1 The surprising ingredients of Swedish success – free markets and social cohesion IEA Discussion Paper No. 41 by Nima Sanandaji August 2012 The Institute of Economic Affairs, 2 Lord North Street, London, SW1P 3LB; Tel 020 7799 8900; email
[email protected] 2 About the author Nima Sanandaji is a Swedish author with a Kurdish Iranian background. He has a Master’s Degree from the Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, an Advanced Master’s Degree from The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, and has previously conducted research studies at both Chalmers and the University of Cambridge. Nima has previously published seven books, covering subjects such as entrepreneurship, tax policy, women’s career opportunities, integration and innovation within the IT sector. He is also the author of several reports, dealing with various public policy subjects in Sweden, as well as articles in international publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Human Events and The Guardian. This discussion paper builds on the ideas Nima first developed in the short report "The Swedish Model Reassessed" by Finnish think tank Libera. 3 Contents Executive Summary 4 Introduction 5 A culture of success 7 Free market success story 10 The failure of ‘third-way’ policies 11 Crowding out the private sector 14 Job creation during the ‘free market’ and ‘third way’ periods 16 Social outcomes and the welfare state 19 Success of Swedes in the US system 21 Welfare dependency creates social poverty and deteriorating work 23 norms Failing integration policies 27 The hidden rise in taxation 29 Free-market Sweden? 35 Conclusion 39 References 41 4 Executive summary • Sweden did not become wealthy through social democracy, big government and a large welfare state.