\ \ \"^ A /, iTUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1970 - \ ' - \ \ ■ \ ' A ■ \ PAGto EIGHTEEN ■ iiahrl]if afpr 1Ei»f tttng 1|pral^ Average Daily Net Press Run -M- \ For Tho W«)k Bndad The Weather Ward Circle of South United Voter Session Masons To Hear Ilocenilier 20, lOflO A b o u t T o w n Methodist Church will meet to­ Wide Range of Subjects I'artly olotKiy and cold to- night at 7:30 at Susannah Wes­ A 6 to 8 p.m. voter-making New Jersey Man .nighl through Frldayj Lowi to­ Martha Circle of Emanuel ley Hall. Alfred Krause will give session will be conducted to­ PLAZA DEPT. STORE 15,880 night about 10. High Thursday Lutheran Church will meet morrow in the Manchester an Illustrated talk on Wildlife. Before Directors Tonight "Meet Our Masonic Presi­ (We Have A Notion To Please) In teens to near 20. Thureday at 10 a.m. for a sew­ town clerk's office in the MunchcHtpr— A City o f Village Charm dents” will be the topic of a E. MIDDLE TPKE. (Next to Popular Mkt.) ing' aeasipn at the church. There' Three Circles of the Women’s The Manchester Board of Di­ of Directors Account, to he usfd Municipal Building. slides presentation at the meet­ OPEN MON. thru FW. till 9 VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 82 (THIRTY-TWO PAG ES-;^6 SECTIONS) will be a buslnesa meeting at Society of Commiuilty Baptist rectors will be faced with a as a . oontributlon to, the Dnig Eligible applicants must MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1970 ing next Monday of the Friend­ (Classified Advertising on Page 29) 2 p.m. Hbate^es are Mrs. Church will have meetings to­ wide rahge of subjects tonight, Advisory -Council of the Man­ be at least 21 years of age, PRICE TEN CENTS ship Lodge of Mlasons Master’s \Sigr(d Modean, Mrs. Elvira An- night at 8. ’The Estelle Carpenter when it meets for Its regular chester Chamber Of Commerce; residents of Manchester for 1970 Desk Calendar, Appointment irson and Mrs. Blanche Savo- Circle will meet at the home of monthly ^session. ’The meeting $39,000 to the Fire District Spe­ at least six months, and Club. The meeting will be nt Wil- ryXMrs. Madeline Carlson Is Mrs. Russell Hughes, 48 Irving will be at 8 in the Municipal cial Fund, for purchasing a new mu.st be U.S. citizens. ' ■ , , devothmal leader. Building Hearing Room. fire truck; $8,000 to the Police ile’s Steak House, starting nt Books, Diaries and Flies from 49c In Jersey: St.; the Barbara Gifford Circle Voter-making sessions ore I 6:30, with dinner at 7:30. at the home of Mrs. Robert On the agenda arc propo.sals Department, for special serv­ conducted in Manchester on Boy Scout Troop 120 of St. ices in conjunction with duty at The speaker will be Eugene Johns, 280 Greenwood Dr.; and for removing angle parking the first Wednesdajr of each H. Kelchner, who is a past James’ Church will reimme construction sites, and to be li- Reed-Eaton Circle at the home from Downtown Main St., month. Eligible applicants grand historian for the Grand meetings at ,SL James’ School nanced by equal contributions of 'Mrs. Russell Granniss, 33 for deeding to the Army and may sign up also on any Lodge of New Jersey. cafeteria tonlgihr\nt 7 o^clock. by the contractors; $2,688 to the Westwood St. Navy Club the land on which weekday, during regular William F. Booth, grand mas­ J New members areNlnvdted, and its clubhouse stands, for ap­ Sidewalk and Curbs Account, to business hours, in the of­ Easy going FBI Connects ter of Masons in Oonnecticut, TOYOTA boys 11 years of ageNnterested be financed by contributions The Adult Discussion Group proving the sale of a parcel in fices of the town 'plerk and will attend. CORONA should attend the meeting, ac­ of South United Methodist the North End Renewal Area from benefiting prpoerty own­ registrars of voters. companied by a parent. Kelchner has presented this Church will meet tomorrow nt to Top Notch Poods, fol^ improv­ ers; and $12,219 to the Board of program to Masonic bodies" Easy going price 10 a.m. in the church reception ing the purchase of a 80-f00t Education, for a Vocational Ed­ Uriel Lodge of Masons wll throughout New England and .hall. right-of-way on Highland St., ucation Program, to be financ­ heating Improvements, for costs the eastern seaboard, but this Mafia, Police confer the Entered Apprentice and for leasing or deeding the ed by a state grant. of heating improvements in the degree Saturday at the Masonic is his first visit to Oonnecticut. NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — Wide- tion and :ere will be a service of old Bunce School to the Man­ In other financial business, oto Trade School Building on He has accepted the invitation income tax evasion Temple in Merrow at 7:30 p.m. fully aquipped HolyN^mmunion tomorrow at chester Grange. the board will consider allocat­ School St. from John L. VonDeck Jr., sec­ spread Mafia infiltration of New charges. Refreshments will be served 10 a.mN^t St. Mary’s Episcopal ing $1,000 for remodeling base­ retary and post master of Jersey police and politics— to Las Vegas- DeCarlo is quoted after the meeting. Also on the agenda is the pro­ In other business, the board Church. posed appointment of a con­ ment space in the Hall of Rec­ will consider approving propos­ Friendship Lodge. VonDeck be­ us saying Gerado "Jerry" Cate­ the point of allegedly Influenc­ na, reputed head of a Mafia stable, to succeed Democrat ords, for use by the Manches­ ed immediate pay, raises for came acquainted with Kelchner ing selection of a state police First Church of Ohrtot, Scien­ Girl Scout ’rttipp 642 will meet ter Federal Credit Union; $6,- when both were attending a con­ group, received $180,000 from tist, will have its regular mid- Joseph Maealone, who has re­ three department heads; ap­ head—are portrayed In FBI tomorrow at 3 at Commu­ OtK) for the town’s share of new proving the C-DAP Work Pro­ ference on Masonic information "Hklmoffs” of Las Vegas casi­ we«ik testimony meeting to­ signed; the appointment of a traiurcripts of electronic eaves­ nity Baptist Churc hiember of the Conservation traffic signals at Center land gram to date; and authorizing last spring in Delaware. nos. A skimoff is illegal diver­ morrow at 8 p.m. at the church. dropping filed In federal court sion of casino profits. Commission, to replace Dr. Adams Sts.; $7,240 for increas­ the mdnager to execute a deed Friendship Lodge members 2131 here. ’The meeting is open 'to the pub­ Officers and directors^ Omar ed town costs for the W. Center have received reservation cards „ , , , , Kenny—Among several refer- lic. Philip Sumner, who resigned; relating to Thompson Rd. In ad­ Twei™ volumes covering four to the Democratic sttong- Shrine Club will meet^\,at 8 St.-Olcott St.- Hartford Rd. re­ in the mail, and are asked to and the appointments of eight dition, It will accept reports on years of recording name do^ns the late Joseph -"Little o’clock tomorrow night atN^e constructed intersection; and reply quickly. All Masons are Boy Scout ’Troop 123 will meet members of C-DAP task forces, a variety of subjects. , of public per^na lties including oeBenedlctls, an Essex home • of incoming presided $4,000 for roof repairs to Mary invited, and they can make tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. at Com­ to replace the eight who resign- The meeting will be open for MORIARTVrSROTHERS Raymond E. Bogue, 39 Bryan Cheney Library.' reservations with Charles Smith, , May"*- County political figure, is quot- Sd. public comments twice — once, Hugh Addonizio and Police Dl- telJlng DeCarlo: "If we munity Baptist Church. Dr. 37 Alexander St., who is presi­ rNCH MOTORS) le board will conduct public In addition, the board will for comments on subjects on the rector Dominick Sptea of Ne- t .this deal - If Kenny okays hea>i,ngs and will take possible consider approving the use of agenda, and once for comments dent o f the MasJter’s Club; or SIl.RtlR Op*" ****■ R"**"* Manchester WATES will meet BRIO 119 Thw*.»tol. wark. State Police Supt. David this deal with the paint on the The Golden Age Club will actlonton five proposed app’.’o- $20,826s left over from- the funds on any subject within the they can be made with any B. Kelly and former Supt. Do­ tonight at the Italian-Amerlcan meet Thursday at 2 p.m. at the lodge officer. New Jersey Turnpike—we’re Club. Weighing-in will be from prlatlonV^— $8,000 to the Board for Bennet Junior High School board’s jurisdiction. minic Capello, powerful Demo­ Senior Citizens Center. In." He was quoted as figuring a 7 to 8, followed by a business cratic leader John V. Kenny, 28 per cent profit on $1' million meeting. and state Democratic Chairman worth of paint. The executive board of ' the Salvatore Bontempo. The transcripts quote Anthony Army-Navy Auxiliary will Guild of Our Lady of St. Bar­ The transcripts, produced. "Little Pussy” Russo, a Mafia hold its regular, meeting tomor­ tholomew’s Church will meet to­ Tuesday in the extortion trial of figiu-e, as saying he had "a con­ 6 row at 8 p.m. at the clubhouse. night at 8 at the school. reputed Mafia boss Angelo "Gyp” DeCarlo, tell of payoffs nection" in the telephone com­ Si! 7 pany who tipped him when law Sllanley Circle of South Unit­ The Ladies Aid of the Luther­ to public officials, loansharking _ _ officials investigated possible ed MeUtodidt Church will meet an Women’s Missionary League and gambling operations, ekim- tomorrow alt 8 p.m. alt Wie home of Zion Lutheran Church will INC. offs from Las Vegas gambling :Jsookmaklng telephones: "This ! e f ^ of Mrs. Stanley IBedt, 63 (Ihbum meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. In —even infiltration of the tele- 8°*' him on the payroll I Rd. the church assembly room,. The phone company and the Mason- him $100 a month.” Rev. Charles W. Kuhl, pastor, Ic lodge. DeCarlo and four other men The pedtor - paridh reliaitions will install the hew officers. The transcripts were made quoted at length In talking committee of Nbith United Members are reminded to bring public by u:s. Judge Robert F. Mafiosi who have, joined the Masonic lodge. "In two, three Meithodldt Church will meet to­ mite boxes. Hostesses are Miss Shaw over vigorous defense ob Emily Kissmann, Mrs. Andresis jectlons. Shaw reserved decision years, we’ll have everybody morrow alt 9 p.m. alt the in," the transcript quWes one church. Lorenzen, and Mrs. Jack on whether they could be used (Soares. as evidence in the trial. participant. "We’ll have two se­ cret organizations. This is the Dr. A. R. Lee enters his office in Liberty, Miss., where he serves as presi­ A Bible dtudy will be held to­ Among highlights of the docu­ Koffee Kraifters will meet to­ ments r Maflk-Mason Lodge." dent of the Amite School Corp., a private system which is opening following morrow at 7:30 p.m. alt Trinity Supreme Court desegregation ruling. (AP Photofax) Oovenaht Church. morrow at 9:30 a.m. at the T , T-i 1^ 1* 1 Photofax) State Police — An FBI memo- At ^ another point, the FBI Community Y. Hostesses are John Farrar, scuba diver who recoveml Miss Kopechne's body, airs his dog randum said “ it appeared that quoted DeCarlo as asking a with aid of son, Colin, 2, as he awaits tuin to testify at inquest.. Reg(lstratlon for Manchester Mrs. Donald Oordner and Mrs. Kenny had Capello appointed woman who was going to work a Adult Evening ■ School winter Raymond Merriman. Memibers state police superintendent, switchboard at the 1964 Demo- term classes will be held to­ are reminded to bring plastic through Gov. Richard J. Hughes cratic convention in Atlantic night and tomorrow night from lids, tissue-'paper, and pictures. at DeCarlo’s request. Kenny City to write down all telephone Woiild-Be Black Teacher A baby sitter is available. The Source Reveals 7 to 9 at Manchester High also has agreed to have Capt. numbers called by Robert F. meeting is open to all women. School. CHasses will start next David Kelly appointed superin- Keimedy, then attorney genera'i. week. tendent to succeed Captello at In another section, DeCarlo is Told: Maids Apply Below Mr. and Mrs. J. Raymond Fo­ Dishwashers DeCarlo’s request.” quoted as saying of Addonizio; garty of 18 Battista Rd. will Gargan_ Urged Kennedy: Payoffs—Capello and Spina "If he ever gets on the outs with The Manchester Youth Com­ celebrato their 80th wedding an­ are named .os ha-vlng received the Kennedys, he’s dead, LOS ANGELES (AP) — A Ne- adena public schools by Septem- trict to change the racial com- mission will sponsor a forum at gro woman says she applied for ber 1970. plexion of schools where the ra- niversary with an open house "N payments. The transcripts also They’ve got enough on him to the Senior Citizens Center, 63 Saturday from 4 to 8 p.m. at talk of payments to Middlesex bury him "’ a teaching job in Pasadena in District officials conteixl they cial complexion is not the dis- Linden St., tonight from 7 to 9. GENERAL EI£CTRIC 1959 and the receptionist told need another year. trict’s doing,” Pollock told U.S. J their home. Tell Police of Drowning county police and David T. Wil- i„ discussing Capello, De- a .n-o Interested persons with ques­ her. The maids’ applications John Pollock, representing the District Court Judge Manuel L. J tions pertaining to youth are in­ county Democratic leader, carlo is quoted as saying the kre being toke'rtownstori^ Manchester Junior Women’s BUILT-IN EDGARTOWN, Mass. (AP) — All were exhausted from their States senator waiting and or- Election—Decarlo raised mon* state police superintendent school board, asserted in his Real. vited to attend. "I felt like Joe Louis had hit opening statement that racial Real Is hearing the case with- Club wlH have play try-oiEs to­ Two close friends of Sen. Ed- rescue effort, they testified, but dered that Kennedy be brought ®y Addonizio before his elec- wanted $1000 to overlook num- mo in tho stomarh ” «aiH TV>Ha ~ — I / " 7'.— morrow at 8 p.m. ait the t»m e AUTOMATIC ward M. Kennedy testified at before they knew what was hap- forward as the lead-off witness “ Newark mayor in 1961 bers game operatloivs in Long poster, a witness'Tuesdav at The North Manchester Al- witness Tuesday at was not the result of board poll- Pollock added that the dis- at Mrs. Lorn Lake, 127 High St. the inquest into Mary Jo Ko- pening, Kennedy had jumped >n the inquiry that opened Mon after H years m a congress­ Anon family group will meet Branch and $1,000 lor AsouryasDury the Justice DepartmentsI>eT)artment.s first gy trict, in fact, had moved toward The club will compete with pechne’s death that they be- from the car, dived into the ri^y- man. The Iransaipts Indicate tomorrow at 8 p.m. in the piar- DISHWASHER! Park and double payments in a^hool racial discrimination other federated women’s clubs lievcd Kennedy was going to the channel and Wjf.s well offshore DeCarlo and associates worked "There is no constitutional further integration because Indl- ish house of Second Congrega­ of the state producing the same At the outset, Boyle had an- -vriohooi '--M-ioVoir” non summer months. trial on the West Coast. vldual board members feel inte­ police when he dived into the What Markham and Gargan nounced that he would permit brother of th ^ t duty on the part of a school dis- tional Church. The Thursday play. • 2-Level Thoro-'Wash with Power in one transcript says; “ De- , Foster testified she now gration is desirable. channel separating Chappaquid- did next wasn't made known. only testimony directly related D e i^ r a llc chairman *out of group will meet at 8 p.m. in Arm and Power Tower Carlo then stated he has $500 for ^ ^irls c o ^ l o r at P^adena’s But he said the board holds A move up to automatic dick Island from Martha’s Vine- Earlier, it was learned that to whether Kennedy or anyone ’ the Pathfinders Club at 102 Nor­ The executive board of Proj­ the race. Dick Spina. He stated he that the present ratio of man St. Both groups meet ect 1909 Brotherhood in Action • Power-Flo Mechanism yard, a source, close to the case Dist. Atty. Edmund S. Dinis else acted criminally concern- Sinatra—Harold "Kayo” Kon- Private School Negroes to whites in the schools said today. threatened to walk out of the in- >ng Mi.ss Kopechne’s death. thought it would be wise to give J " weekly, and are open to friends Conamittee will meet Friday at s Built-in Soft Food Disposer. No igsberg. a Bayonne loanshark Spina $750 this month. He ex- substitute teaching in is the result of the racial make­ and relatives of a person with Kennedy has said the two—Jo- quest unless Judge James A. The sources gave'this account 7:30 p.m. at the Masonic Temi- Hand Rinsing or Scraping ... Just now 'n prison, talked with De- plained that if Hughie decides to - up of the city's neighborhoods. a severe drinking problem. seph F. Gargan, Kennedy’s Boyle gave him more latitude in of Monday's events: Tax Break Out? pie. Tip Off Large or Hard Scraps. Carlo about galling money for a close the game down this money Attorneys say the discrima- Board members have aald cousin, and Paul S. Markham, questioning witnesses. When Kennedy took the stand Jamaican hotel if there was a will be an Incentive for Spina to case—involving an estimat- WASHINGTON (AP)__ — ___ Rob- they__ ^ ___ feel the__ Justice______Depart-^____ The West Side Old Ttmers Manchester Grange will meet s Automatic Detergent Dispenser dii^washing now! former U.S. attorney for Massa- Rather than abort the long-de- te the nearly empty courtroom possibility of gambling. Konigs- 'fight like hell to keep the game witnesses could last up ^rt Finch, secretary of Health, -ment has singled out Pasadena will meet tomorrow at 7 p.m. chusetts—helped him search for layed inquiry. Boyle told Dinis tn the old Dukes County Court- berg is quoted': "ril see Sinatra tomorrow at 8 p.m. in Orange s “ Handles-up” Silverware Basket open. ’ " weeks. ^ Education and Welfare, says he with the Intent of making it an at the home of Balilla Pagan! Hall. Memibers are reminded to Miss Kopechne in the pond he could ask desired questions house, Dinis began to question and have a talk with him.” Sina- Here are abstracts of some At issue Is the government’s jg urging the Treasury Depart- example for other districts, on 13 Falknor Dr. to make final • 5 Wash Cycles ... Daily Loads, bring articles for an auction a Water Limiter Control where his car fell and were with Kennedy. But the 63-year-old Judge Boyle, citing his tra is fighting a subpoena and conversations included in FBI accusation that the Pasadena ment to wipe out tax breaks for Supt. Ralph Hornbeck has N plans and report on ticket sales table. Refreshments will be Pots & Pans, Mini-Wash®, Rinse him when he dived into the judge did have the last word on *:U''her announcement, cut the an arrest warrant from the transcripts filed Tuesday in the Board of Education has contrib- private schools that are created said 30 per cent of the district’s N for. the second annual Ladies served. ONLY & Hold, Aerated China-Crystal channel. the — order...... in which- ...... witnesses— attorney off several Slate Investigations Commis- federal extortion trial of Angelo *^ted to racial segregation and ggf around desegregation, enrollment is black. He told Night to be held at Flano’s Res­ • 2-Speed Wash Action Gargan and Markham testi- would appear, two sources close '•U'cs. sion which called him in its in- "R ay” or "Gyp” DeCarlo: delayed integration. Finch told newsmen Tuesday newsmen whites represent taurant in Bolton on Jan. 31. The second half of the Bite • -Thoro-Wash with Power quiry into crime. ^ conversation between De- J" opening remarks, Charles yjat favors "reversal of the about 68 per cent and the re- Tickets are now available from fied Tuesday. The source re- fo th? case said. Dinis protested and Boyle Club setback tournament will Arm, Power Tower, Addonizio In one of many Carlo and Carl "Leash” Silesia Qualntatvce, the government s present policy" on the tax ex- malning 12 per cent are Orien- members of the'committee and. vealed the general contents to- They said lllinls wanted to Kenriedy to step outside. start tonight at' 8. Members and references to dealings with Ne- about former State Police Supt. chief counsel in the case, satd empttons and will take it up tals, Mexican-Americans . or at Bill Paganl’s Barber Shop Silver Shower day. bring the inquest to a dramatic subsequent conference guests who wish to play may wark s mayor, DeCarlo is quot- nominick Capello: Justice Department wants xreasury officials. The ex- membersv^'Of other minority on Cooper St. • Selecta-Level Racks The source said Gargan and climax by having Gargan, j^fween the judge and the dis- ed. Hughie helped us along. DeCarlo: "We used to pay ^he school district to set up a emptions are currently being groups. call John Dulka of 97 Cam­ • Power-Flo Mechanism ,, Markham testified that it wasn’t Markham and Kennedy as the attorney, Dinis said he bridge St. He gave us the city.” Addonizio workable timetable to Increase The executive board of the • Built-in Soft Food Disposer. No until the morning after the acci­ Jast witnesses. (See Page Ten) was recently indicted on extor- (See Page Eleven) integration markedly in all Ifas- (See Page Ten) . (See Page Ten) Richard Martin-South School The intemationlal atfalm com­ Hand Rinsing or Scraping . . . Just dent that they learned Kenned.v All five of the women appar­ PTA will meet tomorrow at 8 mittee of the Mlanchester Jun­ Tip Off Large or Hard Scraps. had not gone to police.. ently completed their testimony, p.m. at the home of Mr. and ior Womfen’s ClUb ■wlU meet: to­ ’'^nse-Glo Au^matic Rinse Agent They said that after searching today within a very short time. Mrs. Darden Haslett of 8 Tuck \ night at 8 oit the home Of Mrs. Injector unsuccessfully for Miss Ko­ They left the courthouse togeth­ Rd. William Calhoun, 123 White St. pechne around Kennedy’s sub­ er and were driven away in two to compQete plana for on inter­ GENERAL merged auto under dike bridge, automobiles. Teamsters Demand Members of the Manchester ONLY they urged the senator to go to ftod and'tSun C3Ub will meet to- national dinner. Witnesses lined up to follow ELECTRIC the police. Vietnam War Literally Pits ■ night at 7:30 p.ni. at the Iie- them included the Edgartown Olerc Funeral Home, 28 Main Disabled American Veterans They said his failure to do so people Involved in the c a ^ —the Auxiliary will meet tomorrow BUILT-IN $l-an-Hour Pay Hike St., to pay respects to Mrs. Mil­ reflected the .great confusion police and townsmenw ho recov­ at 7:30 p.m. at the VFW Home. dred Grant, mother of Morgan AUTOMATIC and distress in which they be­ ered the body and car, the un­ WASHINGTON (AP) — The amount to about a 46 per cent Mrs. Amos Potter is in charge lieved him to be. A Brother Against a Brother Grant, a club member. dertaker who prepared Miss Ko­ Teamsters union formally increa.'je. of refreshments. Gargan and Markham said DISHWASHER pechne’s body for burial and the served demands on the nation’s "An industry source satd the that after searching for Miss manager of the inn where Ken­ By ARTHUR J. DiOMMEN became province chief of Kien Lien all want you to do so. No bargaining combine. Trucking s 3 Wash Cycles... Daily Loads, trucking industry today for Kopechne, they took' Kennedy, nedy had been staying. TImT'Lo s Angeles Tiiiiee Hoa in the Mekong Delta, long one has anything against you. Employers Inc., representing China-Crystal, Rinse and Hold by car to the Edgartown ferry a Communist stronghold. And it We took the risk of contacting wage increases of $1 an hour But Judge Boyle, it was SAIGON— A baisic fact of the some 12,000 firms, did not know slip on' 'Chappaquiddick was there Chau met his brother you. per year for threq^ years. • 3-Level Thoro-Wash... with Power the leameC, ordered otherwise. He Vietnam War is that it fre­ until today that the money ijfe- OIL source said. after a separation of many The Front stands for the Put your Arm, Power Tower and Power said he would not keep a United quently pits brother against The massive contract de­ mands had been sharply In- PLUS \ years. struggle against the Americans, Shower mands covering some. 450,000 crea.sed. brother. • , for demanding independence, Meeting in moments of quiet truck drivers also included re­ Tile new wage demands were • Power-Flo Mechanism . / THE WHISPER QUIET A confession taken during democratic peace and neutral­ • Built-in Soft Food Disposer. No police interrogation last July, in the midst of a terrible war, quests for $7,50 pfer week per expected to give President Nix­ ity. The Front has nothing to do year in pension and health imd hand rinsing and scraping . . . Just gives a rare glimpse of two the brothers talk. Here is a con­ on added economic headaches In uxperienceil STAINLESS FA800 with Communism. The revolu­ welfare benefits, and u two- In his adminlslrallon’a efforts to* Tip Off Large or Hard Scraps. Vietnamese braithers talking densed text of Hien’s confes­ tionaries are not against anti-. Let Priests Wed, heart-to-heart about the prob­ sion: cent-per-mile . boost in the cur­ curb inflation. • Rinse-Gib Automatic Rinse , Communist elements who are rent 12.3-cents-per-mile rate for Muds G-E DISPOSAL UNIT. lems of restoring peace to their The (Communist) Directorate true patriots. The revolutlon- The demands also Include un Agent Injector ravaged land. long distance. drivers paid on a n(j(Htional $1.25 per hour in 1 • Automatic Detergent Dispenser of Studies decided to work on a arieitoppose only those who, un­ CARBOLOVLCUTTERS A Say Monks, Nuns One brother is Tran N g ^ number of people, including der we label cl anticommunism, J fringe benefits and extra cost- Hien, now serwing a life sent­ The wage demands alone o(,iiving pay if price's continue ONLY Tran f^goc Chau, who might be­ suppress the people and let' NOORDWIJKBRHOUT, Neth- on religious orders on the other ence as a convicted North Viet­ were estimated at well in excess rjging fa the nation’s worst In- TWIST TOP, SPECIALLY come good sources. Although Americans trample our sover­ erlands (AP) — An organization hand. namese spy. of 60 per cent, over a three^year fi„tionary spiral In nearly 20 Chau and I are blood brothers, eignty. On the other hand, the p r ic e d w it h of Roman j Catholic laymen, After lunch' the council by a The other .brother is Tran revolutionaries would be guilty pact for hourly paid workers yp„ra, it was learned, PDRCHASE 79-6 vote and 12 abstentions. In­ Ngoc (Jhau, a deputy in South we had not met for nearly 20 now averaging around $4 per sumo time, Secretary 6 priests, monksaks and nuns voted years and I had no idea how of ignorance if they fought cluding the eight bishops, psked Vietnam’s House of Representa­ against the French in order to hour and who make up some Ljibor George P. Shultz said he had changed. Therefore, I OF THESE BUILT-INS overwhelmingly today in favor that the celibacy recommenda- tives since 1965. place themselves under the .350,000 of the workers involved, interest rates creutlng. a chose the following mottos: of abolishing a Church law that lions be put into effect. Meetings between Hien and Russians or Chinese. The demands p r o m p t e d tight money supply- a key Nix- prohibits priests from mar­ The / vote was on a request Chau have been cited by the To persevere' in winning him Chau argued with me about immediate objections from „n weapon against inflation We'll give your burner the full treat­ rying. that the Bishops “ especially South Vietnamese government over regardless of the time re­ these ideas, but I avoided an ai- tuicklng sources at the opening were squeezing businesH loo ment . . . to make sure that it is func­ NORMAN'S... FOR BETTER VALUES ond THE BEST IN SERVICE The vote of Ihe-Pastoral Coun­ should give implementation tb In an effort to have Chau ex­ quired; to strengthen our gument with him on principle. of the nationwide contract nego- fa the slowing economy, tioning properly . . . to give you cil was 90-6 with eight Dutch the recommendations that the pelled from the House for trea­ brotherly ties and at the same ’ He said categorically: M>' stand tiations who called thefn "fan- " jf keep the stranglehold carefree, economical heating comfort. bishops abstaining on a motion celibacy role should be rescind- sonable activities. Wednesday lime to win him over politically is clearly to oppose Communist ta.stlc and' warned of the po.s.sl- on the money supply, the pros- billty of a nuliortwide lockout If pccts are for more signs of saying the celibacy rule should for future and married the House voted to support the ' in accordance with the dictates Ideology, .but rx)t to bate the Day or night, routine or emergency, they aren’t, sharply slushed, slowing in the economic indlca- nb longer, be required of future priests." government’s accusations,, but of circumstances; to remain Communists as individuals. He we'll take full responsibility for the refused to expel Chau and two ContraclH Involving some 12,000 tors that we see," Shultz said at AKS ABOUT OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS priests, j In Vatican City, the official vigilant; to make careful said he did not kill anyone ex­ operation of your burner. And we Icpileagues. companie.s expire March 31. , Tuesday news conference in By 83-3' and nine blanks the spokesman of the Vatican said preparations for tHe contacts. cept when he went on opera­ (hake prompt delivery of famous The brothers were born near tions. He complained that the Frank 1< itzslmmoii.s is acting the i.flriit open break among top. council recommended that tile vote of the eouiu,'ll luid ymV In Novepibcr, 1966, I decided Atlantic heating oil. Hue. Both partlclpateid in the us Teamsters lpresld(!nt in the level Nixon administration eca'n- priests who want to marry or juridical effect." to make "contact with him. I ^errillks had attempted to kill Vietnamese Nationalist resist­ lUm wiUi a bomb. ' nb.sence of the untoji’s impris- omists. For full details of obr complete burner are already married can contin­ "Besides, Holland is not the went straight to the residence ance against the French under Flnullyt I said the main and oned president, Jame.s R. Hoffa. Shultz^ saying his was a " ixt- service, call or write ue" to function fully as priests. whole Catholic Church," siild of the province chief and told Cl II the Viet Mlnh. Hien, the elder, realistic question was not who. A Teamsters source said gonul view," added Paul Me- Msgr. Fau^U> Vnlluinc tho guards I wanted to see ' By a 94-1- vote and three when the proposals were Initial- Crueken, chiLlrnian of the Preal- SERVICE must remember tliul. remained with the' Viet Mlnh Chau. was right or wrong, but to worit blanks they recommended -that and became a trusted Intelli­ together to save South Vietnam ly drafted the wage demands in- jjent’s Oounoll of .Economic Ad- "The vote was just an inquiry As far as I can remember, I FOGARTY BROTHERS, INC. marjried ,men should be eligi­ from war. cliided $1 per hour for this year visors, might be moving toward INC. by the Dutch bishops to hear tlie gence agent ^vhllc Chau, rebelled got the following ideas across ble for the priesthood. After this contact, 1 made the and 75 .ents per Imur ea. h in (he same coneluslon. but Me- 319 BROAD STREET OUR BEST opinion of the Dutcli prie.sts on by tho Cknnmunlst control over to him during our conversation By a 93-2 vote and three .the Viet Mlnh, left In 1951 and following report to my jfui.'er- 1971 and 1972 but that Fltz.slm- Cracken declined comment, Fuel Oil — Oil Burner Bales and Bervloe the celibacy Issue. It is just an lliat night: Air Oaoditiatilng blanks they voted for the princi­ lors: f mons later wrote in the higher shxxMz said tho admTntelratlon opinion, nothing more. And joined tho French-supported The Front (South Vietnam Na­ • Insured Budget Payment Plan ple stptemcnl that the celibacy Natiohallst government. A -Our brotherly lies'are fair­ vures. n p(fatfa,jp hands-off policy a M Hour Custotner Bervioe PRODUCT! role should toe "rescinded. y there are no other opinions in, tional lAberation Front) ordered ly good. ' . I Reports of the lower, earlier 445 HARTFORD RD. • MANCHESTER • SINCE 1939 tile Churi'h. completely differ) When Vietnam won Indepen­ me to / contact you and see In labor disputos, but he indIcut- 649-tSW * / The 106 votes were equally ■B -Hls- ideas and political ent "■f dence frqm France. Chau re- whether you want to support the wage demands were based on government would luive split among laymen on th^ one nValned in South Viotnam. • stand are not favorable, his op- Indus ry reports from he ortgi- OPEN DAILY TILL 9 P.M. ^ SATURDAY TIlL 6 P.M. / Front. Your former friends nal draft of the contract de. •*- hand nnd..priests and memtoers (See Page Eleven)’ whereas Hien weiit North. Chau Buol, Luong, Chuong ,Kinh and (See Page’ Eleven) mands. These were estimated to (Bee Page Twenty-Two)




MOVIE AUDIENCE New Look Sheinwold on Bridge Andover *>****«Q(J|Q£****«*« Motion Picture Academy Peking'Able Artificial Joints Replace A SERVICE OF FILM-MAKERS' BKITISII'PARTNER AND th e ater s. Is Designed COMMENT.S MII-DI.Y NORTH Faces Dilemma This Year T o Set U p Those Ruined by Arthritis These rat.n^is epply to filme ♦ A2 .. released nher Nov \. 1968 By BOB THOMAS tentlolTt)? their hopefuls for the J1969: Promise of an Industry For Ollcirds - AIJS'RED SHEINW0IJ> O AQJV6 Associated Press Writer 42nd annual awards. Here is By HARRY NELSON "Somewhere there has to ba Mii^sile R in g (The Lm Angeles Times a beginning” says Dr. John J. By SARAH PAIAjCER new happenings did occur in May 31. was Lawrence Moe, creased to $3,000 and the regia- THIS SEAL Some of the best English plny- 0 AK7^ HOLLYWOOD (A P ) — Voters how the entries appear to this ♦ Q 109 Lqh Angeles — One day last Calobro, a rheumatologist who What does Andover look tor- 1969. One of the most im- who- was well known for his trars of voters to $200. In ads indicates the film w as HARTFORD, Conn .(A P ) — ers are surprisingly mild of of the Motion Picture Academy observer. The first five in each WASHINGTON (AP) — Main­ KA.ST are faced with a.moral dilemma llst.are the probable nominees, week a 32-year-old woman who Professor of Medicine at ward to In 1970? With Increas- portant was the purchase by the civic services to the town of An- Mrs. Marion Haines was ap­ submitted and approved under In an effort to abolish .the speech. If you draw one of _ " . K y ST j |„,J land China should be able to de- 4 4 «753 this year: Con they give the the second five arc possibles, ^as had rheumatoid arthritis UCLA Medical School, ed enrollment In,the schools and Andover Volunteer Fire Depjirt- doyer. He was active in local ix>lnted assistent town clerk for the Motion Picture Cods “ cop image” of correctional in- them as your partner, he will ^ ^ ploy a medium range ballistic since childhood checked out of "We have nothing more to of- a persistent rise fn property ment of an ambulance to re- politics and was known as a a two - year term. William of Self-Regulation. (5 K 10 8 .1 2 film world's biggest prize to an Best picture—“ Midnight Cow- missile system iHx>n and a a hospital here with four artl- ter to many of these patients taxes, many people hope that place the well-worn, well - used parlimentaHan, philosopher, Breadheft was appointed zoning stitution guards, new uniforms not tell you tifom time to time ^ j 5 4 0 Q ito 8 X-rated movie? boy,” “ True Grit,” “ Easy Rtd- Industry can be attracted to this rescue truck. The proposed pur- j^rriter and jUl-around good “ pent for a one year term. Ed- y uggested for G E N E R A L consisting of blazers and slacks that you played the last hand K 6 S 2 ♦ 4 There is, of course, nothing In er,” "They Shoot Horses, Don’t moderate Intercontinental bal- who are confined to wheelchala the Academy voting regulations They?” “ Hello, Dolly !” “ Bob A „ .. When she entered the hospital °r »> crippled they cannot fsed small town. A glimmer of hope chase of the ambulance was friend ward Kecsler luid Lionel Ber- will be tried at the New Haven |j|^g pixillated penguin. He so iriT i llstlc mlsBlle force by the mid- gn^ller her right hand themseVveB, I feel we should re- for this goal was seen, A^hen In first introduced to the town at ^ memorial fund for the pur- were appointed special Suggested fq» MATURE j Jail within the next two months. gimply murmur “ Hard against It. But .the majority of Carol & Ted & Alice," “Z,” Academy members are mature “ The Wild Bunch,” “ The Relv- 197pfl, the State Department had the characteristic appear^ place the Joints in some of these November It was reported that its annual town meeting’ Oct. 6. honks wns established constables. Mrs. Mildred Keefe audiences (parental discre- The new uniforms were one yyd go on to the next (J? 7 4 members of the Industry who ers,” “ The Secret of Santa Vlt- says. ance of the severely affected patients, if we don’t, they have Mai Tool and Engineering Co. At that time, although the town !„ ilw r e n w MoTs honor. A deputy registrar. tion advised). announcements made ^and. Understatement is his ^ ^ 1 , Is Interested in locating a plant voted to purchase the am- Horary shelf has been deslgna- (Democrat) and John B. Hutch- are extremely conscious of Hoi- torla.” • , In a pamphlet entitled "Com- arthritic — swollen, dislocated n» way to rehabilitate tliam- RESTRICTEDPersons Mon^iy night by state ^ i r e c - ^^apon against the bludgeon- . ^ ^ ^ ' iywood’s public relations stance. Best actor —Jon Volght and munlst China,” the latest in a knuckles and "swan - necked” s®lve8.” In Andover. Four represents- bulance, due to a ‘ 'technicality” . . , Rhnm Hieh ‘tchool to was appointed as regular i.nHor IK nni ^ C o m m l s s l o n e r Ellis C. Mac- chance, so beware if he North Fust .South Weal (^^,3 And they realize that rewarding Dustin Hoffman, "Midnight the question of funds for the ^ ^ 3 member of the Planning and under 16 not admitted, un- opugall at the quarterly meet- 3^ ^ g^y . .y g ry 1 C? Pas.s 1 NT Puss series of publications on U.S. fingers pulled away by the rav- Surgery as a treatment for an X film could bring a torrent Cowboy,” ; Anthony Quinn, foreign policy issues, the de- ages of the diHcnse. arthritis which has not respond- le ss accompanied by parent ing of the Council of Correction, sporting old boy.” T NT A ll Puss ' At left, .John Lee is in.structed in the mechanics of truck drivinj? at Camp Kil­ th f ^ d o v e r P lan n ?n J^r^n ln i cover subjects he most enjoyed. Commission. of criticism from those already “ Santa Vlttorla,” or ” A Dream In a l >/4 hour operation on ed to drugs has, or' adult ■ guardian ■ an advisory group to the State North dealer. ______— ______^ pnrtment said that "present es- in general. Otm^nlwron S)d d t e u t e ^ ^ f the Finance ^ a r d for appToval. Contributions to the Memorial The growth of a town can be concerned about the changing of Kings,” ; Jqhn Wayne, "True mer Residual Manpower Center in New Jersey. Another student, Michael KeL n snc( commlss on and discussed Uie At a, special town meeting _ . ,,, . . nurchase in many ways. In Department of Correction. sides vulnerable t Im a t C H indicate Peking has the Implanted been ^ncouraged by the Arthrt- company’s plans. In possession *Oct. 27, the town voted to ap- “ " ‘V or six houses Persons under 16 not ad- morality of movies. Grit,” ; Alan Arkln,- ” Popi,“ ; iy, right, learns a!)out printing. capability soon to deploy a me- .u- artificial Joints in her „ four Us .... "Found ‘ ndatlon, an organization MacDougoll also noted that Opening Qpe„in„ lead,gad — Queen of spades and one of a bond for deed, Mai Tool proprlate the $6,000 needed, $3,- ' j n / 1 1 1 a were built, perhaps due to high mltted. This age restriction Farmington and East Hayen _ heart. The center of attention will bo Richard Benjamin, "Goodbye, dlum-range 600-1,200 mile bnllls- “ niffirH after cutting aWay the devoted to Improving the level "Midnight Cowboy,” rated X Columbus,” ; Peter O’Toole,- proposed the location of a plant 000 of which to be taken from ‘ ’ ®. interest rates and difficulties in may be higher In certain are priority sites for replace­ . n, 1 , ,1 Dally Question tic missile system.” diseased bones and manlpulat- of care of arthrltlcs: on a 60-acre tract owned by the fire engine fund. The re- Mrs Editha Birmingharm Mrs. obtaining mortgages. No com- I still remember the last time because of explicit heterosexual "Goodbye Mr. Chips,” ; Richard The pamphlet, Intended pri- ‘ ®ntk>ns until the fingers re- Several years ago Dr. WIl- areas. Check theater or ments „ for the Hartford and w I heard thatcomment at Crock- Partner opens with one heart. Kilmer Manpower Center William Dougan which borders furbl shed ambulance will be. Charles ,„prcial buildings were built, and homosexual sequences. Burton, "Anne of the Thousand m arily' for use in academic gained some of their natural Ham 3. Clark, National Preel- advertising. New Haven Jails, despite ob- ,^^.^,3. London. Declarer and the next player passes. You Some observers,' Including my- Days,” ; Walter Matthau, “ Hel- the north side of Rt. 6. u~ed in the same manner as the^P^^^'P®- ContribuHons may be ^^.st of the building permits Jectlons by i^sidents there at ,,^3^ ^,3 hold: Spades, 8-7-6-S: Heart*, K- studlcH of foreign policy prob- <‘®n‘ of the organization, de- Mai Tool, which had Its origin retired rescue truck. The de- Phelps, Hebron Rond. - ^ygre for additions and renova- Printed as a pubLc service aelf, find the film less offensive to, Dolly!” ; Robert Redford, a hearing in October No other 3 to-S-ii-Z; Diamonds. Q-IO-,?; lems, raised the question of another few weeks she will dared that the synovectomy op- In Andover 16 years ago, has partnient will provide a strict- Tlie Biennial town election tions to existing buildings. Prop- .. by this newspaper than certain R-rated films (re- ” l5fewnhlll Racer.” Will Train the Disadvantaged whether the Chinese m l^ t ’’taping the benefits of not oration is becoming the prefer- expanded to six plants; two in 'y emergec.cy service to towns- was held May 5, with all the erty transfers did not increjise towns are being considered, he dummy’s queen, expectln.i nubs, 4. striated for Juveniles, who must Best actress—Jane Fonda, said, although land -^tudies by ^ ,,3 ,,^3^ ^hat do you say? EDISON, N.J. (A P ) — In were not here,” said Michael at That John 1s able to enroll at eventually try to use their nu- method of treatment to re- Florida, one in Vermont, and people becoming ill or injured binjor offices going to Republi- proportionally o.ver previous be accompanied by parent). For ‘ ’They Shoot Horses” ; Liza Mln- days past they were soldiers the center. the manpower center, living as dear weapons power to obtain o^rtum o^Ien impnnre one each in Manchester, Vernon j, their homes and auto acci- with the exception of years, but two arens of the town the Department of Public which opponent had the Answer: Bid two hearts. Instanoe, "Bob & (Jarol & Ted A nelll, "The Sterile Cuckoo” ; ^ THEATER TIME from Seattle destined for the Wearing a dark green uniform he does only a few miles away,. "®w sources of food from other ^ ^ Joint movement. and South Windsor. William jent victims. Percy Cook. Democrat first se- garage were rented to machine incomplete. expert game, hardly Despite the very strong heart Alice.” Magg;le Smith, "The Prime of SCHEDULE - But "Mldnlirhf Cowbov” was Miss Jean B r ^ le ” ’ Genevieve Normandy. Then and Army type Jacket, Michael Is a new feature of the program. naUons. But perhaps the .... most Impor- ... i* a telephone - interview------Dr. Valentine, manager of plant ex­ The new truck greatly im- lectman. who ran unopposed. shops. Only^ three of the seven mem- ;u,ybody will take his king the support and the singleton the pansion, told the members of bers of the council were pres- ^1^.3^ finesse is hand simply isn’t strong enough stuckuck with Its X which meant Bujold “ Anne of the Thiiu-sand ‘=“'"® “ ‘ ® Freedom Fighters said "at 16, It’s hard to find a Before, In the Job Corps, the H said food supplies must at tont benefit, according to the Swanson said the finger Joint ^ „ proved this emergency service Many people were honored in Perhaps one way to look at ’ ’ jjg * .irpjig from Budapest. In the 1960s Job. I ’d probably be standing on thinking was that a young man leant double in the next genera- vriH be^ the relief ^ of ha.s been used In 2,000 hands by the P la n in g and Zw ing Com- provides a smoother way or another last year, the growth of a town is to Cinema I East Hartford-The ent,^ so no official business was unfavorable for declarer. for a Jump to four hearts. If you mission,miaairtn thatfnnt thetno totaltntnl areaarAn totn ^ Tj,e Andover___ Mothers Club .hon- look to the young people. The B-e*vers, 7, , 9 conducted. - ^ , But this time East took the liad no clubs at all you would rnuted^'^^un^r'^°”lnv” °^cii^cim- ^ ddv’ E^^ne’^’'"Mia"*Farrow* ®ame the teen-agers from the a street comer looking for cr woman should leave his tion If the present level of nour- mounting surgeons at 211 clinics In nearly be occupied by the building and w-rson Also it has «de- “ ■'ed Mrs. Maxwell B. Hutchin- Recreation Commission regis- Cinerama — .Goodbye, Mr. owever, aymon . pes hearts at once and re- Jump to four hearts, -but with "anies. lurnot on"^ o n fo X “Jo^ anrMary’’f"Ann?iZ: street comers of DetroU something to do/’ hometown to escape the stimuli - ® ‘ n‘ ained ftager" Z e s parking areas would be less . A ^ for 25 years of serv- (''■’ed enough boys to fill six Chips, 2, 8 W.IS con rme . as epu y m- ^ spade to dummy’s ace. the actual distribution you need most successful, but one of the ganl, "Santa Vlttorla’ ’ ; Kim They came to Camp Kilmer, a After a few days at Kilmer of his envlronm among the Chl^se masses. ota of ^ ftta ^ ^ to best reviewed films of 1969, and Darby, "True G rit"; All aP*-awl‘ng 1.673-acre base; they toth youths said they mlM^^ Now, the philosophy Is^ that ‘' f the Chinese „ „ „ "The great majority have Burnside Cactus Flower, oner, e approva o Declarer how led out the ace about 2 more jxilnts in high It is certain to be In the Oscar Megraw, "Goodbye, Colum- “ > a turning point In their home, but had been kept too because the trainee Is close to achieve this wRhln their present j a y s never ta- ^eon cured in that Joint,” the the 60 acres to ixt T left e V ir in its the trafned f ir e m l " " a tend , prised with a dinner where she m ^ .,0 ^ 12 120 0 children partici- T J ' 7:10, 9:15 his appointment subject to tele- hearts, discovering the 6 - 1 cards, running at various levels. bus” ; Barbra Streisand, "Hello, " ' ’es. busy to ready mind. home, the staff, working with borders and with presently “ y surgeon said. natural state. S. L. Kundahl, the patient. presented with an enscrib- Red Cross Swim- phone ratification by additional ^reak. Since the hearts were ob- Copyright 1970 East’ Windsor Drive-In—Re­ Aside from the X controversy, Dolly!” Dyn^on Banes Johnson was 'Y o u cant miss home that only a feuf hundred Instead of a available resources, what op- S^^^ery as a tretdment of Doctors take a conserve, sales manager for the firm Other new and unique hap- ed gold charm bracelet, an an- program held at Andov'er mem ers. vlously hopeless, declarer led General Features Corp. who open Friday the upcoming Oscar derby will Best director-Sydney Pol- Prosldant, and It wi^ called the much ’cause you know you 11 be ,ew thousands, will be able to tions are open to them?” the de-arthritis is not new For years g replacemwit p » t , ^ « d the plant would 1^ ac- penmgs included the discove^ niversary cake and a scrapbook '^^0 Girl’ Scouts found it MacDougall said Lopes, form- the queen of clubs-foy a finesse, ■ State Theatre—Battle of Brit­ ceptable in that there would be by Mrs. Algene Roberts and nccessfiry to form two Junior erly assistant superintendent at ’ Defeats Contract be tnterestlni Tor Its division of lack. "They Shoot Horses;” " V meet frequently with the train- partment asked. doctors have been doing an op- have been « i C m e d U ^ ? T e ain, 6.-25,, 9:00 the new vs. the old. Will the John Schlesinger, “ Midnight March 19^, the Kilmer Job chael said and John, s^ted family. The pamphlet noted that the called a synovectomy process wUl recur In a noise, smell, smoke or other Neil Brown, of white, helium fil- ,,Vi niin»nha n h troops la.-Jt fall due .to the large the Cheshi*^ reformatory, was West took the Jilng of clubs and Academy voters, who represent Cowboy;” Henry Hathaway. Corps Center was formally dedl- alonplde him, nodded In agree- umike the Job Corps, where Chinese air force Is still the Pr®v®ntlng the de- short Uius p u t t t a T ^ n,^ 7 bothersome by-product of their led balloons which had drifted " enrollment. As of Dec. 30, the not hired Just because . he is rattled off three spade tricks, de- work. In using electricity to on air currents all the way from Budget Tax Set Andover Elementary School had Hollywood’s Old Guard, recog- "True G rit;” Sam Peckinpah, cated. It ^ c a m e the second ment. young men studied one vocation largest In Asia and Its nuclear function the some 7 featlng the contract. South » ^Bargain Hour 1-2 p.in. manufacture parts for expert-‘ Matyland. ' enrollment of 372. And nlze the highly popular "now” ’ "Ihe Wild Bunch;” Arthur largest such center in the na- Sending the trainees home on without being able to sample and ballistic missile systems Inflamed Joints before they Barnes Claims MacDougall did say Lopes’s avoided looking his partner in Ex. Sun. & Hoi. mental jet engines, there is no . , . , a u ^ adopted a budget, | Spring, Rham High School I films like "Midnight Cowboy” Penn, "Alice's Restaurant;” 1,700 trainees from weekends is an innowtlon, de- available choices, the are developing. ^ advanced being black adds to his ability the eye, but North contented Dr. Swanson said that 96 per combustion involved and all A new club .was formed called settmg the Lax rate at 83 mills ^radu.ated the lai^est class in. viaiier hMiriii and "Easy Rider” ? Or will they George Roy Hill, "Butch Cassl- disadvantaged backgrounds. signed to ^ r c o m e ^ e young men at the manpower But It stopped short of saying -nas benefit. Other Events— showed there were 37 birthsVt{T*fTia inIn chureaVxI<*.a nadvertising etx* * r. t m the camp site more tthan H n fTAD 300 r\Or*Q/NT*tapersons “ who Oare >«A nnrland al0(’>l/0slacks areA««A ««aAe$used Iv.in XTNew A... particulariy pleasant to stay at Like thousands before -them, be spent behind the wheel of a once a week, both ooin centercemer offt-oin- crease In the ceiling on state °7“ ---- — i chairman, Walter Beaton FLOWei’ cials and the enrollee meet, dis- oih __-a been released for general Although Andover is known to 1969 ; 38 marriages ' and 15 . . . ----and -registering------with various going to be delegates or have Haven, where they will be tried home and recollect tn reverie Mid-April Dates they came with suitcases In truck at the Truck and TTans aid to schools toward the cost go along in a rather slow pace, deaths. One of these deaths, on appointed Clifford Williams as camp guides a voice in the choice of dqle- for a year, the bygone days, warmed by the hand, mildly homesick, . and portatlon School cuss the program, toui' the facil- Qf educating each pupil. J both apprehensive and eager as He wants to learn to drive a Itles, ask each other quesUons. Currentlyr the stale* shares In ° Campaign Set to Draft gates” to the state convention In another point of his report, bonfire of dear remembrance. For Moon Trip J acting chairman and John Har- ^he PZC has not approved the ...__ „.v,Ko,-b.oS iirv,n thtd new tractor trailer. Alwavs has. he Jn that wav. “ we have fewer tho «,-of t7«n <,ru>nf oo..*, F®®‘®b. out all of them except dy as temporary secretary, camp site at this time, and is in Jurie. It takes 20 per cent— MacDougall said that the aver- You’ve survived a lot of win­ they embarked upon this new tractor trailer. Always has, he Jn that way, “ we have fewer the first $760 spent each year ...... , May for U.S. Senate SPACE CENTER, Houston phase of their’lives. says. For John, the return to a who drop out because now they by a local school district tor ^® ®bd the knee are ex- Benton has rpoved to Florida. in the process of drawing up about 200 delegates—to force a age weekly earnings of men as­ ters—and enjoyed a lot of sum- Six Welfare Advisors Quit iniers—if you can look back and (A P )—A space official, ampH- John Lee came from the home training center is a natural evo- know what to expect,” a spokes- the education of eachpupil. pected to be released within a NEW HAVEN (AP) — Alder- primary. signed to the work-release pro- year. Williams, who had served in regulations to govern their use. remember when___ fylng on a previous report from he shared with his motner, lution. He had spent one year man for the center said. The governor asked that the flg- man Herbert Kpsteln has an- “ I am encouraged with the gram have increased to $110 Neither Dr. Swanson nor Dr. nounced a campaign to draft B u d f f e t C u t the capacity of secretary of the ^bVcTofT;ubUc response from people who rep- and that more than 160 inmates ’ Kli BU Mimths — ...... 15.50 missloner John F. Harder is over seepage areas. the westerly side Of Rt. 74 at '’ ®®(.''-'4it Democrats to win a . ^ Ma'.ter Three. Months ...... 7.80------____ , .L. ______.. .i,. ____ . , single sent was a blow to the applied to the In times hod tolrest to ^ s t his own horse One Month ..!!!."!!! !!!! 2!eo running the department. The owners of the proposed the E.xlt 100 interchange and ... ------— ___ ; __ . and rent emother on§ from the Vi would skirt around the state for- ‘ action partly because 9 °^ "^ REAR of Manchester Parkode ------—,----- 33j , West Hartford is the home of authority to abandon that local livery stable. Baton Trvmils • ' CCD chairfnan. State branch Worse ttian enduring a bliz­ ON OUR ENTIRE Baton Trjouts Ren Robert W B-irrow« ‘ be railroad line where the zard was the repartee that had •Tryouts for Dolly’s Tollan- ^ B’tr'-ow.s. tunnel is located, to be put up atter crawling out "Thh Week s Special" dettes marching group, of the . . acknow edged t^ a y „ jp^her said that when and from it. Every man invariably STOCK OF FALL THE SHOE SALE Board of Recreation baton ‘I'sapporntnienl but added,,, . „,,thorized to he greeted his neighbor with the . Classfs. will be held Saturday b-pe for the ,CCD .',® ‘ m T ' 7 . al^ 1 p.m. at the VFVV Pos^ ‘h ® ' ‘»at “ more people abandoned, it will be pu up for same old wheeze : "Cold enough m d W INTER YOUYE BEEN WAITING FOR Hinie, All baton students eTght “ '"® -‘ad some ^ record of your interest for you?” Men’s BOOTS years of age or over are elTei- ‘ b®” ' are ixitential leaders.” >nade and at that time The two most p

•<1 / ..

ri-p / ’x. 3 / ■'• ”- . V. V .. v v : ; \ \ v . \\


der will protect Benjamin until Larmett, 429 Spring St., Man­ .writers who will pay COMSAT satellite, rocket and launch. The ber 1968 and July 1989. Jiidujo Orders Style Show Set lOth Circuit COMSATHuh $4.B7 million If the Delta rocket .other members did not Insure Power Usage Doubles the U.S. Court of Appeals hears chester; Mrs.'Thomias Walsh. 4 Literature of the '60s After the failure of the first the appeal by Marlboro school Oakwood Rd., Wapplng, 'Mrs. PENTLAND falls to place the spacecraft In a their 47 per cent share of the Intelsat 3, COMSAT purchased KNOXVILLE. T«m , — ’n » Book Review Hoy Retiirned By H< Nirl Fund Rocket InHiircd desired orWt." price tag. officials on a similar ruling by D.J. TeSelle, Bolton Rd., Ver­ Court Cases the .complicated insurance poll- amount ot eUiotrlcity im« i1 In Wyzanskl. . non; and Mrs. Vincent Lamp, CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) That’s 76 per cent of COM- The satellite Is the sixth In the cy-' homes and' forms of the Ten- To Classroom "Fashion Environment ’70," a The Florist Went Beyond Despair ___ — «Pn-co rocket SAT’s $9.1 million investment in Intelsat 3 soHes, three of which W’yzanskl overturned last Sep­ Garnet Ridge Dr., Tolland. Tlie second, third and fourth nesseo Valley hds doubled In the THK MUSEUM; lOO Yeiini from having been buffeted benefit fashion show for the O 24 Blroh St. ROflKVILI.E SESSION ever insured against failure-at the launching, which Is sched- arc In tember’s suspension of Robert 197 By WILLIAM MftPHE|lHON And Yosaariari, the hero of stationary orbits, .300 satellites, were successful. The last eight yeorsSthe Tennessee and Uip Mptropolitiiii Miihoiimi about and bruised (or 300 BOSTON (AH) — A student Rlctiards, 17, a Marlboro High 643-4444 - 643-6247 A probable cause hearing Is u premium of $872,000 at- uled for 6 ;10 p.m. E8T. Greater-Hartford Heart Fund The WaahliiKton l*o«t the decade, escapea at last. The scheduled miles above the Atlantic, Paclf- fifth failed, but under terms of Valley Authoritty reports. Re- ot'Art. By I^» I^rnian. VikinK. y ars.” There-was an 8-year-old suspended from Whit-Hnnson School student, but the city ap­ Open Mem, tliru Sat. Jon. 20 lor Guy tempts to hurl a commercial C0MSAT is the U.S. Regional High School for wear­ featuring spring and summer Demand Dips _ world Is mad (that, in essence, Smith, 21, of River St., Rock- communications satellite .. .u .. '■“P''®'' ‘c oo'l Indian Oceans, forming a the Insurance the first failure sidcntlal electricity wUes by the New Zealiuid girl who speculat- pealed. A ruling is expected in fashions from the leading Paris 8:.30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. WASHINGTON — Into se/itatlve o'! the 70-natlon Inter- global network. The newest sat- was not covered. Thus, the sixth 160 systems distributing TVA For this volume on the centen- ed amusingly on what it would ing long hair and a mustache PLYMOUTH, Mich. De­ ^ ’ Is the Catch In “ Oatch-22” )) anti vllle who was arrested last June orbit today. national the Spring. design houses, will be held -7 ‘.'In E’loral Design — It's who aa the author of Telecommun^caMons ellltc Is to hover above the At- launch today Is the first Insured, power totaled more than 34 bU- nlal of New York's Metropolitan be like to be a hot-water bottle. was allowed to class today by mand for senvp- metal Is de- 'Madame jt ggt us alt In the end, and changed with theft of a mo- The Communications Satellite /Satellite Consortium—INTEI ■ antic court order. Thur.sday, Jan. 15, in Centlnel Originality That Counts, Bovary” had some direct ex- Heller says. But what the hell, tor vehicle. He was presented on Corp. (COMSAT) negotiated SAT and Is paylrtg 63 per cent llon kllowatt-hotirg In the year Museum of Art, author Leo Ler- And u (Canadian girl, all of 6 crea.s-ing. -Only 38.5 million tons No Rim of The Mill U.S. District Court Judge Cows Fewest Since 1887 hill Hall, Hartfoni.' of ferrous scrap were bought perience of the matter, once It’s the only World In which life, a substitute charge of taking a policy with International und^- of the $11.6 rnllllon cost of the faU^\o*^reac^*orblt “ '■®_'‘ hou‘ 280,000 lakes ended June 30, compered with man has crammed a great deal years, who said, "Life is life Arnuigements Hero!” In Septem- in Ontario, Canada 12 billion kwh In f l s ^ 1961. of historical material into the and no one can break it cause Charles E. \Vyzan.ski Jr. Tues­ MILWAUKEE There were Tickets for the two showings by steel mills in 1968, when ) wrote: “ Masterpieces arq like despite all the perils. Is possible, motor vehicle without permls- / -v text, which is amply illustrated the world never ends because day ordered the school to rein­ about 12.7 million milk cows In —‘ at 11 a.m. and 7:15 p.m. — steel production was 130 million the larger mammals; they and life Is better lhan death,' slon on Dec) 2 In Circuit Court. with photographs of the Met’s when people die another gets state Stephen Benjamin Jr., 16, the United Stales in June, down are available from the Heart tons. By contrast, 39 millio'h have a peaceful look -which Bouyant optimism, no - but not has now been chang- treasures. born so that is why I say that.” of Whitman, who was suspended 2 8 per cent from a year earlier. Association of Greater Hart­ tons were purchased In 1956, crlterion would seem to a slough of despair either. back to theft of a motor vehicle and a pro forma plea of Lermon relates with a bit of This is an eye-opening view of Dec. 23. The total was the lowest since ford. or from the following town when pi-oduction was only 115 eliminate most, perhaps all. Our fictional heroes may be not guilty entered. glee some of the stormy waves 'a young.ster^world. The temporary restrainlng.OT- 1887. . ticket chairmen: .Mrs. Robert million tons. Read Herald Adverlis(‘iiH‘iils of the literature of the decade powerless In a world of uncer- Judges frequently, while in throughthroiic-h which the mn,,commuseum hndhad MilCH A. Smith Just past. Whatever othei* quail- tain moral values and lunatic to pass In the late 19th century. the process of determining the ties that literature may be not- logic — Orwell’s 'War is Peace’ amount of a fine, ask teen-agers For example there was a big ar­ BEIYOND TIIE BRIDGE. By able (or a peaceful look Is not has come to pass - but their whether they’re working, going gument about the archeological •luck Matthews. Harcourt, among them. goal is still to reach a tentative to school or both. Occasionally treasures which its first direc­ Brace. $4.95. It was, of course, not the time accommodation with that world the answer is neither, as was tor, Cesnola, .sold to the You’ve , heard about people for peace. War was all around and to reduce the difference be- the case yesterday when Ed- museum; it was resolved in his who are dropouts from life, peo- us — in the Middle East, tween themselves and society, ward Nielsen, 17, of Vernon favor. There also was a big rhu- pie who suddenly decide they in Newark; in Berkeley and in "^Thls Is the cose with Norman Gardens Apts., Vernon, pleaded barb in the old days about can’t stand their present exist- Guatemala; In Chicago and In Mailer’s brilliant work, “ The guilty to failure to obey State whether the museum should be ence ;uid disappear, falling hap- Sensational Store^'Wide Vietnam, Tibet, India. . .in our- Armies of the Night: History Traffic Commission signs, sub­ open on Sundays. hazardly into some new pattern/ SERVICE selves. And above and beyond as a Novel, The Jlovel as His- stltuted for a charge of speed- The best chapters are on “ The of life that usually is obscure/ it all loomed the prospect and tory” and with Philip Roth’s ing. Golden Age of Giving” in the This is a novel about sjMSh a C a ld o r tte ultimate terror of complete “ Portnoy’s Complaint,” which Judge Max Savitt postponed first four decades of this cen­ dropout. It is entirely fkitional, the decision on the fihe in hopes tury, when the Morgans, Van­ destruction, a prospect which, shows just how far freedom ot but it is based upoiybn actual of getting a better answer to derbilt, the Havemeyers and incident in which a^great bridge t seems to me, has given expression has come since 1969, se to a new tone in serious ^yhen “ Lady Chatterley’s Lov- his qustion when Nielsen is John D. Rockefeller Jr. (who fi- across me Ohio River collapsed, again presented in Circuit ' nanced' the Cloisters) were sending many^people to their nt m<^d, a new way g^’’ was the subject of a court of looking at and reacting to case. Court in Stafford on Jan. 14. pouring Old Masters and New deaths. Mf^thews has created a iNUARy GlEARANGE Nielsen was told to appear then,- Gvonts Masters into the Met’s expand- figure that ]pcident, a 44- . In “ Love and Death in the hopefully with a Job, but posi­ Ing galleries. Some lesser year-old motorist named Neil, American Novel’’ (1960), Leslie tively with a parent. known donors were giving the wh I’oweiIni _’ .ll amps, ID.xO vliokex pei .More ellieieni lhan oidinaiv hand l.ighled dial and view alarm. Wakes alienation, anomie, disillusion, as a quest for a love which Is (allure to yield right of way; washing, waxing; ra\on null mop or glft of his entire collection of or and all that sort of thing, re­ CompleleAviili Minglasses. nnmilc. Coinpleie with .1 blades and brushing. 4 personal brushes Ccudless, von, lels von snoo/e. wakes you again. Lighi & Easy broom. I HI f *1,1 1. never attained (see Thomas Richard Flood Jr., 22, of 98 primitive art and Robert L eh- vealing himself in ail his weak- lip blade. I I lisled. rechargeable power handle. # I lll)‘l ji7 :7 ()-k ’ h f ®‘e "‘«®ant tWng about pyachon’s "V .’’) But it would Main St.. Rockville, $15, man bequeathed millions of dol- nesses. By implication, of the lost generation, as Marcus operating a motor vehicle with­ Klein has pointed out in his per- be possible to discuss the fic­ plars worth of Western European course, it is.a story of all human tion of the '60s in a number of out a muffler; William Holley, art to the museum. frailty and human folly. 7” Circular Front & R ear (^ar M at Set cepUve book “ After Alienation,” 26, of South Rd., Ellington, $10, ways, and all of them neces­ For the sake of the record, as a story, this is a grai*ical- was that everyone knew Just operating with unsafe tires; Mi­ what and where he was. In tjie sarily incomplete. For example, chael Prokop, 19, of 26 PUls- Lerman has had to compress a ly-told exploration of the theme Wiih combo bludc. rip )!imle.. Our Reg. 21.99 ,, . Our Reg. 6.49 great mass of data into the text of what makes a mind tick lovers cai IronI and baek college rooms of the '60s, few of a long essay could be, and bury Hill, RwkviUe, $20, defec­ .1 wire j!iouiuJiiii; cord. ') amp “■ msf many have been, written on the hence the book is less anecdotal Miles A. Smith I'lom door to dooi. F.asy lo A us had any idea what we were, tive muffler, with imixisition of than it might have been; its moroi develops 1'; lip. L' L 1 ' / o R ’R j remove tor cleaning. Com- which perhaps explains the nos­ Jewish novel, but in this world and t'.S.A lisled. . ■ E g ^ sentence suspended for failure sketches of the museum direc­ plele wiili Imei baskel. ■ Ip Cliarge talgia for a decade that we it seems to me we are in a to carry license, and John W. ABOVE AND BELOW. By \ tors are a little superficial. Yet Helga Sandburg and George Your dimly sensed. We were really sense all Jews. In any case, Smith, 27, of 49 Vernon Ave., this ^ is an easily readable ac­ Criie. McGraw-Hill. $7.98. Purcha.se! lost, not only playing at it (al­ generalizations are at best half- Rockville, $15, abandoning mo­ count of the great kaleidoscopic This book’s subtitle is “ A 6 Fl. Eskimo Toboeean A ll ('olum bia Stereo Reeords though that, too), and in the truths, and at worst lies. I tor vehicle. J history of an Institution that Journey Through Our. National ennui of the Eisenhower years have had to neglect much -r A charge of (allure to g;raSlt in our inventory now contains three million Underwater Parks,” and it is so Our Reg. 15.97 there didn’t seem much to find. black I-literature, for instance. right of way was nolled (or Ron­ works of art and is one of the specialized that It probably will The prevailing mood was of and Nabokov, whose great ald Say, 16, of 18 Talcott, Ave., .Made b> FleMble Flyer! “| “| C 'k . D498 E598 F698 wonders of the Western world. appeal only to the sklndlvlng vague despair; at least, it was genius puts him in a class by Rockville. Miles A. Smith Large enough to aecommo- 1 1 S -C S -C the fashionable pose to strike. clan and the natural history date the whole t'amily. 1 o R R E R himself, and the decline of the fans. But there are plenty of 2.94 3.49 3.99 Fortunately, the natural intoxi­ southern novel. (Harper Lee JOURNEYS: Prose By ChU- those. cating juices of youth and those has been silent since her St. Mary’s Club dren of ’ the English-Speaking Mrs. Criie and her husband other juices available at the lo­ enormous critical and popular World. Collected by Richard are listed as co-aUthors, but It is Deluxe Walker-Jumper Save an Extra 25% Off Save an Extra 20% Off Hoover ("onvertible Vaeuiini cal beverage dispensaries kept success of 1960, “ To Kill a Notes 20 Years Lewis. Simon & Schuster. $4.95- she who is the first person nar­ us from becoming too fashion- -m Adults are inclined to sub­ Our regular low prices on Our regular low prices on all Fxchisive triple action clean­ able in our despair and making , The 60-60 ClUb of St. Mary’s A rator of the whole story. By Taylor Tot. Spring.action Our Reg. 11.99 ing - "It beats, as it sw'ceps,.iis Our Reg. 69.95 parti- scribe mildly to the idea that The crux of the account is the with large caslers. Blue complete fools of ourselves ' '“ erature Episcopal Church ■will celebrate It cleans! Keally deep eje'ans head- cWIdren have a fresh, uninhibit­ underwater exploration, with brocade or green lapesirj lab- But then as oU those literary its 20th anniversary Friday with All Ski Boots carpels and tugs. 4 po'siii.m It seems wisest to con- ed way of expressing their reac­ face plate and flippers, of var­ tic. 50 Per Store. Fireplaee Equipment heneos of another generation a dinner meeting beginning at 9.77 adjustment lor all fypes o! ware dying a few new voices “^Jode with the statement of tions to the world around them. ious . locations in the park sys­ in our inventory in our inventory rugs. #1020 59.50 7 p.m. In Neill Hall at the Too often the adults simply dis­ tem, with Criie being the experi­ began to be hteard, at first ten- Joyce Gary’s Gulley Jimson on civyroh. Entertainment will miss a child's observations as enced undersea hand and Mrs. tattveJy and then more clearly: art: 'It keeps on keeping on. ■provided by the Sweet Adelines. “ cute.”' Lewis knows better: Criie .the learner. Trinible Hi Chair MaUer, Bellow, Beckett, Von- And hello. Age of Aquarius. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cross That a lot of kids are more ar­ Their trip began in the Elverg- Infant Carrier Seat Save an Extra 20% Off Save an Extra 20% Off negut, Malamud, Burroughs, are chairmen of the potluck din­ ticulate than their elders. Gunter Grass, Flannery O’Con­ ner. (Jommlttee members in­ lades and then moved to the Out regular low prices on all Our Regular Low Prices on All This and its 1966 companion “ ghost fortress” of Fort Jeffer­ Our Reg. 14.99 Our Reg. 3.89 nor, Styron, J, P. Donleavy, j First in Power clude Mr. and Mrs. John Pox, N T h ick ly padded seal and .Slurdv earner complele with volume, “Miracles,” a collec­ son in the Dry Tortugas of the back, covered with Fiesta John Hawkes, Barth—quite a CXILOGNE — West Germany Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Hansen, tion of poetry, resulted from play beads and pad. .-Vtrac­ Mr. and Mrs. Willard Marvin, Gulf of Mexico. Next came Vir­ avocado pallern. Folds easily j 1 / tive colors. Framed Pietures Dinnerware Sets ‘ remarkable list, when you think jg by far the largest producer Lewis’ work as a teacher and gin Islands, including an out-of- 50 per store 2.77 in our inventory in our inventory, of It. and these names by no ^f electric power in the Corn- and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mat­ from a trip around the world. the-way place called Buck Is­ means complete It. Market. In 1968 Germany thews. Anyone wishing to at­ He also had the help of various land, and a visit to the great They could scarcely be de- accounted for 203,000 kilowatt- tend should contact the dinner UNESCO commissions. barrier reef, with St. Croix and scribed as hopeful; certainly hours, 42.6 per cent of the chairmen. The book is a startling collec­ St. John as ports of call. Their they reject ^ ^pty-headed market’s total of 477,000 mil- final visit, in the West, was to a AivMfl-wxlAvn fWrt **TVIQn unll Dfn. .. _ tion of the best of more than optimism of the "man will en lion. France was second with little place called Anacapa, one Most Efficient 4,000 examples (from a sentence dure” variety. (Who knows, •af­ 115,000 million, or two to a couple of pages), the of the Channel Islands off Cali­ Ladies' & rhildren's I.adies' Brush(>d (iirls' ter all; that sword could drop.)' PERTH, Australia — The result of letting children from 4 fornia. ' t . and Flannel But, neither do they fall into SYSTEM COVERS 90 PCX. Australian farmer is the most to 14 “ write in whatever form Mrs. Criie writes almost in the uncompromising nihilism of the manner of a diarist .throw­ WASHINGTON — The OvU efficient in the world, accord­ they wished.” There is a sprin­ James Fhvrdy’s hero In “Cabot Service Retirement System ing to the Australian Ministry ging of examples from India, ing in bits of history, marine Lined Slippers Sleepw ear Wright Begins,” a remarkable biology, ecology and local color Winter Coats covers more than 90 per cent of for Trade. It says he was pro- Ghana and Liberia, but most of and powerful novel of 1964 which civilians employed by ■the fed- ducing enough food to feed 46 them are from the U.Sj\., New as she goes along. In fact she in­ * closes with this statement; "I cludes so much minor detail eral government and pays out people a year while the average Zealand, Canada, Great Britain, Our Regular Low Prices 1.97 ■ 2.19 Lambswool & Shellahds won’t be a writer In a place nearly $2 billion a year in an- American farmer was growing about incidentals that the conti­ Our Reg. I9f97 Our Reg. 19.97 Ireland and Australia. Our Reg Our Reg. Grew, V. Turtle. Reg. 7.99 6.44 and a time like the present.” nuiUes and survivors’ benefits, enough for only 23. These young writers have im­ nuity of the narrative is imped­ 3.97 H v Cabot Wright may not — he is ed. But then, the anhehair ad­ 4.99 to 6.97 agination (the section on fanta­ only b^i^nnlng — ’ bu t' James venturers won’t mind too much, lik'hairs. Shellands. Blends sies would satisfy a science fic­ Purtly, who has been at it for and the diversions will grlve V .X l're w . Gardigah tion fan)—a vivid sense of im­ some time, is, and a good one. them some travel talk as an en­ Reg. 10.99 12.99 7.88 Dodd Launches Campaign agery and a forthright way of too. tertainment. 1.47 Fisherman's Knits expressing their ideas about & 3.98 MUes A. Smith The new voices told us that people, their own emotions and Fine wools, In-crew, cardigan g R R Reg. 10.49- 12.99 ' ■things were, as bad as we had Armed with ^Vindication’ their response to nature. I. thought — maybe, as in the case Group inchide.s I'Kiolees. sculls, K(y; acetate. 20‘ ! nylon. Solids and ______HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — not prosecute him (or financial Just to catch a few random., ■Suede Fron i^ iish Knits Good choice ol slyles and labtics. of William Burroughs’ night- BLUE FOX TRIM COATS Tax Coes For Roads slippers m vinyls and acts lies. novelfies. ..Xssorled slyles. machine Mail) M)lesand lahrics. some with examples; there was the 12- Dviubleknits. rhew. cardigan. ■ including cqrduroys. ineltons. wool mare vision, even worse. But in Armed with what he called his wrongdoing. REGULAR 20.00 washable. ■' I matching liais.. Si/cs 4 to (ix. 7 to . "Naked Lunch” Burroughs “ vindication” by the Justice De- “ I didn’t break any laws,” year-old (U.S.A.) who philoso-.,^ WASHINGTON — The federal Reg. 14.99 • 16.99 11.99 plaids. 6 to 18. 5 to I 5 14. phized that “ life is like going'government has collected more awoke from his world of hallu- partment. Sen. Thomas J. Dodd Dodd said. In answer to a ques- SWEATER, StACK SETS s ------< \ . ^ hat a v\(pnderful assortment! through a girl’s room; a ram- than $25 billion in the past de- — ------:------M V------S cination and disease “at the age Was launched his campaign for tion, however, he admitted that bling mess as far as you -can cade from its No. 1 source of of 46, calm and sane” — a point renomination to a third term, there was still a chance that The wool sweater vests . see. You have to 'step carefully excise revenue—the tax on mo­ Ladies' Long & Sborl Robes Juniors & Misses 2-Pc. Se|^s Misses' Blouses ■that some may ..dispute. The The 62-year-old Connecticut civil 'action could be brought, Choose froni nubby cloth, freezes, Regular 23.00 genuine soft tragl-comic characters In Beck- Democrat told a news confer- But he was firm in denying 9 or you’ll shatter emotions and tor ffieh All the reVeniie has O’lir Reg. 5.97 to 10.97 Ladies' Handbai^s Our Reg. 8.97 f0,97 Dacron'' Po lvcsler cuttun Our Reg. 2.97 ett’s novels and plays could enceTuesday that his' "appeal that he was “ a fabulously rich checks oil luxuriously with matching slacks or cqlf boots, with spectator ; faith.” 'iThere'' was another, IB,' been channeled into the nation- V./UIbur neg.-o.s/ Reg. 3.97 I'Fleece and quills. Kodel' Pol>- . blends, and a tiig selection of -■ hardly be In xvorse predicaments fQj~ renomination will be to the man w(ho made his fortune in wHo-decided "we all have our al highway program; it ac- Pants sets, skirt sets! A host pi' ^ RR Long or short shoulder straps oi I esiei liberlilled Machine wasii- peinlaneiii piess fabrics. Si/es 37 1 V P I P unless they were in the grave, rank-and-file Democrats, as it the Senate. lama, pan of mod- skirls. The sweater hurt places . . . Sometimes I counts for 76 per cent of the , lalesi labties lot dicss up ot regular handles, chain handles trimmed in Blue Fox. perforotioris and side buckled I able. Si/es 10-18. .18-40 casual wear. R F 1 0 .3 8 I feel that the Negro in our socie- federal funds spent on the road *4 SeaUm or smooth •) pc vinyls. MSred in mud or frozen in trash- bas always been—hot to the est means.” Olhers - our reg. 3.97! .... 7.88 "*■ • cans^ madmen in a mad world, bosses.” The oiHy other announced can- vests in’■plain or cable ty is just one big hurt ^lace program. 2.88 Sizes 8 to 18, coots. Nylon thermo lined with they face the prospect — indeed, "The bosses have never been didate for Democratic nomina- . . . plaid skirts are Misses* Sweaters - the Inevltabll'lty — of catas- jjjg anyway,” said the silver- tion to the U.S. Senate, the Rev. side zipper closing. Junior & Misses Skirts Ladies' Sleepwear Men s Dri'ss Shirts tPopJie yet admit the possibility balred senoMfr with his wife, Joseph Duffey, has promised to Downtown only Special Purchase! of living. Belter that than dwth, Qrace, seanE^beside him at the fight a primary if he (alls to pleated A-line, sportswear 7 Our Reg. 5.97 e ^ Our Reg. 2.97 Sizes 5 to 10. shoe salon. Our Reg. 4.99 Fanc> cabled nIMcIi . lull tjstiion- ,Go'wns. gtanny gowns, pajamas. -■ Billon Hotel conference room, win the party’s backing. Duffey Wide choice ol slyles in bonded For what. , , ■ Dodd expressed confidence is national chairman of Ameri- cd. Choose cardigans or pull­ wools, crepes and novelty fab-. " C V w F.mbroidery and lace trims. .Si/es 1 fl ■ ' / Spread and long point collais, overs. Wasiidble lies Solids and Uneies. g j 0 .S..M.1. and 32 to 40 (42-48 PJs ) 1 i hultondowiis Solids, sin|n>s, all ‘ hat he would Win the party’s cans for Democratic Action and 4.44 sires. support at the June 26-27 nom- was state chairman of the Me- Our Reg 3 97 . . 2 97 3.88 ^ A liS X . T ^ a s of Gertrude convention. But he added Carthy for President campaign SPICIAL SAUI FAMOUS BRAND LADIES SHDSS Stein aa she lay on her death­ that he would resort to a pri- In 1968. Men's Sport Sbirts Men's Knit Sport Shirts Men's Crewneek Sweatshirts bed. “ Whatt is the question?” mary if it does not materialize. A candidate, to initiate a pri- t Our Reg. 4.99 Men's Robes Miss Stein responded, then died. Censured in 1997 by a 92-8 mary, has to win at least 20 Our Reg. 4.99 Our Reg. 1.99 Tradihonal collars. bod> shirts. Our Reg. 4.49 B u rro u ^ and Beckett are his colleagues in the per cent of the convention dele- >veSienis. All pertna press Gollomi. (laimels and Mi'lhken the extreme examples of the “ >*• ")‘ause of contribu- gate vote. v l ong sleeve Batiluiis. aeiylics Long sleeved; lleece lined. Ideal, "fl 4 ^ . pnd good sclec^^on* i ^ t lew and col|at slyles 'pun rayobs, (.iintd seleciiutt'ol new sehslblllty remarked on at “aid he "would Dodd has not yet won backing 9 .9 0 1 3 .9 0 fot'bluslcty days ahead' 2^ I colors, si/es 3.99 Olhers Our Reg. to 7.99 . . .S 88 , the beginning of this piece, but ''* 7 aurprlsed” if the mat- of any of the state pariyienders. Our Regular 5,99 Sports Shirts 4 66 Our Reg lo 9.99 C 7 44 3.44 oven they have moved, how- regular to 22.00 campaign.” chairman John M. Bailey, who 7.22 ever agonizingly, to a position .u „ ■ ‘ a apparent anticipation of was out of state Tuesday, to (iirls* Pant .Suits Girls' Slaeks Infants & Toddler Sets beyond - UiaMs, onJhe other Dodd said he would "upport him. alde of — despair. The im' release soon a "persona! finan- ' Bodd explained ho Itad de­ Our Reg. 6.97 • 8.97 Inlants & loddler Dresses Our Reg. 4.97 ■ 5.97 . Our Reg. 3.97 pulse thaU- pushes them is dal statement which shall show elded to run again, ufikr con- All Famous Brands • Socialites • First Editions • Fiancees • Cobbies • Town 'n Country • Red Cross Tunics and mint dresses with Kni|ls and acrylics, both bonded • Diess and play sets. Angel tops Parly diefVs. new spring styles Our Reg. 3.97 • 4.47 laughter, albeit sometimes thin, I have been living on my in- .suiting his wife, in order to con- malchmg pants Bonded Uihms.' Plaids, stripes, solids. .1 ip (in. • • R P lot girls. F.lon and euveaall sets Urgaiilras, peimaiienl press and, their mode is comic. acrylics. .1 lofrx. 7 to 14 come all the years I’ve been Unue his work for better legls- lot boys. - / colloi) blettds I'niqj, ...lids ,o lo In Joseph Heller’s ” Catch-22” p^bHc office.” Intlon In the' fields of juvenile ''•' 4/5 ^ . O o Others 4 47 lo 7;97...... 3 88 - 4 88 M 24 immllis. 2 u ,.) (1961), ^ rh aps the archetypal » ' Others J.HH &. 4,88 He added his conviction that delinquency, gun control, porn- Our end-of-year clearance sale of all famous make shoes! Choose froiti pumps, step-ins, 2.88 novel of the decade, (Jlevlnger "every candidate who seeks oifapliy “ ud prison reform, says: ' public office must do tlie Questioned about the primary slings in flats, nriid-low and ^id-high heels. Sorry, not oil sizes in all styles. Shoe salon. MANCHESTER — 1145 TOLLAND TCRNPIKE "Maybe a long life does have same,” national Issues, Dodd replies; SALE: WED. thru SAT. to be Mled with many un- ‘Tve been vindicated,” he peace from Avar, I VVBC.I " EXIT 93, WILBUR CROSS PARKWAY pleasant conditions if it’s to added, referring to the lui- tl'*uk we would have^the re- OPEN LATE EVERY NIGHT seem long. Butrin that event, houncement two weeks ago thal. ®°urcea” to solve our other who wants one?” the Justice Department would problems. / r - ■ y 0

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• V *1 ^ ■” \ •\ :V A V -\\‘ \ \ ■ n -'-v a v - / V\' - ‘ ^\ - A - \ • \ *\\, MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1970 PAGE SEVEN ^ — - — ------—.------—H ------PAGE SIX ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7^1970 Boyle Crystal-Balls i.tg HanrlypHtpr President Dickey says this in spite of 935 M A gI ST. IN DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER - TEL, 648-6171 - OPEN S A.M. TO 6:80 the fact that there have been moments P.M. - CLOSED MONDAY - OPEN THURS. AND FRI. UNTIL 0 P.M. - MUSIC STORES: e Decade Ahead 17 OAK STL MANCHESTER - TBU 648-6171 - 241 ASYLUM ST., HARTFORD - TEL. iEuptttttg ^ p ra li in which this college generation has 522-7201 - \^TKINS-WEST FUNERAL SERVICE - 142 BASTCEN’TER ST. - TB3L. 640-7196 PUBLJBHED BY T H B ___ dealt roughly with him personally. HAL ilOVLE - temporarily deaf, so you won’t HBRAJUD PJUNTINa CD.. INC NEW y 6 r K (AP) — If the, even notice them. \ I IS Bluell Strejir What he .says about today's youth is M»nch«»t«r. Cowi. 1960's left ybu a bit brcuthlcss, Another rpajor medical ad­ THOMAS F. FERDU80N the one thing that almost everybody — don't try to r ^ x yet. vance: a "placidity capsule” WALTER R. FERSySON Publishers even those who happen to consider what A peek intoqiir cryshil ball that will eolve the problem of Founded October 1. 1881 Cushman's^Yermont Classic youth does about closing'that/f'gap" reveals the lllIO’S, will give you the generation gup by reducing ' Published Every Evening Except Sundays even more of a feeling that timtrums' In teen-agers and and Holidays. Entered at the Post Office at more terrible than the gap itself— has you’re spending your life riding cause them to salute on sight ■ Manchester, Conn., as Second Class Mail Matter.______to agree upon. on a roller coaster.. The decade any parents they meet. Tlie pills SUBSCRIPTION RATES And this quality in today's youth Is promises to be one that will sep­ will be swallowed by children Payable In Advance arate the men from the boys. shortly after birth and begin to OF MANCHESTER and BenningtorL\Collections . . . One Year ...... 130.00 the most precious asset our world has The pace of chimge will speed SU Months ...... 1S.50 take effect on their 13th birth­ . \ Three Months ...... 7.80 today, the most vibrant promise the up so much you may wind up day. One Month ...... 2.60 world has yet possessed that it may add being short-chinngcii by change Around the middle of the dec­ m e m b e r ~ 5 f Itself. It’ll hardly be worthwhile ade, plumbers will announce a THE ASSOCIATED PRESS itself up and' catch itself in time to stop learning many new thlng.s be­ national policy of discontinuing now at 20°/o off regular, prices! The Associated Press la exclusively en­ SEMU titled to the use of republlcatton of all betraying its own opportunities and cause by the time you leom further house calls. Homeown­ news dispatches credited to It or not other­ wise credited In this paper and also the throw away its own survival, in time to them they’ll already -be su­ ers will be urged to make' re­ local news published here. perseded by something newer. pairs themselves or take leaky All li^ t s of republlcatton of special dis­ do 'justice to the potentialities of m an' AIVNUAL patches herein are also reserved. Mystery always musks the fu­ faucets and pipes to a central Cushman's famous Benninsfton Dining Room can be yours for on this earth. ture, and forecasts must always plumbing hospital where their - The Herald Printing Company Inc., as­ $845. complete. sumes no financial responsibility for typo­ Sometimes, in their aspirations, in be a bit fuzzy, but we fearlessly metal breakdowns can be diag­ graphical errors appearing In advertise­ predict that: nosed and treated more easily. FVRMTVRE Included is the 42 x 64-inch Fairfield Cross Base Table that ex­ ments and other reading matter in The their awareness of what ought to be Manchester Evening Herald.' The highways will become so The cost of shoc.shincs will tends to a large 94-inches, $259. done, they make us feel humble; some­ crowded and dangerous that rise so much that a new kind of Subscriber to Los Angeles Tlmes-Washlng- Table accompanied by one Arrow-Back Arm, $64.50 and three ton Post News Service. times, by their' obvious feeling that it passengers and drivers will plastic footgear will be devel­ Side Chairs, $49. Full service client of N. E. A. Service Inc. wear crash helmets as well as oped. It’ll be cheaper to throw . Publishers Representatives — Mathews, takes shock to accomplish anything, they Shannon and Cullen Inc., Special Agency seat and shoulder belts. For them away -\Vhen soiled and buy ; 46 X 20-inch Buffet and China top has combined height of 81 — New York, Chicago. Detroit and Boston. enrage us. But we notice them, as no journeys over l,(KK) miles, Iron a new pair than pay to have the ; inches. Base has three drawers, one lined for silver, and two door MEMBER AUDIT BUREIAU OF CIRCULA- generation in hlstSry has ever noticed safety suits will be available for" old ones polished. storage area, China has crown glass. Buffet and China, $385. " TIONB.______rent. The work week will drop to 30 SALE the next. .Dlmlay advertising closing hours George Jessel will enter ah hourg for most jobs. However, Pnr Monday — 1 p.m. TFYIday. For Tuesday — I p.m. Saturday. old folks' home.and a week later because of the falling value of ' For Wednesday — 1 p.m. Monday. aimounce h’s marriage to Its the dollar, most people will : For Thursday — 1 p.m. Tuesday. For Friday — 1 p.m. Wednesday. A Reproach To All Scrooges glamorous lady supervisor—58 have to hold down two jobs in : For Saturday — 1 p.m. Thursday. years young. A month after that order to keep up with the ; Classified deadline — 6 p.m. day be­ In an age when not even Virg;lnia fore publication. 6 p.m. Friday for she will disclose she is shedding Joneses. Even Mrs. Jones her- i Saturday and Monday publication. seems to accept the traditional reassur­ him to wed one o f , George’s self will have to take a job out- ; Wednesday, January 7 ance about there being a Santa Claus, visitors at the home, Frank Sin­ side the home so that she and i atra. her husband can stay ahead of ! and when volunteers for the role of By the end of the decade, it the folks who are trying to catch ; Mississippi On The Road Scrooge leap into any conversation about will require a yearly income of up to them. holiday festivities, it is reassuring, to $25,000 for a family of four to Spiro Agnew will receive and i Instinctively, almost uncontrollably, live In minimum comfort. Any seriously consider a $100,000 of- i 845. because they found it dlfflcult to under­ note an occasional demonstration of V family earning under $15,000 fer to become chief inspirational stand and accept anything they have more than^ passing cheer. will be eligible for government writer for the Chinese fortune Complete! There was something on the face of a Ptwtc«ra.phed By iStvid I. Silver welfare. cookie industry. He will finally not known, the white parents of some After heated clashes between turn it down on the ground that lady we noticed the other day which CAMBRIDGE FROM ACROSS THE CHARLES Mississippi school districts are heading advocates of a C!.ean Up Ameri­ such a post has never in the toward the creation o f a separate, made up for the possible existence of a ca Oampelgn and protesting lob­ past helped a vice president’s byists for pet owners, Congress private school system lor their own white thousand doubting Virginias; The zest political fortunes. -udll pass a national law making All In all, th6 only guarantee with which she was engaged in her par­ H era ld children. It illegal to take' a dov for a that can be given the average This, if it happens, and if it can get, ticular enterprise cast sl^ame on any­ Inside Report Y esterd ays stroll unless it is wearing dia- man confronted by the fervid Open Foru pere. 1970’s is that, if he survives by some devious legal means,' the for­ body who had even ventured near the by A drug company -will come up them, he'll feel at least 10 years mal backing of the state government, Scrooge line through the holidays just 25 Yearn Ago Rowland Evans Jr. and Robert D. Novak with a new antlnotse pill to com- older If not wiser. His best bet traversed. bat the increasing nuisance of might be to hibernate during the will represent 'diarp total disappoint­ This was a Sunday; The Her­ Elucidation lese enduring time-servers Is, The lovely cheerful lady in question ald ^id not publish. noise. The pUl, of couree, won’t decade — and gain strength to ment to those who want Mississippi to WASHINGTON — While the This sampling is high school !klas, our piirpose. Perhaps you To the Editor, , kill sounds—It’ll just make you face the weighty 1080's. begin heading toward the necessary, in­ was very busy fitting into her car, five black ghettoes and college cam­ incidents during November will explain, but gently to Mr. 10 Years Ago A recent column toy Messrs. days alter Christmas, the large, some­ puses have been relatively alone reveals a national black­ ivans and Mr. Novak, that evitable American tomorrow. Rowland Evans- and Robert No­ quiet, the nation's public high board jungle dominated by Leonard Rivard of Ferguson politics is a cruel, cjuel pro­ It is what can happen when the pres­ what awkwardly sized box which con­ vak tells of a meeting in New schools are suddenly developing racial hatred: Rd. is named chairman of the fession from which even the Why HcisnH Electric Car tained a brand new artificial tree, which York not long ago to discuss sure of federal law and of court decrees into the most violence-prone Manchester March of Dimes. most lovable statesmen must be Nov. 3, Charleston, W. Va. — strategy for this autumn’s con- she had found on sale at a good mark­ and divisive battleground , of Capitol Region Planning Au­ deleted when they are W0fU>- runs too fast too far ahead of the slow After three or four Negro stu­ g;ressional elections. The mood Caught on Yet in the VS.? down. At a time when many of us were American society. thority maps plans for future less or wrong. Unlike we profes­ and gradual education of people. dents beat up a white student of the meeting was described as No single high school disturb­ at Stonewall Jackson High including regional rubbish dis­ sors they do not have temue, perhaps shaking our heads in gratitude posal area, regional water one of rampant cannibalism. By JOHN CUNNIFF of electric vehicles is a mistuv- Watkins Semi-Annual Furniture Sale is beginning! Still, it is to be noted that, even in ance has the magnitude of a School, students of both races much as they might wish It. Let ..at our having somehow managed to sur­ source and advanced planning Anything so alarming obviously AP Business Analyst derstandlng of their nature. At And during this event, many brand name items are Mississippi, the danger of such a crea­ Berkeley rebellion or 6- Watts brought chains and rocks to me add, more than parentheti­ present they cannot compete at and buying .^for highway con­ begs for elucidation. This I NEW YORK (AP) — Consi*^ vive another holiday syndrome, this riot to stir national attention. school. The result; racial fight­ cally, that I would not dream of great speeds for long distances, offered at large reductions. tion of a separate private school system struction. would like to offer along uillh erlng the growing disi^atisfac- But the beginning of the school ing and an unsuccessful attempt opposing Adlal Stevenson in, so they cannot substitute for for whites id not uniform. It is most like­ rare spirit displayed a lace shining with some much-needed counsel cto tion with the internal combus- If you've previously purchased at Watkins during our year last Labor Day brought although too close an associ­ conventional vehicles. enthusiasm and good cheer and antici­ at arson. your esteemed writers. tida, engine, it seems rather odd ly to occur in districts where the legal with it an epidemic of small- ation with Richard Daley does Their role. Instead, Is as a Semi-Annual Sale, you already know of the large depart-; Nov. 11, Chapel Hill, N. C. — Your men are deeply grieved that ' q good, 50-mlles-an-hour merging of existing separate public sys­ pation of her next Christmas, and .al­ scale violence in high schools in A Thought for Today cause a man trouble with ' a specialty car for use on short ment-wide, famous brand-name selection that is available After unsuccessfully demanding that anyone should be encourag­ electric vehicle hasn’t caught on ready had her 1970 tree which, even every section of the country— Sponsored by the Manchester certain group of younger Dem­ trips in urban and siAurban tems will result in heavy black major­ that a teacher be dismissed im­ ing opposition to those stateipen ocrats. If Mr. Novak or Mr. in the Unites States. on sale. within its formal box, somehow seemed racially connected in nearly mediately, 100 Negro students Council of Churches areas- In England, for example, ities in the population of individual who have supported, been per­ Evans will call me, I will tell The technology is there. Such gg per\^ent of door-to-door dairy every Instance and frequently at Chapel Hill Senior High And even Cushman is on sale . . . Along with many schools. already decorated by her kind and eager missive toward, or possibly un­ them why in strict confidence. cars are being' manufactured delivery vehicles are electric. starting with Negro students as­ School rampaged through the It’s About Time other famous manufacturers such as Drexel, Pennsylvania thoughts. aware of the Vietnam war. Can we succeed in fomenting and sold, but not in great num­ Two other formidable prob­ In districts where the white students saulting white students. halls, breaking school -windows Jesus was continually making They are' distressed that anyone effective opposition to the syco- bers. Ihe market is there. A lems stand fn the way: House, Thomasville, Beals, Simmons, Daystrom, James will constitute the majority, pEirents Federal officials here are and pulling unwilling blacks reference to time. In the Gospel major pollster found some 38 A should see the defeat of legis­ I^iani? of the military and the deeply aware of the grave prob­ he often used such phrases as —Some electric utilities can­ River, Plymwood Pine, Flair, Heritage, and many, many seem more willing to accept integration out of class (calling them "Un­ lators who, if returned this friends of the war? I do not milMon Americans would c6n- On Splitting Hairs lem but can pinpoint neither “this day,” "today,” , "take not adequately serve their cle Toms” ). Three white stu­ autumn, can be counted upon to know. But these efforts always slder buying an electric car. more. and less fiercely zealous about setting cause nor cure. Although the heed, watch, for you dp not present -customers. Brownouts "O ff?" asked my barber,-hls clippers dents (two of them girls) and continue as pedigreed lap dogs look pretty futile at the begin­ The need is there too. Th'e tn- Black Panther Party and Stu­ know when the time will come.” are almost assured- next sum­ The Sale that you've been waiting for has finally up an ajl white private system. poised Just below the scrawny, barely a white teacher were a^auU- of the Pentagon. The grief ning. One thinks of A1 Lowen- temal combustion engine. It is dents for a Democratic Society (Mark 13: 33). But perhaps the mer in some areas. Can these 7 There is, in other words, some accep­ visible bristle beside my left ear. I nod­ ed. Damage: an estimated $1,- comes, one senses, from being stein’s ridiculous idea o f unseat­ claimed, causes serious pollu­ arrived! ded, resigned to being punished lor my (SDS) are actively agitating at most graphic picture , of our utilities, therefore, handle the 411.38. around Weshington too long. ing Lyndon Johnson in 1967 or tion problems that in turn result tance of the association to be found in summer folly in ridiculing the lengthen­ the high school level, their ef­ need for inner change is''^feen in demands of thousands of motor- So, hurry into Watkins and take part in this unique Nov. 18, San Bem^l^dino, Cal. Legislators come naturally to Eugene McCarthy’s derisory in myriad environmental , . , , , -i „ an integrated school; what the Missis­ ing and thickening sideburns that sur forts can be traced to only a His parable of the rich fool. —With white students complain­ suppose that they have a prop­ changes, Including defoliation economic experience. round me. tiny fraction of the -violence. Read it in Luke 12: 13-21. There crusade in New Hampshire and on Bh-iday morning for a quick sippi parents have greatest difficulty ing that school authorities had erty right in their jobs. This and even weather aberrations. " " i Not content with bad-mouthing the Rather, h'.gh school turmoil is no one of us who has not in Wisconsin in the cold, damp The need is there in another start to the store or mountelna? Imagining and accepting is the position not disciplined Negroes who view communicates itself to the long-haired males in my midst, I elected ' seems a spontaneous reflection some way or other spoken- to spring of 1968. Certainly no In­ sense also. Consider, for exam­ —The oil ind-ustry grows larg­ started fights at football games, more susceptible or compas­ of the minority. So it Is, apparently, with myself leader of the anti-sidebum forces. of nationai racial tensions and our soul with the self-assuring sightful journalist will take such ple, the inefficiency of zooming er each year. New fields seem mass battling, broke out be­ words: “ Soul, you have ample sionate sort of journalist, who to be coming in regularly now It was great sport in warm July, but black militancy which, in turn, a quixotic effort seriously — at to the drugstore for a bottle of us all, in a world where nobody can be tween 200 Negro and 200 white goods laid up for many years; naturally hates to see his and more oil is available to the ' now that winter is here and my sinus is may well breed deeper white least until after the election. aspirin in a 200 horsepower in a guaranteed majority everywhere all students. take your ease, eat, drink, be friends and sources discarded. world than ever before. Hiere is starting on its annual rampage, the hatred and stili greater tension. But its worth a try. Voting coach that bums money at the Nov. 20, Milwaukee, ‘ Wis. — merry.” Whether in monetary Messrs. Evans and Novak, both a huge capital investment in­ the time. Eventually, however, there magnitude of my mistake is coming in­ Since high schools reopened against someboey who is wrong, rate of 11 cents a mile. Following black student de­ terms or not, we. do tend to old Washington hands, are ob­ volved, and that means the in­ does come a time, there has to come to focus. in September, no day has pass­ a category which includes liber­ -Wouldn’t a subcompact "sec­ mands for Negro courses and reach some plateau of sfelf-satis- viously very compassionate. dustry is going to protect itself Silly pride and the fear of losing face ed without an incident some­ Negro teachers at Washington als who want liberalism while ond” car accomplish the mis­ a time, when all human beings are part faction, If our satil can hear and From elsewhere things look by making gasoline products Cushman’s Vermont Classic Dining BTO denying me the sideburns I need for where in the country. As of Nov- High School, 50 black students spending all. the available sion in the sarne time and a. lot of one great universal majority. We can protection. Other males wear them lor a take action in response to what different. The war and the mil­ more acceTjtable. Room, $799. complete. Included is a 18, with the school year less entered the cafeteria and as,- scratch on weaponry and the less wastefully from the stand)- thousand reasons unrelated to health, but Jesus says is God’s reply, then itary power remains the major ,The electric utilities, however, 42 X 60-inch Rectang^ular Table that measure the amount of truth in such an saulted white students. The we are fortunate. God says, - war, may be uncouth. But some point of cost and a lot more sen­ I need them to survive the sinus battle­ than one-third completed, over Issue of our time. We ask the are beginning to move. The extends to 74-inches, $159. >*Td^tistlc, optimistic long range view by 225 disorders and disruptions casualties: 12 injured, 2 hospi­ “ Fool! This night' your soul is would call it legitimate protest. sibly when related to the twin field around my left ear. The wool night­ young with great solemnity to problems of road congestions Electric 'Vehicle Council ia de­ Duxbury Chairs . . . one Arm, $55. „ had been reported. -Throughout talized. With white students required of you; and the things Yours faithfully, veloping specifications for those making a list, for ourselves, of all those cap I wear in bed helps while I sleep, refrain from violence and sup­ John Kenneth Galbraith and air pollution. the entire previous school year, vowing to retaliate, racial fight­ you have prepared, whose will 85,000 vehicles and hopes to ex­ each, and three Sides, $49. each. erstwhile minorities which have, alter but even our way-out world isn't quite port the system. Should we now Cambridge, Mass. The electric car dpesn’t really there were only 320 such dis­ ing ^Tupted at the school on they be?” act pledges that the utilities will 55 x 20 X 80-inch Buffet with China ready to accept it as pert of my day­ alsw ask them (as do your P.S. fall into the category of "every­ years of struggle and suffering and pro­ ruptions. More significant, ra­ Nov. 21. Wlnthrop Nelson Jr. switch to their own power. Top has three drawers, one lined for time garb. columnists) bo stay out of elec­ I didn't urge Sam Brown to one talks but nobody does any­ test, managed to make their way into Perhaps my -wife is right in suggesting cial battling was minimal five Nov. 21, Atlantic City, N.J. — Minister of Christian In doing so, they are making silver, and a large storage area with Education tions? I think that would be go­ have his leg;ions help peace-lov­ thing about it.” The big car that by denying myaeMi the medically years ago and almost unknown Negro students in the balcony a bit more understandable a cu­ , an increasingly cosmopolitan majority. Cinter Congregational Church ing too far. But if the electicxis ing legislators Whether they manufacturers have test mod­ fixed shelf. China Top has imported indicated sideburns and long hair I am just a decade ago. of the Atlantic City High School rious story o f inertia by sup­ are to be a referendum on the wanted help or not. I merely els. So do General Electric and antique glass doors. Buffet and China, Mississippi is, perhaps, down toward displaying true courage and sell- Up to Nov. 18, there had been auditorium threw trash on the posedly innovative and competi­ war and military waste we said that anyone who was Westinghouse. And the utilities $469. the bottom of the American scale, our discipline. I suspect, however, that her nearly 900 arrests on charges heads of white students, trigger­ On This Date tive industries in the face of must have alternatives on the afraid of such help w ^ n ’t worth show some interest. ^ flattery is a blunt hint that she doesn't including murder, assault on ing racial fighting with about 20 growing environmental . prob­ sample of the place where change is . ballot. Thus our effort. electing. Curiously, however, the Word want to be identified as the wife of a police, and conspiracy to com­ to a side. In 1789, the first U.S. presi­ lems and a huge potential mar­ needed most and where change is least dential election was held. Your columnists think it es- seems to be about that the elec­ middle-aged exhibitionist. It should be mit arson. The casualty list in­ Noy. 24, Las Vegas, Nev, — A ket. In 1800, the 13(h American pecielly sad that such an effort ‘-'Manchester Can Be Proud” tric car ia a foolish novelty that likely to happen very soon. But althougii noted that she has never suffered from cludes over 200 persons injured, white girl who had been dating president, Millard Fillmore, could endanger such brass- To the Editor, generates more problems than the shape of the problem is ^ o r e visible sinus pains. including 20 policemen and 12 a Negro;-student arrived at her solutions. And npwhere has it With everybody — from teen-age Western High School classes un­ •was bom in a log cabin in Cayu­ bound, pre-stressed, bread-and- As a former resident, I w t^ Insurance Competition there, the nature of it exists everywhere teachers. Damage to • schools ga County, N.Y butter liberals (on domestic is­ to compliment the Manchester been accepted in voliune, even friends to middle-aged peers, including from habitual window-breaking der the influence of narcotics, by the electric utilities. else in our society too. our mayor, congressman, and senators— triggering racial brawling in In 1927, radio-telephone serv­ sues) as John J. Rooney of Police and the Emergency FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — and, occasional arson is any­ ice opened between New York Brooklyn and Philip J. Phllbin Room Staff at Manchester Me­ W.J. Clapp, chairman of the After almost four yearn of Rather than comdemn the backward going the full-sidebum route, I find the forces I foolishly led last summer have body’s guess. (See Page Ten) and London. of Massachusetts. 'To endanger morial Hospital for their skill, Electric Vehicle Council and .study, an advisory committee of former president of the Eldson citizens and insurance men has white parents of Mississippi, who may vanished, and I've been heading a one- promptness and oourteBy. Re­ still be reaching lor physical enclosures, man resistance group. Instead of buck­ cently, my husband and I were Electric Institute, an associa- suggested the "open competi­ visiting town when he was sud­ tion of the largest utilities in the tlon’’ method of allowing corn- Americans everywhere need to sympa­ ing a trend, I get the feeling I'm trying to stop a tidal wave. denly taken seriously 111. We nation, stated not long ago: panics to fix ratek without giv- thize with them in a situation for which My survival this winter may depend By Whitaker asked the Police Department , “ Technology available today ing prior notice to the Insurance they have had so little training, and on a maneuver now germinating. Why for assistance. In less than five makes it possible to produce Department. The 1970 General ___ ,,, • - doV/THAT SMARTiSI minpites, two oCflcers arrived, cars with a range of about 100 Assembly is,expected to ap- look to all those enclosures of their own, not, I keep telling myself, follow the crowd by g;rowlng a full sidebum along­ l9 i with oxygen, and administered miles at 40 or ,60 miles an hour, prove such a law. not necessarily physical but barriers side my left ecu', and maybe even letting emergency first aid. They also and with top speed of 66 miles nonetheless, by which they themselves my hair grow long on the port side for arranged for an ambulance, and an hour." And he asked added sinus protection. The starboard S W TO In less than thirty minuteB from “ Aren’t there a lot of trans­ may be seeking to perpetuate their own the onset of his illness, he was portation jobs which can be side, according to present strategy, Ni«*r Itler* •• Uw I separateness. " would stay sans sidebum and trailing receiving expert care at the done with a vehicle with these 8|N fM M —r«ll r«kltx*4) 799. TSie end has to be a day in which the tresses. hospital. Throughout this en­ characterisilps?’’ counter, I was very Impressed Yes, there are, and right in ^ sense of difference^ now sometimes so My wife hasn't really vetoed my com­ Complete! promise plan, but I got a negative mes­ by the quiet competence dis­ the electric utility industry it­ high and savage, sometimes so subtle sage when she said I was well on the played by the doc^rs, nurses self, which continues to use gas­ and psychological, no longer governs, way to becoming half a hippie. 'ifW > and police. I think that the resi­ oline-driven vehicles. dents of Manchester can well Some 100 electric utilities own and people find themselves able to feel, "I'd like to be there when you ask the barber to give you a left-sided sidebum be proud of these dedicated peo­ and operate about 85,000 vehi­ Sale . as well as think, that there really is and a right-sided haircut," was her last FROM START ple, anxl I again wMi to ex­ cles, 30,000 of which travel 60 95.95 no difference. Mississippi is on th^it road,'^ comment on my bold idea. She wasn't press' my sincere appreciation mile# or leas each day. A-hout for their assistance. i 8,000 of these are driven by not very far behind anybody else. smiling. ' T 0 ™ G - £ R $ Bite your nails ■I Mrs. Arthur 1. Miner servicemen, einother 2,600 toy fcww*MeeeliilMe«U| Despite wlfrfy sorffing, I'm determin­ A wUlnwiHwiM , ed to make my next haircut a "Half and BY MACHINE meter readers. * ‘ 1 i MNprfM. Half"-7-the name I've given my new ton- Precise figures aren't avall- i Itf The Ideais-Performance Gap Tod^ay in History aible oh how many of these vehi­ •r«>6rtr| sorial creation. S^pw the right half to 0 . O.L—— —-£>q _U_ R |M MmI the squ^es, the left half to the hirsute Today Is Wed. Jan. 7, the sev­ cles are powered by electricity, tkm...... - John Sloan Dickey, who is now retir­ ilMl VMf m IffMfMtt. tin heavies, and stay on good temts with enth day of 1970. There are S08 but unquestionably the flgike is ing after 20 years as president of Dart­ both. FOLLOWMG A K C EN T SM M days left In the year. ' very low. Most v ^ c le s used by fm l B d f or Bu// Bom mouth College, has put into one para­ Among other things, I expect the new STORM, III4AIMF0R0 AREA Today’s Hl^iUglit In Ustety utilities are powered by a com­ (Ob M rmmnm. wtorM OPLE REfJUlREO HOSPITAL On this date In 196S, President petitive fuel. graph the one single most important Half and Half will help revive the sag­ ging barber business, maybe even raise IHEAGEtICY ROOM Harry 8. Trumah announced If, Instead, they were powered "HeUnoa le the regUtered tnith about today's much discussed TRCATMEMT BeCAUSC that the United States had de^ by - electric batteries it would TM of the Heberlelh it to the level of cu't. Only a true artist ‘ SNOW BLOWER Patent Oorp.” > veloped a hydrogen bomb. . mean millions of dollars in reve­ youth. will be able to make a man a true square ■|0EMT5-RARTlCULARLy In 1931, It was reported .Jhat nues for the^utilities. And if the ''More of today'b college generation," on one side and an orthodox long hair CUT OR CHOPPED OFF /■ on tl^ other. up to 6 million Americans were market were developed to In- said President Dickey, “ are more aware And who knows, I may even win a without jobs and regular .' elude millions of other ;Custom- Open 9 A M . to 5:30 PM Closed Monday Open Thursday and Friday until 9 PM . sources of Income, W s Jd o it of the gap between human .ideals and well deservM place in history as the ers. It mighi mean blUlona o< DRUG COMPANY ; man who finally bridged the generation In 1963, gen, Dwight D. Elsen­ dollars some day. humsin performsmce than any college hower stated he was a RepulHI-. N1 Main 8L—O U -eni gap by using his head. — ED FORTIER' One drawback to acceptance generation I've ever dealt with." can and would not reject a GOP IN THE NA'nONAL OBSERVER. presidential nomination.

/, ' n'\ \, . . \\ . ,"V' 'V\ • / ■ . '\l'' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1970 P A G E N IN E . MANCHESTER ET^NING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1970 assured an end to the strike.. Ckintlnulng present negotiations STAR GE Rejects Javits’ Proposal; leaves that question open. I can Tolland County Superior Court By CLA Y R. POLLAN- Plans for Robertson Park Board otes $8,000 ARIIS LIRRA only hoiic that more progreiw Is -MANCHESTER'S M/tk. II Your Dally Activity Guldt un. 21 ^ Seeks Mediator Settlement made in the coming days than Reviewed by Committee Afi. f» According to tho Stan. ocr. 22^0 in the lost li weeks, tor the ttmc Only Fuel Oil Dealer Judge Names Third Doctor rN26-;36-37-40 To develop'message for Thursdoy, NEW YORK (AP) — The agree that the entry of the fed­ has certainly come to end the| For rug Council '42-S8-8I-88 read words corresponding to numbers 49-51-535.VV' eral government's top labor me­ Park some 12-acre area belonged to 71-72-73 General Electric Co. has reject­ strike,” Plans for Robertson TAURUS of your Zodiac birth sign. diator will provide new Impetus In Drug Examination Case the Robertson Scliool but no one The Manchester Board bf Directors, after a public SCORRIO ed a proposal tor fact-finding In Javits made his proposal Sun­ Open 24 Hours A Day! were iliscussotl hist night by . , , am. 20 1 M o k f 31 Of 61 Interests ocr. 2Jr the 11-weck-oId strike by 12 to get the negotiations moving . . . T. w In attendimco seemed to know, hearing.last night which started in the Municipal Build­ 4 - 2 Fri«nidt 32 Thir>gi 62 Reolly day saying the nationwide strike I Judge^. Alva P. Lolselle ap­ with the use of heroin. Atty. VV. members of the Robert-son Park I JO 3 B « 33 Or 63 And WOK. unions saying It hopes for pro­ again toward ii just and prompt by 147,006 GE workers “ has I ing at 8 o’clock and finished in Manchester High School 64 Self- 4 Y o u ’ll 34 ideot' 8- 9-)2-\5/' gress In negotiations, with the settlement. lasted long enough.” It was ac-l pointed, a third physician to re­ Singer represented 17-year-old ad hoc committee. They weiv „ut before gobig too far .•^^38-4^83-87 5 Hav# 35 Hove 65 A l at 1<1:30 p.m., voted an $8,000 appropriation to the 66 Heart 124-57-80 entry of the government’s top "This new development offers MORIARTYBROTHERS William J. Uovely of 68 Lauter 6 M ok« 36 M o y cepted by the AFIj-CIO Interna-1 *7S^. solve the issue of whether or presentetl to the group j by ’Towai oltead wiUt. plans. GlM INt Ave. who was in court to be Manchester Drug Council. The 7 If 37 Be 67 Up SAGITTARIUS mediator. a shorter route toward ending tional Union of Elcclrlcal Work-1 not a Manchester youth is drug Plamter J. Eric Potter. Potter also said he did not sum is to aid the council's plan program needs more IMA? 21 8 Bewort 38 L ife 68 Sr^riflce NOT Where Customers For Over sentenced on 19 counts ranging 39 Co nditions ■ 69 M o y OE’s turndown came Tuesday the strike and docs not require a ors and the Indopendent Unltedj Uiase attending were in-. think tennis courts were jieedod for setting up a staffed office, aned 88 Cautious chairman, said In a telegram to tal Monday night. 165 School St. has been made a for park and recreaUon supplies. v\h"n the plans arc revised to named director sentatives of the Manchester jj, drug-problem proposal was that it would have deferred untii Jan. 20 when the counties, including the drug Property Owners Protective As- 29 Avoid 59 EcorK>my 89 Doing ffl. 1* Javlfs: ” I (eel sure that you will ..... - ...... - . , , . i, . - . - „ field, before voting tax money 30 Indiscretion 60 Pride 90 Research courts expects to have the drug charges. pai'tner in the law firm of - Potter’s plan -showed a small the group hopes to present them “ f personnel at Manchester soclatlon (MPOPA). They argu- program. kIS:", t/a MAR. 2 0 ''t ? Marte, Shea and KedtH of 575 park area .at the comer of N ‘ 6-11-19-20, dependency examination re­ When asked if he had any­ to the Board of Directors for Memorial Hospital. He started ed that the appropriation would wells,. too, said thait he would ^ 3-17-2829 ^II Good (^Adverse Neutral sults. Main St. School and • tlie relocated N. .a ^ 3 8 4 r- 139-55-85-86* thing to say the youth began to ts approval .and backing. work Monday. set a precedent, and that it prefer to wait for recommenda-.. Aitty. Clendaniel joined the Main St. which would serve as State’s attorney Robert J. explain that he had hoped to go 'Tf we could come up with Avery succeeds Ronald V- would open the door to similar (Ions before approvli^ the Drug firm a little over two j-ears ago an entranceway and memorial Pigeon, entered noiies on all into the Army, but then he fottnd $‘ 0;000 to $75,000,’’ Tureck said, Schmalz, who left the hospital requests from other private council’s program. sweeping reductions on hundreds of mid-winter charges agsinst a University of In Sept. 1967. He, is a 1958 to the late Victor Swanson, for- himself unable to go on talking. ” on' a five-year basis, we’d recently to take a position with groups.. „j we have a eerioua Connecticut student. Joseph gnaduate of Manchesiter High mer president of the 8th Utlll- Nixon Adds Three Negroes Also sentenced yesterday in liave one of the nicest parks in a New York Oity hospit.al. Former Police Chief Herman „poblem and I’m concern^ Dayall of Prospect was charged Superior Court was John R. School and .was graduaited from ties District. Mrs, Swanson was Before coming to Manchester, Schendel. representing the ^ ^ ” he said. "How- items so we can clear our racks before inventory with saie of a controlied drug, Colangelo, 19, who received one Georgetown University of in attendance last night. Funds To Camille Disaster Council possession of a controlied drug year in jail, suspended after six Wa-shington, D.C. In 1962. In for the memorial for her hus- employed by the m p o p a , said that his group "is he added, “I would like and possession of a narcotic months, with probation for two 1967, he received his juris doc- band were donated by the pub- ’ ‘ ° Hartford Insurance Group, and wholly in support of a drug ppo- ^ see all other efforts exhaust- SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. (AP) H. Annenberg, U.S. ambassador D ^ L i tennis. before that, he v/as a research gram, but not with funding from - j •• drug. Atty. Pigeon said the years on charges of breaking tor from the Georgetown Law lie after his death. — Responding to complaints 1® Britain. «VE STORES o r IASHIOH Also attending last nights psychologist with the U.S. Air property taxes. " On Tuesday afternoon, the only witness was incomi>etent. and entering with criminal in­ Center. ,» The entranceway would in- meeting were Ronald Gates, Deputy Mayor David Ode- from civil rights leaders, Presl- Another University of Con­ tent and larceny over $2,000. Atty. Clendaniel has been ad- elude sh.aded bench areas and John McNary, and Joseph Syl­ Force. He said that the MPOPA. al- g^rd, chairman of a Board of President worked on the State He received his bachelor’s de- though never asked to partici- Directors’ subcommittee on dent Nixon has added three union message he will de- necticut student, John D. Clothing valued at $6,000 was mibted to practice before the some recreational facilities for vester, all of the town’s Ad- Jackie, 22, of South Willington, taken in the break into a men’s Connecticut and U.S. federal the elderly from new elderly visory Recreation and Park Northeastern Univer- pate in the program, would be drugs, said that hla committee Negroes to a governor’s emer- uver to Congress on Jan. 22. who'was charged by police with wear store in Ellington last courts------and.. .is a------member of . ..the ,housing----- ,. , ------.apartments . across ..the Commiss niissdn. on. Dr. Dougl.as Smith.j...... majoring - - in happy to participate, “ and (.^he___ other____ members are Wells gency council helping restore Then he 'conferred with Sen. growing marijuana in a corn­ summer. Hartford County, Connecticut street. This would possibly in- bf the Cily'Beautiful Committee psychology. He received his do its share (contribu- and William Diana) is planning the Gulf (toast following Hurrl- Henry M. Jackson, • D-Wash., field as well as possessing some Judge Lolselle erased a guilty •and American Bar Associations, elude shuffleboard or l.awn bowl- of the Chamber of Commerce uitniter’s degree in guidance tions) in a private way." He ^ drug symposium tar town cane Camille. ^ sponsor of a bill he signed Jan. in his car, had his case con­ plea made by William D. Des- His wRe is the former Teri-y ing. was invited but was unable to counseling from the same uni- recommended that other residents. Press Secretary Ronald L. 1 creating a council on envlron- 7 7 tinued for two weeks. pard, 19, of 7 Kelly Rd., Ver­ verslty in 1966. sources for private funding be "Personally, I am In favor of Regina Barnes of Clinton, Md. Plotter asked how much'of the attend. Zlegler disclosed lyiesday that mental quality, Also continued was the court non and entered a plea of not Avfery, his wife, Eva, and explored thoroughly, before pub- the appropriation, but, I had the President on New Year’s There still was no word appearance of Mrs. Mary Morse guilty for the teen-ager charg­ their two children live at 16F funds are used for the pro- hoped to hear from some ex- Eve added, unannounced, three whether Nixon would return to of 189 Benedict Dr., Wapping. ed ■with breaking and entering Bolton Progress Rd. Sram. perts first,” he said. Negroes and two whites to the Washington to celebrate his BTth She will be put to plea tomor­ a dwelling in the daytime and Directors Hear Variety PRHNVmY The $8,000 requested, Schen- Diana said that he was for original all-white 10-member birthday Friday, or remain here row on charges of delivery of larceny between $15 and $250. del, said, is only a start and the appropriation “ as an Inter- council. The action was taken tor a family party, liquor to a minor and two counts The judge announced that he could snowball to a much high- ijn step.” The proposed sym- after civil rights leaders and the The chief executive also has of risk of injury to a child. did this as a result of reading Voters Urged Of Public Complaints Group To Study er request in the 1970-71 bud- posium might point the way to a American Friends Service Com- promised while here to register A Willimantic youth’s attor­ the presentence report in which ney blamed a bad companion A variety of complaints were tors’ meeting next- Tuesday Junk Car Issue future program, he said. mlttee had alleged discrimina­ as a California voter. children’s and girls’ Despard made clear his con­ To Enroll Director William FitzGiyald, ••if there is to be a program hosiery and today’s society for the tra­ tention that he did not actually filed by town residents yester- night. tion in the distribution of federal Ziegler told reporters Nixon coats and suits gic record which started with participate in the alleged break day. at a two-hour .Board of Di- 'Die same man expressed op- Several concerned citizens on Uie MPOPA and town funds are spent, It disaster relief fimds. has had a favorable public re­ truancy and has ended to date In Ashford last summer. In Parties 1 - position to a proposal to liber- will, meet tomorrow mornine at H'nl Ihe appropria- should be a program under "Al! I can say,” Ziegler said, sponse to the establishment of a Merry Lee sheer pantypanty hose, Reg.I $2 each. ss o , man- alize pension benefits tor police- 8 in the Municipal Building wouldwouia set a precedent, said town control,”control. AgostlnelH re­ "is that the intent, of course. Western White House in his na- 2 for g3 The registrars of voters will men. Hearing Room to^ discuss precedentsPrecedents already have marked. has been to dispense the funds tlve state. The preqj secretary entire stock of girls’ holdni.i ,.nan enrollmentor„-oii,v,o„t session Fri Deputy Mayor David Two residents of Eldrldge St., methods^ of attaeking the junk *^en set. He mentioned appro- sound corny,” com- in art equitable way and as far said this move has brought West better untrimmed coats Merry Lee agilon panty hose. Reg. 2.50. A-N Club Gets Ownership Odegord. p^th women, complained that car problem in town. Manchester „,gnted Director Richard Wy- as I am aware this has been and East closer together and 1.90 winter coats and jackets munity Hall. ’The Du^^e^^°toe » because cars parked on both Representatives of several Health Nurses Associa- need love done.” given Westerners a feeling of session is to giv8 unaffiliated j Eldrldge St., in the relevant town groups, including Junior Museum, to someone. They must have ^4?4j to SS9 Famous make vanilon panty hose. Reg. $3, To Land Under Clubhouse The press spokesman also told greater participation in govern- 1.90 voters a'chance to register with attention to the lack of vicinity of the Itaiian-American the Chamber of Commerce City programs, to football so„^eone to whom they can newsmen Nixon has- granted an mental Eiffairs. ‘ > reg, to $95 It was a long time coming, program for a new $25,000 a party and thus have the op- ®®wers on the street, and club, they are having difficul- Beautiful Committee,’ local junk P»’°erams, and to other pro- communicate, and this program additional $2B million to Missis- He also said the cost of establ- 1 /3 off 50 years actually, but the Army building. portunity to vote in primaries 'un-off water ty getUng into their own drive- yard operators, the Manchester appears to provide that person sippl and $7 million more to ishing the second tVhlte House, You’ll find tweeds, plaids, shetlands, camel which the registrars say seem his baisement and ga- ways. They recomrnended that Automobile Dealers Association “ choice,” or persons. I support the appro- lingerie and girdles Gastworth, Tidykins, Gardner, Girl Craft. and Navy Club finally has gain­ Speaking in favor of the trans­ Louisiana to speed restoration on Coast Guard property adjoln- hairs! Single, double breasted, scarfed and fer were present A-N president certain to take place this , asked for some type poj-king should be restricted to and the Independent Garage P^'tzGai’ald said, “ I would! pass priotion, and if the program o( public facilities damaged or Ing the $3(50,000 Nixon estate, Sizes 4 to 6x and 7 to 14. ed ownership of the land on demi-fit •styles. Sizes 5 to 13 and 8 to 18. . William Runde, past A-N presi­ spring to choose delegates to street. Owners Association, have been other, appropriations and „ge^g ^ore money, I’d support destroyed by the late summer approximated $280,(X)0. In addl- which its clubhouse stands. dents James Anderson and Abe district, state and national con- . Manager Robert Weiss, one of the two women com- requested to attend the meeting. for the drug pro- too.” hurricane. *’ tion, he said, $B4,000 a year Is Ostrinsky, State Rep. and for­ ventions. commenting today on the plained of a “ rundown two- The Capitol Region Council of Sram. I don’t know, and few Balilla Pagani of The Manchester Board of Di­ Nixon returned with wife Pat paid to lease office buildings warm sleepwear Girls’ sportswear, skirts, jumpers, slacks, sweatere rectors, by a 9 to 0 vote last mer mayor Francis Mahoney, William J. Houle, Democratic complaint filed in De- famUy dwelling” on her street. Elected Officials (CRCEO), >«now, the answers, but pgi^nor Dr. who set the scene and dau^ter Tricia to their San erected tor Nixon’s use and Entire stock of car coats. Junior and Misses’ sizes. registrar, says that 52 new vot- ^i^ber, said that solution of the owned by an absentee landlord, which is headed by Manchester "'e ’ve got to start somewhere jj^g affirmative v&te, when he night, approved transfer of the civic leader Matt Moriarty, Clemente home Tuesday after a something less than $B0,000 ad- and blouses. 4 to 6x and 7 to 14. 1/3 off Balilla Pagani, Mrs. Peter Sad- ers were made in 1969. Of these, vrould cost about $25,- A man complained of streets Mayor Nathan G. Agostinclli, 1° °hr most serious prob- ,,jj ^g g^^g g^g cjjnd Reg. to $65. 2 0 % to 4 0 % off land at Main and Forest Sts., three-day stay at the Palm ditional is spent annually in op- loski, Thomas Blanchard, and 26 signed up with his party, 23 said that he liad recom- torn up for utHiity installations, commissioned a University of lem.” 3.99 to 4.99 at the nominal cost of $1- The in Manchester, it’s worth the Sprlngs desert estate of Walter crating costs. Zip out suede jackets and % coats, misses’ sizes. Girls’ ski slacks, fleece lined Orion. 4 to 6x J J with the Republicans, and seven that the complainant and not put back in their origi- Hartford research team to do a drew applause when he Main St. businessman Burton $8,000. We are the people. We reg. $6 to $8 deed, to protect the town, con­ Pearl. remained unaffiliated. In addi- talk to the directors, to nal condition. report on the junk car problem anid, “ If there Indeed is no ______Reg. $55 to $90. 46.90 aod gOO 7 to 14. Reg. $5 and $6. 4.49 4.99 tains a reverter clause. are the ones who shoulder the The Army and Na'vy Club Wiis tion to the new voters, 12 pre- '"sure that they will approve a same man recommended in the capitol region. That re- precedent, then I recommend cogf/l^g^the'be8t” $8*()00 we cart Special group of famous make man made furs. A wide selection of gowns and pajamas in In’ the event the club ever In Pakistan: Children’s snowsuits for infants, toddlers and girls in the third year of a 25-year viously unaffiliated voters- sign- l^udget request for the work in that street comers in criitlcal P^rt has been released and says lhat we set a precedent. We, gpg^^ •> ’ Junior and misses’ sizes. Reg. to $120. j warm, washable fabrics. S, M, L and 32 to 40. sells the property, or in the lease, at a $1 per year rental. ed up with a party, making the I*'® 1970-71 budget. traffic areas should i e rounded, that Manchester’s junk car the directors, represent the Answering Frank Lupien, 3 to 6x and boys 4 to 7. Reg. $16 to $33. event the property is used for The original clubhouse, ex­ new party totals for the year al- Four persons, two men and to provide a better traffic flow, problem is “ rather serious.” community. It’s a community . . . approach g O O t o g O O 1/3 off any purpose other than for its panded and improved many most an even split — 30 Dem- two women, voiced opposition And finally, a man filed the Mayor Agostinclli said there problem, and we must act for . .. g problem was to Strife Splits Presbyterians Small group of famous make suits reduced for the times since, was constructed in ocrats and 31 Republicans. to proposed immediate pay traditional winter complaint— are enough junk cars in Man- it.” nrosecute and convict violators Famous make cotton knit panties. Sizes 5, 6, 7. clubhouse, the property will re­ first time. Broken sizes 8 to 18. Reg. $55 to $85. Girls’ tights in assorted colors. Sizes 6 to 18 vert to the town. 1919, with volunteer help and at Figures compiled lor the raises for tliree town depart- a driveway blocked by opera- Chester now to enable the town W. J. Godfrey Gourley, chair- pgennl said “ Putting them By ABNOIJD ZEITLIN “ People have not realized how Reg. 89c. 3 pi’s. g2 a coat of $11,000. Manchester secretary of state’s office at the nient heads. They proposed that tions of a snowplow. He recom- to proceed with removal opera- man of the Drug Oouncll, re- u„_g L .j-g answer Associated Press Writer much harm they have done to 41.90 to 62JN) months, 1 to 14. Regr/^.25. 1.69 3 for 95 Because the Town Planning Nylon sleepwear. S, M, L and 32 to 40. Reg. $6 A A contractors declared a two- end of August indicate that th® recommendation., by Town mended that streets, should be tions on its own, withut the plied to Schendel’s suggestion answer is to stop it before LAHORE, Pakistan (AP) — the church.” Commission had voted against week moratorium on private there were 850 Republicans, 479 Manager Robert Weiss, be de- plowed only once and left alone, rest of the capitol region. But that private sources be explor- ., ugoj-g ,, Strife is splitting Pakistan’s The establlahed church denies to $12. 3.99 to 6.09 the transfer, a two-thirds affir­ Children’s sleqpers for toddlers 1 to 4 and building ithat year and 'volun­ Democrats and 451 “ inde- ferred to budget-making time. Weiss, in commenting today he said once the initial cleanup ed before public funds are used. „ ^ Michael Escavich of 100,000 Presbyterians. the charge but finds it difficult Warner’s “ Young Thing” and girls’ ^ 14. Reg. to $4. 2.79 to 2.99 mative vote by the directors teered their services to build pendents” in Bolton at that The proposal, placed for con- on similar complaints, said that is complete, a cooperative effort He said that, "w ith $25,000 c, nereed with Pa- The fight has pitted foreign to counter because most Chris- all fur trimmed coats was required last night. The un­ Bras. Reg. $5. g2 and gO the structure in those two ll*"®- sideration on last night’s Board the situation is tyrpJcal through^ with the 28 other towns in the needed for the program to the . .-xhe nrohlem starts in misslonaries against local tlans here are poorly educated. ,y animous vote came with little weeks. Houle urges unaffiliated of Directors agenda,' was re- out town and that there is no regon must be considered. end of June, only $3,000 has f. „nder Christians rebelling against the “ How do you explain to llllter- Boys’ xdnd girls’ toddler sportswear . . . overalls, the home, for lack of under­ Regular pantie girdle. Reg. $8. ^ 4.59 discussion by the directors. The fledgling Army and Nlavy voters to register with a party moved and was not discussed simple way he knows of to re- Two possible sites where junk been raised to date. The sum, established United Presbyterian ates?” ’ said Johnson. standing and love,” she said. “ If $74 to $174 slapks, jerseys. 1/3 1/2 off Opposition to the transfer was Club, financed by the American sincectinno party nffiliafSrtnaffiliation ‘Ma“ is tVto the nflrnor acted iirw^rt upon. solve it. cars could be brought and he said, has come from the Church. Many of the latter are Of Pakistan’s 12B million peo- Long leg pantie girdle! Reg. $9. 4.99 the mother and father don’t Red Cross,- and with its club­ backbone of our political sys- A man spoke in opposition to He said that the town’s snow crushed in preparation for chamTser of Commerce, from descendants of low-caste Hindus pie, 90 per cent are Mortem and expressed last night by Walter supply the love needed, then Mink, Persian lamb, beaver, novelty furs. Nemo’s garterless panty girdle. S, M, L. "Infants’ terry coveralls, 1 size, prints and solids. house on land owned by Cheney tern and it is at this level your a proposal by Police Chief plows are all one-way fixed transportation to-shredding ma- churches, from business who converted half a century only 600,000 are Christians. Half Doll, chairman of the Board of society must supply,it.” Misses’ sizee (all furs labeled to show coun­ Reg. $11. 8 .9 9 Bros., was given'two years to, voice speaks loudest. Janies Reardon, for removing blades, and that the plowing chines in North Haven or establishments, from indivldu- ago to escape the stigma of the Christians are Roman Cath- Reg. $3. 1.99 N Education; by William Sleith, Others who agpreed with Pa­ try of origin). Reg. $110 to $225. chairman of the Manchester prove its worth. Lhst year, it Further information may be angle-parking from Downtownftperation calls for coming down Everett,Mass, were discussed -^Is and front service groups, thelr birth. They compare them- olics. Long pajamas, cottons and flannels. 32 to celebrated its 50th Anniversary. Chamber of Commerce commit­ obtained from Houle, or from Main St. The proposal will be the right hand side of the st a previous meeting, He said that the returns from M ^ ir t v selves to American Negroes and Each side of the Presbyte- Reg. $5 to $7. 3.59 to “ Permanent press corduroy overalls for sizes 2 to 4. The town purchased the land Republican registrar of voters, discussed at a Board of Direc- street. tee on urban development; and Agostinelli said. He said the the Brotherhood In, Action Manchester civic leader- and say they are now enlightened rian fight claims BO,000 adher- Famous make panty girdles. S, M, L, XL^ Reg. 5.50. 3.99 from Cheney Bros, in 1944 and Mrs. Raymond Calhoun. present town disposal area and Project 69 Charity Bell, ear- , and mature enough to run their ents, not including family by Dr. Fred Spaulding, chair­ gave the club a $1 per year School Board To Meet Reg. to $9. 4.5j9^to 4.99 man of the Conservation Com­ torney, Edward C. LavalU, urg­ the town ^ marked in advance for the durg youm services’. All said that the own church without missionary members. Of the 167 pastors dresses lease, renewed many times. The Board of Education will Tpke. are being considered. p r ^ m wiU prove less than ^ g ^ „ g mission. In addition, Albert Har­ ed, however, that Ruddell be re­ control. before the split, the Nasir rebels Famous make bras. 32 to 38. A, B, Club /nembership, now up to meet tomorrow at 8 p.m- in Ruddell Gets There is a growing fear claim the allegia^nce of 92, plus Dressy dressee in styles and sizes for misses, ris of Whitney Rd. registered a approximately 1,200, is-open to the new elementary school of­ turned to the hospital because .r, 1 antictpeted. for such a worthwhile and J 9 9 to 3.99 boy’s corduroy slacks mild protest, questioning wheth­ C a n a d iiln B ir t h s O f f Gourley said he is certain ^ ^ ^^^g among the missionaries that. <2 lay evangelists and 1,200 vll- juniors and petites. Reg. to $60. ■all veterans of U.S. armed fice. There appears to be a he said Ruddell, "remains a Van Raalte bras. 32 to 38. A.M, C. Reg. $4 to $6. er 50 years of service and oc­ Prison Terr% oeverly disturbed person.” Burton Pearl, Main St. busl- Pakistan’s Moslem government 1®K® congregations. Hie estab- 1 /3 off and more forces regardless of whether very short agenda: Ratification TORONTO Canada last atarted and proves successful. to cupancy by the club justified the In sentencing Ruddell, Judge nessman, said that he agreed eventually will expel! them. lished church claims it has 1.99 2.99 they served in peace or in war. of action taken in executive ses­ year recorded its lowest birth state and federal fimds will be Wool and wool knit dresses in sheath. A-line, long 2.99 to 4.99 sale. Armeivtano said, "Ruddell is i„ v,„if „ - - A__, , , I, • with Lupien’s statement, that The dissident leader, the Rev. «‘®PP®‘> “ ’® ‘’e” ®' Slips and petticoats. S, L and 32 to-40. sion regarding two teacher For Robbery 17-7 mits its opposition has at least reg. to $7 The remarks by Doll, Slejth dangerous to not only himself. M l ? if r to ke^ It going, g^g ^gg, ^^,g^ „gg jg^ jg^ K.L. Nasir, 62, has studied in or short sleeved styles. Reg. to $30. 10.90 resignations and one leave of per 1,000 population. There were Agostinelli, in explaining whyw h y _ enfn’rcTm'ent”____ 74 pastors. Meadoweroft bairns Reg. $4 to $7. / 2.99 to 4.99 and Spaulding were brief. absence, ' approval of a bus A patient at the Norwich State society in general.” 367,000 births last year, com- he abstained from the vote, said New York, Pittsburgh and San Permanent press, lined or unllned. Sizee 4 to Ruddell was charaed with J , , . “ The prosecution and the 111 pastors, a score having been Doll, commenting that Bennet driver, discussion on a request\ ° Hospital, . a mrmerformer resiaemresident’ oroP Ruddell was charged Francisco. He still occupies the Obituar) pared with 370,840 in 1967. that, in his opinion, the pro- courts are-not doing their jobs,” ordained since the split. 7, 8 to 12. Regular and slim. Junior High School is boxed in, from the Planning Commission Manchester, was sentenced yes- „ Gi&- principal’s residence at the without adequate areas for from the Planning Commission ^ ^ for the “ ' charged with he. charged. He praised the po­ Gujranwala Theological Semi­ fall and winter dresses parking and for expansion, rec­ Mazziiii Pace on long, range building plans ,34 goo minooint rob h el o^ f Possessing and concealing stolen lice for doing their job well. nary although he was fired entire stock of and second quarter budget re- * gunpoint robbery of a g-oods. Vernon “ However,” he added,- "the ommended holding on to the Mazzini Pace, 77, of Hartford, pg^( Gales Ferry Department store ^______more than a year ago and Reg^ional Role Boys’ outei*wear, sizes 8 to 20 and 4 to 7. Reg. property. Ho said it might be father of Mario Pace and Mrs. courts are not cooperating. opened 'his own seminary. 1 /2 off robes and 4usters $20 to $35. 12.99 to 23.99 Barcomb Resigns Getober, and his uncle, al- “ The proper way to raise the needed for school use, some Mario Panaro, both of Man­ so of Manchester received Naslr’s followers claim they Of Town Eyed Frederick Barcomb submit- Manchester Area money is by’public subscription, are victims of a social boycott time in the future. chester, died yesterday at Hart­ ted his resignation to the Pub- suspended sentence last month Chemical Firm Adds reg. to $50 and moi'e Boys’ long sleeved sport shirt. Reg. to $6. ford Hospital. -pnd the property owners asso­ and that their children have By Task Force At this ipoint, Lionel Plante of lie Building Commission at its f®*" his cellar, ciation will be happy to assist,” L/3 off • 2 .9 9 and 34M> Milford Rd. said that he was Survivors al.so include his Youth Charged been stripped of church scholar­ A wide variety of. styles . . . aM great buys. wife, another .son, another meeting Monday night, citing Richard Ruddell, 31, was sen- he said. ships in a stnigg;le over theolo­ The C-DAP task force on gen­ reg. $12 to $30 surprised at Doll’s statement. pressure of business as his rea- tended to 8-16 years in Norwich Lab, Plating Plant Dr. Charles Jacobson, physi­ eral government is anxious , to “ From the opinions I’ve heard daughter, a brother, and a sis­ With Burglary gy- Long robes, dusters . . . a wide selection of Boys’ cotton knit shirt, 4 to 7 and 8 to 20. Reg. ter. son for resigning. Superior Court yesterday by cian representative on the Drug From the other side com'’ emphasize Manchester’s leader­ ' from the school board,” Plante A new Customer Service Lab- used to identify and measure council, called the drug prob- fabrics, prints and colore. All sizes. • 2.60 to 4.50. 1.99 to 2.99 The funeral will be Friday at Barcomb, a Democrat, was Judge Anthony J. Armentano, Willington youth was picked such accusations as this: "We ship rote in the region east of said, “ that’s the last place in oratory and Pilot Plating plant Ih® concentrations of various ign^ --gyi explosive situation, of sportswear 1/3 off 8:15 a.ni. from the D’Esopo Fu­ elected to the commission last His uncle, Thomas Giglio, 45, of up yesterday by State Police of are witnessing one of the great­ the Connecticut River. town where it wants ex­ has been opened at the Convei? oi’Sanic constitutents of newly epidemic proportions.” neral Chapel, 2;* Wethersfield spAng, after being appointed to 52 Bissell St. received a sus- -srafford Springs troop and turn- est frauds ever perpetrated on It was the consensus of the Boys’ sweaters, 4 to 7 and 8 to 20. Reg. $6 to $12. pansion.” Sion Chemical Corp. plant developed plating baths. In the m uririnv fhe annr, Sportswear ccxirdinates and sport, dresses. Reg. Ave., Hartford, A th a Mass of seijve an unexpired term. pended sentence last month. ed - t v 1 ------— i"”’" In urging the appropriation, people In churches' in Western task force yesterday, at a noon ^ , ' up to 1/2 off Sleith said, “ I know it’s un­ room, also, ara microscopes, a he said, “ We would be derelict, luncheon meeting, that the need to $40. requiem at 9Vat St. Luke’s In regular business the PBC state police in Groton said his °aneged c o ^ e cti^ 'w ith °a ^ ” Roc^^vllle, • countries.” accessories popular for me to say, ‘Let’s ■-hurch, HartfSrd. Burial will be non destructive thickness tester, if we didn’t take advantage of exists (or recognizing a Greater discussed * ' various questions Ruddell took $24,000 in cash-plus break on Rt. 83 in 'Vernon, Conv.erslon Chemical manu- analytical balances and other this pilot program — a program That is the opinion of New Wool slacks in solids, plaids . . . (jutfed, uncuffed Boys’ flannel imjamas, 4 to 8. Reg. 3.50. 2.69. take a good look at this before in Mt. St. Benedict Cemetery, Zealand missionary John Mea- Manchester Area, and that, in with the architect, including $ro.0oo in checks from the Vall- Alfred Cheney, 16, of Rti 32 factors more^ than OO^dlfferent precision analytical equipment, that will set the pattern for effect, such an area already straight leg and stove leg style^.' 8 to 18. Reg. to Better leather handbags, mostly one of a kind. we take action.’ ” Bloomfield. doweroft, who for seven years leaks in the roof and one wall ty Department Store ii) Gales allegedly broke into Manchester Proprietary chemicals for use in:• Several new appointments others to follow. The Bltuatlon exists. Casual, dress, shoulder strap style^ and iKiuches. He asked, “ Is this the best Friends may call at the fu­ worked with Nasir at the Gujr­ $24. 8-12. Reg. $4. 2.99. 14 to 20. Reg. 4.50. 3.59 use for the land, based on pos- neral chapel today from 7 to 9 of the new school, and paid Ferry last Oct. 4. The $24,000 Plymouth on Rt. 83 and took **'® treatment and processing of have ■ also been made at the is real. It is endemic. It is As a possible preamble to its . - *-- ■ 30% off in fcash was found buried'in Gig- auto parts and accessories. He non-ferrous metals and employs plant. Richard W. Brough and everywhere.” anwala seminary. , Wool sldrts in solids, rfaids . . . belted, gored, ] Reg. $11 to $40. islble redevelopment or. expan­ p.m. and tomorrow from 2 to 4 goals for Manchester to the year Bovs’ splinter plaid slack, pemanent. press. Regu­ ^ ' ’ lie’ s cellar at 52 Bissell St. and was charged, by Vernon police, 40 people. Operations in- David Kuzmeskus have joined Mrs. Janet Pinto of Hartford, Meadoweroft and other mis­ 1990, the general government pleated and slim styleSyO to 18. Reg. $18. Siiecial group of handbags including satchels, sion of Main St. in the next 20 and 7 to 9 p.mi * sionaries claim fthe split stems shoulder straps, some clutches. Vinyls, iiatents lar and slim. 4 to 7. Reg. $5. 2.99. 8 to 12. Reg. years?” • -| the $10,000 in checks was found with breaking and entering and ®*^tle laboratory facilities tor staff as research chemists, whose 22-year-old son died two task force discussed the needs h r i l l t I o w n buried near the Norwich State larceny and was to be presented P"®*- le^ n g and development of Brough has been engaged in years ago from an overdose of less from religious differences to recognize Manchester’s com- Sweaters, vests in vwiols and OrlonS. Turtles, long and fabrics. Reg. to $10. 3.99 5.99 7..50. 3.99 And Dr. Spaulding said, “ We Henry Jaslowski than from a grab tor chuic'i pulls, ribs . . . cardigans and pullovers. 34 to 40. Henry Jaslowski, 86, of East ^ Hospital, police report. I" Bast Hartford Circuit Court pr°®>’» In the she said. Then she asked, "How "Jt’s'’'a disgrace,” said Rev. ing 20 grams. 'The smaltest was // wtio were ik> geikemuH oitd kind In are directly involved In clas-s- supplies from 29 countries took nine months without any help type bus and none of thq pas- Feature of the new laboratory f m operat- much value, do you place on a our recfiil BuiTi>w. layat Mall, Who Is |CXXi execu- a 1.8gram 10-i:ent piece of the Mrs. Artliur I. Miller room activities as students or part in Frankfurt’s recent In- or therapy.’ ' sengers was Injifred.- The bus’ is a ’’clean room” housing an “ ® office in humqn Ufe7 IIO.OQOT $30,0007 and CunUly. ^ teachers. temational Automobile Show. Ruddell’s court-appointed at- had to be towed. ultraviolet spectrophotometer RookvlUe. - ' $30,000?’! tlve seoretary In Pakistan. NoRherlands. '

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PAGE TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., AVEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1970 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1970 PAGE ELEVEN _------^------. ------T-r— : T r - — ...... — .------^ Black Sent Pravda Nixes Administration Gets Pressure Orm West Retires,, Nuns Vote Psychiatric^ Medical Aids Skating • Coasting NASA Rules Lives To W ait Announce Engagements Discussed hy Task Farce Move to Free To Increase Meat Imports Leimon Takes Post For Married O-V Of Spacemen Strictly W ith Maids Ailing Hess By DON KENDAIX Agrlculture Secretary Clifford tlon was not forced into making Psychdsutrto oounseling end Ingf is the key word In preventve AP Farm Writer M. Hardin was supposed to an- a decision on quotas, After 47 years of associ­ Priesthood cnmprrtienaive health examina­ al medicine which means By PAITIv REUER Some of the spacemen dodge Continuc;d from Page One) stopping problems before ,some- AP Aerospace Writer public contact. Others seem to MOSCOW (AP) — Pravda to­ nounce his 1970 estimate by Jan. But a new estimate now n ^ t ation with funeral services (Continued from Page One) tions were two of the aubjecU Coasting in Center Springs WASHINQ'TON (AP) Oov- a "malfuncUonal Jeanne Williams, a Negro'' day rejected Western proposals 1. But sources say this has been bo onnoimced. Sources say they- in this state and New Jer­ "The vote has no binding Park is allowed until dark. SPACE CENTER, Houston *“®* hemiiHe th« United expect only a small Increase for ■», disoussed last nighit by mem- breakdown.” teacher, testified that Youldcn for the release of Nasi war emment sources say the Nbcon delayed because the United expect only value. It has no juridical effect. Skiing hours tonight at North- sey, the last 26 with Wat­ here of tha C-DAP task force jbat providing public mfht regu?aUons ThoiLmds of letter, tor the Howell, art supervisor for the criminal Rudolf Hess. administration Is again “ "^er States has not received ^ consumers, kins-West, 142 E. Center Therefore, the Vatican has noth­ view are 6 :80 to 9 :80. ^ ^ 1 . heaw nreasure to siisn^nd commitments from supplying THUS, A m e n c a n c w ib u iu c , ing else to say. Obviously toe on health and social aervioeo. psychiatric services would at- ed three u.trenauts this month aim«U^ at district, said during an employ­ CommenUng on an editorial in ^ “ vypres^ re to si^i^nd meat 1970 ship- would not get much more Im- St., Ormand J. Wirat has There is no^skatlng. im*x>rtanre of the vote will be Prlor to the meotlng, two dls- tract people with problems who aren’t the only rules that chaff ^® T ® ® kT . ®u®' ment interview that he felt Ne­ but not ail. gro teachers should be assigned the London'Dally Express call- quotas for at l^ st part below the trigger level. ported meat than they did last retired. studied, but in the future.” ^ "°t pay |40 an hour for America’s spacemen. Guides ®"' ing for release of the former Last year the foreign sup- year despite continued ^ g e de­ His successor as manager The. controversy over celibacy cussion groups—one private psychiatric counseling. for conduct many of them un­ usually answered by NASA. to predominantly Negro schools. and one on sodal servtces—had W a r Breaks NASA sometimes uses toe os- An Investigation by the De­ deputy fuehrer, thd Soviet Com- "’’ ‘P' and director is William J. has made the Dutch Catoolto .. The public services would be at written-affect almost every . , . partment of Health, Education' munlst party newspaper said _ .. .. ments at less than the trigger meat prices probably will not Lennon of Hublard Dr., Church one of toe most turbu­ ®harge or else based phase of their lives. t^ a u ts tor public relatloriC the recommendations tor dem - But on the other end of the po- poi„t billion much in the months ahe*^. g«rtl«te tor on income, he k id . and Welfare into the racial situ­ 1088 pounds, ease Vernon, who joined the lent In toe world. Manchester. AA ttieor lormei Fam ily Ties Enforcement of the 'rules by B re m e n are riiqttled Incy were ’"anotoer S ! s l S tug-of-war are the admin- ^^^dln, based on these (Tnimlt- Also, the Agriculture Depart- So many Dutch priests have ation district’s racial makeup in then Watkins Funeral meeting a spokesman from Atty. Ctendonlel also mention- (Continued from Page One,' the space agency seldom falls ‘ ‘’ ® propaganda move of those ‘«traUon’s farm belt supporters estimated the year’s Im- ment has indicated, total red makried ” lt doesn’t cause much **^^each1/* group^ reported on what ed programs ” to bring back into public uttenHon, as did the aP^^^nces. The astronauts June 1968 revealed that 90 per Service in July 1954. Roy call the tours ”a In a bar­ cent of the Negro elementary torees that would like to perpet- who don t want M y raising of j^rts throughout 1969 at J.035 meat output in 1»69 not to- of a stir any more now,” Bishop hod transpired. * someone who’s gone beyond tlje position is still strong- ond shows grounding this month of astro- M. Thompson of 57 Tuck rel.” students were assigned to nine uate racism, Nazism and tl»e current Import lids. billion pounds. crease much if at all despite the Theodore Zwartkmis of Haar­ AJtty. Scott Clendaniel, chair- preventive stage” , and for help signs of becoming stronger. nauts Alan L. Bean, Walter Cun- and retail Their heqltli is carefully of the 28 elementary schools. apartheid, turn back the wheel Whil« the administration tries Because the voluntary curbs spliallng demand Rd. bfls veioined Watkins- lem said a few mo-'ths a^o. The man of the task force, summed In drug addiction and alcohol- C>--Contacta should be temper- nlngham and Joseph Kerwin. num ber.of Catholic priests in watched and case of toe sniffles The report also said 59 per of' history, morally disarm the to decide what to do about 1970 were successful, the admlnistra- prices, West, where he served hjs up the suggestions o f the sub- ism. arily suspended pending more Usually toe enforcement is little cent of the Negro junior high peoples, and hjunt their vigl- import quotas, U.S. cattle prices apprenticeship. Holland dropped by 400 to 13,141 oommlUee on social servioM. He He said he knew there were favorable circumstances and more than a word from a space ® medical exam school students went to Wash­ 9 lance against the machinations have begun to rise again eifter West began hla osaociation in the 1966-69 period and new or­ clwiges in the situation. official to the guilty party or an said they hod tUscusaed a vo- programs in town already that Gordon Cooper learned a year ington Junior High while 67 per of the forces of aggression and slumping during the summer Vernon with Watkina Funeral Service dinations have been fewer. D—No further regular cor- experience that Is It’s own pun- riety of social servicee that deal In some of these areas, but kgo just how seriously NASA is cent the Negro high school war." from last June when av- oii Jan. 2, 1944, succeeding Rob­ tacts, but brotherly relations ishment. at t i dumld be provided for people that they were generally not about protecting crewmen’s students went to Muir High. Hess, serving a life sentence, erage prices pmld to producers ert K. Anderson, and was maintained. Bean, Cunningham and J(fer- Lorlng photo “rhe engagement of Miss ' Lorlng photo- in Maitohester, moot o f them adequate to deal with toe large health and safety. More current attehdipice figures ’The engagement of Miss Mary Proulx of Coventry to The engagement of Miss is now in a British military hos-’ were the highest since the Ko- placed .In full charge of all FB I Connects broken down by age groups. volume. In May. 1966, for the second win are forbidden to fly air- Ormand J. West Cooper was back-up com­ have not been released. Linda Mae Herzog to Terry Ed- Kenneth Russell of Mtinchester Debra R. Laraia of East Hart- pltal in West Beriln being treat- rean War. Junk Auto Area services. In 1947, he Inaugurat­ ’’Each group has 4ts own Paul Somoza, assistant ad- * contact, I went to Omu’s office pUines until Jan. 23 because ed several changes in toe layout in Saigon as he had been ap- they broke flight safety regula- mander for Apollo 1(1, scheduled ^ ward WUsinski, both of Man- has been announced by her par- , i® ^ !?®‘ k problems,” he said, using ado- ihlnlstrator at Manchester M e-/ to fly five months later, when he r, has been announced by ents, Mr. and Mi4. Arthur remaining Inmate of highest in years because of the of the funeral home, and super­ Mafia, Police pointed director of the Revolu- tlons. Chester, has been announced by leocence as an example. He also mortal Hospital, then gave his signed'to drive in a race at Day- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. WiK Proulx of Armstrong Rd., Cov- ford has been announced by Prison in West BerUn, but the crunch on supply and the ever Closed by Town vised Its redecoraUon with the fContiiiued from Page One) menltloned marttol and pre- group’s sugffestlona for health tlonary Development Program. The rules that control their G argan T old liam Herzog of 513 Bush Hill entry. ber parents, Mr. tind Mrs. Wil­ Soviet Union has vetoed all pre- present hunger consumers seem assistance of Watkins Bros, in­ h'm $1,500 tor a crap game— marital counseling. services In Manchester. lives and others in toe astronaut ^ a c h , Fla. vlous proposals to release him to have regardless of cost. py the Board of Rep- In deciding to .close the area terior decorators. He formed a corps are more subtle and more Only minutes before toe race Rd. Her fiance is the son of Mr. liam A. Larala, East Hartford. $1,600 a month.” One suggestlcn, he said, “is a One of toe suggesUons, he was to start, (fooper got the. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and, Mrs. Horace Russell of 343 Her fiance is the son of Mr. or even transfer him perma- Economists expect some in- . ___ rwio-ht the the board members, in gen- partnership with Watkins Fu­ Silesia: ” In Bayonne, we paid half-'way house for teen-agers'said, was tor "multl-phaslc Bank Displays complex. Kennedy: nently from the prison for the crease in beef output this winter resentatlve , y mg , ^ agreed that, it would be word from his boss. He would and Mrs. Edward Wllsinskl of Highland St. and Mrs. Pe(er S. Topa of Hart- neral Service in October 1966. him $2,600.” or children In time o f trauma In screening” or comprehensive One of the most closely guard- . ^ j i. , 4 _ major Nazi War criminals which bul admit that total meat pro- Jmik car disposal area on WlM- feasible to have theown- Works of Two 58 Homestead St. Miss Proulx, a graduate of ford. Last year. West was a consult­ DeCarlo: ” He’s no good. He the home, In a time o f trauma, health examinations. These ed secrete are the rulings Na- permHted to risk I n j ^ the Big Four occupation powers ductioh may not rise for several sorville Rd. was ordered closed. ^be junk cars pay to have in toe race because of hla crew Go to Police Miss Herzog, a 1969 graduate Coventry High School, is em­ Miss Laraia attended Bast ant when the home was en­ knows every rackets guy in the children need someplace to go. exams, like some already un­ ^ J . tlonal Aeronautics and Space . . of Manchester High School, is ployed as an order clerk at The Catholic High School and is havq operated since the Nuern- months, j The request to consider clos- them taken away to an area larged and again redecorated. state. We would have been bet- The traunna coifld be caused by derway In California, would be The Hartford NaUonal B ^ 8 Administration (NASA) officials Continued from Page One) First Manchester Office at 696 Cooper was furious, but he berg trial of war criminals. Involved In the current ma- ing the area was made by rep- where they will be d is c e d of. The remodeling Included the ter off ■with a dumb guy in ujc death o f both parenis in an a'vallable to toe public and make regarding investments by employed at W. T. Grant Co., American ’Thread Co., Willi- employed by Trinity Aihbulance Main St. continues its series of didn’t drive. Manchester. Mr. Wllsinskl' will mantle. Sevice Inc. Mr. Topa is vloe neuvering is a 1994 law control- resentaUve Frank DeTolla who There are several such areas In addiUon of a .1,688 square foot there.” accident or by Irredonciktble would take about three hours toe astronauts. would walk out of the case un­ art exhibits with a g^oup of Many of toe restraints the as­ graduate in June from How- Mr. Russell, a grad\jate of president of ’Trinity Ambulance ing the Importing of meat, most- admitted he does not live near other towns. The usual fee tor chapel with a seating capeiclty A conversation betwee^ De- problems in the home. Somoza said. The astronauts are forbidden less Boyle let him ask his ques­ paintings by Mrs. Arthur Cham­ tronauts must exercise around tions. Boyle reluctantly ac­ ell Cheney Technical School. He Manchester High School, is qprvi/>c Tnr and attenda Hart- Britain Shivers ly beef from Australia and New the area but said he felt the tbis is 316. The Building Inspec- of 160, a reception room for Carlo and William Riga about "Instead of these kkte ending The exams would take place to lend their names to any com­ Zealond. situation had gone beyond that, tor will now be able to enforce pagne and Mrs. Irwin Knafel. their home base at Houston quiesced. will be employed by Jarvis Con- employed by the U. S. Post ford (^mmunUy Soiled. He both chapels, an enlarged smok­ Newark Police Director Domin- ^p somewhere in a basementtement in allau inm one buildingouuaing andaim wouldwuum i—o— ------..re.w.a.mercial enterprise and nuuijrmany „i One part of the law would al- He said he did not feel there the ordinance. Then Kennedy returned to the strucUon Co., Manchester, after Office in Wapplng. ^as served In the Marine Corps, In Grip of Chill ing room on toe second floor,, ick Spina: Greenwich Village,” he said, Include Xrays, blood tests, and Both are members of the South have had to decline potentially ^cape ^area low Nixon to suspend the quotas should be such ah area In town. ------stand. graduation. An August wedding is plan- and rest rooms on both floors. Riga God knows how many “They should have someplace In other comprehensive data. Windsor Art League. lucrative offers, rogram was A June 13 wedding is planned. LONDON (AP) — The River to permit more meat to enter For a short time the town had where toe space j r When Kennedy returned to the ’The wedding is planned for ned. > The renovation was supervised people this Dick Spina tells whore they can go to These facts, along with toe pa- Janice Ctoampagne has been NASA la cautious about lend- born, have long since drcqiped stand, however, Dints relaxed July 4 at the Church of the As- Thames froze over from bank to the country to help satisfy con- a junk car disposal area off Rt. Private School by Lennon. when he drinks. gather their thoughts.” tient’s health history, would be a memiber of the South Wind- ing support, or that of its astro- their awe of toe astronauts and h=„i, nf winriBor todav while demand and ease prices. 88, but the land was sold and It DeCarlo: he is the worst- -in his questioning and tended to sumption, bank at Windsor today, white abandoned. The present site is the fourth Atty. Clendaniel said counsel- fed to a computer. sor Art League since 1962. She nauts. to fund-raising ^tlyitles. rotectlve of toe spacemen. stay within the judge's original Tax Break Out? occupied by the funeral service, toe world. The results, said Somoza, studied -with Esther Cotton, Mkny people, especially In toe -p>,„tKoro the whole British Isles remained "overriding economic con- The town has an ordinance The astronauts blossom there limits. established by Clarence G. and would be on the desk of the doc- formerly of West HarUord,! and early days of toe program, liked and their antics over the last in the grip of Wtter cold. dltlons” at home, vdilch con- concerning junk cars. It w6- As tor as the order of wit­ (Continued from Page One) F. Ernest Watkins of Eastford tor at toe end of toe three hours Louis Fusari of Manchester. *<> things for the spacemen. decade are part of the O>coa nesses -was concerned, even Subzero temperatures were sumer ad-vpcates say exists vides that no more than tw<^an on Oct. 8, 1874, following their Dizzy Dean Is Accused when toe patient had complet Gerry Knafel is a new mem- One businessman offered Gaigian and Miarkham were not reported again from Scotland, each time the housewife pays be in a person's yard ay one defended by the Justice Depart- purchase of the Plnney Funeral WlUiam J. Lennoa ed all health exams. It is a ber of the art league. She was Itemes, free, to toe seven ®^fcla!s*tend to look the other with snowstorms causing havoc record prices for hamburger. time. separate suits by Service. much more efficient and quick­ saved for the end. They testified originally from East Windsor ^ ^ clT th“ ™ “ emen to fe lin e ^®‘*' Tuesday. They were followed by on the icy roads. Glasgow rtilv- Cattlemen last fall were Director of Public Works An- Mississippi citizens, It was originally located in NOW England fodUtUte of Em­ Of Fleecing Millionaire er way, Somoza suggterted, of but now resides in Wapplng. Al­ lorcea me spacemen 10 oeciine bartenders are accustomed ered through its coldest night in alarmed at this possibility dur- drew TricEirlco said he had Private schools have been treating a patient than by hav- toe offer. perhaps three of the five young two rented rooms of a house sUll balming and Funeral Dtt'ecting. though a psychology major at to their impromptu parties. women who, with Miss Ko- 30 years, temperatures plunging ing a similar situation in which made inquiries about having a flourishing, primarily In the For three years during WWn, By LOWEU- MCKIROAN onc day than their businesses InfiT W™ ruSh from place to C!ar dealers have sold cars to at 126 Wells St. In 1890, it was place tor various tests and then f® "‘ >-®‘ Connecticut State Col- n ------pechne, attended the steak to one degree above zero. the administration was being crusher come to the area. There South, since the Supreme Court he served In the U.S. Navy os Associated Press Writer make In a whole year and the spacemen for a fraction of moved to a new building at the ^ k to the family physician’s ‘'f® ®«entlonj^s barbecue on Chappaquiddick a pharamaclst’B mete. DETROIT (AP) — Dizzy they’re still right out there and their cost. The space agency, Reptiles Admi'tted Hundreds of trucks and auto- Pr^P*®** 'i? ^ comer of Main and School Sts., office. ' uTceieudirected i«wtoward a.« art t activities. eome reason, has permitted which preceded the auto acci­ mobiles were abandoned on P® ' noted, town still 1 ^ to „ . „ become in 1920 to the comer of Main He is niaiTled to the former Dean, the Hall of Fame baseball they always seem to bounce (Kher areas of concern this While she is primarily a water tj,ia. BOSTON— Imported into toe dent. snowbound ScotUsh highways. , ^he ‘ ^ p ta tlM to oiten toe dispose of Ote^car seats, ^ e e ls and Oak Sts., and in 1948 to its Miss Alice Snow of Manches­ pitcher, has been described in back,” the afflda'vlt alleged. sifhoommiMtiee Hsted were In the colorist, she has also done some United States last year were After a report circulated The cold caused sn electric ‘™P?'^ ^ and^h, ‘'otore. present location. ter, and they have two child­ an affidavit used to obtain a fed­ Dawson according to toe doc­ The hardest thing for many of areas of water, air and noise sculpture and acrylics, 150,(X)0 mammals — more than Tuesday that Dinis had again ♦/» cenOy, Hendrik Houtoakker, a the cars are crushed. Treasury Deportment In 1922, West began his career ren: Marslia, a student at the eral seach warrant as one of ument, said ”As long as I’m' the spacemen to accept is that, cable carrying volts to „^g^ber I of toe President’s it is toe duty of the Building August 1967 that private pollution; vocational rehabdllta- These paintings may be seen three-fourtlis of them monkeys decided to walk out of the case, with toe Bridgeport funeral Hartford S e e r s ta ^ School; Feveral men trying to take ad­ around Howard ^ b e r, I can get like it or not, they are public tlon; and ’’programs to make during regular banking hours figures because of their Jobs. —and 2 million reptiles. Most be told newsmen: “ I am still In Tt toll Economic Advisors, inspector to carry out toe pro- schools-even those designed to service of Wilmont and West, and Wayne, an eighth grade vantage of a millionaire truck­ $1,(XX) from hhn any day 1 Hfe more meaningful for the dis- for toe month of January, and And the public considers them were destined for pet shops, re­ the case. I am not leaving. I’m challenged toe catUemen’s con- vlsio(Zof the ordinance against segre^tlon-w ere en- Inc., which included his brother student In the Vernon Center ing executive. want, because he has to gamble across houses and straddled the tentlon that increased imports stortiig junk cars but he has titled to exemptions as long as a'bled.” all of them are for sale. Its property. search and roadside exhibits. right here. I’ll be here at 9:30 In street, but no one was hurt. Isaac. In 1932, he joined the Middle School. Dean was accused in toe affi­ on something. would hurt them se'verely. He b e ^ hampered by toe fact that they were not direct Instru- Leiuion is a member of South "It’s better for me to do it the morning.” Greased points on toe rail­ John W. BHock Funeral Home davit of fleecing Howard Sober, salci foreign meat is needed. oie town cannot proidde a place uients of state policy. United MSthodlst Church, than let ’Dizzy’ Dean do it. If I The St-year-old Kennedy re­ roads 'tracks froze and fog In Long Branch, N.J., of which 74, a Lansing, Mich., business­ But toe best bet seems to b e/to haul the cars after he gives Pinch acknowledged toe diffl- where he is on toe eidminls- dem’t get his money somebody mained at home in Hyannis The engagement of Miss Dale brought additional hazards. he was a native. During a two- man who W£te d'escribed as a Port with relatives, painting i The engagement of Miss the adminlstratlcm will avoid the order to the violators. culties of drawing exemption year period there, he figured trative board, usher staff, nom­ man who likes to gamble on else will.” sailing scenes in oils, and wait- Elouise May Beaulieu of Man- E. Hawver to James G. Brisson, barely move on toe ary direct confrontation with The Wlndsorvllle area was to standards that would not penal- inating commSttee, and a At aiK>ther point, toe affidavit at in the first of two tragedies to anything. Dean’s accuser in toe Ing to see whether he will be re- The engagement of Mrs. Es- Chester to Russell H. Carlisle of both of Manchester, has been . . . j. consumers and cattlemen. be used as a temporary {ilace to legitimate private schools. hit toe East Coast within 10 member of toe men's clUb. affidavit compiled by an Inter­ alleged, Dawson said to his called across Nantucket Sound toer L. Springer Charlton of Wqst Hartford has been an- ...... hp. fpihpp wpifpi- T TP 1 p p could be done If tlie ad- put the cars until they could be years. He la a former member of the nal Revenue Service ^ent, was wife: "Dlz fleeced Howard last announced by her father, Walter m England, 3,000 workers mlnistraUon decides to estimate ^rmanently disposed of. One 7 tor further testimony In Edgar- Manchester to Robin Chaig nounced by her parents, Mr. Educational Lag On Sept. 8, 19^'toe Morro Manchester Jlayceos, whose Donald Dawson who was one of year and I knew all about H.” Manchester town. Spencea* of New Britain, has and Mrs. Sylvio Beaulieu of V. Hawver of 16 Lawton Rd. marched out of an automobile 1970 meat imports at a I>olnt be- of the requirements was to CasUe 'was Inbound from Hava­ “Sparkphig” award he receiv­ 10 men arrested New Year’s In another portion of toe affi­ ------been announced by her mother, 78 Niles Dr. Her mother is Mrs. Joseph X. factory, a ^ n g it was too cold low which quotes would be re- have the area fenced In, but LONDON (AP) — Eight- na with about 500 passengers ed, and of the OlVttan CSifb, In Day and charged with 'violation davit, Eigents described an al­ Mrs. Cora E. Springer of 437 Her fiance Is toe son of Mr. O'Connor of Wapplng. Lincoln- qulred automatically. this has not been completed, year-old' children In central Lon- and crew. Off the Neiw Jersey which he served as secretary In of Interstate wagering laws. leged telei>hone conversation be­ s i ^ cannery walk-ed off, too. Any time the A‘?riculture De- The area is so zoned that only don are six months briiind coun- 1967. CurrertUy, he Is a mem­ tween Dawson and Sober: SAVINGS Center St. She is also the daugh- and Mrs. Herbert S. Carlisle of Her fiance is toe son of Mr. ooast, 20 miles south of Scotland Neither Dean nor Sober have ter at Bryan J. Springer of West Hartford. oph m-pp r-ppppp Rpioppn K employed p.irtment esUmates meat Im- 125 cars arc permitted on toe try kids In their reading ability, Ught, a fire started in toe Ward ber of the Chamlber of Com­ been arrested nor charged with “ By the way, Howard, you tell Danforfh, Maine. Miss Beaulieu, a 1968 gradu- and Mrs. George Bri son of 23 by a soft drinks firm were sent ports for toe CnUre year at lot at one time. educaUon officials reported. The liner’s library and swept merce PubUc Affairs Cknnmlt- anything. Dean was searched at Diz not to be taking,all those Her fiance is the son of Fred- ate of East Catholic High School St. home when bottles exploded more than a 16 per cent "trig- Most of the car crushing con- reasons: a large proportion of through toe ^ p , claiming more tee and 'bedonga to Mlanchester his Las Vegas hotel room on calls from aU those bookmakers L O A X erlck D. SpenCer of, ,Plalnfldd ______School,______attends______Ctoamplaln_____. Jim- Miss Hawver, a senior at Jrom the cold within minutes of ger level” above a basic alloca- cerns require that at least 200 immigrants and children from than 800 victims. Lodge of 'Masons and the Kl- throughout toe country over & ARRESTS Jan. 1. and Mrs, Mabel E. Williams of ior College~ ” •in —Burlington, -- Vt. Manchester High School, Is em- "®i"^ loaded on delivery trucks, tlon, toe law requires the Presi- cars be ready for processing be- poor families, and the fact that "Ehfentually, toe ship drifted wartls ClUb. The affidavit was filed in U.S. there at Ms apartment. Ilvay Richard Marzialo, 18, of East Norwich. Her . fiance,' a‘ 1966 graduate of -• ployed ...... by Little Jim’s — • Restau- *- I'he “ official nffipioi forecast #<,” as aa oro«.ges­ St., charged on a warrant from No wedding date has been an­ nn SHOPS toe second The wedding is planned foi WINTER COATS morgue,” he said, "and used seph R. Summa, agents who rented adjacent ho­ ture to a friend,” and made no Coventry with four counts of nounced. for IdentlflcaUon and embalm- food store manager charged money personally from toe tran­ obtaining money imder false March 21 in New Biitain. tel rooms, overheard conversa­ tag. Lqter, toe dead were taken with shortweighttag on Dec. 19 saction. pretenses. He was turned over Reduced tions In restaurants and used MANCHESTER PARKADE sotnewhere in north Jersey for and 20. ” Hls only Involvement was In to Coventry police. Up 1V> V2 0 f f other similar practices. OPEN D A a V 10 A.M.-9 P.M. family disposition.” Summa Is manager of the Pi- Dawson, a 48-year-old former making bets for Sober,” said Inside Returning to Connecticut, he lot Super Marketn Inc., which Reagan. ACCIDENTS r^aurateur, told his wife, joined Alderaon’s Funeral Home operates toe IGA Super Market Judy that he couldn’t under­ Dean, saying fec(eral agents Jan Zajac, 51, of South Wind­ In Waterbury, and later worked on Route 69 In Prospect, Casey had asked him to keep quiet on sor, charged with failure to Report stand how ’’men like Howard toe case, made no comment.. grant toe right of way, yester­ for bis brother in Bridgeport, said. Sober can bet more money In In 1936, he became manager ______;;______day, after an accident on Tol­ (Continued from Page 6) ol land Tpke., near Buckland St., toe Taylor and Modeen BVneral ...... at 5:46 p.m., involving bis car the parking lots (between boys) Servlpe In Hartford, where he I N V E N T O R Y £korc u i c e remained until December 1^48. and a car driven by Catherine and in toe cafeteria (between A few months after joining Hamilton of 26E New State Rd. girls). On Nov. 26, 200 students Watkins Funeral Service in 1944, Both cars were towed away. battled when white students at­ ALL FLEXNTT SELECTED GROUP Court date is Jan. 19. . GROUP OF he participated in toe after- CONSTRUCTION SERVICES tempted to keep Negro students math of the second grim event. Ice, on Woodland St. caused from entering the school. GIRDLES SLEEPWEAR That was on July 6, when he OF BOLtON an accident there yesterday at Few disturbances can be HANDBAGS was living in West Hartford. Ji 2 p.m., police say. The drivers traced directly to extremist Regular Price LADIES' ROBES "I remember people com­ , HUuaaninnn photo menting on toe heat of toe day,” were Richard Rand, 40, of 188 groups. Racial fighting between NOW Lydall St., and Gerald Boucher, Tlte engagement of Miss 100 Negroes and 100 whites at •1 o « 1/3 O H 1/3 Off he recalled. "Then a man said - ANNOUNCEMENT - 23, of 99 Farm Dr. Susan Ellyne Hammerich of Rainier Beach Junior-Senior to me, ’’They sure had S hot Longmeadow, Mass., to Wil­ Ume in Hartford today.’ I was High School in Seattle followed There was a minor accident liam Thomas Murray Jr. of the showing at the school' of GRO U P OF W« unaware of what he meant un­ EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY WE WILL AGAIN ACCEPT ORDERS on E. Center St., near Munroe, Manchester has been announc- extremist films believed to be GRO UP OF til my. wife told me the news.” FOR OUR SERVICES IN KEEPING WITH yesterday at 4:30 p.m.tlnvolyed NasslH ^oio ed by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. distributed by SDS. Black Accept That afternoon, a fire had raged were Nancy Lilley of 97 Weaver The engagement of Miss Paul R. Hammerich of Long- panther student members have DRESSES Master through the big top of toe Ring- OUR POLIOr OF PROMPT SERVICE AND QUALITY WORKMAN- Carol Anne Patterson,Rt. 6. meadow. ^antner swaent members have ling Bros, and Barnum and Rd. and Ruth Krantz of 12 Scott RAINCOATS C h a is e SHIP IT WAS NECESSARY FOR US TO CURTAIL THE AMOUNT Dr. Andover, to Joseph Tracy, Her fiance is toe son of Mrs. vtolent"dlsrapHons*^°n N°ew York REDUCR) UP to Bailey (Jlrcus on Barbour St., - ‘li Brookfield Rd., Bolton, has Grace P. Murray of 3 Ardmore city Albany N.Y. and Lima killing more than 160 persons. OF WORK WE ACCEPTED ______Police blame slippery road ^>een announced by her parents, j^^d William T. Murray Sr. Ohio ” A mother and son who were conditions at East Catholic High Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Patterson, ^f 444 Center St. No responsible law enforce- 1/2 PRICE 1/3 OFF my neighbors were among To All Homeowners Who Were -Unable To Secure Our Services AND IdORE them,” West said. ” I prepared School for an accident there Anaover. Migg Hammerich, a graduate ment officer believes that these ‘ / Please Give Us Another Call For All TVpes of Remodeling yesterday at 6:30 p.m. Joseph Longmeadow High School, is blackboard iuneles are niled bv five, victims of toe fire.” Bezzini of East Hartford and anO a student at the American In- any central consnlracv Rathe^ But there have been lighter Edwato Svlick,64 Hlllcrest Dr., Br^Wleld Rd., J^lton. ternaUonal College In Spring- to J most direct source of toe moments In his work as a fu­ REC ROOMS/ROOM ADDITIONS were the drlvera^ involved. ^”‘®®received m a L il ^ T 'h SLACK SETS GRO UP OF neral director. One he remem­ n DC TTDQtpfrt majoring in history. She is em- is diffuse and bered fromi hla work In New The cars of Ann Kvadas, 65 B.S. degree frorh Eastern pervasive: The Jersey, when he was called upon MODERN KITCHENS - GARAGES Cooper St., and Donna Kodes, 4 Connecticuticut StateSU college. She’ P j° y f T b ir f v T militancy now Inktilled in black to prepare a drowning victim, is a teacher at Keeney Street National Bank of youths. Unless conimliortcontrolled nnaand SKIRTS Goslee Dr., collided on Cooper icher a *28- unddenSUled ait the time, for Elementaryary School.Sclivru.. Mr. Tracy , County in Springfield, channelled Into constructive REMEMBER: ______St., near Walnut, yesterday at burial. ' WE DO THE COMPLETE JOB: PLUMBING,.WIRING, HEATING is a graduate of Howell Cheney “of courses that millmilitancy can only REG. $35. 1/3 to 1/2 OFF ”A stranger had sent for a 9:60 p.m. Technical School. He served In ^^®"chester High School, is intensify middle-class white de- \ priest to give the last rites of the Army for three years^ln- serving a tour of duty with the termination against racially tn- ______the church,”•• West said. "When" W ^ SORRY BUT WE STILL ACCEPT WORK EAST OF THE RIVER ONLY Make it a 5fo Year U.S."Navy stationed in Davis- tegrated------• schools. ■ - cluding a tour of duty in Viet­ North and IdenUfloatlon was ehtabllsh^ 1969 Airlines’ Earnings vine, R.I. South. IN ORDER THAT WE MAY BEHER SERVE OUR MANY SATISFIED nam. He was discharged with-a and a fimeral director from the At Lowest Since 1961 Spec. 6*classlficatlon. He is em­ The wedding is planned for G RO U P OF GRO U P OF May. 0 victim’s home town came for CUSTOMERS 1970 is the year to play it safe and Sure. With a Manches­ ployed by Johnson Service Co., ter Savings & Loan savings account you make a sure 5 WASHINGTON (AP) — Earn­ West Hartford. Electronic Battleground the body, I signed toe certifi­ ings in the airline industry last cate 'and attested he had been TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIRTY YEARS EXPERIENCE er cent a year. Every time you deposit you immediately A July 11 wedding is plan­ U of Bridgeport Student SLACKS year were at the lowest level ned. MISHAWAKA, Ind. (AP) — A SWEATERS given final abeolutlon." ::::: :ill :u:: Eegin earning dividends on that deposit . . . and it con'^ • since 1961 but the Air Transport Dies After Car Accident comjputerlzed gaming idea is "What do you meanT” the di­ CALL NOW ' I 'll Association says it’s too early to taking the hell out of war rector asked. “ He’s a deatxMi In I • * ' ' tinues earning money every day of the year . . . Sundays *IL99 - *IL» v.v; lilu! ' \ say whether anohter fare in­ Hfe May Oppose Meskill Br i d g e p o r t , conn. (a p >— games. the Methodist Ctourch,’’ 4 III . \ and Holidays incfudedli Diyidends are cpmpoi|inded j crease will be sought. An exchange student from South A technique has been devel- 1/3 to 1/2 OFF Regutor ^>12, 13. and 15 West is a member of Wyllys ;j:i ii ■ V - I and payable quarterly. So get with a sure thing. . .\ V\' pr. George W. James,- AT.^’s HARTFORD (AP)'--James J. Korea was fatally injured this oped by Bendlx engineers for Lodge of Masons of West Hart­ ) . y economics expert, said Tuesday Casey, state consumer protec- morning when his car hurtled simulating naval battle condi- CONSTRUCTION SERVICES ;;j|| |i a Savings & Loan savings account. ford, and the National and Con­ sotne airlines. are advocating tlon commissioner, says he may oft an exit ramp of toe Con- tlons so true to life that missile I OF BOLTON |! t:: necticut Funeral Directors As­ til fare Increases on top of the two run for Congress. . nectlcut Turnpike and, landed alr defense-systems can be eval­ 1 iii granted in 1969. , The former mayor of Winsted upside down on the street be- GROUP sociations. ! :t: ■ uated without even a practice While rsHslntag thslr psr- James told newsmen that Se- and Democratic chieftain of th^ low. RAYMOND J. NEGRO. Pros. shot being fired. It’s all done CARNIVAL manenk bom s on Hsbroti Rd. ta cor D. Browne, chairman of the Sixth Congressional District said Nam Young (too, 24, a slu- with digital Inputs and comput­ Bolton, lbs WsMs pton to do MANCHESTER’S OLDEST FINANCIAL INSTITUTION \ Clvll Aeronautics Board, has Tuesday that Republican Con- dent at toe University of er printouts. JUMPERS ■ome traveHng. ’Ibey wlH leave said another fare increase may gressman Thomas J. Meskill Bridgeport, died at Park City BRAS soon tor nostda. Tbey have 649-9408 be needed. needs'a good fight and "I may Hospital about two hours after HONO KONO VISITORS OAIN 1007 M AIN STREET. NEAR MAPLE STREET - TEL. 649-4588 - two ohUdrsn. Ormand Jr., a Net earnings of the scheduled run against him.” the accident. HONG KONO — Vkrttora to' *11J99 gnshiata at tbs untvsistty at BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE—UP TO FIVE YEARS / COVENTRY OFFICE - ROUTE 31 - TEL. 742-7321 airline industry tor the- 12 Meskill is expected to seek The victim, was alone in his Hong Kohg during the'first six 2 for *5. gnanit and currently a director mpnths ending Sept. 30 .were a third term despite urgingscar when the accident occurred months of 1969 totaledy 361,010, R«g. 13.50 ond $16. ta Ihenows service o< GBS-TV; 102.2 million, nearly 67 per cent from some GbP leaders that at the Lafayette Street wFst- em increase of 67,166 over the Styto 672 Only Mrs. Ramon A. Perez of He- FREE ESTIMATES AND PLANNING SERVICE i| I lower than tor a comparable pe- he 'jeek toe U.S. Senatenom-^ bound exit ramp, state police same 1968 period. Included faron; and one grendotdld. riod in 1968. ination instead. said. , were 89,831 AmericanB. Uti^lMogmOmUatUan- ObaWtar Hlgb ficbodl and tbs r^; ’ N < - \- > •1 :\ \ A u Vv v * V ^ r . V. ". 11 ■ ' - f W . \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, .JANUARY 7, 1970 ^»AGE TWELVE MAl^fCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTERXGONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1970 4 ^ n V PAGE THIRTEEN on most of my Ixaly,” he ex- the He Expresses rVo Self Pity jilained. “ If it became infected, Thaw Expected Soon it means anotlier skin graft." Stamps'SN ew n Ennis says the only thing that BLACKY THE ANGUS SEZ: Even After 3,000 Operations Ixjtliers him,about frcqiM'.nt hos- ..pltall/.atlon is llie ifxdatlon, done In Clemency Freeze^ CENTER, N.D, (A I’ i Start th* MW ywar off | Klf- • to guard ngaln.st Infection. “ A teen years ago, Johnny By RONALD 3. OSTROW cy trickled to a. near ^1t. In Kmils guy can get pretty lonely.” right by shopping Wotf- dossed kerosene into his Tho L ob Angeles Times nil of flacal 1968, Johnson molli- ern BeiH Mart for oN 1215^1 SILVER LANE— EAST HARTFORD cr’s wood-fed stove. Alxait one-half of the time the granted only 13 nifrdons and skin grafts have been suecessful your fresh merats where WASHINGTON Atty. den. Three thousand ' opcriitlonH three commutadKms. His last ills lx)dy has not rejiuded you'll save not only on a John N. Mitchell shortly will act of clemept^ was commuta­ "WHERE QUALITY ALWAYS ago, Johnny Ennis ran dov.'n a tliem. When the Implants fall, recommend that President Nlx- tion of the^/Sentence on June 22, rural Center road as fire ripped tile dfxdors try again. few special Hems but on | EXCEEDS THE PRICE!" through his clothes and burned issue about 100 executive “ ^y prisoner who was dy- “ You c!Ui’t lrx>k back on fail­ cril cuts of meett. . ing. off his skin. ure,’ ’ Ennis say. “ If you do, PLUMP, MEATY Today, the 28-year-oId Ennis you’d give U up.’’. ' fie official explanation Was .spoaks in a gentle voice devoid finl Mr. Johnson’s action was of self pity. His plca.sant face, “ the logical sequence” to the which bears no trace of .thq Ground BrokPn usually large number of clem­ scars that cover most of his ency actions ' he had taken body, rarely takes on a Irown For Cancer Center earlier. -SPECIALS- even when he tells of under­ BOSTON (A P ) Ground has going 3,000 operations; most of However, according to relia­ )x.-en broken for the $10 million them skin grafts, but about 27 THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY ble sources, the sharp dropoff Charles A. Duua Cancer Cen­ Involving bone surgery and reflected the former president’s AP Newsfeataraa ter, Incorpor.atlng the most ad­ more recently tissue impbints in Johnny Ennis sensitivity to press and congres­ By SYD KRONISH vanced facilities for eanrer re­ sional criticism of his liberal his legs. "chief co, Sen. John J. Williams (R-Del.l guarding against air attack — 'ter and dabbles in radio and The center, which will have e first sign of the thaw denounced in a Senate speech from the Japanese and Red Chi­ Joanna Shimkus seems destined for the stardom body swings back and forth like n. available to docU,rs ame Monday when Mr. Nixon the "spectacular increase” in na. To highlight their vigilance, she doesn’t particularly want. this because my hip joints are J h u a ' i c-mcer patients, wa.s commuted the sentence of Dr. pardons and commutations and the Chinese government (now fused ” ■' * weic so badly burned, ,they named in honor of the noted Thomas W. Matthew, a black accused the Johnson Adminis­ entrenched on Taiwan) ho,s ot>- Joanna Shiniku^ dould not support hts weight. In lawyer, Industriall.st and phllan- capitalism leader serving a six- tration of “ opening the prison served an annual Air Defense flftech years ago, the surviv- doctors replaced his de- throplst, Charles A. Dana, who month sentence for income tax doors.” Day with much fanfare and this al chances (or someone as badly slroyed kneecaps with plastic Is the founder of the Dana evasion. * Such criticism was made year marks the 30th anniver­ burned as Ennis were about ones. HLs hips were (used in Foundation Inc. of Greenwich, PORK zero. sary of the first such day. 1964, allowing him to .stand. Conn. This was the second time the when law and order was fast be- For months idler the acci­ To honor the 30th anniversary She Works at Life; Slowly he learned to walk unaid" ' president has granted executive coming the principal domestic dent, he remained in critical clemency since he took office issue. ' of its Air Defense Day, the R e­ ed. ^ condition. In the first 60 days, Today, if Ennis were to have nearly a year ago. In October any rate, after Mr. Nixon’s public of China issued a new 91 Career Secondary skin grrafts from post mortiyn a bad fall, his plastic chest Mr. Nixon commuted for rea- inauguration the backlog of stamp, reports the World Wide donors were applied in 13 opera- could puncture a lung. sons of severe illness the 24 - clemency recommendations Philatelic Agency. Depicted on LONDON (A P ) — Joanna an affair with a mysterious gyp-,,tions, and he received 26 pints Tile slightest bump can cause NEW SPAPER the stamp Is a missile firing up­ year sentence of John Garnett, that had accumulated were sent Shimkus seems to be the antith­ sy. And if this movie follows of blood in transfu-sions. infection. ward, with an alarm station and CARRIER an Alabama bank robber. back for further investigation. esis of the Hollywood myth. She the path to success she doesn't A fund drive to help pay his 'I only have one layer of .skin He has granted no pardons to The fact that Mr. Nixon had ea. radar tracking device In the is shy, honest and self-demean­ pursue, she may reach the star- expenses raised $12,000. LOINS offenders who have completed commuted only two sentences background. ing. dom she doesn't seek. But, she the first year, Ennis had 92 > Wanted their sentences, an action that and granted no pardons so far The stai^ is available at your And though she has that lean says, she’ll stay the same sim­ blood transfu.s1ons, and aver­ At Once would pave the way for them indicates his administration al­ local stan^ dealer or stamp de­ and hungry look—she's model ple folk no matter what. aged a skin graft once a week. Pine Pharmaey to regain voting rights and be- so was sensitive to the posslbil- partment. skinny— she has no driving “ Success won’t change me,” His chest was so badly burned It In Fountain Village come eligilble for certain licens- ity of a cleVnency grant back­ was necessary to implant a Cor. of Center ft Adams Large 22-oz. Average professional ambition. she says. “ I hope.” Manchester—649-9814 Apts, on West Middle (AP I^ototax) ed occupations. firing. First day cover collectors In­ “ I ’m not going to be a movie chest plate to keep his rib cage Tpke. Boy or girl over open so that his lungs would not Identity of those for whom The delay also stemmed from terested in finding out the value star,” she shrugged during a TRUCK TOTALS SOARED Rexoll Aspirin 12. CALL lb Mitchell is recommending par- death in August of T. Oscar of their various envelopes will collap.se. What a Way to Spend ight! break in filming "The Virgin CHICAGO — In the 1930-60 Per 100 Manchester dons and commutations could Smith, the career Justice De- 'EASTER STYLE," POLISH want to get the revised edition Gradually, doctors .straight­ and the Gypsy.” ” My life Is period, U.S. truck registration Police and firefighters set up oxygen pump yes­ vault s h o r^ before closing and will have to remain not be learned. partment pardon attorney re- of Elserman’s Handbook For ened his tortured, twisted legs. Evening HeraM / longer than my career. I work Increased 230 ^er cent, compar­ First Day Cover Collectors. Ennis, who occasionally visits M7-9948 terday to feed air into vault o f First National there u n ^ the time lock, set for 8 a.m. today open­ However, it was established sponsible for conducting inves- at that. That’s first. This is sec­ Within its 100 pages of text and ed with a 170 per cent rise In relatives at Center, shares an Bank of Boston in which manager Peter G. Loomis ed theydoors. A hole was cut in the door of vault, that the recommendations do leading up to pardon the gross national product. pictures are discussions of ev­ ond. apartment with a sister In Far- COMBO is locked. Loomis was accidentally locked in the undejreagle seal, so Loomis could breathe. not include commutation of the recommendations. But now the Justice D.epart- KIELBASA ery aspect of first day cover "There are no movie stars sentence of former teamsters any more ans^way, really. They ment is prepared to lift the lid collecting. The topics range union president James R. Hoffa. from the very basics of.-canceI- are popular for a while, a year CONTAINS 2 ROASTS AND CENTER CHOPS wxmpon which can be stored on with FOBS have prompted the on clemency. It had been reported last week administraUon is known lations development and variety or ^ so. Then they go down. I /fne ground. Soviet rocket forces to scrap the is Soviet Spy Satellites^ tha ^rsons claiming to repr^ executive clemency as to the complex specialities of "Expert Fitting!" One interpretation of the program. But it would appear sent Ho fa approached the ad- ^ j Reserving of- advanced collectors. What the 26-year-old Cana­ space log figures is that the So­ late in the day to do this. mimstration seeking freedom rehabilitate themselves, The handbook also contains o(- dlan-bom lovely wants ls the viets have finished their FOBS Similarly, the .mysterious .for him m retun for his cooper- -T h ^ e are a number of cases flclal Instructions for servicing : To settle down, have CASUAL Charge Cards Accepted! COLUMBIA LEAN Are on the Increai tests and are ready to deploy series of maneuvering Soviet ation with government author!- t^at we feel are really worth- first day covers and the U. S. children, live in the country. By GEORGE C. WILSON In the eight years frolh calen­ the weapon. David Packard, rocket tests decreased from Post Office Depsirtment form And acting? " It ’s all right. It’s MANCHESTER • 956 Main St. The Washington Post while,” said Lawrence Traylor, Ample Free Parking! dar 1962 through 190^ the arm­ deputy secretary of defense, cit­ five in 1968 to one in 1969. Just When Mr. Nixon took office, acting pardon attorn^, in an letter. A job,” she replies matter-of- WASHINGTON — The Soviet ed Soviet rate of Uumchings of ed the FOBS threat in arguing what the Soviets were up to is he discovered that Mr. Johnson interview. '* The American First Day factly. Union in 1969 launched a record observation satellites rose from for Senate approval of the Safe­ still being argued by American had a dramatic change of mind He stressed that “ a man usu- Ckiver Society recommends It to Yet, the movies have been number of observation satel­ five td 32. The/1969 high of 32 guard anti-ballistic missile de­ weapons specialists. all in the field. In fact, putx good to her and she may indeed lites which look down on the abolit executive clemency while ally has to be out (of prison) (or launches coi^ares with 29 in fense. One theory is that the Rus­ chases can be made directly become a star., despite all her United States and China from in the White House. three to five years before we 1968 and 2ySn 1967. Starting on Sept. 17, 1966, the sians are practicing with satel­ from the AFDCS (for $2.50), attitudes to the contrary. space. During his first four years in even consider a pardon.” LB. The lo n ^ r a sateUite stays Russians conducted a fast-paced lite killers, sending up a target 1837 West State, Alliance, (5hlo Come One! Also, some of the new Soviet office, the former president The backlog of clemency peti- ^ How many other starlets can up, iby fewer are needed FOBS flight test program, firing 44601. ^ eyes in the sky stayed up long­ staellite and then exploding an­ pardoned 1,097 ex-convicts — tions currently totals between list among their costafs some of th ro u ^ the year to provide fre- off 11 of the vehicles by the end other one near it. Evidence be­ more than former President 1,000 and 1,200. the movie world’s most roman­ er, their cameras presumably A beautiful set of stamps fea­ clicking away. Russia appears q u e ^ looks at what other na- of 1967. But the FOBS launch­ hind this theory includes pieces Dwight D. Eisenhower pardon­ tic male leads; Alain Delon, BACON LAND O' LAKES—MACHINE SLICED turing famous paintings has Come All! iiona are doing. ings dwindled to two in 1968 and of space vehicles detected by ed during his eight year tenure. Windyam around a few moth­ Jean-Paul Belmondo, Richard to be switching to a satellite just been Issued by Rumania. 'ive of the Soviet reconnais- only one in 1969. radar, indicating an explosion of Suddenly in mld-1967, without balls if it will be some time be­ Burton, ( “ Boom” ) Sidney Po- which stays up about 12 days in­ .Illustrated on the adhesives 'sance satellites were of the Possibly, technical problems fore it is used. stead of eight. some kind had taken place. explanation, executive clemen- are: Portrait of a Venetian Sen­ itler, ("The Lost man” ) FTanco To where the Bargains longer duration variety. Hie While both the United S t a ^ ator by Tintoretto, Sofia Kret- Nero. last one—Cosmos 313 — was and Russia keep much of tm ir American CHEESE zulescu by Tattarescu, Philip IV The new screen career for the are! Choose from- a military space prog^ram siKret, launched from the Soviet mili­ by Diego Velasquez, Portrait of 5-t°ot-7 beauty with alluring they do make public ^ d e r a tary space center at Plesetsk. A Man Reading by Hans Meml- green eyes b,egan when she met lb United Nations agreeplent the The previous ones were all from ing, Mme. d’Aguesseau by French film director Jean-Luc wide variety of styles, general characterist^ of their the experimental space center Vlgee-Lebnm, Portrait of a (3todard in Paris. She had been launches. at lyruatam. Woman by Rembrandt van Rijn. working as a photographer’s' An analysis these space 'Ihis switch to Plesetsk indi­ All of the originals are in the model, appearing on the cover colors and sizes at logs for 1969 shdws the upsurge cates to some Soviet space spe­ National MCiseum at Bucharest. of Europe's top fashion maga­ in reconnaUsance satellites cialists that Russia is through zines, since leaving a Montreal' and a decp^^e in such other old fashioned prices. experimenting with the 12-day Specialists in Great Britain convent. Soviet miHlary activities as the ARMOUR’S satellite and considers it opera­ may obtain "Collector’s Packs” French film audiences took to orbitaly^ace bomb and maneu­ tional. containing all the stamps Issued her with affection in her first All sizes available, but v e rin g satellites. FOBS — Fractional Orbital in 1969 (29 stamps in 8 sets). th the U.S, and Russia use movies, but It wasn't until' Bombardment System — is a For information write to the iir spy satellites to count mis­ “ Zita” that she was brought to not in every style! flat trajectory missile which General Post Office, Public Re­ siles and bombers op the ground the attention of American mov­ can go around the world the lations Department, 23 Howland and submarines and surface Street, London W1P-6HQ, Eng­ iegoers. In It, she appeared (p long way to the U.S., eluding ships being built in yards. Their land. the nude—"arty” nude, as they the American warning radars in say. BRAND SHOES for WOMEN cameras would help police any STAMPS Magazine reports FAMOUS Greenland. arms control agreement reach­ that devaluation of the French She contends that first (ime John S. Foster Jr., Pentagon ed at the Strategic Arams Uml- • LEAN SMOKED Franc has caused a rise in also was the last time she would' BOLOGNA research ■ chief, told the Senate tatlon Talks (SALT). prices for French stamps. Many appear au naturel for screen’s While the U.S. is considered, appropriations, committee this Frenchmen who are wary of sake. "Maybe ,a bare shoulder AIR STEP-€asual and ahead of the Soviets in recon­ year that the ^ -9 ICBM Is used their paper money feel- invest­ or back,” she said, noting she naissance satellites, the space to launch FOBS. He said the ment In stamps is an excellent tJoes liave a bedrbom love scene Dress Shoes ’■ Reg. to $23. NOW log indicates steady Riissian FOBS flight testa may be direct­ . . - j i Morrt (n •‘T’Ha ViroHri onH* DAISY HAMS hedge against further deterior- with Nero In,. “ The Virgin and progress in this field. ed toward perfecting an orbital ation of their currency. the Gypsy,” film version of a lb One stamp that French deal­ D.H. Lawrence book. “ But ers are seeking to buy Is the Le- that’s all. Nudity In films today LIFE STRIDE—Town and Conhtry Havre Exhibition stamp issued is too permissive. It’s mostly $109o.$i39o Gustafson's Shoe Store In 1929 by overprinting the reg­ just to sell a few extra tickets.” In “ The Virgin and the Gyp­ Dress Shoes - Reg. to $20. NOW Presents ular 2 franc. Its face value was BY THE PIECE 5 francs but was sold only , to sy,” set In the 1920s, she plays a those who attended the stamp clergyman’s daughter who has exhibition at LeHavre, mean­ MISS AMERICA - HUSH PUPPIES ing only 40,000 were sold. American catalogs are listing RANGE GROUND CHUCK this stamp for approximately MOXEES ^ TRAMPEZE ;y9Q_$Q 90 LB. $200. Retail price In Paris is $160. Sport Shoes & Flats - Reg. to $16. NOW the Mothk’s Ring (Pork Butts) To paraphrase, stamps can be FUEL OIL a man’s best friend. GASOLINE Wear it with pride . . . cherish it always. The two bands of 14 karat gold signify hus­ SANDLER - NINA $090 $10 Hove You Tried Our Extra Lean, He Plans Film Career 90 band and wife . . . in turn, the bands are joined together by the synthetic birthstone ROME (A P ) — Christian De <. Minutes Fresh" Sica. 19, has announced he plans BANTLY OIL Dress & Sports - Reg. to $20. NOW; v ' 1 A of the month fot each child in the family. THERE IS ONtY ONE "MOTHER’S RING." to follow his actor-director fath­ COMPANY INC e r Into the movie business. He m MAIN STRFM IT IS so distinctive, so unique, that is has been awarded U.S. Patent 186,183. Ask for' 7fL 64V JSVS PAHIES will appear In a screen version of the life of ancient Rome’s vi­ Rcci.v.iir HIS i;;i Don't Wait Be Here Early! it by name, confirm it by its identifying tag. Ground CHUCK cious emperor Caligula. The movie will be directed by And You Know What This Means— Roberto Rossellini. 5-U'- $ Rossellini and Christian’s SECOND DEATH Everything Goes! — No Holdouts! IF YOU DIDN'T RECtlVE A MOTHER'S RING FOR father, Vittorio, were the main Box artisans of Italy’s film renais­ Semi > Annual Shoes flegularly to $22.00 CHRISTMAS. WHY NOT COME IN AND BUY ONE FOR sance after World War II. AND Collins Sworn In YOURSELF. WASHINGTON (AP) — Astro­ T H ER E CLEARANCE QUICK 'N EASY naut Michael Collins was sworn t In TXiesday as :osslstant secre­ Now *8.90 tary of state (or public affairs. S H A LL BE V/fi Rescevo The Right To Lim it QuanttUM Welcoming the 39-year-old UJ • Child's • Misses’ USB YOUR CREDII^ spaceman to the team, Secre­ -i ! • -* \ r ., tary of State william P., Rogers remarked i NO M Ote ' v'j to *14.90 “ There is a need to have a • Teens’ • Boys’ very aggressive public ‘affairs • Air Step 9 Miss America bureau at the State Department DEATH . WESTERN • Fashion Craft a Civitas (Imports) to convey the message to the lb American people.” Orig. *12.00 to *14.50 Collins sold he thought his CHANNEL 30 new job was in many ways BOOTS $13j90 to $23il0 "m ore challenging than the trip to the moon.” . BEE Reg. to 980.00 YOU CAN BE SURE AT SHOOR’S Comparable to Round Ground THURSDAY SUITS WEIGH M POUNDS NOW >7.99 and >8.99 HOUSTON — The spaces,ults 917 MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER 6:30 A.M. OXFORDS—Strep styles end dressy Patent Leathers, mostly in girl sizes. Discontinued styles. Not ' / ' , SPECIAL for THURS, FRI. and SAT. American oBtronaUts wear for 81 TOLLAND TURNPIKE MANCHESTER GUSTAFSON'S STOM3 moon fUghits weigh 64 pounds all sizes in every styk, width and color. ChUdren’s 8|/z to 12, Misses’ 12'/j to 3,’ Teens’ 4»/i toll. OPEN THURS. TO f enich. They ore msde of a new 705 MAIN STREET — MANCHESTER WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUAMTniEI Open Tuea., Wed., Sat. tUl 0 — Tbara., P ri. tIU 0 WE ACCEPT FOOD BTAMra textile colled Beta cloth, which DON’T WAIT— BE HERE EARLY FOR BEST SELECTIONS! wUl not bum. SECOND DEATH

/ y . . A \ 'V ,, ( \ \ Nvr . -\ - .\ '\ "v V ''' ■■' '■ '-V '■■ \\ VV . \ ; , : . ■ , ■ . A ■ A . i ^ > A- ;■■ A',' "A - \ ' ' ■ . . . - \ ' U M a n c h e s t e r e v e n i n g h e r a l d , M a n c h e s t e r , c o n n ., W e d n e s d a y , J a n u a r y 7. i97o PAGE FIFTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY,' JANUARY -7, 1970 PAGE FOURTEEN -i- discovery Inst year bf Hiiveral ancient Umbers Is exfwcD^d in lots have reported sighting a Explorer^ Hope pieces of hand-tooled wood, be­ the summer of 1971. x shtp-llke shadow In the Ibo near Modern Mystery: Lady Podiatrist Says: lieved to be more than 4,(XX) ' Fernand NavArra, French ex­ the top of the treeles/i mountain. TV-Radio" Tonight To Defrost Paris years old, deep In a glacier at plorer who found the timbers In the 14,(XX) foot level on the a deep crevasse, .said he be­ Power -END INVENTORY Of Noah’s Ark mounkatn In northeast Turkey lieves they are frbm the original Auto Traffic Banned Shoes Seldom Cause Foot Ills near the Soviet border. ^ Nosh's Ark of biblical history. LEVERKUSEN, Germany — Television IX)8 ANGELES (AP) Ralph E. Crawford,, president Crawford said the timbers After banning automobile 'traf­ Slows Atomic By ARLKEN ABRAHAMS school, four years of podiatry 5:* (8> r « r r y Miiaoii m - 8(t^40) Newa — Weether A teiim of sctcntlata and explor­ of Search Foundation, Inc., have been dated at 4,(X)0 to 5,0iX) fic frr»m the dfxwntown shop­ AfUu>clato(l ProRH Writer college and then usually a ( 18) llennla thif Mantteit HpoHu end Fmilnrea (C) <8t) IMirovarlnff America t:S0 .i.ir iici* iiAWaw (C) Washington, D.C., told a news years old by methods which ping center, city fathers set up (St) Miinulere llPr H ers plans to melt a frozen lake year’s internship. In other coun­ (20-8M0) Virflnlee (C) conference the exp (H-40) Courtahip Kddle'e hopes of finding the remains of spring to study ways to melt the The prow of a ship was Seen operate In the central city. The By (lERALD LEACH for many women and children er ailments, especially diabetes, (18) Leave It to Beaver Father c l ZO (C) ( 18) Ten O'Cmck Report lock Holmes. practicing podiatrist for 26 volunteered the information that 6:05 (40) Rawhide 10:48 (8-40) T HlA6 . 11:00 (S-8-ZZ-S0-40) Newa — Weather The clock is on Cape Pear, years. “Mon was cruel to his "at least, for me podiatry is one 6:80 r. benjamin Au, Dr. Roberts advises a mother to When he was big, he was "But I think there is a re- BECAUSE: Complete conclude with customary poise: run llcemen sealed off the area very, very big: All of 60 feet sponslblllty to do something bet- observing pay attention to her child’s gait, person in your around the First Spanish United He’ s Retiring from Post tuned pictures... instantly •We believe we ore or tall. Tha* giant hairy paw that ter than that." Only Magnavox is sold with Cart anew phenomenon which does to note whether he toes-in home i Methodist Church No violence At New York Times worked on jacks and contrap- The search for honesty is not. have any obvious explana- out, and to pay particular atten- Sachar — Emergejice of the reported. Fabulous directly to just a few tion to warts. Ingrown nails. NEW YORK (AP) — Turner tlons and cranes (and scared good. "But there’s a kind of and automatically! carefully selected fine A Middle East Police broke the church door that ever-livin’ scream out of desperation In it. It’s harsh, This doesn’t mean that the calluses, and persistent foot Scott -T h e rhetoric of black g^^^ly after Catledge, vice president of the retailers in this community — Its first his blonde-wjgged love) was 8 rude, almost brutal. Seems to true explanaiUDn has to com e are warning signs of mcipi- power dawn. Three undersheriffs, ac- New York Times and Cosmetic stores such as ours who, executive editor. is retiring feet tall. me sensationalism has been NOW ONLY from astrology rather than ^ '^ "t foot problems and an mdlca- like Magnavox, are dedicated tronomy, but it does s u g g ^ tion that professional treatment " Wm.d“ w"ar-/"''‘"" Trtetd'^^hre^Sand ^-m his present post but will When he was small, he was substituted for feeling.” but it does a mere lO-inch rubberlsh toy. Emotion, she believes, is the that astronomers have yet an­ is necessary. Springall-C anvas embroidery continue as a director of the Color to serving you better! There Dr. Roberts recommends that £(hot against a background of real truth, are no "middleman" costs. other oddity t)o add to their al­ Weter - protesters, including some worn- company. miniature skyscrapers. And She reflects a bit. “The ready overstock^ shelves of until age 7 or 8 a child should Wood n — Home & building groups of four and five. - The retirement of the veteran Savings are passed on to you have a foot 9heckup once _9very Fay. never very big herself, was search for honesty is making mysteries. maintenance police did not enter the newsman, who will be 69 March in the form of higher quality, six months; after that, at least Woods — Treasury of content- . i7_ vvas announced Tuesday by a tiny wooden doll a few inches open wounds. Maybe that may once a year. be a necessaty kind of surgery. TODAY'S more features, finer Enjoy big-set performance and lasting reliability! N •An active member of the Po­ Fall of the house of The Young Lords, a group Arthur Ochs Sulzbe^er, Times Fay Wray, sUU “pretty as a To get rid of disease and make performance and lasting Mobile model 6222 will delight you with its vivid (]ar Ratio To Rise modeled after the Black panther president and publisher. diatry Society of the State of pearl button” anrfVelghlng only the patient really well ” reliability. Even without these color 14" (diagonal measure) pictures, highly BONN— Compared with the New York, Dr. Roberts was Woodward — Pocahontas P^rty, had seized the church Catledge joined the 'Hmes 3 pounds more than she weigh- gbe was, and Is, a self-de­ b ig g e s t dependable 3 I.F. Stage Bonded Circuitry chassis Wyatt-Brown _ Lewis Tappan offered breakfasts and 1929. He was chief Washington i i ed when King Kong dangled her scribed Pollyanna. She’s more special savings, each 12.6 million cars expected to ibe especially eager to point out and many other superb Magnavox features. Per­ registered in West Germany by that all podiatrists in the United anti Hieevana-elical aaainst health services to neighborhood correspondent from 1936 to 1941, , from his furry ^ u m b , met her than proud of today’s young, model offers you the greatest the end of 1969, there will bo States must have a medical de­ slavery children after church officliils left briefly to work for the Chl- co-star when firoducer Merian ••They’re terribly exclUng and PICTURE value and the finest fect in any room — kitchen, bedroom, den, or 19.1 million in 1980 and 20 mil­ gree. "Our scope of practice in­ Yarmolinsky -*5 Russian literary refused to house their pro- cago Sun and returned to the C. Tooper told her. You will imowledgeable and making tre- quality per dollar spent! office. Just one of many Magnavox values. lion in 1988. The number of cludes surgery, orthopedics, imagination grams. Times In 1943. He was appointed have the tallest, darkest leading mendous strides as human cars per 1,000 inhabitants will, foot health and foot care and Zea — Latin America & the State Supreme Court Justice managing editor In IMl and ex- man In Hollywood.” beings.” rise from 207 to 290 and 295. that necessitates undergraduate world Saul S. Stfeit signed arrest war- ecutive editor in 1964. It was not love at first sight She__ would____ like to see more (Miss Wray had visions of CTark pictures that "eleva Gable or Gary-Cooper running man spirit. Pictures around her pretty head). around the world.’ TAG is an exclusive Electronic itc/i But, though the King kept her Appeal not just to the teen- System that combines all the In his griip^ for years age market, but to the aged and functions mf three Magnavox in­ became the most victimized ageless.” Mommies! Daddies! Call your child artist to get the crayons! heroine In films, going from Which, of course'. King Kong Contemporary—model 6910 novations: Automatic Tint Con­ horror movie to horror movie and his lady love have, all these trol lets you select the most the Color until she finally escaped to B3ng- years. pleasing flesh tones—and keeps land) she eventually came to Just who was King Kong? them that way—on every chan­ love him, too. A scary monster? SAVE *50.00! nel, every time. Improved Auto­ No doubt aboutJt, King Kong A creature at Intelligible matic Chroma (Circuit gives more Is stlU alive to Fay Wray 37 rage? uniform color intensity; ho mat- years aider she screamed that A noble beast? NOW .5 0 tertJtow often you change chan­ Color Me! you want! awful scream and writhed in his A prehistoric lear? $ iron grip atop what looked like The great, growling put-on of nels. Instant Automatic Fine Color the Thom Me An early bird tor 102 stories up, but It was really all time? ONLY iW ing keeps all station signals just above the floor of the sound •phe Initton-protest, symbol, 448 locked-in for a perfectly-tuned a chance to win a ~ FREE R F " pair‘ of' shoes ‘ stage. "King Kong died for our sins?” |23-’* (diagonal measure) picture The lady went on to o*her one who knew pure lo v e- Why pay more for less? '—automatically. Other advanced pictu res, more than 100 before put ^led because he - was dlf- ■ You'll enjoy fabulous view in g with this outstanding features Ineude: Chromatone for MATHES 'she retired. But atUl the ferent? depth and rich beauty :‘.Quick-On “strange, wonderful UlvBlon” of Fay Wray doesn't know. “To Magnavox that also has ■ brilliant-color 295 sq. in. screen- King Kong has remaUied. different pmple, different pidtures and sound: plus Magna­ Early Amarlcan — model 6924; today's biggest—for life-like pictures Vi Chrom atone adds vox 8 I.F. Stage- Bonded Cir­ on swivel casters. Also In Mediterranean, She’s seen him again, though things,” she says, depth and dim ^sion to color; warmth to black and white Contemporary, French or Italian Provincial. »he waited until her son Robert cuitry Chassis for lasting relia­ _j Q uick-O n eliminates warm-up defay—gives instant pic­ WBs 7 before she let him watch efinr bility. him on television. And SATURDAY till 6 P.M. tlm o.” j , . \ Phone e49-5f«ft NEXT TO STOP and SHOP .// i.f%- ri SATURDAY 10-6 MANCHF

PAGE SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1970 Section Two WEDNESDAy, JANUARY 7, 1970 iJtanfI;]?0tn lE tljning 1|jfralb We d n e s d a y , JANUARY 7, 1970 Pages 17 to 32

Regional Culture Concept Pblliition, Recreation MHS Roof Problem Questioned as C-DAP Goal 11^ ONE W ORD... Hie controversy over region- The obJecUvos, he said, would Concern Town Youth Still Plaguing TBC \ allsm came up last night at a have to be much more specific meeting of the C-DAP task than the goals and subgoals, stopping the pollution of air and water in Manches­ It’s back to the drawing boards for Sumner B. Weiss, force on recreation and culture "We will have to be able to ter and developing a teen-controllpd youth center were West Hartford architect, following a long session last li\ the Municipal Building. Judge on a timescale If we've the main topics last night at an open forum attended night with the Town Building Committee on causes of // There was a larger attend- accomplished them," he said, by 20 young people. Imihediately after the discussion and solutions to the problem of the leaking high school \ once than this committee — One such specific objective several signed up to serve on ------roof. plagued in the past by attend- would be the cleanup of pollut- committees to investigate and recreation and stress- The committee Instructed him ready received a preliminary ance problems—has never had ed Union Pond, work on both projects. ©d the Importance that i* be run to-appear at Us Feb. 3 meeting estimate of $86,000 for equip- before. Unlike the list meeting, The acting chairman also The ©vent was held et the by young people. "You have to with a design for a workable nrtent, and between $8,000 and INCREDIBLE! when the room seemed too big passed around the results of a Senior CUlzens Center by Man- decide Is you want a coffee copper gravel stop that could |i6,ooo for plumbing. Four for the number of people in It, survey on recreation filled out Chester’s Youth Commission to house or a discotheque," he be adapted to the entire build- preparation rooms, he added, the group last night wo.s .“queez- by people at the Senior Citizens get ideas from residents under **®-*<^- Prwost ask-^ F ox^to Ing, a plan to pitch the roof ^yni probably have to be bid on ed into a small space around the Center, Chamber of Commerce, 2l years old for future commls- ^ co^lsslon me^ from the stops to drains, and a alternates. Fifty per cent of table of the basement confer- and Manchester, High School, Sion recommendations to the 'Thursday to preoen cost eHtImate; If and when jbe cost is state reimbursable. ...ANNUAL... ence room. Tliey had been tibulated for the winter mellows Into spring, the q^be committee approved the town Board of Directors. ideas. The issue of regionalism task force by the Town Recrea- "Unless we do' something The use of drugs is another committee will probably rip up installation of approximately 1 ,- a few feet of roof near the jQg yards of carpeting in came up when sonrie of those tlon. Department, about pollution it will take care Item town officials had asked present, not In attendance at A survey on culture had been stops to ascertain the condition ,5 Lincoln School rooms, and of us,” John Gracyalny of 421 the commission to look Into. Now Partner of Insulation after years of soak- 3 ^^ the last meeting, disagreed with mailed out to Various local cul- Heads Realtors Spring St. said, apparently ex- The chairman asked for sug- Ihe language of one of the com- tural groups, but Atty. Janenda presslhg the concern of many gestlons on ways to raise money The law firm of Bayer * nard rooms. Aram A. Kaz Co, ■ Robert D. mittee’s subgoals on culture, said, "To date we’ve had very Murdock of Uie attending the meeting. to support a proposed drug phelon today announced that For well over two hours, the- of Wethersfield submitted a The subgoals were drawn up by little response - on the cultural U&R Realty Co. Inc., B. Cen- ories and cures were bandied totgi bid of $18,402.70 for ^ A“ y- Domlnlp J. Squatrito has those at the Dec. 16 meeting. questionnaires.” ter St., was inataUed as presi- caj jevel and make our voices with the hospital. A summer about^conc^mlr^ the use Mohawk WTilpcord No. 2 or, The subgoal stlniulated dls- He attributed some of .the lack dent of the Manchester Board of he'aid, David Lardaon of 114 was .suggested for this, been admitted to the firm as a truded aluminum versus copper equi^gignt gtgtig arresting. cusslon largely because of the of respon.se to the fact that they ^ luncheon meeting Bolton St. said. "I live two "ybe need for information on partner and that the name of gravel stops, possible boles fireproof carpeting, part of it which read that the were mailed out late and during ^ »»___Kooks f r ^ Hilliard Pond, drugs was pointed oiJt ^ a the firm has been changed to the ***^t ^n addition to the pierce said the state would for should “ seek cooperative the busy holiday season when held today at the Mancherter The^vot^"*to clea^tt b'gb school student who said: Bayer, Phelon & Squatrito. ^!!h reimburse half the $14,000 Lin- approaches______. . . with . . . . neighbor- . . A r\4>rtrk1apeople \>rav*Awere occupied m i n i a t I «irl4Vtwith other fCountry V k i i n t m / mC3ub. i i H p ie 'o f years______ago___ *b ... ua t‘ haven’t*. . . '*"We W a hn\ro have trtto #4tYrf find 01\tout whA.twhat ’The $i*rAtwo other members of the Installation ~ a of ^ “a ers and coin cost but might not do so for ing communities in developing concerns. Murdock, a Mianchestcr na- yet.", drugs really do. The pamphlets firm are Atty. Philip Bairer ^ „„ Barnard carpeting, since the ex- vandalism as PLUS A DOLLAR cultural programs." Bliah suggested, too, that the be>en in the real estate "Manchester air doesn't smell Atty. Herbert A. Phelon Jr., ^ faulty design and/qr pendlture does not exceed $2,- Task force member Fred question concerning finances - is veare and has as good os it did,” Eric Slnna- ™ Mends toll us Is slanted both of Manchester. Atty, Squa- ^ 500. BUsh objected to this statement, where cultural groups get their business for 15 yeare ajvl has ^ ^ Bigelow St. choir- trito has been associated with ‘ " Because a portion of the re­ saying, “ I don’t like the money and If they have enough served as treasuner tor the ^ meeting, ^Id. Weiss, retained last year by the Board of Education to in- built Charter Oak St. athletic thought of tremendous region- —was a sensitive one with cul- Board for three years. tnvp«n Working to lower the voting age mission to the bar in February will be used for physical "THE MARVEL OF MAIN STREET" allsm and I don’t think It tural groups and may have turn- A graduaU of Manchester , to 18; learning more about 1966. fi*!® in Orto' education by Bennet,' the TBC should be stated as part of ed them away from filling the High School, he attended the tton and make recommendations government; Impro-vlng Atty. Squatrito was- gradual- h«r nroiviHPd three atens ’ at an °'*eye0iui asked ^ inducted tonight mto Phl He is first vice president of the . by Douglas Herce, business Mrs. Madeline McAwley, Lutz door to cooperation with other Kappa Phi, national honorary Omar Shrine Club of Mjanches- During the discussion on the ^ Atty. Squatrito is a member manager - .Junior Museum director, said towns?” society tor students in oil oca- ter and a member of Sphinx litter and brash In town a irirl "-^mes. 'Rve committees, of the Manchester Red Cross Bllsh responded that there Lei odLu a jiieuiLuci wi ,....11,* .a. a'i'L O Via HoiHaaixl nr* a ««a nrwt nrvf 1I«viI4a^ rrwmaam« *a j .« * • r. , . It requesieorequested more aeiiniLedefinite openings exist In a nuntoer of demlc fields. Temple Shrine of Hartford A W rested that everyone pick up „,gg,p„’ members but are onen details on specifications to con- GET A GET A had been quite a bit of objec- p^p^gp Z n b L J ^ m p r o ^ ^ J^k they see lylng^;;;^uJ;d An- -enYters but are ^ n the Board of Directors of the t w r i^ T s in the FranW^^ GET A GET A tion to growing regionalism in fj,g ^^p jq oer cent of the dlass. nma v,* n RJt« other suggested they put out anyone who lives in Man- United Fund of Manchester and Building and two in the Wednesday through Saturday . n H P®*’ <=ent of the ctess, OBS, he is atoo a Scotttah Rite other suggeried they put out Chester who is und^ 21 v e ^ s building and two In HERE’S HOW the town. He will be 1n’t.Pto1 o’clock in Mason. "tofe trash containers. Democratic Town Commit- BamarS Buildins of 8 lore traah containers. rid He toriW a M . ^ ^ °f Bennet ^ pie a letter published in the the Student Union ballroom. SPORTCOAT SWEATER Several albtendli^ the meeting tht opm**toi^^ b T ^ e ^ t o ^ ^ School to science TO P C O A T SUIT and See, and Yoiuig Dis- Jan. 5 eritton^of The H e ^ d Mancheeter undergraduates ,„ „ * » * * wife, the tor- expressed concert! on the lack commission meeting Thursday, "“a ““'y laboratories. Specifically,^ the sr of Man- of recreri'ion faciUtiee tor y o u n g ______’ ‘ hey have one son, Sandro committee wants more coverers, all on Saturday. IT WORKS FOR *1.00 FOR *1.00 force regionalism on Manches com­ Grades 3-6, art on 'Wednes­ FOR *1.00 FOR *1.00 roll, 407 Summit St.; Harry J. tour chli- people. They discussed at length Nicola, Chester, and their plete drawings for cabinets and day, Thursday, Friday and From a select group of topcoats From a select group of famous From a select group of famous From a select group of famous Norton,lYL/i’Luii, 394 ouJiuuiLSummi't 07..; ; .jonnJohn o.S. , ______fh* the possibility of establishing a Latin Projects Aided plumbing. BUY ONE ITEM AT brand sweaters. Buy one at ” I would hate to see this phmips. 18 Lenox St.; and Eu- S Saturday; Experiments in or car coats. Buy one at regular brand suits. Buy one at regular brand sportcoats. Buy one at committee picked apart by peo- gg„g Twaronite, 70 Otte St. United Methodist Omreh of Bol center for young peopte at the tematlonal Executive Corps Pierce said the drawings Science' Thursdav- Rocks and regular price, get another (in price, get another (in the same price, get another (in the same REGULAR PRICE, GET regular price, get another (in pie like those who wrote that Area town students; ton. former Nike site hhait the towm NEW YORK — More than 400 since its establishment in Jan- shown last night were made by Mineral’s Junior Explorers Fun price class or lower) for just the same price class or lower) the same price class or lower) letter,” he said. "This commit- Andover: WllUam M. Neu- Other ottlcere installed were: negotiating to purchane. projects in fields as diversified uary 1965. The lEC is an or- one company, but he had been with a Microscope, and! Arimal price class or lower) for just Nonman S Hohenthal. flret vice Those speaking on the subject ^ lumber ex^rt, shoe manu- ganizatlon of retired U.S. er- assured they could be bid on by Adaptations, all on Saturday, $1.00. $1.00. ANOTHER FOR JUST $1.00 for just $1.00. for just $1.00. tee is going to be picked apart mann Jr., 50 Lakeside Dr. if it smacks of anything associ- Briton: Anthony P. Sobri HI, oresldenf Waxren E. Howland, wanted the center run by the cattle improvement eouUves who lend their talents four suppliers. He reported $48,- Further ' information about ated with regionalism and it’s r f u j. L;ond vice president: Miss young people but differed on lo- and bakeries have been carried to struggling enterprises 000 in this year’s budget for the these classes may be obtained already started.” Columbia: Miss Nicole Al- LUl’an G Grart secretary; and cations. Some felt the center out in Latin America by the In- abroad. science facilities. He has al- by calling the museum. OR IF YOU PREFER: INSTEAD OF A SECOND SUIT— TAKE A TOPCOAT IN THE SAME PRICE CLASS OR LOWER FOR JUST «1.00 Traveler’s Research aide, H. banese, Hennequia Rd. Mm‘. AUce Clanipet, trtsasmor. ------— so that residents wouldn’t com- Kenneth Gayer said, "Manches­ Coventry; Miss Sharry Lee- Directors installed were Wil- ter already - haS communlty-to- hoff, Lake R d.; David A.' Storrs 11am E. BeWiore, Louis Dimook, plaln about noise and some felt communUy Inter-library loan ^nd Donald E. Storra, RFD 4. George A. Meyer, CSiarles J. it should be located centrally so that it would be easier to J ; systems. Nobody cares andRockvlUe: Miss Gloria A. Morrison. Herbert J. McKinney, , ^ ^ a, __ everybody benefits, and I have Proctor, Snlpslc'Lake Rd. Russell G. Phllbrlck, and Alfred Eot to. Many said the y o u ^ MARLOW’S FURNITURE ANU APPLIANCE UEPT. ANNUAL CASH & CARRY...... ALL SALES FINAL ..... the same thing in mind for cul- Tolland: MSbb Faith E. P. Werbner. ** work In- 1 ture and other benefits.” Chorches, Oder Mill Rd. Richard Schwolsky, president- SALE APPLIES TO SELECTED GROUPS IN EACH CATEGORY AND NOT EVERY ITEM IN OUR STOCI^. NATURALLY BECAUSE OF THESE GIVE-AWAY PRICES. Atty., Janenda then suggested Vernon: Miss Brenda J. Bam- elect of the Oonneotlout Associa- During the dtacusalon on a THERE WILL BE A SLIGHT CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS ON SALE MECHANDISE! that they move on to something brough, 76 Meadow Lark R d.; Uon of Real Estate Boards, pre- recreation area the chairman else and return to this Issue Mrs, Ann Lee Dickens, 137 sided at the instaUatlon. The asked Rictlanl provost awistant I later. He said that none of the Irene Dr.; and Miss Karen S. Rev. Hugh A. OilHs, pastor of coordinator of youth servtees of sub-goals was definite and any Kloter, 832 Hartfoid Tpke. the United Methodist Church of Manchester to put that subject could be reworded or discard- -nie initiation address, “ A Bolton gave the Invocation. on the agenda of the regulax Januai^elearaiiee sale A ed at a later date. Soclologloai Tour of the Philip- committee for the instal- commlBslon meeting to be held I Atty. Janenda suggested that pines,” will be delivered by the ia,tion meeting included Miss Tiiursday at 7 p.m. in the Mu- SPECTACULAR SAVINGS ALSO ON THESE ITEMS! they get on to the discussion of Riev. Francis C. Madigan, mUan G. Grant, chairman, nlcipal Building, objectives, and said, in the UConn visiting professor of so- Mrs. Nancy B. Dlmock, and Charles Fox of 66 Thomas Dr. FAMOUS future, “ We may have to create ciology and authority on Flli- Zinsser. suggested getting a temponory I SELECT GROUP the subgoal to fit the objective.” ptno culture. SAVE 10 % -20 % and MORE! ■ MAKE MEN’S SUITS 'tlS? NEK'S SrOKTCOATS FAMOUS MAKE MEN'S SHOES for 1 ------^---- — i------— ------— *.7------Buy one pair at regfular price, get another for only |1.00. reg. $ 150.... reg. $80. SALE * 64. COMEDME IN — BROWSE AROUNDAROUMD _ — COMPAQECOMPARE AIIDOUR HMH FINE A QUALITY llA i ITV BiWhimiBBFURNITURE ANDAsm I SALE *120. SELECT GROUP l / k l l T C U I D T C O 1 APPLIANCES AT MG $ SAVINGS! HERE'S JUST A FEW OF OUR OUTSTANDING SALE \FAMOUSMAKE IV n i I ^niKIO A for I SEMI-ANNUAL reg. $145..... SALE *116. reg.'“■$75...... SALE * 60. Long sleeve,' prions, wools, ban-ions, moc turtles, turtlenecks, placket collars. Buy one a/t regular price, get another for HOUSE SPECIALS ON OFF-THE-SHELF,. OFF-THE-FLO OR, ONE-OF-A-KIND BARGAINS! only fl.OO. 94S M A IN ST. I reg. $135...... reg. $65...... SALE * 42. SELECT GROUP LIATC DOWNTOWN SAVE ON BABY FURNITURE ITEMS! SALE *108. FAMOUS MAKE f l M 1 9 SELECT GROUP All the latest styles and colors. Buy one at regular price, get another for oniy $1.00. MANCHESTER Thayer Ftdding “ Peter-Pan" Deluxe Thayer White Crib I Thayer, Beg. $13.08 reg. $130.-....'..... wlto Innerapring SALE *104. MEN’S SLACKS SELECT GROUP D A I A k J A C O 1 HIGH CHAIR Dressing Tables FAMOUS MAKE r A J M I V | A 9 A for I SHOE SALE! BABY JUMPER MAHRESS reg. $125...... Solids, checks, assorted i>attems, some permanent press. Buy one at regular price, got another for only $1.00. B eg. $19AS Beg. $32.50 SALE *100. reg. $25...... SALE *19^ I lALE B eg. $47JM> I r G R O U P 1 SALE « 1 U 8 SALG SALE «11.96 SALE m s e reg. $ 120...... SALE * 96. reg. $ 19 to $20 SALE *16^ SELECT m a k e DRESS SHIRTS 3 >or *14.50 Regular collar, buttondown collar, button cuff, French cuff. Permanent press, long sleeve: Reg. to $7.50 each. 6-Pleoe Maide I Women's Shoes S-Pieoe hiodem Doalnh 2-Piece Modem Living 29% O FF re’gr' $ 1 15...... SALE * 92. reg. $ 16 to $ 18 SALE *14-“ Boom on all unflniahed DINETTE SET SELECT GROUP^g m a k e BEDROOM DRESS SHIRTS 2 *14.50 # Miss Wonderful SOFA & CHAIR Chests I Permanent press, regular collu, imported fabrics, button cuff, French cuff. Long sleeve. Reg. to $12.00 each. Extension Table with reg. $110...... SALE * 88. reg. $ 12 to $ 15 SALE*ia“ B eg. $200JM / # American GM Beg. $269.86 4 Mate’s Chairs a SELECT GROUP C D ^ D T CUIBTC of Drawers FAMOUS MAKE 9 r V i / K I 9 r l l K I 9 3 *14.50 # Granpini SALE 9109. j * Choose from seveml SALE 9109.50 I Permanent press, regular collar, buttondown collar. Long sleeve. Reg. to $8.60. SALE «199 95 sizes # Pondcssa” BOYS' SPORTCOATS and BLAZERS SELECT GROUP AJCAI'C X I E C tzlS — 1M% Save on Samsonite I FAMOUS MAKE IV IC rl9 I IE 9 V2 PRICE 29% OFF 19% OFF SINGLE AND DOUBLE BREASTED MODELS. C A I E Large assortment stripes, clubs, etc. NYLON RUGS Tables & Chairs our regular discount REGULAR TO $25. ' 0 ^ 1 9 * 0 0 SELECT GROUP ^ J E A I 'C C ^ W Over 60 Pair In This Group! wltli built-in cuKhlon ANY LAMP Reg. $12.46 Sale $8.96 Hednrom Baby FAMOUS MAKE l¥lCn 9 9W A B eg. $M.8S stretch sox fits sizes lOH to 13. 3 J *3.00. BOYS' LONG and SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS ‘A Biock, Brown, Colors; AN Sixes Included, on our flooro! Reg. $16.96 Sale1$11.96 Carriages and I SALE 944. Big SelecUon! SIZES 14 AND 16 ONLY. BUY ONE AT REGULAR PRICE But Not Every Style. Values to $13.00. Chairs' to Mateh $6.99 Strollers GET ANOTHER FOR ONLY $1.00 ...... n.oo ^^LL MEN'S WOOL SHIRTS 20% off Twin BIm Metal Style Drop Back Long sleeve, cussorted patterns, solids. Regular-collars, buttondown collars. Sale Priced! ' Big Selection of I BhieBell Kitchen Sets SOFA BEDS and DESKS STUDIO COUCHES - ALL MEN'S GLOVES - 20% off Bedding 3 pieces AU FinlBbM Sale $39.60 SALE $89.50 and I Sizes 8 to lOH- G R O U P 2 G R O U P 3 Beg. SS9.M L 5 pieces Sale $69.96 BOYS' SWEATERS \ SALE *3450 va. 10% OFF 7 pieces ' Sale $89.60 $99.50 7 KNIT TURTLENECKS and MOCS. 2 for f«S.OO our regular low prices! Values to $130.60 Values to $U9J8 BUY ONE AT REGULAR PRICE, GET ANOTHER FOR ONLY $1.00 for 1 ALL MEN'S ROBES 20% off Women's Loafers Women's Shoes I ( Full length cottons, rayons, wools. Sizes S-M-L-XL. SALE PRICED Discontinued styles includ­ Selected from^ our better Toluvfsion — Rodlos — Sturcos — Phon os — Vacuum Cloonors — Popular Moku* ing Penny Loafers, Tassel, lines. Smart fall styles re- :il Shawls, other novelties. pric«l to clear. Blacks, 9 0 Color Motorola 28" Portable 12" SAVE B-i-0 Eureka Caniater Vao Gordo and browns. Sizes 5 browjis, colors. All sizes, 5 TV H9.88 to 10. Plenty of narrow (QuaHU* Oonaolo) SALE to 10. on all 929.88 widths. Broken sizes. Beg. $906 SALE MOeJiO $109.88 I OPEN MASTER CHARGE, RADIOS and Eureka Uprite Vao VALUES TO 7.99 VALUES T017.00— NOW REDUCED! BOA 23” Pecan ConMile Portable 18’ TV $119.88 “ “ •44.00 THURSDAY HARTFORD NATIONAL Beg. $006 SALE $400.60 Tape Recorders! I Short of Cosh? Just soy 'Chorq* It!' G R O U P 4 G R O U P 5 & FRIDAY CHARGE & CHECKS . t . FURNITURE I Men's Dress^Shoes Children's Shoes DEPARTMENT I Until 9:00 P. M. "THE MARVEL OF MAIN STREET" ACCEPTED AS Assortment includes: Black and brown oxfords, Cordo Great values! Leather - loafers. Sizes 7-to 12. Brok­ school and dress styles. 88 Downtown Main Street, Manchester # 649-5221 • "Service You Con Depend Onl en sizes. Sizes: Small to large 4, I SA'njRDAY Hll 5:30 901-907 MAIN STREET But not in every style. • WE'RE OPEN 6 DAYS THURSDAY NIGHTS TILL 9:00! CASH! VALUES TO 14.00 3 MANCHESTER Regulariy Priced to 7.99 Terns of SoSe Items: 30 Days Cash Chorge Cards — Dank Terms ■ J-A E J

' " " f ^ MirAV” [ *• ffriir 1i' ■ ' ' ' ■ ^ A ■ \ X MANCHESTER Nv ENTNG HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.'. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1970 PAGE \ NINETEEN >AGE EIGHTEEN IMANCIIESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. ('ONN„ WEDNESDAY. .TANUARY 7. liI70 fled he was the fifat to investi­ She Treats Her Fashions HEALTH CAPSULES® Black'Panthers Walk Out^ gate the raid, and'he said 8gt. Curtain of Secrecy Dropped Giant Sheep hv Mh-linrl A. IVllI, M.ll. Dan Qroth, who led the police who took part in the raid, told Like Precious Paintings what I« -THE-LeAPlUi# i^AU^E OF Remain Mute at Inquest him " I and my men were met On Cuba to U.S. Airlift Poses Puzzle PEATh IH -rHE U.«A. by gunfire and gunfire en- MIAMI ?AP) — The U.8 . gov- airlift, By MARGARET ORIMMINB "W e came up -with a panne CinOAGO (A P ) TTvree Martln»fl. aert>or, a specially sued." ana n The Waflhlnglon Pont velvet nightdresa, the (exlest Black Panther party members named deputy corner conduct Panther spokesmen have said emment has dropped a curtain Mexican governmeilt and fl- For Experts 8 ^ nanced by U.8 . taxpayers, lands I, I lAAi.AAt ts.aa Ing.the Inquest, told the wit- the police opened fire without of secrecy on the alrHft , By CHARLES HILUNOER USOA day reiusing lo answer ques ^laln silent after they refused to and Clark repatriates The Los Angelen Times S o , • gon In Decemiber, 1966. members of their families waMc no-Arf ______i. ™ pmj fingernail In the direction tlons on the shooting deaths of give their addresses or occupu- BULLHEAD CITY, Ariz. — CHOICE aged -women," aaya Greek two Illinois party leaders In a tlons. Arrivals on the latest airlift across the International bridge What would a rare giant sheep Street beuUquc owner Thea . , , , police raid. Gerber, a 62-year-oUl altor- 'rhri:e Charged in Theft J^e U.a-Mexico border Brownsville, Tex. After proc Porter, who tlrrtes off her o L , ^ Harold Bell, 23, of Rockford, of Tibeit be doing In a small asked Montgomery If the Of Police. WeaponM —-Nov. - 26 brought the total num- *>y u.a. authorlUes, they middle age with a mod, yet soft de­ and Ix)Uls Truelock, 39 and Ron- „ther four Panthers would re- cave hidden on the slopes ol a defiance, aa if she’ai forever STRATP’ORD (A P ) — Three ber of Ameri, aid Satchel, 19, both of Chicago, fuse to testify. Montgomery said ns repatriated to ^ Immigration Service mile-high barren mountain In clench a fading pink rose be- designs an enUre men have been arrested on a were advised by their lavryers he woiild ask the four and re­ an estimatca 750. Nearly as Brownsville reported that tween her teeth. collection with one person In variety of ehtirges In conncc- a remote stretch of Nevada de­ to give only their names to the port back. many are reported still waiting since monthly repatriation “ Thank God, we don't grot any i* m i-k. special six-man coroner’s jury. theft of wc.iiix>ns X T-...ko~ sert? BONELESS FRESH LEAN w f G IV I fflgOlJARy HEART Pl^EAiE WAV planes began arriving at Mata- one middle We d and atodgy The three...... were „... among _ nine___ witness. ,^*1 month from the state ptt- 1° o 'p »> a . OUT IM FROHT. You OAN Po /MUfM Matthew Smith, state depart- mores in December 1967, a total It is a mystery that has puz-* TRIPLE S BLUE STAMPS People have to make their wYy ^ Panthers who were ,ln a West Satchel, refused to answer ques- n,,g training academy at Beth- down here ’’ creama that are oo good with 12> Thi^ By a low lion on hlH statements to the m.-nt coordinator of Cuban af- of 806 U.S. citizens and 1,032 Cu- zied animal experts for a dozen AMIMAL fat piet: Side apartment when it was press after the raid despite Ger- Arrested were PYederick Tou fairs here, declined Tuesday to ban family members had years. <- GroiMl Chuck 7 9 Making their way down to Ha.ilh C.siul.t .iv.t halpful inform.tion. raided Dec. 4 by state’s attor­ Chick Hllel Thea Porter’s In London’* " It it n«l int.nUad to b* of. diognoitic notuf o. ney's..., A .police...... searching...... for...... Illegal. J;''® P*"- 28, of Bridgeport, Allen O give any fprther official Infor- reached there aboard, a total of Oran C. Buck, 59, retired scruffy Soho district are ac- montlona something, weapons. FYed Hampton, 21, II- "®^y' J^rrnlt Coleman. Satchel, jtu,.r^ I, and Jom^ph Guerin mation on the airlift. 24 flights. sporting goods store operator BONELESS 2 EXTRA LEAN tresses Flaye Dunaway, Romy manufacturing it. The linols Panther chairman, and wounded In t ^ leg during the t,oth of Stratford. "It Is not a matter for the During the first year, repatri- in this desert hamlet, owns the Bornian May Take Schneider, Britt Eklund- Mrs problem Is getting fac- Mark Clark, 22, a downstate ’®? limping -from .j.^^ ..purged Tues public to know,” said Smith, atlon airnits had landed In New skull and horns oi the Tibetan leader of the party, were shot to ‘ *’® ®°“ rtroom by Coleman Marco Polo ram. Paul Newman; singer Joan Col- England and Wales) (ioldwater Si^al in ’74 day with breaking and enter- "Any information about this Orleans via Merida, Mexico. Uns; pop personality Baby Jane eocon^ric designs. death In the raid. Gerber was named by Coro- ing, larceny, possc.-slon of stolen might affect our negotiations Tlie first group arrived Dec. 20, The horns — bigger than those ShDilder Steak PHOENIX, Ariz. (A P ) — As­ GnundRnind . Holzer; Mrs. David K. E. Customers can buy vefjts and The seven survivors have o' Andrew J. Toman to con- goods, pOBsession of dangerous and thus hurt Americans still In 1966. o< any sheep record in North QUARTERED PORK LOIN SLICED Bruce, wife of the former am- dresses off the rack for as Ut- tronaut Frank Borman says he been charged with attempted duct the Inquest. The Chicago weapons !ind conspiracy. Cuba.” If repatriated Americans are America — have been studied by SWIFT'S PREMIUM may run in 1974 for the ,U.S. CENTER AND bassador to ithe Court of St. choose their own murder and other crimes. Pan- Bar Association and others had Each w j l s held on $5,000 bond Even the number of Ameri- without funds - and the Ciiban authorities throughout the na­ fabrics for custom-made de- Senate seat now held by Repub- ther attorneys barred their asked Toman to a p ^ n t a depu- |n the theft of weapons that ^ans repatriated to date was government doesn’t let them tion, Including scientists from END CUT CHOPS lican Barry Goldwater. PCatzenbach, wife of the former “lUTW which cost up to $500. clients from testifying at the in- ty not connected with the elect- included four submachine guns, secret. Last July the State take out cash—the U.S. govenv- the Smithsonian Institute’s di­ SHced Heel Liver Perk Chops underM secreitary ' of ------state;------and Bendel’s , in New York ^ carries 'November quest-the first open investlga- ed county g o y e ^ e n t to con- 29 handguns, three shotguns and Department reported that 916 ment lends them money to get vision of (mammals. Mrs. William Raley, wife of the *>nae of Thea Porter’s designs he probably would not seek re-e- tion of raid—because, they said duct the Investigation. ^ carbine. Americans had ^ e n reoatrlated started In this country No one has come up with the SHOULDER SWIFT’ S PREMIUM FRONGREENUND CAc CBS board chairman. and major magazines here and lection and that he would like to ^ would violate their First A coroner’s jury determines The weapons were recovered . .y, 9^ Cuban Most of the Amerlcani arrlv- slightest clue about how the Fillet or T urbot ,b Mlss Porter just finished a J^ve lauded them in see Borman succeed him^ Gold- Amendment rights to a single the medical cause of death and Dec. 16. members of t ^ lr families. Ing are of Cuban descent. Many I horns — or animal — wound up LONDON BROIL Sliced Bacon ; ; : 8 9 ' long, many-layered gypsy skirt Ph=turo layouts. water’s term expires in 1974. trial. whether It appears there has ------memoera 01 meir lami The department reported at cannot speak English. Borne, in the cave on Dead Moimtain. MOGEN DAVID NEPCO CORNED SUCED A A < for the new Begum Aga Khan “ "® K®^ '^® E®elhig that Borman, commander of the James D. Montgomery, repre- been a crime. KINO ON THRONE SINCE ’21 OR $J29 “ * the time that about 800 U.S. cltl- however, are native-born Amer- Is it possible, some experts BEEF BRISKET lb. 9 9 c HALIBUT STEAKS . 9 9 ' and did three dresses for the Miss Porter still might be a Apollo 8 flight, said Tuesday sentlng Bell and Truelock, said Besides the three Panthers, 11 MBABANE, have wondered, that the horns Midget Bologna $al” mi b J«laetters' Dec. 5 Oriental Ball bit more comfortable behind her there was a chance he would he did not want the'men put “ In of the U policemen who took King Sobhuza n of Swaziland, zens hUU wanted to leave Cuba, cans who went to Cuba ong TRUNZ have lain in the cave for cen­ lONElESS COLONL4L In Parts, which cost Baron e a s e l — If fashion whimsy seek a public office in 1972 “ but ,a position of ridicule and con- part In the raid were at the In- in southern Afrtca, has reigned IL said also that about 20 U.S. ago and were unwilling to leave turies? Is it possible that the All Meat Franks . 7 9 ' Polish Kielbasi WITH THIS COUPON AND Alexis De Rede something like weren't so “ in“ these days — right now I don't think so.“ tempt and forced to sit mute“ quest. since 1921 — longer than any citizens were In Cuban prisons, without their Cuban families, Ovis Poli, or giant sheep of RUMP ROAST PURCHASE OF $5.00 OR MORE a million dollars. Its lavishnesa ^ ®**® excuses herself to talk Wirephbtd NYIO under continued questioning. Detective Elwood Egan testl- other living monarch. Every month a flight of the zr753aes Jan. 7 Tibet, better known as the was defined as pre-gulUotlne” " ’ith a 40ish customer in (Except items re{ulaled by law) Marco Polo, existed in North ^ SAVE UP TO 10% ON LARGE O IBS LEAN-TASTY ^ by British designer Hardie pantsuit. America in prehistoric times ? COUPON GOOD THRU SAT., JAN. 10th Amies. Mias Porter stands back end LIAAIT ONE C O U P O N PER CUSTOMER And why only the horns and Miss Porter’s customers on v I o w b fabrics as if they are skull and no other skeletal re- ^ Smoked Pork Bulls Greek Street dodge delivery precious paintings, mumbles ihalns? men in smeared, once-white something about getting her aprons, strippers out for ^esul- trinkets and all those -invoices, "One theory on that,” said Beef Flanken Ribs “75* WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF Buck, "is the animal may have Four lOVx-ox. Cans Beef Chick. tory cigarettes, old men debts, credits, reqidsiticnB, been butchered and eaten by Mush./Giblets on shaky bicycles and mangy receipts and orders organized early Indians who for some rea­ dogs of confused breeds. some time. FRANCO-AMERICAN Her neighbors on London’s She whispers, "St's really son saved the skull and horns. LiiffinNBrst°".°^^ "59* EXT RA BLUE Maybe keeping the trophy as a GRAVY West aide are strip joints like quite beautiful," instead of a souvenir, the way hunters do The Bedroom across the street; usual shopism "Hcney, It’s today. COUPON GOOD THRU SAT..' dark stone pubs; turkins, Arab made for you.” JAN. 10th. "That theory ties in with the HiLLM ANN’S GRAND UNION SOLID and (Chinese restaurants. No one And then she starts digging (migration of man from Siberia : j LIM IT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOM ER ; bothers much with things like for that cash register again, to Alaska and down the North fn f sweeping the street of straws,. —— 1-.. American mainland over the WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF bottles, or turning down their bridge that today is the Aleu­ radios, or washing their win­ T w o 12>oz. Jars Your Choice dows. Tale Killings: tian Islands.” Red Rasp., Cherry or Seedless Buck came by the horns Blackberry It says Thea Porter’s Decora­ tions, Ltd., on the 'window, but Judge Orders through friendship with a pros­ EXT RA BLUE SMUCKERS pector in 1957. MsmonnaiSG i Grade A Butter there’s nothing limited about the Delay in Trial The prospector found the cave PRESERVES Interior. It looks like an old by accident. Impressed with the E m m painting of an opium den, ex- LOS ANGELES (AP) — A Su- COUPON GOOD THRU SAT., JAN. lOlh. size of the horns he brought cept there’s no OTe blowing period Court judge says that them to Bullhead City. i'UMIT; ONE COUPO n ' p ER CUSTOMER i opium smoke r l ^ on the because there are so lounge or between the mounds ^ Dead Mountain is in the mountain range rimming the WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF of Far Eastern trial of those accused in the kJll- western shores of the Colorado Ings lest August of actress Sha- One Gallon River at the southern tip of Ne­ Miss Porter s back r o ^ some- others will be vada. MIRACLE WHITE where, but Itdelayed indefinitely, 'Kiere are no roads within' ing 'under a basket oi her old . j miles of the'cave. De(ad Moun­ EXT RA BLUE SUPER CLEANER from the '30s or under ^ tain is one of the hottest, drlesit, bolts a fabrics printed with 14th lonelieat spots in America. Des­ COUPON GOOD THRU SAT., century Arab hieroglyphics or ^®P- ®' ^*'*!^*n ert bighorn sheep roam the E m m JAN. 10th. ISth century Hungarian or ITth «®®"® disclosed Tuesday he will century J ^ e s e designs. Postponements. range. The prospector thought LIMIT: ONt COUPON PIB CUSTOMtII _____ the horns were just an unusual­ 1he(re are turbans hanging on The court’s announcement ly large seit from these sheep. nwty nails, Far Eastern screens, came m pregnant, blonde Linda In Bullhead City, he gave the WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF Indian pots French vases. Moor- Kasabian, 20, entered a plea of skull and horns to Buck. One pkg. Shampoo Formula ish tUes 'Persian belts and Innocent to murder-conspiracy "He gave them to me saying scarves. ’ charges. he had nowhere to keep them,” MISS CLAIROL Sometime model and clerk and Also in court was defendant related Buck. "So, I hung them EXTRA BLUE HAIR COLORING aeamstress Emma Chetwode Leslt® Louise Van Houten, 19. in the store. TTiey sort of ambles aioimd barefoot rtitch- Th® court granted her request dressed up the place." ing in and out on a green vel- that she be examined by a psy- COUPON GOOD THRU SAT., ■vS gown chiatrist and that a private In- Years passed; One day Dick STAMPS JAN. TOth. Seneker, a Nevada State fish MtanPorter, who Is half vestigutor be named to assist in ~own as Hanson’s “ family;” red Upetlck stains thicker on her ______• tacted the Smithsonian In­ White Bread 3 facial lissaesB stitute, then shipped the horns Galouse cigarette. back to Washington for study. "Secrets ^ Impossible to » M o d e l T ” H u m s O n keep, but Who really cares, ex­ The Smithsonian confirrped GRANDxaiAiinv UNIONuniwn . cept the insecure who can’t keep h a NFORD, Wash.—The Han- that the horns and skull were DEAL LABEL CHICKEN OF THE SEA those of a Marco Polo ram coming up with somiething." ford test reactor, which started found only in 'Tibet. FRENCH FRIES . 4 X" Miss Porter’s idea of a operating In February 1944, Is How did they get into that GRAND UNION m, theater suit, similar to one the world’s oldest operating bought by Faye Dunaway, has nuclear reactor. Though con cave in Nevada? Chunk White Tuna LHtLK & LUMKAKt HllsInnHHr SLICED CARROTS 2 x 2 9 " a velvet Elizabethan mutton - sidered the "Model T ” of the WHY PAY MORE! ‘"rhere’s a remote chance a Alarco Polo ram was brought to MRXHiy sleeved jacket with knickers nuclear age, the plant is stlU the United States for exhibit in and turban. using its first supply of fuel and CORN FLAKES FABRIC SOFTENER GREEN BEANS , LIQUID DETERGENT a zoo and somehow escaped, SANDWICHES X 59' "And it’s very sweet to wear has not had a m'ajor overhaul. finding its way to the cave," 6 '/t-02. COSTA black, transparent stockings- - ______Seneker said. cans and little buckled shoes." pk".‘ * J 1“ 5 'L- 3 r 1 0 B No one has a record of a l 54 3 BIRDS EYE colors, as she did a pantsuit cut 200 6al. Min. JUMBO TOWELS DRY MILK INSTANT COFFEE LIQUID BLEACH lapsed before anyone realized' and braided URe a band uni­ 1 Day Notice For Del. iwhat they were virtually rule form. 24 Hr. Burner Service F(n.ist 10 qt Finast out a hoax. The "Bonnie and Cnyde” gun Finast 4 .11. '| 00 Non F,i( pkq The horns are stHl hanging in G-fumdlimkutP^ko«rk.t> iMt, Oaw.tt.1 Rud t»hs«s I«.wa1 Frss* $*s*P Oil## yards from the Police College. <4. R.Mtv.Tlw RlfM U Umll Ouantlli.l

f.1 yw cj Y'^'TVwV *s»‘ V •• ./•;n •\ \ ■ Y Y \ 'A^ -X A, ,v - \ ■ , ;■ Y \.N V ■■ 'V: ■ 'N ■ ,\0'\ I ^ A ,"' • ^ /- A'V^ ' V v\ ^ ■ \ \ ' ' - • ■'(•' - .V ■ : ■ :' ■■ ■ ■ \ ' '. y ■ ■\' 'A ■ ■ ' A . r : \ : ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, .JANUARY 7, 1970 MANCHESTER EVENING. HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, .JANUARY 7, 1970 PAGE TWENTY-ONy. PAGE TWENTY “V WE CARE nHSHLY OMHIim ANY S |» PACKAGE “ Super-Right” Quulity-No Fat Added DISCOUNT SffiniKS AND WMETY! POPULAR GIVES YOU MORE AND AT EVEN GREATER SAVINGS! l i i CROUMD MEATS BONELESS BEEF CHUCK SHOP POPUUR’S GRAND CHAMPION QUALITY

IM s I MEATS- :iP: ROASTS popular Ik All O n e l o w P r i c e ! THEY’RE TOPS IN TASTE- rom cHoicf! THE BEST MONEY <• M E A T L O A F CAN BUY! M il Y "" ROUND TOP SIRLOIN, . s W e e i r m BOTTOM ROUND “ “fj «0ICI SiMI- SAVE BONIUSS, SHORT COT m i or CROSS RIB lb. 25* with coupon 5 th with coupon thru “$UPER*mOHT" QUALITY “SUPER-RIQHT’' QUALITY I Specially Selected WHY PAY MORE BONE IN 7th Beef liver Center Slices Chuck Steak ^^POPULAR COUPON SUKR-miHT IRAND '•SUPER-RIQHT” QUALITY— BY THE PIECE MAXWELL # ^ E rE r Ribs “Super-Right” Quality .* A Sausage Meat PURE PORK Bologna or Liverwurst HOUSE COFFEE 25' OFF “SUKR-RiaHT*> QUALITT OVEN READY KRAUSS BRAND With coupon on purchase of 8 oz. jar Top Choice BOnI u^ISS r ' - A Chops and I V A C it TASTER’S CHOICE Lamb Combination Stewing # M |[j Polish Sausage Is a RIBS • BEEF FROZEN "tUKR-RIQNT” QUALITY F R E E Z E With Coupon & Purchase of $5. or More DRIED COFFEE CUT FROM FRESH BONELESS Short Cut 4 Q Q Excluding Beer, Wine, & Cigarettes mm SV if, Pork Ribs PORK LOINS Swordfish Steaks Coupon expires Soturday, Jan. 10, 1970 Coupon expires Saturday, Jon. 10, 1970 Limit One Coupon re r Customer SUKR-RliHT IRAHD From First ■ ^ ^ QUICK FROZEN X' Limit.On'b Coupon Per Family BONELESS DELITES 4 Ribs only ■ ih u u eMuwiCHirai Pork Butts WATER ADDED King Crab Claws I L > ; POPULAR FANCY CURE BA HUNT CALIF. SKIPPY WAIDORF S W iE T P E A S TOMATOES 1-lb. PEANUT BATHROOM cans / BUTTER TISSUE /A 3 -' 8 9 ^ SAVE ib*.\ roll pack ' IMPERIAL 21 t with coupon HURGARINE lb. .-.m CALiFORMIA U R 6 E SIZE a H s H l i ' :iriiV B hiK :i ^ '^ S popuYaF’cou*?^^ p o p u l a r ’ c o u p o FMI CAIN'S i I HUNTS d i m g p i ^ * ! I HUNTS BROCCOLI • Macaroni & Beef TOMATO CATSUP MAYONNAISE TOMATO SAUCE SWANSON • Noodle & Chicken • Macaroni & Cheese ]QVt oz. iroiti WDSfam formii v/i th i or FLORIDAUMPU 1 with • Spaghetti & Meat Balls pkgs. lo 20 oz. I i coupon coupon DINNERS • Beans & Franks btls. [ 7* Off] quart I only 99' only large I 1 0 -9 9 Coupon expires Saturday^, Jan. 10, 1970 Coupon expires Saturday Jon. 10, 1970 ‘ “ j JT / ; original ■Limit One^ Coupon“ an ro Per " Family Limit One Coupon^Perrv'Pe Family bunch M l % # I ■ A I HOWARD lOHHSON SHRIMP CROQUEnES LmmjmiimilMQQQQQQQQgQM VERYFINE MclNTOSH HOWARD JOHNSON 17 oz. Jane Parker CAKES • Fudge • Orange •Cocoanut pkg./ KLEENEX SULTANA APPLESAUCE WHITE BREAD FACIAL TISSUE Enriched— Mads W.th Bniternilk MEAT DINNERS 200 ct. 1 1 b. Frozen— All Varieties (Ham 2-ply boxes loaves 11 oz.' 00 pkgs. NAME BRAND FOODS AT THE YOU’LL ENJOY THE SAVINGS LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES! EVERYDAY AT POPULARl VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON Ideal S EV EN SEAS CHERRY TOMATOES / for Salads CHEF BOY-AR-DEE Temmit Yto Salad Dressing ' OkNipoo 25* n u Q O iii i f ALL PURPOSE GOLDEN AND RED from WASHy/STATE SWEET TANSY Beefaroni ‘LlZn:"" I Buy 1 Get 1 FREi H i-C PERSONAL SIZE - B B I^ f os. lAB 46 DELICIOUS APPLES ib 2T PINEAPPLES ea. bars CRISCO OIL PILISBURY Fruit Drinks Ivery Soap 4 CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS C a l i f o r n i a ' TASTER'S CHOICE COLLEGE INN BIG SAVINGS 24 oz. 14 NAVEL ORANGES dc DT BROCCOLI lb. bunch 33° Froeie Dried Coffee FAMIIY ROILS Chicken Broth cans Comet Cleanser 2 bet. H j P I I Coupon Per FniwUy ^ l ^ l l 1 Coupon Per Family Valid thru Sdt,, Jan. 10th HUNTS CALIF TAME IB jm VoM thru Sot., Jon. lOlh ^ U jp M j 50 EXTRA TOP VALUE STAMPS WITH THE PURCHASE Of A 10-LB. 16 oz. bottle Price* Effective thru Saturday, January 10, 1970 in Thi* Community and Viciniiy. I" Tomato Paste BAG OF U.S. No. 1 MAINE POTATOES OR A 5-LB. BAG OF KORIDA Creme Rinse , ■V,/' HUNTS STEWED ORANGES. ARRip EXTRA DRY 6 oz. Wisk Detergent Breeze Detergent CAP'N CRUNCH S U N S H IN E ' Reg- or Fudge Cookies Hydrox Cookies Tomatoes Deodorant unscented ^an '^ V .5 9 ' FOR THE LAUNDRY lb 55° I No. 1 DRESSED SMELTS lb 45° NABISCO KEEBLER Purina Cat Food All varieties Ann Dale Cookies Svori.ti.s 2 ^pk”*. 89* P rem ium s Cinnamon Crisp SALTINE I'lh. W c \ Dow Bathroom Cleaner ®*j, CRACKERS pkq. aD \ 'pV,* 4 3 ' _ j Crunch ’n Munch j3 \:;-s bag. ^ 1

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FREElGreai Art Mastemieces WITH fU R C H A U O# M BO OR MORI BraM Art MistBniiDCD irtR FAMILY PLf AM VOIO AFTiRt FREEI one new Picture each week • SAVE50%£Sr; ihlsweeK M0-7Q A n umnual opportunity to add now warmtfi and ctiinn to your homo with thoM famous paintings maitarfulty reproduced down to the last brudistrokn

./ J A\, ■ . ■ ' i \' .. \ t ' \ IAy I ,\ WVi| -

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1970" PAGE TWENTY-THREE PAGE TWENTY-TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1970 him self alone, hoping to crCato tured North VtelnnmeB(^Boldle^H needs clarification. It urged "who has depended on America In France: threeVyeara ago when it staged cal and monetary policies to said ‘‘the monetary restrictlohs "We think the process to tak­ Correction' a climate of opinion that wllh.fnnd Viet Cong to the South Viet- "the building of an Aslan and all his life, now Is mightily wor- South Windsor a three-day nationwide lockout slow the ecopomy, and depend are’ too tight." ing hold without a doubt. It's As Others See Us make It necessary or desirable niilnose army. This keeps 36,000 I'aclflc treaty organization lha( rlcd and fearing a diminishing Teamsters Because of a tyjwgragliioal has unequivocal American rjup- and withdrawal of American In retaliation for scattered on that to pressure unions and He apparently came to that going |o begin to' show on the IXINDON (AP) — A British for Mr. Nixon to move sharply POWs In six camps. Ten tlum- error in last night's p«pw, Ing new or particularly special to the right. But In this admtnls- sand Red prisoners vegetate In port/' mipport for the Nationalist re- Anarchy in Traffic Court Teamsters strikes. industries to slack off oh big conclusion only recently. Two price ifront," he said, "but I weekly described Vice Presi­ about the Agnew phenomenon, Seek Wage "We don’t mind shutting wage and price hikes. weeks ago in an interview he won't try very hard to make a registration for lifesaving and tratlon, no one Is very pure of so-enlled Interrogation camps "Free Aslans are» told that glmc.” swim classes was prlntad dent Spiro T. Agnew ns "a excent that It is here with us anything.” about .le.OOO are cr<»wded Into they are to fight their own bat- "America Is unreliable' be- Teacher To Qppose down,". the source said. "Wp Organiz^ labor, chiefly the said Nixon’s anti-inflation poli­ case that it 1s already showing.” throwback to the 1980s or eor- now.” Equals That on the Roads couldn't afford to do anything 13.6 million ^member AFL-CIO cies were beginning to work and Shultz declined comment on wrong. You can register at the fkimmentlng on prisoners of South Vietnamese Jails like lies and that the United Htutes cause she supports Chlang when Increase West Side Rec from 8:80 a.m. Uer." A West German newspa- The British weekly speculated war, the West German ' dully slaves. The North VliAnnmeso will help them. The nature and he Is still useful, will abandon By JOHN VINOCUR else” if the Teamsters stick to has complained bitterly the Nix­ expressed no such concern the reported Teamsters’ wage per said . the United States that Agnew seems to be an able to exerciae control over his Relaxed Dress Code their contract demands. on policies threaten the nation about the money supply. demands, but he previously crit­ to 4:80 p.m. this week, and at Frankfurter Allgemelne Zeitung meet this reality by not treating amount of the help are not de- Chlang when his usefulness has Associated Press Writer lower limbs. He fell flat on his (Continued from Page One) should sec that North Viet- agent not for President Nixon said: the Americans any belter." fined," the paper commented'. gone, the Communist paper PARIS (AP) ^ After slalom- face, dnmk, the testimony said. The source said the trucking with a severe economic depres­ But Tuesday, he expressed his icized construction industry pay the Bast Side Reo from 6 to 8 .namese and Viet Cong prisoners but for Atty. Gen. John Mllch- It haa been estimated that day, 9 a.m. to 9:80 p.m :, Fri­ of a nationwide trucking shut­ industry suffered a 13 per cent sion and rising unemployment, worry about ecpnomic res­ settlements of that mag^tude p.m. No idione regiitratioiM “ PalrncsH There was other fqreign com­ "Ttie United States ought to said, Ing across the highway, a hospi­ "So you can’t deny you had ell. whom the publication c.mcd o^ly North Vietnam Ils to blame, know that some leaders tlilnk about one-third of the ^ rls have day, Saturday and Sunday, 9 down. drc^ In net income In the past while prices continue to soar at traints being too tight.) ‘ as inflationary. will be taken. , ment about Agnew's Afliiin lour, tal w orker opened the door of too much when you got in your worn slacks, and that about 10 a.m. to 10;30 p.m. "We want to go about this m ^ ^ ‘ " frietidly s„uth Vlclnam also is to blame with TaliMil’s .China News writ- the Americans are backing out If you place a sm all piece of his car at the request of a po­ car?” the Judge asked, "I don't think it’s likely," year. the current rate of nearly 6 per The Teamsters wage demands senior bo3rs have the beglnnlngB Residents using this facility While Shultz declined to con­ cent a year. process with some patience and Include $1 an hour this year, 76 oners in Hanoi Jails. neighborhood sheriff." to a large extent. The Amerl- ing lifter Agnew's visit lo Presl- of this imrt of the world." cotton In the fingers of rubber liceman. "No, I can't, your honor, but I o t beards, mustaches or side- are asked to strictly a^ere to Shultz said, but a trucking nect the Teamsters bargaining Shultz declined to say whether not try to solve it ail at once,” cents each In 1971 and 1972, plus A snow shovel waxed with B r i t a i n 's left-wing New The New Statesman said it Is cans do not run any POW dent <'hlang Kiil-sliek llial I’res- Mong Kong’s Clhlnese flommu- gloves. It will help prevent holes The driver, in the words of the must tell you Uiut -because of an bums as South Windsor High these hours to allow for p rc ^ r source said the industry was in with inflation, the Nixon policy a continued tight money policy he said of the attempts to curb an estimated $1.26 per hour in pfiste wax makes the job of Statesman said "there Is noth- possible Mitchell "Is' acting for camps. They pass their cap- Idcnt Nixon's Asia. Doctrine still nlst Sheung Pao said Chlang, from long, pointed fingernails. court record, found himself un- operation to remove my stom­ School began Its first week un­ maintenance and refurfaclng. an even tougher mood than has been to Impose stringent fis­ would threaten a recession, but inflation. fringe benefits. shoveling snow much easier. ach I have little tolerance for al­ der the liberalised dress code. cohol and therefore virtually never drink. However, ontthto ’ *nie reaction of the students A “prince’’^ of a lotv mini-price! I'lavor I lull makes spaghelti sing! occasion, my first granddaugh­ was less dramatic than the re­ Clip this coupon and ter had Just been bom and there action of some teachers, one of performance proves mini-pricing® saves you money’ every xceehl were special circumstances. I whom, Joseph Krawskl Jr., Save on Pennsylvania Dutchman had three beers.” showed up In Mhool IConday In 2 lbs Prince Ragu SAVE on GALLON In the next case a warehouse work clothes to protest the new worker also claimed, mitigating code. He read a statement circumstance.s. He hadn't been to each of his classes and able to cat a proper lunch to go organised a meeting of teach­ Progresso Tomatoes Mushrooms Thin Spaghetti Spaghetti Sauce with the alcohol whli>ping ers after school yesterday to through h iB bloodstream and dlacusa possible action that Im ported GEM OIL that, "as everybody knows, teachers could take In an at- Stems & Pieces All Varieties doesn't help things," he seddi' Plump, ripe tomatoes from the fertile fields Regular or tesnpt to rescind the new code. Ripe toma Redeem This at Slop S;. Shop! A professional msm defended Krawskl’s contention is that he of sunny Italy. Specially grown to produce toes perfeclly himself by asking how he could can not maintain discipline more juicy pulp, less seeds.' ^ "must" tor Elbow Macaroni spiced and gliMiMiMtMiMiMtMifiMiTifirtTiT.TiTiTiTiTil.Tififit.t.T.t.fiW have been drunk. He said the without a strict code. your savory spaghetti sauce . . . all your seasoned and simmered $ I g policemen who stopped his car While Krawskl could not be tomato- recipes. If it’s Italian . . . and if it You don't have lo be Italian to g l required him to drive them 'to tastes good . . . it's Progresso. Stock your long and £ reached for «>miment ISMt nl^it, enjoy a delicious, satisfying slowly to the local precinct becauUh they pantry shelves at this special low mini-price. spaghetti dinner. And you bring out that oz Gallon Gem s l A Q i i were from another area and Krawskl had stated earlier adtat authentic old m the intention of the meeting was. don’t have to wait for Wednes­ didn’t know the way. day to cook one! ____ world taste. Jars "We will discuss: 1. Who sets Heat and V '1 E 2 =:■ Everybody has an excuse In lavish on your S Part Ten of the Paris -Dlstrlot the values; can we set our own All the work's done for you . . . just heat and enjoy! i d ^ spaghetti. Salad Oil 1^ ^ 3 1 code of standards in our class­ V1 s i Court—the drunken driving seor 3 1 tion on Wednesday mornings. rooms? 2. The possibility of p r i n ^ 1 s with this coupon H niiiSMiJ" sMCi i 3 1 The three -Judges who look down making dlsclidine a negotiable Progresso Tomato Sauce l U 99 E and any ^ 5 purchase | i i from a high bench lit by green 1 2 item via the South Windsor Edu­ Effective thru Jan. 10. Limit 1 can per customer. i : i —shaded lamps found all the ex­ 1 2 cation Association and the Con­ 3 1 cuses a little hard to believe. necticut Elducatlon Association. "Everytiody’s an exceptional 7 We'll examine existing laws and 1! case in this country, with very push for laws covering such unusual extenuating circum­ areas. 8. We may seek an open stances," one of the Judges said hearing with the Board of Eldu­ after a lawyer explained that catlon, or request workshops be­ bis client, an Algerian ICbslem, tween the Board and teachers. only drank lemonade and gnqw- Any other ideas besides these (rult soda as a rule and faltered three courses of action win also Just this once. Go mini-pricing; Italian style! The Judges found him gullyt— be dlseuBsed at our meeting.'’ os they did the hoapital worker Principal EYed Camolo yes- Be Italian this week! who was drunk on beers, an off- ' terday refused to comment on duty truck- driver who plowed the code, saying that his con­ his car into anotiter because he cern at present was for his was new to drinking whisky, school. and a male nurse who said he One male student who had had too much to drink because been vocal in support of the re­ his 'Wife had Just gone on vaca­ vised code and whose hair is tion. relatively Ien8lon were limited get your hair cut?*’ KlRt-prozzo! when lawyers, presenting let­ "It's been a little uncomfort­ ters of previous good conduct, able, but nowhere as bad as convinced the Judges that their the papers have made It ap­ cllrats needed to drive to work. pear,’’ die boy said. “Most of Only 29 licenses were lifted dur­ J Good news for Westport. Conn, the students go along with the ing the first fortnight of Decem­ code, and only a few teachers* and vicinity food shoppers! Try a little tenderness, and a lot ber In Paris. have been openly hostile," he Don’t Miss This Great Value You’ll love the fine flavor! California Roast Judges consider their Job a added. of quality! Maxi-man meats. logical reflection of the anarchy ZBA Sets Hearings Chwck on French roads. In terms of There will be a public hear­ , Italian Style Satisfy those hearty (u! appetites with this If flavor and tenderness are important to you, you'll love our maxi-man miles traveled, three times as ing of the Zoning Board of Ap­ NOW OPEN! USDA Choice roast USDA Choice Grade beef. If you're the kind of person who wants the many people die every year as peals tomorrow ndgbt at 8 p.m. San Benito Veal Cutlets beef cut from the finest meats at a price that means good value, you'll love the low In the United States. at the Town Hall to consider Progresso Progresso Beautittil re-modeled store to serve heart of the chuck. mini-prices! To some people outside the the following applications: you better . . it was designed with Rich flavor in every .court system, the anarchy also . Thin sliced—leg cuts only for QQ slice. The Hartman Tobacco Oo., you in mind! your eating pleasure. Great *r ■ U v seems to have Infected the ad­ P. O. Box 1847. Hartford, -re­ Tomato Paste Soup values. lb \ ministration of traffic Justice. quests a temporary and condi­ Tomato Puree Minestrone Come down and say hello to the maxl-men There are few speed limits out­ tional permit to allow the opera- . . . they warvt to show you their gorgeous side the big cities and hence This is just another fine example "new" store! Pure pork treat! Primo Brand H i tiwi of a summer girls* camp A marvelous full-fla­ It’s so great to lew speed violators. of the great products and low Shoulder Roast Back Rump Roast Ml premises known as 140 Smith vored puree for ex­ have Progresso The courts have no standard prices that you’ll find at Stop & Italian Sausages 88ib A tender, lean oven r'n i rule on what level of blood-al­ St., rear. In a rural sone. cellent sauces. You Minestrone Soup Boneless oven roast. Shop. Be sure to put San Benito For a tasty sausage cacciatore. roast from the same Season and roast at cohol content constitutes clear- Jules Mllkie, S98 Pleasant can trust Progresso on hand for a de­ Valley Rd., requests a variance Tomato Paste on your shopping cut as your London 325' in uncovered /ij. cut drunkeness. Judges deter­ for fine quality. licious dish ready Genoa Pepperoni 1.48 m Broil steaks. Add Vi pan. Use no water, al­ mine guilt or innocence on the to allow a building closer to the .list. to eat in minutes. cup dry sherry to ‘ 1 1 8 side and rear lines than re­ Molto bene on hot pizza. low 20 mins, per basis of their drinking prefer­ . gravy for a French pound fo r rare, 25 for \ ences. quired on premises known as flair. medium. 688 Pleasant Valley Rd. in an Hard Salami sliced ^ 49^ lb "What did you have?" one x>f A-20 zeer and a little ani­ 166 Collins S t, Hartford, re­ Mortadella sSi 59*= Cocked salami or ham loaf, Genoa brand sette." quest a variance to allow con­ Fresh California "A bad combination," the struction closer to the sideline 1 0 ‘‘“9 9 Ready to cook ! Eat & Joy Swiss Steak Roast Short Ribs of Bel Judge proclaimed. "It can give than permitted on premtMs Center* Cut Bottom Braised ribs make a you some head. You must ha've IQ hit with the family on known at Lot 4, Foster St. in Full, rich flavor in a been really cooked.” an R Rural Zone. Veal Steaks Bnadid 78*^ lb cold days. Remember The verdict was guilty. Progresso Wine Vinegar B im o li tender, juicy roast. to pick up your fresh Rene VeiUeux, 116 Ayers Rd., Morton Green Beans Progresso Progresso A terrific 0 8 An outstanding value ||. vegetables at pur Actually, blood-alcohol levels may raise doubts In EYance be­ Wapplng, requests a temporary Chickarfna Soup Sail addition to Cubed Veal Steaks 88^ib because our maxi- |lD Farmer's Market Italian Style Chick Peas stop ft Shop Wino Vinogar your menu. cause the general consumption and conditional permit to allow m'en trim every roast counters. Take extvantoge BUNCH of alcohol Is three times that of a pony on premises known as 20o z QQC of the tow. lew. Stewart Tosly chick will odd o 4 pick up one or Italian Breaded 98'ib V peas from tongy zest to ■ m l v of excess fat. the United States and four times c a n . mini price. 26 ot Brand two ci^ ot U6 Ayers Rd. in an A-20 sone. 3 1 0 box 2 2 ^ 4 5 ' Progresso. your solods. fhl» le w ^ rlc* . Caterer's Kitchen that In Sweden and Denmark. William P. Perrotta, 188 22l 3 5 \ 4 l | ^ The Judges listened Intently Brook St., Wapping, requests a when a lawyer showed evidence variance to allow storage of Meat Lasagna pkr Chuck Stew Beef Boneless Undercut from a physician that -although electrical materials in an exist­ 3 3 Lean pieces of beef he found two grams of alcohol ing bam on premises known as Delmonico Potatoes 3 P*' all ready to pop into Roast Chick per lite r' In the defendant’s a pot for the ,most Boneless, wasteless, „J>lood at the time of his arrest— 114-118 Buckland Rd. in an AA- 3 "stew-pendous" eat­ easy to slice pot 90 zone. Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Progresso ZSi. Macaroni Pk|i I roast; For a flavor drunkeness normally begins at Prince Zncchini Squash ing. Boneless, so you 0-8 to 0.6 grams—the man was Lovard Corp., c-o B.V. Bayen Mlnl-pncing® means big savings for ycsi. enjoy every tasty mor­ treat, use bouillon, or oz llh vegetable juice as not clinically drunk because he sel. J r . , '663,'Miller Rd., Wapplng, 12 $■ your cooking liquid. spoke clearly and reacted nor- requests a temporary and con­ Spaghetti Sauce Spaghetti Red Kidne]^Beans ditional permit to allow storage Chlcoiy orEscarole 2 3 V mallY- Meat or Mushroom If it's Progresso you can J» FROM FLORIDA—Fine chickory or etcarofe "It shouldn’t be excessive,” of containers on premises known With Tomato & Cheese be sure It’s delicious. at Stop & Shop. the lawyer said, "to have three You'll love It from the start. as LoU 1, 2 and 8, Patria in­ 'X to four glasses of whisky with dustrial Park, Patria Rd. In an Round Steak Top Round Roast friends If you don’t show any Industrial zone. $ Fresh Artichokes 4 b 4 9 ' A boneless oven roast signs of being inebriated." Society for Savings, 1775 El­ FROM CALIFORNIA—Pick up plenty at this Roast with delicious tender­ Then he surprised the Judges. lington Rd., South Windsor, re- , low price. Particular., c-ooks go ness’. Solid meat, no "What will happen," he 40 OZ lor maxi-man-toasts. quests a variance to allow tivo They know th at fo r. waste and trimmed asked. "If the Assembly bill 1 8 just right by our signs larger than permitted on cans s t o p quality, there's just goes through that rules a driver Romabie Lettuce >....25* maxi-men. Company- premises known as 1776 Elling­ none better. And drunk If he has only 0.8 grams FROM CALIFORNIA- Makes really dalightful good! ton Rd. in a Restricted Com­ salads—try some. they're mini-priced, lb per liter In his blood? That mercial zone. too! ' meaiu that with a bottle of wine Five Comers Shopping Plaza, at lunch you’ll be legally a Inc., 1784 Ellington Rd., South Sliced Mozzarella >w< 3 %‘1 Florida Temple 4 drunken driver. Why, that urlll Windsor, requests a State Hear- Crest Toothpaste ey, Roman Cheese Pizza "i.r 39* affect businessmen, engineers You'll like this mozzarella. Pint for your recipes. 6c OFF LABEL—A great toothpaste, the tube and goodness knows, messieurs, ^ for approval on a gasoline kind your family deserves. 6 6 ‘ 4 PACK. When you get a hankering for pizza it's Blade Cut Chuck Shin Beef for Stewi station on premises known as great to have Roman on hand. even magistrates. Why a man E n d C u ts won't be able to have a decent 1729 Blllngton Rd. In an RC Sliced Provolone ‘1.13 lb Roast Oranges Bursting with beefy lunch In this country’anymore." zone, RANDOM WEIGHT — A low mini-price for a tasty Vicks 44 Cough Syrup_ . 3*/4 o? All USDA Choice Goodhue Bread Dough 4 ^ SI goodness. A little lov­ Ibe Judges looked very grave Voga Classes Resume provolone for your family. Here's an excellent cough syrups that will bottle Mini'pricing^ at Stop fti Shop mokes shopping so URGE SIZE Grade beef from fed­ bring quick cough . relief. 6 5 “ erally inspected ing care and long, for a moment. It was something Recreation Director James much more pleasurable. Great for slow simmering snacktfme. plants . . . skillfully lo consider, Snow has announced that the Italian Tiklt Cheeseiiip ‘1.15 lb Ullip 8-oz CQc III) cut and trimmed. brings out fork-ten­ second session of Yoga Classes Anacin Tablets 50 count llb derness every single RANDOM WEIGHT—Another enjoyable cheese In Taste 0' Sea isier , pkg 9 T Cruohed to Death Mrtll start this Thursday evening Riggio. Try lome. People have been relying on Anacin lor nj^o tim e. years for fast pain relief. Now you can enjoy a lusciousli scallop dinner that's PITTSBURGH (AP)—Edward at the Orchard Hill School 6 9 “ ready in minutes. \ qym. aWrley Banks is the in­ Il’g oven^freshl Stop & Shop a StoesseU 46, of StomTord, Oonn. structor. Imported RrnnanormK '1 .6 9 lb was killed Tuesday w'hen a half- ton sluib of brick and concrete The schedule of classes is as RANDOM WtIGHT — It hat the kind ot flavor y Italian Green Beans4 .'"B Y want from Romaro. STOP i SHOP Make a del ghtiul side dish with Sirloin Tip Roast Bottom Round Roast tell onto a construction site foUows: Youth Beginners, 6-80 almost any meal. Italian Bread V trailer where he was working. to 7:80 pm .; Intermediate Baked in our own 1 s t 3 R ib s lb Delicious as an oven roast, |‘ Stoessel, who was vice presi­ Adult, 7:46 to 8:46 p.m.; Adult Imported Fontini link ’ 1.19 ovens and rushed to dent of the George A. Fuller Beginners, 6 to lo p.m. RANDOM WEIGHT—Let mini'pricing® save you mor Stella Ravioli '.M‘ 3 Y African wur nearby Stop & . $ ■ You won't bite into a topped with tomato soup and I th ii week. You'll love every , bite of delicious Stella Raviolis, Shop bread counters. roast and find, a writ­ dry onion soup mix. You’ll ' " Oonstruetton Oo., was crushed Anyone Interested in either of Makes heartier sand­ | 1 8 ten guarantee, but 7 they're great. to death by the slab which fell these classes urtio has not wiches . . . toasts It's there all right. In \ love it. ' \ Stic floors Into the trailer. registered may do so that eve­ Kraft SM Mozzarella 'pt‘,4 9 ' Violets beautifully, too. the Choice Grade. In 'lb V th e J u s t Rite ning. The regletration fee la glO individually WRAPPED-The great name of Kraft Hendries Spumoni StOUlify your ALUBONUM IMPOBTI VP Shop Kom« wim Garlic Brood ■ lb T rM ® ). brings you this great mozzarella. for adulto and |6 for youtha. A fabulous after meal or between meal treat. Tasty theet tevtiy BONN — Imports at more and refreshing. /Vlitdti. With garlic spread, Mike it yourself. The claaaea wlU run tboush pdt. than 200 mtltlon tom of alunil- Mareh 19, ^ 39* nuro by Germany tn tbe Ond Skating hours at the Outdoor half of 1900 iwprsMfiUd a 87 Rink oonstructed on town ownsd i 263 MiDDLE TURNPIKE WEST, MANCHESTI per cent toorsaas w er lbs property on Rye St. are as fol­ Stop ft Shop will redeem your Federal Food Coupons 263 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST, MANCHESTER, CONN. same 1908 period. lows: Monday through Thure- Stop & Shop will be happy to redeem your Federal Food Coupons

^ ' A.'/’i - A, * A MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7 1970 .------^------^ ------PAGE TWENTY-FIVE Manchester Hospital Notes The Baby Has Pretty Wardrobe 1 V n ttIN O HOtTftS Intonuedlate Care Semi- private, noon-S p.m., and 4 p.m. S p.m .; private room*, 10 a.m.- Been Named S p.m., and, 4 p.m.-8 p.m. Pediatrics: Parents allowed any time except noon-2 p.m.; others, S p.m.-S p.m. I S d f Service: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., by the Inquirer 4 p.m.-S p.m. Hart, Erie Wendell, son of Wendell and Katherine Zat- Intensive Care and Coronary terstrom Hart, Fox Hill Farm, Columbia. He was bom Doc. Care: Immediate family only, 20 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His matemgl grandpar-v anytime, limited to five min- ents ere Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Zatterstrom, Nucla, Colo. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hart, Wood­ land, Calif. r Each week, The Manchester Evening Herald will present "Potpourri" . . . dedicated entirely to assist Blatiemity: Fathers, 11'a.m.- • «'** — U:4S p.m., and 6:30 p.m.-S you in the fine art of shopping. So why wear out those pretty feet'girls? Now you can stop hiking p.m .; others, 3 p.m.-4 p.m., and SHOP RITE U.S.D.A. GOVT GRADED CHOICE STEER BEEF Knor, Tara Jane, daughter of Milan and Klmberty HJm- 6:30 p.m.-S p.m. mons Knor, 88 Florence St., Manchester. She was bom Dec. 81 and got all the info right here in the Manchester Evening Herald. Age Limits: 16 in maternity, F IR S T at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents U In other areas, no limit in are Mr. and Mrs. Donald Emmons, Cadillac, Michigan. Her self-service. paiteemal grandmother Is Mrs. Katarina Knor, Bllton Towers, CUT .don, Ekiglond. She has a sister. Holly, 2. - - • • • • • The admlnlstratlRITE,CRADE"A'' Doctors Emphasize: firm 312-coil unit available in fluid lines and all-girl accesso­ Yeomans Howe, 67 Kensington St., Manchester. She was bom has knit directions . . Joseph Kulas,'ll4 Benedict. Dr., 9 9 < Tomato Puree all sizes. So, if you need Bed­ ries make you a winner. Spring 2-lbs French Fries 3 Dish Doiorgont 3 U Jan. 3 at 'Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grand­ GRAND FORKS, N.D. (AP) Sizes 8-18, bust 31%-40; W ai^ng; Mary Shainin, 36 S. ding, now Is the best time to clothes are ready for action and WHYRAYMOREr parents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yeomans, 67 Kensington St., — Linda Lee Hess, 21-year-old stitch illustrations. Lakewood Circle; Mrs. Anna 99< CAMPREU'S SHOP-RITE ^ want-ad cook, made one major Bottle-Feeding Method Has SEND 50$ In coin! for each pot- purchase. Hurry into WATKINS play well on a golf course, on a Manchester. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ tom to Incinda flrtt-claii nialllng. today and get your Bedding at J Hall, Blast Hartford; Mrs. Ju- Celenfnno P iiin 2 - stipulation before going to work hiking trail or in the clubhouse. ert Howe Sr., 19 HoUlster M., Manchester. Anne Cabot, Mancheoter Sale prices. lene Landsberg, 103 Lockwood MOI'S Pork & Beqns HARD RIPE Evap.Mllk e*^‘^89* for two Grand Forlts bachelors. Eveniw Herald, 1150 AVE. Here’s the lineup; St.; William Howes, 228 Moun­ Important Effeet on Infant OF AMERICAS, NEW YOBK, The Colors; Be a fashion win­ 9 9 < Plouff, Michelle Lee, daughter of Milton Jr. arid Connie Miss Hess, a registered nurse tain Rd.; Erik Magnuson, 71 Coffee liqhtner 7 ’ Why Pay More N.Y. loose. ner In bright, exciting colors. AUVARISTIU Tomatoes carton 2 9 ^ Rogers Plouff, 362 Vernon 8t., Manchester. She was bom Jan. and student at the University of Print Nami, Addroit with ZIP Benton St.; Michael Llebiedz, RKH'S ^ 15H.ji.S| SWEET gal, $|79 By C.G. McDANIEL said. "Usually then there is Lilac, coral, raspberry, apple 3 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandpar­ North Dakota, told the bachelor CODE and Stylo Nnmbar. 82 Bissell St.; George Timko, 79< Rogu Sauces Gem Blended Oil AP Science Writer someone else to take care of the Around Town green and citrus yellow are ents are Dr. and Mrs. John Rogers, Clemenson, S.C. Her pa­ duo that she refused to cook for Send 504, add 154 for Blast Hartford; Blarl Dow, Cov­ Coffee Lightner 3^ Carrots 2 29* CHICAGO (AP) — The way a child.” But she outlined mothers postage and handling for some of the exclHng shades of ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Milton Plouff Sr., Twin more than 14 people. baby Is given his bottle may af- who return to work shortly after entry; Kevin Vietts, 7 I^ co tt WILCHADE SHOP-RITE WHOLE or ’That’s the number of harvest a copy of the Fall and Toyota Is Here the season. Hills Dr., Coventry. She has a brother, Scott, 2%. feet his mental and physical childbirth, complaining they are Winter ALBUM. Ave., Rockville. t-ql. $1 Florida Oranges 10 for 39^ ***** hands she cooked for on her THE TOYOTA — a woman’s The Warm Up: Warm up your Also, John Iwanicki, 63 W. Grape Drink cons I Stewed tomatoes c o m 8I™'Y’th. harming their babies. - . ALL YEAN OUILTS — a deilfn far jAppetixer Dept. ’1 4 EXTRA FANCY RED 6 f Dowds, Jodi-Lymi, daughter of Francis HI and Nancy father’s farm where she was ad­ each month of the yaarl Pattern car now on display at MORI- golf'Style with the newest goH Middle Tpke.; Lynn PelUgrinel- Dr. Maria Piers, a child de- A child learns from the start plecat and dlrectlont for all 12. fashion, the tunic. Skimming A Leonard Dowds, 34 Spruce 8t., Manchester. She was bom Dec. ept at whipping up a “ complete ARTY BROS, on Center St. li, 67 Wadsworth St.; Charles Delicious Apples w. 19* v.elopment authority, claims of life, from seeing and feeling. 0103— 50$, add 15$ for postnia low and easy over shorts, this is WHYPAYMOait PtTnPANwIKmcaiAMVwCMNKHV 30 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandpar­ dinner of fried chicken, po- bottle-feeding techniques reflect Skin contact and being talked to and handling. FTom *1,836 delivered. See and Yenkner, Glastonbury; John ROUND o( BRISKET or a great disguise for figure prob­ ents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Leonard, 150 Bissell St., Men- tatoes, pie and like that.” the attitude of the mother to­ are important to a baby, Dr. test drive one today. Once you Dewaine Jr., 5 Eastview Dr., On a dare from her landlady, have your hands on a Toyota— lems. To vary your wardrobe, Rockville; Mark Grimason, 108 HEINZ KETCHUP Florida Grapefruit 5 for 39* PEANUT BUTTER cheister. Her paternal gn:andparents are Mr. and Mrs. Francis ward the child—and this is espe­ Piers says, as well as seeing the COOKED CORNED BEEF Linda answered a newspaper you’ll never let go. the March issue of Woman Golf­ Kelly Rd., Wapping; Mrs. Joan SUNKISTNAVII. Dowds Jr., 40 E. Middle ’Tpke., Manchester. Her great-grand­ cially Important in a child's fu­ response of those who care for advertisement placed by Joe When ironing organdy ruffled er suggests a trim golf battle Higgins, 31 Judith Dr.; Norman parents are Mr. and Mrs. William A. Leonard, Manchester, ture development. him and feeling their muscular 5 9 < Crawford, a secondary school curtains, use the setting for cot­ Jacket that teams up with new Boulay, 49 S. Alton St.; Mrs. Oranges 10 for 59* and Mr. and Mrs. James .Adamson, St. Petersburg, Fla. Breast-feeding, when possible, response. loe Cream Treats ***** teacher, and Bob Hamilton, a is the ideal relationship between ton. Press the ruffles first. short flaring culottes. Judith Pitts, 53 Wlnthrop Rd. Dr. Rene Spitz, 83, noted 'Vi­ _ _ Take the entire family to Griffin, Brian' Arnold, son of Thomas and Brenda Fra­ charter plane pilot. mother and baby, believes Dr. Then iron the body of the cur- The Trimmings: Low-slung Also, Dale Hawver, 16 Evas bo™ Jan. 2 says the only thing passed so the baby is left to feed himself, first. Make good slips from the flippy pleated skirts and timlc- Mrs. Brenda Griffin and son, TASTV CHICKEN or M OTTS old, it is nearly im)*)ssible to re­ rest of the shirt tor a,small Get a fabulous Kaneralon Mir­ plus-pants looks. After 6, the 60 Valley St.; Mrs. Anne Cot­ ITALIAN TOMATOES at Manchester Memorial Hospital. IBb maternal grandparents ■far in the kitchen of her* two characterizes the kind of neg­ verse the decline of the neglect­ daughter. The backs of two acle Wig FREE! Have a wig chemise returns, this time in tier and daughter, 58 Bolton St.; H-lb. are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Healey, West Warwick, R.I. His bachelor employers has been lect which retards—and at Shrimp Salad 6 9 2-l». APPLE SAUCE ed baby, he said. The baby’s such shirts will make a slip party. Call for further details. softer, slinkier fabrics and clos- Mrs. Judith McCarthy and son, paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James O'Grady, the butter, times completely inhibits—the 3-oa. personality develops, he said, FASHIONABLE WIGS, 649-9190. er-to-the body shapes. 81 Durant St,; Mrs. Edith Good­ com * »-ih. \ go< Warwick, R.I. He has a brother, Brian, 1. "As my roommate |>ointed baby’s development. between the ages of 3 and 9 3 9 ‘w 9-<;x.|ar 4# Put those "hole pieces’! of win and son, Hartford. l o r V W out. If anything got ’fringe’ I al­ Dr. Piers noted the problem is months. ^ Dairy Dept. | V. most severe among the poor, raised doughnuts together In ways had my rolling pin and I Dr. Spitz told of studying 90 SHOP-RITE HALVES where the effects of parental greased muffin pans forming U.S. Congress didn't have to sign anything, so children in an orphanage where AMERICAN HERITAGE Brazilians Have KRAFT or TROPICANNA Bartlett Pears *1.00 f I can get out of it anytime I neglect are most obvious. cloverleaf rolls. It eliminates But it exists in degrees in all they were neglected, except for any extra htmdling or rerolllng e p m n s AGENCY AUVAkinKS AO Ski SMOP.RITE want.” She discussed the unu­ sanitary' needs and feeding. Phone Troubles sual part-time Job with her fath­ social and economic classes. of that dough. And the extra A v s ^ Great American Soupi 4 Chunk Light Tuna She Hopes to Tread Where Even though a baby may re­ Many of them died by age 2. Of pan of fresh roils receives a ORANGE JUICE PROCIiSSO UNTIL. MACASONt A HA. N O G IK tS O CHICK PEAS or er, and received his approval 24 children studied to age 4, Package Only At you racalve: SAG' PAULO, Brazil (AP) — !l.lb,4.0i.Sl ceive adequate nourishment, he hearty welcome. Minestrone Soup 4 before accepting the Job. only one could speak In sen­ Wedding Walter Singer’s phone, along Red Kidney Beans will fail to develop fully unless With H M A C H or OIL M O N W M IN CH STY U SHOPeRITK FRUIT COCKTAIL, SLKEO YELLOW Only Boys Have Trod... Crawford said advertising for tences, 18 could walk with sup­ • SotUfaction guorontttd in with more than a dozen others he is held and cuddled and Plastic containers of any size, writing or you don't poy fbo bill. Green Beans CUNO N A CH IS. A P tK O T HALVES or a "young attractive fern ale” port, and 16 could eat with a Guardian in the same building, had been S ia m MIAMI (AP) — A blonde, crimination,” wrote Wendy, a cook was the best investment he talked to.” ’ with the tops cut off, make good AHiil ,• Your writttn guwonito of SHOF.RITK • A U VARKTICS Bartlett Pears 6 * « ~ '^ 8 9 * spoon. Only one was toilet the belt poisibit wodding silent for months despite repeat­ blue-eyed t,een-ager who says A psychologist and dean of the sandpile toys. [ Counseling - 5 0 ^ WHYPAYMOIIf Mn . .d.. high school Junior and honor ever made. trained. of fht lowest possible price. ed complaints to the Brazilian Toaster Torts the U.S. Congress discriminates Erlkson Institute for Early Service If you con beot the price we student. “ And that Is what you After theLite U.Uad appeared theme ------■' The Institute Dr. Piers heads give If fo you free. Telephone Co. Wild Bird Seed 690 M ” against little girls has written and Congress have b«fe fighting men’s two telephones Jangled Cfilldhood Education, Dr. Piers trains teachersicauieio mof preschooluic:3 ,:iiuui To amuse chlldfen on a bad > Full conceliofion prlvilego On Christmas Blve the Singer tSFlStS if your plons chonge. SHOP-RITE f Health Sc Beauty Aids President Nixon asking him to and are adamantly opposed to.” from 4 p.m. until midnight. wfteht' children. In the past, the care of weather day give them a hand- apartnient was visited by two” j l M I H I H I I I help her become the first girl to eived some 40 anoli- children fall to gain weight, „ „ „ ful of alphabet macaroni and ) FinonciiM ovoitable - CONCEhTlAYE. FAMH.Y SiZi VALUABLE COUPON “ I sincerely believe I am They received some 40 appli­ children of this age has been re­ Yoke 3S Ttors To Poy. telephone repairmen. MOUTHWASH serve as a congressional page. their limbs and organs do not X252z Soft Margarine 3 Kpkg. : ’ 1 qualified to be a page In the cants before picking Linda ahd legated' to baby-slttero who, al- see which one can get the most Soon the phone rang—with a Wendy Green mailed her let­ develop and their intelligence is PitONEi 233-5911 AXELROD Prell Shampoo U.S. Congress. I am 16 years old actually interviewed girls for though well-meaning, provide words spelled with it in a given cdll from relatives in the United ^•Listerine I Towards th - purchase af ter' Monday evening and said the Job. The pay is a- minimum at the imbecile level. Hcritoge Building COLOCAPSUU DECONGESTANT and the elected treasurer of Kil­ inadequate care, she said. timC;^ . 1996 PARK STREET, HARTFORD States. T{ie Singer family was Sour Cream i x . 39* she hoped to get a quick—and Dr. Piers, who recently co-au­ a 2-lb. can af lian High School. The one factor of *2 an hour, which Linda says ovebjoyed, but curious as to, why FRIENDSHIP ■ positive—response from the thored with Dr. Robert Coles, a • Co*iitac 2Tro- Driston V« mitigating agsUnst me is that is very helpful to her as pin it had been singled out for tele­ 8 HOUR CO yC H SYRUP HILLS BR0S.C0FFIE White House. - psychiatrist, a book called Cottage Cheese cont. I’m a girl.” ^ ' money or to buy books and inci­ phone-repair service on Christ­ ' ‘ 33* WHYPAY I l/MeMt.MeiwNbieiwmSI.l* "Dear Mr., President,” the dentals. "Wages of Neglect,” said it is mas Eve. KRAFT NATURAL. o Pertussin "A little while ago,” she con­ impossible to estimate tlte scope . MORE7 WITH THIS Ceimen eiipIreB Am wry 10,1970. 16-year-old’B letter began, “ I It is not uncommon for the The operator e.’cplained that >:oz. it *’ • Cewpew UmA«eneeern«eSewier.Cmipewi»edt tinued, “ there was a song that ol Die problem of neglected chiL ALL SALES FINAL Swiss Cheese pkg- ' call upon your assistance, not two bachelors to have guests for when tile international call ori-, t ' V (■<)«• •miahbl. only for myself, but tor hun- went, "Thank Heaven for Little supper. Hamilton said Linda's dren. "Even people who do ginally' came in, she informed General Merchandise (Whtrt Avoitabi*) ' ' ^ W... „ JAM. Girls.’ It seems that almost ev­ something about it are squeam­ CASH SALE FLORAL PATTERN DECORATED dreds of other girls thmughout cooking ,won high praise in a the’ American operator that the } Deli. Dept.\ these great United States and eryone appreciates iis but the thank-you note from their lost ish atiout talking about it. I sup­ Singer telephone was defective. chief page of the U.S. House of pose the whole society isj. SALE for generations to come.” guests, an out-of-town couple. ashamed that neglect is as se­ ■‘Well, fix it,” was the good- Ceramic Coffee Mugs 3 89* Southington She went on to outline how Representatives. Can you help She served Swiss steak, mashed STARTS THURSDAY, JANUARY 8th natured report of the American TAYLOR 460 - 525 two years ago she had visited him change his mind?” potatoes, gravy, peas, Jello sal­ vere as we find it,” she said. THE SALE YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR . . . operator, so . . . S e a fe e d JDnpt. Bakery Dept. 825 Queen the Washington office of Rep, ad and strawberry shortcake. Typically, neglected babies $ | 4 9 ^ Siatir Road Farmln{ton Ava. can be seen lying forgotten in Singer .sugge.sts: "Get your LARGE ALASK AN Dante Fascell, D-Fla., and was The two bachelors keep the Naw Britain Street understaffed, busy hospitals, LADIES’ DRESS SHOP telephones repaired via satel­ Pork Roll pt" C«ri-Ann While Enriched Bristol told Congress didn’t use girls as If a Woman Wimto arrangement on a strict bpsi- OUR ANNUAL JANUARY SALE (Reule 10) where they get a minimum of ROUTE 83 lite. It’s the fastest and most ef­ King Crab Legs Next »e Zsyrn pages. nessltke basis. Linda Is not ol- // 5 -.:-8 9 * A Barber. . . attention at changing and feed­ THESE ARE THE VERY SAME FASHIONS YOU'VE ficient way.” S1-60C O U N Y BREAD Then last month, Wendy said, TALCOTTVILLE. CONN All Steree Open lowed to dine with her employ­ ing time. Their existence is BEEN BUYING AT REGULAR PRICES ALL YEAR LONG! SHOP-RITE LARGE •’’ SIZE PIES hlen.-Sit. she saw a newspaper story FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — In ers. ROLOCiNA • COOKED SALAMI - LUNCH LOAF Pink Shrimp vegetative. 1601 280 9 A.M .-9 P.M. about girl pages In the Florida tune with the times, the state at­ Crawford explained, "We Five Day Forecast CENTER CUT Many of these babies are WARM Pineapple Cheese u e Watt Main St. Windsor Avs. Except Albany Ave. Legislature. She wrote Fascell, torney general’s office aays FAMOUS SELECTED Shop-Rite Cold Cuts 69* were both bus boys for a, sorori­ abandoned by parenta, and oth­ 1 Temperatures in (Jofmectlcut, Cleiet Men., Tuet., enclosing the story, and was nothing in Kentucky law pre­ ty during College and we didn't WINTER MAKE GROUP E X TR A M I L C r ^ ' A U BEEF Siwordfish PeuchT-* Willimantie Wilson ers require long-term hospitali­ DRESSES during the five-day tyriod be­ Wed. fr Thun. again Udd only boys were ac­ vents beauticians from having get to eat with the girls.” zation because of illness. ginning Thursday are expected NEPCO Franks ivl 79 St 6 P.M. cepted. male customers. SPORTCOATS Cream Dept.'- In their homes, they are found LINGERIE RAINCOATS to average well below nojmial "He said there were no faclli-^ Neither can ttqrliers be kept sHOP-Rirrs :t ’ ’ ; - ■ ■* ^ A D oetite Bieeeat envlronmenU of extreme pov- with daytime highs in the 20s Gapilol Farms Franks o9^ 1269 311 , PrMpiot A v Rw ties for girls and I would Just from cutting hair of women, al­ ®rty and hopelessness, where 20% to 1/3 and nighttime lows averaging FLAVORS though state legislation appar­ REGULAR or THICK _ _ Albany Ava. Watt Main St. have to give up the Idea,” wrote W A ^N G TO N -'The AgriM^^^ mother is chronically de- 20 to 30% 1/3 to 1/2 in the teens along the coast Boulevard ently assumed - beauticians ture Department conflm s what ” i-don’t- FLAVOR KING ICE CREAM Hartford Wendy. “ But Mr. President, 1/3 O FF J and below 10 degrees Inland. Shop-Rite Bacon K 85* Maridan Wilt Hartitrd when you have your heart set on would be for women and bar- parents have known all a lo n g - ^tmude. Dr. OFF OFF OFF There may be some modera­ something extra special (and .bers for men, the office said in a teen-age’ boy Is the most ex Piers says. response to a query from the pensive member of the family tion of the cold weather on 1-ql. 3c OFF LABEL , who knows that better than you) "Because her family is large Monday, at the end of the five- 30e OFF LABEL lacOFFlAHL* head oi the state Board of Hair­ to feed. Economists put the DACRON DOWNY 1 -O Z . 687 it Is difficult to give up.” or because she is tired of having SUEDE PANT duyi period- WISK I 835 160 Congressional officials say dressers and Oosmetologists. monthly food bill at *63 90 for a to cope with poverty, these FABRIC IVORY SOAP. 3B A LL 9,b. boy 16 to 20. *52.10 for the fa­ lOUGLE JEWELRY Preclpltatlon may total up to 1 97 LIQUID Middia Tpka. Washirtiton St. SliRt O'ni Hy. only boys from 16 to 18 are tak­ mothers don’t have enoligh en­ 7 9 c ther, *61 for a girl_ 16 to 20 and JACKlETS a inch water equivalent occur­ SOFTENER PERSONAL 2 5 ^ J U M B O 130*. 1 DETERGENT Mbol. Manehaitar Middlstown Withirifitld en on as pages. They say no MORE WED IN FALL ergy or time, to devote to the SUITS KHITS ring as snow around Monday. f ------giris are used- for several rea­ *46 for the mother. baby.” It is in this environment sons, including lack of facilities, NEW YORK — Laat year where infanticide, or the killing (Selected Group) (Odds and Ekids) 1/2 Pricei When sea gulls devoured a chaperon problems and the fact there were 614,(X)0 September, Crisp organdy curtains should of babies, often occurs, she add- 20% to 1/3 bo iaunderod often so {hat dust ed. ' horde of large black crickets' that p u e s are occasionally October and November brides (Small Qroup) that threatened to wipe oui the WansmeUMriehtlaliinHeHanMes. NatraietmMefarlypatMPhiNihirers. FHwMW*Uretliiw*miervie,l#7e. ' colled npon to deliver - heavy In the United Statea. A decade and dirt never have a chance In economically favored faml- 20% off OFF 1/3 O FF Mormons’ first grain crop in packages of documents. * earlier there were only 368,000 to become embedded In the fab- ilea where neglsct occurs it "Is -J “ Mr. President, that Is dis­ In the same period. rlc. not. BO total and blatant," she

. ' J ■J. \. \. ■; ■ V -■ x : - \- >, ,,, . J' ^ t -t V- a v ^ ' V , ■ 'V ■V' PAGE TWENTY-SIX V MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER rm\r WEDN^DAY. JANUARY 7,\ 1970 yA'’ . ■A\ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, .lANUARY 7, 1970 PAGE TWENTY-SEVEN Six Sj^rts Figures Will Be Questioned to Fill in Certain Holes in Gambling Investigation THE Herald Angle les^ M inus B ig Gun^ KC’s Dawson Acquainted With Michigan Restaurateur By

The affidavit was quoted ns EARL YOST NBC said the other pro quar­ prepared statement Issued at considerable feeling. fer his sympathy. His calls were Tuesday only one other sports the account of what Daweon Sporis Editor NEW ORLEANS (AP) adding: terbacks were Joe Namath of the Super Bowl site that he had the statement said: among the many I received. name was coimected with the said was contained In n 30-page Impress Beating Pulaski — Len Dawson, veteran "Dawson then told his wife i • ' 1 ^ "no evidence to even consider "Gentlemen, this is all I have nveetlgat'on—Jerome "Dizzy” affidavit filed in federal coprt in the New York Jets, last year's "M y name has been men­ that i,t he could figure out some Parade MihuB Any Brass Band By TOM BARRETT Conspicuous by hl^ absepce up enough rAomeptum to hand short supply throughout the con- Kansas City Chiefs’ quar­ Detroit Dec. 31 by on agent of Super Bowl hero; Bill Munson dirclpllnary action against any tioned in regard to an investiga­ to say. I have told you every­ Dean, Baseball Hall of Fame w ay'to keep Sober In Phoenix Talk about parades, bow about the on6 last night at slow to start but quick l°r the first time in three years, Pulaski Its biggest loss of the test ns the visitors were charg- terback, ^ y s he had “a the Internal Revenue Service. until June 1, 1969, 1^ should be / of the Detroit L-ions and Karl of those publicly named." tion being conducted by the Jus­ thing I know." pitcher., Penney High in East Hartford. This one was indoors, to coiKuier, the East Catho- hardcourier Tim season. ed with 26 out of the game total able to win at least $2b,000 more casual acquaintance” with Sweetan of the Los Angeles Dawson, the only one of the tice De}>artment. I have not Then Dawson, dressed In blue ~ The U.S. commissioner at Bl- The agent said Dawson made from him.” on the floor, and the center of attraction lie Eagles, minus one, made I f Generals had p re ^ of 46.'The Generals sank a poor a Michigfan restaurateur lo.xi. Miss., said Monday a docu­ the remark about Dean fleecing Rams, formerly of the Lions six who could^be reached, Is­ been contacted by any law en­ slacks, a blue polo shirt and a The Free Press said the affi­ the BUck Knikhls of Penney in Iheh- eonrt bat- It ei*lft jti a , w last ni*ht T s "crA n S '“n.h S S U " : while arrested by Internal Reve­ yellow cardigan,^ a curl of his ment filed in the U.S. District Sober In a telephone conversa­ of 34, ex- and the New Orleans Saints. sued a statement at the hotel forcement agency or been ap­ davit quoted a conversation be­ practice session. At first it ap- losses to conference members black hair falling on his fore­ Court alleges Dean delivered a tion In which he added: " I ’ve ^ outclassing HCC con- practice session. At first it ap- losses to conference members „ p(k. ua .mnro’ie. «f nue Service Agents in con­ Tbe network also named as w+iere the Chiefs are housed ac­ prised of the reason my name tween Dawson and his wife on _ peered the Eagles might have nection with a nationwide knowledging that he know.s the head, apologized for the 214- $6,(X)0 gambling, payoff for a tried to get his money. I’m still s K ^ T M S a g r^ d unbeaten Duke freshman, c ^ d «®»ides Socha. Sullivan prospective witnesses Jet end has been brought up. prominent Lansing, Mich., busi­ Dec. 21 in which Dawson com­ gambling ring. Pete Lammons and Bob Deva- restaurateur, Donald Dawson o f “ The only reason that, I can hour delay between his state­ trying, but I can.’t." the bes nessman. Neither Dean nor Sober has plained about losing money on " " " “ Dawson Is here to take part In ney, head football coach at the Birmingham, Mich. think of is that I have a casual ment and Rozelle's, turned And football games the day before. canning but 29. history. . . . Seldom called in figures with 18 points. Co-Cap- In Detroit, meanwhile, a fed­ been arrested. It was the third straight Sunday's Super Bowl g^ame be­ University of Nebraska. Donald Dawson, who is no re­ acquaintance with Mr. Donald eft. • “ Dawson told his wife,” the The game was a parade from is a technical foul on taln Vieira had nine to lend the Coach Stram met with the eral investigator quoted Dawson The Free Press quoted the af­ league encounter for one-time tween the Chiefs and the Minne­ NBC said the men wera nat lation, was arrested at a Detroit Dawson of Detroit who I imder- affidavit said, "that we lost a foul Une to foul line through- “ against the home well-distributed Pulaski scor­ —the restaurateur—as saying fidavit as saying that in a talk loser East with still another on sota Vikings—a professionai necessarily involved in gam­ motel New Year's Day by IRS stand has been charged in the Chiefs at 3:30 in the afternoon, bundle yesterday, damn it; that out for Penney. team. This was the case last ing. before the NBC broadcast, to with his wife in Phoenix, Ariz., the agenda for Friday against football spectacular that is bling but would be questioned to agents who seized gambling re­ investigation. Mr. Dawson is not Dean nad "fleeced Howard So­ those Jets, they should have at Manchester was awarded Just night at the Clarke Defense was the key accord- cords and some $460,000 in cash­ apprise the team of "certain ru­ ber out of a bundlelosty ear. "Dawson said that Sober was Northwest. The invading In guaranteed a sellout crowd of fill in certain holes in the inves­ a relative ot mine. least tied that game up and that 10, hitting on five. The losing home team, in such dlans will be bringing with them *'’1^ Eagle Coach Stan Ogrod- ier and business checks. "I have known Mr. Dawson mors." As for Sunday’s Super her out of a bundle last year.” going to be leaving Phoenix and 81,000 people. , tigation. Sober tells me that Bob Deva- Indians didn’t go Into a one- f assessed the thoughts of last week’s narrow nlk and will continue to be In Dawson 34, was one of six U.S. Atty. James Brickley of Dawson, accompanied by his for about 10 years, and have Bowl game, Stram said: Sober, 74, Is a Lansing, Mich., going back to Lansing In the and-one sltuaUon at the 15-foot responsible for the ney, the coach of Nebraska, told .. loss to the locals. future games, especially with football figures, including three coach. Honk Stram, appeared at talked to him on several occa­ "I am positively sure that businessman who gave his home near future and that he might Detroit was quoted by his secre­ him that his team wasn’t ready. line all night “ i® ®''°wd. Except for raising havoc with Kearns out of action. "We’ll other professional football quar­ tary as saying after ^he NBC re­ a ^nsion-fllled press conference sions. My only conversations they (the rumors) will not have to the State of Michigan for use be accompanying him; that So­ What do they do? They win 48 to The winners managed but • • » Eagle passing, the New Britain have to play the toughest de­ terbacks, NBC reported would port "whatever NBC has on i.s at 11:06 p.m., OST-^five min­ with him in recent years con­ an adverse affect on the attitude os the governor’s mansion in ber was going back to Lansing 6.” three more field goals, 23-20, O ff the Cuff crew’s decided height advantage fense we possibly cfi^,’’ he re­ be subpoenaed to appear before not true." utes after the club's curfew cerned my knee'injurles and the of our squad.” 1969, selling its furnishings to to get $250,000 which he had Devaney was not Immediately but had a whopping 29-5 edge Among the speakers at the an- seemed to little bother the hpst- marked. a grand Jury Investigating na­ And professional football com- hour—and read a four-para­ death of my father. On these oc­ Besides the six prominent the state for $260,000. coming from the sale of a man­ at the line. tionwide si>orts gambling. mlsaioner PeteRozelle said in a graph prepared statement with casions, hO contacted me to of­ football personalities mentioned The Detroit Free Press said sion to the State of Michigan." available for comment. nual Gold Key Dinner of the Ing five. The winners had clear ■Tm as pleased at the end of rae f ^ s on hand saw the pe- Connecticut Sports Writers' Al- control of both boarda while the this one as at the end of the rade, which w m minus brass lienee Jan. 26 will be Alex Web- shortest player on the floor. South game, for different rea­ Mink Coat ... Color TV Set ... ’69 C ar.. Farm .. Oil Welh Offered ban

/ /

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■ PAOB TWBNTY-BIQHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1970 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTEK, CONN., WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 7, 1970 ■ - . . ■ ■ ------^ ----r OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE BUGGS BUNNY Businvss SarvicM H«lp Wantad— Help Wanted— Help Wonted O ffa r a d 1 3 Am*«r t* r>«Ti«iii fiiiil* Fem ak 35 Fem ak 35 F e m ^ 3 5 'HIVA, S Y LV ES T ER I T SH A LL M ISS HIM! I C'N HELP YA THAT» ONB VtJU A SUV WHERE'S YER>X WAS B O S C O WAS Q U /T £ OLIT,..FERA • CAN SCRATCH OFF SPOKE M in erals CLASSIFIED SNOW Plowing — Ciommerctal NATIONAL concern baa open­ PROFICIENT AT SMALL PERCENTv e v e r FEEL HEMMEO IM MOUR W ORBV LIST, HIS L S S and private driveways. Rea-'" KEYPUNCH operator, mostly wanted for full- MONKEY ? TTORCEP or / . (janr '>“y«- Apply Youth Centre ings for pleasant' telephone a TO LEAVE ENTICING COINS FROM AGE O' Y ER BY THE PRESSURES OF MATOB/ I HEABO crusT Aonable. Call Warren Hubbard, 0^(1 0 9 P A SSER SB Yi TAKE!, LIFE 7 MY FATHER IS THAT H E WENT FOLIjOWIN' ACROSS DOWN ■Bros., 140 Rye. St„ South Wind- AlanchcHter Parkade. saleswork. Downtown Man­ H IM A T A HERB FOB A VISIT BUT COWN NOSE-PlVe ON 806 E. Middle Tpke., 649-6876. - - --- VETERINARIAN'S I'M ALL 1 Passage for air AD VERTISING chester. Part-time, morning or MOUNTAIN LAST s n o w - ' EARS...AS THE I CANT EVEN FINP 1 Hard lUme 2 Cut of meat FDR t r e a t m e n t ; TIME TO SKI WITH HIM I WEEK.-»*T W«nwf lrM.« 17 Abstract being 50 Hawaiian AT I WrMAirvlw. 29 Beams of Janitor service. Call Suburban ' TM ■»« US Off. X - - 1-7 18 Island (Fr.)' 11 Concerning light wreatha PLEASE READ YOUR AD Floor Maintenance Service. FUIJ, or part-time waitress 20 Eternity 12 words) 30 Australian 51 Shakespear­ NEEDED IN wanted. Goo^ working condi­ 21 Upward marsupial ean river CI^Blfied or “ Wont Ads" ore taken over the phone as a Free estimates. Fully insured. ALLEY OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN 16 Preposition 649-9229. tions, pleasant surroundings. (comb, form) 19 Man's 31 Italian city 52 Alcoholic Teod his ad the FIRST 647-1691. 22 Smyrna----- nickname 32 Lustrous beverage DAY IT APPELS and REPORT ERRORS In time for the SNET’s UHOH; w e WELL, I'LL MAKE ME, next Insertion. The Herald Is responsible for only ONE In- EXCAVATING — Trenching — 25 Soft mineral 21 Perform on mineral 53 Precious metal FILE CliERK — experienced, GOT LIS SOME / ..YEAH...PDACHERS.A SHORT WORK O F . I GOT ONE, ( TOO! 28 Group of 34 Reverberate 54 Feminine Bob Cat machine, snow plow­ N c o m p a n y ; ( FROM TH' LOOKS ) THOSE VARMINTS/ k a k ; stage onK*tn odverUscment and then some typing and duplicating, native 39 Cereal grass name only to the extent of a “ make good” Insertion. Errors which ing driveways and . parking OF 'EM f 22 Distant EAST 37'/i houf week, fringe benefits. phosphates 23 Quechuan 41 Beak of bird 55 College official do not loHEen the value of the advertisement will not be lots, tree removal. Reason­ ® N L Y A (pl.) 57 Samuel't. corrected by “ make good" Insertton able rates. 643-6159, 872-0647. 649-5381. SLIGHT Indian 43 Symbol for EXAGGERATION'*- 33 Speechify 24 American thorium teacher (Sib. HARTFORD 35 Circle part 58 Tear SNOW plowing, residential and soldier (coll.) 44 Social event (RockvUe, Toll Free) ■gV'amORCin. 36 Poisonous 25 Roman 48 Copper-zinc 59 Follower commercial. Also trucking. T Help Wanted— Mok 36 AOSt5r«rc.K- serpent gannent alloy 61 English river Reasonable rates. 646-1974. QFHCE 37 Sticky 643-2711 87S-3136 You need no previous substance r " r - i m r o T DRY WALL — remodeling — MAINTENANCE 38 Weep paint, repair, or replace ceil­ The telephone, company experience. We’ll train 40 Feminine (I rr ings and walla. Reasonable has an opening for an you at a good starling MECHANIC OUT OUR W AY BY J. B. WILLIAMS appellatior ordcr-typl.sl In its East salary. Valuable bene­ u Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? rates. Call 649-5704. We are seeking an Individ­ 42 Vsiriety of fr TT Hartford office .located fits, plca.sant working quartz ual to WOT k In our main­ FKOVI wow OH WOULP SOMEBOPY J WHAT FOB 7 YOU lAOULPN'T ^ 17 II SNOW PLOWING —. residential at 14 Chapman Street. conditions, opportunity KIUPLY POSTA WARKIIKIG SICkJ r WOTICE IT/ I ’VE ALREAPy 45 Paaaage in tenance dcpiirtment, we of­ 1-7 24-Hour Answering Service and business, very reasonable. 1 ( I I Must be a high school for advancement. OUT5IPE THE VOOR WHEW VOLf VE ) WARWEP YOU ABOUT COM ■ the bi^n 646-1829. fer excellent wages * and , ' 53 Sheep disease basic knowledge of electri­ YEARS SINCE I J KNEW Wt'O SHOW CALL HANDYMAN. Snow through P'riday from ' UP AGAIN, PAW- YOUR MONEY... V MARCO, 56 Fanciful Pleasant'^^worklng condi­ city and refrigeration. In­ 42 EDWARDS 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and LEAVE. musing . shoveling and sanding. Rea­ tions, frequent raises terested applicants should 60 Worship sonable rates. Call 643-8305 Roofing— Siding 16 Help Wanted— and valuable benefits or call 643-4101, exten­ apply to / 62 Orthorpombir ANSWERING SERVIGE anytime. sion 368. Evening and ST B" t r r BIDWELL Home Improvement Fem ale 35 I mineral For complete informa- Saturday Interviews can ITT CONTINENTAL 63 City in ST TREE SERVICE (Soucler) — Co. Expert installation of be arranged. BAKING CO. Alabama 649-0500 B75-2S10 Trees cut, building lots clear­ aluminum siding, gutters and Iton, visit our employ­ WAITRESS—6 nights, 5-12 p.m., ment office located at 62 521 Conn. Blvd. 64 Hidden sr 83" and leav your message. You’U hear from our auveroser U:' ed, trees topped. Got a tree trim. Roofing in.stallation and Monday-Friday. Good pay for sharpshooter Jig time without, spending all evening at the telephone problem! Well worth phone repairs. 649-6495, 875-9109. E‘a.st Center Street, East Hartford, Conn. sr right person. Apply in . person, 65 City in 88" call. 742-8252. Manchester. Open Mon­ 628-4181 France ROOFING and roof repair. C. J.'s, 273 Broad St. day through Friday SOUTHERN An equal opportunity employer. (Nnripaper tmUtptm Aim .) Automobiles For Sale 4 DICK'S Service Snow plowing, Coughlin Roofing Co., Inc. 643- from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 lota, driveways, sidewalks, 7707. p.m., or call 643-4101, apartments, stores. Also sand­ BE extension 368. Evening NEW ELECTRONIC Technicians H CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER HERALD 1965 FORD custom, 2-door, V-8, standard shift, rebuilt engine, ing done. Reasonable rates. Roofing and and Saturday Interviews Many local positions with ONE OF THE can be arranged. young expanding companies, BOX LEHERS good condition, 3700. 643-0290. Call 843-0002. Chimneys 16-A -- ENGLAND FINAST both for the trainee and the WAYOUT BY KEN MUSE 1968 CADILLAC DeVllIe, loaded. ODD JOBS, light trucking, man with experience. Compa­ For Your carpentry, miscellaneous re­ ROOFING — Specializing re­ / 1 No money down, full financing pairing roofs of all kinds, new PAYROLL CLERK TELEPHONE nies want the man who wants __ 4^ arranged. Dealer, 647-1902 after pairs, etc., good service and Information roofs, gutter work, chimneys to get ahead. Fee paid. Rich­ 1-7 6 p.m. low prices. 643-7218. SOUTHERN ard P. Rita Personnel, 63 E. McNamht SjiMlkyite, loe. HEROES ARE MAPE-NOT BORN THE HER.\tX» WIU not cleaned and repaired. 30 years' Person with above average An equal opportunity employer disclose the identity of experience. Free 'estimates. Center St., Manchester, 646- 1965 9UICK Skylark, automatic, LIGHT trucking, odd Jobs, also clerical .ability and back­ 4040. any advertiser using box V-8, power steering. No money moving large appliances. Burn­ Call Howley 643-5381, 644- ground in payroll work. ■ NEW letters. Readers answer­ ing barrels delivered. $4. 844- 8333. ing blind box ads who down, full financing arranged. SHORT BIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL Dealer, 647-1902 after 6 p.m. 1775 SECRETARIES Typist* - (Tem­ vT desire to protect their CLERK TYPIST ENGLAND porary) work in your own identity can follow ‘ his SNOW Plowing—Private' and Heating and Plumbing 17 Interesting position in small areas, top rates, free parking, AUTO procedure: 1982 VOLVO 4-door sedan, $325. small business lots. Reason­ immediate openings. Call Son­ SAM WATSON Plumbing and department for qualified TELEPHONE Call 742-7484 after 5 p.m. able. Call 628-7655. ya, 622-0492. COED temporaty CCD\/fC\T Enclose your reply to Heating. Bathroom remodeling typist. the box in an envelope — service, 100 Constitution Plaza, V I V lC lN address to the Classified 1969 FIREBIRD convertible, au­ TWO YOUNG married men and repairs. Free estimates. Hours 8:30-4:30. Company An equal opportunity employer Suite 800, Hartford. Manager, Manchester tomatic, V-8, power steering. will do small repair Jobs and Call 649-3808. offers good wages, pleasant ------• FRONT ENDS Evening Herald, together No money down. Full financing painting, also cellar cleaning working conditions, excel­ with a memo listing the arranged. Dealer, 647-1902 after and light trucking. Call 646- GRANTS Plumbtng service, • BATTERIES quality work, fair prices. Call lent company benefits pro­ BOOKKEEPER — Full charge, PAYROLL CLERK companies you do NOT 6 p.m. 2602, 646-2047. gram free parking and sub­ want Co see your letter. for free estimates. 643-6341. with long established firm. • TUNE-UPS 1966 CHEVROLET Super Sport, sidized cafeteria. Experienced girl who would BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE Your letter wlU be de­ Small office, pleasant sur­ stroyed If the advertiser automatic, V 8, power steering Household Services roundings. Call Mr. Weiner, like to work east of the • SHOCKS MAN, H€'S GONNA UP5ET /...AND THERE ARE SHREDS OF "TM BINDING YOU x is one you've mentioned. and brakes. No money down. Millinery, Apply t 289-4337. river in a pleasant amos- AND WE HAVE AH AFFIDAVIT Fl?0/V\ THE '' OUR APPLSCART.' If not It will be handled Offered 13-A TWO SIRLS.A'^601 LAVACA, APARTMENT 10, MARIJUANA LEFT IN ONE OF BOTH OVER TO CRIMINAL) / well swear Financing arranged. Cali 647- Dressmaking 19 phere. To $95. Fee paid. in the usual manner COUNTER GIRL, 6 p.m. to 1 Permanent, full-time and ' that th ese' boys had m aruuan a and y , THE GIRLS' ASHTRAYS ^ COURT AND SETTING / I 5aw 1902, after 6 p.m. LIGHT TRUCKING, bulk dellv- FIRST NATIONAL part-time positions, a'vail- ^ PEPPIR FtFOW. MRS- PRESS — Dressmaking a.m. shift, part-time. Also WERE SMOKING IT ... j------^ 7 . YOUR BOND AT ery, yards, ^Jtics, cellars STORES INC. GIRL FRIDAY able. Some experience nec­ >1,500 EACH 1967 CONVERTIBLE Firebird cleaned and removed. Also odd and alterations, expert work­ available part-time mornings. new brakes, tires, etnd battery. essary. lobs. 644-8962. manship. 55 E. Center St., 649- PARK & OAKLAND Apply Bess Eaton Donuts, 160 . .. Lost and Found 1 Best offer. Call after 6, ask 8038. AVENUES Center St., Manchester. AH it takes is a respon­ for Tom. 643-0238. CUSTOM made draperies, slip ____ . sible enegertlc girl with Good ^ r tin g pay, excellent LOST — Savings Passbook No. covers and reupholstering EAST HARTFORD, MATURE person to work Sun­ typing^ and shorthand abil­ working conditions, liberal . x / v 1964 CHEVROLET Impala 2- 25-007913 6, The Connecticut Budget terms. Established in DRESSMAKING and alterations days and three evenings week­ ity. $110. Fee paid.. employe benefits including door hardtop. No money down. CONN. Bonk & Trust Company, Sav­ 1945. Days. 524-0154 evenings. reasonably priced. 649-9910. ly. Apply in person. Swiss shopping discount and op- Financing arranged. Call 647- ings Department. Application 849-7590.' Colony, Manchester Shopping 'Portunlty for advancement. 1902 after 6 p.m. EXECUTIVE made for payment. SALESGIRLS for evening shift, Parkade. * TWO handymen want a variety Moving— ^Trucking— .T. H70 by NtA. let, TM l#9 US Pat OH 1969 VOLKSWAGEN camper, 7 p.m. to midnight. Full or SECRETARY APPLY TO s t o r e m a n a g e r LOST — Passbook No. 26-9004«7 of Jobs by day or hour. Rea­ Storage 20 GENERAL Secretary — must 2, The Connecticut Bank & full financing arranged. Dealer. part-time. No experience nec­ be good typist and take short­ “ It’s fixed . . . his mother calls him to dinner in the sonable. Call 643-5305, Trust Co., Savings Depart­ Call 647-1902 after 6 p.m. MANCHESTER —Delivery-light essary, will train. Please ap­ hand. Good starting rate. Dynamic executive needs a second round!" REWEAVING of burne, moth- ment. Application made for 1964 CADILAC Deville con­ trucking and package delivery. ply in person or call Mister Apply Coca Cola Co., 461 Main top notch girl who can- keep CALDOR, INC. boles. zippers repaired. Win­ BY LANK LEONARD payment. vertible. All-power, air condi­ Refrigerators, washers and Donut, 649-8277, 255 West Mid­ St., East Hartford, Mr. Dick the pace. Excellent skills re­ MICKEY FINN dow shades made to measure, quired. To $i26. Fee paid. 1145 Tolland Tpke. tioned. Excellent, clean, black stove moving, specialty. Fold­ dle Tpke. ' Smith. LOST—Big black cat with silver all size Venetian blinds. Keys THIS JS PHIL FINN A HE'S A THAT'S leather. New tires. 66,000 ing chairs for rent. 649r0'762. collar, vicinity Doane St. 649- made while you wait. Tape re­ SECRETARIES — Typists — Manchester AN OLD FR\t^DJSHERIFF: RIGHT, STEVE CANYON BY MILTON CANIFF miles. $1,395. Call 643-2371. OF MINE! -A C ------C- JEP! 7071. corders for rent. Marlow's. 867 Clerks and other office skills. or call 649-2876 1989 MUSTANG, must sacri­ Main St 640-5221 Many needed for assignments RITA GIRL AND SHALL WE LOOK AT THE LITTLE LOST — 2V6-year-old male Si­ Painting— Papring 21 fice, like new, automatic trans­ near home. Temporary,, full­ PRESENT YOU BROUGHT MB FOR THE berian Husky, blue eyes. Wear­ HELP W ANTED mission, ‘power steering, $2,- PAINTING — Interior and ex­ time or 9-3 p.m. Highest pay, 800 Silver Lane JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT — (?) .THIRTEENTH DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS?, ing choke chain. Answers to no fee. Staff Builders, 11 Asy­ 79'>. Call 649-3291. Building— terior, very reasonable, free Will consider 2-4 year account­ name of Kirov. Call 643-0677. Contraefing 14 estimates. Cali Richard Mar­ IN ‘ lum St.. Hartford, 278-7610. East Hartford ing graduates or 4-year grad­ 19jJ MUSTANG fastback power tin, 649-9285, 649-4411. PART or full-time. Apply at uates . with hea-vy account­ steering, automatic, 302, ex­ LEON Cieszynskl builder—new ing courses. Must be sharp Announcements 2 cellent condition, many extras. homes custom built, remodel­ JOSEPH P. LEWIS — Custom TELEPHONE’ Gerri’s Dry Cleaning Cen­ 528-9416 Painting, interior and exterior, ter, 419 Main St., Manchester. with good personality. Compa­ Owner in service. $1,800. 649- ing, additions, rec rooms, ga­ ny will train for future man­ HAVING a wedding, Anniver­ rages, kitchens remodeled, paperhanging, fully insured. sary etc. coming up. Order For free estimates call 649-9658 GOMPANY REIABLE woman to do light agement position In controllers bath tile, cement work, steps CAPABLE person to work in In­ department. Duties will be in your home made cake by call­ W t CHEVROLET V-8, auto­ If^no answer 643-8362. housekeeping and care of chil­ dormers. Residential or com- dren. Full-time, days, Mon­ ventory control posting and area of coat, expense and gen­ ing 643-4350. matic, asking $100. Call 649- merical. Call 649-4291. B. H. MAGOWAN JR. & Sons, CAFETERIA day-Friday. Call 643-0177 after pricing for Industrial supply eral accounting. Excellent 7616, after 6 p.m. firm. Modern East Hartford lo­ DORMEBS. garages, Tx>»ches. interior and exterior painting, 6 p.m. growth potential. Fee paid, cation. Salary and fringe bene­ 1963 CHEVROLET, 8 cylinder, rec rooms, room additions. paper hanging. Thirty years Richard P. Rita Persoiuiel, 63 Personals This Is a full-time open­ fits. Call 289-8291 for appoint­ MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY automatic. “ Call 649-5174, be­ Kitchens, add-a-Ievels, rocflng. experience,. four generations. E. Cervter St., Manchester, 646- ing for a reliable, indus­ ment. 4040. PENNY SAVER Hospital, Aux­ tween 5-8 p.m. siding, general repairs. Quality Free estimates', fully Insured. WHATfe TH E g o o d Of^ BEING A CLAS9- 643-7361. trious person to work ATTENTION iliary Thrift Shop, 615 Main St. workmanship. Financing avail­ WANTED reliable cleaning SERVICE STATION Attendant D GH09T IF NO ONE PAYS ANV will hold a cosmetic and jew- as cafeteria attendant. ATTENTION? able. Economy Builders, Inc. CONTRACTOR — Interior, ex­ Houra are 7 :00 g.m. to HOUSEWIVES woman to help with house­ wanted, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Apply ^ elry sale later in the month- 1957-1958 VOLVOS, not runnihg, WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALU , 643-6159. 872-0647 evenings terior painting, paper hanging. 3:30 p.m., Monday work, one day a week. Call in person, Cantone'a Esso, Bring in that bottle of cologne $125 both. Call 649-6809. Discount on wallpaper. Call through Friday, 644-2881. 308 West Middle Tpke. that doesn't quite send you or ------7'------SAVE MONEY!'I Fa§^ service, Would you like to work R3£7HE R E S T O F 648- 3048. = while your children are in I / those earrings taking up room Dormers, roomm Editions, gu- MV LIFE, I'L-L 1961 FORD, Oldsmoblle engine. school? We have openings in your jewelry case. We'll rages, porches, roofing and ■40 experience neces­ V/ -V* v\ P U aaA E iZ / Best offer, running. 646-1751. INSIDE—outside painting. Spe­ In our store's accounting NEVB2FLV INA convert-'them into the green siding. Compere prices. Add- cial rates for people over 65. sary. Regular raises, 'z ! ° 1983 CHEVROLET BelAlr, -A-Level Dormer' Ooro., 289- excellent working con­ department for° experienced PLANE.' stuff that keeps our register Call my competitors, then comptometer operators to ARE YOU THE MAN? '' y' Jingling. Date to be announced.' bronze color, automatic trans­ 0449 me. Estimates given. 649^7868. ditions,'' valuable bene- » - —1------/- mission. Good condition. Call fils, work part-time from 9 a.m.- 2:30 p.m. Wages commensu­ To Join our fast growing restaurant managoinent 4«ain. INCOME tax preparation serv­ 643-6080. CARPENTRY— concrete steps, EDWARD R. PRICET^alntlng floors, hatchways, remodeling' « rate with ability, free park­ We will teach you all about this exciting “ people" OONESf- ice. Please call Dan Hosier, exterior and intorfor. Paper Visit our employment business. Good salary while learning. RiPSEWAY 649-3329 or 247-3115. porches, garages, closets, ceil­ hanging. Celllngs^'^etc. Insured. ing, subsidized cafeteria. -J0 office located at' 52 East ings, attics finished, rec 649- 1003. Apply employment office. Trucks— ^Tractors 5 rooms, formica, ceramic. Oth­ Center. Street,; Mon-- TOP COMPANY BENEFITS PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER er related work. No Job too i^ E D IA T E L 'Y available, in­ Chester. Open Monday tlirough Friday from FIRST NATIONAL OPPORTUNnXJFOB ADVANCEMENT Automobiias For Sak 4 JEEP, 1963, 4-wheel-drive with small. Dan Moran, Builder. terior painting and decorating. v E p ; BEST OF ALU, THEY \ Evenings, 649-8880. Call Everett Van Dyne, 246-- 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., STORESJNC. '‘y W H A V E M 'T STOP THESE PESTS 1966 PLYMOUTH, 4-dopr plow, all new tires, $1,195. Call or call 643-4101, exten­ Intor\iew-s held dally at the store, 501 Middle Tpke., WHO ALWAYS MOOCH 643-9708. .4781 after 6:30 p.m. S M O K E D 1-7 sedan, automatic, V-8, radio, MASONRY—All types of stone sion 368. Evening and- PARK & OAKLAND West, Manchester, between the hours of 9-11 b .iil, . T M IS — 7 c \(3A R ETS) power steering. Good running Saturday Interviews can 2-5 p.m., 7-9 p.ni. YEAR! and concrete ' work... Quality PAINTING and - Decorating, AVENUES- aooD~ condition, $900. 643-2880. „ . commercial and ' residential, be arranged. 1965 ?4-'roN GMC with 8' body workmanship, work guaran­ EAST HARTFORD, (THINKING), CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER NEED CAR? Credit very bad? Call 742-7035. teed. Call after 6, 643-1870, 644- free estimates, prompt effi­ cient service, vinyl and paper CONN. VEN I 5EB VOr COME IN.OUIBBLEI WE TOOK A Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ 2976. BURGER) CASTLE YOU 0 0 TO m y PRA6TIC STEP. AMP MAPE ‘ ^ est Douglas accepts lowest hanging. Colonial Decoratons, IMAGE I AM TEMP WALRUSKIS NOT THAT RE\ down, smallest payments, any­ NEWTON H. SMITH and Son— 643-9994. SOUTHERN TO REFUGE TOUR INO SWINPLER'. Motorcycks— MONEY AND JOB where. Not small loan finance Remodeling, repairing, addi­ WOMEN for housecleaning, and SYSTEMS, Inc. company plan. Douglas Mo­ B icy ck s 11 tions, rec rooms, garages, NEW caring of children, dally. Five o o - tors, 345 Main. BICYCLES—New and used. Re­ porches and roofing. No Job Electrical Services 22 days. Call 649-6334. pairs on all makes. Open daily too small- Call 649-3144. 1967 AUSTIN-Healy SOOO. Mark ELECTRICAL Contracting ' — ’ ENGLAND PILGRIM Mills. 434' Oakland St. ?V " "'' III, silver. Fine condition, Ask­ 9-5:30. Manchester Cycle Shop. WES ROBBINS Carpentry re­ Residential, commercial, in­ has openings for full and part- 182 West Middle 'Tpke., 649- o t) 1»70 W NIA. lag. TM Isf. US. fef. (Hf. ing $2,600 Call 643-0047. modeling specialist. Additions, dustrial. No Job too small. Free time salesladies and cashiers. 2098 rec rooms, dormers, porches, estimates given. All work TELEPHONE Apply after 4 \p.m. Miss Co­ 1964 PLYAioUTH Fury, power burn. Experienced... cabinets, formica, built-ins, g^rantecd. Frank Cresenzl, ROBIN MALONE BY BOB LUBBERS steering) automatic. Asking USED, motorcycle, very good bathrooms', kitchens, 64^-344(1. 643-1317. $880. Call 644-1877. An equal opiX)rtun\ty employer HAIRDRESSEIR wanted. The 'E'6 MIKg MALOHe, ALL RIGHT/ y e s .' HOW PaRTuiroue f Hcw '‘ condition. Call 649-1142. tQUHDS'- Pa)R,CAS5AN(?RA.'Lar N. ll. LaFIam'me —Carpenter Wiggery Beauty Sulom 626 PUT 'g'S 'AP A B iroFA BASH ON PROVIOeHTlALl QUICKLY, INGRID, TH€ PICTlweG THe B£je0LY Flow J/(H KARMANN Ghia 1963, engine contractor. Additions, remodel­ Floor Finishing 24 Main St.. 643-2330. OFH50INANP HAS truly PFeflpSLlVERgC» TG NOSeiM.' 'IS MIMP AIN'T . GALL POCYOK (76PRAVA .' and frame In good condition, ______\'______LINOTYPE /WKEMALDNG j-LJNT&MYHANDs;^ WORTH A - T u p p e n c e , ing and repairs. Call anytime FLOOR SANDING and rcflnlsh- PART-TIME office help, flex­ i0^rJ body needs some work. Asking Businets Sarvicos KEYPUNCH Operators, experi­ (NiK^ LocKer $?00 or best offer. Call 649- for free estimates. 875-1642. Ing (specializing in older enced and beginners. Work ible hours, typing necessary. tn s e u x E im . Offered/ 13 LITTLE SPORTS 9250 -after 5:30. CARPENTER — A reliable floors). Inside painting. Paper days, evenings, part-time or Call 289-9541, 9:30 to 6 p.m. OPERATOR ic^tinrycr M y BY ROUSON hanging. No Job to small. ■myituiMMl- YOU ARE A-1. Truck Is A-1. handyman for repairs, Installa­ full-time. Immediate assign­ 4 f ^ ( GRAND PRIX hardtop 1967, John Verfallle, 640-5750. ments In your area. High pay, $60 IN FAMOUS brands free if cV excellent condition. Power Cellar^,- attics, yards, drive­ tions, home Improvements. you run a weekly shop-by-mail ways sealed and small truck­ Call Ted at 247-7836. If no no fee. Apply Staff Builders, 11 Immediate Opening / steering, brakes, windows. Asylum St., Hartfoixl, 278-7610. cliib for few friends. Send for y- Vinyl top. Oill 872-3457. ing done, A-1 right. Call Tre- answer call 649-0734. Bonds— Stocks details and free all new cata­ mano Trucking Service toll- NUBSEs 3 " r n 's and LPN'S In log. No obligation. Popular APPLY IN PERSON AT T H l froe. 742-9487. CUSTOM builder needs re­ M ortgagas 27 1965 CHEVROLET Impala East Hartford-, 11 p.m.-7 a.m. Club Plan, Department Y602, convertible, ,8 cylinder, $925. modeling ■ to fill our winter AL MARINO Services (former­ schedule. Call Everett ' Van MORTGAGES 1st and 2nd, ''shift, full or part-time, .top Lynbrook, N.Y. ilHattrl)pBtpr lEBPtiinij Ifprald \ 1968 Dodge, $1,400. 1968 FoW mqrtga'gea— interim financing rates, good benefits,, on bus , v Falrlane 500, 8 cylinder, outo- ly M A M Rubbish) AJtlcs,' cel­ Dyne, 246-4781 after 6 :30 p.m. 7 lars, garages, old barns clean­ —expedient and confidential line. Burnside Convalescent C e p ENDABLE ^ T nln g lady, 11 mSSELL STREET— MANCHESTER, CONN. '/r ni»M matlO, $1,600. Contact the Sav- service. J. D. Real Estate Home. Phone Mr. Kelly,' 289- own transportation. Call 646- Ingw Bank of Manchester, 646- ed out. Dght trucking, appli­ 4687. T'"'"' ances, furniture. 644-2615. Read Herald Ads Aaeoc. 548-5129. 1»71. 1700.’* -c

\X A ■ \ V\ \ A' ' \ y. V ■ \\ \ \ MANCHESTER. EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1970 \ \ . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTfER, CONN, WEDNE^ AY, JANUARY 7, 1970 PAGE THIRTY-ONE PAg A THIRTY BusinMs Proparty BY SHORTEN and WHIPPLE Apartments— Flats— Business Locations Houses For Sa!e 72 Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Out of Town He'p Wanted— Ma?« 36 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW For Rent 64 For Sola 70 Vernon Tenements 63 THREE BEDROOM Ranch, For Sole 75 Russian Hero SERVICE ^ stdtton tio n attendanta, MANCHESTER 20,000 Hqimrp ^’ ANCTIBSTER 8-room Cape, onUTMr' with large kitchen, finished must be experienced, good SUURtse- SIM9ET tXPT. foot masonry industrial build- treed" lot, central loca- KHNL, Raps Account A OF VEAI?$ AGO A i2-'yEAR- roc room, treed lot. Haerlflce EAST HARTFORD custom ISurses Make 71ff Visits CLASSIFIED pay. Call 643-2453. Wyman OU OIP FAM SEMT THIS IPEA iiJ TO U<5 - SOU'REA lug. 1% ncroH, central location, flolck occupancy. Bel Air may not exactly be around the price. I.OW, low, 20’s. Wolver- MAMA. I ments with heat, etc. Charles ply Marlows. 867 Main Street. all iitllllleH. Many possIbUltleB, Estate, Vincent A. Bog- corner, but we do start early 1963 four-bedroom Raised Of Hitler Rout Co. 484 East Middle Tpke. tORT kHOW/ MCOtRL ton Agency, IteaHors, 649-'28I3. Ranch. Oak 8 t. urea. Alu- CERTAlNlV llOT. ICXl'iaE mow; GO Lesperance, 649-7620. Including commercial glnl. Realtor, 643-9332. at the Belflore Agency! Our HOW TO For Health Guidance MOSCOW (AP) — ^Marshal DISHWASHER wanted for ap­ JL16TA b a m .' Tim e- TOWORk' Houses For Rent 65 Haye« Agency, 646-0131, spring pii.sh starts annually on SPRUCE St. 4 flntH\-onHlstlng , fireplace, built ADVERTISING proximately 4 nights a week. EROOCm FOR MAkEUP WAV THE WE HAVE customers waltln*- MANCHESTER — 8-room Rais' January 2nd! Sooo—here’s some of 18 rooms, corner property^ ti/a A' mortage Of the visits ------mode- by ^ the education...... to. be...... held.. Saturday ui , Zhukov accused West­ floor; MANCHESTER —Center_Po^ Apply Cavey’s Restaurant 643- TOU GROW UP lor the rental of your apart­ ATTRACTIVE Flve-room Cape ed Ranch, lour to five bed rocent'y listed Best Buys. We’re needs work. Mortgage can be Koekville Public Health Niirslfig at the Hilton Hotel, Hartford today of ” fal.l- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS siblo office and residence com­ ■' ___ . ______" , . Mover Atrenev. Reii Inr njs- a ...... ' fv nv hhitorv” l>v nr,Hrnvln,r 1416. ment or home. J.D. Real Es­ Cod, with electric range, frost- rooms, bullt-ins dishwasher printing addresses for your arranged. $28,000. Principals Meyer Agency, Realtor, 643- Aasoclatl.m during the month Principal sneaker for the history” by portraying the 8 AJM. to 4 :3 0 P.M. tate Associates, Inc.. M3-512S. free refrigerator, washer, air- bination. Six-room Colonial," 2- carpeting, rec room, wooded ’’Drlve-by’’ (:onvenienee only. Call n4».4.’i22'. November, a l^kal of 1,060, meeting will Howard K ■’““ I H '^ 'r’s traops a. START $2.65 an hour for re­ car garage. Bus line. $24,900 lot. High 20’s. Hayes .Agency. a matter of numbers, not skill. MANCHESTER— Nice two-bed- conditioner, big lot and garage. 247 were made for ifhc purpose Smith, ABC news commeritatbr tread shop workers, all shifts, Hayes Agency. 646-0131. 648-0131. 132-134 MAPLE STREET TOiJ.AND - Fmir-/ronFour -/room room apartment. Available References and security,. $286 / * w, I ‘'Jt" or wiiiiiiiirstr-riiiKadministering nixilbtslsldc «ire su'bieci'TlirTe"''"-^'^ COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. paid holidays, vacation, sick A newly listed immaculate' 4- pandabl^ Cape. I re/.'/!cway, at- ,uid-treatment and 718 t o . January. Apjlllances and heat monthly. Call 875-6488. “ I" and.treatment and 718 were for ^ Kommunlst, the main Oom- 4:30 P.M. DAY BEFORE PIIBUCATIQM leave, hospitalization, and life CH/wisie euRc^^ ROOM Rnnclj\brlck front, 3 family of four rooms each, with Lots'For Sale 73 taehed garage. I.nrge lot on heal'u. guidance ^ Challenge to Amerl- munlsl party theoretical journal, Insurance. Firestone Retread 'JURQVIC included. Garage. $160 month­ FOR RENT or sale, Tolland, bedrooms, flreplaqe, garage, four separate baseboarti hot wa quiet country rorid. Near park- „ concerns the that ” mdre and more often, one Deadline lor Saturday and Monday Is 4:30 p.m. Frida.i ly.- Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, Investment Property , ,,, CENTER of Town. . .npproxl- Shop, South Windsor, M9-4361. GRmT£ ClT'I, lU. compact 6% room Cape Cod, park-like yard. Immbdiate oc- ter tnatlng .systems, 4 separate matcly 2Va acres ail In "B” w:iy. Asking $19,900. T. .1. ,,, general unrest in today’s encounters these peculiar ver- 649-4635. For Sale 70-A fireplace, basement garage, *24,900\Hayes biundry hookup.s, and 4 garages! ^onc. All’ utllUle.s'on the site. YOUR COOPERATION WIULmA| 9711 IGN car $170 monthly Evenings 878- PEARL St. — We" are offering Agency, 646-0131. \ This properly is hound’s tooth BE APPRECIATED l/IMIo I I time, ifc»to $5 per hour. Apply. FOUR-ROOM apartment . S o THE'/ APPEP AMOTHER 0EP- rent. Call after 6:30 p.m., 9329. for Immediate salon a 14-room clean and centrally located. Call ^ c u b e s ' ' in person, Gorin’s Sports Oar NovJ TME J2WEAR-0LP EIGHT beautiful acres, 7-rodhi earlv- there just ’’Ain’t” many ...... »■"""> recreation nf these around! with fireplace, 2-ear garage, ^ t . ’ongregationaj Church of Ver- of the advanced character of So- Tpke., Talcottville. EHJO'/IHG THEIR NEW-fOUMD New 3-bedroom all electric Continued From Preceding Poqe FIVE ROOMS, 3 bedrooms, with annual gross rental of siding, double garage. In- CHOICE of several building lots '’irgc treed lot. city water, home from tlie hospital. Re- nom .31 boys qualified for a total vlet military science,” the 73- THEGIRI'5 ARE TOO'' PRiv/AC'/ f < house, family kitchen, 1% DEEPWOOD DRIVE MAN WANTED to work In heated, $180 monthly. Avail­ nearly $7,000, You could oc­ ground swimming pool, barn. wlth city utlllt'es. Ranging in I»h’c $33,900. Call Miller fo/- follrnv-^up palticnU ,i,.f,orent awards BIG TO BE 6LEEPIHO baths, large basement, base­ Comt let 4-room ranch. about to be dlseh-arged were re- ...... - ...... ^ w^roZ,'’ , lumber yard, must have driv­ able Immediately. 646-1418. cupy half of the house and still Hutchins Agency, Realtors, pric^ from $5,OOP and up. Phil- Agency, Realtors, 643-69.30 Help Wanted— Male 36 Help Wanted— Male 36 IM OHE ROOM .* THE'/ ment garage, $228. monthly... eeived from ho.spltals in Hart- CUibmiuster Carl Edlund and ‘ u 7'' er’s license. Davis & Brad­ MEEP THEIR PRu/AcV-V enjoy a gross rental of $3,500. ______849-5324. ______133 NORTH EIJW STREET brick Agency, Reallors, 646- TWO - BEDROOM apartment. Evenings 876-9329. VERNON Custom Raneli, ford. Miss Ruth Hoyt, super- “ “'•‘rtant Robert Shollard com- PuhUshed in the ford Lumber Co., 200 Tolland Of course the rooming house MANCHESTER — Duplex 6-6 8-raqm Cape with 200 4200. GENERAL cleaning, part-time, Adults only, no pets. Security breezeway, oversized garage", vLsor of the a«.stx:lnAlon, .said *-he following boy.s for ^ St., East Hartford. " 3 = SEVEN-ROOM Single House, MO copld be eliminated ar.d separate furnaces, tile baths! '" '[ " “dlate oe- t OLLAND - One-acre two hours mornings. Manches­ deposit. Relerences, rental treed fireplace, wooded lot, Immedi- fhis helpa to provide continuity aohievcm^lH: Thomaa ® ^ central, References required. this ideally located home newly painted, jiorches, one Oh jies^ all aluminum ale occupancy. Sacrifice due to of patien/Ls' care which Ik a ^^*^uckkman, Richard Gardner, • ® f**,*!*' ter area. Call 643-9470 after 5 DEAN MACHINE FUEL OIL driver, full time. Al­ agreement, 649-5664 niter 6. lot. Near Parkway. $2,500. Available by March 1. Call would provide fine living facll- block from Main St. Own%r 643- “ ‘^'"5’. keeping iHaintalnencc at illness. Immaculate. Meyer nafer more reall.stic and prac- h ritz, bobcat; William ** o u ^ ^ - p.m. PRODUCTS so lubrication man for trucks, Hayes Agency, 646-0131. 2V0£H£MV0H fflU after 5 p.m. 649-3060. Ities for 2 famlUes. Robert J. 5946. a minimum. Agen(;y, Realtors, 043.0609. ti(ral way of planning for home !^&©rs. Todd Mazzolla, Kevin part-time nights. Apply Mo- Smith Inc. 963 Main St C40- care of the patient. Fitzpatrick, Ijarry Zadra, wolf; Zhukov condemned the .work PART-’TIME janitorial, 4 hours 102 COLONIAL RD. rlarty Bros., 301 Center St., N M C i BURCH -7t RUROVIC JAN 15TH VERNON — ’Three - bedroom 6241. CHESTER Drive, e - r o o 'n T ^ Out of Town To prevent certain illneases Steve Achilll, Raymond Poulin, ’’disgustingly vulgar” in the per night, 5 nights, Manches­ MANCHESTER, CONN. Manchester, see Scotty. 7'^ room r a n ^ 2Mi oeAwrt c/W, ILL. Ranch. Close to school and new kitchen, roof, paint, like .■ i__i__ among children, Immuniaatlon Edward Rakk, bear, and Mar- it presents the Soviet ter. 649-5334 after 4 p.m. N stores. $175 monthly. Security For Sale 75 Has Immediate openings days. PLUMBING mechanic or ex- OCCUPANCY ^ — new condition, fenced in yard, q ,.7’” ^ BOLTfjN again.st whooping txjugli, dip- Jamison, wolf gold arrow. «f'ort. required. 649-4824. Houses For Sale 72 garage, $22,000. Hayes Agency heat. Quality built. SOUTH Wlnd.sor — a\pr horse. Only vaccinations were Wayne Martin, gold arrows on 3^ Industrials had de- 649-6651 649-2179 wooded lot. 10% down, $31,- PRODUCTION MILLERS AKC, champion blood lines, 3 ROOM HOUSEFUL housework occasionally while heat, hot water, refrigerator, garage, large lot, city utilities,------Here’s a very clean 6-room $17,900. Paul w\pougan. Real given to 91 infants and pre- bear; Daniel Cook, silver arrow - VERNON I’m away. 644-0248. 0 0 0 , BRIDGEPORT operator, ex- _get.up and operate, first shots, exceptionally range, hood, disposal, dish­ fireplace. Owner anxious to MANCHESTER — Two-family cape for less than $20,000! for. 649-4535. school children. on bear, and Mark Conrad, gold “ A ssocla ^ Press 60-stock perienced. H & B Tool and 19 PIECES At the polio clinic held at the and sliver arrows on bear. Associated Press 60-stock bright, delightfully affec­ $297 TOE THOMPSON House—Cot- MANCHES'TER — One-bed- washer, wall to wall carpeting. sell. Charles Lesperance, 649- flat, 5 down 4 up, downstairs Aluminum storms and screens, Engineering Co., 168 Forest TOOL MAKER — Exper- AREA tionate. 647-1824. Private terrace and swimming 7620. has been completely remodel- recent furmiee! Has had T.L.C. VERNON Interior Designer wants reliable tage St., centrally located, room Garden type apartment. U & R r e a l t y C 0„ INC. °'-al trivalent po- The Webelos awards went to wiinnaMfrllu^^f 1 L St., Manchester. pool. Immediate occupancy. ed, fine residential area. Both and .shows it! RUSTIC c h a r m e r lio vaccine was given to 74 Arnold Chase, Dean Gray and . utilities off 9 ienced in jig and fixture Circulation Counselor TO SETTLE estate, three-year family or newlyweds to accept large pleasantly furnished Available now. Heat, and ap­ MANCHESTER — 7-room Colo­ pliances included. $145 and Only $155 monthly '' 875-3776, ap.mments vacant upon sale. Private parklike setting ; 643-2692 infants and pre-.school children. Mark Kene, artist; Richard Von ™ MECHANIC — for fleet work. w ork. Needed In Growing Circu- old female pood'e, $50. IVi delivery of complete Model Dis­ rooms, parking. Call 649-2358 nial, 2 */^..tiled baths, 2-car ga­ $150 per month. Paul W. Dou­ 875-7466. T.J. Crockett. Realtor. 64.3- REDWOOD FAfAlS rounds the Inner beauty df, At the request of the .school Deck, Stove Spencer, aquana^’. , six -day week. Must be avail- TjoTT'tr'U'DrvDT' year old male poodle, $65. play of Quality Furniture just for overnight and permanent rage, 2 fireplaces, bullt-ins, 1577. Come, dri.ye out Hillstown Road 7-room Ranch. Three bed-' ROBERT D. MURDOCTt MILLING lation Area. gan, Realtor, 049-4535. nur-ses a numiber of children who Keith Edwards, Von Deck, i_„aos able for out of town work. For Must be moved today. Call removed to warehouse for Pub­ guest rates. ROCKVILLE — new 3-room utilities, large lot. Priced for way and see why over 100 of rooms, screened porch, ga­ REALTOR appointment call 643-2373, 649- MACHINE OPERATORS lic Sale. Modem 3 complete 643-6472. will be entering kindergarten Spencer, Kene, athlete; Michael 1, cv,, ♦ m Applicant must have a de­ 643-4074, after 6 p.m. tSbVELY new 3-bedroom apart­ apartment, wall to wall car­ quick sale. Charles Lesper- MANCHESTER —6-room Cape these fine, custom crafted L. rage, recreation room, etc., next fail were included^in this Wallballlch, Kene, citizen; Von Stock Exchange after tralUng In 4216. —Set-up and operate. rooms with the $1,000 look. 8 sire to work with newspa- ment. Range, disposal, fully peting, stove, refrigerator and ance, 649-7620. on the west side. BuiU by An- and M. homes were sold in less etc. If you desire privacy clinic. Deck, outdoors; Kene, forester. ®Ariy trading. perboys In the promotion pc. Convertible Living ROOM with kitchen privileges. said), 1% baths, mil shed than one year! Want a backyard EXPERIENCED first and sec­ All Benefits: carpeted; Garage. Immediate dishwasher, $145 monthly. 876- with elbow room in central At the well-child conference engineer, traveler and showman, There were no new develop- and servicing of their Articles For Sole 45 Room, 8 pc. bedroom, 5 jk:. Centrally located. 14 Arch St. OXFORD Street — Seven-room dormer, rear porch, and nice view of the Hartford skyline, occupancy. Will consider 2 chil­ 6979, 876-8732. location call Mr. Lewis, 649- - Five-room held in Tolland, SpeiixMir. geologriGt. TYie next ond men and dependable Equal Opportunity Employer routes. Must be a high Dinette. $10 down, you may Colonial in choice area. Older lot with trees. Sensibly priced beautiful by day, fabulous by COVEN drivers for shade tobacco ALUMINUM sheets used as ROOM for rent, gentleman only, dren. M. H. Palmer, Realtor, 5306. $26,500. school graduate with a good purchase any room Indi­ EAST Hartford. 5-room apart­ home completely rebuilt. at' $24,500 with a $13,000 as- nlte? Like an ideal combination Ranch I garage. Anrirox-Approx- Breer.Breer, examinprtexamined nnriand Immuniz- meeting willwiU be Jan.----- ft at 7 _ .... inv»,tnr» wAr» ^ farms. Attractive houses avail­ printing plates, .009 thick, 23x central location, free parking, 643-6321. driving record. (Automo­ vidually. Immediate deliv­ ment, heat and hot water, Three rooms down, three up sumable FHA mortgage. Im- of sun and shade to go with irhately 2 with fruit ed 21 babies and young children P-m. at the Vernon Cent«r , ...... able. Write Box “ DD” , Man­ 36” , 25 cents each or 6 for $1. references required. 643-2693, pointed that the yearend rally bile furnished). We offer ery or free storage. MANCHESTER— 5 rooms, sec­ stove and refrigerator, park­ plus finished attic. Two full mediate occupancy. T. J. your Colonial, Ranch, or Raised B & W trees. Only, Pasek and gave 11 diptheria, five Church. FUEL OIL truck driver, full 649-8160. was Interupted by a sharp loss chester Herald. good starting salary—paid 643-2711. CAP & CCP Charge Plans ond floor with garage, central ing. Adults preferred. CJall 643- baths, modern kitchen. Only Crockett Realtor. 643-1577. Ranch? Call Rick Merritt at BARROWS and WALLACE Co. Realtors, 649-5827, measles and 11 oral polio vac- and part-time mornings. Ap­ Tuesday. Blue Cross & CMS and Ma­ TWO, almost new, Volkswagen Credit u v r q e furnished room for location, $110' monthly, two 8466. $27,500. T. J. Crockett, Real­ 647-1413 for an appointment. Manchester Parkade 568-1563. cinations. FUEL OIL Driver, must be ex­ ply 315 Broad St., Manchester. EXCELLENT location, shop­ Motors, mall order retails, perienced in fuel oil deliveries. jor Medical. Plan rent, parking, male only, $16 adults only, no pets. Refer­ tors, 643-1677. Manchester 649-5306 The psychiatric consultant, continental tlbes; two tire rims 3% ROOM furnished apartment, ping, commuting, near Wad- 12 KANE ROAD Public Records utilities and' rails were mostly Top hourly rate. Call 643-2453, for Volkswagen; also 1969 front DISCOUNT FURNITURE weekly. Call 644-0123 after 8. ences and security deposit re­ Dr. Cornelius Boelhouwer met HARTFORD COURANT heat and utilities, stove and re­ FIRST Offering — Excelle.it 5- dell School and East Catholic 7-room Colonial with 1% baths. HEBRON — . 5%-room Ranch Attachment lower. Wyman Oil Co.. 484 East Mid­ and rear seats fit Volkswagen. WAREHOUSE quired. 649-0894. with the nurses and school per- D. K. WELCH MGR. LARGE front room In private frigerator furnished. 742-8161. room Colonial, t'le bath, nlas- High. Many extras in this 3- wall to wall carpeting, a newly on heavily wooded lot, lull SOUTH WINDSO; Jean I. Steele of Miansfleld, dle Tpke. 649-5833. sonnet and discussed; a case pre- against Arthur Steele of 566 13 Park St., Rockville NOW 2 BIG LOCATIONS home for gentleman. Steam LARGE '7-room apartment, 3 tered wails, full insulation, bedroom split level. Original paneled family room and many basement, rear porch, many 3580 Main St. Hartford bedrooms. fTreplac;, ■basement HEBRON New tw^bedroom sented by the Bolton School Vernon St., property at 565 Ver- Food Rate Steady EXPERIENCED auto mechanic, SNET 875-6286 heat next to bath. Parking. fireplace, hot water oil heat, owner, $29,900. 643-0640. other extras. Be set for summer extras included in the sale Birch Hill Estates—Custom LIVE BAIT 522-7249 nice residential neigh- apartment with wall to wall puldance counselor and one non St., $30,000. full-time. Call after 5 p.m., Eldridge St. Call after 5, 649- garage attached garage--citv utiiities. with this in-ground swimming P"®®- *^‘"® residential area. built 9-room Colonial with GENEVA — Combined world TECH. TRAINEES -r- If you are (former Fuller Brush bldg.) carpeting, GE appliances, presented' by the Somers school ------649-2384. for Ice fishing, 9045. borhood, formal dining room, near bus line, shopping and MANCHESTER Garrison Colo- pool! Truly a ’’Must See” sit- T.J. Crockett, Realtor, 643- four large bedrooms, fam­ agricultural, fishery and for­ a high school graduate and 175 Pine St. Manchester heat and hot water. Quiet lo­ NEEDS plus accessories $200. J. D. Real Estate Asso­ school. Owner anxious to sell. ^ "'it*' ® rooms, oversized uatlon. Ask for Carl Zinsser, 1577. ily styled kitchen, large principal and nurse. Marriage License estry production increased In have the aptitude to learn, 646-2332 cation. Call 228-9300. DRAFTSMEN— Light or heavy ciates, 643-5129. Charles Lesperance, 649-7620. fferage, 1V4 baths fireplace, living room, dining room Tlie two nurses working in the James William Mahoney Jr. 1968 by about 3 per cent, rough- there are many companies for ice fishing. (former Norman’s Fum.) In experience, it does not mat­ Apartments— Fiats— combination storms, beautiful- MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST and separate den, two fire­ Ellington and Bolton school sys- of New, Britain, and Peggy Lee ly In line with the average rate GARAGE which are willing to invest in / Warehouse THREE-ROOM apartment, ap­ BOLTON —3-room apartment, MANCHESTER Suburbs — 7- ter. We can place you with a Tenements 63 ly landscaped lot, $27,500. Call 6-'3»m , Gambolottl built ranch. BOLTON places, spacious rec room, terns report that strep throats, Noel, of 58 Btroh St., South increase over the last 10 years you. Train for a job with a fu­ J. J. BAIT SHOP at corner of Pine & Forest Sts. pliances furnished. No pets, quiet neighborhood. Refer­ company that’s not afraid of room Split, tip-top condition, Warren E. Howland, Realtor, Move-in condi'Uon. Two fire- 2'/4 baths, two car garage. mumps and scarlet fever have United Mcthodlat, Jan. 8. and ahead of a world popula­ ture. Fee paid. Richard P. Rita Opposite Mr. Steak, Center St. Mon.-Fri. 9-9. Sat.' 9-6 adults. Call n643-0578 after 6 ences required. $135. monthly. Just listed, 'this immacu­ high salaries for the right man. MANCHESTER — Northwood fireplace, Family room, gar­ 643-1108. places. A high lot with a view. $47,- been present among the stu------tion growth rate of 2 per cent, MECHANIC Personnel, 63 E. Center St. p.m. \ 643-5983. late SVa room Ranch. Three Fee paid. ."Richard P. Rita Per­ ’’NEVER used anything like It,” f r iq id AIRE washer, like Apartments. Available imme­ age acre plus lot. Mid 20’s. 500. dents. the U.N. Food and Agrlcidture sonnel, 63 E. Center St.. Man­ Manchester, 646-4040. diately, one and two-bedroom Hayes Agency, 646-0131. GARRISON Colonial — All the BRENT ROAD bedrooms, living room with Organization estimates. say users of Blue Lustre for new- Coldspot upright freezer. VERNON - 3Vi-room apartment rooms are exceptionally large. Lovely 6% room spilt with fireplace, dining room and Head Fashion Show He’d Offer Bounty chester, 646-4040. cleaning carpet. Rent electric split level apartments, central with heat, tile bath, electric Experienced mechanic SALESMAN—Call on retail ac­ Best offer. 646-3239. Furnished 24’ living room, 24’ bedroom, ^ *^itny extras, in- kitchen, wall to wall car­ Mrs. William H. Tuppeny, Jr., For Sterilization shampooer $1. The Sherwin- air-conditioning, 1% baths, car­ stove, combination windows, HEAR THIS — Nine room Co­ U & R REALTY CO„ INC. ENGINEERS—All types, with or to service and repair counts for Hartford wholesaler, etc. Formal dining room, fire- ” >°m and dining peting, basement garage of Vernon is co-chairman with Williams Co. APARTMENT size kitchen table port, private basement, balcor Apartments 63-A electric hot water heater, cab­ lonial. Four bedrooms, foyer, ------„ ------. — - , , N o r n c E without degree. Do yourself a company vehicles In established local territory, ex- country kitchen, paneled fam- place, porch, garage. Beautiful- drapes, ^ so T.V. antenna, plus large in the ground 643-2692 Mrs. Robert St. Germain of EDINBURGH* Scotland (AP) and four chairs, $30. Call 649- ny and '"other luxury features. favor and start the New Year our Manchester garage. cellent salary, expenses, incen- k e e p YOUR carnets beautiful TWO-ROOM furnished apart­ inet kitchen, near churches ily room, paneled recreation ly la-'dscaped yard. Custom ""d awnings. Nice yard, central swimming pool. Terrific Wethersfield for a fashion show — Britain’s population is grow- TOw iv OF BOLTON, tlve. Call Mr. Weiner, 289-4337. KEEP YOUR carpets neauinui 0694. J.D. Real Estate Associates, and shopping center. Call 876- ROBERT D. MURDOCK, off right. Get with a company Hours are 4:30 a.m., to despite constant footsteps of a ment. Heat, hot water, stove, room, 2% baths, double ga- built for present owner. $29,900. ‘ocaltlon. value at $26,500. to be held Jan. 16 in Centlnel *"8 so *ast that it would be CONNECTICUT Inc., 643-5129. 9493. REALTOR that you can get out what you 12:30 p.m. busy family. Get Blue Lustre. SINGER automatic zig­ refrigerator. Apply Marlow’s, rage, 200x300’ wooded lot. Phtlbrick Agency. Realtors, SOUTH FARMS Hill Hail, Hartford at 11 a.m. worthwhile offering a $1,200 BOARD FOR ADMISSION 643-6472 and 7:15 p.m. bounty to people agreeing to be OF ELECTORS put In. Fee paid. Richard P. Rent electric shampooer $1. zag, with cabinet, converts in­ 4V4 ROOM apartment, free 867 Main St., Manchester. ROCKVILLE — 3% rooms, cen­ a o se to everything. Hutchins 646-4200. The quality and popularity of U & R REALTY CO., INC. Salesmen Wanted 36-A Notice is hereby given that Rita Personnel, 83 E. Center "Good salary, regular Paul’s Paint & Wallpaper Sup­ to portable, button holes, heat, hot water, parking. Ap­ tral, refrigerator, $70; 2 bed­ Agency, Realtors, 649-5324. c,.. ______v. Redwood Farms is carried over All proceeds from the show sterilized, a Scottish professor CHOICE Six - room Ranch — - o.ur-, ,,, 643-2692 the Board of Admission of elec­ St., Manchester, 646-4040. raises, and valuable $1,327.90 IN A MONTH was ply. monogrrams, hems, etc. ply Manchester Garden Apart­ Business Locations room apartment, stove, refrig­ ______’’Fashion Environment ’70” will suggests. average commission paid our ments, 15 Forest St. 70 MILE VIEW, 9-room con- "Three bedrooms. fireplace. ROBERT D. MURDOCK, tors in the Town of Bolton, Con­ JIG BORE Operators — First, benefits. Originally over $300. Pull price erator, heat, hot. water, elec­ COLUMBIA — Six-room Bunea- 8:0 to the Heart Association of Dr. Aubrey Manning, a lectur- full-time men nationwide last 'JHE AMAZING Blue Lustre will For Rent 64 temporary. Four bedrooms, built-ins, wall to wall carpet- ^*"&® barely REALTOR . necticut, will hold a session In second and third shift. Lathe now $52. cash or monthly pay­ tricity, $186; 4 rooms complete­ low. Oil hot water heat. Pri- greater Hartford. er on zoology at Edlnburgli Uni year. Openln.g for good man leave your upholstery beautiful­ FOUR ROOMS, one-bedroom. two fireplaces, two garages, Ing, garage. Immaculate. Mid ^ sicken "tor'^Oj^me^'drive ^ 643-6472 The four models to model the verslty wrote in the periodical Community hi operators, secorfd shift. Verti­ ments. 522-0476. OFFICE suite for rent. Excel­ ly furnished, $126; 3 rooms, ■vate lake privileges, ^S^siacre Visit our employment over 40 In the Manchester area ly soft and clean. Rent electric Heat, hot water, centrally lo- two ^cres^ Superb landsca^ 20’s. Wolverton Agency, Real- S to'^he Fera ^ e n n f fashions from Paris and Ameri- Fertility Control that the nation Tmra on January 14. 1970 to cal turret lathe operators, sec­ lent Center St. location. Suit­ heat, hot water, carpeting, ga­ treed lot. $17,900. Pasek Real­ office located at 52 East to sell sarhe products. Air shampooer $1. Olcott Variety SEWING machines — brand cate.d. Adults only. 643-2171 ond shift Call LeMl Corpora­ Center- Street, Man­ able for doctor, attorney, real rage, $125; 3 rooms, heat, hot lora. ^ 9^5324".® tors, 649-2813.______Dartmouth Road and pick your tors. 289-7475, 647-1183. ca, will (be flown in from Paris, *^®®® » crisis in human ecdlogy. mail F.H. R e a i Pres., Ameri­ Store. new 1969 automatic zig-zag, un­ days. for the show Tickets for the Ecology is the branch of biology pUcants and admit to the elec- tion, 643-2382. chester. Open Monday estate office. Ground floor. All water, parking, $116; Bety Ges- site out for spring delivery. VERNON — b'/s-room Ranch, can Lubricants Co., Box 696, claimed layaway. Makes but­ MANCHESTER VERNON Show AFA avniinhip af tHp wow -Which deals with living organ- those found qualified. through Friday from h e a d slalom skis, 210 c.m. Ne­ FOUR — ROOM apartment sec­ utilities, parking. Call 649-1680. say Kristofak, Realtor, 876- ASSUMABLE mortgage. 6% Ranch, city utilities, fol'l b^™ delivery at Winter prices WE ARE looking for an In­ Dayton, Ohio, 45401. tonholes, monograms, hems, , . „ t A I n isms and their relationship to Said session will be held be- 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., vada toe, Tyrolia step-in heel. ond floor, with heat, adults, no or 649-3549. 0701. per cent. 7-room Cape. Modern „en t. treed lot, walk to bus inn BIRCHES spector In our plasma depart­ etc. Full price now $49.50, easy location. Only $21,600. Hayes Enjoy the four season beau­ ford Heart Association. V,,,. surroundings. tween------the- hours of ...... 6:00 p.m. and or call 643-4101, exten­ Used 8. days. Must sell. 875- pets. Call after 5:30, 649-9004. kitchen, formal dining room, and schools, aluminum storms Completes Training ^ 8:00 p.m. ment. Please apply In person terms. Call 522-0931. A-1 Sew­ FIVE-ROOM suite of front Main Agency, 640-0131. ty of this home nestled in sion 368. Evening and Help Wanted— 0256 after 6 p.m. three bedrooms, finished rec and screens. Only $18,500. g3 NORTH ELM ST. Airman Bradford S. Crandall J*'® ^®‘ Dated at Bolton, Connecticut, at the Klock Co., 1366 Tolland ing Center, 24 Park St., Hart­ MANCHESTER —Two - bed­ St. offices, 100 per cent loca­ Wanted To Rent 68 trees. Huge bedrooms, coun­ Saturday" Interviews can room with bar in basement. Can’t beat it. Keith Agency, older Colonial in good condition. Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Brad- S liI L -fa^uary 6, 1970. Tpke., Manchester. Mole or Female 37 YAMAHA ski’s, 6’3” , step - in ford. room deluxe Garden type tion near banks, air-condition try kitchen, 1% baths, % be arranged. Acre lot. $22,900. Philbrick 646-4126, 649-1922. ^ Two family conversion possible. ford S. Crandall Sr„ 2 Green Richard Morra, bindings, poles. Used one sea­ apartment. Available now. ed, automatic fire sprinkler. WANTED by two retli'^ wom- acre lot. Who could ask for SUPERVISOR Dispatcher — GENERAL light cleaning, part- JEWING MACHINES — singer en, two bedroom apartment in Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. Lego! Notices Rd„ Rockville, has completed *1® Raymond Negro, son. New $105, sell $65. Also Heat, appliances, carpets In­ Apply Marlow’s, 867 Main St. Make an offer. more? You can! Call Mr. Must be willing to work nights. time. Apply In person. Holi­ automatic zig-zag, excellent MANCHESTER — Full - shed basic training at Lackland. AFB, essential and a several pairs of wood ski's. Manchester area . References NEW RAISED Ranch, 6 rooms, Lewis at 649-5306 for com­ Joseph Licltra, day Lanes, 39 Spencer St., condition. Makes buttonholes cluded. $185 monthly. Paul W. dormered Cape, baths, new- 35-37 QHESTNUT STREET DECREE ON LIMITATION Tex. He has been assigned to f^ ® * " ° ‘f Some experience in transporta­ 647-9895. ■ SPACE available for business, exchanged. 246-7628. plus garage and large lot. $26.- plete details. $25,900 and Board of Selectmen Manchester. hems, embroiders, etc. Orlg- Dougan, Realtor, 649-4535. ly redecorated. Vacant. Move ^ clean, convenient two family OF CLAIMS V Chanute AFB,A trio Til111., Jfor Atraining 1 J « troduced , * In ...• India . was needed ^ In tion necessary. Liberal bene- commercial or storage use. 000. For full details call the __ , , - AT A COURT OF PROBATE, worth it. SOUTHERN ‘Jially over $300., 6 monthly right in. Fast sale needed. Con- "^*1" new roof and new siding, holden at Bolton, within and for the in thethP ntrnrnf.aircraft equipment main­ Britain too. Manning added. 'fits. No phone calls. Apply in TORO Snowblower for sale, LOOKING for anything In, real Main St., near center. $36. 646- Mitten Agency, Realtors, ■ 643- person, Lombard Bros., Route payments of $8.60 each or pay- venient location. $21,900, Keith ^ stone's throw from Main St. tenance firld. Airman Crandall, used one winter. Good condi­ estate rentals — apartments, 2426. 6930. 5 and Burnham St., South TAXI DRIVER tion. Call after 7 p.m. 643-0726. $51 cash 522-0931 dealer. homes, multiple dwellings, no FULL-TIME Agency, 646-4126, 640-1922. d eta ils, ask for Joe Lorn- Present, - ilon. Norman J. Preuss, B & W a 1965 graduate of Rockville LEGAL NEW ______bGTdo. Judge. Windsor. An equal opportunity fees. Call J. D. Real Estate DEPARTMENT MANCHESTER — Six - room BARROWS and WALLACE Co. High School, received his B.A. Legd Notice TWO PAIR ski boots; size MODERN STORE, 20’x70’ .ww... w A Qoxfon Hiotlon of Mrs. Ellzaboth H. employer. We need a careful, deiiend- Associates, Inc.. 643-5129. Ranch. Fireplace family Seven-room ovp O R n RTRii'ir''P Newcomb, 19 Cross St., Coventry. Manchester Parkade degree in 1969 from the Univer­ NOTICE Musical Instruments 53 Main St. Call 622-3114. M A N A G ER J ^j^ree bedrooms. 1 ^ ^ ^ OXFORD STREET conn.. on the inte.stntc estate of LIMITATION ORDER ____ able driver who would like a Schutzmarke, double boot room, walk - oiit basement. Colonial Manchester 649-5306 sity of Connecticut. PLUMBEftS and apprentices ENGLAND Owned and occupied by one of Rose B. Hinckley, late of Columbia, ______heldI at Manchester, within and for t o w n o f MANCHESTER full-time permanent job in buckle; size 10 -Chamonix, WDRLITZER spinet piano, ex­ COZY 4 rooms, first floor avail­ FOR TO Y S Trees. City utilities. Near bus. boths, fireplace, closet space m^achester■ „ IPAdlnp- pnQtrtm within said dl.strlct. deceased. Promoted g tu tom .pifjig doth decree that three COVENTRY — New custom the District of Manchester, on the 2k)ning Board Of Appeals experienced in repair and serv­ the Manchester area. If you double boot tie. 649-5174, be­ cellent condition. Call 649-5631, able, $120. monthly. Call 649- school. Low 20’s. Hayes Agen- galore, 2-car garage, Numer- contractors. 7 room.q. hatha ~ Peter R. tK'uuowicz,Ignatowicz, son OIof 3Iat uayday oiof uecumDer,December. ‘ inou.1969, willWill holdnoiQ publicpuoilC hearingsneOTUlgS onOil No Experience Necessary ice. Top pay and benefits. Ap­ TELEPHONE have a good record, come tween 6-8 p.m. 568-0024, 1919 between 5-7 p.m. cy, 646-0131. ‘I"® e.xtras. Morrison Realtor, 2 zone h^at S u f ^ f y tr^ ^ Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ignatowicz, J -’ WaUett, Monday. January 19. moTstart- ply Gibbs Plumbing & Heat­ in. 643-1015. "N E V p i used anything Uke THREE-ROOM apartment for We WUl Train FOUR-FAMILY consisting of ing, 994 Hartford Tpke., Rock­ andprises, landscai^ed let us show lot them Many to you.sur- public^ siven of this Built-fo'"raS'‘'‘^OnIy‘^T2r9S: “ oj-t ^ recentlyrccLTpromofod^o promoted to ArmyArmv Spe- ., ceased.1% ^ h“e's t!? r Room IfT of the h f Mu^foip^® Municipal Building An equal opportunity employer It,’/■"say users of Blue Lustre rent, stove and refrigerator, 6-5-4 and 3% rooms. (31ty utlll- REDUCED — Owner transfer- you. Gall Green, 647-1673, ville. 875-0963. Professionally order , by advertisinif J in a_ newspaper -n _ Pasek cialist 4 while assigned to the On motion of Carl H. Anderson to hear and consider Jhe tol- EAST HARTFORD cleaning carpet. Rent elec­ Wanted— ^To Buy 58 excellent neighborhood, $100. ties. handy location at the low. red. Colonial brick Cape, 4- appraised for havinit "a circulation In said district, Realtors, 289-7475. fast sale. NORMAN J. PREUSS, Judee. 3rd Infantry Division in Ger- adiiunl^rator^* ' ®*“'*®*'«der, Conn., lowing petitions: CHAIMS Supervisor — Position CAB CO. tric shampooer $1. Pinewood monthly. Adults. 644-8184. W. T. GRANT low price of $26,900. Philbrick bedrooms, 2 baths, porch, 2- now open with leading Insur------Furniture Shop. , j WANTED — ANTIQUES, used many. ORDERED; That three months Item 1 State of Connecticut, De- 107 Burnside Avenu^ Manchester Parkade Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. car garage. Principals only. 40 KENSINGTON STREET ORDER OF IIEARINU Soec 4 lonhlnwicy is no nm titc 31st day of December, ance Company fo r' man with ADMINISTRATIVE Manage­ East Hartford/ furniture, partial or complete THREE-ROOMS for rent, heat, . , STATE OF CONNECTICUT. DIS- opLc. a Ignatowicz is an am- 1959 be and the same arc Umltcd partment of Transportation, 643-8446. 4-room ranch style home with TRtCT OF andover. probate SOUTH WINDSOR claims supervisory experience ment Trainees. Recent college estates. Call 646-0004 after 7 stove and refrigerator, no BOWERS School Area— custom munitions specialist in Service and allowed for the creditors wlth- Bureau of Highways .(prop­ USED furnace, hot water, tank COURT, TOWN OF BOLTON, Batterv 2nd Bntinlion of tlio which to firing In their claims in multi-line fields. Position graduates with degrees In busi­ p.m. 633-2300 days. pets, $115 monthly. Near bus 3 bedroom Ranch, 2 balths, fire- ALTON ST. -V acan t home 5. 1970. Like new In and out, you D.iuery’ zna tiaunilon ot the again.st said estate, and said ad- erty of ^ene M. Wilkes), 330- and accessories. Call 649-1142. - of record! For details, ask for Estate of Benjamin Hochberg, late warrants a degriee. Salary to ness, liberal arts areas. Must SCHOOL BUS^drivers wanted. line. Call after- 5 p.m. 648-1098. .place, built-ins, city utilities, that owners want sold. Eight can move into this im­ qivision’s 41st Artillery vnenr minlslrator Is dlrectedd to give pub- 332 Center Street, Residence HOUSEHOLDS lots — Antiques Carl Zinsser <’f Columbia in said District, deccos- Bad Kissine-en He ontorort fVio "c notice to the creditors to bring 10.6 K plus other company ben­ be sports minded. Fee paid. Are You Hunting Flor A rooms in all. 1*4 baths, alum­ ‘ed. DUU rwissingen. Me entered the their claims within said lime Zone B. Variance is requested Experience not necessar^ We bric-a-brac, locks, frames, 118 MAIN ST. — 3-room apart­ cellar, $25,60Q. Meyer Agency, maculate 5>^-rooni RahcH efits. Fee paid. Richard P. Rita Richard P. Rita Personnel, 63 Job or Running Away inum sldjng, two-car garage. Army In March 1969, a complet- allowed by publishing a copy of this to reduce arek of lot below re­ will train during Chrlstme's Fuel and Feed 49-A glassware. We buy estates. Vil­ ment , heat and appliances, Realtors, 643-0609. 332 CARTER STREET Judge®""*' •*' without a thing to do. Wall Personnel, 63 E. Center St., E. Center St., Manchester, 646- From O n e? ed basic trainine at Ft D iv *" so*"® newspaper having quirements and reduce lot lion. Call 646-0363- lage Peddler. Auctioneer, 420 $125. Security required. 646- oversized lot, etc. etc. This Lovely six-room Colonial Cape Upon the application of Star Foods, to wall carpeting, kitchen u oaoic naming at ri. ui\, circulation in .said probate Manchester, 646-4040. 4040. FIREWOOD for sale, sawed We Have One For You! THIS HOME needs u new own- home is loaded with extras,‘---- on two acres of - -lovelv - land . vVt bic.’ fQpfor an an-exienslo -cxicnsion of time ns per is.J., and was stationed at Ft. district within ten’ days from the frontage below requirements. Lake St.; Bolton. 649-3247. 2426, 9-5. with built-ins, 3-bedrooms, INTERESTING part-time job and split. Will deliver. Timber- Fine Family Shoe Chain er. brick Cape Cod. attached lirive by 73 Alton and see the still in Manchester t RecenUy “ ears: K " s "" tile bath, screened -porch, Sill, Okla., before arriving over- 'l'*'®. .o' "*l® order and return make Item 2 Kiwanis Club of Man- Is Expanding In Conn. interviewing people. For ap- land Tree Service, 876-1238. WANTED — Antique Mumlture FOUR-ROO\t>apartment, cellar. garage. Over improved. Extra outside, then call and let us painted, for further details ask ORDERED: That said application ■ attached garage. Reduced to seas in August. * JOIfN* J.* WAL"LETT.*!Tudie. Chester, east sidepld« stooH,South Main Help Wanted— Male or Female Need Qualified Men Street, Residence Zone AA. point.ment call 875-0967, 289- glass, pewter, oil paintings or attic. Parking. Central, res­ building lot. Make a reasonable show you through. Chance to for Mr. Merritt. ' ' of" ProbmS"ln‘‘ the''"Towl} “ *f “s^lton $24,500. The 19 year old soldier is a ------"""i:---- ^------and Women Variance is requested to add 0588. . ' other antique Items. Any idential. No pets. References offer. Cijll Peterman Real Es- make a tremendous buy. T.J. OH tho 16th day of Jonuar>', 1970, ’ 1968 graduate of Rockville High Managers, Assiatants, LEGAL Kiwanis sign to existing sign quantity.' The Hairison’s, 643- and security required. $105 Sales Personnel tate Agency, 646-2223 or 649- Crockett, Realtor, 643-1677, WE HAVE at 1:00 o ’clock ki tho aftenioon; U & R REALTY CO., INC. S chool Household Goods 51 SALESUDY a nlethorn of tlnMno-c nvnli„hi.> notice of the pendency of * structure at the Manchester MALE & FEMALE 8709, 165 Oakland Street. monthly. 649-9158; 5-8 p.m. Male and Female 9404. a pieinora of listings available said application, and of the time and Chiirdi To Meet Situarions Wanted— F^ill and Part Time SIX. ROOMS plus Cape — 3 bed- i" surrounding towns also. Our place of hearing thereon, ta! given 643-2692 Union Congregational. Church NOTICE Country Club. TWO-FAMTLIES — Buy one or Machine Operators— Auxiliary Helpers Fema!e 38 30” GAS STOVE, good condi­ CENTRAL Manchester, 5, 4 and CURTAIN DEPT. Highest Salaries Paid! rooms, plus partially finished membership in three Realtor, J° “^\|®he®aH?.gX*Ii*‘t“alng a ROBERT D. MURDOCK, ■will hold its annual meeting' An audit report for the Town It®*" 3 Abraham Elkin, 242 tion. Reasonable. 643-4898. Rooms Without Board 59 3 room apartments, unfurnish­ All Fringe Beneflta buy, both. Large lots, and ga room, that can be made into Boards assures you of complete thia -order to be publisbed once kt Jan. 15 at 8 p.m. preceded by t!oventry for the fiscal year Broad Street, Business Zone Machine Cleaners— Watchman^—Sweepers EXPERIENCED baby­ rages.Wolverton Agency, Real­ REALTORS ed. Adults, furnaces. Shown by 4 Nights. 5-9 Including Major Medical small study or anything you coverage in your h*duse-hunting. ,l*"'''n8 ** ®l®®“b*‘ a dinner at 6:30 p.m. and a from July 1, 1968 through June III. Variance is requested to sitter would like to care for PRACTICALLY new, carpet. MOTEL rooms, weekly rates — Wonderful C^portunlty tors, 649-2813. please. Flreplaced living roorrif on n sa a r c an sen y 643-6472 We have openings on all three shifts. Good wages. Includ­ appointment only. 644-0031. mu'll. postage preiiaid to Slur slide pnignim at 7:30 p.m. 30. 1969 ha.s been filed by Kir- erect free-standing illuminated ing complete Company paid benefit program. We are vour children. Ca’l 647.-1377. Avocado acrylic, plush, ap­ maid service, restaurant ad­ Saturday, 9:30-5 For Advancement! upstairs attractively finish­ CALL US—WE WORK Foods, Inc., c-® "t the church office- Mrs is available for public inspec street line than permitted. ed East Hartford-Munchesier NICE bedroom for gentleman, $135 per month. Security de­ Bissell Street twin sink in built-in kitchen, NORMAN J.D®nj"!l'iv. PREUSS,------Judge,--- Robert Bernier is chairman. Apply Cheney Brothers, Inc. line home. Oak St. area, 568- good references, private home, venient to schools and shop­ Realtors 647-1413 ro: Milton Somkln, Kisq. tion at tlie Town Clerk’.s office, * Pilgrim Development GE Coppertone refrigerator, posit, rental agreement, Earl Manchester, Conn. large living room. All electric...... rage. 160x320’ — treed',.v.v-v, .ut.lot. „.i-Im- '•’I'® - ®H*I® program...... will be - rpre- -- Town Office Kiilldine f’nuen Corp., 434 Oakland street, 31 Cooper Hill Street 5405. » very near center, 21 Church W. T. GRANT ping. Immediate occupancy. I ll Pearl St. 13'/i cubic feet, 2-months old. Everett Real Estate, 649-8538. For Interview In Strict A home for the young at heart. Good buy at $23,900. Call Paul $21,900 — COLONIAL. 5 rooms. Ilartfunl. Conn. ,06103 mediate occupancy. Fast sale rented by Mrs. Edwin Stolle and ' ‘®® Building, Coven- jj Variance is , Manchester, Connecticut Cost $279.95, price $175. GE St. 649-4966. MANCHESTER PARKABE Confidence . . . try. Conn. Asking $22,500. Keith Agency, W. Dougan Realtor, 649-4535. 2-car garage, barn, 2 acres order of NOTICE of iiearino wanted, priced accordingly in will be on ’’New England Our office is opien dally 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. WOMAN will care for small a i’.cmallc washer, 2-monlhs FIVE ROOM Duplex, garage. Dated at Coventry. Conn., reQuentsd to erect free-stand- 646-4126, 649-1922. beautiful open land. Hutchins STATE OF CON N Etm eU T, DIS­ low 20‘s. Mr. Zinsser, BelHore Churches." and on Saturday by appointment. child, my home. Apply 246 LARGE CLEAN, furnished Security deposit, rental agree­ TRICT OF ANDOVER, PROBATE thls twenty-second day of De- lighted ground sign 10 O’d, cost $179.95, jprlce$125. GE MANCHE8TEP. -- Six - room Agency Realtor. 649-5324. Agency, 647-1413. Annual reports will be pre* West Center St., Manchester. Console black arid white TV room, gentleman only, kitchen ment. Earl Everett Real BOWERS School — Low 20’s. COURT, TOWN OF BOI>TON.' Jan­ cember 1969. *®®t t""*" street line. ■ I , Anytime. I privileges, free washer, dryer, Colonial overlooking Center uary 6. 1970. - sented in brochure form at the $35. C3irome Kitchen set, four Estate, 649-8538. Six-room Colonial. 1% baths, Mnncherter EHtate of Courtney C. Tucker, lute VERNON Elizabeth R. Rychllng, *“ ®'" ® parking. Palmer Realty, 643- Park. \Va baths, two-car , . . , ®ranch, annual meeting, officers will be Inc., 320 Tolland Turnpike, chairs, $16. 6’ skis, complete garage, family styled kitchen. garage, large rooms. Immedi­ of Bolton, in saiti District, deceased. Town Clerk 6321. MANCHESTER — Four-room 8-ROOM COLONIAL rresent. Hon. Norman J. Preuss. high scenic location. Fire olecled and new by-laws con Business Zone II. Variance is with poles and boots, used Possible' fourth bedroom, for­ ate occupancy. Haye.s Agen Judge. place, carpeting, garage, walk- .siiiered. Dogs-4-Blrds— Pets 41 apartment, excellent location. Choice Rockledge Area! requested for temporary open twice, $35. Long blond human k q OM for one or two, complete mal dining room. Immaculate. cy. 64E 0131 Uinm the application of Elizabeth out basement. Priced to sell. i» m. One chUd. No dogs. Stove, re­ PRODUCTION Here is a 4-bedroom home Amie Tucker, praying that an liV .00 . toiifest Ueiulliiie Near storage of architectural pre­ MALE SIAMESE' Sealpoint cat hair wig, never used, cost $60 light housekeeping privileges. Immediate occupancy. Wolver- just 3-years young on a strument purporting to be the last Only $23,600. Hayes Agency, t.. , ,,, , , , , frigerator, parking. $115. 638- 646-0131 ' The deadline for entries in tile NOTICE cast panels for period ot alx ready for mating. Please call, price $25. Call mornings 742 Call 649-0358. SKIUED and UNSKILLED ton Agency. Realtors, 649-2813. TWO FAMILY, 4*,i - 4 rooms, large treed lot. 2*.4 baths, well and testament of said deceased INDUSTRIAL ZONE 9057. ' ----- — <---- first floor vacant, separate fur- be admitted to probate and that let- _____' ______Connecticut Junior Miss Tile Registrars of Voters of months. 643-6769. 7931. built-ins, first floor family tens testamentary be Issued as per the Town of Manclie.ster, Conn., Item 6 The Genter Street Cor- 9 MANCH^STER — Just listed naces, .100’ • frontage. Invcst- rooni, huge flreplaced living application on file flit more fully* “ ai>- ——------^ ------pageant is, Jan. 10 with final Openings in all departments offering permanent ve'ry clean, well ' phtmted 6- ment property. Call owner, pem-a; It la , , , . _ _ judging to be held F'eb. 8 at will jje in session in the Rtegis- poratlon, 14 Bond Street, Reel- room and garage. $40,900. ORDERED: That said appUcutIun V v O n tC C I——R s q I EstOtS 77 trars Office at the Municipal dence Zone A. Variance ia re­ room Cape, flreplaced living 649-19’ 9 between 11 a.m.-l p.m. Please call Mr. Gordon, 649- boJ hcanl heard ami and delermliiud determined at a Cou.-t Couil Esrarv // Danbury High School. The FOR LEASE full-time employment. Good wages, overtime, com­ room, built-in kitchen, l*i ------—------of I'robale. to bo held at the Pro- Building, Friday, January 9, quested to reduce area of non- _ pageant is being sponsored by MOLD MAKER 5306. bale Office In the Town of Bolton 1970, from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m., MALE ASSEMBLERS FUEL OIL DRIVER baths, garage, deep treed yard, WESTSIDE Six room Cape. ALL CASH for your property the Danbury Jaycees. conforming lot by 1,900 square 1st ctaas mold maker. plete benefit program. Excellent opportunity for on tho I6lh day of January. 197U for the purpose of making on Blpck and brick commercial building. 3700 sq. ft., AND f f " close to everything. Come see fireplace, carpeting, cat-in at 1:00.o'clock in the afternoon; and within 24 hours. Avoid rod tube feet in the rear of the lot, and Immediate opening, Exparioneod futl oil k'.tchen, heated rec room, lliatl l l f t t lai'tlce 4 of’ \ t It'ho 'pc'iaiem'y^ i I .k tl.. .• . . f ..111,I iiVstanl servit'e i'b'ivr ^ / V ? school senior enrollment of electors who are variance on yard lines for ac­ training and advancement. this one. Mid 20s. Keith Agen­ B & W all utilities including: 12 x 20 office, central loca­ BRAZING OPERATORS^ good benefits, good cy 646-4126, 649-1922. hlumihiim combinations. Low BARROWS and WALIACE Co. cessory building. drivar wantod for to nil uerAonii known to b« Intereat- ____ iHUj obtain an entry of fTown of Manchester and tion, busy industrial and business zone. For Aircraft Parts. wages growth poten­ 20’s. Won’t last. Wolverton Miincheslcr Parkade All persons Interested may at- ManchoBtor oroo. MANCHESTER — Custom built Agency. Realtors. 649-2813. Manchester 649-5306 orthls"“l.ra7r“iri;^ LAND-SITES-FARMS Acre- blank from a member of the to accept uppllcations' for the tend\ms''he'aring‘. tia l ...... " 0 4 « jHiiMisucu unci « ______...... i*hnnt#»t- n»* Kv writ. _4*_ a___ ' - ALLIED BUILDING SYSTEMS modified 8-room Ranrti, four ------la soiiH! lll■wH|mll('r bavlair a clrcu- age I.jirgc. unzoned parcels. ’I®®'** Jaycee chapter or by writ- admission of electors. Zoning Board of Appeals APPLY bedrooms, split-level. B'lnlshed ASSUMABLE VA mortgage, FALKNOR DRIVE — Six-room *“ l'l uhtrlrt. n*i3 sc all areas, I.ouis Dimock Real- *"K ‘ be Dailbury Jaycees, I>.0. Apply In pMsofi only mall. I signed, Charles O. Pirie, FRANCIS E. BOUND AGENCY IONA MFD. GO. 260 TOLLAND TPKE. — MANCHESTER huge rec room with bar. Min- monthly payments $118. Cen- Cape. New roof, siding, fire- 5to.i.; ¥Sck?r,' liebm.l* Rd.,®‘Mien; ty, Reallor.s, 049-9823. Box 805, Danbury. - - Edward V. MOrihrty, Chairman 810 BROAD STREET—MANCHESTER utes from Center. Exclusive, trally located 6-room Older Co- place, enclosed porch. Excel- S""" ' Uyuunt'y C. Tuckrr. Rtisjicll ------Take Part Iiy' Confab Fredoydek E. Pedk, John A, Caglonello, - w eek Unit q t OcMral ^ Mr. Reynolds executive, professionalnrofessional nelsh-neigh- lonial. lonial. Oall Oall now. now. Bill BUI Wolcott Wolcott. . lent resldentlnl nren Near *?!?l*’..is()n*’**®y 'Thaddeufl Signal Ourp> < Bantly Oil Gm Ine. lent residential area. Near .The Vernon Education Assocl- Registrars of Voters Secretary f' 648-1054 • 040-7000 borhood. $38,000. Llnsay Real- 568-1563, .Pasek Realtors, 280. Ml Main St Mancheater schools. $23,000. Hayes Agen- fcrtl. Conn., oil oa or bcfui-u the 7th I t f 'J i d H o r n M A r l c participate In the an-, . Manchester,, Conn. Dated this 7th day of January Regent St, MonelMeter An equal opportunity employer ty. 649-0168, 6494)065. 7475. cv 646-0131 January. 1970. NORMa N j . p r e u s s . Judge. Ak.k..i4it u AZ.US „m,i nild'-winter conference on 1970.


■-’'FW \ V ^ ^ / A - v / \ V '

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7^ 1970 PAGE THIRTY-TWO iianrIjpalM: lEiaentog Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 O-^Clock \ Boy Scout Troop 133 Of Sec'- Committee chairmen and their About Town ond Congregational Church will oss'stants of the Little Theatre Packed Room Forces Board conduct its. regular townwide of Manchester will meet tonight PINEHURST U.S. CHOICE Average Daily Net Press Run Manchaster Lodge of EJUcs paper drive Saturday and Sun­ at 8 In the club rooms' at 22 To Move Meetin^yto MHS The Weather will hold its annual Polish Night ^ day.' Papers may be left at a Oak St. Ip receive their assign­ For Th« Week Ended ments. Area residents Interested Saturday, Jan. 17, at the Elks ':ox at Lydall and Foulds on where Its clubhouse stands: and December 20, I960 Fair and very cold tonight 11 theater are Invited to attend. It was 8:26. Tiie Manchester Home on Bissell St. Don J. Parker St. Someone will be at an 98,000 appropriation to ■ the with low near zero (colder In Board of Directors last night Zlemalc, chairman for the year’s the box to help with papers on Mnnohestor Drug Council. rural areas). Tomorrow most­ first event, said tickets are now Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Bnice Hansen, son of Mr. and was barely into a lengthy pub­ ly sunny, cold. High about 30. The board approved the pur­ 15,880 available at the grille room or and Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m. Mrs. Clifford E. Hansen of 119 Man^heUer— A City of Village Charm lic hearing. The directors were chase of ai 60-foot-wi^c right- BEEF SALE Those wlihing to have papers from committee members. A Pitkin St., recently was named faced with a lengthy agenda, of-way on Highland St., for $600 Polish-American family style picked up may contact the to the dean’s list for the fall I f/ you waJit really tresh with many controversial sub­ from the Boise Cascade Oorp.; VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 8.7 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHE.STER, (X)NN., THURSDAY/JANUARY 8, 1970 (ClMsined Adverttslng on Page 21) PRICE TEN CENTS dinner will be served at 7 church office or James P. semester at Waynesburg (Pa.) approved a $39,000 appropria­ Plnetaurst starts the year eggs every day In 1970, come o'clock, followed by dancing rvlne, 72 Baldwin Rd. College where he is a senior jects. The Hearing Room was SIRLOIN TIP tion for a new fire truck; ap­ 1970 with another money- to PUirtiurst for Grade AA from 9 to 1 to the music of majoring in English. packed with people. - Elveiy proved a $2,668 appropriation to Senndia Lodge, 'Vasa Order OVEN large fresh eggs which are John Chopus. chair was filled. Many people the Sidewalks and Curbs Ac­ saving Bacon Special. Save deUvered to us dally fresh of America, will meet Friday at Manchester tVATES will hold were standing — some in the count; approved an $8,000 ap­ 20c on every lb. you buy. . . from the farm. Robert Dlgan, coordinator of 8 p.m. in Odd Fellows Hall. a board meeting tomorrow at propriation for the Police De­ BEEF ROAST Democrats Top Mauritz Gunneson, district de­ Hearing Room, some in the youth services for the Board of 7:30 p.m. at the Italian-Anieri- partment, for special services; It’s Vac-packed . . . Buy all (Packer Out) Over 40,000 GIs puty, of the New Haven Liodge, hallway. Education, will speak on “Man­ can Club. Balllla Paganl of 13 Falknor and approved a $12,219 washout About 16 U s . BRADE AA GOP in Town chester’s Youth in the 1970s,’’ wilj Install officers. Bingo and Dr. brought the situation to a nepropriation for the Board of you want. Today ds a red-letter day FBI, State Police ‘Beef Up’ dancing will follow refresh­ at a meeting of the Martin- Lakota Council, Degree of head. Asking for and receiving Education, for a ’ state-funded Larg* White Slain in Vietnam for Manchester Democrats. South Schools PTA Tuesday at ments. Pocahontas, will meet tonight permission to speak, he re­ Vocational Education Prograna. For the first time In Man­ 8 p.m. in the Martin School. A at 7:30 at the Odd Fellows marked, "Must we stand Mayor Agostinelli announced OSCAR MAYER’S SAIGON (AP) — Sixty-five tlon last week, the smallest chester htrtory, DemocraHs nominating committee will be Mrs. John H. McNary of 10 Building. There will be a social around here like cattle? You at the beginning of last night’s SLICED Anvericans were killed in com- numljer in more than two years, have topped RepifbUcans In appointed during a brief busi­ Fenwick Rd. was recently re­ hour and refreshments after the knew there would be a crowd meeting that one item had been lb bat in Vietnam lost week, the This raised the total American party enroUmenta. ness meeting. Refreshments elected president of the Wom­ meeting. here. Why didn’t you schedule removed from the agenda, tt ’ v l second lowest weekly toll in wounded to 263,003. The totals are 8,668 Demo­ will be served. en’s Auxiliary of the Manches­ this meeting for a bigger hall?" concerned proposed pay raises EGGS ■ three yeans. But this sent the to- The Saigon government re- crats and 8,661 Republicans, ter Midget and Pony Football Mayor Nathan Agostlnelli ac­ for three department heads. Wonderfully Tend^ tal of U.S. combat dead in the ported 304 of its troops kiiled in for a Democnattc lead of 7. Forces in Yablonski Probe Daniel Bourque of 40 Lyndale , Waste-Free, . Special This Week Association. Other officers re­ knowledged that Paganl was Agostlnelli said that the re­ war past 40,000 to 40,044 since action iast week, an increase of Unaffiliated voters number Members of the Eighth Dis­ St., a senior economics major at Oven-Ready CLARKSVILLE, I^a. elected Include Mrs. Norman right, called a halt to the pro- moval fropi the agenda was 6,403, bringing the total reg- trict Fire Depairtment will meet Assumption College. Worcester. BACON 8 to 4 Lh. Jon. 1, 1961, and at least 30 61 over the week before. Goy- (A P)—^The FBI and state BJorkman, vice president, and cedings, and instructed Town "because of certain reseivations mone Americans have been emment wounded ' totaled 796, i^ratlon.to 22,732. tonight at fire headquarters. Mrs. Lee Dingwall, secretary. Mass., recently participated in Manager Robert Weiss to ar­ police beefed up their Main andt Hilliard St., at 7. the board members have con­ kiiled in action since Saturday. Utc lowest In two months. On Dec. 4, the laUt time Mrs. Roland Fotter was elected the fourth "Simulation Week­ range for a school auditorium. cerning It (the proposal).” figures were released, the forces investigating the end," sponsored' by the Ameri­ SILVER TIP The U.S. Command’s weekly The U.S. Command said allied treasurer. At 8:49, an exodus occurred, dz casualty summary also reported forces killed 1,999 North Vlet- RepUbUoahs had on 11-voter murders of Joseph “Jock” A Bible study class will be can Management Association. with everyone ^heading for 477 Americans wounded in ac- mimese and Viet Cong last edge. Yablonski and his wife and held tomorrow at 1:18 p.m. in The program, exploring the Room A7 of Manchester High OVEN ROAST The Hartford County Amateur week, compared to a revised Today’s total includes 21 daughter today, but offi­ the Robbins Room of Center theme, "Handling Conflicts in School, the hastily arranged lb Radio Association will meet to­ Eye of The Bound toll of 1,888 enamy reported new voters made since Dec. Congregational Church. Management,” was held at the new location for the meeting. Fire Calls cials again reported find­ morrow at 7 :30 p.m. in Veterans Chef Cut Top Round slain the previous week. 4, and including those made AMA Management Center at Tile line of dozens and dozens ing no leads. Memorial, Sunset Ridge, East Frtsli Oystars The allied and enemy com­ in a two-hour ■voter-making Saranac Lake, N.Y. of cars looked like a parade to Thieu Sees session last night, (chlange- "We have a hell of a lot of The meeting of St. Mary’s Hartford. A film on Circuit Test­ Town firefighters went to Pine Fresh Flounder Fillets mands proclaimed cease-fires men out interviewing and fol­ Episcopal Guild scheduled for ing will be presented followed observers. It wended its way overs from one party to an­ out of the Municipal Parking St. last night and extingul^ed a lx)th last week for New Year’s lowing up leads ...” an FBI of­ tombrrbw night has been post­ by a talk and discussion on The Evening Prayer Group of and the week before for Christ­ other) and those removed Lot into Center St. to Main St., Hre tn the former Cheney Bros, V/z Lb. Swordfish Little Hope from the lists because of ficial in Pittsburgh said. poned until next Wednesday. Amateur Radio in “ G” Land. Center Congregational Church mas. But it was virtually impos­ He said 16 agents are combing The meeting is open to the pub­ will meet-tomorrow from 7 to 8 then to B. Middle Tpke. to the machine shop, according to lb deaths or moves from Man­ high school. HORMEL HAMS Jumbo Shrimp sible to judge with any accuracy the CHarksville area aided by a lic. p.m. in the Rev. Cllttord O. Town Fire Chief W. Gifford chester. Calvary Church will hold a The meeting resumed at 9. Umitod Supply O f Viet Peace how this affected' the casualties. "lot more all over Pennsylvania Simpson’s office. Mason. Chief Mason said Box in 3-4b. bogs DemocnaJtlc Town CJhalr- 7 > prayer service tonight at 7 :30. It adjourned again at 11:45, American combat dead, for ex- and West Virginia.” m£ui Ted CutmtnlngS, when The Board of Missions and 27 at Pine and Walnut 9t. ■was $1.99 eadi SAIGON (AP) — President ample, totaled 65 last week, 86 And state police Capt. Joseph with only seven items of busi­ informed of the news today The Greater Hartford Home Stewardship of Community Bap­ The social action committee ness concluded. The adjourned pulled at 10:16, andi he said Nguyen Van Thieu reiterated to- during Christmas week, and 66 Snyder said a total of at least 60 tist Church will meet tomorrow night that South Vietnam is pre- the week before. The South Viet- by telephone, was speech­ Economics Club 'wlU hold a of St. James’ Parish Council meeting will resume next Tues­ damage was minor. U. S. Choice U. S. Choice Block Chuck federal, state and local Investi­ at 7:30 p.m. in the Youth Build­ will meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. Town firefightres extinguished pared to discuss a cease-fire namese total was 304 last week, less for aJbout 30 seconds. gators are working the area. luncheon meeting on Saturday, day, at 8:30 p.m., again in - the Roast, Center O u t ------Ib. 6 3 ^ Jan. 17, at The BuoWboard ing. in St. James’ School library. Municipal Building Hearing a Hire in some cardboard boxes Round Steak Ground ...... lb . 9 9 ^ with the enemy and to accept 243 Christmas week and 411 the. When he recovered enough Snyder claimed FBI-state po­ Steak House, Glastonbury. Room. in a store room meet to the in­ Viet Cong participation in elec- week before, to reply, he said, "It’s a lice cooperation has been good. OVEN READY magnificent shook. Until sev­ Judge Frederlka Brennemari of The Board of Christian EJdu- The committee for the Town Elsewhere in today’s Herald cinerator at Mott’s Supermar­ OVEN READY tions to ^tUe the war. The total of 65 killed last week He said an expanded headquar­ catlon of Center Congregational Fire Department’s annual are accounts of two of the ket, 687 E. Middle Tpke. early But in a lengthy televised re- was the lowest total In three eral yeaxls ago, I thought I’d ters has been established in Juvenile Court,' State of Con­ never see the day. Now, our necticut, ■will be guest speaker. Church will meet tomorrow at ladies night will meet tomorrow seven 'actions—transfer to the today. Fire officials said there SIRLOIN TIP port to the nation Thieu charged months, since 64 Americans nearby Millsboro to accommo­ ■was some smoke damage. The SIRLOIN TIP job Is to hold on to the load For reservations, contact Mrs. 7:30 p.m. in the Robbins Room at 7:30 p.m. at Hose Co. 3, Law- Army and Navy CTlub of the that the enemy is intent on were killed In action during the date the added investigators. call was received at 4:60 a.m.' and to properly represent all Toni Palazzolo of Rocky Hill- at the church. ton Rd. land at Main and Forest, Sts., "savage ambitions” and insists week ending Oct. 4, and the sec- "We have interviewed in ex­ OVEN ROAST BEEF OVEN ROAST BEEF on Imposing a coalition govern- ond lowest weekly toll since the those Democrats.” cess of 300 persons lj\ the neigh­ ^ Center Cot ment on South Vietnam. week ending Dec. 3, 1966, when borhood and we are following up Whole 8 to 9-lb. cot, or snaall halt The finest available and a great Thieu said there have been 44 U.S. troops died. every lead and every rumor,” favorite "no results” from 48 sessions of In the war today, enemy at- Snyder said at a news confer­ , the F^aris i>eace talks and said lacks dropped off considerably ence, the North Vietnamese and Viet after two days of hea'vy fighting Tear Gas Not "We are checking out every n *0 9 .b n . l 9 » Cong agreed to thern. only be- in which more than 300 North story,” he said, "but we ore no cause they wanted bombing of Vietnamese and Viet Cong were ^ Available^ In closer to solution now than we U, S. Choice Boneless Economy Niorth Vietnam halted. reported killed. were yesterday.” cuing a long list of optimistic Virtually all of the ground Snyder said police are still Deluxe Sirloin Patties ... tb. 9 1 *0 0 Chuck Roast (Pot) ,1b. 8 9 4 » sounding figures on progress of fighting reported occurred in trying to identify persons who the war dn 1969, Thieu still held the Mekong Delta, where no Panther Rai^ made threatening telephone WhUe they laat. No rate out little hope for peace. American infantrymen are op- calls to two close allies of Ya­ CHICAGO (AP) —-TJjaltej — pje'leader Green Gkmt Is Always checks . . . 1,000 He said: "We are standing be- erating. blonski since the United Mine- Pork's of a police raid whkShwhkSh resuresulted workers official was found slain fore two real facts. They are: South Vietnamese headquar- In the fatal shooting of two A Favorite "The war of aggression is still ters said govemment forces in his house just outside Clarics- 99c Pepsoilmt Black Pantlief' party members vllle Monday.. In Season conUmilng from the North and Wiled 60 enemy troops in four says he did not use tear gas to from North Vietnam’s bench- clashes in the delta Wednesday, clear.,tfie apartment because It State police said Wednesday and you geit the finest com TOOTHBRUSHES Field reports said one govem­ the first report came from Mar­ J men In the South. was''unavailable. J GREEN GIANT fed govemment State of Iowa regulariy discounted at 66c ment soldier was killed and 32 lon Pellegrini, on official of The Paris peace talks, aft­ Sg;t. Daniet Groth testified at lean pork at Plnehurat. were wounded. (AP Photofax) UMW District 6 from n^rby er 12 months and 48 sessions, an Inquest into the deaths of ' Kttehen Sliced ea ch .. .on sale at JEMnehurat The U.S. Command reported Reds Decry Canonsbuig. have still not shown one bit of Fred Hampton, 21, head of the Terry Yablonski, nephew of the slain labor leader, left, his wife, in white hat 17 enemy rocket and mortar at- Later, Elmer Brown, a Del- ' results.” Illinois Panther party, and and his mother, Mrs. Edward Yablonski, leave Burkus Funeral Home. Thieu asked: "So where can tacks between 8 a-rh. Wednes- Yablonski Death barton, W. Va., cool miner'who For Mark Clark, 22, a Peoria leader. GREEN BEANS •I .0 0 we find peace and how is the day and 8 a.na, t^ ay, but said was Yablonskl’s vice presiden­ WHOLE Groth directed the Dec. 4 raid WARSAW (AP) — The Polish tial running mate In the undem’s war going to end?” only two of them caused casual- on Hampton’s West Side apart­ He suggested two possible so- ties or .damage. No American Communist party newspaper recent presidential election, ment to serve a search warrant .said today that the killing of said he had reported a threat to PORK LOIN lutlons—"either the Communist cas^ltiea were reported, for illegal weapons. He was ac­ UMW Vote May Be Probed aggressors must mend their One U.S. Marine was reported United Mine Workers official the FBI. A cut to order any way you companied by 13 state’s attort Joseph Yablonski was a “ bestial Pellegrini, who was ques­ ways and end their aggression, killed and seven woune’ed when for the Labor Department to had exhausted all his adminis­ New Items ney’s'police, five of whom,were By LAURENCE STERN murder meant to frighten poten­ tioned by four FBI agents, said specify.. .Loins weigh 12 to or the Communists must be- the truck they were riding in grant his request that Boyle’s trative remedies” with the black. Groth is white.. The Washington Post tial reformers from combating his wife received a call from a 13 lbs. come sincere and talk seriously was blown up by a Viet Cong election be voided because of union. He testified that his men gath­ WASHINGTON—Secretary of the status quo.’ man at 3:16 p.m. Tuesday. The with us so that we .can have gen- mine 16 miles southwest of E>a “ massive election irregulari­ It was time, Rauh argued, for PillEburjf ered in his office an hour before Labor George P. Shultz is re­ Trybuna Ludu said Yablon- caller simply said, “ Warning. uine faults and peace is re- Nang. the 5 a.m. raid to arm them­ ties. the Labor Department to move stored.’ ’ . The lull after a short period of considering whether to intervene ski's death confirmed that de­ You're next,” and hung up, he selves for the assignment. Their Yablonski served notice upon into the case—make a careful spite his defeat in the union SPACE SNAGS Thieu. Claimed that the Com- hard fighting conformed to the in the controversial election last said. weapons included a submachine Boyle and other top union of­ investigation of the lengthy and presldentiaj election, “ he has 'lb Peonut, Choco or munisit command continues to pattern of enemy activity that month of United Mine Workers ” We don’t know whether this gun, a carbine, and four shot- ficials about two weeks before detailed complaints by Yablon­ remained dangerous for his foes sefek “ decisive victories" so that has prevailed for months President W.A. (Tony) Boyle. is a crank call or not but we’re Cammel flavor. ' gurs in addition to several he was murdered that he was ski of Landrum Griffin Act Vio­ who have, for a long time, the United States will withdraw “ highpoints" in a few reg(lons, This re-examlnatlon by the lations, and then invalidate keeping patrols in the area,” SOUD PACK WHITE TUNA handg;uns, the officer added. taking steps luider the Landrum tlTreatened his life. N Its forces more rapidly and ac- then a pause to regroup and re- Labor Department was prompt­ Boyle’s election and call for sold Capt. Joseph Snyder, the "Hi.s program acUvated thou­ FVjr those who want a. amall- Martin S. Gerber, a lawyer ed by the murder of Boyle’s Griffin Act to nullify the Dec. 9 trooper in charge of the investi­ at a low price cept a coalition government, supply. new nominees. sands of miners, causing a fer­ er Pork Roa;^ . . . HUNTS ■ Thieu has rejected a coalition "Every month for the past selected to serve as deputy cor­ chaUenger for UMW leadership, election. Under the law the gation. Prior to Rauh's call Wednes­ ment dangerous to the right­ govemment, claiming It would several months there have been oner conducting the inquest, Joseph A. Yablonski, and a de­ slain UMW officer had 90 days Pellegrini said he was sure CENTER CUTS day the Labor Department was ists,” the paper continued. KABUKf tUNA NEW SNAX be a first decisive step to a two or three days of increased ’ said the firearms seemed to be mand tor intervention by the to get action on his complaints the caller meant the threat. stiU/taking the position that "we "Once again in the United Day are sugfgeated. More tor your Apple Sauce takeover. activity during the first week of "extraordinary weapons” to slain unionist’s lawyer, Joseph from the union. “ I take this seriously,” he One have no actionable complaint States, murderoqs bullets be­ 3 cons $1.00 md off Monday at llie they laid virtually tlie .same Dr. A. E. RIngwood of the OmCKEN LEGS 8-pock Club Soda Kennedy’s car.. Starts Thursday morning when doors open! Every department in the store Jb. 79c delayed nine hours in reporting start of the inquest. It wa.4 black leacliers iuid the same Australian National University quantities CHICKEN BBEiasxe The girls are Rosemary the accident. learned Wednesday that two classroom companloiiH they liud said Wednesday'his studies of 7 will offer all its merchandise at a 20% discount! Nothing will be held back Keough, 24, Drexel Hill, Pa.; Whether Boyle permitted Far-. Kennedy friends, tlie senator at nearby Taylor High. Apollo 11 moon samples make Maryellen Lyons. 26, Milton, except a few items which are price-fixed by the manufacturer, plus any rar to repeat this opinion frdni said had helped him dive in vain "It wasn't whul we expect­ "the traditional theories of the Mass.; her sister, Nance, 26, Su­ to each merchandise sold regularly at discount prices or January Sale Prices. You the witness stand was not for ' the body testified they ed," a black coed commonte'd. mn's origin look very, 'very We ore on accredited store for Govt. Food Stamps san Tennenbaum, 24, and Esth­ will automatically deduct the 20% from every price tag on any item, thought he was going to the po­ Several -black students re­ .shaky right now.” er Newberg, 27, all of Washing­ customer whether it sells for 10c or $10 and more. lice wherv he impulsively swam marked that the physldal fa­ In his preseniatloh to a lunar ton, D.C. tire swirling jerry channel back WHh One S5.00 Whh One $5.00 Girl’s Parents cilities were better at Yiudoo science conference he suggested Grocery Purchase Grocery Purchase Like Mary Jo, all (ive worked to Edgurlown, from C3iappaquld- City ' High than at their o^d the moon may have formed for the late Robert F. Kennedy dlck Island. .school. “ I always heard the fa- ' when the sun boiled away earth SHURFINE U.S. No. 1 during his ill-fated 1968 presi­ Consider Suit The friends his first cousin, culty was better here; I gueas minerals, forming "a massive THOUSANbS OF ITEMS ALL dential campaign. Joseph F’. Onrgun, and attorney I'll find out in a couple of primitive atmosphere.” The at- no mail or OVER STORE 20% OFF! They were joined at the court­ HARTF'ORD, Oonn. (AP) Paul Markham told the court months,” Joy said. He paused mo.sphere dissipated and cooled. LOOK! house by Anthony Betterncourt, The parents of Mary ,Jo Ko- they did irot khow until the iie.xt and thought, (hen added: ','No, Silicates formed , a mass of SUGAR POTATOES a local resident who maintains a pcctmc arc considering .suing inot^ing that/Kei^ncdy had not/ smuLI. bqdleA ! orbiting ' earth. phone orders Women’s Lingerie, Hosiery, Housewares, Chino, Lamps, Notions, Gifts I gjiess I wqii’t.” town dump, y These lut'c^r united to become Sleepwear DInnerware Jewelry, Silverware, Sen! Edward M, Kennedy for gone to the police. Segregation ' qf classrooms After iast summer's accident, the dentil of their daughter, the According to lt>e testimony, the moon. Women’s Blouses, Sweaters, Cups, Saucers, Glassware, Watches was not total. Co-principals B. •X-IvH S h ^es, Clocks 5 lbs. 39' Bettencourt told investigators Hartford CJouranl said today tn they l»ac| driven from llie acci­ D. Burks and G. O. Young, who The theory wS® attacked Skirts Shoes, Boots, Slippers lO lbs. 29* Pots, Pans, Novelties he found three unopened bottles dent scene to the ferry slip, ex­ immediately by two other seien* Boys’ Suits, Coats, Joeliets, a copyright story. had been principals of the pre- Women’s Handbags, Gloves, Men’s Suits, Coats, Trousers,' of gin at the dump, which '18 hausted fioni their effort.s, and lists. cash, charge, 'Trousers As Its source, the Courant ■ dominantly white and the all­ Accessories Jackets $10.00 grocery purchase reqirfied to cover both specials near the cottage where the suduenly Kennedy was out of Dr. UonAld Wise of the Uni­ Men’s Shirts, Sweaters, Ties, Boys’ Hose, Shirts, quoted im unidentified "Ko- black high schools respectively, Women's Dresses, Coats, cookout was held. peehne family afvsoclatv” In Ed- tlie ear and swimming well off- reported that chemistry, homo versity of Massachusetts said - budgef^ Suits Gloves l.'nderwear. Ties thg moon could not be in .Men’s Hose, IJnder\^'car, Curtains, Drapes, Blbids The accident occurred the gartown. Mass., site of the ln-\shore. economics and study halls were Infants’, Children’s Wear Jewelry Towels, Blankets, IJnenw night of July 18, whcYi Kenne­ quest into Miss Kopeemne's Edmund S. Dlnis, the di.strict integrated. present orbit if it hud formed no iay-aways Girls’ Wear Rugs, Pictures — ^And Many More dy’s car plunged off a narrow death. attorney who^ (nilled for llie In- A nejv varsity basketball team from a sediment ring about ihs bridge on Chnppaqulddlck Is­ "Only an out-of-eourt settle- quest and is helping to conduct will be organized from the two earth. 945 MAIN STREET — MANCHESTER land and landed upside down in ment Is likely to stop the law- It, made,an'unexpected appear- former ones, and on the basis -Dr. John O’Keefe of the Na­ Pinehurst Grocery, Inc. Kennedy Look Alike? a tidal pond. suit by , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ance Wednesday at the press of their pre-integration record, tional Aeronautics and Bpacs Pierino D’Arezzo of Rome, Italy, cause I a stir in Edgnrtown when he For some 20 hours over the KopechneFnn<>e)uii> . againstliealnst Kennedy,” center in the Methodist Ctuireli, black studeiits are expected to Administration Agency said that liji:; Ample'Free Parking! CORNER MAIN & TURNPIKE first three days of the Inquest, ed outside court house where inquest taking place. Many folks th^ought he (See Page Sixteen) 7 ' (See Page Eight)...... ':/■ (See Page Two) (See Page SUtosn) resembled the late Sen. Robert Kennedy and one woman burst into tears. other witnesses took their turns

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