The Parish of St. Charles Borromeo, Resurrection and All Saints Harlem, New York
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The Parish of St. Charles Borromeo, Resurrection and All Saints Harlem, New York Address: 211 West 141 Street, NYC 10030 Phone (212) 2812100 EMail: [email protected] Website: Clergy In Residence Masses/ Misas Reverend Gregory C. Chisholm, SJ. St. Charles Pastor ~ email address: [email protected] Saturday 5:30 pm Reverend Anthony Iroh, Parochial Vicar Sunday 8:00 am, 9:30am, 11:45am Reverend Thomas Fenlon Daily 8:30 am / Wednesday Mass 6:30PM Deacon Rodney A. Beckford Deacon Michel Hodge Resurrection Deacon Kenneth Radcliffe Sunday 10:00 am (English) Domingo 12:00 pm (en Español) Palm Sunday Of Thursday/Jueves 7:00 pm (en Español) The Passion Of Let us Remember and Honor our loved ones with The Lord a Mass Intention. Masses are now available! The Diocese minimum stipend is $15.00 April 14, 2019 Novenas and Devotions Visiting Clergy Miraculous Medal Monday 9:00 am Reverend Richard Ella, SJ Sacred Heart Friday 9:00 am Reverend James Goode, OFM Holy Hour Saturday 4:00 pmN5:00 pm Reverend Bryan Massingale Reverend James Pierce, SJ Reverend Mario Powell, SJ Sacraments /Sacramentos Pastoral Associates BaptismNMake an appointment with the Pastor N Mr. Dan FaasN Principal St. Charles Second Sunday of the month Mr. BrVon NealDirector of Music Resurrection N Fourth Sunday of the month Br. William Sherlog, CFC Confessions Mrs. Letisha Noel, Esq. Confirmation Coordinator St. Charles 4:30 pmN5:15NSaturdays Mrs. Lori MeltonM Religious Ed. Coordinator St. Charles & Res 15 minutes prior to Sunday Masses Mr. Frank MendezNReligious Ed. Coordinator Mr. Joseph SalernoNReligious Ed. Coordinator Marriage NArrange well in advance with the Pastor Sr. Dorothy HallNPastoral Assistant Mr. Mark GeorgeM Pastoral Assistant Mr. L. David SordenNBusiness Manager Entrance Call: Six days before the Passover, when the Lord came into the city of Jerusalem, the children ran to meet him; in their hands they carried palm branches and with a loud voice cried out: Hosanna in the highest! This Week’s Schedule Masses 04/13 Saturday Lenten Weekday 04/17 Wednesday Wednesday of Holy Week Vigil 5:15pm For the Parish Is 50:49a, Mt 26:1425 6:30pm +Michael Thomas 04/14Sunday Palm Sunday Of The Passion Of The Lord 04/18 Thursday Holy Thursday Domingo de Ramos de la Pasión del Señor 10:00am Morning Prayer /Tenebrae Lk 19:2840, Is 50: 47, Phil 2:611, SCB 7:00pm Mass of the Lords Supper Lk 22:1423:56 Res. 7:00pm Mass of the Lords Supper 8:00am For the Parish 9:30am For the Parish ( Bilingual) Res. 10:00am For the Parish 04/19 Friday Good Friday 11:45am For the Parish 9:00am Morning Prayer /Tenebrae Res. 12:00pm For the Parish 3:00pm The Solemn Liturgy of the 04/15Monday Monday of Holy Week Lord’s Passion Is 42:17, Jn 12:111 Res. 3:00pm The Solemn Liturgy of the 8:30am Taylor, Tyler & Delilah Alvarez B’day Blsgs. Lord’s Passion (Spanish) 04/16 Tuesday Tuesday of Holy Week 04/20Saturday Holy Saturday Is 49:16, Jn 13:2133, 3638 8:30am Ruben A. Martino ~ Health 10:00am Morning Prayer/Tenebrae Vigil 7:00pm Solemn of Easter READINGS, REFLECTIONS AND PRAYERS SUNDAY READINGS IN A WORD PRAYER CORNER FIRST READING Isaiah 50:47 You Servant, Lord our God, speaks the word that all The servant of the Lord God was rebuffed but did the weary long to hear. Your Son humbles himself not turn back; he was beaten and spat upon. The suffering one knew the Lord God was with him. to carry the cross that your people long to embrace. RESPONSORIAL PSALM 22:89, 1718, 1920, As we enter this holy week, let the same mind be in 2324 us that was in Christ Jesus. Empty us of ourselves, My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? and draw us close to his cross, that, comforted by his word of forgiveness and gladdened by his SECOND READING Philippians 2:6 11 promise of Paradise, into your hands we may Christ was in the form of God but did not consider commend our spirits. equality with God a thing to be grasped at. He emptied himself, took the form of a slave, and was We ask this through your Son, the Christ , our obedient unto death! Therefore, God exalted him, and all proclaim him Lord. Passover and Peace, who lives and reigns with you GOSPEL READING Luke 19:2840 in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. THE PASSION ACCORDING TO SAINT LUKE FOCUS REFLECTION The passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. The “If thou wish to reach the perfection of love, it triumphal entry into Jerusalem paved the way benefits thee to set thy life in order.” for the resurrection. St. Catherine of Siena ~ FR. GREGORY CHISHOLM, SJ ~ And So, It Begins…. With our Palm Sunday services today, we enter the Holiest Week of our Church year. During the Holy Week it brings to mind the events in the life of our Savior, Jesus Christ, which have brought about our Salvation. During this week we remember His Suffering, His Crucifixion and His Victory over Death at the Resurrection. You are welcome to begin this week on Monday, April 15th, with Confession at St. Charles in English (after 8:30am Mass and from 4pm to 7pm) and at Resurrection in Spanish (7pm to 8pm). On Holy Thursday we begin the Paschal Triduum with a morning of prayer at our Tenebrae Service, 9AM, at St. Charles. The Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday begins at 7pm in both of our Churches. The Blessed Sacrament will be reserved on Good Friday outside the Fellowship Room at St. Charles. The Good Friday Services begin at 9AM with a Tenebrae Service, continues with Prayer Services throughout the day and concludes at 3pm with the Good Friday liturgy at 3pm in both Churches. Holy Saturday begins again with Tenebrae at 9AM and the entire Triduum concludes with the Easter Vigil Service at 7pm. Good Friday: Lenox Avenue Stations of the Cross Good Friday, April 19, Public Stations of the Cross Down Lenox Avenue. Once again, the Harlem Deanery will celebrate a Public Stations of the Cross on Good Friday, April 19th, at 10:30AM. The Stations will begin at 116th and Lenox (Malcom X Blvd) and will conclude at the new Pavilion of Harlem Hospital on Lenox (Malcolm X Blvd). Everyone is welcome to join the Catholic Churches of Harlem for this public affirmation of solidarity with the Crucified Savior and with the Harlem Community. Easter Sunrise at Resurrection: 5:30 AM Our Parish is pleased to offer an Easter Sunday sunrise Mass at the Church of the Resurrection (276 W. 151st Street, Harlem) at 5:30 AM on April 21st. You are welcome to join us for this morning celebration Special Screening of “Breakthrough” in Honor of Sr. Loretta Theresa, FHM On Monday, April 22nd, 7pm, at Magic Johnson Theater in Harlem, there will be a special screening of the uplifting true story “Breakthrough”. This screening is in Honor of Sr. Loretta Theresa Richards, FHM. For free tickets visit or call 2015529239 St. Charles Borromeo School I am pleased to announce that St. Charles Borromeo School was accepted as a constituent school of the Partnership Schools of New York City. There are six Partnership Schools in Harlem and the South Bronx. What has distinguished the Partnership Schools from Parochial schools and Regional Schools is the quality of the student outcomes. The Partnership Schools have annually outperformed Public schools, Charter schools and Regional Schools in terms of the Academic achievement of students. Our acceptance as a Partnership School reflects St. Charles school’s commitment to remain a leader for faithbased Catholic education in New York City. Our community needs a high quality, reliable academic program for our children that also is not afraid to teach a morality (right and wrong) founded in Christian principles. PARISH NEWS UPCOMING EVENT HEALTH COMMITTEE/ HEART HEALTH The Parish of St. Charles Borromeo, The National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Club Inc. Resurrection and All Saints St. Vincent de Paul Society Presents a Workshop on Heart Health Sunday, April 28, 2019 “Just Wear White Party” 11:45AM ~ 12:45AM Sunday, April 28, 2019 ~ 2:00PM ~7:00PM Come join us in discussion about important information St. Charles Borromeo (Auditorium) we all need to know about better taking care of our Donation : $20.00 per person Hearts! Food & beverage of your choice permitted Facilitators: Stephanie Davis & Darlene Kornegay, RN’s HEALTH MINISTRY CALENDAR OF EVENTS The Parish of St. Charles Borromeo, 04/14/19RSundayVPalm SundayT 8:00 Mass ( begins @7:45AM) Resurrection and All Saints 04/15R04/21 RHOLY WEEKVSee Holy Week Schedule Health Ministry invites you to 04/19R 04/26T No SchoolT Easter Break A HEALING MASS 04/21/19RSundayVEaster Sunday 04/27/19RSaturdayT Adoraon of the Blessed SacramentR4PM 04/29/19T MondayT School Resumes Celebrating Our Seniors April Birthdays Doris Wooten ~ 1st Saturday, May 4th, 2019 at 11:00 am William Mills ~ 2nd Church of St. Charles Borromeo Regina Peterson ~ 2nd 211 West 141 St., New York, NY 10030 Eleanor Gittens ~ 4th Rev. Gregory C. Chisholm, SJ, Pastor Yvonne Williams ~ 4th A reception will be held immediately following the Mass Mona Nelson ~5th For additional information please call (212) 281V2100 Yolanda Grant ~ 11th Spring Immigration Forum Series Mildred Quarles ~ 14th Manhattan Legal Services Wilhelmina Williams ~ 14th Spring Immigration Forum Series Norma Mitchell ~ 15th Topics & Dates: Update on Immigration Rights & Remedies Musetha L. Costner ~ 16th Wednesday 24thN68:00PM William Montgomery ~ 16th Citizenship & Naturalization Lourdes Montano ~ 18th N Faye Harvin Danderidge ~ 21st Saturday ,April 27th 2 4PM /Wednesday May 15th , 6 8:00PM Remedies for Crime, Domestic Violence & Trafficking Survivors Saturday, May 4th24PM & Wednesday, May 22nd, 68:00PM Sick & Homebound of the Parish *Louise Rawlins,* Violet Cave, (Cardinal Cooke HC) *Clair Emmanuel St.