Research Articles: Systems/Circuits Prefrontal α7nAChR signaling differentially modulates afferent drive and trace fear conditioning behavior in adolescent and adult rats

Cite as: J. Neurosci 2021; 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1941-20.2020 Received: 27 July 2020 Revised: 29 November 2020 Accepted: 23 December 2020

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1 Prefrontal α7nAChR signaling differentially modulates afferent drive

2 and trace fear conditioning behavior in adolescent and adult rats 3 4 5 6 7 Running title: Prefrontal α7nAChR control of afferent drive 8 9 10 11 Anabel M. M. Miguelez Fernandez, Hanna M. Molla, Daniel R. Thomases, and Kuei Y. Tseng* 12 13 Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Illinois at Chicago, IL 14 15 16 17 *Corresponding Author: Kuei Y. Tseng, MD, PhD 18 Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology 19 University of Illinois at Chicago – College of Medicine 20 Chicago, IL 60612, USA 21 Email: [email protected] 22 23 24 Number of figures: 8 25 Number of tables: 0 26 Abstract: 250 27 Main text: 4,030 words (Introduction: 451; Methods: 1,205; Results: 979; Discussion: 1,395) 28 29 30 31 32 Acknowledgements 33 Supported by NIH Grants R01-MH086507 and R01-MH105488 to KYT, and UIC College of Medicine 34 funds to KYT. We thank Dr. Adriana Caballero for thoughtful comments on the manuscript. This study 35 was initiated at Rosalind Franklin University – Chicago Medical School. 36

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37 Abstract

38 Increased level of is thought to contribute to the development of cognitive deficits in

39 schizophrenia through an α7nAChR-mediated mechanism in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). Yet, it

40 remains unclear to what extent disruption of PFC α7nAChR signaling impacts afferent transmission and

41 its modulation of behavior. Here we found that PFC infusion of methyllycaconitine (MLA, α7nAChR

42 antagonist) shifts ventral hippocampal-induced local field potential (LFP) suppression to LFP facilitation,

43 an effect only observed in adult male rats. Hippocampal stimulation can also elicit a GluN2B-mediated

44 LFP potentiation (when PFC GABAAR is blocked) that is insensitive to MLA. Conversely, PFC infusion

45 of MLA diminished the gain of amygdalar transmission, which is already enabled by postnatal day 30.

46 Behaviorally, the impact of prefrontal MLA on trace fear-conditioning and extinction was also age-

47 related. While freezing behavior during conditioning was reduced by MLA only in adults, it elicited

48 opposite effects in adolescent and adult rats during extinction as revealed by the level of reduced and

49 increased freezing response, respectively. We next asked if the late-adolescent onset of α7nAChR

50 modulation of hippocampal inputs contributes to the age-dependent effect of MLA during extinction.

51 Data revealed that the increased freezing behavior elicited by MLA in adult rats could be driven by a

52 dysregulation of the GluN2B transmission in the PFC. Collectively, these results indicate that distinct

53 neural circuits are recruited during the extinction of trace fear memory in adolescents and adults, likely

54 due to the late-adolescent maturation of the ventral hippocampal-PFC functional connectivity and its

55 modulation by α7nAChR signaling.




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59 Significance statement

60 Abnormal elevation of the astrocyte-derived metabolite kynurenic acid in the prefrontal cortex is thought

61 to impair cognitive functions in schizophrenia through an α7nAChR-mediated mechanism. Here we

62 found that prefrontal α7nAChR signaling is recruited to control the gain of hippocampal and amygdalar

63 afferent transmission in an input-specific, age-related manner during the adolescent transition to

64 adulthood. Behaviorally, prefrontal α7nAChR modulation of trace fear memory was also age-related,

65 likely due to the late-adolescent maturation of the ventral hippocampal pathway and its recruitment of

66 PFC GABAergic transmission enabled by local α7nAChR signaling. Collectively, these results reveal

67 that distinct α7nAChR-sensitive neural circuits contribute to regulate behavior responses in adolescents

68 and adults, particularly those requiring proper integration of hippocampal and amygdalar inputs by the

69 prefrontal cortex.


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71 Introduction

72 Several neural processes contributing to prefrontal cortex (PFC) maturation undergo major remodeling

73 during adolescence (Caballero et al., 2016; Caballero and Tseng, 2016) to enable the acquisition of

74 adult cognitive abilities (Casey et al., 2000; Best and Miller, 2010). As PFC processing and integration

75 of inputs matures through adolescence (Caballero et al., 2016), any disruption that compromises the

76 protracted trajectory of prefrontal development is expected to confer vulnerability to the onset of mental

77 disorders (Caballero and Tseng, 2016) that display cognitive deficits and associated dysregulation of

78 affect (Paus et al., 2008; Gogtay et al., 2011; Volk and Lewis, 2014). Thus, elucidating which signaling

79 mechanisms are recruited to strengthen the functional connectivity of PFC afferent transmission is key

80 to reveal how cognitive impairments could emerge in psychiatric disorders when such recruitment fails

81 to occur (Caballero et al., 2016; Caballero and Tseng, 2016).

82 Of particular interest is the increased level of kynurenic acid in the PFC and its potential link to

83 the onset of cognitive deficits in schizophrenia (Erhardt et al., 2007; Wonodi and Schwarcz, 2010;

84 Myint, 2012). In addition to disrupting NMDAR function (Kessler et al., 1989; Parsons et al., 1997),

85 nanomolar concentrations of kynurenic acid can elicit a state of excitatory-inhibitory imbalance in the

86 PFC through a presynaptic α7nAChR-mediated mechanism (Flores-Barrera et al., 2017). Certainly,

87 prefrontal regulation of cognitive behavior, such as working memory, behavioral flexibility and attention,

88 requires proper levels of α7nAChR and NMDAR function (Alexander et al., 2012; Alexander et al.,

89 2013; Phenis et al., 2020) and integration of hippocampal and amygdalar inputs by the PFC (Floresco

90 et al., 1997; Ishikawa and Nakamura, 2003; Tse et al., 2015). Since α7nAChRs are well-positioned to

91 regulate glutamate release in the PFC (Bortz et al., 2016), any disruption of local α7nAChR signaling is

92 expected to impact the gain of afferent glutamatergic transmission and the recruitment of postsynaptic

93 NMDAR-mediated plasticity by hippocampal and amygdalar inputs (Flores-Barrera et al., 2014).

94 The aim of the present study is to determine how disruption of α7nAChR signaling in the PFC

95 impacts afferent information processing and its control of behavioral responses in adolescent and adult

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96 rats. To this end, local field potential recordings were combined with PFC infusions of antagonists to

97 reveal whether α7nAChR modulation of ventral hippocampal and basolateral amygdalar transmission is

98 input-specific and age-regulated between. Similar pharmacological manipulations were implemented to

99 assess the contribution of prefrontal α7nAChR signaling in modulating behavior using a trace fear

100 conditioning paradigm. Such a behavioral construct was preferred because proper processing of

101 hippocampal and amygdalar afferent information by the PFC is needed for the learning and extinction

102 of conditioned fear memories (Ishikawa and Nakamura, 2003; Sierra-Mercado et al., 2011; Gilmartin et

103 al., 2012; Sotres-Bayon et al., 2012; Gilmartin et al., 2014).

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104 Materials and Methods

105 All experimental procedures were approved by the University of Illinois at Chicago Institutional Animal

106 Care and Use Committee and met the National Institutes of Health guidelines for care and use of

107 laboratory animals. Male Sprague Dawley rats were purchased from Envigo. Upon arrival, rats were

108 allowed to habituate for at least 7 days before being subjected to any surgical procedures. They were

109 group housed (2-3 rats/cage), maintained under constant temperature (21-23°C) and light/dark cycle

110 (14/10hs) with food and water available ad libitum. All chemicals were obtained from Sigma, except for

111 methyllycaconitine (MLA) and Indiplon that were obtained from Tocris.


113 In vivo recordings of local field potential (LFP) responses in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). All recordings

114 and PFC infusions procedures were conducted as previously described (Cass et al., 2013; Thomases

115 et al., 2013; Caballero et al., 2014b; Thomases et al., 2014). Briefly, rats were anesthetized with 8%

116 hydrate (400mg/kg, i.p.), placed in a stereotaxic frame, and maintained at 37-38°C with a steady

117 supplement of 300-400 μL/hour of 8% . After exposing the skull, two burr holes were

118 drilled to place the recording electrode in the medial PFC and the stimulating electrode within the

119 ventral hippocampus or the basolateral amygdala. All LFP recordings were obtained using a concentric

120 bipolar electrode attached to a 28G cannula (PlasticsOne), amplified (Cygnus Technology), filtered (1–

121 100 Hz bandwidth), and digitized (Digidata 1440A, Molecular Devices) at a sampling rate of 10 kHz.

122 The intensity of stimulation was chosen from the 0.2–0.8 mA range (mean intensity: ~0.6mA) using 300

123 μs duration square pulses delivered every 15 s through a computer-controlled pulse generator (Master

124 8, A.M.P.I.). Typically, a 10 min LFP baseline recording was collected prior PFC infusions of 0.8 μL (0.1

125 μL/min) artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF)-containing vehicle, picrotoxin (50μM in 0.1% DMSO), MLA

126 (300nM) or picrotoxin + MLA. The dose of MLA was chosen because it blocks α7nAChR function and

127 disrupts PFC synaptic transmission in vivo and ex vivo (Flores-Barrera et al., 2017). A protocol of high-

128 frequency stimulation (4 trains of 50 pulses each at 100 Hz every 15 s) was then delivered into the

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129 ventral hippocampus or basolateral amygdala ~30 min post-PFC infusion, and changes in the slope of

130 LFP responses (from the onset to peak amplitude) were determined. The 30 min post-infusion period

131 was included to monitor the stability of the evoked LFP response. Only recordings with a reliable 10-12

132 min baseline of LFP responses (<15% variability in slope using a bin size of 2 min) prior to the delivery

133 of the high-frequency stimulation protocol were included.


135 Assessing the effects of PFC infusion of MLA on trace fear conditioning and extinction. Rats underwent

136 survival surgery for bilateral cannula placement targeting the medial PFC region at least 8 days (range:

137 8-13 days) prior to behavioral testing. All PFC infusions were performed 20 min prior to the start of

138 behavioral testing and consisted of simultaneous delivery of 0.8 μL aCSF alone or in combination with

139 MLA (300 nM), MLA+Ifenprodil (10 μM) or MLA+Indiplon (10 μM/0.04% DMSO), using a 33G infusion

140 cannula protruding 0.5 mm beyond the tip of the guide cannula. The doses of MLA, ifenprodil and

141 Indiplon were chosen from previous studies showing their preferential effects on α7nAChR, GluN2B

142 and GABA-AR transmission, respectively (Flores-Barrera et al., 2014; Flores-Barrera et al., 2017).

143 Survival surgery: Rats were deeply anesthetized in a chamber saturated with 5%

144 (Somnosuite Unit, Kent Scientific). The level of anesthesia was monitored by assessing absence of the

145 withdrawal reflex (hindlimb compression reflex). Prior to mounting the rats in the stereotaxic apparatus

146 using non-rupture ear bars (Kopf), the head was shaved and the skin overlying the skull was then

147 infiltrated with 2% lidocaine hydrochloride. Throughout the surgical procedure, isoflurane anesthesia (3-

148 5%) was maintained using a Somnosuite Unit with the body temperature kept within 37-38°C (TCAT-

149 2LV heating pad, Physitemp). Burr holes were drilled in the skull to enable placement of a 26G guide

150 cannula (Plastics One) targeting the dorsal border of the medial PFC bilaterally at a 25° angle (2.7-3.2

151 mm anterior to bregma; 3.2 mm lateral; 3.5-4.0 mm below the brain surface). At least 2 skull screws

152 (Plastics One, VA) were used to anchor the acrylic cement head assembly. After securing the guide

153 cannula with acrylic cement (Stoelting), a 33G dummy cannula was screwed into the guide cannula to

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154 prevent clogging. All dummy cannulas were replaced by those protruding 0.5 mm beyond the tip of the

155 guide cannula 24 h prior to testing the impact of PFC infusions on behavior.

156 Behavioral testing: We adapted a fear conditioning paradigm used by Zhang and Rosenkranz

157 (2013). Briefly, all testing chambers (Ugo Basile) were housed in sound attenuating cabinets with white

158 noise (60-70 dB; Scientific Design). The conditioning phase begins with a 120 s habituation period

159 followed by the presentation of 5 trials of 220 s each using a pseudorandom inter-trial interval of 240-

160 280 s. In each trial, a neutral tone (10 s, 1500 Hz, 85 dB) was paired with a footshock (1 s, 0.4 mA) at a

161 delay of 20 s from the end of the tone (ANY-Maze, Stoelting). The extinction phase begins 24 h later in

162 a visually and tactilely distinct chamber. Following 120 s of habituation, rats were tested with 14 trials of

163 60 s each from which the conditioned tone was presented for 20 s without footshock (ANY-Maze,

164 Stoelting). The acquisition of fear extinction is typically revealed by the degree of conditioned freezing

165 to the tone that diminishes over repeated trials. All behavioral changes were recorded by an infrared

166 camera connected to a computer, and the time spent freezing (lack of non-respiratory movement >0.5

167 s) per trial (% freezing) was determined offline from trial to trial as previously described (Caballero et

168 al., 2020; Flores-Barrera et al., 2020).

169 Finally, a separate cohort of rats was included to assess the effect of MLA on contextual fear

170 memory. Briefly, rats were trained using the same trace fear conditioning protocol described above.

171 However, the shock intensity was increased to 0.5 mA to obtain sufficient levels of freezing response

172 during the contextual testing phase. The context retention test begins 24 h later in the same training

173 chamber in the absence of tone and shock. After 120 s of habituation, changes in freezing behavior

174 were recorded for 16 min, and the time spent freezing per epoch of 4 min (% freezing) was determined.


176 Histology. At the end of the experiments (electrophysiology and behavior), rats were euthanized, and

177 their brains quickly removed. Brains were then blocked, fixed in 10% formalin overnight, and stored in

178 30% sucrose before sectioning as previously described (Cass et al., 2013; Thomases et al., 2013). The

179 exact location of all recording, stimulating and infusion sites were determined by Nissl staining.

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181 Statistical analysis. Data were summarized as mean ± SEM and differences among experimental

182 conditions were considered statistically significant at p<0.05. More specifically, all electrophysiological

183 changes resulting from PFC infusion of MLA were compared to aCSF controls by student t-test

184 because they involve a single continuous dependent variable. On the other hand, changes in the level

185 of freezing behavior across treatment conditions or age groups were assessed by two-way and three-

186 way ANOVA (treatment or age x trials or epochs) for testing comparisons along 3 or more dependent

187 variables.


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189 Results

190 We first examined how blocking α7nAChR signaling in the PFC impacts afferent drive originated from

191 the ventral hippocampus by means of local field potential (LFP) recordings in vivo. To this end, the

192 α7nAChR antagonist MLA (300 nM) was locally infused into the PFC prior to high frequency stimulation

193 of the ventral hippocampus (4 trains of 50 pulses each delivered at 100 Hz every 15 s). This stimulation

194 protocol typically elicits a sustained suppression of LFP in the PFC that emerges after P45 (Caballero

195 et al., 2014b) (Fig. 1) through the recruitment of a developmentally regulated prefrontal GABAergic

196 transmission (Caballero et al., 2014a; Caballero et al., 2020). Relative to aCSF controls (n=6), PFC

197 infusion of MLA (n=8) shifted hippocampal-induced LFP suppression to LFP facilitation (Fig. 1a,b), an

198 effect that was not present in adolescent P30-44 rats (n=5 aCSF, n=7 MLA; Fig. 1c). Interestingly, such

199 an effect was no longer apparent in the presence of picrotoxin (n=6 picrotoxin, n=7 picrotoxin+MLA;

200 Fig. 2) indicating that MLA is disrupting the GABAergic component of the PFC response. In addition,

201 these results further revealed that the NMDAR-GluN2B component contributing to the potentiation of

202 LFP in the PFC when local GABAA receptors are blocked (Caballero et al., 2014a; Flores-Barrera et al.,

203 2014) is insensitive to MLA (Fig. 2). Together, these findings point to an age-dependent recruitment of

204 α7nAChR signaling by ventral hippocampal inputs that preferentially impacts the gain of prefrontal

205 GABAergic function.

206 We next asked whether PFC inputs originated from the basolateral amygdala are also

207 modulated by α7nAChR signaling. Contrary to the impact of hippocampal stimulation, basolateral

208 amygdala high frequency stimulation elicits a pattern of sustained LFP facilitation in the PFC that is

209 already enabled by P30 (Caballero et al., 2014b) (Fig. 3). Accordingly, the amplitude of the potentiated

210 amygdalar LFP response was markedly attenuated by PFC infusion of MLA in both P30-44 (n=5 aCSF,

211 n=5 MLA) and P60-90 (n=10 aCSF, n=7 MLA) age groups (Fig. 3). Thus, PFC α7nAChR signaling is

212 recruited as early as P30 to facilitate afferent transmission of basolateral amygdala inputs.

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213 At the behavioral level, we implemented a trace-fear conditioning paradigm paired with local

214 infusion of MLA to determine how PFC disruption of α7nAChR signaling impacts behavior in adolescent

215 (P38-44) and adult (P70-90) rats. Although the age ranges in the behavioral cohort are more narrowed

216 than that included in the electrophysiology groups due to the recovery period from the survival surgical

217 procedure for cannula placement (see Materials & Methods), they are still within P30-44 and P60-90.

218 Data obtained from all aCSF groups revealed that adolescent rats (n=15) show lower freezing than

219 adults (n=16) during acquisition (Fig. 4a), while both age groups display similar patterns of extinction

220 behavior (Fig. 4b). Of note, the impact of MLA during acquisition was also age-related, such that it

221 reduced the freezing response in adults (n=6 aCSF, n=8 MLA; Fig. 5a-c) without disrupting the pattern

222 of freezing behavior in adolescents (n=6 aCSF, n=8 MLA; Fig. 5d-f). Conversely, PFC infusion of MLA

223 elicited opposite effects in adolescent and adult rats during extinction (Fig. 6). Relative to aCSF

224 controls, MLA increased the level of freezing response to the conditioned tone in adults (n=6 aCSF,

225 n=8 MLA; Fig. 6a-c), while it reduced freezing in adolescents (n=7 aCSF, n=8 MLA; Fig. 6d-f). These

226 results suggest that adolescent and adult rats recruit distinct neural circuits during the extinction of

227 trace fear memory, a behavioral response known to require proper integration of ventral hippocampal

228 and amygdalar inputs by the PFC (Sierra-Mercado et al., 2011). Thus, it is possible that the delayed

229 maturation of the ventral hippocampal pathway (Caballero et al., 2014b) contributes to the opposite,

230 age-dependent effect of MLA as α7nAChR signaling in the PFC emerges after P45 to enable the

231 GABAA-component of the hippocampal-evoked response (Fig. 1).

232 If the late-adolescent onset of PFC α7nAChR modulation of hippocampal inputs (Fig. 1) sets the

233 age-dependent effect of MLA during extinction (Fig. 6), the increased freezing behavior observed in

234 adult rats could result from two concurrent events triggered by a disruption of the GABAA-mediated LFP

235 suppression (Fig. 1), while the GluN2B-mediated LFP potentiation component remains intact (Fig. 2).

236 To test this hypothesis, ifenprodil (10μM) was co-delivered with MLA into the PFC to block the GluN2B-

237 mediated potentiation of the hippocampal transmission (Flores-Barrera et al., 2014). Data revealed that

238 the inclusion of ifenprodil was sufficient to mitigate the enhanced freezing response elicited by MLA in

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239 adult rats during extinction (n=5 aCSF, n=5 MLA+ifenprodil; Fig. 7a,b). However, this was not the case

240 when the GABAA positive allosteric modulator indiplon (10μM) (Flores-Barrera et al., 2017)

241 was delivered along with MLA to partially compensate for the diminished GABAergic function (n=6

242 aCSF, n=6 MLA+indiplon; Fig. 7c). Together, the results indicate that an imbalanced potentiation of

243 PFC GluN2B transmission underlies the increased level of freezing response during extinction when

244 prefrontal disruption of α7nAChR signaling occurs in adults.

245 Finally, it is possible that α7nAChR signaling in the PFC is also recruited during contextual fear

246 association in trace conditioning (Gilmartin and Helmstetter, 2010; Orsini et al., 2011; Kim and Cho,

247 2017; Twining et al., 2020). Thus, another cohort of adolescent and adult rats was generated to

248 examine the impact of MLA during the context retention test 24 h later. Here, the shock intensity during

249 conditioning was increased to obtain sufficient levels of freezing behavior during the contextual testing

250 phase. As a result, the age effect obtained during conditioning with a lower shock intensity (Fig. 4a) is

251 no longer apparent (Fig. 8a). Remarkably, adolescent rats continue to show a pattern of lower freezing

252 than adults during re-exposure to the training context (Fig. 8b). However, PFC infusion of MLA did not

253 alter the distinct levels of freezing response observed in adolescent (P38-44: n=6 aCSF, n=7 MLA) and

254 adult (P70-90: n=6 aCSF, n=7 MLA) (Fig. 8b). Together, these results show that the level of contextual

255 freezing response is developmentally regulated, but independent of prefrontal α7nAChR signaling.



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258 Discussion

259 The present study reveals that prefrontal α7nAChR signaling is recruited by ventral hippocampal and

260 basolateral amygdalar inputs to modulate the gain of afferent transmission in an age-related manner.

261 While amygdalar inputs in the PFC are already enabled by α7nAChR signaling at P30, its modulation of

262 ventral hippocampal transmission does not emerge until late adolescence when the GABAA component

263 of the prefrontal response becomes online. Remarkably, a similar age-related modulation of trace fear

264 behavior by PFC α7nAChR was observed in tandem with the delayed maturation of the hippocampal

265 pathway. Thus, it is conceivable that distinct α7nAChR-sensitive neural circuits contribute to regulate

266 behavioral responses in adolescents and adults, particularly when proper integration of hippocampal

267 and amygdalar inputs by the PFC is required.

268 Despite its widespread expression, our data indicate that the recruitment α7nAChR signaling by

269 PFC afferent transmission is input- and synapse-specific. While the GluN2B-mediated potentiation of

270 hippocampal inputs (Flores-Barrera et al., 2014) is insensitive to MLA, PFC α7nAChR modulation of the

271 amygdalar pathway is already enabled by P30, likely through a mechanism that facilitates glutamate

272 release (Konradsson-Geuken et al., 2009; Bortz et al., 2016; Yarur et al., 2020). GABAergic synapses

273 in the PFC are also regulated by α7nAChR (Couey et al., 2007; Aracri et al., 2010; Flores-Barrera et

274 al., 2017) in a manner that enables ventral hippocampal inputs to enhance PFC inhibitory control of

275 afferent drive after P45 (Caballero et al., 2014b). In fact, the pattern of LFP potentiation observed in the

276 PFC following MLA infusion (Fig. 1) resembles those elicited by picrotoxin (Cass et al., 2013; Caballero

277 et al., 2014b; Thomases et al., 2014), which point to a GABAergic mechanism underlying the α7nAChR

278 control of hippocampal inputs. Thus, any disruption that compromises α7nAChR function in the PFC is

279 expected to limit its optimal computational capacity and the control of input selectivity by local inhibition

280 (Lew and Tseng, 2014).

281 Parallel to the gain of GABA function in the PFC during adolescence are the increased level of

282 parvalbumin (PV) expression and glutamatergic transmission onto PV-positive fast-spiking interneurons

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283 (FSI) (Caballero et al., 2014a). Although not all FSI express α7nAChR-sesitive currents (Porter et al.,

284 1999; Couey et al., 2007; Poorthuis et al., 2013), nAChR stimulation facilitates the transmission of

285 excitatory inputs onto these interneurons in the PFC, likely through a presynaptic mechanism (Couey et

286 al., 2007). Therefore, α7nAChR signaling could strengthen PFC inhibitory control of afferent drive by

287 increasing the gain of excitatory synapses onto PV-positive FSI during adolescence. In fact, genetic

288 deletion of α7nAChR markedly reduced the level of cortical PV and markers of GABA function (Lin et

289 al., 2014), resembling the GABAergic deficit observed in the PFC when local recruitment of PV-positive

290 FSI during adolescence is limited (Cass et al., 2013; Caballero et al., 2020; Flores-Barrera et al., 2020).

291 Collectively, these results suggest an α7nAChR mechanism underlying the maturation of PV-positive

292 FSI in the PFC. A deficient recruitment of prefrontal FSI function by α7nAChR in adulthood will likely

293 disrupt the inhibitory control of afferent drive and its impact on behavior, as seen when PV expression

294 in the PFC fails to reach adult levels (Caballero et al., 2020).

295 Prefrontal control of behavior requiring proper integration of hippocampal and amygdalar inputs

296 also undergoes developmental changes during adolescence. Of particular interest is the regulation of

297 conditioned fear memories by PFC nAChRs (Raybuck and Gould, 2010; Kutlu et al., 2018) and the

298 underlying glutamatergic mechanism driving freezing behavior (Gilmartin and Helmstetter, 2010;

299 Gilmartin et al., 2012; 2013a; Gilmartin et al., 2013b). In this regard, the age-dependent facilitation of

300 freezing response observed during trace fear conditioning following nanomolar infusion of MLA could

301 result from the gain of PFC GluN2B function to strengthen hippocampal inputs after P45 (Flores-

302 Barrera et al., 2014). However, it is unlikely that inhibition of such GluN2B transmission is driving the

303 reduced level of freezing observed following PFC α7nAChR blockade in adults since this glutamatergic

304 input is insensitive to MLA. Instead, the effect of MLA during conditioning is likely due to a disruption of

305 basolateral amygdala transmission to the PFC as similar behavioral deficit was observed following

306 functional disconnection of the amygdalar-prefrontal pathway (Gilmartin et al., 2012). Our data also

307 revealed that α7nAChR signaling is not recruited during the acquisition of trace fear conditioning in

308 adolescent rats, further indicating that different PFC dependent neural processes regulate this behavior

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309 in an age-related manner. In addition to ventral hippocampal and amygdalar inputs, thalamic afferents

310 also continue to develop into early adulthood, which are likely to impact PFC maturation and its control

311 of behavior (Ferguson and Gao, 2014; Parnaudeau et al., 2018).

312 Associated with the strengthening of glutamatergic transmission is the functional maturation of

313 prefrontal GABAergic circuits during adolescence that enables ventral hippocampal inputs to enhance

314 PFC inhibitory control of afferent drive in adulthood (Caballero et al., 2016; Caballero and Tseng,

315 2016). Such gain of GABAergic function is critical to support the extinction of a trace fear memory that

316 requires intact hippocampal-PFC connectivity (Caballero et al., 2020; Flores-Barrera et al., 2020).

317 Remarkably, the enhanced freezing response elicited by MLA in adult rats during extinction resembles

318 the behavioral deficit observed following a developmental disruption that renders the PFC disinhibited

319 (Caballero et al., 2020; Flores-Barrera et al., 2020). While these results are consistent with the view

320 that PFC interneurons are recruited to facilitate the extinction of learned behaviors (Sotres-Bayon et al.,

321 2012; Courtin et al., 2014; Sparta et al., 2014), they also imply a disinhibitory mechanism underlying the

322 effect of MLA in adults. By limiting the gain of inhibitory synapses (Flores-Barrera et al., 2017), the

323 resulting impact of MLA during extinction becomes shifted due to an imbalanced facilitation of the PFC

324 GluN2B transmission (Flores-Barrera et al., 2014). Accordingly, the enhanced freezing response

325 elicited by MLA during extinction was mitigated by the GluN2B antagonist ifenprodil, which also blunted

326 the potentiation of hippocampal-driven LFP response in the PFC (Flores-Barrera et al., 2014). Thus, it

327 is possible that coordinated feedforward inhibitory control of glutamatergic inputs by α7nAChR in the

328 PFC dictates the level of conditioned freezing that diminishes over repeated trials during trace fear

329 extinction. The opposite freezing response elicited by MLA in adolescent rats further reveals that

330 distinct PFC mechanisms are recruited to regulate trace fear extinction behavior when the functional

331 connectivity of the hippocampal-prefrontal pathway is not fully matured.

332 The level of contextual freezing behavior is also developmentally regulated, but insensitive to

333 PFC infusion of MLA. Relative to adolescents, adult rats displayed an enhanced freezing response

334 during re-exposure to the training context. While several mechanisms (Gilmartin and Helmstetter, 2010;

Miguelez Fernandez et al_Tseng 2020: α7nAChR_paper 15

335 Gilmartin et al., 2012; 2013a; Gilmartin et al., 2013b) could contribute to driving such age-dependent

336 freezing response, recent work has highlighted the role of ventral hippocampal inputs to the PFC in

337 modulating contextual fear association in trace conditioning (Twining et al., 2020). In this regard, the

338 enhanced contextual freezing response observed in adults could result from the gain of PFC GluN2B

339 transmission that potentiates ventral hippocampal inputs after P45 (Flores-Barrera et al., 2014) that is

340 also insensitive to MLA. Although the gain of ventral hippocampal inputs after P45 also strengthens

341 PFC inhibitory control of afferent drive (Caballero et al., 2014b), it is unlikely that this component is

342 recruited during the contextual retention testing because of its sensitivity to MLA, whereas the

343 behavioral response is not. Collectively, our data suggest that contextual and cue-mediated association

344 in trace fear conditioning can be dissociated at the level of circuitry and PFC α7nAChR signaling.

345 Whether the contextual control of extinction observed in adolescents and adults involve hippocampal-

346 PFC connections directly or indirectly via midline thalamic inputs (Orsini et al., 2011; Xu and Sudhof,

347 2013; Kim and Cho, 2017) remains to be determined.

348 In sum, any disruption of prefrontal α7nAChR function during development (e.g. by elevation of

349 brain kynurenic acid levels) is expected to limit the gain of afferent transmission and negatively impact

350 the functional connectivity between the PFC, ventral hippocampus and basolateral amygdala in an age-

351 dependent manner. Our data also reveal that behavioral responses requiring PFC integration of

352 hippocampal and amygdalar inputs mature through adolescence, which can be compromised by a

353 deficient prefrontal α7nAChR function as seen in psychiatric disorders exhibiting deficits in cognitive

354 and affective domains (Young and Geyer, 2013; Parikh et al., 2016; Notarangelo and Pocivavsek,

355 2017). Future studies are warranted to identify the origin underlying the input-specific, age-

356 related recruitment of α7nAChR transmission in the PFC, and its contribution to the maturation of

357 prefrontal cognitive functions during adolescence.




Miguelez Fernandez et al_Tseng 2020: α7nAChR_paper 16

361 Figure Legends

362 Figure 1. PFC infusion of MLA shifts ventral hippocampal-induced LFP suppression to LFP

363 facilitation. (a) Summary diagram and coronal sections (inset images) showing the anatomical location

364 (mm relative to bregma) of LFP recordings within the medial PFC and the stimulation sites in the ventral

365 hippocampus shown in b. (b) Ventral hippocampal HFS typically elicits a pattern of sustained LFP

366 suppression in the PFC of adult rats (P60-90) that remained unaltered following aCSF infusion (n=6).

367 However, a potentiation of LFP responses emerged in the PFC following local infusion of MLA (n=8).

368 Bar graph summarizing the mean normalized LFP response obtained from the last 10 min post-HFS

369 (***p<0.0001, unpaired t-test). Inset traces are examples of hippocampal-evoked LFP taken from 5 min

370 pre-HFS (-5) and 35 min post-HFS (+35) illustrating the effect of MLA (calibration: 2mV/20ms). (c) No

371 apparent changes in prefrontal LFP responses were observed following hippocampal HFS in P30-44

372 rats. Relative to aCSF (n=5), PFC infusion of MLA (n=7) failed to disrupt the pattern of hippocampal-

373 evoked LFP.


375 Figure 2. PFC infusion of MLA does not disrupt the LFP facilitation elicited from the ventral

376 hippocampus. (a) Summary of the recording and stimulating electrodes placement (mm relative to

377 bregma). (b) Ventral hippocampal HFS typically elicits a pattern of sustained LFP potentiation in the

378 PFC of adult rats (P60-90) when local GABAA receptors are blocked with picrotoxin (n=6). Infusion of

379 MLA along with picrotoxin (n=7) failed to disrupt this facilitation. Inset bar graph summarizing the mean

380 LFP response obtained from the last 10 min post-HFS. Examples traces of hippocampal-evoked LFP

381 taken from 5 min pre-HFS (-5) and 35 min post-HFS (+35) illustrating the lack of effect of MLA

382 (calibration: 2mV/ 20ms).


384 Figure 3. PFC infusion of MLA attenuates basolateral amygdalar-induced facilitation of LFP. (a)

385 Summary diagram and coronal sections (inset images) showing the anatomical location (mm relative to

Miguelez Fernandez et al_Tseng 2020: α7nAChR_paper 17

386 bregma) of LFP recordings within the medial PFC and the stimulation sites in the basolateral amygdala

387 shown in b. (b) Relative to aCSF (n=10), PFC infusion of MLA in adult rats (P60-90, n=7) markedly

388 diminished the amplitude of basolateral amygdalar-induced LFP facilitation as revealed by the mean

389 normalized LFP response obtained from the last 10 min post-HFS (bar graph, **p<0.001, unpaired t-

390 test). Inset traces are examples of amygdalar-evoked LFP taken from 5 min pre-HFS (-5) and 35 min

391 post-HFS (+35) illustrating the effect of MLA observed in adult rats (calibration: 2mV/ 20ms). (c) PFC

392 infusion of MLA (n=5) also reduced the amplitude of amygdalar-induced LFP facilitation observed in the

393 PFC of P30-44 rats (aCSF, n=5). Bar graph summarizing the mean normalized LFP response obtained

394 from the last 10 min post-HFS (**p<0.001, unpaired t-test). Inset traces are examples of amygdalar-

395 evoked LFP taken from 5 min pre-HFS (-5) and 35 min post-HFS (+35) illustrating the effect of MLA

396 (calibration: 2mV/ 20ms).


398 Figure 4. Adolescent and adult rats exhibited different levels of freezing response during trace

399 fear conditioning and extinction. (a) A progressive increase in freezing behavior was observed in

400 both adult (P70-90; n=16) and adolescent (P38-44; n=15) rats during conditioning (main effect of trials,

401 F4,145= 30.0, p<0.0001; two-way ANOVA). Yet, the adolescent group showed an overall lower freezing

402 pattern than adults (main effect of age, F1,145= 46.3, ***p<0.0001; two-way ANOVA). (b) Similarly, both

403 age group of rats display comparable patterns of conditioned freezing to the tone that diminishes over

404 repeated trials during extinction testing 24 hours later (main effect of trial F13,406= 27.1, p<0.0001; two-

405 way ANOVA). The two-way ANOVA also revealed a significant main effect of age (F1,406= 7.6, *p<0.01)

406 as a result of an overall lower freezing response in the adolescent group.


408 Figure 5. PFC infusion of MLA reduces the level of freezing response during the acquisition of

409 trace fear memory only in adult rats. (a) Summary of aCSF and MLA infusion sites within the PFC of

410 adult rats. (b) Relative to aCSF (n=6), infusion of MLA (n=8) into the PFC of adult rats (P70-90)

411 markedly diminished the freezing response during conditioning (main effect of treatment, F1,60=67.9,

Miguelez Fernandez et al_Tseng 2020: α7nAChR_paper 18

412 ***p<0.0001; main effect of trials, F4,60=8.7, p<0.0001; two-way ANOVA). (c) Twenty-four hours later,

413 MLA-treated rats showed a lower level of conditioned freezing response during extinction testing (main

414 effect of treatment, F1,168=23.5, ***p<0.0001; main effect of trials, F13,168=10.3, p<0.0001; two-way

415 ANOVA). (d) Summary of aCSF and MLA infusion sites within the PFC of adolescent rats. (e) Relative

416 to aCSF (n=8), PFC infusion of MLA (n=9) did not alter the pattern of freezing response in P38-44 rats

417 during conditioning. (f) Both aCSF- and MLA-treated rats showed similar levels of conditioned freezing

418 behavior during extinction testing 24 hours later.


420 Figure 6. PFC infusion of MLA enhances the level of freezing response during extinction testing

421 only in adult rats. (a) Summary of aCSF and MLA infusion sites within the PFC of adult rats. (b) All

422 adult rats (P70-90) assigned to receive either aCSF or MLA during extinction testing (day 2) showed

423 similar level of freezing response during conditioning (day 1). (c) Relative of aCSF (n=6), PFC infusion

424 of MLA (n=8) markedly increased the level of conditioned freezing response during extinction testing

425 (main effect of treatment, F1,140=81.7, ***p<0.0001; main effect of trials, F13,140=13.4, p<0.0001; two-way

426 ANOVA). (d) Summary of aCSF and MLA infusion sites within the PFC of adolescent rats. (e) All P38-

427 44 rats assigned to receive either aCSF or MLA during extinction testing (day 2) showed similar level of

428 freezing response during conditioning (day 1). (f) Relative of aCSF (n=7), PFC infusion of MLA (n=8)

429 diminished the overall level of freezing response in P38-44 rats during extinction (main effect of

430 treatment, F1,182=12.4, **p<0.001; main effect of trials, F13,182=5.6, p<0.0001; two-way ANOVA).


432 Figure 7. PFC infusion of ifenprodil prevents the enhanced freezing response elicited by MLA in

433 adult rats during extinction. (a) All adult rats (P70-90) assigned to receive PFC infusions exhibited

434 similar patterns of increased freezing response during conditioning. (b) Relative of aCSF (n=5), the

435 typical heightened freezing behavior observed with MLA alone (Fig. 6c) is no longer apparent when the

436 GluN2B antagonist Ifenprodil (10μM, n=5) was co-administer into the PFC (main effect of treatment,

437 p=0.15; main effect of trials, F13,112=14.5, p<0.0001; two-way ANOVA). (c) In contrast, PFC co-infusion

Miguelez Fernandez et al_Tseng 2020: α7nAChR_paper 19

438 of the GABAAα1-positive allosteric modulator Indiplon (10μM, n=6) along with MLA failed to reduce the

439 enhanced freezing response elicited by MLA alone (main effect of treatment, F1,126=19.1, ***p<0.0001;

440 main effect of trials, F13,126=15.4, p<0.0001; two-way ANOVA).


442 Figure 8. PFC infusion of MLA does not disrupt the pattern of freezing behavior during re-

443 exposure to the training context. (a) All adults (P70-90) and adolescents (P38-44) rats assigned to

444 receive either aCSF or MLA during the context retention test (day 2) showed similar level of freezing

445 response during conditioning (day 1). (b) Relative to aCSF (n=6, P70-90; n=6, P38-44), PFC infusion of

446 MLA in adult (n=7, P70-90) and adolescent (n=7, P38-44) rats failed to disrupt the level conditioned

447 freezing response that diminishes over time (4 min/epoch) during context retention testing (main effect

448 of epochs, F3,88=8.1, ***p<0.0001; three-way ANOVA). Notably, adolescents displayed an overall lower

449 freezing pattern than adults (main effect of age, F1,88=11.2, **p<0.002; three-way ANOVA).


Miguelez Fernandez et al_Tseng 2020: α7nAChR_paper 20

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Miguelez Fernandez et al_Tseng 2020: α7nAChR_paper 23 Figure 1_a7nAChR paper Miguelez Fernandez et al. 2020 a stimulating electrode recording electrode -6.3 -6.1 +3.2 PFC +2.7

ventral hippocampus b P60-90 aCSF MLA c P30-44 aCSF MLA 1.5 MLA 1.5 -5 +35 ***

1.0 1.0 aCSF -5 +35 normalized LFP normalized LFP

HFS HFS 0.5 0.5 -10 0 10 20 30 40 -100 10203040 min min Figure 2_a7nAChR paper Miguelez Fernandez et al. 2020 a b P60-90 ptx ptx+MLA PFC +3.2 1.5 ptx +2.7 -5 +35

1.0 -6.3 -6.1 1.4 ptx+MLA -5 +35 1.2 LFP normalized LFP

normalized 1.0 30-40’ post-HFS 0.5 HFS ventral hippocampus -10 0 10 20 30 40 min Figure 3_a7nAChR paper Miguelez Fernandez et al. 2020

a stimulating electrode recording electrode basolateral +3.2 PFC amygdala +2.7

-3.4 -3.0 b P60-90 aCSF MLA c P30-44 aCSF MLA 1.5 1.5

** ** 1.0 1.0 aCSF MLA aCSF MLA -5 +35 -5 +35 -5 +35 -5 +35 normalized LFP normalized LFP

0.5 HFS 0.5 HFS -10 0 10 20 30 40 min -10 0 10 20 30 40 min Figure 4_a7nAChR paper Miguelez Fernandez et al. 2020

a conditioning (day 1) b extinction (day 2) *** * 80 80

60 60

40 40

% freezing 20 % freezing 20 P70-90 0 P38-44 0 H12345 02468101214 trials trials Figure 5_a7nAChR paper Miguelez Fernandez et al. 2020

a P70-90 b conditioning (day 1) c extinction (day 2) +2.7 aCSF *** *** 80 aCSF 80 +3.2 MLA 60 60

40 40 +2.7 MLA % freezing 20 % freezing 20 P70-90 +3.2 0 0 aCSF H12345 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 or MLA trials trials d P38-44 e conditioning (day 1) f extinction (day 2) +2.7 aCSF 80 aCSF 80 +3.2 MLA 60 60

40 40 +2.7 MLA % freezing 20 % freezing 20 P38-44 +3.2 0 0 aCSF H12345 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 or MLA trials trials Figure 6_a7nAChR paper Miguelez Fernandez et al. 2020

a P70-90 b conditioning (day 1) c extinction (day 2) +2.7 aCSF *** 80 80 +3.2 60 60

40 40 +2.7 MLA % freezing 20 % freezing 20 aCSF P70-90 MLA +3.2 0 0 H12345 aCSF 02468101214 trials or MLA trials d P38-44 e conditioning (day 1) f extinction (day 2) aCSF +2.7 aCSF 80 80 MLA +3.2 ** 60 60

40 40 +2.7 MLA % freezing 20 % freezing 20 P38-44 +3.2 0 0 H12345 aCSF 02468101214 trials or MLA trials Figure 7_a7nAChR paper Miguelez Fernandez et al. 2020

a conditioning (day 1) b +2.7 aCSF 80 +3.2 60 +2.7 +2.7 40

% freezing 20 +3.2 +3.2 P70-90 0 H12345trials MLA+Infenprodil MLA+Indiplon

c extinction (day 2) d extinction (day 2) *** 80 80

60 60

40 40

% freezing 20 20 aCSF aCSF MLA+Ifenprodil MLA+Indiplon 0 0

PFC 02468101214 PFC 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 infusions trials infusions trials Figure 8_a7nAChR paper Miguelez Fernandez et al. 2020

a conditioning (day 1) b context test (day 2) 80 80 aCSF MLA 60 60 ***

40 40 **

% freezing 20 20 P70-90 0 P38-44 0 H12345 aCSF 1234 trials or MLA epochs