AYTERAGB DAILT OnOULATION . w iA T U C B for the Month of Fobraery. 1918 Fereeest et C. S. Weethsr memi, • Hartford Bain tonight proonbiy endteg day morning; warmer toalght. eold- -6,099 -Mstnbw M the AuMt er Snaday. maeli eoUor -Tmffnj- nlght. BnreenetOlfouMtleee MANCHESTER — A CITY OP VILLAGE CHAJiM JL VOL. LVTL, NO. 132 (CSasaiUed Advertlaing oa Pago 19) MANCHES’TER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 1938 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE GEf ^ CoUapsingr Highway Bridge Wrecks Cars HGHT TO RETAIN jm OF PLOT DEATH TOLL MOUNTS FATAL TO EIGHT PUBUOTYASTO HUGE SALARIES RUSSnRALS AS FLOODS SUBSIDE Sc- Frogresshre Repnblicao At- Treason Defendant Avers ^ tack Attempt To Giange Trotsky Got Milfion Dol- ALONG WEST COAST Law; F. D. R. B eH eved^- lars From Foreign States Plane Search Delayed by Flood Over 100 Bodies Foimd tail ing Up Hoors-Wages AcL And Firms To Aid Revolt At Least Another 100 Re*i Waabington, March 5.— (AP) — Moscow, March 6—(AP) —Jap- Repreaentatlve Boileau (Prog., Wia.) ported Missinf; M u f; anese told him, defendant and ex- said today he might offer an amend- Ambasaador C:iinatian Rakovaky ment to the tax bill to continue pub- testified In Moscow’s greatest trea- Places Still Isolated; Wire j licity for corporation salaries over son trial today, of Japan’s need In 1934 for some incident to serve as $15,000 a year. Boileau said he Service Being Restc agreed entirely with Pfealdent an excuse for attacking C3itna. Rakovsky, former Soviet Ambas- Roosevelt’s assertion at his press conference yesterday that auch pub- sador to France who with hla 20 col- licity was a matter of "simple mor- leagues pleaded guilty to conspiracy Jycm Angelefl. March 6 .- ^ ality.” Pending legislation which asserted his Information came from revises the tax system does not in- eminent Japanese st Tokyo In that (A P I— The toil of dead clude a provision for the publicity. year. missing in Southern Caiifi Contending that some corpora- The possibility of conflict between nia’s most devaatating tions pay directors and vice-presi- Ekigland and Japan over (%lna dis- soared over the 200 mark dents salaries ridiculouslj' higher These two automobtlea, shown as workmen sought to salvage them, were wrecked when a highway turbed the con^irators, Rakovsky than their services warrant, the bridge near Del Mar, Calif., gave said, because they were playing day as rehabilitation work way before the torrents which spread destruction through the Los IVlaconaln representative added: "It Angeles area. .A list of the dead and missing In the region approximated 150. with their intelligence acrvlcca, for tinned. Is a racket. It Is a graft. And I aid tn a plot to overthrow the Soviet The latest check showed think the one way by which to abol- regime. ish that racket, that graft, la to Rakovsky described followers of bodlea have been found, 77 give it publicity." b Andit makes Leon Trotsky, -sxiled warlord who. which have been identified, Even though Mr. Roosevelt has JAPS PLAN A LONG Russia charges, inspired anti-Soviet thoritiea estimated at least spoken out strongly for the provi- TINY MISTAKE SEE AOION SOON Intrique, as “ the advance guard of other 100 persons are mil sion. some prominent Democrats International aggression’’ In trying suggested that he might not get It, to provoke war against Russia, par- and will require days to c Tries to Hold Up An Er- because the House voted 2 to 1 a HANKOW CAMPAIGN IN TVA DISPUTE ticularly by Japan. The death toil la expected year ago for repeal of the present Puirilist — Gets KniKked Jap Ambassador Usten* be considerably swelled, law requiring such publicity. ITie Out With a Right Hook. The Japanese ambassador to Mos- rounded by yellow flood Senate never acted on the repeal cow. Mamoru Shlgemitau, appear- measure. Chinese Throw New Troops Chicago, Mareh 5.— (AP)-*-a President Tells Officials He ed for the first time during the trial are farm houses as yht Ii G. O. P. Inquiry would-be robber discovered to- and heard the startling testimony. aible. Fate of the inhabitants Republicans quickly brought the day, after the birdies quit chirp- Rakovsky said he had sent Jap- President’s statement into House ing, that , although \ViIliam still a matter of guess-work.' Into Shansi To Meet The Win Move To End The anese secret service operatives five debate on the tax bill yeaerday. Cepak quit' the prize ring 20 analyses of Soviet internal condi- The laborious, alow rsm< Waving a newspaper carrying the years ago his right hook atlll tions between 1934-36 which "were Search for a missing transport plane was delayed by the flood President’s press conference re- Threat To .Capital City. packed a fearful wallop. of thick carpets of flood Fend Of The Directors. painted in the blackest colors to around Fresno, Calif., (above) near where the plane was last reported. and debris continues to marks, Representative Hoffman Cspak, now 45, weight 162, * whet the appetites of the , aggres- There were nine aboard. Realdcpta In the area reported seeing (R„ Mich.) arose Jo assert: "If It a publisher and fight promoter flares dropped from a plane, hearing a crash, and hearing two pistol the pount of victims. sors.” Is a question of public morals, we Shanghai, March 6.— (A P ) — ^ who once was a featherweight The witness told of becoming an shots aftcrwarcL ss MIUJON DAMAGB. ought to have it in this tax bill the ' of some renown, deliver^ said Washlngtdn, March 5— (A P )— Nor will the dai same as we did last year. Why isn’t Long-range Japanese opeiations would-be robber, cold aa a President Roosevelt, informed of- agent of the British Intelligence aer. vice after he had been visited by when prolonged, torrential It there?" aimed at HankoV—seat of the Chi- mackerel, to the LkwndiUe po- ficials predicted today, will act soon caused Southern Oallfontfa’a "The Ways and Means Commit- lice. two of Its alleged agents, whom he nese troops d fending two widely- to end the feud between directors called Armstrong and Leckert, at tomartly thin, gantla rivers to i tee." Representative Vinson (D., While signing complaint, over their banka—be estlmatefl'’ Ky.) replied, ’’bows to the will of the separated battlefronU. While hard- Cepak explained he was driving of the Tennessee Valley Authority the end of 1924 when Rakovaky was LOUIS J . REILLY, MENTION MCMAHON pressed Chinese forces along the regardless of aay projected (3on- Ambassador to London. soma time. House. W’e would have been In an to hla home In suburban Cicero Prellralnary estimates by awkward poaltion If we had Includ- Yellow River fought to hold the when a man jumped Into his car gresslonal investigation. They told him, be proclaimed, Mr. Roosevelt was represented aa that he had been accepted as ambas. however. Indicated that the. ha' ed It in this bill, after the House had Japanese north of that Centrm at a stoplight, made him move EOrrOR, IS DEAD FOR JACKSON’S JOB wreaked upon pubUe property voted for repeal." Ct'ina barrier, the Japanese field over, and drove the car. determined that Internal diaaenalon aador because be waa close to Trot- aky and they«jntroduced him In exceed $50,000,000 la the foe Opponents of publicity contend army along the Yangtze west ol The ear skidded Cepak said, should not be allowed to Imperil the five affected eouatlae of that its chief result has been to fur- Wuhii was reinforced by at least, a "and I let him have It.” ^ tha success of TVA, designed os a reatsurant to "the chief of the Rua- sion section of ITic IntcHlthnce’ ser- Aaseles. Ban Bernardtne, nish promoters and the criminally full divisi<m, completely mechanised. Police carried the man UT a broad nperimnit' at hit power and and Orange. ceil. Preaently he came to, social programs. vice named Richardson, Robertson Death Comes Unexpectedly Man Who Never Lost Case Military observers believed this or maybe Nicholson.” No estimate baa baan hiiaidad (Contlniied on Page Five) strong reinforcement meant the identified himself as CTiarles The President’ evidenced that he Rakovsky said Trotsky approved to the damage done to homes Japanese Intended to start a smash- Boyles, 28, and Inquired: "What was following the situation closely To Bridgeport Newspaper In Supreme Court May Be cr^. hit m e?" when he made public yesterday the the contact, and that tn 1934 he re- ing.drive westward toward Hankow viewed It. ‘The worst damage and moat aa soon as heavy rains, which have suggestion of Director David Ullen- talitiea were recorded along thal and Vice (Chairman Harcourt Army Deaths Explained man Known AH Over State The New Trust Baxter. RENEW AIR RAIDS delayed activities, abate. The C3U- Testimony from among the 21 Santa Ana river wUeh runa ont nese have been resisting stubborii- A. Morgan that Chairman Arthur the Sierra Modre mountains B. Morgan retire. confessed conspirators bos brought ly In this area. LAKE IS DRAINED to light seeming explanations for San Bernardino and flows to Two days earlier, CTialrman Mor- Brf3geport, March 5.— (AP) — Washington, March 5.—tA P )— Pacific through rich citrus CTilneae reports said ten Japanese the execution of eight army gener- ‘ IN SPANISH WAR warships suppqrUng the troops al- gan had sharply criticized bis col Louis J. Reilly, managing editor of S|>eculatlon on a successor to Rob- Many thousands of peraoM ready have begun shelling shore leagues and, in effect, had said that made bomeleas in this region, IN KIDNAP SEARCH (Uontinoed on Page ’Two) the Bridgeport and Telegram ert H. Jackson In the administra- defenses from a point on the TVA could get along better without died flood waters still lay in them.
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