-GARDEN now has grown tremendously. Memorize them: Memorize numbers. I also have a folder -(248) 280-9500; Dearborn Heights, perennial gardens. or visit This list consists of address, as many numbers as you can so that contains old directories (313) 278-4433; Clinton Township, (586) Prairie ecology The schedule includes: Tropicals in the house phone number, parents' you do not waste time search- from churches, schools, neigh- 286-6100; or Eastpofnte, (586) 771- The Southeastern Oakland County Landscape, S.unday, Feb. 1, in Pontiac beeper, car phone, parents' ing for numbers. Of course, borhoods and other organiza- 4200. For the nearest English Gardens Water Authority sponsors Rouge River (fee is $40); All About Lawns, work numbers, bus or carpool most of you know all the num- tions. I do not use these often, but may need to refer to them location, call (800) 335-GROW, or visit water quality education programs, in Mondays, Feb. 2-16, in Pontiac ($110); number and school room num- bers that pertain to you per- from time to time. I keep these cooperation with Rouge River munici- Best Foot Forward: Entry Gardens, ber. sonally such as phone, business folders in the kitchen cabinet Farmington Garden Club palities. lallgrass Prairie Ecology and Tuesdays, Feb. 3-10, in Pontiac ($69); Older children need to know phone, beeper, fax, car phone, by the phone. The farmington Garden Club will meet the Douglas Evans Nature Preserve Healthy Soil and Wise Fertilizing, four their Social Security number, address and Social Security. In at noon Monday, Feb. 2, in the will take place 3-4:30 p.m. Thursday, sessions beginning Wednesday, Feb. 4, school ID number and locker addition, memorize the house In my office I keep a directo- Longacre House, on the west side of. Feb. 5, at the Beverly Hills Village in Pontiac ($132); and Irrigation combination. In some house- phone, car phone and address- ry of my customers and the Farmington Road between 10 and 11 Office, 18500 W. 13 Mile. Mike Systems, Thursday, Feb. 5. in Livonia holds this list includes fax es of people you need to call or white and yellow pages. Mile. Champagne, director of the -Seven ($40). number, second phone line and write regularly. Store them in a purse: I Roger Sutherland, past president of Ponds Nature Center, will give a pres- Awesome Adaptations letter/number combinations My son, Brian, memorized keep the numbers of business the Michigan Audubon Society, will entation to SOCWA volunteers and The adult education program sched- for Internet access, computer all the phone numbers of the associates, friends and family. present Michigan Champion Trees, a core staff working on prairie restora- ule at the University of Michigan access and video games. toy stores and discount stores These numbers include their slide lecture. The program will focus tion at Douglas Evans. The program is Matthaei Botanical Gardens includes Parents need to know these close to our home. He shops car phones, home phone, busi- on one of Michigan's treasured free. For information or registration, Awesome Adaptations, featuring some numbers along with an addi- prices on the phone before ask- ness phone and beeper. resources - big trees. Early history call Karen Bever at (248) 288-5150 or of the many oddball plants at the gar- tional list that includes car ing me to take him to the store. Use other areas: In the car will also be stressed. e-mail [email protected] in Oakland dens' Conservatory, three Tuesdays license, medical insurance He does this on a regular basis I keep the phone number of Beverly Hiiis Garden Club County; call Judy Holt at (734) 326- beginning Feb. 3 (fee is $60, $54 for number, car and house insur- and discovered it was more our insurance agent. The Beverly Hills Garden Club will 3936 or e-maii [email protected] members). Call (734)998-7061. ance number, checking efficient to memorize the num- My calendar is in my kitchen have a membership meeting 11:30 a.m. in Wayne County. account number, savings bers than look them up in the pantry. I can check each month If you have an item for the calendar, account number, retirement yellow pages. to see if I need to mail a birth- please submit it at least two weeks in number, pin codes for various File It: I have a file box in my day or anniversary card to a advance of the date it should be pub- cards, and phone numbers of hall closet with important friend or relative. Let Us Entertain You! lished. Send to Ken Abramczyk, At family, friends, business associ- numbers separated into folders The numbers I put on the Home Editor, Eccentric newspapers, ates, dentist, doctor, stores, by categories. This would refrigerator are numbers I 36251 Schoolcraft Livonia, Ml 48150 or restaurants and other places of include model numbers (of want visible in case anyone for- 1 [email protected]. business. If we do not memo- everything we own), car insur- gets a memorized number. I Three Piece Oak ance, house insurance, account attach with magnets our car numbers and Social Security phone, beeper number, and a Deluxe Wall Unit numbers of everyone in the listing of committees or organ- • Fits 27" TV family. izations that involve us. SHOCKED bv Put them in a drawer: I Today's Refrigerator • Four adjustable shelves keep numbers I use regularly Bulletin: • Frosted edge brass glass HIGH GAS BILLS? in a drawer by the phone in my kitchen. This drawer contains Send your questions and success stories • Also available to fit 36:, my neighborhood directory, to: Diana Koenig, P.O. Box 1702, 50" & 60" TV area hospital listing, church , M0 63011. She can be reached START SAVING! IT directory, school buzz book, by e-mail at [email protected] •899 HMGQJS COOlftg tyltMBt emergency numbers, commu- CLOCK SERVICE & REPAIR BRYANT PLUS 90 Ali Makes & Models Up to 95.5 AFUE FURNITURE, INC. Let others When you've lost a loved one, place your 584 W. ANN ARBOR TRAIL • PLYMOUTH notice on our website and in "Passages"...a (734) 453-4700 directory located in every edition of your OPf N DAILY 9:30-(>, THURS.-FRI. 'til 9, SAT. 'til 5:30 hometown newspaper. THE ©bsertrer £jiEccentrit HEATING & COOLING CO. NEWSPAPERS Call 1-800-579-7355 / Fax: 734-953-2232 / E-maii: [email protected] CALL TODAY for a FREE ESTIMATE

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2 bed., m- wasfter, stove, fridge, utility & 3 busy v.'siiftess effseg in room. S?95/me. Ask abo«t Plymouth. TVainiog & position our early pay incentives. for advanesmstit, Ftease fa* resume ASAP Jo Afire Dr. Sisk 734-453-9892 BECEPTI0NI8?. reopic Waft So muitHsisk for busy well- ness ciinfc in Plymouth. now you can have wall systems, OFFICE ASSISTANT Compter & PR exp. required. entertainment centers or bookcases full lime for Afternoon hours required. custom built just for you. See over P80V1. nft&t 8iilina eve desirable have Gusokfcooks sxperl- Fax resume to 734-254-9058 40 entertainment centers and wall and clerical systems on display. All units can d Brighter iBSSs be sized to fit any wall, any TV 248-349-0800 and any sound system. DETROIT 16606 i 6 & Telegraph) 9-5, 31sU Feb. fst. Upright sr, teiUire, household There's nothing better HIU8- 1 m, RECEPTIONIST GET A BIGGER HOUSE. than being "front row greattacatferc. dos e to &m\- Exduslva national hair studio center" in your own tewn. New windows. $650/mo. is looking for a pleasant, hard- WITHOUT GETTING A BIGGER HOUSE. home theater. Our * sec. (248} 342-4780 Riii Me, Tues - Tfsurs, 1- Cinema Collection is 9pm, fri & Sat, D-5pm. Purebred. $950 ideal for TV and movie Excellent, pay ami benefits 586-781-8380 | At Closet Factory, we create custom storage viewing with generous m resume to: 248-54S-Q523. proportions, plush : solutions that fit your home exactly. Our cushions and a look LIVONIA SCHOOLS i Designers are masters at making closets, that's just what the One Bedrooms script called for. Choose DENTAL ASSISTANT i entertainment centers, offices and garages feel fabric or leather with from $550.80* D«ntoi office Is looking far a manual or power reclining units. Two Bedrooms sk o?i- j twice as big. And look twice as good. from $628.00* assistant w%xp. if * Free Heat jooiooq for a p«m si TAURUS 2003 SES 4 * Free Carport at afen, fEiwidl y place to ' loaded, Mk 7.0GQ-11, please csM 810-348-5379 mites! From 511.980. FREE INSTALLATION Vionkd^ DEMMER FORD plus 20% OFF MlctfW Call or Stop in (734) 721-2600 U R E Tojta? Tor' a limited lime only. Financing available BRIMI SALON SALES V 2945 S. Wayne Road • Wayne Upscale bridal sale Newburgh & His for mature axp sales fteip. Grand Prtx Call for a free design consultation Store Hours: (4 Blocks N. of Michigan Ave.) Will train. Hourly plus gener- law mites. factory Mon„ Thurs., Fri. 9*9 ous commission. aisrm, remote entr?, $74 Scott: ?34-455-110C 248-541-3064, 586-805-2530 877.539.2889 or 586.739.4289 "l 0,000 AT HOME Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, January 29,2004 (*> C5: Wintergreen plant is good in winter Meadow Brook Hall than 30 years experience. Meadow Brook.Hail, on the Oakland Heart of Home University campus in Rochester, will The second annual Heart of the Home BY LEE REICH More than just a flavoring, The leaves are only part of growth and fruiting, and sun, if host a sneak-peek reception of its House Tour will take place noon to 4 AP WEEKLY FEATURES oil of wintergreen has soothed the display. All summer, they the soil stays sufficiently moist. Thoroughly Modern Tiliie tour 7-9 p.m. p.m. Sunday, Feb. 8. fevers and eased the pain of are accompanied by solitary, Pay careful attention to the Thursday, Jan. 29. Admission to the The tour will showcase six beautiful What more hopeful way to go arthritis and rheumatism. The pinkish white flowers. And then soil before you plant winter- tour's kick-off party is free; donations homes in Franklin, Beverly Hills and into winter than with a plant active ingredient is closely red berries, ripening in late green. are welcome. The event will feature a West Bloomfield, from the historic to named wintergreen? The word related to aspirin. summer, add to the show and Add plenty of acidic peat wine and cheese reception with a spe- the ultra contemporary. It is spon- conjures up an image of lush Wintergreen lives up to its carry it on through fall and win- moss or well-ripened compost, cial preview of the tour on the main sored by the Groves High School greenery against lily white name, helping keep a snowbare ter. as well as sulfur if the pH still floor. Senior Parent Committee. snow. winter from looking like a Together, these qualities rec- goes above about 5.5. Use little The tour will focus on the innovative Tickets are $20. They are available at If the word wintergreen wasteland of gray and brown, ommend wintergreen as an or no fertilizer, though, because conveniences and modern facilities of the Groves High School Main Office, 13 brings to mind, instead, a or peeking through the snow to evergreen ground-cover plant fertilizer can damage the Meadow Brook Hall, and bring to the Mile and Evergreen; and The Apple refreshing aroma or flavor - yes break the white monotony of a Where it's native - over much plant's fine roots, and because forefront the many accomplishments Tree Room in Franklin, or by sending a - that's the same plant. snowy winter. of the eastern half of the coun- the plant just doesn't need it. of Matilda Dodge Wilson, who commis- self-addressed, stamped envelope to: The oil has flavored teas and The plant grows only about 6 try - the plant grows in moist, With soil prepared, plant sioned the historic mansion. Michelle Henning, 5761 Woodwind beers, and the leaves provide a inches high, creeping along the acidic soils in the shade of ever- seeds or potted plants, the lat- For information, call (248) 370-3140 or Drive, Bloomfield Hills 48301 (include refreshing nibble. The plant's ground by means of under- greens. ter of which are available visit, name, address, phone number, and berries, known as teaberries, ground stems. Why not do the same in the through many mail-order nurs- Home theater check made out to Groves PISA also provide a nibble and fla- New leaves are yellowish garden, planting wintergreen eries, including Forest Farm Pecar Electronics of Troy, in conjunc- Graduation Committee). voring in a chewing gum of that green, soon turning glossy beneath such shrubs as rhodo- (, Tripple tion with Royal Oak Continuing Maps will be distributed to ticket hold- name. green, then take on a bronze dendrons and mountain laurels, brook Farm (www.tripple- Education, will conduct a special ers 11:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. the day of Wintergreen also has been tinge through winter, the colder or beneath a hedge of hem- and Gardens instructional class on home theater the tour at the Groves High School 13 called checkerberry and par- the weather, the bronzer the locks? Wintergreen will tolerate of the Blue Ridge (www.gar- design Tuesday, Feb. 3. Cost is $15. Mile entrance. tridgeberry. color. deep shade at some expense to Seating is limited so register soon. For more information, call (248) 626- The class will take place 7-9 p.m. in 5158 or (248) 626-2231. the media room at Kimbali High For the home School, 1500 Lexington at Crooks, Birmingham Community Education between 13 and 13-1/2 Mile in Royal presents a variety of classes related Oak. it will provide the do-it-yourselfer to the home. Call (248)203-3800 for Stiffen flashing to stop rattling on roof and the professional tradesman with information. detailed information on the 12 key The schedule includes Basement points that need to be addressed' BY MORRIS AND JAMES CAREY by stiffening it. This will also promote sheds when the flashing is higher in the ^ Remodeling, Tuesday and Thursday, • when designing and building a custom FOR AP WEEKLY FEATURES watershed. center than at the edges, and the chance Feb. 10 and 12; and Advanced Faux home theater. It sounds as if the normal creases for rust is diminished. Finishing and Marbieizing, Tuesday, Q: Rosemary asks: The cap over our fireplace (stiffening bends), which usually radiate First, carefully remove the flashing. Then To register, call the Royal Oak Feb. 10. chimney was nailed in several places on top. The diagonally to the four corners from the install hump-shaped wood braces at Continuing Education offices at (248) Basement Remodeling is offered by nails rusted and caused a leak. The roofer hole where the chimney penetrates the cap approximately 16-inch intervals from edge 588-5050, Ext. 200, between 8 a.m. the Oakland Builders Institute. In the installed a new one exactly like the old one flashing, are nonexistent. These creases to edge at the top rim of your chimney. and 5:30 p.m., or visit class, a licensed and experienced (about 4 feet square), but the wind seems to get also act to raise the center of the flashing The 4-foot-long braces should measure instructor will explain all facets of inside and it sounds like it is buckling. The higher than the edges, allowing for proper from zero at each end and gradually Reference Class Number 6879 Home basement remodeling and-Jhe basics roofer said he didn't nail it down because the watershed. If the creases do exist, chances thicken to about 1 to 2 inches in the Theater when registering. of home construction, and review your nails eventually would rust and cause another of recourse against the contractor are slim. center. Caution: Wood braces should be no The Community House plans. Fee is $90, and an $8 book fee leak. He told me to lay bricks on it. If you are forced to use the existing cap, closer than 1 inch from the metal fireplace The Community House, 380 S. Bates in payable to the instruct&f^Jclass. The you will find that the proper fix is exactly flu. Birmingham, offers classes to enhance sessions will take place at Berkshire A: Whatever you do, don't weight the the opposite of what the roofer suggested. Finally, reinstall the flashing with hot-dip. your home decor. Middle School. flashing down - with bricks or anything You need to create a constant pressure on galvanized nails, using the old nail holes. To register or for more information, In Advanced Faux Finishing and else. the, sheet metal from below rather than As an extra precaution, use 3M Gutter call The Community House at (248) Marbieizing, learn the techniques of Besides being an eyesore, the weight from above. The rattle will disappear Seal at each nail head and all seams. 644-5832, or visit munity- multicolor layers, how to color wash, might cause water to puddle, and rust the regardless of what side the sheet metal is The building code requires that all gt frottage, and how to create a parch- entire flashing. braced from, but bracing it from below exposed sheet metal flashings be painted ^ The schedule includes Ceramic Tile ment or distressed look on walls and You need to stop the flashing from rattling can be useful to improve watershed. Water (a good rust-preventive measure). Painting, Monday, Feb. 2 (fee is $22, furniture. Fee is $25. The class will with a $15 materials prep fee payable take place at the Fancy Color Paint to instructor); and A Pot Full of Store in Troy. Flowers, Tuesday, Feb. 10. ($17, and a Home decor Garage doors add value to home Food coloring test shows materials cost of $25 payable to the Among the home decor classes at instructor). Haberman Fabrics in Royal Oak are BY MORRIS AND JAMES CAREY And whereas wood was once best flat latex paint Ceramic Tile Painting will feature pat- Create a Roman Shade, Tuesdays, Feb. FOR AP WEEKLY FEATURES the textile for garage door con- tern transfers and many other ideas, 3-17 (fee is $60); Lampshades, struction, it has been overtak- BY MORRIS AND JAMES CAREY brand that interests you. Mix and several different techniques. The Thursdays, Feb. 5-26 ($80); and Simple A garage door can account en by more environmentally FOR AP WEEKLY FEATURES the samples completely and class will be taught by Bob and Esther Curtain, Thursdays, Feb. 12-26 ($60). for 40 percent or more of a correct materials such as steel, place a dollop of each sample Kerr, experienced interior decorating It is necessary to register and pay home's exterior. wood composites and fiber- Here is a way to compare flat on a piece of scrap wood or professionals who own their own tuition in advance for all classes. You Consequently, it can have glass. latex paint brands. Since there cardboard. store. may register by phone, mail or online significant impact on the curb Not only are these doors are no government regulations Place a drop of food coloring or in person at the store, 905 S. Main. In A Pot Full of Flowers, learn all about appeal of the home and, hence, built to last longer, they are that require paint manufactur- onto each dollop of paint. Call (248) 541-0010 for more informa- color, texture and floral design by its value. designed to look better and ers to list their content, our test The food coloring that tion. handpainting your own flower pot and Consider these options when require less maintenance, as should be helpful. spreads the least indicates the then filling it with beautiful flowers. If you have an item for the calendar, shopping for a new garage well. Buy a small sample of each best paint. You will discuss various color combi- please submit it at least two weeks in door: nations and how they complement advance of the date it should be pub- The one-piece, tilt-up mod- ADVERTISEMENT your decor as well as the emotions lished. Send to Ken Abramczyk, At els that were standard equip- that they evoke. Bring sharp scissors, Home Editor, Eccentric Newspapers, ment with homes that many of pocket knife and pruners. The class 36251 Schoolcraft, Livonia, Ml 48150 us grew up in are steadily How to Secure Super-Low will be taught by Jacqueline Carney, a or e-maii being replaced by sectional local professional florist with more [email protected]. net. roll-ups. Downpayment Home Loans

LANSING - A new report has just been homebuyers has been summarized in a new released which identifies a foolproof 3-point report entitled, "Best Financing: A 3 Point plan which any homebuyer can use to secure the Plan". This report outlines 3 critical steps you best financing rates wheii-they buy a home. must take to obtain the absolute best financing When you're looking to buy a home, the first rates when you buy a home. It tells you where thing most homebuyers do is start the process of you should go, what questions you should ask, house hunting. However, experience proves that and how to manage the process to your this is one of the last steps you should be taking personal advantage. if you want to' get the most home for the least To hear a brief recorded message about amount of money. In fact, shopping for the best bow to order your FREE copy of tbis financing should start long before you start report, call 1-800-882-2903 and enter ext. shopping for a home. 9031. You can call anytime 24/7. Visit us The experience of thousands of area online at: C3E08183803




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You Are Welcome At Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church

Tri-City Christian Center Rev. lulher A. Werth, Senior Pastor Rev. Robert Bayer, Assistant Pastor With Jesus Christ; love really can be all it was meant to be! 3855 Sheldon Rd., Canton (Just N. of Michigan Ave.) Sunday Worship Early Childhood Center 734-397-1777 • www.Tri City 8:30 am & 11:00 am Register now for Fall child care and preschool (734-513-8413) —— Come Join us Sunday School at 9:45 am Staffed Nursery for young Location Worship Service & Children's Ministries Sunday 9:00am & 11:00am children every Sunday 14175 Farmington Road t (just north of I-96) Youth Service Tuesday 7pm 734-522-6830 Family Night Wednesday 7:00pm

GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH H0SANNA-TAB0R MISSOURI SYNOD LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL MAY£ T1jM£ FOR 25630 GRAND RIVER at BEECH DALY 9600 Leverne • So. Redford • 313-937-2424 313^32-2266 REDFORD TWP. Rev. Steve Eggers Worship Service Sunday Morning Worship 9:15 & 11:00 A.M. 10:00 a.m. Xjoff Sunday School 9:00 a.m. 'Sunday School Adult Bible Class 9:00 a.m. 9:15&11:00 A.M. Christian School Nursery PrcMded Pre-Klndergarten-8th Grade The Rev. Timothy P, Kalboth, Senior Pastor For more information call The Rev. Dr. Victor F. Kalboth, Assistant Pastor 313-937-2233 BAPTIST

I Mim \u IHOHM Risen Christ Lutheran ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN 46250 Ann Arbor Road Church & School . . 5885 Venoy (1 Mile West of Sheldon) 33640 Michigan Ave. • Wayne, MI 1 81k. N. of Ford Rd., Westland 425-0260 (Between Wayne Rd. & Merriman Rd.) Plymouth • 453-5252 NEW HOPE 8:15 a.m.-Worship Divine Worship 8 & 11:00 A.M. "Afore than Sunday Services" Clarenceville United Methodist BAPTIST (734) 728-2180 20300 Mlddlebelt Rd. • Livonia 9:30 a.m. • Sunday School Bible Class & SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 AM 474-3444 (Adults & Children) Monday Evening Service 7:00 P.M. Virgil Humes, Pastor 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Pastor James E. Britt CHURCH Kurt E. Lambart, Pastor Worship Service Worship Services 8:45 & 11:15 AM 10:45 am-Worship Sunday Worship 7:45 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. • Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Richard Schumacher, Principal/Youth Director • Dynamic Youth and Children's Programs • Sunday Eve, Bibie Study 6:00 PM Pastor David Martin Wednesday Praise Service 6:00 pjn. • Wednesday Children, Youth and Adult Bible Study 7^0-8:00 p.m. All are Welcome! Come as you are! • Excellent Music Ministries Nursery Provided __ » Small Groups For Every Age Sunday School 10 AM • Outreach Opportunities Grace Lutheran Church SSSSK3S. Canton Christian Fellowship Pastors: LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. Kirk D. Miller like to invite you to.,.. * Dr. Dean Klump, Rev. Deborah Thomas 4600) Warren Road*|u$t west of Canton Center 32430 Ann Arbor Trail • Westland, Ml Sunday Worship at 9:30 am I l "Where the Word is Relevant, ST. MATTHEW'S First United Methodist Chin-cli 734 422-5550 Sunday School at 10:45 am I I People are Loved and Christ is the Key" j of .Plymouth UNITED METHODIST Sunday Bible Study 9am 734-414-7422 Sunday Worship Service 10am Wjf WSm Join us for Worship Service at 10:30am 4 •• • 43201 North Temioru! Ro;id 30900 Six Mile Rd. (Bet. Merriman & Middlebelt) Our mission at Grace Luthern is to ff III Sunday School and/or New Members Orientation: 9:00am (W'tvi oj" Slieklon Ko.iJ) Rev. Mary Margaret Eckhardt, Pastor Wednesday Evening Advert Services 7pm make, teach and send out disciples I Located at 6500 N. Wayne Rd. • Westland, Ml t (734) 453-5280 10:00 A.M. Worship & Rev. David W. Zeusetinar, Pastor who share Christ with all people. Between Ford Road and Warren RostJ ^ Church School I Inside Good Shepherd Church . ^§FWF'~% I 734-721-9322 Nursery Provided • 734-422-6038 g lUi It's not about Religion, it's about Relationships. Com to a place where lim are changed, families are made ahole and imnutry is red!

United Methodist Church NEWBURG UNITED < UHOlli CHURCH Oh GOD 10000 Beech Daly, Redford Between Plymouth and W. Chicago METHODIST CHURCH Bob & Diana Goudie, Co-Pastors Stephen Ministry Congregation 313-937-3170 36500 Ann Arbor Trail WORSHIPSCHEDULE ST, ANNE'S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 11771 Mewburgft Road between Wayne & Newburgh Rds. (Our t^Brmjcrs Livonia 8:00 a.m. Traditional Latin Mass Comer ot Plymouth Cfiurwh and Newburgh Small and Cozy Worship St. Anne's Academy • Grades K-8 9:30 a.m. Worship Geared Toward Worship Service 23310 Joy Road • Redford, Michigan 734-464-0990 Families With Children and 5 Blocks E. of Telegraph • (313) 534-2121 is pleased to welcome Pastor Fred Davey 11:00 a.m.Traditional Worship Sunday School Mass Schedule: as our new interim pastor. Handicap Accessible 9:15 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. First Fri. 7:00 p.m. Sunday School 9:30am | Jesus Is Rejected { Rev. Terry W. Allen First Sat. 9:30 a.m. i At Nazareth i II 11II K \N ( HI Kf H Sun. Masses 7:30 & 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:45am Rev. Barbara E. Welbaum UW.IIIC \l IL IrIEK\ Sunday Evening 6:30pm ! Luke 4:21-30 ! Confessions Heard Prior to Each Mass ONMN (HI RCM IN WUKir \ Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Coming fcoit.. i 1 visit our website: Tuesdays at 7KJ0 P.M. The Purpose Driven Life • Wednesday's at 7:00pm

si. p^uls ev, IUT1)€!UN Timothy Lutheran Church C])UKC\) & SCHOOL RESURRECTION CATHOLIC CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN (U.S.Ai 8820 Wayne Rd. 48755 Warren Rd„ Canton, Michigan 48187 17810 Farmington Road • Liwnia • (734) 261-1360 (Between Ann Arbor Trail & Joy Road) 451-0444 May thru October • Monday Night Service • 7:00 p.m. Livonia • 427-2290 REV. RICHARD A. PERFETTO Sunday Worship Sandra Daily, Pastor < HI KC lU^Ol ; Weekday Masses —OTV " Services 9:00 a.m. Sunday School (all ages) Tuesday & Friday 8:30 a.m. llll \\/\RI\l V*. &3o am, S 11:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Family Worship (Nursery Avail.) f'djjAST. TIMOTHY PRESBYTERIAN GENEVA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (U.S.A.) Pastor Jamas Hoff Saturday - 4:30 p.m. ,S I MTM) (III KC n Traditional Worship and SCII Ml or fHKIM Casual, Contemporary, FAITH COVENANT CHURCH Sunday School 14 Mile Road and Drake, Farmington Hills Excellent Children's 7:55, 10:15, 11:30 A.M. Program (248) 661-9191 Contemporary Worship First Church of Christ, Scientist, Plymouth Mt. Hope NATIVITY UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday Worship 9:05 A.M. 1100 W. Ann Arbor trail, Plymouth!, MI Congregational Church 9435 Henry Ruff at West Chicago Meets at Franklin H.S. in and Children's Church 734-453-0970 30330 Schoolcraft Livonia • 734-425-7280 Livonia 48150 rtih-5406 Livonia on Joy Road Nursery Provided During All Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. (Between Mlddlebelt & Merriman) Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Rev. Larry Hoxey, Pastor (Between Merriman and Mlddlebelt Roads) 9:15 a.m. Contemporary Morning Worship Services 10:30 a.m. Worship Wed. Evening Testimony Meeting 7:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Traditional Evening Service * 7:00 P.M. Reading Room 550 South Main Service 734-425-1174 Monday-Saturday 11:00 a.m.-l:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m. worship Service Child Care provided for all services and Youth Classes Join us for coffee, bage/s and Services Broadcast 11:00 A.M. Sunday 734-453-1676 Nursery Care Available Nursery Cars Avalh donuts after me servieet Youth Groups • Adult Small Groups WMUZ560AM 'The Church You've Always Longed For." -WELCOME•

Offering constructive criticism to others can be beneficial, but only if the other'person is receptive to our It's Easy To Criticize ••• comments. In teaching situations or during on-the-job training, constructive criticism is usually necessary to instruct and ipelp a person develop a trade or vocation. However, correcting someone, even in a kind or skillful manner, can be very'chailenging, since we are never sure how the individual may react. Many friendships and families have been destroyed because someone has been overly critical of another person's words or actions. Knowing when we should offer our comments can also be difficult, and we should be fairly certain that our comments are truthful and necessary, it often seems so easy to criticize others because we mistakenly believe that we are without fault or are such experts on most everything. The Bible tells us that we look at the speck in our brother's eye, but we pay no attention to the fog in our own (Luke 6:41). Faultfinding and being overly critical of others, especially behind their ' backs, are wrong and can become habit-forming. However, kind words are good for the soul and help to build a person up.

The way of a fool is right in his own eyes9 but a wise man listens to adviee. R.S.V. Proverbs 12:15 AT HOME Observer & Eccentric j Thursday, January 29,2004 (*) 67 Make sure you prepare for Kitchen has cooked up many changes

BY JAMES AND MORRIS CAREY hinges are in vogue. Oh, and driving in rough winter weather FOR AP WEEKLY FEATURES Today, consumers are better note that you don't have the ; best unless they adjust six Winter driving can be dangerous and stress- streaks or blind spots. When we first began as informed and enjoying the ways and allow snap-off door ful, especially in snow and ice. Advanced prepa- Cheek engine oil, differential fluid and trans- remodeling contractors, there removal. rations can provide greater peace of mind and mission fluid to see if they need changing were two basic options for kitchen as much as any room Even cabinet drawers are help make trips safer, whether it's to the grocery according to manufacturer's recommendations. kitchen countertops - ceramic being scrutinized. The drawer store or afaraway ski resort. tile and plastic laminate. in their home. boxes themselves must have CARRY THE ESSENTIALS Occasionally we were asked for dovetailed joints and full READY FOR THE COLD butcher block, but almost extension drawer glides. The A properly packed emergency kit is essential exclusively laminate or tile dovetail joint isn't new, but is the strongest of connections. Whether you take your car in for a routine during the winter. Make sure to have a flash- were requested. A few years passed and our Also, it is the most costly. checkup at a service center like Jiffy Lube or do' light, extra batteries, water, flares, blankets, In the late 1980s, a local more affluent clients threw a it yourself, these are some essential preparations shovel, snow brush and ice scraper. Also, keep countertop fabricator suggest- new request into the mix - slab Full extension glides allow for winter driving: some kitty litter or sand in the trunk-spreading ed that we add an amazing granite. Although not many the drawer to be pulled out all • Check the battery's age to make sure the car it under your tires will give you more traction if new solid-surface countertop made the purchase, almost the way. In the open position, will start on frigid mornings. On average, a car you get stuck. Bring wire and cloth if you need product to our showroom. It everyone wanted to know the no portion of the drawer battery will last about four or five years. If yours to patch a leaking hose to make it to the nearest was called Corian. He agreed cost. remains within the cabinet. is more than two years old, test it to see if it will service center. to supply and install a com- The entire drawer box is fully withstand the cold. Winding narrow roads and black ice (espe- plete countertop in our show- CHANGES available when open. • According to the American Automobile cially on bridges) make winter driving danger- room free of charge - no Consumers are even begin- Association, a battery loses 35 percent of its ous. Take extra precautions before driving to strings attached. With the coming of Corian - ning to ask for drawer glides by power at 322 F and 60 percent of its power at 0 your favorite ski resort. The top was installed, and which was more expensive weight rating. "I want 150- degrees F. To minimize the strain on your bat- Test your brakes on hilly roads to get a feel for almost a year passed with no than tile but less costly than pound glides," one might tery, start the car with the heater, lights and how they react. Reduce your speed, brake slowly, interest from any of our clients. slab granite - consumers were demand. window defrosters turned off. and leave plenty of space between you and other We tried to interest folks in the slowly moving to fancier and Today, consumers are better Tire blowouts can be particularly dangerous, motorists. innovation; it had the groutless more unusual kitchens. informed and enjoying the so make sure they are properly inflated, have Check the weather conditions before you leave beauty of a plastic laminate Everyone seemed to want kitchen as much as any room adequate tread depth and have been rotated and use sound judgment. If you get caught in a and the durability of ceramic "unusual." in their home. ' according to manufacturer's recommendations. sudden blizzard, stay in your car. Do not idle tile and was easy to clean, good Many opted for granite tile. Where we once found our- Make sure you have enough fresh antifreeze your car for long stretches of time to keep warm. looking and easy to repair. Yet The grout lines in granite tile selves explaining how to design and washer fluid. Check wiper blades to make For more information on car maintenance no one was interested. are narrow and usually colored a kitchen that was simple Mid sure they glide smoothly and do not leave and safety, visit We eventually got a call from to closely match the granite. comfortable, we now find that the fabricator. "Hey, what the Also, granite tiles typically are the average consumer wants to heck is going on with you 1-foot square - making for be surrounded by something guys? We installed a counter- even less grout than would be that looks like a restaurant - Finding some plants is detective work top for you over a year ago and found in a conventional (4-by- with the luxury of a castle. you haven't had a single sale." 4-inch or 6-by-6-inch) ceramic For more home improve- tile installation. BY LEE REICH Tsubaki. These plants are and then contact all the com- We couldn't explain it. ment tips and information, AP WEEKLY FEATURES available; you just have to find panies listed. About a week or so later, a As the countertop metamor- visit our Web site at out where. Then again, none of the customer asked for a quote on phosis was taking place, other Seed and nursery catalogs If you can't find what you companies listed under a Corian shower. It turned out changes began to occur. Our already are enticing us with want in any of your catalogs or "Vegetables" might offer chufa. to be one of the most beautiful customers began asking for Readers can mail questions to: On the luscious descriptions of juicy at a local nursery, the next Then turn to books dealing showers we had ever built. fancier appliances, better floor- House, APNewsFeatures, 50 Rockefeller tomatoes and richly colored place to turn is a book. with narrower categories of For no apparent reason, the ing, finer cabinetry and more Plaza, New York, NY 10020, or e-mail roses. One of the many useful lists plants, books such as product finally began'to sell, extravagant lighting systems. [email protected]. With so much offered, you'd in Barbara Barton's Gardening Cornucopia, A Source Book of and folks who remodeled their Where the end of a cabinet . To receive a copy of On the House book- think that any plant you could by Mail is that of suppliers for Edible Plants, The Garden Seed kitchens regularly asked for was once a flat piece of ply- lets on plumbing, painting, heating/cool- possibly want would turn up in specific categories of plants. Inventory, Taylor's Guide to prices on ceramic tile, plastic wood, recessed panels that ing or decks/patios, send a check or at least one of these catalogs. The book has a category for Specialty Nurseries and The laminate and Corian. Soon match the doors are coming on money order to The Associated Press Not so. both "Tree Peony" and for Gardener's Companion. after, several other companies strongly. Adjustable shelves are for $6.95 per booklet and mail to: On the You have to do a bit of "Heirloom Tomatoes." Listings Deepen your quest with began to manufacture solid- a standard rattier than an House, P.O. Box 1562, New York, NY 10016- sleuthing if you want to grow in this book reflect a plant's books written specifically surface countertop materials - option. 1562, or visit or something offbeat - seeds of popularity. about the plant of interest. and the race was on. Concealed (European) the rare but delectable Belgian Tomatoes are so popular that Such books often have appen- Giant tomato, for example. heirloom and hybrid tomatoes dices listing sources for the TYee peonies also are rare or each get separate headings. plants. So if you wanted to nonexistent in most catalogs, But if you were delving for a grow purple prairie clover, a so,you would have to search source for an unusual veg- meadow wildflower, you might especially hard to find a special etable, such as chufa, you find a source for it in Laura variety of tree peony, such as would have to look under the Martin's Wildflower Meadow the salmon red Yachiyo general heading "Vegetables," Book. hometoumlife. com Obituaries, Memorials,'Remembrances 1-80^579-7355 • tocW4^2M2 e-mail: [email protected]

Kesta J»sepfi, born Juos 2,1058. died al his Gerald, Age 79, of Plymouth Michigan, horns in BSoomfieid Hills on January 23, 2004 passed away on January 28. 2004, in hm attie wits? cawfif. Kevin Arbor, Michigan. Mj. Olson was born Jtfy 16, was t si Epps, Afltomshari & 1924 hi Plymouth. Michigan and was preceded a forensic asd' trie? fitness. Ns was karri October 7.183? in in death by his wife, Jean. He is survived hy Ms firm with offices m Live Cleveland. Ohio. Successful sales career with children tfear {Jean) ©son of Arizona, Carolyn (Tom) Alvaro of Florida Leslie (Tirn) Coleman >rsi comp8!?fSS including Howe Services, v Put your business On-Line! „ call and Howell, fi & L 1* ft/' Mftiugan ' , g fifteen !H3f$8" Kans& * n most recently Craigftichssisj. Graduat e of of 4( V Katie O'Connor; sisters Doris 1 -800-989-4614 Academy, Oenison University. Williams an)df Hamburg, Ml, Viroiaia {Don) ?. Dr. Mark ABtontown (Denis*); arid . U.S. Marine Corp Reserve. Nickerson of Hamburg, Victoria Sailinger (Seoffrey). Services >s, Birmingham Rotary, Birmlnn- lanton. Hi, heid al Hammers Faneta! Home in Jets, Senior Sofffiafl. Moyed hunting m Also survived by Ml on Tuesday, River. Mi each Fall ana playing Softball Packaging Corporatio"* Glson iwan Plymouths retired , Michigan ACCOUNTANT FLOORING was in his spare time. Dear Jiusted of aid lived in Plymouth al! of n» pi. He attend- Andy's Hardwood Floors loving father of Julie, Bradley, ant 60th class reunion from Bovitz, CPA, P.C.— January 28 a? 11am. (Steve), loving Grandfather of GaiSe and Ryan ! last year. Mr. Olson Dande Hardwood Flooring Company— flowers, conations can be made irs Kevin's muK Joshua and Courinsv Morrison. Son of the U.S. Amt* y during World War il in tt» 24th ACUPUNCTURE lucy Morrison, Brother of Robert Morrison. HEALTH/FITNESS memory to the Katmanos Cancer institute.3! Calvary. and was a member of the V.F.W. No. Acupuncture Institute of Michigan 110 E. Warren Avenue, Detroit, Ml 48201-9887 Maty 8amar and Ann Ashton. Memorial 4012 in NorMte and a lifetime member of the ADVERTISING AND MARKETING SUPPLIES Poise Pilaies--- or at Service vm held on Saturday, January 24, Plymouth V.F.W. No. S895. He vvas a member 2004, Wm. R. Hamilton Co.. Birmingham, The of the American legion In Northville as well as Eazco HOME IMPROVEMENTS Rev. Stfward L. Mucins officiating, interment. tfw oneto Plymouth . Mr. Olson was a ANIMAL REMOVAL SERVICES Complete Carpet and Duct Cleaning Greenwood Cemetery. Srminfitom, Tributes to Michigan Nuraancs Society or Animal Pro Inc. Morris Painting may madcho&es i . dsning, Funeral; Friday, January 30, obituary charity of chos 11 a.m. at the Schrader-Hewell Funssal ART MUSEUMS IDENTIFICATION & LAMINATION wBh Pastor'.MrtelJjJM Jerry Yarns!! t The Detroit Institute of Arts Identification Lamination Products Thursday, January 29tft, Bassei! f. St January 20, ASPHALT/CONCRETE PAVING INTERNET HOSTING M husband HomeTown Digital fi ill, Wayne, Bom April 21,1928 ts January Ajax Paving Industries- Palo Alto 23, 2004. Born in Haitisfeurg. Illinois. SOT of IS09000/TS 16949 CERTIFICATION SUPPORT ittur of An Sod in Heaven. Son of Ralph aid Bethel on ASSOCIATIONS YofK , Jr., ana Earth, loved hy four surviving daughters, Arch Associates, LLC . She % survived by ftus&aiid, CSfferd; Patricia Pickens, Gattiy McPfcee, Lorraine Suburban Newspapers LAND tm sens, CJ. and Peter: her mother, Dorothy an. Visit StesgaS, and Dora lea Siwmake and their of America- a. Duckar: and tour sisters. Memorial services families. Also loved by three surviving sisters Oldford-Howeil Development, Inc. be will m Friday. February 8 at 11:30a m, aid their families. Memorial service. ATTORNEY, LANDSCAPING/CONCRETE Holy Name Church, Birmingham, Mi. Probate/Education 30, 2004 at 10:00 a.m. at Detroitrtss- Artistic Concrete Solutions--••www.artisticconcrete Akmoriai & Horn?Outfsaefc in Rsdford Dept.. Marsha Lynn Tuck- LASER HAIR REMOVAL 4 581 St Jude Place AUTOMOBILE DEALERSHIPS Edward I. January 23,, i2004 ; 67; of Absolute Skin & Body Care Westland. Beloved husband 2 Memphis, TN MQ$KTMCM DALE , Jan. 26.2004. Beloved wife of John Rogin Buick MANUFACTURER/WELDING WIRE Dear father of Larry !Joar Or. Stephen 0, Sen scoff. Funeral Service fri, Stacy Irish, t, LmmMrn 11am at A.J. Desmond & Sons AUTOMOTIVE Cor-Met Inc. ohSSj^QestnotufFuneralHorti&sotB Competition Limited MEDICAL SUPPLIES Davis Auto Care Innovative Laboratory Acrylics— MORTGAGE COMPANIES (P&fc January 22. 2004; age 83: BUILDERS ' i of Gene; dear faltwr ol Mitch Harris Building Co. Loaning Michigan —— Joas Johns. Patrick i Karen), Prime Plus Mortgage Jerry (Lynnel and Jack (Sandra) grandfather of Tony Van Oyen Builders nine; great-grandfather of six; brother of Asn MUSICAL INSTUMENTS CARDS & GIFT SHOP asm Marie, age 80, of Canton, died January St. Jude Children's Kutsop of "PA. Visitation: Manns-Ferguson Woodwind Enterprises, Inc Funeral Home, 17000 Middlebeit (S. erf 6 Mile) Misty's Cards & Gifts 20, 2004, 8ha is survived by her slaughter, Research Hospital Sunday 5-9 and Monday 6-9 Scripture service MUSIC MEMORABILIA Smith Ivtcmday 7 p.Hi, in state Tuesday 10:30 St, CELLULAR STORES ami son-in-law Dale Classic Audio Repro L. Aidaii Church 17500 Farmingtonfid. Unti l time Global Network Communications of Mass 11 a.m. PAINTING SUPPLIES CERAMIC SUPPLIES $mtrn r. Died January 26,2004 . She was Nee Deep in Ceramics Flo-Rite Paint— 92. Beloved wife of the. late Claude I, Beloved PUBLICATIONS 4, age 78, o? Westland, tfied Jan. tnothgr of CHAMBERS OP COMMERCE Beiovad husband of Vtorene, January 15 Camden Publications «nur &Tma {Jerry) of Plymouthh, ML Dear 2004 Port Garden City Chamber of Commerce father of 1 riy (Gayia) § sister of James P. wife of tli Equine Times :o!a), Sarah S tow Oak & the late Vincent "Bud" Thompson, Redford Chamber of Comemrce SamSf 8b. Funeral Katharine QUALITY SYSTEMS & PRODUCTIVITY MothsHrH&y of Bgth Thompson, loving CHAPELS services v m Funeral Horns, armdmotfieir of 3, Arch Associates, LLC Wesfend. 10AM Tgs, Jan., Levin§ sister of i Historic Village Chapel !«. and tiie late Jack Fryer REAL ESTATE fesflher of Christ Child •rgs SehroeJar (Mem), CHILDRENS THEATRE Gardens "" Maryarove Alumni, Marygrove Quill GfcarSas Scfcroeder Marquis Theatre Langard Realtors dub and the Nomads Travel Club. (Jacqueline}. Ot . One Way Realty— was at WM. Sullivan & Son, F.H. irsedsr Phillips, Also s»r- 11 mite, (4 mk$ . E of Woodward} CLASSIFIED ADS Sellers First Choice • remembered &y many Let 3 today at 19:00 am. Nation^ . Services for ihe mmeds- HomeTown Newspapers Weir,Manuel, Snyder & Ranke . fta Little Rower of Royal Oak. by Rev. John E. Maki, Interment Mt. Olivet cemetery, Detroit. Observer & Eccentric Newspapers REALTORS others Memorials; Fairfax Manor Music fund Satem United CLEANING Chris Karapatsakis Jucle Chsldtens Research Hospital. Neat Street Cleaning Clark & Fron Realtors know.. - Marty Pouget COMMUNITY SERVICES Salem Church of Beverly Hills Police REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH When you've lost Ml • a loved one, place Huron, DENTISTS Midwest Fertility and your notice on pur Paying Road. Fort Gratiot, Michigan • Family Dentistry Sex Selection Center; RESTAURANTS website and in Novi Dental "Passages "... a ^'5' Tribute Smile Maker- Bistro 127 Stillwater Grill directory located 5*. to the iVfay You ELECTRONIC SERVICE AND REPAIR RETIREMENT COMMUNITIES in every edition of J^ind ABL Electronic Service, Inc.- United Methodist Retirement Community your hometown # Life of FIBERS WEB SITE DEVELOPMENT newspaper. Comfort in Linden Lane Farms HomeTown Digital "t' Your WORSHIP


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#i*r 'flP Ken Abramczyk, editor (734) 953-2107 Fax:(734)591-7279 [email protected]

D1 Observer & Eccentric j Thursday, January 29,2004


irst introduced in June 2001, [yellow tail], Fthe Australian wine brand with the computer- geeky bracketed name, is a wine-marketing phenom- enon that over-delivers a flavor bang for the buck. is- scipes ' # According to a Gomberg With all the hubbub Fredrikson report in . about weight loss, dieters Serve your own 2003, and food lovers are look- [yellow ing for ways to eat lighter tail] is the in the winter. Super Bowls of fastest- Many love seafood and growing fish during the time of imported year. It is versatile, easy *|^ chili, wings wine in and quickto prepare the United many fish dishes. States. And many Christians and appetizers Focus According will be eating more fish, on Wine to AC once Lent begins next Year after year the Super Bowl Nielsen, it month on Ash is the most watched television is the No. 1 Wednesday, Feb. 25. sports event and usually places in Ray and Eleanor selling We'd like to hear from the top 10 among all television tea imported our readers about their shows. wine in favorite fish recipes Super Bowl XXXVIII matches the United States. and why they enjoy up the Carolina Panthers and New When all reports for them so much. England Patriots. With a game 2003 are in, [yellow tail] Whether you poach, start at about 6 p.m., it also sales in the U.S. are boil, saut£, broiling, means Super Parties that expected to surpass 4 mil- grlil or bake your afternoon where family and lion cases. Of that, favprite fish, we'd like friends can relax and enjoy 90,000-plus cases were ,to share your recipe food and drink. sold in Michigan. with our readers in an In fact, the day could be dubbed Ask Australians what upcoming story to run in Super Food Sunday, which ranks right up there they think of [yellow tail] February. And If we print with Thanksgiving, for bragging rights as the top wines and they'll likely not them, we'll send you a "food day" of the year. understand. TTiat's cookbook. . Kelli Lewton, a caterer and owner of Aunt because [yellow tail] is Please send recipes to ive's Good Food 2 Go in Birmingham, not sold in Australia, It's Ken Abramczyk, Taste caters on Super Bowl Sunday blended specifically for the editor, Observer each year at parties for U.S. market. Some wine Newspapers, 36251 ad agencies or folks deny that there's Schoolcraft, Livonia, Mi Kelli at the homes such as thing as "an 48150 or e-mail kabram- Lewton's of diehard American palate." Some 4 [email protected]. foot-boule football fans. million cases of [yellow Please include a daytime sandwich fea- But those ad tail] prove them dead phone number. tures ham, salami agency parties wrong! and vegetables For a aren't like the Low-carb offered recipe, see page D2. usual football ON-TARGET MARKETING The Ground Round Grill parties. Let's say & Bar, 17050 Laurel Park, they aren't all [yellow tail] is the in Livonia, has introduced that interested in brainchild of an immi- a Low-Carb menu to the game, but the grant family from Sicily, allow for patrons who commercials are a big and the marketing genius want to reduce their deal to them. of Australian John intake of carbohydrates. ' "It's huge," Lewton Soutter, a brand manager. said. "Most of the people The restaurant began Representing the sixth are walking around the menu after receiving generation of winemakers, during the game, but a growing number of Filippo and Maria Casella then the commercials requests for higher pro- arrived in Australia from come on these huge tein and low starch meals Sicily in 1957. By 1965, Plasma TVs, and you from those on tfte Atkins they established vineyards can't hear a breath." and other low-carb diets. and a winery in Yenda, Jeff Bloomberg, Ground Of course, many of New South Wales, smack Round general manager, the agencies in the heart of South said the insert menu ROASTED TOMATO \ produce the ads for the Eastern Australia, the includes items that have auto companies. country's famed wine fewer carbohydrates than Lewton will usually region. on the regular menu. 12 each Roma tomatoes cater a party where the The Casellas' big break "Our suppliers provided diced chopped host is a fan of one of came in 2001 when the us carbohydrate informa- l-kjalapeno peppers, ^ juice of a line the teams. family, with the help of tion to assist in the minced Soutter, introduced the menu's insert creation," "We'll choose colors 2 each garlic cloves, Salt and pepper to taste. [yellow tail] brand in the Bloomberg said. of the team they are peeled and chopped Roast tomatoes at 4002 rooting for," Lewton United States. Low-carb items include 8 each medium tomatoes F. for about 10 minutes said. Phenomenal success can diced spinach and chicken with a small amount of "We might do a hot be attributed to carefully salad, chicken Caesar ^ each medium onion, olive oil, salt and pepper. food station for one planned and executed diced salad, center cut sirloin, Cbmbine all ingredients team, and another sta- marketing strategies, eye- classic grilled sirloin tips, 1 ounce fresh cilantro, and chill overnight. tion for the other." catching packaging, sensi- cajun salmon, blackened Decorating is "fun," ble pricing and a keen chicken and bacon m she said. understanding of what cheese ground rounder "You can take sports Americans perceive as piatter. CARIBBEAN equipment, wine value. Prices range from WINGS like a mini football The recently released $7.99-$11.99. 2 pounds chicken wings Sara Monro prepares some of the helmet, and 2003 [yellow tail] Marinade Remove wings from Super Bow! dishes at Aunt Olive's have chips spilling out. Chardonnay and Shiraz, New ice cream 2 tablespoons grated gin- marinade. Roast on a Good Food 2 Go in Birmingham. One year each $7 (but we've seen it Cold Stone Creamery ger • sheet tray at 4002 F for we decorated with the for less), are the vintage has introduced Sinless 2 tablespoons minced 15-20 minutes until children's trophies." front-runners accompa- ice Cream, a new fat-free, green onions crispy and golden. Lewton suggests an indoor tailgate party for those nied by older vintages of Cabernet Sauvignon, no sugar added option 1 jalapefio, roasted, skinned Cook marinade over fans who watch at home. Merlot and a Shiraz- for those who insist on and minced medium heat, reducing it A Bloody Mary bar can be nothing less than the Cabernet at the same 1 cup-pineapple juice to half its original vol- enjoyed by guests (in moderation, of course, and a non- ultimate indulgence in ice price. kup olive oil ume. drinking designated driver). cream. Remove wings from "You can use a little Hibachi with Sternos (canned For many years, the Officials at Coid Stone Marinate wings oven. Toss in reduced fuel) underneath the cast iron," Lewton said. Perrin family of France's Creamery say the ice overnight. marinade and serve. "It's rustic with an outdoor feeling" southern Rhone region cream exhibits the same She suggests chili prepared with a variation, whether and producers of the sweet, rich, smooth and it is a white chicken version, vegetarian, venison or world-renowned Chateau indulgent taste of Cold Italian sausage. de Beaucastel have over- Stone Creamery's signa- -y delivered value with their CHICKEN Create quesadillas, cutting ture base flavor. It is them into triangles like a pie, with shrimp, roasted veg- La Vieille Ferme wines. made with non-fat milk QUESADILLAS etables or barbecue pork. Not content to rest on and Splenda. prepare vegetables. "Remember when making quesadillas, think of them laurels, La Vieille Ferme A 6-ounce serving con- 1-v2cups chicken breast, cooked like a grilled sandwich with the soft tortillas being the sourced grapes from the and cut into thin strips Heat oil in pan and saute tains 170 calories. vegetables 2-3 minutes until bread," Lewton said. Costieres de Nimes region \ cup onion, sliced thin Coid Stone Creamery tender, but firm, to the bite, "Mix your ingredients including cheeses, herbs and to produce the 2002 VF has stores at the 1 each green pepper, sliced thin place in mixing bowl and cool spices, place between flour tortillas and grill in a flat Lasira, a delicious blend of foliowing locations: 108 leach red pepper, sliced thin in refrigerator for 10 minutes. pan with a little oil until brown on both sides." 75 percent syrah and 25 S. Woodward, % cup roasted corn Mix veggies, chicken, cheese You can grill early in the day, percent grenache; wallet- Birmingham; 42761 2 tablespoons olive oil and herbs. then reheat them on a flat cookie, pleasing at $8. Woodward (in Woodward % cup black beans, cooked Divide filling between four tray. With Lasira there's no Scjuare), Bloomfield 1 cup grated Colby/Jack tortillas, then make "sand- "Chicken wings are a staple of any football crew," worry about corkiness. Hills; 33175 Grand River cheese wiches" by placing filling on a Lewton said. Closed with a Stelvin (in the Farmjhgton UupChevra cheese, crumbled tortilla, then top with another Lewton suggests Tkndori, tequila/lime or spicy chili screwcap, this is the first Center), Fartaington, and 2 tablespoons fresh chopped tortilla. Grill qtiesadilla on garlic flavors for a change of pace. Rhone-area brand to be 416 S. Main (in the cilantro both sides. Cut into 8-mch Sandwiches also help fill guests. forward-thinking and Mayflower Centre) in 8 flour tortillas, 6-inch (fla- pie-shaped pieces. Lewton suggests beef topped with balsamic onions over-delivering. Plymouth. For more infor- vored is fine also) and roasted peppers or turkey with brie and honey mation, visit wwwxoid- mustard. For more recipes, see page D2. PLEASE SEE WINE, D3 D2 (*) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, January 29,2004 U3ww.hometownl1fe.eom * Get back to your roots with these vegetables

arsnips are a root veg- winter and eaten in the spring Place the roots that you pur- Rutabagas have wax applied etable that looks some- are even sweeter in flavor. Other winter root vegetables are turnips and rutabagas. chase in plastic bags and store that should be peeled away Pthing like an unnourished The cold air starts the con- in the refrigerator. before cooking. . a carrot. version of starch to sugar, They certainly aren't fancy but are economical and are a If you're not sure you like This wax is applied to prevent ' Parsnips are fair skinned, which gives them the sweet fla- them, cook and mash either moisture loss during storage. ivory or off white in color and vor. Those purchased in the good source of complex carbohydrates and vitamin C. Both turnips or a rutabaga, and add A rutabaga should feel solid they look top store have been in cold storage to an equal portion of mashed and firm, not soft and spongy. heavy. They after harvest to make the of them make great addition to soups, stews or salads. Add potatoes. They can be stored in the are part of the starch to sugar conversion. Don't cook turnips in alu- refrigerator for a couple of carrot family Parsnips can grow up to 20 thin slices of both to a raw vegetable tray. minum or iron pots as they weeks. but unlike a inches long, however they are may darken. Using a sharp knife, quarter carrot, more tender when only about Sweet spices such as ginger a rutabaga before trying to ^ parsnips are 8 inches long. or cloves go well with turnips peel, it makes it a little easier, s usually eaten The real big ones can have Parsnips make a wonderful exterior. or rutabagas. Orange or lemon Peeled, boiled, and buttered :l cooked, not tough, fibrous cores and aren't side dish or a substitute for Microwaving parsnips can zest, fresh ginger, black pepper, rutabaga makes a delicious Home raw. as flavorful. Buy ones that are potatoes. be a little tedious so it is not basil and dill are also good sea- companion to meats, ham, i Economist Parsnips more squat looking, they are They can be seasoned with recommended. sonings for them. duck or pork roast. H have a sweet easier to peel. stock and herbs or add orange Cook strips or coined shaped A turnip should be golf ball Rutabagas can also be treat- !• nutty flavor Don't wash parsnips until or apple juice, brown sugar parsnips and carrots together size or just a little larger. A ed and served like sweet pota- *• Lois and have been you are ready to use them. Cut and ginger and cook like you and serve as a side dish. larger turnip tends to be a little toes, with brown sugar and 4 a good source off the top, scrub and peel. If would a sweet potato. Parsnips compliment many bitter; the small ones are spices. 3, of starch, vita- you are going to puree them, Herbs such as tarragon, other vegetable dishes. sweeter and more tender. Raw the turnips or rutaba- :t min C, and fiber for people for cook and then peel. This also rosemary, thyme, parsley, or Other winter root vegetables A turnip has a reddish pink gas make an interesting addi- a thousands of years. preserves the nutrients. chive compliment parsnips. are turnips and rutabagas. top with the lower part (that's tion to coleslaw. Michigan is the second Parsnips keep fresh in perfo- Nutmeg, ginger, mace and cin- They certainly aren't fancy but under the ground) is white. Winter vegetables are 1 largest producer of parsnips. rated bags in a refrigerator namon will bring out the sweet are economical and are a good A rutabaga is more the size perfect for winter soup or ? They are planted in the spring crisper. Keep cool and flavor of parsnips. source of complex carbohy- of a baseball. For a sweeter fla- stew. Make hearty winter i but harvested in the fall or wrapped they could be stored Parsnips can be cut into drates and vitamin C. vor, choose those about four • chowder with parsnips, pota- > winter. for a couple of months. strips and stir fried in a little Both of them make great inches in diameter, the larger toes, carrots, celery, turnips or i They are so hardy , that they Don't over cook parsnips or butter or oil and added to addition to soups, stews or sal- ones are more apt to have a rutabagas added to the base * can be left in the ground over they will not taste good. Add other stir fried vegetables. ads. Add thin slices of both to a woody interior and be stronger stock. winter. Many believe parsnips parsnips the last half-hour of Roast them in an oven of 400s raw vegetable tray. flavor. > that are left in the ground over cooking in a stew or soup. F in a little water until done. Unlike the parsnips, these A rutabaga is tan with a pur- • Lois Thiefeke is a home economist * The parsnip can be oiled and are usually dug and stored plish band. They are lumpy with the Michigan State University's ^ oven roasted to caramelize the . before selling. and irregular in shape. Extension office in Oakland County. - M M I 111 SUPER BOWL RECIPES STRAGCALI DANCING BELL FOOT-BOULE PARTY SANDWICH fryer or deep frying pan with veg- ORVIETO etable or canola oil at 3502 F for ZINFANDEL Large 2 pound round loaf of three to five minutes. (If wings bread are frozen, fry for four to five >$099 750 ml 6 slices Polish ham Pair w/Pasta Primavera minutes)Blot wings with paper or seafood Llnguine for a 6 slices cappicolia sweet or hot A Great Companion to towel. Melt butter in saut6 pan "Super supper" or Buffalo wings, 6 slices hard salami and add spices, toss fried wings Creamy Cheeses & Crisp Quesadillas, Pteza or Fruit for a "Super Snack". 10 slices soppressata (soppressa- into spicy butter mixture and Cheddar Cheese. ta is a type of salami) coat. Serve immediately. Garnish '/zcupmiid pepper rings with celery sticks and serve with bleu cheese sauce/dip. Golden Alt Tops-No Stems Taste of Summer small red onion thinly sliced 1 red pepper, roasted and peeled CHINA TOWN WINGS Hollow bread boule leaving 24-30 pieces chicken wings (2k about3/* of an inch all the way pounds) around inside of boule. Layer V2 cup dark brown sugar ingredients one at a time until 1 tablespoon fresh grated ginger filled. Place top back on, wrap in 1 tablespoon onion powder Kelli Lewton's recipes help set the table for a Super Bowl party, which c o foil and bake for 20 minutes at 2 teaspoons chili garlic sauce includes (from left, clockwise) Baja bites, chicken quesadillas, Tex-Mex dip, 3502 F. Slice and serve immedi- Caribbean wings, cosmo corn, foot-bouie sandwiches and vegetarian chili. ately. Recipes courtesy of Kelli (in most stores, specialty Lewton. food/Asian section) 1 teaspoon dry mustard minutes until crispy. \ cup black beans Salad Topper cup soy sauce' \ cup garbonzo beans BUFFALO CHICKEN WINGS 'Acupteriyaki sauce VEGGIE CHILI \ cup cannelli beans y2 cup kidney beans 3 pounds chicken wings cup vegetable oil 1 medium white onion /: cup pinto beans TOMATOES SALAD 1k sticks butter 2 tablespoon rice vinegar % cup parsnip, peeled and diced 4 ounces Red Hot Sauce (optional) 3/< cup turnip, peeled and diced Sweat vegetables in olive oil 3- )i teaspoon onion powder Mix all ingredients. Marinate V* cup carrot peeled and diced 4 minutes (or cook over low heat without browning), then add gar- % teaspoon garlic powder chicken wings a minimum of six 1 tablespoon minced garlic 1 lic and spices and continue to to /* teaspoon cayenne pepper hours or overnight. Preheat oven 2 tablespoons olive oil Boxes 4002 F 5 saute. Add tomato puree and Fry chicken wings in home to . Roast wings spread A teaspoon biack pepper sparsely on sheet trays for 15 -18 beans. Simmer for 1 hour. Adjust '/< teaspoon cumin seasonings. Garnish with a small Yellow Trumpet Coorfu ^ teaspoon onion powder dollop of sour cream and a sprin- FIELD Valentines teaspoon salt, to taste kle of cheddar cheese. Day pinch of cayenne Recipes courtesy of Kelli Lew- 3 cups tomato puree ton, owner of Aunt Olive's 2 Go DAFFODIL Saturday When you've lost a loved one and want to Feb.14 1 cup tomato juice and 2 Unique in Birmingham. Older Your let others know, let us know. Arrangement We'll place your notice on our website and Bunch Bunch in "Passages' Doctor Nagler's ©bsenrer iEccentric Super-Saver Injection Program NEWSPAPERS LOSE 5-10 POUNDS THIS WEEK NWVf Call 1-880-579-7355/Fax: 734-953-2232/ E-maii: [email protected] 1S.D.A. choice Grade A 20 POUNDS THIS MONTH 95 Boneless S199 Enrollment $65/Week CHICKEN • 8Injections T34.422.o040 . * Prescription Medication DELMONIGO •H-.i * Doctor Visit Kllcl • No Other Charges STEAKS 16311 mtumn $m 'Pfymac£t6 BiUfester, m . mwxm Urania, Iffl 46194 NewTopamax and Zonagran stop sweet and starch cravings.

Ba reman's On the Border Peeled & Deveined ORANGE Fully Cooked IUICE CHIPS COCKTAIL Opens Today! (Save 98® SHRIMP 2/$E on 2) January 30 14OZ..Q0 $099 O Lb. Bareman's On thg^Bo^der Snap & Eat FRENCH ONION J0NAH- or VEG DIP (Save $1.38 5 on 2) CRAB CLAWS SESAME STREET LIVE 2 Assortnos warietie s Save 586 on 2 6 Brewster MINI COLBY or CO-JACK Carando SLICED PEPPERONI Dietz& Watson ROAST BEEF Grand Ma Coopers Honey Roasted eB TURKEY BREAST •jflSKE Dinner Bell BROWN SUGAR HAM jht; 4 tickets, 4 Hot Dogs, 4 Now- Dearborn Reg. or Beef Peocj's and 2 game lineups for only *39 BOLOGNA Individual Tickets just S9 and S12 Feb. 8 Start time 7m30 p m LIVONIA 14900 Beck Rd • Plymouth • Ml Tickets on sale now at the Fox Theatre box 734*524-1000 Bt" '.'-14 and 5-rrwe office and all "cketmaster locations, lust South of Five Mile including Marshall Field's. Order online at (on the west side) Call (734) 453-8400 or (Club www wastbornmarkot com For group information call: 313-471-3099 NMMUm to charge tickets by phone PDFOE08tr6M7 "life Sesame Workshop. 6935i!/CW TASTE Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, January 29,2004 (*) D3 Dieters drive sales of designer eggs Michigan's Finest BY DAISY NGUYEN designer eggs, saw a 25 per- Egg Producers. On average, ASSOCIATED PRESS WRITER cent jump in those sales in designer eggs cost about $1 2003, compared to 2002, said more per dozen than regular California California ^ In their relentless pursuit of Laura Finlayson, a spokes- eggs. Blackstone Wine Montera Monterey a healthy diet, many con- woman for the company. The price surge came after • Cabernet Sauvignon • Cabernet Sauvignon sumers are turning to a new 1 In the past 18 months, the Exotic Newcastle Disease Merlot • Syrah • Zinfandel Merlot • Syrah • Zinfandel breed of egg. Pennsylvania-based company thinned chicken flocks last • Pinot Noir • Chardonnay Pinot Noir • Chardonnay Designer eggs, produced by sold over a billion specialty year and lowered production. chickens fed sea kelp, flax eggs nationwide, with many Along with kelp and flax 99 $Q99 seed and other nutritious coming from its two farms in seed, chickens that lay low-fat 750 ml. 750 ml. ingredients, are finding their California, she said. eggs are fed canola oil or other way to more and more mar- Chino Valley Ranchers types of non-animal fats. kets and menus. Some con- Farms, based in Arcadia, dou- Hens raised on the special Joe's^ sumers say they even taste bled its production of low-fat diet produce eggs with lower better than regular eggs, and eggs in 2003, said David Will, saturated fat that are fortified sales are booming. general manager of the com- with omega-3 fatty acid, "It's like the kind of eggs I pany. iodine and vitamin E. Super Bowl Specials had when I was a kid," shop- "A lot of what's pushing the If marigold extract is added per Liz Sigel, 56, said while sales is the protein diets, and to their diet, they lay eggs buying a dozen large Organic people are more health-con- high in lutein, a nutrient that > Broccoli 7 Cauliflower, Omega-3 eggs at a Santa scious," he said. helps maintain the health of ftec Tomatoes Monica market. "It's more Designer eggs now comprise the eye. dense than regular eggs." nearly 5 percent of the $3 bil- The higher prices don't dis- flip' ?? &/3.0I „ The trend is due in part to lion national egg market. The courage buyers like Sigel, who 7*3.01 $1.50 fad. the popularity of low-carb increased sales come at a time paid $3.49 for a dozen design- $1.50 lb. regimens like the Atkins or when overall egg prices are at er eggs. South Beach diets and also to an all-time high. She has been on the Atkins recent studies that suggest Chiquita chlquita % The average price of a dozen diet for five months and tries Tree Ripe A Tree Ripe y TreeRrpe eggs are healthier than previ- large eggs was $1.44 in to eat as many organic prod- ously thought when it comes November, the latest month ucts as possible. & Nectarines < Sweet & Juicy S • Peaches to cholesterol. figures are available, said Don "Food quality is not based io Plums a Eggland's Best Eggs, the Bell, a consultant for the upon price, it's based upon nation's largest producer of national cooperative United quality," she said. l/»3.0 $1.50 lb. $1.50 lb.

vintners who like to rock the boat: Charles Spanish California Bieler of Chateau Routas (France), Joel Gott V Washington^ Seedless of Joel Gott Wines (Oakville, Calif.) and Roger FROM PAGE D1 Scommegna of Signal Ridge Vineyard Clementines > Extra Fancy 7 N& el v— „C^ V (Boonville, Calif.) Made from Napa and Lodi region grapes, the good news is Three Thieves & " $4.99 S DP^r°sU \ _Oranges_(^c°**^ , DOMESTIC VALUE Zinfandel is just the start for these mavericks. 5 lb. box mk 6/®2.00 Of all the domestic red wines we tasted, only The Healds are contributing editors for the internation- the new-to-the-market 2002 Three Thieves ally respected Quarterly Review of Wines and Troy resi- California Zinfandel at $10/Litre made the dents who write about wine, spirits, food, and restau- mark. This squat one-litre bottle is not your rants for the Observer & Eccentric Newspapers. Contact Super Bowl average jug wine. It's the brainchild of three them at (734) 953-2047, mailbox 18648. Sunday, WINE PICKS Super Feb 1st .^t a modest price, the following wines also delivered a bang for the buck and make good choices for Bowl Shop at Joe's for a wide everyday drinking. Sunday selection of fresh fruits & CHARDONNAY Z004 Australia: 2002 Kissing Bridge, S6, and 2003 Lindemans Bin 65, $8. Vegetables handpicked by California: 2002 Hawk Crest, $11, and 2002 Gallo of Sonoma, $11. Joe! Joe's also has a variety ] France: 2002 Michel Laroche, $10. of snacks-peanuts, nuts, SAUVIGN0N BLANC cheese, chips, beer & wine California: 2002 Parducci Lake County, $8. for your Super Bowl RED WINES get-togethers! Australia: 2001 Penfolds Koonunga Hill Shiraz Cabernet, $11, and 2001 Kissing Bridge Shiraz, $6. France: 2001 Michel Laroche Syrah, $10; 2001 Georges Duboeuf Merlot, $7, and 2001 Michel Laroche Meriot, $10. Joe's Beer. Wine & Snack Picks! The JC^Longhorn^/ _ sPain's All wines mentioned are available in the metro-Detroit area. If a retailer does not stock a specific wine, Three V Colby or 7 Protocolo ask that- it be ordered from the distributor. . Stooges > Jack 7 100% . ^ ,, 7 Beer \ ^heese S TempranilloV "^2$%

sft QQ <*2.99kJ$c qq Kgi A Mild Cheese a Favorite on Crackers Australian Hardy1 „ Italian Stamp Valu^<^1s Petraio Cask ^ Super Sharp Chianti ( Chardonnay • Shiraa c Cheddar <12.99 $12.99|4.99, 1 1.5 liter refrigerated toboggan run Equal to 4 Bottles of 750 ml ® ^ ^ Joe's Joe's Bettermade Viairh (Co ditiov perrniU if White Corn ^ Salsa Potato f r Wa*tr oid Oa* Court f Park All Flavors pii ry 55 fret •me' \cr* 's '^JiOTortillaChip Chips LIJ LO 30 mp \ Hong ir« i 000 fout y 00-v-. 0 , z$2.99: 1 Utf 10 oz. bag M J5 /2oz.jar^ 12y4 0z.bag • On" pricc i s»ll d1,

Bettermade w. Bettermade rn *iih -ad'aic cfter dti; t» j i ** i n \^Bettermade> Cheese Jtair Pretzel Rods &A Party 8 U r*. * U Jit 'u * JI ft® > Butter Mini's \ Mix Jheese Puffsi Live _ "1.99 A 1 Otfg* * i K K- I ' 15 oz. bag/^ 12 oz. bag H.99 12% oz. bag

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$^j off fridge* admission g Prices Good Through Feb. 1, 2004 Limit one coupon per person • per visit valid through March 2004 only, conditions 1 Joe's Produce permitting.

Not valid for special events, reduced or • www.o w - 33X52 W. Seven Mile • Livonia, MI 48152 group rates. Duplications or facsimiles of 1 a a ndfridge £Qm this coupon will not be accepted. Not valid tor dlsc°"nt coupons, (248) 477-4333 with other discount offers. I maPs and a video C''P of The Fridge. 248.975.4440 428-0&E D4 (#) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, January 29,2004 TASTE

CALENDAR Chase away . Please submit items at least two weeks series continues Feb. 12 at the Busch's, Stews with master chef Jeff Gabriel on locations: 8:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Feb. 2; and fresh fruit pastries, Monday, winter blues in advance of the date it should be 37083 Six Mile (at Newburgh) in Wednesday, Feb. 25. For a complete Saturday, Jan. 31, Weight Watchers Feb. 9. Classes are $22. Students pro- • published. Send to Ken Abramczyk, Livonia, Feb. 19 at 15185 Sheldon in schedule of seminars, call (734) 462- Center, West River Center, 30076 Grand vide their own equipment and materi- BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Taste editor, Observer & Eccentric Plymouth and Feb. 26 in Farmington 4448 or visit the college's Continuing River, Farmington. To learn more about als, so call (734) 261-3680 for more Newspapers, 805 E, Maple, Hills with "Seafood: The Ultimate Fast Education Services building, 18600 Weight Watchers and for meetings in information. Classes are scheduled 6-8 The warm golden colors of Birmingham, 48009 or e-mail kabram- v Food" and "Poultry: All-Time Favorites" Haggerty in Livonia (south of Seven your area visit or p.m. For more information, call Mary this roasted-peanut caramel tart czyk@oe, \ on March 11, 18 and 25 in the same Mile Road). call 1-888-3-FLORIN Denning's Cake Shoppe at (734) 261- suggest an antidote to winter Classic cooking order at the same locations. Weight Watchers Professional desserts 3680. blues, even before the good taste Busch's Meal Solutions presents the Schoolcraft College Tim Cikra, chef at Weight Watchers, and Wow your family with delicious Slow food hits home. classic cooking series, starting with Enjoy the talents of the staff at Florine Mark, president and CEO of desserts through classes at Mary Save valuable time by using your slow The recipe has been worked "Protect your Investments: Here's the Schoolcraft College with culinary semi- Weight Watchers, will promote Meals in Denning's Cake Shoppe, 8036 N. Wayne, cooker to make fabulous meals for out by pastry chef Karen Barker, Beef" 6-7:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 29 at nars offered through the culinary arts Minutes: 150 Speedy Recipes Low in Westland. Chocolate cups, pocket pas- your family and friends while you work acclaimed cookbook author and Busch's, 24445 Drake, in Farmington department and the college's Points Values by featuring prepared tries and napoleans are some of the and play. The inexpensive ingredients co-owner of the Magnolia Grill, Hills. The class is free. The class will Continuing Education Services. The dishes at cooking demonstrations. tasty treats you'll master. Class fees become' succulent when simmered. Durham, N.C. The tart would explore the different cuts of beef and seminars range from Swiss Chocolates Demonstrations are open and free to include the use of equipment and slowly all day. Move over fast food, it's make a fine cold-weather treat. the best cooking techniques. Easy pan with master pastry chef Joe Decker on the public. Cikra will prepare potato materials. The professional desserts time to slow down as you'll learn about the following dishes: navy beans with gravies will be demonstrated. The Thursday, Feb. 5 to Savory Soups and and pepper frittata at the following series includes: mini-pastries, Monday, ROASTED PEANUT CARAMEL TART ' smoked turkey sausage, osso bucco (Italian braised veal shanks), aromatic For the tart: f Thai chicken with vegetables and dried 1 refrigerated pie crust, pressed - plums in sweet wine. Taught through into 10-inch tart pan M-Care, University of Michigan Health removable bottom System, the class is scheduled noon- For the Filling: 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 3 at East Ann 1 stick (8 tablespoons) butter HUNDREDS OF EXHIBITS PLUS... 2004 Arbor Health Center Demonstration % cup brown sugar * Enter the House of Nails contest. Kitchen, 4260 Plymouth. Pre-registra- 2 tablespoons sugar Win $ 10,000 worth of custom made tion is required. Cost is $30 per person 3 tablespoons honey Wallside Windows or $50 for two people attending 'Acup cream cora together. Call Nicole Goyarts at (734) • WJR's Home Improvement expert, 3 cups lightly salted 975-4387, ext. 236 or sign up on line at lesisoas, electro Murray Gula honey-roasted peanuts Preheat oven to 3502 F. Com- eating cooitngand appliances • WXYT's "Ask the Handyman" with bine butter, brown sugar, sugar Joe Gagnon Famie instructs Bella Cucina, a gourmet kitchen store and honey in a small saucepan * Advice, ideas and innovation qp deco- and bring to a simmer while stir- idal Guest: in Plymouth, will host local celebrity rating, home repair and remf||iling chefs for cooking classes. Chef Keith ring over medium heat. Allow Chef J. Warren, mixture to simmer for about 4 • Treasure Chest contest with Famie will teach how to cook chocolate will delight guests minutes. It should reach 2402 F to £ and desserts for St. Valentine's Day • Presenting Sponsor^ 2452 F when measured with a with his art and 6:30-9:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 3 in the SHOWS candy thermometer (just above talent preparing ^|j Standard Federal lower level of Our Lady of Good soft ball stage). Remove from heat' NOVI EXPO CENTER ASN AMR0 culinary delights, Counsel, North Territorial and Beck and add the cream. Add the nuts such as Low Carb FRIDAY JANUARY 30, Noon-4 roads in Plymouth. The menu includes and stir to coat. NO Spanish paella, chocolate pasta with Cooking and 30 Mmutt Gourmet, SATURDAY JANUARY 31,10am-9p| |g raspberries and toasted almonds, Transfer the mixture to tart while also sharing his knowledge shell, making sure the nuts are SUNDAY, FEBRUARY I, lOam-i white chocolate mousse stuffed with of the newest and latest kitchen spread into an even layer. The ADMISSION For more information go to poached pears, flourless chocolate amount of caramel filling will designs, materials and appliances. Adults - $7 Sontots - $6 or call cake with chocolate leaves, and double appear scant. Bake tart at 3502 F 248-862-1019 dipped chocolate strawberries filled for 15 to 20 minutes until filling is Children 12 ard under with Grand Marnier. To learn more bubbling and crust is golden. Receive a $2 off coupon at A public service of the Building Industry about the hands-on cooking classes, admitted FREE Remove from oven and cool participating Toarmina's Pizza Association of Southeastern Michigan call Bella Cucina, 942 W. Ann Arbor Trail completely before serving. in Plymouth, at (734)455-4232. NOVI EXPO CENTER • 1-96 & NOVI ROAD • JAN. 30 - FEB. I, 2004 Makes 8 to 10 servings.

Incredible opportunity for students

sof Wayne County entering the 9® grade in the fall of 2004.

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PDF06M170375 TASTE Observer & Eccentric j Thursday, January 29,2004 <*> D5

Former Super Bowl champ Midvegakp Pork promotes healthy recipes

'A cup all-purpose flour Challenge yourself to eat healthy during this 2 tablespoons sugar year's Super Bowl with heart-healthy recipes 2 tablespoons dry mustard recommended by four-time Super Bowl champ, Joe Montana, 'A teaspoon onion powder Montana, diagnosed with high blood pres- 'A teaspoon turmeric sure, teamed up with cardiologist Dr. James 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice Rippe to create these recipes as part of Take The 2 tablespoons water Pressure Off... With Better Blood Pressure 2 tablespoons honey Control. The program helps people realize that Whisk together flour, sugar, mustard, onion despite taking high blood pressure medications, powder and turmeric. Whisk in lemon juice, water $3.99 they may still be at risk of heart attack and 99 and honey. Serves 8. stroke. For more information and recipes visit Mi 1 eitBes or call (877) GET- Nutritional information (per serving): Calories 38; fat Whole Boneless BP-DOWN for a brochure. .5g; carbohydrates 8.41; protein 0.45 g; cholesterol 0 mg; sodium 1 mg. Pork TIME-OUT CHICKEN TENDERS AND DIPS BARBECUE DIP Tenderloin A delicious low-salt and low-fat alternative to fried chicken fingers. 2 cups water 2 6-ounce cans no-salt-added tomato paste 1 cup dry whole-wheat bread crumbs Ve cup no-salt-added ketchup Express 4 large egg whites 'A cup firmly packed dark brown sugar Impounds boneless, skinless chicken breast strips 'A cup chopped onion 1 tablespoon garlic powder 2 tablespoons no-salt*added chili powder or home- Salad Sale 1 teaspoon dried basil, made chili powder 30% OFF All Varieties, 4.5 oz. - 3 lb. bag 1 teaspoon dried marjoram, crumbled 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1 teaspoon dried thyme, crumbled 2 tablespoons cider vinegar 1 teaspoon dried parsley, crumbled 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 teaspoon dried savory, crumbled 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley 1 teaspoon ground mace or nutmeg 1 teaspoon dry mustard 1 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper 1 teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon onion powder 1 medium clove garlic, minced, or'/z teaspoon bottled .1 teaspoon sage, rubbed or crumbled minced garlic '/zteaspoon cayenne (optional) Va teaspoon freshly ground pepper Preheat oven to 500 2 F. Spray a large, nonstick dash of no-salt-added red hot-pepper sauce, optional Brand New in our Deli! than half price per bag! baking sheet with vegetable oil spray. Whisk together all ingredients in a large Place bread crumbs on a sheet of waxed paper. saucepan. Whisk egg whites in a shallow bowl until foamy. Place herb mixture in small bowl. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to low and simmer uncovered for 20 minutes or until per lb. $5.99 Using a meat mallet, gently pound chicken strips $3.99 flavors have blended, whisking occasionally. Allow r to'/s-inch thick.Make herb mixture: combine garlic Busch's Medium powder, basil, maijoram, thyme, parsley, savory, to cool before storing in refrigerator. Serves 8. mace or nutmeg, black pepper, onion powder, sage Nutritional information (per serving): Calories 118; Sara Lee Cooked Shrimp and cayenne. fat 4.16 g; carbohydrates 21.29 g; protein 2.24 g; Roasted Chicken Breast Sprinkle chicken strips with herb mixture, roll cholesterol 0 mg; sodium 68 mg. Smoked Breast of Chicken 41 - 50 count them in breadcrumbs, then dip in egg whites. Preparation tip: "No-salt-added" foods can be i Sold Frozen in a Return chicken to breadcrumbs to re-coat, then found at health food stores. Buffalo Chicken Breast shake oif excess and place on prepared baking BBQ Basted Breast of Chicken 2 lb. bag for sheet. Bake chicken in oven for five minutes. Turn $11.98 per bag strips over with a spatula and continue to bake for CHILI POWDER Save $4.00 per lb. another five minutes until just cooked through. 3 tablespoons paprika Serve on a platter with homemade Barbecue and 2 teaspoons dried oregano, crumbled Honey Mustard dips. Serves 8. 1 teaspoon ground cumin Nutritional information for chicken (per serving): 1 teaspoon turmeric Calories 177; fat 3.67 g; carbohydrates 11.88 g; pro- 1 teaspoon garlic powder tein 22.72 g; cholesterol 52.05 mg; sodium 192 mg. 'A teaspoon cayenne Stir together ingredients in a small bowl until Lean Cuisine Nabisco HONEY MUSTARD DIP well blended. Store in an airtight container in a Store bought condiments are often loaded with cool, dark place. Lean Entrees | Snack salt. These homemade versions are a low-salt alter- Nutritional information (per serving): Calories 11; fat ? Assorted Varieties- native. 0.5 g; carbohydrates 2 g; protein 0.5 g; cholesterol foist*** 0 mg; sodium 1 mg. includes New § Low Carb Entrees ssorted Varieties * 5.25- 11.5 oz. 6.8-11 oz. (does not include bowls)

Kraft Melody Farms Mayonnaise or Milk Miracle Whip Whole, 2%, V2% ssorted Varieties, 32 oz. or Skim, gallon You spend one-third of your life asleep. You deserve to get the most out of that time. You deserve a Stearns & Foster sleep - in our Seafood Service Case set.. Our combination of the latest in mattress technology and our long heritage of handcrafted workmanship is $4.99 comforting. Simply put, there is no better way to sleep. Sterling Atlantic Premium Salmon Yellow Fin FOUNDED Fillets Tuna Steaks High in Omega 3 oilsI t 8 46 Prices effective through Sunday, February 1, 2004. YOU DESERVE A STEARNS & FOSTER Shop online at Now You Can Save An Extra 109? Off The Sale Farmington Hills & Plymouth/Northville locations • pick-up only Price Of All Our Stearns & Foster Mattress Sets, All 2003 Models Are Now "Rollback" Priced! Come JanuaiN Classic Looking Series Financing Available Up to 12 Months No Interest!* TonifihtU 1'iou.u voji In LMniiir s iIil Beet

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\ , i Cookbook reveals tasty secrets of Texas cowboy cooks

BY BARBARA ALBRIGHT always on measuring spoons Add the onion, garlic and serra- Makes 6 to 8 servings. jalapeno peppers and more how spicy you like your meat- .g no chilies and cook for 2 to 4 FOR AP WEEKLY FEATURES when they added salt and pep- pepper sauce if you like spici- loaf) $ minutes or until the onion is per. So I have adjusted the fol- Besides his career as a base- er foods. 1/2 cup brown sugar lowing recipes to use less salt translucent. Add the rice and . Kosher salt saute 2 minutes or until rice ball player, Nolan Ryan is also and pepper than the originals, The Texas Cowboy Kitchen, starts turning light brown. a rancher and wrote the fore- GONZALES MEATLOAF and suggest you taste and add word to this book. written by Grady Spears with 2 pounds ground sirloin Preheat the oven to 3502 F. In-; June Naylor, is an oversize more if you wish. Add the remaining ingredi- Spears likes to make this ents. When the mixture starts to 3 eggs, beaten a large bowl, combine all the $• cookbook that will pose a ques- In fact, that's a good rule any hearty meatloaf with Ryan's boil, reduce the heat to low and 1 cup bread crumbs, dried ingredients, mixing well. Place tion for cowboy and cowgirl time you season with salt and ground beef, so it is named for the mixture in a greased loaf paty cooks, real or wannabes: Do cook for 14 to 17 minutes or until 4 cloves garlic, minced pepper: Let good sense and the rice is tender. Serve hot and the town close to the Nolan's Bake for 75 minutes, then they work from it in the 1 red onion, chopped your own taste be your guide. garnish with the lemon wedges. family ranch. It includes increase the heat to 4252 F and . kitchen or display it on the cof- Besides more conventional brown sugar which I might 2 tomatoes, diced cook for an additional 15 minutes; fee table? headings, the book's chapter Makes 4 servings. cut down slightly next time I 1/2 cup chopped cilantro or until the meatloaf is firm to thte Bypass the purists who ask if titles include The Texas Chef's Note: Texmati rice is an aro- make it because it can turn 1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce touch. Remove and serve warm. Real Cowboys have coffee Corral,Things You Don't Rope, matic rice that's a cross between out a little sweet. However, it 11/2 cups grated Monterey jack Makes 6 to 8 servings. was really tasty the next day, cheese tables or even kitchens. The Before the Bedroll, Campfire American long-grain rice and All recipes adapted from by and it's great for meatloaf 2 tablespoons hot pepper sauce book from Texas Monthly Cocktails and Chuck-Wagon basmati rice. Grady Spears with June Naylor, .) Custom Publishing, distrib- Secrets. sandwiches. to taste (this will vary Texas Monthly Custom Publish— uted by Ten Speed Press, 2003, The book would make a This hearty recipe has The book recommends depending on how hot the ing, distributed by Ted Speed brand of sauce you use is and $34.95 will surely add to the great gift for someone you become a Hood County adding chopped fresh Press, 2003, $34.95. number of wannabes. know who might be wanting to favorite at Grady's Nutt House. Besides having great dishes get away from it all and to hit JUSTIN'S CHICKEN AND from the Lone Star State, the the trail - the Tbxas culinary book is chock-full of wonderful trail, that is! DUMPLINGS archival cowboy photography The following recipe is from 10 cups chicken stock from the Erwin E. Smith David Garrido, who was born 6 chicken thighs Collection at Fort Worth's in Canada, raised by a Mexican 6 chicken legs Reward. Amon Carter Museum of Art. diplomat in Mexico, Puerto 5 cups flour It also has mouthwatering food Rico and Costa Rica, and edu- 3 tablespoons baking powder photography newly made by cated in Switzerland. 1 teaspoon Kosher salt (Your child's future.) Ralph Lauer. Garrido often guest-chefs at 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground Grady is a seasoned author the James Beard House in black pepper To celebrate The Leelanau School's 75th Anniversary, we are pleased as Veil as a cowboy cook- New York City. He displays his 2 cups heavy cream to offer five academic scholarships (including room and board) for the restaurateur. His previous , culinary skills at Jeffrey's in \ 4 ribs celery, diced books included Cowboy id the, Austin, combining 1 large onion diced • 2004/2005 academic year to students entering grades 9,10, and 11. Kitchen (1998), Cowboy Southwestern and Latin fla- 6 large carrots, diced These scholarships are renewable arpually as long as the student Cocktails (2000) and The vors, and has opened a Jeffrey's 6 sprigs fresh thyme maintains a 3.25 grade point average and remains in good social Great Steak Book (2000). in Washington, D.C., within Salt and pepper to taste standing at the School. ; He opened the Nutt House reach of a favorite patron, Restaurant, Granbury, Texas, President George W. Bush. Leelanau's focus is to admit average to above average students in the spring of 2002, and the His paella recipe is incredi- Heat the stock in a large, wishing to pursue a rigorous college preparatory academic program Chisholm Club in downtown bly easy and requires very few heavy pot and cook thighs and using our unique surroundings as an all inclusive, learning laboratory. Fort Worth, in the Renaissance ingredients. legs over medium-low heat for about 45 minutes to 1 hour, until Worthington Hotel, in * specialization available in the Sciences, writing, and horsemanship September 2002. More recent- very tender. Remove from heat ly, he's opened the Burning CHICKEN THIGHS PAELLA and allow to cool, reserving • a 10:1 student/teacher ratio where individualized attention is Pearrestaurant in Sugarland, 6 tablespoons extra-virgin olive stock in its pot. Remove chicken guaranteed Texas. oil and discard skin. 4 chicken thighs (if the thighs Pick chicken from the bones strong college placement where students can prepare and His latest book has some are small, use 8) and set meat aside. distinguish themselves at the college ievel basic cowboy recipes, includ- Salt and pepper to taste lb make dumplings, combine ing chicken and dumplings, 2/3 cup diced onion • a comprehensive academic curriculum that stimulates critical and Blue Ribbon cornbread, as flour, baking powder, salt and 6 cloves garlic, finely chopped thinking and inspires curiosity well as newfangled recipes pepper in a large mixing bowl 2 serrano chilies, stemmed, from some of Texas's innova- and mix well. Add heavy cream And since 100% of graduating Leelanau seniors are accepted into tive chefs. seeded and finely chopped to mixture, stirring just until four-year colleges, you can start planning for your child's future today! 2 cups texmati rice (see note) dough is thick and sticky. Him In general, the recipes are 2 pinches saffron threads onto a floured work surface and Call us for your Academic Scholarship Application or visit us on-line. not difficult to prepare and the 2 cups chopped tomatoes knead dough until you can roll it Application deadline is February 15, 2004. dishes I tested from this book out to a thickness of 1-16th inch. were solid, worked beautifully 3 cups water and required very little fuss. 6 bay leaves Add the celery, onion, carrots, and thyme to stock and reheat I did use much less salt and 1/2 teaspoon sea salt, or to taste .. 4 lemon wedges for garnish over medium heat just until boil- pepper than they called for. I ing. Cut dough into dumplings The Leelanau School love salt and pepper as season- that measure 1-by-l-inch. Add One Old Homestead Road ings; they do wonders for the In a medium saucepan, heat dumplings to boiling stock, flavor in many dishes. But I the olive oil over medium heat. cover, simmer, cooking for about Gien Arbor, Michigan 49636 think that perhaps when these Season the chicken thighs with 20 minutes. 231-334-5800 . Toil Free 800-533-5262 recipes were tested, the testers salt and pepper and sear 4 to 6 Add chicken meat and salt relied more on experience and minutes or until golden brown. and pepper to taste. Serve hot. & popoeoei 85983

.1 1 >1 BO LOAN S


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*b- - ; ! : -J". 4~ ... *t- * '"I Keely Kaleski, editor (734)953-2105 Classifieds inside Fax: (734)591-7279 [email protected] To place an ad call toll free 1-800-579-SELL (7355) Fax; (734) 953-2232 F1 •£}-• Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, January 29,2004 leal Estate Real Estate Mortgage Inquires Bits

Robert M. Tim 'Timbo' Meisner Phillips Take steps Buying a to perfect home with lien on bruised credit

construction e all know somebody who has been through Wrough times. < had heard about the term Businesses fail, marriages construction lien and am fall apart, and people get wondering who can get one as I laid off. Sometimes affected am a new contractor. individuals can hold them- selves together financially, A contractor, subcontractor, sometimes not. When life's supplier or laborer who challenges cause people to provides an improvement to juggle bills and miss pay- real property may require a ments, they often end up construction lien under the with bruised credit. Michigan Construction Lien Some potential homebuy- Act. The lien attaches to the ers wrongfully assume that interest of the owner or they are doomed to a life- lessee who contracted for . time of renting because of the improvement to the real their blemished credit property and any after PRNEWSFOTO record. This notion is often acquired interest. Real estate consultant Kathy Biss-Barbera checks the latest MLS listings on a flat panel display screen in the Showcase of Homes kiosk at Twelve Oaks Mall in Novi. false. Many of these borrow- Construction liens can arise ers have compensating fac- in both commercial and tors that may allow them to residential construction still purchase a home even projects. However, some of in the wake of financial the legal procedures maelstrom. applicable to the creation and enforcement of alien Recent bankruptcies or will differ depending upon current collections do not whether the project is automatically disqualify bor- deemed "residential" under rowers from getting mort- the Construction Lien Act. in real time." "edutainment" experience. Loans (formerly Pioneer gages. Mortgage lenders in You are best advised to Store lets you Should a shopper wish, he "This changes the whole par- Mortgage), Metropolitan Title these "non-conforming" sce- consult with an attorney to or she can make an appoint- adigm of how real estate is and Morse Moving - all agree narios will usually grant advise you of the steps shop for a home ment with a Showcase of sold," said Silvian. "For the past with Craig Menuck, executive mortgages if the borrowers necessary under the act to Homes real estate consultant 50 years customers came to a vice president of Curtis have a minimum credit score, perfect your lien. for a private viewing of prop- real estate office. We're taking Building Company, when he if they have one or more at the mall erties or discuss further steps real estate to the people" says, "It's about time for this "good" scored credit refer- in the real estate process. "It's the new high-tech age approach. We are very confi- ences, and if they can put a i am the owner of a home where BY PR NEIVSWIRE Traditional malls are of efficiency with personalized dent in Showcase of Homes' meaningful down payment we have had some work done by becoming more like lifestyle service," said team member success." • toward their home purchase. a contractor who has threatened Joey Silvian and 10 other centers providing residents a real estate consultant Kathy "I am delighted to have had Depending on the type of . to record a lien but there has independent real estate con- gathering place and communi- Biss-Barbera. "We think it the opportunity to spearhead mortgage, it often helps for f been a period of about 50 days sultants from Keller Williams ties a sense of identity, accord- matches up with what con- this very exciting project," said borrowers to write a letter to since his last work. Am i out of Realty of West Bloomfield are ing to a report by Bieri & sumers want." Silvian, whose background is the mortgage underwriter the woods, so to speak? focusing their promotional Associates Inc., a Detroit- Located between The Apple in high-tech marketing pro- explaining the situation that and marketing efforts on the based retail consulting firm. Store and Brookstone in the grams and advertising. caused their financial prob- While I would have to know debut of Showcase of Homes, The kiosk has three high- Twelve Oaks Mall, the kiosk is In addition to his career as a lems. Some of my recent additional facts in terms of the retail real estate store in tech flat panel display screens, expected to gain exposure real estate consultant with clients have legitimately what has proceeded at this the Twelve Oaks Mall in Novi. a computer that connects to from the approximately 15 Keller Williams, Silvian is cited the death of a sibling, period in time in regard to "This will not be an office the Internet via a WiFi net- million visitors passing president of the Virtual the loss of a primary bread- the lien filing process, but a store," said team member work in the mall, and a high- through the area yearly, Interactive Agency. winner, and long-term hos- generally, failure to record a Scott Campbell. quality color printer. according to Carrie Loch, He has developed marketing pitalization. In each of these lien within 90 days of the "There will be a new focus Visitors can look at a presen- Twelve Oaks Mall specialty programs for IBM, Mattel, cases, we were able to pro- last work will invalidate the on convenience - adding value tation, browse through a cata- retail leasing agent for the Twentieth Century Fox, Jeep vide the loan underwriter lien but you should be to the shopping experience - a log of featured homes, and Taubman Company. and DuPont, among others. documentation validating cautioned that unless an Showcase of Homes kiosk receive a printout of current Privately funded from the Showcase of Homes will be the claim. owner pays pursuant to where potential clients can homes available on the market. agent team members and open Twelve Oaks Mall hours, In most cases, lenders pri- sworn statements and lien check the latest MLS listings, Incorporating the latest soft- kiosk corporate sponsors - 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday- marily want to know how waivers provided by the take virtual tours of homes, ware and hardware technolo- including Curtis Building Saturday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. you have handled your cred- contractors and their and discover home availability gies, the kiosk creates a unique Company, Sallie Mae Home Sunday. it since your financial strug- material men and laborers, gles. If you exhibit the same the owner risks that an pattern of behavior that led unpaid contractor or to your earlier financial supplier will later record a problems, you will likely lien against the property. have trouble getting a mort- However, if you were gage. Conversely, if you BIA projects steady home sales bounced back and main- dealing with a residential builder, he must be licensed tained excellent credit since under the Occupational BY PR NEWSWIRE Farmington Hills. the single-family market and new housing permits in 2003, your setback, you may have Code in order to be able to "Many homes are built on for homeownership in the 67 fewer than 2002, or a 2.4- a good shot at a mortgage. claim a construction lien The Building Industry 'spec' - they are not pre-sold, U.S.," said Seiders. "While percent decrease. Macomb If you have been denied against your interest in the Association of Southeastern but are built on speculation 2004 numbers are expected to County saw an 11.3-percent credit for any reason, you property. The statute is Michigan is expecting contin- that there will be a demand, be a bit lower, outlook is posi- decrease in new housing per- may get free copies of your somewhat complicated and ued strengthen 2004 in new not unlike automakers who tive for another strong year of mits issued - 3,121, down 395 credit report from each of you are best advised to home construction and sales. build cars in anticipation of home building." from 2002. St. Clair County the three major credit repos- consult with an experienced BIA projects 14,682 new demand. If the projections hold true, saw a decrease to 872 permits, itories: (800) 685-5000 attorney. housing permits will have "Looking ahead to 2004, we it means a healthy and steady down 61 permits, or 6.5 per- (Equifax), (800) 888-4213 been issued for single-family think residential real estate year in the building industry. cent from 2002. (Transunion), or (888) 397- Robert M. Meisner is a lawyer and homes in Wayne, Oakland, will continue to be a driving Locally, in 2003, the metro Seiders says that the num- 3742 (Experian). the author of Condominium Macomb, Washtenaw, force in southeastern Detroit area experienced 0.5 ber of homes locally is amaz- Remember, a skilled Operation: Getting Started & Monroe, St. Clair and Michigan's economy, and new percent growth in new hous- ing, since the nation's reces- mortgage professional can Staying on the Right Track, second Livingston counties in 2003 housing permits will remain ing permits from 2002. sion has hit especially hard in usually find financing for edition. It is available for $9.95 - the second straight year the at, or near the levels of2003," industrial sectors, like metro borrowers if the borrowers plus $2 shipping and handling. For number of permits issued has Michaelson said. LOCALLY Detroit. are truly motivated. It takes more information, call (248) 644- increased from the year David Seiders, chief econo- In addition, the value of the hard work, creativity and 4433 or visit [email protected]. before. mist for the National Oakland County saw the U.S. dollar on the foreign patience, but often borrow- This column shouldn't be con- "Permit numbers indicate Association of Home Builders, largest jump in new housing exchange market will drive up ers are very happy with the strued as legal advice. the builders' belief in a (NAHB), forecast 2004 new starts, up 489 to 3,800, a 14.8- the demand for U.S. goods and result - a home of their own. demand for housing, and in home starts nationally will be percent increase from 2002. corporate profits are expected 2003, it looks like the builders 1.45 million, a 3.5-percent Wayne, Macomb and St. to cause the stock market to Timothy J. Phillips is a mortgage View the Observer & were rightfully optimistic," decrease from the 2003 total Clair counties all saw a slight rise. As the global economy broker and newspaper columnist. said Stuart Michaelson, BIA projection of 1.5 million. Still, decrease in new housing begins to regain steam, the Access his archives at Eccentric Real Estate president and president of Seiders remains optimistic. starts. United States will once again ww.HomeQuarters.BIZ, or call him Classifieds on the Web: Windmill Group in "2003 was a record year for Wayne County issued 2,756 be at the forefront. toll-free at (866) 369-4516.


Realtor Page # Northville's Edenderry Hills ...'is close to Downtown Northville & where .exceptional custom homes are Century 21 Town & Country 12E situated on rolling & wooded estate sized'lots. This meticulously updated custom Coldwell Banker Preferred 3E h6me is totally unique & filled with'the costly visible features you're looking for like its 28x15 2-story living room with hardwood floor, soaring; brick fireplace & Coldwell Banker, Schweitzer 2E *• stacked windows. Lofted 2nd floor study. Updated bathrooms & island kitchen. Real Estate One 1F Finished daylite lower level. Cathedraled sun porch overlooking a private yard & artful landscape. 3 car garage & more. Plus it's very attractively priced at... For the Best Home Buys in $668,000 your Hometon check the Sunday and Thursday Call Mike & Mary Gladchun Real Estate Section RE/MAX on the trail 734.459.1284 OEO0178OO7 F2 <*) Observer & Eccentric! Thursday, January 29,2004 REAL ESTATE Mortgage rates drop to lowest figure in six months

BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Rates on 30-year mortgages have | TERM RATE PTS. LOCK FEE* APR1- TERM; ."ME . PTS. LOCK FEE* APR* TERM RATE PTS. LOCK FEE* APR' | bounced around after sinking to a four- Mortgage rates around the country decade low of 5.21 percent in the middle of GROUP ONE MORTGAGE CO. DIRECT MORTGAGE FUNDING NORTHLAWN FINANCIAL dropped for the second straight week, wel- June. Stuart P. Daniels CallB66-654-§£HS [ Rates as low as 1.25% 30yr Fix 5.25 0.00 30day $300 529apr come news to people thinking about buy- For 15-year mortgages, a popular option 30yrFix 5.625 0.00 45day $350 5.65apr 3/1 Arm 3.375 0.00 30day $300 3.77apr 30yrF« 5.50 : 0.00 30day '• Low 5.98apr ing a home or refinancing the one they for refinancing, rates decreased to 4.95 16yrFfac 5.00 0.00 45day $350 5.05apr 5/1 Arm 3375 0.00 30day $300 4.09apr 3/1 Arm 3.25 '0.00 30cfay Low 3.7fapr already own. percent this week, down from 4.97 percent Website: Option Arm 1.25% 3.34apr 15yr Rx 4.875 0.00 30da/ Low 5.16apr The average rate on 30-year mortgages last week. Rates for one-year adjustable 800-436-1452 foal 5vrArm 1.25 0.00 30dav Low 4.06aor 248-988-8488 fell to 5.64 percent - the lowest rate in six mortgages dipped to 3.56 percent, com- A1 MORTGAGES FOR YOU, INC. 1ST METROPOLITAN MORTGAGE NORTHEAST FINANCIAL CORP. months, and down from 5.66 percent last pared with 3.62 percent last week. 30yrFix 5.25 0.00 30day $275 S.3tapr' !F VOUR RWMENTS ARE GREWERTHAN... 30yrFlx 5.375 0,00 30day $300 5.35apr week - Freddie Mac, the mortgage giant, "Mortgage rates remain low as the econo- 15yrFix 4..625 0,00 30day $275 4.89apr $125,000-418,82 per month 1250,000 • 834.97 per month $175,000-584,93 per month 5350,000-1,168,12 per month 15yrF!x 4.625 0.00 30day $300 4.69apr said Thursday in its weekly nationwide my picks up steam, allowing families a Construction Loans -100% Purchase ItoNeedToCallUsNowll! Interest Only Starting at 3.95% Low Rates, Low Fees, Low Payments survey of mortgage rates. chance to purchase a new home or refinance 248-658-0511 •mnrfrMrffisfnrvm.mrri 866-586-9553 800-922-0606 if they haven't yet," said Frank Nothaft, Paymentrate base d upm 2.578 apr, zero pants, 30day loci! Freddie Mac's chief economist. "With low FIRST INTERNATIONAL MTGE. HOME FINANCE OF AMERICA AMERICAN FIRST RATE prospects of inflation increasing anytime 30yrFix 5.325 0.00 30day Call 5.50apr • 30yrFix 5.25 0.00 30day $295 5.40apr 30yrFix 5.375 0.00 45day $350 5.41apr Farmington Hills soon, mortgage rates should remain afford- 15yrFix 4.75 0.00 30day $295 4.92apr 15yr Fix 4.75 0.00 45day $350 4.81apr 15yrFix 4.625 0.00 30day Call 4.75apr able over the first half of this year." Open Sat & Sun.« 3/1 Aim 3.625 0.00 50day $350 3.93apr Attached Condominiums 3/1 Arm 3.625 0.00 30day Call 3.75apr www.hfamei1ca.cQm Imperfect Credit O.K. with Equity Home-mortgage refinancing activity 248-540-1065 800-358-5626 800-887-9106 also has been kept healthy by low mort- gage rates. The Mortgage Bankers AMERIPLUS MORTGAGE CORP. NORTHWESTERN FINANCIAL GOLDEN RULE MORTGAGE Association said refinancing accounted for 30yrFlx 5.375 0.00 30day $400 5.41 apr 30yrFix 5.00 1.75 30day 0.00 5.22apr • 20yrFix 5.125 0.00 30day $400 5.17apr AIITypes of Credit Accepted 15yrFix 4.25 1.75 30day 0.00 4.71apr Baswaaww™-- filed last week, up from 51.6 percent the' • I5yr Fix 4.75 0.00 30day $400 4.80apr 5/1 Arm 3.125 1.00 30day 0.00 3£5apr • CASH FAST70 MY OFF BILLS & TAXES - - previous week. 1 lOyrFix 4.25 0.00 30day $400 4.32apr No Application Fee/Ask About Interest Only • BANKRUPTCY (Current / Prior) The nationwide averages for mortgage 1 5/25 Bal 4.125 0.125 30day $400 4.16apr 800-784-1074 •SELF EMPLOYED/NO INCOME VERIFICATION from the low $230's!! rates do not include add-on fees known as; ASK FOR A NO COST QUOTE •NO COST EQUITY LINES 3 bedrooms • 2 1/2 baths points. Thirty-year and 15-year mortgages PURCHASE RATES EVEN LOWER •ZERO DOWN PROGRAMS Lenders to participate, 1st floor laundry room • full basement each carried an average fee of 0.6 point - Sat, Sun Applications Available Call 1-800-736-1305 two-car attached garage. this week, while one-year adjustable mortr 248-740-2323 800-292-7768 First floor master suites and cathedral gages carried an average fee of Gtf point. ; ceilings available A year ago, rates on 30-year mortgages averaged 5.91 percent, 15-year mortgages ; Rates/terms/apr current as of 1/26/04 may change without notice, or vary depending on Briarwood Village were 5.31 percent and one-year adjustable loan size. Source: Midwest Mortgage Monitor, #Credit report/appraisal, *APR based on (248) 752-5555 mortgages stood at 3.93 percent I $150,000 loan amount, 15 day prepaid int. Located on Middlebelt Road, The housing market, powered by low ; 1/2 mile south of 11 Mile Road mortgage rates, helped to support the ; 0509*77141 economy throughout 2003. The Mortgage; Open: 1:00pm - 4:30pm Bankers Association, in an economic out- ' Closed Thursday look Thursday, predicted home sales would slow slightly over the next two years. CI S TO Ml ZED IIOML LOWS •Brokers Protected*


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CANTON CANTON NORTHVILLE NORTHVILLE PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH TRULY UPDATEDTHROUGHOUT. 3 brm, 1.5 SPOTLESS CANTON CAPE COD. Built inGORGEOU S NORTHVILLE CAPE C0D> OneCOND O IN HIGHLAND LAKES. Canterbury ONE-OF-A-KIND ORIGINAL 11/2 story multi- RIDGEWOOD WEST. Exceptional home! 4 bath, fam rrnw/fplce. Newer kitchen w/built-ins, 2000! 1st floor master suite w/waik-in closet & year new home featuring premium wooded lot, model w/2brm, 1.5 baths. 1200 Sq. R. Great roof Tudor revival w/bungalow charm. Original Brm, 3.5 bath colonial. Meticulous throughout! roof, windows & doors, flooring, hoi water Jacuzzi tub, 2 car att garage for direct access. cherry cabinets & vaulted ceilings. Must see- location within community. Wallside hdwd firs, Italian ceramic tile in bath & fplce, Spacious floor plan. Formal L/R & D/R, family rm heater, A/C & more. Fin. bsmt. (P76HIL) Neutral throughout. (P52SHE) $234,900 priced to sell at $419,890 (P02CYP) replacement win. w/Warranty, newer cabs, stained glass bay win, fin bsmt w/plenty of w/fplce. Fabulous mstr ste. Prof, fin bsmt. w/wet $185,900 counter tops and sinks in kit and baths. Very storage & den or poss. 4th brm. Prof, bar and 3rd bath. Picturesque setting w/circle clean neut. decor. Deck w/privacy fence. landscaped, awarded 3 yrs in a row by drive! Call today! (P12QUA) $419,900 Access to 3 lakes, pool, tennis cts. & Piymouth Beautification Comm. (P25MIL) clubhouse. All appl incl. (P80GUE) $150,900 DEARBORN HGHTS. LIVONIA P1TTSFIELDTWP. PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH REDFORD EXCEPTIONAL BUNGALOW. Mint condition & NEWER 2 BED/1.5 BATH TQWNH0USE W/ ASHF0RD VILLAGE SUB COLONIAL. Thi4 BEDROOs M RANCH! Seldom found 4 bdrm UPDATED HOME BACKST0WOODS. BeautifulSTO P THROWING YOUR RENT MONEY ready for new owners. Full 3 brm, 2 full baths DEN. Well located in an interior building at Bell beautiful 3 brm, 2.5 bath colonial reflects pride of ranch w/2 full baths on the 1st fir. Nice open kit 4 brm, 1.5 bath colonial features Peila patio door AWAY1 Cute 2 brm Ranch in quiet fam. brick bungalow w/possible 4th brm. Hdwd under Creek Square, end unit features an oak kit w/ ownership. Hdwd firs, Ige kit, formal din. rm, liv & FR. Brick nat fplc. Basement is partially fin. to sunroom, Andersen windows, oak kit, fam rm neighborhood on a large lot! New windows, most of carpets, lots of upgrades. Att 2.5 car gar, pantry & over-sink windows, liv.' rm w/gas fplce,' rm, Full bsmt, Ige deck. (P02ASH) $242,900 Newer roof, A/C, furnace & HWH. Patio, 2 car w/gas fplce, ceramic foyer, hdwd firs. Niceiy hdwd firs, garage, & all appliances stay! all on a double lot, $167,900 (P27VER) hdwd firs, fin lower level, att & direct access gar. gar, aid fenced yard-perfect for kids or pets! landscaped w/sprinklers. Prem. lot backing to Very neutral & immaculate. (P62FAR) $183,900 Bring offers. (P64HAM) $209,900 county park. (P28PAR) $226,900 OB'O 81823*98-? . HOMES SOLD IN WAYNE COUNTY Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, January 29,2004 (*> F3

These are the Observer 42772 lilley Pointe $122,000 6540 Helen $131,000 30329 Minton $174,000 9154 Arnold $119,000 2281 Buchanan $184,000 & Eccentric-area resi- 42819 Lilley Pointe $124,000 6572 Helen $81,000 34670 Munger $225,000 18714 Beech Daly $72,000 36629 Cherry Hill $170,000 Meadowbrook dential real-estate 41905 Old Bridge $195,000 30734 John Hauk $146,000 33577 Nancy $183,000 9528 Brady $200,000 38577 Cherry Hill $176,000 closings recorded the 1684 Orchard $126,000 31985 John Hauk $143,000 9080 Oporto $149,000 9635 Centralia $142,000 31415 Conway $193,000 Townhomes weeks of Sept. 15 -19 at -42215 Palmer $300,000 Livonia 16664 Parkiane $287,000 16809 Centraiia $69,000 31762 Conway $148,000 the Wayne County 43125 Providence $226,000 9833 Auburndale $230,000 18431 Pershing $130,000 12821 Crosley $154,000 , 35556 Dove $173,000 Condominiums Register of Deeds office. 45065 Rolling Ridge $348,000 30055 Bretton $172,000 16384 Ronnie $263,000 25250 E. Deborah $149,000 2600 Eardman $189,000 Listed below are cities, 621 Roosevelt $75,000 28753 Buckingham $176,000 11600 Rosalinda $315,000 172Q9 Five Points $110,000 8264 Flamingo $146,000 addresses, and sales 42731 Saltz $242,000 20557 Chestnut $140,000 29210 Roycroft $225,000 18470 Fox $135,000 32133 Genessee $82,000 prices. 42500 Saratoga $143,000 20652 Chestnut $140,000 14403 Summerside $220,000 25455 ivanhoe $106,000 32621 Hiveley $125,000 J&- : Canton 45220 Seabrook $323,000 14701 Country Club $192,000 17981 University Park $162,000 15887 KInloch $117,000 35845 Hunter $118,000 Mtm 43608 Appomattax $165,000 4643 Shoreview $286,000 8906 Crown $187,000 28122 Vista $283,000 12839 Leverne $144,000 8237 Huntington $68,000 43671 Arlington $190,000 1703 Stonebridge Way $462,000 31634 Delaware $192,000 17855 Westbrook $205,000 26282 Margareta $100,000 1566 Leslie $80,000 1599 Srookview $199,000 7568 Sussex $255,000 9934 E Clements $150,000 19519 Weyher $130,000 8829 Marion $137,000 30869 Middlebury $133,000 45443 Brunswick $217,000 46555 Swanmere $296,000 11016 Edington $210,000 16567 Whitby $290,000 13530 Norborne $134,000 8244 Milburn $130,000 46896 Creeks $248,000 1735 Thistle $250,000 32685 Five Mile $95,000 32031 Wyoming $188,000 15595 Norborne $149,000 6925 Mohican $145,000 46899 Creeks $282,000 41263 Westfield $238,000 • 18413 Floral $151,000 Plymouth 9629 Riverdale $120,000 215 N. Dobson $135,000 1398 Elmhurst $160,000 44818 Whitman $186,000 20103 Floral $124,000 ' 300 Adams $223,000 9135 Seminole $167,000 6000 N. Newburgh $175,000 613Z Fairborn $395,000 6390 Willow Creek $204,000 29836 Grandon $158,000 1052 Harding $315,000 9931 Seminole $144,000 6020 N. Newburgh $159,000 44653 Fenwick $333,000 1924 Woodbine $310,000 14256 Hix $170,000 606 Maple $105,000 11336 Sioux $137,000 6232 N. Raddiffe $140,000 44942 Fox Pointe $318,000 Conveniently located South of 15 Mile Road.. 41901 Woodbrook $207,000 10015 Inkster $147,000 48496 Meadow $382,000 26746 Southwestern $128,000 1132 N. Wildwood $156,000 6350 Gallery $333,000 2645 Woodcreek $335,000 29000 Joy $137,000 40647 Newport $134,000 15617 Wakenden $123,000 38479 Nellie $185,000 West off Meadowbrook Road. Easy Access to 46400 Glengarry $360,000 42267 Woodwind $345,000 28935 Lancaster $214,000 14939 Robinwood $247,000 13502 Woodbine $106,000 29072 Powers $98,000 M-5 and Twelve Oaks Mail. 1664 Glengarry Woods $380,000 Garden City 29526 Lyndon $196,000 11750 Turkey Run $198,000 Westland 6790 Redman $160,000 41669 Greenwood $220,000 31051 Balmoral $160,000 14172 Lyons $188,000 12404 Woodgate $186,000 34043 Arrowhead $162,000 734! $. Kingston $141,000 Affordable Pricing 43108 Hanford $258,000 29198 Florence $165,000 36273 Margareta $205,000 Redford 1632 Ashby $180,000 2360 W Rhead $170,000 45095 Indian Creek $268,000 2225 Giiman $151,000 18972 Melvin $185,000 9108 Appleton $154,000 35061 Bayvlew $125,000 32418 Warren $215,000 Starting at $229,900 48166 Inveraray $538,000 Offering 12 distinct two story floor plans, a few with first floor master suites, 2 & 3 bedroom plans, ceramic baths, 9 ft. ceilings on main floor, first and second floor laundry DECORATED MODEL OPEN rooms, full private basement with rough plumbing for bath, some daylight and walkout sites, 2 car garages, volume ceilings, walkout paths, and low maintenance fee. In Style. It) Demand. u Walled Lake Schools. INCLUDED IN PRICE FARMINGTON HILLS. Cute & clean! WIXOM. Motivated sellers transferred! • Electric Range In Town. Newly remodeled starter home w/neutral Built in '02, immaculate, well-maintained • 21 cu. ft Refridgerator decor. New bath & carpet. Freshly 4 bedrm, 2 1/2 bath colonial loaded w/ • Three unique, upscale painted in & out. "Great neighborhood! upgrades. Gourmet kitchen w/island & • Microwave • Dishwasher * Disposal Clean & ready to move in! One year extended counter. 2 story family rm w/ floor pians-r-orie with a home warranty aiso inciudedl $124,900 view to upper level. Master bedrm w/2 • Central Air first floor master suite OPEN HOUSE SUN, FEB. 1st, 12-3 pm. walk-in closets. Custom wood f'oors. 21735 Wheeler, Farmington • Hills BRING ALL OFFERS! $324,900 (D60Tra) • Deck (200 Series Units Only) • Award-winning (D35Whe) CANTON. This new home has it all! • Hardwood Floors in Kitchen and Nook Birmingham schools FARMINGTON HILLS. Super 2100 sq. ft. Premium exterior elevation overlooks 101 4 bedrm, 2.5 bath colonial backing to ft. of woods. Impressive long entry drive (100 Series Units Only) • Walking distance to commons w/40 acres of walking trails, greets your guests! 4 bedrm, 3.5 baths, «Rough Plumbing in Basement~5 piece downtown Birmingham ponds & playground for those family fireplace in family rm + 2 way fireplace (buildings 16,18,19, & 21 Only) gatherings. Home has new windows & between breakfast rm & library. Oversized • Optional finished lower furnace, 2.5 side entry garage w/new kitchen island, granite counters + many insulated door, finished basement, bay more upgrades! $489,900 (L55Taf) Unutiic homer fy ||$lyel$ and garage lofts windows & tons more! $289,900 (L98Gai) NORTHVILLE. Exquisite custom styling on this Curtis buiit home in Northvllfe's • Floor plans from 2,170 WIXOM. Beautiful 3 bedroom colonial in Peninsula, of Stonewater! 4 car garage, ROBERTSON to 2,700 sq. ft. great sub w/private beach, walking paths & park. 20x18 ceramic 4 season rm w/8 dual staircase to foyer or kitchen, elegant person hot tub, den, family rm w/fireplace, master suite w/cathedral ceiling & 2 In-Town 2nd floor laundry. Updates include: spacious walk-in closets, Jack-n-Jill bath - Call (248) 840-9054 Kitchen, pergo floors, roof, deck, windows adjoins bedrm 3 & 4, +guest rm w/own & carpet. This is a great home! $244,900 private bath! Still time to select some t£w§r more Information, (L19Cha) colors! $799,900 (L80Man) Mon.. Wed h Fri.. 1 pm - 5 pm LIVONIA. See is believing on this NORTHVILLE. Beautiful 3 bedrm, 2.5 MA»I T bath condo w/open floor plan & lots of Sun.- 7 pm -4 pm completely remodeled 1924 buiit home w/ addition offering 4 bedrms, 3 full baths, windows. Located on a cul-de-sac w/ or by appointment security system, 2.5 car garage, & shed. private yard. N'ville schools! Formal Newer windows, furnace & C/A, dining & living rm w/gas fireplace & deck. Corian kitchen w/island, oak cabinets & In-T&um bathrooms, vinyl siding, & kitchen. All on deep lot w/cedar privacy fence. $239,900 floor. Master bedrm has balcony & gas fireplace. Home Warranty! $315,000 Kobert.sonj • Mmi32*23E (L08Bre) Brothers 1 (1.77Wai) For additional information call

Brokers WVlcomc 248-349-6900 • Brokers Welcome wvwv.robcrr.soii-BIROIIH' • i--••••< > Quality*^ , Model Hours are Saturday & Sunday 12:00-5:00 pm. Weekdays 1:00-5:00 pm (Closed Thursday), 37699 Six Mile (Suite 200), Livonia J j Find your favorite recipe each Thursday in Taste www.raea d ow b roo k to wo h omes.i n fo (734) 462-3000 WM S or e-mail jslorklon l^aoLrom' COLDW R PREFERRED. REALTORS


A BRICK RANCH IN CANTON. NEWER FRENCHTOWN COL- AFFORDABLE COLONIAL Won- DON'T MISS OUT! Sharp 4 GLORIOUS RANCH. Pristine REMARKABLE REDFORD RAN- MATCHES ALL YOUR NEEDS. This 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home ONIAL. Exceptional 3 bedroom derful 3 bedroom colonial , in an bedroom/2.5 bath colonial. Large clean and waiting for you! 3 CH. 1300 sq. ft, ranch overlooking Superb find, boasting traditional has an excellent floor plan and colonial with loads of builder established neighborhood. Large master w/private bath & WfC, open bedrooms, 2.5 baths and 1400 sq. the park. 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths living & dining with bay windows. desirable features. 1 st floor upgrades. Extra large rooms, family room w/gas fireplace & kitchen & nook that steps down to ft. with an attached 2 car garage. and an attached 2 car garage. Inviting FR w/natural fireplace. laundry, family room w/fireplace, beautiful oak trim, crown moldings, doorwall to the patio. New furnace the family room w/cathedral ceilings Highlights include a gourmet Totally redone! Rich hardwood Convenient kitchen w/pantry, attached 2 car garage, home hardwood floors, vaulted ceilings, & central air. large bedrooms. & fireplace. Basement w/finished kitchen, great room with fireplace, floors, fresh paint, new carpet. nook, and 1 st floor laundry. Terrific warranty and much more! recessed lighting, and extra deep Kitchen with nook, garage, rec room. Premium carpet and and a superb finished walkout Prof, finished basement w/glass master w/cathedral ceiling & WIC, $229,900 (153BR) basement, the list goes on and on! basement & fenced yard. See it fresh paint in ' 03. Big yard w/patio basement with a study. Backs to a block, new C/A & windows & Prof, Fuil basement, deck and 2-car $279,900 (824CO) today! $149,900 (650HI) & privacy fence. $309,000 (850BL) pond. §220,000 (3560X) landscaped yard. Really nice. garage make this beauty a $164.900 (812WAY splendid buvi $259.900 (688AA1 m!r i

BIG HOUSE - MODEST PRICE. A DISTINCTIVE DISCOVERY. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY! In this PRIVATE HILLTOP SETTING. SOUGHT AFTER SOUTH LYON. GREAT COURT LOCATION. OUTSTANDING VALUE. Large 5 Over 1300 square feet with a great Unique 3 bedroom ranch near wonderful 4 bedroom, 2,5 bath Overlooking park and tennis 3 bedroom home perfectly located Compietely updated 4 bedroom, bedroom, 2.5 bath home with many floor plan. 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths schools, shops and recreation. colonial. Highlights include a newer courts. 2 story foyer, vaulted great to a quiet cul-de-sac that sides to 2.5 bath coioniai. Highlights updates. Spacious fioor plan with and a finished basement. Garage Gracious living room w/bay furnace, new carpet in the family room w/fireplace, 1s! floor master the woods. Large open floor plan, include Hickory cabinetry to the 1500 square feet with a large has a 14 foot workshop. Plenty of window. Finished basement w/den. room w/fireplace & built-ins, w/jetted tub, den, finished walkout new paint and carpet, wood floors, kitchen with all the appliances, garage, carport, basement, deck, updates. Great kitchen, really nice Chef's dream kitchen w/oak hardwood floors, lighted bedroom basement, 3 car garage, Invisible hot water heater, and AC! Kitchen newer windows throughout, rich hot tub and Florida room. Great yard. Don't miss out! $129,900 cabinetry, Corian counters, closets, nice kitchen w/appliances, fence and beautiful landscaping, 4 with doorwall to deck, sprinkler hardwood floors, brick paver patio, location. An absolute must see. (744BR) recessed lights & brand new GE professionally painted throughout. bedrooms, 2.5 baths. Cul-de-sac system and more, Call now. and a 2 car garage, Too much to $194,900 (476MA) appliances. $142,900 (440DE) $279,900 (665KI) location. $377,000 (788WI) $209,900 (401 PR) list. $239,900 (224WI)

PRIVATE END UNIT RANCH. 2 GARDEN CITY RANCH. Formal EASY LIVING. 1993 ground level BETTER THAN BUILDING) This 4 THIS IS YOUR CHANCE! To break COUNTRY CHARM. This home ORIGINAL OWNER. Dearborn bedroom, 2 bath unit with newer living room plus a spacious family ranch condo to popular Lilley bedroom Cape Cod offers a 1st into home ownership! 2 bedroom, has a wonderful country feeling but Heights ranch with 3 bedrooms carpet throughout, living room with room. Eat-in kitchen, attached 25 Pointe with 2 bedrooms and 2 full floor master with dual walk to 2 bath condo in Westland with still close to freeways, only 20 and 1.5 baths has been lovingly vaulted celling, gas fireplace, car heated and insulated garage, baths. Upgraded newer carpet closets dnd a Jacuzzi tub. Large 1000 sq. ft. Beautiful deck/balcony minutes from Ann Arbor and the maintained and updated. New skylights, finished basement, and partially finished basement and a throughout. Italian ceramic tiie in kitchen | w/upgraded cabinets, overlooks the woods. Neutral downtown area. 3 bedroom furnace, central air, roof, windows, attached garage. Very nicely laid large fenced yard. Updates include the kitchen and foyer, new island cqoktop and built-in oven, 2 kitchen with all appliances, large Bungajow on a 80 x 200 lot in a plumbing, circuit breakers, and out. Great .location. Call for detaiis. furnace, windows, and central air, appliances and an open floor pian. sliding,., blass doors overlooking iiving and dining rooms, separate great sub! Remodeled kitchen and more. Call for more details. $224,900 (524CH) $189,900 (628HE) Private entry. Pets welcomed. pafer patio. Private den w/French laundry room w/appliances. Great bath, newer roof, furnace, A/C, $154,900 (429KI) $129,000 (739LI) doors, 6ne of a kindl $409,900 opportunity at a great price. windows and appliances. $141,900 (957pO) $112,900 (596SH) (040EN)

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" fmrv F4 (*) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, January 29,2004 COLDWELL BANKER SCHWEITZER REAL ESTATE

\ • *

ALLEN PARK BELLEVILLE $229,900 BEVERLY HILLS $149,900 BLOOMFIELD HILLS $425,000 BRIGHTON $475,000 CANTON $525,000 CANTON $379,900 Allen Park Bungalow, Newer Wdws Nice family home w/4 beds and 3 Great Opportunity! For investor, All The Bells & Whistles! 3br Natures Finest Setting on 10 Opportunity Knocks! New Const w/ Fabulous Home on Awesome Lot! W/glass Bl. Furnace 2yrs. Electrical baths.. Living room w/vaulted builder, or 1st time buyer. 2 br, 1 Ranch w/1st floor laundry, updated Wooded Acres! 4br, 2.5 bath 4BR, 3.5 BA brick colonial. Grmt Backing to wooded commons. 3 Updated. New Kthn & Baths, 2003. ceilings & fireplace. Hardwood bath, updated kitchen, garage, kitchen, 3 car garage, finished colonial, move-in condition, 4 car kit w/nook & butler's pantry. Season room w/skylights to enjoy Copper Plumbing 2003. Oak floor in kitchen & BRKFST nook Birmingham Schools. Land contact basement, central vacumn, garage, basement, deck, deer in Custom trim work, tile foyer, Lg the seasons. Open floor plan, 1st Floors T/o. Fnshd Bsmt W/tull lower level w/bedroom & bath. possible. (BGN28KIR) 888-870- hardwood floors & more! the yard. No wetlands, horses mstr ste w/tray ceiling, his & her fir den & laundry. Huge master Bath 2003, New 50 Gal Hwh. Large corner lot w/sprinklers. 9123 (BGN17ALD) 888-870-9123 allowed, splittable. (BGN44FLO) WIC. Soaring 2-story GR. BGP- suite w/dual fireplace. OELQ5BAL 888-870-9105 (BGSLY40PRE) 888-870-9131 888-870-9123 02Nor 888-870-9127 (BGN54WOO) 888-870-9123

CANTON $349,997 CANTON $234,900 CANTON $219,900 CANTON $204,900 CANTON CANTON DEARBORN HTS. Too many upgrades to mention.. Move In Condition! Beautifully Fantastic Home! All dressed up Move In Condition. Beautiful quad Golf Course Community. 2 Bdrm, Truly a Beauty! Fabulous New Dearborn Heights Ranch. 3 Bdrm,- Gorgeous home overlooking 26th updated brick ranch, Remodeled for you to move into. Lots of backing to park. 3BR, 2 full BA. 2.5 Bath Brk Condo. Kit W/oak Construction. 2600 Sqft W/Open YA Bath Brick Ranch. Updates: tee. Oak flooring in foyer and kit '00. Gorgeous Anderson Bay updates in the past 2 years, Many updates incl: kitchen, Cab, & All Appls. Dwalis To Lg Floor Plan, Side Entry 3-car Furn & C/A, Driveway, windows T/ kitchen, 1st floor master, crown wndw in liv rm. Fam rm w/beamed 3br, 1.5 bath, liv rm, fam rm w/ windows & doorwall. Natural brick Deck overlkng Woods/Pond. Mstr Garage, Lrg Lot Backing To Pond. O & Trim, Circuit Breakers, molding, large eat in kitchen cath clg, nat brk FP & new carpet frpl, part.finished bsmnt. Great FP in lg FR. Finished basement, 2 Ste W/cath Ceil,-WIC & Jet Tub. Great Views. Maple Cabinets, carpeting & Bathroom. OEL34FOR professionally finished lower. '99. Updates: roof, storm drs. BGP- Location, close to schools. car att gar, deck. BGP-10Ham 888- Full Bsmt. 2 Car Gar. OEL76HO.G Flooring Choices Available. 888-870-9105 (BGSLY51VIS) 888-870-9131 3lFer 888-870-9127 (BGN01VER) 888-870-9123 870-9127 888-870-9105 OEL49WOO 888-870-9105

FARMINGTON $250,000 FARMINGTON HILLS $430,000 FARMINGTON HILLS $139,000 LIVONIA $459,600 LIVONIA $190,000 LIVONIA $185,000 LIVONIA $165,000 The Ultimate! Wonderfully, ? .. . •! Floor Plan! Serene Move right into your new home! Exceptional 3000+ Sq.Ft Colonial! Run, Don't Walk! Fabulous Updated Kitchen & Baths! Freshly Great Investment Opportunity in charming & totally updated. Walk wooded setting! Beautiful FR w/ Newer roof, updated kitchen, Backing to Bicentennial Park. updated ra'nch w/spectacular painted. New carpet. Gorgeous N.W. Livonia! Main house offers. 3 to downtown Farmington, Custom cathedral ceiling & fieldstone frpl. finished basement - land scapined Ammenities & upgrades galore. family rm w/frpl, kitchen w/custom basement w/carpet & ceramic tile bedrooms & 2 baths, Apartment mstr ste, 2 frpl's, custom kitchen, Updates: furnace, AC, hwh, roof, yard, privacy fence - Very clean Inground pool, large lot, Move-in cabinets, updated bath, 2.5 car fioor, recessed lighting, gas over garage offers 1 bedroom & 1 built-ins, hdwd floors, landscaped many windows, Formai LR & DR. home(BGSLY09COL) 888-870- condition. 3.5 baths. Immediate garage, finished iower level! One fireplace & glass block windows. bath. Both city certified. lot. (BGN10STA) 888-870-91 Home boasts lib. (BGN21BID) 9131 Occupancy. (BGN36BRI) 888-870- word: WOW! (BGN12MIC) 888- (BGN80MIN) 888-870-9123 (BGN35WES) 888-870-9123 888-870-912 9123 870-9123

LIVONIA LIVONIA LIVONIA MILFORD $209,900 NORTHVILLE $229,000 NOVI $424,900 NOV! $298,900 Updates Galore! 3 BR, 2 Full Livonia Ranch. 3 Bdrm Brick Rosedale Gardens! Excellent 3 Newer 3 bedroomcolonial on Excellent location.. Walking Meticulous Colonial! Royal Crown Lovely Cape Cod. Gorgeous! Baths. Brand New Kitchen, Ranch. Updated Kit W/oak Cab, Bdrm, 1.5 Bath Vinyl Sided Cape almost an arce., Open Floor plan, distance to town. Completely features clean colonial surrounded Immaculate 2000 built home w/ Bathroom Has New Vanity W/stone Sink, Cntrs & Floor, Bath Fixt, Neut Cod, Stunning Mst Bdrm & Formal neutral and ready to move into, remodeled inside and out. by mature trees. Spacious LR & 3BR, 2.5BA, 2 car garage, Great room with cathedral ceilings DR. GR has FP & cath ceiling. Top, newer Windows,furnace,a/ Carpet T/O, Wind. Furn, Plumb. Dining Rm. Olde Style Kit. w/new Extremely clean and inviting. basement. Numerous upgrades. - fireplace, sprawling kitchen, 2 car Neutral throughout! Lg master w/ c, roof,electrical,fresh Paint T/ Giass Blk Wind. Elect, Front/Back Counter, SIPK & Disposal. Part. Possible 3 bedroom bungelow w/ 2 First floor master suite w/vaulted garage. full basement. jacuzzi tub. Finished bsmt. BGP- o,Hardwood Floors In Bdrms. Doors. OEL9QHAT 888-870-9105 Fin, Bsmt . OEL25ARD 888-870- full baths. Great home!! ceiling. Kit w/hwf & nook. (BGSLY570LD) 888-870-9131 20Fox 888-870-9127 OEL37COU 888-870-9105 9105 (BGSLY02YER) 888-870-9131 Fireplace. BGP-53Eme 888-870- 9127

OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1 *

wiffwl •» 1

00000 Lot 14 Elmwood Court PLYMOUTH $629,900 PLYMOUTH $499,900 PLYMOUTH $459,000 PLYMOUTH $439,000 PLYMOUTH $419,900 PLYMOUTH $229,900 PLYMOUTH $164,900 Country Club Village. Executive Prestigious Woodlore South, 4BR, One of Plymouth's Best. New Affordable Construction in Be one with Nature on 2,6 Wooded Low Traffic & Private Setting! Doll House! 2 BR, 1 BA within home on estate size lot. Hardwood 3.1 BA colonial. Large Master BR Prestigious setting for this Plymouth! On small lake w/ Acres! Huge kitchen & informal Spacious oversized 3 BR 1.1 walking distance to Kellogg Park. firs, spacious kit w/Hearth Rm. w/walk-in closet & vanity, Ceiling impressive colonial. 4 bedrooms, stonecast FP, cherry cbnt, granite dining room, Lrg great room w/ BA ranch. You will love the built Newer win, fur, water htr, & copper Cherry cabs, Corian counters. 5 fans in bedrooms, powder rm on 2Vi bath, Great Rm, Living Rm, cntrs, Custom mlds & trim. cozy fireplace. Andresen windows, in pool! LR DR. FR w/nat FR plmb. Kit appl. inc. Fenced yrd & BR, 1 on first floor, 4 up, 4.5 baths. 1st floor. Island in kit. Dual gourmet kitchen, Dining Rm, Den. Brazilian hdwd firs. Ceramic BA & new siding, many upgrades. Hurry Updated kitchen. Gigantic nicely landscaped. Rm upstr could 4 car gar. Walk-out LL. BGP-11Fel staircases. Finished basement. Neutral decor. Flawless in and out. laundry, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, daylight on this beauty. (BGN64MAR) 888- BR's. Wallside wndws. be lib/den. BGP-11Pal 888-870- 888-870-9127 BGP-83Tan 888-870-9127 BGP-96COV 888-870-9127 bsmt. BGP-OOEim 888-870-9127 870-9123 Fabulous park across street. 9127 BGP-64Bre 888-870-9127

New Listing

PLYMOUTH REDFORD ROCKWOOD ROMULUS SALEM $194,900 SOUTH LYON $237,000 SOUTH LYON $140,000 Marvelous Condo. 2 Br 2'A Bath Lots of Updates! 3 Bdrm Brk Bung. Absolutely Mint! 2003 Updates: Immediate Sale And Occupancy , New construction home in growing Beautiful condo with open fioor Co-op 55+community.. Immediate End Unit Condo, Move In Cond. Wallside Wind, Newer Berber Roof, Windows, Gutters & 3 br, 2 bath ranch. All Appliances, small town! Superior craftmanship plan.. Basement is finished with occupancy. 3 br, 2 ba. Won't Largst Unit On Markt. Spacious Liv Carp, Kit W/ Plenty Of Storage & Downspouts, Doors T/O, Al! Window Treatments & Wood in this 3 bdrm, 2 bth home. Master spare family room and large disappoint you. All appliances Room W/fp. Neut Decor t/o. Eating New Pergo Fir. Newer Roof, Flooring, HWH, Freshly Painted T/ Burning Stove In LR. Eat-in on 1st floor, 2 car garage, 200 sq. workroom/storage area. First floor included. Central air. Lake priv on Area In Kitchn Swimng Pool & Updated Elect, Newer HWH & All 0. Neutral. Newer Oak Kitchen Kitchen Plus Large LR. Alarm ft. unfinished bonus room over master and laundry. Good buy. sandy beach. Call for appt. Tenis Courts One Yr. Home Appliances Inc. OEL13HAZ 888- Cabinets. OEL66GLA 888-870- System & Above Ground Pool garage. Super insulation package. (BGSLY07EVE) 888-870-9131 (BGSLY45ARL) 888-870-9131 • Warranty. OEL20DRA 888-870- 870-9105 9105 Remain. 1 Yr Warranty. OEL22RIV (BGSLY95MCF) 888-870-9131 9105 888-870-9105 r r-Hp

- I- % $ SJ*' m M

SOUTH LYON $79,900 SOUTH LYON $114,900 TAYLOR WAYNE $149,900 WEST BLOOMFIELD $164,000 WESTLAND $179,900 WHITMORE LAKE $219,000 Clean and well maintained Adult 55+Coop.. Gorgeous end Taylor Ranch. 3 Bdrm 2 bath. This Is A Must See! Charming Open floor plan great for 3Br, 2 Bath, Highly Updated Beautiful home on a gorgeous updated Co-op 55+! Nice open unit. Move in condition. Beautifully Updates Inc Roof, vinyl Trim cape cod on quiet tree-lined street. entertaining! Beautiful 2 BR, 2 BA, Kitchen! W/bay window, hardwood lot.. Built in 1998, neat and floor plan! Newer kitchen, newer maintained. All appl stay. LL 3rd House/Garage, Windows, Front & Hdwd floors. Fireplace in living w/garage condo. Cathedral ceiling floors & new carpet. Open floor cleanand ready to move in! carpet, freshly painted. Basement BR. Fireplace in LL. Florida rm for Side Doors, C/A, Furn, HWH. Frp! room. Vinyl sided fenced yard. & recessed lighting in GR, DR & plan, lots of windows. Large family Kitchen appliances included! offers 3rd bedroom and family added enjoyment, Inground pool & In FR, Huge Covered Patio. 2 Car Loaded with character. Al! kitchen. Neutral decor t/o. In-unit room w/frpl. Many extras & really (BGSLY36CHE) 888-870-9131 room! (BGSLY26FRA) 888-870- clubhouse. (BGSLY05CON) 888- Garage W/DO. OEL23DAR 888- appliances stay. Home warranty. laundry.(BGSLY20RID) 888-870- super clean. (BGN27MIN) 888- 9131 870-9131 870-9105 BGP-76WH 888-870-9127 9131 870-9123

Thinking of changing careers or COLDUieiX Phone In, Move In... BANKCR • w? offices? Why not join the 'Number 0 A same-day mortgage decision or we'll pay you $250* MORTGAGE One Coldwell Banker Schweitzer m OTo meet your requested closing date or we'll reduce your interest rate by 1/8th of one percent for the life of the loan* team in Michigan and the OTo beat any lender's price, GUARANTEED, or pay you $500** Midwest Region. Call for an 1-888-767-8616 outstanding career opportunity. 'Approved, conventional purchase loans only. **Subject to verification of lender's price and other restrictions. Tricha Kneiding Pam Danaher Neal Lanphear Dave Owens Northville-Novi South Lyon-Milford Plymouth Livonia 248-347-3050 248-437-4500 734-453-6800 734-591-0333 Livonia Office - 734-591 -0333 • Northville Office - 248-347-3050 • Plymouth - 734-453-6800 • South Lyon 248-437-4500 Ann Arbor • Birmingham • Clarkston • Bloomfield Hills • Farmington Hills/W. Bloomfield • Grosse Pointe Hill • Grosse Pointe Woods • Lakes • Livonia • The Macomb Center • Northville • Plymouth • South Lyon • Troy Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, January 29,2004 (*) f5

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CANTON: By Owner. MAKE AN OFFER! LOCATION, LOCATION Family quad, 4 bed., 3 baths. Livonia- 3 HOMES! GREAT BUY 33002 Mapienut. Come See! Buildable lot. 1.13 acres. This 4 bed, 2.5 bath colonial on this 3 bed bungalow. Reduced $257,500. Many •New Construction $99,900. (734) 788-2967 has many nice features, bsmt, Almost 1600 sq.ft. of great upgrades. Call Sally Stemmer, Updated roof, copper plumb- family home. Beautiful large •OPEN THURS 3-5, 2 car garage. $289,900. ing, most windows, bath & Max Broock, CENTURY 21 PREMIER cul-de-sac lot. 4 beds, 2 1/2 (248) 626-4000 or CLASSIFIEDS more. Hardwood floors & wet baths, family room fireplace, •SAT & SUN 1-4 (734) 453-4300 plaster, 2 car garage w/ (586) 201-7059 3000 Homes 3405. Stockbridge-Unafilia-Gregory 19081 Brentwood, 7 Mile WORK! bsmt. Attached garage. Only 3030. Open Houses 3410 Troy 44958 Ford Rd. - Canton electric. $126,000. (30GRI) $227,900. Call now. between Middlebelt & 1-800-579-7355 RANCH 3 Bed., 2 bath. Updat- 3040 Ann Arbor 3415 Union Lake Inkster. 2400 sq. ft. 4 bed, CENTURY 21 ROW ANNIE NICHOLS CLASSIFIEDS ed kitchen, remodeled bath 3043. Auburn Hills 3420 Walled Lake 2.5 bath colonials. Brokers (734} 464-7111 248-408-5695 248-348-6430 WORK! COLONIAL 4 Bed., 2.5 bath. and new berber carpet. 3045. .Belleville & Van Etai 342 3 Waterford welcome. (248) 877-9670 1-800-579-7355 3050 Birraini 342 4 Wayne Maple cabinets, duel shower $224,900 head in master bath, and gas 3055 Bloomf 3430 Webberville Novi, 47370 Baker, Open Sun. CALL MARIE LaGROW Qiifl Ql/kftmfififrl log fireplace in family room. WU xftEvl DIUvillilv'U Bloomfield- OPEN SUN 1-4 1-4 2001 4 BR brick, 3 car att. $374,900 RICA 3070 Byron 3420 Walled lake Birmingham Schools S495K RE/MAX 248-553-5050 CALL CHRIS COURTNEY VERY IMPRESSIVE 30M. Canton 342 3 Waterford 420 S. Cranbrook 3 bedroom, 2 full bath. Large Move-in condition! Beauti- TROY BY OWNER Open Sun 3080 Clarkston 3424 .Wayne 1-5. 1686 Devonshire Dr. N. REMERICA HOMETOWN dining area with marble 3100 Cohoctah 3430 Webberville ful 3 bed colonial. New off Wattles between Crooks & floors, spacious living room, quality kitchen. So many 734-459-6222 premium Berber carpeting 3110 Dearborn 3440 West Bloomfield Coolidge. Great home in a updates in last few years, great neighborhood. 3200 sq. iOMETOWN flows throughout • home. 3118 Dearborn Hgts 3445 Westland windows, doors, roof, Finished basement with 3450 Whits Lake ft, open floor plan, some 734-459-6222 3120 Detroit more. $315,000. hardwood, updated kitchen, custom windows, 2.5 car Chalet Jiison Borrcgurd 3130 Chelsea 3460 WhitmoreUke garage. Oak cabinets. Huge JOAN GUYMAN 1st floor master. Must See! COLONIAL 6972 Cameiot, 4 FORECLOSURE! 3135 Dexter 3470 Wiaraston $464,900. (248) 267-0347 bed, 2.5 bath, 2 car garage, deck. $147,700. 248-868-0502 3 bedroom for only $15,000. 3140 Farmington 3480 Wixom-Commerce bsmt., updated. $279,000. 734-525-9600 248-644-4700 Must sell. For listings: (fee) 314S Farmington Hills 3480 Ypsilanti 734-516-8367 800-719-3001, ext. H695 Century 21 Hartford North 3150 Fenton 350B Genessee County 3155 Ferndale 3510 Ingham County 3160 FowMIe 3515 Lapeer County BEVERLY HILLS 3 bed ranch 3170 Garden City DAVISBURG-OPEN on 1 acre site, C/A, fireplace, Jan 31 & Feb. 1,1-4 pm. 3180 Grosse Pointe 3590 Macomb County bsmt, garage. $364,900. A beauty on 3/4 acre overlook- DEARBORN HGTS LIVONIA 3190 Hamburg 3546. Oakland County ShareNet (248) 642-1620 ing scenic wetland. Don't Cute, clean, updated, ready to move Over 2/3 acre! 3 BR, 2 bath ranch 3550 Shiawassee County 3200 Hvthnd miss this 3 bed, 3.5 bath home REAL ESTATE in. Newer furnace, C/A, windows, w/more than 1,400 sq. ft. Natural 3210 Highland 3560 Washtenaw County w/open fioor plan and finished roof, carpet and more. 21/2 car fireplace in IR. Very well 3220 Hoiiy 3570 Wayne County bsmt. Large gourmet kitchen, garage, Florida room. Perfect for maintained & updated w/new roof, 3230 Howell 3580. Lakefront/Waterfront Homes many extras. See pictures at: (734) 454-9535 first time buyer. siding, vinyl windows, furnace, C/A 3234 Huntington Woods 3580 Otter Suburban Homes BRIGHTON/HOWELL 1800 sq. ft. homes on 1/2 acre lots. $106,000 and much more. 36110. Out of State Homes/Property or call 248-634-8924. 3235 Keego Harbor Great location, paved streets, COME VISIT US AT OUR NEW REAL ESTATE & MORTGAGE OFFICE COMPLEX IN CANTON $169,900 3236 ..Lake Orion 3510 Country Homes LIVONIA-Open Sun. 1-4 sidewalks, sewers, golf & LOCATED AT 7120 N. HAGGERTY ROAD 3238 UtHrtip Village 3030 Farms/Horse Farms By owner. Lovely colonial boating. Builders closeout, 3240 Linden 3640 Real Estate Services located at 35977 Curtis St. hurry only 6 lots left. EMAIL: [email protected] & VISIT US AT WWW.HUSHOMES. 3250 Livonia 3760 N6vv Home Builders will sell fast at $269,900. This $180,000 - $220,000 Liberty 3250 Milford 3710 Apartments For Sale home w/4 bed, 2.5 baths, Homes 810-225-8944 3265. Monroe 3720. Condos hardwood floors •& updated 3270 Mew Hudson 3730. Duplexes & Towntouses kitchen is Stevenson, Holmes, 3280 Northville 3740 Manufactured Homes Taylor neighborhood. For 3280 Novi 3750 Mobil Homes details call (734) 464-8389 HOMES THAT TALK JUST SELL FASTER! DEARBORN HGTS SOUTH LYON 3300 Oak Grove 3755. Commercial/Retail For Sale BY OWNER Plymouth Canton Schools, CALL TODAY TO SEE HOW WE CAN SELL YOUR HOME & SAVE Pride of ownership shows in this 1,072 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath 3760 Homes tinder Construction Sell it all with 3305 Oak Park 1488 sq.ft. brick ranch, 3 bed, 1,400+sq.ft. ranch. Features incl: brick ranch w/basement & 2 car 3310 Orion Township 3770 Lakefront Property Observer & Eccentric 2 bath, remodeled kitchen/ remodeled kit. w/built in Kitchen aid attached garage, 90x165 lot 4 3315 Orchard Lake 3780 Lakes 8 River Resort Property 1-800-579-SELL bath, many updates. app. & cabs, copper plmb., elec., more. Close to downtown area. 3318 Oxford 3790 Northern Property $214,900. 734-604-2060 WestIand-38436 Palmer energy eff. furn., C/A, spacious LR $164,900 3320 Perry •SOflrt D«a/t*4 0 VhotiiAn Dr/mftrfw Sprawling 3 bdrm ranch w/huge LR & FR w/oat & FR w/woodburning fplc. Beautiful oQUUr,.,. .,ncson & vacation rropeny AVAILABLE HOMES 3340 Pinckney < MISM!! ace. I+acre, 3 car j yard w/above ground pool. 3345 Pleasant Ridge 3810 Southern Property $135,900 3347. Plymouth 3820 Lots & Acreage/Vacant OPEN SUN 1-4 Canton-47291 Fairlawn Ct. Wcstland-1290 Shoemaker (eondo) 3350 Redford 3830 Time Share Pulte buiit in 2000,3 bdrm. 1621 sqft ranch, Stunning 2 bdrm, 2 ba. Condo, skylights & deck 3360 Rochester 3840 Lease/Option To Buy $264,900 for entertaining. Backs to woods.- $114,900 3370 Royal Oak 3850 Mortgage/Land Contracts 3380 Salem-Salem Township 3860 Money To Loan Canton-43964 Bannockburn Westland-32479 Birchwood 3390 Soulhfield-Laihrup 3870 Real Estate Wanted Beautiful quad w/4 bdrms& 2.5 ba. Newer 3 bdrm, ranch w/2 fully remodeled baths, updated 3400 South Lyon 3880 Cemetery Lots H®we§ carpet, windows fitrnace/c.a. & roof. 5224,900 t/o. newer oak kitchen, c/a, fin bsmt. 5144,900 For Sale You can be LIVONIA SOUTHFIELD PRE-APPROVED Wayne-34880 Winslow Westland-37668 Butler 4 BR Livonia colonial. Character 1,025 sq.ft. starter home, 3 3900-3980 Beautiful home in mint cond.2.5 car gar. Double 3bdrm ranch w/vaulted ceilings, fireplace, master and charm throughout Almost bedroom, 1.5 bath brick ranch w/ j for a Mortgage Loan lot, newer roof& C/A. Basement. SI 17,900 suite, two-tier deck, finished bsmt. S189,900 2,000 sq. ft. Has been completely basement. Newer roof, windows, uiiiiiiiorciOi/iiHiiisirii Hfis in 24 hours. renovated. Huge garage and HWH, C/A & more. Priced to seili OPEN SUN 2-5 Van Buren-14823, Livonia- 28505 Clarita gorgeous landscaping. Only $119,900 Whether you want to Purchase Popular Van Buren Estates 3 bdrm ranch w/vinyl Newer const. Buiit in 2002.3 bdrm ranch, base- $247,900 a new horn© or Refinance your floor in kitchen, steel entry doors. 132,000 ment, 1 bah. large lot. Livonia schools. $144,900 3900 Business Opportunities 3940 Industrial & Warehouse current home. 3910 Business/Professional For Sale Ypsilanti-mi Creekbeud Livonia- 9804 E. Clement Circle m-AL i>TUi: I'AIUJ.R JNTKKV1FWS Building 3950 Office Business for Lease can: Mae Brewington Newer const 4 bdrm, 2.5 ba, 2,400 sqft colonial. Fabulous 3 bdrm. brick ranch, loaded w/updates. ^W$ .ft: j—j,—i. 3920 Commercii 3955 Office Space For Sale 248) 722-28Q0 Formal Ir & dr, mstr ste w/garden tub. §289,900 Mechanics 2.5 car garage, huge lot. $174,900 For Lease 3960 Commercial & Industrial j 3930 Income Property For Sale For Lease Mortgage Loan Consultant Ypsilanti-585? Pine View Livonia-12331 Camden 3935 Industrial 4 Warehouse 3270 investment Property 1st Community Mortgage Services 3 bdrm 2 bath sprawling ranch, 180CH- sqft. 1 st fir 1,100 square feet investor/handyman special, For Lease 3980 Land laundry, basement, 2 ear att. Garage. 5264,900 priced for quick sale. SI 09,900

i -800-579-SELL Ypsilanti-510 Qaklawri Detroit-14962 Corbett Beautiful completely renovated 3 bdrm ranch. 5 bedroom; large home. Land contract terms 1,109+sqft, large master, 140 x 149 lot!S144,900 available 557,000 LIVONIA REDFORD JUST REDUCED! Nearly new2BR 3 bedroom bungalow w/basement See Ypsilanti-6400 Meadowlark Detroit-7610 Beaverland condo. Clean, open and neutral. & one car gar. Newer wndws, furn., Coldwell Banker Schweitzer Livonia Stunning 4 bedroom,2.5 bath, 2500 sqft Pulte 3 bdrm bungalow, bsmt, 1.5 car Attached garage, basement and HWH, & elec., copper plmb. HW Colonial. Extraordinary quality t/o. 5309,900 neighborhood, great price! $79,900 fireplace. Priced for quick sale. All floor under carpet. Close to efem. what appliances included. School. New front steel entry door CONGRATULATES New Boston-36840 N. Jean Drive Detroit-5758 Ogden $174,900 & storm. One year home warranty. really Eagle Estates built in 1997. 5 bedrooms, pool, Solid 3 bedroom bungalow, $115,900 deck, 3 car garage. 3,200 SQFT. 8369,900 newer furnace & roof. $70,000 counts... Ask About Exclusive Buyer Representation Taylor-15664 Dupage (condo) Detroif-15032 Maddelein 2 bdrm & 1,5 bath condo m private location, Great rental potential Land contract terms Century Plaza updates: windows, flooring, dishwasher. 569,900 available. 564,900 Corner Five Mile & Newburgh 37290 Five Mile Road " Inkstcr-29733 Grandview Detroit-19380 Wexford Livonia, Ml 48154 2 bdrm ranch plenty of updates inc. roof, win- 2 bd brick home. Land contract terms • dows, carpet, Must see! $68,900 available. 575,000 (734) 432-7600 Garden City-1146 Harrison Detroit-6422 Auburn St. ALEX ALOE 3 bdrm brick ranch w/finished bsmt, 2 ear de- Beautiful 3 bdrm bungalow, fin. basement, den tached garage. A must see! $154,900 upstairs, garage, updated throughout! $114,900 MORTGAGE CORP Alex has listed and sold homes totaling over Garden City-32221 Alvin Detroit- 6332 Woodmont 3 bdrm bride beauty. Very clean! huge deck & 3 bdrm brick ranch, basement, garage, nevw win'- FREE Pre-Approvals $11.7 Million Dollars in sales last year. above gmd. Pool Seller motivated. $129,900 dows, refinished oak floors, C/AA. $94,900 Observer & Alex's dedication and 28 years experience gives his "0 DOWN" customer an edge for their Real Estate needs. Garden City-32271 Barton Detroit- 8614 Northtawn Eccentric 3 bdrm, 1.5'ba. fireplace in fam rm. Priced below 2 BR brick home. Basement, 1 car det ga- Call Today For More rakt. S2.000- OO paint & cct allowance. $145,900 rage. Land contract terms available. 565,900 Classifieds If you are thinking of buying or selling your home, Information! call Alex Aloe at 734-462-1811. * "Sellers! a. Have ysitr home advertsei here!** Let him make it easy for you. Pager: (810) 595-6700 A better wtw-fo-btw CLnd/teU/reaietifa£& I-800-579-SELL OEOS183574 (734) 462-2771 F6 (*) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, January 29,2004

All Ads Run Online

A Value Of Up To $87.00

3450] Conrios For Sale Manufactured Homes Manufactured Homes

CROSSWORD PUZZLER QUICK OCCUPANCY IMPECCABLE 3 BEDROOM 4 bedroom Cape Cod on Vs WEST BLOOMFIELD 2.5 bath brick ranch on 2+ BLOOMFIELD ACROSS — James acre w/3 car garage. $234,900. acres! Gourmet kitchen, ONLY $109,900! SAVE 40 Thin® MIKE HEATH $389,000 breakfast area, family room & Beautifully updated 1 734-462-3600 1 .Whammy 42 Col. Sanders' Enjoy lots of privacy and lg master suite w/bath. 3+ car bed, 1 bath upper unit Answers 1-29-04 Re/Max Alliance ranch condo. Open living 4 "Brian's Song" place beautiful views from this heated garage plus lots of $2000 lead 44 Toledo locale a a v 2,584 sq.ft., 4 bed Co- room, dining room w/ 1 oioi n HBSINiilWl RANCH-3 Bed fenced, new updates. $414,500. (OOSUN) mirror wall, kitchen w/ IN NOVI 8 Bump 47 Absolute n OU3 1 y V roof, furnace, vinyl windows, lonial that backs & sides CENTURY 21 ROW PRICED BELOW INVOICE! on a frog 51 Tibetan oxen 3 3a 1 0 H to protected woodlands. newer appliances & in- gas fireplace & deck. (734) 464-7111 unit laundry. Ciosets++. BEAUTIFUL FRUIT KITCHEN 12 Blast-furnace 54 Child, often l=L> i s 3 wV NBSlxivU I $169,900. (734) 207-1497 Home has 2 story foyer, New Homes formal living & dining Pool & tennis In 2 BD, 2BA, ail deluxe input 56 Pierre's E 3 I n I 0 iQoW complex. (F0434MT) appliances incl. 13 ferber . girlfriend STUNNING HOME rooms & family room Inside & out! 4 bedrooms, 2.5 washer/dryer, large covered of "Show Boat" 57 Motor sound w/fireplace. Big oak kit- baths, library, finished chen w/hardwood floor & SOUTH FIELD deck, well landscaped lot, $19,900! 14 Bldg. units 58 Ruby or Sandra a i i basement, large kitchen with appliances. Master ste. $135,900 mint condition. $22,200 15 Curls 59 Natural eievs. ON v 929 sq. ft. island and two pantries, two w/vaulted ceiling & Backing To Woods 1200 sq.ft., 2 bed, 1.5 BRAND NEW SKYLINE 17 Onion cousin 60 Sci-fi award o i a paver patios, walkways and walk-in closet. Day-lite bath unit. Living room Over 1400 sqft, 3BR, 2BA,all •3 Bedrooms 18 Escargot 61 Tack on pergola. 3.5 car attached basement. Deck. 2 car First Floor Master w/fireplace. dining room, 19 Silvery fish garage. $449,900. Just listed- spectacular 4 deluxe GE Appliances, fire- garage, (SU156) new kitchen w/new appli- place, skylights, doorwall, • 2 Baths 21 Take an oath DOWN • • • aiviHSBi E E 3 734-525-9600 bed, 21/2 bath brick Cape ances. Finished bsmt. washer/dryer, premium site. 23 Garden soils £ IBS iliil 0 M\r r Century 21 Hartford North $369,900 Cod, built 1992. Fabulous Attached garage. Many • GE Appliances I view. Large great room Only 2 left. $59,800 27 Casino supply 1 — d'oeuvres SI d VHVINIQIB 1 3|dt0 On cul-de-sac, immacu- updates. Pool & club- 30 Fiery gem 2 Emerald Isle w/cathedral ceiling & SKYLINE • Skylights & More u V MHNlVIViOHXl3iHl 3350] late 3,000 sq.ft. home house in complex. 33 Princess 3 TV's warrior I w/additional 1560 sq.ft. fireplace. Formal dining 3BR, 28A, all deluxe appli- disturber princess in finished walk-out lower room. Super nice kitchen. M. TINDLE ances, washer/dryer, sepa- In Canton 34 Before long 4 String quartet FORECLOSURE! level. Great room w/ All appliances. Part (313)410-6806 rate laundry room, beautiful-, 35 Go on the — member 9 Chest-beater 22 Pack member 4 bedroom, 2 bath for only fireplace, formal dining finished bsmt First floor CENTURY 21 TODAY ly landscaped premium site. SHERWOOD VILLAGE 36 Warm up 5 Citrus drink 10 Map abbr, 24 Client rrrtg. $65,000. For listings: (fee) room & gourmet island laundry. 2 car attached 28544 Orchard Lake Rd. $37,900. ' Wayne-Westland Schools for a bout 800-719-3001, ext. H091 kitchen. Appliances stay. garage. $294,900. 6 Picnic intruders 11 Tongue- 25 Ravioli filler Farmington Hills on the southeast comer of 37 Box top 7 Humorous poet clicking sound 26 Ms. Lee Patio & deck. 2 car MARLENE KLIMECK1 Others priced from 38 Frizzy hairdo 8 Ralph — 16 Donated of cakedom garage. (JE603) Cell: 248-933-7655 $9,500 to $60,000 Michigan Ave. & Haggerty Rd. REDFORD 248-348-3000 ext. 261 FARMINGTON 39 Jazzy Emerson 20 Completely 27 "Soft All expensive updates THE PLACE TO LIVE $249,000 RE/MAX 100 Lovely 2 bed ranch steps (734)397-7774 Watches" have been done in this 1 2 9 10 11 painter Immediate Occupancy from cafes, theatre & park, 3 8 lovely 3 bed, 2 bath Experience the excite- Most appliances, hardwood %wi ScAmU 2 8 up to bungalow. Updated kit- tn Romulus \2 ment of living in the floors beneath Garpeting. one's ears chen & baths. Newer "lakes area!" This 3 bed, 3 3500] $89,900. Greg Mollet, " 29 Secret writing roof, furnace, electrical & bath Colonial is across HIGHLAND HILLS HURON ESTATES 31 Average CENTURY 21 ROW 15 hot water heater. All form Orchard Lake & On Inkster S. of Sibley 32 Out of control GORGEOUS • colonial on (734) 464-7111 ESTATES appliances including offers all sports Cass or Seeley Rd. (8 36 Cults Lake privileges w/deeded wonderful park like yard with washer & dryer stay. LiVONIA -detached, 2 bed., 2 N.of Grand River (734)782-9300 38 Volcanic dust boat dock available. 2+ mature trees! Spacious rooms Finished bsmt w/full bath, appliances, bsmt., 2 car bet. Meadowbrook & Haggerty Rds. 41 Heston role car mechanic's dream thru-out, this home includes 4 bath. Patio, deck, fenced attached garage, deck. 43 Tierra del — garage. (DA502) bedrooms, 2.5 baths, living Call Joanne or Sue yard & 2 car garage. $210,000 (734) 421-3467 Quality 45 Part of a foot room, dining room, family 27 28 39 $130,000. (NE188) room with fireplace and 46 Diamond $179,999 (248) 474-0320 or doorwall to deck with hot tub, LIVONIA On double lot, 3 bed, 2 34 135 138 Head locale finished basement and 2 car Sharp ranch w/updated kit- (248)474-0333 full bath ranch w/open 48 "Voilal" attached garage. Grand Bianc chen, bath, flooring, carpeting floor plans neutral decor. (hyph.) Schools. $219,900. & paint. All newer appliances 37 - 139 Complete in-law quarters. I 49 Just scraped Century 21 Today ENGLAND REAL ESTATE including washer & dryer. 2 car garage. Union Lake 40 43 by (313)538-2000 888-211-9560, 810-632-7427 Laundry in unit. Pool, tennis Large Family 50 Cattail privileges. (R0242) & clubhouse. Carport too. 3750] $91,900. (65EIG) 45 51 Sweet potato 4 bedroom, 2 bath, shed, 38 49 50 3540] • " 52 Lb. or tsp. REDFORD W/of Beech, N/5 CENTURY 21 ROW C/A, new washer & dryer. SCHULT- 1996, 2 br., 2 full | 53 Relatives bath, 16x60, open floor plan, T 52 53 mi. 15501 Woodworth st. 3 (734) 464-7111 L.V.H., 248-474-6500 55 Stein bed., bsmt, garage, 1.5 corner Century 21 Today AVOID REAL ESTATE air., #H14, 22600 Middlebelt lot, completely remodeled. (248)855-2000 Livonia- LAUREL WOODS Rd. Farmington Hills. 56 COMMISSIONS 248-474-2131 $119,000.(248) 349-9464 Just Reduced. Mint 2 bed, 2 SAVE $5000 1-877-GO-FLAT-RATE bath, 1 story condo w/attach- 59 ed enclosed sunroom + 1 car 3360] AVOID REAL ESTATE garage. All appliances included RE/MAX 100 248- 348-3000' New Homes COMMISSIONS 16x88 ADAMS & SiLVERBELL 3 bed, THE FIRESTONE TEAM 2.5 bath bi-level. 2 car garage. $0 DOWN MOVES YOU IN 1-877-GO-FLAT-RATE 1054 sq. ft. YPSILANTI LAKERONT CONDO A/C. $245,000. 248-475-1811 this updated ranch with NORTHVILLE WASS ^ remodeled kitchen & bath, 8 Mile & Meadowbrook, Immediate Occupancy OPEN SUN 1-4. 3570] newer windows, furnace and Highland Lakes Condos. 2 Updated 1 bed, 1.5 bath 639 Parkland Dr. Charming REAITO roof shingles, only $72,900. bed ranch, end unit. Near Compliments of the MCAR brick ranch, 1790 sq. ft. loft condo w/boatslip on Call Dean Castelli pooi, clubhouse, tennis courts $2M0tr Open layout, cathedral ceiling GREAT-4 bedroom, 2 bath all sports Ford Lake, (734)513-5308 & 2 lakes. Finished bsmt & fireplace, backs to secluded bungalow on large lot. Many Appliances stay. 2 CENTURY 21 CASTELLI w/wet bar, office/3rd bedroom, NOW ONLY woods. 3 bed, 2.5 bath. updates: Roof, siding, furnace, Carports. Poof & tennis 1812 Middlebelt, Garden City utility room & storage. New $269,900. (248) 656-7113 kitchen, bath, Includes Jacuzzi In complex. $155,000. & much more. $249,900 windows & carpet. $150,000. JASON FOUNTAIN 3+ CAR GARAGE (15RO), (248) 842-8683 $24,800 (248)819-0180 36x24 Garage built in NORTHVILLE RANCH in • 3 Bedrooms • 2 Baths Century 21 Today STUMPED? Call for Answers • Touch-tone or Rotary phones 2000. Insulated, vinyl COLONIAL- 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 Northridge Villas. 1,500sq.ft. 28544 Orchard Lake Rd. bath with private yard. Large siding, electric panel and a Finished bsmt. Immaculate. • Deluxe 6E Appliances Farmington Hills 95c per minute • 1-900-454-3535 ext. code 708 master bedroom with 2 walk-in $264,500 (248)349-2809 ROYAL OAK clean 3 bedroom Ranch closets & balcony overlooking • Skylights & More w/bsmt, Many updates. family room. $249,900 (14BR) PLYMOUTH Bradbury com- $194,900 Backs to school. Ready for plex, 2 Bed., custom oak cab- 3250 offer! Asking $138,900 At These Fine Locations 22 Charming 3 bed ranch In Century 21 Hartford South inets, Berber carpeting, all popular Royal Oak Caii The Anderson's 734-464-6400 new windows within last 5 3 BEDROOM, 2 Car Garage. location. Living & dining Charleviox/Elk Rapids LiVONIA SPECIALIST Century 21 Dynamic vrs„ 2 full baths, finished Land Contract. ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS rooms. Eat-in kitchen bsmt., Motorized chair lift for Huron Valley Schools • 10 acres waterfront, sandy SUPPORTING REALTY 4 bedroom colonial on a CHARLOTTE JACUNSKI w/custom table adjoins (734) 728-7800 Direct Romulus beach. $739,000. 734-377-3282 easy access between bsmt. & On M-59 west of Bogie Lake Rd. 734-459-8400 1/2 acre lot, family room, covered patio. Finished 6900 N. Wayne, Westland ONE YEAR NEW COLONIAL first fioor. Shelter carport. • 4000+ sq.ft. lakefront home, offers these homes 101' or 202', $1,395,000. fireplace, remodeled oak bsmt w/glass block 3 bed, 2.5 bath, vaulted $145,000.(734) 327-3654 (248) 887-1980 FARM HOUSE 100 yrs. old. 2000 sq.ft. brick home w/3 • 150' waterfront, sandy, 3 kitchen, full bsmt, attached windows & game board Excellent Bungalow. 33604 filings, great room w/ 33789 Marquette. S166.500 bedrooms & 2 full baths. SOUTH LYON - 1 br.. remod- bed, 2 bath. home. $785,000. 2 car garage, many up- Totally updated in & out. floor. 2 car garage Kiautsr ;u&ai : eolace 321^.000 Ready to move in. Call Fenced yard. (NQ402; elled, c/a, appliances. Avail, • Torch Lake lot, $595,000. 734-422-0786, 248-952-0788 dates. $269,900. Family room w/fireplace, 0!' retirement home. 4 oed- rooms on 2 lots in nice loca- now. $88,500. (248) 388-4486 • In-town waterfront home, year round sun room, 2.5 (734) 328-2800 in Romulus private, $799,000. SPOTLESS 3bed„ brick ranch PRICED TO SELL car garage, tons of storage. $169,900 tion. C.A., new heat, 2Vz car TROY- Quiet area, overlooking On inkster Rd. S. of Sibley ,1.5 bath, 2 car garage. $259,900. Close to schools, garage. Price reduced wwvv.cartury2ltowneprlde.eom Char Arnold (231) 632-3881' Ranch style home with pond, Beautiful 2 bed, 3.5 RE/MAX Of Charlevoix $148,000. Hurry Won't last remodeled kitchen & bath, shopping & recreation! $149,900. (810) 458-1356 bath, 1580 sq, ft., finished long. 734-261-4259. View at partially finished basement, 3 8edroom, 1.5 Bath brick Lovely 3 bedroom, 1.5 bsmt, Call for appt. 248-672- E. GRAND TRAVERSE BAY ranch. All the updates done MOVE RIGHT INI ID-17330 2 car garage, many up- bath brick ranch on quiet 2300 Beautiful 2 bed, 2.5 bath in & out! Finished base- This 3 bed ranch has many dates. $141,900 tree lined street. Light condo with bay view. Lease ment w/ 4th bedroom, 2.5 updates, bsmt, 2 car garage. •UBSWIffllWIM CENTURY 21 CASTELLI hardwood floors in living BRIGHTON A!! sports lake. with option or land contract. car garage. $189,900 room, pass hall & all (734) 525-7900 $169,900 Lakefront condos. $209,900. Manufactured Homes Huron Valley Schools $249,000. $25k down, bedrooms. Heated Florida Serving the area for 28 yrs CENTURY 21 PREMIER 1st floor master bed. 2nd bed/ On Wixom Rd., 3.5 miles north of i-36 $1200/month. 248-931-7223 JUST LISTED! • Wonderful 3 3 Bedroom, 1.5 Bath room. Finished bsmt loft up. Mike, (810) 923-0447. colonial on nice iotl Large w/2nd kitchen. (EN604) (734) 453-4300 $0 DOWN-Save up to $30,000 GAYLORD AREA bedroom ranch on 1.25 acres! Real Estate One 517-552-0222 (248)685-9068 Relax In the beautiful great kitchen & family room w/ 44958 Ford Rd. - Canton on a newer bank repo. Must New in 1998,1800 sq.ft. cus- BRICK BEAUTY 3 bed ranch, pay sales tax. Discount Homes room with fireplace, maple new Mariette kitchen, bath & fireplace, basement. Major tom ranch, on 10 wooded updates! 2 car garage & NEW CONSTRUCTION 3 bed- 866-251-1670 floor and vaulted ceiling. carpeting, 17' family room, room, 1200 sq. ft. full bsmt, acres with lake access. 3 bed- Gorgeous kitchen with natural maintenance free exterior. full bsmt, 2 car garage, E-Z nice neighborhood, attached CANTON - We have pre- room, 2 baths, 2x6 construc- hickory cabinet and tile floor. terms thru Dave only $214,900 Century 21 Today owned homes for sale or le^se. Huron Valley Schools tion w/finished bsmt, 28x28 Doorwall to deck and above garage, 1st fiooriaundry, 1443 $154,900. RE/MAX Classic, (248)647-8888 Hambleton (Wayne/Palmer) "INVESTORS" Call Sandy at Sun Homes for On Wixom Rfl„ 4 miles No of l-9i finished heated garage, ground pool. Basement, 2 car 734-417-7879 734-432-1010 3 Bedroom home on Agent eager to work for you! $240,000, 231-546-6532. garage and 30x46 pole barn! www.oenturyZ1today.corn $165,000. (734) 341-6743 details at 734-397-0400 Double Lot, 2 car attached Call LAURA HALE (248)684-6796 Hartiand Schools. $244,900. garage. Totally updated! (734) 564-9382 PRETTY AS A PICTURE! - NORTHERN Ml LIVONIA Finished basement. Steven- WESTLAND CENTURY 21 OYNAMIC Gorgeous! Gorgeous Cape Cod tucked son High School! $189,900. 6900 N. Wayne Rd., Westland WOODED ACREAGE! away on 2.5 private acres! IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 3 bedroom, 2 bath, shed, 20 lakes are within 3 miles of CENTURY 21 ROW Lovely 3 bed, 2 bath brick This 3 bedroom 3.5 bath $319,900 (734)464-7111 STOP PAYING RENT $37,777. A must see! this wooded acreage. Near home Includes a living room On cul-de-sac, spacious 4 ranch w/finished bsmt, Get a FREE list of homes Mlllersburg & close to state with fireplace, hardwood L.V.H., 248-474-8500 bed, 3 bath ranch w/over updated kitchen, bath with no money down. Call 'lands. Camp or build, guar- floors In kitchen and dining 3100 sq.ft. of living area. w/ceramic tile. Newer anteed buildable w/ electricity. area. 1st floor master suite, 877-258-8434 ID#105O for a Built in 1999, It offers roof, windows, furnace, Free recorded message. $23,900 1st floor laundry, home great room w/vaulted C/A, AH appliances stay. office, finished walkout lower FOR FREE INFO VISIT Loon Lake Realty, 8am-8pm dally level with family room, 4th celling & fireplace, formal CAPE COD 2 STORY 3 bed, 2 $135,000. (KA592JF) 888-805-9320 bedroom, bath and bar area! dining room w/sky-lltes & baths, family room w/fire- JASON FOUNTAIN Keystone Real Estate 3 car attached garage and oak kitchen. Master ste. place, new 2003 kitchen, (248)819-0180 w/vaulted ceiling, walk-in Century 21 Today Hartiand Schools. $388,000. w/maple cabinetry, granite Search local OFF A PEACEFUL COUNTRY closet & bath. 1st floor countertop 4 ceramic floor- 28544 Orchard Lake Rd. ROAD...Is the home of your laundry. Finished walkout ing, Air, finished bsmt. Farmington Hills ••i 3 3 dreams! Lovely "new" 3 bed- lower level. Patio. 2 car $278,900. (734) 332-1039 CANTON: By Owner. room, 3 bath ranch with spec- garage. ((R0117) II Buildable lot, 1.13 acres. tacular wooded 2.7 acre set- $99,900. (734) 788-2967 ting features a natural fire- $294,900 3280] CLASSIFIEDS i place In great room with cul- Sharp 3 bedroom, 2.5 WORK1 PRICED BilOW INVOICE!FARMINGTO N HILLS Lot for tured stone surrounding an bath two story home sale. 9 & Halsted. 1 of a oak mantle. Kitchen/dining w/contemporary flair. 4 BEDROOM COLONIAL 1-800-579-7355 New Homes kind. Just under 1 acre. area leads to 20x14 screened Foyer w/skyiights, great 2 full & 2 half baths, custom Build your dream home. porch. Walkout basement room & step-down family finished basement with wet $249,900. (248) 471-2801 , with full bath and 3 car room. Updated kitchen bar, 520 sq.ft. red cedar deck, attached garage! Hartiand Northville Trails Sub. Shown $19,900! HIGHLAND-WHITE LAKE Schools. $330,000. w/lg counters, built-in desk & doorwall to by appt. 248-349-6885 929 sq. ft. AREA-10 acres, parcels from v $100,000-40 acres, heavily Florida room. Finished • 3 Bedrooms * 2 Baths GORGEOUS EXECUTIVE wooded, $550,000-40 acres WHAT MORE COULD YOU bsmt. 2 car garage. RANCH CONDO, less than 1yr • GE Appliances NEED? • Attractive 3 bedroom Fenced yard. Updated w/private lake single build old. spacious 2 bed, end unit • Skylights & More sltes-can't be split- (248) 2 bath ranch on partially roof, siding, carpet & incl hardwood floors, volume wooded 1.6 acres. Open floor more. (ME387) 891-7470, 248-613-651 i> ceilings professionally fin- In Novi plan Includes cathedral ceil- ished walkout bsmt. Priced to ings, convenient kitchen, din- $129,900 sell $408,200. 734 546-7221 ing area with snack bar, first NOVI MEADOWS Nicely updated ranch has the METROPOLITAN on Napier Rd. 1 mile west oi Wixom fid. floor laundry, full walkout newer roof, windows, basement propped for 3rd gutters, kitchen floor, new end 1 mile S. of Grand River INTEREST RATES ARE LOW! bath and 2 car attached bath, fresh paint & mere! CONSOLIDATED Refinance now! Good credit, oarage. Public access to 2 car dream garage. bad credit, no problem! Call Indian Lake nearbyl •BARCLAY ESTATES -culd de Fenced yard. Great starter ASSOCIATION OF Nlchole at (313) 657-0438 Heartland Schools. sac location 4 br, 3.5 bath, In South Lyon/Milford home! {CA117} $200,000. 3400sq.ft., hardwood floors, REALTORS® is proud of finished basement, $599,000. KENSINGTON PUCE 3J7D] ENGLAND REAL ESTATE on Grand River 1-96, exit 153 across 888-211-9560, 810-632-7427 (248) 345-5050 our contributions in from Kensington Metroparif LIGHT-BRIGHT-AIRY Behind on Payments? and open floor plan. Mint, MUST SEE! 4 Bed.,-2.5 bath support of the Fair (248)437-2039 In Default? Century 21 Today Wooded park lot. 3 mln. to I Buy Houses -- CASH! (734)462-9800 updated 3 bed; 2,5 bath brick colonial w/full finished bsmt, M-5. Many Extras! Housing Act and other In Wixom 734-769-8176 SPACIOUS - 3 bedroom 3 www.C9ntury21toflay.oom 24/7 Recorded Message 2 car garage, gorgeous land- Granite island kitchen bath ranch situated on nearly Commerce Twp. - $359,900 an acre. Nice open'floor plan scaping. Quality updates COMMERCE MEADOWS CALL 734-223-0100 on Wixom Rd., 4 miles N. ol I-96 CASK $$, WE BUY HOMES with large kitchen and dining RE/MAX 100 248- 348-3000 Any Area, Any Condition. area with doorwall to back THE FIRESTONE TEAM (248)684-6796 Calf Eric for information: yard. Split bedroom design (248) 910-8489 with private master suite. Nice Lochmoor Village 4 bed, 3.5 living room, pretty stone bath colonial, large kitchen, Let In Wixom Executive Home Wanted! fireplace in formal dining FL room, wood floors, fin- Behind on Payments OK room, 1st floor laundry ana Our REALTORS® have STRATFORD VILLA 734-769-8176 ished garden view bsmt, 2 on Wixom Rd., 3.5 miles N.of I-93 more! Fenton Schools. car. 25857 Lochmoor Lane. others 24/7 Recorded Message $164,500. $429,900. (248) 449-6534 ed the housing industry (248)685-9068 ENGLAND REAL ESTATE know... I BUY & LEASE HOUSES 888-211-9960, 810-632-7427 NOVI RANCH 3 bed, 2.5 baths, in promoting fair housing Any area, condition or 1960 sq. ft. 2 car garage, Great In White Lake location, much more! Seen by When you've lost and are committed to CEDARBROOK ESTATES price. 248-232-6336 WE'RE appt only. (248) 348-0493 a loved one, .place Asking $338,000. on M-59 W. of Bogie Lake Rd. your notice on our (248)887-1980 New Company in town website and in looking to buy or lease OPEN 3340] houses, any price, any condition. 248-348-4700 24 HOURS RANCH STYLE home, 5 br., 2 directory located kitchens, newly remodeled, 3 In every edition of yrs. old on 1 acre. $166,000. A DAY Call Gall (734)498-3150 your hometown When looking to buy or sell a home newspaper. A word to the wise, GLENEOEN 3 lots, $300/ea check us out! RIAL when looking for a or 3 for $800/best. We work for you! y'l'J'lL great deal check the 828- 328-5675 (Dbs«wr£j lEetenlrie Observer & EccenlHc GLENWOOD CEMETERY Call t-800.579-7385 Wayne, 3 grave sites, $2400. Classified Advertising 248-476-5978 Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, January 29,2004 (*) F7

All Ads Run Online ©bsauer^Ecce) A Value Of Up To $87.00 Anartments

Apartments - Apartments • Unfurnished Unfurnished liual llslalR DEARBORN HTS., N. Clean & updated 1 bed apt. in private Farmington Kills Livonia NOVI Plymouth For I.ciisu home. Single occupancy. Best Apartment Value One of Livonia's $99 DEPOSIT S600/mo. incl. utilities & TIMBERIDGE finest apartments cable,. Avail immediately. at competitive prices NEW YEAR'S One Month 313-407-8004; 313-274-0917 APARTMENTS. SAVINGS! 4200. Halls/Buildings (N. on Tuck Rd. off 8 Mile CANTERBURY Free Rent, Apartments/Furnished 4210. Residence To Exchange Detroit between Middlebelt & PARK APTS. 1st month FREE! Orchard Lake Rd., Bedrooms from 4020 Condos/Townhousas 4230. Commercial/industrial VALENTINE'S DAY 19400 Mayfield off Seven Move in by 1/31 & plus 4300. Garage/Mini Storage corner of Folsom) Mile Rd.between SRECIAL@TOP OF THE DELUXE ONE AND TWO take an extra 1st visit only, •FREE HEAT & WATER! ..Rats 4400.; Wanted To Rent Farmington & Merriman, DRIVE APARTMENTS BEDROOM UNITS behind Joe's Produce) $300! II $50 off * Livonia Softools ..Homes For fient 4410. Wanted To Rent Studios & 1 bedroom FROM $625 6 mo. Rent! Resort Property apartments move in for only LIMITED SPECIAL 1 BEDROOM $715/mo. * Berber Carpeting in «Convenient to 1-96 2 BEOROOM S800/mo. many suites Homes Rental 4500. Ftirniiure Rental $14.00 Thats right $14.00- Includes appliances, FREE HEAT & WATER * Reduced Security Meet our guidelines and move vertical blinds, * 10" Vanity w/Double Mobile Homes Mis 4560. Rental Agency Includes fuil washer & Sinks in Bathroom! Newly Upgraded in by Feb 14th receive your carpeting, pool, dryer In each apartment. •0PEAr7MW' Southern Rentals 4570. Property Management 1 & 2 Bedrooms first month rent free & pay optional carports Community room, * Clubhouse w/Pool .Time Share Rentals Table, Internet Access, 4880 Lease/OptloRioBuy only $14.00 for your security patio or balcony, Plymouth Manor 4110 Vacation Resort/Rerrtals 4590. House Sitting Service Model Open Daily 9-5 deluxe appliances, and Fitness Area! deposit. Call 313-531-2260 * Sound conditioned 4128 living Quarters To Share 4620. Home Health Care Mon-Fri 9-5 Sat 10-4. optional carport Plymouth House Rental Office: design for a peaceful Close to downtown 414S Rooms For Rent .To Rent 248-478-1487 248-473-3983 living experience! Plymouth! Farmington Home Office: 686-775-8206 734-455-3880 WATERVIEW FARMS Grand River-Middlebelt 586-775-8206 £St 734427-697 1 -800-579-SELL Great Location APARTMENTS Near Botsford Hospital, FARMINGTON KILLS Livonia's Finest (866) 534-3352 Livonia Mali and Heat & water Included. 1 bed- Location On Pontiac Trail, East of PLYMOUTH Downtown Farmington room- $545. 8eck Rd. Armenian Senior Citizen Tower with Ciarenceville MERRIMAN BROUGHAM MANOR Call (248) 615-8920 We are pet friendly! EHO 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts Knollwood Memorial Park School District located in Dearborn offers: Canton FARMINGTON HILLS WOODS APTS. From $580. Canton. 1 space & 1 vault. BEST DEAL IN TOWN CEDARiDGE Merriman Rd., corner of (734) 455-1215 Value: $1670. 765-282-5869 MAPLE RIDGE APTS. Spadous (1) Bedroom Apartments Exc. Amenities & Service APARTMENTS CALL FOR SPECIALS! 7 Mile. Near Livonia Mail Nov!, Westland Super Move-In 23078 Middlebelt. Spacious 1 "ASK ABOUT OUR PLYMOUTH PARK APTS. for Immediate Occupancy! Specials from Limited Time Special bedroom. Cental air, carport LIMITED TIME 40325 Plymouth Rd. $471* 2 Bedroom Units available. $560. SPECIAL" FOUNTAIN PARK TWO MONTH FREE RENT!* . • Heat & Water included FROM $700 248-473-5180 One Bedroom 1 bedroom from $600 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom APARTMENTS • Newly renovated kitchens & baths 2000 SQ. FT. located in Vertical blinds, immediate Occupancy Heat & water Westland on Wayne Rd just Townhouse Apts. • Cobie ready units CANTON carpeting, Farmington Hills From $600 Luxury You Can Afford Walk-in closets N/Cheriy Hill. Call Hotpolnt appliances, 734-416-5840 734-216-9164 • Woli lo wall carpet 734-595-7727 for more info. GARDEN APTS. SUPER LOCATION includes: Patio or balcony, security system, carpeting, vertical blinds, MOVE IN FOR * Some restrictions apply • Security entrance (734) 455-7440 storage within apt. Grand River/Orchard Lake AMERICENTERS deluxe appliances, pool. • Elevator LESS THAN PLYMOUTH - Furnished, Windowed Offices cantongardens STONERIDGE MANOR 248-477-9377 • Bus service to & from shopping area - Conference Rooms (Enter on Tulane, APARTMENTS 586-775-8206 $90.00 SHELDON PARK APTS. 'restrictions apply. .1 block W. of Middlebelt, • Community room & Activities - High-Speed Internet Access Enter off Freedom Road, Includes first months Spacious 1 & 2 bedroom, Unbeatable value S. side of Grand River) Troy, Livonia, Bloomfield Hills, W. of Orchard Lake Road, rent and deposit * central air. Carport. Walk to • GOVERNMENT Model Open Daily 1-6 Southfleld. 734-462-1313 South of Grand River shopping. $555 - $655. Except Wednesday Madison Heights $200 Security Deposit Located off Ford Road near the Deluxe 1 Bedroom Free Washer and EXPRESSWAY ; CANTON with good credit. Southfleld Freeway 248-471-5020 sub-level Dryer in every home Call: (734) 453-8811 EXPOSURE i Apts. & town homes now From $550/Mo. QUIET Call between 9am & 5pm | avail. Small dogs welcome, 586-775-8206 Month-to-month Avail. 168 to Includes: Carpeting, Almost soundproof NOVI PLYMOUTH - DOWNTOWN i Contact Iman 1& 2 bedroom apts. Monday-Friday 2700 sq.ft. 1-275 x-way. vertical blinds, On Grand River between Large remodeled 1 bed, short JA Bioch & Co/Gach Realty ! • 734-981-3700 • ' FARMINGTON Across from Oakland Meadowbrook & Novi Rd. or long term $750/mo. incl: deluxe appliances Mad at i-75 and 14 Mile (248} 559-7430 Mon. - Fri. 9-4, utilities/ cable. 734-414-0418 CANTON 1 bedroom $495/mo. (313)336-7404 Sat/Sun. by appointment FARMINGTON DOWNTOWN includes heat. Also 2 bedroom, CHATHAM WESTLAND PLYMOUTH 1 & 2 Excellent single office with $650/mo; 2 bedroom $725 all Rental Office: 246/478-1437 CONCORD On Newburgh Rd. incl heat. Winter specials start gorgeous view. Low rent, util- utilities. (734) 455-0391. HILLS Home Office: 596/775-8206 between Joy and Warren at $555-$675. Laundry facili- ities included. 248-476-2050 TOWERS ties. (248) 446-2021 CANTON 32600 Concord Dr. FARMINGTON HILLS 2 MONTHS FARMINGTON HILLS Bring this ad and get BEDFORD SQUARE APTS. FREEDOM VILLAGE APTS. (next to the PLYMOUTH DUPLEX. Middlebelt/14 Mile Rd. Suite of $25.00 off application tee NOW TAKING FREE! 1/2 off 1st month's rent! Micro-Center Store) Redone 2 bedroom, appli- 5 offices approximately 1,200 (Select units only). Spacious 1 bedroom from $565 ances, laundry. $700/mo. sq. ft. Terms negotiabe, gross. APPLICATIONS FOR Any way you 1 bedrooms. Washer/ dryer in 2 bedroom from $625 tutilities & deposit. Ready Ely or Kris 0 248-626-3800. Spacious 1 & 2 Bed Apts. Must qualify, certain unit. Water & carport includ- Carports * Dishwasher now. No pets. (734) 459-0854 Email:[email protected] want it! restrictions apply Small, Quiet, Safe Com- ed. New carpet, C/A,.no pets. Disposal • Central air plex. Ford Road near I-275 Spacious Apartments $565-$585. (586) 254-9511 STARTING AT $585 Apartments w/Dens Avail. PLYMOUTH 1 bedroom apt. A TRIUMPH OF STYLE FARMINGTON HILLS Attached Garages Avail, Farmington Hiils 248-589-3355 From $600 (734) 981-1217 Near downtown, $580/mo. Office Space Available indoor Swimming Pool HAPPINESS IS... includes heat, (plus security) (734) 697-0100 860 sq.ft. & up Renovated Apartments Moving into a cozy, Call: (734} 455-2635 ro y^Og CLAWSON/TROY AREA Club facilities, pools, tennis courts, Several Locations Avail. 1 bedroom apt, with NORTHVILLE bserver & n u • _i ^ balconies, large in-unit) Lighthouse Central air, laundry facilities, Lots of Closet Space REDUCED RENT & Great Rates DCllflOQC vertical blinds, dishwashers, Pointe CERTIFIED REALTY, INC. Immediate Occupancy. Loft- Huge Storage Cages SECURITY DEPOSIT. TREE TOP £ Eccentric microwave ovens, exceptional (248)471-7100 like with private entrance. Carport & water included GRACIOUS architecture and landscaping DARE YOU TO 248 884 2270 (866) 266-9238 Starting at $520 APARTMENTS SURROUNDINGS AN APARTMENT COMPARE From $580 CEOARBROOKE APTS. Charming small com- TRILOGY BY From $575 Garden City 1650 sq. ft. office Located on Grand River 248-478-0322 munity nestled in a (734) 697-4343 (734) 699-3555 Dearborn Heights wooded, stream side or showroom. Excellent loca- btwn Drake and Halstead FARMINGTON HILLS Spacious setting. Featuring a variety Equal Housing •Executive units tion in new building. Good Open Mon 9-7, Tues-Fri 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. Opportunity available CAMBRIDGE of unique 1 bedroom parking. 313-377-1422 9-6, Sat 10-4, Sun 11-4 New kitchens with appliances. apartments from only www.cmipropertles .net Walk-in closets, balcony, verti- PLYMOUTH DOWNTOWN APARTMENTS $675. All feature neutrai N Just West of 1-94 and 1-275 Interchange. cal blinds-& carport included. < All located in Belleville/Van Buren just off die 525 sq. ft. suite & 1,430 "Some Restrictions. Or decor, blinds, appliances, 12 Mile & Orchard Lake area. N. 1-94 Service Drive, 1/4 mile West of Haggerty Rd. Exit sq. ft. suite. Ample parking. Select Apts. covered parking. Avail- Starting at $650 per month. 1 .Minutes from Ann Arbor, Canton, Livonia and Metro Airport. Call 734 455-7373 for info $99 Call for details. ability limited., come see -800-579-SELL year lease only. 248-763-4729 DEPOSIT why! EHO PROFESSIONAL SUITES Farmington Hills 'Winter 5 Mile/lnkster. 1400 sq. ft WALNUT CREEK First visit Farmington Htiis smaller. Call for details. Large 1 Bedroom Specials* W* BLOOMFIELD 313-538-2147 only, $50 off 0 Security Deposit Call (248) 347-1690 • 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. NoviRd., north of 8 Mile CORDOBA w/credit approval •Air Conditioning REDFORD TWP. 6 mo. rent! STARTING AT $495/Mo. »Pets Welcome Office Space APARTMENTS MUST SEE! NORTHVILLE - Downtown, 1 • Dishwasher (313)274-4765 Call: (248) 961-2753 block N. of Main St. in quiet 400-500 sq.ft. • Microwave Beautifully redecorated. 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. neighborhood setting. Large 1 FARMINGTON HILLS: Heat bedroom w/ac, walk-in closet, Private entry & bathroom. From $585 • Vertical Blinds Included! 1 bedroom $505. heat & water Included. Only • Carports Available BEDROOMS Includes all utilities. DEARBORN HEIGHTS FREE RENT! Appliances, carpeting. 9 $695/mo.(734) 420-1027 CERTIFIED REALTY INC. • 2 Pools Winter Savings CALL FOR DETAILS Mile/Middlebelt 248-478-7489 (246) 471-7100 Northville 1 bedroom apt, • Fitness Center Spectacular! • No Application Fee FARMINGTON MANOR APTS. walking distance to town. .KLC3DMFIELD Deluxe studio & 1 bedroom, Newly renovated. $765/mo • Furnished Apts. 1st MONTH REDUCED SECURITY carport. 1ST 3 MONTH'S RENT includes heat. 248-943-9424 VUON TOE GREEN Available DEPOSIT 50% OFF! (With approved Orchard Lake & Middlebelt FREE... (248) 476-1240 credit). 248-888-0868 NORTHVILLE CONDO PLYMOUTH: Main Street pro- plus Rent-to-Own. Will help WAYNEWOOD fessional office for lease. 1150 FARMINGTON PLAZA APTS. 1st Time Buyers. 1 bedroom, $300 off March!* Deluxe 1 and 2 bedrooms, 248-682-2950 sq.ft., 6 rooms. Immediate just refurbished, new app- £> occupancy. 734-453-6190 *1bedrooms only. starting at $500-up, Heat liances. Several Available. Restrictions apply kometoimlifmmincluded, water, pool. Ask $625-$695/mo. 24hr. message OPEN 7 DAYS • MON-FRI 8am-5pm • SAT 9am-5pm • SUN 12-5pm about our special! (866) 237-2647 x21 (7») 326-8270 • FREE HEAT! (248) 478-8722 . Ooen7 • Lots of Closets! NOVI FIVE, Five, Five. Novi Call for details • Vertical Blinds! ONE MONTH FREE CANTON To Qualified Applicants. ALL NEW Studios, 1 & 2 bedrooms DEARBORN CLUB available in town Birmingham. INTERIORS SPACIOUS t& 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS & 555 S. Old Woodward. 2 Months Free Call Mari (248) 645-1191 TOWNHOMES Pay NO Rent You're sure to love our •Washer/Dryer hook-up siOQoo Westland's Best Value... (866) 534-3358 Until March! GARDEN CITY - Walk to beautifully remodeled, • Self-cleaning oven Downtown. 1 bedroom. Heat huge 1 & 2 bedroom • Vertical Blinds On Inkster Rd„ just ' *FREE CARPORTS! inciuded. Blinds & carpet thru- apartments with brand BLUE GARDEN North of Ford Rd. new designer kitchen and • Swimming Pool * CITY WATER! out. 734-522-0480 EHO baths, individual washer/ • New Fitness Center APARTMENTS * Amazing Closet Space! LIVONIA - 5 Mile/Middlebelt dryers, vertical blinds, • Pets Welcome 1 2 bedroom - 1050 sq. ft., pri- •"WESTLANO PLAZA ** covered parking, and * 24 Hour Maintenance! vate entry. Washer/dryer hook- Autumn 1 Month free Rent Plus Spacious 1 & 2 Bed Apis more! You'll be impressed • Furnished Apts, Earn extra $$ up, balcony/patio, central air/ Quality Living by our exquisitely Available heat. $715/mo. 248-521-1978 $50 Off 1st Month Rent and Call for Current Specials advertise with O & E WESTGATE IV decorated hallways and Cherry Hill at 1-275 Mon • Fri, 9-5; Sat, 11-3 1-800-579-SELL new entrances. Affordable Reduced Security Deposit* (734) 427-1997 APARTMENTS luxury from only $730. Cherry Hill 734-397-1080 (866) 232-4373 For the best auto EHO Our Value Package Includes: Auburn Hills 1 & 2 bedroom classifications check Open 7 Days townhouses available. Based M GREAT** On Pontiac Trail, out the Observers OPEN 7 DAYS Mon-Fri i • 1 and 2 Bedroom Apartments on household size & income. East of Beck Road Sat Sam-Sam»Sun 12-Snm APARTMENTS Eccentric Newspaper. TREE TOP MEADOWS • Heat/Water Included Starting at $472.To iist some "It's all about 10 Mile West of ammenities. Private entrance, SHORT TERM LEASES RESULTS!". Canton • Cable Ready full bsmt., dishwasher, c/a, UREA Meadowbrook AVAILABLE! EHO (248)348-9590 • Pets Welcome daycare center, Countryside Franklin Palmer Townhouses (248) 373-8359 Apartment Homes | RENTS WESTLAND FROM.. BIRMINGHAM Rent Includes Heat Don't take a One Month Free Rent plus... 1 MONTH FREE and Vertical Blinds *ROCK BOTTOM RENTS! chance.... I Reduced Rental Rates on One Bedrooms We're proud to offer the most To Qualified Applicants 6 month or 1 year lease Studios and 1 & 2 bedrooms Was $615 - $625 Now $540 value for your money In Westland Well maintained Cherry Hill near Merriman. available in town Birmingham HAWTHORNE CLUB • FREE HEAT! at the 555 Building. Newly decorated • Enclosed Patios on 1st Floor *Call for details... Call Mari 248-645-1191 Features: APARTMENTS • Individual Storage Unit • 24 Hour Emergency Maintenance 734-729-2242 " BIRMINGHAM * Air conditioning ETON SQUARE- Featuring our * Refrigerator and range • 1 Bedroom-$525 (888) 316-3240 2 bedroom townhome with * Smoke detectors your ad Located on Palmer between Lilley & Sheldon retro floor plan, open stair- • 2 Bedrooms-$625 In The Observer Open Mon-Fri 9-6 * Sat 10-3 • Sun 12-4 case, cozy woodburning fire- * Laundry facilities First Month's Rent place, full basement, private * Extra storage Free Application Fee & Eccentric THE COST OF LIVING. patio. A must seel Ask for * Swimming pool # Classifieds today! JUST WENT Amy at 248-644-1300 (Cut out and bring in this ad) * Cable available DOWN! Only $199.00 BIRMINGHAM REDUCED SECURITY DEPOSIT ONE STOP SHOPPING 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts, CALL 866-241 -5111 1-800-579-SEU PRINCETON COURT 1770A Grant - Lincoln/ NOW! Woodward area. Cozy studio LEXINGTON APARTMENTS with kitchenette, walk in On Merriman Between Ann Arbor Trail and Warren Road. Brand New Luxury Apartments in Taylor • Single Story • Quiet closet, off-white Berber VILLAGE • Cathedral Ceilings carpet, yard. $585 (or less) •:I.imited Time OH Seled l-nits t=l INCLUDES HEAT. Small Pet Section • Wallpaper • Senior Friendly From $560 • Satellite Dishes Welcome Maple Road Townes • Maple at Columbia (east of Eton). 1-75 and 14 Mile, opposite DEARBORN HEIGHTS AREA Featuring Private Entranceway & Walk to downtown from this Oakland Mall Short Term Lease. charming & updated 1 bed 248-585-4010 Beautiful 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom EA apts. ($725), 1 bed town- "UTILITY RO&M" houses ($830) or 2 bed 2BEDROOM, 2BATH VILLA PARK townhouses ($880). PRESIDENT • 24-Hour 437 E. 14 Mile - near Pierce. MADISON APTS. LLXURY APARTMENTS Fully updated 2 bed/1 bath Gatehouse townhouse features ali white From $605 • Pets Welcome •gj kitchen with hardwood-look 1 block east of John R, just • Vertical Blinds flooring, full basement, deck, south of Oakland Mali & one car garage with opener. • Air Conditioning Only $975. 248-585-058•*•*****+0 • Fitness Center UVMQROOM 1724 Grant - Lincoln & • Swimming Pool • Full size washer/ Woodward area. 2 bed/1.5 Catttmurv HARLOAPTS. • Furnished Apts. BEDROOM bath townhome features J dryer spacious rooms with nice From $570 available :WOODS closets, private yard, carport. Warren, Ml Open 7 Days • Mon-Fri • $;00am-5:00pm 313.295.6010 $1120 INCLUDES HEAT! West side of Mound Rd., just Sat • 9:00am-5;00pm - Sun • 12noon-5:00pm All have central AC Located on Beech Daly between Goddard & Wick ••r 1 cat OK w/fee. EHO north of 13 Mile. Opposite BEECH DALY, SOUTH OF CHERRY HILL tSl Call The Beneicke Group GM Tech Center ^ 734 459-6640 weekdays at 586-939-2340 Located on Wilcox Road, Plymouth (248) 642-8686 "Limited time offer, some restrictions apply. jag. F8 <*) Observer & Eccentric j Thursday, January 29,2004

CANTON - Sunflowers Finest! 4 bedroom, BROWNSTOWN - 4 bedroom colonial. 2.5 CANTON • Fabulous Colonial. Wonderful 4 NORTHVILLE - Live in luxury. 6 bedroom, SOUTH LYON - Shows like a model. DEARBORN - Great starter home. 3 bed- 2.5 bath colonial w/newer ceramic fir in bath home, family room w/fireplace, large bedroom, 2.5 bath colonial w/2 car 4.5 bath cape cod. MBR suite w/2 WIC's, Professionally decorated 3 bedroom, 3.5 room, 1 bath bungalow in west Dearborn. "foj^er, kit & powder room, living room kitchen, large deck, master bedroom w/his attached garage, full basement, gourmet staircase to pool/spa in finished w/o. bath, 1.5 story condo w/open. floor plan. Roof & windows '02.Tub enclosure, updat- opens, to formal dining room w/newer & hers closets & sitting room. $223,900 kitchen, master suite w/cathedral ceilings. Exercise room, wine cellar, in-law quarters First floor master bedroom. Vaulted ceil- ed kitchen cabinets, freshly painted in hdwd fir, kit has newer cherry cabinets, (61BUC) 734-455-5600 Family room, 2nd floor laundry, C/A & & FFL. Fabulous wooded lot w/stream, ings, hdwd fir, fin LL offers 4th bedroom neutral colors. Fenced yard, close to park Corian counter, family room w/gas frplc, much more. $310,000 (95CLO) 734-455- "Trex" deck with enclosed gazebo. 3 car and entertainment room w/wet bar & exer- & schools. Appliances stay. $119,900 newer Andersen doorwall to deck + 2 car 5600 attached side entry garage. $698,900 cise room. Many upgrades, immaculate. (E00UNI) 248-349-5600 att gar. $284,000 (33CAM) 734-455-5600 (E49MCD) 248-349-5600 $399,500 (E39SAW) 248-349-5600

J. CANTON-End Unit F V. - REDFORD - Clean& Cozy Ranch. 2 bed- PLYMOUTH - Previous builders model. LIVONIA - Vacation in the backyard. This WESTLAND - Outstanding home. 3 bed- NORTHVILLE - Large colonial. Plenty of in condition. Neutral colors. Vaulted ceil- rooms, spacious living room freshly paint- Large 4 bedroom, 3 full & 1/2 bath colonial spacious ranch home is sining on approx rooms, 1 bath, turn key brick ranch in room, many updates including newer car- ings, family room, office in basement, 1st ed. Updated kitchen & bath, large dining built in 2000 w/3 car attached garage, fin- .62 acre in one of the most sought after move-in condition. Updated kit w/oak cabs pet t/o. paint, appliances. 4 bedrooms. 3.5 floor laundry & deck. Ali this offered in this room, terrific finished basement, newer ished basement, great room w/gas fire- areas. All 1st floor living w/3 bedrooms, 2 & ceramic tile firs. Partially fin bsmt. Vinyi baths w/a 5th bedroom in lower level. 2 bedroom, 2 bath home. $146,900 roof, furnace, electric & H20. Also a 1 car place, library w/bay window. Sitting on a baths, 2 fireplaces, formal dining room, windows t/o, some newer carpet, fresh & Large shaded yard backs to commons. (71VIN) 734-455-5600 garage. $99,900 (65DAL) 734-455-5600 large corner lot. $549,000 (81CHA) 734- family room, first floor laundry & a year- neutral decor t/o. Lg deck & updated con- Buy now and move by Thanksgiving. 455-5600 round garden room overlooking park-like crete, att insulated gar w/opener. Livonia $339,900 (E03SPR) 248-349-5600 yard. $239,900 (E48LIV) 248-349-5600 Schls. $159,900 (E02HIL) 248-349-5600 Omuik

PLYMOUTH - Updated home in LIVONIA - Castle Garden Ranch. NOVI - Comfortable condo. 3 bedroom, NOVI - Super sharp colonial. Park-like Downtown Plymouth. Beautifully main- Updated 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, 2 car att 2.5 bath 2-story located on private setting setting on approx 1/2 acre. Newer hard- tained home in town offering 3 bedrooms, gar, fin bsmt, C/A & furnace ('97), roof 21 in desirable 20 unit complex w/Northvilie wood in kitchen, family room & foyer. Roof 1.5 baths, attached garage, newer carpet tear-off ('00), vinyl windows, remodeled schls. Neutral and move-in ready. 2 car '03. Newer windows, doorwalls. A/C & & family room w/fireplace. $224,900 kitchen & baths. Hardwood, Berber, Pergo attached garage & basement. Private deck lighting. 2 car garage w/overhead storage. (17McK) 734-455-5600 flooring. Maple cabinets, solid pine 6 panel Town & Country faces secluded wooded area. Well main- Clean & ready to move in. Great value. doors throughout, doorwall off family tained & ceramic tile foyer. $219,800 Northville schools. $299,900 (E86SHE) room. $221,624 (76HOU) 734-455-5600 (E23CHE) 248-349-5600 248-349-5600

PLYMOUTH NORTHVILLE 705 South Main St. 175 CadyCentre 734-455-5600 248-349-5600

WESTLAND - Country in the city, 3 bed- DETROIT - Pretty as a picture. Extensive PLYMOUTH - Walk to town from this 4 WESTLAND - Updated ranch. 3 bedroom, Michigan's #1 bedroom ranch w/many newer updates. 1.5 bath home w/newer roof, windows, room, 2 bath sprawling ranch w/great updates in this 3 bedroom bungalow. room overlooking inground heated pool Newer features include: furnace & C/A, Furnace, C/A, 2 full baths & newer win- deck, furnace & A/C. Hardwood floors, 2 w/underwater accent lights + 2 fireplaces. roof, windows, plumbing & updated dows. All appliances. 2 car attached car garage w/newer door & electric open- Newer roof, windows, furnace, hot water kitchen cabinets + 2 car garage w/opener. garage and much more. $198,900 er. Finished lower level makes nice family heater & great location. Don't miss this The list goes on & on! $89,500 (15GRE) Century 21 Firm! (E05MAR) 248-349-5600 room. Fenced yard & highly sought after one. $349,900 (9QJOH) 734-455-5600 734-455-5600 Livonia schools. $164,900 (E50SAN) 248- 349-5600

CANTON - 3 bedroom townhouse, Great REDFORD - Great Location. Pride of DEARBORN HGTS. - Wooded end unit SOUTH LYON - Beautiful scenic view. REDFORD - Redford Charmer. Covered PLYMOUTH - Plymouth Ranch. Beautiful location offering 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, ownership shows in this charming 3 bed- ranch. Charming 3 bedroom, 2 bath ranch Wonderful approx 2 acres with pond. 3 porch leads to this 3 bedroom, 1 bath brick 3 bedroom, 2 bath ranch w/newer basement, attached garage. Newer win- room, 1.5 bath brick bungalow w/partially condo w/2 car attached garage, partially bedrooms, 2 baths, walk-out ranch. home. Mechanical updates July 2003 furnace, roof & windows. Hardwood floors. dows, H20, roof & siding. Kitchen appli- finished basement, garage, newer roof, finished basement, great room w/fireplace, Finished basement w/full bath & fireplace. include: C/A, furnace and duct work. Large Large yard & deck. Finished lower level. ances, spacious master suite w/a wail of furnace, C/A & electric panel. $119,900 dining room, breakfast area overlooking 3 car gar. Large kit, 1st floor laundry. Large open backyard w/room for storage. 1 year Oversized 2 car garage. $204,900 closet. Area pool & clubhouse. Great park- (47WOR) 734-455-5600 deck, al! in wooded park-like setting. deck. Newer windows & roof. Newer septic home warranty. Bring offers. $95,900 (E19RUS) 248-349-5600 ing & quiet community. $147,700 (64BED) $324,900 (40BEE) 734-455-5600 & water system. South Lyon schools, (E95CEN) 248-349-5600 734-455-5600 $264,900 (E77TEN) 248-349-5600

INKSTER - Roomy bungalow. Very nice SUMPTER - A little bit of country. Approx PLYMOUTH - Plymouth Tri-Level Near ?T. - =- " * • WALLED LAKE - Hot Buy, Seller Says WEST BLOOMFIELD - Multi-level condo. home w/family room as a bonus. Truly a 1.64 acres w/2 homes on property, Bonus Downtown. Open floor plan, refinished Sharp ranch on a heavily treed approx 3/4 Sell. 2-story duplex w/woodsy view. 2 bed- Outstanding 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath condo turn-key home. Updates include: copper 800 sq. ft. home great for renter or in-laws. hardwood floors, formal DR w/newer pic-, acre lot backing to woods & park. Huge rooms, 1. 5 baths. Att garage, full base- w/eat-in kitchen. Spacious open floor plan. plumbing, roof, garage door & opener, car- Completely remodeled. Large pole barn ture window, FR on main fioor w/gas frplc great room w/ceramic flooring & wet bar. ment & lots of storage. Well maintained & Master bedroom w/newer bath including pet in kitchen, family room & basement. w/heat, electricity & cement floor. Call for & door to patio. Newer roof 2000. Main Updated kitchen & bath. Circle drive. many updates. Refrigerator, stove, washer separate Jacuzzi tub & shower. Decks off Also 2 car garage. $124,900 (82MON) details. $199,900 (21 MAR) 734-455-5600 bath renovated w/ceramic tile, tub, fioor & Newer roof system. Fenced yard, hard- and dryer all stay. Spacious MBR w/3 living room & master bedroom, 2 car att 734-455-5600 pedestal sink. Newer Andersen Casement wood floors & more. $169,000 (E11FAR) closets. Close to x-ways & shops. gar. Office/workout area on 4th level. All windows. $229,500 (25FAI) 734455-5600 248-349-5600 $155,900 (E63WOO) 248-349-5600 appls. $269,900 (E40PAL) 248-349-5600 TTVT.

COMMERCE - Enjoy sweeping views. DEARBORN - Extra clean Dearborn CANTON - Beautifully maintained cape NORTHVILLE - Northville Condo. Walk to SOUTHFIELD - Ranch plus bonus bidg. PLYMOUTH - Updated Plymouth Wonderful 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath colonial home, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 kitchens. cod backing to woods & golf course offers downtown from this 2 bedroom premium Outstanding 3 bedroom, 2,5 bath home on Charmer, Absolute move in condition. sitting.on lovely Edgewood Park Golf Move in - extra clean, all appls stay, 2.5 car 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 3+ car attached end unit. Many updates include: newer large private yard. FR w/bay window. Spacious 4 bedroom home w/oak cabinets Course. Updated windows, roof, furnace, garage, ceramic tile, in kitchen, brkfs room, garage, basement, private patio, 1st floor kitchen, bath, carpet, lighting, 6 panel Newer roof. Wood deck & pool. ? car and Psrnn floors Newer windows, entry & C/A, appliances, brick paver patio, deck & LR, foyer & hall. Finished bsmt w/newer master suite w/his & hers WIC, great room doors. Would you believe only $128,900? attached garage has pull down storage patio doors, Top rated Plymouth schools. extensive landscaping, + 2 car attached kitchen & bath. Newer C/A, hot water w/gas fireplace & cathedral ceiling. (E25FAI) 248-349-5600 plus huge bonus building that has numer- Walk to elementary school. $205,000 garage & basement. $299,950 (42EDG) heater, roof, furnace, siding, windows & $399,000 (36GLE) 734-455-5600 ous possibilities. $169,900 (E21WES) (E530RE) 248-349-5600 734-455-5600 driveway. $139,900 (15WIL) 734-455-5600 248-349-5600

K ' u - rs

BROWNSTOWN - A must see. BRIGHTON - Walk to downtown. DEARBORN HGTS, - Move in conaition a WALLED LAKE - Carefree lakeside living. FARMINGTON HILLS - Old world charm. CANTON - Wow. 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath end Spectacular 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath colonial Wonderful end unit ranch w/2 bedrooms, bedroom brick ranch w/1 bathroom, eat-in And bring your boat! This 2 bedroom, 2 All new inside. Beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath unit condo? From the new doors/moidings, w/lower level, 2 car attached garage, some 15 baths, 2 car garage, basement, great kitchen, dining L, spacious living room, all bath condo in an adult 50+ community home has gorgeous hardwood firs, library, ceramic firs in foyer, both baths, kit, to the hardwood floors & some tile floors, vaulted room w/gas fireplace, doorwall to deck vinyl windows, 2 car garage. $150,000 includes all appls, a deeded boat slip on sunroom & first floor laundry, New in 2003: all newer appls plus washer & dryer, newer ceiling, large deck from dining area to backing to woods. Bring your fussiest buy- (63SIL) 734-455-5600 Walled Lake, private beach w/gazebo & roof, furnace, electrical, plumbing, kitchen windows & roof. Across from a golf course lower yard patio. $264,900 (67JEN) 734- ers! $169,900 (32FOR) 734-455-5600 picnic area, other amenities. Relaxing liv- appliances, 2 car garage & spacious deck. & surrounded by higher priced homes. 455-5600 ing! $139,900 (E27SOU) 248-349-5600 $225,000 (E55WAL) 248-349-5600 $129,900 (E230RC) 248-349-5600

294 E. Brown. Birmingham 4820 Rochester Road, Troy 2600 Union Lake. Commerce Twp. 900 W. University, Rochester 7125 Orchard Lake, West Bloomfield 705 S. Main St.. Plymouth' 175 Cady Centre, Northville (248) 642-81OO (248) 524-1600 (248) 363-1200 (248) 652-8000 (248) 626-8800 (734) 455-5600 (248) 349-5600

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i-fT' ^

PLYMOUTH $664,900 FARMINGTON HILLS $464,900 PLYMOUTH $365,000 LIVONIA $357,900 NOVI $349,900 YOU DESERVE THE BEST! 3 Bdrm, 1.5 bath GRAND 2 STY FOYER, STUNNING KITCHEN, GREAT CURB APPEAL 4BR, 3 1/2 bath with IMPECCABLY MAINTAINED! Transferee perfect! 4 BDRM, 2.5 BATH DUNBARTON PINES Cape Cod. Kit w/cherry cbnts, island, pantry, newer carpet in LR & DR. Cozy FR w/FP & drwl Pergo, new paint, French doors, crown molding Move right in, 4 BR, 3.5 BA colonial. Beautiful kit BEAUTY! Weil maintained and neutral T/O. appls. 3 car gar w/wider driveway. Deck backing to huge deck' w/wooded view. Awesome fin walk- in den, bay window, wood trim; Fin bsmt, drywall, w/accent tile & isl. Lg FR w/FP & cathedral ceil, HDWD firs in foyer, nook, hall & powder rm. Crown to serene pond. Community pool/tennis court. out bsmt w/5th BR ste, wet br. 4 BR, 2.5 BA, 1st floor laundry. Gazebo-deck-perennials. mstr BR w/hls/her closets/spacious BA. molding In foyer, hall, FR & baths/. Extra deep (23M50311) 3300 SF & 1300 SF in bsmt. (K30722) (R956) (10MAN2) BSMT. Extra wide driveway. (24FOR2)

734-455-7000 734-591-9200 734-326-2000 248-348-6430 248-348-6430

LIVONIA $329,900 NOVI $324,900 NORTHVILLE $315,900 NOVI $300,000 BRIGHTON $282,900 NEW CONSTRUCTION BROOKSHIRE Pre- GREAT LOCATION IN GREAT SUB! Dunbarton BEAUTIFUL CONDO IN COUNTRY CLUB VIL- CONTEMPORARY DESIGNED HOME Great open EXCEPTIONAL BRIGHTON LOCATION mium elevation, now being constructed. 4 BR, colonial w/liaht & bright fir plan. GR & LR both w/ LAGE Open, spacious, sunlit condo with view fir plan, nice kit, fin bsmt w/FR, bar, bonus rm & Beautiful home on lg cul-de-sac.Great rm w/cath 2.5 BA, oak hrdwd firs thru-out, ceramic in BAs fp's, formal DR w/bay,, hawds in entry, study & of pond. 3 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 2 fireplaces, extra storage. Deck w/built in storage, priv entry ceiling & gas fireplace.2nd floor loft,2 bdrms & & laundry, mstr w/Jacuzzi & sep shower, oak kit, 1/2 bath. Northville schools! (Agent owner) study with bay window, island kitchen. Perfect! brick paver patio & yard w/ commons feel. full bath.lst fir master ste.Prof. finished bsmt. 2144 SF; & more. (C29959) (32MID2) (90CQU2) (76JAM2) Many upgrades. (25AIR2)

734-591-9200 248-348-6430 248-348-6430 248-348-6430 248-348-6430

NORTHVILLE $279,500 FARMINGTON HILLS $250,000 LIVONIA $239,900 PLYMOUTH $220,900 CANTON * $219,900 VINTAGE NORTHVILLE CHARM Wonderfully re- CHARMING RANCH CONDO Lovely condo w/ HERE'S THAT NEWER RANCH you've been FABULOUS BARBERRY UNIT! 2-Story ceil SPACIOUS END-UNIT CONDOI Small, private stored and updated: new roof, furnace, central 2 bdrm & 2 full baths. Eat in kit.Main fir laundry.Well looking for. 3 BR, 2 BA, GR w/catn ceil, FP, & makes this LR inviting. FR w/adj powder rm. Can complex, GR w/cathedral ceiling, mstr w/lg bath air, kitchen, and windows. Pretty deck and pri- located w/priv. backyard & deck.Incl. appls.Very wet bar, mstr w/full bath, cath ceil, formal DR, !g be bit as 3rd bdrm. Avail upgrades. Ext Indscpng, & WIC. Full, partially fin'd bsmt w/full bath, vate backyard. 2 Bedrooms, 2 baths. 100 Year sharp & neutral. Close to downtown Farmington. kit, huge part fin bsmt, 2 car attd gar, & more. sprnklr sys, lawn main & snow remov. Prime pantry & extra storage. 2-car attached garage. old beauty. (46GRA8) (56LAR2) (028277) locat. (23A1205) (91MEA2)

248-349-6200 248-348-6430 734-591-9200 734-455-7000 248-348-6430

. - m I

PLYMOUTH $214,900 PLYMOUTH $194,900 CANTON $189,000 LIVONIA $179,900 WESTLAND $169,900 YOU WILL RECOGNIZE FlNE CRAFTSMAN- THE "ARBOR" has an open fir plan. Fin lower SUNNY END UNIT! 2 Bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2 MOVE IN AT CLOSING! Full brk ranch, cathe- BEAUTIFUL BROWNSTONE CONDO Comfortable SHIP 3 BR, 1.5 BA brk colonial, tastefully deco- ivt rec rm next to laundry & powder rm. car garage, basement, deck, loft overlooking dral ceiiings thru-out, 3 BR, 1.5 baths on main living on all 3 floors, bay windows on 1st & 2nd rated w/xtra special touches. Lg eat-in kit w/oak Townhome comm will feature Indscpng, sprnklr great room. Stove, fridge, washer, dryer stay. fir, newer wndws, elec, & plumb, c/a, bsmt has floors, fireplace, hardwood floors, near cabinetry, FR w/gas log FP, remodeled bath, sys, lawn main/snow remov. Low assoc fees. (H45113) wet bar, 2+ car garage. Hurry, won't last!!! shopping & restaurants. Must see to appreciate! hrdwd firs, & much more! (C9343) (23A1205) (019184)

734-591-9200 734-455-7000 734-591-9200 734-591-9200 734-326-2000

FARMINGTON $169,900 WESTLAND $169,900 WESTLAND $169,500 HOWELL $164,985 LIVONIA $164,900 PRETTY AS A PICTURE Cozy ranch freshly SPACIOUS ISTHE WORD 3 bedroom beauty in TASTEFULLY DECORATED, WEJ,L MAIN- HOWELL CHARMER! Cute 3 BR bungalow in THIS HOME AWAITS A NEW GROWING FAM- painted, new carpet, ready to move in. Brick & Westland. 2 baths one w/walk in shower, large TAINED 3 BR ranch. Beautiful new birch cabs, downtown Howell. Hdwd firs, new windows T/O, ILY! 4 BR's come with this spacious maintenance wood trim, 3 BRs, cute kit, c/a, 2 car gar w/ 130x130 lot, 2 car att garage plus another 1 car new fir, appl stay, patio, full bsmt, oversized 2 new bathroom, lg kit, DR, bsmt, private deck, free ranch! Formal DR, oak kit, 2 full baths, 2 brand new door. Home protection plan provided. garage in back, fam rm w/fireplace and more. car gar, tear off n in 10/03, newer furn, a/c, win- fenced yard, 2 car gar w/wkshp & much more! car attd gar, Anderson wndws, deck, lots of stor- (67FOL2) (J348) dow. A great home! (M304) (09JEW2) age, & much more! (F20249)

248-348-6430 734-326-2000 734-591-9200 248-348-6430 734-591-9200

DEARBORN $157,500 GARDEN CITY $154,900 GARDEN CITY $149,999 WESTLAND $149,995 DEARBORN HEIGHTS $149,900 DESIRABLE NEIGHBORHOOD! This 3 bed- LOOKS NICE FEELS RIGHT Buyers who want COMFY CAPE COD is this 3 bedroom brick home IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE is this3 bedroom brick HAWTHORNE HILLS SUB 3 BR, 1.5 BA, fin- room brick bungalow is waiting for you. Finished a well manicured home in nice area. Close to park in Garden City. 2 Full baths, 3 car garage. Lots Westland ranch w/full basement. 1 1/2 baths on ished bsmt, 10x14 Florida rm, 2 car side entry basement, 2.5 car garage. Seller says, "Bring & schools, new roof, vinyl windows, brick paver of nice features: newer windows, doorwall to a nice quiet dead end street. Master bdrm has a rage. All new items: rf, wndws, furn w/ac, hwh, me an offer!" (23A2130) patio, part finished BSMT,2.5 car garage. (F230) deck, double lot. (M319) 1/2 bath. Newer carpet & roof shingles. (H383) Eit, all appliances stay. (B8600)

734-455-7000 734-326-2000 734-326-2000 734-326-2000 734-591-9200

REDFORD $149,900 GARDEN CITY $149,900 WAYNE $144,900 SOUTH LYON $139,900 REDFORD $139,900 HERE IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY to call this RAINBOW'S END 3 Bedroom tri-levei. Home has EXPAND WITHOUT EXPENSE This is a 1,400 SUPER LOCATION! W/O END UNIT WITH FLA SOLID BRICK RANCH! In area with brand new newly constructed 3 BR, 1.5 BA, 1260 SF, 2 car many recent updates, oak kitchen, newer sq. ft 3 BDRM brick home w/1.5 baths, RM 2BRS, 2 baths, fam rm with gas FP, att gar, homes. Within a block of Lawson Field - offers attd gar colonial w/bsmt your new home! Act fast windows & doors, newer carpet & paint,all new remodeled oak kitchen W 2 1/2 car garage, 55+ Adult Community, lake priv, clubhouse, all tennis, basketball, & play area. Nice floor plan - this quality workmanship will sell quickly! roof shingles, 2 car garage has new garage doors. hardwood floors, newer windows, & central air appliances, fabulous scenery and privacy. Hurryl with finished basement. (L19158) (S19335) (J330) conditioning. (C451) (64CAM2)

734-591-9200 734-326-2000 734-326-2000 248-348-6430 734-591 -9200

MELVINDALE $132,900 REDFORD $119,900 DETROIT $109,900 WAYNE $104,900 DETROIT _ $80,000 YOUR SEARCH STOPS HEREI Oooh Wee! SWEET SWEET SWEET 3 BR bungalow loaded GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD! 3 Bedroom brick GREAT STARTER HOME Vinyl sided bungalow, WELCOMEYOUR FAMILY into this 2 bdrm, 1.5 Check out this gem in Melvindale. You'll be sorry w/updates. A pleasure to see. Very clean and home. Completely redone from floors to windows 2 bedrooms with a possible third. 10x10 barn bath bungalow. Security doors, newer wndws, if you miss out on this one. Brick ranch w/up- well maintained. Maintenance free exterior. to kitchen! Priced under market. Bring all offers! style shed, large covered patio overlooking deep new pedestal sink & toilet in bath. Fnshd bsmt dated kit, finished bsmt. Move in w/o doing a Lovely landscaping. Call to see. (K20470) (23016574) lot, 150+ feet, hurry. (J445) w/glass block wndws, newer roof, furnace & thing! (23M3526) HWH. (23R19453)

734-455-7000 734-591-9200 734-455-7000 734-326-2000 734-455-7000 NORTHVILLE NOVI / REDFORD I CANTON REDFORD SOUGHT AFTER HIGHLAND LAKES CONDOI COUNTRY PLACE CONDO! 1650 SQ FT, 3 EVERYTHING YOU ARE LOOKING FOR! Full AFFORDABLE & NICE! Canton condo in "The FINALLY, SOME EXTRA SPACE! Updated Spacious 2 story unit w/att garl Updated kit w/ Bedrooms, 2,5 bath end unit on prime location brickl Three BRsI Fin bsmt, 24x24 block gar, Winds" complex. Townhome style 2 bedroom, 1 ranch w/over 1200 SF. Move right in & enjoy the waik-in pantry, 3 BR, 2.5 BA, Full fin bsmt. Huge with a great view, Complex features pool, tennis newer windows, rf shingles, electical, copper full bath. Patio, carport, all appliances! 23N41030 huge 21x14 family rm w/drwll overlooking yd or patio w/built-m gas grill and beautiful gardens. and clubhouse. 04PEL2 plumbing, & carpet. Remodeled white kit, privacy updated eat-in kit. Mpny updates thru-out. Much Great buy! 72QUE2 fenced yd. I20455 -pmmm more! A14950 $199,900 248-346-6430 $174,900 $133,711 734-591-9200 $121,500 734-455-7000 $104,900 734-591-9200 Call Info Line at 888-REO-LIST, punch in the code #, get information! t=T G2 (*) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, January 29,2004 All Ads Run Online ©bscruer^Ecccrrttic A Value Of Up To $87.00 liiiiilitimils

Apartments - ijfK Unfurnished Hir

Westland WESTLAND CANTON TWP - Secluded, LIVONIA WESTLAND Plymouth FOREST LANE wooded acreage, wood stove, Remodeled, small 2 bed, 3 bedroom, 1 bath. On Wayne Rd., near Ford Rd. 2 bed, garage, $500/mo. 1st, $800/mo plus security. $0 down, $600/mo. HILLCREST last & security. 734-721-3443 248-471-5606, 248-868-8888. (248) 615-4653 CLUB $339 MOVES TWO MONTH FREE RENT!* YOU IN + 2 MO Studio $510 Place; vour TRET print Respond to this ad for FREE by calling 1-800-487-2038 CANTON: 4 bed, 1.5 bath. WESTLANO 3 bed 2 bath special on our 1st end 2nd Month rent $1095. 248-348-5100 #715 NO BANKS REQUIRED! STRAIGHTFORWARD ARE YOU READY? ranch. Appliances included. beautiful One Month RICHTER & ASSOC. Royal Oak 3 bedrooms, WOMEN SWF, 40,5'6", with brown hair and Do you have a passport? Do you Garage.C/A and finished renovated apts. 1ST remodeled bungalow. 3rd month FREE SEEKING MEN eyes. Enjoys dancing, biking, walk- have a swlmsult? Do have dance basement. Livonia Schools. Sslect apts. only* Free Rent shoes? I'm 55+, tall, slim, active, Finished basement with (new residents only ing, movies and much more. In CANTON: New 2 bed, 2 bath. $1150+deposit. Call 1-900-226-9950 ready for friendship, companion- bedroom & full bath. All plus 1st visit with approved credit) $2.19 per minute, search of a SWM, 30-50, who is 1050 sqft. 248-348-5100 #706 734-983-2762 1 Bedroom $615 ship, romance with SWF, 48-60, appliances. Central air. 2 Bedroom 1.5 bath $2,19 per call connect fee honest, caring and dependable. who is my equal! Ad#:612394 RICHTER & ASSOC. 2 Bedroom $690 only, $50 off 936 sq.ft. from $650 Ad#:578795 Awesome master w/sky- WESTLAND Merriman& light & a 2.5 car garage! (866) 217-4106 BEAUTIFUL INSIDE & OUT SPONTANEOUS Warren. 3 bed ranch, bsmt, 6 mo. rent. SWF, 57, 5'4", red curly hair, THIS IS LOVE SBM, 30, handsome profession- CLAWSON $185,000 248-815-3739 Located on Haggerty, 1 bedroom 700 sq. ft. $575 208 Windsor. Heat/water inciuded brown eyes. Enjoys movies, the- This outgoing, single black female, al. Enjoys traveling and being 3 bed. 1.5 baths, bsmt, air, & S. of Plymouth Rd. ater, boating, swimming, cooking 18, who enjoys her 2 children and adventurous. Looking for a SF, more!$1090, option possible. Very clean apartments - NORTHVILLE: Lovely 2 bed, Mon-Fri, 9-6. and time with family. Seeking a enjoying life to the fullest, seeking over 18, who is honest, adventur- 248-642-0838 WESTLAND Newly painted 2 VENOY 1.5 bath completely re-done. Sat & Sun, 10-4. EHO excellent maintenance SWM, 55-79, who Is ambitious, a single male, under 36. ous and fun to be with. .bed, new appiiances, full bsmt, spiritual, successful and fun. 1050 sqft. 248-348-5100 #709 Central air, vertical blinds, Ad#:609514 "Ad#:S12092 CLAWSON Brick 3 bed., hard- washer/dryar, C/A, large deck. PINES Ad#:473611 RICHTER & ASSOC. intercom. Appiiances wood floors, appliances, base- Clean! $795. 734-216-1876 PLYMOUTH SQUARE APTS. include dishwasher. ANXIOUSLY WAITING COMMUNICATIVE ment, garage, fenced. $1100- www. rlchterassoc. com ROMANCE M 1 50% OFF APARTMENTS SWF, 60, 5'2", medium build, Single black male, 26, in search lease option. 248-642-0838 WHY RENT Laundiy facilities in each ...Is lust around the corner. I am of a single black female, over 18, FIRST 3 MONTHS RENT NEWLY RENOVATED brown hair. Wants to meet a tall, NOVI 2 bed townhouse, When you can buy a home building. Mo pets. 5'2", with dark eyes and hair, 63. who is nice. Let's start out as COMMERCE -Walled Lake garage, 39766 Village Wood 1 & 2 bedroom, central air, KITCHENS & BATHS Looking to meet a tall gentleman, SWM, 55-68, who likes to go for $0 down. All areas. pool. From $580. friends and see where it goes Schools. Clean 3 bedroom, 2 Circle, N. of 9 Mile & Haggerty. -1 & 2 bedroom apts. 59-70, who likes dancing, cards, places, is affectionate, fun-loving from there. Ad#:612015 (248) 815-4858 734-455-6570 s (734) 729-6636 r car garage, lake view. Agent: 248-476-6498 some with fireplace travel, and wants a long-term and looking tor a serious relation- $950/mo. Call Todd Smith, WHY RENT - Clubhouse relationship. Ad#:403303 ship. Ad#:444245 BELIEVE IN SOULMATES? PLYMOUTH- Spacious 1 bed WESTLAND Re/Max Classic 248-449-6263 NOVI 3 bedroom house, 2 When you can rent to own. Apt. (13x18 living room). Open, sincere, dedicated, outgo- baths, c/a, large lot, access to SENIOR COMMUNITY QUIET, BUT FUN PATIENTLY WAITING FOR YOU ing, SWM, 33, 5'10", athletic Ali areas. DEARBORN - Brick bungalow, Heat & water included, all (734) 261-7394 Affordable housing apts avail. SWF, 50, 5'3", with brown hair. SWF, 60, auburn hair, green eyes, build, brown hair/eyes. Enjoys Walied Lake across road. 1283 (246) 615-4653 appliances. $610/mo. Avail. Enjoys long walks, the outdoors, professional. Enjoys travel, week- quiet evenings home, cuddling bsmt, garage, air, $750/mo. East Lake Rd. $1000/mo.+ util- 734-595-3748. EHO & BF. cooking, gardening, dining out Now! 1 yr. lease. Non-smok- end get-a-ways, camping, cud- arid dining out. Looking for a Small charge. ities. 1st & last month deposit •BAD CREDIT and more. In search of a SWM. ing. 734-453-0885 WESTLAND- 1 bedroom, dling and more. Seeking a SWM, down-to-earth, warm-hearted, RENTAL PROS 734-513-RENT 248 855-1854 313 538-3630 •GOOD CREDIT 45-60, who is fun-loving, honest focused, SHF, 28-37. •NO CREDIT Westland peaceful bldg., heat & water, and caring, with a good sense of 57-70, who is loving, humorous, ' DEARBORN HEIGHTS PLYMOUTH: Nice 1 bed, close Ad#:6117S9 OUR CHARITY 0 Down Loans. LiVONIA SCHOOLS cable ready. $5l0/mo.+ secu- humor. Ad#:420017 N/S, N/D, fun and affectionate. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, garage, to town. $570/mo. Free mo. Gifts your down payment Everyone Qualifies. with yr. lease. Short term lease rity. 248-553-4522 Ad#:405309 fenced .yard. $850/mo. + One Bedrooms POSITIVE & CHEERFUL HOPE YOUR THE ONE for your home. (248) 615-4653 SBM, 45, 6'1", 220 lbs. Loves security. 313-231-2142 available. John: 734-454-0056 SWF, 72, 5'3", trim, with blonde (248) 615-4653 from $550.00* WESTLAND: Nice 1 bed, near MEN SEEKING Jazz, sports, movies and church. hair. Enjoys bridge, current REDFORD AREA 275/Ford Rd. Includes alt Looking for a cuivy and smart DEARBORN HEIGHTS: Cute 2 events and loves to live. Looking WOMEN PLYMOUTH 2 or 3 bedroom appliances & utilities. SBF, 35-47, for friendship and Telegraph - 5 Mile Two Bedrooms for a SWM, 72-75, who is kind, Call 1-900-226-9950 bedroom ranch, bsmt, a/c, ranch. 2 1/2 car garage. New $550/mo. 734-721-0443 possible more. Ad#:611646 CALL FOR $99 SPECIAL from $620.00* gentle, down-to-earth and posi- $2.19 per minute, option to buy availabie. $650. kitchen. Nice yard, $1000/mo. Clean Quiet Building 248-788-1823 CANTON - We have pre- * Free Heat tive. Ad#:612121 $2.19 per call connect fee 734-455-9763 Carpet, Walk in Closet, LOVABLE LADIES owned homes for saie or lease. Heat & Water Included. * Free Carport LET'S MEET VERY EASYGOING SHM, 22, Seeking lovable SBF, DEARBORN HGTS - 3 bed, PLYMOUTH - Remodeled, air, Call Sandy at Sun Homes for SWF, 60, with blonde hairand is a SWM, 33, 6'2", 205 lbs., brown 19-34, for a good relationship. garage, appliances, fenced for garage, patio, ail appliances, 1 Bedroom $495 and much more Ad#:611378 details at: 734-397-0400 Credit Check & References N/S. Looking for a N/S SWM, 60- hair/eyes, honest and sincere. pets. $775/mo. Small charge. $850/mo. Small charge. 313-532-9234 Birmingham • Novi 77, who Is fun-loving, positive, Enjoys summer time, nature, the RENTAL PROS 734-513-RENT RENTAL PROS 734-513-RENT FARMINGTON HILLS Call or Stop in caring, em otionally/f inacially water and more. Seeking a SWF, GIVE HIM A CALL... if you are a single black female, REDUCED RATES Royai Oak • Troy secure. Afl#:612080 28-38, who Is kind, affectionate, DEARBORN HTS: 3 bed bun- Rochester Near downtown. Today 21-35 years of age, looking for PLYMOUTH Downtown, Im- FIRST MONTH FREE 850 sq.ft., 1 bed, no pets, respectful, loving and honest. galow, 2 car garage, $900.1st maculate 3 bedroom, 1.5 734-459-6600 READY TO SETTLE OOWN Ad#:612532 friendship first, possibly more. 1 &'2 bedroom, appliances, $620 includes heat, water, & Furnished HE is a single black male, 35 year & security. Pets neg. After baths, living , family, fenced window treatments, air. No Between SBF, 21, 5'2", 160lbs., enjoys 5pm, (734) 479-0596 appliances. 248-651-8090 Newburgh & Hix time with her children and much EVERYTHING YOU WANTED old. Ad#:610931 yard, 2.5 garage, 1500 sq.ft., dogs. Open Saturdays 10-4. *On select units more. Looking for a S8M, over Very out going, SWM, 50, tall, DEARBORN Remodeled 3 bed- gas fireplace, appiiances. Call: (248) 474-2131 Apts. brown hair, blue eyes. Enjoys rack- SO HOW ARE YOU? 'Limited time offer 18, for a long-tarm relationship. room, finished basement, 2.5 $1195/mo. 734-455-7295 SKY HARBOR TOWNHOMES • Leases Ad#:611895 et ball, swimming, power boating, SBM, 26, 6'10", 136 lbs., light 2 & 3 bed avail, immediately. traveling and cruises. Looking for skin, hazel eyes, medium build, is car garage, option to buy avail- PLYMOUTH $640-$735/mo. Heat includ- • immediate Occupancy ENERGETIC LADY a SWF, 18-50, who's independent, .looking for a SAF, age unimpor- able. $850. 248-788-1823 Lg 1 bed upper, garage, ed. Ask about our reduced Westiand • Lowest Rates SWF, 44, 5'4", short blonde hair, outgoing, preferably with long tant, to chat with or maybe more. prime area. $750. Ad #:610550 FARMINGTON (N.) rent & move-in specials. blue eyes. Enjoys music, basket- brown hair, a nice figure and simi- (734)591-6530/455-7653 FLORIDA - 1 bed condo, • Newly Decorated ball, swimming and much more. lar Interest. Ad#:612448 A beauty! 4 bedroom, 2.5 sleeps 4, near Lauderdale. Feb (Some restrictions apply.) The Publisher assumes no liability tor $99 Looking for an honest and real bath, approx. 3,000 sq. ft. with PLYMOUTH TWP: 3bedroom, 20-27. $700. The Weston Laundry facility, playground, SUITE LIFE SBM, age unimportant. EARN MY TRUST the content of, or replies lo, any adver- tlsement or voice greeting' .. SSuc h liabili- finished basment. All updated 1 bath ranch. Attached garage. Resort. Sally 248-851-5075 C/A, private entrance, securi- Ad#:611633 Honest, caring, SBM, 31, medium ty rests exclusively with the $2800 -f 1.5 months security. Fenced yard. $1195/mo. ty. Call 734-941-1540. DEPOSIT 248-549-5500 build, 5*10", social drinker. or respondent. The advertiser and Agent, 248-661-8501 SEARCHING M Interests Include movies, bowling, respondent agree to Indemnify and 248-735-5464 ROYAL OAK - Between 12 & Ask about SWF, 44, who loves the loud camping and fishing. Seeking a hold this publication and UltiMate, its BLOOMFIELD LAKES employees and agents harmless from FARMINGTON HILLS - 2 bed PLYMOUTH: 1600 sqft, 4 bed, 13 Mile, off Coolidge, t bed- pipes, Harley's, also likes The Red SWF, 22-45, who's very honest al! costs, expenses, liabilities and dam- ranch, appliances, fenced Short term, large studio, 1 ages resulting from or caused by this 2 bath, 2 living rooms, garage, room apt., newly redecorated, our lower Wing's. Seeking SWM, 45-55. and some what out going. yard, $675/mo. Small charge. CHEBOYGAN,LAKE COTTAGE carpet. $540/mo. Heat & & 2 bedroom apts. fully fur- Ad#:501033 Ad#:612442 publication or recording placed by the Rent w/option. $1395/mo. nished, Includes dishes, advertiser or any reply to same. The RENTAL PROS 248-356-RENT Snowmobile, X-C ski groomed, water included. advertisers and 734-455-0993, 734-262-5500 prices and linens, and household items marked trails. $250/weekend. (248) 488-2251. Questions? Contact Customer they are at 18 years old. FARMINGTON HILLS 2 bed- in small, quiet complex, next voice greetings will be REOFORD 3 Bed., brick, 1.5 Sleeps 6. 954-755-0508 Service - call 1-866-281 >2976. room, nice yard, 1.5 car ROYAL OAK - Huge one, to park. Rents from $800. they i jntain last names, bath, garage, section 8 wel- Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9a.m.-10p.m. phone nu! rs, any addresses, e-mail garage, $695. Rent w/option, FLORIDA, BONITA SPRINGS bedroom apts. New carpet FREE RENT! includes heat & water.. explicit sexual language. comed. non-smoking, no pets EST or visit us online and click land contract. 248-328-0492, New golf condo,w/ garage, 2 & appliances, c.a. Includes 248-681-8309 You shoulId screen your responses $1195/mo. (734) 420-6952 CONTACT US to send us an carefully. ;irst meetings should be held 248-760-8051 bed, 2 bath, sleeps six, close heat & water. 12 & Main St. e-mail. Customer Service In a public place. The use of cordless or to beaches. Looks over water |579. Call (248) 546-0052 ORCHARDS cellular phones provided by DRMOC. Farmington Hills 3 bed, appli- Redford at 12 th. green. Owner. 248- Copyright UltiMate ances, fireplace, garage, pets S.LYON - The Meadows. 2 OF BURLINGTON APTS, 891-7123 or 248-496-1425 1111 N. Ola Wood ware ok. S725/.no Smalr charge BAD CREDIT? story condo style apts. Pets RENTAL PROS 248-356-RENT YOU CAN STILL BUY A PANAMA CITY BEACH Fla., 3 "welcome. Private entrances. NEWBURGH has short term and I'U'furji i-hi \ ad call wllliec 1-8GU-4H". month to month lease HOME WITH 0 DOWN IN Bed, 2 bath, beachfront, 2/21- 2-3 bedroom from $750/mo. Larger Apartments arrangements during Farmington Hills 3 bed, ANY AREA! 2/28. $1200. (734) 675-3060 248-921-7161 1 & 2 Bedroom plans renovations to transform garage, family room, fenced Short term employment • Playground Area Birmingham's finest into yard and more! $830/mo. OK. Bankruptcy OK. • Pool & Clubhouse 313-531-2402 Southfield Woodward Place of Call Randy Lesson, • Carport included METRO FINANCE Birmingham Condomin- FARMINGTON HILLS COUNTRY CORNER 248-709-2244 iums. For leasing info call 3 bedroom ranch, 1 bath, AAA RATED Huge Apartments {734) 729-5090 (248) 646-1111 & Town Homes ROYAL OAK 3 BEDROOM, fenced yard, large lot, all Al! Ages, Tastes, Occupations, FARMINGTON HILLS 13 & LIVONIA - Farmington & REDFORD (south)-3 bed Halstead. 2 bedrooms, 2.5 sunroom, living room, & din- appliances, avail Feb 1 st. Backgrounds & Lifestyles. 1, 2, & 3 Bedroom Plymouth Road area. 9905 brick, bsmt, garage, com- baths, attached 2 car garage, ing. Walk to downtown Royal $1175/mo + sec. "Our 20th Year' FARMINGTON HILLS - Park Shadyside, 2 bed, bsmt, appli- pletely updated. $950/mo. vaulted ceilings w/skylights, oak all util incl, $135Q/mo. 313-779-8506 From $800 Motel. Furnished rooms, effi- ances, no pets. Flexible lease. w/option to buy. LIVONIA -3 WESTLAND fireplace, C/A, finished base- Call John 248) 310-6457 HOME-MATE ciency & apts from $150/week. $750/mo. (734) 525-1797 bed brick ranch, bsmt, Ask About our i ment, $1600. 313-886-2965 $99 MOVES No deposit. 248-474-1324 FARMINGTON HILLS: 3 bed, garage, very ciean, $1075/mo. SPECIALISTS • Heat, water, carport NORTHVILLE 2 bed. ranch, fenced. 1.5 car garage, 248-347-2000 Included YOU IN! SOUTH LYON LIVONIA 1,000 sq. ft., 1 bed- fresh paint & carpet, new $950/mo. Available now. 248-644-6845 • Free Health Club Clean 1 bedroom CONDO, room, 1 bath, A/C, carport, kitchen. No pets, $595 + sec. 248-763-6151 REDFORD - 3 bed, 2 baths, Pay no rent until washer/dryer, carport, no pets. washer, dryer, water inciuded, 30115 Greenfield, Southfield • Night Gatekeeper 424 Gardner. 248-474-3893 BEVERLY HILLS: 1900 sqft, finished bsmt, appliances, 248-380-5405, 248-719-3293 $795/mo. 313-363-5400 FARMINGTON/UVONIA FOR • Heated Pool March 2-3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car. garage $875/mo Small charge. BIRMINGHAM LEASE. 4 bed, 2.5 bath, • Private Balcony 248-348-5100 #720 RENTAL PROS 248-356-RENT House to share with non- LIVONIA The Woods, 2 Bed. ROYAL OAK 2500 SQ. ft. 1/3 acre, • Short Term Leases • FREE FORCED RICHTER & ASSOC. smoking female. $485 per ranch, 1.5 bath, living/dining, 148 Amelia. Approximately $1495/mo, 248 980-6910 REDFORD - 3 bed, bsmt, month. Call 248-953-0338 Close to Birmingham, AIR HEAT! screened porch, carport, all 1550 sq. ft. + full basement. 2 appliances, hardwood floors. Shopping, and Freeways • Walk-in Closet! appliances. Heat & water. huge bedrooms, 111/2 baths, $750/mo. Small charge. Full House Privileges BIRMINGHAM ln-town 2 bed, $1050/mo. 734-464-6461 formal dining roorji, fireplace, BIRMINGHAM charmer. 4 Garden City • Ceiling Fans! bedrooms. Remodeled master RENTAL PROS 248-356-RENT inc. billiard room & garage.- 248-647-6100 wood floors, fireplace, bsmt, central air, hookups for wash- BAD CREDIT? • Restrictions Apply w/garden tub. Fenced yard No smoking, professional. Let us fax you C/A. Garage. $l200'mo. MILFORD Brand New Luxury, REOFORD 2 Bedroom ranch er & dryer. Petsi ARE wel- w/play area. 1 year lease. YOU CAN STILL BUY A Middlebelt/ Joy Rd, $475/mo. our brochure. ShareNet (248) 642-1620 appliances, 3 br. $1,250. Move with nice size living room and HUNTINGTON ON come. $1200/mo, $2,650/mo. Call Vicki, HOME WITH 0 DOWN IN incl utilities. 734-261-6018 in price, $2,500. Near GM. (248) 354-9119! Ext. 206 ANY AREA! eat-in kitchen, full bsmt, 1Vs EHO BIRMINGHAM Max Broock Realtors, THE HILL 248-681-7122, 248-396-4030 Short term employment car garage. $900/mo. LIVONIA Male w/nice room j ONE STOP SHOPPING (248) 625-9300 (60RIV) APARTMENTS OK. Bankruptcy OK. Call Don (Agent) in home-kitchen, bath & \ See our ad under Apartments Northville- sharp 2 bed, Call Randy Lesson, 734-458-6129 leave message for conservative, j Southfield (866) 395-0746 for Rent-Birmingham. BIRMINGHAM - 3 bedroom, library, 1650 sq.ft., appliances, ROYAL OAK METRO FINANCE male or female, t On Ann Arbor Tr., btwn The Beneicke Group deck, 2 car. $1650/mo. 2 car garage, air conditioned, REDFORD, S. 2 bed, yard French Quarters Apts. Luxury Townhouse 240-709-2244 i. see. Share of utlli- jj Inkster & Middlebelt. (248) 642-8686 D&H Properties248-737-4002 fireplace. 488 Harmon, maintenance, utilities Includ- 2706 Rochester Rd. 1 bed- $2500/mo. 313-570-9626 ties. 248-471-7486 | Move-in Specials!!! EHO ed. $750/mo. Small charge. Beautiful i bedroom apts. BIRMINGHAM: 1 bedroom, PLYMOUTH - 2 bedroom room loft, 11/2 bath luxury GARDEN CITY Beautiful 3 bed- MATURE MALE Room w/ f BIRMINGHAM - 4 bedroom, RENTAL PROS 248-356-RENT with great amenities 750 sqft. Walk to Somerset & condo, in-unit laundry, townhouse with fireplace, room hotiie with finished kitchen & laundry privileges. « 3 full baths, freshly decorated, ; including swimming pool, downtown. $599 w/neat, water $950/mo includes cable & air? full basement with basement, new appliances. REDFORD: 4-5 bed, 2H bath, Near Wayne/Ford Truck plant. | ail appiiances, 2900 sq. ft. central air, carports Westland - Open Sunday & appliances. 248-363-7731 water. 734-751-9555 hookups and we Absolutely $1025/morrth. 248-342-2271 large kitchen, separated living $125/weekly. Ref. req. \ 248-594-5900, 734-626-0004 available & fitness center. Adore Petsi $820. quarters, bsmt, garage. . (734)522-4894 j 8 Mile/Beech Daly area. 1 MONTH BIRMINGHAM: 2 bedroom, 1.5 PLYMOUTH 2 bed 1 bath. (248) 354-9119, Ext. 206 INKSTER 3 bed, bsmt, 29643 BIRMINGHAM - Bungalow, $1200. 313-384-1765 bath. Pool, appliances & water Washer, dryer, carport. $975 Gienwood, $675/mo. Cherry Southfield Share a home, all f ^ r hardwoods, bsmt, garage, pets 248-354-3362 FREEH* Included. New windows/car- plus utilities. 1 mo. security. Hill, W/Middiebelt. ROSEVILLE Freshly painted 3 utilities, non-smoking, $300- I pet. $995. 248-318-7656 Walled Lake neg! $900/mo. Small charge. Agent: 248-476-6498 bed ranch, new carpet, appli- $400/mo. Call David, j (734) 697-5211 RENTAL PROS 248-373-RENT field -quiet, targe, 1 bed- at WOODLAND New lakefront duplex. 2 bed, ances, garage. $850/mo. 248-557-0284/248-559-1726 1 BIRMINGHAM: Fully updated, PLYMOUTH 2 bedroom town- 2.5 bath, 2 car garage, ail INKSTER 3 bedroom brick, ShareNet (248) 642-1620 room, fireplace, washer/dryer BIRMINGHAM - IN-TOWN VILLA APTS 2 bed, 1 Vi bath. Hardwood house, appliances, fully car- appliances including washer basement, $700; 3 bedroom, in-unit, garage. Heat, electric, immaculate 3 bed, 2 full bath, floors, terrace overlooking peted, basement, carport, & dryer. Fireplace. $1695/mo. basement, garage, $500. ROYAL OAK • 13 & Main. cable. $730. 248-320-3454 c/a, appliances, garage, 1 yr pool. $1200. 248-637-0085 $695/mo. 734-459-0680 248-203-2626 Option on both. 248-788-1823 Completely remodeledl 3 minimum, no pets. No smok- bed., 1.5 baths, c.a„ hard- WAYNE Lg. unfurnished studio LEASE WITH FERNDALE & REDFORD A/C, And $100 BLOOMFIELD Spacious 1 bed WAYNE: large 1 bed, newly ing. Avaii. now. $1300. wood floors, new carpeting, 2 apt $135/wk. Also furnished ROYAL OAK SKY LOFT PRE- OPTION TO BUY Jacuzzi in rooms, maid serv- upper, next door to Oakland redecorated. New appliances & 248-225-3747, 248-613-2265 car garage, washer & dryer, efficiency $125/wk. Both MIUM UNIT 4th floor facing Programs Available. Ali areas. ice, HBO. Low daily/wkiy rates. off for the Hills, updated, $850/mo. or carpet. Deck 12x28, very large alarm. Brand new finished, include utilities. 734-326-4110 East. 1-2 bedrooms, 2 bath BIRMINGHAM 1188 Bird St., (248) 615-4858 Tel-96 Inn 313-535-4100 wili Sell. 248-521-7257. yard. $590. 734-722-8590 carpeted basement! No pets w/upgraded kitchen, large bal- 2 bed bungalow, freshly paint- Royal Inn 248-544-1575 next 8 mo.'s cony accessed from master LIVONIA or smoking. $1200/month. BLOOMFIELD TWP. 2 Bed/1.5 ed, new carpet, bsmt. bedroom or living room, park- WESTLAND - 2 Bedroom, full The best rental deal (248) 545-9314 NORTHVILLE or PLYMOUTH on 2 bedroom apts bath, 1,100sq. ft. ground $775/mo. Bob (248)360-2095 ing, storage on site. $2700. basement. New furnace/air. 4 bed home, garage & C/A. Downtown. Furnished sleep- floor. 100% updated. $1,000 ShareNet (248) 642-1620 ROYAL OAK, updated, 2 bed- • Supersize Closets Call agent, (248) 766-0925 Ultra clean, move right in. Ciean & updated, close to ing rooms. Newly decorated. (includes heat & water) + room, granite kitchen, close to • Breakfast Bar From $645/mo. Ask about our Birmingham- 3 bed homes, 2 everything. Livonia schools. $80 weekiy. Security deposit. Westland • Intercoms security. 248-549-4874 WALLED LAKE - 1300 sq.ft. special. 734-721-8111 schools & downtown. $1200 bath, garages. 2 avail. $1100 - $975/mo. lease. For sale $214,900. Call (734) 455-2010 • Cable Ready brand new condo, 2 bed, 11/2 $1300/mo. Small charge. CALL JOHN McARDLE CANTON, NORTH 2 bed, 1 bath, ail appliances, garage, (248) 542-5204 • Central Heating & A/C WESTLAND Merriman/Paimer. RENTAL PROS 248-373-RENT 734-420-3400 X221 REDFORD AREA • Clean, fur- Livonia Schools bath condo w/garage. Quiet, $1300/mo. 248-926-8876 2 bedroom. $625/mo plus nished, dish tv, private private entrance. No pets. Estates security. Section 8 ok. Free BIRMINGHAM-"! 244 Emmons Royal Oak • 3 bedrooms, entrance, $100/wk. Mature $1000/mo. (734) 455-2232 CALL TODAY! 25' color TV! (313) 278-6745 3 bedroom ranch, 2 car remodeled bungalow. male only. (313) 535-3419 (734) 422-5411 CANTON- Nice, 2 bed big mas- garage, fenced yard, central Finished basement with air. $1l50/mo. with any days HOMETOWN ONE Redford Aiea - Responsible On Warren Rd. between ter, 1.5 bath, washer/dryer, air, WESTLAND bedroom & full bath. All working person. $85.00 per Wayne & Newburgh patio, pool, bsmt, carport. Pet. BIRMINGHAM 2 bedroom, in January rent free! EHO 44785 Five Mile Rd., Livonia appliances. Central air. $485. Newer, 3 bed, 2.5 baths, bsmt., The Beneicke Group week plus deposit. Share util- *on select units $1070. 517-655-2753 appliances, fireplace, hard- Awesome master with garage, fireplace, $l300/mo. 248-642-8686 LIVONIA - Avail, now, appli- ities. 313-531-2240 $199.00 Security for limited time wood floors, garage. NO PETS. ances, dining room, fenced for skylight & a 2.5 garage! CANTON- Plymouth Landings Paul. 734-207-2250; WAYNE Full house privileges. No fine print in this ad! $1000/mo. 810-614-4379 BIRMINGHAM-FURNISHED 3 pets. $700/mo. Small charge, $1,175 or option to buy! Condo, Sheldon/Warren. 1 RENTAL PROS 734-513-RENT Call 248-815-3739 $350/mo. plus utilities. bed, 1 bath, with bsmt. WESTLANO- Ford & Wayne bed, 2 baths, bright kitchen, _ WESTLAND - 1 bed ^ (313) 282-8025 - Heat/Water included - $715/mo. 734-516-8367 J Rd., 2 Bed, all appliances, very clean. Pics on Web. Livonia - RENT TO OWN apt, A/C, walk in closet, water Included, quiet area. No $1500/mo. 248-644-8092 2 bed, 1 bath w/garage & par- SOUTHFIELD • 3 bed ranch, - $10.00 Application Fee laundry facilities on CLAWSON pets. $725/mo. 734-464-3455 tial bsmt. mo payment $975 appliances, Section 8 wel- site. Newburgh nearGlenwood CLAWSON BIRMINGHAM: 3 bed, 2 bath, Luxury Townhouse Coldwell Banker Schweitzer, come. $900/mo. Small charge. $485/mo. . (734) 721-6699. air, all appliances + laundry, Near 14 Mile & Crooks. 447 N. Rochester Rd„ #9. 800-881-3352 Code 3141 RENTAL PROS 248-356-RENT New Resident's Only ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL! new carpeting, 2 car garage, Minutes to Somerset & 2 bedroom, 11/2 bath luxu- owner is agent GARAGE FOR RENT ry townhouse with fireplace, $1000. 248-350-2499 TAYLOR: 3 bed, partially Birmingham. Spacious 2 bed- 24 hr. recorded message Near Wayne/Ford Truck plant. WESTLAND CAPRI air, basement with hookups. finished bsmt, $895. room, 1 1/2 baths, features Canton Fantastic 3 level, 2 734-722-4700 " MOVE-IN SPECIAL" We Love Pets. $820. FERNDALE - Renovated 2 bed. LIVONIA 3 Bed ranch w/sun- 248-348-5100 #708 $25/wkly. 734-522-4894. $14.00 until Feb. 14 private entrance & yard, car- bedroom duplex w/appll- ^ (248) 354-9119, Ext. 206^ lower in great area. Fireplace, porch. 2.5 car garage. All RICHTER & ASSOC. (with good credit) port, basement, central air, ances. 1767 Brookline. c.a., screened room, washer & appliances. $1150. Renter California Style Apts. neutral decor. Only $895. 1 $897 per mo. 734-484-7223 WESTLAND cat OK with fee. EHO dryer, garage, nice yard. Walk pays utilities. 248-427-0192 J to downtown. Too much, to TROY Cute, 3 bed, 1 bath • 1 bedroom from $565 CLAWSON ^ CANTON 3 Bed, possible 4th LIVONIA 3 BEDROOM 2.5 ranch, stove/fridge, nice yard, THE BENEICKE GROUP mention. A MUST SEE! $865 + on 3.5 acres w/pool on private FOR LEASE • Heat & water Included Luxury Townhouse utilities. (248} 548-5946 baths, garage/bsmt.$0 pets nego. $875/mo. • Cathedral ceilings (248) 642-8686 drive. $1800/mo. 2 car down.$850/mo. ShareNet (248) 642-1620 I-275 exposure. Offices from f NO !!! > Balconies 526 Fourteen Mile Rd. 2 garage. (734) 812-8007 (248) 615-4858 168-2,700 sq.ft. mo. to mo. i Farmington - 1 bedroom bedroom, 11/2 bath, full PLYMOUTH - 3 bed lower WALLED LAKE - 1650 sq.ft. • Carport flat, garage, ail appiiances, leases available. | Gimmicks or tricks! condo, all appliances, wash- basement with hook-u'tJs, CANTON 4 bedroom, 3 bath, LIVONIA 3 bedroom ranch, 1 ranch, finished bsmt, large • Fully carpeted heat incl., air. Available March JA Bloch & Co/Gach Realty 1 er/dryer, waik-in closet, indoor central air, fireplace, air, stove, fridge, carpet, blinds, bath, big back yard, nice fenced yard, 3 bed, 2 bath, fire- 1 Bedroom - $535 'Vertical blinds 1 or sooner. No pets no smok- 1 pool. $675/mo. includes heat We LOVE Pets. $780. garage. $1200/mo. 1 year neighborhood. $1500/mo. place, $1250. 248-921-0548 (248) 559-7430 f 2 Bedroom - $615 Great location to mails ing. $950/mo 248-960-9393 - Livonia school system & water. 248-635-6551 ^ (248) 354-9119, Ext. 206^ lease. (734) 455-0391. (586) 531-7736 Heat & water WARREN: 3 bed, 1.5 bath, • (734) 261-5410 Search local I included FARMINGTON HILLS PLYMOUTH - Downtown 2 bed CANTON 4 bedrooms, 2 LIVONIA basement, 2 car garage. lower, hardwood floors, bsmt businesses Ferndale Lower Duplex baths, all appliances, attached 3 bedroom, 2 bath, finished 248-348-5100 #707 $99 Deposit A word to the wise, LUXURY CONDO & garage, Security deposit garage, deck, fenced yard, basement, no-smoking. RICHTER & ASSOC. 14 Mile at Orchard Lake Road Updated 2 bedrooms, lease, $800/mo. 734 564-4100 734-721-0500 when looking for a $1450/month. 734-981-6592 $1300/mo. 517-467-7383 2500 sq. ft., 2 bedroom, 21/2 stove, refrigerator, Vlihw great deal check the baths, al! appliances including fireplace, c.a. & shared PLYMOUTH large upper 1 bed- CANTON Sharp 3 bed, 1.5 bath LIVONIA Beautiful 4 bedroom, WAYNE: Remodeled 3 bed- YELLOW JL & Eccentric washer & dryer. Garage park- laundry! $650 room, deck, stove, frig, heat, colonial, all appliances, bsmt, 2 baths, 1500 sq. ft., 2 car room, basement, option to ing. $1755 per month. water, no smoking or pets. 2 car garage. $1800/mo. garage, c/a, fireplace, finished buy available. $750. Classifieds! No pets. Call 248-835-3739 B£GES W . Call: (248) 585-0800 $650 + security. 734-453-0975 Shaf^Jet (248) 642-1620 bsmt, $1400. (734) 552-158?' 248-788-1823 Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, January 29,2004 (*) Q3

Classifieds inside To place an ad call toll free 1-800-579-SELL (7355) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, January 22,2004 Autonotive Fax:(734)953-2232 The 2004 Cadillac SRX Advertising Feature CLASSIFICATION NUMBER •Employment Thursday DriveTime •Announcements 6000*6900 • Merchandise 7G06-754O 1 8000-8780 V Boats, Motors • Motorcycles, Mini Bikes 8070 BY DALE BUSS • Trucks Cadillac's recent aggressiveness in developing and rolling out new models has been paying off more and more in worthwhile, often exciting, new vehicles and increased sales. And while not as inno- vative as, say, the Escalade SUV that Cadillac introduced a few years ago or its new XLR convert- rzs ~ ible, the 2004 Cadillac SRX was something well worth introducing. SRX is the first car-based SUV offered by Cadillac, a true wagon-SUV "crossover" that is meant to compete with sundry other new vehicles. On the top end, SRX, whose suggested retail prices The SRX is one satisfying ride indeed. begin at about $39,000, could be considered in the same breath with Chrysler's Pacifica and the of information for the radio, the climate system and usually like. In the far rear, there's plenty of cargo Nissan Murano. But Cadillac really is aiming at other features in one place - represents an space in the configuration that I drove, a $49,000 the BMW X5 and Mercedes-Benz M-class vehicles, advanced evolution of a device that the industry, version. Three different panels pull out of the floor Call Toll Free and indeed offers a raft of options that can push overall, is still struggling to perfect in terms of of the rear cargo area with various sizes and 1-800-579-SELl (7355) the price of SRX close to $60,000. being user-friendly. Walnut trim and leather uphol- shapes of compartments. But I couldn't resist stery establish a modern-luxury feel, yet the indus- Fax Your Ad: (734)953-2232 I'd get off somewhere in the $50,000's. SRX is thinking how impractical they really must be. nifty, but not worth that kind of outlay. trial-dimpled dashboard suggests utility as well. Occasionally or even regularly, I would guess, the Walk-in Office Hours: Like every other Cadillac lately, SRX makes a The only problem with the interior front is that driver of an SRX might come up with a bunch of Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p. styling statement, beginning with its extremely it is home to a long roster of a la carte options that things for which specific compartments would be a After Hours: Call (734)591-0900 blunt and angular front end that has become a quickly can ramp SRX into the pricing strato- perfect fit. Yet on the whole, I concluded, they're Deadlines: To place, modern signature for Cadillac design. The rest of sphere. The possibilities include an Ultra View sun- probably little used. cancel or correct ads. the vehicle is rather understated, distinguishing roof (that sheds light on the rear as well as the What you really want in the rear of SRX is the Sunday itself clearly as closer to the low-profile outline of a front) for about $2,400 a rear-seat DVD-entertain- optional third-row seat for up to three people. Floor 5130 p.m.. Friday _ station wagon than that of an SUV. Still, its distinc- ment system ($1,200), Xiyl Satellite Radio, OnStar space is a bit at a premium and the seat is difficult Sunday Real Estate tive styling makes CRX stand out in a sea of and an upgraded Bose audio system (about $1,000). to get into and out of. But for an extra $1,000, you increasingly lookalike SUVs and endemically cook- The most popular options are available in "money- 530 p.m. Thursday can get a power version that is activated with a ie-cutter minivans. saving" packages as well. button along the wall. Thursday Standard safety features include dual-stage Besides the styling, perhaps the best aspect of 6p.jn. Tuesday On the V8 version I drove, the addition of 18- inch wheels was a nice touch as well. Overall, front airbags, front side seat-mounted pirbags, roof- this vehicle is the V6 and V8 powertrains - the lat- Thursday Real Estate Display SRX's styling inspires confidence that this is a mounted side curtain airbags for the first and sec- ter being a 320-horsepower, 4.6-liter Northstar 3 p.m. Monday well-appointed but no-nonsense vehicle. ond rows of seats, daytime running, lights, anti-lock engine - that provide plenty of oomph, though fuel That ethos carries through the interior of the brakes and traction control. economy is a fairly standard 15 mpg in the city and View the Observer & vehicle. The appointments are clearly deserving of As you move back in SRX, things simplify a bit 20 on the highway. Add in all-wheel-drive for fine Eccentric Automotive the Cadillac moniker, including dashboard controls but get even better. The back seat is plenty roomy traction, and away you go in SRX - to a satisfying Classifieds on the web: that are at once complex but easy to use. The cen- for three, and the slight elevation of the second row ride indeed. tralized display screen - with its nice organization of seats gives it a "theater-seating" feel that kids Write Dale at [email protected]. oeodl 63280

oiv Looks Beautiful, tei ut How Is Your Car Doing?

The Car Care Council MKT1 reminds motorists to have the following items checked for Winter's Freezing Weather: Tune up - Although these days a tune up is often referred to as a "performance or engine analysis" the intent is the same, to make certain your engine is running properly. This process addresses problems such as rough idling, poor acceleration, hard starts, weak acceleration or poor fuel economy. Cooling System - Every two years the cooling system should be flushed and refilled with fresh antifreeze, also referred to as coolant. To ensure maximum protection, the rule of thumb for this mixture is 50% water and 50% coolant. If your system has been flushed in the last 24 months, double-check the coolant's freeze protection for the winter season. . Note: Many vehicles are equipped with special components/'coolant designed to last for 5-years or 150,000 miles. Although this is an extended interval, Wiper blades - Heat and the summer sun take their toll on windshield wipers. motorists should be aware that this coolant does require changing. In addition, If your blades are cracking, chattering or smearing invest in new ones. Those this special coolant should not be mixed with standard antifreeze. designed to dislodge ice from the windshield can be especially helpful. Invest in an ice scraper, and keep your washer reservoir filled. This will ensure that you'll Heater and defroster • This system ensures both comfort and visibility. Have never have to peer through a grimy windshield. it checked (including proper operation of all ducts) prior to the onset of cold weather. Tires - Driving on worn tires is scary in any weather, especially winter. Make sure your tires are wearing evenly and that all treads are at least l/16th of an Exhaust system • Throughout the winter months we read news reports of inch in depth. Many motorists in cold climates replace all season tires with deaths due to carbon monoxide poisoning: Leaking exhaust is to blame, This can winter tires. These are designed with special compounds that grip ice and dispel be prevented with a an on-the-lift inspection for holes in mufflers or exhaust water. pipes that allow the deadly gasses to escape into the car. Too much air pressure reduces traction and handling; too little air also makes Oil - Because winter weather exaggerates the effects of any harmful automotive for poor handling and increases rolling resistance, which increases fuel usage. situation, it's important that your oil/oil filter are changed according to your Keep tires inflated to owner's manual recommendations and check pressure owner's manual. Many manuals refer to "severe service" driving. This is not necessarily a designation for semi trucks going on long hauls. In fact, this monthly on "cool" tires. Don't forget to check the spare. classification may include your car if it is subjected to stop and go driving or a Fuel - Keep your gas tank at least half-full. This serves two purposes. First, number of short trips around town. you'll never be caught with an empty tank. Second, condensation will be less likely to take place, keeping water out of your fuel tank. Battery - Your battery grows weaker in cold weather. A battery's power is reduced by 35% when the thermometer drops to freezing and 60% when the Finally, don't forget to prepare yourself for an emergency. Cell phones are great temperature dips to zero. Ask your technician to check the battery. He/she but not always 100% reliable. Consider the worst case scenario and pack your should scrape any corrosion from the posts/cable connections and check the car accordingly. Don't forget blankets, flares, a flashlight, snacks, water and fluid level when appropriate. vital medications. Hoses and belts - Many new cars have several hoses but only one belt. This makes service an important issue. Ask your technician check these for any Brought to you as a public service by Car Care Council. The Council is the source cracks or tears. Mushy feeling hoses need to be replaced. Check the owner's of information for the "Be Car Care Aware" campaign, providing information manual for a belt/hose replacement schedule. If you have lots of miles on your about the benefits of regular vehicle care, maintenance and repair to consumers. vehicle, you might want to do a complete changeover. Visit the Council's web site: www.carcarecouncil.ors. 04 .(*) Observer X Eccentric | Thursday, January 29,2004 www.hometowtUtfe.cotn All Ads Run Online

A Value Of Up To $87.00

Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Help Wanted General tltlt Drivers Wanted Now! Good Hiring for 2004 Postal LEASING CONSULTANT VERY WELL ESTABLISHED Jolts nml Mechanics Wanted Route Delivery CNC MILL transportation needed. Must Positions $600-$1520/WEEK- For apt. community In the furniture retailer with multiple have good driving skills and a LY plus full federal benefits. heart of Dearborn. Seeking a GB Sales & Service, Inc., Specialist showrooms looking for career Careers DEPARTMENT good driving record. Call Tom Entry-professional level. No dynamic addition to our has Immediate openings for oriented professionals in both experienced mechanics to 3 MANAGER today for details. experience necessary. Paid leasing staff. Must possess i Full Service Beverage/i sales & management posi- (313) 515-4611 training/vacations. Green Card repair forklifts. We have tions. Exp. In retell sales man-' MMI ...Help Wanted-General rant ...HelpWanted-Entertainment excellent customer service openings for on the road J Refreshment Company has| Growing manufacturer has OK 1-866-317-0558 ext 805 agement or design a plus but skills, strong written and mechanics at both our (immediate openings fori MM ...Help Wanted- 537(1 ...Students an immediate need for a CNC DRIVERS we are open to train anyone' verbal skills, and be a take Warren and Plymouth loca- |High-Energy, Self Motivated! Computer/info Systems Jobs Wanted- Mill Department Manager. HOME HEALTH AIDES, CNA'S with an eye for aesthetics & a; 5340 wanted, local position. Great charge person w/ the ability to tions, We offer competitive lindividuais to manage/serv-i The successful candidate & HOUSEKEEPERS Immediate desire to work with peopleP payl Call 734-637-4060. handle multiple tasks. Prior wages, paid vacations and {ice established accounts.j must have the following openings, cases avail. Please call 734-522-9206* Office Clerical ...Childcare Services- sales or leasing experience holidays. We pay 100% of (Qualified candidates will havei 535(1 qualifications: Extensive Leave message. Flexible hrs. Call Golden Home between 10am & 1pm. * needed. Fax resume to your medical and dental |a good driving record, the' MM ...HelpWanted- Licensed CNC Mill experience & pro- Healthcare (734) 697-0888 or email resume to: - EARN S1.000-S3.500 WEEK- (313) 271-6487/EOE insurance premiums + imotlvation to learn andi Englneertng ..Chifdcare/Babysrtting vide references. The ability [email protected] 53711 LY Answering Surveys On- HOUSE CLEANERS • Up to floating holiday, 401k 'excellent communications' to successfully manage 60+ 5(141) ...Help Wanted-Dentai Services line $25.00 per survey! FREE $10/hr. Mon. thru Fri, days. LEASING CONSULTANT matching, life and disability iskills. Vending/Office coffee i VOLUNTEERS needed for" mill hands that span the day ...Help Wanted-Medical ...Childcare Needed registration! Guaranteed pay- Car required. 4902 Dewitt, full-time, for Dearborn insurance. To apply, cali [delivery experience a plus!' Horses Haven in Howell. Must mn m and night shifts and line up checks! Mystery shoppers #101, Canton. 734-394-1771. Heights area apartment com- Ron at 734-455-5150 or iWe offer Medical, Dental,i be at least 16. No exp. neces- ML) ...Help Wanted- won ...Elderty Care & Assistance the night shift department needed! $57.00/hour shop- munity. Experience required. apply in person or by mai* '401K and More! Send' sary (734) 425-2156 ;i Food/Beverage ...Nursing Care & Homes supervisor. Be willing and m ping! FREE Government HOUSEClEANiNG Gn?at opportunity for right to 39550 Schoolcraft Rd.. [resume to: Attn: Route! able to work the 12 hr. shift grants! $12,0004500,000! WAREHOUSE - sim ...Help Wanted- 55ffll ...Summer Ceraps Experienced, professional, person. Please call Plymouth Ml 48170. Don't 'Delivery Specialist, P.O. Box« M - Fand some Saturdays. Everyone qualified! Auto parts warehouse needs; Health & Fitness 55011 ...Education/lnstroction reliable people to clean resi- (313) 562-3988. think you have enough [701248, Plymouth, Ml 48170J dential & commercial •or Fax: (734) 416-3810 or« driver/warehouse person n ...Help Wanted-Profe&siona! ...Business & Professional LEASING CONSULTANT experience? We will train! m 55?L) We offer a very competitive accounts in Novi and the sur- [E-mail: hr.manufacturing [ Good benefits, BC/BS, Dental;? «i» ...Help Wanted-Sales Services part-time, for Canton apart- [email protected] EOE » life insurance, 401K benefit package EDM rounding areas. Must have a ment community. Great MORTGAGE PROCESSOR (313) 255-1122 ;; 5?llf) ...Help Wanted-Part-Time 5780...... Attorneys/Legal Counseling OPERATOR dependable & insured vehicle. opportunity for right person. Great opportunity for an expe- RV PARTS COUNTER ...HelpWanted-Domestic ...Help Wanted-Tax Services Please send resumes to: $9.50 starting wage. The Old WAREHOUSE/ ^ 57?LL Experience required. rienced individual in SALESPERSON NEEDED Box 0789 Maid Service, 248-478-3240 APPLIANCE INSTALLATION - 5?5FL ...HelpWanled-Couples 57411 ...Business Opportunities Must have exp. in set up & Please call (734) 397-1080. Conventional & FHA mortgage Full time/ requires some Observer & Eccentric Help wanted. Must have goo& operation'of manual an CNC HUMAN RESOURCE programs. Great working evenings & Saturdays. Newspapers driving record, mechanical'! (Mitsubishi) EDM. We offer DEPARTMENT environment, exc. salary, Candidate must have excellent 36251 Schoolcraft Rd. LEGAL SECRETARY exp. heipful. Will train. Starting, 1 -SOO-579-SELL excellent benefits, steady has a part time position avail- 401K and benefits. Fax communication skills, knowl- Livonia, Ml 48150. for business attorneys; wage $10-$1l/hr. Full benefits, overtime, competitive able. Must be a hard working, resume to 734-425-4834. edge of RV's a plus. Send EOE M/F/V/D must be obsessive compul- after 90 days w/wage increase" wages and and air-condi- organized, & dependable per- resume to: General RV, Rob sive about organization; Reply to: Box 0781, Observed tioned facility. Wages com- son. Human resource experi- MOVIE EXTRAS Earn $200- Baldas, 48500 12 Mile Rd., well versed in Word & Word & Eccentric Newspapers^, COLLECTORS mensurate with experience. ence helpful but not required. $600/per day. All looks, ages, Wixom, Ml 48393 Perfect; litigation experience 36251 Schoolcraft Rd.,. immediate openings for med- Flexible hours. . No experience required, or e-mail [email protected] AUTO OIL CHANGE TECH helpful but not mandatory. Livonia, Mi 48150. - ical collectors. Must have at E.O.E. Robot Printing and Salary & benefits based on r music videos, film & Oil change/tire technician. Full SATELLITE INSTALLER least 1 year collection agency Call, apply in person, mail, Communications experience. Call Judy @ commercials. Work with the WAREHOUSE/DRIVER or part-time. NO Sundays best. Must have own equip & truck. exp. Excellent pay & bene- or fax resume 12085 Dixie 248-645-1700, or email: For Ferndale Co. Hi-lo exp. ~ required I Benefits including Redford, Ml 48239 1-800-260-3949 ext. 3244 Experienced & Responsible. fits, Troy location. Call to: [email protected] a plus. Good driving record insurance, paid vacation, uni- Carlos. 248-641-1440 (313) 255-0470 FAX 734-844-1135 forms & 401k. Earn up to $10 Moeller Manufacturing NEWSPAPER CARRIERS a must. Send resumes to: 43938 Plymouth Mi. 48170 humanresources® per hour. Apply in person: CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATOR Early morning newspaper SEAMSTRESS O&E Newspapers . 734-416-0000 LOAN ORIGINATORS DAViS AUTO CARE, INC. Full time. Experience pre- delivery, national newspaper, Experienced or will train. 36251 Schoolcraft 734-416-2200 Looking for an environment to 807 Ooheny Dr., Northville ferred. Must have valid drivers INDEPENDENT excel with a support staff that 7 days/week. Earn $150- Drapery manufacturer. Livonia, Ml 48150 248-349-5115 iicense. Fax re-sume to WINE CONSULTANT ^ can get the job done? We are $250/weekly as an independ- Livonia area. (734) 522-0160 313-543-9297 EDY'S GRAND ICE CREAM The Traveling Vineyard home a Farmington based Mortgage ent contractor for just a few AUTO PARTS hours work each morning. Secretary - Farmington Hills Reference Code 0792 OF MICHIGAN parties. Lisa. 586-405-0825 Company established in 1988. Experienced secretary. Must COUNTER SALES [email protected] - Call 248-477-1290 $250-5500 A WEEK! Will CONSTRUCTION is currently accepting resumes We are looking for Loan type 55 wpm. Starting pay WEEKEND LEASING AGENT: train to work at home. Helping CRESTWOOD DODGE SUPERINTENDENT for future positions in the Originators with minimum of OFFICE CLEANING S10/HR. $i3.83/hr. Excellent benefits. Birmingham Apt. Community.] INTERIOR 2 years exp. and a proven Must have excellent people ' the US government file (734) 421-5700 Real Estate Developer/Con- Michigan area. If you are self DESIGNER/ARCHITECT Plymouth - Mon-Fri. 5pm- to Send letter of application and HUD/FHA mortgage refunds. tractor, seeking Field Con- motivated, energetic & track record. For considera- approx 8pm. Bath, break & resume to: Human Resources, skills. Professional in appear-1 Draw & design furniture. tion please fax resume to ance and attitude. No experience necessary. AUTO PORTER Immediate struction Superintendent. interested in a full or part time conference rooms & dusting. Michigan Education Assoc- Work with cool people. Build 248-473-9063. Call (248) 645-1191 M-F 9-5 1-866-537-2907 opening for full-time Service Experience in site develop- merchandising position or part Houses - Live Well. If you are Exp. only. 734-424-9247 iation (MEA), P.O. Box 2573, Dept. Porter. No experience ment and light Industrial time administrative position talented, experienced, savvy, MAINTENANCE MANAGER East Lansing, Ml 48826-2573. building. Benefits package. OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR Deadline is February 9th. ACCOUNTANT necessary. Must have good please contact us by faxing professional, self motivated, Exp. individual to do home Send or fax resume to: Must have 5 yrs. Janitorial MEA Is an equal opportunity/ Staff Accountant for driving record. Full benefits. your resume to: 248-380-3039 very organized, extremely repair/maintenance tor reha- Construction Manager experience. Fax resume: 313- affirmative action employer. Livonia CPA firm. Mini- Apply in person. Equal oppor- or mail to P.O. Box 7002, Novi, dedicated to the profession bilitation facility and homes 28777 Northwestern Hwy. 831-7479, Attention George SENIOR TECHNICIAN Wantedv mum of 1-3 years recent tunity employer. Ml 48376. We are an EOE. and are hard working I bet you and to teach disable individu- Suite 150 SECRETARY, PART-TIME Microsoft and/or Citrix certifin! public accounting experi- Dick Scott Dodge will like the package. Forward als to do basic home repair PARALEGAL Southfield, Ml 48034 For Counseling Clinic in cations desired. Project mgrrte ence. Fax resume to 684 W. Ann Arbor Rd. ELECTRICIANS NEEDED resume to Human Resources, skills. Competative wage/ben- Position available at busy law Fax: 248-357-1929 Canton to assist in medical skills & exp. preferred. Email') Attn: Accountant Plymouth, Mi Minimum of 1 yr. exp. Good Dept #277, 330 Easf Maple, efit. Fax resume to Human office. Some computer claims billing. Fax resume to: benefits. Please call Birmingham, Ml 48009. Resources: 248-476-4990 experience required. Send resume: [email protected] 734-462-1406 COUNTER HELP/ASSEMBLY 588-773-0271 AUTO PORTER (248) 683-2711 resume to: Charles Schneider, or fax to: 248-538-7376 a Or mall to For Plymouth dry cleaner. Large Westside Ford dealer PC, 39319 Plymouthfld. #1 , Service/Customer Sales Swad & Company Full/part time. Apply at: 15149 INTERN II MAINTENANCE looking for the right individual. EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Livonia, Ml 48150 38701 Seven Mile Rd. Sheldon or call 517-375-0031 (Marketing) POSITION IMMEDIATE Office Clerical Suite 245 We offer exc. pay plan & bene- Farmington Hiils corporate or fax: 734-591-4893 Full Time. Benefits avaii. Livonia, Ml 48152 . fit package, Blue Cross, dental, headquarters office has a OPENINGS Customer Sales/Service PART TIME prescription, vision, matching dynamic opportunity for an Canton Township is accepting Westwood Village Apts. GREAT PAY 401K, life and disability insur- 2004 EXPANSION Executive Assistant to the applications for the Leisure Call 734-459-6600 RECEPTIONiST/GREETER ************ ANNOUNCEMENT; NOW HIR- ance, paid vacation and a five ALL President with a minimum of Services Department as Intern Needed for auto dealership. Entry level. We train. Flex ADMINISTRATIVE ING For 2004 Postal Jobs day work week. Great driving 3-5 yrs exp. Creative letter II (Marketing). Applicant must Maintenance Supervisor Eves & Sats required. Ideal schedules. Call now! ASSIST./ $16.20-$39.00/hr. Full Federal record a must. Apply in person STUDENTS for students. If you are friend- (734) 522-4140 writing & shorthand or speed- provide proof with completed Mature, reliable supervisor to RECEPTIONIST Benefits, Paid Training. No only to: Steve Shipley at Pat Entry level with no experience ly, outgoing and enjoy work- writing are required. Must be a application that they are doing oversee maintenance staff. Or Visit: Growth oriented, establish- experience required. Green Milliken Ford ELC LLC, 9600 needed. Great for students & take-charge person, extremely ing with the public, please a college Internship. Must have apt. supervisory ed property management Card OK. Call Telegraph, Redford. 2nd income. Conditions apply, professional, and capable of apply in person at Victory Employee will be paid for 30 experience. HVAC certification, SOCIAL WORKER co. seeking a motivated 1-866-895-3696 ext. 2400. must be 18+. making decisions. Proficiency hrs. per week and must work Honda, 315 Ann Arbor Rd., plumbing and electrical exper- 300 bed skilled nursing Individual for a multi-task AUTO TECHNICIAN- with MS Word, Excei & exp. an additional 10 hrs. unpaid Plymouth, Ml 48170. Call now (734) 522-4140 facility is seeking a full-time position. Requires word APARTMENT CERTIFIED ONLY-apply. with travel arrangements a per week. $12 per hr. Must ience. Also seeking Mainten- Or Visit: POSTAL JOBS "Announce- Social Worker with a Bach- processing and other Good pay, busy shop. Exp. must. We offer an exc. salary, possess a current, valid ance Tech. Salary depends on MAINTENANCE ment/ Public #USPS2475" elors Degree In Social computer proficiency. preferred. 313-531-7670 CUSTOMER SERVICE full benefit package, pleasant Michigan Drivers License with skill & experience. Immediate openings in UP TO $29.16 HOUR, APPLI- Work, and a minimum of .Salary and benefits. Mail ADVISOR & work environment. Please a good driving history. Please send resumes to: Farmington, Westland, Wood- AUTO TECHNICIANS CATION/INFORMATION. FREE one year experience in long or fax resume to: CERTIFIED AUTOMATIC forward resume along with Applicant may be required to [email protected] or fax haven, Pontiac and Sterling CALL. NOW HIRING 2003! term care. Individual must York Properties, 100 CRESTWOOD DODGE TRANSMISSION MECHANIC salary requirements: to Box apply for his/her driving Heights. Must have related to 734-941-1390. FEDERAL HIRE - FULL BENE- be a motivated self-starter Galleria Officentre #400, Applications now being 0793 , Observer & Eccentric record, at own expense, experience. We offer a full FITS. 1-800-892-5144 ext. 97 that can work independent- Southfield, Ml 48034. (734) 421-5700 accepted for qualified Individ- Newspapers 36251 School- through the Secretary of benefit package including MAINTENANCE TECH ntalifwusps ly. Qualified candidates Fax: (248) 358-3779 uals. Competitive wages, craft Rd. Livonia, Ml 48150 State. Applications available at medical, dental, vision, life, AUTOMOTIVE Experienced, for large apt. should fax resume to Jackie insurance package & 401k EOE the Township Administration PREP PERSON 401k, and paid vacations & Gordon Chevrolet is seeking complex In Farmington Zimmerman: 248-338-0744 AOMINSTRATIVE ASSISTANT available. Contact Pete Bojeri Building, Human Resources Full-time for Auburn Hills holidays. Great discounts on to add experienced HTlls. Must be experienced or call to schedule an appt Full/part time. A great place to' apartments. Fax resume or at McDonald Ford, Northville Division. 1150 S. Canton in Heating & AC. Hours Apts. Must have own tools technicians Great pay & 248-349-1400 at 248-338-0345. work! Growing W. Bloomfield work history to Michele at benefits. Must be dedicated to EXPANDING MORTGAGE Center Road, Canton, Mi Mon-Fri, plus on-call every- 248-853-3472 48188. A completed Canton MEDILODGE OF Financial Services co. Email: (248) 569-1508. excellent customer service. DELIVERY DRIVER COMPANY 3rd week. Please fax Township application form PREP PERSON [email protected] Apply in person @ 31850 Immediate opening for deliv- Hiring 2 Exp. Loan Officers. resume: 248-478-6802. BLOOMFIELD HILLS Are You 19-21, Unemployed must be completed in its Full-time for Southfield Apts. (248) 661-8190 Ford Rd., Garden City, Ml. ery driver. Must possess clean Opportunity for Advancement. 50 W. Square Lake Rd. & Looking for Free Training entirety and on file with the Must have own tools. Exp. driving record, be able to KEY MORTGAGE MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN Bloomfield Hills, Ml 48302 BOOKKEEPER - PART TIME or Job Search Assistance Canton Township Human preferred. 248-353-9050 AUTOMOTIVE STORE process complex shipping 734-459-8500 Full-time, experienced, for Office has opening for with- in truck driving, medical Resources Division by 4pm, MANAGER documents, & have great Fax Resume to 734-468-1322 Canton apt. community. PROJECT COORDINATOR SURFACE GRINDER Exp. Quickbooks experience. Low" career, machining, service February 6, 2004. An Excellent pay. Excellent bene- interpersonal skills. CDL Experience required. Great Custom wood store fixture Blanchard Grinder. Must have key setting. Trustworthiness^' industry, etc. income eligible application form is also fits. Vacation. Very busy auto- requested, but not required. FACILITIES ASSISTANT opportunity for right person. mfg. seeks entry level project own tools. Days. Top pay + required. Fax or email resume:" calrKaren 248-586-8924 available on the Canton motive repair facilities. We also do pre-employment MANAGER Please call (734) 397-1080 Coordinator, candidate must benefits. (734) 722-9221 248-366-8698 Township website at Call Marty 734-576-1185 drug screening & background Needed for childcare company process strong communica- [email protected] f The MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN Asbestos Abatement checks. Fax 734-414-6221, this position performs a vari- tion & computer skills. Charter Township of Canton Full-time, experienced, for TAX PREPARER Estimator email [email protected] ety of skilled, preventative, Including Auto Cad - & Micro AVON NEEDS maintenance and repairs on does not discriminate on the Canton apt. community. Part time or full time posi-j Needed for Kalamazoo co. Exp. Ask for Tom 734-414-6180 Soft Office Products. Excellent CUSTOMER Representatives Now! Call buildings & grounds. basis of race, color, national Experience required. Great tlon. Personal & corporate in abatement of asbestos, lead pay & benefits. Fax resume/ SERVICE/ Demonstrative leadership origin, sex, religion, a(je or opportunity for right person. tax returns. Livonia CPA] & mold strongly preferred. 734-981-1642 OENTAL ASSISTANT letter to: 313-892-8503 skills, with a minimum of 3 disability in employment or Please call (734) 397-1080 firm. TELEPHONE Sales exp. helpful. Send Vjki Experienced only, for years supervisory experience. the provision of services. An resume to PO Box 51576, BABYSITTING STAFF V—* busy south Canton QUALITY CONTROL Fax resume Attn: Tax SALES Traveling and valid drivers Equal Opportunity Employer. MAINTENANCE Kalamazoo, Ml 49005-1576 or Farmington Family YMCA and Westland offices. Join our FLOOR INSPECTOR Preparer 734-462-1406 license a must. Woodland Glen Apts in Novi email: fmr.martinassocenv® seeking babysitting staff for outstanding staff. Benefits. for tier one automotive suppli- Or mail to: An established and well Qualified candidates please seeking full time person. evening hours 4-8pm Mon. 734-697-4400 Janitorial Responsibilities: HVAC, elec- er. Must have at least 2 years Swad & Company recognized bottler and thru Fri. Flexible with # of call 248-569-2500 Part time weekends for of quality exp. & knowledge ct 38701 Seven Mile Rd. distributor of water OIRECT CARE GIVERS trical, snow removal, • must nights you can work. Contact Plymouth Church. Call SPC. Competitive wages & Suite 245 products is looking for ASSISTANT for group homes: Day & FADAL OPERATOR have exp. Benefits include, Mary Beth 248-553-1909 Mon-Fri., 9-5. 734-453-5280 benefits. Apply in person at: Livonia, Ml 48152 talented individuals to CATEGORY MANAGER afternoon shifts in Taylor. Some exp. required. Blue health, dental, 401K, $10/hr. 39133 Webb Drive, Westland. work at its Plymouth Association in Novi seeks a Afternoon shifts in Plymouth. Cross, dental, 401k. Wixom Fax resume: 248-349-5425, BARBER Full time for our JEWELER'S APPRENTICE location. Responsibilities full time, safes-oriented, self- Good driving record. area. 248-344-9644. or call: 248-349-6612. RECEIVING CLERK Plymouth location. Call Learn to set diamonds & include taking incoming starting employee with strong $7.30 to $7.80/hr. TEACHER for preschool in Tammy{734) 459-8030 or repair jewelry. Professional MAINTENANCE, Full-Time For Ferndale co. Warehouse & calls from customers, customer service, organiza- Call Patty at 248-980-3307. FLOOR PERSON Farmington. Afternoons. Must 734-216-1231 training. Earn up to $20/hr. for Southfield Apts. Must hi-lo exp. a plus. Please send data-entry and depend^ tional and computer skills in Minimum 5 yrs. experience. be 18 years of age or older & Start pay $8-$10/hr. have Type I certification, exp. or email resume to ability. No evenings and Microsoft Office. Prior exper- DIRECT CARE NEEDED Full Time. Fax resume: SIS- must have a CDA. Please call CARPENTERS: Rough fram- Dale, 734-525-3200. In plumbing, electrical, HVAC O&E Newspapers minimal weekends. Daily ience and negotiation skills a For medically involved group SSI-7479, Attention Dave 248-477-8020 ing, min. 2 yrs. experience. & take after hours on-call. 36251 Schoolcraft Rd. wage + commission, plus. Some travel required. home in the Ypsilantl area. All Good pay, 40 hrs. Full-time GOVERNMENT JOBS Earn 248-356-2359 TEACHER-PRESCHOOL great benefit package, Email your resume with salary shifts available. Preferably Livonia, Mi 48150 applicants only. 810-343-2932 $12-$48.00 an hour. Full ben- full/part-time. Experience including 401K. requirements to trained, but will train. Must JOB FAIR MAINTENANCE, Full-Time efits, paid training on neccesary. Please call Livonia [email protected] CARPET INSTALLERS have valid driver's license or for Troy Apts. Must be HVAC Reference Code 0792 Homeland Security, Law PROPERTY Little Tots 734-591-6440 or fax 248-449-4557 Carpet crews needed to serv- equivalent. Contact Monica or certified with exp. & take after Send resume to: enforcement, Wildlife, Clerical, ice builders new construction Becky, Mon-Fri only, at 734- MANAGEMENT hours on-call. 248-879-2466 RECEPTIONIST Telephone Sales #11 Administrative & more. TEACHERS ' P.O. BOX 701248 ATTENTION! Motivated, self- projects & residential cus- 975-0385. If you are interested in a WANTED FOR SALON starter to learn the business of tomers. Must have minimum 1-800-320-9353 ext. 2200 career in property man- MANAGER Make A Difference PLYMOUTH, Ml 48170 Direct Care: Positions avail- Part time Including Sats. In Loan Originator. Great $$$ No of 5 yrs. exp., comp & liabili- agement, we invite you to The Michigan Humane Society In A Child's Life... able working with people in join us at one of our open Downtown Northville. Must Or fax resume to: exp. Cai! Jeff 248-336-9440 ty insurance. S2.75-$3.75Ard. has an immediate full-time their homes; competitive pay HAIR STYLISTS houses listed below. Please TEACHERS/ 734-416-3810 plus extras. Contact Tim opening for a motivated indi- have cash drawer exp. Apply & benefits; all shifts; paid Seeking an improved bring an updated resume ASSISTANT TEACHERS e-maii: Auto Mackey. 248-353-4050, Ext. vidual to manage its Mobile within at Matthew Thomas training, great people, mean- work environment? An with you. Tutor Time Child Care - hr_manufacturing Body Tech wanted. Direct 3086 or e-mail Adoption Unit program and Saion at 330 N. Center St. or ingful work. 734-728-4201 attractive, new & modern Learning Centers seeks @hotmail,com repair shop. BC/BS. Appiy in [email protected] assist in overseeing the daily fax to 248-449-4059 person to Body Shop Manager. salon is offering generous Saturday, January 31 motivated teachers for our DISTRIBUTE CAMPAIGN LIT- terms & provides ideal operations of its newest loca- Farmington Hilis Center. Lou LaRiche Chevrolet at 10:0Q a.m. tion in Westland to be com- RECRUITER E.O.E. CASHIER ERATURE inside Democratic working conditions. Call ECE/CDA & exp. preferred, 40875 Plymouth Rd. pleted in 2004. Candidate Large Wayne hardware store. caucus. 2/7,10:OOam-4:OOpm. to shedule interview: F-O-R-T-U-N-E PERSONNEL (at Haggerty) Plymouth must have a minimum of 3 competitive salary & benefits S60 cash. 248-349-3143 PLATINUM THE SALON Monday, Februarys Consultants of Detroit, Inc. PATA ENTRY Work from* Full or part-time. Competitive years management experi- Call: 248-888-0614 AUTO BOOY TECHNICIAN 248-594-9988 at 4:00 p.m. We are nation-wide attorney home flexible hours! Great? wage. 734-721-7244 DRIVER ence, proven team leadership or fax 248-888-0618 Busy fCAR DRIP certified placement specialists looking pay! Computer required. record, and excellent interper- EOE M/F/D/V shop looking for experienced TRACTOR TRAILER 28555 Orchard Lake Road for a recruiter. The successful 1-800-382-4282 ext #63. " body repair technician. CHILDCARE HAIRSTYLIST, NAIL TECH, & sonal and customer service candidate will be competitive, Distribution facility seeks Lower Level, UNISON CAM GRINDERS, Please cali Tony Saiiba Degreed Teacher for pre-K MASSAGE THERAPIST skills. Competitive salary and articulate, organized & asse- Data Entry - COULD EARN experienced Tractor Trailer Meeting Room 110 SURFACE GRINDERS AND (734) 525-5000 x280 with a minimum of a CDA & For Plymouth salon. Farmington Hills, Ml 48334 benefits. For best considera- rtive. Sales experience is a $15/hour and up! MedicaH Driver with Class A CDL & 2 WIRE ROOM OPERATOR Livonia Chrysler Jeep EOS ECE and experienced infant Call Kim, 734-459-4001 tion submit resume before plus. Compensation is comm- Billing. Training Provided. PC' yrs. of driving exp. The driver !i Leads and Assistants for 2/9/04 via email to ission-based, with training and for high paced manufacturer. Required! Cail 7 days. will be required to pick-up the If you are unable to attend centers In Auburn Hills . HIRING FOR 2004 POSTAL benefits provided. Apply at: 1-800-935-1311 ext. 308 K AUTO MECHANICS tractor from the Penske yard but still interested in Lane Punch Corporation, 248-373-4468 POSITIONS $14.80- pursuing available op- Mark I, Schwartz Exp. FT/PI. Sase + com- in Perrysburg, OH & deliver 4985 Belleville Rd., $36.00+/hr. 'Federal hire with portunities, please fax your 17515 W. Nine Mile #770 mission, health care incen- CHILDCARE freight in the NW OH region. If Canton, Ml 48188 full benefits *No experience resume to 248-489-1118, MANAGER WANTEO Southfield, Ml, 48075 For the best auto tive. Mon-Fri. Must have EXPERIENCED Director, for you are unable to meet this necessary "Paid training and Attn: Human Resources Mechanic shop is looking for email: [email protected] classifications check- own tools, learning center in Auburn Hills. requirement then please don't vacations "Green Card O.K. an individual with exp. and When seeking 734-261-3033, ask for Rick. 1-800-90LEARN . fill out an application. Benefits out the Observer & Cain-866-317-0558 ext. 4001 knowledge to organize, man- out the best Eccentric Newspaper. include 401K, prescription age, and maintain fleet of plan, vision discount plan, Earn extra $$ deal check out "It's all about heavy equipment of trucks and the Observer medical/dental/life insurance, trailers. Call (248)349-2922. advertise with O&E RESULTS!'' Independent tuition assistance & more. & Eccentric Classifieds! Candidates should come in & MANICURIST/PEDICURIST 1-800-579-SELL y 1-800-579-7355 y fill out an application. NEEDED to help launch a new small business. Mostly Contractors SHAW INDUSTRIES Independent evening hours, great extra 41965 Ecorse Rd. #400 money opportunity! Licensed Based out of our Birmingham office, this Belleville, Ml 48111 Contractors- persons only. 248-444-0444 position provides support to our sales Applications will be accepted 248-444-0547 TULL TIME reps. High school diploma or equivalent through Mon., Feb. 2, 8-5 MARKETING Assistant needed. required, with 6 months to one year lit hC J EEO/AAE/M/FW/D Employer Bundle Haulers Insurance office, downtown Western Northville needs part time general office experience. Excellent DRIVER WANTED -PART TIME help. Good people skills, com- SALtS customer service, communication and Use own car. Ideal for retired Needed puter & phone skills required. Deliver The person. Pick up nurses aids at Fax resume to: 248-349-5169. computer skills are essential, and ability /ft.i \ilit Observer & their homes in Detroit and to accurately type 35-40 wpm. If you are drop them off at their clients in Tteice a week MECHANIC WANTED to main- \WhTANTI Eccentric the suburbs. Apply at tain and repair large fleet of an enthusiastic, highly motivated 27350 Southfleld Rd„ Thursdays & Sat urdays heavy equipment and light person, we would tike to hear from Lathrup Village, Ml 48076 and heavy duty trucks & trail- homes m Western ers. Must be a certified diesel you! The Observer & Eccentric Wayne County. DRIVER, TOW TRUCK Deliver The Observer & mechanic with experience. Newspapers offers a great work Wknd shift, Fri-Sun. Livonia Call (248)349-2922. Must have vehicie, area. Can run from your house. Eccentric Newspapers to environment, excellent benefits and valid driver's Exp. not necessary. Call btwn employee-friendly time off policy. fthit It/'i 9am-5pm, (734) 591-0456 carriers' homes in our area. iicense & DRIVER/VENDING ROUTE insurance. Exp'd. Medical, prescription, Must have truck or van, valid 401K, etc. Must have good Please submit resume to* " - driving record. 734-207-8368. driver's license & insurance. email emplo>menfs?o€ homecomm DRIVERS WANTED l/C with newer cargo van Please Call John The Observer & Eccentric Newspaper wanted for scheduled dally 734-805 deliveries in the Detroit area. 734-805-3614 36251 Sehooicraft Road for more Good Driving record and insurance required. Call Doug for more information at 888-999-3067 for details Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, January 29,2004 '(*) Q5 All Ads Run Online ©bsemr^^fetentrfc FREE! A Value Of Up To $87.00 Jobs and Careers \ V

• HI* DATA ENTRY POSITION DENTAL ASSISTANT MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST Are you looking to LOOKING FOR REAL ESTATE SALES HOUSEKEEPER/COOK Property Management Full time w/beneflts for busy Friendly & professional, with .Inlis and make changes in SALESPEOPLE WITH 2 An upscale builder of fine Needed. Some childcare Company Livonia general practice. Exp. medical office exp. For sched- GOOD EARS I homes and condominiums is required. Must be honest, Responsible for keying needed. (734) 522-6770 uling, billing. 248-540-1900 2004? To listen to our customer's looking to add some agents. responsible and not afraid to Careers income and data for a Real Estate One, with over 30 needs. High end recre- Agent to receive leads generat- work. Flexible hrs. Must drive, accounts, answering phones, DENTAL ASSISTANT MT (ASCP ) innovative offices, has career ational furniture showroom. ed from our models in Oakland speak English. 248-593-0964 filing, opening mail and other Full time. Join our great team Part-time 56 hours bi-weekly, opportunities you owe it to Commission opportunity. and W. Wayne County. License 5000 HelpWanted-Gsneral Wanted-Entertainmerrt general office duties. Must be in our new state-of-the-art afternoon shift position yourself to explore. Start today 35K+, benefits. and some experience required. 5010. Help Wanted- experienced and able to multi- office in Plymouth. Will train located in our Stat Lab inside by attending a free seminar. Call John 248-514-1487 task. Full-time position avail- Allstate Billiards & Patio, Computer/Info Systems 5340 .Jobs Wanted- right person. Providence Hospital. Rotating Call Sandy at Novi'& Bloomfield Hills able immediately. $9.00 an Real Estate Call 734-453-9250 weekends and holidays. Apply 248-304-2299 Fax resume to Roy: EXPERIENCED LADY - Wishes hour, some overtime and in person or send resume to: Sales Professionals 5360..; Childcare Services- Saturdays required. Benefits for the nearest location. 313-794-6759 to do housecleaning, Every DENTAL ASSISTANT other Mon &Wed & every 5030 Help Wanted- Licensed after 3 months. Fax resume to HOSPITAL CONSOLIDATED Ask about our Real Estate 248-615-8923 In Plymouth area, part time. Signing Bonus. NEW HOMES Tues. References. (313) 834- 5370 .Chiidcare/Babysitting Exp. preferred. 734-453^8190 LABORATORIES SALES ASSOCIATE CAREER SEMINAR 4879 MT Stat Providence Lab 5040 HelpWanted-Oental Services . FILE CLERK/RUNNER One of Michigan's leading Tues., Feb. 10 @ 7:00 PM DENTAL ASSISTANT 23775 Northwestern Hwy. Position available for litigation residential builders is seeking 5060 ..Help Wanted-Medical 5380 Childcare Needed Part-Time, No Evenings Southfield, Ml. 48075 firm in Royal Oak. Full-time, a New Home Sales Associate. Learn what a career in 5080 Help Wanted- 5400 Elderly Care& Assistance Must be experienced, sense of Fax: 248-424-5392 ART CONSULTANTS Position may require local competitive salary and bene- Real Estate can do for you! humor a must for low key email: hclresumes® needed for New Division of travel. Sales experience, New . Food/Beverage 5420 Nursing Cafe & Homes fits, Please send resume to: quality general dental office. Established Art Company - Home Salesperson or Real- Daycare has openings, 6 wks- 5100 Help Wanted- 5500 Summer Camps Ronda Harris, 322 W. Lincoln, Personal Preference Inc., Estate Salesperson License, Seating is limited. Please 4 yrs. 12+ yr. exp. Included: Please call btwn. 9-12. Subject: MT Stat Providence RSVP ® 734-464-6400, HeaWi & Fitness 5600 Education/Instruction Royal Oak, Mi. 48067. Fax selling affordable art. No and computer skills a must. diapers, wipes, hot meals, (248) 478-6289 Lab ask for Tricia or 248-544-1191, Email: rhar- experience necessary. We Premium compensation pack- learning & more. Farmington 5110 HelpWanted-Professional 5620 Business & Professional [email protected] e-mail: tspease@cent21 .biz DENTAL ASSISTANT OPHTHALMIC TECH. train. Earn an extra $10,000 - age to include salary plus Hills/Livonia. 248-477-2953 5120. HelpWanted-Sales Services . RECEPTIONIST $30,000/year part time. commission. Health benefits. GENERAL OFFICE - Livonia Exp. only. Full time. Exc. Qualified candidates only, Oaycare- Has open- 5200. Help Wsnted-Part-Time 5700 Attorneys/legal Counseling Some exp. preferred, but may Generous commission + office seeks part time General train. Limited hours, Fax benefits. Call Terry: please fax your resume to ings available. Infant to 4 5240. HeipWanted-Domestic 5720 Help Wanted-Tax Services Office Help. Multiple job bonus + great trips and prizes. resumes to'313-937-2969 248-356-0098 or fax resume (248)324-2066 years. Meals provided. 5260 Help Wanted-Couples 5740 Business Opportunities tasks; including computer Call Fran for more info at: Hartford South, Inc. Call Angela: 734-762-3584 data entry, filing and some Dental Assistant/Experienced to: 248-356-4249 248-684-8336 accounting tasks. Must be or 248-425-1074 PART TIME Plymouth 24/hrs - 7/days for Great opportunity for head 1 -800-579-SELL detail oriented, dependable, assistant in Sterling Hts. pri- PERSONAL CARE SUPERSTAR SALES all your, childcare needs. adept to keyboard. Excel & vate practice. 248-561-7919 ASSISTANTS REAL ESTATE SALES Check out word helpful. Flexible hours ATTENTION new, PERSON Immediate openings available THINKING OF (734) 459-9566 Mon.-Fri., days 20-25 hrs. OENTAt HYGIENIST Are you outgoing, competitive, in a Westland facility to pro- experienced and CHANGING $10/hr. Please fax resume to For family practice in Livonia. vide personal care & assis- able to "think on your feet?" Attn: Lisa 734-422-9391 Mon. 9-7, Fri. 9-2, Sat. 9-2. DUAL CAREER Does an upbeat work CAREERS? LOOKING tance to elderly clients. Full & FOR INDEPENDENCE Please call: 734-425-6920 part-time positions for reli- AGENTS atmosphere and up to $13 per GENERAL OFFICE Transitioning from your cur- hr. sound good to you? AND able, kind •& compassionate ADULT STUDENT NANNY - In Experienced preferred. Full DENTAL PATIENT / rent career to Real Estate WEEDMAN, North America's CONTROL OVER people. Some previous exp. your home. Mon-Fri. 8-5. time. Call for interview COORDINATOR does not have to be difficult! largest franchised lawn care IYOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE? preferred. Please call 313-903- With references. Call 313-537-5400 Full-time. Dental & computer We have the answer! Join Real Estate just may'be your 4851 to schedule an interview. company has several immed- Jacqueline, (248) 473-9471 experience required. Laurel our Dual-Career Transition iate openings and we want answer. Comprehen-sive 8000 Personals 6260 Political Notices LEGAL SECRETARY Park, Livonia. Excellent envi- Center Today. Special you! 6pm-9pm evenings Mon- training and support provided 8020 Happy Atis 6280 Car Pools Litigation. ronment. Send Resume: Physical Therapist DAYCARE FULL/PART-TIME in Training. Limited openings so you can reach your goals. 6300 Cards Of Thanks Email: [email protected] or 734-464-4778 Full time, licensed, experience Thurs, 10am-2pm on Sat. My Livonia home. Infants-pre- in our Northville/Novi/l-275 Please call 248-478-9393 734-455-6000 school only. References avail- 6060 Mother's Day 6320 In Memoriam call 586-381-8151 preferred, Mon. - Fri. for Center. Weir, Manuel, Snyder & DENTAL RECEPTIONIST/ oupatlent orthopedic Novi able. Call (248) 476-5373 6080 Father's Day 6340 Death Notices Caii Victor Salerno at Ranke POST-TREATMENT office. Excellent salary & ben- Real Estate Agent 6100 Holiday Potpourri 6360 Lost& Found LITIGATION LEGAL SECRETARY (248) 347-3050, ext. 422 500 S. Main St., Plymouth jfe FUN, SAFE LEARNING efits. Contact Roman: Livonia mom w/17 yrs 6120 Sweetest Day 6380 Tickets SECRETARY Full-time, benefits. Exper- (248) 888-1333 or fax your ienced with' knowledge of ATTN REALTORS! Very bUsy- A CAREER IN IfI exp. will care for your 6140 Valentine's day 6400 TranspoitatfonfTravel Needed for Southfield resume to: (248) 888-1040 dentistry, computers, insur- Farmington Hills Realtor look- REAL ESTATE! SALES MANAGER children, along w/my 3 mo. 6200 Announcements & Notices 6420 Health, Nutrition, Welgfit Loss based law firm. Fax old in your home. CPR & First ance. Some evenings & ing for buyer's agent to serv- High volume catering co. 6220 Legal & Accepting 5440 Insura .resume to: 248-354-6308 RECEPTIONIST seeks aggressive, motivated Aid. Exc. ref. 734-637-6043 Saturdays. Southfield area. Physician's office in Farm- ice large number of buyers. LOOK NO 6230 Adoption 6460 Bingo Call Marie: (248) 352-7722 Call Matt: 248-848-3005 teamplayer. Salary + commis- ington Hills. Part time. Will sion. Must lead by example. SAFE & FUNI 6240 Meetings & Seminars OFFICE MANAGER Energetic, train. Cali 248-626-1366 FURTHER motivated, responsible indi- AUTO SALES NEW & USED Exp. required. Fax resume to: in home care in DENTAL- If you desire to work Wayhe/Westland. Food & ed vidual needed to run office. RN/LPN CRESTWOOD DODGE 734-699-8182 1 -800-579-SELL Informal, friendly environ- in western Wayne program. 3 spots avail 18 mos FRONT DESK Part time for 55 bed SNF county, be' with SCHWANS Sup. Shelly 734 326-5181 ment. Computer skills, AP, AR, Exp., motivated. FT, bene- home. Dependable, self-moti- (734) 421-5700 Quickbooks exp. a must. number 1, see our ROUTE MANAGER Personals fits. Great officel-Royal vated and loving nurses need- Needed in our Canton depot. Competitive salary & benefits. Oak. Dan 248-543-7070. ed. Nursing, Supervision, and AUTO SALES other ad for details. Send resume: Box 0778 Great income and benefits. restorative experience impor- North Brothers Ford, family Call Oenise Setser 1-800-336-7569. EOE EARN EXTRA INCOME- FREE GRANTS. Never Repay. Observer & Eccentric, 36251 tant. Send resume to Debbie owned and operated for 734-392-6000 $500-$20Q0 Weekly. Join the Schoolcraft, Livonia, Ml 48150 FRONT OFFICE CHILD CARE IN Results guaranteed. $500.00- For Birmingham practice. at: over 66 years, is seeking SEARCHING FOR A fastest growing industry in $50,000.00. Homes, repairs, [email protected] New & Used Car Sales BLOOMFIELD TWP. HOME America, ecommerce. For Dehtrix computer. Must have NEW DIRECTION? For 1 toddler, Wed. & Fri., educations, business, emer- PARALEGAL dental office exp. 4 days/wk, or fax to: 734-458-7113 People for an aggressive more information send a self- gencies, non profits Writers. full time, for fast-paced law run in 2004. Why not become a member of 7:45am-6pm. Own transporta- addressed stamped envelope no wkends. 1 -800-734-4245 X-RAY TECH: Certified for tion required. Experience & Live operators 9am-9pm. firm. Litigation experience a We are looking for: the oldest and largest family to: eSource, P.O. Box 680610, 1-800-613-5447 ext. 9007 jlus. Competitive salary downtown Northville Medical •Highly aggressive people owned real estate company in references. Call 248-539-9133 Miami, FL. 33168 GREAT OPPORTUNITY! Ciinic. Mammography exp. PREFERRED iand excellent benefit pack- Preferred Dentai Group in •Good seif starter Michigan. We invite you to Holy Spirit you who gave me' desirable. 248-349-0627 Fax: explore this exciting opportu- Child Care/Housecleanlng, MOTION RX DISTRIBUTOR- age. EEO Send resume to: Livonia seeks a full-time •Must possess excellent REALTORS the divine gift to forgive and ; 322 W. Lincoln 248-349-4545 Email: vesna- work habits nity in downtown Birmingham part-time must have car. SHIPS FOR SALE. Full patent- Dental Assistant with an forget the wrong that Is done t Royal Oak, Ml 48067 [email protected] •Customer oriented by calling 248^644-6700 Farmington Hill 248-736-6937 ed professional grade product enthusiastic attitude and dramatically targets love han- to me. You who are in in- » Fax (248) 544-1191 •Team player stances of my life with me. I in SHOWROOM SALES SEEKING LOVING dles & waistline. Retail at ° Email [email protected] pleasant smile. Must have For a confidential interview, Real Estate Agents this short dialogue wnat to Staff needed with good design Caregiver for 2 children in our $19.95 for huge profits. experience -• expanded duty please call or apply in thank you for everything and skills. Design flair a plus. Commerce Twp. home. Mon.- 1-888-221-5563 is a plus. Contact Mr. Green person to Brian Leon or A CAREER IN confirm once more that I never RECEPTIONIST, FULL-TIME Must be dependable, organ- Fri., competitive salary and or Marcie today at: Larry Long. want to be separated from you jre, personable, self- BROILER COOK, REAL ESTATE! ized and self motivated and perks! 248-760-3151 734-591-3636 NORTH BROTHERS FORD Own 5-10 ATM machines in no matter how great the mate- to work in a progres- VEGETABLE COOK & willing to train. Please contact (734) 421-1300 prime high traffic locations. rial desire may be. I want to be caring orthodontic prac- PANTRY PERSON Rick at 248-356-6430 or fax RECEPTIONIST ALL REAL Continuous residual income. with you and my loved ones to tice. We offer a challenging for private country club- resume 248-357-5633 part time for busy oral sur- $1 OK minimum investment your perpetual glory Amen. I career opportunity in a team- gery office in Bingham Farms. Only accepting qualified ESTATE oriented environment where candidates w/exp & refer- BRIDAL SALON SALES Used Car professional need- required. 800-388-1785 promise to publish this dia- Dental background helpful. Upscale bridal salon looking COMPANIES ARE 24 HOUR DAYCARE S logue as soon as this favor is our employees are truly ences. BRING RESUME - ed. Car Sales (new or used) VENDING ROUTE- LOOKING Hours: Mon-Thurs 12- for mature exp. sales help. NOT THE SAME preferred but will train the TUTORING granted. Say three days in a. appreciated for their personal 5:00pm.; Fri 12-4pm. Fax Apply within: 14600 Kinloch, By certified teacher. TO increase my business, Involvement & talent. Please Redford. (313)531-1240 Will train. Hourly plus gener- If you are serious about right person. Great pay plan, row without stating your wish. resume to: 248-642-6387 ous commission. volume bonus, company car 313-247-5825 small candy machines ( 248-797-2641 fax your qualifications to Judi entering the business Vendstar) prefered. at 313-274-5783. Scott; 734-455-1100 and profession of Real program. 401k & more. Apply RECEPTIONIST/ CASHIER Full & part-time in person at Suburban Honda JUNIOR HIGH LEADER & (734) 414-9993 INVENTORS-PRODUCT IDEAS positions. Company benefits. Estate Sales, you owe it ALSO CHRISTIAN ED. DIR. RECEPTIONIST/SECRETARY OFFICE MANAGER/ Career Opportunity in Farmington Hills. Member NEEDED. Oavison is Looking Good pay. Please ask for Sid to yourself to investigate for Novi church, part time. WORK AT HOME Full-time for Wayne CPA firm. /HYGIENIST Seeking professionals w/an ol the Suburban Collection for new or improved product or Harry: 248-352-7377 why we are #1 in the make the choice. Fax: 248-349-5716 ideas or inventions to pre- Applicant must be detail ori- Dearborn Heights General interest in fine home furnish- market place and best 1-888-745-1731 ented, organized, conscien- Dental-expanding, busy, ings & interior design to fill a TUTORING Focus on phonics. pare/Present to corporations CHEF/SOUS CHEF suited to insure your Work from home. Great for licensing. Free information tious, possess multi task abil- quality oriented office few key sales positions. Exp. success. Early childhood specialist de- ity, and able to function inde- searching for highly ener- Banquet & High-End Gourmet preferred, but will train. Exc. income. Travel benefits. No package. 1-800-544-3327 •#1 Rated Franchise grees (UofM). 30 yrs. exp. Exc. pendently as well as part of a getic, happy, busy, produc- experience Required for busy compensation, benefits & exp. nec. FT/PT Training pro- System credentials. 248-855-5152 team. Responsibilities include tive team players. Full/part- catering company. State-of- paid training. If you are inter- vided. Only $49.95 to start TARGET 10 MILLION HOMES •Continuous CLEANER answering 4 line phone sys- time positions available. the art Kitchen. Fax resume ested in a career with a well making money today. WITH YOUR AD. Advertise >weiniy f hub pnune sys- Individualized Training Part-Time, Evenings. 1-866-462-7827 x212. your product or service to temi, greeting clients, general Call-leave message. to: 734-699-8182 established, growing compa- 248-399-3548. •100% Commission Westland areas. $8/hr. approximately 10 million officice duties through adminis- ny, please call: 734-525-0550 248-540-0070 trative DELIVERY BUTLER or fax resume 248-554-9577 Plan households In North America's tive support. Strong word •Group Health best suburbs by placing your processing and spreadsheet SCHEDULER Novi, for general Mobile waiters needed to WARNING! Ali injury victims. Coverage classified' ad in nearly 800 skills necessary. Send resume: dentist, high energy, multi- deliver food for Chili's & other JANITORIAL- Confused? Frustrated? Learn •Free Pre-Licensing suburban newspapers just like • POST, SMYTHE, LUTZ & tasker. Call Maureen for inter- restaurants to local business Part time eves. Telegraph - INJURY LAW SECRETS! iimiiMiim ZIEL LLP customers. Lunch shifts avail- •Latest Technical FREE REPORT tells ali. I this one. Only $895 (USD) for view. 734-394-1027 Long Lake area. Must be i 35110 E. Michigan Ave. able. Cash paid daily. Must Computer Programs 1-800-545-0505 /24 hrs a 25-word ad. One pnone call, CRUISE/TOUR Enable You To Have The dependable, have experi- one invoice, one payment. Ad - Wayne, Ml 48184 use own vehicle. Please call ence & own reliable trans- Fax:(734) 722-2410 248-482-1100 9am-11am or SALES Competitive Advantage • LOOK copy is subject to publisher 3pm-5pm. •Unsurpassed'Local and portation. LEAVE VOICE approval. Call the Suburban Will train exp or natural born National Advertising MESSAGE ONLY AT: i Classified Advertising Network SECRETARY - for church sales people to sell vacations LAB TECH, EXP. EXP. RESERVATIONS Exposure 313-601-0648. at 888-486-2466. office needed part time. Need to incoming calls. No cold A+MARS/NESTLE Vending Full-time, Some evenings For award wining restaurant. DISCOVER THE good people skills and com- calling. $8 per hr. + Route. Unique machine, great and weekends. Bench & Apply in person. Jeremy puter exp. Send resume by commissions averaging $500- DIFFERENCE PAINTER / DRYWALLER- opportunity! Prime locations fax to 248-476-1030 or email surface position right. Call Restaurant, 1978 Cass Lake, $1300/mo. 30-40 hrs/week. Call Jim Stevens 2 POSITIONS available now! Excellent profit to: [email protected] Ray at 248-553-8270 Keego Harbor, or Call: Dearborn. 313-278-4100 or 20hrs/week Day shift. Exp. potential, investment required (248) 681-2124 ADOPTION: Young, SECRETARY Part-Time Must LIVONIA URGENT CARE Alissa Nead needed, $10/hr. Apply in $10K & under. Toll free (24-7) $25,000 CASH grants GUAR- EARN EXTRA $$$ V fS loving, secure cou- know Quickbooks & book- X RAY TECH/MEDICAL person at Ward Church, 888-737-7133 ANTEED! All US residents .IGHT CLUB Booming real estate offices in pie promise to keeping, payables/receivables. ASSISTANT 40000 6 Mile, Northville. qualify! Use your $ for per- With xray exp. need only to Livonia have openings for BE YOUR OWN DOSS! cherish your baby. Southfield. Cell:248-217-3185 [Metro Detroit's #1 adult! Busy corner in Plymouth sonal bills, school, business, apply. $12-$20/hr., benefits. outgoing Salespeople! TELEMARKETERS Expenses paid. Angela & Joe Fax 248-355-5082 •entertainment club is now' good for deli, salon, etc. etc.! Don't miss out! Call 1- Fax resume: 734-542-6102. Training available. 16 + hours per week. 1-800-330-6337 ,accepting applications forj Looking for motivated person. 800-363-5222 x807. Call Kim or Judy Work from 5pm-9pm. 'SERVERS & SHOT GIRLS' No money needed. (734) LPN/RN &/or MEDICAL 734-525-4200 $9/hr base + commission. iDay, Night & Weekend Shifts.! PREFERRED 207-8600/734-776-7503 ASSISTANT • Pediatrics. REMERICA Seniors' welcome This Classification Fuil-time. Southfield. ! Apply within: J INTEGRITY REALTORS REALTORS Downtown Farmington office. EARN $1,000-$3,500 WEEK- continues from Attn: Exp. Dental Assistants, Fax resume: 248-539-1924 i FLIGHT CLUB • Gayle 3-8pm. 248-427-0800 LY! Taking simple surveys Section C May the sacred heart of Hygienist & Receptionists |, 29709 Michigan Ave { (734)459-6000 INSIDE SALES onlien! $75.00 per survey! Jesus be adored, glorified, How hiring for general offices. MEDICAL ASSISTANT » Inkster « Join one of the fastest grow- Free registration! Guaranteed FREE Cell phones FREE loved and preserved through- Fax resume to: 586-997-9210. Busy Commerce orthopedic KITCHEN MANAGER, ing service companies in the Real Estate Agents paychecks! Free Government pagers FREE unlimited calling out the world now and forev- practice seeks Medical country. Immediate opening grants! $10,000-$250,000 er. Sacred heart of Jesus pray ~ CHAIRSIDE Assistant. 3 yrs+ working in LOCATION SUPERVISOR, ANEW from home phone to any- : DENTAL ASSISTANT PREP COOK, CASHIER, for an inside sales person. CAREGIVER never repay! EVeryone quali- where in US, Canada or Puerto for us. St. Jude worker of mir- a private physician office Phone exp. a plus but not fied! Incredible opportunities! acles pray for us. Are you an experienced setting. Certification pre- DRIVER/DELIVERY CAREER? Full-time Certified Nurses Aide Rico! FREE! FREE! FREE! Call required. Call to set-up an now 1-800-561-0174 J.A. chairside asst. who wants to ferred. Flexible person with Full-time. Exc. benefit package. REAL ESTATE IS BOOMING needed to care for a wheelchair grow. If you enjoy people our Apply in person at ARAMARK interview with Lynn bound gentleman, in a lovely a stable work history. 248-349-4505, ext. 204 . Excellent Commissions. Bloomfield general Dental Fax: 248-937-5150 @ Ford-Dearborn, 168Q0 Great Training. Oakland County home. Ideal office warits to meet you. No Executive Plaza Dr., Dearborn, DOUG COURTNEY for gentleman. If you can lift eves, or Sats. Benefits avail. or call Judith, (313) 390-6275 INSIDE SALES patient, are extremely caring, Call. Medical Assistant able to work 48 hr. continuous 248-645-9831 For 1 doctor in a 2 doctor WAIT STAFF- REP shifts, can provide outstanding family practice. Great co- growing food service company references, and have reliable CHAIRSIDE BFAST/LUNCH is seeking motulvated and workers. Experience a must. HOMETOWN transportation, please call DENTAL ASSTISTANT Creative American Menu enthusiastic person for it's Patient-friendly, experienced, Approximately 30 hrs/wk. (734) 459-6222 248-553-0028 today! EOE Westland area. 734-729-1150 Health Ins/401 K Plymouth office. Must be reliable team member needed Beverly Hills Grill computer literate. Starting for growing general practice. base $30K + and competitive New facility, full or part time MEDICAL BILLER 31471 Southfield Road ecia benefits. Email resume and with excellent wage & benefits. Experience required. Excellent salary history to 734-525-2552 benefits. Competitive salary. WAIT/BARTENDER Part-time, weekends, nights. resume® BE YOUR Friendly atmosphere, DENTAL ASSISTANT Apply: Starting Gate Saloon, Plymouth area. Call Maria S. with experience needed part- 135 N. Center St., Northville EOE time for our pleasant Canton 734-453-6970. office. Friendly atmosphere. When seeking A word to the wise, OWN BOSS! MEDICAL BILLER Easy access off 1275. Full-time for busy interna! out the best when looking for a Send your valentine ?Call Kimberly at 734-207- medicine primary care office. deal check out 0885 w'Adt great deal check the special message in a Great pay, benefits No week- the Observer REAL ESTATE SALES personalized liner ad in ends. Exp. needed. & Eccentric Classifieds! & Eccentric Cali Lisa (313) 561-4540 Classifieds! your Observer & Eccentric DENTAL y 1-80Q-579-7355 j We are looking for self-motivated, ; ASSISTANT MEDICAL BILLER smart working individuals for aur. Classifieds and be entered Royal Oak. Experienced. wane Bingham Farms Specialty new Bloomfield Hills office. nee to tvtn office seeks bright, ener- References, efficient, honest. roses from getic, dental assistant. Fax resume to: 248-737-0285 Real Estate sales offer unlimited Bood salary & benefits >y Berry Flowers! ipackage for the right per- MEDICAL BILLtR, Part-time opportunities for financial freedom. son. Full-time w/some Experienced. Facility billing Many of our top agents earn over Get your In-column liner ad Sat's req. Please call 9-5 exp a plus. Salary neg. Plymouth Physical Therapy HIRING $100,000 per year. at a special rate of $2,00 per line! •'248 540-9193 Fax: 734-416-3903 And look for k to appear on. DENTAL ASSISTANT MEDICAL MANAGEMENT We offer an intensive and unique Thursday, February 12th..Just in Are you an experienced assis- Family practice in Detroit sub- TOP PAY FOR TOP NURSES time for Valentine's Day. tant looking for an opportunity urbs seeks motivated individ- training program to to expand skills and advance ual for administrative position. RN's, LPN's • Paid Health become successful which includes Personalize your ad with a special professionally in a high quali- Must have medical manage- photo for aa additional 15. ty specialty practice? If you ment exp., motivation to REGISTERED DIETICIAN seminars, coaching and mentoring. afe also bright, personable, achieve business goals & So, be unique this year.-... motivated ana sincerely caring team building skills. Billing New Agents Call: about people and dental experience desirable. Forward ACTIVITY ASSISTANT call today to place your ad! hjsalth, call 248-357-3100. resume/salary history to: SHARON JAFFE [email protected] Experienced with MDS and DENTAL ASSISTANT Exp. 1-800-579-7355 dental Assist, needed for a MEDICAL PRACTICE Experienced Agents Calh busy Dearborn office. Full time Documentation You can email your ad to: available, please fax resume: OFFICE MANAGER RON MILLER or mail your ;«.i to: Aitn: Lenee 313-834-9595 Wanted for busy OB/GYN Apply at: TIU' Observe.-!' <8. Eccenule Newspapers at practise. 6 doctors, 3 mid- ?(>251 Schoolcraft Ko«d, livonia, Mi 48150. ; DENTAL ASSISTANT wives, 2 offices, (Southern FOUR Four Seasons Nursing Center Ad must be received no later, than 2/9/04. Oakland, & Northern Wayne (248) 647-8888 Ads received before 02-03-04 will be eraered Experienced, reliable, enthusi- for a to win 1 dozen roses. With the astic for a progressive, County). Medical practice SEASONS 8365 Newburgh Road management exp. essential. winners names hehsg pox(ed Tbui'scluy. patient-oriented dental office NURSING CENTER Westland, Ml 48185 Febmaiy 5th, 2004. No purchase necessary. that appreciates great staff. Fax resumes to: John 6756 Telegraph Road Call 248-626-6635 or 246- Anderson @248-489-4493 or Phone:734-416-2000, Ext. 200 , 8&S-4318. email: [email protected] Bloomfield H'Jlt Ali ai$ musr be prepaid - 4 Line Minimum G6 (*) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, January 29,2004

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Business & Office 7020] 7100 Esiate Sales Household Goods Household Goods Musical Instruments Boats & Motors CE E E Equipment ANNUAL JANUARY SALE! Baby Grand Piano, Kittinger DINING SET: 6 chairs, table, Doctor's Office - Electric exam PIANO Baldwin Studio 1995, SEA 000 1997 GTX 52 hrs.; LOST & FOUND AN ESTATE SALE large wood & giass china cab- FINAL DAYS • ESTATE • mahogany dining room set, table very good cond, exam mahogany, like new. Appraised with trailer, 3 seater, mint. EVERY DAY Baker Co. Chippendale sofa, inet. Ebay #2373953574. Troy. tables, Welch • Allen wall units, at $3000-$3500, sell for $4500. 248-608-0718 PETS Final markdowns on AUCTION mahogany living room, dining $650/best. 248-594-7435 McMannis table, much more! $2500/best. (248) 656-0473 EVERYTHING in our regular Great Prices On The SEA RAY 1986 Sundancer See Classification 7930 room & bedroom furniture. 9am-3pm. 248-435-8630 inventory. Save up to 50%. Saturday - Jan. 31st Best Selection of Lamps, oil painting, rugs, sil- DINING SET: 6 pc antique Violins ; Retired musician Exec. cond. Must sell.' Shop 7 days, 10-5. 7pm Upscale Furniture & ver tea sets. Too much to list! mahogany w/china cabinet, EXECUTIVE DESK & Credenza, selling collection of quality $15,000./offer. 734-374-0218. Decor Accessories. $300. Pottery. 248-661-8740 matched Walnut. Mint cond. instruments. Gerry (248) 935- The Great Midwestern Cultural Center Mahogany Interiors, THOMPSON 1995-20', cuddy, Furnish One Room $1500/best. 734-709-7191 0878 ANTIQUE EMPORIUM 525 Farmer 506 South Washington, DRYER/STOVE/GAS electric many extras, low tiours.> Or a Whole House Royal Oak. (248) 545-4110 5233 Dixie Hwy, Waterford Plymouth, Ml stove, freezer, refrig w/icemak- OFFICE FURNITURE, w/trailer. (734)416-3955 WANTED: • Partners to split RE-SELL-IT BABY SET solid oak. Crib, er. bed. set, grand piano & hot- books, book shelves, desk & Sporting Goods Tiger season tickets 4 seats, DEL GIUDICE Furniture / Glassware ESTATE SALES converts to toddler bed. tub. details. (248) 366-0570 chairs, conference table, row 1, Sec 139 -10-60 games Antiques / Collectibles. 34769 Grand River Dresser/changing table com- Entertainment Center computers, phone system, available. 734-516-0648 ANTIQUES Household Items best offer. (248) 354-2500 POOL TABLES • All Slate, We make house calls, estate Farmington bo. $600/set. 248-473-0192 Thomasville, Cherry finish, antique, ultra modern, bar Harley Davidson Softail spe- and private sales and internet 248-478-7355 holds 32-36 inch TV, pocket Cash / MC/Visa BARSTOOLS- 8, solid oak size. 8uy direct from factory. cial w/neon'1994 gray/white. sales. Insurance and Estate Lay-Aways & doors, storage, excellent con- 6420] AmEx / Discover w/cloth seats, good cond. 248-399-7255E;248-547-3980 12,894 miles, $12,500/best. appraisals. We are also looking Delivery Available. dition. $500. 734-455-4023 No Checks $325. 248-672-4800 Days 313-255-3100 ext. 288 : to purchase: Fine china, crys- Dally 10AM-6PM SNOWBOARD Used, Burton, Fish Tanks-70 Gal. w/stand & John or eves. 248-377-0312 Save On Canadian Meds. tal, silver, oii paintings, furni- Sundays 12-4PM Bed $100 & up. All sizes. Generator New Yamaha bindings and boots (size 10). Doors Open 6pm 30 Gal. feeder-$100/best.; EF3000ISEB. Quiet. Efficient. Save 40-80% on your pre- ture, costume and fine jewelry. Warranty. • Leather furniture Decent package for someone HARLEY DAVIDSON 1999 - scriptions! #1 for price and Victorian Dolihouse w/work- Portable. Ideal for home Member of ISA • Computers • Paim pilots. starting! Ask for Nathan. $120 Electraglide Classic. Like new. service. Fast delivery - easy J.C. Auction ing electricity, furniture, Must power outages, camping, or 515 S. Lafayette, Royal Oak Lowest Prices. 734-231-6622 go-$best offer. 313-538-3777 248-644-6725 4K. $15,000. 734-420-2703 ordering. Call Today Mon-Sat. 11-6 248-399-2608 Services, Inc. use at work sites. $1,500 1-800-511-MEDS (6337) 734-451-7444 • BED $110 - double pillow Formal Dining Room Set 248-737-9148 Harley Davidson Heritage Visit our website: top, full size mattress/box set. www. 2 SALES! Table, 4 chairs, Lighted china Springer 1997. Red & white, New in plastic, w/warranty. PALLET RACKING, 200 Used, By Everything Goes cabinet cherrywood, $600. 7054 mi, $12,500/best. Can deliver. 248-941-4206 must disassemble. Make Offer. H Dining Set: Chippendale-styie Fri & Sat, Jan. 30-31,10-4 248-476-7935 . Days 313-255-3100 ext. 288: Westland area. 810-343-7828 BUYING Coins, Sport Cards John or eves. 248-377-0312 - table, 6 leaves, 12 chairs, #1) 6640 Ridgefield Circle BED $110. Full size, double & Stamp Collections. Call: 59800/best. 586-463-4204 Rummage Sales & #105, S. off Maple (15 Mile) GORGEOUS BAKER SECTION- PillowTop. Mattress & box set AL Blue, $1500. Like new. 248-471-4451 Top $$$ Flea Market just West of Drake in plastic. Can deliver. Kawasaki 2003 KLX400R LOOKING TO BUY- Mahogany COMPLETE C0N00 GOES Matching coffee table, $300. Mint condition, 4-stroke, 40 248-470-3350 Call (248) 321-2409. and Oak furniture of all kinds, USED BOOK SALE Fri. & Sat., New mix of transitional & 7840] hours, factory warranty until also collectibles from one Contemporary furnishings * BED $120 - double pillow DIAMOND RING Gold. 7-2004, elec. start, perfect 10am-5pm at St. Matthew HERITAGE DINING SET table 6 Marquis w/17 baguettes, piece to an entire estate.- & accessories! top, queen size mattress /box off-road bike, $3,950 or best Lutheran Church, 5885 Venoy chairs & china cabinet, $2000 Approx 1 karat. Paid $3,000. 734-634-2339 #2) 973 Orchard Lake Rd., set. New in plastic, w/warranty. CHIHUAHUAS PUPS CKC reg- 810-220-9931 Rd, one block north of Ford S/E comer of Orchard Lake or best offer. (248) 681-5446 Asking $1500. 248 628-0485 Rd in Westland Can deliver. 248-941-4206 istered, 1st shots & worming, Rd & Telegraph, across KING POSTER BEO 2 Black male, 2 Chocolate from Home Depot ROAO KING 2001 3200 mi.,: BED Thomasville cherry, 2 night Lawn Garden & Snow /fPH males. Carla, 734-587-7201 warranty to April '05. $16,000] It's no gamble. LARGE SELECTION OF $120. Queen double PillowTop. stands. $600. King mattress- Equipment Hair firm. 517-540-9608 Estate furniture, antiques & New w/warranty. Can deliver. es, mattress & box springs- English Bulldog Pups 4 males, access. All priced to sell 248-470-3350 new $200. 3 piece wall ujiit Toro Rider Mower Wheel 2 females, AKC Champion Bloodline. 248-634-4392 8110] More Info: 248-988-1077 BED Thomasville $1500. Lexington Horse HXL 16-44, good con- MM Office: 248-855-0053 $125. Queen Orthopaedic mat- cherry crib $150. Ffexsteel dition, $900. 734-261-7489 SHIH-TZU PUPS 8 wks. old. 3 Piano - beautiful condition. tress/box. New in plastic. Can sleeper sofa $100. females, 2 males. Biack, POLARIS 1999 XCSP - exc. You move, call deliver. 248-470-3350 (248) 684-8941 brown & white. 734-699-5968 cond. low miles, extras, (313) 590-6700 FARMINGTON HILLS: Fri-Sun, 749Jj . LANE LA-Z-BOY ROCKER $3200/best. 248-344-0019 Jan. 30 & Feb 1, l2-5pm. • BED $210 • double pillow Yorkie Pups AKC small breed, ABC fabric in pastel colors. ...when you • 25554 Ridgewood. S. of 11 top, king size mattress/box set. shots, collar & paper trained. SKI DOO 1994 Formula Z,: Don't Lose This Call 248-797-8866 Toro Snow Thrower model Number! When looking to advertise in Mile, E off Farmington. New in plastic, w/warranty. S620 w/electric start. Runs Ready to be your Valentine. Polaris 1994 Super Sport,- buy or sell a home Can deliver. 248-941-4206 $800. 734-495-3104 both 1800 mi, perfect. Extras.- ROYAL OAK Huge! Dealers LEATHER COUCH & good. Recently tuned up. $150 check us out! The Observer & LOVESEAT - finest quality, 734-421-7394 $4500. Will split. welcome. GREAT BARGAINS! BED cattle leather, light brown. Exc 248-685-8786, 734-641-6146 Eccentric Feb. 1,1lam-5 pm $210. King double PillowTop. We work for you! cond. $1000. 248-709-8895 S! Classifieds! 1902 Wickham, 248-288-6052 Mattress/box. New w/warranty. 7500 YAHAMA, OVATION,1989 ES.,

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Painting, Papering, Plastering, Clock Repair.....All Varieties (248) 889-7667 Repairs, Wallwashing • Windows & Siding 248-755-4319 Grandfather, Wall, Mantle, Dependable, weekly, bi-weekly Also EXPERT CLEANING or monthly. 248-398-5016 • Custom Kitchens, Baths, IDEAL HOME IMPROVEMENT Cuckoo, Anniversary. • FIREWOOD • AFFORDABLE SERVICE-A-Z INTERIOR & Basements 248-471-2600 COMPLETE SERVICE. Clock Repairs, & improvements, Siding, Windows, Gutters, 0410] Hardwood or. Birch', Coal: hard GRIME BUSTERS PAINTING BY MICHAEL • Custom Trim & Painting Carptenty & roofing. Free est. & Wood Original. 25500 Five or soft. Delivery Avail. small to large jobs.Lic/ins. • Res • Coml • Staining Also specializing in profes- Mile, Redford 313-255-1581 248-225-9222, 313-928-6022 Great service. Low rates. Snow Removal ^81p] Lie. & ins. Andy, NOBLES LANDSCAPE SUPPLY Ask for Karen or Colleen. •Textured Ceilings • Faux sional office renovation, Lie/ 734-216-6531 248-471-2600 29450 W. 8 Mile, Farmington 248-669-5974, 734-728-3837 Finishes • Plaster/Drywall Ins. Free est. 734-402-2553 Sell it all with Repair • Wallpaper Removal 313-835-8610 0560] 248-474-4922 SNOW PLOWING & SALTING Rec rooms, Bsments, Kitchns, Observer & Eccentric • Free Est • References MODERN CONCEPTS • Highest Quality Commercial & residential. Baths. New & Repairs. Farmington Hills/Novi GENERAL CONTRACTOR 1-800-579-SELL Professional Cleaning. Res- • 248-349-7499 Fioor Service m dential/Office. Quality Service. • 734-464-8147 area(248) 855,-6564 ALL BLOCK, brick, founda- Specializing in back up gener- 248-471-2600 ACTION CARPENTRY ator power for your home, AFFORDABLE Ail repairs A-Z Reasonable Rates. Bonded & tion & concrete work. Repairs. INTERIOR/EXTERIOR Custom SNOW PLOWING SERVICE Basements, kitchens has exp. licensed Electricians, in/outside. Doors/plum bg/elect insured. 734-524-9808 New & repair also rubber roof- Lie. & Ins. Call anytime... CONTI'S • OAK FLOORS Painting. 33 yrs exp. Drywall, Commercial & Residential; baths. New & repairs. Carpenters, Drywall Finishers /kitchens/baths/bsmt. Beat ali 248-478-2602 Sanding • Staining • Finishing • Repairs. Comm./Res. Free est. ing, carpentry, insurance work. Salting. Ins. Free est. NO JOB TOO SMALL! for your needs. 248-343-6494 deals by 25%. (313) 492-7109 SPRING CLEANERS Shoe Mold • Repair. Old floors Lie. Fully ins. 248 354-2080 Southfield co. 248-354-3213 734-721-0533 a speciality. Our family proudly Won toxic cleaning ABSOLUTELY AFFORDABLE ALL-TIMATE HANDYWORK 0310 serving yours. Experience Bonded & Insured ROOF REPAIRS All phases of home improve- Kramer's Custom Painting ALL CARPENTRY results! 734-692-0040 248-410-1698, 734-664-0554 Int./ext. Repairs, wallpaper Guaranteed results. REMODELING - REPAIRS ment. Free est. Sr. Citizen Disc. 248-225-9222/313-928-6022 "ADDITIONS PLUS" Beat any bid! 734-467-7798 removal, custom color match- 30 yrs. exp. Llc/lns. FLOOR SANDING, staining & TONYA'S CLEANING SERVICE ing, power washing, decks • Beautiful Additions ABSOLUTELY THE FINEST Residential & Commercial. APEX ROOFING Call John: 734-522-5401 finishing. Free estimates. Over stained & sealed. 10 + yrs. JEM -All Types Expert Wiring/ • Kitchens • Baths Drywall Repairs and HANDYMAN SERVICES Bonded Sins. Free estimates. Quality wk. completed with 25 yrs. experience. Southfield. Com pfete .interior/exterior. exp. Friendly professional reprs. Res/Bus. Lic/lns DSL • Lower Levels Installations, 18 yrs., exp. Call Tonya (734) 427-6681 pride. Family owned. Lie. Ins. FINISH CARPENTRY 248-225-9222 /313-928-6022 H. Barsuhn, (248)356-5762 Home Repair's Remodeling. service. Owner operated & ins. Install, DTE meter modem wrg. Guaranteed quality workman- For honesty & integrity: Crowns, Trim, Doors Call Phil 248-615-4863 Call Marc at 248-819-29Q0 248-476-6984; 248-855-7223 734-591-9068, 248-314-1455. ship. Complete plan & design Railings: Straight or Sent Hardwood Floor Specialist service available. Lie. & Ins. Lie. .30 yrs. exp 734-455-3970 Install, Sand, Finish & Repairs. Retired Handyman PROFESSIONAL C EVERETT ROOFING Quality, 734-414-0448 22 years exp. Reasonable affordable roofing. Family FINISH CARPENTRY- Doors, All types of work' HOUSE PAINTING rates. 734-968-0609 TERM LIFE INSURANCE Low owned. Lie & ins. Free est. 248-476-0011 Basements, Kitchens, Decks, Cheaper Than Anyone I! 313-835-8610 Over 20 yrs./ References rates-quality companies Do 734-439-7088, 734-395-2339 313-835-8610 Railings, Shelves, 30 yrs. exp. Fast ssrvlce. 248-471-3729 BETTER IDEAS! you want a free quote? Call 1- • CERAMIC TILE & MORE* Rec Room, Kitchen & Bath Lie. ins. Sol: 248-848-9385 Sr. Discounts. (248) 225-7165 Garage Door Repair (J) 800-337-5433 or visit Website FARMINGTON Commercial - Residential Specialists. All Remodeling, 248-259-1249 Ice & Snow Removal, Call For Free Estimate Formica & Laminate 1030] S & J PAINTING - Estimate ygggggr Hablamos Espanol HOBIECRAFTS 734-751-5317 Visa/MC,AMEX 0440 D.K. ELECTRIC GARAGE DOOR Today, Paint Tomorrow •Int. Repairs, Insured. Violations & Repairs. Service Springs and door openers. •Drywall Repair»Texture ceil-, 248-756-3546 ALL TYPES OF HOME A-1 Hauling-Move scrap metal, change. Free est. Lic./lns. Repaired/replaced Avail. Sun. ings «Wallpaper Removal. 30 REPAIR RENOVATION 734-699-7981,313-319-6553 clean basements, garages, 1210 yrs. exp. Ins. 1-800-821-3585 I Ice Dam & Snow CARPET INSTALLATIONS 248-640-6298-C EL L stores, etc. Lowest prices in kitchens, bathrooms, base- REPAIRS • RE-STRETCH 248-887-7498 Removal ments, wallpaper, painting & FAMILY ELECTRICAL - City town. Quick service. Free est. I Lie & Ins. Free est. Cali for FREE ESTIMATES. cert. Violations corrected. Wayne/Oakland Cty. Central •Affordable Removal & Trim tile. Neil's contracting BILL 248-245-2226 SPRING TREE SALE 1-866-488-8376 248-684-8706 Service changes or any small location. 547-2764/559-8138 Romo & Servello Tree Serv. job. Free est. 734-422-8080 2" - 2 1/4" cal. Maples $250 JCS CONSTRUCTION No hassle est. 10 yrs exp. Ins. FINISHED BASEMENTS Floor Covering Installations AFFORDABLE each installed. 734-665-3311 New &, roof repair, tear offs, 248-939-7416, 248-939-7420 Custom Bars, Baths, Kitchens. WHY PAY MORE - Deal with •GENERATORS Hottubs, ceil- ARMAIN GUTTERS LC PERSONAL HAULING Ice & snow removal. Lie. & the installers direct. We offer 248 471-2600 Complete job - start to finish. ing fans, remodels, all electri- Seamless, Copper SERVICE ins. (734) 729-4447 25 yrs exp. Lic./lns. No'rtfishire carpet • tile • linoleum. Fully cal. Builders welcome. Lie/ Installation, ETC. Plumbing & Sewer Cleaning We clean out homes, attics, Miscellaneous Corp. 248-628-1400 ins. Call Mike: 248-249-8100 ins.25yrs. exp. 248-343-2799 Free Est. 313-204-6133 Repairs & Alterations POWER CONSTRUCTION CO. basements, garages, offices, Complete Roof and Repairs INTERIORS BY NAPIER REPAIRS/SALES/CLEANING SPARKY ELECTRIC CLEANING, SCREENING. warehouses & anything else. HOW ABOUT NANCY? Need BASEMENTS Bath/disposal Siding, Carpentry & 248-471-2600 Kitchens, Baths, Bsmts, All Res./Comm. Wiring/Repairs - Complete demolition from Over 25 yrs exp. Carpet Clinic NEW & REPAIRS errands run? Driving to and dishwsher/re-pipes toilet. Beat Snow Removal. Papering, Removal V Cust. Home Improv. 35 yrs. Low Rates - Free Est. Lie.- Ins. start to finished. Free est. from, task or shopping done? all deals by 25%.HW tnks Fully licensed & insured Painting, Repairs -Refr.& Ins. (734) 261-8247 (734) 425-3930 313-533-3800 248-521-2550 248-471-2600 Demolition 248-354-3213 313 204-9036 any time. instld $250 Ins. 313-492-7109 248-755-2799 "Exp. Womgo. VIsa/MC. r Observer & Eccentric j Thursday, January 29,2004 OG7 f- \ \

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Could this be outdoors, etc. Searching for a SBF, goes from there. Ad#:635953 BALD AND BEAUTIFUL brown hair. Interests are boxing, to respond to tliis ad: POSITIVE & CHEERFUL blonde. Enjoys traveling, casinos, you? Ad#:573681 40-55, who is educated, fun-loving DWM, 42, 5'8", 150 lbs., easygo- animals, relaxing, working on cars SWF, 72, 5'3", trim, with blonde WORDS CAN DESCRIBE... fishing, archery and antiques. and communicative. Ad#:561932 SLOW START ing, fun to be with, has a great and more. In search of a SWF, over hair. En|oys bridge, current events She is 36, milk chocolate com- Seeks an Intellectual, SWM, 46-60, SOUND LIKE YOU? SWM, 25, 5'9", 190 lbs., with sense of humor. Looking for an 18, who knows how to be herself. and loves to live. Looking for a pleted, petite, curvaceous, and for fun times. Ad#:532617 g, SBF, 21, 5'5", 155 lbs., PURSUE ME brown hair, blue eyes and an ath- attractive SF, 27-47, who has a nice Ad#:614533 SWM, 72-75, who Is kind, gentle, sweet as can be! Are you. a tall, a tali, truthful, silly but SB Mom, 23, 5'8", searching for a letic build. Enjoys playing/watching build, a positive attitude, a good down-to-earth and ' positive. thick SBM, 28-45 who shares her CARING, DECENT & HONEST serious, SM, 29-50, preferably fun-loving SBM, 22-32, with ambi- softball and hockey. Looking for a sense of humor and is ready to set- DEDICATED & AMBITIOUS Bloomfield area. Ad#:612121 passion for jazz, the theater and intelligent, humorous, outgoing, with no children, employed, with tion and goals. Must love kids. SF, under 36, who has similar tle down. Ad#:628258 • SBM, 47, 5'10", with brown eyes. ready for her sparkling personali- SWF, 48, who enjoys reading, long transportation. Ad#:573465 interests, tor friendship first. Enjoys football, animals, etc. In YOU WILL LIKE ME Ad#:561855 ty? You know what to do....leave a walks, movies and quiet nights at Ad#:635954 CHANGE OF PACE search of a SF, 30-50, who has a SWF, 66, 5'5", blonde, medium message I Ad#:629394 home. In search of a caring, sin- ONLY TIME WILL TELL SBM, 42, height/weight propor- nice personality. Ad#:614426 build, fun-loving artist. Seeking ALL AROUND GOOD WOMAN cere, SWM, 45-58. Ad#:581965 Single, white lady, 70, 5'5", 125 LOOKING FOR YOU tionate. Seeking a SWF, who SWM, 60 plus, who wants to do Funny, quiet-natured SBF, 31,5'8", GOOD MORALS lbs., blonde, blue eyes, easy to get 35 year old SBM stands 5'10" and enjoys bowling, swimming, who Is WHATEVER YOU WANT things. Is talkative, humorous and COMPANIONSHIP weight proportionate, light com- This SWF 44, works in health care, along with. She has very versatile weighs 155 lbs. He is seeking a down-to-earth and real. SBM, 64, enjoys movies, bowling wliile on the phone, loves to cuddle. If Interests call, no Expecting motier, with one child. and has long brown hair, blue interests, and wishes to meet an plexion, hazel eyes, one son. S8/WF, 35 or younger, for good Ad#:621781 and much more. Looking for a SBF, smokers. Ad#:567287 eyes, and is open to new interests. Separated black female, 26. honest, white gentleman, who Is Enjoys reading, movies and family times. He's attractive, well-spoken over 60, who has similar Interests. M discovers ID Looking for an open-minded single Looking for a SWM with good truly single, 65-75, to start out as time. Looking for an up-front SBM, and looking for someone special. TAKE A CHANCE Ad#:614280 SOFT SPOKEN LADIES M male, over 18, who enjoys chil- morals, who works afternoons, 39- friends. Ad#:571130 32-40. Ad#:561671 Are you the one? Ad#:635604 SWM, 45, 5' 10", 185 lbs., clean- other women that SWF, 51, 5' 3", with very blue dren, for companionship. 61 no children Ad#:623261 cut, responsible. Enjoys Seeking a SEEKING SPECIAL LADY eyes, who enjoys quiet times, Ad#:580709 camping, reading, long walks, etc. SWF, 32-48, who Is sociable, finan- Easygoing, sincere, romantic, matcii iiis search LOOKING FOR LOVE down-to-earth SWM, 33, 5'10", Searching for a SWM, 47-57, who SEEKING KINDRED SPIRIT <£) cially and emotionally secure. SWF, 53,5'1", with reddish/brown 200 lbs., brown hair/eyes. Enjoys likes doing things and likes to cud- European, SWf, 58,5'6", 135lbs., Ad#:621743 hair & dark brown eyes. Interests cuddling, movies at home and din- dle. Ad#:580885 blonde, with a variety of interests. include bowling, dancing, cooking, ing out. Looking for an outgoing, Looking for a SW gentleman, 60- HIT ME UPI movies and much more. Searching affectionate, happy SHF, 18-35, COMPLETE HONESTY A MUST 75, to sha-e life together. I'm a SWM, 24, 6'3", with Crown for a SWM, age rot Important, who who knows where she Is going In I'm a sincere, SBF, 21, with one Ad#:579633 hair/eyes. I have many interests son. Pm searching for an ener- has similar interests. Ad#:4l8660 which include sports and outdoor life. Ad#:558339 getic, fun, honest, SBM who BEAUTIFUL PERSON activities. I'm searching for an KIND & LOVING HEART© believes that honesty Is the key to Funny, easygoing and laid-back, Independent, SF, 18-30. VERY EASYGOING Professional, attractive, SBF, 46, a strong relationship. Ad#:636745 SBF, 25, 5*1", brown eyes, black Ad*:621560 SWM, 33, 6'2", 205 lbs., brown 5'5", full figured, hazel eyes. hair. Enjoys bowling, going out to hair/eyes, honest and sincere. Looking for a professional, N/S, LIKE GOOD SURPRISES? eat and long walks. Looking for a HERE HE IS... Enjoys summer time, nature, the SM, 40-52, who's trust worthy, out U 18 SBM, 28, 5'11", big-boned, N/S, sweet, honest, dependable, tall, Attractive, muscular, SWM, 25,6', water and more. Seeking a SWF, going and energetic. Ad#:621077 N/0. Enjoys bowling, movies, casi- SBM, 25-40. who likes spending 210 lbs., with short hair and hazel 28-38, who Is kind, affectiorate, nos, travel and time with friends. time with a companion. eyes. Enjoys playing football, respectful, loving and honest. GOOD-NATURED Looking for an honest, person- Ad#: 579506 movies, dining out or hanging out. Ad#:612532 SWF, 55,6'1", medium build, col- able; SM. Ad #:636602 Looking for an attractive, SWF, 20- lege graduate, non-smoker. Enjoys LUCKY YOU 35. wno's hones' loyal and good- EVERYTHING YOU WANTED LOOKING FOR A FRIEND working out. theater, movies, walk- Open-minded SWF, 49, financially SBF, 31, 57", 145 lbs., light com- nearteo. Someone with similar <¥) ing and more. Seeking a SWM, and emotionally secure. Seeking plexion. Looking for a sweet, interests. Ad#:621379 Very out going, SWM, 50, tall, 6'3" plus. 53-62, who Is well- mature SWM. 43-57. Enjoys read- spontaneous, level-headed, good- groomed and professional, for brown hair, blue eyes. Enjoys rack- ing, good movies, all music, open READ MY MIND looking, SBM, 25-35. Ad#:636499 friendship first. Ad#:470261 et ball, swimming, power boating, to newer inte'ests. One who is SWM, 40.5'10M6Q lbs., physical- traveling and cruises. Looking for a looking for friendship first, and ly fit and attractive. Easygoing and LOOKING FOR HONESTY HONEST & CARING SWF, 18-50, who's independent, possibly more. Ad#:502459 Chat NOW with singles... energetic, interests include sharing SWF, 58, 5'4", with green eyes. SWF, 42,5', blonde hair, blue eyes, outgoing, preferably with long Enjoys the water and trying any- time together, having a good time brown hair, a nice figure and simi- friendly and bubbly. Enjoys long HAPPINESS BEGINS HERE thing once. In search of a tall one-to-one, securely mam menu and being true. Looking for an hon- lar interest. Ad#:612448 drives, walks, movies, cuddling SBF, 33, 4'H", 180 lbs., N/S, 1 SWM, 55-66, who Is honest, with est and sincere SWF, 25-40, who and much more. Seeking an hon- child, is looking for a friendly, sin- a great sense of humor and similar and anonymously! or online at: knows what she wants, for friend- est and caring SM, 35-52. gle Black Christian male, 32-38, at EARN MY TRUST wm Interests. Ad#:636111 ship or more! Ad#:601914 Ad#:619145 least 5'9". She enjoys shopping, http://www.observ Honest, caring, SBM, 31. medium build, 5'10", social drinker. LOOKING FOR FUN movies and horseback riding. LET ME CARE FOR YOU TALL, DARK & HANDSOME (§> Interests Include movies, bowling, I'm ready for fun 8* faughterl SBF, Ad#:579038 Witty and funny SBF, 52, 5'2". NO TEMPERS GET TO KNOW ME SWM, 40, 6'1", brown hair and camping and fishing. Seeking a 46, 8', a smoker, social drinker. I Hobbies and interests include READY TO SETTLE? M Petite, SWF, 40, 5'4", 110 lbs., SBM, 29, 6'1", with brown eyes eyes. Enjoys indoor and outdoor SWF, 22-45, who's very honest enjoy watching sports and travel- men roller skating, bike rtdlng, walks Attractive, full-figured, SBF, 45, dark hair, hazel eyes. Outgoing, and black hair. Looking for a SWF, activities, pool halls, concerts and and some what out going. ing. I'm searching for a SBM, 55- and other activities. Seeking a with many interests. I'm looking laid back and up for anything. much more. Seeking a SF, under Ad#:612442 70, who shares my interests. over 18, for friendship and good Christian, SBM, 18-60, to get to for a financially secure, SM, 42-57, Enjoys reading, walking, boating, 35, to get to know better. Ad#:503750 conversations to start. Ad#:635341 know better. Ad#:581578 a good friend. Someone who dining out. Seeking a fun and Ad#;620305 ARE YOU READY? GOOD NATURED knows what he wants in life. spontaneous, SWM, 37-43, who EDUCATED PROFESSIONAL Do you have a passport? Do you LIFE IS BETTER SHARED ^ SBF, 47, 5'3", dark brown hair, CUTE BLONDE WIDOW Ad#:571927 enjoys the outdoors. Ad#:570152 Call 1-900-226-9950 SWM, 45,5'8", fit, light brown hair, have a swlmsuit? Do have dence White male, dentist, 6', 173 lbs., outgoing, sincere and fun-loving. I'm 5', 105 lbs., 58, romantic, $2.19 per minute, blue eyes. Looking for a passion- shoes? I'm 55+, tall, slim, active, 54, very successful and attractive. Enjoys shopping, travel, dining, secure, SF seeking a nice-looking FUN TO BE WITH THINKING OF YOU S2.19 per call connect fee ate, compassionate, professional, ready for friendship, companion- SBF, 31, single mom, Intelligent. Seeking a white female, 38 to 53, LOVE THE OUTDOORS concerts, the outdoors, picnics male, 5'7" to 6', slim to medium Pretty DWF, 47, 5'2", brown hair, SWF, 28-45. Oakland or Wayne ship, romance with SWF, 48-60, Looking for a SBM, 30-40, who Is 5'4" plus, slim, non-smoker, very who is my equal! Ad#:612394 SWM, 56, 57", medium build. and more. Seeking a SBM, 40-60, build, who enjoys dancing, golf, blue eyes, medium build. Looking WALK WITH ME County. Ad#:449863 intelligent and fun to be with. attractive and physically fit, who who Is sincere, outgoing, fun-lov- live theater and good conversation. for a SWM, 5'8"+, slim to medium SBM, 39 seeking a SBF who shares Loves the outdoors. Seeks fit ing, family-oriented and Is a kid at Macomb County. Ad#:403562' Ad#:578238 loves fine dining, travel, cuddling SPONTANEOUS build, for a sincere long term rela- his interests in fishing, movies, LETS START SOMETHING NEW lady, 45-57, for weekend activi- heart. Ad#:442747 and Is seeking a best friend. SBM, 30, handsome professional. tionship. Preferably N/S and social sports, a bike ride in the park and S8M, 27, 5'8", 190 lbs., bald. ties, possible romance. MATCH THIS CLASSY Ad#:403950 Enjoys traveling and being adven- SBF, 43, tall, with brown eyes. drinker. I love hockey, music, more. She would enjoy life and be Looking for a SBF, 21-35, to grow Shiawassee County. Ad#:403918 LOVE TO GIVE You: tall. Lapeer/Genesee county, ready to jump into love with a great turous. Looking for a SF, over 18, Interests are reading, music and movies, dining out and much and mature with. Ad#:634944 FRIENDSHIP FIRST © SWF, 27, 5'9", 145 lbs, blonde SWM, honest, Intelligent, no kids, man who can treat a woman with who is honest, adventurous and LOOKING FOR COMPANION- hair, green eyes. She is seeking a 30-35. Me: thoughtful, SWF, 31, much more. In search of a SBM, more. Westland area. Ad#:570055 SWM, 53,511", 190 lbs., brown- fun to be with. Ad#:612092 38-50, who Is very caring, loving the respect she deservesl WILL YOU JOIN ME! SHIP man who loves children; has a 5'9", full-figured, no kids, smoker. Ad#:639608 ish blonde hair and blue eyes. sense of humor, Is honest and Enjoys cooking, reading, theater, and understanding. Ad#:578888 HIGH ON LIFE SWM, 50, 6', brown hair, blue Seeking a classy, sweet and sexy COMMUNICATIVE SWM, 57, retired GM employee, enjoys quiet times at home. movies. Sonus points: you are a Friendly, quiet, SBF, 51, pleasantly eyes. Enjoys dining, dancing, SF, under 49, height/weight pro- Single black male, 26, In search of 5'8", dark hair, loves animals. LEAVE A MESSAGE GREAT QUALITIES Ad#:633192 Detroit Redwings fan and my cat plump. Enjoys the arts, walking, movies, good conversation and portionate, who would like to share a single black female, over 18, who Does not drive. Looking for kind SBF, 42, enjoys bowling, dining, SWM, 49, 5' 8", 150 lbs., hazel likes you. Ad#:613687 movies, & Church activities. I more. Seeking an honest and out- life with him at his Florida and is nice. Let's start out as friends woman of similar age to enjoy movies, long drives and much eyes, brown hair, athletic sports- ARE WE ALIKE? M would like to meet a loving partner, going, SWF, 35-50, who is a good Michigan homes. Ad#:576225 and see where It goes from there. each other's company and long more. In search of a SWM, over man, looking lor special SF, 18-99 SWF, 50, with above average- QUIET, BUT FUN under 65, to enjoy life. Ad#:570006 conversationalist, friendly and Ad#:612015 lasting friendship. Ad#:609908 30, who is honest, caring and fun to share life with. Call me before looks, good communicator, amus- SWF, 50, 5'3", with brown hair. down-to-earth, for a possible rela- QUITE THE COMEDIAN ing, loving soul mate. Seeking to be with. Ad#:578494 you know it we'll be curled up In Enjoys long walks, the outdoors, QUEEN OF HEARTS . tionship. Ad#:634718 SWM, 35, 5'10", 190 lbs., with BELIEVE IN SOULMATES? OWM, 45-80, clean-cut gentle- front of the fire with a good book LOTS OFTLC TO GIVE cooking, gardening, dining out and This 55 year old, SWF is a full-fig- brown hair and blue eyes. Interests Open, sincere, dedicated, outgoing, man, looking for serious relation- CARING & GIVING after an active day outside. Good-hearted, loving, caring, more. In search of a SWM, 45-60, ured 5'10" beauty With brown eyes are golfing, fishing, boating, water- SWM, 33, 5'10", athletic build, ship. Ad#:482566 • SWF, 36, attractive, outgoing, Ad£638998 ONE MAN FOR YOU sometimes funny, SWM, 49,6'1", who Is fun-loving, honest and car- skiing and more. In search of a SF, energetic and fun to be around. and a pretty face. She is intelligent, SWM, 50, 5'11", 195 lbs., brown brown hair/eyes. Enjoys quiet brown hair/eyes, in search of an ing, with a good sense of humor. 28-40, who enjoys the water. evenings home, cuddling and din- BE MY VALENTINE Interests are water skiing, bowling, humorous, compassionate and hair and eyes, clean cut. Searching understanding, SWF, 38-49. Ad#:420017 SEEKING ONE GOOD WOMAN Ad#:619418 ing out. Looking for a down-to- SWF, 60, with blonde hair and traveling, reading and more. loving. She enjoys antiques, golf, for a weight/height-pro portioned, Fun, SWM, 36, blond hair, blue earth, warm-hearted, focused, Ad#:416125 N/S. Looking for a N/S SWM, 60- Looking for a SWM, 30-46, who is Lake Michigan and is seeking an monogamous SWF, 35-55, who READY TO SETTLE DOWN eyes, muscular build, nice-looking. NO EXTRA BAGGAGE SHF, 28-37. Ad#:611759 77, who Is loving, positive, caring, honest, caring and giving. attractive SWM, 45-50, to spend enjoys gardening, long drives, EASY TO TALK TO! SBF, 21.5'2", 160 lbs., enjoys time Enjoys dining out, movies and SWM, 48, who likes the outdoors, compassionate, emotionally/finan- Ad#:578196 time with. Ad#:568864 with her children and much more. kids. Looking for an attractive, country life, and the simple things fishing, camping, boating and ani- Single white male, 45, 6'2", 209 cially secure and who lovas life to HOPE YOUR THE ONE Looking for a SBM, over 18, for a slender, SWF, 25-40. Ad#:621495 life has to offer. Phone responses mals. Seeking SWF, 38-48, for a lbs., muscular, athletic, brown the fullest! Ad#:612060 SMILE WITH ME FUN-LOVING SBM, 45,6'1", 220 lbs. Loves jazz, long-term relationship. Laid back and kind SBCF, 40, full- only please! Ad#:557Q06 soulmate. to have some nice times sports, movies and church. hair, blue eyes, clean-cut, degree, SBF, 50, 5'5", with brown hair and OPEN TO NEW IDEAS ARE YOU MY SWEETHEART Ad#:611895 figured. Enjoys movies, dining out, together. Ad#:480941 Looking for a curvy and. smart SBF, never married, no dependents, eyes. Interests are time with SWM, 23, 6'1", 202 lbs., medium Are you romantic or yearning for church functions and quality time ROLEMOOEL M 35-47, for friendship and possible outgoing personality. Enjoys friends, basketball, football, music, build, social drinker. I enjoy doing someone to compliment your life? ENERGETIC LADY with family. Seeking good-natured, SWM, 37, with a slim build. LOOKING FOR LONG TERM more. Ad#:611646 roller blading, working out, etc. shows, etc. Looking for a intelli- body work on cars and open to Have a passion for a serene SWF, 44, 5'4", short blonde hair, attractive and open-minded SBCM, Looking for a SWM, over 18, for SWCM, 44, looking for a down-to- Seeks a friendly, single female. gent, sincere, trusting SBM, over new experiences. Looking for a SF, lifestyle? This blonde, SWF, 60 is blue eyes. Enjoys music, basket- 40-48. Ad#:577548 friendship, pen pal and much earth, loving and caring SWCF, 28- LOVABLE LADIES Wayne County. Ad#:404066 45, who Is fun to be with and has 21-25, who would like to get attractive, witty and loves life. ball, swimming and much more. more. Ad#:443803 . 36. Ad#:440054 SHM, 22, Seeking lovable SBF, 19- similar Interests. Ad#:568473 together and see what develops. She's seeking a N/S, SWM 53-77 Looking for an honest and real LYING IS NOT AN OPTION 34, for a good relationsiip. LOOKING FOR YOU SBM, age unimportant. SWF, 41,5'6", 130 lbs., with blond Ad#:638284 IN SEARCH OF LOVE H who can appreciate a woman and SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAIN- Ad#:611378 SBM, 45, 6i", 200 lbs., enjoys Ad #:611633 hair and brown eyes. Interests are I'LL BE WAITING ail she has to offer. Ad#:53160i BOW.. M reading sports and more. Looking camping, the outdoors, Harley's Calm, laid-back SWF, 62. 5'2",11C RESPONSIBLE SWM, 52, with brown hair and a GIVE HIM A CALL... SWM, 34,6'2", 170 lbs., blue eyes, for a curvy, height/weight propor- ONE OF A KIND THIS IS LOVE and much more. In search of a lbs., blonde hair, blue eyes. Loves Retired DWM, 64, 5'9". 165 lbs., mustache. Enjoys dining out, the If you are a single black female, 21- good hearted. Enjoys dancing, tionate SF, 32-45. Ad#:599774 • SWF, 48, attractive, Intelligent, This outgoing, single black female, height/weight proportioned SWM, family activities, cooking, crochet- home owner, with grown children. outdoors, etc. Looking for a SWF, 35 years of age, looking for friend- loving and dedicated. Seeking a 18, who enjoys her 2 children and Qvor wftc is outgoing, y/itfr ing, cultural evenis and muie. Enjoys boating, cook outs, travel bowling and pretty much every- 40-53, wno is looking for a long- ship first, pussibiy more. HE a GOOD HEARTED SWM, 45+, a N/S, who is sincere, enjoying life to the fullest, seeking similar interests. Ad#:577503 Seeks a kind, quiet SWM, 56+, who ling, movies, fishing and more. thing else. Seeking a SF, age unim- term relationship. Flint area.. single black male, 35 year old. SNAM, 22, with brown hair and intelligent, humorous and honest, a single male, under 36. cares about other people, and Looking for a slim to medium built portant. Hope to meet you soon! Ad #:420370 Ad#:610931 GET ALONG GREAT green eyes. Enjoys walking, time for a long-term, devoted relation- Ad#:609514 loves animals. Ad#:567481 SWF, 56-64, for companionship, Ad#:634246 Outgoing and fun-loving, SW ship. Ad#:448774 possibly long term relationship. VERY HONEST SO HOW ARE YOU? with that special someone, ANXIOUSLY WAITING Mother, 21, who enjoys dining, A DECENT LADY Ad#:637091 THE PARTY SWM, 34,5'6", with black hair and SBM, 26,6'10",136 lbs., light skin, movies and much more. In search CARING & HONEST movies, walks and meeting new SWF, 60, 5'2", medium build, Seeking a party girl for hot nights brown eyes. Interests are movies, hazel eyes, medium build, is (cok- of a SNAF, 21-23, who is truthful SWCF, 44, N/S, N/D, who enjoys people, especially a SWM, 21-30. Attractive, intelligent, fun-loving, brown hair. Wants to meet a tall, WELL-ROUNDED on out on the town and good times martial arts, etc. Looking for a SHF, ing for a SAF, age unimportant, to and good hearted. Ad#)595554 camping, walking, the outdoors, Ad#:577137 SWF, 66. Enjoys simple pleasures. SWM, 55-68, who likes to go SWM, 40. attractive, well-dressed together. This SHM Is 23, attrac- 21-38, who enjoys the simple chat with or maybe more. fishing, my children and experi- places, is affectionate, fun-loving Willing to meet a SWM, 60 plus, and well-built. Looking for a SF. tive, open and ready for fun with a things in life. Ad#:615794 Ad#:610550 The Publisher assumes no lia- encing new things. If you are a and looking for a serious relation- HONESTY ABOVE ALL honest gentleman, to share fun 21-60, who has similar qualities. SF, 28 or younger. Ad#:634001 bility for the content of, or N/S, N/D, SWCM, 36-52, and are ship. Ad#:444245 Want to be spoiled? I'm a fun-lov- with. Ad #;567167 Ad#:637066 TIRED OF BEING ALONE ARE YOU MY QUEEN? replies to, any advertisement or interested, call me and we'll talkl ing, SWF, 55, tall, with green eyes SWM, 49, hardworking. 5'8", 175 Fun, loving and caring SBM, 47, voice greeting. Such liability Ad#:41712l & blondish-brown hair, who enjoys ARE YOU THE LOVING TYPE? TICK START MY HEART PATIENTLY WAITING FOR YOU LOOKING FOR LOVE© lbs. Seeking a SWF, 45-48, who is 5'10", 215 lbs., bald head, mus- rests exclusively with the movies, camping, sewing, cooking Respectful, SBF, 29, 5'2", light 6'5", SWM, 39, who likes concerts, SWF, 60, auburn hair, green eyes, SWM, 45,125 lbs., with blond hair. easygoing, intelligent and fit, for a tache, muscular build. Enjoys advertiser or respondent. The COULD IT BE YOU? and time at home. Looking for a skin, red hair. Enjoys sports, dining, sporting events. Would like advertiser and respondent professional. Enjoys travel, week- Enjoys NASCAR, bowling, basket- long-term relationship in the movies, plays, football, concerts WWWF, 59, grey hair, pleasant, sincere, warm, genuine, SWM, 55- to meet a slim to medium build, agree to indemnify and hold end get-a-ways, camping, cuddling movies and shopping. Looking for ball, football, working out and Redford area only. No E-mails and enjoying life. Looking for a SF, loving and kind-hearted. Enjoys 68, who enjoys life. Must be a non- SWF, 21-39, to spend quality time this publication and UltiMate, and more. Seeking a SWM, 57-70, an attractive, SM, 18-35, who is much more. Looking tor a SWF, please! Ad#:406401 37-55, to be my queen. walking, movies, music, the out- who is loving, humorous, N/S, smoker. Ad#:543693 loving, open-minded & Intelligent. with and possibly a LTR, its employees and agents doors and more. Seeking a SM, under 48, who has some similar Ad#:610258 harmless from, all costs, N/D, fun and affectionate. Ad#:565558 Ad*:559315 SOMEONE TO TALK TO interests. Ad*:636971 I'M YOUR GUY who for a friendship first. Ad#:405309 expenses, liabilities and dam- Ad#:633531 SBF, 19, short, long hair, brown SWM, 49, looks 39, knows how to LETS RELAX & HAVE FUN ages resulting from or caused eyes, tattoos and piercing's. Enjoys HOW ABOUT US? HIDDEN TREASURE SO HOW ARE YOU? treat a lady, someone who has a by this publication or recording TRAVEL COMPANION SWF, 61 years old, social drinker. Hard working, SWM, 29, smoker, M SHARE HER DREAMS going to the movies, talking on the Hardworking, SWM, 34.5'11", 220 nice build and a pleasant personal- Tall, SWM, 28, whose personality placed by the advertiser or any 59, attractive, outgoing, blonde, Enjoys walks, working out, photog- social drinker, enjoys relaxing at Fun loving, SBF, 40,57", 175 lbs., phone and hanging out with lbs. Enjoys clubbing, dancing, and ity. I am looking for a woman that is easygoing, fun-loving and some- reply to same. The advertisers 5'6", SWF, seeking SM, good con- friends. Looking for a SM, age social drinker, smoker, with chil- raphy, dining out and more. Seeks movies. Looking for a loving, car- night. Looking for a nice looking is looking for a good man. Hope to times a Jokester. Loves spending and respondents agree that versationalist, active, romantic, unimportant, just to talk to. If inter- they are at least 18 years old. dren. Searching for a smart, SBM, a warm, honest, secure, easygo- ing, fun, outgoing, stable, SWF. SWF, 21 -40, who's honest and sin- hear from you as soon as possible. time with his son. He would like to 35-50 who lives alone and would Intelligent. Wants companion to ested, please call! Ad#:574234 Advertiser voice greetings will ing, SWM, 57-68. Ad#:564711 31-40, N/S. Ad#:636413 cere. Ad#:633465 Redford area. Ad#:411537 meet a SWF, 21-30, who is easygo- like to get to know each other. travel to Florida for 1 month this be rejected if they contain last ing and laid back. Ad#:574799 Ad#:633509 winter. Ad#:560413 names, phone numbers, any addresses, e-mail addresses LOVE & BE LOVED ROMANCE M SOMEONE TO CARE FOR Questions? Contact Customer Service - call 1-866-281-2976. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9a.rn.-1 Op.m. EST or or explicit sexual language. You Self-employed, SWM, 33, enjoys • ...Is just around the corner. I am WWWF, 56, enjoys old cars, relax- visit us online and click CONTACT US to send us an e-mail. Customer Service provided by DRMOC. should screen your responses concerts, fairs, comedy clubs and 5'2", with dark eyes and hair, 63. ing, quality time with that special carefully. First meetings should so much more. Looking for a pas- Looking to meet a tall gentleman, someone and more. Looking for a M-Male, B-Black, El-East Indian, F-Female, C-Christian, W-White, A-Asian, S-Single, WW-Widowed, be held in a public place. The sionate, romantic, SWF, 18-45, use of cordless or cellular 59-70, who likes dancing, cards, SWM, over 48, for a companion- N/S-Non-Smoker, NA-Native American, H-Hispanic who is looking for a serious rela- phones is discouraged. . travel, and wants a long-term rela- ship and a shoulder to lean on. tionship. Ad#:583714 Copyright UltiMate 1/27/04 . tionship. Ad#:403303 Ad#:596014 Place your FREE word ad, call toll free 1-800-487-2038 l')il I Print * I HI I. \oice (li i'i'ling • I III.I Message \olifii'iilion 68 (*) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, January 29,2004

Ford 1997 F-150, 4x4, lift kit, AEROSTAR 1994 XLT loaded, TOYOTA 2001 SIENNA LE E250 2000 Maxi Cargo Van, CHEVY S10 2002, 4X4, LS FORO 2003 F350 Supercab EXPLORER 2003 XLT 4x4, 3rd RODEO 2003 LS 4x4, loaded, ^ good condition. 80,000 miles. 4 wheel drive, exc. cond. Exc cond., new tires, 50k only 39K. Hurry on this one, ZR2, ext. cab, warranty, 32K 4x4, chassie cab XLT, 32 BLAZER 2001 LT 4 dr. seat, 11K, $21,900. 5 to choose, low, low miles, $6200. 734-695-4649 $3500/firm. 734-427-0562 miles, $14,500.248-360-9172 $10,995. $17,000/best. 248-939-1693 miles, $27,990. 4x4, loaded, GM Certified, DEMMER FORO starting at $17,950. DEMMER FORD iow miles, $14,995. (734) 721-2600 ROGIN BUICK-LIVONIA - FORD 2002/01 F250 CHEVY ASTRO 1992 AWD, VOYAGER 1S99 73K, 4 cyl, TaMaROFF DODGE 2001 Durango SLT Telegraph S. of 12 Mile "Supercab" Super duty's (2) (734) 721-2600 734-525-0900 air, good cond. 8est offer. CD, 7 passenger, exc. cond. 248-354-6600 4x4, 3rd seat, 34K, $16,995. EXPLORER 2003 XLT 4x4, XLT, 21-23K, from $19,990. (734) 394-0722 TaManoFF $5000/best. • 248-380-4353 Fox Hills FORD EXPLORER XLT 4X4 leather, side curtain air bags, TAHOE/YUKON 2002-2003 3 DEMMER FORD FORD 2003 E150 Cargo Van's 248-353-1300 5KI $23,900. SLT, loaded, from 9,000 | (734) 721-2600 DODGE CARAVAN 1998 3.0L, WINDSTAR 1998 GL 70K ml, (3) 5.4L, auto, air, pw/pl, from Chiysler-Jeep 1997, auto, V6, 6 disc cd, V6, New brakes, transmission, new tires/brakes, air, power new brakes, newer DEMMER FORD miles, save! $26,950. s $15,990. (734) 455-8740 (734) 721-2600 ROGIN BUICK-LIVONIA- t FORD 2003 F150 Lariat 84K, $4200. 248-644-1220 windows, good condition. Michelins, 88k miies.$5800 DEMMER FORD BLAZER 2002 LS, loaded, low 734-525-0900 I Supercab, leather, V-8, auto, $5500/best. 517-545-3178 OODGE 2002- Ram 4x4, quad 248- 561-8301 EXPLORER'S 2002 (7) auto, Dodge Caravan Sport 1998- (734) 721-2600 miles, like new, $12,950. air, $18,990. air, iow miles, from $13,990. WINDSTAR 2001 7 passenger, cab SLT pkg., clean, $20,995. ROGIN BUICK-LIVONIA TRAIL BLAZER 2002 4x4, DEMMER FORD 3.3L, ABS, 48K, tires/ brakes, FORO 2003 E150 Club FORD F-150 1996, XLT, 4X4, DEMMER FORD • auto, air, 30K, $8,990. JFox mils 734-525-0900. pewter, $19,995. (734) 721-2600 exc. $6900. 248-651-4502 Wagon's XLT, (5) V-8, dual supercab, loaded, v8,super (734) 721-2600 DEMMER FORD Chrysler-Jeep B08 JEAN NOTTE PONTIAC ?: FORD WINDSTAR 1995 - LX. air/fieat, loaded, from $14,899. clean. $9500. 313-248-3783 BLAZER 2003 LS 2 dr., loaded, (734) 453-2500 jj FORO RANGER EDGE 2002. (734) 721-2600 FORD ESCAPE XLT 2003 16K, Blue, 119,500 mi., 3.8 V6, DEMMER FORD (734) 455-8740 only 2,000 miles, $13,980. Very low miles, loaded, air, (734) 721-2600 GMC 1998 Suburban 3/4 ton black w/leather, sport pack- TROOPER 2000 Limited, $ cruise, power windows & $3900. (734) 451-7967 WINDSTAR 2003 LX Wagons ROGIN BUICK-LIVONIA F150 2001 Supercrew Lariat SLT, loaded, hurry, $12,950. 734-525-0900 age. Sunroof, loaded. black, 37,000 miles, loaded, , locks, tonneau cover, 5 cd,' (4) loaded, only 6, 7 & 8,000 FORD 2003 E250 Extended GRAND CARAVAH 1995, 95K, 4x4, $19,995. ROGIN BUICK-LIVONIA $18,500. (248) 528-2041 $14,950. ;.i bedliner, like new. $13,700 or miles! From $16,990. good condition, $2995/best. Cargo Vans (3) 5.4L, air, BOB JEANNOTTE PONTIAC 734-525-0900 CHEVY BLAZER 1999 LS. 4 . ROGIN BUICK-LIVONIA t5 best (248) 921-4412 DEMMER FORD FORD EXPLORER, 1998 734-455-6447, 734-516-0689 pw/pl, cruise, bulkhead liner, (734) 453-2500 dr, 4x4, exc. cond. 67K mi. 734-525-0900 i- (734) 721-2600 from $19,990. Loaded, sunroof, 95k. mi„ FORD RANGER PICKUP 1998 HONDA 1998 Passport EX, $8600. (248) 661-4337 GRAND CARAVAN 2000 SE, DEMMER FORD FORD 1999 Ranger Extended exec. cond. $8200/best. WRANGLER 1994 new soft- .? XLT 73K ext. cab, 5 speed, V-6, 4x4, silver, winter full power, manager's special, (734) 721-2600 cab 4x4, loaded,'$8,995. CR-V EX 2000 , 48K miles, 4 248 615-1977 top & many new parts. Rebuilt , t V6, $6,900 248-930-0398 beater, Monday only spe- $6,995. JFox Hills wd., auto, abs, good condi- trans. $3000. 734-459-2856 vi FORD 2003 E350 "Chateau1 cial, $7,988. GMC 2003 Denali, white, tan RAM 2001 1500 quad cab, Chrysler-Jeep tion. $12,400.(734) 454-0481 TOManoFF 1988-1998 HANDICAP VANS Club Wagon, quad seats, dual Telegraph S. of 12 Mile leather, moon, loaded, 15K, YUKON 2002 SLT 4x4, power only 18K, fully equipped, CTS 2003 loaded, NAV sys- WANTED. Call Dale anyday, air, 12K, $19,990. • (734) 455-8740 $37,995. moon, 3rd seat, low miles, ail certified, $13,895. 248-354-6600 TaManoFF tem, just 12,000 miles, sharp, BOS JEANNOTTE PONTIAC (517)230-8865. DEMMER FORD 248-353-1300 the toys, $25,995. TmmmFF TOWN & COUNTRY 2001 (734) 721-2600 FORO 2000 F250 Super cab, luxury for less, $25,480. (734) 453-2500 Limited, only 39K, TV/VCP, CHEVY 1999 Express Van, V-8, 4x4. lariat. Loaded, low miles, ROGIN BUICK-LIVONIA TaMaROFF 248-354-6600 FORD 2003 E350 XLT Ciub power everything, only full power, 9 passenger, plow never used. Mint. 734-525-0900 HONDA 2001 CR-V SE, 248-354-6600 '' Wagons (3) 15 passenger, $17,995 TV/VCR, loaded,47K,$10,950. $20,000. (810) 923-8660. ISUZU TROOPER 1996 4W0, Certified, 27K, $17,995. loaded, from $16,990 - ESCAPE 2002 XLT 22k, loaded, Sell it all with ROGIN BUICK-LIVONIA immaculate condition, $3995 Telegraph S. of 12 Mile TBManopF $17,990. FORD 2000 F250 Super cab, TYME AUTO (734) 455-5566 moonroof, stepbars, cd, 4x2, Observer & Eccentric 734-525-0900 4x4. lariat. Loaded, low miles, 248-354-6600 DEMMER FORD $13,990. 734-459-9414 TaMaROFF 1-800-5 79-SELL (734) 721-2600 plow never used. Mint. JEEP WRANGLER 1990 6 cyl., 248-353-1300 $20,000. (810) 923-8660. auto, 93K, soft top, good cond.- ESCAPE'S 2003 (6) auto, air, AUDI 2001 Aliroad auto, soior MERCURY VILLAGER LS Best offer. 734-453-2290 loaded, low miles, from sunroof, Premium sound, 36K 1993 Good cond., new FORD 2002/01 F250 "Crew $15,990. mi. Factory warranty. Cab's" super duty 4x4 (2) XLT, DEMMER FORD LAND ROVER 2002 $31,000. 586-731-5465 " tires, high mileage, $2500 or NISSAN 2002 Frontier XE best offer,313-617-3245 from $23,990. (734) 721-2600 "Freelander" leather, AWD, DEMMER FORD 4 dr. 4x4, crew cab, Nissan loaded, $17,990. BMW 2000 3231 black/black RAM 2002, 15 passenger (734) 721-2600 Certified, only. $17,995. EXCURSION 2002 4x4 XLT, DEMMER FORD feather, premium pkg., exc. Lookin' To maxi-van, only 29K, roar air, Telegraph S. of 12 Mile only 11KI $24,990. cond. 5 speed manual. 35,500 (734) 721-2600 certified, $13,995. DEMMER FORD mi, $23,500. 248-855-6410 CLASSIFIED imanoFF (734) 721-2600 MONTANA 2000, immaculate, m TaManoFF 248-353-1300 $5999 CORVETTE 2001 Convertible, WORKS! silver, black top, auto, EXCURSION 2003 4x4 XLT, V- TYME AUTO (734) 455-5566 Sell Your Car? .248-354-6600 10, loaded, $26,990. $34,995. RANGER 1998 extended cab, DEMMER FORD MOUNTAINEER 2000 4WD, BOB JEANNOTTE PONTIAC ' 4x4, looks & runs super, ail (734) 721-2600 very good cond., air, CD, (734) 453-2500 $10,500/best. (248) 842-4822 black, $4500. EXCURSION 2003 XLT, auto, MERCEDES 1999 CLK430 TYME AUTO (734) 455-5566 dual air, 3rd seat, $24,990. NAVIGATOR'S 2003 (2) moon, AMG, black coupe, winter RANGER 2002 4x4 S C., 20K, DEMMER FORD leather, loaded, $38,§90. wheels, 44K, warranty. sharp, black, $14,995. (734) 721-2600 DEMMER FORD $30,000. 734-207-1767 (734) 721-2600 BOB JEANNOTTE PONTIAC EXPEDITION 2002 XLT 4x4, MERCEDES 1999 $LK 230 Listen To This. (734) 453-2500 5.4L, 3rd seat, 18K, $22,990. OLDS 2000 Bravada AWD, absolutely perfect, loaded, 21k 2001 KIA SEPHIA 2003 HYUNDAI TiBURON RANGER 2003 Supercab 4x4 DEMMER FORD white & gray, power moon, mi., $29,000. (248) 877-2298 Classified advertising is the most reliable source for (734) 721-2600 leather, $11,495. Auto, air, 20K miles. "Edge pkg" 4.0 4 dr., auto, air, MERCEDES, 1998 SLK - Red, loaded, $15,990. BOB JEANNOTTE PONTIAC connecting buyers with sellers. If you have a car that EXPEDITION-2000 Eddie (734) 453-2500 8200 miles, loaded. $35,000. ^ $5500 $ia938 DEMMER FORD Bauer, med. blue, 5.4L, pwr. MERCDES, 1989 300E - & you'd like to sell, run your auto iiner ad in The (734) 721'2600 sunroof, third seat, heated OLDS 2002 Bravada black, Silver, moonroof, leather, 92K Observer & Eccentric Newspaper for 3 issues and if TRACKER 1999, auto, air, seats, 6 disc & tape, loaded, AWD, leather, only 16,000 miles, $9500. 248-608-0718 • ^gjjjgp 60k, $19,000. 248-935-0967 miles, like new! $21,950 4WD, $4999 PORSCHE 911 Coupe 1987 - you don't sell it, well run it for 3 more issues FREE! TYME AUTO (734) 455-5506 ROGIN BUICK-LIVONIA EXPLORER 1995, auto, air. 734-525-0900 red, black leather, spoilers, That's a lot of "connecting" for the money! 2001 DODGE NEONS 1st $4800 takes. 16" fuchs, sunroof, loaded, ' ..KKE, : Loaded with goodies! TYME AUTO (734) 455-5566 RODEO 2000 LS 4x4, V-6, 89K, $24,900. 248-475-8831 Give us a calf today at: $49gg CD, low miles, $12,950. $5995 EXPLORER 2000 4 dr. 4x4, ROGIN BUICK-LIVONIA SAAB 9-5 2003 Arc, Touring burgundy, 70K, $9,995. 734-525-0900 package. 3.0 Turbo. 49K left • 1-800-579-SELL (7355) or ACCORD 2003 EX, leather, BOB JEANNOTTE PONTIAC on lease; Get back ,15/miiefor ,c V-6, loaded, Honda (734) 453-2500' RODEO 2002 Sport 4x4, sun- unused miles. Black/Black, |;i 1-866-818-SOLD (7653 Certified, save thousands, roof, CD, loaded, 4 to choose Take over lease till May, 2006. fl $19,995. $565.47. Will pay transfer fee. u (Bbeetvtr

CENTURY 2003, 3 to choose - save 50% off new, $9,995 BOB JEANNOTTE PONTIAC i jzM i (734) 453-2500 LESABRE 2003, $13,995. Telegraph S. of 12 Mile Jtate> SIlMm T3MBR0FF 248-353-1300 i y/ML orfUJ liarly Lease Termination if your Utimm (Qmlh (I MAC Least' ends between Feb. / and lug. iU 2004 you are fti^ibU' lo turn CTS 2003 white, leather, your lease in with no further payments moonroof, 16K, $27,995. when you. buy or lease a new Chei^rolet ^DdlBaxuiar BOB JEANNOTTE PONTIAC > al Lou iMllU'he Chevrolet. (734) 453-2500 | Of-FKRUOOD ON IA f ^|j§ DEVILLE 1991, full power, jj gray, clean, new tires, shocks $ KMJSFKH. 2 Ml"""' & struts, AM/FM cassette, | $4,000 or best. a (313) 834-8738 S DEVILLE 1993, 139K, clean, $ Expires February 2 very good mechanical cond. <•> $3995. (248) 626-8423 g DEVILLE 1997 - 127K mi., | dark green, very good cond. 3 APR FINANCING dp APR FINANCING Cali (248) 342-9001 DEVILLE 1998 O'Eiegance dark green. Exc. cond. 48,500 mi. $12K. 248-656-9448 M.S.R.P. $19,830 M.S.R.P. $29,450 DEVILLE 1998 white, leather, chromes, sharp! $6,995. Trailblaza BOB JEANNOTTE PONTIAC (734) 453-2500 'iM I frP|iiii» Keyless Entry P. Mirrors DEVILLE 2001, OnStar, leather, every option, $14,900. jj Power Adjust Rear De logger dlix* Deep Tin led TYME AUTO (734) 455-5566 % Pedals DEVILLE-1994 One owner, '$ AM/FM-CD Glass Silver, immaculate. 106k mi. $ Floor Mats Cruise $4900/best. (734) 709-7191 I P. Windows FLEETWOOD 1991 Silver, 4 I Aulo 01) P. Locks dr., low miles. Exc. cond. *-5 Cruise Control $5000. (734) 462-2023 Till Much More SEVILLE 1998 SLS, black, Much More #9585 73K, $11,995. BOB JEANNOTTE PONTIAC (734) 453-2500 SLS 1994 Northstar V8, black w/tan leather, 50,500 miles, APR FINANCING APR FINANCING $7695. Steve: 248-943-2053. 2004 Ol hi M.S.RJP. $22,820 M.S.R.P. $55,470 CAVALIER 2002 - 2 door, red, 5 speed, sporty, 56K miies, $ mitt J •sharp! $5900. 734-513-2268 jj CAVALIER 2002 4 dr., only ' "27,6)2 33K, extra clean, super buy, "IS,079 $6,695. | Cruise Power 5300 V8 TaMaROFF 3 Windows Lock Differentia) 248-354-6600 § Power Locks Safe & Sound Pkg. CAVALIER 2002 auto, air, jf XM Radio/CD 37K, $4500 g Tilt TYME AUTO (734) 455-5566 S Auto OD HD Trailering P. Windows & Locks AM/FM Stereo CAVALIER 2003, auto, air, Till great buys, $7,995. Much More Cruise Factory warranty, GM #9589 Too Much To List Certified. Telegraph S. of 12 Mile #4176 TaMaROFF 248-353-1300 tSelect models. '36 mo./36,000 mile lease with option to purchase at term for pre-determined amount. Lessee responsible for excess wear, tear arid miles @ 20® per mile. Plus tax, net incentives. Subject to credit approval and availability. "Prices plus tax, license, net rebates.

( ( LUMINA 1997 4 door, V6, good cond. in/out, runs exc. $2900. 586-764-3071 SMILE • u>g n \ ftjM LUMINA 1998 LTZ . Top of vnDLET — SMILE line, loaded, new tires & N«w M-14 brakes, extra clean, 75K, Great 40875 Plymouth Rd LOU ear, $5,995.248 624-7330 LaBiche PLYMOUTH RD. MALIBU 2003, $9,995. Telegraph S. of 12 Mile 1 -88^369^3313 ANN ARBOR RD. EXIT 28 TaMaROFF 9pm Tuesdst Wf F'jday 8 30 a m 6 248-353-1300

OE081E1787 31, Observer S Eccentric | Thursday, January 29,2004 (*) 09,'


MALIBU'S 2001-02, 6 to STRATUS 2000 SE, low miles, MYSTIQUE 1998LS- Green, GRAND AMS 2001-03, 9 to JETTA 1999: 4 cyl, new body EXPLORER 1992, 4x4, 4 dr, choose, starting at $7,950. JACK DEMMER TAURUS 1999 4 Dr., Auto, HONDA'S - Areas best style. Silver, 66K, clean. good rubber, 143 mi„ strong, extra clean, certified, $6,695. pi, cruise, CO, pw, ps. Blue, V6, manual, 4 door, 64K miles, choose, loaded, iow miles, ROGIN BUICK-LIVONIA FORD selection of Certified Pre- loaded, clean; $5,200. starting at $7,950. $8700. Diane. (313) 278-2475 mechanically, $1950/best. ' ' 734-525-0900 TaMaROFF runs great, very good Owned Honda's. 12/12 (248) 259-6500. AFFORDABLES shape, 80k miles. $4,500 (734) 394-1655 ROGIN BUICK-LIVONIA 248-354-6600 bumper to bumper, 7 year, 734-525-0900 248-701-2445 100,000 mile power train. MONTE CARLO 2002 SS, Sable 2000 LS - loaded, STRATUS 2003 fully equipped, ESCORT 2002 "ZX2" auto, air, Low APR available. 150 red, extra clean, GM moonroof, show room condi- Grand Prix 1999 - Leaded, $7 990 point inspection. Buy with Certified, $13,995. like new, certified, $9,995. TAURUS 2003 (3) SES 4 dr., tion, must sell, . (248) 473- low miles, factory warranty, $500 - POLICE IMPOUNDS FORD 1997 F150 Supercab confidence. Telegraph S. of 12 Mile TaMaROFF 24V, moon, leather, from 8428 alarm, remote entry, $7495. Cars from $500 SABLE 1992, Wagon, auto, XLT, V-8, auto, air, $9,440. $13,990. '02 Civic EX coupe, 21K, 248-541-3064,'586-805-2590 For listings: (fee) 111K, new tires/brakes- TaMaROFF 248-354-6600 FOCUS 2001 ZTS 5 speed, DEMMER FORD $11,995 SABLE 2001 leather, moon- 800-319-3323, x7375 $1500. 248-627-2762: 248-353-1300 37K, $7,770. (734) 721-2600 '02 Accord LX 4 dr., roof, every option, $49 down, GRAND PRIX 2000 GTP 4 dr., STRATUS 2004 white, SE RANGER 1999 Supercab 4 dr., $14 995 $118/mo. black, leather, moonroof, Chevy 1994 C20 reliable work No matter what It is, pkg., 6 cylinder, $11,995. 4x4 XLT, 4.0L, auto, air, TAURUS 2003 SES 4 dr's, (6) '02 Accord EX -LV6 4 dr., $11,995. van, w/sheives & ladder racks, TYME AUTO (734) know I will find It in my Fox Hills $8 990 loaded, only 7,000-11,000 $16,995. BOB JEANNOTTE PONTIAC $2000/best, 313-215-2504 miles! From $11,990. O&E Classifieds! Chrysler-Jeep MUSTANG 2001 GT 5 speed, Telegraph S. of 12- Mile SABLE 2002 LS - Take over (734) 453-2500 DODGE SHADOW 1993 96K, leather, $13,330. OEMMER FORD lease for $338/mo. until June (734} 455-8740 (734) 721-2600 TaMaROFF Grand Prix 2002 GT Runs good, Good transporta- SABLE 2001 Wagon LS, 2005. 248-426-8225 tion. $995.(734) 981-1560 300M -1999, 541< miles, leather, moon, 24V V-6, 3rd 248-353-1300 Fully loaded, heated leather loaded, exec. cond. warranty seat, $10,330. TAURUS 2003 SES Wagon, SABLE 2003 LS premium's seats, 31K, tinted windows. thru 70k miles or 12/04. VILLAGER 2001 Sport Wagon, 3rd seat, loaded, $14,490. (3) leather, moon, 24V, from $14,500. 313-532-3689 $13,500/best. (248) 477-8547 dual air, moon, 34K, $12,880. DEMMER FORD $13,990. E) (734) 721-2600 CROWN VICTORIA 2003 FORD 2000 F150 Supercab S2000 2002, Silver, Honda DEMMER FORD SUNFIRE 2001 GT Coupe, CHYRSLER 2803 300M, "Police pkg" full Hghi pkg., 4x4 Lariat, leather, auto, air, Certified, 13K, buy now, (734) 721-2600 power moon, auto, 29K, power moonroof, chrome 5.4L, $17,490. TAURUS 2004 SE, charcoal, $23,500. $7 995 $22,990. just 41 miles, $15,950. wheels, certified, $16,695. DEMMER FORD TAURUS 2001 SES 4 dr., V-6, Telegraph S. of 12 Mile BOB JEANNOTTE PONTIAC ROGIN BUICK-LIVONIA (734) 453-2500 TaMaROFF (734) 721-2600 auto, air, $8,880. 734-525-0900 TaMaROFF SATURN 2002 SL2 4 dr., auto, 248-353-1300 TRANS AM 1994. White w/ 248-354-6600 CROWN VICTORIA 2003 LX 4 air $7 990 TAURUS SE 1999 Loaded, exc AERO 2000 GL - 45,000 white wheels, tan leather, t- CIRRUS 1999 LXI, 4 dr., dr., leather, loaded, $15,990. SATURN 2000 Wagon, auto, cond. 82K, non-smoker, new DEMMER FORD air, $8,990. miles, excellent condition, tops, loaded. 63K, $8,995 or sharp, $6,995. tires, $4900.313-408-9248 (734) 721-2600 EXPLORER 2000 XLT 4x4 4 $7500. 248-926-8871 best. Exc. (248) 489-9009 Fox jHills dr., auto, air, $10,880. TAURUS/SABLE'S 2002 (6) ESCORT 2002 SE 4 dr's (7) ALERO iooTj leather, 2001 DODGE mm Chrysler-Jeep CROWN VICTORIA 2001 LX, low miles, loaded, from Auto, CD, low miles 3 to choose auto, air, pw/pl, cruise, low moonroof, priced $2700 below (734)455-8740 handling pkg., leather, digital $9,990. JAGUAR 2001 S-Type, black, miles, $7,995. dash, loaded, $12,580. DEMMER FORD black book, oniy $99 down s s DEMMER FORD 4.0L, leather, 25K, $26,990. TYME AUTO (734) 455-5566 $9,495 99DOJ 9JL, CONCORDE 2002 LX, only TEMPO 1994 GL 2 dr., auto, (734) 721-2600 OEMMER FORD L300 2001 sunroof, leather, 33K, full power, like new, (734) 721-2600 air, $2,995. (734) 721-2600 AURORA 1999 - Northstar loaded, front line ready, facto- certified, $9,995. ESCORT-1997 LX Auto, air, ESCORT 2002 4 dr., auto, air, ry warranty, $9,980. 18K, $7,990. engine, moonroof, fully TaMaROFF 46k, fm cassette, exec. cond. loaded, 124K miles, ROGIN BUICK-LIVONIA $3600/best. (248) 486-3998 NEON 2000 4 dr., auto, air, 734-525-0900 248-354-6600 $3,990. $6EOO/best. 248-685-0904 FOCUS 2003 - 2000 miles, FORD 1996 E150 Club Wagon ACCORD 1993 4 dr. SE, SL2 2000 Auto, air, bedliner 28K, CO, moonroof LHS 1997 leather, loaded, CHEROKEE 2001 Sport, dark AURORA 2001 sliver, loaded, CASH INCENTIVE to assume XLT, V-8, dual air, auto, 8 pas- auto, as-ls special, $3,988. sunroof, $13,480. Auto, air, $3999. must see, only $5,995. senger, $9,550. blue, 4x4, loaded, $10,995. lease thru 12-05. Telegraph S. of 12 Mile ROGIN BUiCK-LIVONIA TYME AUTO (734) 455-5566 88.995 812.8S5 TaMaROFF $216/mo. 248-788-3248 EXPLORER 1997 4x4 XLT, 4 JFox Hills 734-525-0900 dr., auto, air, $7,990. TaMaROFF 248-354-6600 248-353-1300 Chrysler-Jeep FOCUS'S 2003 (12) 4 dr's, 2 FORD 2000 F150 XL, 8 ft. INTRIGUE 2000 GLS, oniy dr's, SE & ZX3, low miles!! (734) 455-8740 PT CRUISER 2001 chromes, bed, auto, air, liner, $9,880. 39K, leather, chrome wheels, From $8,590, EXPLORER 2001 "Sport Trac" moon, oniy $8,888. GRAND CHEROKEE 2000 CD, loaded, $9,695. CAMRY 1999 LE, low miles, DEMMER FORD 4x4, leather, moon, $15,980. ACCORD 2000 LX, one owner, Fox Hills Laredo 4x4, low miles, extra extra ctean, only $7,995. 2003 VOUfO 86018 (734) 721-2600 ALLERO 2001 2 dr., leather, extra clean, $8,495. TaMaROFF 4x4, Z71,3rd Door, Clean! 5 speed, leather, loaded Chrysler-Jeep moon, loaded, $8,990. clean, $13,995. EXPLORER 2001 Sport, auto, Fox Hills 248-354-6600 TBMaROFF (734) 455-8740 air, 32K, $10,990. Chrysler-Jeep TaMaROFF 248-354-6600 $17995 $24400 248-354-6600 PT CRUISER 2001 silver, just FIREBIRD 1998 triple black, (734) 455-8740 3,000 miles, loaded, $12,950. V-8, leather, T-tops, $7,880. GRAND CHEROKEE 2000 ROGIN BUICK-LIVONIA ACCORD 2000 Mint, dealer *8740j FOCUS 2001 SE 4 dr., auto, Laredo, silver, all factory 734-525-0900 air, pw/pl, CD, $6,995. maintained. 80K hwy miles. options, $13,588. AZTEC 2001 black, loaded, $9,900. (248) 789-9007 sunroof, low miles, $12,980. BEETLE 2000, auto, air, extra SEBRING 2001 LX, only 35K, 1Fox Hills fully equipped, certified, JACK DEMMER FORD ROGIN BUICK-LIVONIA clean, $8999. a Chrysler-Jeep 734-525-0900 $8,695. AFFORDABLES ACCORD 2001 LX 4 dr., TYME AUTO (734) 455-5566 9,229 actual miies, (734) 455-8740 TaMBROFF 734-721-5020 Certified, like new, GRAND CHEROKEE 2003 248-354-6600 $13 998 MUSTANG 1999 yellow, Laredo 4x4, 23K, $18,995. loaded, V6, 5 speed, 29K, Telegraph S. of 12 Mile SEBRING 2002 LXI Fox Hills super clean, $95O0/best. Convertible, only 28K, loaded, TaMaROFF Chrysler-Jeep TAX TIME Winter special, $15,895. 734-397-8662 248-353-1300 (734) 455-8740 TaMaROFF results! MUSTANG 2000 GT • dark red, 4.6L, manual, 26K miles, IS TIME 248-354-6600 loaded, excellent cond., ACCORD 2003 EX sedan, 5 $14,300 (734) 394-1655 speed, leather, low ml., top CQnd. $19,495. 734-455-3298 MUSTANG 2001 Cobra, only LS 2001 moon, 5 speed, 22K, TO 1,157 miles, $24,990. CiVIC 1996 EX 2 dr., auto, $18,590. NEON 1998 auto, air, 42K, DEMMER FORD CD, best buy, $4,988. DEMMER FORD Use your refund as a down (734) 721-2600 (734) 721-2600 TYME AUTO (734) 455-5566 Telegraph ;S. of 12 Mile MUSTANG 2001 GT convert- LS 2003 double biack, moon, payment on a select used vehicle, NEON 2001 SE, only 31K, TaMaROFF ible, mint cond., loaded, low 248-353-1300 loaded, $24,990. auto, air, super buy, certified, mi. $16,200. (810) 220-1481 DEMMER FORD $5,895. (734) 721-2600 TaMaROFF MUSTANG 2002 Convertible's yyONJA will match low miles, leather, auto, CRV 1999 black, 79k, 4wd, I 248-354-6600 8D , loaded, from $12,990. auto, air, good cond. $13,000. DEMMER FORD (734) 981-8757 CHRYSLER itupto '1000 NEON 2003 SRT/4 - 5 to ...and it's (734) 721-2600 With Coupon O&E j choose. All 600 miles or less, PROTEGE-1997 81K miles, $18,995. all here! MUSTANG 2003 Cobra pw, ac, cd, great car. $3000. El TaMaROFF Convertible" loaded, only 248-465-9565 I 1,700 miles, $29,990. •'' 248-354-6600 ftierutrfitonltit DEMMER FORD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NEON 2003 SXT, only 8,000 (734) 721-2600 miles, showroom new, $8,695. 1-800-579-SELL T-8IRD 2002 Convertible, USED VEHICLE CENTER GRAND MARQUIS 1999 35k, (7355) black, 2-stops, loaded, 9K, Bankruptcy • Divorce - Slow Credit TaMaROFF exc. cond, moonroof, senior $27,990. 30777 PLYMOUTH RD. owned $11,900 248-735-2597 24 Hrpre-approval hotline 248-354-6600 FAX YOUR AD DEMMER FORD LIVONIA NEON SPORT 1996 35K, 734 953-2232 (734) 721-2600 GRAND MARQUIS 2003 LS 4 % Mile West of Silver, sunroof, new INTERNETADDRESS dr's, (3) leather, $16,990. - Wonderland Mall 1-800-999-5512 Visit our website: tires/brakes & 6 mo.on war- DEMMER FORD ranty. S4900. 734 728-0097 Imetounlifavin i734) 72'-2600

Audi (TTT) NISSAN 2003 NISSAN ALTIMA S 2004 NISSAN SENTRA Auto, air, P/W, P/L, AM/FM/CD.* Auto, CD, Convenience Pkg. Stk. SH35540 Stk. #H36407 s Stk. #H36107 Stk, #H38347 $249 149" 39 Mo. Lease 48 Mo. Lease 2004 A41.8 QU, SO Due Sign & Drive $2500 Due Was $19,946 Was $14,940 $44 AAE* Sale Price "15,560* Sale Price I Loaded! Stk. #37124-16461 !559'/m> 04 NISSAN QUEST 2003 NISSAN MURAN0 S Model, auto, nicely equippedpeelm. Auto, SL, Sose, 6-d!sc CD. $ . #H36107 Stk. SH3634i77 497/no. Stk. #H35879 Stk. #H3S886 Clearance Sale still in 5 RS6 Now Available & in Stock Progress on Every 265 $399 42 Mo. Lease 48 Mo. Lease Was $32,085 For immediate Delivery! remaining 2003 Audi. Was 525,470 flAP * $2499 Que S999 Due I Sale Price 11,493 Sale Price '28,600'

member of the G) SUBURBAN COLITCTION member of the G) SUBURBAN COLLECTION 37911 Grand River, Farmington Hills 37911 Grand River, Farmington Hills Cook TOLL FREE: 888-226-3705 Cook TOLL FREE: 888-226-3705 IlilDADTC IMDADTC IM r vj K 15 Mon. & Thurs. 9 -9; Tues., Wed. & Fri. 9 -6 I m ru K IO Mon. & Thurs. 9 -9; Tues., Wed. & Fri. 9 -6 •Plus (ax, title, licensc & destination. Sentra S2500 rebate or 0.3% APR; flltima $2000 rebate or 0.9% APR. Subject to A-1 credit approval. Must be eligible for Nissan 'S1998 cap cost reduction, 39 mo. lease, 12K mi/yr., plus tax. title, & plate. "51500 cap cos! reduction, 39 mo. lease, I2K mi/yr., plus lax, title, plate. Exp. 1/2^04 owner loyalty. All rebates to dealer. Sale price on in-stock unit only. Exp. 1/2901

VOLKSWAGEN Drivers wanted! Cu it 2004 GOLF GL, 2-DR. 2004 PASSAT GL 5 speed manual, RW, PA. All New Mazda6 2004 MPV LX 5 spd. manual trans, p/w, p/i, lilt, tilt, cruise, air, CD, keytess entry cuise, ait, CD, side/side curtain & much more airbags, ABS, htd. pwr. mirrors, Hoot r$ mats, much more. Stk. /H36603 $249*m°> '16,995 - 19,995" s '39-trio. lease, 12K mi/year. $1350 due @ signing, 1st mo. pymt, plus UaaWfK 1 OthersatSimilarPrices tax, title & dealer fee. Transfer incl.. new plate higher. Sec. dep. waived Lease S269"/mo. ' 16,4S5" w/approved credit thru preferred source. Offer good thru 1/29/04. $500 International Auto Show Rebate on All Models 2004TOt04 TOUAREl G V6 2004 JETTA GL( 4x Motion, Sspdauto Tiptronic, sunroot, 5spd manual trans, P/W, PA, tilt, cruise, air. CD, side/ Largest Selection of RX8'$ ALL NEW htd. seats. P/W, PA, prem. sound system sids curtain airbags, A8S, htd. pwr. mirrors, tioor Hi S much more. Stk. M35397 mats & much more. Stk. mmfH36531 2004 RX8 Tribute 4x4 s $199"MO. Introductory 499 Mo. Lease Special* rr $19,995' '39-rn. lease, 12K mi/year $2999 due § 1stmo.pymt,plus '39-mo. lease, 12K mi/year., Lease $259**/mo. tax, title <$ dealer fee. transfer inci new Sec. dep. waived tax,i, title & dealer fee. Transit,,Transfer incl newr „.platev hi$i Jr. fved w/approved credit thru preferred good thru 1/29V4. w/approved Offer good thru 1/29/04. 'Plus tax, title, plate. **48-mo. lease, 12K mi/yr, $1999 due at signing, plus tax, title & plate. 1/29/04

member of the SUBURBAN COLLECTION member of the G) SUBURBAN COLLECTION 37911 Grand River, Farmington Hills 37911 Grand River, Farmington Hills Cook TOLL FREE: 888-226-3705 TOLL FREE: 888-226-3705 • I CoolejrN/'vfNTkC I IVl I V/K 10 Mon. & Thurs. 9 -9; Tues., Wed. & Fri. 9 -6 IM rUK IO Mon. & Thurs. 9 -9; Tues., Wed. & Fri. 9 -6 "Plus tax, title & plate. PicUjre may not represent actual vohicie. "48 mo. lease, I0k mi./yr, plus tax, title, plate & see. dep., AG $3750 due at signing. **PIus tax, title, pfate & sec. dep. Exp. IA^V04 J4 (of) CIO* Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, January 29,2004 ASK ABOUT

&$• * tasji ^f SJQiNIWQ

V4, auiQv dfeC Rmmtj toaf& 0§ gtepe* ^ swtefflafo ®IQ etepr* WM me «t& %&mt! gte* s»pyii JMMLJUN I 8-PIAN H6& mmmMimmm •mmw™4 *2ss^» AT^-NIN^ I $«74 DUg AT9)ONiNQ $522 DUB AT SIGNING siyi'jlJF A' J.. .1 iG 1HCM!®K© $8 SEQJWWiY SEPOSIT g tyQjUWNA iS SJEMRtTY QEPOStT sEeuRtw efposi? tj^yow© so %ccoRn v OSPOSIT

1 1 MSk ^=i - 1" Li •i-ii -3 U V JT - J *

DISCOUNT YEAR MAItfe Pmc Jb PRICE g. 1998 FORD EXPLORER $7,798 2001 WINDSTAR SEL $15,798 FORD FOCUS SE...... $10,998 FORD TAURUS SE $10,998 2001 FORD MUSTANG GT $13,998 2001 EXPLORER SPORT 4WD...$13,998 FORD FOCUS SE..... $10,998 PONTIAC MONTANA $9,998 2002 FORD F-150 KING RANCH 4X4,$21,998 2000 DODGE DAKOTA SPORT.... $7,798 FORD TAURUS SE...... $10,998 FORD MUSTANG COBRA.$19,998 2000 FORD MUSTANG $7,398 1997 FORD F-150 $9,498 FORD TAURUS SE...... $10,998 TAURUS SES. $11,998 2002 FORD F-150 XL... $12,798 2000 FORD EXPEDITION 4X4....$17,498 LINCOLN LS...... $15,798 FORD FOCUS ZTS. ....$10,998 2002 FORD F-150 XLT 4X4 .$21,998 2000 FORD RANGER XLT ...,.$9,998 PONTIAC GRAND AM GT....$5,498 FORD FOCUS SE $6,998 2002 FORD RANGER XLT $11,998 1999 CHEVROLET TAHOE LT 4WD..$14,998 FpRD ESCORT ZX2,.... .$5,998 OLDSMOBILE AURORA 3.5 $16,998 % 2001 2003 FORD MUSTANG MACH1 ..$25,998 FORD F-150 XLT 4X4 OFF ROAD... $19,498 FORD EXCURSION LIMITED 4X4... $29,998 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS LS...S 13,998 2003 2000 MERCURY COUGAR ,.$8,998 FORD EXCURSION XLT 4WD.... $23,998 FORD EXCURSION LIMITED 4X4... $25,998 FORD F-350 SUPER DUTY 4X4...$33,998 2001 2001 FORD TAURUS SE ....$11,998 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 4WD..,.,.$24,998 FORD ESCAPE XLT 4WD...... $12,998 FORD F-150 SUPERCREW 4X4...$21,998 2000 2001 LINCOLN TOWN CAR $22,498 FORD EXPLORER XLT 4WD....$20,998 EXPLORER XLT 4WD $12,998 FORD MUSTANG GT $15,698 2001 2000 FORD MUSTANG GT $12,498 FORD EXPLORER XLT 4X4...... $22,998 FORD EXPLORER XLT $5,998 FORD ESCAPE XLT 4WD..$15,998 2001 MERCURY SABLE LS PREMIUM...... $10,498 FORD EXPLORER XLT4WD $20,998 FORD EXPEDITION 4X4....$16,798 1999 MERCURY SABLE LS $6,998 2001 MERCURY SABLE LS PREMIUM $10,498 FORD ECOKOIME £-350 SUPER DUTY....,..„.,.„$18,598 FORD F-150 SUPERCREW 4WD $22,998 2002 FORD RANGER XLT...... $11,998 2003 MERCURY SABLE GS... $9,998 FORD F-150 4WD $17,998 FORD F-150 XLT.. $12,498 1999 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL..$11,998 2003 FORDTAURUSSEL..,.. $13,998 FORD RANGER.... $9,998 2002 FORD F-150 XLT $13,998 2001 UNCOLNTOWN CAR SIGNATURE....$23,998 FORD EXPLORER LIMITED 4WD....$21,798 2001 FORD EXPLORER XLT AWD,..,$14,798 2003 FORD TAURUS SE $10,998 FORD F-150 STYLESIDE 4X4 $14,998 GMC YUKON XL4WD $25,498 1998 MERCURY SABLE GS. $5,998 2002 FORD FOCUS SVT $14,998 FORD EXPLORER XLT 4WD.... $20,998 FORD ESCAPE XLT $14,998 2000 FORD F-150 STYLESIDE ...$11,998 2003 FORD FOCUS SVT $15,998 FORD EXPLORER SPORT 4WD $19,998 FORD EXPLORER SPORT 4WD $19,998 2001 FORD WINDSTAR SE $13,998

All rebates to dealer including release rebate. 10,500 miles per year pius tax & plates. Picture does not represent exact vehicles Customer must qualify or for financing through Ford Motor Credit Flex buy or . n qualified customer through Ford Credit. 66 mo. contract with $ 1800 LONG LAKE RD ft rebate. Cal! for details. Sale ends January 31,2004. HOGANS MAPLE RD.

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I-696 I TEL 12