Report by Acting Executive Director of Neighbourhood Services


1 The purpose of this report is to present to Committee an updated report that identifies and provides relevant information on those derelict and dangerous buildings within which are known to the Council, present cause for concern, and have been subject to inspection over the last year under the Planning and Building Standards Legislation.


2 Those properties detailed within Appendix 1 to this report include specifically buildings that are in a derelict and dangerous condition, and not buildings which are merely untidy in their appearance or land which is similarly untidy. For the purposes of this exercise, “derelict” has been taken to comprise properties where there is a significant deterioration in the physical fabric of the building; for example by way of damage to doors, windows, elevations or roof such as to allow ingress by the weather or to encourage vandalism. Where the structural stability of a building has deteriorated to an extent where it is unsafe to persons frequenting the building or to the public in general then the Council has mandatory powers to undertake necessary actions to make the building safe under the Building () Act. For derelict or defective buildings enforcement action is discretionary under the Planning & Building Acts and any actions taken may ultimately require the Council to fund the enforcement work.

3 The properties referred to in this report represent the current derelict and dangerous buildings within the district. They are those properties in respect of which the Planning and Economic Development Service has received complaints and has deemed that further action requires to be taken or which are subject of enforcement investigation.


4. The Buildings at Risk Register has been in operation in Scotland since 1990. Its key purpose is to highlight properties of architectural or historic merit that are considered to be at risk or under threat. The Register is maintained by the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historic Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), which recently took over the Buildings at Risk responsibility from the Scottish Civic Trust.

5 A survey of East Ayrshire was undertaken by the Scottish Civic Trust in 2010, which allowed the Buildings at Risk Register to be comprehensively updated. Since 2010 whilst no authority-wide surveys have been carried out, individual building records have been updated on the basis of individual site surveys and information provided by the general public or as statutory enforcement has been carried out.

6 There are currently 59 properties within East Ayrshire included on the Buildings at Risk Register; 4 are classified as ‘restoration in progress’ and 55 classified as ‘at risk’. Since September 2013, there have been 6 changes to the register, as a result of buildings either being saved or demolished. These include the Former Opera House, and Sornhill Farm, by Galston, both of which have been saved, where as the former St Columba’s Primary School, Kilmarnock and the former Country Firs Hotel, Patna have been demolished. It is noted that, Daldorch Footbridge, , and 89 Main Street, Patna remain on the Register as ‘at risk’ despite being demolished. It is also noted that the Temple at is also due for refurbishment, while the Star Bar St Marnock Place is currently under restoration, as is the Stables at House, however the Register still shows these as ‘at risk’.


7 Appendix 1 contains some 55 buildings together with details of the investigation, the origin of the complaint and the actions undertaken at each site.


8 In addition to those cases listed in Appendix 1, there are a number of properties over the last year where intervention by Planning and Building Standards or separate actions by the owners have resulted in the cases being resolved some of the more significant of which are noted here:-

a. 185A Main Street Auchinleck: The partial roof collapse resulted in the building demolished in the interests of public safety;

b. Poosie Nansies, 21 Loudoun Street : Car collision with single storey extension on front elevations necessitated the demolition of single storey extension all in the interests of public safety;

c. Garages to rear of Barbadoes Road, Kilmarnock: Garages secured or demolished where required all works now complete;

d. 27 - 27A Morven Avenue, Knockinlaw, Kilmarnock: Building secured; e. 135 Barshare Rd, Barshare, : Property unsecure, building now demolished; f. 63 Barshare Road Barshare, Cumnock: Building now secured; g. 107 Barshare Road Cumnock: Building secured; h. Mcclymont Court Barshare Cumnock: Building made safe; i. Old Manse Mauchline Road : Building secure; j. Cumnock Senior Citizens Club Tower Street Cumnock: Fire damaged building demolished; k. Southhook Potteries, Western Road Kilmarnock: Building demolished; l. Farm Building, Mill O Shiel Farm, : Fire damaged building now demolished; m. Block 1, Newton Street, Catrine: Unit lying empty and has been vandalised. Building secured and under new ownership. n. Craigends Farm, Moscow, Waterside: Potential dangerous building site. Building secured against entry; o. The Bridgend, 22 - 24 Main Street : Damaged stonework below window on the corner of no 24 due to vehicular collision. Remedial works now complete, building secure; p. Mcclymont Court, Barshare, Cumnock: Roofs and brickwork dangerous. Building made safe and repairs undertaken; q. 34 Main Street Patna: Dangerous building resulted in the building being demolished and the site cleared; r. Former Fire Station Western Road Kilmarnock: Building demolished site cleared following fire damage; s. 20 Lugar Street Cumnock : Fire damaged building secured, approved building works progressing; t. 108 John Finnie Street Kilmarnock: Repairs to lintel completed; u. Old Church halls Glasgow Road : Building secured; v. 23EPagan Walk Smallburn Muirkirk: Building secured FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS

9 In relation to the development or restoration of derelict buildings within Council ownership, resources would require to be secured to fund this type of work. In relation to external funding potential sources of grant funding exist for specific areas for example Kilmarnock Townscape Heritage Initiative, Kilmarnock Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme and Cumnock Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme and works are ongoing within the Kilmarnock and Cumnock town centres to restore former derelict, defective and dangerous buildings.

10 Under the Building (Scotland) Act 2003 when a building, or part of a building deteriorates and becomes structurally unsafe and is considered as a dangerous building, statutory procedures in Sections, 29 and 30 of the 2003 Act can be implemented on the owner(s) to undertake the required works to rectify the defect or remove the danger and the risk to public safety. In terms of Sections 29 and 30 of the 2003 Act, this process can, in the most severe cases, require a building to be demolished. While the building owner(s) are responsible for preventing their buildings becoming defective or falling into a dangerous condition, these powers given under the Act do not diminish this responsibility but merely provide a ‘safety net’ that can be used to protect the public when it appears to the Council that, for whatever reason, a building owner has failed in the duty to fulfill this responsibility.

11 When the Council requires to undertake the public safety works specified under Sections 29 or 30 on behalf of the owner(s), all reasonable costs incurred in process are recoverable from the owner(s) through the Council’s debt recovery process.

12 Under Section 179 of the Town & Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, the Council has discretionary powers and may serve a notice on property that is adversely affecting the amenity of their area, (a “wasteland notice”), which if not complied with could result in the Council initiating direct action under Section 135 of the Act and then seeking to recover reasonably incurred costs.

13 The Council has powers to recoup all expenditure incurred under both the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 and the Building (Scotland) Act 2003. However there continues to be a growing number of buildings owned either by individuals who reside, or businesses who are registered outwith the British Isles, thus requiring legal action to be pursued by the Council in the country where the person resides or business is registered. This has proven extremely difficult in the debt recovery process due to the potential costs associated with the recovery of the money abroad and therefore not cost effective.

14 This matter has been raised by the Local Authority Building Standards in Scotland (LABSS) directly with the Scottish Government and as a consequence of this campaign the Buildings (Recovery of Expenses) (Scotland) Bill, (formally referred to as the Defective and Dangerous Buildings (Recovery of Expenses) Bill was introduced in the Parliament by David Stewart MSP, as a Private Members Bill on 30th October 2013.

15 The policy objective of the Bill is to amend the Building (Scotland) Act 2003 to allow local authorities to make charging orders against the property for recovery of expenses incurred where the Local Authority have carried out works under Sections 25-30 of the Act. This new legislation would allow local authorities to use charging orders, recorded in the Land Register (or if appropriate, Register of Sasines), as a means of recovering expenses incurred when the land or property in question was sold.

16 The expenses include interest on the debt and potentially allow for an earlier redemption of the expenses incurred by the Local Authority than the current processes. It is expected that, the proposals will only apply to notices and work carried out after the legislation comes into force, which is expected to be early 2015. The Legislation will not apply to any outstanding debts for work undertaken before the new legislation comes into force. Debts incurred under current Dangerous Building Notices will continue to be pursued directly with owners to secure repayment under existing legislation.


17 While the building owners are responsible for preventing their buildings becoming defective or falling into a dangerous condition, the Council has statutory responsibilities and powers to address issues relating to dangerous and derelict buildings; including Wasteland Notice, Listed Building Repair Notice or Dangerous Building Notice.

18 As indicated, Wasteland Notices may be served if it appears to the Planning Authority that the amenity of any part of their district is adversely affected by the condition of any land in their district. “Land” may refer to a building and the steps that can be required of the owner are to be such as would abate the adverse affect arising from the property’s condition. Any such notice may be appealed to the Scottish Ministers.

19 With regard to Listed Buildings a Repair Notice may be served under sections 42- 45 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997. This may be a precursor to compulsory purchase of the property should the terms of the Notice not be complied with. It is open to any person with an interest in the building to challenge any compulsory purchase in the courts.

20 The Council may serve a Dangerous Buildings Notice under Sections 29 - 30 of the Building (Scotland) Act 2003 on a building which is considered dangerous. Where the terms of these Notices are not complied with the Council can undertake the works and recover from the owner any reasonable expenses in doing so. Where urgent action is needed to remove the danger the Council can implement emergency works under Section 29 of the Act. The Council can recoup all reasonable expenditure incurred although the prospects of actual recovery of such costs incurred would require to be assessed in each individual case.


21 The Delivering Community Regeneration' Action Plan within the Community Plan identifies the importance of tackling run down and derelict buildings as a key action. Appendix 1 below illustrates the ongoing work carried out by Planning and Building Standards to reduce the number and extent of the derelict, defective and dangerous buildings within the communities.


22 The Council has tackled an extensive number of derelict and dangerous buildings removing dangerous structure where appropriate and with a view to improving their appearance and in some cases regenerating buildings back into use through the grant schemes. In doing so, the Council has used a variety of powers under both the Planning and Building Acts. Proactive use of opportunities provided by the Townscape Heritage Initiative, Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme and Town Centre Regeneration Fund has led to some of our most important buildings being restored and the Council’s commitment to Regeneration of Kilmarnock and Cumnock Town Centres has enabled an extensive programme to be achieved or is in the process of being achieved. A further scheme which will support the regeneration of derelict and vacant buildings is being implemented for Galston Town Centre which will bring back derelict building into re-use. Significant challenges will continue in the future as the full impact of the economic recession falls on the private sector and increasingly to the Council to facilitate regeneration or implement action under its statutory powers.


23 It is recommended that the Committee note the contents of the report.

Chris McAleavey Acting Executive Director of Neighbourhood Services 25 September 2014



Derelict and Dangerous Buildings Report to Cabinet on 10th October 2013

Members wishing further information should contact David McDowall , Acting Head of Planning and Economic Development on (01563) 576767 or Craig Iles, Acting Operations Manager on (01563) 576749.

Implementation Officer: Craig Iles, Acting Operations Manager

Derelict and Dangerous Buildings Register APPENDIX 1

Settlement Address BS/DM Origin Of Complaint Status Reference

Auchinleck 1 Church Hill EN/12/0374/UN Local Member . Shell of Building in poor condition but Auchinleck. TIDY not dangerous. . Owner contacted by letter to request various works to improve the external appearance of the building and emphasizing that the Council may initiate further action if ignored. . No response received from owner to any correspondence. . Current condition not considered to justify service Section 179 Notice (Wasteland) by Development Management but monitoring of condition will continue. . Building sealed. No issues for Building Standards. Catrine Old Mill Inn, DP/030/08/0058 Building Standards, . Discussions took place to request Mill Street 08/00007/DB Enforcement Officer and improvements to state of building. Housing Department . Land on which building is located planned for redevelopment for housing. . Planning and Listed Building Consent approved for redevelopment of site. . No application for Building Warrant.  The initial demolition works have been undertaken as part of the dangerous building notice. The site is secure and will be monitored with Debt recovery pursued.  No issues at this time for BS building being monitored.  Further complaint received from member of the public through MSP. Current condition of the remains of the building is of concern from an amenity point of view and consideration is being given by Development Management to using enforcement powers to gain improvement to its current condition and that of the adjoining land. Volunteer Arms 08/00043/DB Member of Public . The building was dangerous and was 3 - 5 Bridge Street 08/00042/DB demolished as part of a Dangerous Catrine Building Notice; . Further site clearance works were required by the owner; . Remedial works are proposed to protect the neighbouring buildings from water ingress. . The site will be monitored and debt recovery pursued . Work to construct brick skin to exposed gable in progress. Works instructed by building standards and will be subject to debt recovery. . Remedial works on-going. Works stopped at moment to allow LINK Housing to carry out repairs to their gable stonework and chimney. 19- 25 St Germain 12/00005/DB/A The owners  Structural Report provided on the Street, Catrine condition of the deteriorating verandas serving these properties and remedial works were required to structurally prop the building verandahs.  The above works should be carried out in the interests of public health and safety.  Temporary propping solution now in place and being monitored. Block 1 14/00052/PC Member of Public  Unit lying empty and has been Newton Street vandalised. Catrine  Building secured and under new ownership. Laigh Milton Mill 09/00028/DB Building Standards . Building Secured against entry Crosshouse 09/00024/DB . Derelict Building subject to a roof 11/00007/DB collapse . The dangerous roof structure was removed, . The building was made safe and secured. . Debt recovery is currently being pursued; and . Discussions on-going with owner in relation to future development. Cumnock Former Strand 10/00004/DB, Enforcement Officer, . Initial survey of building undertaken Autocare, DP/030/09/0309 Cumnock Community . Works undertaken by Building 1 The Strand Council Standards to secure the remains of the building and to prevent unauthorised entry. . No further action authorised at this time. . Condition stable for time being. No further action undertaken . Debt recovery being pursued. Former St Ninians DP/030/09/0373 Local Councillor & . Planning Permission in Principle Church Manse, 02.12.2009 Member of Public approved for redevelopment of the site 20 Craigens Road (Closed) for housing. Netherthird & . Building continues to deteriorate and DP/030/10/0160 has been the subject of continual vandalism. . Recent title search revealed that property has been sold and new owners have been contacted and requested to undertake works to improve the external appearance of the property or to consider demolition. . Condition stable for time being. Works underway to bring the building back into use as dwellinghouse. Stalled at the moment however building presently not causing concern. . Building Warrant passed for alterations to building. . Building has just been bought by a new owner. Works are planned to upgrade property. Stable Block And 09/00037/DB Fire Service . The derelict building has been fire Orchard Buildings damaged; Orchard buildings . The initial demolition works to remove Glaisnock Road the Orchard Building have been Netherthird undertaken. Cumnock . The Stable Block still remains but has been monitored. . debt recovery is currently being pursued. . No issues at this time for Building Standards. Glaisnock House, 07/00019/DB Councillor  Complaint regarding safety issues and Benston Road, fire escape provision. Cumnock  Building secure.  No issues at this time for Building Standards..

Former Blackwood 14/00075/PC Member of Public  Complaint about the state of the derelict Brothers Factory 13/00178/PC building. Unit 1, Caponacre EN/14/0347/UN  Roof sheets were unsecure and building Industrial Estate, TIDY unsecure, however building currently Cumnock secure and roof netted to prevent sheets being blown off roof.  Owner trying to sell property.  Condition of the remaining building and adjoining land is of concern from an amenity point of view resulting in the service of Section 179 Notice (Wasteland) requiring works to be undertaken to improve the appearance of both the building and adjoining land. Should those works not be completed by the end of the compliance period then consideration will be given to initiating direct action. Former Kingsmead EN/14/0386/UN Planning Enforcement  Building and associated land is in a Carpets TIDY Officer. state of disrepair and is untidy. Unit 1, Caponacre  Ownership of land and building has Road, Caponacre been obtained and all interested parties Industrial Estate, will be contacted to ensure that works Cumnock are undertaken to improve the condition of both the building and associated land.  Consideration will be given to the service of Section 179 Notice (Wasteland) requiring works to be undertaken to improve the appearance of both the building and adjoining land should the owners and interested parties fail to respond to the initial requests in writing. Ye Olde House, DP/030/09/0130 Local Councillor, . Initial survey of external condition of the 5-9 High Street 13/00135/PC Members of the building undertaken. Building Community Standards establish that building is not dangerous. . Ownership position established which proved very difficult. . Owner contacted by letter to request various works to improve the external appearance of the building and emphasizing that the Council may initiate further action if ignored. . Recent contact received from agent acting for the owner suggests that financial position is such that it will be difficult for any works to be undertaken at this present time. . Recent contact with agent acting for owner confirms that financial position of owner has not changed; and buildings condition continues to deteriorate. . Property in state of dis-repair although secure and not dangerous. Monitoring of its condition shall continue by Development Management from an amenity perspective and consideration will be given to the service of a Section 179 Notice (Wasteland) as appropriate. 1 New Street, 13/00125/PC Community Council . Complaint regarding former council Dalmellington 12/00315/CONV building that it is derelict and unsafe. Approved . Building surveyed, not unsafe and is 18/12/2012 currently sealed. . Property is in state of dis-repair. Monitoring of its condition shall continue by Development Management from an amenity perspective and consideration will be given to the service of a Section 179 Notice (Wasteland) as appropriate. Minnivey EN/13/0072/UN Member of public . Land and buildings in control of Burnton TIDY Planning Enforcement company administrators. Dalmellington Officer. . Contact made with administrators who acknowledge the issues but no action taken to date. . Site continues to be monitored by Development Management from an amenity perspective and consideration will be given to the service of a Section 179 Notice (Wasteland) as appropriate. The Black Bull, 13/00147/PC Member of Public . Complaint that the Property was open 18 High Street, 14/00091/PC to the public. Dalmellington 14/00089/PC . Building secured and on-going discussion with owner in relation to proposal for conversion. 53 Eriff Road 13/00162/PC Member of Public  Fire damaged building open to public and youths are setting fires inside. Dalmellington  Building secured against entry. Kirkland Park 09/00029/DB Building Standards . Building Standards Enforcement action House DP/030/09/0232 Member of Public following fire with building accessible Robertson Gardens and garden extremely overgrown Darvel . Garden area cut back and new shuttering secured to building to prevent access . New Herras fencing erected around building . Building is subject will be monitored; Co Op Building 08/00036/DB Fire Service . The demolition works have been 1-3 Ranoldcoup undertaken with remedial works to Road protect the neighbouring buildings. Darvel . The former Coop building secured . The site will be monitored and debt recovery pursued where required. Drongan Toll Garage, 14/00004/DB Community Council . Former garage building demolished in Littlemill Road, 14/00033/PC the interests of public safety. Drongan EN/14/0156/UN . Cost of clearing and removing debris TIDY from the associated land has been requested and will be actioned if financial resources permit as no likelihood of reimbursement of costs due to no owner of land. Dunlop 17 Dunlop Road 12/00091/PC Member of Public . Building has been surveyed and while not in a dangerous condition due to the building condition Building Standards will continue to monitor and request further action if required. Galston 13-17 Bridge Street 12/00061/PC Building Standards . Building Condition deteriorating; Galston 13/00143/PC . Building demolished and site secured. . Gap site subject to a pending Planning application. . Site hoarding secured. 53 Catherine Drive 12/00044/PC EAC Housing . The building was inspected and Galston although derelict it was found to be secure and not in a dangerous condition. 34 Wallace Street 14/00053/PC Member of Public  Property currently secure and being Galston marketed by owner.

19 Titchfield Street 14/00054/PC Member of Public  Building secured by owner and although Galston in a poor state of disrepair is not currently dangerous.  Discussion with owner with owner regarding future proposal for demolition and development of neighbouring site. Former Primary 14/00094/PC Member of Public  Site now secure, discussion on-going School with the owner and her agent regarding Glebe Road proposal to convert former semi derelict Galston primary school to residential dwelling (13/00466/CONV).  Development Management has requested that former play ground area be tidied up. Kilmarnock Former ABC DP/030/07/0151 Council Officer . Listed Building Repairs Notice served Cinema, 14/00038/PC . Building secured and openings Titchfield Street, boarded and painted out in black as per Kilmarnock notices . Direct action carried out to remove vegetation from front of building . Building still secure no building standards issues. . No current enforcement issues continue to monitor. 96-106 Portland DP/030/07/0224 Member of Public . Building is in the process of being Street, renovated and subject to grant Kilmarnock assistance . 47 Grange Street DP/030/07/0158 Member of Public . Building in poor state of repair. Kilmarnock 18.06.2007 . 179 Notice served 13/00177/PC . Notice partially complied with, ground floor tidied and building painted, one window at first floor still open . Continue to monitor

14 London Road EN/12/0305/LB Local Member . Listed Building in a state of disrepair Kilmarnock . Owner completed works to improve the condition of the building frontage. . Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent approved for change of use to public house in April 2013. 27 - 27A Morven 14/00082/PC Member of Public  Building secured. Avenue Knockinlaw Kilmarnock Corner Dunlop 14/00067/PC Member of Public  Evidence of cracking in external wall. Street / Strand  Structural scaffold erected. Street Kilmarnock 28/30 Portland 14/00109/PC MSP  Complaints about condition and visual Road EN/12/0260/UN appearance; Kilmarnock TIDY  Discussions ongoing with owner regarding building appearance;  Site secure, no building standards issues.  Vegetation previously removed, but has started to grow back. Communication on-going with owner. Logan Former Working 12/00146/PC Local Member . Building in a dilapidated state. Mens Club EN/12/0092/UN . Owner contacted by letter to undertake TIDY works to improve the condition of the 14/00100/PC remaining parts of the building, to improve the current state of the adjoining land and to initiate a maintenance regime in order that its improved condition did not deteriorate again. . Building secure at this time, still awaiting owner to progress works to have the building removed. Building standards will continue to monitor. Mauchline Barskimming Old 12/00156/PC Police . Fire damaged building secured against Mill entry Mauchline . Currently no Building Standards involvement

. Property secured, owner pursuing insurance company for funds to demolish. 14, 16, 18 Tanfield 14/00001/PC Police  Fire at premises. Off Cowgate  Building stable and secured against Mauchline entry by Police.

Muirkirk Former Kind EN/12/0253/UA Local Councillor, . Some of the buildings to the rear remain Factory, 28.06.2012 Members of the cause for concern. 64 Main Street, Community . Building now occupied, still awaiting Muirkirk new owners proposals for the development of the property. 104 Smallburn DP/030/07/0309 Local Councillor, . Owner contacted by letter and Road, Muirkirk Members of the telephoned to request various works to Community improve the external appearance of the former dwelling. . Planning Application approved for an extension to the property. . Not yet started and Building Warrant not submitted. . Currently in contact with owner to action the removal of the unauthorised caravan on land adjacent to this property. . Property was open to front and owner was contacted and advised that it should be sealed. . Further requests made for information on future proposals but no indication provided by owner other than to suggest sale. Continues to be monitored from amenity perspective. . Property is sealed at this time and there are no issues for Building Standards. 147 Main Street, DP/030/09/0258 Local Member, . Despite continual contact being made Muirkirk Member of Public with ‘owner’, no action was taken. . Legal were asked to undertake ownership search to ensure that correct contact was being made. This revealed an issue with the Title that has not yet been resolved. . Further action required following resolution of the ownership position. . Ownership position remains in doubt. This will require to be resolved prior to any enforcement action. Former Trotters 13/00123/PC Member of Public . Building is secure and subject to Building, Main EN/13/0041/UN regular monitoring. Street, Muirkirk TIDY . Condition continues to be monitored from amenity perspective and consideration will be given to Service of Section 179 Notice (Amenity) if required however the location of the owner will require to be established through a tracing agency before service of any notice. Kames Social Club 14/00074/PC Member of Public  Complaint that building is open. 36 Smallburn Road EN/13/0040/UN  Building now secured. Muirkirk TIDY  Condition continues to be monitored from amenity perspective and owner has been contacted by letter however no response received. Consideration will be given to Service of Section 179 Notice (Amenity). Central Bar 14/00060/PC Member of Public  Following complaint that building is 27 - 29 Main Street EN/13/0043/UN open the building was secured. Muirkirk TIDY  Condition continues to be monitored from amenity perspective and owner has been contacted by letter and responded stating that he would undertake minor works to improve its condition. He advised that he had plans for the property to convert to flats but that with the current economic climate, he was unable to embark on that project. No works undertaken to date. Further contact will be made and consideration will be given to Service of Section 179 Notice (Amenity) should its condition continue to deteriorate. Former Manse off 13/00116/PC Building Standards . Condition of building has deteriorated Castlehill, 08/00008/DB Local Member, further following fire damage. Contact New Cumnock DP/030/07/0254 Local Community made with the owner requesting that DP/030/10/0430 Groups works be undertaken to make the property safe. . Building Warrant submitted for its demolition. . Building demolished and site cleared by owner. Debt recovery being pursued for making safe and securing building following the fire. . Condition of vacant site is monitored by Development Management on a monthly basis. Site is becoming overgrown and further contact has been attempted with owner however this has not been successful. Consideration will be given to Service of Section 179 Notice (Amenity) should its condition continue to deteriorate. 99-105 Castle 11/00172/PC Member of the public . Building was open at rear, broken New Cumnock 13/00116/PC window on 1st floor and loose cables on DP/030/10/0429 front elevation which has now been secured against entry; . Building standards will continue to monitor; . Condition is being is monitored by Development Management on a monthly basis and further contact has been made with owner as and when required. Consideration will be given to Service of Section 179 Notice (Amenity) should its condition continue to deteriorate. The Crown Hotel 12/00019/PC Local Councillor . Building was secured against entry; 11 The Castle 13/00115/PC . Condition of building is monitored by New Cumnock DP/030/10/0426 Development Management on a monthly basis and further contact has been made with owner as to the condition of the building. Owner has been advised of its continuing deterioration and has been asked to give serious consideration to its future. Consideration will be given to Service of Section 179 Notice (Amenity) should its condition continue to deteriorate. Former Arthur DP/030/07/0254 Local Member, . No redevelopment has occurred due to Memorial Church 27.09.2007 Local Community the economic conditions. Castlehill Groups . Ground work undertaken by owners New Cumnock leaving the property in a much tidier condition. . Building warrant 14/00409/DEMO approved for the demolition of the building on 27 June 2014. . Condition of building is monitored by Development Management on a monthly basis and further contact has been made with owner as to the condition of the land associated with the building. Owner has given undertaking to improve its condition. Consideration will be given to Service of Section 179 Notice (Amenity) should its condition continue to deteriorate and no works be undertaken. . Planning application under consideration for the Demolition of existing Church and erection of 4 Detached Bungalows. Newmilns 116-118 Main DP/030/07/0191 Local Member . Section 179 Notice served with Building Street, cleaned up to comply with terms of Newmilns notice; . Owner proposed refurbishment works under a building warrant submission for larger scheme on the site; . Building Warrant now approved but no notification of works commencing. . Consideration being given to action under Section 179 and 135 of the Planning Act. Flat 1/1 - 1st Floor 14/00093/PC Member of the public  Walls and roof to 1st floor flat are in a 19 Brown Street poor condition. Greenholm  Property is unoccupied but secure and Newmilns not currently in a dangerous condition although in a poor state of disrepair. 52 - 54 14/00051/PC Fire Authority  Fire damaged property. Brown Street  Building and site secure, EAC have now Newmilns purchased site.

The Bridgend 14/00015/PC Community Council  Damaged stonework below window on 22 - 24 Main Street the corner of no 24. Newmilns  Works now complete, building secure. Patna 50 Main Street, DP/030/10/0301 Local Member . Planning Application has been (Old Fishing Hut) 03/0508/OL withdrawn due to unresolved issues. Patna 11/00073/PC . Building has been demolished. Owner will be contacted to ensure that the land that is remaining is left in a tidy condition. 36 Meikleholm 14/00036/PC Member of Public  Property in a dangerous condition has Drive Patna been secured;  Contact has been made with owner as to the condition of the building and the associated land from an amenity perspective. If no action is taken by the owner to improve its condition then serious consideration will be given to Service of Section 179 Notice (Amenity) should its condition continue to deteriorate. 34 Main Street 14/00095/PC Member of Public  Building demolished and site cleared. Patna Former New Bung, EN/11/0313/UN Local Member, . Planning Application submitted and Littlemill Road TIDY Member of Public approved for demolition of public house 05.08.2011 and erection of housing development on the land. . No redevelopment has occurred as yet however it is expected that site will be marketed. . Building is secure but amenity issues arising from the overall condition of the associated land. Owners claim that they are currently trying to gather funds from various sources to enable the required works to be undertaken. . Owner has confirmed that works will be undertaken to tidy the site as requested and has employed a contractor. Works are expected to be completed by end of October. Links Bar and 11/00014/DB Local Member and other . Building secured against entry and all Bowling Green DP/030/09/0246 Members, debt recovered. Littlemill Place 13/00141/PC Member of Public . Contact has been made with owner as to the condition of the building and the associated land from an amenity perspective. No contact has been received. If no action is taken by the owner to improve its condition then serious consideration will be given to Service of Section 179 Notice (Amenity) should its condition continue to deteriorate. Waterside Dunaskin Heritage DP/030/10/0138 Cathy Jamieson MSP . Ownership established. (Patna) Site 13/00001/DB Member of Public . Further discussion was undertaken with 11/00128/PC Historic Scotland. . Planning Application approved for conversion of Heritage Centre to Dwellinghouse. . Dangerous building notice 13/00001/DB issued on the 18.02.13. Works required by notice is being progressed by owner and building standards will continue to monitor. . An application has been submitted by the Council for a Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme for the Waterside and Dunaskin Area with an expected decision in January 2015.