Mala Bizta Sochal Klu: Underground, Alternative and Commercial in Havana Hip Hop
Popular Music (2012) Volume 31/1. © Cambridge University Press 2012, pp. 1–24 doi:10.1017/S0261143011000432 Mala Bizta Sochal Klu: underground, alternative and commercial in Havana hip hop GEOFF BAKER Department of Music, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, UK E-mail: Abstract The terms underground, alternative and commercial are widely used in discussions of popular music scenes in Havana and around the world. In Cuba, the words alternative and underground are often used interchangeably, in critical as well as popular discourse. I propose a working definition of, and a distinction between, these terms in Havana, since to render them synonymous reduces their usefulness. The distinction between underground and commercial, in contrast, is widely seen as self-evident, by critics as well as by fans. However, a simplistic dichotomy glosses over the interpe- netration of these terms, which are of limited use as analytical categories. This discussion of terminology is grounded in an analysis of the politics of style in Havana hip hop. Introduction [it’s] the dark side of Cuban music’s neither Compay [Segundo], with the greatest respect, nor the conga drum for the tourists. ... (Underground rap-metal artist Jorge Rafael López on his alias, Mala Bizta Sochal Klu) We’re all underground here. In this country, everything’s underground. (Yrak Saenz of rap group Doble Filo) The trailer for the documentary Cuba Rebelión: Underground Music in Havana begins: ‘Since the nineties, an alternative music scene has come into existence in Cuba. An underground scene of young musicians who, despite their creative suppression and censorship, have the courage to make a statement.’ I examine the questions of suppression and censorship elsewhere (Baker 2011b); here I want to focus on the slip- page between the terms alternative and underground.
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