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atnngrtssinnal PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION SENATE Mr. BROUSSARD. I desire to announce that my colleague [Mr. RANSDELL] is absent on account of illness. ~10NDAY, Decen~ber 1, 1924 The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Eighty-three Senators ha\e answered to their names. There is a quorum present. The first Monday of December being the day prescribed by ADYL"'\"'ISTRATION OF OATH TO NEW SENATORS the Constitution of the United States for the annual meeting :Ur. CURTIS. Mr. President, I understand there are three of Congress, the second session of the Sixty-eighth Congress Senators elected or appointed to fill vacancies, that the cer commenced this day. tificates of two are on file, and that a telegram has been re The Senate assembled in its Chamber at the Capitol. ceived from the governor of the State of the other Senator The PRESIDENT pro tempore (ALBERT B. CUMMINS, a Sena elect announcing his election. I ask unanimous consent that tor from the State of Iowa) called the Senate to order at 12 the credentials may be presented and the oath of office ad o'clock noon. ministered to these Senators. The Chaplain, Rev. J. J. Muir, D. D., of the city of Wash The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair may suggest to ington, offered the following prayer : the Senator· from Kan as that he takes the liberty of laying Our Father and our God, we come together to-day to enter before the Senate the certificate of the appointment of \\IL upon the duties of high responsibility. As we look back .over LIAM 1\l. BcTLER to be a Senator from the State of Massa the past month we recognize the sadness that has shadowed chusetts, which the Clerk will read. and the grief that has come and the loneliness experienced The reading clerk read as follows: because of the presence of death in connection with this body. TIIE COY.!I.IONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, 'Ve pray for richest consolations upon those who mourn. To the PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES : Grant unto each one in connection with his duty such a This is to certify that, pursuant to the power vested in me by the sense of its dignity, such a conception of its large outlook, that Con titution of the United States and the laws of the Commonwealth there may be given to each wisdom from above and guidance of Ua sachusetts, I, Channing H. Cox, the governor of said Common in every matter of administration. The Lord our God be with wealth, do hereby appoint WILLIAM M. BUTLER a Senator from said the President, recognizing in him the authority by which he· is · Co~9P)Y~lth to represent aid Commonwealth in the Senate of the stu-rounded. Let Thy blessing be constantly upon our Nation, United States until the vacancy therein, caused by the death of and may it be exalted in righteousness. We humbly ask in the HENRY CABOT LODGE, is filled by election as provided by law. name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Witne s: His excellency our governor, Channing H. Cox, and our seal hereto affix-ed at Boston this 13th day of Novembel', in the year CALL OF THE ROLL of our Lord 1924. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Clerk will call-..:the roll [SEAL.] CHANNING H. Cox, Governor. to ascertain if a quorum of the Senate is present. · --· - · · · ~""By the Go-vernor 1 The reading clerk (John C. Crockett) called the roll, and the FREDERICK W. CooK, following Senators answered to their names: Sec:retm·y of the Oomnwnwealth. Adams Fernald La Follette Sbipstead The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The credentials will be Ashurst Fess McCormick Shortridge placed on file. The 'hair also lays before the Senate the Ball Fletcher McKellar Simmons ( Bayard Frazier McKinley Smith certificate of election of JESSE H. l\fETcALF, as a Senator from Borah George McLean Smoot the State of Rhode IRlantl, which will be read and placed on Brookhart Gerry McNary Spencer file. Broussard Glass 1\fayfield Stanfield Bruce Gooding 1\foses Stanley 'l'he reading clerk read as follows : Bursum Greene Neely Sterling STATE OF RHODE ISLAND AXD PROVIDENCE PLA.."'TATIONS Capper Hale Norris Swanson Caraway Harreld Oddie 'l'rammell . STATE RETUR:SING BOARD. Copeland Harris Overman Underwood Be it known ·that JESSE II. METCALF, of Providence, in the State Couzens Harrison Owen Wadsworth Cummins Heflin Pepper Walsh, 1\ of Rhode I land, qualified according to the Constitution of the L"nited Curtis llowell Phipps Wal h, Mont. States for a Senator in the Congress thereof, was by the people of said Dial Johnson, Minn. Pittman Warren State, ha.ving the qualifications requisite for electors of the most nu Dill Jones, N.Mex. Ralston Watson Edge Jones, Wash. Reed, Pa.. Weller merous branch of the legi lature thereof, on the 4th day of November, Edwards Kendrick Robinson Wheeler A. 'D. 1!)24, in accordance with law, elected a Senator from said State Elkins Keyes Sheppard Willis Ernst Ladd Shields in tile Congress of the United States for the unexpired term of LEBARON BRADFORD COLT, <leceased, expiring March 3, A. D. 1925. Mr. FESS. The Senator from Vermont [:Mr. DALE] is de~ In attestation whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and caused tained from the Senate on account of illness. He is so ill, in our seal to be affixed at Providence this 17th day of November, in the fact, that he can not be removed to the hospital. He will be year of om· Lord 1924, and of the Independence of the United States absent from the Senate Chamber for some days to come. of America the one hundred and forty-ninth. Mr. ROBINSON. I wish to announce that the Senator from [SEAL.] JOHN w. RAllSBOTTOll, ( Missoul'i [Mr. REED] is necessarily absent. JOSEPH F. COLE, Mr. HARRISON. My colleague, the junior Senator from EARLE B. An~oLo, Mississippi [Mr. STEPHENs], is necessarily absent, on account CHARLES II. SPARKS, of an accident. BENJAMI~ C. SEADURY, Mr. GERRY. I desire to announce that the junior Senator State Retu.,-·ning Bom·d. from Utah [Mr. KINo] and the junior Senato~ from Michigan The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The credentials will be [Mr. FERRis] are necessarily absent. placed on file. The Chai!_ also feels it to be his duty to lay 8 ( ) 4 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE DEOEMBER 1 before the Senate a telegram received from the Governor of South Dakota.-Thomas Sterling and Peter Norbeck. the State of Colorado and other officials of that State, which ~Pennessce.-John K. Shields and Kenneth McKellar. will be read and placed on file. Te.vas.-Morris Sheppard and Earle B. Mayfield. The reading clerk read as follows1 Utah.-Reed Smoot and William H. King. [Western Union telegram] Vermon.t.-Frank L. Greene and P.orter H. Dale. Virginia.--Ola.ude A. Swanson and Carter Glass. D!lNVEn., Cow., November f9, 1924. Washington.-Wesley L. Jones and C. 0. Dill. The PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE, We8t Virginia.-Davi-s Elkins .anQ. M. M. Neely. Washi11gton, D. O.t Wiscons·in.-Robert M. La Follette and Irvine L. Lenroot. The State canvassing board convened to-day and canvassed the Wyoming.-Francis E. Warren and John B. Kendrick. votes cast at the general election held November 4 for the office of United States enator to fill vacancy in Colo.rado, and a certificate of NOTIFI.CATION TO THE HOUSE election has this day been issued to RICE W. MEA-NS, he having re Mr. OURTIS submitted the following resolution ( S. Res. ceived the highest number of votes cast for said office. The certificate 259), which was read, considered by unanimous consent, and is being mailetl you to-day. agreed to: ARTHUR M:. STRONG, State Auditor. WILLIAM E. SwEET, Governor. Resolved, That the Secretary inform the House ot Representatives WAYNE C. WILLIAM, .Attorn-ey General. that a quorum of the Senate is assembled and that tho Senate is ready CARL S. MILLIKEN, Secretar-y of State. to proceed to business. H. E. MuLNix, State 'l'reastlrer. NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT Mr. CURTIS. I ask unanimous consent that the three Sena 1\Ir. CURTIS submitted the following :resolution ( S. Res. tors may be sworn in. 260), which was read, considered by unanimous consent, and 1\Ir. ROBINSON. Pending the request of the Senator from agxeed to: Karu;a~. I understand that during late years, in cases where no que ·tion it; pre ented respecting the returns affeding the Resolved, That a committee consisting of two Senators be ap election of a Senator, it has been the practice .of the Senate to joill such committee as may be appointed by the llou ·e that the Senator elect has been sworn in upon information that of Representatives to wait upon the President of the United States tlle cei'tificate has been duly made out and mailed to the and inform him that a quorum o-.f each House is as embled, and that President of the Senate. the Congre ·s is ready to receive any eommun1cation be may be pleased Mr. CURTIS. That has been the practice. to make. Mr. ROBINSON. My informati{)n i<s that no question has The PRESIDENT pro tempore appointed Mr. CunTrs and M:r. arisen respecting the election of the junior Senator from RoBINSO~ as the committee on the part of the Senate. Colorado, and therefore I make no .objection to the request of the Senator from Kan._as. HOUR OF DAlLY MEETING The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from Kansas l\11~.