Human Rights and Global Justice: a Normative Critique of Some Rawlsian Approaches

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Human Rights and Global Justice: a Normative Critique of Some Rawlsian Approaches Loyola University Chicago Loyola eCommons Dissertations Theses and Dissertations 2017 Human Rights and Global Justice: A Normative Critique of Some Rawlsian Approaches. Ndidi Victoria Nwaneri Loyola University Chicago Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Philosophy Commons Recommended Citation Nwaneri, Ndidi Victoria, "Human Rights and Global Justice: A Normative Critique of Some Rawlsian Approaches." (2017). Dissertations. 2834. This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Theses and Dissertations at Loyola eCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Dissertations by an authorized administrator of Loyola eCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Copyright © 2017 Ndidi Victoria Nwaneri LOYOLA UNIVERSITY CHICAGO HUMAN RIGHTS AND GLOBAL JUSTICE: A NORMATIVE CRITIQUE OF SOME RAWLSIAN APPROACHES A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL IN CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY PROGRAM IN PHILOSOPHY BY NDIDI VICTORIA NWANERI CHICAGO, IL DECEMBER 2017 Copyright by Ndidi Victoria Nwaneri, 2017 All rights reserved. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................1 Freedom as Non-Domination ........................................................................................................2 Civic Republican Non-Domination ...........................................................................................4 Global Justice as Non-Domination ............................................................................................6 Project Overview ........................................................................................................................12 The Rawlsian Contractarians ...................................................................................................14 The Critical Theorists ..............................................................................................................24 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................30 CHAPTER II: THOMAS POGGE: POVERTY, HUMAN RIGHTS AND WRONGFUL HARM.........................................................................................................................................32 The Moral Wrong of Global Poverty ..........................................................................................38 Interactional and Institutional Analysis ...................................................................................43 Refuting Arguments .................................................................................................................46 What Should Be Done? ...............................................................................................................56 Pogge’s Reforms ......................................................................................................................56 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................59 CHAPTER III: MILLER ...............................................................................................................62 Introduction – Global Injustice ...................................................................................................62 Exploitation in Transnational Manufacturing ..........................................................................64 Inequitable Frameworks...........................................................................................................66 Climate Change ........................................................................................................................70 Empire, Obligation and Imperial Excess .................................................................................74 Specific Patterns of Domination ..............................................................................................78 Structural Adjustment ..............................................................................................................78 Invasion and Occupation..........................................................................................................80 Political Decisions ...................................................................................................................82 Policy Recommendations............................................................................................................84 Global Social Democracy (GSD) Based on Global Civic Friendship (GCF) ..........................88 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................93 CHAPTER IV: POGGE AND MILLER IN CONVERSATION ..................................................96 Introduction .................................................................................................................................96 Poverty vs. Inequality ..............................................................................................................97 Cosmopolitanism and Quasi-Cosmopolitanism .....................................................................100 Interactional and Human Rights Duties .................................................................................104 Responsibility for Global Injustice ........................................................................................111 Recommendations and Solutions ..............................................................................................111 Miller – Discourse..................................................................................................................112 Miller – GCF and GSD ..........................................................................................................114 WTO Negotiations .................................................................................................................116 Pogge GRD ............................................................................................................................118 iii Purchase of Raw Materials ....................................................................................................120 Self Interest and Greed ...........................................................................................................121 The Global Market .................................................................................................................122 Miller – Empire ......................................................................................................................126 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................127 CHAPTER V: TRANSITION .....................................................................................................130 Rawlsian Contractarian Global Justice Theories ......................................................................131 Inter-Subjectivity ......................................................................................................................134 Critical Theory ..........................................................................................................................136 CHAPTER VI: AXEL HONNETH – RECOGNITION THEORY ............................................139 Introduction ...............................................................................................................................139 Overview ................................................................................................................................140 Love .......................................................................................................................................142 Rights or Legal Recognition ..................................................................................................143 Esteem ....................................................................................................................................145 Antecedent Recognition .........................................................................................................147 Additional Details of Recognition – Attributive and Perceptive ...........................................148 Attributive Recognition .........................................................................................................149 The Evaluative, Perceptive or Response Model of Recognition ...........................................150 Analysis.....................................................................................................................................155 Attribution and Perception .....................................................................................................155 Recognition and Social Justice ..............................................................................................156 The Role of Love ...................................................................................................................157 Recognition and Social Power ...............................................................................................158 Globalized Social Recognition or Global Injustice and
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