Ground-Water Data for Harris County Texas, Volume II
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TEXAS WATER DEVELOPMENT BOARD REPORT 178 GROUND-WATER DATA FOR HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS VOLUME II RECORDS OF WELLS, 1892-1972 By R. K. Gabrysch, W. L. Naftei, Gene D. McAdoo, and C. W. Bonnet United States Geological Survey This report was prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey under cooperative agreement with the Texas Water Development Board and the City of Houston January 1974 TEXAS WATER DEVELOPMENT BOARD John H. McCoy, Chairman Marvin Shurbet, Vice Chairman Robert B. Gilmore W. E. Tinsley Milton T. Potts Carl lllig Harry P. Burleigh, Executive Director Authorization for use or reproduction of any original material contained in this publication, i.e., not obtained from othersources, is freely granted. The Board would appreciate acknowledgement. Published and distributed by the Texas Water Development Board Post Office Box 13087 Austin, Texas 78711 uo boon TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 WELL-NUMBERING SYSTEM 2 RECORDS OF WELLS IN HARRIS COUNTY Area 1 3 Area 2 13 Area 3 39 Area 4 55 Area 5 79 Area 6 103 Area 7 117 Area 8 141 Area 9 163 Area 10 175 SELECTED REFERENCES 181 FIGURES 1. Map Showing Location ofAreas in Harris County 1 2. Map Showing Locations ofWells in Area 1 12 3. Map Showing Locations ofWells in Area 2 37 4. Map Showing Locations of Wells in Area 3 53 5. Map Showing Locations of Wells in Area 4 78 6. Map Showing Locations ofWells in Area 5 102 7. Map Showing Locations of Wells in Area 6 116 8. Map Showing Locations of Wells in Area 7 13^ 9. Map Showing Locations ofWells in Area 8 162 10. Map Showing Locations of Wells in Area 9 173 11. Map Showing Locations ofWells in Area 10 180 iii GROUND-WATER DATA FOR HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS VOLUME II RECORDS OF WELLS, 1892-1972 By R. K. Gabrysch, W. L. Naftei, Gene D. McAdoo, and C. W. Bonnet United States Geological Survey INTRODUCTION the collection of water samples from wells for chemical analyses, an inventory of ground-water pumpage, The collection of hydrologic data in Harris water-level measurements in observation wells, pumping County, Texas, was begun by the U.S. Geological Survey tests on large-capacity wells, and a compilation of on a more or less continuing basis in 1929. The current information on land-surface subsidence. data-collection program is in cooperation with the Texas Water Development Board and the city of Houston. This report presents records of 2,635 wells in 10 areas (Figure 1) in Harris County that have been The data-collection program consists of an collected as part of the inventory from 1929 to 1972. inventory of new large-capacity and other selected wells, Data on geology, hydrology, pumpage, water levels, and EXPLANATION Sludy area Figure 1.—Location of Areas in Harris County chemical quality of ground water in Harris County may number from 1 to 9. This is the fifth digit of the well be obtained from previous publications, some of which number. Finally, each well within a 2%-minute quadrangle are listed in the selected references in this report. is given a 2-digit number in the order in which it was inventoried, starting with 01. These are the last two digits of the well number. WELL-NUMBERING SYSTEM Only the last three digits of the well number are The well-numbering system in Texas was shown at each location on Figures 2-11; the first four developed by the Texas Water Development Board for digits are shown in the northwest corner of each use throughout the State. Under this system, each 71/2-minute quadrangle. 1-degree quadrangle is given a number consisting of two digits. These are the first two digits in the well number. In addition to the 7-digit well number, a 2-letter Each 1-degree quadrangle is divided into 71/2-minute prefix is used to identify the county. The prefix for quadrangles which are given 2-digit numbers from 01 to Harris County is LJ. The prefix is not included with the 64. These are the third and fourth digits of the well well numbers in the table because all wells are in Harris number. Each 716-minute quadrangle is divided into County. 21/2-minute quadrangles which are given a single digit -2- RECORDS OF WELLS IN HARRIS COUNTY AREA 1 -3- Records of wells in Harris County All wells are drilled unless othc vise noted in remarks column. Water level : Reported water levels givon in feet; measured water levels given in feet and tenths. Method of lift and type of power: A. airlift: B. bucket; C, cylinder; CF, centrifugal; E, olectrlc: G. gasoline, oil, butane, or dlesel engine; Kg, natural gas; H. hand; J, .let; H, none; Sub, submersible; T. turbine; W, windmill. Number indicates horsepower. Use of water : D, domestic; Ind, industrial; Irr, irrigation; N. none; P, public supply, S. livestock. Water bearing unit : C, Chicot aquifer; CU, Upper unit of Chicot aquifer; CL, Lower unit of Chicot aquifer; E. Evangeline aquifer; J, Jasper aquifer. Casinr, Watcr L.vel Depth Dlam- Mpth Water Altitude Above (+) Da :e of Method Use Remarks No. Owner Driller Dace o£ etcr (ft.) Bearing of land below land Met of of ?leted well (in.) unit cnt lift Water (ft.) (ft.) datun (ft.) 20 52 C 281 30.8 Oct. 22, 1963 J,E D,S Dug and bored to 52 ft. 20 Inch tile 57-202 Mrs. A. P. Knobel Unknown 1908 32 BO casing with open end. 1959 778 16 301 E 287 135.3 Oct. 1963 T,E Irr.S Screen from 588 to 778 ft. Supplies 301 Ada Oil Co. Katy Drilling Co. 12 778 100 lake. 2/ 260 41.8 Oct. 22, 1963 C,W S Screen from 114 to 120 ft. 302 B. 11. Mchrkan B. E. Petry 1963 120 4 120 C 60 4 60 C 266 18.1 Nov. 5. 1931 N N Well destroyed. 303 Stokes Unknown - 20 3 20 C 255 3.5 May 13, 1931 N N Test well. Well destroyed. 501 B. F. Quinn Unknown - Unknown 42 24 42 C 264 34. o Apr. 13, 1931 B.H D Dug well. Reported dug to 80 ft. 502 Dr. Berry - Measured 42 ft. in 1931. 10 30 215 7.0 Apr. 13. 1931 N N Bored well. Wood casing. Well 503 H. 11. Strickland H. 11. Stickland 1918 30 C 13.4 Aug. 2. 1933 destroyed. 22 10 22 C 245 7.0 Apr. 13, 1931 NN Dug well. Well destroyed. 3/ 504 C. 11. Burton Unknown 1931 6.9 Feb. 12, 1962 731 18 218 E.C 277 T.NK Irr Casing slotted from 100 to 734 ft. 1947 - 601 Warren Vincent Roy Turner " 14 452 12 734 01 271 94 Mar. 1948 T.Ng Irr 315 ft. of slotted casing between 250 602 Hurricane Fenco Co. Layne Texas Co. 1948 800 20 250 E 12 614 and 775 ft. Reported yield 1,525 gpm 8 B00 with 45 ft. drawdown when drilled. 2/ ,si!:, 300 E,C 264 T.E Irr Casing slotted from 104 to 825 ft. 2/ 1951 24 - 603 Schlndlcr Farms Katy Drilling Co. - 16 510 200 10 825 211 260 37 1938 C.E D.S Screen from 201 to 211 ft. 604 B. L. Snowden B. E. Petry 1938 211 4 E 1 40 276 48.6 Nov. 6, 1931 NN Bored well; tile casing; open end. 605 T. W. Ray Unknown 1870 71 24 C 8 71 Well destroyed. 100 4 100 c 261 42.1 Nov. 5, 1931 NN Bored well. Well destroyed. 606 Elmer Bennett Unknown - 122 r 256 48.3 Apr. 13, 1931 N N 1/ 607 Schindler Farms 11. II. Strickland 1926 122 4 78.8 Feb. 12. 1971 264 131 Apr. 8, 1968 T.Ng Irr 378 ft. of slotted casing between 250 608 Schindler Farms Layne Texas Co. 1968 857 20 369 E 12 857 and 843 ft. Reported yield 3,024 gpm Well 2 with 136 ft. drawdown when drilled. 2/ 275 115 Apr. 29, 1969 Sub.E D Screen from 255 to 265 ft. 2/ 609 Charlie Kmlac Schoppa Water Well 1969 265 4 E Service 2} 265 1 254 4 115 Apr. 20. 1969 Sub.E I) Screen from 244 to 254 ft. 2/ •ill) Owon Glover, Jr. do 1969 254 E 274 1 1954 1 ,453 20 359 E 229 T Irr Casing slotted from 253 to 1,453 ft. 901 W. O. Donnison and Katy Drilling Co. ~ - 12 1,4 53 2/ Sons 1951 622 20 200 E 237 T,E Irr Casing slotted from 272 to 622 ft. — 902 J. C. Jenkins A. H. Justman ~ 12 622 21 3 21 246 4.0 May 1, 1931 NN Well destroyed. 3/ 804 J. A. Hafner Unknown 1931 c 7.3 Mar. 13, 1936 6 70 c 245 44.6 Apr. 25, 1931 N N Well destroyed. 3/ 905 C. I. Garrett Hiram Bennett 1905 70 47.8 Mar. 4. 1960 11, II. Strickland 1900 61 6 61 c 246 45.2 Apr. 13, 1931 J,E D 3/ • 90S do 50.4 Jun. 14, 1956 See footnote nd of table. Records of wells In Harris County--Contlnued Water Level Depth Depth Water Altitude Above (+) Method of (ft.) Bearing of land below land of well unl surface lift (ft.) C. I. Garrett 142 Feb. 26, 1951 C.W Screen from 132 to 142 ft. Feb. 6, 1952 llegar Brothers Texas Water Wells, 1,002 1,002 Sept 1957 T,E 363 ft.