Game of thrones family tree season one

Continue Valar Morgulis, friends. You've just entered the Citadel Mashable, where we're rewatching for the throne, dissecting season after season to prepare for the final six episodes starting April 14. SEE ALSO: All you have to remember from Game of Thrones Season 1 here are all the best season 3 theories, unanswered questions, predictions, unsolved plots, and forgotten details that you have to remember before winter comes on the endgame in Season 8. SEE ALSO: Every detail you missed from the new Game of Thrones Season 8 photos 1. What is the power of royal blood? Fire and blood, the blood of my blood, the magic of blood, the royal blood - blood matters in Game of Thrones. But even the most famous fans have no idea how and why. looks hungry for more than the King's Genry Blood image: courtesy of Melisandre insists that Gendry be sacrificed for his king's blood in season 3. But then somehow she does do with burning just a few leeches with his blood and naming usurpers , Balon Greyjoy, and . Then each of them died, one by one. But it's debatable whether the leeches actually caused these deaths. People die all the time, especially during the war. Mel could also see their death in flames, and decided to do a great show to restore Stannis' faith. I mean, the blood of the same king did nothing when poor, innocent Shirin Baratheon was full of burning as a victim in Season 5. Besides, what even represents the blood of the king? Does a man suddenly get magical blood after declaring himself royalty? It's not just about who is officially king for sure, as in the books Mel argues that even Mance - the king behind the wall - has the powerful blood of the king. There are several ways to interpret the statement that there is power in the king's blood. First, it's just bullshit, more clever lies melisandre, tricks and goofy luck. Gendry isn't just good for rowing. Picture: courtesy hbo But we have pretty strong evidence that the magic of blood works. Witch Mirri Maz Duur uses it to bring back Khal Drogo. Burning her to the victim probably had something to do with Daenerys' success in the ritual of hatching dragon eggs, too. Historians also broadly agree that the power and ability of Old Valiria to tame dragons came from the magic of blood (all that Targaryen incest is said to keep the dragon's blood clean). Perhaps the power of royal blood is actually the power of Targaryen's blood, since the Baratheons also have Targaryen ancestors. Or, as Weiss suggests, maybe that's what power is where people think it is. It's a ploy. The shadow is on the wall. As in, the power of the king's blood can come from the faith and oaths of the subjects swear to their kings and homes. Remember that when Stannis sacrificed Shireen almost all his standard-bearers abandoned him, who might have he ceased to be king at that moment. One thing is for sure: blood (or at least pedigree) really correlates with magical abilities, and not just for the Targaryens. Starks and reeds are known to have ancient pedigrees that gave them powers like greenseeing (mental visions and dreams) and deformation (merging the mind with animals). 2. All the extremely important, unanswered mysteries around Reeds Jojen and Mira seemingly fulfilled their roles after helping Bran become a three-eyed raven. But the quiet mention in Season 3 of their mysterious father, Howland Reed, hints at much bigger secrets yet to be revealed by this family - including John's real identity. I mean, didn't you wonder why Reed's kids were so dead to give their lives for Bran? In Episode 2, Jojen and Bran discuss how their fathers were friends, and Howland even saved Eda's life during Robert's Rebellion. We had no idea how important this was until Season 6, when Bran would be back on that fateful day at the Tower of Joy. Howland Reed not only saved Ned, but also witnessed (and kept secret) a conspiracy to hide the true parenthood of . This now makes him one (if not the only) survivor who can vouch for the rest of Westeros that John is the true son of Rhaegar Targaryen and heir to the Iron Throne. Since, you know, Bran's drug vision and Sam's words probably won't do much to convince the lords and ladies. There are even wilder issues related to Reeds' very old pedigree, too, with ancestors who supposedly mate with the children of the forest. There is a suspicion that this is the reason why they and other northern homes like the Starks have these magical abilities like warging and greenseeing. It is very noticeable that we do not know anything specific about the House of Reed and the ancient secrets that they concealed in their neck area. It is known that the Trees of Weirwood (which give Bran access to visions) have witnessed some of the most important events in the doidea of Westeros. What did Jogen know, and what does Howland know? Image: COURTESY OF HBO In particular, The Island of Faces is a sacred place where the first men and children concluded a peace treaty thousands of years ago to end the war between them. It may be the site of countless other mysteries like the one depicted in the rock paintings of Season 7 - when men and children banded together to defeat the White Walkers during The Long Night. In Season 7, Mira returned home to her father Howland after an ungrateful farewell to Bran. It would be a shame if, after all, it was the last time we saw Reeds. 3. Melisandre told Arya that they would meet again in Season 3 of Red Woman was added to Arya's murder list for the kidnapping of Gendry. What is unusual is that Melisandre, unlike everyone else, took this threat very seriously. and defenseless Arya. Truly shook, Melisandre says speaks I see darkness in you. And in this darkness, my eyes looked at me: brown eyes, blue eyes, green eyes. Eyes you'll close forever. We'll meet again. Melisandre has to get used to the darkness, she always talks about it. Picture: hbo/helen sloan It may be the eyes of any targets already excluded from the Arya list. But when combined with The Melisandre Season 7 statement that she and Vaios both have to die in Westeros, it sounds very much like one of those eyes will be Mela. Ironically, this is one of the only predictions we have no doubt Melisandre got right, because at the moment it's simple math: Elite Killer Training Arya 4. What will it mean for John and Beric what fire white would mean? John's shared sexuality does a good job of helping us forget, but our boy is literally the walking dead. Like Beric of the Brotherhood without banners in Season 3, John was returned by the Lord of Light - at least according to the Red Priestess, who made magic to resurrect him. Thoros died in Season 7, so Beric now has no one to resurrect him. Image: courtesy hbo But how does the Lord of Light even work, and what does that mean in the long run? On a show like Game of Thrones, it's hard to imagine that coming back from the dead won't have consequences, or at least a solid explanation of how and why. Fortunately, this is one question George R.R. Martin got pretty clear about in the 2017 interview time when he revealed what John and Beric really are now: Poor Beric Dondarrion, which was created as an omen of all this... Every time (he is brought) he is a little smaller Beric. His memories are fading, he has all these scars, he is becoming more and more physically disgusting because he is no longer a living person. His heart doesn't beat, his blood doesn't flow in his veins, he's white, and White is animated by fire, not ice. That's right: our boy John, the savior of the living fighting white walkers and their undead wights, is actually very similar to them, like a resuscitated corpse or a White fire. What it actually means is a mystery for Season 8 to decide. But this probably has something to do with the prophecy of Azor Ahai, who describes a prince who was promised as resurrected. Jon Snow is a fiery White, and we need to talk about it. Image: hbo/helen sloan But given what we know about the White Walkers, it may mean that the resurrected John and Berich may be more susceptible to control by the Lord of Light (or whatever the source of this magic of fire actually). In episode 7 of Beyond the Wall, John already shows signs that he is more open to the Lord of Light after Beric explains his faith in R'chlor's religion. Their nature as fire wights can even make John and Beric the only ones immune to the icy white walkers. Or Or Or As the ice wights with cold, fire wights may prove more impervious to fire. If we want to go for all the foil conspiracy theories on this issue, maybe the red priests of R'hllor can bring back people from the dead to fight for life against the white walkers of the frozen undead. 5. What voice did You hear in the flames? Kinvara has a Vara number. Image: Courtesy of HBO One of the most revealing yet mysterious scenes about Weirs going into Season 3, when he tells Tyrion about the night he was castrated as a child: Once in the World, a man made my host an offer that was too tempting to refuse. I was afraid that this man wanted to use me the way I heard some men use little boys, but what he wanted was much worse. He gave me a potion that made me powerless to move or speak, but did nothing to dull my feelings. With a hooked blade, he sliced me, the root and the stem, chanting all the time. He burned my parts in the roaster, the flames faded, and I heard a voice answering his call. I'm still dreaming of that night. Not a sorcerer, not his blades, but voices. Was it a god? Demon? The sorcerer's trick? I do not know. But the sorcerer called, and the voice answered. And since then, I hate magic and everyone who practices it. What Weiss heard in the flames remains a constant question. In Merina in Season 6, the Red Priestess of Kinvar refers that night to , his utter shock and horror: Terrible things happen for a reason. Take what happened to you, Lord Weiss, when you were a kid. If it were not for your mutilation at the hands of the second believer, you would not be here helping the Chosen Lord to bring your light into the world. Knowledge has made you powerful, but there is still so much you don't know. Remember what you heard the night the sorcerer threw your parts into the fire? You heard a voice out of the flames, remember? Should I tell you what the voice said? Should I tell you the name of the person who spoke? The combination of ritual sacrifices and hearing voices in the flame sounds just like Vaios was used in a magical ceremony by the Lord of Light practitioner. Vaias has a very bad track record with the Red Priests. Picture: courtesy of hbo So it's quite possible the voice said something about Azor Ahai or the impending destruction of the world. Maybe that's why Varys is so motivated to bring Targaryen back to the throne. Others see in this event a hint that Varys has special blood (see the king's blood above), foreshadowing his potential identity as a secret Targaryen. It is also possible that we have, in fact, already learned what the voice said in the flames. In Season 7, another Red Priestess struck a fear in Wiilis when Melisandre told him that they would both die in this strange land of Westeros. Others even suggest that it was Bran, in a Hodor-like situation, when he influenced the past to ensure result in the future. 6. Why did the White Walkers come for Jilly's baby? This issue may be at the heart of what white walkers want, since baby Sam was supposed to be Craster's 100th son. For a deep dive on this, check out our guide to Season 2 here. In here.

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