Medications to Avoid Prior To Surgery It is important to make your surgeon aware of all medications that you take before surgery. Many medications can interfere with anesthesia or other medications prescribed before, during, and after surgery. Certain medications may also interfere with the healing process. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications should be stopped 5 days prior to surgery. If you are taking Aspirin-containing drugs such as Percodan, Excedrin or Anacin, these should be stopped 7 days prior to your surgery. Non-Steriodal drugs and aspirin can be found in many medications. The list below covers many medications that contain these products. Please check your medications for aspirin and alert us of any other pain medications you are taking. If you are on Coumadin, Plavix or Heparin based products it will have to be stopped, under the supervision of your internist, several days prior to your surgery. If these medications cannot be safely stopped then an alternative plan will need to be made. Aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug are present in many over- the- counter medication. Read labels carefully. Use Tylenol containing pain relief medications before your procedure. Below is a partial list of medications that can affect the safety of a procedure. If you have any questions regarding any of the medication listed below contact our office at 562-6262.

Advil Bufferin Tablets Alcohol (24 hrs prior) Bufferin Arthritis Strength Tablets Aleve Bufferin Extra Strength Tablets Alka Seltzer (Effervescent ) Bufferin with Codeine #3 Tablets Alka Seltzer (Cold Medicine Tablet) Buffets ll Tablets Anacin Tablets and Caplets Buf-Tabs Anaprox Anaproxn Cama Arthritis Pain Reliever Arthralgen Tablets Celebrex Arthritis Strength Bufferin Tablets Children’s Aspirin Arthropan Congesprin Chewable Tablets Arthrotec Cope Tablets ASA Tablets Enseals Cosprin Tablets Ascriptin with Codeine Coumadin Ascriptin Tablets CP-2 Tablets Ascriptin AD Tablets Darvon with ASA Pulvules Ascriptin Extra Strength Darvon Compound Pulvules Aspergum Darvon Compound 65 Aspirbuf Tablets Darvon N with ASA Aspirin Dasin Capsules Axotal Tablets Daypro Bayer Aspirin Tablets Dinol Tablets Bayer Children’s Aspirin Tablets Disalcid Capsules Bayer Children’s Cold Tablets Doan’s Pills Bayer Timed Release Tablets Duoprin’s BC Tablet and Duoprin Capsules Buff-A Comp #3 Tablets with Codeine Duradyne Tablets Buffaprin Tablets Durasal Tablets

4/23/2016 Dynosal Tablets Naprosyn Naproxen Easprin Neocylate Tablets Ecotrin Tablets Norgesic & Norgesic Forte Tablets Efficin Tablets Nuprin Emagrin Tablets Empirin Tablets Orudis Empirin with Codeine Tablets OS-Cal Gesic Tablets Enoxaparin injections Equagesic Tablets Pablate Excedrin Tablets and Capsules Pablate-SF Tablets Pepto Bismol Tablets and Suspensior Fenoprofen Percodan & Percodan-ASA Demi Fiorinol Tablets Tablet Fiorinol with Codeine Persistin Tablets Four-Way Cold Tablets Plavix Propoxyphene Compound 65 Gaysal-S Tablets Piroxicam Gemisin Tablets Goody’s Headache Powder Robaxisal Tablets Rufen Ibuprofen Indomethacin S-A-C Tablets Indocin St. Joseph Aspirin for Children Indomethacin St. Joseph Cold Tablets for Children Indo-Lemmon Capsules Sine-off Sinus Medicine Tablets SK-65 Compound Capsules Lanocrinal Tablets Stanback Tablets and Powder Lovenox injections Supac Cups Magan Tablets Synalgos Capsules Magsal Tablets Synalgos-DC Capsules Marnal Capsules Maximum Bayer Aspirin Talwin Compound Tablets Measurin Tablets Trendar Meclomen Tolectin Meclofenamate Medipren Triaminicin Tablets Mefanamic Acid Trigsesic Midol Caplets Trilisate Tablets & Liquid Methocarbamol with Aspirin Tablets Micrainin Tablets Ultram Mobidin Tablets Uracel Mobigesic Tablets Vanquish Momentum Muscular Backache Verin Formula Tablets Vitamin E Supplement Motrin Voltaren

Warfarin Nalfon Zorprin Tablets
