Ideal Theory of the Abelian Group-Algebra
IDEAL THEORY OF THE ABELIAN GROUP-ALGEBRA. ]~Y T. VENK&TARAYUDU, M.A. (University oŸ Madras.) Received September 30, 1937. (Communicated by Dr. R. Vaidyanathaswamy, ~t.A., D.SC.) 1. Introduction. la: is well known 1 that the group-algebra over a commutative corpus K defined by a finite group G is semi-simple, when the characteristic p of the corpus K is not a divisor of the order N of the group and that in this case, the group-algebra K [G] is the direct sum of simple algebras whose products in pairs ate all zero. Beyond these general properties, the structure of the group-algebra is not completely kuown even in the case wheu G is Abelian. For example, in the existing literature, the following questions have not been discussed :-- (1) In the decomposition of K [G] us the direct sum of simple algebras, the actual number of simple component algebras. (2) The radical of K [G] when p is a divisor of N. (3) The residue class ring of K [G] with respect to its radical when it exists. In the present paper, we consider the case when G is Abelian and we show that in this case K [G] is simply isomorphic with the residue class ring of the polynomial domain K [xi, xa, xr] with respect to the ideal (x~'--l, x~~-1, -x~, --1), where ni, na "n~ are the orders of a set of basis elements of the Abelian group G. From a study of this residue class ring, we deduce al1 the important structural properties of the Abelian group-aigebra K [G].
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