International Conference on Management, Computer and Education Informatization (MCEI 2015) Library and Information and Records Management in the Development of Domestic Discipline Differentiation and Integration Hui Wang University Library, Jilin Agricultural University, 130118 Changchun, PR China E-mail.
[email protected] Abstract—Along with our country has gone to the the outcome of discipline differentiation. Library and information era, economic and comprehensive national information and records management are currently in a strength is constantly growing stronger, library and special transition period. This type of discipline information sciences and records management disciplines differentiation has become a very important part of are developing. Differentiation and integration have discipline development, which changes the basic become the ordinary state of the discipline development of composition and developmental form of the disciplines. library and information sciences and records management, where integration plays a major role. Library and A. The historical process of discipline differentiation information sciences and records management will concerning library and information sciences and continue to self-improve and develop during the course of records management the differentiation and integration, not only to promote the improvement of branch disciplines, but also to Currently we have entered a period of rapid gradually label them with characteristics of the era. development, when literature documenting and Library and information sciences and records recording is more and more. People are using more and management in our country thus can reach a new level. more literatures, which makes the use ratio of literatures greatly improved, consequently the custody and Keywords-academic development pattern; differentiation; preservation of the literatures are becoming difficult and integration; library and information sciences and records complicated.