Pure Drugs H. H. BRADLEY &
VOL.LII-NO. 1. MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1900. WHOLE NO. 3037. Tlie exairilnation of the Furrell Mesdames R, Sitts, R.',Young, Jenk Notice. .^iiv Married Fifty Years, Church and Society, brothers, for the iiuirder of Eclwnrd ins and Raymond .will act as table All eases of whooping cough must be So auspicious an event as the cele Presbyterian church—Andrew B. Wekleii ill Liinaing, hus been set for committee at the meeting of the Ing kept at home, away from public assem bration of the 50th anniversary of one's Zimmerman, pastor. EiUurad al llio I'ostolllco, Mason. Friday, Jiinuary 5. ham County Farmers' Club, Saturday, blages, and ofl the streets. wedding day is seldom granted to our Sunday, 10:30, morning servicea. UK aoQond-clauN mnttor Jan, 0 at, Fairvlew Farm, The secre FRXNK E, THOMAS, M. D., friends and It Is with mucli pleasure 12 m., Sunday school. 0:00 p. m., En Rev, Ziiniiierniaii will lecture at tlie tary will briefly review the work of i'libllslioil Evory TliiirRcliiy Ivy Davidson aeiiool house, five iiiileB east Health Olllcer. that we report tliat on New Year's day deavor Society, 7:00, evening service. of Mason, oil Saturday evening, 7:30 p. the past year aiid ollleers for the com last, the friends and relatives of our Tliur8day-4 p. m., J. Y. P. S. 0. E. CAMPBELL & ROSE. 111. Siilijeot—"Four Years ainoug tlje ing year will beelected. Tlie delegates esteemed and worthy citizen, A. A, 7:00 p. m., Prayermeetiug. 8:00—Teocb- sent to the State A.ssociation of Farm Tlio Grand Jury.
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