CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E583 HON
April 13, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E583 TAX LIMITATION CONSTITUTIONAL Burks Via was born in Roanoke, VA, June an incisive mind, integrity, common sense, AMENDMENT 7, 1917. He joined the Marine Corps on his and a full measure of compassion. His career birthday in 1938. After the Royal Canadian Air marks a time of great change in San Diego, HON. CASS BALLENGER Force trained him as a pilot, he flew missions from its past as a quiet Navy town, to its OF NORTH CAROLINA in the South PacificÐ207 from American present as a dynamic multicultural high-tech IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Samoa and 40 from Munda, Bougaineville, community. Thursday, April 13, 2000 and Guadalcanal. He is survived by his wife, Martha Via piloted the first Marine Corps aircraft to Monagan-Hart, his three children, and three Mr. BALLENGER. Mr. Speaker, I am land in Hong Kong after end of World War II. grandchildren. Our thoughts and prayers go pleased to be a cosponsor of the Tax Limita- As the United States worked for post-war out to the family of the late Judge Edward J. tion Amendment 2000 (H.J. Res. 94), intro- peace and stability in Asia, he served with the Schwartz. He will truly be missed. duced by our Republican colleague Rep- First Marine Air Wing in Tsingato, China. f resentative PETE SESSIONS (R±TX). I firmly be- When Chinese Communist forces grew strong- lieve that we need this amendment to insure er, and turned their gun sights to U.S. Ma- CELEBRATION OF THE 35TH ANNI- that, in virtually every circumstance, a tax in- rines, he flew the final missions out of VERSARY OF THE SERVICE crease would require a two-thirds vote in both Chengchun, Mukden, and Peiping.
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