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Late Triassic) Adrian P New Mexico Geological Society Downloaded from: Definition and correlation of the Lamyan: A new biochronological unit for the nonmarine Late Carnian (Late Triassic) Adrian P. Hunt, Spencer G. Lucas, and Andrew B. Heckert, 2005, pp. 357-366 in: Geology of the Chama Basin, Lucas, Spencer G.; Zeigler, Kate E.; Lueth, Virgil W.; Owen, Donald E.; [eds.], New Mexico Geological Society 56th Annual Fall Field Conference Guidebook, 456 p. This is one of many related papers that were included in the 2005 NMGS Fall Field Conference Guidebook. Annual NMGS Fall Field Conference Guidebooks Every fall since 1950, the New Mexico Geological Society (NMGS) has held an annual Fall Field Conference that explores some region of New Mexico (or surrounding states). Always well attended, these conferences provide a guidebook to participants. Besides detailed road logs, the guidebooks contain many well written, edited, and peer-reviewed geoscience papers. These books have set the national standard for geologic guidebooks and are an essential geologic reference for anyone working in or around New Mexico. Free Downloads NMGS has decided to make peer-reviewed papers from our Fall Field Conference guidebooks available for free download. Non-members will have access to guidebook papers two years after publication. Members have access to all papers. This is in keeping with our mission of promoting interest, research, and cooperation regarding geology in New Mexico. However, guidebook sales represent a significant proportion of our operating budget. Therefore, only research papers are available for download. Road logs, mini-papers, maps, stratigraphic charts, and other selected content are available only in the printed guidebooks. Copyright Information Publications of the New Mexico Geological Society, printed and electronic, are protected by the copyright laws of the United States. No material from the NMGS website, or printed and electronic publications, may be reprinted or redistributed without NMGS permission. Contact us for permission to reprint portions of any of our publications. One printed copy of any materials from the NMGS website or our print and electronic publications may be made for individual use without our permission. Teachers and students may make unlimited copies for educational use. Any other use of these materials requires explicit permission. This page is intentionally left blank to maintain order of facing pages. NewDEFINITION Mexico Geological AND Society CORRELATION Guidebook, 56th Field Conference, OF THE Geology LAMYAN of the Chama Basin, 2005, p. 357-366. 357 DEFINITION AND CORRELATION OF THE LAMYAN: A NEW BIOCHRONOLOGICAL UNIT FOR THE NONMARINE LATE CARNIAN (LATE TRIASSIC) ADRIAN P. HUNT, SPENCER G. LUCAS, AND ANDREW B. HECKERT New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, 1801 Mountain Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104-1375 ABSTRACT.—The Sonsela Member of the Petrified Forest Formation at Petrified Forest, Arizona and the Tres Lagunas Member of the Santa Rosa Formation in east-central New Mexico yield vertebrate fossil assemblages (faunas) that are intermediate in composition between the Adamanian and Revueltian lvfs in that they include co-occurrences of the phytosaurs Rutiodon and Pseudopalatus and the unique taxon Typothorax antiquum. These faunas define an upper subdivision of Adamanian time that we refer to as the Lamyan sub-faunachron. The earlier Adamanian is distinguished as the St. Johnsian sub-faunachron. This refinement demonstrates the utility of defining biochronologic units in that it spurs detailed examination of biostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy. The Lamyan provides evidence that there is no major tetrapod extinction within the Late Triassic, specifically at the end of the Carnian. INTRODUCTION Long and Murry, 1995; Lucas, 1998) recognized this fundamen- tal division, together with other tetrapod taxa (including phyto- The most complete sequence of Late Triassic nonmarine tetra- saurs) defining older and younger portions of the Chinle. pod fossil assemblages (faunas) is in the Chinle Group of west- Aetosaurs, which were originally considered to be a subset of ern North America (Lucas, 1997). These faunas have formed the phytosaurs, began to have biochronological utility with the work basis of a biochronological scheme that has global utility (Lucas of Gregory (e. g., 1953) and later Long and Ballew (1985), who and Hunt, 1993; Lucas, 1997, 1998, 1999). Thus, Lucas and Hunt clarified issues of alpha taxonomy. Thus, Lucas and Hunt (1993) (1993) defined four land-vertebrate faunachrons (lvfs) to encom- recognized four land-vertebrate faunachrons (LVFs) based pri- pass Late Triassic time based on the faunas of the Chinle Group. marily on the temporal distribution of the genera of phytosaurs Subsequently, Lucas and others (Lucas et al., 1997; Lucas, 1998; and aetosaurs, which are in ascending order of age: Otischalkian, Hunt, 2001) further refined this biochronology, which was prin- Adamanian, Revueltian and Apachean. The Adamanian (late Car- cipally based on the stratigraphic ranges of genera of phytosaurs nian) and Revueltian (Norian) are of concern here. The Adama- and aetosaurs. nian is based on index taxa that include the phytosaur Rutiodon Recent work has refined the stratigraphic ranges of known tet- and the aetosaurs Desmatosuchus haplocerus and Stagonolepis, rapod taxa and has recognized new records of taxa in strata of and the Revueltian includes the phytosaur Pseudopalatus and the Adamanian age. These new data are principally from the Petrified aetosaur Typothorax. Forest National Park (Heckert and Lucas, 2002; Hunt et al., 2002; It is important to note that this biochronology has held up Woody, 2003; Woody and Parker, 2004) in Arizona and the exten- remarkably well, and in some cases has been improved, in spite sive exposures of the Chinle Group in east-central New Mexico of extensive work on the systematics and stratigraphic distribu- (Hunt and Lucas, 1995b, 2005; Lucas et al., 2002). The purpose tion of the key index taxa, especially the aetosaurs (e.g., Lucas of this paper is to review some of these data as they relate to the and Heckert, 1996; Heckert and Lucas, 1998b, 2000). Lucas et late Carnian-Norian succession of tetrapod fossil assemblages in al. (2002a) distinguished a new species of Typothorax, T. anti- New Mexico and Arizona and to distinguish and define new bio- quum, and demonstrated that this taxon is restricted to the later chronological intervals that further refine the existing biochrono- Adamanian, whereas the type species, T. coccinarum, is an index logical scheme. taxon of the Revueltian. Similarly, Zeigler et al. (2002a) identi- fied a new species of Desmatosuchus, D. chamaensis, which is LATE TRIASSIC BIOCHRONOLOGY BASED ON restricted to strata of Revueltian age. PHYTOSAURS AND AETOSAURS EAST-CENTRAL NEW MEXICO All vertebrate biochronologies of the Late Triassic have been primarily based on phytosaurs. Camp (1930), in his classic mono- Lithostratigraphy of the Chinle Group graph on phytosaurs, recognized a lower interval of the Chinle Group characterized by various species of Machaeroprosopus (e. Rich (1921) first published the name Santa Rosa Sandstone g. M., adamanensis, M. lithodendorum, M. zunii), which are now in reference to a sandstone-dominated package at the base of referred to Rutiodon (Leptosuchus of some authors e.g., Long and the Triassic sequence in east-central New Mexico, and Darton Murry, 1995), and an upper Chinle Group interval characterized (1922, p. 183) formally named it (Fig. 1). Following Gorman by the species M. tenuis, M. andersoni and M. validus, which are and Robeck (1946), several workers subdivided the Santa Rosa now referred to Pseudopalatus (e.g., Ballew, 1989; Hunt, 1994; Formation. Lucas and Hunt (1987) removed the basal unit as the Long and Murry, 1995). These and subsequent authors (e. g., Anton Chico Member of the Moenkopi Formation and formal- Long and Ballew, 1985; Ballew, 1989; Lucas and Hunt, 1993; ized a subdivision of the remaining portion of the Santa Rosa 358 HUNT, LUCAS, AND HECKERT Formation into members, in ascending order: Tecolitito (up to 34 m of sandstone and conglomerate), Los Esteros (up to 44 m of dominantly mudstone and subordinate sandstone and conglom- erate), and Tres Lagunas (up to 46 m of dominantly sandstone with subsidiary conglomerate and mudstone) (Fig. 1). The Tres Lagunas Member of the Santa Rosa Formation is usually a cliff- forming sandstone unit throughout most of its outcrop belt, but in Santa Fe County it consists of two sandstones with a medial mudstone interval (Fig. 1). Overlying the Santa Rosa Formation in east-central New Mexico is a sequence of stratigraphic units with a complex his- tory of nomenclature (Lucas et al., 1985; Lucas and Hunt, 1989) that are now assigned to the Chinle Group of Lucas (1993). These units are (in ascending order) the Garita Creek, Trujillo, Bull Canyon and Redonda formations (Lucas and Hunt, 1989; Lucas et al., 2001). The Garita Creek Formation was first distinguished as the “lower shale member” of the Chinle Formation by Kelley (1972), and it was subsequently formalized by Lucas and Hunt (1989). The Garita Creek is up to 76 m of mudstone with lesser amounts of sandstone and conglomerate. The Trujillo Formation is as much as 68 m-thick and is a domi- nantly sandstone unit that represents a medial, ledge-forming unit of the Chinle Group in east-central New Mexico. It was first rec- ognized in New Mexico by Darton (1928) and was named the Cuervo Member of the Chinle Formation (Kelley, 1972). Sub- sequently, Lucas and Hunt (1989) assigned these strata to the Trujillo Formation of Gould (1907). The Trujillo in eastern New Mexico is up to 68 m of mainly micaeous sandstone with minor beds of conglomerate and mudstone. Lucas and Hunt (1989) named the Bull Canyon Formation for strata previously referred to the “upper shale member of the Chinle Formation” by Kelley (1972). The Bull Canyon Forma- tion is up to 110 m of mostly mudstone, with lesser amounts of sandstone and minor beds of siltstone and conglomerate (Lucas et al., 2001).
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