INTRODUCTION Discovering and Rediscovering Gems of the Midwest: Drawings from the Age of Bernini, Rembrandt, and Poussin
Perlove_02_Intro_Layout 1 11/28/14 11:31 AM Page 1 INTRODUCTION Discovering and Rediscovering Gems of the Midwest: Drawings from the Age of Bernini, Rembrandt, and Poussin SHELLEY PERLOVE This collaborative publication is a labor of love with the university museums in Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Ken- ambitious aim of presenting, for the first time, a repre- tucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, and Ohio: the sentative selection of Italian, Dutch, Flemish, and French Allen R. Hite Art Institute (University of Louisville); seventeenth-century drawings from American Midwest- the Allen Memorial Art Museum (Oberlin College); ern collections. This essay describes the content and basic the Art Institute of Chicago; the Cincinnati Art Mu- structure of the catalogue and outlines the history and seum; the Cleveland Museum of Art; the Dayton Art underlying goals of the project, from its inception and Institute; the Detroit Institute of Arts; the Indiana development to the daunting task of selecting the draw- University Art Museum (Bloomington); the Indian- ings. It also discusses the wide variety of media, tech- apolis Museum of Art; the Mildred Lane Kemper Art niques, styles, subject matter, and functions that inform Museum (Washington University); the University of these drawings and situates the drawings within the Michigan Museum of Art; the Minneapolis Institute larger cultural, historical, and artistic trends of the of Arts; the Museum of Art and Archaeology (Uni- Baroque Age in Italy, the Dutch Republic, the Spanish versity of Missouri-Columbia); the Nelson-Atkins Mu- Netherlands, and France. The conclusion lists and cate- seum of Art in Kansas City; the Saint Louis Art Mu- gorizes the significant discoveries of the project in terms seum; the Snite Museum of Art (University of Notre of issues of attribution, dating, media, function, and Dame); the Spencer Museum of Art (University of iconography.
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