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Pure Drugs H. H. BRADLEY & VOL.LII-NO. 1. MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1900. WHOLE NO. 3037. Tlie exairilnation of the Furrell Mesdames R, Sitts, R.',Young, Jenk­ Notice. .^iiv Married Fifty Years, Church and Society, brothers, for the iiuirder of Eclwnrd ins and Raymond .will act as table All eases of whooping cough must be So auspicious an event as the cele­ Presbyterian church—Andrew B. Wekleii ill Liinaing, hus been set for committee at the meeting of the Ing­ kept at home, away from public assem­ bration of the 50th anniversary of one's Zimmerman, pastor. EiUurad al llio I'ostolllco, Mason. Friday, Jiinuary 5. ham County Farmers' Club, Saturday, blages, and ofl the streets. wedding day is seldom granted to our Sunday, 10:30, morning servicea. UK aoQond-clauN mnttor Jan, 0 at, Fairvlew Farm, The secre­ FRXNK E, THOMAS, M. D., friends and It Is with mucli pleasure 12 m., Sunday school. 0:00 p. m., En­ Rev, Ziiniiierniaii will lecture at tlie tary will briefly review the work of i'libllslioil Evory TliiirRcliiy Ivy Davidson aeiiool house, five iiiileB east Health Olllcer. that we report tliat on New Year's day deavor Society, 7:00, evening service. of Mason, oil Saturday evening, 7:30 p. the past year aiid ollleers for the com­ last, the friends and relatives of our Tliur8day-4 p. m., J. Y. P. S. 0. E. CAMPBELL & ROSE. 111. Siilijeot—"Four Years ainoug tlje ing year will beelected. Tlie delegates esteemed and worthy citizen, A. A, 7:00 p. m., Prayermeetiug. 8:00—Teocb- sent to the State A.ssociation of Farm­ Tlio Grand Jury. ers meeting, Wolves." Adniissioii free. ers' Clubs will make their report at The grand Jury is still in session, but Howard and his faltliful wife, Sarah Anna Gr'.ihain, to a goodly number 3no y(ir, tl.OO; >ix monlhi, SO oonli; ihrtt Rev. W, S, Bayres, general mission­ this time. it is exiiected that its labors will be M. E. church—W. J. Wilson, pastor. monlhi, 3S conti—in idvincs. ary oftlio E|)isuo|uilian cliiircli, lield ended this week. Indictments were came together to assist them In com­ Sunday morning services at 10:30. services in the rooms of Steele Bros. The following appears in the Daily handed in last Saturday, but not made memorating tliejoyful occasion. Sabbath school at 11;45. D. E. ADVERTISING RATES. On Dec, 31, 1849, iu Fulton county, Watts, Supt. OnradvortlHlugratoBtnado kuownalolUoo Post, G, A. R., last Tuesday evening. Northwestern published at Oshkosh, public until Tuesday. The parties Banlnosfloardo 81 a lino por year. All interesting service is reported. Wis: were Quartermaster-General W. L. Oliio, these early pioneers began Epwortli league at G:00 p. m. BaHliieHnlooftlii live oontH per lino oaoli and Little ten-year-old Elian Callloa, who re­ Wliite, Inspector General Arthur F. housekeeping in a frugal farm home Evening services at 7:00. every liiaortlon. Alexander W. Moaely, 8. B,, of sides on Winnebago street, and la In the Marsh and Assistant-Quartermaster iu keeping wltli the trials and vicissi­ Baptist—Arthur P. White, pastor. MarrlaROiblrtli,and death noUoosfroo, Chicago, lias been secured by the M, Fourth A grade o( the Otter street school, has tudes of the day, emigrating to Indi­ Obituary notlooH, roHoUitlous of rospoot wrillon a composition In the course of her Harold A Smitli, Thursday 3:45 p. m. Junior Union. oardo of Ihanlta oto., Ilvo oonts a Uno. A, G. to till the vacancy in the me- ana and finally to Micliigaii and lo chaiiical deiiartmentsiiice the resigna­ regular language work that Principal D. H. Warrants were pieced in the hands Thursday—Midweek prayer service, Wr gilt regards aa remarkable In neatnnss, of tlie Sherifl, but so far Siiiith is the Mason in 18B7, siiice which time thoy at 7:00, tion of Prof. A. L. NVestoott last Sept­ legibility, spelling and originality. The have been most closely identified with ember. story Is entitled, "The Poor Glrl'a Ohrlslmas," only man to be found, Sunday—Morning service at 10:3Q Busiiioss Cards. andlaflor the little folka have road It thoy VVliite has skipped rather than face tlie business, social and religions in­ Sunday school at 12 in. B, Y. P, % may try and see If they can write equally aa terests of our city, Mr, Howard having All accounts past due must bo settled good a Mtory In all polnta. the indictment, writing from Chicago at 0:00. Evening service at 7:00, ATTOKNKYH. ut once, by cash or note as we must, that he was unable longer to stand the been engaged in the dry good-i and have the money. The story appears in lull and is a strain. Tills is an atlmlssioii of Ids grocery business up to about four years LAWTON T. HEMANS. credit to the child and her tutors. ago. He is a stanch republican and is AiIverMHoU liOttor List. A TTOENKY AND GOUNSEIJOII AT R. RAYJIOND & SON * guilt. Reports claim that General I\Ir. Marvin Hali'on Mrs. Norman Marsh Is at Broekport, N. Y., and will, iUow serving his second term as city Mr. (joo, It. lU'own A. law. Olllco over Plrnl State and .Sav- Rev. W. H, B. Urch, Ph. D., of We are in receipt of a beautiful oaN treasurer. Tlireo cliildren were born lugHbanlt, vlasou, MloU. eiidar from tlie Michigan Agricultural be hero soon to face the music. Persons calling for the above loiters pleaso Ionia, gave the third lecture of the The testimony of Beckerstafl, agent to them, two of wliom, Mr. W. E. aay aclvurllaod. 0, W. liuowNB, P. M. 15. .SaiHlors, Attornciy-al Law, iMiiKOn, Fii'Ht M, J'j. church course of Lansing, College coiitaining some 45 views of Howard of Albion and Mrs. Dr. S, H, Mluli. Money to loiui. last Friday evening. His subject was buildings, live slock, iiilerior scones, of the Henderson-Ames Co,, was that G, after the deal was consummated, lie Culver of Mason aroslill living. "Naples and the Buried Cities of and campus scenes arranged in 12 On Dec, 30, '99, the following guests Dansyillc Ailvcvlised Letters. KO. 11. UJM-li",sriK, atloniuy al law, at Italy," groups. The progress cf th«3 iiistilu- took about ,i;26,000 of the profits to MaKon, .Mich, Grand Rapids. The money was in arrived to meet in family reunion; MlKBMInnlo West Mr. David Nullor G lions in recent years is very gratifying T, N, Stevens and wife, Stanton; T. Miss Mary ,r. Dyer Albert W. NoloU K\V18 13, MoARTHUlt, Attorney at .John Harwond of Onondaga and cash and was carried in a satchel. At Mr.Spado, cure Hr. Dart to its friends. Tlie attendance has al­ R: Graham, Erwin, South Dakota; Mrs, Susan WaHhInglon I Law, Mason, Mluli. Mrs, Adelia Beal of Leslie were mar­ most trebled during the last four a Grand Rapids hotel a division was ried on Thursilay evening last al the made, VVhIto getting about jil.8,000, Robert Howard, Winaiiiig, Ohio; Miss M r. David Crrrol Ml'. Geo. Howes A. Illi;UO\IAN,atloriioy-al-law. Odlco years, and will reach during the pres­ Adaline Howard, Wauseon, Oiiio; In calling for above pleaso aay advertised. ovor IjoiiKyiiar's dniK Hloro, Mason, charming liome of his old friend. ent year nearly 700. Tlie advantages which he deposited in llie Fourth E. Z. STUONO, P. M. A, County Cierlt Woodworth, Rev A. National bank lo his own credit. Mrs. A. C. Adair,. Flint; Mrs, Wm. UGH E. KOUT, Altornuy and (JoiinHOUir S, Ziinnieriiian olliciating. odered by tills college are certainly Dean of Parma, VV. E. Howard, wife at law, OllUioover l''lrHt«tato and Snv- worthy of very careful coiiaideratloii Some $7,000 or |IS,000 was apportioned H to Marsh, On the following day and daugliters Bertha and Frances of ciiki-d ori'iiikiiicN. li;t,'Slianlc, AlaKon.Mleli. (Uyl The class of'99 were entertained at by all parents who expect toseiid tlioir Albion. White drew l}.'S,000 in cash from the Wo. the undersigned, doairo to thank the jy a, AVERY, atlornoy at law, Olllno op­ the home of Mrs. E, C. VaiiPatten sons and daughters away to school. Sunday morning, divineservice was filoiKia and neighbors who so Itliully assisted posite Jhuiiion llonso, fjanHlng.Mldh. last Friday evening, The class was bank, and the jury will this week en­ ]i deavor to trace this money and asDer- attended In a body, al whicli time the UH In our lal.o burcavumont, alao, the choir of served with an oysterau|iper, A chain If the following may be taken as a Rev, Mr. Zimmerman took occasion to Holt for the sweot music roiulored, Q. A. SMITH. O, .1. 11001), taiii who it liiially went to. Mn, 0. J, Licwta. letter was started and Miss Miiudo fair sample of the reading matter regu­ make a few well chosen reiiuirks of CJHrni it HOOD, AttornoyR and Connanlors, larly going into country liomes, surely White and Smith are bonded for WHS, Enmi tlion. O RoomH 17,18aiHlll), oliir. 0. lUdK, IjaiiHlnt;. Freeland was elected corresponding congratulation and to say that Mr, and Ma. AKo iMus. JAY LEWIS. secretary. there need be no fear wlieii the rural $50,000 each by the Fideity & Deposit Co,, of Maryland, and it is expected Mrs, Howard had been iiiembers of tTIUISn A. A l.LiON, attorney atlaw, at conn population voice their sentiments at Fitriii for Halo, i; ty olorlc's odlco, Mason, Mich. .7, Q. Dean pays Gc for chicks, fowls the Presbyterian church since 18G7, the ballot on duestioiis of general that this company will take a baud in and that Mr.
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