for the Month of Fobraery. 1918 Fereeest et C. S. Weethsr memi, • Hartford

Bain tonight proonbiy endteg day morning; warmer toalght. eold- -6,099 -Mstnbw M the AuMt er Snaday. maeli eoUor -Tmffnj- nlght. BnreenetOlfouMtleee


VOL. LVTL, NO. 132 (CSasaiUed Advertlaing oa Pago 19) MANCHES’TER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 1938 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE GEf


CoUapsingr Highway Bridge Wrecks Cars HGHT TO RETAIN jm OF PLOT





Frogresshre Repnblicao At- Treason Defendant Avers

^ tack Attempt To Giange Trotsky Got Milfion Dol- ALONG WEST COAST

Law; F. D. R. B eH eved^- lars From Foreign States

Plane Search Delayed by Flood Over 100 Bodies Foimd tail ing Up Hoors-Wages AcL And Firms To Aid Revolt At Least Another 100 Re*i

Waabington, March 5.— (AP) — Moscow, March 6—(AP) —Jap- Repreaentatlve Boileau (Prog., Wia.) ported Missinf; M u f; anese told him, defendant and ex- said today he might offer an amend- Ambasaador C:iinatian Rakovaky ment to the tax bill to continue pub- testified In Moscow’s greatest trea- Places Still Isolated; Wire j

licity for corporation salaries over son trial today, of Japan’s need In 1934 for some incident to serve as $15,000 a year. Boileau said he Service Being Restc agreed entirely with Pfealdent an excuse for attacking C3itna. Rakovsky, former Soviet Ambas- Roosevelt’s assertion at his press conference yesterday that auch pub- sador to France who with hla 20 col- licity was a matter of "simple mor- leagues pleaded guilty to conspiracy Jycm Angelefl. March 6 .- ^ ality.” Pending legislation which asserted his Information came from revises the tax system does not in- eminent Japanese st Tokyo In that (A P I— The toil of dead

clude a provision for the publicity. year. missing in Southern Caiifi Contending that some corpora- The possibility of conflict between nia’s most devaatating tions pay directors and vice-presi- Ekigland and Japan over (%lna dis- soared over the 200 mark dents salaries ridiculouslj' higher These two automobtlea, shown as workmen sought to salvage them, were wrecked when a highway turbed the con^irators, Rakovsky than their services warrant, the bridge near Del Mar, Calif., gave said, because they were playing day as rehabilitation work way before the torrents which spread destruction through the Los IVlaconaln representative added: "It Angeles area. .A list of the dead and missing In the region approximated 150. with their intelligence acrvlcca, for tinned. Is a racket. It Is a graft. And I aid tn a plot to overthrow the Soviet think the one way by which to abol- regime. The latest check showed ish that racket, that graft, la to Rakovsky described followers of bodlea have been found, 77 give it publicity." b Andit makes Leon Trotsky, -sxiled warlord who. which have been identified, Even though Mr. Roosevelt has JAPS PLAN A LONG Russia charges, inspired anti-Soviet thoritiea estimated at least spoken out strongly for the provi- TINY MISTAKE SEE AOION SOON Intrique, as “ the advance guard of other 100 persons are mil sion. some prominent Democrats International aggression’’ In trying suggested that he might not get It, to provoke war against Russia, par- and will require days to c Tries to Hold Up An Er- because the House voted 2 to 1 a HANKOW CAMPAIGN IN TVA DISPUTE ticularly by Japan. The death toil la expected year ago for repeal of the present Puirilist — Gets KniKked Jap Ambassador Usten* be considerably swelled, law requiring such publicity. ITie Out With a Right Hook. The Japanese ambassador to Mos- rounded by yellow flood Senate never acted on the repeal cow. Mamoru Shlgemitau, appear- measure. Chinese Throw New Troops , Mareh 5.— (AP)-*-a President Tells Officials He ed for the first time during the trial are farm houses as yht Ii G. O. P. Inquiry would-be robber discovered to- and heard the startling testimony. Republicans quickly brought the day, after the birdies quit chirp- aible. Fate of the inhabitants Rakovsky said he had sent Jap- still a matter of guess-work.' President’s statement into House Into Shansi To Meet The ing, that , although \ViIliam Win Move To End The anese secret service operatives five debate on the tax bill yeaerday. Cepak quit' the prize ring 20 analyses of Soviet internal condi- The laborious, alow rsm< Waving a newspaper carrying the years ago his right hook atlll tions between 1934-36 which "were Search for a missing transport plane was delayed by the flood President’s press conference re- Threat To .Capital City. packed a fearful wallop. of thick carpets of flood Fend Of The Directors. painted in the blackest colors to around Fresno, Calif., (above) near where the plane was last reported. and debris continues to marks, Representative Hoffman Cspak, now 45, weight 162, * whet the appetites of the , aggres- There were nine aboard. Realdcpta In the area reported seeing (R„ Mich.) arose Jo assert: "If It a publisher and fight promoter the pount of victims. sors.” flares dropped from a plane, hearing a crash, and hearing two pistol Is a question of public morals, we Shanghai, March 6.— (A P ) — ^ who once was a featherweight The witness told of becoming an shots aftcrwarcL ss MIUJON DAMAGB. ought to have it in this tax bill the ' of some renown, deliver^ said Washlngtdn, March 5— (A P )— Nor will the dai same as we did last year. Why isn’t Long-range Japanese opeiations would-be robber, cold aa a President Roosevelt, informed of- agent of the British Intelligence aer. vice after he had been visited by when prolonged, torrential It there?" aimed at HankoV—seat of the Chi- mackerel, to the LkwndiUe po- ficials predicted today, will act soon caused Southern Oallfontfa’a "The Ways and Means Commit- lice. two of Its alleged agents, whom he nese troops d fending two widely- to end the between directors called Armstrong and Leckert, at tomartly thin, gantla rivers to i tee." Representative Vinson (D., While signing complaint, over their banka—be estlmatefl'’ Ky.) replied, ’’bows to the will of the separated battlefronU. While hard- Cepak explained he was driving of the Tennessee Valley Authority the end of 1924 when Rakovaky was LOUIS J . REILLY, MENTION MCMAHON pressed Chinese forces along the regardless of aay projected (3on- Ambassador to London. soma time. House. W’e would have been In an to hla home In suburban Cicero Prellralnary estimates by awkward poaltion If we had Includ- Yellow River fought to hold the when a man jumped Into his car gresslonal investigation. They told him, be proclaimed, Mr. Roosevelt was represented aa that he had been accepted as ambas. however. Indicated that the. ha' ed It in this bill, after the House had Japanese north of that Centrm at a stoplight, made him move EOrrOR, IS DEAD FOR JACKSON’S JOB wreaked upon pubUe property voted for repeal." Ct'ina barrier, the Japanese field over, and drove the car. determined that Internal diaaenalon aador because be waa close to Trot- aky and they«jntroduced him In exceed $50,000,000 la the foe Opponents of publicity contend army along the Yangtze west ol The ear skidded Cepak said, should not be allowed to Imperil the five affected eouatlae of that its chief result has been to fur- Wuhii was reinforced by at least, a "and I let him have It.” ^ tha success of TVA, designed os a reatsurant to "the chief of the Rua- sion section of ITic IntcHlthnce’ ser- Aaseles. Ban Bernardtne, nish promoters and the criminally full divisi

were known and appreciated, but In "Da a ed. for even Diogenes, himself, could of New Britain. of his life was enriched by his serv- Intolerable cruelty. The plaintiff monlal dlnnar last night in tha d One Another—Mueller. service with Sacrament at the up, and we think of what our atti- hostUe and unresponsive attitude ^f ment df his own home, with a few deserter, an American soldier and a a great spy. Her crude tactic* awf Sdwnrd MoiHorty. operator of a ice; and I am’ sure I speak for my been connected with the purported officers in charge of the S. N. E German girl on espionage ebargea, not have found an Honest Abraham Besides her husband Mrs. Dewey who Uvea in Winosor, waa granted Masonic Tam ^a to Wtutsai Walaha plot related by the conspirators to The Church echool, 9:80. Lord's Supper. Communion medita- tude might be today If somi man His ebUdren? Jesus marveled be- her paasion for display made detee* man atotc at 181 North Uoln leaves three sons, Roger Dewey of colleagues of the Associated Press Miss Msry MeVslgh Bltcted 0 i The Women's class, 6:30, Mrs. district, will be welcomed on their seasoned military men will tell you Lincoln among the masculine hoof- permiaaiem to change her name to who realised the value of DaMoiay seize the Kranfiln for the exiled tion—"Friendship with Jeeus.” first vibit to Manchester Sunday whom we knew juat aa an ordinary cause of their unbelief. But there tlon by the French military Intellt*.. tiart and Daitlel Horllhy, proprie- ers. As usual, everyone had a Spiingfleld, Charles Dewey of Flor- newspapers of Connecticut in s>- Fidelia Kannsdy. PrtsMsnt For Coining Year; Ratherine Hardy, leader. Special mualc: dweller In our community should unbelief did not discourage Him or that: gence comparatively easy. la charactsr building and davaiop- Trotsky, who would rise to power night, March 13, at 7:30 p. m. > 1. About 95 per cent of the so- tm of the Rad and White grocery grand time—so good. In fact, that ence, Maas., and Levi T. Dewey of tending to the bereaved family our over the body of the nation's leader, The Men's League, 9:30. 1 Prelude—"Prelude on hymn tune suddenly announce that he had a affect Him In His mission to pro- Even Belle Boyd, the darling ot at lU Vain atreot. At the Monarty Wapping, and also a daughter, Mrs. heartfelt sympathy.” • lag boys along apirltual, amrai and To Install In April. Some of the young people are called military "secrets" that spies IS tables were Immediately engaged M. L, Oilman has Isoasd for two good citiaanahip llnaa and waa in- Stailn. .Wnt, George Nelson. Olivet” ...... 4. Matthews prophetic mleslon and important claim the ISospcl the Confederacy, who darin^y cmiu- alaro eifarottao. candy, aratchei, for the dance of March 12, and Rosa Nevers of Warehouse Point. Judge P. B. O'Bulllvan: The Lenten Institute, 7:00. Speak- planning to attend the 'Youth Eor- obtain, and try to peddle for a price, yeare, at a yaariy rental of 3700, IS strumental in organising tha chap- aibboBs Aaaembly, Cathelio The defendants have related, in Anthem—"Sweet Is Thy Mercy*'-.- uip at Meriden on Wednesday teaching to declare, we ahall under- ried important military InformattflR; plpea, raaor bladea to the value of many of them are for out-of-town She leaves one brother, Henry "This is such a sudden shock acres ot tobaooo land and sheds lo- er, M n. Charles T. Paul of the are available through regular chan- through the Union lines, tvould hseW ' bout ISO araa taken, according to Palmer, of Warehouae Point, 11 Ladles of Ootumbua held its an- the testimony since the trial opened ...... Barnby night, March 6. stand a little of the attitude of We forget that Jesus waa an or nels of unguarded military Informa- oouples. > that it is dUficult to And words to cateo at11M4 1 Tolland Turnpika to Wednesday, that they oonspli^ to Hartford Seminary faculty. Topic: been up against a different propaih a atatement made by the owner. There are ellll 16 tables available, grandchildren and one great g r^ d - express my feelings. Pve known Loi^, nual meeting loot night at tha K. of Offertory—"Suppbeation” ...... those whom perhaps we are wont ganixer, that He was not simply a tion—published reports and articles Gershal-Kirifenburg,•KiAenburg, startingetarting March a elubrooma, and elected the foi- enlist the aid of Germany, Japan, Work for Christ in China. Letuler, ...... Schreiner highly Idealistic teacher, willing to tlon in the World war, where th*- About tlB worth of candy, clfar- and Chairman Chaales Tucker sug- child. for over ;* score of years and his 1. Tha land will be used for grow- SOiriH CHURCH. to condemn. In service magazines. towlng alate of offleera for the com- Groat Britain, Italy and ^ la na in C. Kenneth Burnham. The Lenten PosUude— "Chorale— O, Fairest set forth His Ideaa to those who counter-spy system was highly de- ettee a ^ cake waa taken at the gests that reaervatlons be made The funeral will be held Monday, death is in sudden and unexpected ing tobaeeo. choir conducted by Miss Marlon Methodist Episcopal. It was not unnatural that those 2. Vital Information la ao guarded veloped. Bat Md WhIU store at 14B Main afternoon at 2 o'clock at Watkins ing year; building a capitalist state. Chureh of Christ” ...... Sachs who listened to Jesus were astonish- came, to llstra. His mission was ag- that It’s a 100-to-l shot your aver- early. Call 7700 or B8S7. The that n o . expression of mine now The stories of how they planned Washburn, w ill sing: Rev. Earl C. Story,, D. D., Minister. In wartime, military spying is ra- Rainbow, lust acrois the town line. Funeral Home, 142 Bast Center can tell what a great persona] lews Manchester Camp,Cam; Preaidant, Mlaa Mary MeVelgh; 6 p. m.—Epwerth League De- ed at His teaching, that they should gressive; He' called unto Him the age spy can't get within shooting So. 1840, honeraiy preaidant, Mlaa Halan A. to start a palace levolutlon and kill My God, My Father—Oierne. garded as a highly honorable prde" The two breaks were made, it 1s Is especially well suited for these street. The funeral home will be to roe Is the passing of this firm Royal NslAbors,fslAI will mast Monday votional meeting. * ask, "Where did this man get such twelve whom He had chosen, and distance of It. These secrets sre fesslon, providing, of course, the spy open Sunday afternoon and evening Thomaa; viee praaldant, 3|ra. Henry Stalin wera told by the aUeged "The King of Love My Shepherd 10:45 a. m.—Morning worahip. MIoved. between midnl^t and parties, having a huge parking friend and line newspaperman." evening atY:40, at the home of Atrs. Is—Shelley. 7 p. m.—Happy Hour Lenten Communion servtce. Meditation wisdom? Is not this the carpenter, He sent them forth to proclaim the not acce.sslble to lower rank officers. is yrorking for his own eountiy. It t unnatural also, that they seventy, also whom Jesus appoint- o f the Iforlarty store was smashed for those who desire U.em. at the Parsonage. Hostesaes—Mrs. ed, went forth calling upon men to spies are on the job in Europe today Death—In Wartime and a board alMUt thr^ feet long nsss. Hs was 86 ysars old snd bad HolUater uae hie equipment to pull John F. Barry; audltoro, Mlaa Mary conspirators collected about 3800,- Tuesday, 7:00—Girl Reserves. O Lord" ...... Maimder should have oeen offended In Him; tho bulging parts of the walls book Frederick Hadden, Mrs. William T. Postiude; "Postiude In but here, nevertheless, they were repent, and In thi name and power are melodramatic exaggerations. The pay for free lance espionaga which was nailed against the door lived In Manchester for more than Sbaa, Mra. John Hutekinaon, Miaa 005 fromin tba Germany army In ax. Wednesday, 2:30—W oment Guild. The arms race among elbow-to-el- the floor waa ripped oS. Tbs sixty yearn before moving to Hart- ALONG WEST COAST onto the foundation. Baatrlea Swaanay; truata^ Mrs. ohanga’3« for Soviet military secrets. Topic: "Voice and Personality." Wallace. D Minor” ...... Calkin wrong; and It wat here that the sln;r of Jesus performing wonderful work Is higher during war, its valus^. ITAUAN-AMERICANS Rosengolts asserted that Trotal^ 7:30 p. m.—Regular choir re- 6:30 a. m.—Church school works. bow nations has greatly Increased tbe danger and the obstacles beiiig'' was iron barred with small ford nine years ago. Edward Zimmarraan, Mra. Walter Rosengolts asserted that Leader, Miss Azulah Latham. Host- pie fisherman and others who listen- espionage activity but nine out of District Deputy Night will be ob- got more than a mllUon dollars hearsal. 10:45 a. m.—Church School Nur- The title of the lesson Is "Serving greater. Death la the custonanr half-inch iron bars but the door He leaves bis wife, Mra. Nora (wntinned from Page One) Buckley, Mra. Joseph Leary. esses, Mrs. Robert Hawley, Mrs. ed to Jesus and who approved His every 10 so-called spies are ama- served by Manchester Lodge of The above officari will be inatalled dltlonally through foreign Leon Bradley, Mrs. Alfred Williams, sery. teaching were right. with What We Have." We of i penalty for the captured warUza*’ was opened bv reaching in between PLAN ATHLETIC CLUB (Curran) Curtis; a son. Brio B. teurs whose reports are of scant spy. d turning the key in ' Curtis; and a daughter, Mlsi Wini- Masons IhMsday night at Maoonlo in April. ponies and through a ai Mrs. Joseph A. Leavitt, Mrs. 6:00 p. m. — Epworth League: modern day may not have the pow^ the bars and Tempis whan the S tored Appren- CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE. Raymond Mercer will speak on value If not dowmright undepend- Since the World wrar only tw * The value of the loot at the fred M. Curtis, all of Hartford. to Los Angeles. They included Ana- agreement by Rosengolts with on Everard Lester, Mrs. James Yutlle. Rev. E. O. Losk, Paetor. Truth does not depend upon the er of these apostles. We may not able. Meeting Held Last Night To tice degree will be conterr^ on official of a foreign state and vari- Wednesday. 7:30—Men's League "Sooutiiig.” wealth, or position, or popularity, have the gifts of healing. But we Mlaa Hazel Drtggs persons have been tried and eon-' was about ISO, Morlarty said The funeral will be held Monday helm, Ban Fernando, Redlands, two candidates. Motion pictures II- 4. The operatiofla of a capable , tiris wnoniD^. morning from Dillon's funeral home ous firnw. and Men's CHub monthly meeting. 7:30 p. m.—Evening worship: of the man who utters 11. Truth Is all have some faculties and powers victed under the U. 8. esplonaira aat' • Discniia Organintion; To Riverside and Van Nuys. Iiutratlng lodge degree work will be INJURY CLAIM HELD Sunday: •' Sermon, "He Shall Save His Peo- ktndred'viplrita to help. The charge espionage agent rarely come to pub- of 1917. The first waa H any' Batm ice to the Red and White at SS Main street, Hartford, at 6:30 Kreattnsky related that In 1083 Speaker, Dr. John C. Walker of the 9:00 a. m.—Morning Prayer. truth, and right is right. The right that we could devote to the Master, Hold Membership Drive. Ten communities had no gaa. shown. Following the work re- on agreement with Germany was ple.” The choir will present a for admission was flvi cents for lice attention. Few of them are Thomaa Thompson of Baltlmoa^ dfeare aras galnad'by breaking two o’clock with a requiem high maai at There were no serious reports at freshments will be served. Second Congregational church, Wa- 6:80 a. m.—Church Bible school mind and the open mind would not it is out of the giving of what peo- adults. The miniature theater gave linked with a military organisation mail panes of giaae in a rear wtn- 8t. Auguatlns'e church at 10 o'clock. SUPERIOR TO BOND sought, whereby parts of Russia terbury. Topic: "The Qospe Penin- mtuical service. A cordial welcome former petty officer in the navy,* Plana for the formation of an possible. pestilence because of Classes for all ages. ia extended to all have condemned this new teacher ple have had, even though it seem 20 performances charging this huge because such affiliation 'wrould make who was convicted in 1688 and aen- 4bw tn the back room of the store. Burial will be In S t Bridget'i ceme- would be given to Germany, want- sula,” illustrated by sterCoptlcon Italian-Amerlean Athlatio club wars diminished of polluted water sup- Collection on the town tax during ing colonies, in sxchange for arrosd 6:45 a. m.—Morning worship. The Week. juat because He was a humble car- ed little, that' the great achieve- sum, and not counting the boys and their detection easier and because tenced to 15 years In prison tor sell*' Only a emalf boy could have discussed at a meeting lest night at tery here. plies. last month totalled 14,836.68, this (Oeattnned from Page One) and motion pictures. Sermon by Evangelist R. J. Smelt- penter, and did not seem to have ments of the (3ospeI have been glrla who paid, In jelly beans and establishment of such a connection through the opening in the Ma uilam waiah assletanoa. Monday— ing information to an oOlcer In tlM' 1 the Moose club and it waa decided The temporary isolation of Los sum representing principal. Interest Thursday. 6:30—Group 5. Mrs. zer. Subject "Life’s Greatest 10:30 a. m.—Nutmeg Trail the learning and authority of the made. such like! Since that time the would discredit tbe military organ- Japanese navy. and to reach the window Ths plans for revolt hinged upon CJiester Robinson, leader, will hold Task." This is the first service of to extend a general invitation to all Angeles and surrounding country and Ilsna fsea. Outstanding town ter In Manchester. "Dad" Walsh baa atlty of Saetion TT (H) e f the two principlec, Krestinsky eald, on Preachers’ meeting. author has made great progreos and Ixatlon Involved. The second was former Llaub the thief must have bad an young men of Italian extraction who FUNERALS' taxes now amount to an approxi- amandod bankruptoy act applying a Pot-Luck supper In the Robbins a revival campaign to continue received the recognition due him. 5. Women operatlvea may give a at to elevate him high produced a few serioipomic episodes. contlnusd hie deep Intarcst, end has understanding with foreijm powers 0:30 p. m.—Cub Scouts. Commander John S. FaraowOTtMu? are 16 years of age or more to ba- One employe of the metropolitan mate total of 1185,000, of which to railroad reorganisation. and connections with the right mlll- room. through March 20tb. 6:80 p. m.—Girl Soouto. this week at tha home of Mr. and Miss Hazel Drlggs has the leading romantic touch to the secret service who last year began a 4 to I I yout^- to enter through the window eomy members of the club. An. WUlIsm J. Edgar been gratified to know that ever Friday, 6:00—Troop 1, Girl 6:00 p. m.—Young People's Pray- role, for ths first time In her short but ihoet espionage agencies do not water district, stationed 300 miles about 150,000 is collectable on last 350 boys hava been initiated Into The section gives priority to such ta^-polltlcal circles within Russia. Tuesday— Mrs. Wlnthrop Porter. term tor conspiracy with tw »;; candy, loose packages of other meeting will be held on The funeral of WiUlim J. Edgar year's grand list, according to Tax claims'and directs payment as op- Scouts, Miss Emily Smith, captain. er meeting. dramatic career. Well-known as an rate women',s senices, in wrar or WigBrettee and two cakes were etol. away, loaded his automobile with i^ en golts said Krestinsky car- 3:80 p. m.—Young People's Choir. GOEAD The Parent-Teachera’ association Japanese naval aides to eonumiBl- ’ Wednesday evening, March 16. and of 361 Spruce street wai held at his CMIector Samusl Nelson, Jr, the^ chapter since its Inetltution, erating expenses from assets. Sueb Friday, 6:30—Troop 7, Girl 6:30 p. m.—Young People's Hour. elocutionist with delightful humor, peace, in the clasa with those of pro- > M l * ^ home at 8:80 this morning and at food and drove madly over bad roads ried on nsgotistions toward the 4:00 p. m.—Brownies. will hold their monthly meeting at cate U. S. naval secrets. all persons interested are invited Marah 3, 1938, at weieh Umt it waa judgmante pravioutly had been bald Scouts, Miss Jessie Hewitt, captain. 7:30 p. m.—Evangelistic service. 7:00 p. m.-^Boy Scouts. the Center school in Hebron, Mon- she has been cast in character parts One feature o f the break at the S t Jamee's church at 9 o'clock. to come to the aid of bis daughter named for the first worshipful mas- military end, with Mikhail N. Hebron Grange, No. IJl, observed to attend. Another sitting of the eeriea of to be general unsecured claims. Tukbachevsky, brilliant Red Army Friday. 8:00—Rehearsal for Lent- Sermon by Rev. R. J. Smeltzcr. 8:30 p. m.—CecIHan (ffiib. day evening, March 7, at 8 o'clock. In every play In which she has Rad and White store which Indicates As there is a large Itailen popula- Rev. Vincent J. Hines, eeeletant and family. ter of Manchester Lodge of Masons, en choir. Subject: “Refreshing News.” Neighbors’ Night at their last regu- acted—up to the present time. company, Lieut Frey, haa elosad tR* that the Job eras dons hy amateurs, pastor of the church, celebrated the When he arrived In Los Angeles, Setback partfes will be held at the To Supreme CowL marshal, as. leader. Tukhacbevsky 7:45 p. m.—Stanley Group with lar meeting held this week. 73 A speaker has been engaged and tion in Manchester, it la felt that a Masonic Temple tonight at 8:15. John Mather. Waldo C. Mayfield. Williams’ at- Saturday, 9:30—Troop III, Boy The Week. Mrs. John Von Deck, 32 Sterling the subject for discussion will be True, she haa pro ed very adept at files for 1937 and opaned tha 19SR- la shown in the fact that all at the strong organisation can bi developed requiem high mass. The body was he found them eating a large ami his colleagues have since been were present with guests from Bur- National Guard All nien and women are invited to Over .lOO members and guests torney, said the decision was the executed. Scouts, Ernest Irwin, scoutmaster. There will be a service each Place. "report cards” and "marking of handling this type of role. But in records. This year wlU noi and oS ’ in a boa of penny candy waa for the purpoae of engaging tn local laced In the receiving vault In St. breakfast ot ham and eggs. were present, many of them charter night at 7:30 with the exception of rltt Orange, New Britain. Colches- this new role of ingenue, she proves on and tho candy left Two fuU amea's oemetery, where burial will take part In the card partlse. Prizes first by an appellats court on the Dr. Constantine Youreneff, for- 8:00 p: m.—Men's Bowling League ter, Andover and Echo, Mansfield. subjects” today. far as records are concerned natU" k athletic activities. Teams will be P and i^reshments. and majority members. The tables section, and would be applicable to Saturday night. AH are welcome. at Y. M. C. A. Mrs. Ruby Gibson of Andover at- she can be naive, distracted, and News — the 1939 Federal Inopectton. Prtvzt* VS ettea near a number sponsored in as many branches of take place later. The bearers were RESORTS ISOLATED mer ambassador to Germany, and EMANUEL LIJTHEBAN CHURCH The program was as follows: Solo, ingenious, all at the same time, and o f loote packagoo were not taken. M. J. Madden, Lee Foy, George Ware tastefully decorated with ‘ thousanda" of employea’ claims D. V. Bogomoloff, former envoy to Wednesday— "Home Sweet Home” , sung by Mer- tended the Woman’s club Thursday BIssell haa asked us to send Him ' sports as posatble and It Is hoped tor Los Angeles, 5Iarch 5— (AP) — spring flowers and a delicious tur- against road.s in bankruptcy. He K. E. Erickson, Pastor that very conidncingly. Two Oman cakes wore taken from a organize soon enough to place a Long. Daniel Rudaa and R. E. Car- China, were the ambasadors named. CONCORDIA LUTHERAN 8:30 a. m.—AH day meeting of lin Marvin and accompanied on the afternoon and she also visited at the By Danny Shea extra copy of a recent column ba*;! Southern California mountain and key dinner was served. added that this ease "probably” the Hustlers’ Group. home of friends in the evening, The play will be produceo for one rack In the front part of th? store. baaeball team In competition this ney, all of Manchester, and Joseph canyon resorts, known to travelers NAZIS IN AUSTRIA Christian Rakovsky, one of the Sunday school and Bible clauses Garden and Winter Streets piano by Mlaa Ruth Marvin, of Col- evening, Friday, March 11. It Is a The election of officers- for the cause Me forgot to read I t Toe had. - Another amateurish feature of Bummer. Young of Hartford. Carle Cubberly, a past master would be carried to the Supreme defendants and himself once the K. Richter. Paafor 7:30 p. m.—Boy Scout school. chester; poem, ‘TJlctlhg”, read by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ely and coming year in the military body oI his name waa tn it too. the world over, were almost com- (%urt, and If upheld would add at 6:30. 7:30 p. m.—Mid-week service. daughter, of Jacksonville, Florida, three-act com e^, promising to keep the break at the Morlarty store la It la planned to canvas communi- OrganUt Charles Packard played councilor, wag toastmaster and fill- Soviet's ambassador to France, In- Mrs. Ruth Schwab, lecturer of Bur- the audience on the edge of their Manchester wrlU be held Monday Reperta sUto that PrlvaU AUttMl'- pletely Isolated today. Food was ed hla role admirably. He told ap- "millions” to exposes of such rail- Morning worship at 10:45. Ser- Thursday— are visiting at the home of Mrs. in the breaking of the ties In this vicinity for members the organ and Arthur E. Keating START MORE TROUBLE volved them. mon: Spore Thyself. 8:50 a.'m .—Sunday School and ritt Grange; solo, "That’s 'Why aeata throughout the performance. night following tho regular drill Crane ia stUI walUng tha piciMt' and Mrs. Margaret SuUlven sang dropped from airplanes to several roads. Bible Classes. Alf. Lange, superin- 2:00 p. ra.—Asbury Group. Darkies Were Born”, sung by Jamea Ely's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ne of glass in the rear also. of the larger resorts? propriate atoriaa and Introduced the Gregory Plataikoff, a former vlce- Evening service at 7:00. Sermon: session. AU members are requested line. Boy has ha got peraeveraao(£ ' the responses. The solor at the speideere among whom were Rev. Trustees of prior Hen mortgages, k/immTssar of heavy Industry exe- tendent. 7:30 p. m.—Senior Boys Gym. Martin of Echo Grange, and an en- Keefe. The sound of crashing glaaa Exact condition of the resorts A God-Defying Cry. The Emanuel to. make every effort to put the best Since several of the mambei#, * easily have been heard by offertory and elevation were sung Students Engaffe In Free-For- Watson Woodruff and Rev. J. Stuart securing Frisco bonds, ‘fought the cuted for conspiracy, wrote a letter 10:00 a. m.—Ehigllsh service. Friday— core, "In the Garden of My Heart"; Nineteen members and Uirra was unknown, but authorities fear- case on constitutional grounds, con- choir will sing at both services. 7:00 p. m.—Boy Scouts. guesta were present at the Woman’s possible men ir the executive posi- have been wearing thoae flaalqr-.- I Uving within a short distance by Arthur E. Resting and he aang Neill, who brought greetings and In secret ink to Youreneff, saying a 11:00 a. m.—German service. pencil and paper game led by the jackets lately, more and more ordacz "Softly and Tenderly" as the wait- ed there had been considerable loss All Fighta; Teacher la Fa- tending Section 77 (N) deprived se- Quiet hour Wednesday at 7:15 to 7:30 p. m.—Epworth League play. club meeting held at the home of tions of the unit. o f tho rear of the store. hearty good wishes. Post Worship- certain power was discontented Lenten Servioee lecturer. Miss Harriet Swanson of Overnight News are coming in from other memhan> Manchester ing hymn and "Some Sweet Day" of life and property damage. tally Injured. curity holders of property without with Bogomoloff for giving ihors 8:00. All are welcome to all serv- Wednesday at 6:30 p. m.—Ger- Satu^ay— Ek:ho Grange; song, "No Golden the president, Mrs. Charles Fish, The regular monthly meeting ot The ordinarily dry washes In the ful Master Herman Montle of Man- due process of law. ices. r ~ \ Thursday afternoon. Miss Ibith- tho company will be held In con- of the company. They’U go good at the end of the blessing of the cheater Lodge, spoke in a remlnia- aid to England than to that power. man service and at 7:30 p. m. ICng- 6:45 p. m.—Choir rehearsal Harvest", by Grange. Remarka Of Connecticut Date Book body. foothlUs wore filled with debris, Vienna, March 6— (AP) —PoUce The decision was written hy Youreneff waa requested to speak Rev. Elmer L. Olsen, pastor octhe llah service. were given by State Deputy Ellis- erlne Keelor, supervisor of the junction with the election Monday dowm at camp, Quarda. cent vein, telling ot the meetlnga of First Lutheran church ot New Brit- Windham Training school, spoke on (By Aasoclatod Frees) night. Since Private Sherwood may * -' lumber and wrecked household fur- ware summoned today to halt a Judge J. W. Woodrough, Omaha, to Bogomoloff os the matter. The Week SECOND worth Covell of Andover, Worthy Personal Notices George D, Baker nishings, carried by • the raging riot lietween swastika-wearing Nasi DeMoIay v/hlcl Mr. Walsh and Wil- and concurred in by Prealdlng ain will speak at the Brotherhood Master Albert Marsh of Burritt "The (ffiild In the Home and School”, The school for the non-commls- reading this column, we wtU not Next Week liam J. Thornton attended In other Tuesday at 8:00 p. m.—The Sun- CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Funeral services for George D. streams down from the mountains. students and government support- Judge Kimbrough Stone and Judge meeting Tuesday evening at eight day School teachers will meet. Grange, and Worthy Master Frank Her talk waa very interesting and sloncd officers of tho company will state whom we saw IMvate Vinemt ~ March 7.—Adjourned annual and places, and which Impressed them Rev. Ferris B. Reynokh, Fb. D. she explained how the environment New Haven.— Yale University Baker of Boltop were held at two Mrs. Vida Eccles Savage of Los ers at Vienna university. Van Valkenburgh, both of Kansas o'clock. Ail men, whether members The Senior Choir will meet Wed- Anthony of Echo Grange. Sand- made belated acknowledgment' to- be resumed tomorrow morning at 'rtth the othe night And tha torn)* special town meeting at B. B. hall. The Nazi students mixed Into the no favorably they set about Institut- aty. of the Brotherhood or not are Invit- wiches and coffee were served at the of the child at home reflected at IN M EM ORIAL March 11.—Kpworth League play. o’clock yesterday afternoon at Wat- Angeles, half-sister of Msrriner S nesday evening after the close of day of a bequest of 40 bushels of 10:30. er la riding around in a Cbevrolat klna Funeral Home with burial In Eccles, chairman of the Federal regular Saturday meeting of fra- ing a chapter In Manchester. Mr. ed and urged to come. Pastor Ol- services. March 6, 1688 close of the program. Dancing was school and without the cooperation now, too. I* l«Tln« memoir of Helen O. Waiting At the Church", at South Morning worship at 10:45. The of the parenta and teachers the Indian com which netted 80 shill- The next drill of the "Manchester JUnrejr who paeted nwmy March «tb. the Bolton Center cemetery. Rev. Reserve Board, drowned at Camp ternities with shouts of "Hell Hit- Montic's talk waa followed by the IT:S BIGGIR THAN sen is a good speaker, a bard work- Thursday at 2:00 p. m.—The Sew- enjoyed by ail until 12 o’clock. The Rifles” will commence the 1938 Private Cart Swraneon ha# aakadv IflTt Methodist church. reading of letters and messages from Sacramsnt of the Lord's Supper will school is at a disadvantage. ings and helped a struggling college Alfred S. Kllnc of Bolton officiated Baldy in San Antonio canyon. Her ler!" The government supporters LAKE IS DRAINED m BFJkKf ing pastor, and deserves a gooff’ ing Circle and at 7:00 p. m. the In- Grange liill sponsor a public card weapon training period. E'lrst Lieu US to announce that be Is not stusR March 12. — American Legion' countered with a rousing "Hell former members living In other be observed with sermon by the party at the home of the Worthy Refreshments of Ritz crackers, co- make financial ends meet. dance at Rainbow Inn, Bolton. and the bearers were porters. husband, Roy T. Savage, Is a aon audience. termediate Luther League will tenant Stephen. Frey will conduct up, as he lias beer charged. He evaa Me wae « flower from Ood'a garden, Schuschnigg'-" and the two groups towns. The Ladies Aid society will meet pastor. Special music J]y the choir. Master, William Owen, In Amston, coailut macaroons, cake and tea Researchers recently found, on the l^nt to aa for juat a while; Thia Month of Charles R. Savage, a pioneer MIGHTIIR THAN meet. were served by Mrs. Fish and Mrs. the course commencing Monday has a girl t back up bis statemeRL Tat BOW her memoir Itnvere, clashed. Rev. Earl Story of tbs South IN KIDNAP SEARCH Thursday afternoon at 2:30. All The Junior Oiolr will meet Sotur. Prelude—Reverie, Bratton. Tuesday evening, March 8, at 8 first leaf of the "Yale college treaa- March 13. — State ' Meeting of leader of the Latter Day Salnt.i at Anthem—God of My Life, Shelley. J. Kellogg White. ury book," the record of the com night. The older momhers of the Burton Frazier, brother e f tlW-?. ta all hearte that knew her i^lle. Salt Lake City. Police stopped the demonstration Methodist church, and Everett Hel- MMfr/fAls Afot/nr/ members be sure to come. Friends day at 6:00 p. m. o’clock. The: committee in charge TDVA at State Armory. Offertory—Andante, Nevln. of this party are Mrs. Raymond Ten ladles from the Gilead Con- bequest made In the will of company who are now either cor- corporal, has been in the hospital EDDIE ONSLOW HEADS Findley Laverty, chief hydraulic before any injuries more- serious ler of Hartford, state master coun- (Continued from Page One) are always welcome. Thomaa Harver and Family. March 15-16.—"Personal Appear- than blackened eyes and smashed The Sunday Schedule Smith. Mrs. Eldward Raymond and gregational church and the minister. Natbanlell boykln who died tn New porals or sergeants will remember recuperating after an operatioB. ance", a 3-act comedy by the Com- engineer for Los Angeles county cillor, followed. Mr. Heller brought Tickets are now on sale for the ST. MARVS CHURCH Rev. Berl Lewis, attended the The non-com room la still tn need noses were suffered. congratulations from the state Augustona (College choir concert to Rev, James Stuart Nelli, Rector Everyman’s CHass at 9:15. Mrs. PhUip Motz. Homer Hills. An- Haven In 1705. the phases of training and will aid munity Players at Whiton Memorial HARITORD’S NEW TEAM warned that flood condltioiu in all Nazis blamed the Incident on drawn from active partlelpatlen tn (ffiurcb School at 9:30. drew Hooker. Kenneth Ellis. Mrs. "World Day of Prayer” held at the Uie lieutenant in making marksman of a good cleanlug. How about R' canyon areas will remain near peak chapter. Robert Furay, the present the ease—at the insistent request be given at the Bushnell Hall Thurs- Middletown— Three Connecticut SALVE auditorium. Communists while the youths in- Nursery at 10:45. Berl Lewis and Miss Olive Warner Bolton Center church. A delicious residents were among ten Wesleyan out of the new members. Hie course few SCO't coming over this aftsr-. March 27.—Col H. B. Blasell din- for several days. master councilor of the i^ p ter, of Levine to permit him to handle day, March 31. We are this year March 6th—First Sunday In Lent. lunch was served at 12:30 and the noon. for volved declared the Nazis were res- celebrating the 300th anniversary (ffiristian Endeavor at 6:30. compose a committee to raise funds University students elected to Phi will commence with the sighting ner, by Yankee Division veterans at Hartford, March 5.— (A P )—EMdle Robert T. Jenney, retired me- made a few remarks, and Dad it In "my own way.” 8:00 a. m.—Corporate Communion The Week for the Grange treasury and a meet- program for the afternoon com- An Important meeting ot tRR ponsible. The official version said Walsh, the nert speaker was listen- Mra. Levine, who haa remained In of the founding of New Sweden at for the Confirmation Class. Beta Kappa, national scholastic bar, what It Is and Its value In State Armory. Onslow, long a colorful flgure In chanical engineer, who with three that only non-polltical jealousies of Monday at 7:00—Boy Scouts. ing will bo held at the parsonage menced at 2 o’clock. weapon training. The sighting bar NCO club WlU .be held toUoislB^ COLDS ed to with deep Interest as hs relat- her home for days with her hus- Wilmington, Delaware. This con- 6:30 a. m.—Church school. Men's A party was held in honor of Cal- honorary fraternity. They were Coming Events both major and minor league ball, younger men atruggled eight miles rive.l boys groups were Involved. Tuesday at 7:30—The Men's 509 next Wednesday evening, March 9, la made up on the same Idea as tba heir school tomorrow morning r*> April 16. — Hospital Linen Aux- ed many of his experiences with band and 10-year-old daughter, waa cert la sponsored by the Tercen- Bible Class. vin Fish’s fifth birthday, Friday aft- FVederlck P. Ferguson of Portland; 666 pries will direct the new Hartford East- over ridges, through gullies and The clash was the second In Club will meet at Nelson Smith's at 7:30 o'clock. A committee of U. S. rifle. It contains a front sight 'srding a future^ event sponsored reported near eoUapee. She has tenaiy committee for Hartford and Alphonse F. Wichrowskl of Middle- iliary ball at Hotel Bond, Hartford. ern League team's bid for the 1638 streams, from Big Tujunga canyon, Vienna within 34 hours. A 25-year- tbs DeMolay boya and the chapter 10:45 a. m.—Morning prayer and home, 55 East Middle Turnpike. which Leroy Kinney is chairman, eraoon, March 4. Hia pla}rmatea by the club. . May 7.—50th anniversary celebra- pennant. affairs. not seen her son sines he disap- neighboring communities. * The were Invited and a lunch was en- towm; and Roger F. Woodbury of and rear sight and in addition a t0< « 25e less than 40 miles from Los An- old teacher, Hons Lalltsch, was said sermon. Sermon topic: "De Molay" Thursday at 7:30—The Teachers Mra. Charles Fish and Jesse Hills And now in cloalng today's eU* : tion of Maccabees. John Quinn, son of President Mr. Walsh's sons, Harold Walsh, peared Feb. 14 after leaving school. bringing o f this celebrated choir to John Mather Chapter, Order of De joyed. Hartford. target and eye piece. The Utter U geles, told this story: by physicians to have bean fatally Training class wlU meet at the were appointed to collect back dues. used so that all members of tha umn, may 1 dedicate t ^ Uttle poMg jx Quinn of the Boston Bees, today an- "It was Indescribable. We aaw at the present worshipful master ot Hartford involves heavy expendi- Molay wUI attend the morning All committees will give a report Miss Marjorie 'Whitehouse of Ash- New Haven—Federal Judge Car- wounded when he refused to raise church. AH teachers are expected company may see tho same picture which we have picked up to an yoR' nounced the appointment of Onslow least 50 bouses go rolling past down Mahehrster Lodge of Masons, waa tures. Any profits which may accrue service. to attend. at the next meeting. ford ia spending the week-end at the roll C. Hindu denied Write of his hands at the order of ten mask- when they look through the sights. dads In the company who are now - as of the elub which comes the canyon. Wildwood lodge and ed men who Invaded an Austrian present, 4s wire hla grandsons, will go to the support of the John 3:00 p. m.—Highland Park Sun- Friday at 6:30—^The Girl Scouts The children who had perfect at- home of her classmate. Miss Gloria Habeaa Corpus to Sebastian Bon- Into Hartford on transfer from Tha Moat Bemutlful Night Morton Memorial Museum, an in- tendance at the White school for the Barrasso. glovannl, 39, and Salvatore Vlchltto. It is impossible for a soldier to eee out of work. Remember that betted- Scranton. all its furnishings and provisions Youth movement hail. After shoot- Arthur and Wlllianr. Davis, both of day school will meet at the church. were swept away. whom are past councilors of the Club In the East! stitute established and erected to Saturday at 7:00 — C3iolr Re- month of February were Beatrice 55, both of Hartford, facing de- something different witn^ut moving days are coming end do not M Better Values At The Onslow arrived in Hartford today ing the teacher and a 16-year-o)d 5:00 p. ro.—Young People's Fel- your youngsters say— "Boulders as big as houses kept boy the mesked raiders eseaps4.4n chapter. the meraoiy of John Morton, one of lowship. hearsal. Links, Eleanor Fracchla, Mary Cor- portation for crimes involving moral either the sights or the target By with John Quinn to attend the East- Dad gets up early evety day rolling down. Their clatter kept up automobiles. George Nelsor, the first master SHELL CHATEAU the signers of the Declaration of In- 7:00 p. m.—Ehrenlng prayer and Notes donl, Helen Coates, Rina Boraottl, turpitude. means of this device, new members ern League meeting slated for Sun- dependence, where articles and ma- And bustles round the same old way a continuous cannonade." Informed quarters bellsve that councilor of John Mather Chapter Willimsntic sermon. Dean Gray of (ffirist chureh The annual pastor’s class for new Rina Peracchio, Carolyn Sagllo, Ed- WAPPING Milford—Dr. Victor L Loosanoff are taught what a normal sight day at the Hotel Bond. Last year terials connected with the history ward Fracchla, George BorsottI, locks like and later gives them the After breakfast be goes out Manchester Public Market he managed the Columbia, S. C.. Han Antonio canyon was struck a Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg has was present and spoke briefly. He Cathedral, Hartford, will preach. members will have Its first session of the U. 8. Bureau of Fisheries Profeuional Floor Show! of the Swedes in America are pre- Robert Links, Ronald Soglio, Alden opportunity to make one prepeua- Down town to look tor woiR—M .'' club of the Southeastern League. staggering blow by the storm. Be- gained powerful support from the bad the honor of having previously The Week Sunday morning, March 20, at the laboratory announced It had been Austrian Hoctallsta In hla fight to Geo. Hinkle, Radio Star served and displayed. The Augus- church school hour, 9:30. Warner and Joseph Fracchla; at the A bridge and setback party will discovered that a certain cheap tory to going on the range tor tar- doubt , At the meeting tomorrow the sides Mrs. Savage, a Mra. Joluu, served aa master oounellor ot Char- Monday be given at the home of Mrs. Wal- Victor Haddock and WlUlam Hsd- prevent the Illegal spread of Nazl- Bowman’s Swing Band tana College choir has been acclaim- Wednesday evening, March 23, at Gilead Hill s^ool, Theresa Hodge, chemical, which he refused to identi- get practice. The course wUl aot end When he returns at noon, we know transfer of the Scranton franchise ter Oak Chapter of Hartford. ed the leading exponent of the mod- 7 ;30 p. m.—Girls Friendly Society. Joseph Barrosso, Leo Anderson, ter A. Skinner next Friday eventing, to this city will be consummated lung were .reported dead at Camp Ism. The general commlttea waa com- 7:45, there wiU be a Lenten Bible fy until further tests have been until every member of the company No luck! His jtep Is kind of slow The chancellor'received a dtlega- Every Friday and Saturday ern choral school in America. The 6:30 p. m.—Junior choir rehearsal. Henry Porter, Marian Hodge, March 11th, Mrs. Mabel Grennan Saturday P. M. Specials with the formal approval of tha Baldy. posed of Robert Wrlgbt, chairman; Tuesday service at the church conducted by made, would kilt starfish, oyster haa fired for record with the U. 8. His shoulders stoop. The smilea that tion of Socialist workers today aqd Night! program includes male choruses, la- Dr. Reynolds. Charles Barrasso and Arthur An- and Mrs. Ruth Burnham assisting. league. Other mountain districts, which Carle Cubberly, Bari Ruddell, 7:00 p. m.—Boy Scouts. eaters, without harming other rifle on the Bolton range. WUl you fall listened sympathetically to their Good Food! Good Drinks! dies choruses and mixed chorus derson had perfect attendance for The proceeds to be given the La- qualify 7 Monu^.y night's progress on Upon us kids aren’t dad’s at aU. had been enjoying winter sports Qeorge Neiacn, William Davis, Al- 7:00 p. ra.—Intermediate choir tho month of February. marine life, thus saving American Liver and Bacon Combination demands. Indicating that a big step Good Time! singing and is outstanding in re- dles' Aid society of the Wapping your part wUl do much to answer It's kind of bard to be a kid until the rain washed away the had been taken toward closing the bert Tuttle, Robert Furay, John spect to artistry, variety and ap- rehearsal. , * ZION LUTHERAN Mrs. Jules Rebillard and son. Community church. oystermen millions of dollars an- snow, wers Lake Arrowhead and Bengsten, Harold Symington, Kan- No Minimum 25e Cover *’ Wednesday High and Cooper 8t. Gene, of New Britain, are spending nually. Long Island Sound oyster- this question: Close order drill and When grown-ups think things should- LOUIS J. REILLY. gap existing between the govern- peal Tickets may be bad at Wat- There were twenty-one people the manual ot arms Is also on the be bid 1 lb. Tender Calves' Liver, 39c, and Idylwlld In the San Jacinto moun- ment and the Socialists sines th» neth Morrison. William Brannon, kins Brothers and also from mem- 7:80 p. m.—Evening prayer and Rev, H. F. R. Stechbolz, Pastor men would save 8750,000 annually tains. Both were reported heavily from the Wapping Ckimmunlty evening's program. The uniform for From you, and aU the time y m t,' 1634 civil war. Jamea Baker. Albert Krause, nearly bers of the Emanuel choir. sermon. Rev. Frederic L. Lorentxen, church who motored to the Flrrt by Its uae. he said. hit One private news agency rsported aU of whom are past councilors. Rector of St. James church, Wln- Sunday Invocavit Hartford—T'lr.lty ended Its 1937- the first drill under Major KeruieUi know EDITOR. IS DEAD On Thursday afteraoon and eve- Congregational church of South Though no one reaUy tells you so. i lb. of Our Sugar Cured Bacon that the reconcUlation was "prac- At tha eloae of tha program ning, March 17, the Dorcas society sted, wlU preach. (ffiurch School at 8:30 a. m. Windsor last Thursday evening 1938 basketball campaign by trounc- Cramer will be the service hat, OD tically complete. SUNDAY ONLY! Service In Bngllah at 6:30 a. m. Revival Preacher ing the Coast Guard Academy 50 to shirt, cotton breeches, black tie (Osatlaasd ff« n Psga One) is holdinn.an exhibit of Swedish ar- Thuraday where they attended the, first Schuschnigg was quoted as tell- "For An Aremid Good ticles. bow old and modem. Coffee 6:30 p. m.—GUt' Scouts. Text of sermon: Luke 4, 1-13. Thursday evening Lenten union 20. Captain Jim Kennedy waa high leggins and russet shoes. Free! Both for 39c MENTION McMAHON ing the delegation that if tha work- Theme: Why Christians, yielding to The pay checks for the last quar- during the war sind after tha armis- Shews". and Swedish baked goodies will be Friday services. They enjoyed hearing a scorer with 14 points. ers did not support him there was served during the afternoon and 3:30 p. m.—G. F. S. (Candidates. the temptations of Satan, are with- fine sermon by the Rev. Dr. Rock- Hartford—Magnates of the ISast- ter are expected in soon. The mem- tice he returned to the newspaper danger o f a change in govsmmenL THE NEW out excuse. 1) Because Jesus has bers of the company will be paid as Recreation field In Bridgeport. FOR JACKSON’S JOB evening, and there will also be en- 8:00 p. m.—Woman's Auxiliary. well H. Potter, dean of the Hart- era baseball league will meet here Cash and Carry Only. tertainment appropriate for the oc- Sunday, Blarch 18th vanquished Satan for us. 2) Be- ford Seminary. Both church choirs tomorrow to adopt a 1638 playing soon as they arrive. A t' that time he returned to the STATE cause He has shown us how we may The officers of the company. Cap-- Post and shortly thereafter became CIRCLE casion. Tickets are now on sale by 7:00 p. m.—Rev. Cramer C. Caba- united In singing. schedule, consider adoption of an (Uoottnned from Page One) NARTTORD members of the society. successfuUy resist him. Funeral services for Mrs. Lottie official baaeball for 1938 and to tain James H. McVeigh. First Lieu- Centerltems city editor, and remained with the GENERAL PERSHING nUo, Rector of the Church of the Lenten service in English on 3 GLORIOUS HITS! Choir Rehearsals Good Shepherd wlU preach. L. Sbippee who passed away Thurs- ratify the transfer of the Scranton. tenant Stephen Frey and Second paper until 1623 when be waa ap- votes came from Senator King (D., Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Text of pointed city purchasing agent. He SUNDAY-IDty Only Monday—Beethoven, 7:80. 8:00 a. m.—Holy Communion (in- day morning early at the Manches- Pa., franchise to Hartford. Lieutenant V'alter Cowles will at- Saturday Utah) and three Republicans—Me- WOMEN IN WHlTEt Tuesday—Junior, 6:15. sermon: Matth. 26, 33 and PhU. 2, served tn this position from Feb. 7. IS OUT OF DANGER MEN IN STRIPES! stead of first Sunday of the month, ter Memorial hospital after a short tend the officers school at the Hart- The Y. D. ba.m 7 to 8 o’clock. Behrens, Republican. WIL COXON THE SALVATION ARMY. Jesus, a divine example of tha bum- the recent yearly inspection of the The 46-year-oId Joekson, who has 10:00. man H. Woodward offlctatlng.Bur- Churches, 537 Farmington Ave., unit. AU officer* of* the regiment Monday I i Standard American Aftar being sueoeaded In the pur- risen swiftly in tha eouneils ot tha Ohd his sister, Mias May PerMitaf, MARIAN MARSH AdJt. and M n. George Ansoombe, ble mind. chasing office by Donald Meath, Mr. la Ouuge. lal will be in the Wapping cemetery. and Lafayette and Russ streets, wUI attend. The women’s gym class win most S13 New Deal, euccaads Stanley F. Read Dr. Davison said tha genantTa Blanche Mrs. (Charles J. Dewey of Wap- Hartford. from 7 to 8 o’clock. Reilly became active In the insur- as eollcltor general. Raed now la It Is possible that tbe company heart was doitvg well. SWEDISH CXINOREOATIONAU ST. JOHITS POLISH CHURCH. ping, who was taken to the Man- "Man" wlU be the subject of the The men’s gym class wiU follow I EBcyelopidla ance field as secretary of the firm a member of the Supreme Court. Warren Pershing said ha ia Wesh-Biid Meetlnga. may hold a party in honor of Major of Jamea J. Joy, Inc. PRISON Saturday open air meeting will Golway Street. chester Memorial hospital last Wed- Lesson-Sermoj. PhUlp Hawley, our tormer battalion from 8 to 9 o’clock. As solicitor general Jackson Is ax- pared for a long stay hers wall CALLOWAY I Green, Minister. ^ R e v . J o o ^ Z I e b a . nesday afternoon waa resting more Tho junior boy's plunge period' I In 1633 he returned (o active be held at and Birch atreets The Golden Text Is from Romans commander. However, no definite pected to withdraw largely from the for hia father to get well and ARI RER RI-DE-RO ROY'S comfortably at the last reporL wi l l be from 6 to 6:46. I Voloae-i-Wflek newspaper work as a t y Hall re- hurly-burly of government policy ed, hla broad imila retumiag: Swedish Morning Worahip 10:30. at 7:80 foUowed by a Praiae meet- 8:14; “Aa many aa are led by the information hua been received by SW ING BAND with ing In the haU at 8:00,' subject, 8:80—Maos. St. OecHta choir re- Joseph Taft of Wapping waa re- Spirit of God, they are the sons of The men’s plunge period wtn be porter of the Post, and in 1634 he making. •T really think he wtu get weD. English Morning Worahip 11:10. this column. The last affair of UiLs from 7 to 8 o’clock. SPECIAL CONCESSION was appointed managing editor - of 'Life of Christ,” in pictures. hearsal. moved to the Manchester Memo- God.” I He recently told the Young Demo- We ean relax a bit now, h ther la Oao. Daway Washington ALSO Sunday School 12:00. rial hospital last Thursday after he kind wras held when Major WUllam The women’s plunge period wlO the Post, Telegram and Sunday cratic Club of New York that abould so much better." English Evening Service 7:00. Sunday tha meetings will be in 10:30—Haas and sermon. Lutnla Selections from the Bible Include MaxweU, now Lieutenant-Colonel ot COUPON A RIR-TICRUNO RIOT had suffered a slight shock at his follow from 8 to 9 o’clock. Post be be confirmed bY the Senate bis For the first time sliMa hla arrtv- — PLUS — Communion Service 7:00. charge o f Colonel John J. Allan, choir rehearsal. tbe following passages from Psalms the regiment, was given a farewell WITH A LAFPA SECOND evangelist and worid war chaplain Wed. Lenten service. home. A late plunge period for men will responsibllltlea "will be more ex- al from Palm Beach. Fta, tha 36- Communion Service 8:00. 18:30, 32: “As for God, hia way iq party as our battalion commander. IMaaonpoa (withIvaothera, Today 1 p. m.—Drum, Fife and There were several of the officers follow the gym class. ( waeeeattvely aarabered. 8 la SOME TRIBITBS ciutlvely professional and will not yaar-old New York inveetmaat ANDY CLYDE Fpr the week: ^ of New York city. ' He wUI apeak perfect; tbe word of the Lord is Peter DuBaldo, a member of the Judith ALLEN la at 11:00 at the Hollneas meeting, Bugle practice. of Wapping Grange who motored Tbe girl’s from tbe gym close wtn aB. aMppad from The Evening Bridgeport, March 5.— (AP) — permit me the luxury of politleal broker .ohowed aa Inelinatioa to dla- M day evening choir rehearsal to Ellington town hall where they tried; he is a buckler to all those well-known OuBaldo orchestra, use the bowUng alleys at 8 o'clock. Mayor. McLsvy: "I am very much controversy." cuaa hla-fathtr'a ilinaaa. LOVELY HOLLYWOOD STAS 1:00. , at 3:00-at the praise service, and 7:30 tonight. Parish committee m id ) aatitlaa tha bolder to meeting. attended the Grange .School of In- Uiat trust in Him.... It la God that states that he is imdecidcd whether Toeoday I ONE VOLUME of the stand., shoriced and griaved to hear of Lou 'His statement aroused especial in- Ha made friends with reportera IN PtSSON AND ON SCSEtN IN Wedneaday evening service, 7:80. also at the Salvation meeting at Rev. R. J. Smeltoer O* the Some Show 7:80 p. m. struction on Wednesday evening, glrdeth ms with strength, and he should join Company "K” or tbe The women’s afternoon bowUng W N ^AaM tia^ Em^rstopsdia Reilly's death. I have known l«u terest because there has been talk ad photograpbars sad ahowtd la- WAYNE MORRIS la Saturday evening the Young FJpo- maketh my wrsy perfect.” vrill start at 8 o'clock. for many years as a fine newspaper- 'Tort of Misting Qirls" The Sunday ocbool wtU naet at March 2. Navy. We expect his name on tbe he may become a candidate for n v - tereat ia the Aaaoelated Preaa wire- ple'a Society will bold their biial- BOOM IN WINTER SPORTS Rev. R J. SmeltMr of Painea- The church services at the Oom- Oorralative readings from the d o tM Une soon. The women’s swimmlBg claaaM I man and aa an outstanding citizen photo equipment UOHT8 "THE KID 6:80, Jamea Muneie, euparintend- vlUe, Ohio, will open a two weeka B a r a lX o * ^ wito the “ “ emor of New York, and possibly a lesa and aocial meeting at the home muntty church are as usual Sun- Christian Science textbook, "Science The -men’s room in tbe armory wUl meet as fcdlows: of Bridgeport He served his chosen Warren aald hie father could not COMES BACK" If Mr. and Mra. Charles Peterson, enL There are rlarass for all ages. revival series of meetings in the 1640 Demoeratie Prealdentlal poa- Ri Still Skm Hw. I l l Tm. Estes Park, Colo.— (A P )—A Wg day. Sunday Kbool at 6:80 follow- and Health with Key to the Scrip- basement has been completely paint- 7:00 to 7:45 Beginners. profession as devotedly as any man slbillty. yet read aawspapars, sxplaialng AHEAD*' Jrchard street, Rockvtlle, at 8:00 If the'' weather permita the band Church of the Nazarene tomorrow Dm la EMarata Sreparatlaaa aatd- wit* SUNDAY AND MONDAY win give • concert at the Man- boom tn the winter sports business ed by morning worahip at 10:45 with tures" by Mary Baker Ekldy, Include ed and is now In exceUent condi- 7:45 to 8:80 Intermediate. could. On behalf ot the city of Senator Norria (Ind, Neb.), urg- physictans bellevad the shock of ad ftr.awidat Nail tea aa Stagt far 'clock. morning. Rev, Smeltzer comes to the celebration of the Lord’s Sup- 8:30 to 9:15 Nurses Private Oeah; Bridgeport I extend my moet heart- faanUng hew iU ha had baaa aright LUCOJ9 OLEABON chester Memorial liomltal at 3 p. is on, say Walter Finn, chief rang- the following citation from Page tion. This room is for members only. ing oonflrmatlon ot Jadum'a aom* far On Frasintaliaa af PAULA RTOKE Manchester with a wealth o f ex- per. The pastor's class will meet Tbe senior beeketbell leago* felt eympathles to bis family." put a atraia on hla haart m. The band will iMve at SM er in Rocky Mountain National perience in the Evangelistic field as 803, line 19: "The Science of peing Monday nigbt wlU be tha last driU (D e Lass Edltloii Ination. told tha Senata ha regrettad Park. os usual at 6 p. m. games will be os scheduled: James L. McCktvsrn, editor 8f the the nomination was not ter tha Su> R dlseloaad that aot until Sunday morning by bus for Weth- a pastor and aucccasful EvangellsL reveals man perfect, even as the tor Private irlesta Paganl in bis "JN TERN RTION AL PLPR..TanUUE MELODY” ersfield where they win take part On a recant week-end there w en Father ia peffeot, because the Bout 7:15—Y. D. Service ve. DUkm Vlt Pirlft Par Vohiau Brtdgepqrt Times-Star and presldedt preme Court and added: Thuraday did the genaial realist The evangelistic campaign will first term of enlistment His future 8:15—P. A. A.C. vs. Olsooe. of the Associated Preaa newapo^Mre be )iad noia hihia hotel in a Prison Sunday oervlee to be 1,356 sports fsns registered In the continue through three Sundays An Ehigllsb school has aban- er Ulhd, of the spiritual roan la God, plans have jo t beep disclosed. <• Cants) “I should be delightod to see him conducted by Colonel Allan. park. f 9:15—Renn’s Tavern vs. MorlaityR of Connecticut: or aomeona who antertatna the ICE REVUE’’ with services every night during the doned geography textbooka In fa- tbe divine principle of all being, and We underatanc that there is no THE CNEATEST SHOW ON ICE Tim Week. "That was more pazaons toza Wednesday "Not alone in Bridgeport where Ideaa eo ably atated by him k z s in Mere than 31000 worth ofx tee week ezoept Saturday. There will vor of teaching the aubjeet hy becausa this raol man is govsrnad job Uke that ot a %upply sergeant The juninor boy's phiage his fine abiUtiea aa a raporter “ and Monday, Boy Scout meeting' at visited tha park during the antire be special music by . the church by Soul instead of tense, by the lawr Or so we are told by an authority the White House aa Prealdeat of the cream and candy arc made in the REI,WER.*F0R4Mn*IIIMirS 3 p. m. census-taking projects and obssr- will be from 5 to 6:45. laftr oa’ a news executive where his United States." month of January loot year," Finn groups. *rhe public is cordially vatioo tours in industrial and n tl- of Spirit, not by the so-called laws on the subject. United States every mlaute. Tuesday, Cottogs p n yw zisefing, The men’s swimming invited to attend theas maatlniTi daatlal aacUona. ot mattMT.” \ The administrative officer o f the tart at|^ o'clock. r MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 6,1988 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, C0NN„ SATURDAY, MARCH 5,1938 PAGE FIVE

Ic element in the Califor Kaiser and what came of his swash- mond Smith, John Mitchell. Ray- nla floods, the long and lengthening buckling., INDUStRY LEADERS Trouble-Shooter TWO BIG ATTRACTIONS mond Hills, Rodney Len.aine. Frank NEWPORT WAR STATION list o f the dead, that unprecedented flomehow it doesn't seem to us Noted Savant Suggests Wolfinger, Howard Kelsey. Gram- In New York mar room: Caroline, EHzabeth, Ellen FIGHT TO RETAIV disaster would be almost worth its that the tases are comparable. Old AT HARTFO^’S STATE Bednar, Barbara Dingwell, Abraham CABLE PURPOSaV CVI coat in the fun provided for the rest Wilhelm did actually believe that Hedgehogs As House Pets ACCEPT PARLEY BID Garbich, Anne and Helen Gonct. « > Donald Griffin, Frank Hilts, Robert of the country—and ttut makes his war machine was invlncibla. He - By GBOItOE ROBS Aaceouat of Ao fault o f mine. 8o Blanche Calloway’s Band, Ju- Hack-saw Work, Not Accident, PUBUCITYASTfl no account whatever of the almost never doubted for a moment that It .bonorabla sires, what Is it? If Horton, Morris Kassman. Conway New Tork, March 8.—When Gar- EVERYONE NEEDS IT! dith Allen On Sunday Vaude- Keefe, Robert Bruce Keefe. Michael New York, March B—(A P )— One^to have hedgehogs for pets instead. Severed Torpedo Works’ flendlsh delight of the Floridians could march straight Into Paris. Ha bo was last In New Tork, it re- can be o f good use to you I will ar- rive on some date that you should of New York's leading scientists 'T h e hedgehogs would eat up toe ScYeral Aato Manufactiirers ville Bill; Ice Revue Wed- Kulynyeb, Richard Lee, .Selig Lebef- Communication With Shore. HUGE over a rainfall the like of which was the most surprised mao in the mained for an unemployed chorus sky, Jerry Porter, Milton Porter, girl, and her boy frlendss to cash in guess.” suggested gravely today that toe cockroaches the streets would be nesday. has hardly been recorded anywhere world when it was stopped. Faithfully yours, Beginner ed School, Junior Nigh Roland Russo, Bryce Smith, Elaine Newport, R. I., March 6.-r-(AP) (Ooiitlaned from Page One) on the publicized fact that she apartment dwellers of toe nation cleaner, and most gratifying at all Vey. since the Noachian deluge. We don't believe Ooerlng has any stopped at the St. Moritz. The girl, "S. L. Wang." — to the nerves at least—there To Attend Highway Safe- For one day only, Sunday, March -Belief that toe submarine tele- School Student, High School Sta» should keep hedgehogsaa pets in- Tax collector Mark H. W. Hills Half the newspapers In the coun' such'faith. I f be has he Is a bigger who looked enough like Oarbo to would be no barking and howling 6. the State wUI present one ot toe phone cable, principal communica- minded with a Hat of persona of largal Hawkshaw stead of cockroaches. says that taxes due on toe 1936 tions link tetw eea toe Newport Tor- Income. ■ try and all the professional joke- fool than he Is given credit for be- pass for her at a distance, dent. College and UnfVernty when toe owners went out for toe ty Conference. most spectacular vaudeville shows levy, which were payable April, arranged her hair like the Swedish It happened on West B3nd street 5ta- Because they are quieter, cleaner evening, because ertnaceous (aden- ever seen In Hartford. On this day, pedo Station and toe mainland, was As the House approached a veto i smiths would now be busily think- ing. —the street of swing dens, A —and eat cockroaches! 1937, must te paid at some time severed last Feb. 8 accidentally was on the tax measure, there were In- siren, dressed herself accordingly, dent. It Helps Mothet, It if Import tifle name) never utters more of a Blanche Calloway, slstei of the during this month. Otherwise Hens ing up cracks at Southern Califor- The old kaiser wasn't bluffing. and checked in at the hotel. wracking crew bad Just demolished Hedgehogs, you probably know, sound than a cross between a low famous Cab Calloway, in person, dissipated yesterday when John J. creasing reports that the Senate^ an edifice preparatoiy to erecting a are those shapeless, grubby little Several leaders o f the automobile ! will be placed on the property. Honor, N e^ Efigland Telephone might revolt against some porttonff^ nia's smugly superior attitude to- Ooeiing Is. He doesn't want to Then her partner set up a tele- t€Uit to Father, to the Typist, File grunt and. a tiny squeak. will bring her Hl-De-Ho Boys’ I A son waa bom. March 4, to Mr. new one. One of the saloonaUcs silent beasts vaguely like pomu- Company-wire chief, revealed that of the House blli. ' ^ scope in the park across the street " I suppose the chief objection industry and a number of others na- Swing Band to the big stage of ,the ! and Mra. Donald Coates, of Hope- ward all clIrAstes, everywhere, but light. He hopes to scare the day- stumbling by noted the building pines, although sclentiflcally oLs- the cable was cut by a hacksaw. Told of Possible Rkvoit and focused it on her room. When be Clerk, Mechanic, would be that they could hardly tionally prominent in highway safe- State. With Miss Calloway will be : vale.. aL,toe .Windham Community theirs. lights out of all Europe without tom to lbs foundations and ex- zlmllar. Hedgehogs are what Alice Naval offIclaDi are Investigating got the desired range, be tacked a take the place of lap dogs." (They ty work have accepted Invltatlona George Dewey Washington, noted ! Memorial hospital. Some Senators said they under.' I f It were not for tho death toll. having to fight. If be wanted ■ sign on the Instrument with large claimed: "Gee—what a party they ia Wonderlknd used for croquet and have for some time maintained stood Chairman Harrison (D., Mias,) must have had there last night!” Laborer, Sales have spines.) to be speakers at toe Highway singer direct from an *ten oed run A town meeting has been called a rigid guard about toe atatloo. But that death toll is a solemn flgfat he wouldn't be making one. letters reading; AWAY WITH tells Ip that famous game In which at the Cotton club. Also featured for Friday, March 11, at S p. m.^ In had informnl Mr. Roosevelt of thto-l MARS. VENUS AND SATURN! ------\ Dr. Scblalkjer Is a paleontologist Safety Conference at Yale Univer- Marines are escorting all visltora posalbillty. Harrison was a Whlto rl; Clerk, Stenog" Lj$e used a flamingo for a mallet. are the NovelU., sensational tap the Hebron Town Hall. A tax will and sobering reality. It seems, in a tenth so much nolsa. SEE GARBO, the GREATEST Hospitality (fossil expert) so he put in a pale- sity, New Haven, on April 4 under and'no visitors are allowed to walk House caller yeaterday. Anyway, Dr. Erich Bcblalkjer of dancers Judito Allen, lovely Holly- be laid to defray town expenses for way, all the more grievous because STAR OF THEM ALL IN PERSON Oq,e of Park Avenue's hostesses rapher. Writer, the Museum o f Natural History ontological plug for toe hedgehog. the adaplces of the Highway Safety about Goat laland, toe half mile Sentiment— its strength as yet honed Harry Rosenthal to invite wood star who was featured with toe ensuing year. The question of long strip of land upon which toe of the very fact that among those A T TH E ST. MORITZ. Salennan, Engtm nominated hedgehogs for petship Its ancestors, be said, can be traced Commission and • cooperating agen- tmdisclosed—lias been indlcatod in I Ira to a soiree the other night, and cies. Bing Crosby In "Too Much- Har- the disposal of two school houses station is located. SMALL INDUSTRIES The fair creature then proceeded Teacher, thus; back 60,000,000 years and toe toe Senate for completo repeal who have been lost are doubtless Harry, ducking the date, alibied: Albert E. Lavery, chairman of the mony" and with Shirley Temple In which have been closed for several The distance from the island to the undistributed profits tax aad to do her stuff. She paraded uncon- ne«r, Lautymr^ “Everyone 'loves dogs," he wrote hedgehog Itself goes back 30,000,000 years will come up for decision. some whose unfortunate presence Manchester will welcome its new- cernedly up and down the room, “ You know, I won't bo able to play years. General Conference committee has William 8. Da\is "Bright Eyes”. Miss Allen, who Is the mainland Is about 2000 feet. elimination of a proposed new tax the piano— I jammed my finger In in toe museum periodical, “ but how received word that Paul G. Hoff- a former Hartford girl, was gradu- These are the Lord District and About 3,S()0 persona. Including 3,300 on the scene of the catastrophe ivas est 'Industry, Folding Boxes, Inc., stepped to the window every minute Doctor, Butehor, They used to roam the earth, but on family-owned or closely-hald',' gthe ear door." Thera was dead I much more practical it would be for man, president of toe Studebaker Gull schools, so called. The foriner rivlltans, work at the station, which corporations. ated from toe Hartford High school. due entirely to their desire to escape which is preparing to begin produc- on the minute, tried on bats, and dog-owning apartment-dwellers In are found mainly in Europe, Asia "It’s the best part I ever had," is on the Bolton road and the latter silence on the other end of the wire Corporation and president of the na- She Is now toe wife of that hand- Is toe Navy Department's principal 'The House BUI would make ax« every once In a while treated the Bakmr or Candlo-'^ New York and other great cities and Afrlcsu And will be found in says Bill Davis of his role as Gene on the old Colclve*lsr road. Both are the climatic hazards and discom- tion of paper boxes in leased quar- for one of those long, long minutes, tional Automotive Safety Founda- some singing Irishman, Jack Doyle, torpedo manufactory. tensive alterations in toe undistri- boys to a thrill by removing a bit throughout toe country, where man Manhattan, If Dr. Schlaikjer has bis Tuttle in “ Personal Appearance," in good condition except. that the forts of the places from which they ters in the old CSieney spinning m ill of raiment The boy friend, mean and then the girl replied, with an tion, has agreed to speak at an well-known radio and prize ring buted profits tax, while retaining Ito i and toe cockroach are commensal. way. assembly meeting on the morning of the highly entertaining comedy windows of the Lord school have came. While the number o f employes of while, did a rushing business, at SO almost-audlble sigh: "Oh, well, come stick Maker, tn Every Walk o f._ about a movie- star’s stop-over In personality. principle for corporations with in* . anyway!!" April 4 which will be attended by been shattered somewhat and toe cents a peek, until a cop chas^ him. a small town, which the Commun- Besides being on toe stage In per- comes in excess of 826,000 a y ea r.. Thero Is no such thing in this the new concern will not, probably, all delegates. On the program with chimney partly demolished to get at SCREEN, RADIO STARS When the House recewted untU ' EveryotteNeedsU,,,Everyone Will ity Players are to present at Whlton son, Miss Allen will be presented on world as complete security from ex- be large at the outset, the new con- Seeing Doable done, but as she In her younger him will be Burton W. Marsh, Direc- stores of wild honey. The ques- Monday, Democratic Leader Ray- (Xmipetitlon U fa of Trade tor of Safety and Traffic Engineer- Memorial on March 15 and 16. the screen in "The Port of Missing tion of whether the town will vote cern appears to be of the t3rpe Our own "Peaa-Pods Department: ‘TISH TANK HEATER" day went to a school to learn about burn o f Texas faUed, beouisa traordinary manifestations of na- Frank Buck's office In the General Want It, Now Everyone May Have It, j ing for the American Automot^ile One of the Community Players' Girls", her laUs- screen triumph. to close that part of toe old Hebron- HEAD PICTURE CAST Katharine Hepburn-Marguerlte bousekeeplng. It seems as if toe most valuable actors, Mr. Davis BoUeau objected, to obtain an ag ras ; ture's potential cruelty, no matter which, we confidently believe, is the Motors Building Is adjacent to that Association, and also chairman ' of For four days starting Wednes- Marlborough road leading westerly ment designed to assure a vote lato Churchill; Gradwell Sears-Anthony best diploma Vould be a well kept has played a variety of parte, rang- where you go. Nobody ever heard very best In Its promise for the solid of Charles Francis Potter, head of Eden; Billy Mauch-Bobby Mauch; BUST INJURES COP home of her own. Which decidedly toe Highway Research Board of the day, March 9, "Iritemational ice from Henry Goldman's house to the Wednesday afternoon. the Euthanasia Society. The two National Research Council Presi- ing from U.' S. Senator to airport Great Galaxy Big Name of such rainfalls as have visited and prosperous growth of any New Edward G. Roblnson-Napoleon Bona- ain't toe case. kevue” , spectacular Ice carnival point of Intersection with the new Jacluoa Confirmed often pass each other in the hall, dent Uharlea Seymoui of Yale Uni- grease-monkey, but the lines of with a cast of 35 stellar performers road will te decided. Also to see If Stars Seen ‘Big Broad- parte; Spencer Charters-Herbert Mrs. Talbot Fish almost lost her The Senate had a Saturday hoU-^ California recently In the entire his- England community—the small In- ride In the same elevator, and, on Bayonne Electrical Expert versity and Mayor John W. Murphy Gene Tuttle give him his best wise- on the stage and on the Ice. iXie to the town will malntatin a road from Hoover;. Etienne . Glrardot-Victor new baby last night. I t seemsrthat cracking oportunity to date. As cant Of 19.38” At State. day after having confirmed, 63 to ^ ' tory of that region. Not any more dustry which has a fair field, which occasion, smile to each other. Which of New Haven will be among those the elaborate preparations neces- Henry Goldman's house to toe new Emanuel: Halllwell Hobbes-Wllllara COtuL Gets Queer Machine 'That Mrs. Fish left the b-xby sleeping In Public Relations Counsel for the yeaterday the nomination' of R ob srt,, is Irony, itself. “ Euthanasia", as to give ehort welcomln . addresses. Hebron-Marlbomugh road. - The than such rainfalls have ever been Is intimately directed by Its owners Gibbs McAdoo; Barton MacLane- Blows Up In His Hands. a large clothes basket and when her temperamental m w le queen. Mr. sary for the presentation of this Ice H. Jackson for toe position o f sedid- E vtr giDc« iM t aummer we are your dictionary will tell you, means Mark Hellinger; Ferdinand Gravet- Governor Wilbur L. Cross and Dr. revue, the State Ujeater will present Goldman house was left more or A brilliant cast of top radio and known in New, England. Which and which contains real potentiali- "painless death." Mr. Buck, "of hu.sband come . home from work. James L. McConaughy, president of Tuttle says of himreif, "I need more film stars, scintillating music and tor general snd debated toe govern* Duke of Windsor; George Barbler- no shows rn Monday and Tuesday. less over In the fields when toe new ment reorganization bUI. . mppoMd to have been Krovellnc In should teach us that we are probably ties of growth and expansion. course, has made his reputation on Bayonne, N. J., March 5.— (A P ) Just after dark, he, thinking to be Wesleyan University, a member of than I ’ve got; humor and patience layout of the road was made. A t the dancing, high comedy and gorgeous Charles Schwab; John Raskob- helpful, brought In with him a arm- and a knowledge of the divorce With a day off, legislators wsra' the aloufh of a dapresaion mucb no more surely Immune to such phe- It has always been our belief that the slogan, "Bring 'Em Back Alive!' —A strange electrical “contrivance .the Highway Safety Commission, original layout went the house was settings make ‘'The Big Broadcast", Charles Butterworth. —labelled a "fish tank heater"— full of clothes which had dried on a will te speakers at a luncheon which laws of every state." considering toe possible Implteg^i ‘ Bke that in the yeara immediately nomena than the El Dorado state. tan little Industries employing fifty close by the roadside. Mr. Goldman which plays Sunday an.t Monday at ttons of the President’s sssertlon] Honorable Job-Seeker IT’S COMING TO YOU that exploded In the hand of Bay- line, and. In toe dark, he dumped will follow toe morning eeasion. baa bad to get out onto the main toe State theater, one of toe moat 'M lo w ln f the craah o f 1929. Where- persons each are better for any Bistro-Bingo them Into toe clothes basket In the that he hoped for wage-hoar legls-( tAt it rain In the Connecticut val- The following was received by a onne's police radio expert puzzled Commissioner of Motor Vehicles Ing, Etech of toe visiting Granges HEBRON highway through a rough muddy amusing and moat thoroughly de- fore It wUl be rather aatonlahinf to Apparently, the promotional Investigators today. kitchen without giving It a thought. Michael A. Connor will be toast- Istlon this session, but that il might \ ley at the rate of an inch an hour community than one Industry em- friend whose firm— a textile manu- drives of the movie houses have presented a part of the entertain- lane In toe meantime. lightful bits of movie fare to hit toe not te possible to obtain aetloo. ' "i a (ood many folka to lean) that re- In An With three of his fingers blown Then he started looking around for master at tola luncheon. The Women's Bridge club met screen in a long time. for thirteen hours, let us have here ploying five hundred; that ten em- facturing company—advertised In a crept Into the night life industry. ment program. The town fire wardens say that House leaders in raoeat diseigg*! Chinese paper for. a chemist: off and a leg fractured, plucky Lieu- his new son. Without going into Among those who will te speakers Thursday afternoon at the home of Headed by W. C. Fields and di- tail aalea In 19S7 amounted to with- a total of twenty-six Inches of pre- ploying BOO each are better for the For proprietors are steadily finding at divisional group meetings during The following were In charge of there appears to be a misapprehen- slona have omitted a wage-hour bin 'j ‘Dear Sirs:— I am Wang, it is for tenant Vincent J. Doyl^ called It a details, some of toe clothes that the program for toe evening, Mr. Mrs. Gertrude Hough Three tables rected by Mitchell Leisen, toe cast in a few millions o f forty billion community than one employing five out that It Is necessary to give the afternoon are Dr. Herbert J. sion on the subject of fire permits. from toeir list of messurts whMl'ir cipitation In one long storm—and my personal benefit that I write for something away in order to attract stroke of luck for his assistant, a was thrown Into the basket had to and Mrs. Oarence Burke, Mr. and were In play. Mrs, Marietta G. includes Martha Raye, Dorothy La- must be passed before adjoom -j dellara. That la live per cent mere Stack, director o f toe Educational Many of the residents think that a the spring flood of two years ago thousand. position In your honorable firm, business. survivor of the Morro Castle disas- be washed again, and toe baby was Mrs. Perry Lathrop, Mrs. Henry Horton and Mra. T. D. Martin held inour, Shirley Roes, Ben Blue, Bob ment. ter, that he escaped being "blown to almost smothered. Division of toe National Conserva- charge la made for permits. This Is highest honors. Refreshments of Hope, Lynne Overman, Leif Erikson, 'than the amount of the nation'a re- would look like a summer's dew. Wide diversification of Industries have a flexible brain that will Over at the Stork Club, where the tion Bureau; Warren L .' Duncan, Larson, Ruth Larson, Sarah Lar- not the case. Anyone can get a Most members Interprsted tlw| tail buslneaa In the prevloua year adapt Itself to business, and In con- philanthropic Sherman Billlngsiey bits." son, Bernard Larson, Mrs. Clara club sandwiches, cake and coffee Grace Bradley and Tito Oiilsar, with President's statei.ient aa imUcattoffiJ What with the tragedy of It, and is a source of community stability Doyle waa working last night In director of the Bergen County (New permit Just for the asking, and un- sequence bring good efforts to your presides, they have been presenting Lathrop, Beatrice Mahr, Maurice were served. specialties by Mme. Kirsten Flag- he was reconcUed to the fact thM^ and the hlnfeat srear'a trade alnee the lesson, we guess there Isn't and security. Those New Ehtgland the police department electrical re- Jersey) Safety Council; Robbins B. less in a very windy or unusually The tteme of the Rev. B. A. stad of tbe Metropolitan Opera and honorable selves. My education was the lucky customers with cars and Stoeckel, Research Associate in Darlco, Andrew Darlco, William a labor standards set might not ' 19M. pair room, where he often did' odd SCENT MAJOR CRISIS dry time those who wish to make Lewis’ sermon at the Sunday saiir- Ship Fields snd his Rippling much to Joke about in what happen- cities which are the roost stable in- Impressed upon me In the Pekin cash and other prizes for yeairs. Highway TransportaLlo,., Yale Uni- Darlco. LerSy Rider and Miss Edna fires for the burning of brush or placed on the statute bo sf tk ik asMoas msaa ilsarly Ikaa Ika aslsM Theater were 828.42 and at toe evening Lenten services will be land. The Connecticut Light and Tbe Young People'a society of Girl" from Steubenville, from ab dwarfing and utter futility? Labor is celebrating Its 25th anni- saw B yet, and snow shovels will have to Scudder, a retiree justice of the toe Pontifical masa of requiem. business are booming, and the more with Is this one: L L hat on the back Princess Theater, 812.66. At the held. The theme of these services Power Company, Eteat Hampton, toe Concordia Lutheran church wlU ship, from Germany, Italy and Bhig-1 versary and among the guests turd Commerce. C.- of c. figures there be took down again from toe hook. New York State Supreme Court, and He was aaslated by clergy from On the same scale o f healthful- include President George H. Davis on the floor. Raise both arms until schools the collections were as fol- will be "Christian Virtues," and the owns property here valued at 811.- hold lU first devotional Lenten land. they boom and the faster the water sponsors of the affair are dozens I f It keeps on snowing all day, there his wife are listed in the records of all over the state. More th u 300 ness and satisfaction, living costs and Former rre,sl • « te giva aad leceive kitchen fire, which, Just at the mo- Members ot toe EaUngton Orange HlUa, tax-collector, was at the town In the vestments, until after toe banquet at the Mayflower, swank self-addressed, stamped envelope. Services of March toe first C. A. today, from four to eight water into the kettle in tlie form of Ing a sodden, sordid waterfront In- may be used either to reduce or ment, is more of a reality than any will visit Warren, Moss., grange to- clerk’s office all day Thursday, and service tots morning. Washington hostelry, aind to be- Persistence Is needed to pioduee a Sunday In Lent: o’clock. ths soldiers' bonua and other dipper- * thing of beauty. Would It take come "sponsors" of the affair. Our to gain. Whethei the main problem eternal beat. It seems almost as if night making the trip by bus. received some payments by delin- Through tos night members of TOO FEW INDEPENDENT noticeable Improvement and you 10:48-—Morning Worship. . Celebra- Announce Oflloers quents. The list of those liable for Information is that all those who la how to bullc up the bust which g s d ^ a n t e r id flngtfe * tess k ouw b s * msse * toe Ladles’ Piecemeal Society might Hospital Report St. Augustine's church societies fu ll borrowed from neighbora. But very much more to conceive of tion of toe Sacrament of the Lord’s payments was somewhat shortened JAPS PLAN A LONG were Invited to be "sponsors" Is too small, or to firm and tone may need to continue the exercises aambering t y s t o wenU tevs bssa dite get busy on toe furnace situation, The nominating committee of toe The report of toe work at the kept a vigil by toe telr. Cadets soon as the lr,olllng started again. Picking up four-fifths of the city's several weeks or munths; however, Supper. Rockville Ovic Association baa pre- by adjustments made for those who of St. Augustine's Boys Brigade JOURNALS, SAYS EDITOR were automatically listed as such the breast which appears to drop flarsat n a w tos kmeos aMttematieal pioblsaw that but like most other things that’s 12:00— Sunday School. ItockviUe Caty Hospital for toe by beginning soon, you should be advaasad this sooatiag mstbed tate a setenea sented toe following officers for paid in other towns or dtles, former formed a guard of honor and helped BO did tho recession of the water Pc°Pl« bodily and setting them imless they followed Lewis' ex- or sag. exercise still remains the necessary, they’ll probably wait un- 4:00— Junior C. B. month of February is as follows: election at toe April meeting of the residents here. There were 13 or 16 usher the watching throngs. HANKOW CAMPAIGN’ line. Yet perhaps some of the wa- In half a dozen brand new ample and declined the privilege. most effective measure. able to appear to better advantage til Spring before they decide, to do 4:00— Pastor's Training Class. number o f patients in hospital Feb- association; President, Thomas F. of these. Those who paid on time Following the service at toe New Haven, March 5__ (AP) — The result is that the program In- In developing a more pipastng In. a bathing suit during the x>mlng something about top winter cold. 7:00-*-Y.P.S.C.E. Miss Elizabeth ruary 1, 12; number admitted dur- tar from the neighbors’ wells w-as cities built In the present under- Rady. J r; vice president. Rev. Dr. represented about 86'A percent of church tots morning. Father Barry Felix Moriey, editor of the Waah- (Conttnned trow Page Use) cludes 233 "sponsors." In that list effect It must be remembered that summer season. The people down In toe Whoop Lee will be the leader. The topic; ing month, 38; out patients, 7, total, tka original kettleful, evaporated, standing of hygienic and social and George S. Brookes; treasurer, Harry toe total number. This Is not a had was taken to Middletown. Burial ington F oot sxpreased belief that are found sources of much an- the wisest plan la to try to work Owl quarter of town was planning '■vercom lng Disappointments and 57; discharged, 37; X-rays, 17; ac- condensed again and finding Its economic needs? Flamm; secretary, Lester Martin; average as compared with other wae in St. John's cemetery there. tbe number of completely untn- that the walled city of Uanku, .78 ' tagonism. with the musclea which support the QUESTIONS AND ANBWKRll BIOSBAPHY i raw s!%ssyrj,.s Tisaysw on a bkm dance for tonight, but Dlffic'ulties.” cidents, 11; birth, fl; operations, 16; ^ ^ awta t e T C t J * asansinted w I t o S SiLSH financial secretsjy, Arthur EM- towna Mr. Hills says that cases of fluential newspapers In America Is miles northeast of Loysng on thk^:^ way Into the old oaken hanks. I What tho roost visionary of the The sponsors are lilted alpha- breasts and to leave the brea.sts . (ArOoles on VegetoMea) that seems to be all off now, for Christians will attend public wor- largest number treated, 29; small- betically on the program and words; Board of Directors, William continued neglect of payments will a hint that toe profession is fatimg North bank o, the Yellow River,', We ahall always have depreaalon. ! New York rebulldera are now think- themselves alone. These latter are Question; "Mother ot Six" writes: who that's in bis right senses would ship whenever they are able. If it est number treated, 10; dally aver- foiirth from the top Is Arthur J. Preuaa, chairman, Thomas F. Rady. be handed over to a grand Juror to to widen tbs field of public opinion. had been, abandoned after Japaae formed of fatty tissue, connective "I would tike some help on the sub- want to drive poor animals out Into is right to remain away from wor- age. patients. 16. 45 LAYMEN AEFECTED Bad booms and alumps wdthin th» ing about Is Just a lot of little skin Altmeyer, chairman of the social Jr.. Rev. Dr. George 8. Brookes, te taken care of. Delinquents wlU In delivering a Block Foundation Incendiary bo.nbr destroyed d e fe a *;j Ussiie and glimdular tissue and are ject of vegetables. Have you any a snowy night Just for pleasure's ship, let us close the churches'. But * Anniversary Masa - framework of the depression, until scratches when what the frightfully security board, while at the bot- Harry Elamm, Lester Martin, Dr. bave to pay not only the original tax at Yale University yeaterday, Morel works. ' not influenced directly by exercise articles along this line? 1 am try- sake? a special effort should be made to An anniversary requiem M om tom of the first column is Abraham Anthony Gesaay and Charles Ko- of $3, with 81 penalty, but will te aald, " t o ' do Uielr duly under our Fresh outbreaks of guerrilla fight* 'w e are somehow smart enough to overgrown tovm needs is a major but may be inituenced indirectly ing to feed toe children toe things ?0LiTiCS Some city cliff dweller was out attend at Communion, when we re- was held this morning at St. Bern- called upon to pay court costs, BY HEALTH OmCE RULE Epstein, who writes some of the new our loyalty and consecration to kerda. system of govenfaent, which also Ing were reported In toe vicinity of,;, •volve a way of l^eeptng the pur- surgical operation. through developing the muscles of they need to keep wall and Inaa- here last night to try to tell us ard's church for the repose of toe amounting to about 810. Some of most critical articles about the our Master. Distelet Meeting Sunday means to have mfluer.ee In their Chefoo and Welhaiwei, with the chest. When tb> chest muscles much aa we have always been greet farmers about raising poultry. The soul of Rev. George T. Slnnott who those on toe Ust of delinquents are chailng power In the kettle from social security board. Tuesday at 2 p. m. the March The Fourth District of the Amer- Hartford. March 8—(AP> — U Chinese claiming approxln are mouuB« .;jj GOERING’S NOISE board, beaded by J. Warren Mad- the breasts become more shapely. know so much about vegetables.” roost of toe city maiTs Ideas, and ao Birth wholly unable to do so. opinion of Deputy Attorney-General eiiall have to rig up a*' condenser Society will be held In the church its Manto meeting on Sunday, formatlon and severely subordinate ejmlern Shant'jng province. 'Y v den, were not Invited to become It is my opinion that the woman Answers; I wtu be glad to send to none won't be given here to mislead Mr. and Mrs. Hartold Shortman The Congregational church choir Dennis P. O'Connor that all health tepss, MpIraticM (or greate assembly rooms. March 8to at Putnam. The poets that of propaganda." One Japanese troop train w a a f that will keep the steam from Herr Ooerlng has been thunder- sponsors, nor sven to attend the dealring a mor- pleasing effect you any one, or all of too following FINE ARTS I toe people. Chickens Is something of Maple avenue. Broad Brook are held a rehearsal Thursday evening officers must te physicians. 45 lay articles. Please enclose one large, y-f ^ ■Best that states liCs a t * Wednesday afternoon from two and units from Tolland and Wind- at toe home of Mrs. Albert W. Hild- "On many fronts In this country salQ tu have been derailed and a t*' ^reading Itself all over the land- ing about the tremendous military banquet but an oinclal o f the above the waistline should first of all a body has got to live with in order to five, people of toe parish are wel- the parents of a son bom on Fri- health officers In the state will lose self-addressed envelope ’ with your ham counties will send representa- Ing. They are getting ready for toe their Jobs. heroic efforts are being . made to tacked near ChangUen. A numb*., - scape and being finally sequestered pewer of the Reich and bow It pro- labor deportment Insisted that undertake a general body-building to know about toero, which tola come at toe parsonage. day at toe RockvlUa City Hospital. tives to the meeting. The Btate Health Depsrtment'a provide that cor,stant supply ot of Japanese soldiers’ were killed. had "no significance whatever." regimen, using exercises which request and add a S cent stamp for young.speaking feller will find out. Wednesday night at 7:80 toe mid- Engagsment Aaaooncea Easter program. la the private well and the private pores to use It to squash flat any of BaoketbaO Mrs. Mary E. (Cummings lost a February list of health officers analytical information which ts de- A report from Canton said tha^^ The two ogenclea once were quite strengthen Jie entire body. This la each article you woAt. O f course, Poultry ain't raised in books. We week devotional meeting will be Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tuttle ot lipak-buckct. those neighboring states, meaning bitter but are leas so now. The portly because such exerclae will he these articles are alao-avallsbls to folks here know plenty enough The basketball teams from Man- house dog some months ago. Sbe shows that of 174 such positions In nted to subjects of dtctstorsblpa, Bocca Tigris forts were shelled by a ; held In toe aosembly rooms. chester win play at Rockville on ElUngton annotmee the engage- T oo can't keep up the Roose- Austria and Czechoslovakia, that department official oald sponoors beneficial to the healUi as a whole any other reader who wlones them. 6 Consecutive Coupons 6 Consecutive Coupons about bens. I f all toe eggs that ment of their daughter, Ruth Etna made considerable effort to trace It CTonnecUcut, 45 are held by laymen, but which la toe foundation on a-hlch Japanese gunboat, but said that tlM).;, Friday night at 6:48 toe choir will Sunday in toe Polish State League were chosen to represent labor. and partly because ir w lll be help- ASPARAGUS....; CELERY.... ever laid here was put end to hold toeir weekly rehearsal Tuttle to Lincoln CHarfc, son of Mr. but was unsuccessful. The other 128 by licensed medical practionera democracy must rest." guns of toe forts repulsed toe boat.. VeKtan aebeme of filling the dry ket- may be ao temerltous as to refuse games. The P. A. A. Girls wiU day a good nstured, weU trained Irduotry, and tha people. The list, ful in establishing tha strong mus- EGG P L A N T ___ : F I L L U P O N end toey*a a good chance that them Friday night at 8 toe Golden Rule and Mrs. Raymond Clark, also of and the post In Voluntown la vacant. The United States, the editor as- Ua with bonusea, either to aoldiers to let themselves be dominated by Ciipped From The Heraid Ciipped From The Heraid meet toe Manchester girls in toe he said, included former officials cles needed to maintain good poa- OREENS....; MUSHROOMS___ ; Jape, and Chinese w o i' 1 be slipping Club will hold their regular meeting EUington. house dog appeared at . her door, The sltuatlcm by cDuntlea: Hart- ■erted, has need of more newspapers first game and will be beaded to- with a collar but no tag. The dog ford, three laymen. 26 phjmicians: • r fknnera, borrowed at usury; be- minorities of alien Germans living of the department but no active ture. When the posture Is poor, it SFINACH....; WINTER SQUASH around on them over In Asia. Which in toe assembly rooms. This will te which justify the use of toe adjec- wards their twentieth victory. In was of mixed-breed, black and New Haven, five lairmen, 31 physi- FOR YOUR caa« by and by we will be owing within their bordeni. Ooering'a officials of othsr departments of la much mors dUncult to carry the ...... GOOD NON-STARCHY is egging on toe boya a long ways a Question Box meeting, with Mist tive "Independent." the government. "W e bad to stop ^toe first encounter between toe two white. Mrs. (Cummings Is holding It cians; Fairfield, three laymen, 21 chest properly, whereas with good VHkJETABLES (p.^ovides a complete off. Alice Spencer and Miss Esther. EMPLOYS MOLTEN STEEL TO "A n y newspaper which It not Iba neighbor weU and bucket own- sabre rattling and tub-thumping la somewhere," be Inalstad. boys teams the Manchester boya for the owner. She would te glad physicians; Windham, 10 laymen, posture the cueot la carried to the list)....; VEGETABLE RECIPES The Grange met here Wednesday Welles aa leaders. The hoatesses: IMPROVE BANK NOTES completely Independent tn Ite news COLD era more water th u there has been 0 very noisy and truculent that a Although Altm eyer la activa were victorious. to keep It In place of the one. the seven doctors; New London, nine front and a bette. buatltne is shown. night, and after toe regular meet- Mrs. Miriam Dean and Mra. Helen p olt^, at least Independent to toe TAKE In tha srorld since the Noachian del- Connecticut editor la prompted to chairman o f the aoeial aecurlty and and Beebe. Schools WUl Reopen Washington, March 8— (AP)— lost, she says. laymdn, 13 physicians; Utehfield, I therefore suggest that Instead ing a talk was given on "Honieinak- Perfect attendance pupils at the e i ^ t laymen. 19 physietang: ‘Tol- extent of being scrupulously fair tn Uge. suggest that It sounds almost exact- board be waa once assistant to Wednesday night, March Ifl. at 6 The schools, public, both grade A Swiss inventor has developed a of concentrating only upon the bust OOINO DP. ing" by Mrs. Dovey Bench. Since land, six lairmen, ^ h t physicians. its editorial columns. Is not a news- Secretary Perldaa, ao comes in as . clock, church aupjwr will te served and High, wlU reopen on Monday process for spraying ntolten steel Hebron Green two-room school for . probably aomsthlng or other will ly as confident and belligerent aa a former ofindaL that yoil go through an all-around when, we ask toe Grange, is Mrs. toe past month were: Primary Middlesex county has but one lay paper." by toe Golden Rule C3ub. We ex- morning following a week's vaca- on bonk note paper. He contends, liavB to be doee, whether we like it the pre-1914 Indian chief boostinga John D. Blggers, lUlaols glass exercising schedule each day. When Seattle—A t. this rate. L. C Ma- Stench a authority on homemak- room. Pearl Ooncl, Emily Hewitt, health officer. The newgpeperman needs ouL-tde tolaon is gotng to pick up 4,800 pMt to have oa good a supper and tion. During toe vacation, many of the department of commerce re- ler not, about the steam. manufacturer, srtioae plant was doing this it is aU right to add tng? Everybody knows that her Gertrude HlUa Clare Porter, Oeorgl- It is expected that county health InformatioD, he said, os ‘to wbetoe*' of a certain Wilhelm HohenaoUem pounds. aa good a time afterwarda aa we toe teachers returned to toair ported today, that this lengthens newspspera uffect ptibllc opinion one o f tha first involved in the soma special axerclsea which have husband ia always cramped up with did last month. homes. anna Montgomery, LilUan Griffin, officers will meet soon to discuss who is now a doddering

ael* Pattern 8178 Is the kind at dress Had: coast to coast breaks out. racy. A Hotel Sheridan turkey the poet will oe held In the A rm y ^Pta* weak kjw wfbr wn wigj wban CanL Baate It was the longest speech PoUy DID YOUR CAR START? The February meeting of the cauee It’s so smart, so p.-actical and wcaa wtam wwj wtal wdah Mldwattt JERRY W HTrriBLO. hero; the dinner followed by professional en- and Navy club Wednesday, March kad brnuq who wow vdaf wlra kstp; 12:0^ 1:00—Orlantala Radio Coneart had ever heard her father make. It Do Not Let A Lew Battery Let BartXord County Aaeociation of the so wbll-deslgned. The softly flared ancy, Chicaso'Lad Stabs ills —Tba Rhythmalraa P^g. Yankee who sees her through. tertainment went with the speeches B. Commander Baker requeats m MaunUIn: koa kdyl; towtli: wmbg; lent her courage. . . . Dick too gave Yea Dowa. We are sa near to Ainericao Uegkm held in W eet skirt, the lifted waistline, the youth- Psclflct kfl kgw komo khq kpo kgu; • l:3(^Bufrala Praaanta Pragram CABELL BANKS, privateer oop- “S PtO T yom os yoar 'phone. to give a perfect evening. If you good attendance of members as im- 2:00—Madlaan AvantM Rnaam* LIGHT Hartford laat Sunday afternoon had ful V-neck, ore highly approved for Of^lONAll N ations (OMrau inter* Polly his trust and support. i He Concerns of "The City of Villsce d u m ” Noted Ifor Renderinc missed this year's bahquet, let ua portant business will be t,scussed. Parent To Death, Flees. ehangaably on oltliar RED or BLUB 1:30- 2:30—Tba Meter City Malfdiat tohi, Easily Located In These Colamm For Tour Coavenicnes. p taty of Information for thoae who spring. The simple sash belt, tied In 2:00— 3:00-Tha Marry.Makara O ^ . pretended lui Indifference to vlUage' admonish yrou; don't ever do it Members of the post will be sor- oatworks):jiBA«iC — Raatt wlw wtoa 2:10- 2:20-WaMitsM tba Wartd ADAMrS ~ had enough patience to llettn. In the front. Is an added touch of wtan wdrk »eo 1: Midwaat: wood gossip that he waa far from feeling Good and Faithfol Service. They Oeserre Your Patronage — They Believe In Manchester. again. ry to learn that Comrade Billy 3:00— 4:00—Ann Leaf and t b « Organ Yesterday: The British ship Is and he tried to atrengthen PoUy in . SERVICE S TATIO N .vlBct, there waa a little too much for charm. *»«»• OTMBR 1 :1b— 4:16—Gertruda Lutxl. Bturgata captured and Jerry and Cabell On Monday, March 7, there will Moore ii conSneo to hla home by Chicago, March 5.— (A P )—Pros- OPTIONAL dTATIONS -> Canadian: It46— 4:46—Paur Clubman and Voaala read aloud to her a great deal—salty Cor. Spruce and Eldrldge Streets i one , meeting. Many oommittce The new printed silks make up cret efcf; Cantrsit wefl wtmj wlba vday 4:00— 6:00—ttery af Induatrlaa Prog. Banks have great ocooslon to i«- be a Town Meeting. It would cost illness. He is now under the care ot ecutors began legal moves today to kfyr koam: Aoutitt wtar wptf wla wjas read aloud to her a great—salty Chairmen preaented rather lengthy beautifully in this design, either the 4:30^ 6)30—Lean Goldman Orebaatra Joloe ns t h ^ take her over. ’ enough to require a special appia- his physician but possibly w ill be bring a 16 year old boy Jto trial for wfla*waiim wlod waoc wfbo wwno wese t :00— 6:00—Calumbia'a Cherua Qitaat tales like Robinson (Jnisoe and Veportj which told of part of the wava warn wme wsb wapi wmab wids SHERIDAN MODERN, SCHIELDCrS WORK priatlon. so "get out the vote.” sent to a hospita' for treatment. We siijdl-flgured ones, or those with the fatal stabbing of hls orippled :26— 6:26 Praaa»Radla Nawa Pariod ' . CHAPTER XXVm translations from Virgil’s lUsd that hMvy worii being done by the Le- fcpoo yP r wfaa wbap kpre laoal ktha 6:30— 6:30—Ban Paid and gyneopsttan UICK SALt S Another reminder, — one week large splashy motifs. Sash belt and mother. Assistant State’s Attor- ktbT ktba kark kgne: Mauntatni kgir gion. Comrade, Tieaing urged all to hope for a speedy recovery. 6:00- 7:0O-Tha Saturday Swing Club Sh_arp-tongued Am anda Pell, who told o f ships and men a t sea. UDSOH frpm tonight,—dance,— the Rain- small buttons Ir front should match ney Morris G. Meyers said the kghi ktar kob: Paeiftot kfbk kwg kmj &SEI%VICE All members of the post are cs- kern 6:30— 7:30—Ta Ba Annaunabd (10 m l was the village’s most influential But ^ e fly Dick helped by let- rhelp promote attendance a t C. U . bow. There won’t t>e many more background or pick up a predomi- youth, Theodore Danlelaen, Jr., had 7:00- 6:00—CBS Warfcabap. Dramatia B CLEAN, ATIRACnVE ISDISHNCnVE mindefl that the annual adjourned Cant. Baat. 7iW^ 6:30—Jabnny an6 Rtm .Margin woman, knocked determinedly at ting her talk about Jerry to her T. C. cam pa thla.year. Bmollment this winter, so make the most of nating color in the print. confes.9f-IO;00—NBC ^mpbony (no hra.) ruffles and she was covered over roon dress—Mrs. PeU whose three passing through Manchester in- certain that you will agree that in the vicinity. Here you eon also ing ^lU value of printed matter. aaylng that there is to be a census the State Armory. Arrangements wj!^ wcht wpar wmaa wcoe wrap 10:00—11:06—Barn Oanea—waat repaat held the last Saturday of every TERN BUREAU, 11 STERLING Meyers quoted him as saying that H Ip W lB T — wmbd wltn wibw kfh 10:40—11:40—Nawa; Oaa. Creek, Oraan with a white and yellow quilt in daughters were ueatly muried and variably stop here for a cocktail they give you more real value, more obtain outatanding values in used Neither modem machinery nor o f unemployed veterans , in view of will be made for all those who wish wkbb wtsq wkbh wcco wsbt ksej wnas beauty, more luxury for your money month until further notice. PL., BROOKLYN, N. Y. he did so, that she became angry woo ’ *'06—12:00—Horaea Ha(dt’t Brl|udMra the primrose p'.ttern. She looked. doing well (two of them in Boston), amidst the home-Ilke surroundings cars. Coll at the above address or scrupulous promptness can take the Ny^hg them once more in a gain- to bowl at the T. M. C. A. after the ’ 1:46—12:40—Bddy Duebln’a Orabaatra uiedihc than any other manufacturer today. Our unit has received notice from and shook him and that he lostSI con- In fact, much too gay and happy to each with a husband at her sida of the lounge. They sqrve every ?ihone 7330 for further details about place of creative brains tli modem . fnl occupation. He said that the meeting. Bulck manufacturers have found a heir varied automobile service. printing. the General Haig Post of Spring- trol of hlnuelf, grabbed theI l ^ e suit Mrs. Pall. and popular drink, m fact which makes aaprsaslon ’’Veteran’s Preference" Nine enthusiastic Junior members She said, "Mrs. PeU, I’ve learned loan Much has been said during the Arid of the illness of Comrade Rich' the beginning— to start at the bot- and stabbed her. ’’-You've come to see the baby,' ths lounge even more popular. not mean much, and often met last Friday evening at the home don’t stay away from this meeting Actors; 7:30 Feg Murray program; 10:00— Zenith I'oundaUon. there's one thing meaner and cruel- B past few months in these pages in Meyers said the youth pipacked For complete hotel service at a of Mrs. Grace Pitk'n. The girls ard Bennett. Members express the tom and wmrk upwards. So the next Just because you are not a member 9 Tyrone P ow er theater; 10:30 P olly said. She thought In a flash er than the British navy. It' start Saving the Building and Completely Beaavated and Up arouses false hopes. The only pref- two suitcases, took fS from ' hls 10:30— Headlines and Bylinas. Loan way. A pril 1st, when new reasonable rate, you can do no. bet- enamels, painters’ supplies and regard to good printing so that It to made plans for s minstrel show to wish for a speedy recovery. Com day the chaplain came around with of the Y. D. V. A. We want every Cheerio. how Mrs. Pell" resembled Olive New England vUlage. One Uke deto I* Every DetaU. ' arence Is that which the veteran savings bank, 35 from bis mother's 11 ;00— Sports— News. series opena Stop In and talk ter In Manchester or surrounding equipment, and an extensive selec- no longer neosMary to expotmd to rade and Mrs. Bennett are flne a soccer ball for the boys to boot man who served with the division Minutes for Monday: W EAF-NBC Dart’s Mrs. Broggs, onl^ she was this— ’• ReeeBBehle Ralea. creates for himself by bis ability be given at the Unit’s social meet- purse, some pictures and trinkets 11:15— Abe Lym an’s Orchestra. area than to stop at the Sheridan MCGILL CARRIES tion of wall paper. the l o ^ public the advantages of workers In the up river Units. around. at this meeting and here is a chance — 2 p. m. Jerry Sears orchestra; 3:30 not so kind and amiable. ”Tbe It ever with the olBelala and qualifications for the job in ing In April. Plans were also dls- and le ft the house. 11:80— Ckib Callow ay’s Orehsstrs. ' When Mrs. PeU had departed In Hotel. This hotel is an asset to tha This to a large concern and they the dtotliKtlve printing that haa Featarlag Dally The New England Council meet- Believe it or not, Jeems. after to meet some of the buddies you Vic and Bade; 4:30 Rush Hughes baby's In the cradle, Mrs. P ^ . lift' question. cufsed for s FIdsc entertainment In Dr. Paul Schmitt, coroner’s phy- 12:00— Dick Barrie’s Orchestra. high dudgeon, throwing bock the city, and has all tbe facilities of carry In stock everything that any- been rendered by WtUlam H. Verted M eooe to I ing w ill be held in Sprlngfleld, Sun- the Chaplain saw the boys booting have not seen In a long time. And comment; 6 <>eagh Matbuea. ten- the blanket and look at him.” Manchester Building & Loan The proper manner of executing June with a French exhibit and sician. said the 48-year-old mother 13:30— Ted Flo R lto’s Orchestra. observation that “It hardly pays to larger hotels In larger cities one could poaslbly wont In the wall Schleldge for many years paat and day.' April 3. Th< unit representa- the ball around for two days he said, If you have not yet been contacted or. WABC-CBS—3 Manhattan Mrs. Pell lifted and looked. She Association FULL PAINT LINE the Initiation ceremony was demon- scrap-book as features. Sandwiches, had been stabbed 11 times. Hs -be kind to some people,” PoUy throughout the east. paper and point line. Their stock that be continues to render today. (Special SnSnaday DIaaere)' "I think we can pick a good soccer for a donation of food please get MaUnee; 4 New Handel Concert saw a sleeping Infant with weU- 958 Mato Street strated by the degree team of the cup cakes and cocoa were served by tives to the Council are Mrs. Hen- burst into sobs. She could not stop The management mokes every of wall paper to ao extensive that You con phone 3690 for full particu- Oaterlag Te ParHes, ' Baagm team out of that crowd.” And after In touch with Clyde Beckwith, said there waa one woimd In the series; 5:45 HUltop House; 6:15 formed bead and sturdy body. Established April, 1891 ; Gray-Oickinson Post. Tea new the Hostess. The Junior president, rietta Binks. Mrs. Edith Kans, Mrs. chest, ten In the neck and throat, sobbing. effort to moke his nests comfori- there to not a color, or a combina- lars about hla aervleea. Ha wUl be Etc. two morq days o f practice he phone 3026, and tell him about it. D ear Teacher. W JZ-N B C — 12:30 ”Hm-m,” she said, and sighed Haa Never Paid Lees Than At this season of the year, you members were Inducted during an Evelyn Priess, will entertain the E lla Hamilton and Mrs. EHizabetb and bruises and scratches which In- able and spares nothing to makt tion, or a design that rou could glad to quote'prieee fbr personal or promoted a soccer game with the He will be glad to let you know Farm and Home Hour; 3 Rochester gustily. ‘There nowl" Mrs. Taylor said 4% Dividend. Reaervattoaa TWi I iBqiresslva and well presented cere- Junior group at her home on Folev Stan nags. dicated she died after a ’’terrific their stay enjoyable. Phone 3803 for are probably taking Inventory of wont that you con not find there. bustnesa purposes. famous 104th Regim ental team and what is needed. We expect about avlc Orchestra; 4 aub MatAse; 6 Mrs. Taylor, the midwife, entered “You’ve got a fever and you're toss- Edward J. fiU cK a lgh L Blgr.^ mony. Our own Comrade William street next Fridny evening at 7:00 struggle." W TIC ing! You mustn’t get yourself details about rates, rooms, mdids, your home to dtoevover furnishings Because of the ‘ modem store the boya from Manchester went out 150 members or more at this meet- Army Band. WOR-MBS—6:45 on some errand and spoke differen- etc. C. n tk in was one o f the ten, and o’clock. Anderson-Shra Poet, V.F.W. and won 6 to 2. rruvstsrs Brnsdesttog worked up." which need a coat of point. No which Thomas McGill occupies, you Three Unit members attended ing and though they are older than Rep. Byron M. Scott of California tially to the caller. Mrs. Pell’s hu6 con see a wide display of anything is now a full-fledged member of the We have reendted eight new That started the chaplain looking they were twenty years ago, they rmack as soloist. line. Including points, varnishes. an earlier raid. OfSoe d89 Mala Streat — ta. We are sorry to say that 31 of win be Invited to our Social Night 4:80—W alter Kelssy's orehsstrs. color becomes you." "Y ou did a good Job o f IL I t keep your home from being on “old” same excellent servloe that bos there had been samples available the ball a few times and kicked the BILL Other musical featalres will be by 5:00—Great Plays— "Bvsrymsa." these must come from Manchester on April 19. Jeema, do you think ‘The belt was bought for me,” has a graceful resign and a good home. Many home owners have made them outatanding In their (M y word, yea. Just a suggestion, Frenchmen in the shins, but that an augmented orchestra and Father W DRC YOU con get the gang to come up to 6:00— N ew s replied Mia. ^Pall complacently. finish. . . . Have you noticed, father, found from experience that It pays business In this section. wasn’t the G boys’ fault that the Mary Bushnell Chennv Auxiliary, Finn and the Paullst Choristers. 2«5 old bean.) A four-ln-one H artford. Usaa. IggO 6:15— "F red Hoey, Sports Round- "W hat have you natped your baby, how Nuisance lies between the cra- UNERAL<< to keep their homes in good repair, Johnson Brothers speetolise in RICX>CHETS the 'house of horrors' as you call Frenchmen had their shins in the U. 8. W. V. The R t Rev. Monsignor Fulton J. reel o f comics was run off, and we our Home? up." • PoUy?" dle and the door? The intelligence OS a matter of personal pride, and to electrical Installations and repairs. went back to the business of the American Legion Rifle f1ub boys’ way when they swung their W e were delighted to have such Sheen is the speaker. He has ap- Eastora Btaadard riiaa 6:30- Wrightvtile asrlon. SPIROMATIC PERMANENTS The Hartford District Council boots. a large attendance at our birthday peared In the series since It started. ’’Richard Jeremiah." of some dogs is remarkable. Let protect the Investment they have Quality work and prompt service post A week ago Friday a very suc- 6:45-Mr the program thanks to all who en- Southern California has brought had a letter from bar,husband yes- for high acore, Newcomb finally 5:00—Story of Industry. 11:80— News. ice. This appliance is an asset to local people have come to depend ice to the boys of the town. Some members, has promised to show mo- and the manager. tertained and all others who helped something of program transmission 11:45— Resume o f IC 4-A track and terday. He’d posted It when hls winning by one point after Connie tion pictures of the Indianapolis 5:30— Will McCune and bis Orches- IT IS LENT any heating system and con be ueed upon them for reliable workman- ; of the big league players proudly Jeems, maybe In the spring, or to make our 18th birthdays such a normalcy back to Los Angeles and Field M eet ship touched Providence.” EATING^ < had shot at the wrong spot. A n - auto races and other pictures at our tra. with any method of heating. T A M S ahto. State that they got their start in If you wish to play In the mud, (it great success. ypilywood. 12:00— W eather R ep ort "Oh, did she have a letter?" ex- other match of this kind will be Home some night. 6:00— N ew s Service. I aald to myself. It Is Lent, O. E. WUlls, Inc., also offers a ’Their servicea Include electrical American Legion Junior Baseball. would not be worse than playing In The Auxiliary sends congratu- While the wires were out, the 12:02— Johnny Hamp’s orchestra. claimed Polly, wistful and off her SY Department Commander Joseph 6:15— Dinner Music. I must abstain from complete list of building materials operatioiu and Installations, alter- held the night before the Wethers- the French mud) we can arrange a lations to Mr. and Mrs. George Ted- networks either had to resort to a 12:80— Blue Barron's orehsstrs fUQrd. RILL Some people collect stamps: some Perrone of New London made his 6:35-— H artford Better Business Luxuries and worldUness, and will take orders phoned to 8125 C ations. additions and repairs—In field match but will consist of little game and beat your city slick- ford on the birth of a baby girl, special broadcast relay from Los Uniformly controlled heat Maay of Our .Llqnora C d a __ p refer old Jugs; other keep bric-a- Bureau. ' 1:00— Silent. "Yas, shs did. And Susan Wil- INSTALlJUnONS Now Featnring fact tbe entire electrical field from twenty shots for record, and no re- official visit to the Anderson-Shea ers at their favorite pastime. bom at the Memorial hospital Sat- Angeles or to transfer less import- And fast and pray. for Immediate delivery. They ore Fonad Nowhere Else la the OMyj brsc, but we’re out after MUGS. 6:30— Saturday Swing Session. Uanu has board from her son three pins the greatest economy ANHEUSER-BUSCH the sm allest repair Job to tbe com- entry, two bits to enter and first, Post Tuesday night. Although we Then there Is volleyball, basket- urday. Feb. 28th. M other and ant programs to New York. Trans- For forty nights and forty days. equipped to fill your order promptly MKIIELOB BEER IncIndlng Yea, Dllworth-Comell Post ts going 7:00—SanU AalU Handicap. Tofnerrsw's PregTsss times the pest winter. Ha’s a great ALL TYPES plete Installation of on electrical Iv, third, and fifth will take fifty, thirty were not given much notice we had ball and pool and billiards, we can daughter are doing flne. . mission over the relay, while spotty Scarce hw) I made the resolution with the Electric Furnace and jmu can be^n your repair and First In hleachratert Imported aad Dooiesttc Sooh T'M! 7:45—Simcopation Pieces a. m. writer, Silas Is, and It looks like system to covered. . to display the choicest collection of a good turnout. We were asked to accommodate you In any of these Our next business meeting will at times. Improved the longer it When at my door I beard a knock. iipprovemeat work without delay. If yoa totood any new Improve- Wlaea aad Chompagaea and twenty per cent of the entry 8 45—^ e w s he’s always looking out for a way Man. Excloslve With Tam’s • mugs that ever you did see. The t:ike the Department Convention sports also. 8:00—Columbia Workshop. And when I opened From post experience, controctorf meata la your home be sure end Johnson Brothers ask on oppor- Aa Weil As Rom fee respectively. be held "March 16th. A large at- was used. 9:00—Turn Back The dock. Try It Today! State at Coimectlcut mounts the this summer. Nothing was done Elbee your team Is next. tendance Is requested. 8:30—Johnny Presents— Russ Mor- to get a letter to hlB mother. Silas Upon the threshold stood have learned to coll on O. E. Willis, let os give yon ao estimate. tunity to undertake any electrical The "Hard-torflad” llqnora a We are entering four teams In gan’s Orchestra, drama, guests. 9:80— Tora Tenrlsa. gave the lost one to one of tbs Al- DINE AND DANCE work which you may be considering portrait of each of its governors, as about it. so don't get excited over it. Am I smiling at Jeems, sitting On the Saturday night list; One so daaxllng fair. Inc. for the roputation of this con- here. the State match at .New Haven, two 9:00—Professor Quts with Bob 9:45—Melody Moments. len boya to deliver for blni." G. E. W ILLIS & SON. IN C a t this Ume. CaU 6237 or 7606 he serves his term, in the State Li- Jeems, you know it’s a good thing aw ay up here in the sticks, ctit off (Concerts— W E A F -W J Z -N B C 10 It was Pleasure, cern Is unexcelled for effieleney, ANDERSON & JOHNSON Delivery Servloe. senior and two Junior teams will go Trout. 10:00— M d io Pulpit. 2 Main St. TeL 5125 Tam’s Restaurant and they will gladly eatimate on brary. Most o f them merit our we have the Manchester Evening from the rest of the world by snow to 11:30, Finale o f season, under di- "Well, everybody can’t be so With her painted face; quick service and quality products. Elombbig, lieatlog and llnatng - down Sunday, and will shoot at .9:30— Highlights in Ooni). Siiorts— 10:30— "Th e M adrigal Singers” 10 E ast C en ter S treet your Vfork, giving you plans and THE CORDIAL SHOP pride. Many clubs and fraternities Herald delivered to us up here by a piled up eight to ten feet deep all rection of Arturo Toscanini. all- lucky," PoUy answered defenslvsfy. I turned away Hi addition to selling building ma- n Ollotoa SL TeL CH81 4:30 and 5:00 p.m. respectively. The Gil hlartino. 11:00— Musical Interlude. Odd Fellows Bonding spcciflcatlone for your approviU and TeL 77IS BU Wtota St.1 keep annual pictures of their offi- boy on snow shoes over this snow around me. A Thought Wagner program MBS 0:30 to "A ft e r aU. It'a Just chance i f you And prayed 'for grace. terials, G. B. Winis, Ine. oloo Senior teams are hoping to land In 9:45— Organ Reveries. 11:05— Silver Flute. consideration. cers. Every police department has pile or we would have never i.eard Our. boys from the sticks wpnt 11:15, Indianapolis S rmphony, Rich- And a wounded sailor boimd for ■upply you with “Old Company a place dlvisable by five, as this will 3 10:00— Your H it Parade — Mark 11:30— A n gler and Hunter. its rogues gallery, and each family of your city boys. Whatever system down to Murphy's alleys last night ard Bonelll, baritone. Lyme.” Then another form drew near, S C OMPLE T5 Lehigh Coal” and Kopper Coke, two land us In for one of the prizes, we Warnow's Orchestra. 11:4S— Norsemen. would like to have an albumn of its you used to send ua word of accept- and took Jeems’ city slickers for And whatsoeser ye shall ask In Sports— W EAF-NBC shd WABC- Mrs. PaU chewed her under Up Hls outstretched hands fuels which ore known for the ex- do not expect to win but hope that 10:45— Special Talks Program . 13:00 noon N B C Home Symphony. E V ER Y T H I N G IN ancestors. Likewise, we shall have ing our challenge has not reached two out of three games for a total m> name, that will I do, that the CBS 7 and W O R-M BS 7:15. SanU thoughtfully. “1 was tsikiny to cellent results they always attain. we can get in the 900 class which 11:00— Sports— News. Direction Ernest Ls Prsde. Were filled with gold. ’ MEET M E T A L a photographic record of our Past us yet. It must have g o t lost in pinfall o f 24 pins, using half o f the Father mav be glorifled In the Son. An ita Handicap; W ABC -CBS 11:15 Lisa Ana Williams yesterday. She This wlU 1 give and more. ^ E rt V I C L M'LK ADAMY’S STATION we should do, having accidents such 11:15— Orrln Tucker’s Orchestra. 12:30—’Ttirnlng Points In Famous Commanders, according to the mo- the snowdrifts. Anyw ay, we read in second team. — John 14:18. and W E IAF-N B C 11:45, summary said-she’d never heard of Ameri- I f you WlU w alk with ms We are piepiared to give proepee- I ^ W O RK ^ as Newcomb and Spiess. All 11:30— Bob Crosby’s orehaitra. lives”—Federal Theater Project. ICNS tion made by our vivacious Comrade the Herald about that flne bowler Jeems, we told the boys to take IC4A track. cans getting married In France. Why fast (wd pray, ttve "Heine Bniiders" a oompleto "BETTER iWlUl S 12:45— News. members of the teams will be at captain of yours and we called him No one who la not accustomed to 1 2 :00—Sammy Kaye’s orchestra. PLUMBING, TINNING AND "THE SIGN MAN* Clifford Dplsen, "to hand down to It easy on your team aa we would WEAF-NBC— 7:30 AlUtalre 1:00— Studio Program . Did they make out your marriage And carry the cross from belldiag eervlee, Ineinding Plane, Q uotations— FOR PAR’ncULAR PEOPLE" the Pearl street range at l.;:0 p.m., on the phone. (That Is another thing give grandly can ask nobly and with 12:30 a. .m.— Henry K ing's orchc6 BhM R in ts, Ete. HEATING CONTRACTORS FIVE YEARS OLD Is prepared to exeente aad eoaa-ij posterity." Whether posterity, with like to get some more free pub- Cooke comment; 8 Bob Ripley; 8:30 tra. 1:30— Tuskegee Institute caiolr. paper In English, Polly? W e got to Day to day? Oor prodocts are an the slogan tomorrow, unless you have-made w-e are lucky we have up here in the boldness.— Lavster. AND SHEET 51ETAL WORK Eilete yoar Sign Problem s Its headlong disregard for ancient licity and practice at your expense. Jack Haley Jamboree; 9:30 Amerl- 2:00— Gypsy Moods. wondering." I prayed for grace ' COAL — COKE hnpIlM You toe, aboold lean other arrangements acceptable to slicks), and be told ua he could get why ao moajr people Insist on ncludlng Sign Boards - Institutions, cares about it, or not. Never put a line of blarney In the con Portraits, Eli Whitney. 2:15— ” i)B y Dteams” . "No, la French. Do you want And turned away. RANGE AND FUEL OILS At least a part of preeaat day We ate eojoytog a repotatloo ot Donze and Spiess. Arrangements a team Friday night. So off we go. Huaday, March ■ Weet Side Dairy Pr^ucts—deUv- When automobile troubles crop Signs - Marqoeee • Shew we will hobble up to llie array with column again like lost Saturday or WABC-CBS—8 CBS Workshop. 2:80— T h stcb er.Q ilt Btorlas. Dick to translate It for you?” Pcdly war-mongertng is due directly to Quality Work to all these for traasportstlon of the teams will We don’t see. why he said Friday ”BCOHOrSE LAB” OROWS A. M. Prompt DeUveries A t All Times. etefi tresb to yoe daUy. up— aad they do with most of ua Track Lettoriag, Etc. our crutches and arthritis, and our ths next time that our team bowls '*BenJamin Sweet” ; 8:30 Johnny and 8;0(V—” Radlo N sw srseP. was quivering with rage. Mis. PeU It was Lent, ths clogging of the channels of braaehee. be made at that time There are night, unless ha figured w e could INTO BIG-TIME MUSEUM 50LK AND CREAM what a relief It to to know of such Ask the Sign filaa — He KoewatJ eyes will snap, by cracky, as we the Britishers we will really give Russ Morgan! 9 Prof. Quiz; 10 Hit 9:30—Oiurcb of the WUdiiooSt- 3:80—SuDdsv Drivers i had repeatedly shown hsraelf skep- I betook me to the Church world trade. so many prizes given away for the not get through this snow and your MANCHESTER Get Our Esttmate. (Pasteorized) a reliable service station os that think backj through the years of them the works. Come around to Parade. John Seagle, hymn sing. 4:00— "The Shadow” . tical of her marital standing but To worship God, -^ eu y A. Wallaea, Baentoiy et shooting that we sliould get enough team would take the match by for- Washington, N. C.— (A P )—The LUMBER A FUEL CO. conducted at 348 Spruce s treet MANCHESTER SIGN AND] lAglonism with those commanders' Farr’s alleys a week from next Fri- WJZ-NBC—7 Measage of larael; 9:45—News Service. 4:80— "W orld U Yours". never before had she been so Insist^ And with the saints to pray. Agrlcnltare. prizes to at least cover the bare feit. But Jeeems, we got hold of a most interesting place in this town Tblepheae 8148 JOHNSON ft LITTLE WEST SIDE DAIRY Adamy’s Service Station baa been DISPLAY SERVICE There are now thirteen Past Com- day night and we will shoW you Barn Dance (West repeat 11); 10-00— Oiurch of th» Air. 5:00—Marion Tally and Joseph ently prying. Heretofore she had Although I knelt • a s spot in the deii. few snowplows and we dug our Is the "Bughouse I-ab,” a monu- 11:35 H eldt’s Brigadiers. 109 Gaoler S L , T eL 5816 53 M cK ee S L TeL 7106 established for five years and Mr. John Uaddon manders. and already their memory how It Is done. We have arranged 10:80—Walberg Brown Strings. Koestner’s Orchestra. contented herself with dropping My heart was far away. Nothing has ever been acoom- way out and down to hlurphy's ment to the sclentlflc curiosity and Adamy has mode numerous frienda We notice that Madden and Carl- another practice game with your 11:00— Young Folks program with 5:30— Tb,e M ickey Mouse Theater veUed bints at sewing - circle and Pleasure, she had followed me. pushed without the spirit o f adveo- has begun to grow dim. Why do alleys we went and you know th? genius of the younger generation. and Inereased hls business to Its son have a .new set of chess men. team. Now comrades, ready to Sunday Is to bring; . ' D a d d y ' Q n i e h of the‘Air. lifting her eyebrows whenever PoUy And smUlng whispered, OiBs, lure behind It But through tha they always fade into oblivion after result. Oh boy! The boys from the I t la a tw o-story museum with HIGH GRADE present standing by the excellent W e understand that both these gen- read Jeems’ alibis. Talks— W E A F - N B C - 12:80 Chi- 6:00— Catholic Hour. spoke of "m y husband." Why fast and pray? ages the style of adventure has ■•rving In the highest office Jn the sticks have a tough time getting highly specialized department!— 13:00— M ajor Bowes* Capitol Fam i- service he has always given. tlemen won their college letter at Well, the city slickers have chal- cago Roundtable. WABC-CBS— 6:30— N e w s ■ prayed for grace changed from one baaed on physi- P ost? A committee has been ap- places. -the outgrowth o f a Jow-saek tent ly. Yet Amanda Pell’s methods had lODY-FENDER Adamy’s Servies Station is fully I-.- - » this major sport, which reminds me lenged us to a gmpe of darts. Some ;30 .Mrs. E dgar A. M ow rer from P M. 6:45— Flu ffsrettas And turned away. RI N TI N C cal courage to one based on intel- pointed to plan and carry out this ' Then Jeems, you mentioned base- a few boys with hobbies used to been effective enough. Long before eqiilpi^ for any service on any of the good old days at M. l.- T . of hur boys do Jiot know what', a house their butterfly and snake Paris on ’’Journalist’s Wife.” WJZ- 7:00— Jock Benny and M ary Livtng- lectual energy. line idea. It will be a tough Job to ball or socccer In the spring. Don't 13:30— Last Minute News Flashes. Uttle Richard Jeremiah was born K uto paimtihc car. Hs maintains battery check- when the chess team played Uie an- dart looks like, but we ore oonfldent specimens In 1933. NBC—7 Paths to Prosperity, dis- stone— Phil Harris OrcbMtrs It was Lent, JOB AND COMMERCIAL . Johnsen, catch up with the past, but we you think that may be a little too 13:45— Harm ony Boys. his mother was being spoken ot up service, lubrication service and nual game with Cornell. A t the enough to believe that ws can take It has added the dignified line cussion of "The Hull Trade Agree- 7:30—Interesting Neighbors. Boohestar, BYNTHETIO r&'': taow that the Past Commanders strenuous for your boys from the 1:00— Church of the Air. “ptot PoUy CaiMsey." A im s o f the M y heart waa flUed , N. Y Taty a Ctoh. FOR THE OLD HOME fiUiag station facilities for TyECTniCAL< super-na'vy for defense. prove to be much better than the and right after the Armlitlcs waa PLENTY DENTAL WORK And^w ahalt my beloved disciple y A S H t RESTRICTED FREEDOM. Imprsaslon of its character, for 7th. And make certain that you Rising Musical Stars. 5:00— Heinz Magazine of the Air. 13:00— W eather Report. way. But yeu’ve no cause for —Nornaui Thoaaa, ioclallafi. ^AMPAPFf^ Other,-Team A —Newcomb, Chag- signed, be could not control the boys arrive before the meeting starts. .COHTRACTOnS •ama people have a peculiar con- WABC-CBS—2 Alexander Wooll- 5:30— Guy Lombardo's Orchestra. 12:03— Eddy Rogers Orchestra. shama If you say you’re wed to • • • J N L A F A Y E m not, Madden, Gozdz, Dwire, and as they figured what waa the lue It Is imperative that we let the (hilcago. — (AP) — There are New Tork—Ton cant throw -'WeptlOB of what comprises a stag cott and Hamilton College Glee 6:00—Joe P.mner with Jlmoue 13 :S0— Louis Armstrong’s Orcbes- your young man, than you be. You I don't think It to constitutional Jones. Team B— Donze, Spiess, drilling any more, the war was voters know we are of onq opinion enough cavities in the teetji of the Club; 3 N. Y. Philharmonic, Efrem My heart Was filled with grief and T e i^ Electrical Needs -can be THE NEW MODELS We earry tbe largest aaaortmeat money away here—the police won’t banquet; eo we ahail try to find a Grier’s Orchestra. trs never told me a Ua la aU your Ufa. to go out on a man's farm and Ws Oariy A Oeoapleti Birath, Hettinger, Carter. CsrlsOn, over. Besides they were going home in wanting to make UUs next A rm - American people to keep the coun- Zlmballat, vtolin; 6 Joe Penner; shime,' et Wall Papers In the state and stand for it. bettor name for it A stroke of 6;S0— Double Everytlung. 1:00— SUent As for yuuag Whltflaid, he’s my dis- eefely made by the Johnson Bros. measure off portions that be may or as an optional arrangement we soon and getting out of the army. istice Day celebration one long to try’s 60,000 dentists busy fo r 100 7:80 Phil Baker; 8:30 Murra3r*s M u - Uy tears feU fast as faUIng rain ARE HERE Invite Inspeetioa. Patrolman EMword Muth saw BtaHeaeryaadOMeel food fortune biwught us Talbot 7:00—Vick’s Open House—with tant kin through hls mother, as you use and porttons that be cannot use. could arrange two-man team Well "Lucky Jim” had different be remembered. Cancel all other years. Dr. Haldee Weeks of New sical Gazette; 9 Sunday Evening In penitence I cried We wUI gladly give yon esitmetoe. Palata — Varnish — Enamels James ArmatL 40. a ptostarer In Aa WaR Asl Mundy aa the (ueet speaker. We A French shepherd left his vuurself traced. I saw the lad once —U. 8. Senator Wimam Oebbe nito year aa eveiy year tbe oew matches, based on averages' figured Ideas. He thought as long ak Uncle engagements. Gat to this meet- Orleans told delegates to the Chi- Hour. Giovanni MartInelU; 10:M Jeanette MacDonald. Forgive my atn and pride, merry mood, tossing coins and bilto hope we shall be favored with more Sam was paying the boys, thsy black bread and milk In a cave whbn he wM a small child. Hls peo- MoAdoe, OaUtotato. Nash aad Lafayette ears aie a WaU Papers up by Donzs which' might read like ing early, and bring your friends cago Dental Society's convention. Headlines and Bylines. 7:30—PhU Ukcr—i^tsy Kelly * Bleas me. dear Lotd, and to a street crowd. Be forced the PRINTING SERVICE 1 -flf hie stories, aoma day. John should drill, so hs saw the, regi- some 200 years ago. Returning a ple are good sesfUiing folk la north- Forever In m y heart abtda, revelation bystaadere to turn over $6701 ttNy l^ :—Newcomb, Spiess versus who are voters. To which the doctor added that W JZ-NB2I— 13 BOOB Ttan s-Atlaa- Oscar Bradiay*s Orchestra. JOHNSON BROTHERS Btrlngae of a Retan — Whotoaala THAT8AHBFIES: LAoltooseyer waa to bis usual good mental chaplain and asked him to fortnight latsr, hs found ttoU ith ad ern llamartiTiiifts, not givtag to aibdeni piano are bad irickad up aad arrastad Anaatl Donze, Dwire, Msdden, Carlson Next on our list is ths 'meeting the missing link between all this po- tle qielUng bee, Bagland vo. thq. ■ :00— S L Louis BiUss. Heooaforth m y Joy. m y ba, under a tension of and built bia talk around the help him i^orm the boys. Aftsr taroed into what is known as Iwo sting. Fnrthsnnoro, this tad’s Elcetrle Beagea — Refrigerators from 60 to 180 eo a dtoorderly conduct charge. vwus Chagnot, Birath. Hettlngsr. of the State Department of the Y. tentional business and the dentist is United States; 3 p. m. Magic Key; 3:30— Lorn Murray’s Muiteaj ua- TO bear the Ctooo to foUow Thee. pounds per string. Tbe total ten- Messfer'Nash Inc. Thomas McGill. Jr. tlte chaplain and Luckw Jim talked Roquefort cheese. This v a r t^ ot at asa doiag hla duty, which is what Magistrate Bari A. Smith gave WILLIAM B. SCBIEL dtjr ot kaeptof the ^|aautu- Carter, versus Qosdz and Jones. O. V. A. to be held In the Armory educating the people to take the 3:30 Frank SIbm Bond; S Opera setts. Annie RuaaeU Atkinaon. sion exerts an Inward pull ot a 10 Haaderaoa Road T eL 1358 136-ltS p ed a r S L T eL 6881 things over they decided to start at cfcesii is stiB sMds in that, amn- mow ot (ha B M aimmd bars ought S3 UUaton S t .. T eL <331 o r 1MM A rm ati the $67.11, a suspended sen- IM f on Sunday, March IStb. No# cavities to the dental ehalr. AiKUttoos: fl;3l)B aTia MaoQnairto 9:00—Ford Buadsjr Bvsaii^ 1 Mr. Oonn. half ton oa the ftaaM ot tha piaao. taaoe—aad a lecture. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESl Eh, (X)NN., SATURDAY, MARCH 6,1988 PAGE Nnnf\: High Sure To Play Either Crosby or Windham Next PICK DON MCNEni The Price Eruptions PA’S AT ROCKVILLE SUNDAY, Wtndsor or Wilson Second WILL THEN MEET DERBY The W O RLD This W EEK Trade. Opponent If Locals TO WIN NET TITLE Of Arms In Europe TRAVEL TO MERIDEN TUESDAY Beat Boardman Tuesday OR BASSICK ON FRIDAY ASHINGTON experts esti- Three Big Eurtipean N ews St o ries- A s V ie w e d From A m erica in e t y miles southwest of Blond Stylist Fayored For mate war preparedness will Vienna is Graz, Aiutria’s W N Wtodaor High or Woodrow Wil-«tbrough to the finals and there’s a IF WINNER WEDNESDAY cost A m erica $1,200,000,000 or second largest city . . . commer- more a year in the next decade. VICTORIES IN TWO Only Two Games Scheduled son HIgk of Middletown will be good possibility toat It may be “All Nadonal Indoor Diadem cial center of a district noted for Manchester Trade's second oppon- ManchMter" night when the title “In view of continued foreign Tax Testimony scenery and mineral wealth... a ent In the Claas B cage champion- battles take place next Saturday as preparations for war and the al- bulwark against the Turks in the ships If the Schoberltes turn berk High is also rated a strong cbancs In Finals Today. Class B Enhy Pofls Asofteri (usEswiuaiNai In Rec League On Tuesday Boardman Trade of New Haven to most total absence of plans for Bernard M. Baruch, broker’s 16th century. . . an important point of surviving ltd first two teste to their opening test next Tuesday Powlinj^ I»ace,” the senate's foreign rela- clerk who became a financier, is in the Napoleonic Wars. Cfiass A. tions committee chairm an. Key night'at 7:30 o'clock at the East Traders Confident New York, March 5.— (A P )—Don MONDAY NIGHT LBAOCE. credited with having made_and .There, nazis, angered by Chan- Only, two games will be played invars tied for second place in toe Haven High school. It was learaod Pittman, thinks $600,000,000 should ' STlTELOOnnU Although Boardman , handed McNeill, toe blond styllat with tos (T AOeye) lost a million dollars before he cellor Schuschnigg’s insistence on the Ree Senior League nest Tues- standings with an even break In two today. Windsor and Wilson meet Trade a decisive beating In their blazing hac)$hand. Is expected to be added to the naval program now was 30. Now 68, Baruch denies Austrian independence, recently games and will be favored to con- 40-32; Wiffy Tops Middle- pending in congress. Estimates of day night at the ISast Side Iteo. the to toe second game, of toe evening only engagement this season, tos win toe men's national Indoor sin- Tolcottvllle (0). were reported rallying to march on Unue the deadlock by beating their at 8:45 o'clock and toe winners of Goodrich the cost of that program already he’s as rich as reputed. PA’s-Olson’s clash being postponed clrcumstanoes were far from gles tennis cham pions^ today ...... 89 89 89—367 Vienna. They wanted Austria opponents, both of whom have still these two games will clash to toe when he meets Frank TOwden in Lee ...... 107 103 town, 37-20; Rose May have been hiked from $800,000,000 But America, he thinks, can be- auspicious for toe Schoberltes, what 113—831 merged completely with Germany. Amerks Have High Hopes Of because the Amerks are slated to to chalk up a triumph In toe second semi-finals at toe New Haven Arena with toe Illegal tactics used by their toe Iteal. Knoll ...... 182 113 101—846 to $1,171,000,000. come as wealthy as President travel to Meriden for a clash In round. Roosevelt wishes. How? Stauschnigg surrounded them on Friday afternoon at 8 o'clock. rivals, and toe locals have high But Bowden will have consider- Brogan ...... 131 123 87—330 Even this increase does not pro- with troops, tankc and warplanes. which they hope to clinch the The League will also be In action Branford Favorite able paychologlcal drive and ex- H- Barton . . . 93 121 98——8X0 Be Ready For Action. By giving busi- Taking CoTeted Diadem championship of the State Polish hopes of evening toe soore Tuesday . vide a separate fleet for the Atlan- The leaders of the heimwehr—an next Friday under toe revised sche- Branford, with a winning streak night and thus gain a whack at perienoe back of him. Never ness a feeling of League. Olson’s and the Pa's are dule drawn up to speed im play In tic— which would be too expensive, anti - nazi, fascist army t h a,t of 18 straight games without a de- either Windsor or Wilson, both of worse than a quarter-finalist, Aow- 543 546 486 1678 although desirable, according to i-ecurity, he told tied for the Rec league leadership, toe circuit. Olson's meet Dillon’s at feat and favorite to annex toe B den In toe last five years has moved Bbeorer's Schuschnigg put out of business in In Next Two Starts each having two vlctoriaa la ns whom Trade defeated during the («)• If CroBby High of Water- Assistant Navy Secretary EMison. the senate unem- 7:18 o’clock on March 11, Renn’s diadem, meets East Haven at the regular campaign. progressively to the semi-finals and Vorrick ...... 108 106 137— 861 ployment c o m - 1936— prepared to call their fol- many starts and the final outcome the YD’s and the Pa’s take on McLogan bury fails to defeat Meriden In The house navy committee has Arena Tuesday night at 9:15 o'clock Defeated Both Teomo last year, he carried Frankie Park------130 114 114—348 mittee this week. lowers out to fight the horde of of the second round may be settled orlartyl( Brothers. The league is after Lyman Hall of Wallingford (?handa decided, however, that the bill Against Strong Rivals. If toe Traders get safely by er to five seta In too final...... 108 137 110—345 the second round of Class A Baruch headed Hitler-heilers. to a considerable extent by the re- expected to complete Its season on and PlalnviUe meet in toe opener Bowden long has bad all of the Cofek ...... 109 104 115—328 should provide a $30,000,000 naval sult of this game. Boardman, as tosy’re confident of playdowns In the state basket- a string pf wit- And Schuschnigg’s new nazi in- April 5, after which a playoff series at 8 o'clock. The winners of these doing, they'd much prefer to meet strokes to gain him a place tn toe Petoe ...... 106 130 134—850 experimentation fund, of which $3,- nesses who as- terior minister, Arthur Seysz-In- In the two games due to be play- for toe title will take place If toe two games will play at toe Arena at first ten. But, a businessman and ball championahips tonight, ! The Pollsh-Americani, needing ed Tuesday, toe YD’s are scheaulM Wilson as they trounced the Mid- 000,000 would be earmarked for sailed punitive uart, went to Graz to acknowledge PA’s fall to make a clean sweep of 4:18 o'clock Friday afternoon for dletown quintet twice this aeason a tme amateur, he never has hod 861 671 600 1733 Manchester’s opponent next ; construction of a dirigible. only two more wins to clinch the to meet DtUon’a at 7:15 o’clock a rl both rounds, a feat they accomp- taxation. Sle “hells” and try to keep every- State Polish League diadem, travel the right to enter the finals, which by scores of 44-29 and 39-31 and the time. Hie business has kept • U . S. Poat oirioe (4). Wednesday afternoon at 4:16 Glenn L. Martin, airplane manu- thing under control. Renn’s face MorlartyS. at 8:15 lished last year and are heavily will be played as a preliminary to him from playing in the number of Twamlte .... 105 107 137—889 The New Deal, to Rockville tomorrow afternoon In o’clock. The YD’a aiid Moriartys favored to duplicate again this year. fed sure they can do It again. Man- o’ckick at the New Haves facturer. has arranged to assist “I am not going to putsch my- quest of their 17th victory In 18 toe Class A finals Saturday n l^ t. chester spilt even with Windsor, touraamente required to gain rec- McBweeney . . . -94 76 88—357 he said, need not Chapin Arena will be Windham of Wil- Lester P. Barlow, Connecticut in- be abandoned —^ self,” he said. “And I also know . . . League starts and If they’re vict'oy\a in Philadelphia Record array, of cagers who chalked up 16 though alated for a seial-flnal match McGuire ..... 131 116 130—357 And Capt. Royal E.. Ingersoll, “Let us not . . . in St.'touta PoaUDlepateh Germans insisted the trouble was least a tie for the coveted cham- ing a 48-80 victory here. Windsor ...— --- I- certainties that emerged from chief of naval war plans, declares ‘How Much Longer Is This Ghastly Line?’ ‘And Did I Tell It To Him!* ‘Rome-Berlln Axis’ all caused by Russian reds. plenahip. wins against five loeses to earn sec- and Wilson have met twice, splitting with Wayne Sabin, he had to go to last night’s games, in which burn down our ond place to toe state rankings, hia office as usual. 533 631 582 1686 America should have more passen- B«rueh • • • At Meriden Tuesday GUNNAR BARLUND BEATS even and their game Tuesday looks house to kill a stands a splendid chance of coming As It turned out, he didn’t need Reid's (0). Windham beat Middletown by ; ger ships available for conversion A triumph at Rockville tomorrow like a tOBSup. few bats in the attic,” he pleaded. liOB Of Least Rastetanea will set the stage for the Amerks to a great dealof ooncentratlon to R. Reid ...... 109 101 99—809 37-20 and Derby’s Class B en- - into hospital and troop ships in “an Wage-hour legislation, he beat Sabin. Wayne attended to O. RSld S•0 e e B 108 114 117—340 try achieved its seimnd upset emergency.” ritain and France tried to get grab the title next Tuesday night, Bolton . • • • opined, “ seem„ to be a necessity of Q u o t es srhen they Journey to Meriden to BUDDY BAER IN AN UPSET liams and Bobby Doerr, who ts in that by pulling a knee ligament e e e e e e 88 94 107— 399 Russia:, Traitors Tried ~ A t Home Italy to side with Austria when he waa leading at 5-0 in toe Hair ...... 101 183 98—881 by toppling Wilby, 40-82. our times.” (A subcommittee to Vincent FitigenJd, Macomb B matt their keenest rivals, the St. line for second base If Erie McNair Derby Or Baislek draft a new wage-hour bill was County, Mich., proaecutor: “The against Germany. Stans, with whom the locals have Training Camp doesn't sign, to report for special first sat, tad from then on hardly McLaufhUn ... 85 86 98—364 Britain And Japan was able to get off a dime. Derby, which came through wttk named by Chairman Norton of the O n e O u t O f 2 1 Dares Rep udiate His Confession Black Legion never ceased t o ' Ex-Foreign Secretary Eden, fought aome of their most slszUng training but they are marooned at surprising triumph over New Lon- he British government an- operate, and I don’t think it ever Storm y C alif o rnia ^ awaiting “ the verdict of history’* home. Babin, the tournament’s chief at- 6')3 627 ° 614 1543 house labor committee.) Trapped in a storm, a TWA airliner battles. Heridsn Is the only team In Fini Stops Maiie’t Massne | UNKNOWN WINS HE don BulkMey’s fotvth ranking r—«f nounced this week that $7,500,- Monopoly, Baruch thought, ought Alexis Rykoff became a red in college. Thrice exiled and imprisoned will.” after resigning rather than deal the ciroult with a mathematical Notes traction, and Gregory Mangin faced T six years by the czarist Russian government, he moved into the Kremlin Franklin D. Roosevelt, in "Lib- with nine persons aboard vanished Bowden and John Pitman ^ New Brennan ----- 126 105 100—334 In the opening round, is toe lowsSt 000,000 would not cover the cost to be defined more clearly. (The Tuesday night in California. Despite with M q^lini, didn’t think Prime chance of catching up with the Bradenton, Fla.—Deacon Danny ranking team left in toe toumoy with Lenin and later became premier of the U. S. S. R. erty” magazine: “Reform is just By ASSOCIATED PRESS York In toe men’s doubles final to- Sheldon .... 117 106 lOS—828 of its five-year rearmament pro- list of White House callers indicat- continued bad weather and soggy ter- Minister Chamberlain could ac- PA’S and the game la expected to Brolker Oa TeeW ed K FOR LINKS HONORS Macfayden, one of toe best pitchers Glratls . and as such wlU meet Baaaiek o f Nicolai Bukharin was one of Lenin’s pallbearers and his communistic as important to permanent se- produce another rousing tussle. day, and Sabin and Katharine Win- .... Ill 104 118—331 gram. For the air force this coming ed President Roosevelt still was rain, searchers set out W ed n ^ a y , complish much, but,wished him Lake Charles, L a.— The New In toe majors when It comes to torop met Bowden and Norma Tau- Allen ...... 103 101 87—291 Bridgeport in the first game nSfft thundering as editor of ’’Pravda” and curity in the spring of 1938 as it luck. This is a replay of an early icaaon York Giants who open toe "grape- year. $557,510,000 was asked, and studying monopoly problems.) was in the spring of 1933." b6th afoot and by plane, to find it 0. h 7th Ronnd Of Fast throwing to first base, has been bele in toe title match In mixed doa Kebart ...... 119 139 185—393 Wednesday afternoon at 8 o’elotik. for the army, $532,500,000. “Izvestia” echoed around the world. tator Stalin’s right-hand man, Sergei The heaviest rainstorm in years had And the day Russia finally ac- engagement In which Meriden gate' fm lt league” season against toe drafted by Casey Stengel to coach hies. Which means that Manchester, If Theodore G. U lbo, U. S. sena- ed a onerpolnt victory that waa PbiladelpbU Athletics to ^ y hardly Men already are being recruited G overnin g A m erica Nicolai Krestinsky was the Russian Kiroff, died in 1934. tor; “In a majority of the south- swept Southern California. cepted Britain’s scheme for with- toe Boston Bees’ youngsters In toe Miss Wlnthrop, only consistent 679 655 648 1677 victorious over either CtOaby or Communist party’s These defendants were blamed for A hundred communities were drawing foreign fighters from toeeed out of the records, on the Boot; Trainer Of Victor Chandler Harper Equals Re look like toe club toat won the Na- art of holding a runner on base. Olbeons (1), for service in bdlloons with which The President signed a $250,000,000 ern states the negro is already volleyer In toe women’s dlvtslon, Windham, will play the winner of Britain hopes to screen London secretary for years ' his and many other deaths—including stricken, 10,000 persons were driven Spain, II Duce was reported to be PA’S protest In a recent meeting tional league pennant last fall. With stood a good chance of duplicating MaszoU ------109 101 113-328 relief appropriation and WPA ar- voting—and the time will come here, the Amerks won by a fair toe Boaelck-Derby clash In the from air raiders. and .served as am- that of Maxim Gorky* the writer, who when he will vote in Mississip- from their homes by floods, many hedging on his purported promise Dick Bartell a holdout and Bur- S t Petersburg, Fla, —Frankie toe scored last year by Mma. Wlnton .... 131 94 90—806 semi-flnala on BYlday. ranged to hire 500,000 more workers lives were lost and property damage margin and they have high hopes Sprains His Ankle. Tolta’s Score; To Play Off gess Whitehead still laid up, Blondy U. S., British and French naval bassador to Ger- t.,s previously was reported to have died pi.” to agree 'to it So Chamberlain’s Frisch, St, Louis Cardinals’ manager Sylvia Henrotln of France. She Howard .... 98 126 99—323 Tonight’s gomes send C(tWby< this month. many, finance min- totalled millions of dollars. of doing It again Tuesday. If they Ryan is listed to start at shortstop experts conferred in London Tues- The Senate began debating gov- from pneumonia plus tuberculo^. Charles H. Martin, Oregon course looked none too smooth. who has learned from experience was singles finalist against Vir- Geas .., ___ 101 100 130—340 again Meriden at 9:16 o’clock after ister and assistant They were charged, too, with hav- In Los Angeles water ran curb high don’t, the PA’S will still have three and Mickey Haslto q$ second. Wal- toat playing second base requires ginia Hollingcr of Dairton, O., and Locaslo .... 185 100 119—364 day on Japan’s refusal to reveal ernmental reorganization. Virginia’s governor, commenting on re- and store fronts were protected with The House of Commons, how- games In which to gaL. the lone For First Place. Weaver of Hartford faces Nauga* commissar of for- ing conspired with Germany, Japan, ports John L. Lewis would visit New York. Marcb" 8-—(AP)— ter Brown, John Meketl and Hy fairly good weight, strength and was paired In doubles with Mrs. naval construction plans. Since re- Senator Byrd charged the adminis- eign affairs. sandbags. ever, okayed the appointment of victor} needed, providing, of course, Vsndenberg will pitch.. tuck at 8 o’clock. These two gamaff . tration plan would “increase the cost Britain and Poland to destroy the So- Oregon: “He’ll get a good warm 'Tn toe confusion,” Dazzy Vance durability, was disappointed when Virginia Rice Johnson against toe 664 630 661 1646 With 18 others viet Union—and with having blown Viscount Halifax as foreign secre- they beat Rockville tomorrow. present a host of poisiblUUea bnt of government many millions of dol- reception all right, but it would tary, 226 to 99; and the cabinet told once remarked, ‘T found myself tn Petersburg, FIs., March 5.— Stu Martin reported weighing only all-New York duo of Norma Tau only one effects the upper braekefe, of equal promi- up mines, burhed factories, wrecked be a good idea for him to stay G . C . P. H u d dle Preeeed Last Ttar . at. 156 pounds and still weak from a bele and Groce Surber. lars.” (The federal debt hit a new the ambassador to Rome, the Eiarl toe.. World Series.” 8L Petersbutg, Fla.—It seems METHODIST LEAGUE o f toe quarter-finals, In which Mon- high, $37,(532,733,702 on Feb. 28.) nence, these men trains, etc. out.” As the Republican policy squad Lost year the Amerks traveled to (A P )—One of toe year’s best likely Lefty Gomez will be the winter illnesa. If be can get Into were tried this headed by Glenn Frank met in Chi- of Perth, what to tell Mussolini. the Windy City and only after a In toe confusion at toe Garden No. 1 (3). cheater and Baaeick are the seeded The Hous&of Representatives took Confession Repudiated stretch drivea gave <2handler Har- opening game pitcher for toe New top ahape, Martin would solve toe Nelion ...... 95 106 94—296 teams, and that’s toe question of week in Moscow cago, John D. M. Hamilton asserted: (The earl was the League of Na- elose, hard tussle were they able to last night Buddy Baer fought him- Cards’ second base problem. up the tax revision bill, approved 17 on charges that in- As usual in such Moscow trials, the per of Portsmouth, Va., a ihot at York Yankees. Arriving yesterday. Last Night *s Fights Olbaon ..A.. 114 87 101—302 whether or not Crosby gets/by “Thee things for which a partyi ' stands tions’ first secretary general and return to Manchester with a 41 to self out of the heavyweight picture, to 7 by the ways and means coni- cluded treason and state announced all had confessed. 40 verdict In their own favor. Play- hie biggest golfing. purse today. Lefty said be would point for toe Nichols ...... 90 83 110—282 Meriden. / mittee. Democrats believed it should are of more importance than the men once listed among his mottoes: assl^gient, and to prove he usually Pasadena, Calif. — Ted Lyons, murder. “ Izvestia” Noted physicians among the de- who dominate its affairs.” ing on a small surface with a low Ounnar Barlund, Ute enduring Ftam, Phillips ...... 123 102 101—336 Poeelble Ltneups | rovide "substantial stimulation" for fendants were alleged even to have “Never threaten.' No self-respect- Win or lose to his 18-hoie playoff getg what ha goes Etching after be veteran pitcher, took charge of the New York — Gunnar Barlund. thundered: "Noth- A broad Chairman Frank asked the group ing person and particularly no na- celling the PA'a found It very hard fought himself In, and A1 Rnmo. usiness. Republicans said it would and nobodji admitted malpractice. with Johnny Rjvolta for first place revealed he finally had signed for Chicago White Sea training earn- 300H, Finland, stopped Buddy 421 877 406 1304 If Crosby and Nauga(uek c6sra Edeepen the “ Roosevelt depression.” ng to: (1) Make an audit of the New tion can ever yield to threats.” ) to get their famed attack going. Barlund’s trainer, was toe only cas- through as expected, the quarter- willnil save them. Krsttintky But Krestinsky—bald, stocky, eld- Deal. (2) “Rethink, restate and rein- However, they managed to get I to the $3,000 St. Petersburg open $20,000, toe same salary he got to palgn today, putting a "squad” of Baer, 242H. Livermore, Calif., (7) No. 8 (2). The Supreme Court upheld NLRB’s And like scores of erly, with his goatee shaved off—com- Niem oeller's C a se terpret” Republican philosophy. (3) Chamberlain’s critics suspected, ualty of the evening. 1936. He took a $6,600 cut last himself. Bob Uhle, Thornton Lee Detroit—Jimmy Adamick, 189, MacLean ...... 90 98 103—276 finals Wednesday wlU be as follows: right to order employers to withdraw though, that “society ladies” rather sizeable lead on the Rockville quin' tcumament, the 23-year-old Harper year but won bis old salary back by Bauick vs. Derby, Manchester vA Stalin’s loyal servants, the leader of plained he could hot hear, moved for- Found guilty of violating restric- Report respecting “ the long array od tet but It was only by dint of hard' Ramo's mishap gave toe battle an and Uou Berger through a light Midland, Mich., outpdinted Natle Schiebel ...... 83 98 104—284 recognition from company - domi- the scientists rescued recently from ward in the prisoners' box, and cried stubborn problems confronting us as than duly accredited diplomats authentic light-comedy touch. As was assured of more money Uan pitching for ft. drill. Manager Jimmy Dykes still Is Brown, 199, Washington, (10). Von Deck .... 95 121 101—317 Oosby, Bristol va. Windham u d nated unions. out denials of his guilt. lons on preaching end speaking dis- playing that the locals were able to he has collected In one tournament an Arctic ice floe radioed: "Those ;ingly of nazi notables. Rev. a peoplie.” were piloting the British Empire. hang on to their lead aa the Windy Referee Billy Cavanaugh pushed isolated by rains at Indio, Calif., Chicago—Jimmy Clark, 158, Buf- Banka ...... 101 131 99—331 Naugatuck vs. Stamford. The lost bandits should be executed without Questioned sharply, he became so lartin Nicmoeller, Berlin’s fiery Regional subcommittees were Lady Astor and the prime minis- the beaten Baer to bis comer, in the since he turned professional. Clearwater, Fla.—George Jefl- while toe Main contingent la falo, N. Y., Stopped Ernie Horn. two games are In toe lower bracket agitated he had to take a nerve tablet, City team kept pecking away at It. Transportation exception." Protestant leader, this week received named. Time waa the only thing that saved seventh round, Ramo leaped Into toe Starting the Anal 36 holes yes- coat, Brooklyn rookie, looks like a stranded to Arizona. 160, Chicago, (8), 868 438 *406 1197 and will be played at toe Arena on There was Washington news, too, but still persisted in repudiating his a prison sentence. But time already ring to greet Barlund, tripped on terday seven strokes behind Revolts, lot more of a pitcher-than when he •Won rolloff. Wednesday night el. S. defense costs in post-war 1920 Gorky’s Death Cited purported confession and calling co- the game for the locals Ir. lost year’s Dallas, Tex.—Tony Musto, 187, concerning America’s three principal served in jail was counted sufficient Sta te Beer W a r game. one of the ropes and fell, flat and Harper blasted par in successive was viewed last spring. After hav- Catalina Island, Calif. — Man- CHilcago, outpointed J. D. 'Turner, No. 3 (3). If Meriden and Weaver emerge and in 1923, when the Washington The great, mysterious purge cli- defendants “liars.” rounds of 69 and 68 to overtake toe ing hU appendix removed last sum- Robb ...... 87 116 105—308 arms limitation treaty first lyas ef- forms of transportation. maxed by this trial began after Dic- All the rest pled guilty. to free him. Accusing Indiana of discriminating However, this Sunday the PA’s out, with a sprained ankle. ager CTharley Grimm of the (fiilcago 208, Dallas, (10). victorlouj, the Wednesday lineup Railroads: ‘"There ought to be leg- The trial was no sooner over, how- against beer from Michigan, the lat- hope to come through with a dec!' To hardened ringsiders, Gunnar's leader. The 72-hole score for each mer Be gained 30 pounds, he says, Cuba, his usual genial self again Hollywood, Calif.—Jimmy Garri- Larabce...... 89 80 77—246 will be: Baeslck vs. Derby, Man- fective, are contrasted here with an ever, than his friends heard he was estimate of the annual cost In the islation to divorce the railroads from ter state decided to shut out Indiana oivs victory ovm the Rockville technical knockout vlotory in 1:38 was 282, two under standard fig and reported to camp with 187 now the sun Is out, finds toe oondl- son, 136, Kansas City, outpointed Frlcbe ...... 97 81 77—356 chester vs. Windham, Weaver vs. banker control,” Montana’s Senator again in the hands of the secret beer. Indiana then announced a ban PAC and <2oach johnny Falkoskl of toe seventh was.ag astounding as urea. pounds to put behind his fast one. tlon of his pitchers highly gratify- WaUy Hally. 188H, Los Angeles, Story ...... 109 101 104—314 future. police. Bristol and Meriden va. Stamford. Wheeler said. “Two big banking on importation of Michigan beer. hopes to have bis squad at full toe sight of a trainer being carried Revolts, fornler Professional Goit- ing. He says 11 of them are ready ( 10) . Wlnton...... 116 104 112—331 If Crosby and Weaver ore toe win- houses—J. P. Morgan 'and Kuhn, The public had been admitted to out of the arena. A short-eader in for regular batting practice despite fusing. Tokyo has hinted some- Ohio became involved, too. by or- strength for the coming tussle. ers Association champion register- New Orieans—Oscar VItt, CHeve- Sacramento, Calif.—Lloyd Mar- ners, tha schedule will be: Boaslek Loeb Sc Co.—have had a monopoly Coming Up the courtroom to hear the verdict, dering distributors of Indiana beer the wagering, Barlund carried the land manager, today posted a stand- the handicaps toe weather has put 407 482 475 1451 thing might yet be done to end na- but not the argument. The PAAC players are asked to ed from Evanston, 111., faltered on shall, 163, Cleveland, knocked out vs. Derby, Manchester va Croabjb of the railroad business." Other au- 5fonday to pay a special fee. The Ohio import- be at the East Side Rec by 2:15 p. fight to the massive younger broth- ing reward of (5 for players'Scor- them under. Angelo Pugllst, 165, Los Angeles, No. 4 (I). Windham vs. Bristol and Weavsr val rivalry. thorities discus.sed consolidations and the last 18 In Ms battle for the *700 Turklngton . . . 76 71 80—236 Arms debate in British House ers went to court, contending beer is m., BO that an early atari for Rock- er of Max Baer and took every first prize. Second money is $400. ing runs on trick plays which be sig- (4). va. Stamford. If Meridw and But a retired Japanese admiral federal incorporation of railroads. Kayakalpis'vlclhi of Commons. Bolivia A n d Brazil non-intoxicating and that the fee un- ville can be made. round but the first, Which be lost on nals during training season games, Biloxi, Miss. — The Phillies are Hewitt ...... 86 102 93—281 recently wrote: “Japan must en- Third place and *350 went to Byron Paris—A1 Brown, 118, Panama, Kimball ...... 97 95 89 -281 Naugatuck win toe games win bsi Ships: New York’s Senator Cope- Yogi Tap.si Bishan Das Udosi looks Mrs. Roo.sevelt starts lecture; Bolivia, in the South American constitutionally interferes with inter- Baer’s stinging punching and his to be split between the batter and willing to listen to any good offer outpointed Balthazar Sangcblll, 117 Baasick vs. Derby. Windham vA courage German and Italian naval Andes, without a seacoast, is as big state Commerce. Nelson of Reading, Pa., winner ot for Dolph Camllll, holdout -first Mercer...... 95 109 95—299 land began work as chairman of a 40 years old but asserts he is 172. By tour. own low blow. mnner. "Five dollars would be a hi, Spain, (15), Manchester, Meriden Vs. Bristol and expansion. . . . She must maintain special senate committee to investi- a mystic rejuvenation treatment, as Oregon, California, Nevada, Ari- Then Pennsylvania and Michigan the Thom.iavllIe tournament last baseman, regardless of whether It la Hhrrison 104 117 115—336 * Tuesday Thereafter it waa all Barlund. The week. cheap price for a run to a tight ball West Palm 'Beach, Fla.—Steve Naugatuck va. Stamford. at whatever cost a navy equal to ate communism in the maritime in- called “kayakalplsiddhi,” he hopes to zona and New Mexico combined, but threatened to exclude each other’s YMCA GIRLS OPPOSE. battle-scarred Finn stabbed Henry gome”, Vitt declared. an Inflleldcr, outfielder or pitcher. ustry. The probe, he said, may go prolong the life of Mohandas K. Seattle elects mayor. is only one-sixth the size of Brazil. beer. Ralph Guldahl of Chicago posted This was decided In a conference be- Carr, 184, Meriden, Conn., outpoint- 457 494 472 1423 That takes care o f every posst- America’s. That done, she need § Newfoundland’s sealing fleet Lady Aator . . . and . . . Lady Chambtrlala Jacob Baer, Jr.; with long left ed Plo Pico, 19114, Monterey, Mex- have no fear of the combined forces on for years. Gandhi. Now Bolivia and Brazil have signed hands, beat a steady tattoo on bis a four-under-par 67 on toe final tween Jimmy Wilson and President btlity and it brightens Manebestef's sails. treaties by which Brazil will get oil round to break the competitive rec- Orlando, Fla..—Gerry Adams, who ico, (10). of Britain and America.” Autos: Michigan’s Senator Brown A 77-year-old political associate of Pe d a g o gical 'Po p p ycock' MORIARHS TONIGHT ribs, and generally out-fought and is in charge of feeding the Wash- Gerry Nugent, who explained: “We chances considerably. When tbs announced four of the largest auto Gandhi is taking the yogi’s cure for Wednesday _ —which it needs—from Bolivia, and ter’s sister-in-law. Lady Austen ord for toe Lakewood country club are tired of his yearly holdout tac- Boston—George Martin. 147, Bos- KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS tourney first got underway, Man- Mother-in-law day, Amarillo, a new railroad—that Bolivia needs— Dewey disciples and conservatives Chamberlain, were mentioned. In out-thought the Californian. In toe ington Senators, says It's no trouble ton, outpointed Ralph Zannelll, 144, finance companies had approved sug- old age now. A physician who exam- seventh Barlund penned Baer In n course and (,alt' a tie for fourtn to make out toe menus. tics, his discontent and hia demoral- (Murphy's Alleys) chester was slated to meet Bristol gestions made recently by President ined this patient recently reported Texas. will be started. Eventually, the rail- waged a verbal battle this week at an Rome, the latter told reporters: “I Meet In Preliminary To Y Var- place with Sammy Byrd of Phila- Providence, R. I., (10). Atlantic City conference of school- comer and pummeled him heartily “If there are 35 on toe aquad, at izing influence on spring training Smaland (1) tn toe semi-finals but toe course of Spies And Civilians Roosevelt for elimination of “high the man's digestion and sight had im- Thursday way is to extend from the Atlantic come to Italy every year and al- sity’s Tiit With Ukrainians delphia at 284. They spilt *500 activities.” Atlantic caty, N. J.—Bobby E. Berggren . . . 78 76 105— 256 events eliminated that posslbUlty. International Olympic com- to the Pacific. ^ men. with both hands to toe face and least 32 want steak for dinner", he Green, 128, Philadelphia, outpointed hroughout the world, more pressure salesmanship." proved but that he still looked old. ways see II Duce, but there is noth- , Of Glastonbury. body. Bracketed at 286 were Frank A. Carlin 96 109 106—311 Then Naugatuck's formidable B en mittee m ee^ Cairo. John Dewey’s educational philoso- said. "They never change.. Last Johnny Sclbelli, 125, Union City, than customary care was taken phy—that “experience” la better than ing in that.” Buddy rolled bis e}tee toward his Walsh of Chicago; Ben Hogan ot spring toe squad ate about 615 Lake Charles, La.—Despite toe A. Carlson . . . 117 114 100—331 try loomed os a semi-fin^ rival of Imam O f O m an Aeronautics section. Automo- Bulgarians To Ballot a a a Fort Worth, Tex.; and Harry Coo- presence of numerous rookies to ( 8) . Tthis week to guard military secrets. Ar+$ A gitation tive Engineers’ Society, meets, books— was blamed for destroying comer and n moment later mum- pounds of oteta a week.” toe Clarkmen but that prospect was Top thrspians testified Monday in On the Arabian peninsula lies the In a 1934 coup d’etat King Boris III Bombers Ratin’ To Go The Manchester Y girls will be per of Chicopee, Maas., 1937 winner. their lineup, toe Philadelphia Ath- Philadelphia—Irish Eddie Dolan, 288 399 311—898 removed lost night, if Bristol and In New York, two soldiers and Washington. discipline and making school a snap. bled to Cavanogb that he’d hod 141, Waterbury, Conn., outpotnted support of a federal fine arts bureau. hot little land of Oman, where 500,- seized dictatorial powers in Bulgaria. Dewey retorted: "They (his critics) boat to Mortarty Oirla tonight at enough. Ekich won $160. letics were hopeful of taking the Skone (3) Naugatuck survive to toe semi- a woman employed as a hair- Friday EICHSFUEHRER Hitlor ar- the local Y. M. C A. at 8 o'clock. Tampa, Fla.—Cincinnati’s players first exhibition game from the Midget Wolgaat, 144, Philadelphia, Burgess Meredith said: “A nation 000 natives grow dates and breed Since then the Constitution has been are social, political and educational Barlund, overlooked In toe uproar Paul Runya. of White Plains, N. are finding that their new manager, I. Carls'm . ... 82 103 99—283 finals, they'll meet there and It dresser on the S.S. Europa were camels. Since 1833 the U. S. has had a Jesuits convene, Vatican City. a museum piece. This month parlia- reactionaries, and their allegations ranged to run down to Rome The Y girls organised for the Y., Sam Parl-j, Jr„ of Pltteburgb Giants today. The team Included (10); Bob Winters, 14014, PhUadel- A. Hodgetts ... 98 109 97—304 seems likely that one of them will which sings, paints and attends the drat time thia aeason have played surrounding Rnmo's Brodle, had BUI McKechnle, and Coach Hank questioned about espionage, and theater is a better nation." treaty of commerce and friendship National • Community Chest mentary elections will be held. But that my philosophy has been pervert- toR see II Duce in May. And Field Uttle to aay In the dressing room. and Harold MeSpoden of Winches- Rookies Paul Easterling, Gene Has- pbla, technically knocked out Tony C. Bolin ...... 115 98 110—323 be a finalist with Manchester rated G-men looked for higher-ups. with Oman. This week its 27-year- meeting, Washington. the government has limited the can- aome outstanding teams In the Oowdy won’t stand for any loafing. son, Dario Lodtglanl and Bill Kal- Faloo, 149, PhUadelpbla, (3). Lillian Gish argued. "The perma- ed is pure poppycock.” Marshal Goering indicated hia "in- “Ha did not hurt ma. I waa dlssy ter. Mass., were paid $103.83 each Deiqilte hot sun, the Reds went a fine opportunity to earn the other In London, sabotage reports old imam (sultan) visited Washington Pilgrimages to Natchez, Mias., didates to those “who fully subscribe vincible” air force, now three years state. They have two viotorlea for their 2a7*s. .Mmmy Thomaon of faas. Total 395 809 806—910 berth. nent (oderal theater, must . . . be begin. to the government’s program.” against seven defeats, wlnalng from a Uttle but after toe third I was through a drin yeeterday that was alarmed parliament; disappear- to lunch with F.D.R. His Highness old, was tingling with eagerness to Shawnee-on-toe Delaware, Pa., and WEST SIDE LEAGUE Koee Bfoy Be Ready based on standards of competence.” Saiyid Said bin Taimur is the 14th Saturday T V a ' M arble the Simsbury girls by the score of stronger than he was. Yes, be can described os the most stranuoua to ance of a huge new bomber on a be sent to defend German people punch, but be baa no snap to his Pat sawyer of Detroit tied at 288 eight years toe club h u trained (Beo Alleys) Varmland (1) Jane Cowl warned: “We’ll all be sultan o f his dynasty. Committee on better care for Marble in TVA’s Norris Dam dis- 16 to 11, and defeating tha Rah- OLSON’S TO FBACnOE. G. Gull , The cast was taken from Ed trial flight around the British on relief eventually if something is M exican O il C a sa living outside the Reich. (But Ger- DiowB. He Is u easy man to work and split $150. here. In toe West Side league last 101 90 87— 278 mothers and babies meets, Wash- trict, valued by holders of tha prop- Rah Girls 0 to 8. The Mortarty H. Olson .. 122 101 Kose's ankle jresterday and he was Isles also caused uneasiness. not done.” A Mexican arbitration board, weeks erty at more than $5,000,000, has been man citizens living in the U. S. got on.” night toe West Side Tavern swept 97—320 ington. ago, ordered wage increases for 18,000 Girls were defeated by the Rah-Rah Practice will be held by Olson’s E. Thoren . .. 126 105 104—335 told to walk on It as much as pos- In Tokyo, newspapers warned But Maurice Evans, Shakespearean Stilt In The Family adjudged commercially worthless by orders from Berlin to stay ou; of girls last week by the soore of 34 Paul DamskI, toe Finn’s manager, Saraooto, Flo. — The OMlfomla cagers at toe West Side Rec this three points away irom BUly Po- sible to limber up toe muscles in citizens to guard ,their tongues oil workers. Seventeen American, told one and all ha wanted tha win- flood U having Ite effect felt even E. Anderson 181 87 88— 306 actor, coriimented in Chicago: ‘"rhe China’s air fleet, commanded until a federal commission. nazi organizations.) to 32. afternoon at 2 o'clock. AU players ganl’s Barbers. Spally Gustafson IB. Erickson hia foot but toe high scoring cen- when talking to foreigners. recently by M ei-ling (“Beautiful British and Netherlands companies TVA Chairman Morgan, who ac- ner of next Frida3r*s T o m m y F a r r - In toe Boston Red Sox eomp. Man* 111 97 110—318 way out of our difficulties is not contended the' increases would force France decided to do in Rome as The Y team boasts a lineup of M. are urged to report promptly at 2 was the big gun for tos beer boroM ter won’t be In action nest Wednes- Japan s solons continued to fret, tlirough a centralized, bureaucratic Mood” ), wife of General Chiang Kai- cused his associates of having made a Max Baer bout as BarluilU's next Little Links Lady ager Joe Oonln ordered Ted Wil- o'clock. abandonment of operations in Mexi- Britain did, and at the same time Vlttner and G. Prokop at guards, hammering the wood for a three Total 501 480 486-1567 day unless absolutely necessiuy. too, over a new mobilization bill organization . . but through the shek, now is reported to be taking “friendly agreement" previously with stand by central European allies, E, Prentice at center, and B. Vltt- foe. game totel of 384. Bllty Hand and Coach Will Clarke wants to glvs action of local pundits." orders from her brother, T. V. Soong, Crime co. The Mexican Supreme Court, this the merble holders, this week cited Buddy didn’t sound much like n HoDoad (8) that opponents consider “ fascistic.” week, upheld the board’s order. including Czechoslovakia, where ner and D. Gallo at forwards, whUa Billy Newbouer turned In good B. Johnson .... 05 90 his ace as much time as possible ts a Harvard man. the litigation over it as an example the reserves are H. 'Tomer, D. Jew- beaten fighter. 82— 267 Critics were told that the danger there are a lot of Germans. The scores for the Barbers. DlUon’s H. Johnson .... 94 127 90—311 recover fully from the injury an “We may bend, but we will never of difficulties he has faced—and called ell, N. Sloan, M. Brown and A. Du- "It’s just one o f those things,” V-8’s with OilUns Johnston swing- of air raids on Japan made it nec- break,” says Chiang Kai-shek. La w yer's Son G lo o m y Eire for an investigation of TVA. chamber of deputies backed Pre- It. Swanson 131 129 112—362 that he’ll he ready lor the semi- essary. banowski. The Y team will ha quoth Jacob Henry, “dot to take All-Star Quintet Chosen ing a mean boll pinned on even P. Jesonls . finals and finals if Manchester gstd Peter Levine, 12, of New Rochelle, Althou^ over-shadowed by Anglo- mier Chautemps 439 to 2 on this at full strength for the encounter. toe bad with toe good. The referee . 90 l i e 100—309 And in Washington the House of policy. break from tha eharaptons of the S. Truemta 116 103 134—358 toat far. N. V., disappeared Feb. 24 on his way Italian affairs, Anglo-Irish negotia- Cunningham's 'H o b b le' The Mortarty lineup will Include stopped It but I could have gone on. league. Representatives military affairs Jo e H ess's D ay l\ome from school. He w4s reported The French parliament then re- Young Ted Brown, who has toksn tions for a trade agreement have con- When Glenn Cunningham an- E. Duke and Peg Hnugh nt for- But be won toe fight all - right, Next Monday evening marks the Total ' committee proposed that the Pres- Socks sold for $5 and $10 a pair on to be fond of detective stories and tinued. Prime Minister De Valera of sumed its squabble over labor leg- wards, Kay Madden at canter and there’s no doubt oC that I just From YMCA Senior League 616 668 518-1602 Kose's place at center in the last ident He authorized to set maxi- "Joe Hess day” in Danville, Ind. The police first thought he was playing a nounces he is ailing, track observers last game of the league and prepa- two games played against Rock- Labor Law Eire reported recently, however, that expect record-breaking news. At the islation. Senators stubbornly re- L. Luplen and F. Leemon at for- couldn’t do anything to hurt him.” mum prices, license industries, and buyers were local business men, and trick. But later his father was said a “comprehensive settlemenf'seemed fused to yield to workers’ demands, j wards with M. Montle and A. Mad- rations for a gala banquet at toe ville and Hartford PubUo did s The LaFollctte civil liberties com- National A>A.U. meet in New York, St. Johns captured first round tad of toe seosoa are now under WEDNESDAY Y LBAUli: draft men between the ages of 21 they paid those prices to Joe Hess, to have received repeated ransom de- “almoat unattainable.” So there were more so-called den as reserves. Ruth McCormick ^ond os often sold, "As Slim goes, the splendid Job In toe tourney openar mittee this week publicized alleged 67, a merchant noted for his generosi- climax of the Winter season, Cun- Saints go.” way. (Y Alleys) and 31 in lime of war. "company union" activities of the Na- maniu. crises and compromises. will not play with the service sta- hODon to to* YMCA Senior League and showed' an offensive sbUlty tha* ty, to pull him out of financial diffi- ningham mourned an ankle “I turned Leonard Anderson, fiery redhead . Rena’e Tavern (3) VSIIHMi ( 1 ) Uonal Manufacturers’ association, and “Dead Dad: Please give these men C o ld e r Than Th e Pole And in Ankara, TSirkey, con- tion five, due to Illness. Although but the South MethodlaU were the was second to none at toe tourasy. culties. the money; I have a bad cold,” Peter three days ago.” Then he “hobbled” and toe smartest player In toe F. Mahoney ...... 97 ll’O 106—812 Gkiodrich ...... lie 98 117—329 President Roosevelt called newspa- The coldest Arctic spot isn’t the 1,S(X) meters in 3:48.4—faster than ferees representing the Balkan En- the Moriarty's will be the faTorltee oqly team to place two players on He should prove even more effecQVs pers’ attention to the many cases was reported to have written. due to more experiences, the Y league, easily deserved the rating as J. Rjeen ...... 90 114 109—313 Lee ...... iJg ge 83—304 if Cole, Bchleldge, Murphy u d .T s^ North Pole; It’s a 58-square-mile, icy, any man before him had run the dis- tente (Greece, Yugoslavia, Ru- toe All-Star array selected after the other forward. All who have settled by NLRB. Cele b rities Federal and local authorities agreed Yakut area north of Siberia. There, tance on a board track. team la determined to defeat them. Lastist Night’s Hockey Reealla. B. Btssell...... 100 98 114— 313 N. B arton ...... 113 108 102—323 gart, toe other starters, can got not to interfere as Murray Levine, a mania and Turkey) reaffirmed their The game will be played aa the toe first round hy various merabera seen him have applauded hli heady H. Metcalf ...... 108 108 108—310 Newcomb ...... 120 lio 142—372 China A strike at Sterling. 111., during William Randolph Hearst ar- Russian scienUsts expect to pitch loyalty to the League of Nations By the Asooeiatod over toe paycbological hantUosp which five persons were injured, end- lawyer, strove to save his son. camp, next month, to note the preliminary to the Y varsity’s elash of ' toe T staff. St. Johns, toe playing which has made the Celtics F. Hansen...... 98 110 111—319 H. B a rton ...... 93 97 90—379 ranged to sell many of his art Dancin g Id The Stree ts but announced they would recog- AaMsteaa Aaaoelatloa. a threat for toe second round. caused by Koae's absence stftsr tbs ed Wednesday in an agreement to treasures.' weather. with the Gloatoabory tlkraalana Wiohlta 4, Tulsa 8. Eagles and the Celtics earned one latter has been toe spearhead of settle CIO - AFL differences by an Lavish parades rolled through nize Italy’s conquest of Ethiopia The girls’ game will start at 8 :(» Willard Fish, lanky pivot star of 493 686 647 1875 A b o v e The Yello w River General John J. Pershinx, 111 at Shaw O n Flogging Minneapolis 7, St. Paul 4. place each on toe first team. 874 499 684 1607 their ploy all season. NLRB election. masked crowds of costumed merry- and send commercial agents to in- .abarp and the main nttractlon nt Two Teams Chosen toe Methodists and offensive ace and DUlon's V-8’t (3) Second Ooagoea (8) From Mongolia, the Yellow river Tucson, Ariz., recovered sufficiently A cat-o’-nlne-toila fell IS times maketa as New Orleans and several surgent Spain. M:00. one of toe best mesh ripplers to per- Hold Doily Praetlos to eat and call for a barber. this week on the bare back of a young WEEK-END SCHEDULE. The players chosen were as fol- B. Wemer ...... 106 112 90—808 Mossoll ...... 123 n o 100—333 flows south into China proper, thence thousand visitors celebrated Mardi form in toe “ T”, waa easily the best S. M cAdam s...... 81 103 80—264 Kuhney ...... 119 io » 100—328 The Clarkemen ore praetldag to the east, and finally northeastward G r o ce ry Struggle Alexander Woollcott, author-ac- Mayfair playboy who had taken pan In Sh o r t.. Saturday. lows: Bruno Sumlsloskt of S t dally and are reportei* to be la fine Gras for the 100th time. Rex was Nattooal Ltagaa. Johns, right forward; Leonard An- center tn toe league. C. Johnston .....1 8 1 126 100—366 Tuttle ...... 117 132 97—346 to the sea. CIO unionists' refusal to handle tor-commentator, was elected a li- in a $6S,(X)0 London jewel robbery. Earl Yost, toe sparkplug of toe fettle for their next start. “nM ass- goods for a firm which fellow work- George Bernard Shaw protested: Charles McLellan, textile manufac- W a r C h e e r-Le a d ers Montreal Maroons' A Toronto. derson of Celtics, left forward; Wil- B. Dowd ...... 100 101 118—819 GltWOn ...... 100 104 93—29/ Toward the sharp bend where it brary tr^tee of Castleton, V t turer: hia queen, a debutante, Mal- Eagles, whose defensive and offen- ondA whose play was largely n - turns east, a Chinese army of 100,000 men were striking against led to the “The transient pain to the flogged A measles epidemic, biggest in 10 Spanish Premier Negrin thinks the IVRESTU N C IMeiaatteaal-AaMrIeaa League. lard Fish of South Methodiata, con- J. (Chapman ...... 99 108 109—811 Wlnton...... 143 123 99—364 Greta Garbo and Leopold Sto- men (a second gem robber was sen- years, was spreading over the U. S. colm McCullough Tullis. Syracuse at Ctevoland. ter; Earl Tost of tha Eagles, left sive ablUty baa helped toe Eagles to sponaible for toe defeat o f Hert- fled this week under a hailstorm of closit^ of 32 big food warehouses in loyalist army now outnumbers the round out a well-balanced squad, ford, are showing plenty s f stuff San Francisco and Oakland, Cal. A Htowski, orchestra conductor, were tenced to 20 strokes) is not worth opposing forces; boys of 19 and jnen By ASSOCIATED PREM Pittehuijrh at PbUadalphla. guard; and Jomca Murray of the 617 544 497 1658 Japanese bombs. The Japanese re- Experimental flights for a U. S. bos been selected os toe beat defen- 601 678 489 1668 and should be s big factor in the spokesman for employers charged the reported to be trotting around Italy considering In comparison to the airline to Rome and Egypt were t of 30 have been drafted. Waterbury, Conn.—Danao 0*Ma- Provldanoa at Springfield. Methodists, right guard. ported they had inflicted 50,000 cas- together. sive player In toe league. next gome with Harry Squatrlts ualities and were completing their workers had refused to do work “for gratification and encouragement it authorized. Thia growing, leftist military or- bohey, 224, IrelaBd. defeated Reb Americaa Aai ' The seeend team conslate of Aus- West Side Tavern ($) Bryant A CBaptnui (1) which they were being paid;" and the Danielle Darrieux, French ac- noa givdn to all our sadists and flogel- ganization la unusual in that every Russell, 212, Taxaa, Two straight Wlehito at TtHaa. Murray a BriUlaat and Greta at forwordA Gsvello at conquest of all territory north of the The social security board decid- Life In T h e U. S. tin Custer, Oltlea, right forward; James Murray, toe smallest H. Gustafson ....1 0 2 130 110—832 SkoOg ...... 97 105 111—816 Yellow river. workers’ spokesman answered that tress, after collecting $50,000 with- lomaniocs.” ed to cut off federal grants to Okla- unit has a political commissar. Ho fallSL Newton Smith of the Mothodlsta, O. Armstrong ...101117 119—887 center end Bmls Bqnstilts sad out working a day, starts her first In Baltimore, meanwhile, a wife- plasrer In toe league, deserves tos Tomlinson ...... m 96 110—817 Wlnaler at gusrdA the issue was whether the men could homa. . .. . A mass elopement of six cou- North Bergen, N. J.—^Emle Du- M^TSoMtle left forward; Max Ruhoeba, S t A. Gustafson ....1 1 1 1 8 1 143—884 WUhelm ...... 99 107 “be forced to act as strikebreakers.” Hollywood nlm this coming week. beater got 20 l ^ e t with a “cat.” Montreal Morooas at Chicago. other rating as a first string baek- 90—802 Rumania's new constitution, ap- ples, all between 13 end 17 years sek, 238. omahn, Neb„ pinned J Johns, center; O eorn Smith. W. Wilkinson .... 87 108 98—388 Burr ...... 130 88 87—805 A m erica's Stand ^ oourt performer.' Leick of height Engaged: Kay Francis, old, was firuatrated at Miami. George Koverly, 220, Bollywood, Toronto at Montroal Ouadtens. Methodiats, left guard; Mourtoe proved 4,297,581 to 9,483 by the of cheer-leader, chaplain and “walk- Rangera vs. Amerioons at New hasn’t made him Just another C. F reheit...... 114 106 108—337 Wood ...... Ill 106 100-4117 “There rests upon American offi- Idle Looms star, to Baron Raven Erik Same- Poorm astar Slaying CaUf., (30:06). Burke, S t Johns, right guard. Ron- B t Psttl—Brooko NsgnndA Bt- cials and other Americain nationals in kow. voters, was put in effect by King lowant dug and dynamited for inx delegate” for tha doughboys. York. player and bis speed and aggreaslve- Thousands of AFL hosiery workers Harry L. Barck, 74, relief admin- Carol. 11 days and Drought out alive a Newark, N. J.—John (Dropktek) Little Cynthia Cooltdga is all at- ald Dolgto of the EoglM was aomod neos is oU In bis favor and Inci- 816 676 877 1668 549 501 604 1866 temsUonsl Fs Ua Mina, sad Rsw China no obligation whatsoever,” In Philadelphia and other eastern Married: Ishbel MacDonald, for- Insurgents this week were reported Murphy, 193, Boateo, woo over Boston at Detroit. as ooociL Washington recentljr reminded To- istrator at Hoboken, N. J., for 40 years, Purina Kansas City’s 11th vote- dog that got caught in a fox bole. miming again for a big offensive. tention as the gets bar first golf dentally be Is toe second leadtng PagaaTs Barbers (1) Twa Oedon (8) staslA OlsndslA Osiff, OnmTm cities left their looms this week to mer “first lady” of Britain, to Nor- often was criticized for providing “in- fraud trial, the name “Pendergost” Harry JaoobiL 340, COUfoniia, lesson tram Joo Tiniisss at tha 9vnxltlMkl Vtps sooror In toe " T ’ league. Schubert ...... r 96 98 96—390 minntsa (beesywsIgltB), kyo. “to take precautionary measures protest a mediation board order man Ridgley, jack of all trades. A Bellingham, Wash-, man, ar- And tbrir bombers were renorted Cievelaad at Symeuaa. palmer ...... i04 lu 87—8on adequate” relief. went into the record for the first to have killed IS persons at Almeria (15:06). (Jnoebe dlaqnnUflad for Jungls Cowrtty au b, 8L Btters- Bnmo SumisUakl, ths 1nrut*g The sefbnd .five also consist of IL AndlK o...... 116 l66 116—887 Anderson...... 98 135 107—880 requested on behalf of contending which, they aaid, cut wages. But the rested twin in four years for Pttteboigh at New Hawn. leading seorer and tha star of toe forres towards safeguarding Ameri- Died: Dr. Otho Fulton, facsimile A disgruntled client who, police time. overparking, waa freed when he —the town Germansr*! navy bom- striking referee.) Providenee at Sprtngflald. burg, Fla. Mias Cynthia b the well known "Y” cage performere. W. Hand ...... 113 ISO 134—866 Schendel ...... 99 114 98—606 Philadelphians voted to go back to broadcasting pioneer; Gabriele say, admits he stabbed Barck to death A senate committee approved the ' Buffalo, N. T.—Wladialaw Talno, S t John’s quintet winners o f the t.'n lives and interasm.” work, after a stormy mass meeting explained mat his wife had beta barded last summer. Aawrieaa Aaaadatlin. granddaughter o f tha Ute Prasi- With the exception of Highland W. Newbauer ....1 8 2 108 108—343 McCkmigal...... 86 96 102—288 d’Atmunelo, Italian soldier-poet: nomination of E. K. Burlew as flraS having a baby aadt timo. S77, Polanit. thnw J«ny. Monabaa. dant sad of John X . XntmbuU» flrrtmm round,rouao, was eosUy coo ofc4 tha Pfirk tad the CyveU each team B. Hagenow^*..... 97 107 107—SU Toat stanA indicated, is at which they were urged to abide by Joe Cnll, cx-congreasmaa Irom St Haul a$ Kaoaaa Oty. Ctenods^ ...... 1 1 8 UO U7-i«6W J>*rtectiy I their eoatzact. aasistant Interior aoeratary oftat 4*4*. i SO. two em rtght.folk . inssm ii i St t vm fc qlB-ffwqnuc 6$ r - ____ •» Jtast tm i niMor e« eitiMr 7 CnUfemU. iiMurlT Uiret mootba of argum nb amtlmJJH I S U S ' . & T S i V S M S ’S S ttM t er tte seeSjMf M|uad. ^ m MS IMS; TEM MANCHBSTER evening herald, MANCHESrfEK, GONN„ SATURDAY, MARCH 5,1988 MANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY. MARCH 5. l98S PAGlBlXfMi BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES It’s Up to Boots; Alone By MARTIN


sign near a railroad crosslhgi cupped from toe Loo Angelof Mt£^ g3 "BEnTER STOP A HINUtk Itnr ta tilts uniisusl Want Ad. THAN FOREVER." "Young men who are not overly hiirlght and a n Inclined to be lasy nn necessary. Wonderful opportunity. Model A Ford. Telephone 6500. Elasy. terms. Phone or, write for a Church. both are unnecessary. HER, tkation has been made to aald 1935 CHEVROLET SEDAN de- “Courtesy Auto". Alberts Furni- ^A^otf player Is • person Who eon Mask by the person In whoee name Everything supplied. Nationwide Distributors, 401 Bm&dway, N. Y. livery. New blacl paint. General ture Co., Waterbury, Conn. Towns Observes World FIRST IN SOVTB CHURCH Tomorrow night at 7:30 o'clock, Victors In Third Roraidi^^pT 70 miles an hour |p any trof- huch bmk was issued, for payment heavy duty Ures, excellent motor ______<______the doors of the Bolton Congrega- with perfect ease, hut blows up Now prooldonta of toe UnKod o f the amount of deposit represent SINUS SUFFERERS. PoslUve re- and mechanical condition, $290. FOR SALE—OAK BUREAU, kitch- tional church svUI be open for tbe two-foot putt if somebody States ite not provide their own Toonerville Polks . ___ By ^n^ne Fox •d by said boo'., or for the Issuance Day Of Prayer Yesterday. SERIES SUNDAY NIGffT lief by nasal epray solution pre- Cole Motors. en table, large maple crib, other flrst of a aeriea of Pre-Baatar eve- Pona To Oppose Ailed. coughs. clltna nrhen entering toe Whit* « ( a duplicati book therefor. pared from physician's prescrip- articles. 46 Gnswold street, Man- ning servicer Rev. James F. EMg- House. The government provldea E po ir S im p ip c a p p 'd if r o m (^ckiy ( himpelf) Mc G uiri py HipiNo^ tion. Write for sample. Phys. Ready chester. At the South Methodist church lUh of Hartford,- General Super- Notflbbor—What did }rou have In Over 130 women wers present yqpr garden last year? OUR BOARDING HOUSE >UND —YOUNG BLACK cat Pi eparatlons, Box 133, Union City, MOVING—TRUCKING- tba first of six Sunday evening intendent of the Connecticut con-’ New York, March 5. — (AP) — yesterday afternoon from eight Lenten services will be held to- ference of (tongregational and With the three leaders showing no Man—Plymouth Rocks, Leghorns K .'.Fhonc 8092. New Jersey. STORAGE 20 MACHINERY AND TOOLS 52 towns for the World Day of Prayer morrow at 7:30. At this time there CTirlsUan Cfliurcbea, will speak on signs of letting up. Andrew Ponzl, aad Rhode Island Rads. MV W O«D.' A which was observed In the Bolton — St AUS'HN A. CHAMBERS when you FORDSON PARTS. Oliver spread- will be a musical service by tbe reg- the general theme of “prepiuing for the wUy Philadelphia veteran, is S T O R IES IN I •vCMTRlLOOUWr, want the beat In Local and Long Congregational church. More than ular choir of the ehurcb under the Victory Through Christ." faced again with the necessity of Manitoba, (Canada, is selling au- AUTtlMOmt.ES FOK SALE era, plows, hunows. tractors, used 100 were served luncheon In the UWF-Ff —- Distance Moving. Dally Bxpresa Farmalls, John Deere etc. Set us direction of Clifton C. Bralnerd, or- Special music wlU be offered by victory tonight If he la to stay np tomobile lleense plates on tha In- 1033 OLDSMciBlLE tudor sedan, Community hall preceding the after- stalment plan tola year. It’s to be vote CS —TAL KXUO Manchester Hartford, Manchester, Rockville. for your needs. Dublin Tractor Co., ganist and choirmaater. Tbe prin- a junior quartet composed of Miss with the pace-setters In the world’s ST A M PS i heater, good tires, clean Inside, noon meeting, ‘ihlb Is the seventh cipal number will be the cantata Pearl Glesecke, Miss June M ilder, pocket billiards championship tour- hoped nobody makes the down pay- PORK CHOP*.' Phone 6260, 68 Hollister street. Providence Rd., WilUjoantic. annual meeting of this group which Evening Herald mechanically perfect. Color green. “Penitence, Pardon and Peace” by Richard Dimock and John Swanson, nament at the Capitol Academy. ment and keeps going. SPUTt -SPUTt ? This car Is a real buy. $295. Mes- was started by Mrs. Leon H. Austin J. H. Maunder. The first anthem singing, “Wonderful Words of Life" In two matches, Ponzl, a round of Coventry as a joint meeting with X HAVE B SSM CLASSIFIED aler Nash Inc.—7258. PAINTING— PAPERING 21 ROOMS WITHOUl BOARD 59 wUl consist of the excerpt from the and “ For You I Am Praying.” behind the unbeaten leaiders, has A lot of*«ntomobtls wracks loaiilt South Coventry. cantata "Aa pants the, hart" by The church choir under the direc- come through with the needed tri- from toe driver hugging the wrong THE VICTIM OP ADVERTISEMENTS 1986 CHEVROLET MASTER town AH groups of woman represent- umph and shouldn't And It difficult curve. RiwL-S CkABOLlCAL. 1-3 OFF ON ALL 1937 ^ papers. FOR RENT—ROOM sulUble for ing the various towns took part on Mendelssohn for male voices with tion of Roy Johnson of t ^ city will Osaat su averasa words ta a Uaa. aedan, black flnlsh, mohair trim, See your own contractor or Thoe, light housekeeping. Reasonable. soprano solo, set to the words of the sing “For the Beauty of the Barth.' to overcome Bennie Allen of Kan- 6CM EM ^, ' taIttaU. onmbars and abbreviations the program. The only speaker was sas City, who has won but one of very clean .nslde and out Dual McGill Jr., 126 Cedar street. Inquire 124 High street. Miss Grace Yuan of China who Psalm 'The Lord hath commanded Quasi speakers and special music Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., stu- ' eeaBl ae a word aad eompennd equipment, built in trunk, $495. His loving kindness in tbe daytime.” have been secured for every Sun- his four matches. dent at tbe law school of toe Uni- I as two worda MlBliniini oott la FOR RENT—PLEASANT furnish- studied last year In England and Is The leaders, Irving Crane of e l thraa llnaa Cole Motors. PROPERTY OWNERS —AttenUon. this year in the Hartford Seminary The solo parts will be taken by Miss day night In Lent and the week versity of Virginia, was flaad $1,00 tdao rataa par dar (oi transliat $6.95 repapers room, celling paper- ed room, continuous hot water, off Eleanor WlUard, soprano, and Rob- nights at Holy Week. Livonia, N. Y., Marcel Camp of De- recently for double parking on the 1037 DODGE 4 DOOR sedan. Gun Foundation. Mias Yuan brought a troit. and WUlie Moaconi of Phila- lia ed or kalsomlned. Material, labor Blast Center street. Telephone 8446. beautiful personality and an Inspir- ert Gordon, bass, both of the choir. Tomorrow night has been listed streets of CbarlottatiUa, Va. Tha KSaMfvv Marah IT. ttST metal gray, radio, heater, dual The numbers for this evening as “Open Church Night". Each delphia, all won Impressively in most Important thing abotit the Caab Cbarse complete. Inside, outside palnUng. ing message. Mrs. Albert Skinner their third round matches yester- OoaaaoaUvt Oara ..I T etai I sta equipment. Motor like new, good Large savings. Work guaranteed. and Mrs. John Erickson sang, 'The service will be: night wUl give special consideration Item was not that toe son of toe tires, low mileage, $690 Cole APARTMENTS— FLATS— Response: “Cross of Jesus” (from to a particular organization In town, day to stay one jump ahead of Pon- SOsaaaeatlva Dars ..I I ats| U eu Lang. Phone 3692. Garden of Prayer”. zi. President and toe husband of toe 1 O a r ...... I U au| U ata Motors. TENEMENTS 63 Towns represented were, Coven- the “Cruclflxlon” ), Stainer. but everyone la welcome at every former Ethel duPont was fined. The ardtrs lor Irrosalar Inaartlona Anthem: “The Lord Hath Oim- meeting. Crane handed Erwin. Rudolph of I ebarsod at tka oaa tima rata FOR RENT— MIDLAND apart- try. South Coventry, Columbia. An- Cleveland his fourth straight set- big feature was toe disclosure that 1935 CHEVROLEn* Master coach. dover, Hebron, Gilead, Man^eld manded” (from “As pants the somewhere in toe country motor- pR ID E of the nation's trainmen 1st ralao for loss tarw avary Dark green flnlsh, cream wheels, REPAIRING 28 ment, three rooms. Call 8333 or back of the tourney by defeating advartlolDB si*aa spaa roaaast. Depot, and Bolton. These groups hart"), Mendelssohn. ists are being fined for parking be- was toe imoklng, tteamlng ~ I erdorad before the third or llftb mohair upholstery, mechanically 4131. toe ex-tIUehoIder, 125 to 81. Moa- HARNESSES, COLLARS, luggage have been cooperating without offi- Ckmtata: “ Penitence, Pardon and coni trounced C arles Seaback of hind other cars on toe street aad fast express pictured on the Pan- Idhur will bo aharsod oalr lor tka aO' like new. Driven only 28000 miles, and harness repairing, sport tops cers, but this year elected Mrs. Leon Peace”, Maunder. GUARDS LOSE, 44-37, blocking traffic and other motoilata i M sl noaibar at tiaiae tka ad appaar $390. Cole Motors. FOR RENT—FIVE room tenement Lawmence, Maas., 125 to 20. while American postage stamps of 1901. akarplap at tka rata aaraad bat and curtains repaired. 90 Cam- with all Imjrovementa. Inquire Austin, president, and Mrs. Alfred Camp dowmed George Kelly of Phil- parked properly. Synibollc of a changing era. It aa Mawaaea af rafaade oaa be mada S. Kline, secretary. Columbia of- 1935 PONTIA.C 4 DOOR sedan. bridge street. Telephone 4740. 464 Hartford Road. TO POQUONOCK QUINT adelphia, 125 to 65. Seaback and represented toe progress of Amer- ' js^ sis Uaa ada atoppad altar tba fered to be host next yeai and their Kelly, who have yet to win In the OORRXer THIS 8BNTBNC1): Black flnlsh, mohair trim, me- ROOFING AND SIDING esUmates ica. ^^jla tarbldS*! dteplar llaaa aat Invitation was accepCra. PUBUC RECORDS current rbund-robln, have lost three “We have safety glaM In our pri- But tha real revolution of trans- chanically perfect, excellent tires, freely given. Years of experience. General chairman oi tha program The Manchester Guards, formerly vate cars," said toe fond parent, "so spacious trunk. Driven only 19000 HOUSES FOR SALE 72 and four, respectively. Joe Diehl portation was yet to come. This . The Harald will aet bs raapoaelbla Workmanship guaranteed. Alao and arrangements was Mrs. Alfred lis Peadena tbe Howitzers,' abuorbed a 44-8'r of Rockford, lU., yesterday, racked we demand safety glass in toe g'tar aeera tbks aaa taoorraat laiartloa miles, $445. Cole Motors. carpentry. A. A. Dion. 81 Wells FOR SALE- 54 HUDSON street, 8 S. Kline and acting with her was is tha streamlined era which Is say advtrtlaaiaant ardered far Notice of Us pendens was died to- trimming from the Poquonock up his second win In three atarta by school buses our chUdren ride In.” only now getting under way. The I tkaa oaa Una streeL Phone 4860. room house, all improvements, un Mrs. Albert Skinner. Mrs. Thomas day with tbe town clerk by tbe townera. on the latter’s court last defeating Allen, 125 to 88. 1933 PLYMOUTH P. D. 2 door lot extending through from Hud- Bentley was lader of the afternoon “Iron Horse” has evolved from a laadvartaat oolailon at laoor- aedan. Newly painted gun metal HOLC against Frank Pish and night as tbe victors gained an early Also scheduled for action today, REAP IT OR NOT— dusty, smoky, roaring chain of I'SPSI pabipablloatloa at advartlslof will ba LET US HELP YOU with your son to WlUlam street. Width 99 ft., devotlona. Mrs. James Rogers end along'.with Ponzl and Allen, were Young men between 19 and 21 IfllllStlMdId oaly by aaaeallatlak af tbe gray. DeLuxe equipment, artillery range—burner troubles, cleanmg, Mrs. Albert Skinner were co-chair- Teresa Piah. Action to foreclose a lead and led Jl the way. Shookus can to a quiet, air-conditioned length 165. Pnone 79GO. mortgage on 3 pieces of realty at 66 and Miaky featured for Poquonock Joe Proefta of OloversvUle, N. Y., years of age arc toe worst menaces I eaade lar tba sarvloa raadarad. wheels, motor excellent, good tires, adjusting, repairing. Tel. 6492. Ex- men of the limcheon and with them who meets Rudolph, and Jimmy silver streak. O' Ail advarusaments ad' mast eoafom $290. Cole Motors. Foley street Is cause of notice. The and Curley starred for the Guards. on toe highway, they being respon- styla, aopy aad typocraphy with pert service. Satisfaction guaran- were Mrs. David Toomey, Mrs. Frits Caraa of Wilmington, Del., who sible for more automobile accidents So you ride today at 100 mHes Noren, and Mrs. Stanley Nichols. case Is retumablf. to the April ses- The box score. or more per hour on one of these lleae aaToreed by tba pablleh- 1934 PLYMOUTH 4 door sedan. teed. P. H. Babo St Sons. takes on KeUy, in afternoon per 100,000 drivers than any other 1 thay rassrva tbs rtsbt ta Mrs. Charles Wlllet was In charge sion of the Superior Court. Poquonock matches, and Onofrlo Lauri of arrowUke units which cost from fpvtsa or reieet aay oapy eoa- Black paint, good tires anu line of decorations. B. F. T. group. ___ dd Pbiaotlonabla WAPPING CAPTURES Brooklyn, who opposes Diehl In toe $500,000 to $1,500,000 and a year's K EBR A STIFF motor. Heater, radio. Hydraulic BUSINESS Shookus, If ...... 9 0 18 flrst night game. time to build; you speed from aUOnNO Bonus—aasslllad ads brakeSi $325. Cole Motors. Mlsky, rf ...... 7 0 14 King Boris of Bulgaria’s bobby la UPPER LIP, MAJOR. % Bd pabllehad same day nael ba re- OPPORTUNITIES 32 driving locomotives. Much better coast to coast with the loss of only ~ by U o'clock aooa; >atnrdaya SEE ACTION SOON HOSPITAL NOTES Stanwick, e ...... J.. 0 o o two business days; and you relax • TMCV <5AWaEO Vt7U» 1936 CHEVROLET 2 door, sedan. FOR RENT—IN BUSINESS sec- COUNTY Y LAURE15 Mackey. Ig . . . . 1 ...... 5 l 7 than developing Into a motor c Black paint, mohair upholstery, ex- peed fiend. meanwhile in the luxury of a. tion, brick mercanUle building Admitted yesterday: Mrs. Joseph Welsh, rg ...... ;....2 1 sWATERBURirS GRAND TELEPHONE YOUR cellent motor and tires, heater, modem living room, with built-in with 3000 ft. of ground floor space. IN m DISPUTE Burke, 21 Ridgewood street, June lounges, radios, libraries, Vene- WANT ADS $445. Cole Motors. Suitable for light manufacturing. Wraeonal Shakee Storrs, 45 Delmont street. 21 44 JURY READY TO BEGIN Theoo Utterly cold north winds tian blinds. dds sra aocaptad ovat the lalapboao 1932 CHEVROLET 4 door sedan. Apply EMward J. Holl. Uncas Stage Late RaOy To (OsnUnned trom Pag* Om ) Dlscbarged yesterday: Francia Ouards Infesting tola land of toe free You 'may dance; have movies; tba CHAROB RATB slvaa abava Newly jiainted black, very good Faszlna, 42 Oak street Cause us to shake and shiver there are orchestras aboard; there SCORCHY SMITH A Difficult Assignment By JOHN C TERRY A aoBvanlanoe to advanlaara, bat RESPONSIBLE PARTY deslrea Death: This morning. Mrs. Burke, rg . . . . I CASH RATES wlU ba aooeptad aa tires and excellent motor. Heater business connectloii, general ex- gan Issued an Individual statement Waterbury, March 8.— (A P )—^Tho Like some old Model T. are nursery cars for the children; Tarn Back Pk^vifle Ifi-Y of poUcy advocating the IdeC of Charles Dewey, 87, of Buckland at Salmonson, Ig extraordinary Grand Jury to Invei- Z' I 9es NY f(?ifNP* 4u turn- smith-^ yA'LL OTAHP m Thf ~iL PATIIBNT II paid at tba bael> and DeLuxe equipment, $190.00. perience, nominal Investment. 1:10 a. m. garage can for your automobile eSIaa aa or batora tbe aaveatb Cole Motors. cooperation with privata poirer In- Curley, Ig . . , . tlgate Waterbury municipal affairs Farmer (making hla usual week- and sleeping cars for women only, OH TH0 POCK, /UNO CV'U SB TNff ' O4N0PUNK 4NP *n toUowlas the drat lasartloa el Write Box N, Herald. Admitted today: Ronald Carlaon, Judd, c ...... was complete today and ready to Gagers, 36 To 30. terests. ly call)—Th« potatoes are good this "Eleetrtc eyes” open the door to OH0 oam i fvpiriONr 00 mhow -.-S ad atharwiaa the CBAROB 78 Forest street Kerr, c ...... begin Its deliberatlona Tuesday. ' RATB will be aolleated No raaponil- One result wss that the TVA was morning. the diner. You might very well mnrnfpM- ffp tip TO HJV10 iPgNTIKY^ Discharged today: Daniel Dono- Anderson, rf .. High Sheriff J. Edward Slavln bUty Cor arrara la ttlaphoaad ada HELP V^ANTED— reorganised, John B. Blandford, Jr., van. TaleottvUIa. Housewife—Oh, are they? That live aboard year In and year out OP ^ SrtU be essanad aad their becoming general reanagsr and the Simmons, rf . completed yesterday service on aaearaey FEMALE 35 The Wapping Uncas captured the Onsut: Seventy-eight patlenta. reminds ms. How is it that those so complete an entity is the mod- •saaet be pnaranteed board becoming more of a policy- Johnson, If . . . those summoned to make up the you sold me last week were so much county Y basketball championship jury. The last summoned wss Nor- em train. So far has this revolu- last night by. turning back the making body than an administra- RARF. FUR IN RUG smaller at the bottom of tbe basket tion gone that even the humble INDEX OF tive one. mail Knight of Ansonla, who was WANTED — MOTHER’S helper Plainville Hl-Y in a fast, close and 18 37 found playing golf at toe Racebrook than at toe top? freight train Is 32 per cent faster EMERGENCY The Berry marble Incident which CLASSIFICATIONS from 8 to 3. Telephone 3786. well-played encounter in which the Los Angeles. — (AP) — A rug Score at half time, Poquonock 12, Country club in Orange with James Farmer—Well, potatoes are grow- than it used to be. The 1901 train Uncas were forced to come from precipitated the open break, mutual made of one of tbe rarest furs In Guards IS: referee, Urxulls; time, Guernsey, also of Ansonla, previous- ing so fast now, by toe time I get a stamp is described below. B*att •id* •••••••••••«••• WANTED—CAPABLE woman, for behind In the closing periods to friends said, was only a manifesta- the world Is owmed by Mrs. Martin 10 min. quartere. ly summoned to serve. basketful dug toe last ones are _ __»•• *••••«•••••••» general housework and cooking. gain victory. The Hl-Y held a 19- tion of long-existing dissension. Hlrscb of this city. It contains 50 Knight was selecteo to take toe about twice the size of* toe flrsL >tbs , , , *••••••••••• •,,•, M • CALLS Telephone 5556. U. S,—1901 ol Than be ...... 16 margin at halftime but couldn't Chairman Morgan, In his March pelts of the Australian duckbill or The words “onion” and “union' place of George Gamble of Derby, 2 statement alleged a lack of “hon- platypus. Bought by Mr. HIrsch 20 are both derived from toe Latin First it was press agent, then Pan-American Manorlan • •••••••••«••»• withstand the flnal drive of their excused from duty |$ecause of pres- Fast Express ------aad Poood rivals. esty, openness, decency and fair- years ago for $2,000, the rug Is con- ‘tmlo” meaning strength. sure of buaineaa. publicity agent, then director of MWOSBeemente ...... P O LICE SITUATIONS WANTED— ness'* on the part of IlUenthal and sidered by Its owner now to be public relations, and now it’s Direc- "c red and Mach Bsepoaale .. Kupebunas featured the play of FEMALE 38 the Uncas, scoring seven baskets Vice Chairman Morgan In “cooper- vrortb about $10,000. tor of toe Institute. ABtaaeabUaa from the floor and converting flve of Habits era Dbetaoahrdlu bllea tat Bale e 4343 EXPERIENCED WOMAN 35. would (Coprriaht. 1*11, NBA florvle*. Ine.) a,— W a.bllee fat Baehanso . . . . . t like position caring for Invalid or eight attempts from the complimen- dUrta Aaeaasorlea—T irol ...... I Infant $12 week, home nights. tary circle, while Royce and Simp- Ante Rapalrins—Palatlns T ann ahared atarrtng honors for .'Ante Baboale . m . T*a Write Box Herald C. D. ;ABtoa—Ship by Troek ...... s FIRE Plainville. • FL A P P ER F A N N Y FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser The box score: By Sylvia H old Every thin g! WASHINGTON TUBBS By Crane OUT OUR WAY By Williams Par Hire ...... S -eora. »M * au WMCf. I T M ate 0. s MT oaf - laa Bervlaa—Btarase . . . . . IS Sooth POULTRY ANUSUPUl.lES 43 'HOT DOft! JUST WWTUU t_lTRI\9lW.Pl.V |THEW I DROPPED BY YOU DO ENOUGH ORDER YOUR BABY chicks now. r'—p- WTURWiwa BtmrH NWUL KISVBl WhMTK ROW* AOOftKSLE./BrrnfR aad Prafaaalaaal Barviraa 4321 Pullorum accredited Reds New 3 Kupchunaa., If .. .7 5-8 19 TO s e e HOW GlUSIKJesS TD KEEP Barviees Ollirad ...... 11 AGAIW. WA6MlEj/aO UP ^ Hampshlres, Leghorns and Rocks. 4 Muplkerk, If .. . .1 1-1 3 AlaouWD IW THAT THE Nl&HT OPEN KT NIGHT IN bold Banrioas OSerad ....I S -A North 0 BycazyinskI, rf .. 0 0-0 0 WM M 1|B«— C o a t r a o t l o y I t Miller's Farm, Coventry. Mancbea- posmow! SHIFT W AS SUCH A LONIELY "sraarlaa ...... It tor 8807. 2 Baatii, c ...... 3 2-7 8 DIraatars ...... id 0 WsIdOD, Ig ...... 1 0-3 2 ©ETnN& ALONG NEtaHBORHOOP„ Plomblns—Rooflas 17 5432 2 Dlmlow, Ig ...... 0 2-2 2 TONV 2 Dodd, rg ...... 1 0-2 2 Uaary—Draasmaklns 1* POULTRY ANUSIIPPI.IKS 43 vta*—Tmeklas—Btarasa a... M — .».! - ibUs Paasaasar Borneo ...... M -A A M B ULA N CE FANCY QUALITY BROILERS, IS 13 10-20 36 b Ubs—Papeiios ...... t1 roasting chickens and fowl, dress- taasloaal Banrlcai ...... tl ed. Fresh eggs delivered direct Plainville Hl-T Has ^Dongan) P. B. F. T. rlBB—DyelBt^-CleaalBB . . . It from (tarlson A Son Poultry Farm. Ooads aad Bemea ...... It Telephone 42X7. 3 Llndatrom. If .« 2 1-1 5 tad— Baetneee Sarnaa .•••• Id 5630 0 Warren. If ...... 0 0-0 0 Bdacatleaal 4 Klatt. rf...... 0 0-0 0 aad Classet ...... SI (Holloran) FUEL AND FEED 49-A 2 Solomon, rf . . . .. 0 0-0 0 ata lastmetlons ...... tl 2 Slmpeon, c ...... 4 0-3 8 as a a ...... 1 8 * A FOR SALE—WELL seasoned bard 3 0-8 —Oraaiatle ...... It Royce, rg ...... a 10 'mated— Inetructloas . . v ...... M 3060 wood sawed stove length, and un- 3 Kupchlck, rg .. .. 0 1-1 1 Plaaaelal der cover, $5.00 per load. Wood 0 Damrest, Ig .. .. 0 0-0 0 Ids—Btocke—Mortsesea tl (Qoish) sold for cash only. L. T. Wood Co. 2 Foran, I g ...... 8 0-2 e laaa Opportanitlet ...... M — — lay to Loan ...... St 19 14 2-14 so fPimilf TIIMt I SEE YOU HM/E A B lip aad tltaatlama 4340 XOPfM TV 1 lot to UFARM Score at half, 19-16 Hl-Y. Referee BeeiDE9 .H BS IF HE « * r s QOO that lp Wanted—Female ...... tt George Hills. POOGL. IT APOUT RfARlUO e Ip Wanted—Male ...... t« iTHCeOMaihAIKi^ MEAHS TURH UEFT A - HA9WHP. PAHILY, *ON. eanen Wanted ...... K-A HE e r r s HE K Ip Wanted—Male or Pam ela.. 17 H OSPIT AL WANTED UTTLET— IP HE S*/S*Q LU P DOMT y o u Aseate Wanted ...... ,17-A ONE BRITISH SOLDIER, 12 'UP THERE ouaH ^ THAT MKAHS' TUiaw RIOHT f EVfRtPAVni tataatlone Wanted—Female . . . . II Most have a rent by April TO 45 ARABS DIE IN FIGHT AMDTHU.9 mkk 9 tatoatlone Wantei:—M ale ...... II IF ME 8AVS ^SKLMPh ' Bmploymant As.ncles ...... 40 1st. Interested in any- ME WHAT 5131 JHAr MEAWSTO StXAV M va •tavk— Pete— Poallrr— Vehlclee thing reasonable. In or Jerusalem, Marfh 6.— (A P )—Ma- XIosa—Birds— Pete ___ ; ...... tl near town. Some land chine-gunning British planes killed tdve btaek—Vahlelas ...... 42 12 to 45 Arabs In an engagement In PWaltry and Sappllas ...... 41 W ATER DEPT. for flower growing desir- the Jenin- Area, and one British sol- Waatad— P»>e— Poultry— Stock 44 able. Phone or write Par Sale— kfleeellaaeoaa dier was slain and one officer and Artialaa For Bale ...... ei two other aoldlere atlghUy Injured. Boats and Acceeeotiee ...... 41 3077 K. A. KARLSEN ' Troops encountering an Arab band Bonding Matertate ...... 47 715 North Main Street yesterday wirelessed for Ybe aerial ______*•*- tarn, weetrsMiwVieasw.______JRamonds—Watches—Jewelry .. 41 {After 5 P. M.) assistance. The planes, combining Bastneal Appliances—Radio .. 4> Backland Phone 7385 “1 don’t like her very much— she seta ao affected.’* Paal and Peed ...... 4t-A with Infantry, scattered the band. “ You wouldn't like her at gU if you’d ever eeen her act *T imagine you suffer quite a bit from growing pains, Garden—P ern— Dairy Pi^nats M 7868 Fourteen Arabs were captured. «!, Cap?” oasebold Ooods ...... tl naturaL” BCacblnary and Tools ...... ft Inerruroants ...... ft and Score Equinmant . . . . f4 M A N C HESTER HEROES AftE MADE -MCn* BORN ^ at tbe S tores...... ts MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE After Him, Men! By THOMPSON A^D COLL Paarlnt Apperal—Pare t7 Waated—To Boy ...... it W A TER C O . Silly, Like a Fox By HAMLIN AUV L A C M E O ® V I k e S O U N D S O F JACK.' JiMi MOT UNLESS YOU'VE (M7T \ Raataaranta FotK.5, rvE PUT rr Wltbont Board ...... 5974 T H E ST R U (3 < 5LE A T T H E CAN 1 HELP. SOME LAIIMENT FOR OUR I re Waatod ...... O A R A O E , M YR A L E A V E S T H E YOU? lUJUCKLES AND SOME OVPR.' I'VE COT OL' ipatry Board—Rasorts . . . . . T E R R IF IE D H U G O T O D A SH T O ROPE TD -HE THESE BENV RIGHT’WHERP X , Mala—Rastaaraau . . . T H E A lO O F J A C K A M D D R JA S O N .. THieo-RATE ma&iJ h-: WANT 'BE.' BOVOBOY.' Batad—Roams—Board G AS C O . OOT.'EE SCARED aal Batate Poe Boat aaata, Plata Tsaamanu . ^ ______SILLY' Lacailoos far Raot .. . Par Rent ...... a 5075 Bbarhaa Par Rant ...... _____ sr Bemaa Par Rant . . . yiaatad ta Rant ...... Beal Batata Par Bala ELEC TRIC CO . i A p a W — t Balldins tor Bala . . .’BOBlaaas Praparty for Bala . . . . P a ra s aad Load le t Bala . . . . . 5181 1 Uaaass far Salp ...... Lsta tor Bala ...... BMoit Proporty fpr lalo . . . . . abarbaa for Bala • ••••• BGfMAdl EataU for Evening Herald ^W BSled— Real Batalo a-'.- AoaP pLppal Notlsaa ...... a ...... 5121 IRanrlfPBtTr F ttwritta ggraC t

150 AT SECOND LADIES jecU .aponaored by ChriaUmn work- KNIGHTS PLAN ant District Bhcecu,^., ^ SOUTH CHURCH CHAPEL ers: Miss Anns Brookings, the Union education for the Boy Scout Coimcll ChrisUsn OiUeges, of which there X won bom yeatorday after- NIGffTATV.F.W.HOME of Chicago, HI, follow i^ which hi FILLED FOR “ WORLD D A P are eight in the Orient; Ifiaa Rika . BOMi at tba boaplW in New OPENMEEUNG waa a Scout executive mMarquette, Carlson, the Indian work, a special time dances. Members of Campbell Council No. "10 for 1" Campaign of the Knights tomporary, yet they do a great deal Home was filled with members add 573, Knights of Columbus are en- Crusade Against ^mmunlam. nominatlunal meeting, the program of necessary work In dealing with guests and a pleasant evening was State Deputy William J. Shea of Try A Glass Today! Exclusive With Tam’s Grill! m ss Tberese CescottI of Oak spent In games and dancing. A fine thusiastic concerning the program planned by a council consleling of the crops which feed us. 'tbio town will alao be q speaker and the wives of ministers in Manches- . Orove street, who has been confined entertainment consisted of songs by for the big Open Meeting whlcli the T o w d tte eloee o f the service, TONIGHT! DINE AND DANCE to her home the past eight weeks as upon him will devolve explanation ter, together with one other repre- a peri^ of prayer was observed. Alexander Berggren, tap and acro- committee In charge Is arraagftng of the fraternal features of the Ib e Clyde Brothers and Their Musle flie result of a fractured ankle, is batic dance by Charlotte Montle; sentative from .each church. TTie Kiss Anne Stnckland played the able to be out again and hopes to to be helfl next Monday night, Knights of Columbus and the big chapel room waa almost filled with Excellent Italian-American Foods military tap dance by Doris Henne- program of outside activities that cloeed the service with • Ruppert and Buidwe'ser Beer rasunie her duties at the Weldon quln; acrobatic dance by Helen March 7, 1938, in the basement of women, and the few men whose the Panic AngeUcos” (O Jjora tke Supreme Council has and is High-Grade Wines and Liquors Beauty Salon on Monday. Hennequln; accordion solos, Chet Pt Bridget's at the north end- It dally duties permitted. holy") of Cesar Franck's. h is confidently expected that at least noasaiing.------He being a former The program consisted mostly of Ososky; duet, Chet Osoaky and .Qi.Jrand Knights of CarapbeU Coun- The Day of Prayer la so callsd be- Ten Oflleera. past noble grands and Frank ValluzzI, Frank Valluzzi, Jr. h-runns alternated with prayers, in- cause It is plann^ by churehee all Odd guards of Sunset Rebekah lodge are cil and alao a former District De- and his Orchestra played for the dividual, collective, sad raspoasive world-Ttbe East TAM’S Fellows • reminded of the rehearsal in Odd dances. puty of the Order in Connecticut Is readings. The entire program was change in time belta, and the differ, Fellows hall tomorrow afternoon at well qualified to inform Manchester devotional in character. Mrs. Grace ence between the northern and Center St. Building ’The Ladles Nights at the Home men who are not Knights in a way S:30 in jireparation for Nobis are getting more pocular with ea h Ferris led the meeting. Mrs. K. E. southern hemisphere, making it GRILL Orands night Monday evening, at that will prove very interesUrig just Erickson announced the hymns, and possible to hold a service at everv which time they will all wear occasion. ’The next party will be what membership in Cteipbell held at the Home, Friday evening led the singing with her full toned hour of the day in actuality—even whits, omitting gloves. Council will mean for them. controlto. Mrs. Elsie B. Gustafson The committee is also planning to t h ^ h each service Is held in Its "Le^on Night" will be observed sang: "Spirit of God descend upon particular locale at approximately Bhrer Ready Circle of King’s have a third speaker whose topic' my heart", by Neidlinger, accom- the same hour. ' Daughters wlll meet 'Diesday after- at the Home ’Tuesday evening, will be one of Interest to round out March 15, when .Dilworth-Comell panied by Mrs. Erickson. AH of the noon in the directors’ room of the a perfect speaking program for the hymns sung were familiar: 1. St. Whlton Memorial library. 'The guest Post, American Legion, and its Open Meeting. The name of the Auxiliary will be the guests of the Anne—."O God our help In ages speaker will be Phillip Merrimaui third speaker Is to be announced past”. 2. Aurelia—"The church’s o f East Hartford, who will tell about pUst and Auxiliary of Anderson- later. ' Erargbody Is GMng To The BIH60 and DANCE Shea. Mpns-Ypres Post, British one foundation". 3. Maryton__ "O the Oasne Peninsula and show plc- Attorney Charite M. O’Dowd, de- Master, let me walk with Thee". 4. tnres. ’The business meeting will War Veterans, and Auxlllaty will puty grand knight of Campbell mo der n be entertained by the V.F.W units Nun Danket—"Now thank we all be at 2:30 and Mr. Merrlman will Council who Is chairman of the our God". 5. Beecher—"Love divine — TONIGHT — begin his talk about 3 o’clock. Each on April 19. OLD - TIME DANCE Open MeeUng program committee all love excelling.” member has the privilege of in\dtlng has been selected to preside at s guest. The hostesses will be Mrs. Four young women gave brief —A r m y and Mavjr Club Monday’s gathering. descriptions of the following pro- Bolton Center Hall Jessie. Sweet. Mrs. F. V. Williams, Mrs. Russell Post. Mrs. Leo StiieS. LOCAL RADIO TELEGRAPH Sat., Mar* 5, 8 p* ni* 5 MONTHLY DOOR PRIZESTONIGHTl Mrs. A. P. Lydail. . 27 OTHER GENEROUS PRIZES! Auspices bol ton orange “HAMS” IN WORLD TEST MUSIC BY RHYTHM KINGS ORCHESTRA AL Behrend's Merrymakers, Admisison 25c. Prof. WIganowskI, Prompter. •**"*t«ur radio operators in near- JOHN H. BENDIX POUCE COURT ly 100 countries throughout the Admission 85c. The Snceesaor to the WOTld today entered Into an Inter- national contest on long distance Washing Machine Fines of 3100 end coats In each LAPPEN44 CONE ST. case were Imposed In town court TCnding and receiving, sponsored by tel. 7921 WASHES — RINSES last night on two men charged with the American Radio Relay League 260. Catholic men from both St. aever^ members of which live in' DAMP-DRIES drunken driving. Andre A. Verte- Bridget’s and St. James' parishes feuille. 29, of 378 Townsend Ave., Manchester. will avail themselves of the oppor- In surance AUTOMATICALLY Now Doing Business New Haven, and ’Thumas Brennan, The contest will be in two divi- tunity to be present at the meeting Aotomoblle, Fire, Life, Acd- of 38 Oarde street, arraigned sions. ^ d lo telegraph will start In view of the big program of speak- t j ^ y and will have the airlines un- deat and Health. Fidelity and on the counts, were found guilty by ing and entertainment there Is to be Surety Bonds and all other Judge Harold W. Garrity. Both of telephones furnished. Refreshments wUI also KEMP’S, Inc. udil be in competIUon from March casualty forma. 769 Malo Street tbs defendants were arrested on 19 to March 27. be served.

Main street earllei in the week. ^Stephen Lxiyzim of Gardner street The Insurance feature of the Philip Lakin. 2k of 2fi Summer ^ o has been using the radio tele- Order will be fully discussed In an Street, charged with operating a Interesting manner ,by Brother phone and was In conversation with -RAD IO - ear without a license, was fotmd amateur operators in California in Stephen M. Murray, M.A. of New guilty and fined and costs. the flood district night before last, Haven, who Is known throughout Continued to the Monday court last night turned over to the radio the country for his oratorical abil- ity and who la well qualified to ex- session were the caues of Harrison telegraph and will compete In that DINE AND'DANCE WOson, 40, of 283 Spruce ’street, division. Last night he sent sev- plain the functioning of all phases of the knights of Columbus pro- charged with InUxlcatlon and bleach eral messages to amateur opera- IN THE MODERNIZED OAK GRILL o f the peace, and ’Thomas Morrow, tora In California at . the request of gram. -SERVICE- Join the Happy Throng Tonight 28, of 38 Birch street, accused of members of the Radio Club of Man- Brother Murray Is a member of speeding. chester. thi staff of the Supreme Office Ser- For the Best Evening You’ve Ever Had i

Warrants were prepared for the The contc.st starting today Is the vice Department. He Is a graduate EXCELLENT FOOD tenth annual affair of Its kind con- of Providence College from which arrest in MaEsaebusetts of John H. From my New Shop at Fagan of 213 Auss-tt Road. Brook- ducted by the American Radio Re- he received his Bachelor .of Arts de- Quality Wines — Liquors and Beer non'I Lot A j lay Leag;ue. line. Mass., who was arrested here gree. Taking a post-graduate cr/jrae at Notfe Dame University he later 80 OAK STREET ^O u r I i^ u ff ( lo for parking a truck on a curve with- out setting flares. Fagan, scheduled received his Master of Arts degree We Cater To Banquets

to be in court last night, failed to from that university. Prior to his OAK GRILL Tel. 8894 being employed by the Supreme appear, and his app.-ihensk n will 33 Delmont St. be sought. ABEL’S ra’te Unaranteied Electrical aiid Mechanical 4uln Repairing I have the latest type of Cathoderay Oscilloscope and A Spencer Real 26 Cooper Mtreet will emooth Signal Generator (test oscillator) to Insure perfect align- \y .M .C .A . Notes] Established 19*21 a w a y every ment (tuning) of High-fidelity radio receivers. No Job BUY SAFELY. . . A N D EC O N O M IC ALLY! Saturday, March 5—2:30-4, Men’s bulge. Te l e - R .g.rdte« of you may buy st your A*P Liquor Stors, you need have no f.sr too difficult! * Badmlngton: 8-7. ’Tiger’s gym- __p h o n e f o r nasium practice; 7-8, Glastonbury . . i^o the Kiundns*. snd rslhbinty . . . for A&P buy, only Isg’rtim.t. br.nd. from gymnasium practice; 8-9, Moriarty O g u r e .uth.nt.c .ourew. Look over fhme valus. o f well known msrehand!.. . . . at .pacial Girls vs. ” Y" Girls team; 9-10, Sims- • tudy tod ay! bury vs. Elagles. pnest sfFsetivo through March 9th. • Monday—2:30-3:30, English class FILMS MISS ANNIE SWIFT, Corsetlere with Miss Tinker; 4-5, Grade School DEVELOPED AND Rublnow Bldg. TeL 4487 TsiSgue; 5:15-8:30, Business Men’s PRINTED Horae Hours 2-5; 7-9 P. M. gymnasium practice; 6:45, Pirates and Eagles; 7:45. Rangers and Aces; 24-HUUK SERVICE Wiiio 8:45. Tigers and Cubs; 7:30. Meet- BELLS R E G E N T SCOTCH PFTER D A W S O N E. Krah Film Deposit Box At ing of the Women’s Division fol- 8 YEARS OLD SC O TCH PHONE 4457 lowed by a social hour; 7:30, Social Store Entrance Read The Herald Adrs. ' dancing sponsored by the “ Y” 8 YEARS Waites. Open to all members and fifth fifth 2.39 Bon-membera A small admission is Z 09

charged for non-members: 8, Mon- KEKP'S I * day night bowling league. I

For "Special Occasiomr’’


8 YEARS OLD SC O TCH BELLS ”^2 .9 9 Rah! Rah! Rah! Ravioli 12 YEARS OLD Ye.s Sir— Reymander’s Original Ravioli '" ‘' 2 . 3 9 Ready for You Tonight!


And Any Number of Other Reymander Delicacies STRAIGH T RYE"1?:„T'* 3 quarts 3.49 quart R l’ PPERT AND HANLEY ON T.\P 24 Month* Old BASE OF 40% WHISKEY ^

BLENDED RYE ESQUIRE l3'/i Year, Old luart | muiHn REYMANDER’S TAVERN GIN C A R L T O N H O U S E 94.4 PROOF 35 Oak Street Chas. Re.vmander, Prop. fifth meona &€• Us About A/Car During

RON RIVERA IMPORTED CUR A N R U M ...... Mar(^ 4: "«»• 1 . 6 9 DUFF GO RDO N IMPORTED SHERRY n». 28 National Used Car jExchange .Week mth 1aI 9

G A N C IA IMPORTED VERMOUTH . . f kcnch .t a u a n ...... 91 u . bottl« 7 9 e — ALL CARS OUARAMTEEDv ^^IRADOR IMPORTED PORT OR M U S C A TE L ...... flftk B9c Z W A C K IMPORTED A P R IC OT BRANDY ORY-NOT A CORDIAL 1.99 1935 OLDSMOBILE 1 1 9 3 6 N A S H HILDICKS BLACK LABEL APPLE B R A N D Y ...... aaart 1.99 4-Door S«dan with Trunk, ^>8 01!* 1 4-Door Sedan; Radio and A ysyw Radio and Heater. j THE DEKUYPERS ROCK & R Y E ...... IHeater. $ 4 0 0 aaartl.69


Paint and tfres good; motor GOOC Alvrayi aomething doing at Uila RED BORDEA UX W HITE BORDEA UX A lot of mileage left in thia A i%£\f\ popular eating place—alwaya a good O. K. A good looking job fo r ^ iG ^ O car for only— V m UU

time--good food and good drlnka. P R I N C E ' N O I R flftk 6 9 c P R I N C E B L A N C Aft* 7 5 c

MANY OTHER GOOD VALUES LISTED HERE 1^ ^ Fine S T . E S T E P H E '**9 m t a ^ S c P O N T E T C 4 L N E T « « » 1 . 0 9 1B37 OMomobUe 4 - ^ r Tourtag tMlaa, aatomatte 1S34 Ford Coach, ^^ ines, Liquors and Beer trsnmtealan. New ear gnaiaatae.

h i 1*34 LaSalle Sedan, 1»87 Oidunofalle 4-Door TUntag Sedan. New < Food That is Unsui*passed — Sale oi CalUarnia Table Wines — less Chevrolet Sedan. gnaraatee. 1933 DeSota Sedan, DeUne Btodel-SIx. Decillous Sweet Type Coate-to-Coaet Dry Type lese OldamobOe 4-Deer Teartag Sedan. New c — — — __ 1933 Chevrolet Conpe. funrantee. 1932 Plymooth Sedan.

e O « T — S H I R R V — M U S C A T I L IMS Chevrolet Town Sednn. 1982 Aabani Convertible Coupe. Special Sunday Dinners l U R G U N D Y _ R E IS L IN G 1S88 OldamofaUe S-Deor Tew teg Sedan, 1M2 N a * Sedaa. Y’oil’ll Find No Better Anywhere! T O K A Y — A N G E L I C A C L A R E T — C H A I L I S leu Paatine Coach, 1932 DeSoto Sedan.

1921 Chevrolet an^—i less Dodge Sedan, Badle and Heater. f i f t h ^ S c fifth 3 9 ^ ' 2 7 5 *

Princess Restaurant

"The healthy place to eat and drink”

Main Street At Pearl Street

MancliMtcp Motos SalsiL Ine.

In Manchester Located at: * 844 A\ain St Tel. 3822 Mrntcmtorwwn -v»r Onto” . ^ i ' M suchester