39 build a blizzardy snowglobe wrap a merry wreath 40

Stretch the hanger into a circle. Layer the greenery. Secure with floral wire.

60 speed-peel a hard-boiled egg craft an orange pomander 41 1:1



graft a citrus tree 278 Roll in seasonal spices. Let cure.

make a tin-can luminary 42

8 7 mold clay animals hr

Freeze so the can stays firm. Nail holes along the design. Hot water melts the ice. Add a small candle. Light. 102 serve and pair champagne serve and pair pinot noir 105

Herbs, bananas, cherries, lavender, and strawberries Champagne’s flavors include lemon, hazelnut, vegetables vegetables green apple, and toast, as well as floral undertones. often contribute to this wine’s juicy flavor.

mains dessert mains


starters fruits fruits

The flute’s long shape displays A Burgundy glass presents champagne’s brilliant bubbles. pinot noir’s robust aroma. flavors flavors

103 serve and pair pinot grigio serve and pair merlot 106

Pinot grigios are known to contain lively hints of vegetables Bell peppers, mixed berries, star anise, cinnamon, vegetables minerals, cucumber, apple, lemon, and herbs. and plums lend some spice to merlots.


mains starters starters

fruits fruits

Drink from a small tulip glass A large tulip glass showcases to enjoy this wine’s crisp taste. merlot’s earthy bouquet. flavors flavors

104 serve and pair chardonnay serve and pair cabernet sauvignon 107

Many detect the rich tastes of butter, pear, “Cabs” are enlivened by the flavors of blackberries, vegetables vegetables hazelnut, orange, and vanilla in chardonnay. bell peppers, cigars, black pepper, and cloves.

dessert mains mains


starters fruits fruits

A small tulip glass focuses The Bordeaux glass’s tapered shape chardonnay’s flavors at the rim. flavors flavors intensifies this wine’s aroma. identify men’s facial styles Which ’stache is right for you—a horseshoe or a fu manchu? Enlarge this 140 guide with a photocopier, cut out the mustaches, and try them on for size.

pyramid lilibrow pencil toothbrush lamp shade chevron english dali pancho villa horseshoe fu manchu


walrus petit handlebar handlebar imperial face spanner

poet’s soul patch anchor napoleon III imperial

copy me! circle beard neck beard chin curtain à la souvarov franz joseph muttonchops wolverine french fork bishop

141 get a clean shave

Start with a warm shower. Trim the beard, if needed. Dip in cream; froth in water. Spread in a circular motion. Shave with the grain. Rinse every few strokes. Shave with the grain. Suck in; shave above the lip. Rinse; pat dry. Slap with a little aftershave. 307 teach a kid to ride a bike remove gum from a child’s hair 309

000 fix a flat tire 2 min

Suit her up in protective gear. Raise the training wheels each week. Remove them when she’s ready. Find an open, sloping grassy area. Isolate the gum. Apply ice until the gum breaks. Comb out the pieces.

convince a child to eat veggies 310

create an edible garden 273

Adjust until her feet touch the ground. Walk while balancing on the saddle. Support her shoulders.

Select vegetables together. Prepare them as a team. Serve veggies first. Let him see you eat them. Make a goofy design.

308 banish imaginary monsters serve a banana-octopus snack 311

Big, hairy, and . . .

Listen to her fears. Tuck her into her own bed. Spray monster repellent. Set up a trap. Turn on a night-light. Cut eight “tentacles.” Add raisins for eyes.

443 identify edible plants 444 walk safely in a swamp wrestle an alligator 447

Walk near plants. Where there’s vegetation, there’s solid ground!

1 2 get out of quicksand 446

Separate the plant parts. Check for foul odors. Probe suspicious Run in a zigzag pattern. areas with a stick. Got a walking stick handy? Place it under your hips.

Keep your feet close together.

light a fire with a soda can Wide arms and legs 3 4 445 increase your surface area, buoying you up. Maneuver Rub on your skin. Rub on your lips. onto your back. Press on the gator’s neck.


Don’t flail! 5

Touch to your tongue. Chew. Cover its eyes. Polish with chocolate. Focus sunlight to light the match. 8 hr

7 8

No bad signs? Swallow; wait. Eat a small handful. If bit, punch its snout.