2014 Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Football

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2014 Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Football 2014 LOUISIANA RAGIN’ CAJUNS FOOTBALL -PVJTJBOB3BHJO$BKVOT4QPSUT*OGPSNBUJPOt3FJOIBSEU%SJWFt-BGBZFUUF -"tXXX3BHJO$BKVOTDPN 1SJNBSZDPOUBDU.BUU4VMMJWBOtE: NBUUTVMMJWBO!MPVJTJBOBFEVtO: tC: 985-981-0009 4FDPOEBSZ$POUBDU+Fò4DIOFJEFSt&TDIOFJEFS!MPVJTJBOBFEVt0 t$225-241-8430 (BNF/P -/--06*4*"/"3"(*/$"+6/4 4VO#FMU '*7&26*$,)*55&34 )FBE$PBDIMark Hudspeth (Delta State, 1992) 3FDPSEBU-PVJTJBOB28-15 (4th season), $BSFFS3FDPSE94-36 (11th year) 1 - -PVJTJBOBJT/POBUJPOBMMZ PVUPG'#4 teams, in fewest penalties per game (3.75). -/- (&03(*"45"5&1"/5)&34 4VO#FMU )FBE$PBDITrent Miles (Indiana State, ‘87) 2 - 5IF3BHJO$BKVOTBSF/POBUJPOBMMZ 3FDPSEBU(FPSHJB4UBUF1-15 (2nd season), $BSFFS3FDPSE21-51 (7th season) PVUPG'#4UFBNT JOUBLFBXBZT * - Rankings listed at Amway Coaches’ Poll/AP Poll 3 - 1VOUFSDaniel Cadona is ranked No. 6 0DUPCFS tQN$%5t-BGBZFUUF -Bt$BKVO'JFME nationally in punting averaging 47.1 yards per 4FSJFT)JTUPSZLouisiana leads, 1-0 ... frst-ever meeting in Lafayette ... Louisiana claimed 35-21 attempt. victory in previous game at the Georgia Dome (Nov. 16, 2013). 4 - -JOFCBDLFSTrae Johnson is ranked 13th (".&*/'03."5*0/ BNPOH'#4QMBZFSTJOUBDLMFT QFSHBNF &41/Drew Fellios, PxPt'PSSFTU$POPMZ Color 3BHJO$BKVOT3BEJP/FUXPSLJay Walker, PxPt(FSBME#SPVTTBSE Colort4UFWF1FMPRVJO Sideline 5 - Senior right guard Daniel Quave has *O-BGBZFUUF,1&-". 'MBHTIJQ ,)95'. started in 43 consecutive games. "óMJBUFT,569'. 4ISFWFQPSU 8(40". /FX0SMFBOT ,+&'". +FOOJOHT ,-$-". -BLF$IBSMFT ,3+0". .POSPF ,5*#". 5IJCPEBVY -JWF4UBUT3BHJO$BKVOTDPN 4$)&%6-&3&46-54 5JDLFUT3BHJO$BKVOTDPN SFTFSWFE HFOFSBMBENJTTJPO "6(645 5XJUUFS6QEBUFT!6-3BHJO$BKVOT'BDFCPPL3BHJO$BKVOT"UIMFUJDT :PV5VCF*"N3BHJO$BKVOT*OTUBHSBN6-3BHJO$BKVOT 4PVUIFSOESPN3 8 (".&%":4503:-*/&4 4&15&.#&3 t-PVJTJBOBJTBHBJOTUBMMPQQPOFOUTEBUJOHCBDLUP -PVJTJBOB5FDIESPN3 - t5IF$BKVOTMPPLUPBWPJEUIFJSöSTUGPVSHBNFMPTJOHTUSFBLTJODF MPTUTFWFOTUSBJHIU BU 0MF.JTTSEC Network L, 56-15 t-PVJTJBOBJTJOIPNFHBNFTTJODFVOEFSIFBEDPBDIMark Hudspeth. BU#PJTF4UBUFCBS Sports Network L, 34-9 t-PVJTJBOBJTDPNJOHPòUISFFDPOTFDVUJWFTFBTPOT 01&/%"5& t5IF3BHJO$BKVOTBSFJO4VO#FMU$POGFSFODFPQFOFST XJOOJOHTJYTUSBJHIUHBNFTTJODF 2008. 0$50#&3 t-PVJTJBOBTXJOTJOUIFQBTUUISFFQMVTTFBTPOT JTUIFCFTUNBSLJOTDIPPMIJTUPSZ (FPSHJB4UBUF ESPN3 QN surpassing 22 victories (1970-72). BU5FYBT4UBUF 5VFT ESPN2 7 p.m. 5)&(".& "SLBOTBT4UBUF 5VFT ESPN2 QN 5IF-PVJTJBOB3BHJO$BKVOTSFUVSOGSPNBOPòXFFLUPCFHJOEFGFOTFPGUIFJS4VO#FMU$POGFS- FODFUJUMFXIFOUIFZQMBZIPTUUPMFBHVFSJWBM(FPSHJB4UBUFPO4BUVSEBZ 0DU BU$BKVO'JFME /07&.#&3 ,JDLPòJTTDIFEVMFEGPSQNBOEXJMMCFUFMFWJTFEPO&41/5IFHBNFDBOBMTPCFIFBSE 4PVUI"MBCBNB )$ QN POUIF3BHJO$BKVOT4QPSUT/FUXPSLXJUIJay Walker QYQ Gerald Broussard (color) and Steve BU/FX.FYJDP4UBUF QN Peloquin (sideline) providing the commentary. BU6-. QN -PVJTJBOB 4#$ XIJDIJTDPNJOHPòBOPQFOEBUF MPPLTUPTOBQBUISFFHBNFMPTJOH "QQBMBDIJBO4UBUF 5#" TUSFBLBGUFSGBMMJOHJOBDPOUFTUBU#PJTF4UBUFPO4FQU5IF$BKVOTGFMMCFIJOEJOUIF BU5SPZ QN öSTURVBSUFSBOEXFSFIFMEUPZBSETSVTIJOHJOUIFHBNFBHBJOTUUIF#SPODPT SBOLFEUI nationally in rushing defense. 4VO#FMU$POGFSFODF(BNF)$)PNFDPNJOH "MMUJNFTBSF$FOUSBMEBUFTBOEUJNFTTVCKFDUUPDIBOHF Elijah McGuire UPUBMFEBMMQVSQPTFZBSETBHBJOTU#PJTF4UBUF JODMVEJOHZBSETPOB career-high 10 receptions. McGuire added 33 yards in punt returns and a team-high 31 yards on $0"$)&40/5)&'*&-% the ground. )FBE$PBDIMark Hudspeth Trevence Patt QPTUFEBDBSFFSIJHIUBDLMFT TPMP BHBJOTU#PJTF4UBUFChristian Ringo 0òFOTJWF-JOF .JUDI3PESJHVF SFDPSEFEUISFFTUPQTGPSMPTTBHBJOTUUIF#SPODPTXJUIDominique Tovell adding two. 3VOOJOH#BDLT.BSRVBTF-PWJOHT Terrance Broadway enters the Georgia State game ranked third in passing yards (5,937), 3FDFJWFST Jorge Munoz GPVSUIJOQBTTDPNQMFUJPOT GPVSUIJOUPUBMPòFOTF BOETJYUIJOQBTTBUUFNQUT %FGFOTJWF-JOF5JN&EXBSET #SPBEXBZJTPOFUPVDIEPXOQBTTTIZPGNPWJOHQBTURoy Henry (40, 1975-77) into sole pos- 0VUTJEF-JOFCBDLFSTDavid Saunders TFTTJPOPGTFDPOEQMBDFPOUIFTDIPPMTBMMUJNFMJTUBOEOFFETZBSETPGUPUBMPòFOTFUPQBTT %FGFOTJWF#BDLT5JN3FCPXF Jerry Babb (7,730 yards, 2003-06) into third place. (FPSHJB4UBUF 4#$ SFUVSOTUPBDUJPOGPSUIFöSTUUJNFJOUXPXFFLTBGUFSGBMMJOHBU1BD NFNCFS8BTIJOHUPO PO4FQUJO4FBUUMF5IF1BOUIFSTPQFOFEUIFTFBTPOXJUIB $0"$)&4*/5)&#005) XJOPWFS'$4NFNCFS"CJMFOF$ISJTUJBOCFGPSFESPQQJOHBEFDJTJPOUP/FX.FYJDP 0òFOTJWF$PPSEJOBUPS2# Jay Johnson 4UBUFJOUIF4VO#FMUPQFOFSGPSCPUIUFBNTPO4FQUJO"UMBOUB %FGFOTJWF$PPSEJOBUPS*-#James Willis Nick Arbuckle MFBETUIF4VO#FMU$POGFSFODFJOQBTTJOHZBSET BOEUPUBMPòFOTF 5JHIU&OET3FFE4USJOHFS while Joseph Peterson is second in the league in tackles per game (13.2). GAME 5: GEORGIA STATE Louisiana Ragin’ Cajuns Football Media Services Contacting Coach Hudspeth LOUISIANA Head coach Mark Hudspeth will be available for interviews on Monday during the Sun Belt Coaches SPORTS INFORMATION Teleconference and at his weekly luncheon. He is also available in his ofce from 8:15-11:15 a.m., Tuesday- Thursday for telephone and in-person interviews. Once a request is approved by the Sports Information Matt Sullivan (Primary Football Contact) Ofce, a representative of the football ofce will coordinate an appointment. Sports Information Director Ofce: 337.482.6331 Contacting Student-Athletes Cell: 985.981.0009 MEDIA MEMBERS SHOULD NEVER CONTACT A STUDENT-ATHLETE DIRECTLY AT ANY TIME. That [email protected] contact rule begins the minute the S-A enrolls in school as a freshman until the time they run out of eligibility – ofseason and summers included. Contact includes, but is not limited to, in-person interviews Jef Schneider (Secondary Football Contact) outside of an athletic event or practice, phone calls, text messages, e-mail and any other form of online Assistant Sports Information Director communication (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Student-athletes have been instructed to immediately Ofce: 337.482.6332 terminate any contact initiated by a member of the media. Player interviews MUST be arranged through Cell: 225.241.8430 the SID ofce. During the season, select Cajuns players are available to the media twice a week, typically [email protected] Tuesdays and Wednesdays. To arrange an interview before or after practice, please call or e-mail Matt Sullivan or Jef Schneider at least one day in advance. Players will not be available for game-day Ben Rikard interviews until the post-game press conference. Interviews will always be scheduled around a student- Assistant Sports Information Director athlete’s academic schedule. Ofce: 337.482.6330 Monday Press Luncheon [email protected] Each Monday during the regular season, Mark Hudspeth will hold a weekly media luncheon beginning at noon in Room 140 of the Cox Communications Athletic Center. This event is open ONLY to credentialed Blake Barington members of the media. Lunch will be served between 12-12:30 p.m. with Hudspeth’s opening comments Sports Information Assistant scheduled to follow shortly after. Schedule permitting, student-athletes may be available to address the Ofce: 337.482.6329 media during this time (if there are not class conficts) . Media are asked to please arrive early. There will [email protected] be no luncheon the weeks of Sept. 22-28 and Oct. 20-26. Ragin’ Cajuns Radio Network Sun Belt Conference Teleconference Sports Radio 1420 ESPN/KPEL-AM The Sun Belt Conference will have a weekly teleconference of the football coaches around the league on 1749 Bertrand Drive Mondays beginning Aug. 25. The teleconference will begin at 10:30 a.m. (CT) with general announcements Lafayette, LA 70506 from around the conference. Coach Hudspeth will be available via the teleconference at approximately 337.233.6000 11:19 a.m. For access to the teleconference, members of the media can call 212-812-4494, passcode 1359 9868. For quick access, go to https://sportssystems.spiderphone.com/13599868. Play-by-Play Announcer Jay Walker ([email protected]) Practices Practices are only open for the frst 25 minutes from Tuesday-Thursday. Media must contact the SID ofce Analyst if they plan to attend an open practice and should be aware of the designated areas around the practice Gerald Broussard feld from which to view practice. Post practice interviews must be arranged at least 24 hours in advance Sideline of each practice. Steve Peloquin ([email protected]) Postgame Requested Cajuns players and head coach Mark Hudspeth are available in the interview room following On the Internet the mandatory 10-minute cooling-of period. The Louisiana locker room is CLOSED to the media at all Listen to the game audio at 1079ishot.com, then click times. Media outlets may request players to be brought to the interview room for post-game interviews. ‘Listen Live.’ Streaming video for all home games is The Cajun Field elevator will be held for working press midway through the fourth quarter and will available at www.RaginCajuns.com promptly leave with 5:00 left on the clock to take media members to the post-game interview area. Members of the Louisiana Sports Information staf will escort media to the interview room and will be www.RaginCajuns.com available to handle requests. Game books and Louisiana player and coach quotes will be distributed in The ofcial website of Louisiana’s Ragin’ Cajuns the media work room (Cox Communications Athletic Center, Room 140). Athletics is home to all the football information you need - schedules, results, game recaps, rosters, bios, CollegePressBox.com statistics, game notes and the 2014 team guide. It’s all Collegepressbox.com is the ofcial media website for Sun Belt Conference football. Access and download available... wherever
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