Newsletter Australian Bridge Federation Inc

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Newsletter Australian Bridge Federation Inc NEWSLETTER AUSTRALIAN BRIDGE FEDERATION INC. Editor: Brad Coles ([email protected]) No. 202 April 2020 Approved for Print Post S65001/00163 ABN 70 053 651 666 ALICE’S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND by Jan Colville SOUTHERN AND ANCIENT BEACHES BRIDGE CHALLENGE One pavlova / two tiramisu / three sausages / pass the sauce, says the person with a very large hat. Pass, says the White Rabbit. Pass, says the Pink Flamingo, who’s already tucked into the famous tiramisu. Yes, it’s that crazy, fun, whimsical bridge event at South Arm once again: a small town 20km down the Derwent River from Hobart, perched precariously on the edge of the Southern Ocean with a clear route to Antarctica. It’s the Southern and Ancient Beaches Challenge that’s been happening for the last eight years. The bridge is taken seriously and so is the dressing up, general camaraderie and enjoyment – along with a delicious barbecue lunch. Members of the hard-working SAAB committee, as well as the Tasmanian Bridge Association and the South Arm Bridge Club, give generous practical, logistical and in-kind support. Players from several southern bridge clubs arrive to cram the hall, looking forward to a day of bridge and fun. Teams such as the Personality Disorderlies, The Mad Hatters, The Four Aces, The Magic Mushrooms, The Four Knaves of Hearts, told their story and strutted their stuff in the lunch-hour Grand Parade. They were competing for the Strutters’ Prize. It was the Personality Disorderlies who won that one – their team peopled with disordered or disorderly characters from the Alice story: a cat that smiles and evaporates into thin air, a hookah- smoking caterpillar, a cake that makes you grow and a drink that could make you shrink, as well a young woman living in a different reality. Meanwhile the best overall team presentation was also competing for gold. It was the very pink Pink Flamingos who took out that one, demonstrating a remarkable capacity for standing on one leg, while contemplating their next flight of fancy. A very well-dressed Dormouse took the judge’s eye and was awarded the prize for best individual costume. This year the Beer Card was introduced. It’s a bit of fun: making your contract and winning the thirteenth trick in hand with the seven of diamonds. In other words, the Beer Card is the seven of diamonds, and you can win a bit of cash, enough to buy a couple of beers… perhaps. In a day of good bridge, good fun and good food, a very good time was had by all. “More fun please,” they all said. “We’re working on it,” said the hard-working committee. Jan Colville, aka the Knave of Hearts Australian Bridge Federation Inc. Newsletter: April 2020 Page: 1 IMPROVE YOUR DEFENCE – QUESTION HOW WOULD YOU PLAY SEE PAGE 4 FOR ANSWER SEE PAGE 15 FOR ANSWERS Teams ] Q542 HAND 1 ] 10862 W/EW [ 653 [ AK107 } 2 } 63 { AQJ84 { K102 ] A1094 N [ 92 W E ] KQJ974 S } AJ107 [ Q63 { 652 } 10 7 AQ WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH { pass pass pass 1NT 1 WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH pass 3} 2 pass 3[ pass 1] pass 3] pass 4{ pass 3] pass 4] pass 5{ all pass all pass 1. 15-17. West leads the }K. East overtakes with the }A, then returns 2. Zero or one diamond, no five-card major. the [2. What is your plan? West leads the {7, taken by the {A, and the }2 is led. You rise with the A. What do you play next? HAND 2 } ] K86 See page 4 for the solution [ 964 } AQ62 INSIDE THIS EDITION { AKJ Articles ] AQJ7 Alice In Wonderland: Jan Colville 1 [ 5 ABF Marketing Report: Peter Cox 3 } 8753 President’s Report: Allison Stralow 4 { Q1093 Improve Your Defence: Ron Klinger 2, 4 WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH Director report: John McIlrath 5 2[ dbl pass 3] ABF Education: Joan Butts 6 pass 4] all pass Bridge Into The 21st Century: Paul Lavings 7 West leads the [A, then the [K. What is your plan? HAND 3 Bridge Vid: Peter Hollands 8 ] 1065 ABF Youth Initiatives: Leigh Gold 10 [ K63 Gold Coast Youth Night: Paul Brake 11 } 972 Tournament Results 12 { J1064 Behind The Matchpoints: Brad Coles 14 How Would You Play? Barbara Travis 2, 15 ] AKQJ8 [ 52 The Value Of Four Trumps: Mike Lawrence 16 } AK63 Managing Your Trumps: Dennis Zines 17 { AQ Letters To The Editor 18 WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH Book Review 18 2{ A Game At The Club: Barbara Travis 19 pass 2} pass 2] Workshops With Will: William Jenner-O’Shea 20 pass 3] pass 4] Think About Those Pips: Steve Hurley 21 all pass Gold Coast Teams: Liam Milne 22 West leads the [Q, which holds the trick. West continues with the [J, ducked again. West continues with a third heart. What Around The Clubs 24 is your plan? Advertising enquiries: [email protected] See page 15 for the solutions Distribution or admin enquiries: [email protected] Letters to the Editor and feedback: [email protected] Australian Bridge Federation Inc. Newsletter: April 2020 Page: 2 ABF MARKETING REPORT by Peter Cox BEATING THE VIRUS BLUES to play the hands on Bridge Solver as well. If you would like to receive the columns just contact Paul at As you will all know, the ABF Management Committee recommended the closure of bridge clubs on 15 March because of the coronavirus, and nearly all clubs seem to ONLINE BRIDGE have followed that advice. There are a number of online bridge clubs that already exist A number of Congresses have been in Australia and internationally, where you can play with and cancelled, including the SFOB in Tasmania, against other players or robots. Here are a few suggestions, the Autumn Nationals in Adelaide, the Barrier Reef Congress but there are also others: and very unfortunately, the Asia Pacific Bridge Congress in Perth. is an Australian not-for-profit online We will try to keep you informed on developments with other bridge site that is affiliated with the South Australian Bridge congresses in the future but check the ABF web site for current Federation. It usually has one competition session a day at updates, and your state bodies web sites as well as for infor- 8pm AEST, or 4pm on weekends, with ABF masterpoints just mation on local congresses. like any other bridge club in Australia. The current playing fees The ABF is very conscious of their responsibility for the busi- are basically $3 a tournament game, and once a month they ness and welfare of the clubs, state bodies, the congress hold a red masterpoint game. You can also play social bridge organisers, the thousands who volunteer or work in bridge with no fees. Now they have added a second session each day around Australia and the health of all our 37,000 players. at 1pm AEST. BRIDGE PLAYING OPPORTUNITIES, or BBO, is the biggest online bridge site in the world where you can play bridge, practise with partners or The ABF would like to bring all our players up to date on what robots, test your play, challenge your friends and watch (kibitz- steps we are taking to fight the coronavirus, and what we are ing) the best players in the world playing in tournaments. One doing to try and assist all bridge players to be able to contin- can organise a game with friends, or play anonymously for ue to enjoy some bridge in these difficult times. free with strangers or robots, which you may find to be more We are here for you so it is important that we keep you in- friendly. formed on developments and that you stay in touch with us. Funbridge has 400,000 members from 190 countries, who play As a result the ABF is looking more than 800,000 deals a day. You can play at for ways to assist in giving you even on your phone, 24/7 at your own pace and pause a deal a bridge fix, and here are some and resume it later. I am trying to organise a Funbridge Aus- suggestions and contributions tralia club that may be more suitable for many club players. that the ABF have been offered, The English Bridge Union (EBU) has regular daily games on and others we are working on: Funbridge and BBO, plus Bridge Club Live has over 500 people Ron Klinger, an Australian icon playing a day now. of the bridge world, has offered Online dating for bridge players: several people have sug- to provide a daily bridge column gested an app that would match up people wanting to play in for free whilst the pandemic is on. homes. So if you are an app builder and could come up with a This is an extraordinarily generous simple but effective way of matching people in local commu- offer by Ron and the ABF will host nities, please get in contact with me at the column on the ABF web site, which will have a link on the front [email protected] page for you to read it. SOCIAL DISTANCING? HERE’S A DIGITAL CARE PACKAGE... Barbara Travis, one of Australia’s leading players for many Nick Fahrer has put together the following: years and a bridge journalist, has also contributed a guide on how to set up ‘preset’ matches on BBO where you can com- pare yourself with the world’s best.
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