
arXiv:1907.11121v2 [math.AG] 28 Nov 2020 hte iia ttmn od o mohsubvarieties smooth for holds th statement to similar a compared whether small is subvariety the of degree space. the projective as al soon He as intersections. complete necessarily are codimension aia aaoi subgroup. parabolic maximal el rmtebgnig n itnuse w cases: two distinguishes one beginning, the From well. oieso tmost at codimension 2 xeddt ie rmwr.I h rtpr ftearticle the of part our first of flavour the the Theorem In conveys statement following knowledge framework. The our wider to difference. why, a explain to may This extended ‘implementation spaces. its H However, projective a generality. is of there great base in its valid at that is observes one proof, his analysing airt eiy atns[3 hwdta mohsubvari smooth a featu intersecti that this showed complete subvariety; [13] a the Faltings verify. of being to bundle of easier normal property the the of case, splitting first the In w odtosi satisfied: is conditions two or ´ ´ ´ ´ ď e od n phrases. and words Key 2010 mo a in problem this investigate to is article this of goal The pr of subvarieties smooth that conjectured [20] Hartshorne Let B qain,w enscin nvarious in sections mean we equations, (By n sue httenra udeof bundle normal the that assumes One hscniini lal aifidfrcmlt intersecti complete for satisfied clearly is condition This hr r no are There h da defining ideal The t omlbundle normal Its δ p ď X ahmtc ujc Classification. Subject aite r opeeintersections. subvari complete sub are concerning smooth varieties Hartshorne two-codimensional when of situations conjecture investigate a by Motivated Abstract. ℓ easot uvreyo h ainlhmgnosvariety homogeneous rational the of subvariety smooth a be ` c.23 2.6) 2.3, (cf. 1 q{ 3 RTRAFRCMLT INTERSECTIONS COMPLETE FOR CRITERIA Then . priori a eoti rtrafrdtcigcmlt nescin in intersections complete detecting for criteria obtain We n N X { opeeitreto;sltignra bundle; normal splitting intersection; complete ,i opeeitreto sso sisnra udespl bundle normal its as soon as intersection complete a is 2, X Let X sgnrtdb tmost at by generated is { hypotheses. V sacmlt nescina ona ihroeo h follow the of one either as soon as intersection complete a is G pisit ietsmo iebundles. line of sum direct a into splits easml,lna leri ru frank of group algebraic linear simple, a be 41,1C0 14M17. 14C20, 14M10, Introduction IA HALIC MIHAI X 1 eopssit ietsmo iebundles. line of sum direct a into decomposes O p V ℓ p ` d q 1 d , q{ osae htti side h case the indeed is this that stated so ssrnl dpe osubvarieties to adapted strongly is ’ aite frtoa homogeneous rational of varieties 2 ą X ´ utem—anlemma—which auptlemma—main ei,a es hoeial,much theoretically, least at is, re t ftepoetv space projective the of ety te fpoetv pcs we spaces, projective of eties ons. 0 jciesae fsffiinl low sufficiently of spaces ojective δ . fohrabetvarieties ambient other of ) h ruet aentbeen not have arguments the , ni eue ovrfigthe verifying to reduced is on results. equations. q apedivisor. -ample ieso fteambient the of e egnrlstig eask We setting. general re eatmtbign this bridging attempt we rjcievarieties. projective G { P fcodimension of , ℓ ě 6 and t.By its. P V n P of , ing as a 2 MIHAI HALIC

In down-to-earth terms, the splitting of the normal bundle of the subvariety or the generation of its defining ideal by few enough polynomials ensure the complete intersection property. Let us remark that we prove this kind result for a much wider class of situations (cf. Theorem 1.9); the formulation above is chosen to avoid additional terminology. The second part is devoted to the case where there are no assumptions on the splitting type of the normal bundle of the subvariety; we restrict ourselves to the two-codimensional case. For subvarieties of arbitrary codimension in projective spaces, positive results to- wards Hartshorne’s conjecture have been obtained by Barth-Van de Ven [6] and Bertram- Ein-Lazarsfeld [9]. In the two-codimensional case, Barth-Van de Ven [7], Ran [25], Holme- Schneider [23] determined effective upper bounds for the degree of the subvariety ensuring the complete intersection property. Also, the conjecture has been proved by Ionescu-Russo [24] for subvarieties cut out by quadratic equations.

Theorem (cf. 3.10) Let G P be as before, with ℓ 6, and denote m : degL TV 3, where L is the 1-dimensional{ Schubert line. Suppose Xě is smooth, 2-codimensional,“ p suchq ´ that 2 X dX O 1 , det N OX nX . If either r s“ ¨ r G{P p qs p X{V q“ p q dX m nX m or dX nX 2 m, ď p ´ q a ď { ď the subvariety X G P is a complete intersection. Ă { The statement is weaker than before, when the splitting of the normal bundle was known in advance, but it faithfully parallels the results of Ran and Schneider for subvarieties of projective spaces. In fact, along the way, we show (cf. Theorem 3.4) that subvarieties with stable normal bundle have large degree. Our bound (of order four in ℓ) is better than that of Schneider (quadratic in ℓ), even for projective spaces. This fact, combined with the theorem above yields a positive answer to Hartshorne’s question for subvarieties of low degree.

Theorem (cf. 3.11) Let G P be as before, ℓ 11, and m : degL TV 3. Let X be smooth, 2-codimensional, such that { ě “ p q´ 2 2 X dX O 1 , dX m . r s“ ¨ r G{P p qs ď 2 Then X is a complete intersection in V . For ℓ 7,..., 10, the same holds for dX 3m 10. “ ď { To the author’s knowledge, the only one reference which investigates the complete inter- section property for subvarieties of homogeneous varieties, other than projective spaces, is Barth-Van de Ven [8] dealing with 2-codimensional subvarieties of Grassmannians (of very low degree). We believe that the interest in our work (with or without assumptions on the normal bundle) consists in placing Hartshorne’s question in a much wider context.

1. Subvarieties with split normal bundle

Notation 1.1 We work over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic zero. Throughout the article, X is a smooth subvariety of an ambient smooth projective variety V , of codimen- sion 2 δ dim V 2, which is defined by the sheaf of ideals IX OV ; its co-normal bundle _ ď ď 2 { Ă N : IX I is locally free, of rank δ. For a subvariety Y of V containing X, we denote X{V “ { X IX Y : IX IY . Ă “ { In this section, we consider the following issue: CRITERIAFORCOMPLETEINTERSECTIONS 3

N_ Assuming that X{V splits —it decomposes into a direct sum of line bundles—, can one deduce that X a complete intersection of δ hypersurfaces in V ? Faltings’ work [13] corresponds to the case where V is a . Our investigations naturally involve partially ample subvarieties of projective varieties (in- vestigated by the author in [18]). For the reader’s comfort, we briefly recalled these notions in the Appendix A. We assume henceforth, throughout this section, that the following conditions are satisfied. Assumption 1.2 (i) The conormal bundle of X in V splits into a direct sum of line bundles δ 2 ´1 IX I L OX , Lj Pic V . (1.1) { X “ j b P p q jà“1 We denote by 2 xj Γ X, IX I Lj , 1 j δ, (1.2) P p { X qb ď ď ` ˘ the section corresponding to the direct summand OX . ´1 (ii) L Lj is semi-ample, for all j 1,...,δ,. (We agree that L0 : OV .) Note that, in this j´1 “ “ case, Lj is semi-ample too. For short, we say that L1,..., Lδ are ordered. (iii) The subvariety X V is qX -ample, qX dim V 2δ dim X δ (so dim V 4). Ă ď ´ “ ´ ě Together with the previous assumption, this implies that Lj OX is qX-positive, for all j. (See Proposition A.5 and Definition A.1.) b

Remark 1.3 (i) We imposed that the line bundles appearing in the splitting of the conormal bundle (over X) actually come from V . This is not very far from the full generality, where they would be defined only over X: for δ 3 and arbitrary V , the partial amplitude of X implies that Pic V Q Pic X Qěis an isomorphism (cf. [18, Corollary 1.12]). Actually the isomorphismp qb holdsÑ withp qbZ-coefficients in many situations, especially for subvarieties of rational homogeneous varieties and for zero loci of sections in vector bundles (cf. Barth-Lefschetz-type theorems [29, 30]). (ii) For rational homogeneous varieties V G P , where P G is a maximal parabolic “ { Ă subgroup (so Pic V Z), the line bundles Lj are positive multiples of OV 1 , hence p q – p q qj 0 for all j. Consequently, our partial positivity assumption is a weakening of this situation.“ (iii) The semi-ampleness of the successive differences means that L1,..., Lδ are ordered ‘in- creasingly’; the condition is automatically satisfied whenever the Picard group is cyclic. (iv) The most important information given by the partial amplitude of X V is the upper bound on the cohomological dimension of its complement (see PropositionĂ A.5). It ensures that certain intersections are non-trivial, substituting the knowledge of the ring of V .

Lemma 1.4 Let V, X be as above. Suppose Z V is an arbitrary closed, irreducible sub- scheme of codimension at most δ. Then Z intersectsĂ X non-trivially.

Proof. The partial amplitude of X V yields: cd V X qX δ 1 dim X 1. Hence Z, which is complete with dim Z Ădim X, can’t bep containedz q ď in` the´ complementď ´ of X. l ě 4 MIHAI HALIC

Lemma 1.5 Let V, X be as above. Let Y be an irreducible, normal, lci subvariety of V which (strictly) contains X, is smooth along it, and such that δ _ 2 ´1 N IX Y I L OX X{Y “ Ă { XĂY “ j b jà“d for some d δ. Then the following statements hold. ď I L N_ L (i) There is a unique y Γ Y, XĂY d which is mapped to xd Γ X, X{V d under P p b q 2 P p b q the natural homomorphism Γ Y, Ld Γ X, OY IXĂY Ld . (ii) Let Z Y be the vanishing locusp ofqÑ the sectionp p y.{ ThenqbZ is stillq an irreducible, normal, lci varietyĂ containing X, and is smooth along it; moreover, we have δ _ 2 ´1 N IX Z I L OX . X{Z “ Ă { XĂZ “ j b j“àd`1

Proof. (i) Let YˆX be the formal completion of Y along X. The statement is deduced in two steps. We claim that the homomorphisms ´ r`1 r Γ Y, OY I Ld Γ Y, OY I Ld , r 2, p { XĂY qb Ñ p { XĂY qb ě are isomorphisms.` Indeed, we have˘ the exact` sequence ˘ I O O 0 Symr XĂY L Y L Y L 0. I2 d r`1 d Ir d Ñ ˆ XĂY ˙ b Ñ IXĂY b Ñ XĂY b Ñ The assumption on the conormal bundle implies that the left-hand side is a direct sum of line bundles M ´1 of the form ´1 M Lj1 Lj L OX , j1,...,jr d. “ b¨¨¨b r b d b ě ´1 ` ˘ Since Lj1 Ld is semi-ample and r 2, each such M is qj2 -positive, with qj2 dim X 2. The Grauert-Riemenschneider theoremě yields the vanishing of the cohomologyď groups´ of M ´1 in degrees zero and one. The second claim is that Γ Y, Ld Γ YˆX , Lˆ d is an isomorphism, Lˆ d : Ld O ˆ . ´ p qÑ p q “ b YX It is enough to show that, for all sufficiently large r, it holds 0 r 1 r H Y, I Ld H Y, I Ld 0. p XĂY b q“ p XĂY b q“ By using the definition, we see that X Y is qX d 1 -ample and qX d 1 dim X 1. Ă p ` ´ q ` ´ ď ´ Since Y is a Gorenstein variety (it is lci) and is smooth along X, the blow-up Y˜ of X is still Gorenstein, so it admits a dualising sheaf ωY˜ ; let EX be the exceptional divisor. Then we have, for t 0, 1 and r 0, “ " t r dim Y ´t H Y, I Ld H Y˜ , O ˜ rEX Ld p XĂY b q“ p Y p´ qb q dim Y ´t H Y,ω˜ ˜ O ˜ rEX Ld 0. “ p Y b Y p qb q“ 2 Overall, Γ Y, Ld Γ X, OY I Ld is an isomorphism. p qÑ p p { XĂY qb q (ii) The scheme Z contains X, by construction. The section xd can be viewed as the differential of y along its vanishing locus, so the differential criterion implies that Z is smooth along X. Thus there is a unique irreducible component Zo Z containing X. Ă CRITERIAFORCOMPLETEINTERSECTIONS 5

Since Z is the zero locus of a section in a line bundle on Y , all its components are hyper- 1 1 surfaces in Y . Let Z be an arbitrary component, so codimV Z d. Lemma 1.4 implies that 1 1 “ Z X , so Z Zo ; the previous discussion yields Z Zo. ItX remains‰H to showX that‰HZ is normal; it’s enough to prove that“ the singular locus Zsing Z Ă has codimension at least two. If dim Y dim X 1, then Zo X is smooth. Now suppose dim Y dim X 2. Then Zsing is disjoint“ of X,` so we have “ ě ` dim Zsing cd Y X dim X 1 dim Z 2. ď p z qď ´ ď ´ The last statement follows from the exact sequence of co-normal bundles. l

By inductively applying the previous lemma, we obtain the following statement which holds in great generality. Proposition 1.6 Suppose V, X are as in 1.2. Then there is a flag of irreducible, normal, lci (hence Cohen-Macaulay) subvarieties

V Y0 Y1 Yδ 1 Yδ X. “ Ą Ą¨¨¨Ą ´ Ą “ Each Yj Yj´1 is the vanishing locus of a section yj Γ Yj´1, Lj , for j 1,...,d, which Ă _ P p q “ extends xj Γ X, N Lj . P p X{V b q We continue our investigation, because we are interested whether X is a complete inter- section. The issue lies at Lemma 1.5, which doesn’t extend the sections xj to the whole t uj ambient space V . Let us show that this is the only obstruction to the desired conclusion.

Lemma 1.7 Let d δ and v1 Γ V, IX L1 , . . . , vd Γ V, IX Ld which induce the ď P p b q P p b q sections x1,...,xd, respectively; let Yd be their common (scheme-theoretic) vanishing locus. Then Yd is an irreducible, normal, d-codimensional complete intersection in V . Suppose the ground field is C. The same conclusion holds if, instead of the Assump- tion 1.2(iii), X satisfies the following condition. δ 2 Its fundamental class is Poincar´e-dual to dX χ , dX 0, and χ H V ; Z is a K¨ahler class. (More generally, X belongs to the positive¨ coneą generated byP K¨ahlerp classes.)q r s

Proof. By their very definition, the divisors Dj : vj 0 contain X, so Yd contains X too. “ t “ u Moreover, the differential criterion shows that D1,...,Dd intersect transversally along X, therefore Yd is smooth in a neighbourhood of X. We deduce that there is a unique irreducible component Y Yd containing X which has codimension d in V . Ă 1 We are going to show that Yd is irreducible. Take some other component Y of Yd; its dimension is at least dim V d and Lemma 1.4 shows that Y 1 X . The smoothness of ´ 1 1 X ‰H Yd along X implies that codimV Y d and Y Y . Thus Yd is an irreducible, complete intersection subvariety of V . Forp dq “ δ, we have“Y X is smooth. For d δ 1, the “ “ ď sing´ upper bound on the cohomological dimension of V X forces the singular locus Yd , which sing z is disjoint of X, to have dim Yd dim X 1 dim Yd 2. It follows that Yd is a normal variety. ď ´ ď ´ Now we turn to the second statement. The previous proof applies ad litteram as long as Lemma 1.4 is valid: X intersects any closed subscheme Z of codimension at most δ. We may assume that Z is reduced, irreducible, δ codimensional, so its Poincar´edual belongs to H2δ V ; R . Then Z χδ χdim V ´2δ is the volume of Z with respect to the K¨ahler form, a strictlyp q positiver number.s X p ThisY provesq that Z X 0. l r s X r s‰ 6 MIHAI HALIC

Extending the sections yj Γ Yj´1, Lj to V require stronger cohomology vanishing prop- erties for line bundles on V ;P thep assumptionsq which will be made in the sequel are imposed by the analysis of the general case. Recall that v1 : y1 is already defined over V . Suppose “ that v1, . . . , vd 1, d δ, as above are already constructed, so we have the Koszul resolution ´ ď d´1 d´2 N_ N_ N_ O O N L L 0 d´1 d´1 . . . d´1 X Yd´1 0, d´1 : 1 d´1. Ñľ Ñľ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ “ ‘¨¨¨‘

t t _ For lifting yd, it suffices to ensure that H V, Nd´1 Ld 0, 1 t d 1. As d varies, ´ b ¯ “ ď ď ´ Ź ´1 ´1 within the brackets appear direct sums of the form L L Ld, so one should have: j1 ¨¨¨¨¨ jt t ´1 H V, Lj1 Lj L 0, or equivalently, ¨¨¨¨¨ t d “ j1 jt d δ, ´ ¯ (1.3) @ 㨨¨ă ă ď dim V ´t ´1 ´1 ´1 ´1 H V, ω L L Ld 0. V b j1 ¨¨¨¨¨ jt “ ´ ` ˘ ¯ Now we distinguish two alternatives to achieve this matter:

either by imposing more conditions on the line bundles Lj; ´ or by restricting the type of varieties V and keeping the line bundles Lj arbitrary. ´ Faltings’ work concerns the projective space, so it enters into the latter category. To justify the following definition, observe that Pn has the special feature that the line bundles on it have no intermediate cohomology. Definition 1.8 We say that the variety V is s-split, for an 0 s dim V , if it satisfies the following property: ă ă

Ht V, L 0, 1 t s, L Pic V . p q“ @ ď ď @ P p q Any n-dimensional Fano variety V with cyclic Picard group is n 1 -split. This property holds, in particular, for rational homogeneous varieties G P , wherep ´Gqis simple and P is a maximal parabolic subgroup. More generally, if V is s-split{ and W is a complete intersection of δ ample divisors, dim W 3, then W is s δ -split. ě p ´ q Theorem 1.9 Let V, X be as in Assumption 1.2. Suppose moreover that one of the following two properties is satisfied: (i) The ambient variety V is s-split and X has codimension δ s 1 in V . 1 1 1 ď ´ (ii) The line bundle ω´ L´ L´ is ample; in particular, V is a Fano variety. V 1 ¨¨¨¨¨ δ´1 (Loosely speaking, X is a sufficiently low degree subvariety of V .) Then X is a complete intersection in V .

Proof. In both cases we claim that the vanishing (1.3) is satisfied, so the sections y1,...,yδ extend to the ambient space V and Lemma 1.7 applies. In the first case there is nothing to prove. For the second one, we apply the Kodaira vanishing theorem. The successive differences ´1 ´1 ´1 ´1 L Lj are semi-ample, so it’s enough to have the ampleness of ω L L ; this j´1 V j1 ¨¨¨¨¨ jt´1 follows from the hypothesis, since Lj, j j1,...,jt 1 , are semi-ample. l R t ´ u CRITERIAFORCOMPLETEINTERSECTIONS 7

2. Applications We claimed in the Introduction that, by considering partially ample subvarieties, the range of applications is substantially extended. Now we justify this claim and illustrate our result in several situations.

Two-codimensional subvarieties. The interest in this case stems from Hartshorne’s con- jecture saying that the complete intersections are the only such subvarieties of Pn, n 6. However, the same issue can be raised more generally, so one may wonder what informationě can be extracted from the present work. Theorem 1.9 yields a flag V Y1 Y2 X of length two. The obstruction for obtaining Ą Ą “ a complete intersection is the lifting of the section y2 Γ Y1, L2 to the ambient space V , so 1 ´1 P p q ´1 it is sufficient to ensure the vanishing of H V, L1 L2 whenever L1 L2 is semi-ample; one obtains further criteria, specific to this case. p q Corollary 2.1 Suppose V satisfies either one of the following conditions: it is 1-split; ´ it is a Fano variety; ´ it is Frobenius split, compatible with an ample divisor (e.g. toric, spherical variety, ´ cf. [10]). Let X V be a smooth, 2-codimensional, dim X 2 -ample subvariety, such that Ă p ´ q ´1 N L1 L2 OX , L1, L2 Pic V , with L L2 semi-ample. X{V “ p ‘ qb P p q 1 Then X is a complete intersection. In this statement, the partial ampleness of X requires that the cohomological dimension of V X is at most dim V 3. This may be difficult to verify in general, so it’s desirable avoiding suchz assumptions. ´

Theorem 2.2 Let V be a Fano variety with Pic V Z OV 1 . Suppose that X has the following properties: p q “ ¨ p q

NX{V OV a1 OV a2 OX , 0 a1 a2; ´ “ p p q‘ p qqb ă ď2 X is Poincar´e-dual to a multiple of OV 1 ; ´X r sis movable that is, its deformationsr coverp qs an open subset of V . ´ Then X is a complete intersection in V .

Proof. Let x1,x2 be defined as in (1.2); we lift them from X to V in two steps, as in the proof of Lemma 1.5. For x1, the first step is identical: there is a liftingx ˆ1 to VˆX . The change comes to prove that Γ V, OV a1 Γ VˆX , Oˆ V a1 is an isomorphism. After dividing by a section in OV a1 , p p qq Ñ p p qq p q xˆ1 Γ OV a1 can be viewed as a formal rational function along X. P p p qq Let K VˆX be the field of formal rational functions;x ˆ1 lifts to v1 Γ V, OV a1 if one has xp q P p p qq the equality K V K VˆX , that is X is G3 in V . For deducing this property, we apply [19, Theorem 8.2] (cf.p q“ also proofp q of [2, Theorem 13.4(ii)]): the normal bundle of X is ample, so it is G2 in V (cf. [18]); ´ X is movable and intersects all the divisors of V ; ´ V is algebraically simply connected because it is Fano (hence rationally connected). ´ 8 MIHAI HALIC

Now we turn to the section x2. It suffices to lift it to Y , the zero set of the section v1; recall that it is smooth along X. Once more, x2 lifts to YˆX and it is enough to show that X is G3 in Y . The normal bundle N OV a2 OX is ample, so the G3 property follows X{Y “ p qb from [2, Corollary 9.27]. l

2.1. Subvarieties of homogeneous varieties. Here we work over the field of complex numbers. Suppose V G P , where G is a semi-simple rational algebraic group and P is a parabolic subgroup, and“ let{ ℓ : min rank H H is a simple factor of G . “ t p q | u Note that V decomposes into the product H PH , where H runs over the simple factors p { q śH of G, and PH H are parabolic subgroups. A crucial ingredientĂ is Faltings’ upper bound for the cohomological dimension of the com- plement of X and for the amplitude of the of V :

cd V X dim V ℓ 2δ 2, TV is dim V ℓ -ample. (2.1) p z qď ´ ` ´ p ´ q Thus the direct summands of N are dim V ℓ -ample, too, and X is a qX -ample subva- X{V p ´ q riety, with qX dim X ℓ 2δ 1 , see Proposition A.5. Now we impose the conditions 1.2 to obtain the upper“ bound´ p on´ the` codimensionq of X for which Theorem 1.9 applies:

qX dim X δ δ ℓ 1 3, ď δ ´ 2 ñ ℓ ď5 p. ` q{ ě ñ ě It remains to verify the extendability of line bundles from X to V . Fortunately this issue is addressed by the Barth-Lefschetz-type criterion [30, Theorem 2.2], which implies that the restriction Pic V Pic X is an isomorphism as soon as δ ℓ 2 2. Let us remark: p qÑ p q ď p ´ q{ ℓ 1 ℓ 2 δ 2 ℓ 6, and ` ´ , ℓ 6. ě ñ ě Z 3 ^ ď Z 2 ^ @ ě ´1 Thus one should only impose that the differences Lj´1Lj are semi-ample; since V is rational homogeneous, this is the same as being effective. Theorem 2.3 (i) Let V G P be a rational homogeneous variety, with ℓ 6. Suppose X is a smooth subvariety“ of codimension{ δ t ℓ 1 3u, whose normal bundleě splits into a direct sum of line bundles which are ‘ordered’:ď p ` q{ δ ´1 N Lj OX , with L Lj Pic V effective, for j 1,...,δ. X{V “ b j´1 P p q “ jà“1 Then X is a complete intersection in G P . (ii) If G is simple and P is maximal, the ordering{ condition is automatically satisfied, and the values of ℓ, δ are as in the table below:

group G SL ℓ 1 SO 2ℓ 1 Sp ℓ SO 2ℓ E6, E7 E8 p ` q p ` q p q p q (2.2) δ . . . ℓ`1 , ℓ 6 ℓ`1 , ℓ 5 ℓ`1 , ℓ 6 ℓ`1 , ℓ 5 2 3 ď 3 ě 3 ě 3 ě 3 ě X \ X \ X \ X \ In the second case, the reason for the changes in the table comes from the knowledge of the exact value of the partial amplitude of TV (cf. [16]), which intervenes in the Barth-Lefschetz isomorphism (cf. [30, Theorem 2.2], also [27]). CRITERIAFORCOMPLETEINTERSECTIONS 9

Remark 2.4 Typically, the embedding dimension of homogeneous varieties greatly exceeds their dimension. However, the same criterion for complete intersections as [13, Satz 5] holds for subvarieties of codimension up to t ℓ 1 3u. Similar statements hold for the isotropic p ` q{ (orthogonal and symplectic) Grassmannians (corresponding to the groups of type Bℓ,Cℓ, Dℓ). Note also that we obtain ‘exotic’ criteria, e.g. for 2-codimensional subvarieties of the Cayley plane and Freudenthal’s variety. On the lower side, we remark that for Pℓ we get a weaker bound than ℓ 2, as Faltings does. This is due to the fact that his proof uses a technical G3-criterion for subvarieties{ of projective spaces. In our treatment, this issue is hidden at the first step of the proof of Lemma 1.5, since the partial amplitude assumption yields the G3-property (cf. [18, Section 2.2]).

2.2. On the number of equations defining subvarieties. In order to apply it, the pre- vious theorem raises the question how to decide the splitting of the normal bundle (of the subvariety X of the rational homogeneous variety V ). The next result says that the normal bundle NX{V splits as soon as the ideal defining X is generated by ‘few enough’ elements. The case where the ambient space is Pℓ is treated in [13, Satz 2, 3]); the proof relies on a general lemma, recalled below. Hauptlemma Let X be a projective variety and a α β 0 E L F 0, with L Lj, Lj Pic X . Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ “ P p q jà“1

be an exact sequence of vector bundles. (We say that Lj j generate F.) th t u Take s Hom Lj, L whose j component is the identity, and denote by Z,W the zero loci P p q th of β s and prj α, respectively (prj stands for the projection onto j component). Then the intersection˝ Z ˝W is empty. X Now we specialize this result to X V G P , of codimension δ; the bounds below, on the number of generators, are in the sameĂ vein“ as{ in loc. cit. For shorthand, let a : rank L , f : rank F , e : rank E . “ p q “ p q “ p q We assume that the line bundles Lj are ordered: t uj ´1 L Lj, j 2, are effective. (Equivalently, they are globally generated.) (2.3) j´1 ě Lemma 2.5 (i) Suppose that either one of the following inequalities hold: 3δ f a ℓ 1 or 3δ e a ℓ 1. ` ` ď ` ` ` ď ` Then F is isomorphic, through β, to the direct sum of f line bundles in L. (A similar statement holds for E.) (ii) Suppose that N_ (or N ) is generated by a δ line bundles (defined over V ) which X{V X{V ě are ordered, such that the ‘number of relations’ between the generators satisfies: ℓ 1 either a δ ℓ 1 5δ or a δ ` 2δ. p ´ qď ` ´ p ´ qď 2 ´ Then the normal bundle splits and it is isomorphic to the direct sum of δ of these line bundles. Proof. (i) Let us assume that the first inequality holds. We argue by induction on the pair e, f , ordered lexicographically; if e 0, there is nothing to prove. The ordering assump- p q “ tion (2.3) implies that, for s Hom L1, L general, β s has one of the following properties: P p q ˝ 10 MIHAI HALIC

Z . ´ “H a 1 1 β 1 Then F : F β s L1 is locally free and we have 0 E Lj F 0. The induction “ {p ˝ q Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ jÀ“2 hypothesis implies (f decreases) that F1 splits (with splitting determined by f 1 com- ponents of β1; we abusively write β1´1 for its inverse). Then F splits too, because´ ββ1´1 yields an inverse to F F1. Ñ Z X is smooth, non-empty, and Z W . ´ Ă X “H In this case, we are going to show that W ; that is, E L1 is surjective. Hence the a “H Ñ 1 1 E fits into 0 E Lj F 0 (e decreases), so F splits. Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ jÀ“2 So let us prove that W is empty. Faltings’ bound applied to Z V yields Ă cd X Z cd V Z dim V ℓ 2δZ 2, δZ codimV Z δ f. p z qď p z qď ´ ` ´ “ p q“ ` (During the inductive process, this is decreasing with f.) If W , then it is a projective subscheme of V of dimension at least dim X e. (During‰ the H inductive process, when e decreases, this quantity increases.) Now observe´ that the hypothesis yields dim W cd V Z 1, a contradiction. ě p z q` If the second inequality of the proposition is satisfied, we dualize the sequence and repeat the ´1 _ previous argument. (Here one starts with a general homomorphism La L .) (ii) In this case, we have f δ. Ñ l “ Theorem 2.6 Let V G P be a rational homogeneous variety, with ℓ 7. Let X be a “ { ℓ`1 ě δ-codimensional subvariety, δ , whose ideal is generated by ‘polynomials’ vj Γ V, Lj , ď 4 P p q j 1, . . . , a, such that the line bundles Lj are ordered (cf. (2.3)). Then X V is a “ t uj Ă complete intersection, as soon as any of the following inequalities is satisfied: ℓ 1 a ` δ or a ℓ 1 4δ. ď 2 ´ ď ` ´ When P is maximal parabolic, the Picard group of V is cyclic and we obtain the statement in the Introduction.

Proof. Indeed, the differentials of the sections vj j along X yield a surjective homomorphism a t u ´1 2 _ L OX IX I N . It remains to apply Theorem 2.3 and Lemma 2.5. l j b Ñ { X “ X{V jÀ“1

3. On an issue raised by Hartshorne In the remaining part of the article we shall focus the two-codimensional case. We are going to work over the ground field k C. Keeping in mind Hartshorne’s conjecture [20], one would like to remove the assumption“ on the splitting of the normal bundle. In this sense, the references [7, 25, 4, 22, 23] prove that subvarieties X Pn of sufficiently low degree are complete intersections; that is, the splitting of the normalĂ bundle is automatically satisfied. Here we are going to show that several results still hold for homogeneous varieties.

3.1. The framework. Suppose V G P , where G is simple of rank ℓ and P is a maximal parabolic subgroup. The choices for“G and{ the corresponding values of ℓ are listed below: CRITERIAFORCOMPLETEINTERSECTIONS 11

group G SL ℓ 1 SO 2ℓ 1 Sp ℓ SO 2ℓ E6, E7, E8, F4 p ` q p ` q p q p q Pic V – Pic X (3.1) p q Ñ p q ℓ 6 ℓ 4 ℓ 6 ℓ 5 yes X (See Lemma 3.1.) ě ě ě ě

A basis of the singular (co)homology group of V is given by the Schubert subvarieties; the incidences between them are encoded in the so-called Hasse-diagram. Note that Pic V 2 p q “ H V ; Z Z OV 1 is determined by the simple root defining P . The generator l of H2 V ; Z p q“ ¨ p q p q is represented by lines L of degree one (with respect to OV 1 ), embedded in V ; we call them straight lines, in analogy with Pn. We denote p q

m m V : c1 V l 3. “ p q “ p q ¨ ´ (The notation is chosen to coincide with the number m appearing in Ran’s article.) For the next computations, we find convenient to have at hand the values of m V and the positivity p q p V of the tangent bundle of V . (See Definition A.1.) We took the values of c1 V from Snowp q [28, Corollary 2.4] and of p V from Goldstein [16]. p q p q G SL ℓ 1 SO 2ℓ 1 Sp ℓ SO 2ℓ E6 E7 E8 F4 p ` q p ` q p q p q Gr k; ℓ 1 o-Gr k; 2ℓ 1 sp-Gr k; 2ℓ o-Gr k; 2ℓ o-Gr k; 2ℓ ...... V G p ` q p ` q o-Gr ℓ; 2ℓ 1 p q p q p q “ P k ℓ k ℓ 1 p ` q 2 k ℓ 1 k ℓ k ℓ 2 k ℓ 1,ℓ ď ď ´ ď ď ´ “ ď ´ “ ´ m V ℓ 2 2ℓ k 3 2ℓ 3 2ℓ k 2 2ℓ k 4 2ℓ 5 ...... (3.2) p q ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ p V ℓ 2ℓ 2 2ℓ 1 2ℓ k 2ℓ 3 11 17 29 8, 9, 10 p q ´ ´ ´ ´ lV max. of max. of max. of max. of ℓ 1 ℓ 1 ℓ 1 3 4 4 Def. 3.3. k,ℓ k 1 k,ℓ k ´ k,ℓ k ´ k,ℓ k ´ ě ě ě ´ ` ´ ´ ´ Now consider a smooth, 2-codimensional subvariety X of V . Since H4 V ; Z is not neces- p q 2 sarily cyclic, we assume that the Poincar´e-dual class to X is a multiple of OV 1 : r p qs 2 2 X dX χ , with χ : OV 1 H V ; Z . r s“ ¨ “ r p qs P p q

This condition is certainly satisfied by complete intersections. We refer to dX as the degree of X. Lemma 3.1 For G, ℓ as in (3.1), the restriction Pic V Pic X is an isomorphism. p qÑ p q Proof. The Barth-Lefschetz-type theorem (cf. [7, Theorem 2.2], [27]) implies that the relative homotopy groups πj V, X vanish for j 3 p V 3. l p q ď ď p q´ The Hartshorne-Serre construction [3] shows that X is the vanishing locus of a rank-two on V . So we have a locally free resolution α _ 0 OV n N IX 0, (3.3) Ñ p´ q Ñ Ñ Ñ where N is a rank-two vector bundle on V , with the following Chern classes: 2 c2 N X dX χ , det N OV n , p q “ r s“ ¨ “ p q (3.4) N OX N , c1 N OX n . b – X{V p X{V q“ p q

The tangent sequence to X yields n nX c1 V c1 X . Moreover, we remark that n 0, “ “ p q´ p q ą since NX{V is globally generated and partially ample (cf. (2.1)), being a quotient of TV . For 12 MIHAI HALIC k Z, let us denote: P 2 _ 2 e k : dX nk k , so c2 N k e k χ . p q “ ´ ` p p qq “ p q ¨ 2 2 ∆ N : 4dX n , so c2 End N ∆ N χ , the discriminant. p q “ ´ p q “ p q ¨ ` ˘ Below is represented the dX ,nX -plane with the curves which are involved in our discussion. p q n

e m 0 p qd “ n m e m 0 “ m ` p q ă unknown n 2?d, ∆ 0 2 “ “ m , 2m region p q 2m n 2 cos tmax ?d ‚ ∆ 0 “ p q ąą m empty region d 0 m2 d O ℓ4 Thm. 3.4 “ p q (3.5) The figure makes easier to summarise our results: (i) For the ∆ 0 region, below the middle parabola, we prove that the possible points ą dX ,nX are actually confined in the ‘comet shaped region’ between the two parabolas; pthus thereq are no d, n -pairs realised by subvarieties X below the lower parabola. More- p q over, dX is bounded below by a constant, depending on V , so the point dX ,nX belongs to the checker-like region. p q (ii) Concerning the ∆ 0 region, we show that subvarieties with dX ,nX in either the or or -shadedě regions have split normal bundle, so they arep compleq te intersections. 2 (iii) From these facts, we deduce that whenever the degree dX is at most m V , the subvariety X V is a complete intersection. p q Ă

3.2. ∆ N 0, lower bounds for dX . The typical situation for this case is when the normalp bundleq ą is stable. We settle it by adapting Schneider’s methods [26] to our setting. The assumption implies that we can write: 2 n ζ ζ¯ 2r cos t , dX ζζ¯ r , ζ r exp it , t π,π . “ ` “ p q “ “ “ ¨ p q P p´ q In other words, the Chern roots of N are imaginary, conjugate to each other. Lemma 3.2 We have the following estimate: π t tmax. | |ă p V 1 “ p q´ Thus the point dX ,nX belongs to the ‘comet-shaped’ region between two parabolas: p q n2 5 5 1 cos tmax 1 1 . ą 4d ą p qą ´ p V 1 2 ě ´ ℓ 1 2 p p q´ q p ´ q CRITERIAFORCOMPLETEINTERSECTIONS 13

Proof. By definition, the total Segre class is 1 s N 1 ζ ζ2 . . . 1 ζ¯ ζ¯2 . . . , p X{V q“ 1 ζ 1 ζ¯ “ p ` ` ` qp ` ` ` q p ´ qp ´ q which yields j j`1 ¯j`1 a j´a ζ ζ sin j 1 t sj N ζ ζ¯ ´ p ` q . p X{V q“ “ ζ ζ¯ “ sin t aÿ“0 ´ p q The normal bundle of X is a quotient of the tangent bundle of V , so it is still Sommese q V -ample. It follows that p N dim X q V p V 2. p q p X{V qě ´ p q“ p q´ Proposition A.3 implies that, for j p NX{V , the Segre class sj NX{V is a strictly j ď p q p q positive multiple of χ , so sin j 1 t 0 for j 0,...,p V 2 . It follows that t tmax, p ` q ą “ p ´ q | | ă so cos t cos tmax . l p qą p q The Lemma immediately yields a universal lower bound for dX , thus further restricting the values it may take.

Definition 3.3 Let lV be the dimension of a maximal of V (Schubert subva- riety, isomorphic to a projective space, and maximal with this property). We denote by LV such a ‘maximal Schubert projective subspace of V ’; note that it is not necessarily unique. The values of lV for the classical homogeneous spaces are tabulated in the bottom row of the Table 3.2.

Theorem 3.4 Let X V be such that ∆ N 0. Then the degree of X satisfies the inequality: Ă p q ą l2 V 2 dX p V 1 . ą 240 ¨ p p q´ q That is, dX ,nX is in the -shaded region. p q Consequently, if dX does not satisfy this inequality, then necessarily ∆ N 0. p qď Proof. Indeed, we have: 2 l2 π 2 2 V 4dX 4r sin t ∆ N ∆ N OL , ¨ p V 1 2 ě p q“ p q“ p b V qě 6 p p q´ q where, for the last estimate, we used Proposition B.1. l

Remark 3.5 (i) We observe that the lower bound for dX is of order four in ℓ. This is especially interesting for the classical groups of type Aℓ Dℓ. (ii) Let us consider V Pℓ. The best previously known bound´ [23, Remark 4.7] is ℓ 1 ℓ 5 , while our Theorem“ yields p ´ qp ` q ℓ2 ℓ 1 2 ℓ2 ℓ 1 2 d ℓ p ´ q p ´ q . XĂP ą 24π2 ą 240 For ℓ 18, our estimate is better. (iii) For lowě values of ℓ, one can improve the lower bound by using the explicit minimal values

for ∆ N OLV (cf. [26, Table p. 155]) rather than Proposition B.1. We shall use this in the proofp b of Theoremq 3.11. (iv) But the formula is not restricted to projective spaces. For instance, in the case of the 2 2 Grassmannian V Gr k; ℓ 1 , k ℓ 1 2, one obtains k pℓ´1q . “ p ` q ě p ` q{ 240 14 MIHAI HALIC

3.3. ∆ N 0, on a result of Ran. Let the situation be as in Section 3.1. We are going to showp thatq ď the argument of Ran [25] can be generalized. The only change is that we find more comfortable working with stable maps (in the sense of Kontsevich-Manin) instead of secants, in order to understand the various strata which appear. σ Let V˜ V be the blow-up along X; the exact sequence (3.3) implies that V˜ P N_ Ñ‚ _ _ σX 1 Ă p q “ P roj Sym N . The exceptional divisor is EX P N X; it is a P -bundle over X. p q “ p X{V q Ñ The fibres of σX are called vertical lines and their homology class is denoted φ. Note that

H2 V˜ ; Z H2 V ; Z Z φ Z l Z φ. p q“ p q‘ ¨ “ ¨ ‘ ¨ The lifting of l H2 V ; Z to H2 V˜ ; Z is given by the pre-image of a straight line which avoids X. P p q p q Definition 3.6 (i) For k 0, we denote ě bk : l kφ H2 V˜ ; Z . “ ´ P p q It is determined by the conditions σ bk l and bk EX k. ˚p q“ ¨ “ (ii) Let M 0,p V˜ ; bk be the moduli space of p-pointed, genus zero stable maps, which represent p q u the homology class bk (cf. e.g. [14]). The latter are denoted T,t, u V˜ , so T is a quasi- 1 p q Ñ stable curve (tree) whose components are isomorphic to P , t t0,t1,... stands for the “ p q markings, and u : T V˜ is a morphism. Ñ The reason for introducing bk is clear: if a straight line in V meets X at k points with u multiplicity one, its proper transform in V˜ represents bk. Conversely, any T V˜ repre- 1 Ñ senting bk has a unique ‘main’ component Tmain T isomorphic to P , which is mapped by σu to a straight line in V . The other ‘φ-components’Ă of T are sent to vertical lines, thus u˚ Tmain bj, j k. (iii) Let pt r V Xs“be a generalě point, in a sense yet to be made precise (cf. Lemma 3.8). For k 1,P we define:z ě Σk : M 0,1 V˜ ; bk ˜ pt M 0,1 V˜ ; bk . “ p qˆV t uĂ p q It is the analogue of the space of k-secants to X, passing through pt; by abuse of language, we call it the same. Note that M 0,1 V˜ ; φ EX X M 0,0 V˜ ; φ , thus there are gluing morphisms p q– Ñ – p q gk M 0,2 V˜ ; bk 1 ˜ pt ˜ EX M 0,1 V˜ ; bk ˜ pt Σk, p ` qˆV t u ˆV Ñ p qˆV t u“ which insert` a vertical line (a ‘bubble’)˘ at the second marked point. The term M 0,2 V˜ ; bk 1 ˜ pt can be thought of as the universal curve over Σk 1. p ` qˆV t u ` We say that the (schematic) image of gk is the boundary of Σk, denoted Σk. B It is known that M0,0 V˜ ; b0 M0,0 V ; l is irreducible, normal, of dimension c1 V l dim V 3, so we have p q – p q p q ¨ ` p q´ Σ0 , dim Σ0 c1 V l 2 m 1. ‰H p q“ p q ¨ ´ “ ` Since X intersects any closed subscheme of V of dimension at least two, we have Σ1 . ‰ H As k increases, at each step the dimension of the irreducible components of Σk should drop by one, since the main component has to intersect EX at one more point or with higher multiplicity. Indeed its expected dimension (given by the relevant obstruction theory) is:

exp.dim. Σk c1 V˜ bk dim V 2 dim V m 1 k. p q“ p q ¨ ` ´ ´ “ ` ´ CRITERIAFORCOMPLETEINTERSECTIONS 15

The last non-empty secant variety should be Σm`1, a finite set of points. However, this is not necessarily the case, and we are interested when does the process terminate earlier, after at most m steps. In such a situation, at some moment the dimension drops by two, at least.

Lemma 3.7 Suppose that codimΣk Σk 2. Then we have e k 0. (The codimension is the maximal codimensionB ě of the irreducibpleq“ components.)

Proof. We observe that, for any T,t0, u Σk, the marking t0 is mapped to pt EX , hence p q P R t0 belongs to Tmain; it’s the only component whose image is not contained in EX . For this reason one can identify T,t0, u with T, u , by means of Σk M 0,0 V˜ ; bk . p q p q Ñ p q We claim T,t1, u belongs to Σk if and only if T Tmain. The necessity is clear, let us p q B ‰ prove the sufficiency. If T contains other components beside Tmain, then there are non-constant vertical components, due to the stability of the map. It follows that u Tmain bj, j k 1, ˚r s“ ě ` so T, u is obtained by inserting bubbles to Tmain, u Σj. Thep remainingq part of the proof is similarp to [25,q PropositioP n, p. 334]. The hypothesis implies that there is a smooth, projective curve C and a morphism C Σk Σk. In other words, there is a complete, 1-dimensional family of stable maps P1, u ÑpassingzB through pt p q and representing bk. Let S be the corresponding universal curve; that is,

S : C ˜ M 0,2 V˜ ; bk . “ ˆM0,1pV ;bkq p q It is a ruled surface over C which fits in the diagram u S / V˜ > t0 ̟  C

Here u is the evaluation morphism at the second marked point and t0 is the section given by the (first) marked point which is mapped to pt V X V˜ EX . P z “ z Now recall that V˜ P N_ . The restriction to V˜ of the Euler sequence on P N_ is Ă p q p q α˜ ˚ _ 0 O ˜ EX σ N Q˜ 0, Q˜ is the universal, locally free quotient . Ñ V p q Ñ Ñ Ñ p q Note thatα ˜ is actually induced by the pull-back of α in (3.3); indeed, the latter vanishes precisely along EX . We further pull-back this sequence to S, and we wish to compute ˚ ˚ c1 u O ˜ EX u c1 O ˜ EX . For f : fibre of ̟ H2 S; Z , we have p V p qq “ p V p qq “ r s P p q ˚ ˚ ˚ c1 u O ˜ EX f EX bk k k u σ χ f , χ OV 1 , p V p qq ¨ “ ¨ “ “ ¨ p ¨ q p “ r p qsq ˚ ˚ ˚ 1 1 so c1 u OV˜ EX k u σ χ k f, with k Z. (This is because S is a ruled surface.) We p 1p qq “ ¨ ` ¨ P 1 compute k by restricting to t0 C ; it is contracted by u, so k vanishes. We conclude that: ˚ p q˚ ˚ ˚ ˜ ˚ ˚ c1 u OV˜ EX k u σ χ, c1 u Q d k u σ χ, p ˚ ˚p 2 qq “ ˚¨ ˚ _ p q “ p˚ ´˚ 2q ¨ dX u σ χ c2 u σ N k d k u σ χ . l ¨ “ p q“ p ´ q ¨

Lemma 3.8 If X is contained a hypersurface Y OV k , then we have Σj , j k 1. P | p q| “H @ ě ` (The point pt V involved in defining Σ0 is chosen in the complement of Y .) P ˚ Proof. Indeed, let Y˜ σ Y ǫEX , ǫ 1, be the proper transform of Y and take u : T V˜ “ ´ ě 1 Ñ representing the class bj. Since u Tmain is not contained in Y and represents bj1 , j j, we 1 p q 1 ě have 0 u Tmain Y˜ l j φ kχ ǫEX k ǫj . l ď ˚r s ¨ “ p ´ q ¨ p ´ q“ ´ 16 MIHAI HALIC

Lemma 3.9 Suppose ∆ N 0. Then there is an integer 1 k n 2, such that e k 0. p q ď ď ď { p q ě Moreover, X is contained in a hypersurface of degree k and therefore we have Σk 1 . ` “H Proof. We distinguish two possibilities. N is semi-stable In this case, a theorem of Bogomolov implies that ∆ N 0. It follows _ _ p q ě that ∆ N 0, so we have n 2k, c1 N k 0, c2 N k 0. Thus N k has vanishingp q Chern “ classes and it is“ semi-stablep p andqq “ admitsp a nopn-trivialqq “ section. Otherwisep´ q N k is stable, so it possesses a flat Hermite-Einstein metric (by the Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence),p´ q hence it is determined by a representation of the fundamental group of V , which is trivial; a contradiction, since we assumed that N k had no section. p´ q So there is a non-trivial homomorphism OV N k ; its cokernel is locally free in codi- mension one. (Otherwise there was a non-trivialÑ sectionp´ q of N k 1 , contradicting the p´ ´ q semi-stability property.) Since c2 N k 0, the second Chern class of the cokernel van- ishes, so it is actually an invertiblep sheafp´ qq with “ vanishing first Chern class. Therefore we have the exact sequence ‘2 0 OV N k OV 0 N OV k . Ñ Ñ p´ qÑ Ñ ñ “ p q N is not semi-stable Let kmin be the smallest integer k such that there is a non-trivial ho- _ _ momorphism OV k N ; that is, a section ν of N kmin . It has the following properties: p´ qÑ p q kmin n 2 It is the non-semi-stability condition. In fact, OV kmin is the first term of ´ ă { _ p´ q the Harder-Narasimhan filtration of N ; this uniquely characterises kmin. e kmin 0 The minimality of kmin implies that the vanishing locus of ν is a two- ´ p q ě _ codimensional, possibly empty, subscheme which represents c2 N kmin . p p qq kmin 1 Since n 1, the left-hand side of the exact sequence below vanishes ´ ě ě _ 0 Γ OV kmin n Γ N kmin Γ IX kmin 0, Ñ p p ´ qq Ñ p p qq Ñ p p qq Ñ hence we obtain a non-vanishing section IX kmin OV kmin . p qĂ p q In both cases, the variety X is contained in the hypersurface Y of degree kmin, corresponding to the induced section in OV kmin , so Σj for j kmin. l p q “H ą Theorem 3.10 Let the situation as in 3.1, with ∆ N d 4n2 0. Assume that either one of the following conditions isp satisfiq“ ed´ (seeď Figure (3.5)): dX (i) m m n (the and -shaded regions); (ii) n 2` mď (the and -shaded regions). { ď Then X V is a complete intersection. Ă Proof. The hypotheses are made in such a way to ensure that kmin m: for (i), this follows ď from e kmin 0 e m , combined with the monotonicity of the function j e j ; for (ii), p qě ě p q ÞÑ p q this is Lemma 3.9. Since Σkmin 1 , the discussion preceding Lemma 3.7 implies that ` “ H there is an j m such that codimΣ Σj 1 2; let jmin be minimal with this property, so ď j p ` q ě 1 jmin kmin n 2. The monotonicity of the function j e j yields ď ď ď { ÞÑ p q 0 e jmin e kmin 0 jmin kmin, e kmin 0. “ p qě p qě ñ “ p q“ _ We conclude that c2 N kmin 0, so the zero locus of the section ν is empty. One gets an exact sequence of vectorp p bundlesqq “ _ 0 OV kmin N OV kmin n 0, Ñ p´ qÑ Ñ p ´ qÑ CRITERIAFORCOMPLETEINTERSECTIONS 17

1 which splits, since the relevant Ext -group vanishes. Thus N splits, so NX{V too. By the second part of Lemma 1.7 (alternatively, Theorem 2.2), X is a complete intersection. l

3.4. Application to Hartshorne’s problem. Let the notation be as before. Theorem 3.11 The subvariety X V is a complete intersection in any of the following cases: Ă 2 (i) ℓ 11 and dX m V ; ě ď p q 2 (ii) 6 ℓ 10, dX 3m V 10, and also V o-Gr 3; 12 , o-Gr 3; 13 , sp-Gr 3; 12 . ď ď ď p q { ‰ p q p q p q Proof. The statement is clear from the picture (3.5); in fact, we must prove that the dashed vertical line is indeed at the right of d m2 . We distinguish several cases: t “ u ∆ 0: Here we may have 2m n or n 2m. The conclusion follows from the first, ´ respectivelyď the second part of Theoremď 3.10.ď l2 2 V pppV q ´1q ∆ 0: Theorem 3.4 implies that this situation does not occur for dX . ´ ą ď 240 The table (3.2) shows that p V 1 m V and lV ℓ 2. Thus, for ℓ 31, we have l2 2 p q´ ě p q ě { ě V pppV q ´1q 2 240 m V . For the rangeě p 11q ℓ 30, we use Remark 3.5(iii). The proof of Theorem 3.4 shows that the degree of Xďsatisfiesď the inequality: l ∆ N OLV 2 ∆min V 2 dX p b q p V 1 p q m V , ą 4π2 ¨ p p q´ q ě 4π2 ¨ p q where ∆min lV denotes the minimal value of the discriminant on a lV -dimensional pro- p q jective space (cf. [26, Table, p. 155]). Since ℓ 11 and lV rℓ 2s, it follows that lV 6 ě ě { ě and ∆min lV 71. In remains to use this estimate in the inequality above. p qě For the second statement, the case ∆ 0 remains unchanged. For ∆ 0 and ℓ 6,..., 10 , ď ą “ t u we observe that lV 4 (with the three exceptions) and use that ∆min 4 12. l ě p q“ Appendix A. Partial positivity For the reader’s comfort, we recall here a few facts about partial ampleness of vector bundles and subvarieties. Definition A.1 Let W be a projective variety. (i) (cf. [11]) A flag (‘Babylonian tower’) of normal and irreducible subvarieties of W is a chain W Y0 Y1 Yd, such that each Yj Yj 1 is a Cartier divisor. Then d is “ Ą Ą¨¨¨Ą Ă ´ the length of the flag and Yd is its end. (ii) (cf. [31]) For L Pic W and an integer 0 q dim W , we say that L is q-ample if, for any coherent sheafP GponqW , the following cohomologyď ď vanishing holds: t m mG Z m mG t q, H W, G L 0. D P @ ě @ ą p b q“ (For q 0, L is ample in the usual sense, while for q dim W the condition is vacuous.) (iii) A line“ bundle which is both q-ample and semi-ample“ —some tensor power is globally generated— is called q-positive. ‚ (iv) (cf. [1]) A locally free sheaf E on W is q-ample if OP E 1 on P E : P roj Sym E is p qp q p q “ p OY q q-ample. It is equivalent saying that, for any G on W , there is mG 0 t a ą such that: H W, G Sym E 0, t q, a mG. The q-amplitudep of Eb, denotedp qq by “q E@, isą the@ smallestě integer q with this property. p q 18 MIHAI HALIC

We call p E : dim W q E the positivity of E. (Goldstein [16] calls the positivity co-amplenessp q.)“ ´ p q

Proposition A.2 (cf. [29]) For a globally generated, locally free sheaf E on W , the following statements are equivalent: (i) E is q-ample; (ii) In the diagram below, the fibres of the morphsm φ are at most q-dimensional:

φ P E / P : O E 1 p q “ | Pp qp q| ψ  W We say that E is Sommese-q-ample if it satisfies any of these conditions. Let us recall that the total Segre class of a vector bundle F is by defined as 1 c F_ , the inverse of the total Chern class of F_, and the Segre classes are its graded components.{ p q Proposition A.3 Let E be a globally generated vector bundle on a projective variety W , which is Sommese q E -ample. Then the first p E : dim X q E Segre classes of E are non-zero. p q p q “ ´ p q The statement generalizes the well know fact [15, Theorem 1.5] saying that the Segre classes of ample vector bundles are strictly positive. Proof. We use the notation in the diagram above. Note that, for any fibre F of φ, the morphism ψF : F W is finite, because the restriction of φ to the fibres of ψ are closed embeddings. TheÑ Segre classes of E have the following property: for any j-dimensional subvariety Z W , one has (e : rank E ): Ă “ p q j`e´1 ˚ j`e´1 ˚ sj E Z O E 1 ψ Z OP 1 φ ψ Z . p q ¨ r s “ r Pp qp qs ¨ r s “ r p qs ¨ ˚r s By hypothesis, the general fibre F of φ is at most q E -dimensional. Let Z W be a general complete intersection of dimension j p E ; it hasp theq property that theĂ intersection with ψ F is either empty or finite. Thus theď subschemep q φ ψ˚Z P is j r 1 -dimensional, p q ˚p qĂ p ` ´ q and consequently the intersection product sj E Z is strictly positive. l p q ¨ Definition A.4 (cf. [18]) Let Y W be a closed subscheme, W˜ the blow-up of the sheaf Ă of ideals IY OW , and EY the exceptional divisor. One says that Y is qY -ample, for Ă ˜ 0 qY dim Y , if OW˜ EY isq ˜Y qY codimW Y 1 -ample: for any coherent sheaf G ď˜ ď p q “ p ` p q´ q on W there is an integer mG˜, such that it holds:

t m m˜, t q˜Y ,H W˜ , G˜ O ˜ mEY 0. @ ě G @ ě p b V p qq “

Proposition A.5 (cf. [18, Proposition 1.4]) Suppose W is smooth and Y is a local complete intersection (lci, for short). Then Y is qY -ample if and only if

N is qY -ample and cd W Y qY codimW Y 1. (A.1) Y {W p z qď ` p q´ Here cd stands for ‘cohomological dimension’. p¨q CRITERIAFORCOMPLETEINTERSECTIONS 19

Appendix B. Schwartzenberger’s conditions Schneider used the integrality conditions (cf. Schwartzenberger [21, Theorem 22.4.1]) im- posed by the Riemann-Roch theorem in order to deduce lower bounds (cf. [26, Table pp. 155]) for the discriminant of rank two vector bundles over projective spaces. He obtained the table by using a computer and, based on this numerical evidence, claimed that the lower bound for the discriminant should increase quadratically with the dimension of the projective space; however, the proof “leads to difficult number-theoretic questions”. In what follows, we show that such a quadratic lower bound holds indeed. p Let F be a rank-2 vector bundle on P and δ1, δ2 its Chern roots. By the Riemann-Roch theorem, the Euler characteristic of F k , k Z, equals: p q P δ1 k p δ2 k p RR p ` ` ` ` , p q“ ˆ p ˙ ` ˆ p ˙ so this quantity, which a priori is a fraction with denominator p!, is actually an integer. To approximate factorials, we are going to use the classical Stirling formula (inequality): p p p! 2πp , ě ¨ e a ´ ¯ where e 2.718 . . . is the basis of natural logarithms. We are“ interested in ∆ F , which is invariant under the twisting of F by a line bundle, so p q we may assume that c1 F equals 0 or 1; let p q δ : δ1 δ2, respectively, δ1 δ 1 2, δ2 δ 1 2. “ “´ “ ` { “´ ` { Proposition B.1 Suppose p 4 and ∆ F 0. Then we have the following lower bound: ě p qą p2 ∆ F . p qą 6 Proof. We start with the case when p is even, so we replace p by 2p and put k p. As we are going to see, this shift simplifies the expression of the Riemann-Roch number;“´ it is the main difference compared to Schneider’s approach, who considered k 0. δ`p ´δ`p “ Case c1 F 0 So we are interested in RR 2p : . We compute p q“ p q “ 2p ` 2p ` ˘ ` ˘ δ`p pδ`pqpδ`pp´1qq...pδ`1qδpδ´1q...pδ´pp´1qq 2p “ p2pq! ` ˘ 2 2 2 2 2 pδ `pδqpδ ´pp´1q q...pδ ´1q 1 p d pδ pd`pp´1q q...pd`1q , “ p2pq! “ p´ q p ´ q ¨ p2pq! and deduce that d p 1 2 . . . d 1 d 1 pRR 2p 2 p ` p ´ q q p ` q p´ q p q“ ¨ 2p ! p q is a strictly positive integer. By the classical inequality of means, we have p 1 p 1 2 p p2 p d p 1 2 . . . d 1 d d p ´ qp ´ { q d . p ` p ´ q q p ` q ď ˆ ` 3 ˙ ă ˆ ` 3 ˙ By using Stirling’s formula, we deduce:

2 2p 2 2 2 2 p p 2p ! ?4πp 2p p p 2p d p q p q d ∆ p q . ` 3 ą c 2 ą ?p 2 ¨ e2 ą 2 ñ ą 6 ñ ą 6 20 MIHAI HALIC

δ`p`1{2 ´δ`p`1{2 Case c1 F 1 Now the following quantity is an integer: RR 2p : . p q“ p q “ 2p ` 2p δ`p`1{2 pδ`p`1{2q...pδ`1{2qpδ´1{2q...pδ´p`3{2q ` ˘ ` ˘ 2p “ p2pq! ` ˘ 2 2 2 2 2 2 pδ `2pδ`p ´1{4qpδ ´pp´3{2q q...pδ ´p1{2q q . “ p2pq! By replacing δ2 d 1 4, we deduce that “´ ` { p´1 d p2 d k 1 2 2 1 4 p´ ` q p ` p ´ { q ´ { q 1 p´1RR 2p 2 kś“1 p´ q p q“ ¨ 2p ! 2 p q is an integer. If d p2 p2pq , there is nothing to prove. ě ą 6 So let us consider the case when d p2. The inequality of means implies that the Riemann- ă 2 p Roch number is bounded above by p´2 d p `2 . By using the Stirling formula, this yields p ` 3 the inequality ´ ¯ p 2 p2 2 2?p 4πp 2p 2 ln 3p 2p 2 d ´ ` p p 2q 1 p q p 2q p ` 3 ě ?2 ¨ e ą ´ ` 2p ¯ e 2 2 4 1 2 p ln 3p 2 p 1 2p d 2 p p q ∆ 4d 1 p q . ñ ą ´e ´ 3¯ ` 4 ´ 3 ą 6 ` 4 ñ “ ´ ą 6 The case where p is odd —so we replace p by 2p 1— is similar. For c1 0, we consider the shift by k p, so we obtain: ` “ “´ p´1 pd`k2q δ p 1 δ p 1 “0 RR 2p 1 ` ` ´ ` ` 1 p2 kś p ` q “ 2p`1 ` 2p`1 “ p´ q ¨ p2pq! ` ˘ `2 ˘ 2 2p 4p pp´1qp2p´1q p2p`1q d ?3p 2 ∆ 4d . ñ ą ¨ e ´ 6 ñ “ ą 6 In the remaining case c1 1, shift by k p 1 , and we have: “ “ ´p ` q p pd`k2´kq δ p 1 2 δ p 1 2 “1 RR 2p 1 ` ` { ´ ` ` { 1 p kś p ` q “ 2p`1 ` 2p`1 “ p´ q ¨ p2pq! ` ˘ 2 ` 2 ˘ 2 2p 4p p ´1 p2p`1q d ?3p 2 ∆ 4d 1 . ñ ą ¨ e ´ 3 ñ “ ´ ą 6 This concludes the proof. l


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