\ \ \"^ A /, iTUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1970 - \ ' - \ \ ■ \ ' A ■ \ PAGto EIGHTEEN ■ iiahrl]if afpr 1Ei»f tttng 1|pral^ Average Daily Net Press Run -M- \ For Tho W«)k Bndad The Weather Ward Circle of South United Voter Session Masons To Hear Ilocenilier 20, lOflO A b o u t T o w n Methodist Church will meet to­ Wide Range of Subjects I'artly olotKiy and cold to- night at 7:30 at Susannah Wes­ A 6 to 8 p.m. voter-making New Jersey Man .nighl through Frldayj Lowi to­ Martha Circle of Emanuel ley Hall. Alfred Krause will give session will be conducted to­ PLAZA DEPT. STORE 15,880 night about 10. High Thursday Lutheran Church will meet morrow in the Manchester an Illustrated talk on Wildlife. Before Directors Tonight "Meet Our Masonic Presi­ (We Have A Notion To Please) In teens to near 20. Thureday at 10 a.m. for a sew­ town clerk's office in the MunchcHtpr— A City o f Village Charm dents” will be the topic of a E. MIDDLE TPKE. (Next to Popular Mkt.) ing' aeasipn at the church. There' Three Circles of the Women’s The Manchester Board of Di­ of Directors Account, to he usfd Municipal Building. slides presentation at the meet­ OPEN MON. thru FW. till 9 VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 82 (THIRTY-TWO PAG ES-;^6 SECTIONS) will be a buslnesa meeting at Society of Commiuilty Baptist rectors will be faced with a as a . oontributlon to, the Dnig Eligible applicants must MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1970 ing next Monday of the Friend­ (Classified Advertising on Page 29) 2 p.m. Hbate^es are Mrs. Church will have meetings to­ wide rahge of subjects tonight, Advisory -Council of the Man­ be at least 21 years of age, PRICE TEN CENTS ship Lodge of Mlasons Master’s \Sigr(d Modean, Mrs. Elvira An- night at 8. ’The Estelle Carpenter when it meets for Its regular chester Chamber Of Commerce; residents of Manchester for 1970 Desk Calendar, Appointment irson and Mrs. Blanche Savo- Circle will meet at the home of monthly ^session. ’The meeting $39,000 to the Fire District Spe­ at least six months, and Club. The meeting will be nt Wil- ryXMrs. Madeline Carlson Is Mrs. Russell Hughes, 48 Irving will be at 8 in the Municipal cial Fund, for purchasing a new mu.st be U.S. citizens. ' ■ , , devothmal leader. Building Hearing Room. fire truck; $8,000 to the Police ile’s Steak House, starting nt Books, Diaries and Flies from 49c In Jersey: St.; the Barbara Gifford Circle Voter-making sessions ore I 6:30, with dinner at 7:30. at the home of Mrs. Robert On the agenda arc propo.sals Department, for special serv­ conducted in Manchester on Boy Scout Troop 120 of St. ices in conjunction with duty at The speaker will be Eugene Johns, 280 Greenwood Dr.; and for removing angle parking the first Wednesdajr of each H. Kelchner, who is a past James’ Church will reimme construction sites, and to be li- Reed-Eaton Circle at the home from Downtown Main St., month. Eligible applicants grand historian for the Grand meetings at ,SL James’ School nanced by equal contributions of 'Mrs. Russell Granniss, 33 for deeding to the Army and may sign up also on any Lodge of New Jersey. cafeteria tonlgihr\nt 7 o^clock. by the contractors; $2,688 to the Westwood St. Navy Club the land on which weekday, during regular William F. Booth, grand mas­ J New members areNlnvdted, and its clubhouse stands, for ap­ Sidewalk and Curbs Account, to business hours, in the of­ Easy going FBI Connects ter of Masons in Oonnecticut, TOYOTA boys 11 years of ageNnterested be financed by contributions The Adult Discussion Group proving the sale of a parcel in fices of the town 'plerk and will attend. CORONA should attend the meeting, ac­ of South United Methodist the North End Renewal Area from benefiting prpoerty own­ registrars of voters. companied by a parent. Kelchner has presented this Church will meet tomorrow nt to Top Notch Poods, fol^ improv­ ers; and $12,219 to the Board of program to Masonic bodies" Easy going price 10 a.m. in the church reception ing the purchase of a 80-f00t Education, for a Vocational Ed­ Uriel Lodge of Masons wll throughout New England and .hall. right-of-way on Highland St., ucation Program, to be financ­ heating Improvements, for costs the eastern seaboard, but this Mafia, Police confer the Entered Apprentice and for leasing or deeding the ed by a state grant. of heating improvements in the degree Saturday at the Masonic is his first visit to Oonnecticut. NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — Wide- tion and :ere will be a service of old Bunce School to the Man­ In other financial business, oto Trade School Building on He has accepted the invitation income tax evasion Temple in Merrow at 7:30 p.m. fully aquipped HolyN^mmunion tomorrow at chester Grange. the board will consider allocat­ School St. from John L. VonDeck Jr., sec­ spread Mafia infiltration of New charges. Refreshments will be served 10 a.mN^t St. Mary’s Episcopal ing $1,000 for remodeling base­ retary and post master of Jersey police and politics— to Las Vegas- DeCarlo is quoted after the meeting. Also on the agenda is the pro­ In other business, the board Church. posed appointment of a con­ ment space in the Hall of Rec­ will consider approving propos­ Friendship Lodge. VonDeck be­ us saying Gerado "Jerry" Cate­ the point of allegedly Influenc­ na, reputed head of a Mafia stable, to succeed Democrat ords, for use by the Manches­ ed immediate pay, raises for came acquainted with Kelchner ing selection of a state police First Church of Ohrtot, Scien­ Girl Scout ’rttipp 642 will meet ter Federal Credit Union; $6,- when both were attending a con­ group, received $180,000 from tist, will have its regular mid- Joseph Maealone, who has re­ three department heads; ap­ head—are portrayed In FBI tomorrow at 3 at Commu­ OtK) for the town’s share of new proving the C-DAP Work Pro­ ference on Masonic information "Hklmoffs” of Las Vegas casi­ we«ik testimony meeting to­ signed; the appointment of a traiurcripts of electronic eaves­ nity Baptist Churc hiember of the Conservation traffic signals at Center land gram to date; and authorizing last spring in Delaware. nos. A skimoff is illegal diver­ morrow at 8 p.m. at the church. dropping filed In federal court sion of casino profits. Commission, to replace Dr. Adams Sts.; $7,240 for increas­ the mdnager to execute a deed Friendship Lodge members 2131 here. ’The meeting is open 'to the pub­ Officers and directors^ Omar ed town costs for the W. Center have received reservation cards „ , , , , Kenny—Among several refer- lic. Philip Sumner, who resigned; relating to Thompson Rd. In ad­ Twei™ volumes covering four to the Democratic sttong- Shrine Club will meet^\,at 8 St.-Olcott St.- Hartford Rd. re­ in the mail, and are asked to and the appointments of eight dition, It will accept reports on years of recording name do^ns the late Joseph -"Little o’clock tomorrow night atN^e constructed intersection; and reply quickly. All Masons are Boy Scout ’Troop 123 will meet members of C-DAP task forces, a variety of subjects. , of public per^na lties including oeBenedlctls, an Essex home • of incoming presided $4,000 for roof repairs to Mary invited, and they can make tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. at Com­ to replace the eight who resign- The meeting will be open for MORIARTVrSROTHERS Raymond E. Bogue, 39 Bryan Cheney Library.' reservations with Charles Smith, , May"*- County political figure, is quot- Sd. public comments twice — once, Hugh Addonizio and Police Dl- telJlng DeCarlo: "If we munity Baptist Church. Dr. 37 Alexander St., who is presi­ rNCH MOTORS) le board will conduct public In addition, the board will for comments on subjects on the rector Dominick Sptea of Ne- t .this deal - If Kenny okays hea>i,ngs and will take possible consider approving the use of agenda, and once for comments dent o f the MasJter’s Club; or SIl.RtlR Op*" ****■ R"**"* Manchester WATES will meet BRIO 119 Thw*.»tol. wark. State Police Supt. David this deal with the paint on the The Golden Age Club will actlonton five proposed app’.’o- $20,826s left over from- the funds on any subject within the they can be made with any B. Kelly and former Supt. Do­ tonight at the Italian-Amerlcan meet Thursday at 2 p.m. at the lodge officer. New Jersey Turnpike—we’re Club. Weighing-in will be from prlatlonV^— $8,000 to the Board for Bennet Junior High School board’s jurisdiction. minic Capello, powerful Demo­ Senior Citizens Center. In." He was quoted as figuring a 7 to 8, followed by a business cratic leader John V. Kenny, 28 per cent profit on $1' million meeting. and state Democratic Chairman worth of paint. The executive board of ' the Salvatore Bontempo. The transcripts quote Anthony Army-Navy Auxiliary will Guild of Our Lady of St. Bar­ The transcripts, produced. "Little Pussy” Russo, a Mafia hold its regular, meeting tomor­ tholomew’s Church will meet to­ Tuesday in the extortion trial of figiu-e, as saying he had "a con­ 6 row at 8 p.m. at the clubhouse. night at 8 at the school. reputed Mafia boss Angelo "Gyp” DeCarlo, tell of payoffs nection" in the telephone com­ Si! 7 pany who tipped him when law Sllanley Circle of South Unit­ The Ladies Aid of the Luther­ to public officials, loansharking _ _ officials investigated possible ed MeUtodidt Church will meet an Women’s Missionary League and gambling operations, ekim- tomorrow alt 8 p.m.
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