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16_962244 bindex.qxp 8/1/06 3:44 PM Page 232 Index See also Accommodations and Restaurant indexes, below. GENERAL INDEX resort hotels, 72–73, 76 Annapolis-Bermuda Race, 159 small hotels, 81–82 Antiques, City of Hamilton, 200 surfing for, 37 Apartments, 70, 92 AARP, 36 types of, 69–70 Archie Brown (City of Above and Beyond Tours, 35 Warwick Parish Hamilton), 207 Access-Able Travel Source, 34 guesthouse, 99–100 Architectural highlights, Access America, 31 housekeeping units, 161–162 Accessible Journeys, 34 91–92, 93–94 Architecture, 226–227 Accommodations, 69–100. See what’s new in, 2 Art, 229–230 also Accommodations Index Addresses, finding, 53 Art and Architecture Walk, 166 best bargains, 16 Admiralty House Park (Pem- Art galleries best places to stay with the broke Parish), 173 Bermuda Arts Centre (Sandys kids, 15–16 African American Association of Parish), 168–169 best resorts for lovers and Innkeepers International, 37 City of Hamilton, 200 honeymooners, 14–15 African-American travelers, Paget Parish, 209 dining at your hotel, 71 36–37 Southampton Parish, 208 family-friendly, 89 African Diaspora Heritage A. S. Cooper & Sons (City of guesthouses, 96–100 Trail, 175 Hamilton), 202 Hamilton Parish, resort hotels, After Hours (Paget Parish), 210 Aston & Gunn (City of 79–81 Afternoon tea, 102 Hamilton), 202 landing the best room, 72 Agriculture Exhibit (Paget), 28 Astwood Cove (Warwick Paget Parish, 35 Parish), 4, 140–141 cottage colony, 87 Air Canada, 40 Astwood Dickinson (City guesthouses, 97, 98 Airfares of Hamilton),
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