Chicago Return; Domain the to St
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" ¦ T••<?¦ • ' ¦ SAT’K CENTP.r HUPAI D. JULY 28 eonntry to begin large operations, to large town, 6,800, is us every possible attention. Oh, the head- Oar here’s a fond farewell to White, TIME open and develop mines, build citiesquarters of the Dominion land obligations are due to the great Football, says I, DELIGHTFUL trans-continental railway, the Canadian Oh, here’s a White. the smaller department. It has Pacific, for its magnificent special fond farewell to and make markets before a provin- train Who worked for us both day and nigML too cial asylum service for a distance of fifteen hundred And settler arrived. These men, have and an experimental return, we’ll all drink stone blind, miles and and the many courtesies Johnny, fill up the bowl. MINNESOTA EDITORS ENJOYED THE prospered, and they spend their money farm, one of the five supported by the extended by its president, Sir William C. EXCURSION TO THE COAST freely. Money appears plenty and , general government, and attesting the Van Horne, William Whyte, General Man- We like the man, we like his ways, great ager, and Robert Kerr, Western Division We like ways, everything prepared in advance for interest in agricultural problems. Traffic the man, we like his WZ is Manager, besides E. J. Coyle, the We like the man, we like his ways, tLa well being of the pooaer settler. In Another branch railroad here extends company's Vancouver representative, A. And gratefully we sing his praise. of the settle- south md B. Calder. Traveling Passenger Agent, and Chorus. Ufcrffx tty Invitation of the Dominion Govern* Abort it is just the reverse connects with the Soo. P. S. Jenkins, Superintendent of the Cana- ment methods in our country. With Smaller towns succeed each other to dian Pacific telegraph service, to whom Such pleasures last, the Canadian and cannot always tnent Over Soo Pa- Virden, we ‘are indebted for frequent news bulle- bucn pleasures always last, us poverty was the pioneer and frugal- the market town of Dennis tins. The cannot Canadian Pacific is on* of the Such pleasures cannot always last, • ! cific Railways, July 7 to 18, 1898—Not went in advance of development, county, a very attractive section, from continent’s greatest systems, and As ity railway we have had for ten days past. „ we have found its officials to uniformly a Moment’i Dullness in the Whole Ten Our early settlers lived for years wait- which 227 cars of cattle, hogs and be courteous and attentive. And now the time has to part. railroads and markets, and sheep were in 1897. Near here express come Days—Hospitality of the Canadian Peo- ing for shipped We our deep appreciation of the And now the time has come to part, towns only came after the homestead- is Griswold, another progressive vil- services rendered to us by the Wisconsin And now the time has come to part, ple So Great as to Occasion Surprise. lage, Central railway in carrying our sleeping it makes us sad and sore at heart. ers by their little accumulations had but smaller. At Indian Head is cars from Chicago return; Domain the to St. Paul and Splendid Through Which increased the mercantile demand. For another government farm. The to the Northern Pacific railway in trans- And so we shake the parting hand. most porting our party from Paul to Winni- And so we shake the parting hand. mjSexy Canadian Pacific Kune—Some Features this reason Canada today presents the important town next reached is peg, St. and for placing at our service the And so we shake the parting hand, easy.” Regina, capital magnificent Kingston,” I Country new phase of “pioneering made the of the Northwest steamer, “City of But visit us in Yankee land. Rm of the Outlined—Resolutions for the through the A Home For Small Farmers. Territory, where the lieutenant gov- memorable ride *l* Passed—The Koster. Straits of Fuca. from Victoria to Seattle; THOSE WHO WERE THERE. Hitfh! ernor lives, and the legislature to the Canadian Navigation To the small farmer who is seeking a Pacific Com- meets. This is the political .nd pany for its liberal courtesy in conveying ASSOCIATION OFFICERS. [The Report.] new home, we believe Western Can- us Official social headquarters from Vancouver to Victoria on the Langum, Preston Times, president; Anglo-Saxon alliance is the watch- ada offers great inducements. While of all these finely equipped “Charmer;" to the Seattle E. C. Huntington, Windom Reporter, vice- Supplied five provinces. There is much of & International Railway Company for tak- president; W. J. Munro, Morris Sun, vice word* of Canada. Friendliness to it seems a long way north the Canadian ing us from Seattle to Mission Junction; president; Joseph Westlicher Her- interest here, one thing being the old, vice-president. Leicht. by e*ery tiling American, cordiality to Pacific railway line is far south of and to the “Soo Line for returning us C. P. Stine, St. Paul, agents mounted police, a splendid body of men from Portal to St. Paul, a distance of near- secretary. 1 their American cousins and a kindly Edin borough, the climate is about that ly jffBMMBnKy everywhere organized under strict military discip- six hundred miles. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 1 Reeling almost beyond belief, is found of Northern Minnesota and the laud line, We are grateful to the citizens of the Do- S Mitchell, Alexandria Post-News; C. but with the powers of civil offi- minion of Canada for the cordial receptions orTheo.Hamm through the dominion, or at least raises splendid and sui;e crops. Of n I;Marshall News-Messenger; IL cers of the law. At Moose Jaw the and hearty manifestations of friendliness P. Hail, St. Paul >Trade Journal. Uli through Western Canada. This was course any farmer who has a Minne- accorded us on every hand. We were es- Brewing Co. Soo line connects with the Canadian pecially pleased with the repeated assur- ASSOCIATION MEMBERS. the political lesson learned by the Min- sota farm and is fairly prosperous, Carlos Avery and wife, Leader, Hutchin- Pacific railroad, and from here for ances of their interest and sympathy with son; Miss fey/rffiz/jjffi saintPaul.© nesota editors who took the recent trip would be foolish to exchange it for any the United States in the present war with M. s. Anderson and mother. many miles are tne alkali prairies, fit Journal, Minneapolis; Mrs. C. A. Birch, 7/»>wryiw?w-«YafrMaLil half way across the continent from other location. We saw nothing on Spain. ex-editor, only for grazing until irrigation can We recall the cordial reception tendered Willmar; L. D. Bissell, Dis- Winnipeg to Victoria. It was a mag- our trip that we thought equalled our us at Winnipeg with much satisfaction, St. Paul; John Blanchard and Miss bring to them the iruitlullness denied Mayor Times, Minneapolis; Miss nificent trip and full of surprises, but own state; but there are always men and extend thanks to A. A. An- MatieBlanchard.Brown, by the lack of rainfall. Here are some drews, the city council, Board of Trade Polk County Journal, 5.S- SOMMERVILLE, this was the most significant fact of who will go somewhere, men who Crookston: John Brandtjen and wife, and. largo sheep ranches, the annual round and citizens for the attention devoted to Ars. C C. the most unexpected. would not be satisfied after a residence us while the guests of that city. The ban- Webster, Typographical Adver- the journey and up at Current tiser, Minneapolis; A. C. Buck and wife. in heaven; men who have the Switt being 16,000 sheep quet served at Elm Park by the ladies of Enterprise, L A Mo»t Cordial Reception. young by Arlington; F. W. Bergmeier Winnipeg, provided Veterintary for one company. At Calgary we and the music the and wife, Paul; Surgeon pioneer spirit and men whom mis- Ninetieth Battalion band, were enjoyable Vclkszeitung, St. F. G- The joßrney of nearly 2,000 miles was reached an a Bolton and Miss Mary Bolton, Gleaner, attitude of 3,388, gradual features. The cordial reception given us Plainview; Diseases of horses and cattle treated by fortune drives from their homes. To Portage H. M. Basford and Miss , tendered the editors of Minnesota rise of 2,700 feet from Winnipeg, and at la Prairie by Dr. Rutherford, Evangeline promptly. such we say if you must leave Minne- M. P., Mayor Garland and citizens, was Miller, Register, Austin; C. A. the Canadian Pacific Railroad com- soon the foothills of the Rockies are i>ennett and wife, Journal, Granite Falls; sota, Western Canada will give you a most gratifying, and made particularly en- ,len at the suggestion and through seen like clouds in joyable by reason of the among the L'iP‘ p.? wife and Miss Nettie pany, the horizon. This drive Leiden, >. warm welcome and great opportun- rich and highly developed adscript, Austin; Miss Florence EASTERN HOUSE the request of the Hon. Clifford Sitton, is a beautiful country and has a fine farms surround- G. Brown, Trade Journal, St. Paul; C. J. ities. You can reach there by way of ing that city. Berryhill ard wife, minister of the interior, who, since he climate, the feeding themselves Experi- Review, St. Paul; Mise Winnipeg and Canadian Pacific cattie The visit to the Government Dora M. t'jild, Waseca County Herald, has taken control of that department, in the fields all winter long. mental Station at Brandon impressed us \Vaseca; F. D. Campbell, Post-News, ihiw progress w- r.'-tryiiin— .txsßWßyw^v will take you West from there, or you with the great being made in the Alexandria; R.