PARIPEX - INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH | Volume - 10 | Issue - 06 |June - 2021 | PRINT ISSN No. 2250 - 1991 | DOI : 10.36106/paripex ORIGINAL RESEARCH PAPER English ECO-CRITICISM: HUMAN AND PHYSICAL WORLD RELATIONSHIP IN GULLIVER'S KEY WORDS: Sea, Animals, Race, and Landscapes TRAVELS. Assistant Professor, DWH-FLS, JSS Academy of Higher Education and Arunakumari S Research Mysore. This research paper studies a relationship between literature and the physical world is known as eco-criticism. In English Literature Eco criticism refers to specific types of texts. The word "Eco-criticism" depicts the images of nature, forests, animals, birds, seasons, rivers, cities, and flowers. In addition to novels, eco-criticism contains drama, poetry, travel books, cartoons, fables, short stories, movies, songs, games, children's stories and this is an Old English literature concept that's still trendy today, from Beowulf to the present writer. Animals have existed from the beginning of history. That means animals were depicted in literature since the start of history. When Christianity was introduced to the world, the Holy Bible says God created birds, animals first, at last man, it is called natural theology, and also nature is divine. CT Critics said, for western people's experience on earth is different from other people on the earth, Westerners believed in "Nature's uncountable sounds... have been deafening." The contrast, which is promoted by social anthropology of animism, highlights an element in contemporary society at large connection towards the physical world which is also gradually becoming a central focus when it comes to the environment."The natural world is a social and cultural ABSTRA category." In animistic traditions, those few who believe that perhaps the natural environment is inspirited, not only human beings, and also for life of animals, trees, and even "inert" entities like stones.
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