MN TWS 2016 Annual Meeting Plenary Speaker Biographical Sketches And Oral and Poster Abstracts Draft 4 February 2016 1 MN TWS 2016 Annual Meeting Fire Ecology Plenary Session Focus on Fire - A Critical Ecological Process for the Maintenance of Ecosystems, Communities, and Habitats Plenary Speaker Biographical Sketches Dwayne Elmore Wildlife Extension Specialist and Bollenbach Chair in Wildlife Biology, Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Oklahoma State University 008 C Ag Hall, Stillwater, OK 74078-6013; 405-744-9636;
[email protected] Specific areas of Dwayne Elmore’s interests include wildlife habitat relationships, the role of disturbance in maintaining sustainable ecosystems, and social constraints to conservation. Dwayne works with a team of faculty, students, agencies, and landowners studying grassland birds in tallgrass prairie and their response to the interacting processes of fire and large herbivore grazing. Major findings indicate that both breeding and wintering bird communities are strongly influenced by the fire-grazing interaction with various species selecting for distinct landscape patches characterized by differing times since fire. Migratory species that are present during the breeding season or during the winter, such as Henslow’s sparrow, LeConte’s sparrow, Sprague’s pipit, and upland sandpiper strongly select for areas with distinct vegetation structure reflecting their habitat needs during the period of year they use the habitat. The non-migratory greater prairie-chicken, however, requires a mosaic of habitat patches across a broad landscape that provides the full spectrum of a broad set of habitat conditions required during distinct portions of its yearly cycle. Furthermore, most breeding birds reach their maximum abundance in landscapes with higher levels of landscape patchiness resulting from complex disturbance patterns.