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Denounces Nikita Gelical Ltitheran Church Will Meet Paul Edwards

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TUESDAY, OCTOBER A, 1980 Averaffa Daily Nat Praaa non ThaWaathar rseesMt af C. A Weather Jtan p a g e s i x t e e n For tha Wash EtmML iSattrt;?0bt' lEbi^ttins ll^raUi Oct 1. 1900 Fair, waiMiqr OsBigM. Law 40s. Thursday mUd, slight Mum Four ManOhester airmen' have Starilw Circle, W8CS, of 8outh Poweirs to Speak a t l a n t i o 13,231 of a heM shewsr peclad lata completed basic training at Lack­ Methodist Church, will meet at the ' Member of tha Andlf AboutTown land Air ForcbJPase, San Antonio, churoh tonight at 8 o'clock for a Edwards-Weir FURNACE OIL day. High Yd to 1$. , Tex. They are Noel Fagan, son of sp^lal work night. f To Lincoln. PTA Aatomatio IMlvery/ Borean of Obonlatloa. M anchm ter^A City of Village Charm WUUam O.'Brown. 18, ion oil Mr. and Mix. Walter R. Fagan, Miss Nancy Jean Weir of JoMph B. Powers, X)*'-' L T. WOOD CO. Mr. and M n. Robert T. Brown, 38 Coventry 'S t; Bernard E. Pud- ^ Robert Chambers, son of Mr. Phone Ml 8-1129 (OtosaUtod AdVMitWag au Page M ) 280 Woodland 8 t, has enlisted In vah, son of Bernard J. Pudvah, 3x and Mrs. Harold Chambers. h*s Marblehead, Mass.; and formerly Vornon, a aervlco/reprertintaUve VOL LXXX No 4 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES— IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHEISTER, .CONN*, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1960 PRICE FIVE CENTS the U.S. Air Force for lour yean^ Lenox S t; Donald A. Gamache, son completed basic training at Lack- of Mtmcheiter, became the bride for Smith, Klin* aAd French Lab­ of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Gatna- He will receive eight weeks' basic land Air Force Baae. San Antonio, of Paul Edwards Jr. of Wenham, oratories, will be guoat speaker at training at Ijackland A F ' Base, che, 102 Eldrldge St.; and Wilfred Tex. » J. Lemire, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ Masa., Sunday afternoon at EJman- the first fall membership meeting San Antonio, Tex. He Is a grad­ of Lincoln PTA tomorrow at 8 uate o f Howell Cheney Technical fred J. Lemire, 137 Brookfield St. The Junior Daughters of Isa­ uel Lutheran Church. ARTHUR DRUG State News bella will meet tonight at 6 p.m. in the school auditorium. School. The bride is the daughter of Mr. ■‘Prescription for Tomorrow" The Alpina Society will meet to-\ o'clock, at the K of C Home. and Mrs. Thomaa Weir, 117 Sum­ wlU be the topic of a rcM rt on FREE DELIVERY Pirates in Lead morrow at 7:30 p.m. at the Ital mer St., Manchester. The bride­ medical progress made In the past 8 A.M. to IS PJMl. koundup Ian American Club. The Ladles' Aid of Zion Evan­ groom Is the son of Mr. suid Mrs. few decades through cooperation Denounces gelical LTitheran Church will meet Paul Edwards. Wenham, Mass. of physicians, pharmacists and Wednesday Manchester Grange will meet tcmorrow at 7:30 p.m., at the The Rev. Henry Anderson of the. pharmaceutical industry. tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Orange church. Emanuel Lutheran Church per­ Powers will conduct a question 5-2 After Four At Pinehurst Hall. The third and fourth de** formed the double-ring ceremony. and answer period. Refreshments Special Service grees will be exemplified. The Willing Workers. WSCS, of The church was decorated with will be served. meeGng will be preceded, by a South Methodist Church, will meet white chrysanthemums and snap­ He attended Bain Michael’s Col­ PIRATES FIRST Slash Suggested GMUNDMEAT supper to be served by the home tomorrow at 11 a.m.. and will dragons. Mrs. Roy Johnson sang lege, Winooski Park, Vt., from , Oct. 5 (ff>—Thet Dltmar's first pitch to Vlrdon share a potluck with Story Circle Pittsburgh Pirates a truck economics committee at 6:30. three solos, "I Lov,e Thee," "The which he received a BA., ‘degree was high and outside for a ball. Hartford, Ofct. 6 (/P)— A Those attending should bring a at noon. Guests at the luncheon Lord's Prayer" and "O Promise ■ swiftly for three nma In the in 1903; and Georgetown Untver- Vlrdon walked on five pitches. special st^te committee to­ SPECIAL dish. I will be the Rev. Earl Story, former Me," accompanied by Mrs. Arthur slty School of Foreign Service, first inning, got two, more on On Dltmar’s first pitch to Groat, pastor of South Church, and Mrs. Gaard, organist. day called for an end to “a lot from which he received a B.S. Bill Mazeroaki’s honier in the Vlrdon broke to second and when LEAN, CHUCK Story. There will be no morning The bride, escorted, by her fath­ degree in 1966. of special services financed The American Legion will start fourth, and led the New York nobody was there to handle Ber­ GROUND , a setback league Thursday attS meeting of Story Circle as pre­ er, wore a gown of Ivory peau de ra’s throw, Vlrdon continued to largdy by taxpayers,” for the viously reported. Yankees 5-2 after four in­ p.m. George Patten will direct the sole, fashioned with'scoop neckline third. It was ruled a stolen base henefit of staff personnel at league. There is still time to enter of imported Irish -Clooney lace, nings of the opening game of for Vlrdon and an error for Berra "Taking Inventory of Inventory state institutions. Warns New Nations a team. fitted bodice with V waistline, and the World Series. The suddenness of the move ^ Practices" will be the subject-of a"- PINB Chairman Robert T. Calms o f pointed sleeves. The dome skirt A capacity crowd of 38,000 parently caught the Ya'nkCeik'iJy .■t' Otic- discussion forum at a' meeting of with full panels at the back ter­ the ^tate Maintenance Study PHARMACT surprise as neither Kube* nor Committee, said his group also Hartford Chapter, National As­ minated In a chapel train. She In Forbes Field saw the Pi­ Richardson made a m ov^o cover sociation of Accoiintants, tomor­ wore a mantilla of matching M4 OENTBR ST.—BH 9-9814 rates knock Yank starter Art wants to see uniformity between Not to Heed Russian second base until the hall was half > 4 " d ’" row at 1:30 p.m. at Wampanoag Clooney lace which extended to pitmar out of the game in institutions as regards staff hous­ 6 9 . FREE DELIVERY S way to the bqg. G rp « lined Dlt- ing, meals and other sfrvicea Up- Country Club. « “ the waist. Her bouquet was of the first inning. mar'B next pitch to the r'itht field ivory roses, stephanotls and Ivy. plied at ciit rates to employes. comer for a iJOUble, scoring Vlr­ Specifically, the committee pro­ - , N, Y., Oct. 5 (/P)— Australian Prime Min­ 5 f b s . $ 3 . 3 5 LiDGEn DRUG S Robert E. McIntosh Jr., 28 Har­ Miss Melody Weir, Manchester, Jt/Sr AKK/KPi YANKS FIRST don with the^tylng run. Manager poses that: ister Robert G. Menzies today* denounced Soviet Premier UsuoHy 79c Lb. . vard Rd,^ earned high honors , at niece of the bride, was maid of Gov. David Lawrence threw out Stengel came out of the Yankee AtThaPARKADE • Worcester (Polytechnic Institute VINYL 1. All commissaries, where staff Khrushchev as a hypocrite, and charged hin\ with assuming honor. Brideamalds were Miss the first ball to officially open the dugouttb steady his players. Skin­ may make purchases at low rates, REGULAR HAMBURG last term. , , Norma Cooper and Miss Anita i960 World Series. ner bminced a single past Rich- a Caesar-like role in trying to create a “ disunited nations.” be eliminated. In a speech prepared for delivery to the U.N. General As­ Drake, both of Boston, Mass. All Law's first pitch to Kubek was ardtoh Into center field, Groat 2. State charges to staff per­ attendants wore, similar gowms of a fast called strike. Kubek ground­ Coring to put the Pirates In front sonnel for meals be set at "actual sembly, Menzies appealed to the newly admitted African nia-^ cardinal red velveteen and satin, ed a sharp single off ttae third b i ^ 2-1. Stuart lined to Marls In short tions not to heed Khrusiichev’s voice. designed with scoop necklines and cost figures." Some meals, he aaid, bag. Hoak fielded the ball buOiad right. Skinner stole second base as now cost employes around 25 bell-shaped sklrU of velveteen a FOR ORAgOUS UVIN6I ‘ i '3 - ■ ‘ u '■ The counterattack came in the Assembly’s policy debate not time to make a play. Mazero- Berra's throw, was high and wide. cents, while others are free. were accented with wide bands of Entertain withpride. . . re­ as the assembly pondered a neutralist drive pressing Presi­ • Tha popular aM tor skl fielded Loipez's grounder, Clemente singled to center, scor­ 3. Definite regrulations should.be satin at the hemline. They wore lax in luxury. Choose from ing Skinner with' Pittsburgh's dent Eisenhower and the Soviet leader to meet again face- radiicinc 91 colors, many styles. tagged Kubek and ,-threw to established, on a state-wide basis J... matching picture hats With velve­ third run and bringing Stengel out to-face. 5 5 ^ Stuart at first to/ complete a as to who is u entitled to live in teen crowns and satin brimi. They a Coiapara our prlca — eFORAaiVEUVINOI double play. Matto anlashed a one to the mound again. That was all state-owned housing quarters. Prime Minister Nehru of India is attempting to apply all carried arm bouquets of Ivory aava hara NOVVI Stands up for years... and one pitch Into the upper right for Ditmar. He was replaced by 5lbs.^2.4Sr roses with Ivory streamers. 4. No additional staff housing the persuasion of his powerful voice to rally Asian,- African For bMt nsulfi. UM at your even when busy young­ field deck fop/a putting Jim Coates, a right-hander. should be constructed "unless Burgess forced Clemente, Rich­ and other support behind the 2-man summit proposal, de­ Usually 59e Lb, Kenneth Cantley, Philadelphia, cempMo Sslly SM... conuint sters bear down. the Yankeed in front 1-0. The ball demonstrably to the benefit of the .(•vary vitamin and mlnarat 'A ardson to Kubek. Kubek tossed out spite the distaste for the ides, expressed by both the U.S. A New Dining Experience! Pa., served as best man. Ushers travele^^'about 360 feet. Mantle state.""Each such request should known to ba naeaitary to e FOR EASY 1IVIN6I filed to Vlrdon In shallow center. Hoak. President and the Soviet premier. SAVE 6c were Frank Weir, Manchester, Bradford Bachrach Photo human nutrilion. Sez. «an een> be passed on by the state finance on Swanson’s Gravy and Beef brother of the bride; Gordon T. MRS. PAUL EDWARDS JR. laini only 900 calorlat. Worry-free, work-free... Ofie run, two hits, no errors, commissioner, the budget director The neutralist campaign,, looking increasingly-hopeless, Slices, Swanson's Slices WEDNESDAYS ARE FAMILY WONTS Weir Jr., Annandale, Va., nephew it’s completely grease­ nbne left. (Oontinaed on Pago Ten) p r o o f . . . never meeds and the chairman of the State coincided with new speculation among delegates on the pos­ with brown gravy, Swanson’s of the bride; Paul English, Nahant, Building Progp'am Commission. ■ 4 ,-.v / Chicken Slices with gravy, 8:00 to 8:00 P.M. scrubbing! sibility of another summit conference, possibly in the spring, Mass., and Charles Johnson Jr., their home at 3 Circle St., Marble­ Bentley-Hjalmeer 5. Rates charged state employes Swanson’s raisin sauce and Swampiscott, Mass. head, afjer Oct. 10. Mrs. Lorraine HJalmeer, 123 after a new U.S. president takes over. sugar cured ham slices, Swan- for housing should be "compar­ Britala’s Prime Minister Mac-^- Mrs. Weir wore a dress with Mrs. Edwards is a graduate of Waddell Rd., and Kenneth M. Bent­ See the f^l page otdor ad­ able" to those made in the same a M ’s Gravy and Pork Loin dusty rose lace bodice and sheath Manchester High School and the ley. 144 Adams St, were united In millan, who had a 90-mlnute talk SttCea. Stock up your freezer ALL YOU SB vertisement of Kenttle Vinyl Nixon, Kennedy Talk community for comparable dwell­ wlth'Khrushchev yesterday, Is pic­ skirt of chiffon with matching hat Chamberlain School of Retailing in marriage yesterday by Justice of ings. Judge Orders now!—29c,. .50 of velvet and satin. The bride- the Peace James MacCorlson In tured as trying to prepare the Boston. She Is fsmployed as • per­ Floors In Saturday Evenjm^ Cairns, Madison Republican, Said way for a Big Four meeting In MEAT DEPA]ITME>rr HELP iToom's mother Wore a champagne sonnel training director at the North Berwick, Maine. that where the new policies would , PEB brocade dress and matching feath­ P ost / the spring, possibly in Geneva. W AN Te®.,^ Peabody, Mass., store of Jordan- Mr, Bentley Is the son of Mr. I On Pockethook Issues hurt some personnel financially, Mental Exam PEB80N er hat. Both wore clmbidium or­ and Mrs! Prank Bentley, North C Bag. *1.49 XitrLSO Khrushchev is said to want one In Experienced meat e n't-t^e r. CAN EAT Marsh. Mr. Edwards is a graduate -< X ' the state personnel board should 1 chids to match their outfits. of Beverly High School and Burdett Berwick, Maine. CkacoltM, Vaaini, or lattarKotcii Januaray or February, . after Choloe of 44 or 50-hour w

BIANCHESTER BVteNINQ HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONWw WEDNEiSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1960 1960 P A G « TWO man of the UB. I^atlonal Commit­ In 9aris from 1955 to 1956. Ho was Deaths Last Night tee, World Power Goflference. bom In S t Louis. < oKbsStra on tbs concert stags aM C o vetitry lasis Washington—Robett E. Noonan. Sepulveda, Calif.—C. B. Horrall, bsfors television cameras. o n By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 58. assistant to the president of 65, police chief of Loe Angclei Step'HBBit Oas STImas FBanr.,?.^’^' Worthy of Note ’^ M P A I O N MW Philadelphia—Kllshaw M. Irwin, the International Brotherhood of from 1941 to 1949, died Tueeday of e«tMNIilwitw,iiillSri»StU-AB|l*£ . As You Like It •nia Wesleyan Unlvsrety con­ 67, vice president In charge of en-. Electrical Workers, died Monday a heart attack. He retired during a Ids etkrslto S th w w aw* ilwaiOBSiWpst . Yoting Lists of a heart attack. Noonatf, a form­ grand jury investigation of po­ Is SM alRUts ■ aaiy Ittilai Oiullit M M a cert series of 1960-81 geU under Q u iz " H e a lt h Eincering for the Philadelphia fid ttU-SNS tsfiay fw Iks fadad loses By JUDITH AHEARN way Friday, OcL 14, with the 8o- ■VEN BXFUm < MoHh dashr Electric Co., died Monday. He was er collector of - customs In San lice links with Hollywood call house tdid. m al Sraatmt. SedawldUSIU. UsU dl , a string orchestra. a vice presldenWof Atomic Develop­ -Diego, Calif., had served as a labor madam Brenda Allen. He was ac­ ASa OnMtrtiira S. V. iw Htard frit aaawla — ' j. Gain by 96 11^^00 BLUMiniBB Both'Alw quitted oPperjury charges. The concerts will be at 8 p.m. In «y Alfred Bjr CTE A880CXATE0 PRESS ment Associates, Sic., and chair­ adviser In the foreign aid program “Caerambard*' by Marcel Ayme, will bpen the Memorial Chapel. NAbody la safe when a horrible A A • $ " A look at medicine finds good tb# dramatic season the University of Mantovanl and his ’’music" will There were 96 votera made at muitalte is traveling around and VK76 health not so widespivad as it be at the Bushnell Memorial . In the Saturday Mseion of the Board 10 4 S 2^ m l|^t be . . . and ribs used to help Cotoecticut Friday, Oct 21, at 8 p.m. in- the looking for a chanca to 9 6 S ' r e ^ r deformed faces: — ’------^dy 18 sched- Hartford Saturday at 8:80 p.m. for Admission of Electors held at Evan an oxport may gst/™ Studio Theater. The French comedy The next Great Debate between YVESr EAR u M fof' *n 11-day run. The plot^ South Coventry flreHouse. way of the nrietake and bring it : Sicker Than We Think ED TILL, BUYER, Vice President Richard Nixon into the arorUL _ A A « ^ ^ 2 revotvM around the behavior of a dts^UM Shakespeare’S "As You and Sen. John Rennedy ^11 be Of this number, 92 reside tn the 10 9 5 V « 4 S Americans apparently are not man who thlW« he haa experienced Uke'-^t.” „ ■ If you don’t Uko the bidding, 1 R7 ♦ At ^ so healthy as generally thought. RECOMMENDS... televised Thursday, Oct. ia, at flret district and 4 In the Boeond. that is jrour privilege. South could •There are more> minor Illnesses a miracle, pWy^ by Orandln R. Glgstonbnry najrars 9:30 p.m. over ABC, CBS, Mutual Conover. \ „ . * i .. "ChampSgne Complex” is the Republicans gained 31 enrollees; havo mado four spadee but ehould toyiH and days of being below par, than Hie play le being directed by fall producUolK for the Glaston­ and NBC Democrats, 86; and 29 did not reg­ havo doubled five clubo Instead of A 0 I 10 0 7 4 baa been suspected. Walter Adeleperger. bury Players Oirkfll “ <1 22 In Escudero and his company of ister with a party. the push to five spadee. He 9 A 2 •mis Is Indicated, at least, by 10 Spanish dancers will perform at hated to BotUo for a email profit An experiment In will the Button ball Lane'Sphool at 8:15 The next voter-making eesalon sclehtlsts who kept careful records be the uae of llghU p r o j e ^ on a the Bushnell Memorial Monday, : uat like many non-hrldge-playera A Nona upon themselves for nine months, THESE EXCEPTlONflL BUYS will be held Oct. 15 at North Cov­ translucent screen coverihg the ^ Directing Is Val Yavoniky, Joan Oct. 10, at 8:30 p.m. 0 —What famoui cartoon- entry firehouse frpmi 9 a.m. to 8 West opened the queen of hearts, Netih East BMtk Waal beginning In the fall; entire rear of the stage. Dufford, Walter Wilcox and Frank 'The same day. Dr. Moshe Para- lit created the elephant and p.m. ’Those who become 21 years and South won with the ace. De­ Ktt lA lA 2V On average, they were free of In leading female roles are nov and Irene Kahn will give a clarer led a low trump, and West 2 A SA 4A S A some symptoma of minor ilia only Hlnchey and a long haired dog are the donkey, sympoli df to­ of age on Oct 16, the registrars Fan Pass 5 poubis san Dorlen, who played Sabrlni the cast. Tickets will be sold at duo-piano performance at 8:30 advin, and who wish to be made put up the aea. A 45 per cent of all that time. Hie and Ol^ In' tJConn productions, p.m. In the Hartt College audl day’s major political parties? West felt sure that South was AUFass 10 Buffered 45 bouts of uppeif DURING e door. A—Thomas Nut. voters for the November election, Openliig lead — V Q . and Clara Austin and Manr Lee Oirasted Painting torlum In Hartford lij the first of • • • take the oath on Oct 15. void 6f cluba Ho was also sure respiratory ailments. Santanlello. John Hlnterberger the Ten-forrTen seriei. that East had the ace of diamonds But they averaged only IH days plays the other major-male role. Rofe^t O. Olmsted, a sophomore Q—Who was the first vice OOP Dinner Dance Set round of diamonds and drew absence from their jobs. ’This sug­ •The Royal Danish Ballet will •The Republican Town Commit­ for hit opening bid. Surely, West The play had a successful off- at Lehl^Unlverslty In Bethlehem, give two performances at the president to' become presi­ thought, the best defense was to trumpa ’Then he claimed the rest gests absenteeism records don't Broadway run three years ago. Pa.. ha.s38 Comstock College at 8 o’clock on his impres­ (Tn*: h DtWin ceOKtlw, "Amw- So West brilliantly Ted the king think a b ^ t the additional penalty Rd. lit o«M H hm p«ib,"...... Ki, .C«M.) ber of the Young Republican club. Wine ae Medleliie represent my best choice for val­ band of men who rob a gambling sions of E u n ^ and the Middle Town Clerk and Town Treasurer of diamonda This gave East a tricks later. •H al B oyle Art Group Sets ues in these departments In our casino and don’t get caught. In selecting the painting. Prof. East. Elmore A. Turklngton and Mrs. chance to be brilliant Dally Qpestton Diinklng a dry, white wine help­ Francis J. Quirk, head o f ^ e de­ As dealer, you hold: Spades—Q ed patienta overcome one after­ giant Anniversary Sale.” The art show at Burton’s Store partment, said, "Olmsted does not The symphony season for the READ & VOTE •Turklngton will serve with First East assumed that his partner effect of aurgery in which part of ‘Bam’ Exhibition ►ration U scheduled for Oct. 14 through Hartford Symphony opens Selectman Richard M.. Oalinat «md had three or more diamonds head­ J io 8 7 4; Hearts-^A 2; Dia­ seek an Instantaneous impact wjth monds—Q J 9 6 5; C3ulM|.*.^None. the stomach is removed because of You Leam More> 27. Entries In oil painting, water Wednesday, Oct. 12, at 8:15 p.m Mrs. Galinkt on the reception com ed by the king-queen. He didn’t ulcers or cancer; These pereons no The Tolland County Art Assn, color, ceramic and Sculpture cate­ his complex pattern. His endles? In the Bushnell Memorial. With mlttee. ^ rs . A. Harry Olsen and stop to think Uiat South had no What do you say? variation of branches against the' Answer: Bid one spade. This is longer could absorb fats fimn advises all whose bams may have gories will be accepted between Frits Mahler directing, the pro- Mrs. Ruth Beebe are on the dec­ way" to get rid of his diamond their food normally, and this now and Oct. 11. light'background creates a cumu­ gi^m will Include "Till Eulensple- QualificatioilS orating committee. The dance losers. Instead, East hastily over­ not a textbook opening bid, but been put on canvas recently by lating effect.” geft Merry Pranks” -by Strauss committee la headed by Mrs. Fred- any practical player would bid with caused pain, indigestion, and B y N o t The Weavers. naUonally known Olmsted won the treasure of the Pipits' took the king of diamonds with sometimes far more serious eom- its many airld painters, that they folk singers, •will perform at Man­ and the New World Symphony by Major Issue, artek O. Rose and Donald Davis. the ace and returned the suit i t You will probably make a game pUcatipiu. The wine boosted abll 5’’^ EARLY AMERICAN Maple Group week award several times as a may see the finished produet at chester High School Saturday, Dvorak.'- Bfakes Dean’s lis t trljimphsntly. He wanted to ruff If partner has a couple of kings, Ity to utilize essential food fats, Spend half hla time earning hla freshman. the third round of diamonds. but you're not likely t»,nach the a special bam exhibition Satur­ Nov. 8, at 8:16 p.m. Some mem­ Design Oonsnltaat Lodge Asserts Stephen W. Nagy, son of Mr, tm rT JffU reports Dr. Theodore L. Althau- i,ew York (fl’)—snould i,. rSoy bread and butter. day. berships In the sponsoring Commu­ British Load Heavy and Mrs. Stephen S. Nag^r of Tal- It was a case of great minds game If you begin by piissing. • sen. University of California medi­ Certainly he can leam discipline, Nathan Knobler, 24 Eldrldge running In the same channel. (Copyright 1960, General Fea­ work hla way through college? pride and self-reliance by firing a The exhibition, free to the pub­ WITH YOUR CHOICE OF SETTEE OR SOFA-BED! nity Concerts are still available. San Diego, Calif., Oct 5 W*) — cott HUI Rd., ia on the Dean’s List cal school. Many people stUl cling to the lic, will be held at Bruee Ronaon's "I>on Giovanni” la the second St., has been named a consultant —An ^Englishman earn at Worcester Polytechnic Institute South gratefully won the second tures Corp.) furnace or pressing pants to pay In design to the Hartford Sym­ Qualifications to direct U.S. for­ for high grades received In the last Idea that thla la a fine way for a fdr hla tuition. But he can.leam barn, Carpenter Rd. (off Bolton opera la the SUte 'Theater series. phony Orchestra. He 1s an assis­ ing the equivalent of 17,000 a year G range N otes Ribs for RefMdrj young man' to build, character, Center Rd. In Bolton from 10 a.m. It will be shown at 8:16 p.m. and having a wife apd two chil­ eign' relations Is the major Issue term of his freshman year. Stephen your application for your Granges’ The 4-year-old boy . was those same qualities just as .well Tuesday, with Cesare Slepl, Lisa tant professor of art at tte Uni­ has Just begun hie sophomore year which It ijiay be. But It la hardly by concentrating the same time on to 4 p.m. versity of Connecticut. dren pays more than 31,400 a year of the campaign, Henry Cabot 1961 Community Service Contest Museum Offers ashamed of his deformed face that the best way for hlni to get the 1 Members of the association will {Della Casa and Ema Berger ac­ In direct . With the same Lodge aaid last night at the Massachusetts school. Award winners In the state ellm. to me now. It would be a great he hld.,ln a closet rather than race learning more about the career he companied by the Vienna Thllhar- He will be responsible Yor the beat possible education. Intends to follow. bring In pictures they wish to design of all visual aspects of the family and earnings of $14,000 He said that Richard M. Nixon On NA’IO Cmlso ination of the 650,600 National feeling to have 100 per cent tn by Classes iu ’-4rt, other '^youngsters in a hospital It would be better If he formed hang between 9 and 10 a.m. that XDonlc. year he would pay 64,872 In direct Pete B. Binge, electridan’s mate Grange Baking Contest are: Bread, the National Grange Session Nov. ward. Another advantage of not work­ The Great Books Club naeeU to­ orchestra, including advertising and he, the Republican president­ hla character earlier—perhaps by day. Entries are limited to paint­ layouts and the appearance of the taxes. • - fireman, USN, eon of Mr, and Mrs, first prize, Mrs. Lillian Farr of 17.’’ Natural History He’s one of a number of chil­ working his way through kinder­ ing your way through college Is ings of barns. Other buildings or night at the Whlton Library to ial and vica presidential nominees, Walter Blnjge of Brewster St., Is Woodm'ont; second, Doris -Mount, Washington News dren whose faces since have been garten, where the strains of learn­ you have more leisure to brood up­ serving aboard the heavy cruiser on the great mysteries of life. . . objects may be featured, but a have the qualifi'cations. West Hartford and third, RoberU Mrs. Alta Peck, chairman of the Registrations for aft and nat­ rebuilt by using ribs taken from ing do not yet put so much wear bam must appear In the picture. USS Macon operating with the L. Anderson of Warren. First place national home economics com­ the youngsters’ own chest cages. And ■ to enjoy small pleasures. , . ' Nixon haa gained the experience ural history classes at Laitz Jun­ and tear upohj^ mental appara- and these things are part of col­ ae vice preeldent Lodge eald, and Second Fleet In the North Atlantic, for cookies went to Mrs. Marion mittee, haa recently undergone If care Is taken not to damage-the tus. he g ^ ed it In eight years as U.S. •The Macon Is participating In a Dufoumy of North Branford. major surgery and Is In New Eng­ ior Museum may be nmde at the membrane surrounding the rib, Recently In an article on the lege, too. Bulbs* Base Aluminum ambassador to the United Nations. 7-week NA’TO cruise and Is sched­ Julius Krelg of SOuthbury was sec land Baptist Hospital, 91 Park museum, 126 Cedar St., Saturday, the rib grows back again, auid cart opening of the school year I sug­ I had to work most of my own uled to return to Boston, Mass., ond and Esther Carlson of New HIU Ave., Boston SO, Maas. Mrs. even be used repeatedly In step- gested it Is far preferable for a way through college, and feel the Cleveland—An aluminum base haOgt said Nixon’s plan to Oct. 21. Milford was third, n the cakes, Oct. 8 through Thursday? Oct. 13. resulting benefits are greatly over­ for household light bulbs haa been place all non-military phases of Peekk is the wife of Donald K. Classes are open to children by-step plastic surgery to repair parent to Uke out a mortgage on Co-op Vaosaeles Mrs. Ina Hauptmann of North defects, Drs. J. J. Longacre. O. A. the family home.to finance a sons rated. Now and then I still wish I developed by a company here. Its foreign relations under the Vice Peck of Utchfleld, a member of from ages 8 to 10, who have not construction Is said to minimize President would strenghten the niers are eeveral vacancies In Stonlngton won first place; Mrs. the State Grange executive com- Destefano and Kaj Holmstrand of education, rather than let him try had spent less time as a sophomore the ’Tuesday and Thursday com Robert Taylor of Trumbull wja previously attended, and will be­ Cincinnati report. to work his own way unaided building up my character—and In­ the likelihood of expended bulbs' State Department niittee and a past master of the gin on Saturday,' Oct. 15, at 10 breaking during removal and to The vice presidential caiuUdata blned class of nursery and kinder­ second and Edith Page of New State Grange. v through college. stead had learned to play the garten of the South Coventry Co Milford was third. a.m. for' a six-week period. Skin Spoiler This view presupposed, of ukulele. reduce the possibility of damage FREE gave hla views In a television ap­ State, winners in the National Activities Art classes will be Instructed by Look what It did for Arthur during handling, storage, or over- operative Nursery and Kinder­ Carbon paper Is not uncommon course, that the son had some real pearance, broadcast locally, after Grange' Needlecraft Contest are Oct. 6, Manchester Orange, Mrs. William E. Moore. Instructor Godfrey. vigorous installation. a day of campaigning lh\thla areA garten. Anyone interested in en' Orange Hall at 8 p.m., third and as a cause of allergic skin rashes, and honest Interest In getting a rolling children may contact Mrs. for table and luncheon cloths, Mrs. for the natural history classes has particularly among secretaries and higher education. No one would His opinions were expressed In fourth degrees, harvest supper not been announced. John Maxwell, membership chair­ J„ C. Olson of Coventry; bed potluck at 6:30; Columbia Orange, stenographers, a medical journal advocate putting the family home- answers to questions submitted by spreads. Esther Boyce of Meriden says. Patch-testa easily can show atead In hock merely to keep aome WALLPAPER television viewers. Others Includ­ man. dollies and centerpieces, Dorothy Yeomans Hall at 8 p.m. UNION’S FEE 61,000 BnUetln Board OcL 6, Coventry Orange at If oarbon paper Is causing the worthless young bum aolvent with ed: Stemmier of Portland; chair, vanl San Francisco, Oct. 5 (.ff)—Initi­ hla social fraternity and the col­ "Present pockets of unemploy-, Fourth Degree Assembly, K of ty and buffet sots, Gladys Wlegold Grange Hall, 8 p.m., installation of ation fees of the AFL-(7tO Marina trouble. C, will meet at 8 p.m. at officers by Frank W. Ruff and his lege library. BUY 1 ROLL AND RECEIVE 1 ROLL FREE ment In the .country should be of Wlnated; edgings, Anna Ander­ Elngineers Union have been raised But a number of readers wrote eliminated' by Joint federal-state Mary’s Church hall. son of Torrln'gtoh:'.-afghans, Mrs. installing team; Marlborough to 61.000. , Children and Food Orange. Richmond Memorial Li­ in to. express the firm belief that There's nothing to friendly and "homey" at effort. •Hie Rotary CHub will hold Edna Comstock also of Winsted "This probably makes us one of Allowing a child to miss an oc­ I was speaking with a size 7 1/2 CEIUNO WHITE "The sooner we get the civil dtnner^meetlng at 6:45 pjn. today for sweaters. May C. Downs of brary Hall at 8 p.m. tha most exclusive clubs in the casional meal is better than forc­ Early American. And it’s the decorator’s VOW ONOKf OS u n x Oct. 8, Glastonbury Grange an­ voice through a size 6 1/4 hat, the DUTCH BOY rights problem straightened out at the vestry of First Congrega­ Brookfield Center; stoles, scarves, country,” a union spokesman said ing food upon him, advise dieti­ Implication being I didn't know choice for the year. Here is a BIO out6t, the better It will be for our for­ tional Church. shawls, Mrs. Elizabeth Williama nual fair at Masonic Hall grounds. yesterday. tians at the University of Michigan authentically styled with Salem Maple &n“ INTERIOR GALSEY-OOTE WALL PAIHTS William A. Miller, ehairmdn of South Glastonbury; parade at 10 what I was talking about, GLOSS COLORS eign policy.” of Glastonbury. Award for 3-plece Convention delegates voted yes­ Medical Center, than last year at this time.Ml mx I ish—at a price that ia unmatched for thia (Colors) the Board of Welfare, will give, baby sets went to Mrs. John a.m., exhibits, horse show, pony terday to boost the 6250 Initiation The youngster may be too tired One Coat Covers Lodge said he believed the rides. Auction of fruits and vege­ The tenor of most of these-let­ quality. Deep, comfortable aaatlng. Cow­ SAVINGS UnlUd States could win the talk on the locaL^progi^am. through Skalnik of Stafford and for socks, fee to 61,000, giving new members. te eat, apd need a rest before the ters was largely aelf-congratula- arrangements n ^ e by ‘Walter E. gloves and mittens, Mrs. Frank L. tables at 7:45 p.m. a year to raise it meal. He may refuse to eat as a ered with your choico of Coleniil ^ n ta or 2 5 % (^Id War.— ehort of actual war Oct. 8, East Ceaitral Pomona, tory, such as: nAiroBM BOCKn Gal. »3.95 — .by succesaful diplomacy and by Tedford who Is Irt charge of the Atwood of Thomaston. . Marine engineers average 69,000 way of getting attention. Forcing "I look back with pride upon the homespun tweeds. Ob Oalhms GaL »2.95 prog^ram. Judges for both these contests Yeomans Hall, Columbia aM p.m.i for 10 months work. him to eat can create prejudices 659*» making democracy work at home. fifth degree. fact I worked my own way through "The menace of communism The choir of the Second Coiongr were: Mrs. Barbara L. Tracy, Dl...... 1------11 . against certain food.a. The experts college.lt did me a world of good^” would wither away,” he said. gational Church will meet att 7:1 rector of home service of the Hart' advise serving aultable foods In a Undoubtedly (If that’s the way CLEAR GLOSS 9x12 p.m. today at the sanctuary. ford Gas Co. and Mrs. Lillian C. E lks Setba<;ik friendly atmosphere without undue HOUSE PAINT Lodge flies to Sacramento to­ Henaler, home service representa­ they still feel about It), the ex­ day to resume his campalgm*. The First Congregational Tt] worry about how much the child perience did do them a world of MANCHESTER SHOPPING PARKADE EVERYTHING MATCHES in this White and Colors Church board of finance will meet tive of the Connecticut Light and ' Commissioners, 844; North eats at any aingle meal. good. It taught them discipline, VARNISH DROP COVERS at 8 p.m. today at KlngsbUry Power Co. Over 150 were present Ends,. 827; Petersen’s Milk, 789; pride and self-reliance — and prob­ Advertlsement- House. for the judging and for the 2-hour Leone’s, 788; .^Colla’s, 785; Bart LoacMter - Joaa Bimmoai Tooth Orindera ably kept them out of pool parlors The junior choir of the First variety show which followed In the Woody’s, 785; Herddi 783; Brass Is bruxlam one of your bad "I am , what most automobile Meriden Grange Hall. "ELMER GANTRY" as well. Ga, M 95 65c Gal. *4,9 5 Congregational Church will resume Key, 777; Patten’s, 776; 4XXXX, * la Color - habits? That means habitual But that experience was not an Each dealers call a dead beat. I have had rehearsals at 6 p.m. Friday The State Masters Desk 763; Sharpies, 761; 4C’s, 743; Wal­ grinding, clenching or clicking of trouble with credit through no State Master Robert K. Mitchell unalloyed joy, and If they will Kingsbury House under the direC' nut Clipper*, 737; Hartford Rd. the teeth, even when you’re hot look back on those years with the fault of my own and, as a result, tlon of Mrs. Joseph P. Elaton. ’The and National Flora May P. Mitchell 4T1h«* Cwm Ta Kill" aware of It, or during sleep. Most LIMITED HME ONLY ON ABOVE SPECIALS had difficulty buying a car from presented Mrs. Esther Tanner of Grill, 689; State Shoe Repair, 676; Caineroa .MItehell - Joha Laptoa eyes of truth they will remember 42 K. DINE1TE OUTflT adult choir of the church will meet Egg and You, 669. 4:ia«:4a-U:M people do this to some extent, and any dealer until I ran across Hon' at 7:45 p.m. tomorrow at the sanc­ Ekonk Grange, Sterling, with the hitter moments, too. They will High score, Patten’s, 185; sec­ SUN.: “TIMB MAOmNE" it’a^cause of abnormal wear and realize college life had a lot of PAINT est Douglas. I can truthfully say tuary. 60-year'membership certificate at ond, Commissioners, 118. erosloifottoeth, and recessing and that he has pu^ me in a car at rea' 4-H Electa the recent Grange Sunday service. pos.<)ibilltles they missed at the Bonable payments with very little Mrs. Tanner was a member of the bleeding oMh^mpifttion of ^m s, time — and perhaps still ml.ss. 60" TABLE, 6 CHAIRS and 35-PC. UNBREAKABLE STORE •The Coventry 4-H Craftera has saya Dr. Samufel-fe^^Jradler, Forest They gained much, but they lost a cash down. I \^as not overcharged elected Linda Brown, president; State and Pomon^ home economics C.J. MORRISON in any respect and am happy to committee and her son Is a past Hlils, N. Y„ dentlat'W^hf Journal lot also. MELMAC® DINNERWARE SET in ONE AAATCHED DESIGN! Joan Bouchart, vice presldeni) 3 « CENTER STREET.-‘---M I 9-9713 say that I have been well satisfied master of Qulnebaug Pomona AT t h e C T D A k i n t h e a t r e of the American DentaT-ASsn.He The advatnage of hot having to Kathy Oieaecke, secretary; Robin NOW COOL i9IIV#%rNI/ HARTFORD urgea dentists to help patlertta^e.^, all the way." Name and address of Potter, treasurer and Charleen ,Grange.,, .^imrk your way through college is writer on request. The State Master and the execu­ 4ect and overcome bruxlsm. M^ply this: You are able to take Gill, reporter. The group will work tive committee, of the State b ^ e ^ d 'iM ta g e of what a college on weaving baskets and painting Orange met recently with the --...AriJuitIa Search has to^offer''- .^learning. 1 You can pictures during' the year. Camp Berger operating committee Clues to^-'c^ses of reheumntlc prepareare youcseTfybucs____ he.tter______for_____ what On Sub List diseases, inclitdlng' '^rheumatoid Edwin M. ComelluBon, engine- to plea the location, and view you want to De>^ ' . apeclficationa, for the IFW Iiiflr-, arthritis, are being sOugM through No one, no mattSKhow'mentally man third class, USN, son of Mr. growing connective tlssuA'cells un­ 8tnd Mrs. Edwin A. Com’eliuson of mary Building which will be givep exceptional, can woric\hls Cedar Swamp Rd., Is serving to the Grange Camp In Winches­ der glass, In teat-tubes. l^cUtl^ through college and learn aboard the Fleet BallisUo Missile ter by, the IFW Club, a group of fluid nutrients keep the cells grow­ ^ - h e could If he had that WOOLWORTH’S ing, and their chemistry of life can time free to devote to-his studies. submarine USS Patrick Henry op­ former deputies who served imder I Oood Boats Dp To Show Timo be studied. The project at the Uni­ At Its hest..college Is a fulltime erating out of New London. pagt master Ira F. Wilcox. H a tim Wed. - Bat,, Baa. t p.m . Evealass At T:4S TOP QUAl. ITY AND VALUE SINCE 1879 •The submarine combines nUclear . About 50 attended the Matrons Mi^-FhoBa Oraers Filled versity of Michigan is supported by job In Itself, ana'it.^get8 to be more propulsion and the Polaris missile and Patrons..Recognition Dinner Friday A Botarday At A the Arthritis and \RheutpaUsm of a. fulltime job every .year as the 814 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER weapon system, capable of being given by the Big. Y. Grain and PhoBo d ^ a n J ^ A ^4St4- Foundation. standards rise. submerged months at a time and Produce Co. at Beacon 'Valley Man’s knowledge is widenlng and remaining completely self-suffi­ Grange In Naugatuck recently, Scrap Tops Billion deepening at a frightening rateT cient and Independent ' of the diosen as Juvenile Matron and The college ■ yearq are the best earth’s surface environment. Patron of the Year were: Mrs. Washington— The scrap Indus­ years for, absorbing as much of The Patrick Henry operates Victoria Campbell of Cheshire try processes, ships, acts as broker that knowledge as possible—as OCTOBER YELLOW TAG VALUES with two complete cr^ws of per­ Grange and WAlter Hewitt of for, or otherwise handles up to much of mankind’s Vast storehouse sonnel In order to keep her under­ Stafford. Gurdon Slosberg, vice 35.000, (hX) tons of scrap Iron' andof culture as the mind can gulp. way a maximum amount of time. president of the company pre­ STATEB steel a year.- Sales volume The student, needs to keep his 51 GAUGE, 15 DENIER FULL FASHIONED Court Oases' sented each of these with, a U.S. SffiO P.M. CONT.—EARLY BIRD SHOW 60c 4)45 to 6 FJ». ranges from 61.500,000,000 to 62,- mind and attention-free for this LADIES'SKIRTS Adelbert Young, 21, of WlUl- savings bond in recognition of 500.000. 000 a year. great goal, He should not have to RER, 69e< mantic. was fined {21 for speed­ their outstanding work with chil- REG. $3.98 VALUE ing, at Justice Court Friday night jdren In the Grange. ■ Other cases were: Mrs. Flor-' A reminder from the State. VALUES NYLONS ence G. Gray, 2p, of Mink Trail, Master, ’’State- Grange Sessions S im ID-18—Sov* 21 e c))a^ed with Intoxication, .fined, will soon be here, Oct.,20^22. Get %io, suspended, given 6-months your resolutions ready and ask WAIT! probation; Mrs. Marle-Ann Leigh- the State secretary or ahy of the er, 54, of Lewis Hill Rd., Intoxica­ deputies for applications for the :::::: 6 Pair SAVE tion, {20! Raymond J. Lemieiix, sixth degree." He also adds, ’’sub­ :::::: 41, of Manchester, failure to drive ordinate Grange masters, send 1 ^ 2 .1 7 1 ^ 1 .9 7 ih the rlghthand lane, '{9; William C. Duff, 44, East Hartford, pass­ ing in a no passing zone, 69 and EAST passing at an intersection; 69; Charles G. Aftosnris, 21, of Wood­ ^Winds EVERYTHING MATCHES! land 'Rd., defective muffler# 66.' , wow SOFT pusne SALE URGE FLAST1C ^ Also, Kenneth P. Malboeuf, 25, ALAN LADD la CHOICE o r Manchester, defective muffler, 66; “ALL im S TOCNO MEN" CLOTHES BASKET Norman R. Therrlen, 25, Welles Alo» Rd., operating overwidth motor “ OPEBATION JCAD BAU.>* Entire $ j D1SHPAN-R0UN0 PAILS vehicle, 69, and James P. Cole, 17, Show Starlo at 7:M . scotchkin sweaters $ 1 .29 Swamp Rd., failure to carry reg­ 4 2 - p i e c e $5.00 KEG. SAVE VALUE istration, 63 and defective equip­ 81.29 ment, 69. DOWN VALUE 41c Choloe of Ten Kettles, (Covered Hauee pullover $5,98 outfit Pans, Covered Pote. Values up to fl.89. Coloret Red, yellow^ turquotee. Manchester Evening Herald WALNUT •* ■ * ' , _ * Colors: Red, yellonr, turquoise. Oolore: Beige and Black. SAVE 3 2 c Coventty oorresppndent, F. Paa- Looks M though it wore custwn-made for you! Une Uttle. tetophiMe PI X-4XX1. RESTAURANT IW liE MUDMII NAM M IHm cardigan $7.98 Yet you pay no more than yhu’d estpect for the 3|c THU NEW CIEVHIET dinette alone! Table top, chair npholstery^ Md FRESH CHOCOUTE 7 WALNUT ST. •MHIV NM I|B.Pnn UVIM H MATCHIN6 LUGGAGE GREAT Uc A IMfiEI FA»IT IF • ii.i dishes-in exactly matching color and design. 36''x48’'x60"tefcle fen ces NEWCREVYeORVAIIS Choice virgin wool shag-spun into Shetland’s COVERED ALMONDS I D d •M l t- 8 0 7 0 closest kin! Designed to wear singly or to­ III on marproof plastic top. Bronzetone finish legs. Also available m chrome with |M ice ChooM From: > 11 If i) HEMCMKESIH Uc’ilCIEVIOlETTMUfv toa aaseldatean ltacM«. gether most any place you go. Choice of ili'i: of red or charcoal inlay plastic top. . i 26" PuDinaa Cue StartM Tonight! luscious mouthwatering colors ini sizes 34 Open iienttm' to 40. UBSRAt TERMS 21" Wudiood CtM ilC T.7 OPEN 6 DAYS t t i c L b . Lb. 18” Ortmicht O m timtR Sunday MONDAY Thru SATUROAY o 0 m ? T ■ ', . 9 O K N w ro,a mURSn m . TILL t P.M. SAVE lOe 16" Traia CaM 12N09NloSrJ4 f A.M. to 8:30 P.M. M ieiih OARTER QHEVRQLET OQMFANY,, INC. M Ofi, tU iS.i SAr„ 10 AM, t o 4 f M * THURSDAY TIL( 9! 1 6A6 6A6-10I6S * ITALIAN A m SATISFACTION GUARANTEED FREE DELlVBiRY USR OUR EASY BBOWK AT 6146 aa« 6i6S ^ U66 MAIN BT,. MAMOHIRiXB AM PU 'ku PARKING h i - M A I OR TOUR HONEY REFUNDED ON PURCHASES 14.95 OR OVER LAY.AWAY PLAN AMOfCAN MOD •VAT BAim BMOIAXty* Api “V" •If I- -'1 ■f . ■' 1 • •' -i,

MANCHESTEil EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER B, 1960 P A O f t - f O T - t ; . • • • ( - ••3'' • •'f'-r/a MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1960 P A G E FO UR Hebron Bowles Predicts liberals inyite Museum Finds Its Exhibiis Trouble for.U.S. jgolloit Explosion Kills Parley Fails to End Outstanding Musicians Set Sen. Johnsbi^ In M odel Plane MedtePs San Francisco, Oct. 6 — lUp. Postm aster J^afleyDefines 11 , Injures ^ Sfcojp Cheater Bowlsa, D-Conn., predicts N tw York, Opt. S (ffV -A v m - To Perform at Organ Fete more troubles for the TJnlted WE Walkout at GE tion o f whether Sen. London B. c w « i » 'h . T . u n - n . States In Asia, Africa and Latin ■ • , ' ‘ ...... Jdmapn will see Ubem party two sona are considering avlatleh ‘ I.-* ’ ‘ ^ America. New Mail Routeimid Rules In Tennessee sonlSQ iBsUtutlpn snded iU search Swimmers, Dlahe Wythe, Bobby New York, Oct 8 UPt — Paace f today despite the nationwide elec- leaderp during hla cuitpnt cam- careers. Lem srd, 10, hoMsy his organ thia coming Sunday, Is here himself and Democratic presiden­ State Trooper Derwin Anthony In Pugatch. atartins Oct. 15. brlde said^..^^ Federal mediators met with works plant late yesterday aa a a spokesman fo r Johnson quoted productloiu of planes for its kites- age. given In part: Barbara J. Owen la tial nominee John F. Kennedy a companiqn case. Hlrth who was Life-'saving, Gwen, Connie and Throe naral deUvery routes have ■ Curious ^oojw rs and relatives company representativea and offi­ convoy of 260 cars, each carrying him as saying he had received no to-jets "History of Flight” exhibit Alexander haa plans fo r 10 mors widely known aa staff writer for about conditions in Cuba and A f­ charged with speeding was rspre- cii^ of the striking International Invitation. World W ar I models.. The American Organist and Chris Ellis, Mary Ann Foote, rica went unheeded. Bowles said of workmen werp^m sd away aa four or five persons, pulled out Model-tnakef Alexander, who is Thomas Hovey, Gregory Horton, been laid out to cover all areas of ■ented by Atty. Sid Rosenberg. Union of Electrical Workers Johnson’a printed Itinerary for Journal of Church Music. She U a be and Kennedy had warned about the flames threatened to cause a o f a parking lot. aviation safety consultant to the Janice Porter, Deborah Wright, the town. Bolton Center Rd has Bousquet who was charged with (lU B ) yesterday. It was the today, given to the jNresa late last graduate of Weatmln-ster Choir these areas before they became Stones were thrtAin but no seri­ New York State Commerce De­ Cliarles Belden, Barbara Ber­ failure to grant right of way was second explosion in nelghbovif^ first sesdon since' the nationwide night. Included a tm r o f Brook­ College, and ' Is choir director ot trouble spots. been used as the dividing line for ous injurie*' were reported. W it­ partment, spent 200 to 300 hours cowicz, Suzanne Dickerson, Jean represented by A tty. Paul Groo. walkout started last Saturday lyn hilt no mention of the Liberal the Hingham, Mass., Congrega­ Bowles held a press conference the routes. plant buildings. nesses said can openers wsre used on saeh of the models he loaned Wexler, Alleen Burt and Ricky bert. night. meeting. ti O W S H I t 1. tional Church. . in Ssn v^ranciseo and delivered’ Postmaster Alden Bailey of Bulletin Board National Guardsmen patroled to scratch ths cars is they pasaefi the museum: Ansoldo, an Italian Heath. the area to keep traffic areas open lUE president James B. Carey Tacks and nails were sprinkled The Uberal party, shortly after fighter plane, Sopwitb trlplane, a Richard, M. Geddes is organist talks In the Bay area in Kennedy’s Manchester said today that notices described the talks as ’’fruitless. Pig Feeding Regulation A retreat for retired men of St, for emergency vehicles. in psrkitng Jqts abd plantsids the national conventions, gave its Brltiah purauit fighter, and De- Sgwwt ilMUC StHtiilt and choir director of the First behalf. are being delivered giving resi­ A GE spokesman said the com­ Final regfllatlons adopted by the Maurice parish will be held Oct. “ An unldenUfled gtiard at a streets In Lynn and Fltchbuigr, nomination to the Democratic na­ HavUand, a Brltlah-dealgned, Hoc ewlity Msadw.lSS 6m- Church of Christ, Norfolk. He At Concord, the former ambas­ dents their new address. This no pany did not change Us position Planning and Zoning Commission 10-12 at the Holy FamUy Retreat nearby ordnance plant said he was Mass. A t Lynn, where 300 auto­ tional ticket of Sen. John F. Ken­ Amerlcan-bullt bomber. •triss erlM sfaMlCMeddasi studied at thp Yale Scjiool of Music, sador to India and Connecticut tice also Informs the townspeople House In Fam.ington. Those Inter­ and “ had no intention o f doing regarding feeding of pigs, provide driving along In his truck when mobiles carrying supervisors and nedy, and Johnson. Ktnnedy ac­ Alexander made all the parta, ihM pcoridt itsa €omtem> Is an accomplished organ builder,' governor said the United States that the b o » number must be ested In attending should contact that feeding them on garbage from the blast occurred, "ir sent my sq.” technical employes were disabled c e p t^ In person and Johnson by except the wheels, after a lot of ■u* WPPOM — M s are , and has done extensive restoration must have a nuclear military ca­ painted on the mailbox as w eir as Walter Karsky of Juniper t of more than 400 forubly. This plssssnt powder hss no mittee o f assistants. bor practice charge with the Na­ Hebron. He majored In organ at a child’s questions. They are pa- gummy, gooey, psety tsete or iMllng. berry Rd., Bolton Center Rd.. ings starting Oct. 8 at the Bolton Amston Lake; Peter R. Tle^neJ^4o American households should be handicapped refugees from East­ The classes are for all persons tional Labor Relations Board. The Bucknell University and hw -tient and tolerant. They can ex­ Doesn’t esuse nsueea. It's alkaline Notch Rd., Brandy,Jld., Carver Town Hall. For reglstraUon and union charged th^t a GE plant WllTlara O' *nd Nancy Zimmer" "three-generation projects. He ern Europe'who have been rejected (non-scld). Checks ‘'piste odor in Manchester and surrounding played for several churches of the lots at Amston Lake; Wlllifnantlc plain the- world to their' grand Rd.. Colonial Rd.. Cook Dr., Cu- Information call JA 6-3713. manager at Schenectady had of­ ev^ , suggested a ' program of by other countries. (denture bresth)„Get FASTEETH at towns of Swedish parentage or area. He has also worked on repair children.” drug counters everywhere. bles Dr., Femwood Rd., Hlgh- fered to continue the expired coh' Savings iMtitute, to Norman E. cheap Iqans for adding a grand­ who ars married to a person of and restoration of old organs. He Dion, lot, Webster Lake; Adolphe meadow Rd., Johnson Rd., Juniper Advsrtlsement— tract If the union members voted parents’ 4ulte to homes Swedish descent. Is the son of Prof. Charles C. Zyllwlcz to Alexander and Ger­ Q—I am 54 and have worked Lane, Keeney Dr., Lakeside Lane, Beginning Oct. 15 all Bolton not to strike. Plans will be discussed for the Sellers of Dickinson College, Pa. trude S. Toth, dwelling, Amston A fter a il,',, the government 17'4 years under s()(;ial security. If Laomis Rd. from Hebron Rd. to mall will M delivered through ths classes at a meeting of Scandla The old work contract expired Randolph Walms'ley studied Lske. helps out bullderik of retirement I stop working now, will I be elig­ Brandy Rd. Manchester post office. If you have Lodge tomorrow st 8 p.m. at the last Saturday. I tnimpet with Alvin Ezer, former housing projects,” Rohins pointed ible for benefits on my own earn­ Also, Lynwood Dr., New, Bolton a Vernon or, Andover njaping ad­ London Park. Ipc.. to the fol­ Orange Hall. Behind the strike Is a dispute head of the music department of out. “ so why not help''o\jt a son ings when I become 62?— A. N. K. Rd., North Rd., Old Bolton Center dress YO U C AN H E LP YO U R lowing: Lot 26, Lobla J. Gagnon; Anyone 16 years or older, In­ over ths terms of a new pact, in­ RHAM High School, He did solo or daughter who would llkJKhia or A — Inasmuch as you i**'*! be 62 -Ifld., Plymouth Lane. Quarry Rd„ MAIL CARRIESR TO HELP YOU lot 6. Howard J. and 'A;nn R. Lunt; terested in such classes, is asked cluding wages and a eost-of-llv- Presents work In New York for several lot 39, Harry J. and Mkrgaret Pel- her parents to live In the hom'*-?, In 1968, you will need 3 quarters Rt. 44A. Rt. 6, School Rd. from by ordering a return address rub­ to send a post card to the chair­ Ing clause. years, with oratorio groups and "We Americans are too Irf- Hebron Rd. to Brandy Rd., South ber stamp. Phone M I 9-8800 after lerln; lot 3, George E. »ujd Eliza­ qf coverage. If your birthday falls man's horns, 40 Harlan St. ’ lU E members averaged *2.30 to some of the city's important beth Bettlnger; lot 20.. Dbpald F. cllned to segregate the older gen­ Mtween January and J\ine, 35 If Rd., Steele Crossing Rd., Stony Rd,, 4 p.m. and order your stamp today. $2.40 an hour under the old agree eration. We are too eager to put Sunningdale Lane, Sunset Lane, ’ •’’churches. He Is also leader of a and Josephine C. German; lot 34 Reward Backs Fire Law ment, They seek a 2-year con­ band. Robert J. and Mary A. Vaslet; lot its members Into retirement col­ Tolland Rd.. Verflon ,Rd„ Watrous Mancltester Evening BeraM Bol­ tract with wage Increases of 3^ onies, homes for the aged, or even Rd., Westvlew Dr.; Williams Rd., News Briefs 22, Robert and R. Chaip- ton correspondent Mrs. Louts per cent In each year. The lUE in foster or boarding homes.” Tallahassee— Private groups In Beginning Oct. 10. the ho:irs of bers: lot 23. Lawrence C. Hagler land Howard Rd. Dimock Jr., telephone Mitchell also stressed Its demand for con­ Robins reported that some Tbe RFD 3 route will cover Cider Florida have posted a *360 reward the Hebron Post Office will be lot 18, Paul and Evelyn Blow; lot 9-9828. tinuation of a cost-of-Ilvlng esca state's even "put a premium on Min Rd., Box Mountain Rd., Brook- for the arreat and conviction of 7:.80 to 11 a.m., and 2 to 6 p.m., 27, Philip C. and Anne D. Hunt; lot lator clause, which' the company living apart from the children, MR.SGHULTZ fleld Rd., Gaylord Rd., Goodwin persons breaking ths Stats forest- Wor Monday through Friday: Satur­ 36, George and Donna M. Bogdono- seeks to eliminate. by the way they handle, their old' Rd., and Lake St. More Work in Ruisia firs laws. day, 7:30 to 11 a.m., and 1 to 5 vich; lot 19, Michael and Josephine The company has offered a 8 p.m. Fenton; lot 9, Marcel F. and Anne age assistance programs. They IS COURTEOUS! Banking Report year contract, with a 3 per cent A total o f 192 students deposited * WsihlAgton—The Soviet Union’s 06(11 O O N V IO n O N Owing to the fact that Hebron’s E. Coderre. decrease aid or make require wage Increase effective Immedi­ 1148.74 In the school savings sys­ labor force totals about 105,000,000 Bridgeport, Oct. 8 (ff)— Earl town reports were not ready to M Lot 31. Edward B. and Dorothy ments fob aid stiffer If the old per­ ately and 4 p4r cent more in April tem this week. Four pupils pur- people compared with about 78,- Hayes, 40, Swampscotl, Maaa, has be presented at Monday evening’s M. Patroskl; lot 14, Mr. and Mrs. 1962. ehased U.S. savings stamps valued 000,000 for the United States. How­ been sentenced to a year in jidl for town meeting, all the business Armand Pelletier; lot 7, Milton G. YES... BURTON'S A t *2,25. ever, the Soviet Union’s popula­ breaking and entering Into a Stam­ done was to adjourn and go home. Shaw Jr. and Patricia Shaw; lot 28, Lynn, Mass., OcL 5 MP) — Three Ooooert Opportunity tion is Is r g ^ — about 214,000,000 ford liquor store. The conviction Non-Skid Girdle The meeting was called In accord­ Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanan Jr.; New England plants o f .General Manchester Community Concerts compared with 180,000 000 for the yesterday was the 96th for Hayes ance with law. lot 32, Marcel A. Lapiere et al; HAS THEM! Electric Co. continued to operate f has reoi^ned Us membership drive United States. on a variety of offenses. The annual Boy Scout drive for lot 33, Delibn Realty Co.; lot 36, I for this week only. Anyone Inter­ funds started Monday, with the Alfred J. Helm Jr.; lot 30, A. Harry 1 ested In obtaining membership for following captains: John E. Hor­ and Delayne Wirth; lot 37, Albert ’ the concert series which starts ton, P. John Perham, Marvin A. J. and Afonica M. Packer Jr. N qv. 5 should contact Mrs. William Ross, and William Qiieal. 'Vobirt- Manchester Evening Herald He- 1 Haggis on Brandy St. teer workers will canvass the D e t B u t bron correspondent, Miss Susan B. i wim Court Cases town. iieli«t, M , tllffl tkirt A t Justice Court last evening Pendleton, telephone Aeodemy ' OOP Plans Skit 8-3454. Edward M. Ehlers, 17, Brookfield bylEWELLV Mrs. Nell E. Wakeman of Hebron 8t„ Manchester was fined *15 for MANCHESTER renter, who Is In charge of the failure to grant right of way at a Fashion Clinic planned for the Oc­ turn. He was arrested on Sept. 17 tober 17 meeting of the Hebron by by State Trooper E. J. Peters. Women’s Republican Club, has an­ BOY SCOUT Oliver Plourdo Jr„ 33, Rt. 5, nounced the highlight ot the eve­ Couth Windsor, pleaded guilty to ning Is to be a thrilling and In- Notes and News failure to grant half of highway. Featuring Non~Skid Fabric PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING Mformatlve interview with "Jackie ■ He Was fined *10. The arresting o f­ “ Kennedy” and “ Pat Dixon” by Cuh Pack 251 held Its first meet­ ficer was State Troper E, J. Peters. Washington’s well known news- Clarence Cassells 54, of Hebron , hound, “Betty Beagle”. Madame ing of the season recently at the I'^switch-about'' Rd., was fined 318 for ^failure to Beagle will he portrayed -by John \Terplanck School. Cubmastef . Jo­ drive In an established lane. He was Slbun of Shadowsmark. Hebron- seph Vincent presented an outline arrested on Sept. 24 by State ASSOCIATION, INC. Bolton road. An air of mystery sur­ Banish Riding-Up of the program for the year. There RAINCOATS Trooper E. J. Peters. He was rep­ rounds the other characters in the iscket, pleated skFrt resented by Atty. Vincent Diana'. *' I Will be a candy sdle to finance the skit, ■ as Mrs. Neil declines to re­ pack’s activities. Louts Dijbuc, 27, 8,3 Mountain veal their-ldentity to date. coRifiletaly fit., Rockville, pleaded nolo for The annual supper ^11 be held Of Other features of the evening Oct. 25 when parents may meet failure to grant half of traveled (Sponsors Your Visiting Nurses) will be a dissertation on current portion of highway. He was found FOREVER! leaders o f the pack and learn \ fhot's all! rovarsible! fashions by Mrs. Wakeman. and about the scout program; guilty and fined *15. He was ar­ demonstrations of the “before and rested by State TYooper Derwln Awards for advancements were after of correct |flresa and cosmetic Anthony on Sept. 4. Atty. Mrs. made to Paul Miller, a wolf badge^ ii.se. The meeting will be' held in Katherine Hutchinson represented and gold arrow on wolf bad; the home of Mrs. H. Clay Osborn. Pubuc. and David Wackter, a gold ^rrow Will Attend Fete Nolles were entered In the cases on bear badge. GIRDLE or PANU Among those planning to attend the' 100th anniversary celebration John Quag!la a ^ Joseph of St. Peter’s Church pipe organ, Qua^lia received B «r f books In |re: Mrs. William J. Carroll of observance of th ejr ninth birth­ DEPEN days, and a Liqir Ixxrfc waa pre­ Hartford, daughter of the late F. SEND THEM Clafence Blssell, who played the sented to RlidMtrd Dyer In honor organ here for many years: and of his ten^D lrthday. THE Allan L. Carr of Middletown, a FiftieUi/ Jubilee badges were ON MANCHESTER PEOPLE FOR SUPPORT former lay reader of the church. presented to Robert Clbse, John HOMETOWN New Meeting Place Quaglia, Joseph Quaglia, Roy The Hebron Congregational Qkry, David Wackter, Richard NEWS Church has given permission fo^ Dyer, Paul Miller, William Mehl, IN THEIR ANNUAL APPEAL FOR FUNDS Boy Scout Troop 28 to hold . its and Gregory Litvlnchyk. # meetings in the downstairs room Walt Disney’s “Man in Flight" Makes Inches Y anish Ins^tantly Friday evenings. However, If this film was shown. Den 4 won .the room , Is needed by the church or Cubby for the month. ^ - V ( luiy of Its w io u a orders, the ■ ■ . ’ ■ ' ' - Scouts waive- their privilege and , Pack 47, sponsored by the South AOer yeers of renearch, lewella given you sithbf meet aomewhere else or School PTA, held Its first meeting Sheltie postpone till another time. of the season at the South Meth­ jacket, slim lUrt DERUT...Hie revolutionary foundation The Congregational Men’s Fel­ odist Church last Friday evening. This Association Offers that CANNOT rido up bocouto H'i actually lowship meeting Is scheduled for Wallace Geiger, chairman of the • Oct. 9, 7:30. a.m., at ,the Hebron Pack Committee, welcomed a large Classics NON-SKIDI Volvoty zig-zag troods Church. Guest speaker'will'be Dr. turnout of Cubs, new applicants insldo tho gormont provent tlippogo like Herman Reisig, secretary for in­ and parents. A Visiting Nurse Service ternational XffairS of the social Durward Miller, scoutmaster, ex­ I a car's Hr# trsad. Hars’t supfr,.powsr-nsl action committee of the Gqngre- plained the necessity of good con­ Regardless* br where that givss tupsr control... ratlonal Christian Conference. Dr. duct apd Orderliness for the^enefit by ForJEvery Resident O f Reisig has a summer home to the of the new. pack members.'’Fqllow- your service man or Gilead section o f the town. ing the flag ceremony, inspection woman ia stationed, TTte meeting comes a week and roll call,'Mr. Geiger* presented earlier than at first planned, ow­ the members of the Pack Commit­ AND the Manchester Eve­ Manchester V Positively eliminates girdle-tugging ing to the fact that the every tee. Activities planned for the ning Herald can be for­ m em ^ r canvasui la to take place coming year were discussed, after Wotiae, illm >Wrt warded to be at ''Mail on thS Sunday following,, A ll meij which the Cubs and applicants le 'V Lustrous elastic panel for tummy control of the community -are. Invited to tired to play^ games. Cali” regularly with all gttend. Parentit' registered new appli­ Bobbie the hometown news y p F Nows cants, and vacancies in existing V Vertical Inset back panel for derriero The Young People’s Fellowship dens Were filled where possible. It It’ s Glenhaven^s 4 piece Wjardrober people away from at St. Peter’s EJpiscopal Church appears that several additional home are so''anxious visited the Berkeley Divinity dens may be organized, dependent V Extremely comfortable'at oil times School at Yale pniverslty, Satur-, upon the availability of den moth­ Probably the best-known and certainly the best­ that* gives you 6 fashion right outfits, ’ to g et , day. Fqjlowing the visit, they at­ ers. Mr. Trotter discussed the loved of ail'cla.s8ic8 that do so ^much for all your tended the Yale-Brown football Campaign for funds to be con­ Miracle Am cl and raypn in wonderful game. Members carried box ducted by 'all scouting groups In wardrobe. Get the cardigan to wear as sweater or Subscriptions LONG lunches. LEG Manchester later this month. jacket. Get t,he crew-neck pullover to top all your Autumn tones. > SUPPORT Swinuning Achievement Den flags were presented. Mr. r - Payable in Advance PANTY - Red Cross swlminlng testa this Miller awarded attendence ban­ skirts,. For your bQRt choice of oUr new colors. Gray, black, brown . . . 10 to 18. A MANCHESTER SERVIGE FOfl MANCHESTER PEOPLE summer show, the following ners to Den 1 and 6 who shaved, Come in today. Sizes 34-40.' Telephone M^ Z-2711 achievement.: Beginners, Miml Cut the hoilors. David Spencer, as­ ler, Bradley Martin, Linda Reid, Cireulation Dept sistant acoutmaster,' p i a y ad Kathy Horton, Deborah Wythe^ "Taps.” Todhyl ' Heidi Bercowicz, Mebbi Beldeni ' ‘ .r "' ' '-----7— PlMSf MaU Your CmitHbuHofi TODAli^ To: Deborah Allen, Clifford Riqe, Pearl Thi Pullovtr n Thf Curdlgon Waxier, Tommy Fill, Gordon Rice, Stndent Swaps to Start Carol Aja, Michelle Bessette, Jeff­ Sli^fik, .watigr-ropallant poplih in a •olid color, Seoul — Korea has Joined the ? ' MltS;Aimiim SMITHS As^stoM \ rey Ives, Debbie Kenney, Karen Altutfliestfc "Parker.-, 41 nations having affective Ful- that ravarsts to an axciting print on criip taf- 2Sf*eyHieod lle<*l, Monchotror^ Conn. Intermediates, Robin Alden, Deb bright eduqatlonal r a X o h a n g e li^4* Vi«w ble Bercowicz, Elaine Hovey, Don­ agreaments with .tha United fatal SixasBto lS. t • . •( ald Bercowick, Arthur Koffman, States. The agreement was signed ^ '■% ■■ ' I : ■ ■■■■ Judy Porter, Jimmy end Gary Hor­ in 1960, but war broka out in Ko* C ^ c to M s y j ii liodli Foyoblo To MfHWA, Iik . ton. Betsey Foote, Charles Blal- rea befora it could b « imptamentad. oeky, and Sijssii Slok...^ Ifow Uw azchaagas art hsflnnlBg. ' T"' • -0 T / ': ■ A y ''V

\ V ; <'J1' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONNn WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1960______. ______^ ______MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CDNN^ WEDNESDAY, QdTOBEK. S, I960 ^ 936 |iAIN STREET TEL ^ 1 3 -5 1>I - OPtN 9 Td Bi^O-THUllSdAYS AND FRIDAYS TO 9 P.M. CLOSED MONDAYS ^pOumlBC lw )n ^ to tnum et for was mora rationia to guess that leading normal Uvea, with their a\ day,_--• ------at aoima.aMlM* Similar JO# point «f thara would ba no doubt sibout the. SlUlea once agidn. Togethar with argumaat Prssidont'a ovantual stand, but fitolr toralUas,'! Join In waleoming Sitntitig If^raUi 'Thua, yaatarday, tha eandidataa that ha, toaaawhllo, wiu not avenie Thfe Open Foruin them back. Together with all Man- cheater rasldenta of ahie*>'lty, I Rs|slsr hosn net (envshisnt? . r were at It In a way which, whan ra- to building aomo Interast In Just Cosnmualeatlooa for pubUcattona la tba Opsai IViruiB will n o tte Join In thanking them for ^Jdb 1* BiM«ai stTMt fleeted In haadllnaa aide by aide thla what mood it would take. guaranteed publication If tbsy oontain mora than 800 worda Tha very well done, lUiK^eatcr. Oqoa. „ morning, confronta tha votara with Th# President’s endorsement, tho Helrald rsaarvaa tbo rlglit to daelina to pubUsb any mattar that Vernon P. Hauschlld other, night, was full and hand­ may ba Ubaloua or which la m bad taata. rrso aspraaalon c polft* PubtWm quite a choice. You’ll find US open Thursday VguBdad October I. ltd Ih one headline they are con­ some and gentroua, as he had obvi­ leal vltwa la doairad bT eontributloiia of this ebaraetar but letters Thaakis Vetepi which ara defamatory or abualva win be'rejected. To tho BMtor, evenings from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. fronted with Senator Kannedy*a ously Intended and meant it to ba May 1 ^^ress through The Her­ Good old fashioned savit^s bn ^^tuned - to - the - Umes^^ charge that tha RapubllcaM are when ths tlms cams. And the Pres­ ald my thanks to the voters of and. Saturdays until noon. wasteful and extravagant and that ident has ovary reason for giving Bnoklaisd rrotoot < »scliool of Manchastsr does not Manchester who supiwrted my S T ^ ^ P n O N . RATES he la tha candidate who, if elected, auch an ondotaomont, lend, beyond To tho Editor, msan that we ara lass Interested roelectlon to the Board'of Educa­ AdTUIC* wilV"beUevs Tn a balanced, budget that, pleading for th# election of Tbe Inevitablo baa happaiMd. It In tha education of our children. tion. I will continue to- stand for •oooooooo******* haa becoma necessary to “farm We feel that tha time haa pome ail that is best for our town In the P O T N A M & C O . Icbtlis •••••••••••••••••••••• .1*37.7* and an honest dollar" and “In th* the ticket Nixon heads. Naturally, MOBUM aooooooooooooooooooo out" one of the grades of our to get the blueprints for an addi­ field of education. Mofflbart Now York Sloclr Exehang* tOBtll ••ooooooooooooooo****** federal government doing . only Prasldent Elsenhower hopes .for overcrowded school. Since Mon­ tion to tho Buckland School out . Sincerely I# OOpT eeeeeeooOoooeooooe• • • • e those tasks that cannot, otherwise continued respect for and practice day, Oct. 8, the second grade from of mothballs! Christie McCormick T1 lAIT CINTIR fT. • MANCIIIsm • Till Ml 14111 be done." of the policies and principles he Buc^Iand School has been trans­ Very truly wu». MEMBim of" ^ ported. by bus dally to tho Rob­ - ”WUI Do My Bm V Jprnn r. Blair - Hobart H. Starkol THE A88(jCL4TBD PRESS _ , In tha companion headline for himself has fought for at home and Interested Buokland Parents n « AMOddoaFraii la excli^rclr ertson School. ' To tho Editor, 'I jBtiUad to (ba uaa o( republlcatlon of today, the voters can find Vice In the world. Naturally, he prefeA ' It seems to us that tho tlmo< •Vary M^eU Doao' Through The Herald, I should C o m * * i * how m that has sarveel over / Air MVS dlapAtchea orii&ed to H ot President Nixon charging that If to be able to hand on Into friendly like to express my thanks to the BOt' etbarwlao eredlteo In Uila oapor haa come for tho'famiUea of Buck- To tho Editor, thraa ganorations of homo makers keeps young! Seo/the ABd Alio tho local newi cnibllihed bora. Kennedy'! promises are ever put hands the accomplishments for land School children to imits. We A new Board oM^lractors haa many friends, workers, and sup­ AO fllbta of reimbllcAtion of m^Al believe that our, children ara an- now been elected qnd I wish them porters who made possible my new Watkins! Sea how wa choose the things yoM dlapAt^es belSeln are alio raierTea Into effect, the cost of living for which his countrymen hall him. election to the Board of Dlreoton everybody will go up, the worth tltled to the same educational fa­ much success, however, tho pur­ want . . the lasting qualify you associat*^ } I\ill aerrlca client of N. E. A. Sorr* cilities as the other children of pose of thle Utter Is to pay trib­ on Monday. of everybody's dollar go down, and Manchekter. At the very least this ute and express gratitude to two I appreciate this wonderful ex­ with Watkins . . at the prices you want tp j^ay. [Help **1*ubUihera ReprannUtlTiai Jba millions face unemployment. includes rooip in the elementary pression of confidence and will do SAVE ANY AMOUNT Jullui MaUiewa Spoclal Acency — New A ThooKht for Today very able men who decided not to my best to continue tq merit their yourself to 86th Anniversary sayings, to^^ Tork ChIcaKO Detroit andjTB^OA. Between two such rlvsl claims, school In their own district. Mul­ seek re-election. ICEUBER AtTDIT BUREAU OF Sponsored by tbe Maacheetet tiple grade claasrooma are out­ respect, and trust. CIRCULATIONS. wHbre Is tha voter to choose? These men, namely and alpha­ Sincerely yours, SAVE ANYTIME j . Oenaell of Otanrebea dated In most of Manchester's betically, are Gll Barnes and Gene Is Kennedy, after he ge'U through schools—and when they are over­ Eric S. Anderson ,i. Manchester's with having the federal govern­ Kelly. Each is the senior member Sometimes It Is Intimated that crowded to boot, the situation Is of his party on the present Board We’re as near as tho neareat first post office ment assume all those tasks that. that much worse. No teaxher, inss»w The Fianebcattr jrs«‘sia’ ETanlna Herald. M the blble Is out of date. However, and has served with distinction. mail box. Ask for Saye-By‘> In his view, "cannot otherwise be however capable, can do an ade­ Gil has been a Board member for Surprise Shower Mall Forms. . adrarUalBii^t^i boura: done,” going to have more success the following words, which In­ quate teaching Job under such six years and Gene fojl four but nlaj troduce the second Psalm, are as conditions. since Gene was Board' Chairman 86th Anniversary 91 In balancing the budget than did A need for more apace In the For Miss Berman •day President Elsenhower, the moder­ contemporary as the front page In during his last two years, he today’s newspaper. “Why do the Buckland School Is also made ap-' must ba credited with double time Miss Joyce Berman of Ellington p.’m?’"Fitday. __ ate whose classification of things parent by the fact that the kin­ for thle period. lllne! 10:80 A.m. ^lAOB heathen rage, 'and the people dergarten meets dally in the was honored last night with a mis­ axeatit Bawrday- the federal government had to do Why did these two men seek was'certainly narrower than Ken- Imagine a vain thing? The kings of school auditorium. This, of course, cellaneous bridal shower attended Letter Rack ______lii,. the earth set themselves, a.n'd the excludes the-use of the auditorium election to the Board knowing that ni^y's T by 60 friends and relatives. The CURRENT ANNUAL DIVIDEND Wodndoday, Oetobdr 6 rulers take counsel together, by the other six grades every it meant attending late hour meet­ surprise party was given by Mrs. Or is Nixon, for that matter, far against the Lord, and against His morning. ings several evenlnge a week, cop­ John Scarlato and Mrs. David The 86th Anniversary Letter Rack is anointed, saying. Let us break their ing with knotty problems which from promising almost as much Further, the PTA thla year Bendall, both of Manchester, and ^ ☆ ■ft 4 4 . 9 5 h replica of Manchester’s first Post Toward Closed Minds? federal action and spending su bands asunder, and cast their cords seeks to establish a school library. would affect each citizen of Man' held at Mrs. Scarlato’s home, 300 Office rack which, according to au­ from us." ’The Psafmlsf continues. Is any educator or parent opposed cheater, completely subjugating Charter Oak St. I4« Kenedy 7 thorities, was used at Manchester Sonator Hubart Humphrey, the "He that sitteth In the heavens to this project? One major prob­ their personal life and that of the> The bride-elect opened her gifts v S A V I N G S (Left) Brand new version Minneaota Democrat, has made Does either candidate really shall laugh; the I.ord shall have lem arises; Where? ? ? families for the public good, and beneath a large white ruffled Um­ of the Boston Rocker'with Green. Our. exclusive reproduction is $19.95 valu BOWB by declaring: hlmaelf In favor promise economy? Or does the them In derision." The cafeteria provides further knowing that no matter what de­ brella with a sterling silver handle. a j i c / L O A N particularly handsome sten­ made of solid pine in mellow pumpkin of having the United Statea re- country face more of what seems It Is only natural that this Inter­ proof that the school population cisions they reached that they The color scheme for decorations A s .s <) c I r 1 o .n; cilling and styling. finish; measures 18V^xl35 inches. the same Inevitability, no matter pretation of Divine reaction to has outgrown Its facilities. It Is would be publlcally criticized? The and table appointments was pink Bume nuclear teating If no agre«- those rulers whq “set themselves— / iv s v t M m i who .Is In power a continued In­ already necessary for some pupils only answer can be that each has and aqua. ihant for International ban of auch agalhst the Lord" Is below that to eat in the^ auditorium at the a strong sense of dvic responsi­ Miss Berman will be married to ■ AscMssTss’s o t a C i T riw a s c ia t iwsTiTUTiew taata has been reached by next crease In spending, a continued which we, who live following the kindergarten - sized tables and bility. Adrian Michaud of Manchester on Juna. deficit financing? Franklin D. revelation of Christ believe. Per­ chairs. Hs'Ving served both long and Saturday, Nov. 12, in St. Bernard’s Roosevelt caine to power In 1982 haps this Psalm may have Inspired Bi$cause we are a “smaller” well, they are now ready to put Church, Rockville, Reg.' $399.00- lOO-jinch four Hie reaaon this makai particular Alfred Tennyson when he wrote; BOWS, coming from Humphrey, la with promlsea of economy and ao “Strong Son of God, Immortal cushioilon wnjng solsofas ...369. that ho haa not, hitherto at leaat, did' Dwight D. Elsenhower In 1902, Love, *— ’Thou wilt not leave ua In bean either the mllitarlat or the but circumstances, so- It seemed, the dust; — Our little systems Repeating a Sellout out and out believer In the Inevi­ permitted neither to keep his have their day; They^havc their promise. day and cease to be; — And Thou, tability of war with Ruaala. He haa O I»rd, art more than they." - peaad, a t leaat, aa the aincere be- The American people can be par­ By peculiar coincidence, the RcgukNT SS4.S0 doned If they conclude that no cam­ THE 'B1 PONTIAC IS OUT TO DAY! Uaver In dlaarmament, and the ban writer stopped at this point to see 9x12 ft. on nuclear ^teating haa two objec- paign promise Is quits ao meaning­ and hear Prlmo Minister McMillan ttvOB; one to prevent present pollu­ less as tha usual promise about on television give his masterful 2 4 9 , government spending, or If Viey address before ths United Rations tion of tho world'a atmosphere, the Certainly we live In a great time. Reg. |869.(K) 66*inch two I- other to establlah a first atep ;ln find .no particular hope in the fact If In the words-of tho Psalmist In cushion love seats.229. the idlrectlon of disarmament It tliat’ tha current campaign finds the eleventh "verse of this chapter ■elf. the two candidates making assan- we “Serve the Lord with fear, and 1^' Molded foam latex; % Now Humphrey, not very hap tlally tha same promise on the rejoice with trembling.’’ Stoneware very same day. Percy M. Spurrier ptly, It la true, and not without South Methodist Church ■ome comment on the fact that the ______- make- these, lit-your-ro^ pieces super lexurious w ith fonts united States Itself haa seemed of Cutro’a Plane Prieal Knows Ships divided, mind on what It wants at Here’s our most popular colonial group, made Oeneva, la nevertheless concluding Why, When some American stock­ Detroit — The Rev. Edward J. Colonial ironstone ttat “the time clock on the ne­ holders of a Cuban air line had a Dowling, .8. J., a professor of even more luxurious with marshmallow-soft lamps with amber or gotiations and on attempting to re- nice attachment on Fidel Castro’s trsnsportation and mechanical iy%' molded foam latex ihlls button-tufted blue fonts- for your drawing at the University of De­ Reg. $819.00 84-inch three backs. Firmer 6V^” molded foam latex seat ■trlot the Nuclear Club Is fast run­ plane, which was a fitting counter- troit, Is an authority on Great Early American rooms ning out stroke to Castro's action In seizing Lakes veasela, particularly whale- cushion sofas .279, cushions. Custom covered to order I have fabric-over “Unisea tho Soviet Union, the the air line Itself,: did .our State backa. In 48 years he has' collected parchment shades, 28” UMtod Statea and Great Britain Department step In and finally get more than 24,000 photographs, r tall. oan roach agreement soon on an the plane free, on the pretext sketches, and paintings of Lakes ship;. The Jeault priest has mount­ offectlTe and aafeguarded agree- that It had diplomatic Immunity? 1 2 5 . ed the pictures In IIS Indexed Use Stoney Creek Oval Braids in'maple, pine and cherry rooms through­ nMnt to ban nuclear weapons Why shouldn’t the Stats Depart­ albums. 9 . 9 8 Vesta, Communist and other ment Stand with and defend out your home to lend your interiors old time charm. Choose from multi­ eountrlea will soon be producing American Investments protecting PAPER FIRM SOLD colored Brown, multi-colored Red, or Rainbow blend. Limited to our direct Wait Hartford, Oct. 6 {fP)—Sale import so choose early. A sellout last time! nuclear weapons and adding to the themselves? Why must It, as one of the Connectloit Manifold Forme world'a nuclear atockplles." of the lawyers defending the at­ Co., Weet Hartford, to the Allied He might have mentioned, to tachment phrased It,, “kneel'' to Paper Cprp., Chicago, has been an­ Castro? nounced. Ellsworth S. Grant, pres­ Reg. $49.50 8x10 ft. 36.95 Reg. $29.50 6x9 ft. 27.95 emphasize the-lateness of the hour, ident of the Connecticut firm, said Around-comer grouping with 48” that already has Joined the There are no simple answers to yesterday Allied plana to expand T any problem these days, but the curved center ($169), and arm units nuclear club, bu^ not the negotia­ its business here. (Ilonnectlcut ($129 each). tions at Geneva. explanation, In this cast, did come Manifold will operate as a division Smo-o-oih sleeping pretty close to at leaat a pragmatic of Ailied/ and will remain In West In any - case. In thlb situation, Hartford. Pries terms of the^ cash Senator Humphrey accepts the Idea simplicity. and stock deal were not disclosed. « that we can't go on much longer Castro flew to America. Whsn wrlthout resuming nuclear testa. ha got her'i,' pomebody took his 8 6 th Just to. protect ourselves . against plane awsy from.^ him. When he the poaalblllty that somebody else needed a rid# hothe,^ hit friend may be doing the same thing. Khrushchev generously provided So what he recommends Is that, him with a Russian plant for that Anniversary under certain condltlbns, we be the purpose. llrat to break the voluntary mutual Now, to be sure. It would not 48" Curved unit ($169), left atm unit ban on nuclear testing which has only be a nice liucury, but right In ($129)'and right arm love seat ($189). ^ b e e n In effect for nearly two years, principle, to fight for the legali- and that we accept the world-wide tiea Involved, to aay that Castro condemnation which would come to stole the plane In the first place with Supplq Surface ua as a result. One might have ex­ from American Investors, and that end Live Wire Support pected from Senator Humphrey, on they had their legni rights, even if hla past attitudes, support even trying to get them forced Csstro to Because 86th Anniversary Mattresses^re designed for a .voluntary, unilateral United walk home. with Live Wire Support and Supple Sui’face of a For both mattress and Statea abandonment of testing, no What did we care how Castro W othing dishEt Holland Maid innerspring unit they Jadjust auto­ box spring. matter what others did. Now he Is got home, or If he never did? counseling that perhaps we should Btit this view was a luxury no .it to ty todoy.ea matically to body weights; yield freely to support be first, to destroy a voluntary ban national, policy maker could af­ Largest combination: 48” curved unit ($169) ^, and cushion every body contour and give you this already In effect. ford. N6 one could hope to oetab- with right and left arm love seats ($189 eai). XJuxurious comfort year after yfiar . . . at a low, *43 low cost! Famous Holman-Baker make them using The explanation lies, we think, In llsh the legalities In ths minds of For either mattress or the general atmosphere of.UnIted the Cuban people, or even In the a Kexalator oVer the innerspring Unit, , sisal in- Btates-Rusalui relations, an atmos­ minds of other nations. What was sulation,.^owny white cottop felt atid dfluxe 8 oz. box spring. phere the top' leadership of both on view was merely a succession ticking. Full or twin sizes. ' nations ought to analyze and .con­ of travel facts—Castro fliss to sider, perhaps In. the same‘room New York, somebody takes plane together. away from Castro, Russians fly We are In a period when It Is him’ home, Castro has new story on a now {hopelessness which la rr>‘sUUizing, of American villainy and Russian the Impossibility of rernnclllation frieridahip to. tell his television Go Colonial on a tiny budget with Which Is talking over a larger share aiidiencei. amo^g all'th e Harvest dinettes of niMn's minds. Each aide, quite circumstances Involved, was the so*s hoiM h«ating New track-to-body propoUtpnl The track is the width between the More headroom, legroom, footroom for greater comfort! You’ll take With new benches and naturally, blames the conduct of thing the State Department had to harvest tables the other for this. NelUier side; find .'Intblerable. o u r w o v i wheels. Pontiac Is th* only Wid*-Track car: Body width Is reduced, great comfort in the extra roominess we’ve built into the ’61 Pontiac. Old Ipsvvich Maple j pcs. 1 9 8 quite naturally, accepts any pos­ (Below) One of three ways to make You gat pramium quality shaving side overhang, balancing more weight between the wheels. Seats are higher, y ft there’s more clear­ sible responsibility for Itself. L,ead- your dinette distinctive in an Earjy Open Stock, too •rahlp. In its pride, both personal . Ike On Nixon MobUbaat with RT-98 .. ,tha Best relationship of body width to w^eel width ev6r tailored. Lean ance beneath the steering wheel and There are more ways to ensemble the more than 20 pieces moat eompiataly affactira fuel American way! Solid-maple table and national, seems locked into and sway arelinclent history. of pur famous Old Ipswich rock maple than you cou'd dream 2I-inch Dresser, base •. >6 "His counsel has been lhv)tlu- oil additive in use today. And more hatroom over your head. There is opens from 47x18 ,to 47x36, incl^fs; .of! Illustrated is one popular grouping. Notice the full plat­ courses of conduct which merely ahie tome. He Is dedicated, persist­ you get 'premium sarvica. Au­ bench and two chairs. Or, if you pre­ 22x2S Dresser mirror ....2 widen the gulf, standing ever more tomatic deliveries ... . s bal- Ahnouncing tha new Pontiac Trophy V-8 Engine!,We've improved mord legroom, more footroom. Doors form bases with handsome scrolled brackets,, the thumbnail .11’’ Chest of draw ers---- 6 ent In pursuing new ways for Im­ fer, table and two benches, or^ thble drawer and top edges, the spool bed . . . authentic, colonial r Full or twin beds ...... 4 firmly, hnd with ever more tragic proving government,, and a man anoed payment plan and many ^ the engine the experts said was perfect. New fuel induction system are wider and designed to swing open and four chairs I .» ' / Bedside table with ^elf . - foollahneaa. In positions between possessed of ths charactsr, pa­ other aztnurdaaignad to make details that are time-jtested. Your Old Ipswich bedrpom will and drawer ...... 24.1 home heating raoliy Msg. saves gas by using more air in the gasoline mixture. This makes the •farther. The more highway you put which there can be no communica­ tience and sound judgmsnt.so as- “grow” more mellow,'more charming with the passing years tion. ' sentlal for effectiya laadarahlp- In engine breathe more efficiently, giving you better^ acceleration. behind you (Pontiac specializes in this) THE Only wioe-track cari 119. • / and yoif’ll pride yourself on your wise choice. , This Is the stuff from which the troubled world of tomorrow." M o b i l h a a f ■T-tfi 'Eleven Versions to choose from. Horsepowers range from 215 to the more you'll appreciate the new Body width trlmmad to roduea (Ids' history of a nature far more dan­ overhang. More weight balanced bg* That was Prejitdent Elfenhowsr, the dwi-eeSe# 348, For best economy, specify the Trophy Economy V-8. Its lower room that’s all around you in this sleek tween tha whaelt. No other tar huge gerous than somebody's resump­ the other night, klving his personal the road with euch eura-footad eta- tion of nuclear testing usually evaluation of V|ca President Nix­ compression ratio lets you use regular gas. new '61. {bpity and praciiion. Solid Maple Tables amerges. There comes a certain on. ’ Mellow old time cheriy at its best total paaea from tbs clostd mind, This avaluatlon was suppoaad, ■ Five styles! WE GIVE ZgA/rTH/S YOUR BIG YEAR FOR'A WtDE-TRACK PONTIAC?.. /TB PONTIACt '.}■ tos kind of end of quandary which whan It cama, to have aoni# Im- I GREEN STAMPS SO«yNSVI^l|l. < STAN CHISP . VSNTURA * CATALINA lata dedaion flow Into ths trigger portanea, baeauaa thara had baan A brand new group of tablea ^flagar. Old Chatham, O ® ecoaaloM, haters and aftar tha ON DieeUAy NOW AT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZeO FONTIAO De>l|LER fills your every need for rooms ItapUbUtos ’ NetlowU Ckmvantloa, in Early American style. Solid ban tb i Brsaldaiit had baan soma- MURIARTY ' Sidid cherry Chatham Colonials have aUch authentic detMIihg ae Open Stock, tpo ^ The Ecoofair Promlac platforme that extend on aU three fiidM, thumbnail molded drawer nutmeg maple with a choice whet raasnrad In his discussion of of Col^ler’a Bench and End Choice pf n » n ara ra currant moments hla two'tarm aasoclata, Tha Dame- PAUL DODGE PONTIAC, Inc. and top edgw, butterfly brasses and a collection of well-copied M" Walsh Clapboard ...... 303. BROTHERS chain. There are over 20 pieces Ifl the group from which you can ltoeoii*foot 76010 extends Table shown, as well as Wag­ whan tba ..pnaldantUl campaign orets,' of coursa, hopad that thara t7f MAIN STREET-^MANCHEST^Ry C O ^ . Rmn SQxflO to 73" ...... S9 fi0 on Seat docktail Table, Lamp Oto^oppoairif eandidataa rs- was to ba aoma raaarvatloil la tha 301-31S Center St. "A \ daaisB a loom that’s distinctly youn . • . that's based oh time- detail*. The fine loUd native cherry i» finished Duxbury A nn Chairs .,. .84.98 land Step Tables, not shown. 1 9 ^ ’ iMWhig fiito tba. pot end kattla FraaldanUal blaaaliig, which thlght M l 3 - 5 1 3 1 Ouxbivy Uda Chain ,,..SSM ifBibMk ibat badauaa aampalgp avan last, through ilaetlon day: It •MB TMe'yioToii ooniee s h o w tm urboAv . oot. o<»foo-Tvi< : brown eoloriilf that grow m en levUty Buitet Base only '«^*,,^....u8. lU g o li^ 129.96. ;'■ •••■ ^ •- r* ^ PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, IWO IIANCHESTER EVENING HEHALD, MANC!HESn|)!L CONN,* WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1960 ___:------—------— ------i------^ Jews Will Mark wants an Xndnstrial Zoo* claarifi- Rockville-Vernon South Africans 61 of 72 Aboard Die in Crash State £x-R^ident TPC Considers Additions catlon for a 6-aer* N, Mata Bt Sukkos Festival plot it Jplaiis to sen. Tbs land Is Of Airliner in Bdston Harbor FREE INVESTMENT GUIB>E. The Qetobiif fwae On Clashed Plane now In B Zone. Vote Today on The Jewish FMllval of Bukko*, To Industrial Zone Rules St. Onge Tells Rotary f of the Readei^e Digest contains a 16-page ggide (OoattanM t m Pag* Ooa) (Ikintlnaed from Pag* Oii'i or Feast of Tabernacles, will be water giving conditional absolution Of Lame Duck Board Rule changai to ^pos* on In-( subjects now dpply ta Industrial Extended' Forecast/ Republic Issue to the victims. observed by Jewish people begin­ Maas., a. eomppny that makes broken legs, split skulls and every­ ning this evenlng^at sundovm and for investors, prepared by the New York Stock dustrial Zoned rostrlctlona sim­ Zones. Late at night, in the light of a Ikonemy 1 uppermoet last^ahould ba considered on H# own bowling balls. W ln ^ r Locks, O ct 8 UP*—^Tha (Continued from Psge One) thing else;” full moon, skin divers went down continuing for-tilne days. ilar to some which new apply,to ThrM 8

HOUSEW^AREjS;pe<^ t a c u t a r We Are Looking for ... esrery inch an • LAST SUPPER PLAQUE • SERVING B a s k e t s yjDJJUL QhojlXJL • TEAPOT • COFFEE MUG SET Mutual Fund Salesmen An UnusiNi OppoilvMty for H | | li •CAKE PLATE • JAM JAR cHid A FuN-Thnn Fraetign Poison with WITH SERVER A LtcNKng New York Stock Exchangt-Rrm •BUTTERDISH If.you have .had experi­ ence selling M n t u a 1 • TRIVET and WARMER Funds and are anxious to • CUP and SAUCER SET get ahead ta toe eecuri- • ROSE VASE ties buslnesa, you may be • LILY OF THE VALLEY on* of the men we are \ mKf ' ''' .mKm aeeklnc to Join our Mu­ • PLANTERS SPRAY OF FLOWERS tual Fhnda iBalea Staff. Extra Rewards for Sizable Producers Wo W ill provide you with toe training you need to be^ MEN'S come a fully Registered Representative able to sell Hated CHENILLE BEDSPREAD MAPLE BAR CHAIRS or over-the-counter stocks, bonds and commodities, plus REGULAR 19.95. m w j shares of all lekdlng Mutual Funds and monthly plana. The right men will be raid commissions on an incentive Full nr tii'In size.• <», Colors - l RIPPLE SOLE SHOES efb * a I C"w m Blue, rose, beige, building sliding scale which brings extra rewards to siz­ .97 lA. width otil}',, AU tizcGa CholcG of block brown* able p^ucer#. You can also participate ta toe offering of new issues which we imderwrite and will be able to seu REG. 5.9a-~SALE CARD TABLES shares lit companies our top-rated Research Department recommends. This Research Department—which will al­ REGULAR 9.95. R T T ways be at^your disposal---is cme of toe oldest, largest and Mtif MMn link kftctltl wl'ili'ereune y«gr *rahy wrltl, S ALB •••••••ses**#***eee##*e # m m •Ml Mf • tiny cireli M • cM.a. n |twtli. $ II.M most respected In Wall Street. Hom’s an aH -ii^ kind of car In the low-price IhGd—mon agOe to driva, more oeenomicaJ to ofmn.ie\ Sales Leads, Opportuiiitjr for Advancement Siaed to aebt rtx In oomfortl Not too hig. . , net too amsdl.... Juii right for youl Sostuedy and rood- M lltk M U tU 1N% WOOL BLANKETS KITCHEN STOOLS Our consistent national advertising brings you quality yMh «n4 bttuir fft Ciftuf»4 in thlt IT ■ales loads which help you find new oustomeri. We new ■urii yoo'li drhio sJl d»y without tiring! Smooth and quiet in the Oidsmobfle tradHioal |*wtl Mitch with HiutifuMy m»teh«4 iipid- WHITE WROUGHT IRON. ' Cbiilce of aiiliil rolors or have 40 offices from coast to coast and abroad, with •Im hnciliL IH .T I REGULAR 3.95. SALE ...... A e V / more planned for toe future, and qualified men will find ■ I » plnida.'TMln and full size. , Bs8$ far ili^i iMs^^ar IIMTSI promising opportunities for advancement tiM titcut'M l««l - to* Itvil III Extra Benefits aiica M nat In prita. V lawali, atioch. REG. 12.98— $ ALE DOUBLE DUTY^ LAYATORIES hi ^ iMPfrite Isildl railataht tit.1t Many company banefi'ts to protect you and your family REG. 14.95 REG. 19.50 REG. 20.50 are available, includii^ a retirement pUin. If you are a * Eaduahre alMeinuni Rockeff* V-8 enflln* lurM out SALE "" SALE SALE mature, able Mutual i^nd salesman mow, here is an un- * apMtod 155 h.p. • Handy Il88-led) loeflh. • Eeay- WOOL gnd pRlQN MIXTURE "f 77 I SLEEPING BAGS paraUoled opportunity to build on your previous experi­ riding 112-bMh edioelbaa*. • Sedoes or SloMea ■PitVA "»l" SOLID COLORS / * '' Idefil for that hunting trip. Confalnii S lbs. of Dupont ence and start a better-paying, more solid and satisfying Weqem—el wNh (our Mg dean. • New Hydro- Tha Mates ISfl Saa a«afythlii|. n lawala, lall-Mlndlnf, 7.97 n.97 12.97 Shop easy now, ^, dacron fibre f|H for added warmth, arater repellent career with a long established, successful Wall Street MeNc %zHh Aceel-A-lteler acMen (epHeael at Oatr* setanKaaf,* OacS-raalatant. MateSInf awanalan San4. firm. IM.M ootev riiiw , evemized weather stripping throaghont. coal). • lig aiadc* • • • tw ywa oed yeur Wy coqel with Layaway... Air fiiattresa Included., - * Come write or. call Bfr. Kraeonics, Reaident Msinager • « i VOUR LOOiU. MEDICINE CABINETS . . foran appointment ", AUTMORIZBD C|UAMrV P(M$LBR make it a^hrighUrBULOVA Chrietmasl RAYON FAILLE DRAPES REGULAR 9.95. w MI 8-1671 or MI S-S$Ur Whit* with goM deeign, 11$ REG' 'SAIaE see •***•*#••••*••■*>« g ^ - B«for« you-buy anv fawHsribt^ emr... b« sur« to ••• iind driy« ih« new F 'B B l X 90 er l i t x 63, .97 26.44 SREarson. H a m m il u Cq . SM o o r FUSTIC TOILET SEATS m w firm that roaeanrii baUF'—-Fonfied IfitS REG. 15.98 to 17.98 REGULAlIl 6*95* •IT MAIN ST—tfOeXg TO THE SAVINGS BANK OF MANCHESTER Members H(ow York Stoek Exehaage ■ad'''' MANCilESTER MOTOR SALES, Inc. -512 WEST CENTER STREET SALE ...... dr m Other f,leading Kxebangee •1 8 llditf Vtn MANCBianB* OOMIf. m aiciiA ii fMArNi i¥fltT RAOElUDinil

favor paying cash, rather than ia> memorial service Sunday evening Una ed Brookline, MsiSh fM »t- suing boqds, foi^ atorm drains. RiksktiUe-yernon at Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main graat-great granddaughter of . the Menzies Denounces Nikita Judge Orders Other Deoisioa* i l l St. I State News Vermont hero. Some West SMers In other actions last night, tho Obituary DesigBed frmn the keel up for f l r ^ the T,S00-inile soUd fueled Board: CASH . Orieatai Pork Oiopz '. As Hypocrite in UN Debate Mental Exam 1. Daforrod a water main aoaeao- Polaria missile, the Ethan Allen iQeneral Manager Richard Iiuddecke, Olson Wage Three iii Hospital 6 pork loin chops, cut H inch Roundup displaces 6,900 tons and la 410 feet Petition for Sewer ment agalnat Edward Matuabak, DO IT YOURSKP OMl iA V i $$$ Martin’ has ordered water and Highland st, because'tho Inade- Death Qaim^s thick Img. Four more submarines of the (OobUbiM (rota Fag* Oa*) cup soy sauce sewer service shut off for For Goldiiiie quancy of the Highland Park Wa«^ ALUMINUM. TRIKETILT Widi Crash Hurts (Ooati]iaed,fron Pag* Om ) Ethan Allen class have been au­ about 500 consumers who are % cup su«r thorized and all will be equipped Immediate freedom to all depend­ Abopt Town Town Dlrectora laat'^ljght re-OBoard revived and approved the ter Co. aystem which used [ to 1 clove garlic, minced very delinquent in paying their serve him forced him to drill hls Police Budget Battle Mrs. Sartor On* of 30 Navy divers, who ex­ with 16 Polaris tubes in their mld- (Continned from Pa|a One) calved writtan aupport f froin^. i ^ , West idea it rejected last week of plan­ Three peraona ^ere hospitalized ^ teaspoon salt. bllU. ent area* at once. Menzlca com­ own well. Thus, he* has ho r|;ed plored the pit Monday, said the shiM section. The shutoffs, according to The Albartua Magnua College Sldera for a sewer pump itation ning a treatment plant to aerve as the result of two separate ac- 1 teaspoon ginger uncle Sam already has two Po­ mented tartly: Club of JJ4urtford will hold an an­ Goldfine’a lawyer, E. Bennett BUlUand fijrce CD main project —V whose 1 —100 — West• ■ —— Side —— r~ properties ~M------r~~~. plus —— two c f a new line, recently installed. The call for Vemon’e adjourned , Mrs. Florence IrenjS Morllno Combine soy sauce, sugar, gar­ quarry was "one o f the worst and Martin’s order to WaUr 8u-. * ^ Marlon Tourwlth, Glastonburyj cMenta around 7 ;S0 last night laris submarines, the George Wash­ "I venture to aay it ia an act nual open house for prospective William*, and U.S. Atty. Elliot L. eeaamettte hav* been opposed by ^hoola. It rejected last week’s Town Director Theodor* Powell WINDOWS lic, salt and ginger. Pour mix­ most dangerous diving areas I’ve perintendent Fred Thrall, will 12 Thomas Lefebvre, Frtnch Rd., Bol­ Sartor, 47, of 37 Perkins 8t., one vdjHi to cut the plant down to a warned the Board it may be set­ annual town meeting to be held Paul D„ Martin, 21, o f ^Itzgerald seen." ington and the Patrick Henry, but start Nov. 14 and continued of complete hypoerlay for a Com­ students *t the Embassy roopi of Rlchardaon, offered no objection* residents of that area for many ton; Mrs. Alice Englert and daugh­ ture over pork chops and allow the Hotel Heublein, 160,Wells St., month*. _ size 'tft serve the schools alone. ting a precedent. SEE DISPLAY A t... Monday evening at the Rockville of the first two women appointed Dr., South Coventry, suffered The quarry frequently la used they're in a different class. Both until a large amount of out­ munist leader to denounce colonial­ to the court actloni ter Columbia; Mrs. Esther Daley to marinate 4 to 6 hours, turning recently completed successful sub­ Hartford, on Sunday from 3 to 6 A petiUon aubmitted at a Board EitheKway, said Kelly, the West 3. Authorized the Board High School was published today as school traffic officer, died yes­ occasionally. Place on a rack by skindivers for practice. standing bills are paid. Me has ism as If it were an evil character­ Sweeney thereupon dismissed and *’m. Wapplng: Mrs. Eleanore multiple cuts about the face and - 'X merged laun^inga of the Polaria in authorized Thrall to hire mors p.m. meeting in the Municipal Building Siders wlir have service, no matter to go ahead with a proposal to MANCHESTER AWNING CO. In the midst of varied comment Fi-sher and daughter, Tolland Rd., terday afternoon at Manchester left arm; Marshall IV, dmith, 23, In broiler pan. Place chops 6 to teats at Cape Canaveral, Fla. istic of the western powers, when 152 prospective jurors called for showed people at 69 West Sid* ad what the refetafidum'vote. allow policemen to retire at 55 7 inches from heat. Broil 10 to employes If necessary to com­ by town .leaders. Vernon; Mrs. Mae Rice and son, Memorial Hospital, after a short Advocate Compact the fact* are that the greateat Representatlvea to the Combined the opening of the trial last Mon­ dreuea favoired a referendum on Some West Siders last week op­ after 30 years service. Board 195 WEST CENTER ST.—MI 9-S091 of 82 Windsor Ave., Rockndlle, 15 minutes on first side. 'Turn plete the work. cblonlal power now existing Is the day. He directed that they return William F. Luddecke, chairman Thompsonvllle; Mrs. Jean Tierney illness. She‘-'was the wife of An­ Catholic Mothers Circle will meet the project Nov. 8, and would be posed the treatment j>lant aa Its Chairman James Arthur said 42 suffered a fractured nose and mul­ and broil on second side 10 to 15 Norwalk, Oct. 5 (P)—State Ben. JaU$ Face Probe The bills are being collected Soviet Union itself." next Tuesday. He warned them 6:80 AJM. to 5 PM.—THURSDAY to 9 PAL ef the V^emon Board of Finance, and daughter. 162 Bts.sell St. Abner W. Sibal, Republican candi­ at the office of Tax Collector tomorrow at 6 p:v. pt Church of willing to pay a fair aseeaament aa assessmenta would be h lA er than policemen favor the higher pen­ thony P. Sartor, who is employed tiple face and forehead cuts; and minutes. Serve hot. Yield: 4 New Haven, Oct. 5 (It)— State Menzies mid he was shocked at against discussing the cas^. ^ Court of Common Pleaa Is ex SATURDAY AIX. DAY who made an impassioned plea DISCHARGED TODAY: Mrs. date for Congress In the Fourth Paul Cervlnl in the Municipal the Aaiumpftlon. those proposed for the pomp ata- sion contributions this will re­ by the Town Fire Departpient. Paul S. Gustafson, 64, of 64 Lewis servings. Jail adminiatratop Harold E. Heg- evidence that there were thoae at Goldflne had been brought to pecte