-■* • . *«S r...,«,';..Hi*;«*^-^M'-'.Ar'«;44tUS^ TUESDAY, OCTOBER A, 1980 Averaffa Daily Nat Praaa non ThaWaathar rseesMt af C. A Weather Jtan p a g e s i x t e e n For tha Wash EtmML iSattrt;?0bt' lEbi^ttins ll^raUi Oct 1. 1900 Fair, waiMiqr OsBigM. Law 40s. Thursday mUd, slight Mum Four ManOhester airmen' have Starilw Circle, W8CS, of 8outh Poweirs to Speak a t l a n t i o 13,231 of a heM shewsr peclad lata completed basic training at Lack­ Methodist Church, will meet at the ' Member of tha Andlf AboutTown land Air ForcbJPase, San Antonio, churoh tonight at 8 o'clock for a Edwards-Weir FURNACE OIL day. High Yd to 1$. , Tex. They are Noel Fagan, son of sp^lal work night. f To Lincoln. PTA Aatomatio IMlvery/ Borean of Obonlatloa. M anchm ter^A City of Village Charm WUUam O.'Brown. 18, ion oil Mr. and Mix. Walter R. Fagan, Miss Nancy Jean Weir of JoMph B. Powers, X)*'-' L T. WOOD CO. Mr. and M n. Robert T. Brown, 38 Coventry 'S t; Bernard E. Pud- ^ Robert Chambers, son of Mr. Phone Ml 8-1129 (OtosaUtod AdVMitWag au Page M ) 280 Woodland 8 t, has enlisted In vah, son of Bernard J. Pudvah, 3x and Mrs. Harold Chambers. h*s Marblehead, Mass.; and formerly Vornon, a aervlco/reprertintaUve VOL LXXX No 4 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES— IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHEISTER, .CONN*, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1960 PRICE FIVE CENTS the U.S. Air Force for lour yean^ Lenox S t; Donald A. Gamache, son completed basic training at Lack- of Mtmcheiter, became the bride for Smith, Klin* aAd French Lab­ of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Gatna- He will receive eight weeks' basic land Air Force Baae. San Antonio, of Paul Edwards Jr. of Wenham, oratories, will be guoat speaker at che, 102 Eldrldge St.; and Wilfred Tex. » training at Ijackland A F ' Base, Masa., Sunday afternoon at EJman- the first fall membership meeting San Antonio, Tex. He Is a grad­ J. Lemire, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ fred J. Lemire, 137 Brookfield St. of Lincoln PTA tomorrow at 8 uate o f Howell Cheney Technical The Junior Daughters of Isa­ uel Lutheran Church. ARTHUR DRUG State News bella will meet tonight at 6 p.m. in the school auditorium. School. The bride is the daughter of Mr. ■‘Prescription for Tomorrow" The Alpina Society will meet to-\ o'clock, at the K of C Home. and Mrs. Thomaa Weir, 117 Sum­ wlU be the topic of a rcM rt on FREE DELIVERY Pirates in Lead morrow at 7:30 p.m. at the Ital mer St., Manchester. The bride­ medical progress made In the past 8 A.M. to IS PJMl. koundup Ian American Club. The Ladles' Aid of Zion Evan­ groom Is the son of Mr. suid Mrs. few decades through cooperation Denounces Nikita gelical LTitheran Church will meet Paul Edwards. Wenham, Mass. of physicians, pharmacists and Wednesday Manchester Grange will meet tcmorrow at 7:30 p.m., at the The Rev. Henry Anderson of the. pharmaceutical industry. tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Orange church. Emanuel Lutheran Church per­ Powers will conduct a question 5-2 After Four At Pinehurst Hall. The third and fourth de** formed the double-ring ceremony. and answer period. Refreshments Special Service grees will be exemplified. The Willing Workers. WSCS, of The church was decorated with will be served. meeGng will be preceded, by a South Methodist Church, will meet white chrysanthemums and snap­ He attended Bain Michael’s Col­ PIRATES FIRST Slash Suggested GMUNDMEAT supper to be served by the home tomorrow at 11 a.m.. and will dragons. Mrs. Roy Johnson sang lege, Winooski Park, Vt., from Pittsburgh, Oct. 5 (ff>—Thet Dltmar's first pitch to Vlrdon share a potluck with Story Circle Pittsburgh Pirates a truck economics committee at 6:30. three solos, "I Lov,e Thee," "The which he received a BA., ‘degree was high and outside for a ball. Hartford, Ofct. 6 (/P)— A Those attending should bring a at noon. Guests at the luncheon Lord's Prayer" and "O Promise ■ swiftly for three nma In the in 1903; and Georgetown Untver- Vlrdon walked on five pitches. special st^te committee to­ SPECIAL dish. I will be the Rev. Earl Story, former Me," accompanied by Mrs. Arthur slty School of Foreign Service, first inning, got two, more on On Dltmar’s first pitch to Groat, pastor of South Church, and Mrs. Gaard, organist. day called for an end to “a lot from which he received a B.S. Bill Mazeroaki’s honier in the Vlrdon broke to second and when LEAN, CHUCK Story. There will be no morning The bride, escorted, by her fath­ degree in 1966. of special services financed The American Legion will start fourth, and led the New York nobody was there to handle Ber­ GROUND , a setback league Thursday attS meeting of Story Circle as pre­ er, wore a gown of Ivory peau de ra’s throw, Vlrdon continued to largdy by taxpayers,” for the viously reported. Yankees 5-2 after four in­ p.m. George Patten will direct the sole, fashioned with'scoop neckline third. It was ruled a stolen base henefit of staff personnel at league. There is still time to enter of imported Irish -Clooney lace, nings of the opening game of for Vlrdon and an error for Berra "Taking Inventory of Inventory state institutions. Warns New Nations a team. fitted bodice with V waistline, and the World Series. The suddenness of the move ^ Practices" will be the subject-of a"- PINB Chairman Robert T. Calms o f pointed sleeves. The dome skirt A capacity crowd of 38,000 parently caught the Ya'nkCeik'iJy .■t' Otic- discussion forum at a' meeting of with full panels at the back ter­ the ^tate Maintenance Study PHARMACT surprise as neither Kube* nor Committee, said his group also Hartford Chapter, National As­ minated In a chapel train. She In Forbes Field saw the Pi­ Richardson made a m ov^o cover sociation of Accoiintants, tomor­ wore a mantilla of matching M4 OENTBR ST.—BH 9-9814 rates knock Yank starter Art wants to see uniformity between Not to Heed Russian second base until the hall was half > 4 " d ’" row at 1:30 p.m. at Wampanoag Clooney lace which extended to pitmar out of the game in institutions as regards staff hous­ 6 9 . FREE DELIVERY S way to the bqg. G rp « lined Dlt- ing, meals and other sfrvicea Up- Country Club. « “ the waist. Her bouquet was of the first inning. mar'B next pitch to the r'itht field ivory roses, stephanotls and Ivy. plied at ciit rates to employes. comer for a iJOUble, scoring Vlr­ Specifically, the committee pro­ - United Nations, N, Y., Oct. 5 (/P)— Australian Prime Min­ 5 f b s . $ 3 . 3 5 LiDGEn DRUG S Robert E. McIntosh Jr., 28 Har­ Miss Melody Weir, Manchester, Jt/Sr AKK/KPi YANKS FIRST don with the^tylng run. Manager poses that: ister Robert G. Menzies today* denounced Soviet Premier UsuoHy 79c Lb. vard Rd,^ earned high honors , at niece of the bride, was maid of Gov. David Lawrence threw out Stengel came out of the Yankee AtThaPARKADE • Worcester (Polytechnic Institute VINYL 1. All commissaries, where staff Khrushchev as a hypocrite, and charged hin\ with assuming honor. Brideamalds were Miss the first ball to officially open the dugouttb steady his players. Skin­ may make purchases at low rates, REGULAR HAMBURG last term. , , Norma Cooper and Miss Anita i960 World Series. ner bminced a single past Rich- a Caesar-like role in trying to create a “ disunited nations.” be eliminated. In a speech prepared for delivery to the U.N. General As­ Drake, both of Boston, Mass. All Law's first pitch to Kubek was ardtoh Into center field, Groat 2. State charges to staff per­ attendants wore, similar gowms of a fast called strike. Kubek ground­ Coring to put the Pirates In front sonnel for meals be set at "actual sembly, Menzies appealed to the newly admitted African nia-^ cardinal red velveteen and satin, ed a sharp single off ttae third b i ^ 2-1. Stuart lined to Marls In short tions not to heed Khrusiichev’s voice. designed with scoop necklines and cost figures." Some meals, he aaid, bag. Hoak fielded the ball buOiad right. Skinner stole second base as now cost employes around 25 bell-shaped sklrU of velveteen a FOR ORAgOUS UVIN6I ‘ i '3 - ■ ‘ u '■ The counterattack came in the Assembly’s policy debate not time to make a play. Mazero- Berra's throw, was high and wide. cents, while others are free. were accented with wide bands of Entertain withpride. re­ as the assembly pondered a neutralist drive pressing Presi­ • Tha popular aM tor skl fielded Loipez's grounder, Clemente singled to center, scor­ 3. Definite regrulations should.be satin at the hemline. They wore lax in luxury. Choose from ing Skinner with' Pittsburgh's dent Eisenhower and the Soviet leader to meet again face- radiicinc 91 colors, many styles. tagged Kubek and ,-threw to established, on a state-wide basis J... matching picture hats With velve­ third run and bringing Stengel out to-face. 5 5 ^ Stuart at first to/ complete a as to who is u entitled to live in teen crowns and satin brimi. They a Coiapara our prlca — eFORAaiVEUVINOI double play. Matto anlashed a one to the mound again. That was all state-owned housing quarters. Prime Minister Nehru of India is attempting to apply all carried arm bouquets of Ivory aava hara NOVVI Stands up for years..
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